Blood of the Oracle - study_a_latte - 방탄소년단 | Bangtan Boys (2024)

Table of Contents
Chapter 1: tzafrir Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 2: augenblick Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 3: wissensdurst Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 4: vagary Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 5: frühlingserwachen Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 6: tǎntè Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 7: interlude: mélomanie Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 8: oneirataxia Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 9: oppholdsvaer Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 10: interlude: oracle Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 11: para bellum Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 12: interlude: sillage Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 13: tidal wave Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 14: moonbroch Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 15: interlude: zugzwang Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 16: halcyon days Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 17: dormeveglia Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 18: interlude: desiderium Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 19: tacenda Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 20: toska Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 21: interlude: charmolypi Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 22: alea iacta est Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 23: casus belli Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 24: queen sacrifice Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 25: étude: dor Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 26: rasque Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 27: interlude: nodus tollens Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 28: fýrgebræc Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 29: étude: eigengrau Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 30: interlude: pikit mata Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 31: étude: yuyin Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 32: nunc scio quid sit amor Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 33: madrugada Notes: Chapter Text Notes: References

Chapter 1: tzafrir


t z a f r i r

(n.) a light, refreshing and gentle wind in the morning

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

t z a f r i r

“His Majesty the King,” the attendant announced as Jeongguk strode through the door of the breakfast room.

Already there were four of his closest friends and advisors in various states of awake this early in the morning. Namjoon had his eyes glued to a tablet in his hands, scrolling quickly through what Jeongguk knew was headlines of current events. Yoongi looked half-asleep though his eyes were open and fingers peeling a tangerine with a sloth’s pace. Seokjin busied himself by pouring everyone a cup of coffee and refilled what was probably Yoongi’s third cup. Hoseok sat with a mouthful of food, a spoonful of rice in one hand, and a military report clutched in the other. Jeongguk shrugged out of his blazer and tossed it over the chair at the head of the small table.

“Good morning, gentlemen,” Jeongguk started, nodding a thank you as Seokjin offered him a cup of coffee.

The men murmured quiet greetings at the young king – a low, sleepy grunt in Yoongi’s case. Jeongguk sat down as servants began placing food in front of him: rice, stew, and various small bowls of banchan. It was an old, traditional breakfast in Naissus. Jeongguk’s friends preferred the mueslis, fruits, and pastries of the world, but both Jeongguk and his cousin, Hoseok, couldn’t let go of the breakfast they had since childhood.

“What’s on the agenda today?” Jeongguk asked, lifting his spoon and dipping it into the milky white oxtail soup.

Yoongi, who was still only halfway finished peeling his orange, handed Jeongguk his tablet lethargically.

“Galatea has fallen to the Orivalian Empire,” Namjoon announced before Jeongguk had the opportunity to glance at the news article Yoongi offered.

Jeongguk sighed, “Couldn’t you have waited till after breakfast, Namjoon-hyung?”

“Nonsense, we don’t have time after breakfast, this is the best place to discuss these matters,” Namjoon retorted.

The conservatory style breakfast room was a place of memories for Jeongguk. It was one of the rooms that the young king chose not to redecorate after his ascension to the throne. It was one of Dowager Queen’s favourite rooms. So, Jeongguk decided to keep the ivory white walls, wide window-doors leading out to the gardens, and small oak wood table the way it was when his mother lived in the palace. His father and mother always had breakfast together with him here. Often, his father’s closest advisors joined them, and as Namjoon said, discussions of current events frequently occurred over breakfast: the late King had little rest.

“Do you think the Empire will take the entire continent of Iaryen?” Yoongi asked. “How long before all the coastal nations fall?”

“Not anytime soon,” Hoseok replied. The Commander General dropped the papers down onto the table, raking a hand through orange locks. “Reports tell me that the Orivalian Emperor grows weak with age.”

“I’ve heard rumours that the Crown Prince of Orivala is ambitious and resourceful,” Seokjin said as he spread a bright red fruit preserve onto his toast. “It was he who led the invasion of Galatea after all. He would surely lead the campaign to take the coastal nations.”

“I believe that’s why the Emperor is delaying his abdication,” Namjoon said. “The Crown Prince is too ambitious. The Emperor fears that the aspirations of his son could lead to the downfall of the Empire.”

“No matter, the throne will pass onto the Crown Prince sooner or later,” Yoongi argued. “Then, how long before the Empire attempts to conquer beyond the seas? Naissus could easily be next.”

Jeongguk sighed, tossing the tablet onto the dining table. Seokjin tsked, picking up the tablet to check for cracks.

“The coastal nations are strong,” Jeongguk started. “If the Empire should choose to invade, their forces will suffer greatly even in the event of a victory. And if such happens, we will be prepared if they extend their reach across the sea. Our air fleet is renowned across the lands. Orivala will think twice before considering war with Naissus.”

“Which leads me to another issue,” Namjoon said. “We aren’t the only country worried about the Empire’s advancement. Attalia has reached out to us.”

Jeongguk frowned. Attalia was a small country resting above the Offing Sea that separated the continent of Iaryen from territories of Duscae ruled by Naissus. It was an island nation accessible only by airship because it hovered three thousand metres above sea level hidden amongst the clouds.

“What?” Yoongi started. “What would the Empire want with the Floating Isles?”

“Attalia has long declared its neutrality in these affairs,” Hoseok said.

“That was years ago, long before the Empire became such a threat,” Namjoon argued. “The Floating Isles has grown in wealth over the years, its gold and metal mines are still incredibly abundant. It would be a treasure trove for the Empire.”

“It would serve as a good base for a campaign in Duscae too,” Hoseok said, nodding to himself in agreement with Namjoon. “We cannot let Attalia fall.”

“Which is why the King of Attalia would like to extend a hand in an alliance with Naissus in hopes that it would deter the Empire,” Namjoon concluded. Jeongguk nodded, having taken the time to shovel food into his mouth while his Tactician and Commander General debated.

“In my memory, the Floating Isles had no quarrel with Naissus, but it has nothing to offer us either,” Jeongguk said.

“Actually, the country would serve as a great port of trade,” Namjoon said. “Commerce has always been strong in Attalia, it would do our own economy well to have an effective trade agreement. In exchange, the King of Attalia asks for military strength if – or when – needed.”

“How does the King propose to seal the alliance?” Yoongi asked.

Namjoon paused, his hesitation brooding ill. “He offers… a tribute – of sorts.”

“Like… a hostage?” Hoseok questioned. “This isn’t the age of antiquity. We don’t do that anymore.”

“No – ”

“Is he offering a wife?” Jeongguk asked quietly. He put his spoon down, no longer hungry. “Does he want to solidify this alliance with marriage?”

“I believe that was the objective in mind,” Namjoon said.

“Who is it?” Jeongguk asked. “Who’s the poor noblewoman? Or is it the Princess? I remember the King had a daughter younger than I.”

“It isn’t a woman,” Namjoon said softly. “The rumours of your romantic preferences have travelled far, Jeongguk-ah.”

Jeongguk licked his lips with a drying tongue. “Who is it then.”

The King’s eldest son, His Royal Highness, Prince Kim Taehyung.”

What,” Jeongguk hissed. “Why on earth would the King offer his eldest?”

“Wouldn’t Prince Kim Taehyung be the first in line to the throne?” Yoongi asked. “Is he unfitting to rule?”

“Didn’t Prince Kim Taehyung publicly renounce his claim to the throne?” Seokjin asked.

“He did. Four years ago,” Namjoon answered. “The King of Attalia announced his daughter as Crown Princess and heir apparent just recently.”

Namjoon stood, walking towards a large painting of blooming pink flowers hanging on the far wall. He felt underneath a corner of the rose gold frame for a button. When the tactician found it, the painting slid upwards, revealing a built-in flat screen TV. The man pulled up a picture from his tablet onto the screen then.

It was a young man with blond hair, a bright smile, and soft brown eyes that met the camera’s scrutiny with ease and confidence. He strolled down the cobblestone streets of the Sky City Marsylle, the capital of Attalia, unperturbed by paparazzi, even going as far as waving with a boxy grin. He was also, without doubt, handsome.

“On the contrary, Prince Kim Taehyung is well-loved by the people,” Namjoon said. “He has created several charities and educational scholarships in his family’s name. His popularity is unrivalled, and he is said to be well-learnt. He is, no doubt, a very eligible bachelor. But – ”


“Why must there be a catch?”

“This is a picture of him from three years ago.”

“Three years ago,” Jeongguk repeated. Namjoon would not have emphasised such a detail if it were of no importance. “What of now.”

The Tactician flipped to another image. The Prince appeared older now, perhaps a little taller, still impeccably dressed and undeniably beautiful. His eyes were closed though, but not as if the camera had caught to Prince mid-blink, but as though he had kept them closed. A sweet smile still played on his lips, and he held onto the arm of an equally handsome man with silver hair.

“This is one of the more recent pictures,” Namjoon explained. “The Prince does not make as many public appearances as he used too.”

“And why is that?”

“There is a legend surrounding the Attalian Royal Family that goes back thousands of years,” Namjoon started.

“Oh boy,” Hoseok muttered, suddenly slouching in his seat and glancing at the watch on his wrist. “I have a feeling that this is going to be a long story.”

“It’s quite fascinating.”

“I’m sure it is, Joonie,” Seokjin consoled. “But now maybe isn’t the time.”

“I’d like a really, really short summary,” Jeongguk agreed.

Namjoon sighed. “There is a legend that when a member of the Attalian Royal Family, those bearing the blood of House Chrsyantheme, becomes of age they are given an opportunity to receive a blessing or a gift by the gods. Generations have passed since someone has taken this blessing because there is always a heavy price, there are little written records regarding it. Speculation has it that Prince Kim Taehyung took the blessing.”

“What was the blessing?” Yoongi asked.

“I don’t know. There are rumours though, mainly on cultish websites... but some say that it’s clairvoyance, others say he has the gift of healing. No matter the Prince has gained quite a title for himself: Prince Kim Taehyung of Attalia, Blood of the Oracle.”

“What was the cost?” Jeongguk asked.

Namjoon hesitated. “It’s rumoured to be his eyesight. The Prince is blind as of three years ago.”

Jeongguk’s mouth fell open, and a shallow breath escaped.

“This isn’t some cover-up story for an illness that took the Prince is it?” Seokjin asked.

Namjoon shook his head. “I don’t know, honestly. But Attalia has always been a mystery: how is it that a mass of land can float in the air if it is not for magic?”

Silence. Jeongguk struggled to absorb all the information. A blind prince blessed with a gift from the gods. An alliance. A marriage. His own marriage.

“What does the Attalian King expect?” Jeongguk started. “Does he want his son to rule beside me as my Prince Consort?’ Does he want me to take his son as a lover? As a – a mistress?”

His closest advisors were brothers to him, older and wiser than the young king despite how high and mighty he might act.

“What do you think?” Jeongguk asked. “What should I do.”

“In the King’s own words,” Namjoon began, “he only asked that you consider the Prince as first and foremost a friend.”

“You are young, Jeongguk-ah,” Seokjin said in an almost motherly tone. “You’re only twenty-two, forced to grow up too quickly in your position. Perhaps, it wouldn’t hurt to invite the Attalian Prince to court. You may grow to like him.”

“Attalia may be a valuable ally, Cousin,” Hoseok agreed. Yoongi nodded, patting Jeongguk on the shoulder.

Jeongguk sighed, picking up his spoon again and twirling it in his hand. “Send word to the Attalian King that I would like to invite Prince Kim Taehyung to the Crown City. Hoseok-hyung, later today, I want to discuss our options for sending a fleet of airships to Attalia. Perhaps our presence will discourage the Empire from invading the coastal regions of Iaryen as well.”

“Of course, Cousin,” Hoseok said.

“Who is the Prince with, by the way?” Seokjin asked, glancing back at the picture on the TV screen.

“He’s the Guardian and Royal Protectorate of the Prince: Park Jimin of House Turnesol,” Namjoon said.

Yoongi suddenly spluttered on his coffee, spewing drops of liquid all over the white placemat and his equally white dress shirt. “Ah, sh*t.”


Hello Everyone!

This is my first fanfiction for the BTS Fandom and it probably won't be my last. Seriously, all I wanted to was to know their names and now THIS happens.

If you guys like the story, please, please comment. It means the world to me.

Thank you!

Chapter 2: augenblick


a u g e n b l i c k

(n.) lit. “in the blink of an eye”: a ‘decisive moment’ in time that is fleeting, yet momentously eventful and incredibly significant.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

a u g e n b l i c k

It was almost 3 PM when Jeongguk and his closets advisors stopped to take a break for afternoon tea. The young King had his attention set on his phone, taping away at some mindless rhythm game. The newscast droned in the background beyond Jeongguk’s peripheral vision from where he sat slouched over the dark-coloured, leather settee with his feet propped on the ottoman.

Yoongi was stretched out on the chaise lounge chair by the window, napping like a cat in the light of the afternoon sun. Namjoon, also deciding to take a nap, lay sprawled over the navy, suede sofa with his head pillowed in Seokjin’s lap. The oldest affectionately threaded his fingers through his dozing lover’s hair, though his attention was on the news broadcast with a plate of sweets and a cup of coffee at his side.

“We are live at the Air Terminal for the arrival of High Royal Highness, Prince Kim Taehyung of Attalia,” the reporter announced. “His Highness’ arrival marks the first foreign visit that he’s made since his departure from the public eye three years ago. Many speculate that the Prince was recovering from an illness that took his eyesight. But the people of the Floating Isles are more inclined to believe that the Royal had received an alleged blessing by the Gods. Neither the Prince or the Royal Family has commented on the matter. ”

Jeongguk glanced up from his phone. He had made the executive call to allow press to report the arrival of the Attalian Prince. If this was the Prince’s first foreign appearance since he lost his sight, perhaps allowing the press to report this was not the best decision.

“Alleged?” Seokjin repeated. “What does that mean? The Prince did receive a blessing, right?”

“Supposedly,” Namjoon murmured, having been awake enough to listen to the news. “Aside from the legends and myths of Attalia that date back thousands of years, there isn’t much proof that a such gifts by the gods even exist. But like I said, the Floating Isles is shrouded in mystery and myth, especially the Royal Family. Doubt is sure to come.”

Jeongguk himself couldn’t help but doubt the legitimacy of the claim of a blessing. The King had done some research in the weeks leading up to the Prince’s arrival to court. But his research bore little fruit: all the information on the Attalian Prince was old, dating three years ago just as Namjoon said. The man kept to himself after the so-called blessing.

“No matter, I believe the blessing to be real and the Prince’s gift is a powerful one,” Namjoon said.

“Why?” Jeongguk asked.

“I think there is more to the King of Attalia’s insistence on an alliance,” Namjoon continued. He sat up, blinking and rubbing away the grogginess from his eyes. “When I spoke to him on your behalf, Jeongguk, it sounded as though he was reluctant in suggesting his son in a marital union.”

“What do you mean?”

“It’s like –” Namjoon paused, scratching his chin in thought, “like the King was playing a game of chess against the Empire, and he was deciding to put the queen into a vulnerable position – like he was putting his most powerful piece at risk.”

“Alright,” Jeongguk started. “If the blind Prince is the queen piece, when what is Naissus. What am I to the King of Attalia?”

Namjoon stood, walking over to the side table where the single serve coffee machine sat, picking out a pod from the wide selection that the servants had laid out.

“The King of Attalia knew that it was risky to bring the queen out onto the board so early in the game, but it was a chance he had to make,” Namjoon said. He turned around to face the young King, leaning against the table as he waited for his drink to finish brewing. “But he wanted to ensure that the queen was protected by a powerful knight.”

Jeongguk scoffed. “So, I am now reduced to a knight?”

“In this game of chess against the Empire, yes,” Namjoon said.

“Why do you have to relate everything to some sort of gloomy chess analogy?” Yoongi said, words slurred from his half-awake-half-asleep state, the advisor had probably been woken up from his nap by the chatter. “Why must everything in politics be compared to the most boring game in the world?”

Jeongguk reached for a sweet potato pastry on the tray atop the coffee table, chewing on the inside of his lip in thought.

On the TV screen, the Attalian airship had just lowered the stairs as a sleek black car pulled up at alongside the aircraft. Jeongguk easily recognized the familiar orange-hair man who had stepped out of the driver’s seat, he had personally asked Hoseok to escort the Prince back to the palace, trusting few but his King’s Circle.

The doors of the airship opened then, and the first to emerge was the silver-haired man: Park Jimin, the Prince’s guard. He was dressed in a fine black suit and sunglasses, lips pressed into a stern line. The man surveyed the area before stepping to the side of the platform, lips forming words as he held an arm out.

Then the Prince appeared, dressed in black slacks, a creamy white turtleneck, and a navy wool jacket. He wore a soft smile on his lips, eyes closed though, and left hand reaching for Park Jimin’s right arm. The Prince’s fingers rested on the crook of the guard’s elbow as they started down the steps. The Prince followed his guard, always just half a step behind, he waved at the press with his free hand, probably using the sounds of the clicking cameras as a guide.

The cameras zoomed in on the foreign royal as Hoseok greeted the Prince with a low bow at the base of the steps. The Prince said something and Hoseok nodded in agreement, but it was not something that the cameras were able to record. But before long, the Commander General had opened the car door and when the blond-haired prince and his silver-haired guard disappeared inside the black car, the news flashed back to the reporter in the studio.

“It’s unclear as to the nature of the Prince’s visit to Aurea, our sources believe that it is simply a vacation. However, the Crown has said little on the manner.”

“I wish we knew what the Prince’s gift was,” Seokjin said, “It may prove useful to us.”

Namjoon hummed his agreement, glanced at his watch and frowning at the time.

“We have a meeting with the Royal Hospital committee,” Namjoon sighed, running a hand through ash-blond hair.

“I know,” Seokjin replied. “I didn’t forget, we still have time.”

“Thank you for seeing to the gala, Jin-hyung,” Jeongguk said.

“Of course,” Seokjin said, “it’s an honour and a privilege to be a patron for the new hospital.”

Jeongguk’s phone chimed, and when he went to check it, Hoseok had texted him giving him a twenty-minute warning before the Prince was due to arrive to the palace.

“Come on, Yoongi,” Jeongguk called, retrieving his pinstripe blazer from where he tossed it. “We have 20 minutes before the arrival of our honoured guest.”

Yoongi muttered something unintelligible under his breath, rolling off the chair and stretching. He snatched a red bean bun from the tray and took a sip of Namjoon’s coffee before stumbling out the door after the King.

When the young King and his advisor arrived at the doors of the throne room, Jeongguk nodded at the guards who pulled the double doors open for him and Yoongi.

The throne room was empty. The King’s footsteps on the marble floors echoed loudly in the high ceiling space.
Jeongguk ascended the stairs with Yoongi just steps behind him. The Right Hand stopped and took his place at the base of the second staircase, folding his hands behind his back. Jeongguk then took his place on the throne, sitting where his mother sat before him, and his father before her.

The throne of Naissus sat upon a dais separated by two flights of stairs, framed by intricate metal work that created a golden halo around the monarch. Jeongguk hated it. He wanted to have the throne room renovated, to lower the dais and remove the metalwork. But Namjoon objected, stating that it would be unwise to tamper with the years of history and tradition that this room stood for.

Jeongguk could hear footsteps outside the room now. He squared his shoulders and straightened his back just as the doors opened.

Hoseok entered, nodding subtly at Jeongguk and Yoongi before making his announcement. “His Highness, Kim Taehyung of the Divine House of Chrysantheme, First Prince of Attalia, and Lord Park Jimin of House Turnesol, Crownsguard of the First Prince.”

Jeongguk crossed his legs, elbows resting on the arms of the throne as he laced his fingers together in an attempt to appear relaxed. He was undeniably nervous when the Prince entered. This was not just another guest at his court, not another noble that he had to appease. This was someone who could be standing at his side ruling Naissus – standing at his side as his partner.

Park Jimin appeared first at the threshold of the door, stepping into the throne room with the Prince half-a-step behind and his hand on the guard’s shoulder. They ascended the stairs with ease, the Prince’s steps never faltering. When Park Jimin stopped at the center of the platform, the Prince stepped forward, his footsteps sounding sure in the silent room as he placed his right hand over his heart, bowing at the waist a full ninety degrees.

Park Jimin mimicked the greeting.

“You stand in the presence of His Majesty the King of Naissus, Jeon Jeongguk of the Ancient House Cepheus,” Yoongi announced.

“It is an honour to meet you, Your Majesty,” the Prince said. His voice was thick like treacle, deep and throaty. His words lingered, floating like a hypnotic wave. “Thank you for inviting me to your court.”

The prince was breathtakingly gorgeous.

Then Yoongi caught Jeongguk’s attention out of the corner of his eye. The advisor had balled his hands into tight fists behind his back. When Jeongguk shifted his eyes back to the Attalian prince and his guard, he realised that Park Jimin’s eyes were focused solely on Yoongi. The guard stared wide-eyed, lips falling open with almost child-like shock, Park Jimin then snapped his head away, blinking rapidly.

“Yes.” Jeongguk replied. “Indeed. I hope you will find your stay at Aurea pleasant.”

The King ensured that his voice reverberated throughout the room, hoping that it would drown his ceaseless thoughts as he tried to focus.

“Your journey must have been tiring. Lord Hoseok will show you to your accommodations at the palace. I hope you will do me the honour of joining me for dinner tonight.”

The Prince grinned, “It would be my privilege, Your Majesty.”

Once the Prince had left, door slamming shut behind him loudly, Jeongguk sagged in his seat.

“So,” he started, watching as Yoongi pulled out his phone, no doubt making a note to let the kitchen staff know of the extra guests at the King’s table tonight.

“So,” Yoongi repeated.

“If I didn’t know any better – which I actually don’t – I’d say that there was something going on between you and Park Jimin.”

Yoongi stopped typing, shoving his phone and both hands into his pockets. He slowly made his way up the rest of the stairs, stopping in front of Jeongguk. The Right Hand licked his lips, taking a deep breath.

“You remember what I told you before your ascension?” he asked.

“Of course,” Jeongguk replied.

When the young King prepared for his ascension to the throne, his first task was appointing those his trusted as members of the King’s Circle. He appointed Yoongi with the position as his closest advisor, despite the protests from several Noble Houses of Naissus on the account that Yoongi was not one of them.

The man was not Naissian.

Yoongi arrived at court twelve years ago at the age of sixteen, and was adopted into House Eridanus by the Queen Mother herself. It was a trying time; the late King had fallen to the plague and Jeongguk was too young to take the throne at the age of ten. So, his mother ruled in his place as reagent.

She adopted Yoongi into her family, raising him along side Jeongguk as an older brother, hoping to groom the intelligent young man into someone who could stand by Jeongguk’s side as an advisor. The court was less than thrilled to house the foreigner, and Yoongi refused to speak of his past to anyone, Jeongguk included. But when Jeongguk had asked Yoongi to be his Right Hand, Yoongi decided it was time to reveal everything. Today, outside of the King’s Circle, few know of the Right Hand’s origins.

“As I have told you, my family was part of the Attalian nobility.”

“Did the Prince know you?”

“My family wasn’t high enough to be part of the King’s Circle, and the Prince was young when I left. So, no. I don’t think so,” Yoongi explained. “But perhaps now he will, if Park Jimin decided to tell him anything.”

“How do you know Park Jimin?”

“We were… friends,” Yoongi mumbled. “He was only twelve then. I didn’t think he would remember me.”

“Well, clearly, he did,” Jeongguk scoffed. “Is that why you swore in front of Jin-hyung a couple weeks ago? Cause you realized that Park Jimin could be coming here?”

“I didn’t think I’d ever see him again,” Yoongi mumbled, sitting down on the arm rest of Jeongguk’s throne, arms crossed and eyes closed. As if he was reminiscing of a time long past. “I don’t know if he’ll understand why I left.”

“Did you love him?” Jeongguk asked softly.

Yoongi snorted. “I was sixteen, what did I know of love but raging teenage hormones?”

“Ever the romantic,” Jeongguk muttered, rolling his eyes.

The doors suddenly opened again, and an attendant stepped in. “The Lord Chancellor, Your Majesty.”

“Ah, Jeongguk, Yoongi-hyung,” Namjoon greeted. “How did the meeting go?”

“Well enough,” Jeongguk replied, stepping down the dais. “He’ll be joining us for dinner tonight, too.”

“Excellent,” Namjoon said. “I just finished the meeting with the Royal Hospital committee and I wanted to finalize our plans for the gala with you. Jin-hyung is waiting.”

“If it’s about the catering, Jin-hyung is going to be much more useful that this idiot,” Yoongi retorted. “This one eats everything.”

Jeongguk scowled, shoving his brother off the throne.

“No, it’s about the guest list,” Namjoon said. “There were some individuals that you might want to invite, but Jin-hyung wants both your opinions first.”

“Well, let’s get going,” Jeongguk said, shoving his hands into his pockets and sauntering after Namjoon, looking forward to dinner for more than just the food.


Additional Information:
All the Noble Houses in Naissus are named after constellations in Greek. The Noble Houses of Attalia are named after flowers in French.

Jeon Jeongguk
House: The Ancient House Cepheus (The King)
Title: King of Naissus
Age: 22

Kim Namjoon
House: Auriga (The Charioteer)
Title: Lord Chancellor, Duke of Pietas (Roman Goddess of Duty)
Position: Member of the King’s Circle, Member of the King’s Privy Council
Age: 26

Kim Seokjin
House: Ophiuchus (The Physician)
Title: Duke of Concordia (Roman Goddess of Agreement)
Position: Physician, Member of the King’s Circle, Member of the King’s Privy Council
Age: 29

Min Yoongi
House: Eridanus (The River) - adopted into
Title: Right Hand of the King, Earl of Libertas (Roman Goddess of Freedom)
Position: Member of the King’s Circle, Jeongguk’s Adopted Brother
Age: 28

Jung Hoseok
House: Orion (The Hunter)
Title: Commander General, Heir Apparent to Marquis of Spes (Roman Goddess of Hope)
Position: Member of the King’s Circle, Cousin of the King
Age: 26


Kim Taehyung
House: The Divine House Chrysantheme (Chrysanthemum)
Title: First Prince of Attalia, Duke of MûrierSauvage (Blackberry)
Age: 24

Park Jimin
House: Turnesol (Sunflower)
Title: Heir Apparent to Marquis of Châtaigne (Chestnut)
Position: Royal Guard and Protectorate
Age: 24

The Countries:

These countries and places are purely fictional. I either made them up, took the names from cities of antiquity, or stole them from the Final Fantasy series.

Orivalian Empire
Capital City: Rossarya, the Treasure of Orivala
Royal Family: House Cerebryn
The Emperor of Orivala is an ambitious man who desires to unite the continent of Iaryen under his banner, however, the Crown Prince desires more than just the continent.
Based on the British Empire.

Attalia, the Floating Isles
Capital City: Marsylle, the Sky City
Royal Family: House Chrysantheme
A country that floats above the Offing Sea. It tries to maintain neutrality, but due to events decided to ally with the Kingdom of Naissus. Attalia is known for its stunning architecture, scenic views, and strong artistic culture.
Based off the architecture and culture of France and Switzerland in real life and the Skycity of Bhujerba in Final Fantasy XXII.

Capital City: Aurea, the Crown City
Royal Family: House Cepheus
Naissus is a country that rules the territories on the continent of Duscae. It's known for its modern technology and powerful airfleet.
Based on modern day South Korea, London, and Tokyo

Chapter 3: wissensdurst


w i s s e n s d u r s t

(n.) a feeling one gets in craving an answer to a burning question or displaying curiosity, inquisitiveness or a unique desire to learn, a thirst for knowledge

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

w i s s e n s d u r s t

It was later that evening when the butler arrived at the young king’s study to announce that dinner was ready. Jeongguk spent the last couple of hours after the meeting about the gala reading over some documents he had put off.

Jeongguk stretched, massaging his temples as he shut the door of his study behind him, feeling drained as he made his way to the private dining hall.

Hoseok caught him in the hallway, eyebrows raising as he looked up and down the King.

“You look a little worse for wear there, cousin,” the Commander General commented.

Jeongguk rolled his eyes, “You try listening to Namjoon-hyung and Yoongi-hyung argue for thirty minutes on the pros and cons of inviting the Dowager Countess of Lyra to the hospital gala. Then tell me how you feel.”

“Touchy, touchy,” Hoseok tsked. “Maybe you should straighten your shirt up a bit; we do have company this evening after all.”

Jeongguk almost forgot. He stopped, checking his appearance in the reflection cast by the dark window. He had abandoned his tie and blazer in his study, and his shirt fell untucked from his trousers. His hair was also disgustingly dishevelled, brown locks sticking straight up against his forehead and ears. He quickly smoothed down his hair, tucking his shirt in and buttoning it up to the collar. Jeongguk considered running back to the study to retrieve his blazer for a moment.

“Wait, the Prince is – is blind. It shouldn’t matter how I look.”

“Yeah, but his Crownsguard isn’t blind,” Hoseok replied. “He would probably describe to the Prince in perfect detail how the King of Naissus looks like an absolute slob.”

“I’ll meet you in the drawing room, hyung. I’m going to get my jacket.”

“I’m kidding,” Hoseok said, tossing an arm around the younger man before he could double back. “Besides, it would be rude to keep our guest waiting.”

“Did the trip back to the palace go smoothly?” Jeongguk asked. They both fell into a steady stroll with Hoseok’s arm still resting on his younger cousin’s shoulders.

“It was uneventful,” Hoseok said. “I took your Porsche. The media might enjoy the personal touch.”

“I know, I watched their arrival on TV.”

“Hm,” Hoseok hummed. “Then you’ve seen how close Park Jimin and the Prince are. The pair are attached at the hip. I never saw Park Jimin stand more than a foot away from the other.”

“What’s the Prince like?”

“He’s kind. Sweet. Greeted me with a smile and began addressing me as ‘Hoseok-hyung”. Asked me to call him by name, too,” Hoseok said.

It was then that the pair arrived at the double doors leading into the Clio drawing room.

The Palace of Sol was the official residence of the Naissian royal family in the city of Aurea. The massive palace housed centuries of history, priceless heirlooms, and numerous works of art that hung in the hundreds of rooms. The Clio drawing room was one of the many staterooms within the castle but by far the smallest. It was the most sparsely decorated too after Jeongguk had nearly all the paintings moved to the one of the galleries and the entire room stripped down and modernized with soft paint colours, dark leather couches, an electric fireplace, and a massive flat-screen TV. The only painting that the young king chose to keep was the portrait of his late father.

Hoseok always teased Jeongguk for rejecting the flamboyance and extravagance of royalty, as Jeongguk often chose to take his meals in the private dining room attached to the Clio room rather than the main hall or – heaven forbid – the state dining hall with tables large enough to comfortably fit several hundred guests. He preferred the intimacy of the small room with a table just large enough to sit his closest members of the court as well as the occasional guests. But with the arrival of the Attalian Prince, there must be some semblance of tradition and etiquette. Which was why they gathered in the drawing room first.

Namjoon and Yoongi were already in the room, lounging with their phones in hand and the TV humming in the background. The two barely moved to acknowledge Jeongguk and Hoseok as the footman announced the King’s arrival.

The young King joined his brother on the couch. Yoongi grunted, wiggling towards the armrest to avoid being squished by the younger man.

“Where’s Jin-hyung?” Hoseok asked.

“Still in the infirmary,” Namjoon replied. “A guard dislocated his arm during training, Jin-hyung has to put it back.”

“Will he make it in time for dinner?”

“I don’t think so,” Namjoon replied.

“So, it’ll just be us and Prince Taehyung and his guard.”

“Hm,” Namjoon agreed. He set his phone down, crossing his legs and turning towards the young King. “What do you think of the Prince?”

“I don’t know,” Jeongguk said. “We only exchanged formalities in the throne room. I can’t formulate an opinion on just that. He looks just like he does in the pictures, I guess.”

“Well, I saw him by the grand entrance earlier,” Namjoon said.

“What was he doing?”

“Counting the number of steps there were on the grand staircase,” Namjoon said. “It would make sense that he’d want to familiarize himself with the layout of the palace, especially given his circ*mstances. There were some of the staff around too, just passing by. Then I saw him trip when he missed a step, and the staff nearly jumped out of their skin rushing to his aide.”

“He is a prince, why wouldn’t they?”

“No one would jump to help the Jeongguk if he fell, and he’s the King,” Yoongi reasoned. “They’d be laughing their asses off.”

Jeongguk harrumphed, elbowing Yoongi in the side.

“The Prince had his guard with him though,” Namjoon argued. “There was no need.”

“He’s rather endearing, though,” Hoseok chuckled.

“Exactly, he’s exceptionally charming and enthusiastic,” Namjoon continued, lips pursing into a thin line. “And he knows that. There is a reason why he is adored by the public.”

“What are you suggesting, Namjoon?” Yoongi asked.

“I’m just warning you to be on your guard around Prince Taehyung,” Namjoon said. “Or he’ll have you wrapped around his little finger.”

The footman opened the doors of the drawing room then, stepping in and announcing: “His Highness, the First Prince of Attalia and Lord Park Jimin.”

The Prince entered, and as Jeongguk seen before, with fingers curled around Park Jimin’s arm. The Crownsguard looked intimidating as ever in pitch black, and the Prince had changed too, opting for a sapphire-blue dress shirt tucked into black slacks. His blond hair fell over his forehead, brushing against eyelids that seemed as though they’ll stay forever closed.

“Your Majesty,” the Prince greeted softly.

“Prince Taehyung, Park Jimin-ssi,” Jeongguk returned, he glanced around the room, seeing the other men had risen from their seats as well.

“I assume there are more joining us for dinner?” the Prince asked, probably hearing the shuffling around the room.

