Guide for DmC: Devil May Cry (2024)


Secret Missions are unlocked in the Main Menu after opening the "Secret Doors" located in the stages where the main story missions take place. There is a total of 21 Secret Doors, and just as many missions. There are different types of Doors: Copper Door, Argent Door, Gold Door, Ivory Door. Each Door requires a specific key (Copper Key, etc.) to open. For more info on the Keys and Secret Doors locations please check the Story Walkthrough page.

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The Secret Missions are very short trials (most can be done in less than a minute) that don't require any particular strategy. They are very easy and they are uni-difficulty, meaning that they are always at the same difficulty. In case you play a Secret Mission by entering through an open Secret Door during a story mission (instead of selecting it from the Main Menu) the difficulty will also not be different from the difficulty of the main menu. For this reason it doesn't matter the difficulty where you unlock a Secret Mission, and it doesn't matter if you play them from the Main Menu rather than in-game while playing the story missions.

The Secret Missions behind Copper Doors are the easiest, while the one behind the Gold Doors and Ivory Door are the hardest. None of them can really be considered hard though.

If you have unlocked Super Dante (by completing the game on Dante Must Die! difficulty) and activate this Perk in the main story missions menu, the effect of Super Dante will be active during the Secret Missions as well (i.e. you can have infinite Devil Trigger during the Secret Missions). This doesn't help much since they are already very simple; it's just a curiosity, really.

After completing a Secret Mission you'll be rewarded with a Health Cross Fragment (sixteen missions), a Devil Trigger Cross Fragment (four missions), and in one case with a "full" Devil Trigger Cross. Collecting four "Fragments" will earn you a full cross too (four Health Cross Fragment = one full Health Cross).

In this page we'll see the Secret Missions one by one, listed according to the in-game order (more or less sorted by difficulty) shown in the Main Menu. Honestly I wouldn't suggest reading this page, since the trials are really self-explanatory (except a couple of them maybe) and you'll probably do fine on your own. Just check out the missions where you may be stuck.

Secret Missions

Secret Mission # 01 - Air Brawl
Location: Mission 01 - Found (Copper Door).
Task: kill all enemies within the time limit. Enemies only take damage in the air.
Strategy: use Hightime to send the enemies airborne (press and hold B on the ground) and then use Aerial Rave to damage them while in the air. Pull them back towards you (RT+X) after the last hit of Aerial Rave, so you can perform another Aerial Rave to finish-off the enemies.
Reward: Health Cross Fragment.

Secret Mission # 02 - Simple Traversal
Location: Mission 04 - Under Watch (Copper Door).
Task: reach the goal within the time limit.
Strategy: simply follow the only possible way to go through. If you can't see any grip to continue, you probably need to jump up on some higher level.
Reward: Health Cross Fragment.

Secret Mission # 03 - Simple Eradication
Location: Mission 02 - Home Truths (Copper Door).
Task: kill all enemies within the time limit.
Strategy: spam your strongest attacks (Drive/Overdrive, Death Coil, Stomp, ...) and you'll be fine.
Reward: Health Cross Fragment.

Secret Mission # 04 - Demonic Conflict
Location: Mission 05 - Virility (Copper Door).
Task: kill all enemies within the time limit. Enemies only take damage from Demon Weapons.
Strategy: equip Arbiter and spam Judgement/Trinity Smash.
Reward: Health Cross Fragment.

Secret Mission # 05 - Angelic Warfare
Location: Mission 07 - Overturn (Copper Door).
Task: kill all enemies within the time limit. Enemies only take damage from Angel Weapons.
Strategy: use Buy In (YY_Y) with Aquila to gather the enemies near you, then switch to Osiris and unleash a fully charged Raze (press and hold Y to charge, then release) to send them in the air; continue with an aerial combo of Osiris to eliminate them quickly.
Reward: Health Cross Fragment.

Secret Mission # 06 - Rapid Descent
Location: Mission 06 - Secret Ingredient (Copper Door).
Task: reach all of the goals within the time limit.
Strategy: follow the "goals" displayed on the screen. When there is a sort of fork, go right first to reach two goals, then reach all those on the left side of the area.
Reward: Health Cross Fragment.

Secret Mission # 07 - A Taste Of Heaven
Location: Mission 08 - Eyeless (Argent Door).
Task: kill all enemies within the time limit. Enemies and Dante die in one hit.
Strategy: use Stomp against the Death Knights; use Ophion Demon Pull followed by Ebony and Ivory shots for the Shielded Pathos.
Reward: Health Cross Fragment.

