unity stop animation from playing at start | Code Ease (2024)

Answered on: Thursday 28 March, 2024 / Duration: 14 min read

Programming Language: C# , Popularity :8/10

Solution 1:

To stop an animation from playing at the start in Unity using C#, you can use the following code snippet:

using UnityEngine;
public class StopAnimation : MonoBehaviour
private Animator animator;
void Start()
// Get the Animator component attached to the GameObject
animator = GetComponent<Animator>();

// Stop the animation from playing at the start
animator.enabled = false;

In this code, we first declare a variable animator to store a reference to the Animator component attached to the GameObject. Then, in the Start method, we disable the Animator component by setting animator.enabled to false, which effectively stops the animation from playing at the start.

To use this script, attach it to the GameObject that contains the Animator component you want to stop. When you run the game, the animation will not play at the start.

- The animation will not play when the game starts, and it will only start playing when the Animator component is enabled again (e.g., by calling animator.enabled = true in another script or method).

Solution 2:

Stop Animation from Playing at Start in Unity with C#


When creating animations in Unity, they typically start playing automatically when the game or animation begins. However, in some scenarios, you may want to prevent an animation from playing automatically and only have it start when a specific trigger or event occurs.

Code Example:

To stop an animation from playing at the start in Unity using C#, follow these steps:

1. Create an Animation Component:

* In your Unity scene, select the object with the animation you want to stop.
* In the Inspector, click "Add Component" and search for "Animator".

2. Get the Animator Component:

* In your script, get a reference to the Animator component of the object.

using UnityEngine;
public class StopAnimationAtStart : MonoBehaviour
// Cache the Animator component
private Animator animator;
void Start()
animator = GetComponent<Animator>();

3. Enable or Disable the Animation:

* To stop the animation from playing at the start, disable it using the enabled property of the Animator component.

void Start()
// Cache the Animator component
animator = GetComponent<Animator>();
// Disable the Animator to stop the animation
animator.enabled = false;

* To play the animation when you want, enable it using the enabled property.

public void PlayAnimation()
// Enable the Animator to start the animation
animator.enabled = true;


* Before running the script: The animation will play automatically at the start of the game.
* After running the script: The animation will stop playing at the start and will only play when the PlayAnimation method is called.

Additional Notes:

* You can also control which animation state is active using the Play method of the Animator component.
* Disabling the Animator component will also disable all of its animation states.
* This approach allows for greater flexibility in controlling when animations start playing, providing more control over the flow and presentation of your game or animation.

Solution 3:

In Unity, you can stop animation from playing at the start by using the Animator component and setting the parameterMask field in the Animator Controller.

Here's an example of how to do this in C#:

1. First, create an Animator Controller and attach it to your game object.
2. Create a script that inherits from MonoBehaviour and attach it to the game object.
3. In the script, use the Animator component to access the Animator Controller.

public class AnimatorController : MonoBehaviour
private Animator animator;
private void Start()
animator = GetComponent<Animator>();
private void Update()
animator.parameterMask = new AnimatorParameterMask();
animator.parameterMask.SetMask(Animator.StringToHash("parameter1"), false);
animator.parameterMask.SetMask(Animator.StringToHash("parameter2"), false);

In this example, the parameterMask field is used to disable specific animations from playing. The AnimatorParameterMask struct is used to specify which parameters should be disabled. In this case, the animation parameters are identified by their names "parameter1" and "parameter2".

To disable the animation from playing at start, you can set the parameterMask field in the Start() method of your script.

public class AnimatorController : MonoBehaviour
private Animator animator;
private void Start()
animator = GetComponent<Animator>();
animator.parameterMask = new AnimatorParameterMask();
animator.parameterMask.SetMask(Animator.StringToHash("parameter1"), false);
animator.parameterMask.SetMask(Animator.StringToHash("parameter2"), false);

This will disable the animation parameters "parameter1" and "parameter2" which means that the associated animations will not play.

Another way to stop animations from playing at start is to use Animator.Stop() method in the Start() method of your script.

public class AnimatorController : MonoBehaviour
private Animator animator;
private void Start()
animator = GetComponent<Animator>();

This will stop any animation that is currently playing on the game object.

You can also use Animator. SetCurrentAnimatorStateInfo() method to set the current animator state to a specific state, this will stop any animation that is currently playing and set the animator to the specified state.

public class AnimatorController : MonoBehaviour
private Animator animator;
private void Start()
animator = GetComponent<Animator>();

This will set the animator to the state "MyState" and stop any animation that is currently playing.

It's important to note that, if you want to play animations later, you should use the Animator.Play() method to play the animation, or use the Animator.CrossFade() method to cross fade between animations.