“Ah, yes, just my closest advisors.”

The Prince let go of Park Jimin’s arm, stepping in front of the guard as Jeongguk introduced each of the three present gentlemen, giving precise descriptions of where they all stood in front of the Prince.

The blond-haired man held his hand out, shaking hands with each man in turn.

“Ah, and lastly, the man to your left is my brother and Right Hand of the King, Min Yoongi.”

The Attalian Prince took a confident step to the left, hand once again hovering for a handshake. Park Jimin had mirrored the Prince, shaking hands with each man before hovering protectively behind the Prince when he stood before Yoongi.

“It’s a pleasure to meet you, Your Highness,” Yoongi said, grasping the Prince’s proffered hand.

“And you, Min Yoongi-ssi,” the Prince said. The Prince stepped aside, as Park Jimin took his place to shake Yoongi’s hand.

“Min Yoongi-ssi,” the guard greeted. Out of the corner of his eye, Jeongguk saw Namjoon’s eyebrow raise. It was not hard to miss the hostile way that Park Jimin spat Yoongi’s name. It wouldn’t long before theLord Chancellor figured out that Park Jimin shared a history with the Right-Hand Man.

“Shall we go through to the dining room,” Jeongguk asked, attempting to deflect the attention away from his adopted brother.

“Yes,” the Prince said, head turning towards Jeongguk’s voice, as he found Park Jimin’s arm again. “Lets.”

Dinner was a quiet affair, they all avoided talk of internal politics while in the presence of a foreigner, but the conversation flowed smoothly, especially when the Prince asked so many questions: what are summers like in Naissus? How big is Aurea? Are there any festivals?

Jeongguk remained out of the conversation, allowing Namjoon and Hoseok to answer the Prince’s endless questions. Soon, the Attalian Prince was addressing both Namjoon and Hoseok as ‘hyung.’ Yoongi occasionally pipped in a remark, but for the most part, let Hoseok animatedly tell the Prince about a game played during the Autumn’s Eve Festival.

The young King found himself fascinated by the Attalian Prince’s mannerisms.

When the servants brought the first course to the table – a creamy looking soup – Jeongguk hesitated, wondering if he should tell the Prince what was served. But before he could, Park Jimin had leaned towards the Prince, lips close to the other’s ear as he whispered. The Prince nodded, fingers sliding across the edge of the table and brushing against the handles of the silverware until he found the soup spoon. Park Jimin must have mapped out the entire table for the Prince in his whispers.

The Prince had such an effortless grace in his movements, long fingers ghosting over the silverware and brushing against the base of his glass of wine before wrapping around the stem.

“Min Yoongi-ssi,” the Prince called, pulling Jeongguk out of his observations. “You are of House Eridanus, correct?”

“Indeed,” Yoongi said.

“Then, I wonder if my ears are deceiving me,” Prince Taehyung mused, “but I swear, you have an Attalian accent when speaking the common language.”

In a matter of a single conversation, the Prince had managed to uncover a secret that Yoongi had spent years trying to hide.

Jeongguk had to hold back to urge to whip his head towards his brother. The Prince may be blind, but his guard was not, and if the king showed any sign of alarm it would be suspicious. The Right-Hand, however, showed no indication of unease. He had prepared for the case that his origins were discovered.

“You have a good ear, Your Highness,” Yoongi said, placing his silverware down and reaching for his glass of wine.

“I was born in Attalia, in the capital of Marsylle. I am not part of the aristocracy, though. My mother was an art historian with a love for travel. She found a position as a curator in a project cataloging the heirlooms at the Palace of Aurea here in Naissus and the family up and moved. My mother passed away when the epidemic arrived in Naissus twelve years ago, and my father soon followed with a heart attack. It was the Queen Mother who took me in afterwards.”

The story was not far from the truth – though it was Yoongi’s own interest in the arts that caught the Queen Mother’s eyes.

The Prince did have a delicate accent when speaking, words coloured with soft, lyrical intonations of syllables and slurring of ‘w’s into ‘v’s. Yoongi too had a similar accent, especially when the Right-Hand man was tired.

“I am sorry for your loss, Min Yoongi-ssi,” the Prince said, lowering his head. “Are you parents buried in Attalia or Naissus?”

“Naissus,” Yoongi replied. “It is where they consider home to be.”

“If I may, I’d like to visit their graves,” Taehyung asked.

It was then that Jeongguk looked up from his meal, reaching for his own drink. He caught his brother’s stunned stare at the Prince, eyes widening in surprise before softening into an almost fond smile.

“I think it should make them very happy, Your Highness.”

“Taehyung,” the Prince said. “I’d like it if you’d call me Taehyung, if I may call you Yoongi-hyung.”

“Of course, Taehyung.”

With that, Jeongguk knew exactly what Namjoon had meant.

The First Prince of Attalia was charming indeed.

* * *

After dinner, they all retired to the drawing room again where Yoongi took to pouring the men a glass of scotch before quickly downing his and disappearing, muttering something about catching up on sleep. Namjoon left his glass on a table, stating loudly that he was going to bring dinner to Seokjin. Hoseok stayed for a bit before declaring that he too needed to get some work done, abandoning the King alone in the presence of the Attalian Prince and his guardian.

The Prince sat on the sofa with his legs crossed and both hands resting on his knees, effortlessly balancing the glass of alcohol. Behind the sofa, Jimin stood, silently hovering behind his charge, the picture of calm with one hand around the rocks glass and the other in his pocket.

Jeongguk raised his glass to his lips, swallowing the burning alcohol in one gulp as he regarded the pair.

“I hope that you are not regretting inviting me to court, Your Grace,” the Prince said.

“Why would I regret such a thing?”

“You were rather quiet a dinner,” the Prince said with a coy smile.

“You’ll have to forgive me, Prince Taehyung,” Jeongguk said. “My thoughts were preoccupied.”

“If I may be so bold to ask for permission to address you by name, Your Grace?”

“Of course,” Jeongguk replied. “If I may do the same.”

“Of course,” the Prince echoed, “Jeongguk.”

The King’s name effortlessly rolled off Taehyung’s tongue, his pronunciation painted with the hues and flowers of the Attalian accent.

“Taehyung,” Jeongguk said, the Prince’s name falling from his lips in a soft breath.

Taehyung’s lips quiver before a lopsided grin appears.

“Once again, I must thank you for accepting me here as your guest, Jeongguk,” Taehyung said. “It is an honour that you will consider an alliance with Attalia.”

“Consider?” Jeongguk said.

“Of course,” Taehyung continued. “I will not force a union onto you if you wish it not.”

“Won’t the King of Attalia be displeased if an alliance is not made?” Jeongguk asked.

“You think my father cruel?” Taehyung asked softly. “It was not my father who suggested an alliance with Naissus, but I.”


“I hope to be a good friend to you, Jeongguk,” Taehyung said. “If not more.”

The blond Prince stood, raising his glass up in a toast before bringing it to his lips.

Jeongguk, mirrored the movement, eyes following the dip of Taehyung’s Adam’s apple as he tossed the alcohol back in one gulp.

“And I you, Taehyung.”

“You were wrong about your little chess game, Namjoon-hyung,” Jeongguk said to the tactician. “It wasn’t the King of Attalia who’s moving the pieces, but Taehyung himself.”

“Is that so,” Namjoon mused. “It’s not so hard to believe, though is it? Now that you’ve met the prince?”

“No, not hard to believe at all.”

“Why did I ever agree to become your Right Hand?” Yoongi murmured.

The older man lay across the sofa in Jeongguk’s living room, mumbling curses as joints cracked when he stretched. It had been nearly two weeks since the first dinner with Taehyung. Jeongguk had spent most of the time travelling between cities in Naissus attending public events and meetings.

Jeongguk collapsed in the chair opposite, curling up with his legs thrown haphazardly over the arm of the chair.

The King’s duties usually lasted well into the evening, so much so that he had been eating dinner in his private chambers at nearly midnight for the past couple of days and tonight was no different.

“I could have been living quietly as your adopted brother in the lap of luxury, spending my days sleeping or in the Euterpe Room. Why am I here.”

Yoongi dialled a number on his phone, calling the staff to request a late dinner be brought to King’s chambers. Jeongguk pulled out his phone while waiting, skimming through his newsfeed which was filled with the latest reports of the Orivalian Empire’s progress and pictures of the Attalian Prince walking through the streets of Aurea.

He had little time to see Taehyung in the past weeks, and when he could, it was only in media reports about the Attalian Prince. Taehyung had apparently been frequenting the local bakeries and parks, stopping to chat with the common folk. The media absolutely loved him: the kind, blind Prince who’s stealing the hearts of the Crown City.

When Jeongguk learned of Taehyung’s frequent outings, he made quick work to notify Hoseok, ensuring that the Prince had a chauffeur to take him where he wanted to go and extra guards to follow him.

But with all the attention that Taehyung gartered, so did the rumours and questions about the Prince’s business in Naissus. Many officials asked Jeongguk about the Prince’s presence in the city, and Jeongguk deflected every single inquiry.

Once the young King addresses the potential alliance with Attalia, then the official courtship between the First Prince of Attalia and the King of Naissus begins. When that news travels, it would be Attalia’s first move in retaliation against the Empire with Naissus backing them.

Jeongguk wanted to assure himself that this was the decision he was willing to make.

Jeongguk exited out of the news app, tapping into his current favourite mindless phone game. He wanted to take his mind off matters at hand, but something bothered him.

A lingering question that he couldn’t answer but needed the answer to.

“Hyung, what do you think Taehyung’s gift is.”

Yoongi grunted, shifting to his stomach, pulling his torso onto the arm of the sofa. He blinked blearily, dark hair falling into his eyes.

“Why the sudden interest?”

“It’s been two weeks since Taehyung arrived at court,” Jeongguk said. “The Privy Council already suspect the truth of his visit, but those old men demand a clear answer as to why the First Prince of Attalia is at court. There is only so much Namjoon-hyung can say before they get restless.”

“I don’t know why Taehyung’s powers relate to trouble with the Privy Council,” Yoongi said. “Besides, why don’t you just ask him yourself?”

“How?” Jeongguk nearly shouted. “‘Taehyung, I need to know if you have some sort of supernatural ability or the alliance is off.’”

“Why would you call off the alliance?”

“Because – cause –”

“Because he’s actually blind without some sort of special ability?” Yoongi finished. “That’s not good enough of a reason, besides you like him. I’ve seen the way you drool at the pictures of him in the news.”


“And how fast you called Hoseok when you realized that Taehyung was going out with just Park Jimin as his guard. Man, Namjoon was right to warn you.”

Jeongguk fisted a handful of the silky pillow squished underneath his hip and whipped it at the older man.

Yoongi spluttered as the pillow made contact. “Respect your elders, brat!”

“Respect your king,” Jeongguk retorts tiredly. “But that’s not the point. What if it doesn’t work out?”

“You mean a relationship with Taehyung?”


“That’s fine,” Yoongi said. “This is the modern century. No one is forcing you into an arranged marriage you do not want, Jeongguk. Especially me. Remember what the King of Attalia said: he wanted you to see his son as a friend.”

Yoongi sat up, the knocking on the door indicating that dinner had arrived. The older man thanked the woman who brought the cart and wheeled it into the room himself, shutting the door quietly behind him.

“An alliance with Attalia could prove extremely beneficial,” Yoongi continued, sitting down on the sofa again and handing Jeongguk a pair of chopsticks and a spoon. “But it’s up to you, kid. I think it’s smart to deflect the questions for now – but there is nothing wrong with actively pursuing a relationship.”

Jeongguk ate in silence, shoving meat and rice into his mouth as an excuse not to reply to Yoongi.

“Oh, and I forgot to mention: Taehyung did visit the fake graves. He left a bouquet of white peonies and carnations.”

“Did he?” Jeongguk murmured with his mouth still full. “Hyung, could you tell a messenger to inform Taehyung that I’d like have lunch with him in the gardens tomorrow?”

“Of course, Jeongguk,” Yoongi said. “I’ll even clear your entire afternoon schedule.”

Taehyung and Park Jimin were already there when Jeongguk arrived in the palace gardens.

It was a pleasant day to be outdoors; the sun was just peeking behind a couple cotton white clouds today. Aurea’s spring months were mild in temperature when not rainy.

“His Majesty the King,” the guard announced as Jeongguk approached the white canopy tent raised in the middle of the flower garden. Taehyung stood, waiting for Jeongguk to arrive and take a seat before joining him. The prince was sitting at the small, round table surrounded by two wicker chairs with ivory cushions. He was dressed in a white shirt and dark-blue slacks, looking casual but fresh. Park Jimin was similarly dressed, for once foregoing the all-black ensembles for a blue-striped dress shirt and white trousers. Jeongguk felt just a bit overdressed in a light-coloured linen suit.

Jeongguk cleared his throat, “Thank you for joining me for lunch today, Taehyung,”

“The pleasure is mine,” Taehyung said.

“You must forgive me for being absent as of late,” Jeongguk said. “There were matters that took precedence.”

“Of course, the duties of a King to his country must always come first,” Taehyung said.

“I hope your stay in Aurea has been pleasant thus far.”

“The city has its charms,” Taehyung said. “It is certainly livelier than Marsylle.”

Jeongguk watched as the palace staff placed trays of finger sandwiches, scones, and quiches, greens, and pastries onto the table. Park Jimin, who stood behind Taehyung’s chair, leaned down, murmuring into the Prince’s ear again. Jeongguk pretended not to eavesdrop, pulling the bottle of rosé out of the ice cooler and uncorking it. He poured Taehyung a glass, then for himself before he hesitated.

“Could you get another chair for Park Jimin-ssi?” Jeongguk asked the footman.

“No it’s alright, Your Majesty – ” the guard began to protest.

“I insist,” Jeongguk interrupted, he filled another glass with the blush-coloured alcohol and handed it to the guard.

“Thank you, Your Grace,” the guard said, taking the glass and hesitantly sat down when the footman brought another chair.

“Say, your gardener must have a flair for flamboyance, Jeongguk,” the Prince said.

“What makes you say that?”

“He chose blooms for their appearance without taking into considering how the flowers’ scents mingle,” Taehyung said.

The Prince stood, taking a couple steady steps out from underneath the canopy. Jeongguk thought Park Jimin would have followed, believing that the guard would shadow the Prince’s every move. But the silver-haired man remained seated, fingers wrapped around the stem of his glass but his eyes fixed only on Taehyung.

“I believe there are wisterias over there,” Taehyung said, pointing in the general direction of the massive purple flowering tree. He held his head high, tilted to the side as he spoke. “Jasmines here, gardenias on the right, and… lily of the valleys behind us.”

“You’re quite accurate,” Jeongguk said. “How can you tell?”

“Their scents are rather overpowering for someone who has to rely on their other senses.”

Jeongguk didn’t venture into the flower garden often, preferring to circle the entire estate grounds on his early morning runs. Besides, his rhinitis wouldn’t make a walk through a pollen-filled path particularly enjoyable. But Jeongguk remembered how Attalia, specifically the capital city of Marsylle, was famous for its flower gardens. He hoped that the gardens of the palace might be a comfort to the Prince.

“I hope the scent is not offensive to you, Taehyung. We could always move if it is.”

“Nonsense,” Taehyung replied, turning around and flashing a pert smile. “I find it rather refreshing.”

“Tell me, did you tend to your gardens back home, Taehyung?” Jeongguk asked, plating a slice of quiche.

“Sort of,” Taehyung replied. He returned to his seat, hands wafting around him as he searched for the table, fingers softly brushing the edge and finding the arm of his chair. Park Jimin tore his eyes away from Taehyung once he was seated, reaching for scones and sandwiches.

“My mother’s summer château in Avinhon has a rose garden in my name: her gift to me on my 18th birthday. The gardeners ask for my opinion on the best blooms when I was sighted.”

“And now?”

“Not so much anymore, roses all share a very similar scent,” Taehyung said.

“Such a shame,” Jeongguk murmured softly. He did not intend to bring up the subject of Taehyung’s sight. In all honestly, Jeongguk just wanted to get to know the Prince. But curiously bubbled within him.

“May I ask you another question?” Taehyung asked.


Taehyung picked at a sandwich, tearing it into bite-sized pieces with his long fingers. Jeongguk watched as Taehyung popped it into his mouth and chewed slowly.

“Do you find me attractive, Jeongguk?”

The young King blinked dully. He reached for his glass, taking slow but steady swigs of wine to wet his dry tongue.

“Yes. I think your very attractive, Taehyung,” Jeongguk answered finally – honestly.

Taehyung’s grinned. “Shame that I didn’t see pictures of you when I was sighted. All I’ve heard were rumours of how handsome the King of Naissus was.”

“I’ve been told that I am quite easy on the eyes.”

“Is that so?” Taehyung started to move again, standing and tracing along the edge of the table towards the King. Jeongguk rose to his feet when the Prince’s shoes knocked into his own, eyebrows raised in question.

“Will you allow me to find out for myself?” Taehyung asked, with a hand outstretched.

He meant to feel.

Jeongguk swallowed hard.

“Of course,” he said, fingers slow to take the Prince’s wrist, trying not to alarm the blind man. The King then pulled the Prince’s hand towards him, soft, warm fingers brushing against his face before Taehyung pulled away.

“Wait,” Taehyung said, “it would be rude to start with your face.”

The Prince knelt before the King, fingers tracing down the length of Jeongguk’s body.

“Wha-what are you do – ”

“You can tell a lot about a person by their body,” Taehyung said, his hands patting Jeongguk’s calves. Jeongguk snapped his head over to Park Jimin, hoping that maybe the guard had some sort of explanation – or better yet, would help him get out of this mess. But all Jeongguk was met with was a nonchalant shrug as the guard continued to eat.

“You’re a runner,” Taehyung said, hands now gliding up the King’s thighs, sliding along his hips and across his waist. The flat of Taehyung’s palm pausing against Jeongguk’s stomach before a laugh fell from the Prince’s lips. “Or perhaps you like to exercise in general.”

“It’s important to keep fit to run a country,” Jeongguk managed to cough out, desperately trying to ignore the heat consuming him. Out of the corner of his eye, Jeongguk saw a smirk on Park Jimin’s face.

The Prince’s hands continued to travel up his chest and down his arms. “You have broad shoulders, long arms. Right-handed. Though I believe you’d be proficient in wielding a weapon in both.”

“If by ‘weapon’ you mean a sports racket or a pen, you’re right.”

Taehyung’s index and middle finger rested on the curve of Jeongguk’s wrist now, pressing into his pulse. They were so close, chests nearly touching as the Prince leaned closer. Jeongguk held his breath, trying hard not to stare at the shadows underneath the Prince’s eyes cast by the length of his lashes or the soft curve of rosy lips.

“Am I making you uncomfortable, Jeongguk?” Taehyung asked, his words barely above a whisper. “Or are you just attracted to me?”

“Perhaps a bit of both,” Jeongguk finally breathed.

Taehyung’s hand finally made its way to Jeongguk’s face, fingers brushing along the curves of his jaw, nose, brows, and cheeks.

“You have a strong jaw, straight nose,” Taehyung observed, “you are young.”

His index finger traced along Jeongguk’s lips, resting on the bottom corner.

“Very handsome indeed.”

Taehyung dropped his hands from the king, and Jeongguk quickly backed away, nearly falling back into the chair. Now he definitely saw Park Jimin biting his lips to hold back a full-on grin.

“Now I know the stories are true,” Taehyung said, returning to his chair and sitting down.

“What about the stories of you?” Jeongguk asked, seizing the opportunity.

“Most people, in fact, will not take the trouble to find out the truth, but are much more inclined to accept the first story they hear,” Taehyung said cryptically with a smirk as he brought the flute of rosé to his lips. “You’ll find the truth out in time.”

Jeongguk opened his mouth, attempting to get the Prince to divulge more information.

But then the flute of champagne slipped from Taehyung’s fingers, clattering onto the table and rolling into the grass with a dull thud. The sparkling liquid seeped into the ivory tablecloth and stained Taehyung’s white sleeve pale pink. Jeongguk stood, napkin in hand until he realized that the Prince still hadn’t moved.

Taehyung’s eyes were blown wide open.

In all the photographs of the Taehyung, Jeongguk remembered that the First Prince had dark-brown eyes, pools of warm brown.

But now, the prince’s irises were an icy blue, crystals of colour so wide that his pupils were barely visible.

Park Jimin was beside the Prince in an instant, kneeling in front of the blond-haired man.

“Your Highness,” Park Jimin called, grasping the Prince’s arm. “Your Highness – Taehyung, can you hear me?”

Taehyung jumped at the sound his guard’s voice, unseeing eyes flickering back and forth and fingers searching for the guard’s arm.

“Jiminie?” Taehyung called, his voice sounding scared and impossibly small.

“I’m here, Taehyung,” the guard replied reassuringly. Taehyung clutched onto the guard’s arm like a lifeline, wide eyes moving impossibly fast.

“Are – are you well, Taehyung?” Jeongguk asked carefully.

Taehyung turned at the sound of Jeongguk’s voice, eyes fluttering shut again.

“Ah, forgive me, Jeongguk,” Taehyung whispered, his body sagging in his seat, and his head lolled forward as a tremor started to overtake him. “I – I suddenly feel rather ill.”

“Should I call for a physician?” Jeongguk asked.

“Ah, no,” Taehyung said, smiling softly – but it did nothing to ease Jeongguk’s worries. “I believe I just need some rest. Forgive me for retiring early.”

“There is no need to apologize,” Jeongguk replied numbly, watching Taehyung slowly get up, leaning heavily on his guard as he did. Park Jimin had his lips planted firmly into a thin line as he helped the Prince to his feet, wrapping his arm around the other’s waist and almost carrying the Prince back to the castle.

Jeongguk watched the pair leave.

Throughout the Prince’s ordeal, Jeongguk couldn’t move. His arm remained outstretched with the napkin, mid-step towards the Prince, and mouth gaping open as he was struck by Taehyung’s eyes, recovering only when they were closed again.

Jeongguk quickly pulled his phone out of his pocket, dialling Seokjin’s number and hoping that the physician was free.

It had been two days since the lunch. Two days since Taehyung fell ill and the young King had heard little about the Prince.

“How’s Taehyung?” Hoseok asked when he entered the breakfast room.

Jeongguk glanced up.

“Don’t know,” he replied, words garbled from a mouthful of rice."Haven't heard anything from Jin-hyung yet."

“Maybe the rumours were right,” Hoseok said. “What if it was an illness?”

“See, Yoongi-hyung?” Jeongguk said. “This was why I needed to know. Is it a supernatural ability or is it an illness?”

“He never seemed ill before,” Yoongi said. “Namjoon believes Taehyung has a gift.”

Jeongguk sighed, putting his spoon down and massaging his temples.

Namjoon still wasn’t at the table to defend his beliefs, and neither was Seokjin. Jeongguk knew that both usually arrived the earliest.

He wondered – briefly – if they had spent the night together before trying to clear the thought.

The door burst open suddenly, the footman having little time to announce the arrival of the newcomer.

It was Namjoon, hair strewn about, still dressed in his night clothes.

“Namjoon-hyung, what’s – ”

“The Emperor of Orivala is dead.”


Dinner party etiquette and traditions of meeting in the drawing room were based on the Edwardian era with modifications because I don’t understand it all and the story takes place in modern times.

Aurea – Latin for ‘golden’
Sol – the solar deity in Ancient Roman religion
Clio – one of the nine muses, the muse of history
Euterpe – one of the nine muses, the muse of instruments and dialect
Autumn’s Eve Festival is Chuseok.
Avinhon – Avignon, an actual city in France

What Taehyung said about accepting the truth is a quote stolen from Thucydides’ History of the Peloponnesian War.

I’m becoming terrified of posting chapters as this story progresses because I am so scared of making an irreparable mistake. Or changing my mind on how I wanna portray the boys.
I’m a sighted person, so writing a blind character is HARD. I am so sorry if I make a mistake in my representation…. I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter!
Please leave a comment! A little encouragement definitely goes a long way!

Chapter 4: vagary


v a g a r y

(n.) an unpredictable instance, a wandering journey; a whimsical, wild, or unusual idea, desire, or action; an unexpected and inexplicable change in a situation or in someone's behaviour


Information About Character Ranking/Titles/Houses/Ages At the End

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

v a g a r y

What,” Jeongguk hissed.

“It’s all over the news,” Namjoon panted, raking a hand through tousled, bedhead hair and slamming the door shut behind him. He fumbled with the painting hiding the TV and once it lifted, scrambled for the remote with shaking fingers to turn it on to the news channel. The screen was bright with a red banner declaring ‘Breaking News.’

– announced from Rossarya earlier this morning,” the newscaster said. The footage switched to a video from an Orivalian news network of a woman dressed in pitch black grimly reading off a document.

It is with the greatest sorrow that we make this following statement. The Citadel of Rossarya announced that His Imperial Majesty, Emperor Park Min-jun passed away peacefully in his sleep early this morning. The people of Orivala pass their profound sympathies to the Royal Family.”


Yoongi sighed, sinking into a slouch and muttered curses under his breath. Jeongguk pulled out his cellphone, unlocking it and swiping through for his news app. As he scrolled through the homepage, everything was coloured in bright red banners and all-caps, each article declaring variating headlines titled: ‘THE EMPEROR IS DEAD’ with selective images of the old ruler throughout the years.

“We couldn’t have possibly seen this coming,” Hoseok said grimly, as Namjoon turned the TV off. “We knew of the Emperor’s poor health, but I didn’t think it would deteriorate so quickly.”

Namjoon slid into a chair, waving away the staff who tried to serve him breakfast. He crossed his arms, lips pressed into a grim line and eyes focused on a single spot on the table: his thinking pose. “I thought we had at least a year if not more to – ”

But he was never able to finish his sentence as one of the servants entered the room with a cellphone in hand. He bowed to men inside before addressing the King.

“Your Majesty,” the man began, “the Marquis of Spes is on the phone for you, sir, and the Countess of Somnus is on the other line.”

“My father?” Hoseok asked, standing. “What is it that he wants?”

“And Park So-jin?” Yoongi said.

“It has to be about the passing of the Emperor,” Namjoon concluded. “They must want to have your ear first, Jeongguk.”

Jeongguk scowled. “Of course, they do.”

Really, Jeongguk should have known. The members of his Privy Council have surely heard the news by now. They have doubted his reign, some believing him too young to take the throne after forcing his mother to relinquish her position as the Reagent. The death of a ruler of an empire was a colossal problem, and Jeongguk had yet to deal with an issue of this magnitude since his ascension.

Seokjin slid in through the door then, the calm smile on his face falling as soon as the tense atmosphere in the room hit him. “What is it – what happened?”

Yoongi summarized everything in a single sentence. “The Emperor of Orivala died, and members of the damn Privy Council are calling.”

“What. When did this happen?” Seokjin asked. Namjoon pulled out his phone, handing it to the older man. Seokjin scrolled through, reading what Jeongguk assumed to be an article regarding the event.

“Sir,” the servant called again. “Do you want to take the calls?”

“I don’t think you should,” Namjoon cautioned. “Not yet. It’s best to hear what they all want to say at once – to ensure equality amongst the members – it is bad enough that you have me in your King's Circle. They will call you out for being too partial to some members.”

Jeongguk nodded, turning to the staff member, “Tell them both that I cannot speak to them now, but I have heard the news, and I will be arranging a Privy Council meeting shortly.”

The man nodded, scrambling out of the room and pressing the phone to his ear. Jeongguk pulled out his own phone, sending a text to the Ambassador to Orivala that he’d need to speak with her as soon as possible.

“This is one of the many tests of your young reign, Jeongguk,” Namjoon said.

“And I will rise to it.”

“Are you calling Jieun?” Yoongi asked when they both arrived in the study after breakfast. Jeongguk nodded, booting him his computer and sliding into the leather office chair.

The study was the main room where Jeongguk did most of his work. It was where documents were written, decrees were considered, and naps were taken. There was a sofa set surrounding a fireplace with a flat screen TV fixed above and a large, mahogany desk behind it that served as Jeongguk’s workspace. Mounted on the wall above the desk was a portrait of the young King posing in the regalia of his coronation.

Jeongguk always does his best never to glance up; the portrait reminded him too much of his father. The artist’s rendering of his face appeared too foreign to the young man, too severe and world-weary for the then 18-year-old.

“I’m surprised she hasn’t tried to call us yet,” Jeongguk said, spinning around in the office chair as he waited for his computer to load.

“Jieun knows how hard it is for you to get up in the morning,” Yoongi said, half-sitting on the table top, tucking his hanging leg underneath the opening of the desk and balancing most of his weight on the other leg.

“You’re the one to talk,” Jeongguk retorted, pulling up the video chat window and clicking on the Ambassador to Orivala’s name.

The call went through on the second ring, and the image of a young woman appeared. Lee Jieun, the duch*ess of Hespera, was Jeongguk’s older cousin on his father’s side. Jeongguk had spent his childhood looking up to the older woman, considering her to be his older sister. When Jeongguk became King, he appointed the bright and driven 25-year-old as Ambassador of Naissus to Orivala. He fully trusted her to represent the Crown with their foreign relations.

“Jieun-noona,” Jeongguk greeted. She nodded.

“Jeongguk,” she returned, “Yoongi-oppa.”

Yoongi grunted, crossing his arms and slouching to get his entire face into the screen.

“So, I take it you’ve heard the news,” Jieun said.

“Yes,” Jeongguk said, laying his chin in the flat of his palm, “has House Cerebyrn made a statement?”

“Not yet, I believe His Imperial Highness, the Crown Prince Park Hae-jin plans on making an official declaration tomorrow.”

“What’s the situation like in Rossarya?” Yoongi asked.

“Everyone is in grief,” Jieun said, “practically everything has shut down. The flags are all at half-mast. The people in Rossarya loved the Emperor; people are gathering at the Citadel to pay respects.” She laced her fingers together as she spoke, resting her head on top of her knuckles. “However, I’ve heard sparks of resistance,” Jieun said lowly. “Galatea still has many rebels against its new regime. It’s a dangerous place to be in – even before the death of the Emperor, this will only add fuel to the fire.”

“Are you safe?” Yoongi asked.

“I’m in the safest place possible within Orivala,” Jieun said, “security has only increased since the rumours of rebellion and with the news of the passing of the Monarch.”

“When will you return to Court?” Jeongguk asked.

“I was due back next week,” Jieun said, eyes moving off the camera to check on a calendar. “But I can extend my stay until after funeral at least.”

Jeongguk nodded, “Keep us updated – I’ll be sending you a letter of condolences on my behalf before tomorrow morning.”

“Certainly, Jeongguk,” she said, bidding them both goodbye before cutting the connection.

Jeongguk sighed, stretching his arms above his head. “You’ll need to draft a statement on this – for both the Royal Family of Orivala and for the Naissian public.”

“Hm,” Yoongi murmured in agreement, getting off the table and sitting himself down at the sofa in front of the TV with his laptop balanced on his thighs, fingers typing away some semblance of a letter. The Right-Hand Man would go through it with Jeongguk at least four to five times before they both came up with something that Namjoon would find satisfactory for the King to sign off on.

Jeongguk joined Yoongi on the sofa with a pile of documents in one hand and his own laptop in the other. Despite the precedence that death of the Emperor took, Jeongguk cannot neglect his other duties, which included going through the mountain of papers that his secretaries leave at his desk every morning. So, he started with the first of his documents – an invitation to open a new university campus in Argentum – the second largest city in Naissus. He’ll probably have enough time to attend – perhaps visit his mother at Luna Castle.

A knock on the door drew both their attention away.

“The Lord Chancellor, Your Majesty.”

Namjoon entered. “The Privy Council meeting is set for tomorrow afternoon,” he announced. “It was the earliest that all the members could be present or send in a representative.”

“Good,” Jeongguk said.

Namjoon sat down in the leather single-seater across from them, taping away at the tablet in his hands. He found the time to clean up from when he promptly left the breakfast conservatory, declaring that he needed to begin arrangements for the council meeting. He was now dressed in a sky-blue dress shirt and light-coloured trousers, his hair smoothed back.

“Have you eaten breakfast yet, Namjoon-hyung?”

“Uh, no,” he said absentmindedly, “not hungry, though.”

Jeongguk shook his head, and Yoongi immediately pulled out his phone to request the staff to bring some food to the study.

“Jin-hyung might be better at this me,” Yoongi said, tapping the delete button on his keyboard fervently. “How do you write a statement of condolences about an Emperor that spent most of his life conquering countries with an iron fist?”

“He was loved by Orivalians,” Jeongguk said, trying to be helpful.

“The Emperor was revered – worshipped – held in the highest regard as a – as a god,” Namjoon continued, leaning against the armrest and placing his head into his palm. “As all Monarchs are, after all, ordained by the heavens. They all fail to see that Emperors and Kings are merely human.”

“Oh, don’t pull that bullsh*t on me now, Namjoon,” Yoongi snapped. “I asked for help on this, not a lecture on philosophical nature of the Monarchy.”

Jeongguk snorted, “Where were you this morning, Namjoon-hyung. You and Jin-hyung are never late for breakfast.”

“We had – had a late night,” Namjoon said cautiously, putting down his tablet – finally.

“Meaning they f-”

“Had uh – had some things to get done,” Namjoon said, speaking loudly and deliberately over Yoongi’s muttering. “But in the morning, Jin-hyung went to check on Taehyung, as you asked.”

“Right…” Jeongguk sighed, all too eager to move on in subject. He had forgotten that it was only this morning that he began a conversation with Yoongi and Hoseok regarding the Prince and his health. “What did Jin-hyung say?”

“Jin-hyung reports that Taehyung’s fine, he was showing signs of fatigue – may be the first signs of a cold – he just needs some rest.”