Secret Mission # 08 - Stylish Victory
Location: Mission 02 - Home Truths (Copper Door).
Task: gain an S Rank within the time limit.
Strategy: there is plenty of time to reach an S Rank. Use Drive/Overdrive, Trinity Smash, Death Coil; this should be already enough to reach the required rank.
Reward: Health Cross Fragment.

Secret Mission # 09 - Bait And Switch
Location: Mission 16 - The Plan (Copper Door).
Task: kill all enemies within the time limit. Enemies only take damage while the Demon Evade damage bonus is active.
Strategy: you need to unlock the Upgrade "Demon Evade" to complete this mission. Once you have it, keep RT held during the fight and press LB/RB to roll away from an enemy's sword hit just before his sword can impact on you. If done correctly, a slow-motion dodge will be performed, and you'll be given a power-up boost for a few seconds (enough to one-shot-kill the three Stygians with Arbiter).
Reward: Devil Trigger Cross Fragment.

Secret Mission # 10 - The Power Within
Location: Mission 11 - The Order (Copper Door).
Task: kill all enemies before Dante's Evil Trigger expires. Each enemy killed restores some of Dante's Devil Trigger.
Strategy: simply use Ophion Angel Lift to reach the enemies, then kill them all with a single Aerial Rave combo.
Reward: Health Cross Fragment.

Secret Mission # 11 - What Goes Around
Location: Mission 03 - Bloodline (Argent Door).
Task: kill all enemies within the time limit. Enemies only take damage from other enemy's attacks.
Strategy: there are two Bathos enemies that will throw their usual grenades on the ground. First of all, lure the Stygians near where the bombs of the Bathos are dropped, so that they are blown up. Remember that you can use Ophion Demon Pull to pull a Stygian towards you while you are near a grenade that is about to explode. Once the Stygians are dead, let the Bathos throw their grenades on the ground and then use Ophion Demon Pull to pull them towards the grenade that will explode and kill them too. Tricky, but easy.
Reward: Health Cross Fragment.

Secret Mission # 12 - Moderate Traversal
Location: Mission 08 - Eyeless (Copper Door).
Task: reach the goal within the time limit.
Strategy: nothing to point out.
Reward: Health Cross Fragment.

Secret Mission # 13 - Flawless Conquest
Location: Mission 04 - Under Watch (Argent Door).
Task: kill all enemies without taking any damage.
Strategy: this is a slightly harder mission, since you will face two Shielded Bathos, a Ravager and two Frost Knights all at once in a rather small room. Focus on the Shielded Bathos before anything else. Then use Round Trip (Aquila) on the Frost Knights to keep them stunned while you kill the Ravager, and keep the Frost Knights juggled with Round Trip while you kill them too with Prop and Shredder (Osiris).
Reward: Health Cross Fragment.

Secret Mission # 14 - Colossal Triumph
Location: Mission 18 - Demon's Den (Argent Door).
Task: kill the Tyrant within the time limit.
Reward: Devil Trigger Cross Fragment.

Secret Mission # 15 - Hasty Acquisition
Location: Mission 13 - Devil's Dalliance (Argent Door).
Task: gain the target number of Red Orbs within the time limit.
Strategy: there is a short amount of time to smash a bunch of objects and earn the required amount of Red Orbs, but if you use the Revenant to shoot groups of objects you'll easily succeed. It helps speeding up the process if you perform an evasive roll (LB/RB) right after shooting with the Revenant, since this will immediately "reset" Dante's position (if you don't do this it will take him more time before he can face a direction different from where he shot the first time). Also don't forget that there is a good group of items to break on the left and behind of where you start.
Reward: Health Cross Fragment.

Secret Mission # 16 - Displaced Skirmish
Location: Mission 05 - Virility (Argent Door).
Task: kill all enemies within the time limit. Enemies only take damage from within the active zones.
Strategy: the "active zones" are the green circles that will appear here and there on the battlefield. Using Aerial Rave after sending enemies up in the air is a good way to damage them while staying safe. It goes without saying the Ophion Demon Pull (RT+X) is your best friend in this case. Try to eliminate the two Ravagers first.
Reward: Health Cross Fragment.

Secret Mission # 17 - Divergent Slaughter
Location: Mission 07 - Overturn (Gold Door).
Task: kill all enemies. Do not use the same attack twice.
Strategy: the best thing to do is to try and send the enemies off the platform where you are, so you get an instant-kill on them. You can use Hightime followed by Aerial Rave on one enemy, Trinity Smash on another, Drive & Overdrive on the third one, Prop & Shredder on the last one.
Reward: Health Cross Fragment.

