THE'* JEFFORDS AND~jGOARDS SUPREME FAS TURKS … · 2017. 12. 17. · the sumter watchman, Estj. CONSOLroATEDAUG.2,1. JEFFORDS AND~ HARRISON MUST DIE * Supreme Court Sus¬ tains Lowe* - [PDF Document] (2024)

THE'* JEFFORDS AND~jGOARDS SUPREME FAS TURKS …· 2017. 12. 17.· the sumter watchman, Estj. CONSOLroATEDAUG.2,1. JEFFORDS AND~ HARRISON MUST DIE * Supreme Court Sus¬ tains Lowe* - [PDF Document] (1)

the sumter watchman, Est j



MUST DIE* Supreme Court Sus¬

tains Lowe* Court- and Murderers of

Arnette Will BeElectrocuted

Colombia, Nov. 2..The appealsof Frank M. Jeffords and Ira Har-

" rison, convicted here May 20, thisyear, of the murder of John C.Arnette, a co-partner with Jef¬fords in the operation of a filling

:> station, and sentenced to death byelectrocution, were dismissed by thestate supreme court this afternoon!and the judgment of the lower;court was affirmed. The two opin¬ions were written by Associate Jus¬tice T. B. Eraser, and concurredin by the other members of thecourt. Jesse Treece, who was triedalong with Jeffords and Harrisonfor the murder, was given life im¬prisonment and did not appeal.The appeals were based on three

~ grounds,"all of which were over¬

ruled by the court.First: There should have been a

severance of the cases.Second: That Judge w. H. Town-

send, the presiding judge, erred incharging implied malice when no

considerable legal provocation ap-, peared, J

Third: That the judge was ini> error in charging conspiracy when

there was no conspiracy set outjI in the indictment. In the Jeffords

appeal, there was error charged in jthe admission of the confession ofiHarrison, implicating Jeffords,which the court likewise overruled, j

Jeffords, Harrison and Treecewere accused'of conspiring against

* and beating to death Arnett in thefilling station- here on corner ofElmwood avenue and Main streetduring the night of May 9, and then

>» loading the dead body into, an au¬

tomobile, turning the car loosedown a steep declivity at ColonialHeights, a local suburb, so that Ar¬nette would appear to have beenkilled in an automobile accidentsArnette, it was shown at the,trial,

' which began here^l^ay^^TfJ, was

struck over the head and killed bya stick and piece of iron in thehands of Jeffords and Harrison,

> while Treece remained on watchon the outside of the filling sta¬tion.The next term of the court of

general sessions will convene here* November 29, and it is probable that

Jeffords and Harrison will be re-,sentenced to death then. SolicitorA. F. Spigner could not be com-

* municated with-tonight to deter¬mine what- his disposition in thecase would be.

In the opinion of the Jeffordsease, Justice Fraser recites a shorthistory of the case, tells of thedetailed confessions of> Harrison

* and Treece vas brought out at thecoroner's investigation and the re-,fusäl of Judge Townsend toacquiesce in the plea of Jeffords

» for a severance of the cases, madetwice during the t*Hal.

Relative to the contention that^the case should have been severed,the opinion holds:

"It is unnecessary to cite authori¬ties as the appellant admits that

* the motion was addressed to thediscretion of the presiding judge.No abuse of discretion has beenshown. Not only was no abuse of

* discretion shown, but the recordsshow that the appellant also con¬

fessed, not in detail, but in generalterms, when he said: 'I XpdV. partin the killing or participated inthe killing, but was over per¬suaded.' This assigment of errorcannot be sustained.

"Objection was made to that part> of the testimony which recited

that a detective asked Harrison totell the others implicated so theycould be apprehended before they

j escaped, and Harrison replied: 'Allright, send and ^rf Mr. Jeffords.'

"This statement," said the opin¬ion, "did not necessarily chargeJeffords with participation in thekilling. Jeffords was the partnerof Arnette, and most likely toknow of the surroundings, and theperson who should have been mostinterested in the punishment ofthose engaged in the killing. Theassignment of error cannot be sus-

t- tained.""The assignment of error in that

the confessions of Harrison andTreece should not have been ad¬mitted, was dismissed by the courtwith the statement that the chargeof the presiding judge/to the ef¬fect that the confession could ap¬ply only to those uttering it andnot the others cautioning the juryto this effect, was a correct ruleof law.