“His eyes – ”

“Jin-hyung never saw Taehyung’s eyes – and he didn’t have a reason as to why he would need to check either,” Namjoon said.

After the Prince had left the garden two days ago, Jeongguk ran to see Namjoon, spluttering and tripping over his words like a child as he told the older man about ice blue eyes.

“It’s just a cold,” Yoongi repeated. “Nothing to fuss over.”

“But Jin-hyung did say that he liked Taehyung – liked his genuineness and friendliness.”

“That’s a good sign at least,” Yoongi said.

Jeongguk nodded to himself, gnawing on the inside of his lip and returning to his documents.

“Just a cold,” he muttered to himself.

The twenty-four hours leading up to the Privy Council meeting were busy ones. Jeongguk stayed up late into the night – drafting the address to the people regarding the Emperor’s death as well as sending a revised version to Jieun to deliver to the Royal Family of Orivala. He also needed to attend a meeting regarding the budget of the Royal Household, finalize plans for the gala in the next week, and finish reading through the pile of documents before another stack landed on his desk the next day.

So, Jeongguk spent his free hour in the afternoon before the meeting dozing on the sofa in his study. Sleep came easy for the young King, not even the soft rays of the mid-day sun could disturb him. His thoughts, however, would not let him rest comfortably as the present blended into the past and coloured his dreams.

The death of the Emperor could not have been easy for the Crown Prince – even when it came as peacefully with age as it did. Through the eyes of his younger-self, Jeongguk too stood before the corpse of his father – deathly pale with open sores covering his skin – the stench of sweat and death and antiseptic reminding him that no dream could be this vivid and this could only be a memory.

He remembered being pushed away by his mother and advisors. Remembered them yelling in his ear that he could still catch the disease. Remembered how his mother fell into deep depression – finding solace only in the fact that Jeongguk was almost the spitting image of his father and finding Yoongi who shared the late King’s love for music and history. Images flashed before his eyes, faces of those passed and those still alive. The old Emperor, his father, his mother, his brother, the Crown Prince soon-to-be Emperor, and the First Prince of Attalia.

And eyes so blue – so cold grey – that Jeongguk shivered in his sleep. It wasn’t as though he did not want to pursue a relationship with the Prince. The position that Jeongguk held did not give him many opportunities to experiment with his feelings. But he would be lying if he said that he wasn’t smitten by the Prince – as almost everyone in his court was. But the looming idea that the Prince could be ill, much more than just a common cold, scared – no terrified – Jeongguk. He did not want to end up like his mother, jaded and broken by his father’s death.

Jeongguk pulled himself out of sleep, blinking tiredly and disoriented. There was a fleece throw draped over him that he remembered not having before falling asleep and soft murmurs of voices just above his head. It was then that Jeongguk realized that he wasn’t alone and that his head wasn’t pillowed against warm cushions but instead the lap of someone who smelled like figs. He glanced up, to see a halo of light-coloured hair and broad shoulders.

“Ah, you’re awake,” Seokjin said as Jeongguk pulled himself upright. The oldest of his advisors’ voice sounded off, grave and stern.

“What’s going on,” Jeongguk mumbled, words slurring together as he rubbed sleep from his eyes. “Did something happen, why didn’t you wake me?”

“You needed the sleep,” Yoongi replied from his seat at Jeongguk’s desk.

“But now that you are awake,” Namjoon said. “Something did come up.”

Jeongguk clumsily swung his legs off the sofa, slipping his dress shoes on but keeping the blanket wrapped around him. There were trays of food and a pot of tea and coffee on the table – it seemed that his advisors decided to take afternoon tea in his study while waiting for him to wake up.

“The Crown Prince made his address,” Hoseok said. Namjoon turned the volume up on the TV, pressing play on the recording.

The Crown Prince of Orivala, Park Hae-jin was a stern looking man. Handsome, tall, and imposing with his dark hair slicked back and dressed in a black suit and overcoat. Jeongguk had never met the man before; he was too young when the late Emperor celebrated his Golden Jubilee – it was the only time he’d ever be able to meet the Crown Prince. But Jeongguk had heard stories: the charming and ambitious Emperor-to-be was ruthless in battle and snake in politics.

Park Hae-jin rose to the podium in front of an imposing, Gothic palace known as the Citadel of Rossarya.

“People of the Orivalian Empire,” Park Hae-jin began in the common tongue. His accent held the clean and crisp sounds of the Orivalian language. “It is with a sad heart that I announce the passing of my father. My family and I thank you for your well wishes in our time of grief. My father was a strong and powerful ruler who has united many of the lands of Iaryen under the banner of House Cerebyrn in the name of the Orivalian Empire. Today, Orivala must look to the future, to broaden our horizons beyond the traditions of the past.

“Which is why I stand before you today to announce that my coronation and official ascension will take place in three months’ time. I know that it is rather unorthodox to push for a coronation in a time of my father’s morning. However, I feel that such will truly bring our nation into a bright new age. Thus, I stand here to invite all to celebrate the rising of a new dawn upon Orivala. I strive to earn your respect and love as my father has done, to be worthy of your devotion as your new Sovereign. Thank you.”

What – ” Jeongguk muttered, still trying to clear the sluggishness from his thoughts. “Why the hell would he push for a coronation so soon? He should have already ascended – the coronation would simple be a – a formality.”

“Not in Orivalian protocol,” Seokjin said as he poured himself another cup of coffee and handed a fresh mug to Jeongguk.

“With the death of a monarch in Orivala,” Namjoon began to explain, “the seat of the Crown remains vacant until the period of mourning ends. This means everything comes to a grinding halt: wars, battles, celebrations, negotiations, everything. Afterwards, the ascension of the new Sovereign is marked with the coronation, and life moves on again.”

“And how long exactly is the period of mourning?” Jeongguk asked.

“Around six months,” Yoongi replied. “A full five orbits of the moon.”

“But Park Hae-jin called for a coronation in three months,” Jeongguk said. “Why?

“That’s what we were discussing before you woke up,” Namjoon said. “The Crown Prince will face ridiculous amounts of criticism for such actions – like we said – Emperor Park Min-jun was loved by the people. What does he gain from this?”

“Nothing but scorn,” Hoseok supplied. “They’ll call him a ruler too hungry for power and an unfilial son.”

“But there has to be a reason,” Namjoon argued. “The Crown Prince is known as a cunning man; he wouldn’t have forced this without a plan – a motive.”

Namjoon stood from his seat, beginning to pace in wide circles in front of the fireplace. Seokjin discretely moved the coffee table closer to the sofas, knowing that Namjoon would end up stubbing his toe or worse: break the table and everything on it.

Jeongguk slowly sipped on his coffee, the burning liquid helping to chase away the remnants of sleep and dreams. Behind him, Yoongi spun in lazy circles in the office chair with his head lolling back and turned up to the intricate painting on the ceiling. Hoseok sat on the desk beside Yoongi, popping sliced fruit into his mouth.

“To quell the rebellion,” Yoongi suddenly said, jolting upright. “It wasn’t just f*cking rumours; it has to be true.”

“What rebellion?” Namjoon asked.

Jeongguk put his coffee down on the table, jumping to his feet with wide eyes. He was the only one who understood Yoongi’s outburst. “We spoke to Jieun-noona yesterday morning, she said that there were rumours of an uprising in Galatea.”

“What – why didn’t you tell us?” Seokjin asked.

“Because they were rumours,” Jeongguk hissed. “It didn’t seem important at the time!”

A footman appeared at the entrance of the study, bowing before the five of them. “Your Majesty, Lord Chancellor, My Lords, the Privy Council is ready for you, sirs.”

“The Crown Prince’s address is going to be the first thing on their minds, Jeongguk,” Namjoon warned. “The death of a Sovereign is never as interesting as the rise of another.”

“Of course,” Jeongguk sighed. He stood, snagging a biscuit off the tray and shoving it into his mouth and washing it down with the rest of the coffee. “Let’s get this over with.”

It was chaos in the meeting of the Privy Council. The Council was held in one of the oldest rooms in the Palace of Sol, unchanged since construction and a constant reminder of the years of tradition. In the centre of the room, on a raised dais sat the young King on a silver throne draped in blue velvet. On either side of the throne were three rows of seats where the members of his Privy Council sat.

Behind Jeongguk, Yoongi stood with his hands clasped behind his back and his lips pressed into a thin line: annoyed. The nobles were yelling over each other, trying to get their word in. Namjoon attempted to control the conversation but soon gave up after being unable to hear his own voice.

“This is outrageous!”

“It really should not concern us what Orivala does – it’s their problem, and they’ll deal with it.”

“And it will eventually become our problem when the new idiot emperor has a coup on his hands!”

“We are across an entire ocean – Attalia will be the one who has to deal with it.”

“Attalia is neutral and has remained neutral for a reason!”

“I demand silence!” Jeongguk suddenly said, gripping the arms of his chair in both hands.

The room fell quiet at the rage of the King. Jeongguk relaxed for a moment, sighing and leaning back into his chair. He took a deep breath. He hated raising his voice – it made him appear childish, which was not what he wanted here in front of his council members.

“Please, My Lords and Ladies,” he said, coolly. “We are here to discuss the future of Naissus in these events. I come here to ask for your advice not to listen to you argue amongst each other.”

A woman stood then, her shiny black heels clicking. Park So-jin of House Cygnus, Countess of Somnus. She was part of an old house of nobility; her family showed great loyalty to House Cepheus throughout the years.

“Your Majesty, Lord Chancellor, My Lords and Ladies,” she began her address, “we sit at a perilous point in history. The Empire has spent the past half-century expanding through the lands of Iaryen. How long before they look across the Offing Sea?”

“It is too soon to think about this, Lady Park So-jin,” said the Viscount of Honos, Shin Sung-rok. This was only the seventh Privy Council meeting Jeongguk called since his ascension. It was difficult to remember all the names and faces of the nobility let along more. Jeongguk knew little about the Viscount, other than the fact that he came from a house of new nobility. If Jeongguk had it his way, he’d keep his Council limited to those he held in absolute confidence. But he needed to keep the gentry happy – both old and new.

“Your Majesty, the Emperor just died and for the sake of the gods,” Shin Sung-rok said with a co*cky grinThe new Sovereign is likely to destroy the Empire himself with how he is approaching things.”

The Council members chuckled.

“Indeed, the people are unhappy with the rule of the Orivalian Empire,” an older voice called: The Marquis of Spes, He was Hoseok’s father and Jeongguk’s uncle. The Marquis was the Queen Mother’s older brother, a man that watched Jeongguk grow up. “Our sources believe that dissent is strong in the countries that were annexed by the Empire, Your Majesty.”

“It has been less than a month since the fall of Galatea,” Park So-jin said. “An internal rebellion could erupt at any time.”

“Which could be why His Imperial Highness, the Crown Prince chose to push for his immediate ascension,” Namjoon said, standing to speak, “to quell possibilities of rebellion and to ensure Orivala’s strength.”

“And in doing so, become a threat to us,” the Marquis of Spes finished.

“Orivala sits precariously under the leadership of the new Emperor,” Namjoon said, “moving forward but also moving backwards in the most barbaric way by not honouring its long history of traditions. I fear that death of the late Emperor and the rise of the new Sovereign so soon could cause mass opposition against His Imperial Highness.”

“Your Majesty,” Park So-jin called, “I believe it might be wise to send a delegation to the funeral of the late Emperor as well as representative to the coronation.”

“And why is that?”

“It is important that we show our respects to the late Emperor as well as show of support for the new.”

Seokjin stood, offering his calm voice into the discussion, “Naissus has always remained out of the matters of the main continent – why must we involve ourselves now?”

“Because times are changing, Your Grace,” Park So-jin said, turning to address Seokjin’s question. “If Orivala has moved on from their traditions so must we. We cannot remain stagnant.”

“Lady So-jin,” Shin Sung-rok said, “though I certainly do not oppose the idea of graciousness and friendliness to our foreign neighbours, an act of this nature is a show of Naissus – a show of our King – bowing to the might that is the Orivalian Empire!”

The statement caused another uproar, the nobles standing, nodding in agreement, and shouting at Park So-jin. Jeongguk once again had to yell for silence, resisting the urge to pinch the bridge of his nose in attempts to ease aa growing headache.

“Your Majesty,” Park So-jin said, “sending a representative is not a show of submission, but rather a show of peace and strength, to remind Orivala that the great Naissus lies beyond the Offing Sea and we are by no means weak.”

Jeongguk laced his hands together, thinking.

“And if I heed your advice and do send a delegation, who would you all suggest?”

“I place my vote in the Duke of Concordia, Lord Kim Seokjin, his high status and strong character will do well in representing His Majesty,” the Countess said.

Jeongguk nodded to himself. Seokjin has always been good with diplomacy.

“Your Majesty,” Shin Sung-rok called, “if I may, I would like to offer myself as a candidate for this as well,”

“Lord Shin Sung-rok, you have done nothing but argue against my suggestions,” the Countess snapped. “And you’re a Viscount. A title lower than mine and you think that you’d be up for consideration as a representative for our King? Even Lord Min Yoongi, the King’s Brother wouldn’t consider such a thingyou’re lucky to be a member of the Privy Council.”

“Lady So-jin,” Seokjin called, quietly, “There is no need for reproach.”

“Lord Shin Sung-rok,” Namjoon said, “Though I am certain your standing and skill are up to standard, I do agree that Lord Seokjin would a more suitable candidate.”

The rest of the council nodded in agreement.

“Then it is settled,” Jeongguk said. “Lee Jieun, the duch*ess of Hespera will be the representative at the funeral of Emperor Min-jun and Kim Seokjin of House Ophiuchus, Duke of Concordia, you will represent the Crown in Orivala at the coronation of Emperor Park Hae-jin.”

“It is my honour, Your Majesty,” Seokjin said, bowing with a hand over his heart.

“That is all my Lords and Ladies,” Jeongguk said, standing and quickly taking his leave.

“Your Majesty,” came the chorus of acknowledgments behind him.

Several hours after the council meeting, and with the majority of today’s papers filed through and Jieun briefed on her duties regarding the funeral, Jeongguk had a couple of hours of downtime before meeting Hoseok in the gym. So, he made his way to the media room, hoping to get a bit of mindless gaming in.

Jeongguk and Yoongi spent a chunk of their youth in the media room. There was a baby grand piano in the back, where Yoongi often played when Jeongguk settled with video games, enjoying each other’s wordless company. The brothers venture less often to the room now, but the shelves were always lined with the newest consoles and gaming titles: for when the young King needed to remind himself that he is a man just out of his teens.

The door to the media room was open when Jeongguk happened on it, just a crack, but he could hear some sort of jazz music playing beyond the doors. He cautiously peeked into the room, the soft music growing louder when he poked his head in. The projector screen was on in the darkened room, a console controller sitting on the table between the L-shaped sofa. It took a moment for Jeongguk’s eyes to adjust to the dim light of the room when he stepped inside, but when he could see again, he noticed a figure stretched out across the length of the far corner of the couch.


He lay on his back, chest rising and falling gently, and arms wrapped around a tablet resting on his stomach.

He was asleep.

Jeongguk took a step back into the hall, glancing back and forth, wondering where Park Jimin could have gone.

There were sure signs of the guard being in the room: a dark leather jacket draped over the side of the couch, and a zombie first-person shooter game paused mid-campaign on the screen. Jeongguk crept towards the couch, feeling as though he was intruding in the Prince’s private chambers despite this being an open room for anyone in the palace. But Jeongguk came here for a reason, and he will play video games – so heaven above, he will play. Besides, if Taehyung woke up, it’s not like Jeongguk intruded on his personal space, the Prince fell asleep in a public room of the palace.

When he sat down, Jeongguk noticed that there was a space that was still warm: Park Jimin must have just stepped out of the room. Jeongguk picked up the controller, unpausing the game and realizing that the guard was playing the game on mute, while Taehyung slept with the soft jazz music in the background.

Jeongguk continued the game. Park Jimin got pretty far on the campaign. Jeongguk got through another checkpoint before he started hearing Taehyung mumble something under his breath. Jeongguk paused the game, wondering if Taehyung had woken up. But the prince didn’t move, his words becoming more coherent. Then Jeongguk realized that the Prince was sleep-talking.

“Jiminie, not the red shirt. It doesn’t suit me,” Taehyung said. Jeongguk scoffed, coughing snickers into his hand at the sudden ridiculous statement.

The prince wore a white shirt today, with sky-blue cuffs and a collar embroidered with brilliant tropical flowers. It does look good on him. Jeongguk concluded that the guard chooses Taehyung’s outfits for him with the Prince deciding the choice of colours.

The young King wondered how intimately the two knew each other, and if they were just as close when Taehyung was sighted. The silver-haired man weaved himself so seamlessly around the Prince as if he were a shadow.

“Just run,” Taehyung continued to mumble. “I don’t know, just do it.” He shifted to his side, arm falling off the side of the couch, his tablet teetering on the edge. The man himself getting dangerously close to falling off.

Jeongguk stood, hesitating as he debated between pushing the sleeping Prince closer to the inside of the sofa, waking him up, or just letting him wake on his own when he fell face first into the plush rug.

Jeongguk decided on the first option.

Jeongguk cautiously tiptoed towards the prince, easing the tablet out of the sleeping man’s loose grasp and placing it on the table. There were goosebumps rising on the man’s exposed skin, dark circles beneath thin but long eyelashes, and a pallor that Jeongguk did not associate Taehyung with.

The Prince was recovering from some sort of cold, after all. But in spite of that, Taehyung’s beauty was undeniable. In sleep, Taehyung was innocence personified. His blond hair was strewn wildly over the floral brocade of the throw cushion pillowing his head, and his lips parted with his breaths.

There wasn’t a quilt like there was in Jeongguk’s study, so the young King shrugged out his blazer, draping it over the sleeping Prince. Jeongguk rolled the older man onto his back, maneuvering him closer to the inside of the couch and tucking his dangling arm by his side. A flash of gold fell from the Prince’s grasp and landed on the rug.

Jeongguk bent to pick it up, fishing a rose gold pendant off the floor. It was a delicate piece of jewellery: a thin chain attached to a circle of vines and leaves that had small diamonds embedded in it. Jeongguk admired the elegant pendant before placing the necklace on top of the tablet on the table, standing up again.

“She cannot go to the coronation,” Taehyung said. “Jennie, I can’t see. I can’t see you.”

Jeongguk froze, wondering if Taehyung finally woke up. But he merely shifted, unconsciously pulling Jeongguk’s blazer closer to him. The young King exhaled a breath he didn’t realize he was holding.

Jennie, Taehyung had said. That was the name of the Crown Princess of Attalia, wasn’t it? Perhaps, as Jeongguk decided to send Seokjin, the King of Attalia has decided to send his daughter. Attalia was a welcomed friend amongst most of the nations of the world. But why wouldn’t the King send his eldest son? Jeongguk shook his head; perhaps he was overthinking, these were the ramblings of a sleep-talking man, after all.

Jeongguk turned around to see Park Jimin standing at the door carrying a tray.

“Your Majesty,” the guard greeted.

“Park Jimin-ssi,” Jeongguk started, feeling strangely guilty for being caught. He could feel the guard’s eyes assessing the situation: the young king hovering by the Prince’s side. His jacket draped over Taehyung.

“Jimin,” the guard finally said. “Jimin would be fine, Your Majesty.”

It seemed that Jeongguk had wormed his way into the guard’s heart.

“Jeongguk, then, Jimin,” Jeongguk said, smiling at the way the guard’s lips twitched into a grin.

Jeongguk returned to his seat on the couch, watching as Jimin placed the tray down on the table. There were a couple of bottles of water, juice, milk and a plate of tarts, sandwiches, and fruit on the platter.

“Would you want something to drink, Jeongguk?” Jimin asked. Jeongguk nodded, taking the only bottle of apple juice on the tray and cracking it open. Jimin’s brow furrowed as he watched Jeongguk.

“Oh, I’m sorry, did you want the apple juice?”

“No, no,” Jimin said, shaking his head.

“Would Taehyung want it?”

“No, no. He doesn’t like apple juice” Jimin replied. “I don’t even know why I grabbed a bottle,” he muttered to himself.

“I decided to continue your game,” Jeongguk said, pointing at the screen with the bottle cap. “I hope you don’t mind.”

“No, not at all,” Jimin replied, cracking open bottle of green tea. “How about we start over and do a two-player campaign?”

“Sure,” Jeongguk replied almost too enthusiastically. He jumped at a chance to play with someone. Rarely do Hoseok and Yoongi indulge him by playing, and Namjoon and Seokjin were always too busy with their own duties. Jimin went to grab the second controller from the shelf, and Jeongguk took the time to exit out of the current game, going back to the main menu to add two players and restart the mission.

Jimin sat down beside Jeongguk, crossing his legs and resting the controller on his knees.

“Did he say anything?” Jimin suddenly asked as they sat waiting for the screen to load. Of course, the guard knew of Taehyung’s sleep-talking habits.

“Uh, sort of, nothing really made sense,’ Jeongguk said. “Said something about not liking red… does he have a habit of talking in his sleep?”

Jimin scoffed, nodding. “Sometimes I wake up in the middle of the night to hear Taehyung having a conversation with himself. He just asked for something to drink, but I can’t tell if he was awake at the time or asleep. But he might be hungry when he gets up, so I got something anyway.”

“You could have called the staff to get it for you,” Jeongguk said, placing his apple juice on the table and eyes on the TV screen as the campaign started.

“I don’t mind,” Jimin said, settling back against the couch.

“He…” Jeongguk began, hesitating for a moment before continuing, “he also said something about the coronation. About not letting ‘her’ go.”

Jimin said quiet, eyes glued on the screen as he took down several zombies with stunning speed, accuracy, and calm. But Jeongguk could see how the older man was gripping his controller until his knuckles turned white.

“It is not my place to talk about this,” Jimin finally said. “Perhaps, when Taehyung wakes, you could ask him yourself.”

Jeongguk nodded, knowing when to drop the subject. They fell into comfortable silence, playing the game to the soundtrack of a muted jazz band and Taehyung’s breathy snores.

It was about a round and a half later when Jeongguk received a text from Hoseok, saying that if he wanted to meet at the gym now, they could.

“Sorry,” Jeongguk said, “I have to go now, I have a workout session planned with Hoseok-hyung.”

Jimin nodded, stretching his arms over his head. “Maybe I’ll join you next time.”

It was the first time that Jeongguk took in the older man’s physique. Jimin, despite his shorter stature, seemed to loom behind Taehyung. The guard made his presence known with his striking hair, dark clothes, and bulging mass of muscles.

“Sure, if you’re up to getting your ass handed to you.”

The guard laughed, “We shall see.”

The work out session with Hoseok left Jeongguk physically exhausted but his mind feeling refreshed and clear. He had just gotten out of the shower in his rooms, the surround speakers belting out some hip-hop playlist on his phone. The young King was in the middle of towel drying his hair when there was a knock on the door.

It was late in the evening – almost ten. If it were any of the men within the King's Circle, they would have barged through the doors by now. The guard at his door knew better than to block them from coming in.

“Who is it?” Jeongguk called.

“His Royal Highness, Prince Taehyung, Your Majesty,” the guard replied.

Jeongguk frowned, “Come in.”

The guard opened the door, and in the dimmed hallway outside, Jeongguk saw the Prince, a white cane in his right hand and Jeongguk’s blazer draped over his left arm. Jimin wasn’t with him.

“Taehyung,” Jeongguk greeted, watching the man swing the cane in a wide arc around him as he walked, finding his way through the door and into the room.

“Forgive me for disturbing you so late, Jeongguk,” Taehyung said., turning towards the sound Jeongguk’s voice. “I wanted to return your blazer.”

“There was no need,” Jeongguk said.

“And I wanted to see you,” Taehyung continued, “to thank you.”

Jeongguk felt a redness rising to his face and was strangely thankful that the Prince couldn’t see it. Taehyung held out the jacket as an offering. The young King quickly moved to take it, bare feet padding on cold, marble floors – he should have put on a pair of slippers. Taehyung still wore the dress-shirt and pants, and though the shirt had small wrinkles from his nap and wear, he still looked elegant and classy – unlike Jeongguk in his t-shirt and sweats.

He hung the blazer over his arm, awkwardly glancing at the man still standing there. “Uh, would you want to sit?”

“Actually, I was about to take a walk around the gardens,” Taehyung said, “but I’ll have to wait till Jimin returned from taking care of some business.”

“I could come with you,” Jeongguk offered, trying to sound nonchalant.

The Prince smiled, a dazzling grin that was almost too much teeth. “I’d like that.”

“Uh, let me just grab a jacket,” Jeongguk said, leaving Taehyung by the entrance to his rooms and running back to his bedroom, grabbing a black hoodie draped over a chaise chair and haphazardly tossing the blazer in its place. He paused for a moment, before going to his closet to grab a thick, blue cardigan. He pulled a pair of grey trainers from the bottom rack too, slipping them off and shrugging the hoodie over his head as he headed to the living room.

When he returned to the living room, he found the prince at the couches, sitting at one corner with his legs crossed and the cane resting at his side. There was a thin smartphone in his hand and close to his mouth as he murmured.

“Send message to Jiminie,” he said clearly. “I’m going out for a walk with Jeongguk. Don’t wait up for me. Send.” He paused, waiting for the audio cues of the message sending before putting his phone back into his pocket and folding his hands in his lap.

Jeongguk cleared his throat, moving to the couches. Taehyung tilted his head to the sound of Jeongguk’s approach as he got to his feet.

“I brought you a cardigan,” Jeongguk said. “It might be cold outside.”

Taehyung smiled, “That’s very thoughtful of you, will you help me put it on?”

“Oh – yes, of course.”

Taehyung turned around as Jeongguk slid the sleeves over his arms.

“Shall we go?” Taehyung asked, pulling the cardigan closer and smoothing the collar of his shirt down against the wool of the sweater. The vibrant colours of the embroidered flowers on his collar stood out against the dark wool. The sweater looked better on Taehyung that it would ever look on Jeongguk.

“Um – sure,” Jeongguk said, words halting awkwardly. He hadn’t had to help the blind Prince alone before – Jimin had always been present. “W-would you want me to lead you? Or do you prefer to use your cane?”

“I’d prefer you to lead,” Taehyung replied easily. He folded the cane away, tucking it into a holster at his belt. “Not that I couldn’t do it myself – but I prefer the familiarity of touch. Take my hand and place it on your arm, Jeongguk.”

Jeongguk blinked, startled by how easily Taehyung responded to these questions. No hesitations. No embarrassment. Just a tone of command.

Taehyung held out his right hand, palm up. Jeongguk cautiously took the prince’s hand, placing it on his own left arm as he seen Jimin done. Taehyung smiled, fingers brushing against Jeongguk’s arm until it rested in the crook his elbow just under the bulge of his bicep.

Jeongguk wondered if Taehyung could feel his pulse – because Jeongguk could feel his heart beating loudly in his ears.

“Now you walk,” Taehyung said. “Just tell me if there are stairs, or a ramp, or changes on the ground.”

“Alright,” Jeongguk said. He was cautious to start, steps slow and halting. Eyes focused on the Prince’s feet. But then he realized how sure Taehyung was of his own steps, how much trust he placed in Jeongguk to lead. The Prince walked with his back straight, head tall, and his free hand resting in his trouser pockets. So, Jeongguk sped up his steps, slowing only when they reached the stairs leading down to the gardens.

“There are stairs here,” Jeongguk said, slowing his steps down. Taehyung’s grip on his arm tightened and Jeongguk curled his own arm closer to himself in the case of Taehyung tripping at least he could catch the older man. But the prince did no such thing. “Step. Step. Step. Platform here. Down the second set. Step. Step. Step. Step. And we’re at the bottom. So, where did you want to go?”

“Anywhere,” Taehyung replied. “I like fresh air.”

So Jeongguk steered them towards a path lined with evergreen trees that bordered a large, rectangular pond in the centre of the gardens. The path would take half-an-hour at their pace and if they wanted to return, cutting through would be easy. Jeongguk never stood in such close proximity to the Prince – but now that he did, he realized that the Taehyung carried the scent of lavender and roses on his person, a soft, floral scent that seemed to always accompany him.

“Have you heard of the death of the Emperor?”

“Of course,” Taehyung said, their steps slowing to a saunter. “It’s sad. May he rest in peace. The Park Hae-jin announced his coronation and ascension to power, didn’t he?”

“Yes,” Jeongguk answered. “It’s concerning; his coronation is too soon – careful there’s a root.” Jeongguk gently pushed the Prince, nudging him away from the tripping hazard. “I think it is an attempt to control the dissent in Galatea.”

“Or to further his ambition,” Taehyung murmured.

“What do you mean?”

“How many free nations are left on Iaryen?”

Jeongguk paused, biting his lips. “Uh. Two. Aquileia and Lugdunum.”

“When did Galatea fall?”

“A – about a month ago,” Jeongguk answered.

“After a two-week campaign, as I recall,” Taehyung said.

“Yes, but with the death of his father, Park Hae-jin wouldn’t think of marching on Aquileia or Lugdunum.”

Taehyung didn’t answer right away, but Jeongguk thought he heard the Prince mutter: ‘He could.’ Taehyung cleared his throat then, tightening his grip on Jeongguk’s arm, and leaning in. The scent of lavender and roses growing stronger. “Are you sending a representative to the coronation?”

“Uh, yes,” Jeongguk answered distractedly. “Kim Seokjin, Duke of Concordia – Jin-hyung – you remember meeting him?”

“Oh yes,” Taehyung chuckled. “He came to visit me yesterday morning. On your orders, he told me. It was considerate of you to think of me. Jin-hyung is a kind man; you’re lucky to have someone like him in your King's Circle.”

“I’m sorry for not visiting you, myself.”

“No, I understand,” Taehyung said, “You are a busy man.”

“You are feeling better, I hope?” Jeongguk asked.

“Yes, I hope I did not scare you that day.”

“No, no,” Jeongguk said absently.

“All I needed was some rest, but Jimin was getting restless, cooped up in our rooms while I slept. So, we went to the games rooms, which was where you found us. Sorry, I wasn’t awake to greet you.”

Jeongguk shook his head, “Oh, no. No. It’s fine; I’m – I’m glad you’re feeling better.”

“Jimin told me that I said some strange things in my sleep,” Taehyung said, chuckling. “Something about a coronation and my sister.”

“Ah, yes.”

“I suspect my father will send my sister, if Attalia is invited to the coronation,” Taehyung continued.

“Do you – want her to go?”

“No,” Taehyung answered. “Not really – I fear it unsafe. She is young. But, Jennie is quite level-headed – more prepared for the politics of ruling than I.”

“You have – a younger brother too, don’t you? Ah – there’s a step up.”

“Yes, Mingyu. My younger brother is too – too spirited, and I believe that was my fault,” Taehyung said. “Besides, my father wouldn’t want to involve Mingyu in politics if he can help it. It’s a cruel world for one so young.”

“Why did you renounce the throne – if – if you don’t mind me asking.”

“No, I don’t mind,” Taehyung replied. “I would not make for a good leader. Honestly, I was rather dreading it as the years passed, and they began preparing me for a position that I did not want. My grandmother was my strongest ally – she steered me towards the decision I was eventually going to make.”

“How did your father take it?”

“Not well, at first,” Taehyung sighed, “I am his eldest son. But when he saw how strong and brilliant Jennie was, he knew that it would be for the best.”

They rounded a corner, the palace and lake now parallel with the path of trees. There was little light to guide their path, and the moon’s beams were not bright enough to reach past the towering pine trees. The Palace of Sol was located in Aurea, but the grounds were on the edge of the city, the lights of the city centre bright but far in the distance beyond the highest points of the palace.

“And you?” Taehyung asked. “You’re rather young to have taken the throne, with your mother as reagent in a time of peace in Naissus; there was little reason for you to have ascended so soon.”

“As you said, the world of politics can be cruel,” Jeongguk repeated, licking his lips before continuing. “My mother was a strong leader, but in her failing health, she grew dependent on the Privy Council and the man who was serving as Lord Chancellor then only had his ambitious in his eyes.

“When I became of age, he pushed my mother to force me to sign an accord to allow him to be co-reagent until my 25th birthday. Of course, I couldn’t allow this to happen. So, with the help of Namjoon-hyung, Jin-hyung, my brother, and cousin, I was able to take the Crown.”

“Did you resent them?” Taehyung asked softly.

“What do you mean?”

“Do you resent them for forcing you into the position so soon?”

Jeongguk thought about it. “No, I don’t think I do. It was a choice that I willingly made.”

A smile pulled on the prince’s lips again, one that tugged at Jeongguk’s heartstrings. It was soft. So soft. Beautiful. And tender. Like the Prince understood Jeongguk completely.

“Why are you smiling?” Jeongguk asked.

Taehyung shook his head. “I was just thinking about how good of a king you proved to be by stepping up so young.”

But that couldn’t have been all that made Taehyung smiled. But Jeongguk dropped it.

It was quiet, save for the footfalls of their steps on the gravel path and the rustling of the night creatures. It was peaceful – Jeongguk rarely, if ever, took a night stroll through the gardens. Nightly runs, yes, but those are always accompanied by the blaring sound of hip-hop music coming out of his earphones.

Never does he take a walk through the quiet path surrounded by trees. Jeongguk closed his eyes, breathing in as a cool breeze brushed through his wet hair, and he shivered.

“Are you cold?” Taehyung asked, stopping in his step and pulling Jeongguk to a halt with both hands on the King’s arm.

“Ah, no, not really. I just got out of the shower when you came to my rooms; my hair is still wet,” Jeongguk said. Taehyung’s brow rose, almost disappearing entirely into his blond hair.