Also, you can use the Animator.OnAnimatorMove method to handle when the animator moves to a specific state, you can check the state name and play or stop animations accordingly.

public class AnimatorController : MonoBehaviour
private Animator animator;
private void Start()
animator = GetComponent<Animator>();
animator.OnAnimatorMove += OnAnimatorMove;
void OnAnimatorMove(Animator animator, AnimatorMoveInfo moveInfo)
if (moveInfo.apply animator.GetAnimatorStateInfo() != null)
// Play or stop animations based on the current state

It's also important to note that, the animations won't play if the GameObject is inactive, so you need to make sure that the GameObject is active before playing animations.

public class AnimatorController : MonoBehaviour
private Animator animator;
private void Start()
animator = GetComponent<Animator>();
animator.parameterMask = new AnimatorParameterMask();
animator.parameterMask.SetMask(Animator.StringToHash("parameter1"), false);
animator.parameterMask.SetMask(Animator.StringToHash("parameter2"), false);

This way, the animations will not play until the game object is activated.

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unity stop animation from playing at start | Code Ease (2024)


How to stop animations playing on Start Unity? ›

Open the animator, click the Transition line from Entry to the node that has the animation. Set it to only transition when the appropriate trigger has been called. Ideally you'd just leave the animator component disabled though instead of having potentially dozens or hundreds of animators running in the scene.

How do I stop an animation from looping script in Unity? ›

Step 1 Go to the Project tab and select Animation. Step 2 Open the Inspector tab. Step 3 Uncheck the checkbox Loop Time, and you're good to go!

How do you adjust the ease in or out of an animation Unity? ›

Hold Control/Command and drag the start of a clip to the right to add an ease-in. Hold Control/Command and drag the end of a clip to the left to add an ease-out.

How do I turn off startup animation? ›

The following steps outline how to disable the Windows boot animation:
  1. From an elevated Windows Command Prompt, load the msconfig.exe application.
  2. Select the Boot tab.
  3. Under Boot options, check the No GUI boot and Base video checkboxes, as shown in the following screenshot. Click on OK to finalize the changes:

How do I turn off animations in Start menu? ›

Turn off animation effects:
  1. Open Windows Settings by pressing Windows+i on your keyboard.
  2. Click on “Accessibility” and then “Visual effects.”
  3. Turn off the toggle next to “Animation effects.”
May 26, 2023

How do you pause an animation in unity script? ›

When you want to pause the animation you can say anim. speed = 0; and if you want to make it back to the normal speed you can type anim. speed = 1; Your welcome to whoever needs it.

Why is animation looping in Unity? ›

Your image shows the Aniomator (Animation states control), but all animations (like Iddle or Jab) can be marked as “loop”. If is marked as loop, the animation will never fisnish alone (you need to stop it by code). Maybe you only need to desactivate the loop property in the animation inspector.

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To stop a loop you use the break argument! welcome to the community @wleong9! When using loops, you should add a condition to your loop rather than doing while True there are only a few cases where while True is a good thing.

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Stop-motion animation is straightforward in theory: take a photo, move or make a change to your subject, repeat. This can be time-consuming, but don't worry about making mistakes along the way. Small jitters or imperfections can add to the charm.

How do I stop animations from moving in Unity? ›

You can disable root motion on the animator so that it doesn't try to move the object at all. Alternatively, if you need root motion, but just don't want it on the Y-axis, you'll want to check the "Bake into pose" options when inspecting the animation. This will prevent any root motion from occurring.

How do I stop current animation in Unity Animator? ›

To stop the Unity animator from going to the next animation, you will need to use the “Stop” or “StopPlayback” method of the Animator component. This method will halt the animator and prevent it from transitioning to the next state in the animation.

What is the difference between ease out and ease in animation? ›

Ease in is starting the animation slowly and then speeding up the movement as it comes to a halt. Ease out is starting off quickly and slowing down at the end. Ease-in-out is a combination of these.

How do I stop animation on frame in Unity? ›

How do I stop a 2D animation on the last frame?
  1. Select the Animation Clip asset in the Project window.
  2. switch the Inspector into Debug Mode.
  3. Click on the Dropdown besides m_WrapMode and select Clamp Forever.
Mar 13, 2022

How do you stop animator state in Unity? ›

To stop the Unity animator from going to the next animation, you will need to use the “Stop” or “StopPlayback” method of the Animator component. This method will halt the animator and prevent it from transitioning to the next state in the animation.

How do I turn off play mode in Unity? ›

The easiest and quickest way to exit Play Mode is by using the keyboard shortcut. Simply press Ctrl + P on Windows, and Unity will exit Play Mode immediately. Pro tip: You can use the Ctrl + Shift + P to toggle the Pause Mode.


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