In dismissing the last assign¬ment of error, in which JudgeTownsend charged conspiracy, thecourt Quoted copiously from theState vs. Jenkins 14 Rich. Law 225to 227, in which these sentencesappear:

"All who are present concurringin a murder are principals therein,and the death, and the act whichcaused it. is in law the act of eachand of all. There is no distinctionin regard of the law in .the degreesof their guilt, or the measures oftheir punishment, or the nature oftheir offense, founded upon thenearness or the remoteness of theirpersonal agency respectively. Anindictment charging it as the act

tbltehed April, 1850.




Leader of Band ofRobbers Killed by;Guards Near Mem-jphis

Memphis, Nov. 3:-.Jack Ken¬nedy, an exrconvict and an uniden¬tified bandit, were killed todayin an attempt to hold up and robthe mail and express car of thefast St. Louis, Memphis and Friscotrain hear here. It is reported thatthere were six men in the gang.Postoffice^* inspectors learned si«days ago of the plot and the traincarried extra guards.Eleven officers who were hidden

near the scene of the robbery kill¬ed the pair when they refused to.halt while escaping. A hundredof the registered letters stolen wererecovered.


Oklahoma -and Florida Pub¬lishers Take. Over Charles¬

ton NewspaperCharleston, Nov. 2..Negotia¬

tions that have been pending be¬tween John H. Perry of New YorkCity and Richard Lloyd Jones ofTulsa, Okla, newspaper owners,and the Charleston American ofthis, city, were consummated to¬day, whereby on the first of De¬cember, Messrs. Perry and Jonesacquire the controlling owner¬

ship of the Charleston Americanand will take active charge of thepaper.Mayor John P. Grace of Char¬

leston will be business managerand the present staff organizationof The American will continue, Mr.Perry announced today..- . The policy of the paper will beprogressive Democratic and it willcooperate with the other Charlestonnewspapers and the progressivenewspapers of the state for all thatwill build up Charleston as a great.,port city and promote the indus¬try, the agricultural and theeconomic welfare -of South Caro¬lina; Mr. Perry further stated.Mr. Perry and Mr. Jones own the

Tulsa Tribune, the JacksonvilleJournal and the Pensacola Jour¬nal. Mr. Perry is also presidentof the American Press association,and of the Publishers' Auto Cas-jter service, which furnishes a com-

plete news feature, editorial andadvertising service to 7,500 dailyand weekly newspapers through¬out America.


Philippines Petition UnitedStates to Give Both Inde¬pendence and Warships

-Manila, . Nov. 3..Warships todefend the coasts of the Philip¬pines is asked in resolutions in¬troduced in the house of represen¬tatives petitioning the UnitedStates congress to authorize theconstruction of the vessels.

of a particular individual of theparty will be well sustained by evi¬dence that any one of these gavethe fatal stroke, or that it was

given by some one of them, thoughit does not appear by which.""The defendants," held Justice

Fraser, "were charged with mur¬der. The charge as to conspiracysimply stated the law as to theliability of one for the acts of theothers, if the act was done by mu¬

tual agreement or conspiracy.""The judgment,'/ concludes both

opinions, "is affirmed and the ap¬peal dismissed, and the case is re¬

manded to the court of general ses¬

sions for Richland county for thepurpose of fixing a new date for[carrying into effect the sentence ofIthe court."

In the opinion dismissing theappeal of Harrison Justice Fraseruses the same reasoning assign-merit of error for refusing sever-

ance and charging conspiracy as in|the Jeffords opinion, and in refus¬ing to sustain the plea of error inJudge Townsend's charge on ex¬

press or implied malice, the fol¬lowing language is used:

"His Honor charged the jury as

to expressed and implied maliceas follows:

"Malice is said to be expressedwhen there is manifested a delib¬erate intention unlawfully to takeaway the life of a fellow creature.a human being:.

" Tt is implied when no consid¬erable legal provocation appears, or

when the circ*mstances alleging thekilling show an abandoned heartand a malignant heart.'

