360 (Degree) Feedback Examples for an Empathetic Review Culture | Zavvy (2024)

When Google introduced peer-based reviews and simplified its feedback process,75% of employeesfound the new system useful compared to just 49% before the switch.

But Google isn't the only company to recognize the benefits of using this type of review system. 360-degree feedback is all the rage as employers look for alternatives to the stale and outdated annual review process.

So, how does360 feedbackwork, and what exactly should coworkers be sharing? This guide provides 51 helpful 360 feedback examples. Use them as part of an action plan to show peers, managers, and leaders how to delivereffective feedback.

🔄 What is 360 feedback?

360-degree feedback surveys collect opinions from respondents, including employees' peers, managers, and direct reports. The goal is to provide a well-rounded perspective of an individual's strengths and weaknesses, so they can identify areas for improvement.

360 (Degree) Feedback Examples for an Empathetic Review Culture |Zavvy (2)

"As a founder and director of KPS UK, I had the results of my first 360-degree feedback. This was led by our Head of People and Culture and involved asking for anonymous feedback and a score from a number of senior colleagues on 7 core competencies.

I was quite nervous going into it, but I am glad we did this. While some of the feedback was a little uncomfortable, it was all honest, and I can't really argue with any of it. There was also a lot of good stuff, but the important parts are where I need to improve.

I would strongly encourage all leaders to do this if you haven't already. To be an effective leader, you need to be strong across a broad range of competencies, and knowing where you need to improve is only going to make you better."

-Branwell Moffat- UK Director of CX Consulting at KPS Digital.

360 feedback systems differ from traditional employee performance reviews that focus solely on an individual's manager sharing their observations. While this process has its benefits, it can be one-sided and leave out important perspectives.

➡️ Check out our article on how to conduct a performance review meeting.

➡️ How to use these 360 feedback examples

360 (Degree) Feedback Examples for an Empathetic Review Culture |Zavvy (4)

The 51 examples of 360 feedback listed below should guide and inspire your own survey questions and responses. The samples we've created will deliver your points clearly while being empathetic to the person receiving your thoughts. They'll also speed up your feedback delivery as you'll know exactly what (and what not) to say.

📝 360 review feedback examples

The downloadable template below will help you create your 360-degree feedback system, including potential question types.

Feedback questions examples

Closed-ended questions prompt a Yes/No response or a score as part of a rater system.They're more structured and provide less room for interpretation. This style is also better for quickly gathering large amounts of data for analysis.

Open-ended questions encourage employees to provide more detailed explanations for their responses.Use these answers to better understand an individual's thought process and motivation behind their actions.

Here are some examples of both types of 360-degree feedback questions.


  • "Do you feel your manager gives you the opportunity to improve your skills?" (Yes/No)
  • "Rate your level of satisfaction with your current workload from 1-5."
  • "Do you feel your feedback is taken into consideration?" (Yes/No)


  • "What obstacles do you see in your way to achieving your goals?"
  • "How well does collaboration work within your team?"
  • "What motivates you at work?"

Both types of questions have their merits, and we recommend using a mix to get a well-rounded perspective of an individual's thoughts and feelings.

Feedback forms examples

This 360-degree feedback example is for a peer-based review. You’ll include a question or statement in the left-hand column and invite survey respondents to complete the right-hand column. Feel free to adjust the categories or question types to your specific requirements.

➡️ Make sure to check out our article on 360 leadership assessments and learn how to obtain meaningful insights.

🙋 360 feedback answer and comment examples by category

Feedback will encompass several categories to cover soft skills, such as communication, while ensuring your team members are engaged and aligned with company values. Note: the examples in this section include both positive (reinforcing) and negative (redirecting) feedback.


Communication skills are essential in the workplace. If your team member cannot communicate their ideas clearly, it will reflect poorly on them and the company as a whole.

  • "You seem to have trouble communicating your ideas in our team meetings. I think it would be helpful if you wrote down your thoughts before the meeting to share them more effectively."
  • "I've noticed you're always actively listening to others when they're speaking. Great job letting others make their point so we can all understand the idea."
  • "I feel like you're not listening to me when we speak. It would be helpful if you could make more eye contact and nod to show you're following along."


Interpersonal skills help individuals interact effectively with others. These skills are important in both personal and professional relationships.

  • "I think you could improve your interpersonal skills by being more patient with people. You often become impatient when people don't understand what you're saying."
  • "There have been a few instances where you've been abrupt with people. It would be helpful if you softened your approach so your colleagues don't feel you're attacking them."
  • "Your interpersonal skills have really improved, and you've definitely become more assertive. You're showing a more dominant side with the potential to become an effective leader."


Problem-solving skills are crucial in every industry. Whether your employee is finding solutions to customer issues or resolving conflicts within the workplace, their ability to problem-solve will be key to their success.