Secret Mission # 18 - Extreme Traversal
Location: Mission 16 - The Plan (Gold Door).
Task: reach the goal within the time limit.
Strategy: plenty of time and nothing special to point out, as the two easier versions of this trial.
Reward: Health Cross Fragment.

Secret Mission # 19 - A Day In Hell
Location: Mission 17 - Furnace of Souls (Gold Door).
Task: kill all enemies. Dante dies with one hit.
Strategy: eliminate the Ravager before focusing on the other six Stygians. The arena is very large, so it won't be hard to avoid getting hit this time.
Reward: Devil Trigger Cross Fragment.

Secret Mission # 20 - Subsistence
Location: Mission 09 - Devil Inside (Gold Door).
Task: survive until the timer expires. Each enemy killed restores some of Dante's health.
Strategy: Dante's health will be constantly drained during this secret mission, so you can't just run away until the three-minutes timer elapses. The enemies that will spawn will get increasingly stronger, and at the end you will face even a Dreamrunner. Don't panic though: spam Drive and Overdrive until the only enemies that you fight are the Stygians. Then, from when you see Death Knights and Ravagers, spam Eryx's Stomp (fully charged) to deal massive damage, stay away from troubles, and keep the enemies down.
Reward: Devil Trigger Cross Fragment.

Secret Mission # 21 - Shenanigans
Location: Mission 13 - Devil's Dalliance (Ivory Door).
Task: kill all enemies.
Strategy: the enemies that you face here are a Witch, a Ghost Rage, a Blood Rage. It's probably the only Secret Mission that will provide some challenge, although the fact that you have unlimited time to defeat the enemies makes this a still rather easy task. Focus on the Witch first: use Round Trip to break her shield, then fire a Charged Shot of Revenant on her and then unleash Drive/Overdrive while you wait for the bullet's explosion (rinse and repeat a couple of times to eliminate her). Then use Round Trip on the Ghost Rage and focus on killing the Blood Rage while Ghost Rage is kept busy by Round Trip. To eliminate the Blood Rage easily, send it in the air with Uppercut (Eryx; no need to charge it), then repeately smash it on the ground with Eryx's Showdown (the enemy will bounce on the ground after your attack, so you can chain several Showdown attacks). Stomp also works well for the Blood Rage. Once the Ghost Rage is the only enemy left, spam Round Trip and, when the enemy is not berserk, use Prop and Shredder to deal real damage. In case you wonder, the enemies can't die by falling off the platform where the fight takes place (they will just respawn on the platform if they wall off it).
Reward: Devil Trigger Cross.

By completing 10 Secret Missions you will unlock:

  • This party's just getting crazy!

    You have completed 10 of the Secret Missions

    Guide for DmC: Devil May Cry (1)

    1 guideGuide for DmC: Devil May Cry (2)Guide for DmC: Devil May Cry (3)

By completing all the 21 Secret Missions you will unlock:

  • One hell of a party!

    You have completed all of the Secret Missions

    Guide for DmC: Devil May Cry (4)

    2 guidesGuide for DmC: Devil May Cry (5)Guide for DmC: Devil May Cry (6)

Completing the Secret Missions will also earn you a total of four Health Crosses and two Devil Trigger Crosses. After buying the six Health Crosses from the Shop (total cost: 29,000 Red Orbs) and obtaining the four Health Crosses from Secret Missions you will max-out (doube) Dante's health bar, thus unlocking:

  • Let’s rock, baby!

    You have upgraded Dante's health to maximum

    Guide for DmC: Devil May Cry (7)

    1 guideGuide for DmC: Devil May Cry (8)Guide for DmC: Devil May Cry (9)Guide for DmC: Devil May Cry (10)

Similarly, purchase the three Devil Trigger Crosses from the Shop (total cost: 16,000 Red Orbs) and acquire the two Devil Trigger Crosses from Secret Missions to max-out (double) his Devil Trigger gauge and unlock:

  • You can't handle it

    You have upgraded Dante's Devil Trigger to maximum

    Guide for DmC: Devil May Cry (11)

    2 guidesGuide for DmC: Devil May Cry (12)Guide for DmC: Devil May Cry (13)Guide for DmC: Devil May Cry (14)

After doing this you should have nothing else to do in this game; nothing achievement-related anyway.

Congratulations on your 1,000 G and thanks for reading!

6. Vergil's Downfall DLC - Gameplay Info4. 100% Completion and SSS Rank

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Guide for DmC: Devil May Cry (2024)


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Name: Madonna Wisozk

Birthday: 2001-02-23

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Introduction: My name is Madonna Wisozk, I am a attractive, healthy, thoughtful, faithful, open, vivacious, zany person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.