"The error ssigned is to impliedmalice. The statement is not theusual form, but entirely harmlesshere. When a man is beaten todeath with pieces of wood and a

bar of iron, in his own place ofbusiness, by his partner and em¬

ployes, to whom he has been un¬

failingly kind, it was expressedmalice. There was not a scintillaof testimony from which impliedmalice could have been found. Theassignment of error cannot be sus¬


'Be Just and Fear 1



Decision is RenderedThat Will PreventUnnecessary Delaysin the Execution ofDeath Sentences

Columbia, Nov. 3.Granting a

new trial to Cliff Hawkins, ofGreenville, who,has.twice had sen¬

tence of death passed upon himfor the murder of William Morgan!in 1920, the supreme court ofSouth Carolina today handed downa decision making drastic changesin the procedure to be followed inview to preventing unnecessary de¬lays in execution.The order provides that, after f

the supreme court has once af- i

firmed a death sentence of the low- jer courts, the defendant can notobtain the benefit of a motion fora new trial on the ground of af¬ter discovered evidence, the onlycourse then open, except with the iconsent of ,the state supremecourt. If there be no sitting ofthat court between the day of sen¬

tencing and the date set for the

electrocution, the defendant must

secure from the governor a tem¬

porary reprieve to give him oppor¬tunity to present his case to thecourt. The granting of the-reprieveis optional with the chief execu¬

tive. Heretofore, circuit judgeshave /granted a new trial on theground of additional evidence, af¬ter the supreme court had sus¬

tained a sentence of death.Hawkins was! first sentenced to

die on October. 1, 1920,'by thecourt of general' sessions at Green¬ville. His attorneys served noticeof an intent tc appeal, which ac¬

tion automatically stayed the exe¬

cution, The appeal was argued inthe fall of 1921 and was decided jagainst Hawkins. He was resen-

tenced to die April 7, 1922. His at¬torneys then appeared before Cir- jcuit Judge T. J. Mauldin and made]a motion for a new trial, on the)ground of newly discovered evi¬dence. Judge Mauldin refused to jgrant the motion.'saying he was '

without jurisdiction, as the mo-jtion was made in chambers, butgranted a. stay of execution. Haw¬kins appealed from this order butlater abandoned the appeal, andhis attorneys. appeared before JJudge Mauldin in open court.; and Jthere renewed their motion for a(new trial. This time, it was grant-1ed. The State of South Carolina an-;pealed from this decision, and itwas this appeal which was decid¬ed today by the supreme court.

Now Doctrine.

Columbia, Nov. 3..A new doc-jtrine of appeals on after discovered Ievidence in criminal cases was}enunciated by the state supreme |court today in affirming an order jof Circuit Judge Mauldin grantinga new trial to Cliff Hawkins, con¬

victed at Greenville of murder andsentenced electrocuted.The opinion

' was: written byJudge Frank B. Gary, of theEighth Judicial Circuit and was

concurred in by four justices ofthe supreme court and the circuitjudges sitting eh banc on Septem¬ber 1, at which sitting the Haw¬kins case was reviewed. Asso¬ciates Justice R. C. Watts dissent¬ing.The opinion hoids that motions

for new trials on after discoveredevidence should be made to circuitcourts or judges when they havenot been deprived of jurisdictionby appeals to the supreme courtthrough the handing down of a

remittitur by that tribunal; butif the case is pending in the ap¬pellate court, a motion should be i

made to it to suspend the appealso that the motion for a new trialcan be heard before the lowercourt. The opinion likewise holdsthat, if the supreme court has al¬ready passed on the appeal, andits judgment has been remandedto the lower court, then an appealon after discovered evidence mustbe heard before the supreme courtand if the cause Iis meritoriousthat tribunal will take proper stepsto have the motion heard by thecircuit court.