  • "I think you could improve your problem-solving skills by looking at the situation from different angles. I've noticed that you tend only to see things from one perspective."
  • "In our latest project, you reacted impulsively to problems instead of taking a moment to think about the situation. It would be helpful if you took a step back and assessed the situation before responding."
  • "The way you brainstorm with others has accelerated your problem-solving skills. You clearly understand that trying to solve problems independently doesn't always produce the best solutions."


Every organization needs employees who are aligned with company values. When misalignment occurs, you might have team members who want to leave their roles or aren't positive ambassadors for your brand.

  • "I've noticed that you haven't been meeting your deadlines. This is causing problems for the team and doesn't align with our company value of being reliable."
  • "I've noticed that some of your posts on social media don't align with our company values. You must represent our brand in a positive light."
  • "Some of your teammates have expressed concern you're not committed to our company's mission to help people. You must be on board with our vision so we can all work together towards a common goal."


Engaged and motivated employees are more productive and can drastically improve profit lines. Take the temperature of your team to ensure they're in the right role and feel challenged in their work.

  • "I don't feel you're at your most productive recently. It's important to be motivated in your work to produce quality results."
  • "I'll talk to your manager about giving you assignments outside of your comfort zone. I think you would be more motivated in your work if you had more challenging tasks."
  • "You might be more motivated in your work if you felt like you had more autonomy. Let's chat about ways to give you more independence in your role."


Efficient employees get the job done with minimal wasted time and resources. If your team member is inefficient, they might lack resources or need more training to complete their tasks.

  • "I think you could be more efficient in your work if you had more resources. I'll talk to your manager about getting you the supplies you need."
  • "The training you've received recently has made incredible changes to the efficiency in your role. Reach out if you want to explore other training opportunities to enhance your skills and competencies."
  • "Do you feel you have an excellent understanding of the task? If not, I'll talk to your manager about getting you more information and providing greater role clarity."

🚥 360 Feedback start, stop, continue examples

In this process, ask employees to identify which behaviors their peers should start doing, stop doing, and continue doing.

360-degree feedback start doing examples

  • "It would be great to see you step up to the plate and take the lead. You have some great ideas, and it would be a pleasure to see your team inspired by your enthusiasm."
  • "As a long-term and respected member of the organization, it would be fantastic if you could take more of an interest in our new team members. They often feel a little lost and could benefit from your wealth of knowledge."
  • "I've been noticing that you do not own up to your mistakes as much as you used to. It's okay to make them, we all do, but you must learn from them. Can we work on this together so you can become more accountable?"

360-degree feedback stop doing examples

  • "I know you're very passionate about your ideas, but everyone must have a chance to contribute in meetings. Can you please try to wait your turn before speaking?"
  • "I've noticed you've been booking meetings with managers and teammates to discuss topics you could have covered in an email or Slack message instead. Please try to be more respectful of your colleague's diaries and the various time zones we cover."
  • "I know you work best under pressure, but it's putting a lot of strain on the team when we leave projects until the last minute. Can we agree on a plan to get projects started sooner?"

360-degree feedback continue doing examples

  • "You're always so positive and upbeat, and it really helps to set the tone for the team. Keep up the great work!"
  • "We love the way you think outside the box and develop such creative solutions. It's super refreshing."
  • "You always seem to be one step ahead of the game, which is incredibly valuable for us. It's great to have someone we can rely on in that way."

360 feedback examples by rank

Be aware that the feedback you provide in 360 review feedback forms may differ depending on the level of the employee and the area they operate in. Some soft skills like communication and friendliness may be required across your entire organization. Whereas the ability to be assertive or set an example may be more crucial when developing leadership skills.

Here are some examples of feedback depending on their rank.

360 feedback examples for managers

  • "I think you need to be more proactive in your management style. Try to check in with your direct reports more regularly, so they feel supported."
  • "There were a few instances where I felt you could have been more in control of your team. In the future, I would like to see you take a more active role in setting an example for them to follow."
  • "Your team looks up to you, and I think you have a lot of respect from them. You're doing a great job!"

360 feedback examples for leaders

  • "I would like to see you being more of a thought leader within the organization. Try to share your ideas and blog posts with the wider team."
  • "I think you need to be more visible within the organization. Make an effort to attend more events and meetups, so people get to know who you are."
  • "It's important to consider the succession plan for your team. I would like to see you consider who to develop to join our leadership ranks in the future."

360 feedback examples for peers

  • "I think you need to be more open to feedback from your peers. Try to listen to their suggestions and take them on board."
  • "You've done such a great job welcoming new hires into the team. They always have good things to say about you!"
  • You've settled into the company so quickly and have such a bright future here. It would be great to catch up about your goals and how we can help you achieve them."
💬 For 50 more examples, and tips and tricks, check out our article Peer Review Examples: 50 Effective Phrases for Your Next Performance or Skill Review.