“We should head inside then,” Taehyung concluded, urging Jeongguk forward again. Jeongguk started walking, a hand unconscious finding Taehyung’s on his arm.

The Prince’s fingertips were cold.

“You’re cold too,” Jeongguk said. “We could have something warm to drink – would you want to go to the kitchens? I could make tea or coffee?”

“Hot chocolate,” Taehyung concluded. Jeongguk laughed.

They cut through the path, heading straight into doors of the library. Jeongguk led Taehyung through the narrow halls that took them to the staff’s elevator leading down into the kitchen.

Taehyung’s hand slid down to Jeongguk’s wrist as they walked single file through the door.

The kitchen was empty and dark. Jeongguk felt about for the light switch, light blinding him for a moment when he flipped it on. Taehyung remained silent behind him. Jeongguk led the man towards the wood-top island, taking Taehyung’s hand on his wrist and putting it on the table.

“I think it would be best if you stay here,” Jeongguk said. “I don’t know my way around the kitchens, but I’ll find some stuff to make hot chocolate.”

“Alright,” Taehyung replied, leaning against the table. “Let me know if His Majesty needs help.”

Jeongguk rolled his eyes and wandered towards what he distinctively remembered could be the pantry. There was so much food in the pantry, the large space engulfing him in rows and rows of kitchen essentials. It took him a while to find a jar of sugar, a couple of bars of chocolate, and a bag of marshmallows. Jeongguk also stopped by the fridge, grabbing a jug of milk before bringing them back to the island where he left Taehyung.

He found the prince sitting on top of the island, tangling his feet over the edge and humming under his breath.

“Alright,” Jeongguk said, talking to let Taehyung where he was. “Let’s hope I don’t… f*ck it up..”

“I assume you don’t venture into the kitchens very often?” Taehyung asked.

“When I was younger,” Jeongguk replied, “always got kicked out though.”

Jeongguk found a small, steel pot and after figuring out how to light the gas stove just across the wood island, he started warming some milk.

“You know,” Taehyung started. Jeongguk turned around to find the Prince patting around a bar of chocolate, finding the seam of the wrapper and peeling the foil away. “I wasn’t expecting you to start making actual hot chocolate – I thought we’d find a coffee machine in one of the rooms.”

“Oh,” Jeongguk said. “Well, if you’re okay with that, then I’ll just put all this –”

“No, wait – ” Taehyung jumped off the counter. “ – there are marshmallows. Let’s just – finish.”

Jeongguk bit his lips, trying hard not to smile at how endearing Taehyung was.

“Where are the bowls,” Taehyung asked. “I can start breaking some chocolate up.”

Soon after, they sat at the large, long table in the mess hall with two mugs of hot chocolate and a plate of soft cookies between them.

“Do you often cook, Jeongguk?” Taehyung asked – and Jeongguk felt his breath catch at the way the Attalian Prince says his name. He’ll never get over it.

“Uh, not at all,” Jeongguk finally answered. “Jin-hyung is the one who enjoys being in the kitchens. He’d be appalled by this concoction.”

Taehyung laughed. “I think for the first recipe you’ve made, it turned out well.”

Hot chocolate was a lot harder to make than Jeongguk thought: their drinks turned out too sweet and the chocolate never dissolved well in the milk, tiny particles were floating inside their mismatched mugs. But neither seemed to mind, Taehyung had popped more marshmallows between his lips than there were in his hot chocolate and Jeongguk dunked the cookies into the hot drink until it almost fell apart before eating.

“We’ve made,” Jeongguk corrected.

“We’ve made,” Taehyung repeated in agreement, taking a sip of his drink. “I hope to see you more,” Taehyung mused. “Are you travelling anywhere soon?”

“No,” Jeongguk said. “After the fiasco with Orivala, I believe the only thing I have this week would be the gala.”


“Hm,” Jeongguk hummed, mouth full of cookie. “The Crown raised funds for the opening of a new hospital in my mother’s name; it would be a gala to thank the patrons – all who are members of the peerage of Naissus and some companies.

“Is the Crown hosting?”

“Of course,” Jeongguk sighed. “It’s rather tiring, but it’s for a good cause. Would you like to attend?”

“I’m not a benefactor of the hospital though.”

“It shouldn’t matter, you’re a guest of my court. That should give you reason enough.”

“I’ll attend,” Taehyung paused. “If it is as your personal guest, Jeongguk.”


Jeon Jeongguk
House: The Ancient House Cepheus (The King)
Title: King of Naissus
Age: 22

Lee Ji-Eun (IU)
House: Cepheus (The King)
Title: Ambassador of Naissus, duch*ess of Hespera (Roman Goddess of Dusk)
Position: Cousin of the King
Age: 25

Kim Namjoon
House: Auriga (The Charioteer)
Title: Lord Chancellor, Duke of Pietas (Roman Goddess of Duty)
Position: Member of the King’s Circle, Member of the King’s Privy Council
Age: 26

Kim Seokjin
House: Ophiuchus (The Physician)
Title: Duke of Concordia (Roman Goddess of Agreement)
Position: Physician, Member of the King’s Circle, Member of the King’s Privy Council
Age: 29

Min Yoongi
House: Eridanus (The River) - adopted into
Title: Right Hand of the King, Earl of Libertas (Roman Goddess of Freedom)
Position: Member of the King’s Circle, Jeongguk’s Adopted Brother
Age: 28

Park So-jin (Girl’s Day)
House: Cynus (The Swan)
Title: Countess of Somnus (Roman God of Sleep)
Position: Member of the King’s Privy Council
Age: 31

Jung Hoseok
House: Orion (The Hunter)
Title: Commander General, Heir Apparent to Marquis of Spes (Roman Goddess of Hope)
Position: Member of the King’s Circle, Cousin of the King
Age: 26

Shin Sung-rok (Actor)
House: Centaurus (The Centaur)
Title: Viscount of Honos (Roman God of Military Honours and Chivalry)
Position: Member of the King’s Privy Council
Age: 37


Kim Jennie (Black Pink)
House: The Divine House Chrysantheme (Chrysanthemum)
Title: Crown Princess and Heir Apparent of the Attalian Throne
Age: 21

Kim Taehyung
House: The Divine House Chrysantheme (Chrysanthemum)
Title: First Prince of Attalia, Duke of MûrierSauvage (Blackberry)
Age: 24

Kim Mingyu (Seventeen)
House: The Divine House Chrysantheme (Chrysanthemum)
Title: Prince of Attalia, Duke of L’AirelleRouge (Lingonberry)
Age: 19

Park Jimin
House: Turnesol (Sunflower)
Title: Heir Apparent to Marquis of Châtaigne (Chestnut)
Position: Royal Guard and Protectorate
Age: 24


Park Hae-jin (Actor)
House: The Imperial House Cerebyrn
Title: Crown Prince of the Orivalian Empire, Soon-to-be Emperor of the Orivalian Empire
Age: 35


Lim Areum
Title: Queen of Aquileia

Choi Mal-chin
Title: Grand Duke of Lugdunum

It’s kind of funny that the Noble Family and Houses of Naissus are all so epic with houses named constellations and counties named after Roman Gods, but the houses of Attalia and provinces are named after... flowers and fruits in French.

But French is such a beautiful language, and perhaps it translates to the kind of country they are too. With Attalia being neutral and being known as a country of culture whereas Naissus is known for its military strength as the Romans were.

The seats of nobility in this universe are based on me bullsh*tting my way through the titles and seating of English nobility. Which makes zero sense to me (the UK has an Earl of Sandwich, like – what). But hey, it looks and sounds super cool and legit. Also, the mess of Korean honourifics in this fic is killing me because I’m trying to combine it with English address of noble peerage. So – forgive me because Jeongguk’s not calling Jimin and Taehyung ‘hyung’ as he should. But he’s King – so – that’s my sorry excuse.

The announcement about the Emperor’s death is stolen directly from the radio announcement about King George the VI’s death in 1952.

Gawd. I am so sorry this took FOREVER, but university’s bitch slapping me with tons of midterms and exams and finals have just appeared out of NOWHERE. Please leave a comment on what you guys liked or didn't like about the story thus far! Thank you so much for reading!

Chapter 5: frühlingserwachen


f r ü h l i n g s e r w a c h e n

(n.) lit. “waking of spring”; describing the start of spring when flowers start to bloom


(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

f r ü h l i n g s e r w a c h e n

Jeongguk does not remember much of his childhood before the death of the King. Everything he remembers comes in glimpses that he compares to days after his father’s passing.

Before: the colours of his mother’s dresses (House Eridanus favours the blues and greens of the river unlike the pooling ink of the Royal House).

Before: he remembers the feeling of sunlight against his skin, days spent outside in the gardens and pathways of the palace, playing with children his age. He remembers the scent of his mother’s perfume and his father’s cologne, the sweetness of red bean paste on shaved ice and the silkiness of custard-filled buns on his tongue. His mother’s laughter and his father’s calm and sure voice – then coughing.


After: his mother adopted the black of House Cepheus – the cold colours of the Crown. Colours of mourning. After was the bright neon of the TV screen and video games, of sunlight struggling through pulled curtains. He remembers the scent of antiseptic and bleach – remnants of the epidemic – and tastes the dust that coats his father’s rooms. After: there was silence. Sobbing.

“His Highness, the Crown Prince, is too young to take the throne.”

“He cannot rule until he is of age, even then, what kind of king would an eighteen-year-old make?”

“Then who shall rule in the name of the Crown?”

“I will,” came his mother’s voice – steadier and louder than it had ever been in the months’ post his father’s death. The young Crown Prince later learns how his mother had to close her heart – sew the gaping hole in her chest close and become the Dowager Queen Regent. To protect Naissus. To protect her son.

He later learns of the sacrifices his mother made when he grows older, learns just how much his mother loves him.

But now all he knows is the distance.

Jeongguk remembers more now.

Turning pages and days spent in the accompany of his tutors. Learning, always learning. Lonely nights in front of the TV with a console controller in hand. Footsteps echoing and travelling further and further away from him.

His 11th birthday is approaching.

Min Yoongi. Min Yoongi?

“You look more and more like your father every day.”

Yes, but will Jeongguk ever be able to measure up to the man his father was?

“I think you’d make him proud, Gukkie.”

Min Yoongi. Yoongi-Hyung.

Colours flood again, off-whites, hazy greens, and creamy pinks. Yoongi-hyung’s eyes are pools of warm black – like the colour of Jeongguk’s House. Chocolate brown of the upright piano that his mother had moved from the music room into Yoongi’s personal rooms. The piano was father’s favourite. Sunlight filtering through open windows. Afternoon naps taken on warm plush carpets. Earthy, sweet scents: flowers and dirt. His mother’s breathy laughter – her laughter – and the slow, calming notes of Yoongi’s piano.

His mother’s laughter.

“Jeongguk. Jeongguk, my darling, come let me teach you the art of flower-arranging.”

Jeongguk remembers immediately setting down his game, for nothing meant more to him than his mother’s love and he will happily sit through a boring old lesson on flower-arranging to see her smile. Then comes the lesson, learning about utilizing textures and shapes and colours.

He remembers how Yoongi-hyung was there, 17-years-old with nimble fingers that danced across piano keys and held prickly stems with ease and morphs single flowers into pretty bunches. Whereas Jeongguk struggles, hands clumsily dropping stems and fingers easily pricked by thorns. Try as he might, the talented Crown Prince did not have a talent in flower-arranging. He ruined perfect blossoms and crushed leaves underneath his palms. But he’ll do it – to make his mother happy.

Jeongguk’s 13th birthday. Then his 14th.

He learns the importance of his position. Of the sheer nature and magnitude of his status.

Jeongguk’s 15th. Then his 17th.

The Crown Prince of Naissus’ 18th birthday.

His coronation.

Long live King Jeon Jeongguk of the Ancient House Cepheus.

The Queen Mother moves to Argenteus into Luna Castle.

Jeongguk faces his adulthood amid the glimpses of his memories at Sol Palace.

After the after: colours dim to the midnight of the new King, who rarely is seen wearing anything but black. Sunlight streams through clean windows and casts glares on Jeongguk’s desk. His days begin with early morning jogs to get his blood flowing and end with late-night walks to calm him down. Days spent listening to complaints and propositions. Nights spent staring at tiny words on white pages. Scratching pens, clicking keyboard keys, and scuffling paper. The lullaby of the piano. Yoongi-hyung’s favourite cologne, a sweet and woody scent that lingers where he has been.

Long gone are the lessons of flower-arranging from the Queen Mother.

Long gone are the soft and creamy blossoms that grace the halls and rooms of Sol Palace.

But long live the King.

“Your Majesty, Lord Libertas, should we have the placement napkins folded in the style favoured by Her Majesty the Queen Mother?”

“She had the napkins folded in a specific way?” Yoongi asked, sitting up from his weirdly-angled slouch across Hoseok’s legs and the arm of the sofa.

“Yes, the Rosebud, sir.”

“The what?” Yoongi repeated. “What the f*ck is that?”

Jeongguk shoved the mouthful of muffin into the sides of his cheeks before asking, “What are we doing now?”

“The Double Diamond, sir.”

Jeongguk blinked, nodding as if he understood what a ‘Double Diamond’ was. “Well,” he started, “as I have instructed: if the rose thing was what my mother had done before, go back to it.”

With only three days left before the gala and less than forty-eight hours before the arrival of the Queen Mother, the staff at Sol Palace were on edge – scrambling about fixing, dusting, arranging, and tidying.

It was setting the King on edge.

It wasn’t as if the palace was left in shambles after the Queen Mother moved out of the primary residence of the King and into Luna Castle, but the Queen Mother had certain standards in comparison to her young son.

All Jeongguk demanded of his household was for everything to have a function. The decorum and tradition of the Royal Household meant little to him. However, the Queen Mother was an entirely different story. In her household, the portraits and heirlooms would have remained in their original positions since Sol Palace was built, but the gaudy nature of priceless vases and statues sitting in the halls where anyone could accidentally bump into, namely Namjoon, was unappealing to the young King. So, he had almost everything moved to the Gallery and ensured that the Lord Chancellor was never allowed to step foot inside.

However, with the Queen Mother visiting, some pieces had to be pulled out of the Gallery and placed back in its original positions, and the old traditions and practices of the household put in place.

It wouldn’t have been much of a problem for Jeongguk had he the leadership of the Head of the Royal Household to manage things. But the old woman who held the title passed away from age the year before, leaving the position vacant.

The members of Jeongguk’s King’s Circle helped with some of the responsibilities for the time being. The staff, for the most part, were able to handle the affairs of the palace without the Head. But with the arrival of the Queen Mother, and the King’s single instruction of ‘have everything done the way the Queen Mother would have wanted it,’ they sought the King and his brother for advice and interrupting them in the middle of afternoon tea with their friends.

“Another thing, sir,” the Master Secretary continued. “The housemaids draw up the curtains at 11’oclock in the morning. However, Her Majesty had them drawn up at dawn and closed at sun down.”

“Why did we change the hours of the curtains rising?” Jeongguk asked.

“Because I don’t appreciate being blinded before breakfast,” Yoongi grumbled, settling down like an oversized cat in Hoseok’s lap again. “Just – raise them at dawn again, just until the Queen Mother leaves.”

“Despite the bad boy appearance, you’re such a softie, Yoongi-hyung,” Hoseok laughed. “Whatever makes Oisukmo happy, right?”

Yoongi clicked his tongue, eyeing the secretary who handed Jeongguk a hefty looking manila folder.

“These are the documents regarding the funds of the Royal Household, sir, normally, we would have the Head go through them, but with the circ*mstances, everything goes to you, sir.”

“Right,” Jeongguk muttered, finally swallowing the muffin and pressing his lips into a thin line. He’ll be missing some sleep tonight.

“Are you sure you’re cut out to be a King, Jeongguk? Because it seems like you’re struggling to run your household,” Seokjin said.

“The next thing they’re going to ask is if the Queen Mother wanted the toilet paper roll to be mounted over or under,” Hoseok chuckled.

“That’s easy, Hoseok-hyung,” Jeongguk said. “It’s always over.”

“Why does it f*cking matter?” Yoongi muttered.

“When the toilet paper roll is positioned with the loose end hanging over, it reduces the chances of accidentally touching the wall and transferring germs,” Namjoon answered easily.

“Sounds like you speak from experience,” Seokjin said impassively.

“It’s just one of the many reasons,” Namjoon shrugged.

Jeongguk nodded, about to add another augment when he was interrupted by the Master Secretary coming in yet again. “Your Majesty, My Lords, forgive me for bothering you once more, but I forgot about the flowers.”

Jeongguk groaned, throwing himself onto the single leather settee and covering his face with the folder.

“Jeongguk, it’s flowers,” Namjoon said, lifting the mug of coffee to his lips. “It’s not like you’ve received news that war was declared on Naissus, stop overreacting.”

“I rather deal with war than flowers,” Jeongguk mumbled, his words muffled by papers atop his face.

Seokjin scoffed. “Despite all the effort Her Majesty took to teaching you, you still can’t do a proper arrangement, can you?”

“It’s not just that,” Jeongguk whined. “It’s the Royal Florist.”

“Indeed,” the Master Secretary said, “Oh Joon-ho-ssi requests an audience with you, sir.”

“Is he available now?”

“Yes, sir, he’s waiting outside.”

Jeongguk sighed and stood, tossing the stack of papers into Yoongi’s lap. “Send him in.”

“Of course, sir,” the Master Secretary said, stepping out of the room and closing it quietly behind him.

“Have you met Oh Joon-ho, Joonie?” Seokjin asked.

“No,” Namjoon replied. “I haven’t had the honour.”

Yoongi scoffed. “Well, you’re in for a treat.”

When the Master Secretary knocked and opened the door once more, the Royal Florist, Oh Joon-ho walked in – no, more like glided in. Jeongguk was not one to judge anyone’s sense of fashion – especially when his own consisted of white t-shirts and black jeans on days when suits and dress shirts were not necessary. But there was always something about Oh Joon-ho’s style that led to inevitably ogling.

Perhaps it’s the constant flower crowns that sat upon the man’s head (today, he walked the halls with a circlet of jasmines and silky deep green leaves in his hair) or maybe it was the brightly painted nails and crystal-encrusted suits. He dipped into a flourish of a bow in front of Jeongguk and the King’s Circle.

“The Royal Florist, Oh Joon-ho-ssi, Your Majesty,” the Master Secretary announced before closing the door behind him.

Jeongguk held out his right hand, holding back a cringe as Oh Joon-ho took it and placed a kiss on the King’s knuckles. The strong scent of the florist’s perfume wafted its way towards Jeongguk, catching in his throat and he struggled not to cough. Out of the corner of his eyes, he could see Namjoon’s eyes widen.

“Your Majesty, My Lords,” Oh Joon-ho greeted.

“Oh Joon-ho-ssi,” Jeongguk returned, taking his hand back as quickly as possible without looking like he was shocked. “What seems to be the problem.”

“Your Majesty,” the eccentric man began. “My family have served House Cepheus for many generations, sir, going back since the time of your great, great, great grandfather.” He waved his arms, showing off fingers with red painted nails and lamenting dramatically. “I love working for you, sir. I love the gardens and the palace. I do not want to leave, but I simply cannot work with Her Majesty the Queen Mother – not when she has given me such reproach. Thus, I have come to tell you that I will hand in my notice if you’d require me to design the flowers during the Her Majesty’s stay.”

Jeongguk held back a sigh. He does not have the time to deal with this drama. He couldn’t let Oh Joon-ho resign, and the florist knew it too. Why else would he come to King at such late notice? Jeongguk wasn’t particularly close to the man, and he dreaded the idea of having to find someone new – especially with the position of Head of the Royal Household still vacant. Besides, Oh Joon-ho did an excellent job of maintaining the gardens and taking care of the flower arrangements during times where there were guests in the palace – which wasn’t very often.

In the days of the Dowager Queen Regent, flowers littered the palace. There were arrangements in almost every stateroom and occupied bedrooms done by the Queen herself. But since Jeongguk rose to power, he instructed the Head of the Household to have flower displays only in the main rooms that hosted guests. Jeongguk had little say in what kind of arrangements they were either, nor did he really mind. But Oh Joon-ho’s arrangements were rather flamboyant, overly large with bright and blinding colours that clashed with the dark curtains and monochromatic décor of the rooms and halls.

“There is no need to hand in your resignation, Oh Joon-ho-ssi,” Yoongi supplied in Jeongguk’s silence.

“I believe we could find someone to fill your position for the time being,” Jeongguk said. “But I hope that you’ll continue your duties of maintaining the gardens.”

“Of course, sir, thank you,” Oh Joon-ho said, bowing lavishly once more, “and thank you, Lord Libertas, for addressing my concerns.”

“Well,” Namjoon started when the man left the room, leaving behind the overwhelming scent of jasmine in his wake. “He certainly leaves his mark.”

Hoseok snigg*red. “I forgot Oisukmo was rather opinionated about our Florist.”

“You mean she hates his guts,” Yoongi said.

“Didn’t she rip him a new one during Yoongi-hyung’s 25th birthday?” Jeongguk asked, flopping down on the sofa beside Namjoon and Seokjin – the other one entirely occupied by Yoongi’s outstretched form and Hoseok.

Seokjin chuckled. “I remember. She said that the flowers must have been done by a clown.”

“Who will you ask to take over then?” Namjoon asked.

“Jin-hyung, could you manage the arrangements?” Jeongguk asked, smiling sweetly at the older man. “It’s late notice, but you enjoy flower arranging, don’t you?”

Seokjin sighed, it was an immense request that Jeongguk was asking. It wouldn’t be a couple of arrangements, but at least a couple dozen for the halls, one for every one of the staterooms, galleries, and the Queen Mother’s guest rooms, on top of the duties that Seokjin already had to tend to as Royal Physician and Duke of Concordia. But there was little time left – under two days until the Queen Mother’s arrival – and Jeongguk could not find someone else to hire. And really – it was hard to resist the young King’s puppy dog eyes, and Jeongguk exploited that knowledge.

“I suppose I could postpone the meeting with the Medical Household…” Seokjin muses. “But I also have a brunch meeting with the CEO of that biopharma company that you wanted to fund.”

“Oh right, I forgot I asked that of you,” Jeongguk said, smiling faltering as he realized just how busy Seokjin was.

“I can go,” Namjoon offered.

“No, Joonie –”

“Seriously, Hyung, it’s the least I can do. With the gala in a couple of days, there is very little for me to do. Besides, I always wanted to learn more about this deal - it might make the company more willing sign the contract if the Chancellor was involved, no?”

Seokjin nodded, placing a hand on Namjoon’s thigh with a soft and grateful smile. “Alright, I can handle the flowers. I don’t think the gardens would have enough flowers to accommodate for the number of arrangements, not without cutting every shrub bare.”

“I’ll give you full access to the funds of the Royal Household,” Jeongguk said. “Whatever you need.”

Seokjin nodded, getting up to make his way to the gardens to take an inventory of what he could use.

“Wait – Hyung!” Jeongguk called. “Please – just – not too much pink?”

Jeongguk snapped his head up to the sound of knocking on his door – a welcome change to the monotonous tapping of his pen as he read through endless documents.

“Come in!”

“The Duke of Concordia, Your Majesty.”

Seokjin walked in carrying a tray of fruit tarts and two cups of coffee.

“Hyung?” Jeongguk said. “What are you doing here?”

It was later in the evening, Jeongguk had retired to his rooms but was still going through some papers that needed his attention. Yoongi had ditched him, deciding to spend some time in the music room brushing up on some songs. Hoseok kept the young King company though, head bobbing to some music on the sofa as he waited for the younger to finish so they could go for a late-night walk together.

“I have some interesting news,” Seokjin said, setting the tray down on Jeongguk’s desk. The young king immediately plucking the slice of strawberry on top, popping it into his mouth and tasting the sweet custard cream before the tart berry. Hoseok joined them at the table, pulling his earphones out and stealing a sip of coffee.

“What is it, Hyung?”

“I ran into Taehyung and Jimin just now,” Seokjin said. “They’re headed out to a private dinner party.”

“Who’s?” Hoseok asked.

“Taekwoon-hyung,” Seokjin said smiling.

Jung Taekwoon-hyung,” Hoseok repeated. “As in the antisocial Marquis of Edesia, Jung Taekwoon-hyung? When did Taehyung even meet him?”

“I believe it was rather Jaehwan’s doing though,” Seokjin said, sitting down across from Jeongguk’s desk, grinning at the mention of the restless socialite. “He texted me earlier telling me about a special guest at Taekwoon-hyung’s party, and he’d love it if I’d come too.”

“I shouldn’t be surprised though,” Hoseok continued. “Taehyung is a social butterfly.” The Commander General turned to Jeongguk, eyeing the King like he was a speck of dust on his suit. “Unlike you.”

“Hoseok-hyung,” Jeongguk started. “Please don’t mock my sad social life that I am well aware of. That’s treason.”

Hoseok threw his head back laughing.

“Anyway,” Seokjin continued. “I was discussing with Taehyung the predicament I was in with the flowers. And he offered to take the duties off my hands.”

Really?” Jeongguk said. “But he’s a guest.”

“He was rather insistent,” Seokjin said. “He seemed so enthusiastic about it. Besides, Attalia is a country famed for flowers. Why not?”

“Why not,” Jeongguk repeated.

Breakfast the next morning came with a small surprise for Jeongguk. Namjoon was out of his seat, standing by the window with one hand in his pocket and the other holding a mug of coffee, a soft smile on his face.

“What’s going on out there?” Jeongguk asked.

Namjoon turned, smirking. “Come see for yourself,” he said, gesturing towards the gardens with his head. Jeongguk followed Namjoon’s line of vision. He quickly recognized the Attalian Prince amongst the heads of black and brown hair. The Prince’s blond shone in the light of the morning sun.

He was kneeling in the grass, wearing a white sweater with the sleeves rolled up past his elbows and a gardening apron wrapped around his middle. Not that it would help with keeping his clothes clean, already there was a smear of dirt across his shoulder and dark patches along his sleeves. Jimin worked beside him just a few feet away, a pair of shears in his garden-gloved-hands as he cut down a bloom of roses and placed them in the basket by Taehyung’s side.

Jeongguk learned from Yoongi that in Floating Isles, the language of flowers and the art of arranging was taught to all noble children. After all, flowers are what they are famed for. Yoongi had a talent for flower-arranging, something Jeongguk learned early on. But his style did not correspond to the Queen Mother’s, Yoongi favoured darker flowers and more fillers in the form of deep greens and berries. Seokjin’s approach seemed to match Jeongguk’s mother’s the most, the oldest of the King’s Circle preferred pale blossoms with fillers of gypsophila and spray roses.

Yoongi joined the pair by the window, squinting through bleary, sleepy eyes. His frown softened.

“I had a message sent to Taehyung last night about access to funds for ordering more flowers,” Seokjin said from his seat at the table. “Seeing that I would not know when he’d be back from Taekwoon-hyung’s party. Jimin had this delivered to me earlier this morning.”

Seokjin handed Jeongguk an opened envelope. When Jeongguk pulled the papers out, he was hit with the scent of vanilla and lavender. The documents were printed, detailing the purchases required for the number of arrangements needed.

“Taehyung did all of this before breakfast?” Yoongi asked, peering over Jeongguk’s shoulder.

“All before I got up,” Seokjin said. “He assembled a team for the gardens on his own too.”

Jeongguk turned to the scene outside again, noticing Oh Joon-ho joining Taehyung and his line-up of gardeners. The Royal Florist’s crystal-covered suit was blinding in the sunlight and today he wore a crown of bright yellow roses. But, the surprising thing was that he held another flower crown of vibrant red and pink carnations in his hands, the florist knelt down beside the Prince, placing the crown in the Prince’s lap. Taehyung’s hand wrapped around the blossoms, feeling the shape of the entwined stems until he realized what it was.

A brilliant smile grew on Taehyung’s lips, closed eyes crinkling at the wideness of his grin. Jeongguk would even say that it was a goofy grin. A beautiful, glowing, goofy grin. The Prince placed the circlet of blossoms on his head, remnants of soil on his fingertips catching in his hair, leaving dark marks. Taehyung said something, lips racing and hand grabbing carelessly onto Jimin’s light-coloured dress shirt. The guard glanced over, eyeing the handprints Taehyung left on his shoulder, but then a smile pulling on his usually stern face before he replied.

Jeongguk could almost predict their conversation.

Jimin, do I look pretty? Taehyung would ask.

Yes, very pretty, Taehyung. Jimin would respond to humour the Prince.

Jimin glanced up suddenly, feeling the presence of eyes on him. He caught Jeongguk’s eyes, nodded a greeting before his eyes turned to Jeongguk’s right. Yoongi quickly turned back to the table, sitting and gulping down his coffee. Outside, Jimin had looked away too, inspecting the bush of roses intensely.

“Taehyung’s got a small army out there,” Hoseok said, glancing out the window from his seat. “And he befriended Oh Joon-ho. Think they’ll finish on time?”

“I think they’ll be fine,” Jeongguk said, forcing himself to tear his eyes away from the beautiful man with flowers in his hair.

“Woah,” Yoongi said, whistling. “It’s like Eommoni never left.”

It seems that Taehyung had the main hall his base, there were baskets of flowers wrapped in paper in the corners of the room with a couple of staff unwrapping them and another couple polishing silver vases. But what had Jeongguk’s jaw agape was the arrangement Taehyung was working on.

In the middle of the room, just at the base of the Grand Staircase, was a circular oak table where a large, silver vase sat in the middle holding an enormous bouquet of white roses, hydrangeas, ranunculus, and carnations. Also on top of the table, stood the Attalian Prince, balancing on bare feet with his sleeves rolled up, dirt smeared across his forearms, fingers stained green, and flower crown sitting on a slant on his head. He held a long stem of a carnation in one hand, the other brushing against the ornate bouquet, searching for an empty space that requires more flowers.

“I told you there was nothing to worry about,” Seokjin said quietly as they descended the stairs.

Jimin turned at the sound of approaching footsteps, straightening into a bowing at their arrivals.

At the base of the table, the Crownsguard shadowed Taehyung, holding a bunch of hydrangeas and roses in one hand with the other resting in his pockets. He looked at ease, but Jeongguk had little doubt that if Taehyung were to slip, Jimin would jump into action in half-a-heartbeat.

And the King was grateful for that.

“Is someone there, Jimin?” Taehyung asked, fingers still tracing the outline of the bouquet, weaving the carnation into place.

“Yes,” Jimin replied. “Jeongguk, Seokjin-hyung, and Min Yoongi-ssi.”

Jeongguk had little time to question the odd formality Jimin had for his older brother before Taehyung pulled the attention away.

“Ah, Jin-hyung,” Taehyung greeted. “Have you seen the other arrangements?” He reached down, hand making grabbing motions in Jimin’s general direction. “A rose, please.”

The guard placed a stem of the requested flower in Taehyung’s grasp.

“They’re perfect,” Seokjin said. “You got the design spot on.”

“It’s rather opulent,” Taehyung said. “But you did tell me that Her Majesty the Queen Mother had not visited the palace since Yuletide two years ago. I thought that it would be a nice welcome back.”

“Did you do all the arrangements, Taehyung?” Yoongi asked, stepping out of the way as several footmen passed by the two noblemen and King, bowing as they carried small vases holding bouquets of blushing ranunculus, white carnations, and icy-green leaves. They were undoubtedly elegant bouquets, and the light colours stood out against the darker curtains and wood finishes without looking out of place.

“Not all of them, Yoongi-hyung,” Taehyung answering, wedging the blossom into a space with his right hand and his left resting against the top of the petals, levelling the rose with the blossoms surrounding it. “Jimin did a bunch and Joon-ho-hyung helped.” He stopped, wiping his hands on his dark trousers. “This one is done too.”

Jeongguk was amazed, he didn’t have Namjoon’s penchant for destruction, but never would he be able to handle the blossoms with such tenderness. Taehyung’s fingers barely touched the petals, yet he was able to discern between empty and occupied space and can tell which flowers would look well where, all without his sight.

“How do you do it?” Jeongguk blurted. “How can you arrange flowers so well?”

“Practice,” Taehyung replied with a shrug. “Besides, Jimin is doing all the hard work by picking the prettiest flower for me. I just have to put it in place.”

“He’s modest,” Jimin said. Taehyung laughed and still circling the table, took one step too close to the edge.

His toes curled into empty space, and the arch of his foot slid forward as his entire body followed.

Taehyung was going to fall.

Jeongguk leapt forward out of reflex, heart pounding in his ears and adrenaline fueling his steps. But he’d never make it time. Then he saw a blur of silver as Jimin appeared underneath Taehyung, wrapping arms around the Prince and lowering him to the floor with ease. Like Taehyung weighed nothing. Like this was a regular occurrence.

Holy sh*t,” Yoongi hissed. Seokjin clutched his heart, attempting to catch his breath.

Taehyung’s flower crown slipped off his head in the commotion, falling to the ground and rolling to a stop by Jeongguk’s feet.

“Ah, my crown,” Taehyung cried, patting his hair.

Jimin set Taehyung on his feet and placed a pair of dress shoes on the ground for the Prince to slip into, not even commenting on the fact that the Prince just threw himself off a table, or that his primary concern was where the flower crown was.

Jeongguk squared his shoulders, closing his mouth before anyone realized that he held his mouth agape and knelt down, picking up the wreath of blossoms. “I – uh – I have your flower crown.”

Taehyung smiled, that all too wide pull on his lips and showed off too much teeth. Where were the soft smiles and coy grins? Not that Jeongguk was complaining. Any and all smiles suited the gorgeous man, and Jeongguk was delighted to be the subject of such grins. How cliché it was to say, but Jeongguk was drawn to Taehyung’s smiles like a moth to a flame.