Should the date for an electro¬cution already have been set. theopinion holds, then an appeal to thesupreme court should be made insufficient time on the grounds ofafter discovered evidence; buz, ifthe time is limited, the governorcan be requested to extend thedate of the sentence, upon propershowing, and the appellate court;will hear the motion anyway, and.:should the appeal be refused, therewill be no necessity of returningto the lower court to set a new

date for electrocution.The rule heretofore has been

j that, should the motion for a new

trial be refused by the circuit

; judge, then an appeal would betaken to the state supreme courtwhich must hear it. Should the cir¬cuit court be affirmed in its judg-merit and the appellant be sent

back for re-sentence, he could

j then make another motion for a. new trial, and again appeal from

j the refusal of the circuit judge,i and continue this almost inter¬minably, so much so that the dic¬tum, '"a man with sufficient mon¬

ey to continue hiring lawyers, ifconvicted of murder and sentenc-

Jot.Ijet all the ends Thou Aims't a

Sumter, S. C, Wednesc


Russian Bureau i njRome Raided b yBand of MenParis, Nov. 4.A conflict be¬

tween the Fascisti and the Sovietgovernment is feared as the result jof a raid' reported yesterday oh.1the Rome bureau of the Russian Jcommercial delegation. A band ofraiders is said to have dragged an |alien employe from the offices and ishot him against a wall.- i

New York, Nov. 3 (By the Asso-Iciated Press).The Facisii move¬

ment, "a modern form of banditry," |will hold its power in Italy only'a short time, in the belief of JeanLonguet, famous Socialist leader ofFrance, who arrived today on theMauretania.

Longuet, a grandson of Karl jMarx, will remain about twomonths in the United States,, lec-jturing and studying the America njSocialist movement and economicconditions.

» ? »



Bad Blood Between Editorand Bishop Cause Quarrel

That Ends MeetingColumbia, Nov. 4..A meeting of

the executive body of the colored!State Fair came to an abrupt- endin Columbia Saturday morriing,when C. G. Garrett. editor oft* anegro newspaper,*The Light,.madea nattaek on Rev. W. B. Chappehe,bishop of the African, Methodistchurch, bringing to a head a war¬

fare that has been waging betweenThe Light and the bishop, for years.The altercation followed an argu¬ment as to a bill for advertising ofthe Fair, presented by Garrett. Aea result of the altercation, Garrettwas expelled. from- the board ofcontrol of the colored fair by a

unanimous vote. Bishop Chappell"repaired himself to an oculist and jbought.-a new,pair of glasses to re-jplace those. ..broken in the fray. IGarrett was arrested/


Pittsburgh, Nov. 3..Directors jof the Union Natural Gas Company ivoted today to declare a stock di- jvidend of 75 per cent in addition jto the regular cash dividend, pro-!vided the stockholders at a meet¬ing on November 28 vote favorab- 1ly upon a proposal to increase the;capital stock from $10,000,000 - to$20,000.000. j

ed to death, need never to be exe- jcuted," has almost become a legalmaxim in South Carolina. How¬ever, the new doctrine laid downby the court will prevent this.The doctrine of appeals under

which the courts have been labor-,ing, as laid down in the State vs. jLee, and interpreted in subsequent Jcases, "has led to a condition" inthe language of the opinion, j.where convicted criminals may by|successive motions and appeals jblock the process of the law in- jdefinitely, and by their motions andappeals prevent their executions."

This condition has been con-jfronting the law enforcement de-par'trnent of the government forsome time, so much so that in sev¬

eral notorious cases substantial jus¬tice has been thwarted. WhenJudge Mauldin granted a new trialto Cliff Hawkins on the ground ofafter-discovered evidence as to hismental condition, the state, through jthe office of Sam M. Wolfe, At¬torney General, appealed for the!main purpose of having the case of!State vs. Lee reviewed in an ef- jfort to have the supreme courtascertain if a new doctrine on ap- jpeals could not be evolved.The supreme court realized the j

gravity of the situation in a timewhen crime is rampant, for, in the jopinion, it uses these words: "Per¬haps this tribunal was never call¬ed upon to meet a greater respon¬sibility than that which now con¬

fronts it: nor was it ever more

loudly called upon to use its ju¬dicial powers Jn a proper M'ay toavert a deplorable condition, acondition that is not calculatedto enhance respect for law, and its Jenforcement, and which as a mat-;ter of fact would have a contraryeffect. It was never intended bythe framers and makers of our

constitution and laws that the con¬

dition referred to should exist andthere must he some legal way *oavert it. We have the opportun¬ity and it remains to be seen

whether or not we have the dis¬position and the ability to point outthat way."