💬 Examples of positive reinforcing and redirecting constructive feedback

Feedback can be loosely divided into two main categories: positive and negative. Humans thrive on being told they're doing well. But at the same time, employees need to hear constructive criticism when their work isn't meeting the mark.Surprisingly,57% of employeesprefer to hear corrective feedback rather than praise, but there's a skill to delivering both in a respectful and actionable way.

360 (Degree) Feedback Examples for an Empathetic Review Culture |Zavvy (7)

Positive (reinforcing) feedback

Reinforcing feedback encourages the employee to continue exhibiting behaviors or skills they're already displaying.Here are some examples of how to reinforce great work with positive feedback:

  • "You really kept your cool during that difficult customer call. That's a great example of how to provide the exceptional service our brand is known for."
  • "I saw that you took the initiative on that project and came up with some great ideas. I like the way you think outside the box. Keep it up!"
  • "Your idea to improve the sales process was fantastic, and it's massively increased our conversion rate. I'm so glad you thought of it, and I know that the whole team appreciates your contribution. Great work!"

Negative (redirecting) feedback

Redirecting feedback is more challenging to deliver. It centers on what the employee could be doing better and how they can make those changes.Keep in mind this type of feedback must never come as a surprise to the employee. They should know about the issues beforehand so they have time to process and reflect on the situation. Here are some examples of how to deliver redirecting feedback.

  • "It's a shame your work was late on this project as it held up the team. Can we agree on a plan to make sure this doesn't happen again in the future?"
  • "I've noticed you don't seem as engaged or focused as usual, which, unfortunately, impacts your work and team morale. Please let us know if you're facing any challenges we can help with."
  • "Your independent work is great. But as one of the quieter members of our team, there have been a few occasions where we've needed more input from you. Can you try to make sure you're vocal in team meetings or follow up with an email afterward if you think of something later to contribute?"

🏢 Examples of companies using 360 feedback

You don't have to take our word on 360-degree reviews being the next best thing. Check out these top companies that have already achieved impressive results from their peer feedback systems.

360 (Degree) Feedback Examples for an Empathetic Review Culture |Zavvy (8)

Adobe replaced its traditional annual performance reviews in 2012 when it moved to a"Check-in" strategyinstead. What prompted the switch? Employees had found formal reviews to be too bureaucratic which negatively impacted teamwork. Additionally, these infrequent annual reviews didn't motivate employees to do their best work.

Instead, the Check-in process encourages meaningful two-way conversations between employees and managers. Feedback is exchanged in real-time to drive business impact and career development. Check-ins occur monthly, but stakeholder feedback may be exchanged with anyone at any time and can be accessed from a centralized location.

An Adobe employee describes their experience.

"So excited that we now have a centralized system to keep track of our performance, career growth, and feedback in one place! This will help spur new ideas for my career growth and add depth to conversations with my manager."

360 (Degree) Feedback Examples for an Empathetic Review Culture |Zavvy (9)

Deloitte reinvented its approach to performance management after discovering they were wasting 2 million hours per year delivering feedback. Even worse, this wasn't time well spent, with employee engagement and performance levels dropping significantly.

After identifying 60 high-performing teams across their company, Deloitte realized they had one thing in common: the chance to use these employee strengths every day. Deloitte scrapped its annual performance review and replaced it with more frequent weekly check-ins to recreate this across all teams.

360 (Degree) Feedback Examples for an Empathetic Review Culture |Zavvy (10)

Netflix embraces the Stop, Start, Continue process as part of the company's 360-degree review system. Originally, the company collected anonymous feedback, but more recently, Netflix has opted for a transparent approach where all employee feedback is signed.

360 feedback reviews are just part of the traditional performance appraisal system, which focuses on professional development.

360 (Degree) Feedback Examples for an Empathetic Review Culture |Zavvy (11)

🚀 Run 360-degree feedback processeson autopilot

Zavvy offers intuitive 360 feedback software that fits your organization like a glove.

360 (Degree) Feedback Examples for an Empathetic Review Culture |Zavvy (12)

Our software is perfect for:

  • performance reviews;
  • development talks and check-ins;
  • (remote) engagement surveys;
  • recurring 1:1 check-ins;
  • leadership development surveys
  • feedback template gallery;
  • and much, much more.
📅 Ready to learn how to start with 360-degree feedback? Take Zavvy for a test drive by booking a free demo today.

360 (Degree) Feedback Examples for an Empathetic Review Culture |Zavvy (13)

360 (Degree) Feedback Examples for an Empathetic Review Culture  | Zavvy (2024)


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Author: Mrs. Angelic Larkin

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Name: Mrs. Angelic Larkin

Birthday: 1992-06-28

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Introduction: My name is Mrs. Angelic Larkin, I am a cute, charming, funny, determined, inexpensive, joyous, cheerful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.