“Thank you, Jeongguk,” Taehyung said, he held out a hand, and Jeongguk saw that despite the Prince’s talent, he was not immune to the thorns. Small cuts littered the Prince’s palm and fingertips, some scabbed over but others are fresh with soil sticking to open wounds.

“Your hand,” Jeongguk said. Taehyung pulled his hand back, stroking his dirt-covered fingers with the other hand.

“Ah,” Taehyung said, understanding Jeongguk’s concerns. The Prince’s smile softened until it just a ghost of a smile, still unfamiliar to Jeongguk – it was genuine – raw. “Cuts come with the territory of playing with flowers. It’s alright; they’ll heal very quickly.”

Jeongguk then stepped forward, placated by Taehyung’s voice and daring with the sight of his smile. He placed the flower crown on Taehyung’s head with both hands, gently. He expected some sort of reaction from Taehyung – he wanted a smile – that bright, eye-crinkling, teeth-baring smile.

Instead, he saw Jimin’s eyes grow wider, and Taehyung took a step back, biting his lower lip and turning his face his face away as redness rose on his neck and cheeks. Was he embarrassed – or confused – or shocked?

Yoongi cussed behind him.

“Uh,” Taehyung started, it was bizarre to see the Prince at a loss for words. “Thank – thank you, Jeongguk.” He cleared his throat, touching the back of his neck hesitantly, leaving dark streaks on his skin. “I - we should get going, I –uh – didn’t specify where the footmen should be putting the vases and I haven’t even started on the flowers for the ballroom.”

“Right, sorry to keep you,” Jeongguk replied stepping to the side as Taehyung took Jimin’s arm and begun ascending the stairs.

As soon as the Attalian pair were out of sight, Yoongi stomped up to Jeongguk and smacked him upside the head.

“Ow, Hyung, what was that for?” Jeongguk hissed, rubbing the sore spot.

“You’re an idiot,” Yoongi said. “And they’re f*cking insane. This is why I left Attalia: because there are princes who jump off tables and guards who catch them without batting a f*cking eyelash.”

“Yeah – but why hit me for it,” Jeongguk whined. “It’s not like I made him jump.”

“No, but you’re a love-struck fool,” Seokjin supplied, shaking his head. “You might as well just give Taehyung the title of Prince Consort.”

“What did I do?” Jeongguk spluttered. “I just gave him his flower crown back!”

What?” Yoongi hissed “Don’t you remember the significance of giving flower crowns in Attalia?” The older man groaned when Jeongguk shook his head. “I thought I explained this to you before Taehyung arrived!”

“Maybe,” Jeongguk mumbled. “I just – there was a lot of information! How am I supposed to remember it all?”

“Flower crowns are gifts of affection,” Seokjin explained. “A symbol of devotion and a budding friendship.”

“But – but it wasn’t – I didn’t – Oh Joon-oh was the one who gave it to Taehyung. I just gave it back!”

“By putting it on his head,” Yoongi snapped. “Giving flower crowns is one thing, but crowning someone is a powerful declaration. You announced yourself as his suitor. As the sole suitor.” Yoongi sighed. “I thought you knew what you were doing.”

“I thought we were going to have an engagement on our hands after what, a month?” Seokjin mumbled.

“Oh, sh*t,” Jeongguk said, running a hand through his hair, and cheeks growing red hot and the collar of his dress shirt suddenly suffocating. That’s why the Prince looked so stunned. Jeongguk just forced himself on Taehyung. Just after growing comfortable in each other’s presence.

“I need to apologize to him.”

“Why?” Seokjin asked. “You are his suitor though, that’s why he’s here: to seek an alliance via marriage.”

“But I don’t want to force that on him,” Jeongguk whined. “I wanted a – a relationship that would flow naturally, not because either of us were forced into it, but because we genuinely like each other.”

Seokjin sighed, shaking his head with a fond smile. “Look at you, all grown up and ever the romantic.”

“It’s clear to see that you’ve fallen hard,” Yoongi mumbled.

“Apologize if it makes you feel better, Jeongguk,” Seokjin said. “But I don’t think it would be necessary.”

“I’m glad I dyed my hair back to black,” Yoongi said, barging into Jeongguk’s closet, early the next morning, searching for something to wear because his closet held nothing but varying shades of black.

Jeongguk rummaged through his clothes too, pulling his ear piercings out as he browsed.

He hummed in agreement, “Shame, I rather liked that mint-green though, suited the colours of your House.” He pulled a light-coloured sweater off the hook rather than the darker colours that both he and Yoongi favoured.

Behind him, Yoongi was grumbling to himself as he stood in front of the full-length mirror in, trying to fix the tousled bedhead look that he sported nearly every day.

“I feel like I’m fifteen again,” Jeongguk said, leaning against the display of watches in the middle of his closet, watching his older brother shrug over his head a taupe-coloured turtleneck, scowling as he tried to fix his hair again. “Like we’re trying to look all innocent after breaking one of Eommoni’s vases.”

“You mean when you broke it, and I covered for you.”

“Or when we got caught for sneaking out.”

“When you got caught for sneaking out, and I took the blame. Again.”

“And for underage drinking.”

“I hope you see the pattern in here,” Yoongi said, turning away from the mirror and having to jump to pull Jeongguk into a headlock, rubbing his knuckles through Jeongguk’s hair. “See, this is all sh*t that you did, and I have to cover your ungrateful ass.”

Jeongguk yelped, sliding out from underneath Yoongi’s grasp, laughing as he ran out the door.

“Your Majesty, Lord Libertas, Her Majesty the Queen Mother has arrived.”

They both headed out the doors, waiting by the palace steps side by side. The air was cold but humid in the spring afternoon like it was about to rain. Jeongguk was glad that he put on a sweater this morning, tugging on the sleeves and hem to straighten it.

The car drove around the circular driveway, stopping at the bottom of the steps where Jeongguk and Yoongi both waited. A woman stepped out of the car aided by the driver. Beyond the gates, Jeongguk could make out the sounds of clicking cameras as reporters and paparazzi took shots of the King waiting for his mother.

It was one of the few visits that the Queen Mother had made to the Palace of Sol since her abdication. It will make for good publicity, to remind the world that the King was on good terms with his mother despite him putting a forceful end to her reign. The Dowager Queen aged beautifully, with grey hair speckling between strands of brown that Jeongguk did not remember seeing the last time he visited his mother.

“Eommoni,” Jeongguk said softly, as she stood before him.

Jeongguk inherited little of his mother features save for the softer shade of brown hair in comparison to his father. The Queen Mother smiled, lowering into a curtsy before the King before leaning up to press a kiss on his cheek. Her hair, pulled into an intricate knot at the base of her neck, ticked Jeongguk’s nose.

Yoongi murmured the same greeting, bowing to the Queen Mother and he to pressed a kiss against her cheek. He offered her his arm and Jeongguk took his mother’s arm on the other side as they all headed inside.

“I wish you’d both visit me more often at Luna Castle,” she sighed. “Or let me stay at Sol Palace.”

“No, Eommoni,” Jeongguk said. “Not here, Aurea is the heart of the monarchy, of politics, I cannot force you to become involved in that again.”

“We’ll visit you more often in Argenteus,” Yoongi replied.

“There is an event that I’ll be attending in Argenteus,” Jeongguk said. “Hyung and I will come stay at Luna Castle; I’ll take a week off of my duties to spend time with you, Eomma.”

“We’ll see if Hoseok could take some time off too, so he can visit Eemo,” Yoongi continued.

“Such good sons I have,” the Queen Mother said, wrapping an arm around both of them. Yoongi was not a tall man, but he towered over his adoptive mother despite her heels. It was strange, how Jeongguk now towered over both of them.

When they reached the main hall, the Queen Mother eyed Taehyung’s flowers appreciatively.

“What a lovely arrangement – did you finally find a replacement for that novice of a florist?”

“You know I cannot simply dismiss Oh Joon-ho, Eommoni, his family has been in the employment of the Crown for generations,” Jeongguk said. “The arrangements were done a guest of the court, The First Prince of Attalia.”

They stopped in the Euterpe music room, where the staff had prepared refreshments for the arrival of the Queen Mother.

“Oh, that’s right,” the Queen Mother mused, sitting down on the sofa as the staff served tea. “I remember reading in the newspapers that you have a guest. The Blind Prince, isn’t it?”

Jeongguk bit his lip – ‘the Blind Prince’ – it wasn’t his favourite epithet for Taehyung. He wondered how the Prince himself felt hearing about such a title in the media.

“Yes, Eommoni.”

“I’ve heard speculation in the news that he’s here to forge an alliance.”

“Eommoni,” Yoongi started, “We invited you to court to open the hospital in your name – you’re retired. Please don’t worry about the politics anymore, would you like me to play something for you?”

“Oh yes, Yoongi,” the Queen Mother said. “I rather missed your playing.” Yoongi stood, walking to the black baby grand piano.

It had started raining, dull grey clouds overtaking the once blue skies, dark shadows now overtaking the room, Jeongguk stood to turn on the lights, hoping the soft yellow lights brightens the mood.

The Queen Mother took the opportunity to lean closer. “I know that both you and Yoongi are trying to protect me, but you must remember that I spent most of my life in the spotlight as the Crown Prince’s betrothed, then as wife of the King, then nearly a decade in your name, my child.”

“Yes, Eommoni.” Jeongguk paused. He could speak freely to his mother – could he not? “You’re right… the Attalian Prince is here on talks of an alliance.”

“Marriage?” she asks.

“Of course, what kind of alliance would be as binding between two countries?”

“Do you like him?”


“I know who you are, Jeongguk,” she said, taking a sip of her drink. “I know your preferences, and I will not stop you from finding love.”

“And what about an heir to the throne?”

The Queen Mother placed her cup and saucer back onto the table, reaching for her son’s hand. “So much tragedy has befallen our family with the passing of your father and uncle. If you do not have children of your own, the Crown will be passed to your cousin. Though I hope to one day have grandchildren, I might have to settle for Ji-eun’s. So, my child, do you like him?”

And all at once, his mother was able to dissolve some of his most pressing concerns. Concerns that Jeongguk did not even realize that he had other than the nagging reminder of his duty as King.

“I - I find him… attractive,” Jeongguk admitted quietly, words almost lost in the melody of Yoongi’s song. “But that wouldn’t equate to love.”

“Not yet at least,” his mother replied. “Jeongguk, my love, I’m not going to urge you to take on the alliance, this is not just a matter of politics anymore, but a matter of your happiness. And that is your decision alone.”

“Eommoni, do know anything about the blessing of the gods?” Jeongguk asked. “About some sort of gift?”

The Queen Mother paused, crossing her legs while fondly watching her adopted son play. “Attalian legends and myths are hard to understand,” the Queen Mother finally replied softly. “They guard their secrets closely, especially secrets regarding the Royal Family. Everything that you know comes from information that your young Lord Chancellor has dug up and everything that Yoongi remembers from his time at the Attalian court.”

“Hyung told me that he wasn’t very close with House Chrysanthemé – but he knew the prince’s guard,” Jeongguk said.

“All I know is that people worship the Mother Goddess who was said to have risen the lands closer to heaven to be closer to her children,” the Queen Mother said. “Yoongi may not openly practice the Attalian faith, but I know he respects the Mother Goddess immensely. However, I know little about whatever gifts the gods may give, or the existence of such gifts. Why do you ask?”

Jeongguk licks his lips. “Namjoon-hyung believes that the First Prince of Attalia was given a gift for the price of his eyesight.”

“That’s a radical speculation.”

“There is no proof,” Jeongguk said. “Nor is there anything to counter it.”

His mother hesitated, waiting for the ending of Yoongi’s soft song to morph into another piece. “I don’t think you remember, but one of the first symptoms of the plague is the loss of vision.”

The Plague. The illness that crippled Naissus over ten years ago and ripped Jeongguk’s father from him. His heart dropped.

“But – but, the Plague never travelled past our coast – we were completely isolated. Under Martial Law even.”

“But even so, Yoongi was able to enter the country. Who is to say that someone wasn’t able to sneak out, enter Attalian court and infect the Prince?”

“Eommoni are you suggesting that Taehyung caught the Plague?”

“It’s just a theory, and it sounds just as possible as a gift by the so-called gods of Attalia.”

“Namjoon-hyung believes that Taehyung has a gift,” Jeongguk retorted with a pout. His mother smiled.

“This is all just speculation,” his mother said. “Besides, Namjoon was always a rather optimistic boy.”

The rain had not let up since yesterday afternoon. The grayness outside darkened the room in a way that no lamps would brighten. It made Jeongguk feel sluggish, tired, and uninterested in his work and the spread of afternoon tea – which was rare.

Namjoon, Hoseok, and Yoongi were with him, lounging in Jeongguk’s private rooms as the tailor fitted them with their suits for the gala. Seokjin had the fitting yesterday and was in the middle of his meeting with the Medical Household. It was Hoseok’s turn, Namjoon’s suit already finished as he sat enjoying the afternoon break with them.

“I spoke to Eommoni about Taehyung yesterday,” Jeongguk started, mindlessly tapping away at another phone game he just downloaded. “Well – more like she interrogated me about him.”

Yoongi scoffed from his place sprawled on the sofa with his arms hanging limply over the armrest. “Of course, she did – shame they haven’t met yet.”

“Taehyung’s been overzealous about the flowers,” Namjoon said. “Missing dinner just to see to the arrangements in the ballroom and all.”

Or was Taehyung avoiding Jeongguk?

“What did she ask?” Hoseok said.

“Oh, you know,” Jeongguk started, shuffling to the side of the couch as Hoseok took a seat beside him and Yoongi dragged himself off the couch and towards the three-way mirror. “What is he doing here, whether or not I liked him.”

“And your answer?”

“He has been here for less than a month! We’ve spoken and seen each other less than a dozen times.”

“You had a midnight stroll with him in the gardens then snuck into the kitchens, made hot chocolate, left the stove on and scared the poor girl who came in who came to see her sovereign and a foreign prince at the mess table,” Namjoon summarized.

“Then you go and put a flower crown on his head,” Yoongi drawled.

“He did what?” Namjoon cried, swinging around and nearly spilling the contents of his coffee mug all over Hoseok.

“Without realizing what it really meant,” Yoongi continued.

“Rumours were going to spread like wildfire - it’s become obvious that Taehyung is here for more than just as a guest for the court,” Hoseok sung.

“I’ll apologize to him for my indiscretion,” Jeongguk declared. “But I also invited Taehyung to the gala.”

“Cool, there’s nothing wrong with that,” Yoongi replied.

“But Taehyung insisted that I take him as my personal guest.”

Now Namjoon furrows his brows. “The gala is a public event; you’ll be sending messages, about how you’re officially beginning courtship. It would be an unofficial official declaration.”

“It would be all over the news tomorrow, wouldn’t it?” Hoseok said.

“Of course, no one gives two sh*ts about the opening of a new hospital; it’s all about who the King is hooking up with,” Yoongi mumbled.

“Are you asking Taehyung because you want to?” Hoseok asked.

“I don’t see a reason not to. And the gala seemed like a perfect opportunity. It would give the media something else to talk about rather than the supposed tension between my mother and me,” Jeongguk said. “But I worry about the other messages it might be sending – the messages it might send to Orivala.”

“What, that Naissus is supporting the Floating Isles in the case of hostility?” Hoseok asked.

“I doubt the new Emperor would even cast an eye to us right now,” Namjoon reasoned. “He has a funeral to attend, a coronation to plan, and a possible rebellion on his horizon. The love life of a monarch an ocean’s away will not be at the forefront of his mind.”

“Just do it – it’ll give the public something to gawk over,” Yoongi said with a yawn.

“Eommoni also brought up another theory.”


“Taehyung’s blindness.”


“She thinks that he could have been sick with the plague.”

“The Naissian Plague?” Hoseok clarified.

Jeongguk nods.

“That couldn’t be, the cure was discovered and quickly dispersed soon after the late King’s death,” Namjoon said. “Taehyung fell blind three years ago.”

“That’s not true,” Jeongguk argued. “You said that in the past three years, Taehyung had made few public appearances. That could be for many reasons - including contracting an illness.”

“But that’s such a far-flung theory – how would Taehyung even have gotten in contact with the Naissian Plague? He has never been here,” Namjoon argued.

“I guess it would be more plausible for him to have a gift,” Yoongi said.

“He has a gift.”

“How can you be so sure?” Jeongguk said. “There is no proof, if anything since the garden incident, I am more inclined to believe that he is ill.”

“Jeongguk – The Prince of Attalia is here to forge an alliance – a secret gift of the gods is his – his greatest advantage in a union. Right now, all Attalia has to offer in an alliance is commerce. Whereas they have to gain military strength and protection. Taehyung is refusing to tell us what his gift is because he doesn’t trust us yet - doesn’t trust you yet. So, earn his trust.”

“And even if he doesn’t have a gift – you like him,” Yoongi said, shrugging off his jacket and flopping down on the couch again. It was Jeongguk’s turn now. “You’re smitten by him. What’s the harm in pursuing a relationship for love?”

The young King stood in front of the mirror; his reflection stared back with uncertain eyes and teeth gnawing on lips. “Alright,” he sighed.

“Say, think Taehyung would have something to wear for the gala?” Namjoon asked.

“I’ll ask,” Jeongguk said, “And I’ll see if he still wants to go with me.”

“Your Majesty,” the guard greeted upon Jeongguk’s arrival in front of Taehyung’s rooms.

“Is the Prince in,” Jeongguk asked.

The guard nodded, knocking on the door. “Your Highness, His Majesty the King is here.”

Taehyung’s muffled voice came seconds later. “Come in!”

The guard bowed, opening the door for Jeongguk.

The room was large and airy, with ivory couches and furniture. Jeongguk had arranged for Taehyung’s rooms to be on the second floor of the palace with a balcony overlooking the rest of the estate and windows that shone with the light of the rising sun and the shadows of the setting sun. The windows were open, white curtains dancing in the wind of the rainy day, the smell of rain permeating the room, mixed with the scent that Jeongguk could only describe as Taehyung.


But the Prince himself was nowhere to be seen.

There was a mess on the coffee table, reminders of the presence of two people sharing the sitting room: a familiar leather jacket that doesn’t belong to Taehyung, an open book, two half-empty mugs, the flower crown draped over the corner of an open laptop. It was a lived-in space, comforting in its mess – and despite Jimin’s lower station, there was more than just a professional relationship between the two: Taehyung and Jimin were close friends.

“I’ll just be a minute,” Taehyung’s voice echoed from the bathrooms, accompanied by the sound of splashing water. “Please sit, Jeongguk!”

Jeongguk hummed an agreement and took a seat on one of the sofas, smoothing out his trousers and crossing his legs. There were several bouquets of flowers around the room, now Jeongguk noticing how the room smelled so floral. There were bright peonies mostly, a bouquet sitting in a glass vase in the centre of the mess on the coffee table. Papers were stern haphazardly across the surface, business cards of bakeries, flower shops, and cafés with little notes written in an elegant scrawl in the corners.

‘Best croissants, good green tea lattes, most fragrant gardenias.'

Jeongguk wondered if it was Jimin’s writing or Taehyung’s.

Jeongguk flipped through some of the business cards, wondering if Taehyung went to a specific bakery before. His fingers brushed against a rose gold chain hidden underneath some cards. He pulled on it, finding a familiar pendant of vines, leaves, and diamonds. He saw a deep blue velvet box on the table, inside was another collection of accessories, including a silver watch with the initials KMY.

Kim Mingyu, The Second Prince of Attalia and Taehyung’s youngest sibling. Which means the necklace must belong to his sister, Kim Jennie. Also nestled inside the box was a ring with the insignia of House Chrysanthemum and a bracelet with a single rose charm: his father and his mother.

Taehyung must have brought reminders of home, one for each of the members of his family. Jeongguk wonders if Taehyung misses his family, coming here and staying for nearly two months already. He once said that his father was not cruel - and Taehyung was a grown man, but homesickness does not discriminate, especially not one who’s loved and is loved.

He placed the necklace inside the velvet box, returning it to its rightful place.

Taehyung appeared then, padding from carpet onto marble floors with his hair wet and wearing deep-blue silk pyjamas with the shirt open, showing off his lithe body and skin flushed pink from the hot water.

Jeongguk turned away spluttering underneath his breath and struggling to hide the rising heat.

“Sorry, I was just taking a bath,” Taehyung said. His eyes remained closed, tendrils of water dripping down his hair and lashes into the corner of his nose and cheeks. He disappeared back into the bedroom, and Jeongguk could hear the shuffling of fabrics until he returned with a plush towel draped over his head. “Jimin and I weren’t expecting company.”

“I’m sorry to have – uh interrupted,” Jeongguk said, as the Prince ruffled the towel through his blond hair. Jeongguk casted his eyes on anything but Taehyung’s open shirt.

“It’s alright, I was just about to get out of the bath anyway,” Taehyung said, folding the towel against his neck and smoothing down his dishevelled hair. Wet strands that missed the Prince’s combing fingers stubbornly stuck out in odd directions.

He was beautiful.

“So. Uh, where – where is Jimin?” Jeongguk asked, realizing how quiet he’d been just gawking.

“Went to the kitchens, we both missed dinner, unfortunately.”

“I see,” Jeongguk said

“I got carried away with the flowers in the ballroom,” Taehyung explained, his hands traced the arm of the sofa, marking the whereabouts of the furniture. His fingers skimmed Jeongguk’s elbow, and he had to fight the urge to tense up. Taehyung had been more forward in the past with hands running up Jeongguk’s body and face – the mere grazing of fingertips should not send such fire into his bones.

“You could have called someone to fetch dinner for you,” Jeongguk said, cautiously, trying so hard to continue the conversation.

“We’re troubling the staff enough,” Taehyung said. He slipped in the space between Jeongguk’s legs and the coffee table, legs skimming Jeongguk’s knees as he sat down beside the young king. Taehyung carried with him the soft scent of lavender and chamomile. Perhaps it was some sort of oil in his bath.

He seemed to remember that the buttons of his shirt were open, fingers deftly buttoning them closed.

Much to Jeongguk’s relief.

“Thank you, again, for helping,” Jeongguk said. “Jin-hyung must have told you about Oh Joon-ho’s quarrels with my mother.”

“Jin-hyung told me what the Queen Mother liked,” Taehyung said. “Joon-ho-hyung’s preference for flowers are a bit…loud. Why didn’t you make the flower arrangements? You should know the Queen Mother’s taste the best.”

“I’m not very good at it,” Jeongguk admitted. “The flowers would look half-dead by the time I’m done.”

Taehyung chuckled. “What a shame. I assume you’re here for more than just to thank me?”

“Ah, yes,” Jeongguk started, suddenly tongue-tied. He was so confident before he stepped into the room – before he saw the Prince’s bare skin and tousled hair. “I – I – uh – wanted to know if you have needed something to wear to the gala. It is late notice, but my tailors could make something if you need it.”

“It’s alright – Jimin and I found something on our trip to the city early this week. I hope that it isn’t causing too much trouble with the tabloids and press that I am constantly in the city – it’s just – I get a bit – restless.”

“No,” Jeongguk replies, absentmindedly. “It’s fine.”

He licked his lips, fiddling with his thumbs.

“I also wanted to come and – apologize.”

Taehyung’s brows furrowed and he turned his head to the side. “Whatever for?”

“For my actions yesterday afternoon,” Jeongguk said in a rush, repeating his rehearsed words. “I was unaware of the importance of such a gesture with flower crowns and I am sorry if I intruded and overstepped my boundaries. You are here to forge an alliance, but as you said about not forcing it on me, I would never want to force a relationship onto you.”


“I forgive you,” Taehyung said, softly. “To be honest, I wondered when you grew so bold. But this makes more sense.”

“I’ll try and be better,” Jeongguk said, “to learn the customs of the Floating Isles, so I don’t make the same mistakes again.” He looked down at his hands – a bad habit for if he wanted to command an audience, but here all Jeongguk wanted was to convey his emotions. Besides, if he met Taehyung’s eyes, he’d be left tongue-tied once more.

“I – ” Jeongguk started – but his words were interrupted as the guard knocked, opening the door as Jimin came in, carrying a large tray and grumbling under his breath. But then he saw Jeongguk and lowered into a bow.

“Oh. Good Evening, Jeongguk,” Jimin greeted.

“Ah, Jimin, your back,” Taehyung said, turning to the sound of the Crownguard’s voice. “Jeongguk came to ask if we needed any assistance with clothes before the gala.”

Jimin shook his head. “No, we should be good, thank you for your consideration though.” The guard set the tray of food down onto the coffee table, pushing aside the mess of electronics and papers.

“Would you like to stay and eat with us, Jeongguk?” Taehyung asked.


“No,” Jeongguk said. “Thank you, but I have something things to take care of.” He stood, hands clenching awkwardly at his side. “Well – then – I hope you both have a good evening.”

“You too,” Taehyung replied softly. “I look forward to tomorrow.”

Jeongguk spared one last glance at the Prince before he left.

With a couple of hours before the gala, Jeongguk returned to his rooms to get dressed for the event. He sighed, loosening his tie and stretching his neck.

“Your Majesty,” called an unfamiliar voice. Jeongguk turned around to see an unfamiliar man with dark eyes and a sharp jawline. That wasn’t his valet.

“Uh, who are you and where is Chung-ho?” he asked.

“My name is Kihwan, sir. Chung-ho is sick,” the man replied. “I’ll be taking over as your valet until he’s better.”

“Oh,” Jeongguk said, nodding. He turned, allowing Kihwan to pull of his jacket. “Is it serious? I could ask the Royal Physician to see him?”

“Oh, no, sir,” Kihwan said. “I believe he just ate something funny in town and got a case of food poisoning. He should be alright in two days’ time.”

Jeongguk nodded, undoing the buttons of his dress-shirt and preparing to jump into the shower when a burst of colour in his dark room caught his eye.

Sitting on his bedside table was a crown of tiny red spray roses and tear dropped shaped leaves.

“Where did these flowers come from?” Jeongguk asked his valet who was picking him the discarded pieces of clothes as he went.

“His Royal Highness, the First Prince of Attalia asked me to leave it there for you, sir.”

Jeongguk stopped, fingers brushing against the fragile petals, finding a little note hidden underneath the blossoms. It was written in a different hand than what Jeongguk had seen in Taehyung’s rooms, different than the scrawls on the business card. The writing was thin and in clean cursive, slanted with uneven spaces between words.

I hope you’ll accept as I have accepted yours.’ It read. ‘Yours, Taehyung.'

Flower crowns are a symbol of affection and budding friendship, Seokjin had said.

Jeongguk smiled to himself, placing the note down by the table and plopping the crown on his head, avoiding looking at his valet in the eye as a blush rose on his cheeks.


Author's Rant:
I am so sorry that this TOOK OVER A MONTH FOR ME TO GET OUT. THIS IS UNACCEPTABLE. I'll try and be better.

The beginning segment was my first attempt at writing in present tense. It was my attempt at drawing an overall theme of flowers and their presence in Jeongguk’s life into the chapter.

I know so little about Korean honourifics and Wikipedia probably isn’t enough, if you guys see any mistakes, please let me know.

I went back to the previous chapters and did some minor editing because some errors readers pointed out.

I would love feedback on what you guys thing of it. Comments mean everything to me.

Constructive criticism is also welcome (I’ll just start crying now in preparation).


Chapter 6: tǎntè


t ǎ n t è (忐忑)

(adj.) a mixture of feeling uneasy and worry, as if you can feel your own heart beat


(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

c h a p t e r s i x

t ǎ n t è

He is slow to wake.

Jeongguk has always been slow to wake.

The calls of his valet fall on half-conscious and half-asleep ears.

“Your Royal Highness,” Chung-ho calls. “Your Royal Highness. Sir.”

Jeongguk opens bleary eyes, blinking in the dim room as his valet turns up the light of the lamp.

“Chung-ho?” Jeongguk mumbles, shifting over to his side. “What time is it?”

“3 am, sir,” Chung-ho replies. “Her Majesty the Queen Regent wishes to see you, sir.”

Jeongguk continues to blink, pulling himself up on an elbow.

It took him ages to fall asleep tonight when it usually came so easy. He was disoriented – confused. Why did he have such terrible feelings rocking through his core, tumbling and twisting into his dreams? He rakes a hand through his hair; there must be a good reason why his mother would want to see him at 3 am in the morning.

Then he remembers.

“Where?” Jeongguk croaks, throat suddenly dry.

“In the Throne Room, sir.”

It must be.

It had to be.

No longer tired, the Crown Prince struggles to disentangle his limbs from the blankets, nearly rolling off the bed in his efforts.

“Find and wake my brother and cousin,” Jeongguk says, waving Chung-ho away when he tries to aid the Prince. “Ask them to meet me at the doors of the Throne Room immediately.”

Chung-ho nods and heads to instruct the guard standing outside the Crown Prince’s rooms. Meanwhile, Jeongguk stumbles into the washing room with his heart beginning to pound loudly in his ears. He quickly cleans up, splashing cold water on his red-blotched face and runs a comb through a mess of tangled hair before heading to the closet.

His shaky fingers struggle, grappling with the buttons of his dress shirt before Chung-ho steps in and Jeongguk let his arms fall uselessly to his side.

The Crown Prince of Naissus waited several months for this day – worked for several long months with Yoongi, Hoseok, Namjoon, and Seokjin all in preparation for today.

He knew not the events that occurred in the Privy Council meeting this morning – only that he had not seen his mother, the Dowager Queen Regent, since the end of the assembly. Neither Yoongi nor Hoseok or Jeongguk were allowed in the meeting: they were not members of the Queen Regent’s Privy Council after all. Only Namjoon and Seokjin were the ones with the title and position to rally up a faction in the name of His Royal Highness, the Crown Prince.

In Jeongguk’s name.

He had been pacing outside the Privy Council chambers, biting lips and wringing fingers. When the doors of the assembled room opened and his mother appeared – he searched her eyes, looking for the betrayal and anger he was sure she was feeling. But he found nothing but a hard blankness and that terrified him more than her wrath.

Did he disappoint her?

“Sir,” Chung-ho calls, breaking Jeongguk out of his thoughts. The valet held Jeongguk’s jacket out for him. The 18-year-old Prince blinks, smoothing down his hair nervously and clearing his throat. He let the valet slip the jacket over his shoulder, pressing out the wrinkles with soft pats. “Already, sir.”

Jeongguk nods, sparing a glance at himself in the full-body mirror.

He had chosen a black dress shirt, black slacks, and a black jacket.

The colours of his House. The colours of mourning.

If all goes well, he will be mourning the death of his youth before dawn.

He steps out of his rooms and down the hall, trying hard not to wring his fingers and tug on the sleeves. The halls were dark; lights dimmed in the early morning hours and curtains drawn. The only sounds were Jeongguk’s echoing footsteps and his own breath.

Yoongi waits by Throne Room when Jeongguk arrives, pacing in circles and seafoam green hair in a tangled disarray. Hoseok stands beside him, tapping his foot relentlessly and picking at the collar of his dark sweater.

“I’ve called Jin-hyung and Namjoon,” Yoongi says, stopping when he heard Jeongguk approach. “They both decided to stay nearby after the Privy Council meeting, Namjoon had a feeling that something might happen tonight.”

Seokjin and Namjoon did not live in Aurea, having their own estates to manage. But it’s typical of Namjoon to have such foresight and decide to stay.

“They’ll be here soon,” Hoseok says.

Jeongguk nods, not trusting himself to speak.

Yoongi stops before Jeongguk, gripping his shoulders in both hands and meeting the young boy’s eyes with a resolute look.

“Whatever happens in there,” Yoongi begins, “know that we stand with you.”

Jeongguk nods again, closing his eyes, and attempting to take a deep breath. Hoseok patted Jeongguk on the back.

“We stand with you, always,” Hoseok repeats.

Jeongguk squares his shoulders, nodding to the footman. The footman pulls the doors open, the wood creaking with the effort and the sound grating against Jeongguk’s ears.

“His Royal Highness, the Crown Prince.”

Jeongguk steps inside, eyes adjusting from the dim halls into the darkened throne room. There was barely any light – just the glow of the moon shining through the wide windows. It casts shadows into the room: creates patterns of the windowsill on marble floors and shades the looming silhouette on the Throne of Naissus in darkness.

His mother.

Jeongguk licks his dry lips.

“Eommoni,” he addresses, wincing at the shakiness of his voice, bowing deeply.

She sits on the throne, and Jeongguk could not see her eyes in the darkness – only the fabric of her dress: light blues and greens of House Eridanus – colours that Jeongguk had not seen his mother wear since his father’s death.

“Jeongguk,” his mother calls, “come.”

He heeds her command, stepping up the stairs of the dais, footsteps echoing.

Jeongguk stops in front of his mother as she offers her hand. He bends, wrapping fingers that – mercifully – have stopped shaking around his mother’s and places a kiss just above her knuckles. He releases, leaning forward and pressing a kiss on his mother’s cheek. The formal acts of showing fealty to the one who sits the role of the Crown.

He backs away, folding his hands in front of him and keeping his head low.

Heart still thumping in his chest.

“You – you wanted to see me, Eommoni?”

His mother carefully folds her hands in her lap before standing, sweeping past her son as she circles the throne. Her heels clicking on marble floors. Jeongguk remains rooted to the ground.

“It seems as though,” she starts, “the members of my Privy Council had split into factions.”

Jeongguk swallows.

“There were accusations thrown against the Lord Chancellor, Cha Seung-won, regarding actions he has taken without my consent today at my Privy Council meeting,” the Queen Regent says. “It was also, brought to my attention that you have come of age. And there have been discussions by some members of my Council – without my knowing – of support of your ascension as King, Jeongguk.”