Recently the state supreme court,adopted what is known as "Rule30" in which it was decreed th:itfrivolous appeals would not belooked on with leniency by thecourt, but the doctrine laid downthis afternoon will put a stop todelayed justice and speed up theexecution of the sentences of thecourts.

t be thy Country's, Tby God's and

lay, November 8,1922


SULTANAngora AssemblyUnanimously De¬cides That It is Su¬preme Power andSultanate is Abol¬ished

Constantinople, Nov. 3 (By .theAssociated Press)...An end to thesultanate in Turkey has been unani¬mously decreed by the grand nat¬ional assembly sitting at Angora.The executive and legislative "pow¬ers of the country have beenconferred with the assembly uponthe nation and the palace of thesublime porte, which "through cor¬

rupt ignorance for several centuriesprovoked numerous Äls for thecountry, has passed into the do¬main of history.A caliph is to be chosen by the

assembly from a member of theOsman dynasty to succeed the sul¬tan but the resolution of the as¬

sembly announced that the Turk¬ish government would remain thekeystone of the caliphate. Thechoice of the ealiph is to'be thatmember of the imperial family whois the best, instructed, the best ed¬ucated, the most honest and thewisest.The assembly also decided that

all treaties entered into by theConstantinople government sinceMarch 6, 1920, were null and void.The decision of the. assembly was

followed by the proclamation of a

national holiday and the firing ofa salute.

Notwithstanding the assembly'sdecree that the era of liberationhad at last been entered into thesultan presided this afternoon at a

meeting of ;his ministers. Thegrand vizier, Tewfik Pasha, andhis colleagues kissed the sultan'shand on the occasion of the pro¬phet's birthday, renewed theirpledge of loyalty -and expressedthe utmost indignation of. whatwas termed the rash action of theAngora government in proclaim¬ing an end to the sultanate. Whilenothing definite can be ascertainedregarding the decision reached atthe council today, it was reportedin high quarters there was goodreason to believe the sultan haddisputed the legal character* of thenational assembly's decision.Some of the Turkish afternoon

newspapers today announced'.thatabdication of the sultan is only a

question of ho\»rs,'but the ministersof the sublime porte took nosuch a view of the situation. Thesultan's resignation, according totradition, would be handed to themembers of the- imperial family,and no crown council was calledtoday at Yildiz palace.

Monarchist and Turkish mod¬erate circles anticipate internaldissension in consequence of theaction of the assembly. They ex¬

press the view that the step of theAngora government is a triumphfor the Bolshevik policy.Grnd Vizier Tewfik Pasha has

telegraphed Mustapha KemalPasha,, the Nationalist leader, thatany measure contemplated by theassembly affecting the sultan'sstatus will weaken Turkey's po¬sition abroad. Tewfik added thatthe allies would benefit at the ex¬

pense of- Turkey at the forthcom¬ing conference in case of divisionbetween the national assembly andthe palace and endeavor to poseas protectors of the caliphate. Inconclusion Tefik called the Angoragovernment's attention to the pos¬sibilities of worldwide reaction,which the assembly's attitudemight cause in Mohammadancountries, thus jeopardizing thefruits of the victory of the Turksover the Greeks.


whole Near East is anxious to learnwhat the sultan is going to doabout the unanimous decree of-thegrand national assembly at Angoradeclaring the sultantate at an

end. The heir apparent and oth¬er members of the imperial fam¬ily conferred last night at the pal¬ace"" and decided that none will ac¬

cept the throne if it is stripped oftemporal power. The assemblydeclared that the member of theimperial family best educated,most honest and wise hereafterwould be selected as sultan.

EDUCATION WEEKColumbia. Nov. ">. . Governor

Harvey has issued a call for a

state gathering in Columbia on

November 10. under auspices ofthe South Carolina. Citizens' Edu¬cational Association, to launch amovement for a mass meeting ineach county of the state during"Kdueation "V^J^k," December 4-9,in behalf of the rural schools ofSouth Carolina. The meeting willbe held in the state library at 7:30o'clock in the evening.To this conference the governor

is inviting leaders in various or¬

ganizations of the state, especiallyorganizations whose intent is edu¬cational.