His mother stops pacing.

“To think, that only a couple of months after your 18th birthday, when Seung-won and I have repeatedly asked you to sign the accord – you pull a stunt like this. Splitting my Privy Council into factions, arranging private meetings to win support.”

“I – I’m. Forgive me, Eommoni. But, I – I had no choice,” Jeongguk chokes, eyes fixed on the intricate patterns on the wood of the throne. “I’d sign the accord if it were you asking me, but this was Cha Seung-won wishing a joint regency! You would no longer hold the power of veto. All decisions would be made with majority votes in the Council, and Cha Seung-won has over half of the Privy council under his thumb. The people are questioning the Crown’s decisions because of the choices Cha Seung-won has made. What would he do with more power, Eommoni?”

The Queen Mother sinks to the grounding, sitting on the steps of the dais. The skirts of her dress pool around her and a ragged sigh falls from her lips. Jeongguk glances up.


His mother’s anger was what he feared tonight: the wrath and disappointment of the Queen Mother for his actions against her. Jeongguk had planned for her refusal – planned for a forceful removal of the Regent from her position.

But not this. Not the tears that run tracks down his mother’s cheeks and the tired sag in her shoulders.

“I wanted to spare you,” she says softly, so quietly he wonders if he heard right. “Give you a couple more years for you to cherish your youth.”

Jeongguk steps forward, reaching for his mother. “Eommoni – ”

“I tried – Jeongguk, I wanted you to sign that accord – spare you of the responsibilities – just until your 25th birthday.”

Jeongguk sits down beside her, placing a hand on her knee.

“But the world will not wait, will it?” Jeongguk says softly. “I have been the King since Abeoji’s death – since I was 10. It’s time that I step up in the position that he left behind – I’ll make you proud, Eommoni.”

His mother pulls a smile on her lips, swiping the back of her hand along her cheekbones and the sides of her nose. She stands, pulling Jeongguk to his feet and leading him up the dais once more.

She sits him down on the throne.

Jeongguk hesitates, attempting to edge off the velvet chair and all significance that it holds.

“I’m proud of you, my son,” his mother says, and Jeongguk stops breathing.

He closes his eyes, dropping his head into his chest and tries hard to swallow the painful lump in his throat.

He waited so long to hear those words; he didn’t realize that he needed it.

“I will support your ascension,” his mother says. He feels her press a kiss on his forehead and no – he will not cry.

He will not cry.

“I have signed the papers of my abdication, they will lower my Royal Standard by dawn and upon your command, raise yours.”

He could barely see her, barely breathe as his mother leans in and places kiss on his cheek.

Takes his hand and press her lips on his knuckles.

She lowers herself into a curtsy, nearly kneeling on the floor and Jeongguk jumps to his feet.

“Eommoni – ”

“Your Majesty,” his mother whispers. “Long live King Jeon Jeongguk and long may he reign.”

The young King of Naissus turned his head, hiding his face behind his hand as he attempted to stifle a yawn. The evening events had barely begun, but Jeongguk was already tired – and bored. The quiet, lulling waltz playing in the background and the mild, sweet floral scent of Taehyung’s flower arrangements did not help.

Jeongguk stood at the entrance of the Erato Room, the largest drawing room in Sol Palace used for hosting major affairs such as the gala.

Namjoon stood on Jeongguk’s left, exchanging pleasantries with the guests after they’ve paid their respects to the Sovereign. Yoongi stood to Jeongguk’s right, muttering information regarding the guests into Jeongguk’s ear. The announcements of the guest’s title and rank would never be enough for Jeongguk to remember who they were.

Jeongguk had only risen to power for four years, the names of his Privy Council members were hard enough to learn and remember let alone the rest of the extensive list of Naissian Peerage and society.

“The Marquis of Edesia, Jung Taekwoon of House Pavo and Lord Han Sanghyuk of House Pavo,” the Herald announced.

“You remember, Jung Taekwoon-hyung,” Yoongi said, “he was present at the opening of the Naissian Games and attends most of your birthday celebrations too. Han Sanghyuk is his younger cousin.”

Jeongguk smiled pleasantly as the tall men walked into the room, the younger with a playful sparkle in his eyes and the older with a gentle but stern gaze. “I remember Jung Taekwoon-ssi, he didn’t say much.”

“He’s a bit shy,” Namjoon supplied. “Kind-hearted though, he’s close with Lee Jaehwan.”

“Ah,” Jeongguk said, returning his attention to the pair and nodding as they shook his hand and paid their respects. Jung Taekwoon’s greeting was brief, Jeongguk could barely hear the Marquis’ voice.

“Lee Jaehwan and Lee Hongbin.”

“Brothers,” Yoongi said. “Lee Jaehwan is the heir of Inlustris & Co. and his younger brother, Lee Hongbin, has gained quite a following as a model in the fashion industry.”

“Isn’t Lee Hongbin a friend of yours, Yoongi-hyung?” Namjoon asked.

Yoongi hummed. “We shared an apartment together when I moved to Aurea, haven’t spoken to him in a while.”

“Oh, Yoongi!” the said fashion model said, spotting Yoongi from behind Jeongguk. “I rarely see you anymore since you’re in His Majesty’s employ.”

“His brother first and foremost,” Yoongi corrected, eyes crinkling and gums showing with his smile.

“Keeping him busy, aren’t you, Your Majesty?” Lee Hongbin said playfully with raised eyebrows. Jeongguk remembered meeting the man in the past now, remembering Lee Hongbin’s straightforward honesty and bluntness.

Yoongi tsked, rolling his eyes. “We will catch up later, Hongbin.”

The model smiled, pulling his older brother who took the opportunity to have a starring contest with Namjoon.

“What was Lee Jaewhan doing?” Yoongi asked when the brothers left.

“An interrogation,” Namjoon sighed. “Jaehwan-hyung does this every time we see each other. He wanted to ‘test my worthiness of Jin-hyung’s heart.’”

Yoongi snorted.

If anyone were ‘worthy’ enough for Seokjin, it would be Namjoon. The young politician was utterly in love with the older man, practically worshipping the ground Seokjin walked on.

The young King glanced around the room, surveying how full it was with guests meandering in small groups holding co*cktail glasses, chatting amongst themselves with footmen weaving in between them offering drinks.

The Queen Mother sat one of the leather sofas tucked against the far wall with the Dowager Countess of Lyra beside her.

Jeongguk winced.

Earlier, when the Dowager Countess arrived, she had loudly proclaimed the eligibility of her granddaughter for all to hear and was intent on matching Jeongguk with the girl. Thankfully, the Queen Mother stepped in, leading the older woman away from Jeongguk as he attempted to regain his wits.

The Countess was an influential member of Naissian society, she was the matriarch of her House and was firmly set on raising the station of her family through ties to the Royal House. Jeongguk could not outright say no in fear of offending the woman.

Jeongguk looked away, refusing to catch the eye of the Dowager Countess if he could help it. He could see Seokjin by the open windows. The older man’s rose-gold hair complimented the lighter-coloured flowers in the monochromatic room. Hoseok stood beside him with a hand casually set in his pockets.

Seokjin may not be particularly close friends with everyone, but he was well-regarded for his contributions to medicine, and Hoseok respected for his position in court. The physician jumped when Lee Jaehwan shouted his name from afar and rammed into him for a hug.

Jeongguk chuckled.

“The Earl of Fama, Cha Seung-won of House Corvus.”

Jeongguk froze.

Head whipping back to the entrance of the drawing room.

Heart sinking down to his stomach and mouth running dry.

“Who the f*ck invited him,” Yoongi snapped.

“Jin-hyung and I,” Namjoon said in a low voice, kind smile still plastered on his face despite the severity of his tone. “The committee would not take no for an answer; it was necessary to invite Cha Seung-won since he did contribute a large sum of money to the hospital.”

“It would be stupid not to invite him,” Jeongguk concluded grimly, trying hard to swallow, “it’ll cause a scandal.”

Jeongguk took a deep breath, trying to mimic Namjoon’s smile. Yoongi kept his frown and narrowed eyes, taking half a step forward, so he stood side-by-side in solidarity with his younger brother. Out of the corner of his eye, Jeongguk saw his mother peering over her shoulder.

The former Lord Chancellor had not aged a day since Jeongguk dismissed him from his position. All the guests had worn variations of black in respect of the Sovereign. But Cha Seung-won strolled in dressed in a maroon suit with a single black and silver feather brooch pinned to the lapel of his jacket: the emblem of House Corvus.

Cha Seung-won stopped before the young King.

“My,” Cha Seung-won drawled, “you have grown since I have last seen you.”

“And you have not changed at all, Cha Seung-won-ssi,” Jeongguk replied through gritted teeth.

“Forced retirement from my political career has been rather kind to me,” he said, grinning. “It’s always a pleasure to return to Court, though.”

Jeongguk forced himself to return the smile. “It won’t be a permanent return, but, please, enjoy your evening.”

Cha Seung-won threw his head back in a loud cackle. “Well then, I hope to chat with you soon.” He dipped into an exaggerated bow, palm open for Jeongguk’s hand.

“Not too soon, I hope,” Jeongguk spat, pulling his hand back as soon as he could. He watched as the man turned to greet Namjoon, eyeing the younger man who had taken up his position, before sauntering into the crowd.

“I didn’t think he’d actually come,” Namjoon said. “We meant to tell you both – but with the death of the Emperor of Orivala, it must have slipped.”

“But why now?” Jeongguk asked. “He’s never been a benefactor of the Crown before.”

“It’s f*cking fishy,” Yoongi said. “I don’t like it.”

I’m not sure,” Namjoon said. “Perhaps it’s because the hospital is in the Queen Mother’s name instead of yours.”

“Her Royal Highness, the duch*ess of Hesperia, Lee Ji-eun of House Cepheus.”

Jeongguk sighed in relief. Ji-eun entered in an elegant, crushed velvet, off-the-shoulder black dress. She sank into a graceful curtsy before leaning up on her tiptoes to kiss Jeongguk’s cheek and even in heels, she could barely reach.

“Jeongguk,” she greeted, turning to both of the King’s companions. “Yoongi-oppa, Namjoon-oppa.”

“Noona,” Jeongguk said. “I’m glad to see you.”

“As am I,” Ji-eun replied. “But…was that…Cha Seung-won who came in earlier?”

“We had to invite him.” Yoongi scowled. “Did everything go well in Rossarya?”

She nodded. “I’ll come by the study tomorrow before I leave for Aerarius to visit my parents. Where is Joongmo, by the way?”

“In the middle of a conversation with the Dowager Countess of Lyra,” Jeongguk said, gesturing to where his mother sat. “Give her a bit of time, if you interrupt them now, the Countess will turn her attention to you.”

“And you know how many ¬‘eligible grandchildren’ the Countess has, Ji-eun,” Yoongi grumbled.

Ji-eun winced, laughing wearily. “I see Hoseok-oppa over there, I’ll go say hi to him first.”

Jeongguk nodded, watching his older cousin go before turning to Namjoon.

“How many more?” Jeongguk whined.

“Just two,” Namjoon replied, glancing at the doorway.

“His Royal Highness, the First Prince of Attalia, Kim Taehyung of House Chrsyantheme and Lord Park Jimin of House Turnesol.”

The room abruptly fell quiet, the booming voice of the Herald suddenly holding so much power. Jimin was the first to appear around the corner with Taehyung right behind him. The Prince’s left hand rested on the guard’s right shoulder, half hidden behind Jimin’s form.

The Prince was dressed in a black suit, the jacket stitched with golden chrysanthemums. Jimin was equally impeccably dressed in all black with two silver sunflowers pinned to the collar of his dress shirt. Jeongguk noticed that the Prince preferred lighter colours; it was rare to see Taehyung in black.

And despite wearing the inky tones of House Cepheus, the pair did well to represent their houses and countries with the floral accents in their suit – understated – but, it sent a message that they were foreign guests of the Crown.

“Your Majesty,” Taehyung greeted. The title rolled smoothly off his tongue, but it didn’t sound as good to Jeongguk as his own name falling from the Prince’s lips.

Neither of them had an obligation to kiss the hand of the Monarch considering that they were not subjects of Naissus, but when Taehyung stopped in front of Jeongguk, dipping into a bow, he raised a hand to ask for the King’s: a gesture of goodwill.

But it was unexpected.

Jeongguk’s heart leapt to his throat – the evening’s surprises are not doing good things for his health. But he complied, slipping his fingers into Taehyung’s waiting palm. The Prince wrapped long fingers around Jeongguk’s, lifting the limb closer to his face.

Taehyung’s lips barely touched Jeongguk’s knuckles – but that was the closest Jeongguk had ever gotten to Taehyung’s lips.

(Whereas Taehyung had run his fingertips along Jeongguk’s lips at their garden luncheon all those weeks ago. Jeongguk tried hard not to dwell on those memories because of the illness that took the Prince soon after.)

When Taehyung straightened, Jeongguk held onto Taehyung’s hand, boldly placing the man’s fingers on his left forearm. Taehyung grinned; lips curling and cheeks puffing out as if he was trying not to smile. The Prince readjusted to slip his hand underneath Jeongguk’s and rested his fingers on the crook of the King’s elbow.

It was an intimate gesture: a clear sign that Taehyung was the King’s personal guest.

Taehyung’s hand tightened around Jeongguk’s arm as if he could feel the atmosphere: the confusion, the questions, and the gawking.

The King of Naissus was courting.

Then came the hushed whispers of the guests, the shocked gasps, and the cry of outrage of the Dowager Countess (she had been trying long and hard to match her eldest granddaughter with the young King and now realized exactly why he kept dodging.)

Jeongguk shifted, tensing and bringing his arm closer to himself, pulling Taehyung with him.

“Have you met my mother?” Jeongguk said in a low voice, lips close to Taehyung’s ear, making it clear that this conversation was meant just for the two of them, hoping to indicate that the show was over.

“No,” Taehyung said, following Jeongguk in suit. He cupped his hand between his lips and Jeongguk’s ear. “I have not had the honour.”

He pressed into Jeongguk, tightening his grip on Jeongguk’s blazer. Taehyung purposefully drew attention to the touches, drew attention to the displays of affection and supposed secrets they whispered to each other.

This was the moment where the rumours and gossip began.

Taehyung’s blindness never once seemed to be a hindrance to him.

He was a social butterfly. That much was for certain; he attracted attention not only for his looks but everything else.

At the reception before dinner, he drew a small crowd around him. After greeting the Queen Mother, Jeongguk and Taehyung were separated, the King having been caught by Seokjin to speak with the CEO of the pharmaceutical company and Taehyung swept away by Lee Jaehwan who wanted to introduce him to the masses of socialites and nobles.

At dinner, Taehyung sat across from Jeongguk. The young King having Hoseok beside him, his mother on the other side, and the Prince sat with Ji-eun on one side and Jimin on the other.

Despite how he was Jeongguk’s personal guest, and that Jeongguk was King, everyone was more interested in the Taehyung.

“He is charming,” the Queen Mother said, leaning in to whisper into the young King’s ear. “Charming and handsome indeed.”

Jeongguk hummed his agreement. It was mesmerizing to watch. All eyes were drawn to the coy smiles and melodic laughter of the Attalian Prince.

Jeongguk could never command attention in a room the way Taehyung could. Jeongguk was respected because of his title, Taehyung was adored.

Jeongguk lifted his wine glass to his lips.

“It was good that you chose Jin-hyung as the representative of the Crown at Emperor Park Hae-jin’s coronation,” Hoseok said, pulling Jeongguk from his thoughts. “My father was rather unhappy that it wasn’t me though.”

“Is Gomobu still trying to push you towards a higher position?” Jeongguk asked. He spun the stem of his wineglass, the light of the candelabra catching the shine in the wine, reflecting the soft white and pink flowers and bringing his thoughts back to Taehyung.

“Sort of,” Hoseok replied. “But I am happy where I am. To aid you as your Commander General and as a member of your King’s Circle is enough. There’s nothing more that I want.”

“I could gift you with another title with a marriage, Hoseok-hyung,” Jeongguk said, shaking his head when the footman came by with the decanter of wine.

Hoseok laughed, letting the footman refill his glass. “Funny you should mention that. My father is considering a match.”

Jeongguk paused. “Have you met him?”

“Her,” Hoseok said.


“Bang Minah,” Hoseok said, subtly pointing to a pretty woman several seats down the long dinner table. “She’s 28-years-old, not nobility, but the heir of Bellis Industries. Marriage would put me in an advantageous position in society. She’s friendly, doesn’t flaunt her status around. But of course, not my ideal match.”

“I could stop the potential engagement, Hoseok-hyung. You just need to tell me.”

“I know,” Hoseok replied. “But I can’t let you get involved – you’re already dealing with the Privy Council’s unhappiness about your bias towards the members of your King’s Circle. Besides, if I decided to refuse, my father would eventually understand. I just don’t want to disappoint him.”

Jeongguk nodded slowly. “How is your mysterious paramour?”

Hoseok sighed, smiling though his shoulders drooped. “Unhappy with discussions of my potential engagement. But we’ll work it through.”

Food continued to be served, and drinks flowed as the gala dragged on.

Jeongguk later stood, pulling a thick piece of cardstock from his inner jacket pocket and clearing his throat. The room slowly fell silent. Jeongguk cleared his throat again, glancing at the speech Namjoon had helped him write.

He thanked the guests for coming and toasting to his mother’s health and his guests.

His speech was coming to a close and Jeongguk was happy to disperse the attention away from himself. But then, out of the corner of his eye, he saw Cha Seung-won.

Jeongguk paused mid-word – syllables and sounds catching in the back of his throat. Cha Seung-won regarded him with that constant, smug grin and mocking glint in his eyes as he lifted his wine glass in a toast.

Namjoon knocked his wineglass over, spilling crimson liquid all over the white tablecloth.

Jeongguk was certain that it wasn’t an accident this time.

Namjoon apologized sheepishly for the disruption as the footmen cleaned up the small mess.

The young King pulled his eyes away from the ex-Chancellor, taking advantage of Namjoon’s distraction to try and find his place in the speech again. Jeongguk forced a smile, thanking everyone for their generous donations towards the foundation of building the hospital.

“The Crown thanks you for your contributions and I sincerely hope that you will enjoy the rest of the evening.”

The room erupts into polite applause as Jeongguk sat down, tucking the speech back into his jacket pocket. He bit his lip, letting out a breath he didn’t realize he was holding and trying not to let his eyes wander back to Cha Seung-won. So, he lifted his gaze straight ahead, finding Taehyung with his head tilted to the side, right ear turned towards Jeongguk with a bright, teeth-revealing grin.

And Jeongguk found himself returning the toothy smile.

After dinner, the guests were ushered into the adjacent ballroom, where a band played, and more drinks were served. Jeongguk ended up sitting at a table, legs crossed with the tailing ends of the bubbling champagne travelling down his throat. He could see Namjoon and Seokjin standing side by side in the circle of their peers, shoulders touching and mirroring each other’s minuscule movements.

Yoongi and Hoseok were enjoying the music on the other end of the room. Jeongguk’s cousin was bobbing along with the beat, attempting to hold back the desire to break out into dance. Lee Hongbin stood with the pair, nonchalantly swirling a whiskey glass as he spoke to Yoongi.

Ji-eun sat with Jeongguk’s mother. The young woman held onto arm of the Queen Mother, talking softly into her aunt’s ear.

Jeongguk decided against joining any of them; he learned over the years that the presence of the Sovereign quickly dashed casual conversion into a lulling awkward silence, followed by carefully worded remarks.

He then found himself searching for the Attalian Prince, who was quickly swept away from the dinner table. It wasn’t too long until Jeongguk found the halo of blond hair, arm tucked around Jimin’s elbow as they wound their way through the crowd.

Jimin had his eyes set on Jeongguk, guiding Taehyung through the crowd. The guard spoke to Taehyung, cupping his hand over the Prince’s ear to block out the sounds of the band playing. Then Jeongguk saw a smile blooming on the Prince’s face. Toothy and rectangular. His pace picked up.

The people around Taehyung nodded and bowed as the Prince passed, but before the pair could cross the floor of the ballroom, Lee Jaehwan appeared again with Han Sanghyuk by his side. Jimin blinked rapidly in surprise before a helplessly cheery grin pulled his lips.

And even from halfway across the room and over the music, Jeongguk could hear Lee Jaehwan’s yelling. “Come on, Taehyung, we haven’t introduced you to Hakyeon-hyung yet.”

“He’ll love you both,” Han Sanghyuk said, matching Lee Jaehwan’s enthusiasm. The two linked arms with Jimin and Taehyung and dragged them back into the crowd.

Jimin glanced over his shoulder, meeting Jeongguk’s eyes, wincing apologetically and mouthing the words ‘we’ll be back.’

Jeongguk pulled his lips into a grin, nodding his understanding – but really, he’d be lying to himself if he wasn’t dejected. He barely had a chance to talk to Taehyung the entire evening. He wanted more of those simple touches: the firm strength of Taehyung’s hand against his arm and Taehyung’s hot breath against his ear.

“Jeongguk – how lonely you seem sitting here by yourself.”

Jeongguk shifted in his seat, turning to see Cha Seung-won sitting down across from him at the small table. The man crossed his legs imperturbably and placed his glass of whiskey neat on the table.

Jeongguk lifted his wine glass to his lips, downing the rest of the alcohol in one gulp.

“Cha Seung-won-ssi,” Jeongguk said. “Your company is not needed.”

The man turned, resting his elbow on the table. “Shame, and here I thought we could have a civil conversation, Jeongguk.”

“It’s Your Majesty, then sir after that,” Jeongguk hissed.

Cha Seung-won chuckled. “Of course. You know, I could have helped you to greatness.”

“I don’t want your help, not after all the ‘help’ you’ve given my mother,” Jeongguk hissed. “You’re lucky I only took your title as Lord Chancellor and that I did not strip you of your rank and lands.”

“But of course,” Cha Seung-won said, “I’ve witnessed the fury and mercy of the young King first hand.”

Jeongguk crossed his legs, running his tongue along the inside of his cheek as he exhaled slowly though his nose. His heart beat furiously in his ears, and he could feel the heat of anger rising up his neck.

“Tell me, how has sitting on the throne been for the past four years?”

Jeongguk chose not to answer.

“I don’t think you’ve made quite a stir in the media as you have tonight.”

“What do you mean.”

“The King of Naissus, courting the Blind First Prince of Attalia. The boy who was thrown to the side because of his blindness was he not? And what a prize the King of Attalia would win once his useless eldest son weds the King of Naissus – what an alliance he got. What a story!”

“Taehyung renounced his claim to the throne, before he lost his sight,” Jeongguk corrected, blood boiling and words falling from his lips as he defended the Attalian Prince. He called the footman over for a stronger drink.

“Or so the story goes,” Cha Seung-won said, raising an eyebrow. “What do the Attalians call him? Blood of the Oracle? What a bunch of fools – believing that the monarchy are descendants of the Gods when, really, they’re nothing more but ordinary people with an extraordinary amount of power. Look at our own monarch: a boy, with no exceptional talent – just a birthright.”

Jeongguk spluttered on his drink, lost for words – as he is always lost for words around Cha Seung-won.

“Well, I’ll be leaving now,” Cha Seung-won said, standing and brushing his pants with the back of his hand. “These parties are still such a bore.”

Cha Seung-won stopped in front of Jeongguk, bowing while holding the young King’s eyes. “Thank you for the invite, Your Majesty.”

The ex-Lord Chancellor left then, disappearing around the corner.

Jeongguk took a shuddering breath, closing his eyes and pinching the bridge of his nose. He got up, walking straight for the doors leading out to the veranda, but not before refilling his tumbler of whiskey.

He never returned to say his farewells to the guests – it wasn’t a state dinner, so the everyone left when they wanted.

It was nearly midnight by the time the last guest left the palace.

The veranda was quiet, chilly in the spring turning summer night. The moon was bright though – its light dimmed by soft clouds. It had thankfully stopped raining hours before the gala. The thick marble railing was still awfully cold but Jeongguk didn’t mind as he sat across the banister, back resting against the post. The chill of the stone underneath him helped to cool the burning shame in his cheeks – or perhaps it was the burn of the alcohol.

Jeongguk doesn’t know anymore – the rocks glass in his hands had been emptied and refilled three times in the last hour that he sat outside. It was bound to do something to his sense of judgement.


The young King turned around to see Taehyung slipping out from the ballroom, white cane in hand and Jimin nowhere to be seen.

“I’m here,” Jeongguk said, watching the Prince turn at the sound of his voice.

“How far?”

“Um, about – about – I don’t know – 20 metres away? Straight line. Yeah. Nothing is in your way until you reach me.”

Taehyung followed his directions, scanning his cane along the ground.

“Here,” Jeongguk said. The Prince reached out, grazing Jeongguk’s shoulder with his fingertips. His eyebrows furrowing.

“Are you sitting on the railing?” Taehyung asked.

“Yeah, care to join me?”

Taehyung shook his head, fingers still resting on Jeongguk’s shoulder before gliding down the side of his arm and finding his free hand.

“Your hands are cold,” Taehyung remarked, curling Jeongguk’s fingers into his own. “How long have you been sitting out here?”

“An hour or so,” Jeongguk replied absentmindedly, thoughts preoccupied with the feeling of Taehyung’s warm hands – now he realizes how cold he was.

“No wonder. I’ve been trying to find you for ages,” Taehyung said, rubbing the back of Jeongguk’s clenched fingers. “You seem tense.”

“Do I?” Jeongguk murmured.

“You smell of whiskey,” Taehyung said. “You’ve been drinking more than you usually do.”

Taehyung was right. Jeongguk drank way more than he should. And no, he doesn’t hold his drink well: alcohol always loosens his tongue and inebriated Jeongguk does not lie.

“Maybe it is because my personal guest keeps getting stolen away from me.”

Taehyung bit his lips, brows furrowing again – and Jeongguk wished, for just a moment, that he could see the Prince’s eyes.

“I’m sorry, it wasn’t my intention.”

Jeongguk grunted, lifting the glass again.

“How much have you been drinking?”

Jeongguk chose not to answer.

“What’s wrong?” Taehyung asked. “I didn’t realize that my – my lack of presence would disappoint you so much.”

“It’s not you,” Jeongguk said quickly, shaking his head despite knowing Taehyung couldn’t see. “You don’t disappoint me. I’m glad you enjoyed it – I’m glad you came. My mother likes you. Everyone likes you, finds you charming. Me? My presence kills conversation.”

He saw Taehyung noticeably tense.

“I enjoy talking to you,” Taehyung says quietly. “I like your honesty. Most people pretend to like me, take pity on me, including me in conversations because I can’t see. ‘Shame,’ they’d say behind my back, ‘he’d be such a catch if he weren’t blind.’”

The Prince leaned into Jeongguk, pressing his shoulder into Jeongguk’s side as he spoke.

“But never you. You never pitied me.”

The Prince smiled softly.

Jeongguk always had search eyes for people’s emotions; eyes were the windows to the soul after all. But that was impossible with Taehyung. So, he searched Taehyung’s lips and found irritation in pressed lines, mischievousness in pretty curves, and joy in wide rectangles.

And now, now Jeongguk found warmth in softness.

He wondered if Taehyung’s lips would taste the way Taehyung always smelled: like lavender.

Taehyung suddenly reached across Jeongguk then, fingers searching for Jeongguk’s other hand until he found the glass cupped firmly in his grasp. The Prince pulled on it, and Jeongguk let go, eyes following the delicate silhouette of lips in the moonlight.

“I think you’ve had enough to drink for tonight. You could ask me that again when you’re sober.” Taehyung said.

Jeongguk vaguely wonders what he asked Taehyung.

“Good night, Jeongguk, drink some water before sleeping.”

“Good night, Taehyung,” Jeongguk muttered.

He didn’t watch Taehyung go, the sounds of the Prince’s cane enough to indicate him going inside.

Jeongguk swore quietly to himself, letting his head fall back against the stone pillar.

Jeongguk wondered what disappointment would look like on Taehyung’s lips and if he’d already seen it on the older man.

(Jeongguk slept fitfully that night, dreaming of moments in the past that today’s words dug up.)

Jeongguk flies down the dais, taking the steps two at a time before slamming his body against the doors. The light of the hall blinds him for a moment before he realizes that there were more people. Yoongi sat on the floor, arms crossed and lips pressed into a thin line. Namjoon is pacing, Seokjin is sitting with his legs crossed on the lone chair and Hoseok leans against a wall beside him.

His friends, his brothers.

Their eyes rise at the sound of the creaking door – a look of hopefulness with questions.

(Jeongguk knew what those questions were now: Did they do it? Did the Queen Mother resign without them having to resort to rebellion? Or did all their efforts go to waste? Is Jeongguk the king?)

He couldn’t meet their eyes; he stares at anything but those expectant bright gazes. He nods, head moving in jerking motions.

They’ve done it. He is King – at 18-years-old.

The youngest king in Naissian history without a regent.

He sees the four standing before him.

They all kneel– the highest order of fealty: the promise to lay their lives down for the King.

For Jeongguk.

“Long live the King,” Namjoon says, grinning triumphantly. Namjoon takes a place in front of Jeongguk, the man was taller than the 18-year-old and despite spending less than a year in each other’s company, Jeongguk admires everything about the man.

(Jeongguk remembered that without Namjoon, none of this would have happened. Jeongguk would have signed the accord. His mother would spend seven more years as co-Regent with Cha Seung-won. Perhaps Cha Seung-won would have taken Jeongguk under his wing, broken him until he was nothing more than a puppet king. But was Jeongguk any better of a ruler now?)

“Where is he?” a voice booms from down the hall, Jeongguk turns.

(The voice drew closer. It was louder than he remembered and echoed further. But it was the taunting voice from his youth – the one who voiced his innermost fears then and now.)

“What have you done?” Cha Seung-won bellows. He storms into the hall and tosses a document into the air.

Jeongguk instinctively catches it, glancing down to read it.

A copy of the abdication papers signed by his mother.

“You, insolent boy. To think that you would go against me like this when I was so close to becoming co-regent.”

Hoseok steps in, putting himself between Jeongguk and Cha Seung-won. “I suggest you watch your tongue, Lord Chancellor. This is your Sovereign King you are speaking to.”

“The Privy Council has voted against you, Lord Chancellor,” Namjoon says. “You’ve lost.”

“I have taken my place rightful place as King,” Jeongguk says. He straightens his back and attempts to look down his nose at the older, taller man. “And for your actions against the Dowager Queen and I, I hereby strip you of your position as Lord Chancellor and I’ll be cleaning up my Privy Council of your supporters as well.”

(Jeongguk remembered the confidence and conviction in his own voice. Where did it all go when he needed it most tonight?)

“What do you think you’ll do with a Circle of men barely in their 20’s with you as a King just turned 18? How do you think you’ll rule a nation? Then you’re going to ‘clean up’ the Privy Council? Those are men and women who served your father, Jeongguk.”

“And those who have shown loyalty to me will remain. Times have changed, Cha Seung-won-ssi. And I am not my father.”

(Would he ever amount to what his father was? Would his father be proud or disappointed?)

Jeongguk turns, speaking to his mother’s senior secretary. “I have been told that the Queen Mother’s Royal Standard will be lowered at dawn, have mine ready to be put up in its place.”

“Of course, Your Hi – Your Majesty,” the secretary said, tripping over Jeongguk’s new title.

“You have been dismissed, Cha Seung-won-ssi,” Seokjin said quietly. “Certainly, you know the way out.”

Yoongi places a hand on Jeongguk’s back, propelling him in the opposite direction, away from the fuming man. Jeongguk complies, taking one last glance over his shoulder.

Cha Seung-won watches him go, pointing a finger. Jeongguk turns around, digging crescent-moons into his palms as he leaves.

“Mark my words, Jeon Jeongguk: you will not succeed as the Sovereign for long. You will soon disappoint everyone – they will see that you are just a boy with too much power, Jeongguk!”

(What did Cha Seung-won call him tonight? A boy, with no extraordinary talent, unable to stand up for himself. Now Jeongguk remembered what he feared most: disappointing those who loved him because Cha Seung-won was right.)

“Jeon Jeongguk!”


“Jeongguk!? Jeongguk, wake up!”

The young King’s eyes shot open and a hoarse, breathy gasp flew from dry lips.

His heart was racing.

“Jeongguk, are you awake? Jeongguk!?”

Jeongguk’s vision was blurry and he had to squint in the dark light, but he could make out the light-coloured hair from anywhere.

It was Taehyung. It was Taehyung who called him and woke him up from his nightmare.

The Prince was half-on half-off of Jeongguk’s bed.

His hair matted down against one side of his head. His pyjamas top was wrinkled, and falling off his shoulder. His breath came in huffing pants from parted dry lips.

Jeongguk read fear and desperation from those lips.

But then his eyes.

His eyes.

Taehyung’s eyes were blown wide open, ice-blue irises were glassy and shiny in the glow of the lamp by Jeongguk’s bedside.

“Get up – get up right now! We need – need to get out,” Taehyung yelled. He took a fistful of Jeongguk’s shirt, yanking hard.

Jeongguk stumbled out of bed, heart pounding and head throbbing.

“Taehyung – what’s – ”

“Hurry! We need to hurry –”

Taehyung gripped his arm, pulling him desperately towards the door. The man waved his free hand in front of him grazing walls, corners, and the sides of the furniture in Jeongguk’s room.

“Taehyung – what’s wrong?” Jeongguk asked, words garbled by a dry tongue and aching head.

Taehyung didn’t reply, breaths sounding loud and ragged as he towed Jeongguk along.

Then they’re out of Jeongguk’s chambers and into the dark hallway.