J. Rion McKissick. of Greenville,is chairman of the citizens educa¬tion association, under whose aus¬

pices the conference is to be held



SITUATIONAfter Deposing Sultanthe Kemalists Turno n Allied Powersand Order Them toGet Out of Constan¬tinople

x -i-Constantinople, Nov. 5 (By the:

Associated Press)..An allied ex-jtraordinary council decided tonight jto refuse categorically the Nation¬alist demand for the allied militaryevacuation of Constantinople.The first note deals with the visit

to Kemalist ports of eight allied andAmerican warships and declares theport authorities have been instruct- |ed not to/permit a landing. In ac- Icordance with maritime laws the jTurks request that these vessels isalute the Turkish flag.The other note sets up a claim i

for the immediate handing over to!the Angora government of theTurkish railways in Europe andAsia, wich are under temporary al¬lied control.

Constantinople, Nov. 5 .(By the JAssociated Press)..The Nation- jalist government is in control of jConstantinople. Rafet Pasha is thenew governor and Hamid Bey, thejrepresentative of the Angora gov¬ernment, has ordered the alliedtroops out. In a note to the en¬

tente he demands evacuation of theallied forces.The Turks have torn" up the

Mudania armistice convention andare advancing into the.Chanak?area, occupied by .the British, and!other neutral zones.

Since noon Saturday the Nat-jionalist administration is declared i

to have, been established and in jcelebration of thjs masses of ex-jcited Turks*have been engaged injdisorders. Students marched i

against the palace and riotousjmobs engaged in such manifesta-;tions that it became necessary forthe allied police to fire on them,several

rof the Turks being killed

6r.wounded.'The Christians in the Stamboul

'quarter throughout Saturday night!were seeking shelter and protection'from what they plianly feared..a Turkish massacre.

Today, however, the governmentauthorities issued orders that all jdisturbances Should be rigorouslyput down. The allied high com- jmissioners accepted the new re-jgime and there was nothing leftfor the sultan's ministers but res-1ignation from office..Tewfik Pasha, the grand vizier,

realizing his power had disappear¬ed, dispatched messages to repre-isentatives of the submlime porte in |the various capitals to transfertheir archives to the representa¬tives of the Angora government.There seeemed danger for a

time that the radical forces wouldgain the upper hand. The sultan)was denounced/together with mon-|archy, and Mustapha Kemal Pasha Iwas acclaimed, as "our president."!It became necessary to throwguards of troops around the sul-;tan's palace, within which Muham-mad VI, how caliph only, isspending fearful hours.As yet Muhammad VI has given

no evidence of conforming to thedetermination of the new govern-ment to rid Turkey of the high!office of sultan, but the quickly de- jveloping popular movement maysoon compel him, with the loss ofhis chiefs, to accept the inevitable.

Rafet Pasha sprang the news ofthe change In government in a

dramatic manner on the allied gen¬erals. The generals had summon¬

ed Rafet to discuss the question ofthe admission of Kemalist gen¬darmes to the Gallipoli and Chanakzones. At the termination of the;discussion Rafet, as by wray of an

after thought, broke the startling jnews thus*:

"I must Jnform your exeellen- jcies that since neon the Constan- jtinop'e government no longer ex- Iists, and I have assumed the gov- jernorship."

Constantinople, Nov. 5 (By the'Associated Press)..The sultan's jministry resigned Saturday even- iing and Rafet Pasha, representative]of the Angora Nationalist govern-ment, has assumed power. He is-jsued a manifesto today which de->clared that from noon, November4, the administration of the great!national assembly of Turkey is es-i

tablished In Constantinople.The manifesto announced that;

the Sultan's position has been clear-;ly defined by the decision of the:national assembly and that therights of citizens are absolutely!safeguarded by the laws of thegreat national assembly of Turkey.The allied high commission has

accepted the new regime. Thisleaves no choice for the sultan. Allthe Turkish courts are suspendedand Rafet Pasha, the new govern-;or of Constantinople, has orderedthe attorney general to dispense;justice under the jurisdiction of theAngora government. This further!imperils the Sultan's position.Owing to the suppression of the

ministries, all government em- jployees except those identified with!the municipality who continue at'work, have been requested toawait instructions from the Angoragovernment. Yesterday the govern-'



POSTPONEDDevelopments at Con¬

stantinople ThrowPlans For Peace inNear East into Con¬fusion

London, Nov. C..As a result ofnew developments In the situationat Constantinople the peace con¬

ference called to meet at Lusanneon November 13th has been post¬poned, possibly for a: fortnight, itis announced. It is stated in au¬

thoritative circles that in no cir¬c*mstances will the British point ofview regarding the presence of al¬lied troops in Constantinople bechanged. The British intend to up¬hold the Mudania agreement andwill remain in the neutral zonewith troops.

ment employees went on strike, a

message being sent to An&ora Jhatthey had done so in protest againstthe sublime porte's refusal to com¬

ply with the Angora ultimatum.Prior jto accepting the announce¬

ment of Rafet Pasha that the fun¬damental organic law promulgatedby the Angora government wouldbe applied to Constantinople Sun¬day, the allied high commission¬ers and generals gathered lastevening in the British embassy, to-

examine Rafet Pasha's proovj-als,which were for the establishmentof Turkish civil administration inConstantinople and the neutralzone. Rafet participated in themeeting, which discussed rin allits details the advisability of, thetransfer of the civil power to theAngora government. "Soon after¬wards the new Nationalist govern¬or definitely took control of the"capital and issued orders to thedirector of police and chie*: of thegendarmie to carry on their workand see" that public order was notdisturbed. He then spoke from a

balcony to a crowd of several tbon^sand, declaring the hour of theliberättoir-of the captive capitahad struck. He paid tribute to theNationalist army and referred inglorying terms to the common sens*

displayed by the people of Con¬stantinople in giving all .supportto the Angora government, whichhad made possible a bloodless rev¬

olution. He warned the people todeport themselves with dignity andnot offend the susceptibilities, of thesultan, who still remained jaliph;any attack against his persor.) wouldbe regarded as an offense againstthe Moslem religion.The municipal council forwarded

to Angora its acceptance of the na¬tional assembly's resolution re¬

specting the sultan and the trans¬fer of -the sovereign rights to theassembly. A mayor was then elect¬ed and he in the presence of RafetPasha and other Kemalists tookthe oath of allegiance to the An¬gora assembly. IStamboul was en fete Saturday

night. There were boisterous dem-1onstrations during which frenzied;Turks fired blank cartridges andotherwise created disorder. Theallied police held themselves in re

straint for a long time, but final¬ly were forced to fire on the mob,killing or wounding a few Turks.The disorders continued today,during which there was consider¬able window smashing.The imperial guards and allied

policemen were on duty all nightat the palace here. In Stamboulthe Christians sought shelter inthe foreign establishments.

Students of the Turkish univer¬sity organized a mass meeting atYildiz palace during Saturdayevening. Five hundred studentswith banners and carrying litho¬graphs of Mustapha Kemal Pasha,the Nationalist leader, marched pastthe British embassy singing pa¬triotic songs. When they reachedthe palace they shouted the mostviolent epithets against the sultanand shouted, "Long live our pres¬ident, Mustapha Kemal Pasha.""Down with the monarchy," and"Long live new Turkey."The poorer classes of the Turks,

long imbued with monarchist prin¬ciples, seemed dismayed at thesight of the revolutionary elementand the expressions they heard ot¬

tered. They declared that the"Angora Bolsheviki" would bring jabout the ruin of the empire.The streets leading to the Yildiz j

palace were blocked with crowds}and street traffic was suspended forseveral hours. The sultan request¬ed protection from the allied policeand mounted policemen and cor¬

dons of troops guarded the palace,ready to fire upon any person whoattempted to invade it. The dem¬onstration did not assume a char¬acter of extreme violence, but thefear was expressed among thosemaking up the crowds that the sul¬tan, despite his intention not toabdicate, might be forced to do so

by the popular wave of enthus¬iasm which has been worked up bythe Kemalist propaganda.

In the fear of possible untowardevents the allied high commission¬ers have telegraphed their respec¬tive governments for instructions.The consternation of the Christianpopulation is beyond description.Frequently there is to be heard thestatement "'the Turks will mas¬sacre the Christians."