Taehyung wasn’t carrying his cane.

No guards were standing by Jeongguk’s door.

He decided that he probably dismissed them sometime after stumbling back to his rooms.

Jeongguk tried again, now awake enough to understand that something was terribly wrong if Taehyung had barged into his room at god-knows-what time then frantically tried to drag him out.

Something was wrong.

“Taehyung – ”

An ear-shattering crash.

Glass windows cracking and shattering.

Walls crumbling.

Ground shaking.

Taehyung’s hand was ripped out of his.

He was thrown off his feet.

His breath knocked out of his lungs.

Bright, scorching light behind his eyes.

Blistering heat lapping at his back.

And then the pain.

Sharp, searing pain suddenly radiating out from the back of his head.

And then blackness.

And –



I have a Twitter now. Someone, please come teach me how to use it. What do I write? What do you want me to write?

Also, I’d love to hear some feedback from you guys! Here or on Twitter!

I wanted to take the time and build up on Jeongguk's character, build a backdrop for the story too. It took like... 6 chapters, but hey, we are getting somewhere cool.

More Info:
Cities in Naissus:
Aurea: the Crown City
Argenteus: the Silver City
Aerarius: the Brazen City
Erato Room: Erato is one of the Nine Greek muses, the muse of lyrical poetry
Inlustris: Latin for “Starlight” (VIXX's fandom name - I'll find a way to put ARMY in there...)
Bellis: Latin for Daisy (Girl's Day's fandom name)

New Characters (in order of appearance):

Cha Seung-won (Actor)
House: Corvus (the Crow)
Title: Earl of Fama (Roman Goddess of Fame and Rumours)
Age: 47

Jung Taekwoon (VIXX)
House: Pavo (the Peaco*ck)
Title: Marquis of Edesia (Roman Goddess of Food and Feast)
Age: 31

Han Sanghyuk (VIXX)
House: Pavo (the Peaco*ck)
Title: N/A
Age: 24

Lee Jaehwan (VIXX)
House: N/A
Title: Heir to Inlustris & Co.
Age: 29

Lee Hongbin (VIXX)
House: N/A
Title: N/A
Age: 28

Bang Minah
House: N/A
Title: Heir to Bellis Industries
Age: 28

Chapter 7: interlude: mélomanie


m é l o m a n i e

(n.) a love and deep attraction to music and melody


(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

i n t e r l u d e : m é l o m a n i e

Sweat makes Jimin’s shirt stick uncomfortably to the back of his neck. He runs a hand across his forehead, catching a glimpse of his flushed cheeks and bleary eyes in the glass doors.

He spent far too long in the labyrinth, got too carried away in Taehyung’s laughter and the adrenaline of pounding footsteps around hedge corners. He did not realize how dehydrated he became, how the blistering, summer sun burned his exposed skin and left him dizzy and panting for breath until he and the other children came bursting from the exit. He needed to find shade – some place to just lie down for a moment. Taehyung would be safe in the company of his siblings as they recounted their triumph over the hedge maze to the Queen.

The 12-year-old boy slams his body against the doors, pushing them just wide enough to slip through. The empty halls of the Chateau-de-Marsylle were cooler, but not by much. He stumbles into the palace, bleary-eyed and squinting against the light of the sun filtering through ceiling high windows as he tries to find the Violette Drawing Room – perhaps he’d find his mother and the comfort of her knowledge and care.

Billowing white curtains flutter like waves on the edge of his vision and Jimin could barely hear his own footsteps over the sound of his laboured breaths. But despite the headache pounding against his temples and the dizziness tempting to overtake him, he hears a familiar melody.

He stops in his steps, holding his breath.


Of course, Yoongi would be here today. It was the Festival of Summer Solstice, all the Noble Houses of Attalia were invited to the Chateau-de-Marsylle to celebrate.

Yoongi is never at the palace very often – not like Jimin who finds the palace to be his second home. No, Yoongi and his family only show up only during state dinners and festivals and the older boy always manages to slip away from parties to find refuge in the library.

Jimin follows the song of the piano, turning down the corridor away from the drawing room and towards the Grise Library. The melody steadily grows louder, Jimin’s steps grow larger, and his heart pounds loudly in his ears.


Jimin bursts into the Library, metal handle creaking and wood door groaning with his loud entrance.

But not loud enough to stop the older boy from playing.

The piano at Chateau often sits to collect dust, though Jennie does play, the young princess prefers the flute. Taehyung does not have an affinity for the instrument and Mingyu cannot seem to sit still long enough to learn. The old, grand piano sits abandoned in the library until Yoongi comes along every so often.

The pretty, antique brown piano settles in the far corner of the library. But Jimin could see Yoongi from where he stood at the entrance. The 16-year-old was dressed in a white dress shirt and light-coloured pants and despite the summer heat, has a beige cardigan draped over his lithe frame.

Yoongi is always cold though - so rarely does he venture out without the comfort of a jacket or sweater even in the sweltering months of Harvest.

His back was turned to Jimin and his shoulders slouched over the ivory keys.

Yoongi’s hair wasn’t the natural dark brown of their first meeting – nor the mottled red of their following encounters. Instead, the older boy sported a dusty-pink shade. Soft and warm like the sunrise of an early spring. The colour suited him – suited the flower of Yoongi’s House.

It is sunny where Yoongi sits, sunny and bright and warm.

The melody cuts to an abrupt stop just as the door slams shut behind Jimin with a resounding thud.

Yoongi turns, standing and the piano bench shifts from the movement. The sound of wood on wood grates on Jimin’s ears.

“Yoongi-hyung,” Jimin whines.

“Jimin,” Yoongi says, the beginnings a pretty gummy smile pulled down by a frown and furrowed brows. “What’s wrong?”

Jimin stumbles forward, squinting as he makes a beeline towards the brocade recliner. And despite the large, open windows blowing in hot air, despite the blinding, sunny beams through the glass panes, despite how parched Jimin’s throat felt, he chose to fling himself headfirst into the couch closest to the piano - closest to Yoongi.

“Jimin?” Yoongi asks again.

Nothing – nothing is wrong. Not anymore.

“Dizzy. Headache.” Jimin replies instead. He groans, burying his face into the round, silk cushions. “Too much sun.”

“Do you need a doctor?”


“You’re probably dehydrated, let me get you some water.”

“Just sleep – wanna sleep it off, Hyung.”

Yoongi doesn’t reply for a couple of seconds, but Jimin could hear the creaking of the piano bench, then the splashing of water. Jimin turns his head and cracks an eye open.

The first thing he’s met with is a glass filled with water in front of his face, then Yoongi’s worried face next to it. Yoongi’s hair shone in the afternoon light, and Jimin wondered how the older boy would look with a circlet of red carnations or pink cherry blossoms in his hair.

Jimin stupidly contemplates braving the outdoors to make the older boy one. But the sheer thought of the sun’s scorching heat pulls a whimper from his lips.

“Drink half of it,” Yoongi orders sternly. “Then you can sleep.”

Jimin takes the glass, pulling himself up onto his elbows. He pouts as he obediently lifts the glass to his lips. Yoongi rolls his eyes. The frown was now disappearing, replaced with a relieved grin.

“You know, for a kid whose part of House Turnesol, I find it kind of weird that you can’t handle the sun.”

Jimin whines again. He gives Yoongi the glass when it was half-empty as demanded. The older boy fills the glass full of water from the pitcher on the table and places it on the ground by the foot of the couch – just within Jimin’s reach if he wanted more.

Quiet and unassuming is the care and attention that Yoongi gives Jimin. Just like their first meeting two years ago when Jimin broke his ankle pushing Taehyung out of the path of a spooked horse: little words need to be said.

Jimin settles back against the pillows, closing his eyes against the rays of the sun.

Jimin hears the sound of wood on wood again, quieter though, muffled. He turns his head to see Yoongi moving to pull the fall board over the keys.

He wasn’t going to play.

“Why are you stopping?” Jimin asks, frowning.

Yoongi pauses. “Wouldn’t it make your headache worse?”

“I don’t mind,” Jimin says, the softness of the pillows underneath him lulling him to sleep. “It’s comforting actually – I like listening to you play, Hyung. Besides you said, you don’t get to play at home.”

“Hm,” Yoongi sighs. “My father forbids it.”

“Play more, hyung,” Jimin mumbles.

And Yoongi complies.

The melody is hesitant to start, slow and soft before it slowly gains momentum but never losing its soft touch.

Jimin wasn’t extraordinarily musical, despite his mother’s attempt at tutoring him in multiple instruments, he finds his rhythm and melody in physicality. But, he still had the knowledge, the background to understand how extraordinary talented Yoongi is. The older boy is improvising, adding his own variations to classical pieces.

It’s a different song than the one Yoongi was playing earlier, the melancholy tones gone and replaced with a sweet melody.

The piano sings underneath Yoongi’s touch, and Jimin falls closer under the comfort of sleep.

“You should become a musician, Hyung,” Jimin mumbles, words garbled. He wonders if he’s making any sense.

The tempo of the song slows.

“I want to,” Yoongi answers.

“You’d be an amazing musician, Hyung - everyone would love you.”



“If only…”

It feels like only minutes later that Jimin realizes the silence in the room and that he had fallen asleep. The sun has begun to set, casting shadows in corners of the library.

Nights are always colder because Attalia floated so high above the clouds. The curtains danced in the breeze of the chill settling into the room, but Jimin is warm nestled underneath the weight of wool on top of him.


Jimin shifts in his sleep, peeling his eyes open to see plush silk of peony petals pinned to the left side of a familiar beige cardigan. He closes his eyes once more, the warmth surrounding him pulling him back under. But then he realizes that there were fingers softly – hesitantly – running through his hair.

Jimin wonders if it is his mother, but he couldn’t smell her perfume, he’d recognize the familiar sweet and fruity scent of wisteria flowers. Instead, Jimin’s senses are filled with the essence of orange blossoms: bright citrus and warm floral. Besides, peonies aren’t flowers of his mother’s house.

Jimin forces his eyes open, trying to pull himself away from the embrace of sleep. He glances up and sees pink – just as soft and plush as the petals.


It was his fingers.

It was his cardigan.

The older boy sits on the arm of the chair and slouches over the back.

Yoongi pauses when he notices Jimin awake, fingers freezing in Jimin’s dark hair, and eyes dilating.

But the 12-year-old does not notice the older’s surprise.

Jimin settles back to sleep, closing his eyes and sighing contently, nuzzling into the pillows and Yoongi’s hand.

“Thank you, for taking care of me, Yoongi-hyung,” Jimin mumbles, and as he drifts, those fingers continue combing through his hair. “I love you.”

Sleep as a way of playing with memories – in between the world of wake and sleep, memories cannot be trusted.

But Jimin was certain that he remembers the tenderness of fingers running through his hair, the sweet fragrance of orange blossoms that draws closer, and the familiar baritone drawl whispering the words:

“And I, you.”

It was raining again.

The pelting rains of the thunderstorm beat down on the windows and roofs of the palace. It was comforting, reminded Jimin of the autumn months in the countryside of Marsylle with its fiery leaves and vibrant sun-shocked flowers.

It wasn’t as if Aurea wasn’t beautiful, but it lacked the warmth and colour of the Sky City.

From the moment that he arrived with Taehyung into the city, he came to realize that how grey the modern city was. The cloudy skies were mirrored in the tall glass, skyscrapers and towering apartments. The streets were paved with slate cement and the equally grey sidewalks were lined with uniform trees at every block.

It was so monotonous – intimidating even.

But Jimin did not expect anything less from a country famed for its modern technology and impressive air fleet.

And such power was reflected in the architecture of the King’s residence.

Sol Palace was massive.

Much larger than the halls of the Château-de-Marsylle – but in its size, it lost warmth and brightness.

The young King had extensively renovated the old palace. Much of the larger staterooms retained elements of tradition and décor with the old marble reliefs and old paintings. But the private rooms for the King’s use and the guest apartments were redone to reflect modernity with abstract chandeliers, monochromatic fabrics, and the latest technology.

The number of staff dwindled in the night, with only a small number of guards and those left cleaning up the ballroom left.

Taehyung was comfortably nestled amongst the plush sheets of his bed. Though the Prince enjoyed parties, it was rather a sensory overload, and it left him drained and tired.

Tonight, however, Taehyung did not return to their rooms particularly happy. But he refused to discuss matters with Jimin and Jimin would not press his best friend. Taehyung will tell him when he was ready to – as things always were between the two of them.

But Taehyung’s peculiar mood left Jimin too restless to sleep. So, he decided to wander the corridors of the palace. His shoes clicked on the marble floors, reverberating in the dark empty halls. He ended up wandering away from the state apartments and towards the Grand Staircase.

It would be too late to venture into the city, too rainy for a nighttime run, and it would be too boring to play video games alone. So Jimin decided to seek out the gym - he remembered the young King saying something about working out with Hoseok.

But before Jimin could hunt someone down to ask for directions, he saw the glow of a light from a small crack of an opened door.

The Erato Music Room.

He strained his ears to find the soft, melody of a piano calling him towards the open door.

It was a familiar melody – a familiar variation. Jimin remembered quiet afternoons spent in the company of someone who played, the memories that threaten to resurface with the song.

He always played with a light touch.

Jimin followed the music. He peeked inside to find a familiar figure in the room, his back turned to the door, sitting at a beautiful grand piano.

Min Yoongi.

The window was open, a rainy breeze entering the room and from where Jimin stood, he could smell the wet, grassy scent of rain water.

Jimin pulled the door open, silently slipping inside.

The King’s Right-Hand doesn’t stop playing.

Jimin could see his own reflection in the glossy black finish of the grand piano and as Jimin approached, he could see the older man’s eyes were closed as he played. Jimin stopping behind the piano and the man slowly peels his eyes back.

Then sharply stops playing – cat-like eyes widen, dark irises dilating.

The older man’s suddenly turns to the couch and Jimin followed his gaze.

The Crownsguard didn’t notice earlier when he came in, but Hoseok was sprawled across the sofa with his legs thrown over the back and arms tucked underneath his head, asleep and snoring softly. Draped across his middle was the black jacket that Yoongi had worn to the party.

Jimin remembered how close they were to each other. When Jimin spared the Right-Hand a glimpse at the gala party, all he saw were the gummy smiles and crinkled eyes when the older man spoke to Hoseok. He saw how fond the Right-Hand was of the Commander General, how often Hoseok got the older man to smile, how comfortable they were in each other’s presence.

“Jimin,” the man breathed.

It was the first time the Right-Hand had said Jimin’s name without the honourifics, but Jimin hated the sound of his name grating on his ears – it was missing the lyrical drawl of the Attalian accent.

The Attalian man had adopted the stronger, cut-glass pronunciation of Naissus.

Jimin took a deep breath, suppressing the rising, burning, rage in him.

“Min Yoongi-ssi,” Jimin returned.

Yoongi bit down on his lips, biting back a frown. His hands slip off the piano keys, falling in his lap. He sighed, closing his eyes and shoulders slumping.

As if he resigned.

He stood, walking over to a tray that held balloon glasses and a decanter of brandy.

“I don’t want to wake him,” Yoongi muttered quietly, gesturing to the doors leading out to the balcony. Jimin led, silently pulling open the glass-paneled door and letting Yoongi through before closing it quietly behind them.

The smell of fresh soil and grass and rain came stronger and the pounding of water droplets was louder.

Yoongi set the glasses down onto the flat, marble railing, pouring a measure of alcohol into one glass and handing it to Jimin.

Jimin took it, eyes hard and fingers stiff as he stood with his back against the door.

The man poured himself just a bit more, placing the decanter by his feet and leaned against the marble pillar.

The balcony had no other exit but the door behind Jimin and the drop from the second story that would prove agonizing if not deadly. There was no escape – no matter how long Yoongi stalled.

“I was wondering when you’d finally confront me,” Yoongi finally said, swirling the glass in his hand.

“Why,” Jimin responded, trying to keep his tone blank. “Were you feeling anxious that I’d reveal your secret to the King?”

“No – I –”

“What was it: ‘the Earl of Libertas, Min Yoongi of House Eridanus?’” Jimin continued, cutting Yoongi off, spitting the title between his lips. “What a story. Your mother passed from the Naissian Plague. Your father died of a heart attack. Then, the poor orphaned boy was adopted by the Queen Mother because of his love of music.”

“I can – ”

“What a lie,” Jimin said through gritted teeth. He raised the glass, downing the contents in one gulp and letting the alcohol burn down his throat and fuel his anger. The anger and confusion and loathing that Jimin had felt since the moment he laid eyes on the Right Hand in the Throne Room, since the moment he recognized the delicate features and baritone voice.

Jimin thought he could keep his composure – he spent the last month reigning in the emotions. He tried to use everything he had been taught to keep his anger at bay, but it has been years and years and ¬years.
And it hurt.

“You are Min Yoongi, son of the disgraced Baron of La Noix of House Pivoine,” Jimin hissed, drawing out each syllable, pronouncing the man’s name and true title in the way it was meant to be spoken, switching to Attalian halfway through rather than using the Common Language spoken throughout Naissus.

“I can explain,” Yoongi yelled in the language of the Floating Isles, finally able to get a coherent sentence between Jimin’s attack.

“By all means, Min Yoongi-ssi,” Jimin said, he waved his arms exasperatedly. “Explain to me why you lied about being a commoner when you’re a member of a Noble House of Attalia. Explain to me why you faked your own death and turned up at the Naissian Court as the King’s Right Hand.”

Jimin paused, growing dizzy as his chest heaved with the strength of his enraged breaths. “Does your precious King brother know how your family fell from grace? Did you run away from Attalian Court to seek a higher position elsewhere?”

“No. No. I mean. Yes.” Yoongi spluttered, he shook his head, pinching the bridge of his nose and taking a deep breath.

“Jeongguk knows – he knows everything,” Yoongi started, slowly. “As does the rest of the members of the King’s Circle. You might not believe me, but when Jeongguk asked me to be his Right-Hand Man, I told him the truth. I hoped that it would discourage him – but it didn’t. I told the Queen Mother before she decided to give me her name, too. The Royal Family knew what they were getting into when it came to me.”

“That says something about the character of the Royal Family – if they let the son of a criminal act as the King’s Right Hand.”

“I was not part of my father’s schemes – I am not my father’s son.”

“Then why did you lie,” Jimin screamed. “Why did you make everyone think that you were dead?!”

“Shut up!” Yoongi yelled back. He looked back through the glass door, checking to see if Hoseok had overheard them. He hadn’t stirred. Yoongi took another shuddering breath, running a hand through his already dishevelled hair.

“Jeongguk’s trusted members may know of my origins – but the court does not,” Yoongi murmured. “I hope that you’ll choose to keep whatever I tell you between us.”

Jimin snorted, crossing his arms. He stayed silent, giving Yoongi the opportunity to continue.

“I am not guilty of my father’s crimes – but if word gets out that I am the living second son of House Pivoine, serving under the King of Naissus, you’ll cause a scandal so great it could derail Jeongguk’s reign.”

Jimin took a step forward, his chest pressing against Yoongi’s and his lips brushing against the older man’s ear.

A trace of orange blossoms invaded his senses.

“Tell me,” Jimin whispered. “Give me one good reason why I shouldn’t send word that you’re alive and well to your family – that I shouldn’t drag you home to Attalia and lay your head before your rightful King, you traitor.”

Yoongi backed up until his back collided with the pillar. His eyes hard and lips pressed into a stern, thin line. He followed Jimin’s example, lifting the glass to his lips and finishing it. He avoided Jimin’s eyes as he sank to the ground, leaning his head against the marble. Jimin refused to join him, remaining standing as he glared at Yoongi with clenched fists.

“Your right… I ran away from my family and faked my death,” Yoongi began. “But not because I was involved in my father’s offences.”

Yoongi closed his eyes and in that moment, Jimin realized just how much the man had aged since their last meeting in childhood.

“House Pivoine was on the verge of bankruptcy,” Yoongi murmured. “My father sold a lot of the family lands to pay off the debts accumulated from his bad investments. If he didn’t make enough money soon, he’d have to give up the family estate. He arranged for my older brother to marry the second daughter of the Earl of La Peche of House Azalée. Her dowry kept the estate afloat for a couple of years, but eventually, it wasn’t enough for my father’s lofty goals. My brother was lucky though – he fell in love with his fiancée.

“I thought I had been spared – my brother was engaged at twelve. But, I was fifteen when my father decided to betroth me to the duch*ess of La Fraise. Lady Suran of House Rose.”

“The Queen’s House?” Jimin asked.

“The Queen’s niece,” Yoongi said. “It would be an extremely advantageous marriage. Not only would my father be able to raise the family’s station, but the fortune that Suran-noona brought with her into the marriage would support the estate for decades to come even if my father managed to f*ck it all up.”

Yoongi reached for the decanter, filling his glass and glancing up to meet Jimin’s eyes, offering the younger more. Jimin complied, moving to sit across from Yoongi, leaning against the palace wall as Yoongi filled his glass.

“But Suran-noona was ten years my senior, and a woman when I had preferred men,” Yoongi continued. “It would be a miserable match for the both of us. I was sixteen when we were officially engaged. But we’d have to wait till I was twenty-one years of age to be married under the eyes of the Mother Goddess.

“Suran-noona took pity on me and secretly helped me plan my escape. She helped me forge documents for safe passage to Naissus and more than enough funds to support myself for years after. It was during the dwindling months of the Naissian Plague when medical Martial Law had just lifted. It was easy for me to slip into the country with the chaos of counting the dead and mourning the late King.”

Jimin played with the edge of the glass, tracing the rim as he struggled to understand Yoongi’s story.

“How – how did you end up being adopted by the Queen Mother?”

“The story I told you and Taehyung at dinner was a cover. The grave you went to visit were fake. But the rest was the truth: I did not actively seek out a position in court,” Yoongi said, slowly capping the decanter and placing it at his side. “Naissus was my chance for a fresh start – away from duties and responsibility of nobility. I wanted an education in music when it had been denied to me in Attalia. So, I started by finding an apartment in Aurea. Then a job. I was lucky that there was a position open at the palace as a digital cataloguer. It was all a coincidence that I happened to be working when the Queen Mother visited. She saw Jeongguk’s father in me – the late King. She saw his love of music and arts – and I grew to love her like my own mother.”

Yoongi’s furrowed brows softened at the mention of his adoptive mother.

“Now, here I am with a title that my father would kill for,” Yoongi continued. The soft light filtering through the window reflected off the glass in his hand. “It was five years after the Queen Mother took me in that I learned what he had done. Without my marriage to secure the funds, I would never have expected him to stoop so low as to extortion.”

Jimin bit his lips, shifting uncomfortably in the silence that had overtaken them.

“I thought you died,” Jimin whispered numbly. “I thought – I saw the car crash on the news.”

“Suran-noona let me use her autonomous car and we programmed it to drive off the cliffs – no remains would be found, the easiest method,” Yoongi explained. Jimin found Yoongi’s eyes. In them, he found no trace of regret, but there was a sadness.

“I went to your funeral.”

“I’m sorry.”

“I mourned you.”

“I’m sorry to have hurt you,” Yoongi murmured, lowering his head.

“Your family mourned you.”

“My father mourned the chance to make him rich again,” Yoongi scoffed. “I do not regret my decision to leave.”

“Why didn’t you tell me?”

Yoongi lifted his eyes. It was dark – the light from indoors was barely enough for Jimin to catch Yoongi’s expression: tense and confused.

“And what – burden a child with the issues of an arranged marriage?” Yoongi asked, incredulously. “You were twelve. You shouldn’t be worried about these kinds of things.”

“I thought we were friends.”

Yoongi paused, running his hand through his hair again. Gone was the plush pink of Jimin’s childhood memories, now Yoongi’s hair was the dark black of the House he served.

It contrasted his lighter skin.

Still just as handsome as before.

Just as unreachable as before.

“We were friends,” Yoongi said softly, smiling.

And Jimin was drunk on the smile – or perhaps drunk on how much he drank. He never held his liquor well – never wanted to hold his liquor well, he let it consume him, amplify his emotions – he used it as an excuse.

“We can still be friends, Jimin.”

“I loved you, Yoongi-hyung,” Jimin said softly, slipping back into the familiar honourifics he used 12 years ago.

It slipped easily off his tongue.

“Did you know that? Did you ever consider that?”

Now Yoongi was taken aback, eyes widening, flickering, lips parting and failing to form words.

“We – we were children.”

“We were born into nobility,” Jimin argued. “What made you think we were ever normal children? I was eight when I learnt of my duties as Crownsguard to the Heir to the Throne. I was born to be Taehyung’s shield. I was ready to sacrifice my life for him. Do you think a child would be able to handle that kind of knowledge?”

Jimin angrily raked a hand through his hair, realizing now how hard his heart beat in his chest and how hot his cheeks burned.

“I’m sorry – I shouldn’t be bothering you with this. You’re right. It’s all in the past –”

“I thought about you,” Yoongi said. “In these twelve years – I wondered about the boy with pretty cheeks who walked hand in hand with the First Prince. Wondered how he grew up. Then I saw you in those pictures with Taehyung…silver hair suits you.”

Yoongi was tripping over his words – he was rambling.

“I – I knew you weren’t a child, but I never wanted to consider –”

Yoongi had always been eloquent, and now Jimin saw the older man struggle to formulate his thoughts.

“I never wanted to consider you as more,” Yoongi said quickly. “Never wanted to – Jimin, I was part of a House that was nothing in the grand scheme of the Royal Court. You are the first son of the Marquis of Châtaigne of House Turnesol: the Crownsguards of the Royal Family. You will always out of my reach.”

“It wouldn’t matter. My family will never force me to marry someone who I don’t love – Taehyung – wouldn’t ask that of me. You could have – we could have – ”

“It doesn’t matter anymore – what’s done is done, the question is –”

A deafening explosion pierced through the rain, loud and dissonant like missed keys the piano.

Jimin reacted on instinct – years of training to protect Taehyung made him instinctually seek to protect those around him. He pounced on Yoongi, pulling the man closer to the ground and using his own body as a shield.

The blast was loud.

It left Jimin’s ears ringing, adrenaline rocking through his body, and the same insistent thought of: where is Taehyung, is Taehyung okay? Taehyung. Taehyung – Taehyung.

But Jimin knew where Taehyung was.

Jimin had yet to remember the layout of the palace, but he knew that the northern wing was reserved for the private apartments of the Royal Family. Jimin was also certain that Taehyung’s rooms were in the eastern wing of the palace, and from the balcony, Jimin could see an entire section of the northern wing was engulfed in black ashes.

“Yoongi-hyung –”

“Those are Jeongguk’s rooms,” Yoongi murmured, detached. “Those are – that where Jeongguk is.”

And like Jimin, who’s priority will always be Taehyung. Yoongi’s priority is always Jeongguk.

Jeongguk. Jeongguk. Jeongguk.



Min Yoongi (Deceased)
House: Pivoine (Peony)
Title: N/A
Position: Second Son of the Baron of LaNoix (Walnut)
Age: 16 (Died in Automobile Accident)

Author’s Long and Awkward Rant:
1. Titled Interlude because it is outside of the main storyline. Chapters that are titled interlude in the future might be in Jimin’s perspective or include details of other character’s lives.
2. This is a shorter chapter and it also doesn’t address that huge cliffhanger in the room… but I felt that this was the best place to have it. I created a back-story for Yoongi from the very first chapter, but I didn’t really address it until now.
3. I am sorry that this such a dialogue-heavy chapter – but I felt the best way to tell Yoongi’s backstory was for him to tell it himself.
4. Thank you for all of your comments, seriously guys. I cannot thank you enough for the love you’ve given the story. I sob and giggle idiotically at every single compliment that you give me - it seriously makes me so happy for days on end. Please love me and hate me as much as you like.
5. If you guys have questions or constructive criticisms, I’ll try to answer those and reply to those comments, via here on Archive, Twitter, or if you want this new… Curious Cat thing?

Chapter 8: oneirataxia


o n e i r a t a x i a (ονειραταξια)

(n.) the inability to distinguish dreams or fantasy from real life


(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

o n e i r a t a x i a


And –

Jeongguk couldn’t breathe. Each inhalation was short and filled with smoke and particles that forced a ragged cough from his throat.

A loud, high pitched ringing assaulted his ears.

And –

Everything burned.

He forced his eyes open. His entire head pulsated as bright lights barraged his vision. He could only make out his hand in front of him before his vision spun and the world spun, and his stomach churned and f*ck – he was going to puke.

And the ringing still persisted – it hadn’t stopped.

There was a burning and an ache he could feel permeating his skin and entering deep into his bones, and his head – someone was drilled a f*cking hole in the back of his head.

He couldn’t breathe.

The ringing.

Jeongguk raised his hands, clamping them over his ears in hopes of dulling the reverberating ringing. His fingertips brushed against hot wetness at the back of his skull that matted his hair down, and it stung like hell where his fingers pressed.

What the f*ck

“Jeongguk – Jeongguk!”

Jeongguk could recognize that voice anywhere.

Yoongi – Yoongi-hyung. But why couldn’t Jeongguk couldn’t hear well – he couldn’t think straight over the ringing. Stop the ringing – making the ringing stop.

“Jeongguk – you need to stop moving. Stop moving.”


He wasn’t moving, was he?

He would stop moving if Seokjin could stop the ringing – Seokjin would be able to stop the ringing – he was a doctor after all.

“There’s so much – so much f*cking blood, Jin-hyung.”

Hoseok. Why did their voices sound so far away?

“It’s common for head injuries to bleed profusely.”

Why wouldn’t it stop ringing and ringing and ringing?

“Concussion,” Seokjin said, his voice lacking the warmth, replaced by a clinical distance and Jeongguk did not like the sound of it. “Split the skin. I don’t think his skull is fractured."

Why won’t the f*cking ringing stop?

“His ears are bleeding, Seokjin.”

“Tympanic rupture. Your eardrums ruptured, Jeongguk, that’s why there is ringing in your ears. It will pass.”

Oh. Concussion.

That’s why his head hurt.



But the ringing.

Just make it stop.

“Why is he asking the same f*cking question over and over again?” Yoongi screamed, and Jeongguk could hear the panic in Yoongi’s voice.

And his mother’s voice – Jeongguk could hear his calling his name in terror. That made him scared, his heart was racing, he could hear his heartbeat on top of the damned ringing and ringing and ringing – and the pain – just make it stop. Make it all stop.

“Anterograde amnesia, it’s the brain injury. He can’t remember that he’d asked the same questions already.”

Hands were prying his arms away from his head, laying him flat on his back, holding his arms away from his ears, holding his head still when all he wanted was to curl in upon himself.

Stop – all he wanted was for the ringing to stop. Pressure on his head, pressing against the sharp burning ache at the back of his skull.

“Ji-eun, keep your aunt calm. Namjoon, call for the medical household now. Hoseok, Jimin stabilize any open wounds Taehyung may have – but do not move him. Yoongi, I need you to hold Jeongguk down – if he keeps thrashing he’ll hurt himself more and let me know if he loses consciousness immediately.”

And then he heard Yoongi’s voice, far away but calm. Calm as it can be through a storm.

“Jeon Jeongguk – Jeonggukie, you have to stay awake, okay? Squeeze my hand if you can hear me.”

He could feel hands prying his balled fists open, intertwining between his fingers, clasping hard enough that Jeongguk could feel his bones protesting.

Yoongi. Yoongi-hyung.

Why was he on the ground, what happened, why was Yoongi scared, why are his ears ringing –

“Everything will be fine, Jeonggukie. You’ll be fine. We’ve got you – we’ve got you.”

“Do you find me attractive, Jeongguk?” Taehyung asks, his voice is muffled by the sound of crashing glass. Wine spills on the table, soaking into Taehyung’s white sleeves like rosé-coloured blood.

Blue eyes.

Jeongguk remembers the first time he saw Taehyung’s eyes. The pictures that Namjoon showed him revealed warm pools of brown. Jeongguk had little to say about those eyes before – too caught up in the Attalian Prince’s brilliant smile, stunning beauty, and the prospects of an arranged marriage.

But now, when he looks back upon it, he remembers the kindness and warmth those dark, brown eyes.

Eyes are the windows to the soul, after all.

So, what do Taehyung’s crystalline blue eyes say?

Bright and icy-blue eyes that gleam like hazy stained-glass. Now, Jeongguk remembers what he saw in Taehyung’s eyes: knowledge of something beyond the peaceful flower gardens, something that terrified him and that he wished not to see.

It was such a stark contrast between the eyes Jeongguk saw tonight.

Wide and clear and desperate – desperately wanting to see.

Jeongguk recollects seeing similar eyes in his youth: his father’s.

As the Plague took the late King, his eyesight was the first to fail him: as it does everyone who succumbs to the illness.

Those warm, liquid brown eyes that Jeongguk’s mother said he inherited. He barely remembers the weeks leading to his father’s death. But Jeongguk remembers seeing the first few symptoms.

The headaches, the weakness, all passed off for exhaustion of his kingly duties as the Naissian Plague devastated the country.

But then came the loss of vision.

Jeongguk was there when the doctors whisked his father away into isolation. They did everything they could to prologue the late King’s life, but it was surely inevitable.

He remembers his mother’s wailing cries and the wide, glassy, desperate look in his father’s eyes – the desperation to see – the desperation to live. And he saw it tonight in Taehyung’s eyes.

Jeongguk remembers what he had said when he drank too much at the gala.

“You smell like lavender. Would your lips taste like lavender if I kissed you, Taehyung?”

“I think you’ve had enough to drink for tonight. You could ask me that again when you’re sober.”

But he’ll never have the courage when he is sober.

“But that’s not what you really want to know, is it?”

Brown eyes. Taehyung’s kind brown eyes and brilliant grin.