I'M KON, f*>Uil»tiahed *I«mk* I. i MMI,



_CL0SEDInternational MeetingWas Devoid of Con¬structive Action .Breaks Up in Dis¬cord_

Geneva, Nov. 3 (By the Asso-jciated Press)..The sessions of theinternational labor conference end¬ed this evening. During the day,prior to adjournment the Germanrepresentatives left the confer¬ence owing to differences arisingover the use of the German lan¬guage in the. deUberatiohs, and theSwiss government delegates, Dr.Pfister and Professor Delaquis,also departed for home, pleadingpressing business at Berne.The representatives of the Swiss

employees and workers, however,remained to the end of the con¬ference.^ Although the question ofthe use of the German languagewas' supposed to have been set¬tled so far as the present con¬

ference "was concerned it was

brought up today by a motion in-'Siting the international. Labor bu¬reau to ihventigate the final costmvolved in-the adoption of an¬other offichil language. Herr Wes-ser, a German workers' delegate,in a strongly worded speech, de¬clared phat millions- of! Germanworkers were embittered becaos**their representatives were unableto make -their voices heard atGeneva-oa questions of the utmostinterest to them.

"If'the German people has fall¬en,^, he. said,, "if it has beenbrought* to- earth; it has .not" lostfaith.-phat m'the future it will seea new dawn arise for it."The Gerznan"delegation then, rose,

.o'qk .up-their papers and solemnlyfiled out-of the room, leaving thosein the nieeting Overcome with sur¬

prise., .Icy silence followed thewords of Herr -Wesser, but soon,afterwards Dr. Aristedes, de Ague£\vy Betancburc of Cuba, vice presi¬dent of the conference, spok^ »«"condemnation of the authors ofthe*' Iftc^gtenr" at^'-Teproached themfor abandoning their posts.; Hewas loudly applauded.

It has-been palpable that t&fltSwiss* government delegation wajinot satisfied with the treatment ithad repelv&H ät.. the conference,particularly', because Switzerlandhadybeeh replaced on the councilby Finland and also because of al¬legations that Swiss views on o^e>~- .

tions of interest,to Switzerland hadfailed, of approval by the cohfW-ence.

Viscount Bumham. f"reai Erit-aim chajrthan of the conference-gave a summary of the workdone at the sessions. He sa'd thework had been less arduous than |nprevious year? but .much good hadbeen accomplished. He added thatat ne^t year's Pan-American con¬

ference m Chile both the leagueof nation^, and the labor bureauwould be w^H represented. In clos¬ing his address Viscount Bumhamexpressed satisfaction that therehad beert American observersthe Geneva conference and ss?Klhe hoped they would return in fu¬ture years."


Will Be Ambassador to UnitedStates

Rome, Nov. 3 (By the Asso¬ciated Press)..The appointmentof 'Earen.'Romano Avezrano as am¬

bassador . to the United Stales t o

succeed Vittorio Rolandi Rlcci was

announced teday.

Washington. Nov. 3 (By the As¬sociated Press)..Baron CamllloRomano Avezzano, reported to havebeen named as Italian ambassa¬dor to the United States is a tram-ed diplomatist. He came to Wash¬ington in 1913 from Greece, wherehe had been Italian minister dur¬ing the war. While his service as

ambassador here was short, he was

a very busy man, closing up manyof the troublesome war time issuesconnected with Italian finances intheir relation to. America. His sec-

lease from, his post here came as a

surprise to his many friends,, butwas incident to the radical changethat had taken p"ace in the Italiangovernment .as the result of theoverthrow of the Orlando cabinet.The change was regarded here as

purely political. ;" No information of an officialcharacter regarding the reportedselection of Earon Avezzano toagain become American ambassa¬dor had been- received late todayeither at the state department orthe Italian embassy.

vekdict ofnot guilty

Returned in Case of T. JeffMcsier

Camden, Nov.. 3..The jury in.the case of T. Jeff Mosier, chargedwith the killing of W. M. Watkins.a merchant of Cassatt, rendered a

verdict of not guilty after beingout at*>Ut: two hours. The case hasoccupied three days of the courtand large crowds, have been in at¬tendance.

THE'* JEFFORDS AND~jGOARDS SUPREME FAS TURKS … · 2017. 12. 17. · the sumter watchman, Estj. CONSOLroATEDAUG.2,1. JEFFORDS AND~ HARRISON MUST DIE * Supreme Court Sus¬ tains Lowe* - [PDF Document] (2024)


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Name: Arline Emard IV

Birthday: 1996-07-10

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Introduction: My name is Arline Emard IV, I am a cheerful, gorgeous, colorful, joyous, excited, super, inquisitive person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.