Then brown irises bleed into crystal blue.

Unseeing. Blind.

“Yes, I find you very attractive, Taehyung.”

How could he not with the Prince’s genuine kindness? But how could he when questions run rampant in Taehyung’s wake?

The Prince’s skin took on the sickly pallor of the late King before his death.

“Wouldn’t you rather know if it’s the Plague?”

Voices. There were familiar voices that were calling him from the quiet haze of sleep. The ringing in his ears – he remembered it was louder – now it was a dull reminder of… of… something. Another unfamiliar sound: a rhythmic beep that sang in tune with the thumps in his chest.

A heart monitor?

He was so tired, all he wanted was to shift into a comfortable position and drift off again – but something was bothering him. His thoughts felt disconnected like there was a fog separating his body from his mind. He couldn’t feel or move his limbs. But he could feel the dull burn, and something told him that the pain would be worse if it weren’t for that disorienting fog.


“How could I when…”

Yoongi. And that was his mother’s voice.

“…Jeongguk will be fine, Your Majesty. He’ll make a full recovery. You should get some sleep.”


Full recovery. Did something happen? Was that what was keeping him from sleep?

“I cannot argue with you, Yoongi. Nor could I force you from his side.”

“I’m stuck with Jeongguk forever, Eommoni.”

“We all are.”

Stuck with him forever.

Until earth returns to earth. Till death –

No, he couldn’t do that to Yoongi – couldn’t do that Seokjin. Hoseok. Namjoon.

“sh*t, I think we woke him up.”

Fingers brushed his hair, catching in something plastic that was pressed against his cheek and shoved into his nostrils.

“Jeongguk,” Seokjin called. “Jeongguk, can you open your eyes for me?"

He complied.

But Jeongguk was always slow to wake. He peeled heavy eyelids back, and the world was a blurry mess of dim colours and spinning lights. He whined with a parched throat and a thick tongue.

A white light flashed between his eyes, and he tried hard to shift away from the blinding brightness.

“Pupils are responding normally,” Seokjin said softly. “CT scan and X-rays came back negative, blood oxygen levels are normal, and vitals are fine. So, concussion, three staples in the back of his head, minor smoke inhalation, and some second-degree burns. He’ll recover.”

“How are you feeling, my love?”

Okay – he thinks. Just tired. He could feel his limbs now, but with that realization came the rising fiery pain.

“I’ll increase the morphine drip…I could pull the oxygen cannula now...would be more comfortable....”

What felt like only seconds later, Jeongguk was beginning to lose the connection with his body again, and the promise of blissful darkness called.

“Go back to sleep, Jeongguk…”

The late King of Naissus, Jeon Yeong-hwan, was famed for his gentle heart and his tragic death. He married his betrothed, the youngest daughter of House Eridanus, at twenty-five years. Two years later, he ascended the throne upon his father’s death. A year after, the young Queen gave birth to a healthy son, His Royal Highness, Crown Prince Jeon Jeongguk, and the future of the House and realm was secure.

The country was stable under the rule of His Majesty, King Jeon Yeong-hwan, but not even a just and kind ruler could stave off the inevitability of morality. There was not a scandal in his thirteen-year long reign and all was well until the Naissian Plague struck.

The King was not the first to fall within the Ancient House Cepheus, his younger brother, Prince Yeong-su, perished at the beginning of the epidemic, leaving behind his beloved wife and daughter, Ji-eun. The second was one of the King’s closest friends and advisors.

The third, was the King himself, falling to the Plague merely weeks before the cure was discovered.

His Majesty the King had sworn in Prince Yeong-su and his two closest friends as members of his King’s Circle in an ancient tradition known as the Oath of Blood.

It was a ritual passed down from the Kings of Old to bind the lives of the ruler’s most trusted advisors to his own. In the event of the King’s death, it was customary that those who were bound to him to follow. However, that was a tradition that long since died. Centuries have passed since the last fallen king had members of the King’s Circle depart alongside him.

The tale of the tragic King and his King’s Circle lived on past their deaths, for the neither the King nor any member of his King’s Circle survived the calamity.

The last member of the King’s Circle did not catch the Plague – but nor could he continue to live in the wake of his fallen brothers.

And in his grief, he took his own life.

The lights were low, dimmed so Jeongguk saw only shadows in varying shades of grey. He closed his eyes.

Someone was beside him, fingers of his left hand curled into the other’s palm. He could recognize it – feel the raised skin at the base of their digits, remembered that Namjoon, Hoseok, and Seokjin all carried similar scars. But only Yoongi’s stood out in faded pink against pale skin.

Jeongguk instinctively thumbed the pad of his left index finger, feeling the smooth bump where he pricked his skin four times to draw blood. Once more than his father – one more life he would take with him to the grave. This was his only reminder of the Oath; the scars of his brothers were larger – the sacrifices of his brothers will always be greater.

He faintly squeezed Yoongi’s hand and the man jolted.

“Jeongguk, are you awake?” Yoongi asked, voice hoarse and groggy as if he was asleep.

“I think I was dreaming,” Jeongguk heard himself murmur.

“About?” Yoongi asked, voice low and almost humouring him. Jeongguk opened his eyes, the headache subsiding enough that he did not feel like puking as his vision focused on Yoongi’s silhouette and the IV pole behind him.

“I was dreaming about the Oath of Blood,” Jeongguk said.


“I can’t help but think about what – what he did for Abeoji.”

“I see…”

“Don’t do that for me, okay?”

“You’re fine, Jeongguk,” Yoongi said. “You’ll be back to full health and acting like a f*cking muscle pig in no time.”

Jeongguk could tell that Yoongi was trying hard to keep his voice light, keep the bored grumble present in his tone. But it was difficult to mask the strain. But Yoongi’s voice was soft in the darkness, soothing and lulling Jeongguk back to the warm comfort of sleep.

“But if something were to happen, don’t do that for me,” Jeongguk said, his words began slurring. “Live. Be happy. Take care of Ji-eun-noona.”

“Just shut up and go back to sleep.”

But he needed to say one more thing. Something Yoongi needed to know – in case something was to happen.

“I love you, Yoongi-hyung.”

“Go the f*ck to sleep; you’re higher than a kite.”

Fingers card through his hair again, and Jeongguk remembered long ago when Yoongi had lulled him to sleep like this.

A hand brushed over his, finding the scar on his finger.

“I love you too.”

“Are you sure, Yoongi-hyung?” Jeongguk asks hesitantly, gripping the arms of the throne and struggling not to bounce his leg. The heavy sword balances precariously in his lap and the slightest movement would have it jostling and slipping to the floor. “You’re swearing yourself to another King.”

“I know,” Yoongi replies, making his way up the dais with sure and measured steps. He rakes a hand through seafoam green hair and straightens his black jacket. “Though I was part of an aristocratic family, I swore no oath of fealty to the King of Attalia.”

Yoongi stops before the throne and Jeongguk has to crane his neck to meet the older man’s eyes.

“Besides, I am not swearing myself to you as just your subject, Jeongguk, but as your older brother,” Yoongi smiles softly, ruffling Jeongguk’s hair. “I’m doing this because I want to. I want to protect you, to stand by you for the rest of my life.”

Jeongguk returns a smile. “Thank you, hyung.”

“And also, to beat the sh*t out of you if you pull some dumb f*ck move.”

“Thanks for ruining the moment, hyung.”

“Can’t let you get all sentimental on me.”

Jeongguk rolls his eyes, but his hands are steady as he wraps fingers around the decorative hilt of the ceremonial blade, unsheathing it from the scabbard in one swift motion. The gleaming steel shines brilliantly in the light of the afternoon sun, blinding Jeongguk and forcing him to squint.

He stands, watching as his older brother bends to one knee, lowering his head.

Jeongguk takes a breath, placing the flat of the blade on Yoongi’s left shoulder, the sharp edge of the steel merely centimetres from the exposed skin of Yoongi’s neck.

“Are you, Min Yoongi, son of the Baron of LaNoix of House Pivoine, son of the Queen Mother of House Eridanus, Earl of Libertas, willing to swear the Oath of Blood?”

“I am,” Yoongi says quietly.

“Do you pledge your life and blood to me, Jeon Jeongguk, son of the Ancient House Cepheus, King of Naissus.”

“I do.”

Jeongguk pulls the blade away from Yoongi’s shoulder, placing the blade in his palm and holding it horizontally before him and offers the sword to Yoongi.

Yoongi remains kneeling but lifts his head and takes the sword, his left palm flat against the blade and his right wrapped around the hilt.

Jeongguk reaches for the dagger at his hip, with the same decorative styling on the hilt and words of the Old Language etched in the steel. The dagger was passed down from sovereign to sovereign and the sword to be used by those making their vows.

The Oath is always writ with steel and signed in blood.

Jeongguk pulls the dagger free of the sheath and places the point over his left index finger, nicking the skin. A bright red globule of blood forms, glistening as it drips.

Yoongi slowly tilts his right wrist, the sword slanting as the sharp edge rests on his open left palm. He moves the blade in one swift motion, slicing a clean line through the centre of his hand from one side to the other, red spilling onto the steel and seeping onto black marble floors.

“I swear upon my flesh and blood,” Yoongi says, “my life is yours, my King.”

Jeongguk lifts his finger and places it over Yoongi’s palm, tracing the open cut on Yoongi’s hand with his own bloody finger, mixing red with red.

“May my blood be your blood,” Jeongguk declares, pulling his hand away.

Yoongi nods, rising to his feet. He closes his bleeding hand, placing his right hand over his heart as he bows at the waist.

“Till earth returns to earth. Ashes to ashes. Dust to dust.”

“How is he, Yoongi-hyung?”

A low grumble. “Jimin…Better…. isn’t asking the same question over and over again. Jin-hyung has him on a quite a co*cktail of drugs – he’s… he’s a bit delirious.”

“Jin-hyung told me he should be fine.”

“Yeah, just needs to sleep it off… how is Taehyung?”

A tired sigh, the creaking of a chair.

“Stable. Jin-hyung asked me to leave while he addresses Taehyung’s broken ribs. Doesn’t want me to look over his shoulder while he works and fret. His own words.”

“Only Jin-hyung could get you to leave Taehyung’s side.”

“I could say the same for you.”

A breathy laugh.

And Jeongguk drifted off once more.

The next time Jeongguk opened his eyes, the ringing in his ears dissipated, he could feel his limbs without thinking they were on fire, and his headache was nothing more than an annoying reminder at the back of his head.

He turned to find Yoongi curled up on a sofa pushed right up against his bed with his head pressed against Jeongguk’s shoulder. Half his body rested on the mattress and the other half was curled on the sofa in what was probably the most uncomfortable position to sleep in.

Jeongguk scoffed, it had been a long time since he and Yoongi shared a bed. When he was much younger, at a time when he rebelliously refused to accept his role as Crown Prince and duty as the future King.

Yoongi sported dark circles under his eyes and chapped lips. He was snoring softly – something that occurred only when he was exhausted beyond belief.

Across the room, sat Namjoon, lying back in a recliner with his hands clasped over his lap and head lolling over a soft pink pillow – his usually immaculately styled hair fell in a disheveled disarray against his forehead.

Jeongguk scanned the room and he recognized the familiar cement walls, bulletproof glass doors, and abstract art that decorated the otherwise grey room: the underground safe house beneath Sol Palace. It was the same rooms the late King occupied before passing, a place Jeongguk had not seen since his father’s death.

They must have renovated it since, updating it with the latest medical equipment needed to care for members of the Royal Family in the case of a crisis – which confused Jeongguk.

“Are you finally awake?”

Jeongguk glanced over to see Seokjin entering the room with a relieved smile on his face. The low light in the room and the glow of his tablet casting an unhealthy pallor to his skin.

“What happened?” Jeongguk croaked, the words almost failed to form around his thick, dry tongue. Seokjin checked on the heart monitor, taking notes on his tablet before putting it down and grabbing a tray from a table at the base of the bed and moving it to the side table.

He helped Jeongguk sit up, deciding to prop him up using a mountain of pillows rather than moving the bed and disturbing Yoongi’s rather fitful sleep. Jeongguk was of little help with Seokjin’s rearranging, his body was not cooperating and the clean white bandages crawling up his forearm gave him little to no information.

“Have something to drink first,” Seokjin said, placing the tray across Jeongguk’s lap and bracing the legs of the tray on the bed.

There was a bottle of water, a carton of apple juice, and a covered stone bowl on the platter. Seokjin cracked open the bottle of water for him, and Jeongguk took it with unsteady fingers, cautiously lifting it to his lips.

“What’s the last thing you remember?” Seokjin asked softly.

Jeongguk frowned, memories came slow and he had to force himself to recall anything past the thumps of his headache.

He remembered waking up in his room at almost noon, swearing under his breath and bolting upright. Chung-ho came in saying that he let Jeongguk oversleep because of how late he had stayed up. Brunch was served in his rooms. Namjoon came while Chung-ho helped Jeongguk dress, muttering under his breath about how atrociously Jeongguk had dressed himself yesterday to meet the Queen Mother and now it’s all over the tabloids.

“This morning,” Jeongguk replied. “I overslept. Chung-ho was laying out some clothes for me and Namjoon-hyung was going over the evening’s speech.”

“This morning…” Seokjin said. “Is that all?”

“What time is it?”

“8 pm,” Seokjin replied hesitantly.

sh*t. Did I miss the gala?” Jeongguk asked, failing to register Seokjin’s caution. Jeongguk rubbed his forehead with his right hand, refusing to move his left as Yoongi’s fingers were still intertwined with his.

Wait – why would missing the gala result in him being here?

Namjoon had awoken with all the noise, jerking upright and blinking blearily. He glanced up – the same relieved look and sag in his shoulders appearing when he met Jeongguk’s eyes.

“You’re awake,” he sighed, standing and making his way over to the bed.

Namjoon’s anxiousness was alarming – the Lord Chancellor rarely, if ever, outwardly displayed his apprehension. And that only served to make Jeongguk nervous.

“What happened, why am I here?”

“Jeongguk,” Seokjin sat down. “I need you to remain calm. Do you remember anything else before the gala?”

“No…” Jeongguk said. His thoughts were sluggish like a fog had descended and each step only led him deeper into a maze of confusion. “I can’t remember anything else – am I okay?”

“You had a concussion,” Seokjin explained slowly. “You’re suffering from retrograde – and anterograde – amnesia, I think it has affected your memories of anything after yesterday morning.”

“Yesterday morning?” Jeongguk repeated weakly.

“It’s 8 pm the next day, Jeongguk,” Seokjin said. “You slept on and off for nearly sixteen hours.”

Jeongguk swallowed thickly, the water sloshing inside him uncomfortably as the terrible feeling of dread settled down with it.

“How did I get a concussion?” Jeongguk asked.

“There was an explosion in your apartments,” Namjoon said. “It went off in the middle of the night after the gala. We suspect it was a bomb.”

Jeongguk didn’t respond.

His thoughts wouldn’t let him compute the information; it was all passing through one ear and out the other. He closed his eyes, taking a breath.


A bomb.

Some things were coming back to him now: the pain, the ringing, the panic in Yoongi’s voice.


“What – how – ” Jeongguk stuttered unable to formulate and coherent thought.

“We’re still investigating,” Namjoon continued. “We hoped you would have some recollection of what occurred.”

Seokjin opened the stone pot and Jeongguk glanced down to see steam rising from the juk inside. The older man placed the spoon beside the bowl.

“You should eat something,” Seokjin said.

But how could he eat now?

“No, you need to tell me everything,” Jeongguk demanded. “The gala already happened? A – a bomb?”

“Yes,” Yoongi said, groggily. “We will, after you’ve eaten.”

Their conversation, despite trying to keep it down, had managed to wake Yoongi. Seokjin took the opportunity to lift the bed, settling Jeongguk in a more comfortable position.

Yoongi sat up on his elbow, hand remaining intertwined in Jeongguk’s, blinking and squinting and searching Jeongguk’s eyes for something, before nodding to himself and shifting over onto the cot.

Jeongguk took the spoon, stirring the rice porridge in uninterested circles, he wasn’t hungry – but when was the last time that he ate?

“What happened after?” Jeongguk asked – hoping that something – anything could suddenly jog his memory.

“Hoseok, Jimin, and I were in the Euterpe Music Room when the bomb went off,” Yoongi said. “We were the first to find you.”

“Namjoon and I were in the media room,” Seokjin supplied.

“When we all arrived, your rooms were destroyed but both you and Taehyung were halfway down the hall lying in the wreckage.”

Taehyung was there.

Jeongguk remembered that Taehyung’s guest rooms were on the other side of the palace in the east wing. There would be little reason for the Prince to visit the apartments of the Royal Family.

“Why was Taehyung there?”

“We’d like to know that too,” Namjoon said.

“Jimin told me that Taehyung was asleep when he met me in the Music Room,” Yoongi said. “But he’s unaware how Taehyung got to the northern wing.”

“And then, after you found us?”

“Seokjin stabilized your injuries and Taehyung’s. We moved everyone to the underground safe house, including Eommoni and Ji-eun.”

“The entire palace is under lockdown until you’ve awoken,” Namjoon explained. “Hoseok is managing the investigation as we speak.”

“Is everyone alright?” Jeongguk asked.

“Fine, it was just your rooms that were targeted.”

“I – I still don’t understand how this happened and – why? Why was there a bomb?”

“Jeongguk,” Namjoon said, grimly. “There is no easy way to say this. But this was certainly an assassination attempt on your life – on the King’s life.”

“As we said, we’re still trying to piece together how this happened,” Seokjin continued. “How anyone was able to make it past the palace security.”

And before Jeongguk could formulate another question, the sound of an electronic padlock opening interrupted them as Hoseok entered.

“Jeongguk,” Hoseok said, “Oh, thank goodness your awake.”

“Anything new?” Yoongi asked.

Hoseok shook his head, shutting the door quietly behind him and Jeongguk could hear the lock automatically close behind them – that was new. His King’s Circle was taking this very seriously. And Jeongguk knew that he should too, but everything was so hard to understand.

Concussion. Amnesia. A bomb. Attempted assassination.


“Nothing new,” Hoseok said, pulling at the collar of his shirt. “I cannot keep the staff in the dark for much longer – there is no hard press evidence either.” The Commander General wore a rather intricate looking suit, black with a glossy sheen – too dressed up for his normal day to day wear. In fact, everyone was dressed in the remnants of extravagant suits with rumpled silk shirts, loose ties, and missing blazer jackets.

Then Jeongguk finally accepted that the gala must have really happened – that this wasn’t just some strange dream. His King’s Circle hadn’t changed even until now because they were too concerned about his well-being.

Everyone looked so – tired.

Namjoon nodded, “We’ll have to explain the situation, and let the news out that the King is alright.”

“Do the people know?” Jeongguk asked.

“No,” Namjoon said. “I’ve done my best to keep the media in the dark about matters until you have awoken to finalize decisions. There is much to do, Jeongguk.”

“Which would have to wait until he’s had enough time to recover,” Seokjin said, frowning with his eyes set on the bowl of rice porridge. Jeongguk had not taken a bite.

“I still don’t understand how Taehyung is involved,” Jeongguk said, ignoring Seokjin.

“Neither do we. No matter, Taehyung is too incapacitated to answer questions right now,” Namjoon said, “and Jin-hyung would not further risk the Prince’s health.”

“How badly injured was he?”

“No better than you,” Yoongi said, glancing at Jeongguk.

“Three fractured ribs, second-degree burns, and some open wounds,” Namjoon continued said. “He’s in and out of consciousness; the morphine’s keeping him out of sorts.”

“He’s mumbling a lot too – ” Seokjin supplied. “Jimin always looks so anxious whenever someone comes to visit him.”

“He’s hiding something,” Namjoon said, grimly, “I hate to speculate, and I didn’t want to bring this up because we had other more pressing issues to deal with, but Jimin knows more than he is offering to tell us.”

“What makes you think that?”

“Jimin never wants Yoongi-hyung in the room.”

Yoongi’s brows furrow. “We shared a complicated history – he wasn’t ever comfortable with me.”

“He came to speak to you earlier,” Namjoon said. “Called you ‘Yoongi-hyung’ when it had been ‘Min Yoongi-ssi’ since his arrival here. No, it isn’t you – it’s the fact that you speak and understand Attalian."

Seokjin nodded. “Taehyung’s sleep talking. Whatever he’s saying, Jimin doesn’t want someone who could understand him to overhear.”

“Does it have to do the bomb?”

“I don’t know – ” Namjoon said, running a hand through his hair. “I don’t like not knowing – not knowing what we’re up against and why would anyone want to kill you. But what I do know is that he was responsible for getting you out of your rooms before the bomb went off. If Taehyung were any later, you wouldn’t have escaped with the injuries you have; you’d be dead.”

Jeongguk let that sink in. Still confused – still so overwhelmed with the amount of information and the sheer number of gaps in his memories. From yesterday morning to tonight – the memories of the gala, the explosion – everything was gone.

“Try and get some rest,” Seokjin said. “We’ll get through this, Jeongguk.”


Author's 4 am Rant:
1. I'm sorry if the beginning was confusing - but I was trying to convey the panicked state Jeongguk would be in and how confused he'd be with a concussion that resulted in anterograde and retrograde amnesia.

2. I have friends in med school and chiropractic medicine, and boy did they get a lot of weird questions regarding details all the details they'd know about morphine, costal rib fractures, concussions, and staples vs. stitches ALL FOR A COUPLE OF SENTENCES

3. Yoongi's line regarding 'earth returns to earth, ashes to ashes, and dust to dust' is derived from the English Burial Service and works here because it is a promise to Jeongguk to remain at his side till death.

4. This is not supposed to be a SugaKookie ship, I just think a brotherly bond between them was too hard to pass up.

5. I loved writing the first couple sections of this chapter and I hope you guys enjoyed reading it despite any confusion. And once again, this is another dialogue-heavy chapter…. Oops.

6. The plot is rolling, things are getting more complicated.

7. If you guys have questions or constructive criticisms, feel free to come chat with me on Twitter or to ask my questions on Curious Cat .

8. Last, but definitely not least, your comments and love mean so much to me, and I thank you from the bottom of my sleep deprived heart. I find so much joy in writing and sharing my stories with you guys and your love makes it so special.

Chapter 9: oppholdsvaer


Author’s Notes Regarding ‘oneirataxia’:

1. It is important to note that Jeongguk is 100% an unreliable narrator of the events that happened at the end of ‘tante’ and at the beginning of ‘oneirataxia’ because of his intoxication and head injury respectively. That being said, it doesn't mean that everything he remembers was incorrect - it just means that his memories are compromised. And I want to make it clear that the scene in ‘oneirataxia’ with the conversation Jeongguk has with Taehyung is a combination of both reality and dreams, but as a reader with access only to Jeongguk’s thoughts - it would difficult to discern what is what (hence the chapter title ‘oneirataxia’).

2. Retrograde amnesia (inability to recall events BEFORE a head injury) and anterograde amnesia (inability to recall events AFTER a head injury) are real things and can occur at the same time.

3. It was brought to my attention last chapter that the Oath of Blood poses a serious health issue for the Sovereign because of the risk of contracting bloodborne diseases or infection with such exchange. I initially wanted to go back and edit that bit to reduce the risk, BUT, since I have already dug myself a hole, I might as well continue with it (and continue digging my grave). So, there might be an ‘interlude’ chapter detailing the history of the Oath of Blood ritual and the reason behind the risk of such or a Twitter thread… if I can figure that out.

o p p h o l d s v æ r

(n.) the weather when it has stopped raining; a break in the middle of a storm; when the sky still has dark clouds suggesting more rain to come


(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

o p p h o l d s v æ r

The ground was cold underneath Jeongguk’s bare feet.

Goosebumps travelled up his limbs, and he struggled to suppress a shiver.

The hallway of the underground safe-house was dimly lit in the quiet hours of the night. It was late – or early – perhaps several hours since Jeongguk awoke. But he couldn’t get to sleep again, nor would he dare to wake his worn-out brother. But the fog of lost memories had his stomach churning, and there was no resting position comfortable enough, so, Jeongguk ventured out of the room.

There were three rooms with frosted glass walls down the hall, Jeongguk’s and two others next to his. The three bedrooms were supplied with medical equipment just like his was in the event of an emergency. There were other rooms in the underground shelter, spaces that held little but the necessities. He remembered staying in one of the rooms for days on end with his mother when the Plague had befallen Sol Palace, remembered that there was little in the room that could keep a boy of ten-years entertained for long.

He knew Ji-eun and Queen Mother were in one of those rooms now – Hoseok had his men clear the palace of any obvious threats, but it was better to be safe than sorry when it came to matters concerning the lives of the Royal Family. Namjoon and Seokjin returned to their rooms upstairs. Yoongi stayed with Jeongguk, curled up into a ball on the cot beside his bed. Hoseok took one of the empty medical rooms, too tired to return to his own guest rooms or house in the city.

Jeongguk assumed Hoseok was in the room that was completely dark.

The other room – the one right across from Jeongguk’s – was filled with a faint warm light, and just beyond the glass wall, Jeongguk could see a figure moving, stretching with his arms raised. Jimin.

Jeongguk shuffled to the door, dragging tired, protesting limbs with him. He didn’t have the passcode to the door, only Seokjin, Hoseok, and Jimin had access to Taehyung’s rooms in the safe house. So, he raised a hand and knocked softly, watching as Jimin quickly dropping his arms and silently glided to the doors.

The padlock beeped, and the door creaked open. Then Jeongguk was met with the weary, but alert eyes of the Prince’s Crownsguard.

“Jeongguk,” Jimin said quietly. His voice was hoarse. He was dressed in all black with a wrinkled dress shirt and a pair of trousers. He hair was askew, sticking up in random directions as if he had constantly run his fingers through the silver locks.

“Jimin,” Jeongguk returned softly, “Can I come in?”

The guard blinked, “Uh. Yes. Yes. Of course.” He pulled the door open further, stepping aside as Jeongguk sluggishly shuffled through.

Jeongguk hovered by the door. The beeping of the heart monitor was a nauseating reminder of the circ*mstances in the midst of the quiet.

Seokjin had removed everything when Jeongguk woke up, clearing him of the IV, heart rate monitor, oximeter once he had some porridge and painkillers and managed to keep it all down.

Jeongguk kept his eyes down, staring at his feet for one deep inhalation before slowly raising his head.

Taehyung’s figure was shielded by a thin, white curtain at the base of the bed, but even in the dim light and the shaded white, Jeongguk could tell how severely the Prince been injured. His skin had taken on an ugly pallor, a thin sheen of sweat matting down blond hair onto his forehead. He had an oxygen cannula pressed under his nose and curled around his ears. An angry cut sat across his left cheekbone with a matching bruise trailing up the side of his eye.

White blankets covered most of his body, but his left arm was exposed with thin intravenous lines trailing up the back of his hand and bandages wrapped around his wrist and palm.

And – and he looked so frail.

Jimin sat down, sighing.

Like Yoongi, Jimin had pulled the couch all the way over to the bed. Over the back of the fabric settee, lay a rumpled black suit jacket with two silver sunflower pins were discarded on top. Jeongguk found himself staring at the delicate accessories – anything for a short, momentary distraction.

“He – uh –” Jimin started, “He looks a lot worse than he is.”

“I’m finding that really hard to believe,” Jeongguk breathed.

Jimin cracked a weak smile.

“Your doctor keeps trying to reassure me – I’m finding it hard to repeat it to myself sometimes.”

Jeongguk cautiously sat down beside Jimin, careful not move too fast – afraid that any movement could hurt Taehyung even if he weren’t touching him – and careful not to jostle his own wounds.

“He will be okay though, right?”

Jimin nodded, “Taehyung has three broken ribs.” Seokjin told Jeongguk that too. “It didn’t puncture any organs, but…but it would be agony to breathe, Seokjin-hyung has him propped up because he said it would make it easier – and he’s sedated so his body could try and recover.

Jimin rubbed his face, squeezing his eyes shut and running his hands through his hair again, “Taehyung doesn’t take well to drugs,” the guard continued. “Seokjin-hyung said it could take another ten to twelve hours before it wears off, he’ll be groggy and maybe nauseated for days. But – but it’s better than – ”

Jimin stopped himself, and Jeongguk could easily finish the sentence in his head.

Better than to see him in pain.

“How are you feeling,” Jimin asked, changing the subject. “I’m glad to see you awake and standing.”

Jeongguk nodded lightly, peeling his eyes off of Taehyung and turning to Jimin. The guard fared no better than Jeongguk’s King’s Circle, with dark circles tattooed underneath his eyes, his skin and lips dry, and his clothes wrinkled. There was a smear of dried blood on the guard’s neck and into the side of his hair – Taehyung’s blood, Jeongguk assumed. The Crownsguard hadn’t left Taehyung’s side and had almost been twenty-four hours since the incident.

“You could go clean up,” Jeongguk offered, “I’ll stay with him.”

Jimin didn’t move – didn’t even consider that as an option.

“There is blood in your hair,” Jeongguk said softly, “Have you eaten anything since?”

Now Jimin shifts, fingers combing through his hair again.

“Go, Jimin,” Jeongguk said softly, “As you said, Taehyung will not wake up anytime soon, and I don’t think you’d go until he does.”

Jimin hesitated, lips pressing into a thin line. “Where is Yoongi-hyung?”

Yoongi-hyung – Yoongi-hyung?

That was new; it was Min Yoongi-ssi not a day ago. But then Jeongguk remembered: Namjoon had said that Taehyung talks in his sleep and Jimin’s concern regarding Yoongi’s understanding of Attalian.

“He’s asleep,” Jeongguk said casually.

Jimin nodded, finally making a decision. There should be little to worry regarding Jeongguk’s understand of the lyrical language of the Floating Isles. The older man stood, Jeongguk could hear Jimin’s bones cracking in protest.

“I won’t be long,” he said. “And I won’t be far away."

“I will call if anything changes.” Jeongguk said, “There are some clothes in the spare rooms, and Jin-hyung left some food in the fridge.”

Jimin nodded again, silently treading to the door and shutting it softly behind him, leaving Jeongguk in silence.

The heart monitor was louder now, without the breaths of another in the room, and obnoxiously so, but the steady beats reminded Jeongguk that Taehyung was okay – that he will be okay.

The young Kind tried to lean back against the settee, but the pressure against the wounds on his back had him wincing and sitting upright once more. So, instead, he rested his forearm on the empty space on the bed by Taehyung’s legs, moving slowly. Jeongguk cautiously searched for Taehyung’s hand. Like his left hand, Taehyung’s right was swathed under a layer of white bandages.

So, Jeongguk carefully and gingerly lifted it from underneath the covers. The Prince’s fingers were cold, clammy almost. Jeongguk was careful, not to squeeze too hard – he did not know what kind of wounds lie underneath the bandages, but he could see small cuts on the pads of Taehyung’s fingertips.

Taehyung’s fingers were not soft like Jeongguk once thought – but roughened and harden from his experience with handling flowers and gardening, and nowt those hands were further ruined by tonight.

Jeongguk sighed, leaning closer and hesitantly resting his lips on the back of Taehyung’s hand. His skin no longer held the familiar scent of lavender. Instead, it was replaced with the smell of plastic, rubbing alcohol, and iron.

Jeongguk closed his eyes, squeezing Taehyung’s hand just a little tighter.

“Do you want to take a break?”

“No,” Jeongguk insisted, as he took unsure steps, wobbling as he walked, “We’re almost there.” Yoongi was beside him, arm wrapped around Jeongguk’s waist, ready to support the younger’s weight should he falter. Hoseok led, his steps deliberately slow.

It was a straining journey to the remains of the King’s Apartments. Jeongguk’s entire body ached, and though his headache had subsided to a dull throb with the help of painkillers, his sensitivity to light made his eyes pulse. It had been less than a day since Jeongguk woke up, and Seokjin would rather have him rest just a bit more. However, Jeongguk insisted on seeing the damage done to his rooms.

He was panting by the time they arrived, wincing as grey spots stole his vision and his shortness of breath took the remains of his balance. Yoongi’s arm tightened around him. Hoseok crossed his arms firmly over his chest, lips pressed into a thin line as if he was trying hard not to comment.

Park Sun-young, Hoseok’s fire-haired Lieutenant, stood by the remnants of the doors to the King’s Apartments, bowing upon Jeongguk’s arrival.

“Your Majesty, Lord Libertas, Commander General.”

Jeongguk had met Park Sun-young on many occasions in the past in her role being Hoseok’s Lieutenant. The Commander General always spoke greatly of her intelligence and capabilities.

“Sun-young-noona,” Hoseok said, “Any developments to report?”

Sun-young shook her head. “Almost everything was destroyed in the blast, the bomb left traces of shrapnel, but no conclusive evidence could be found. We deduced that it was a PE4, probably procured off of the black market.”

“How was it triggered?” Yoongi asked.

“Via cellphone or a timer – I’m not sure,” Sun-young replied. “But, in this day and age, it wouldn’t be difficult to build such a device that is triggered from afar. I am afraid; if that is the case, the suspect could be long gone from the country by now.”

Jeongguk nodded, pushing forward and stepping through the charred doorframe.

Rain pounded loudly on the roofs and windows of the palace. The sounds of rushing water resonated louder in Jeongguk’s decimated rooms with its shattered windows and blackened, char-covered walls.

Nothing was left untouched in the explosion, though most of the walls remained standing, they exposed the framing, the wood doors splintered and broken, the furniture overturned, shattered, and burned.

“It was timed to go off around midnight,” Hoseok said, kicking away a piece of wood that looked like it came from a chair. “We suspect it was hidden in your bedside table, Jeongguk, the force of the blast extended from there.”

“Any ideas on how it got there?” Jeongguk asked, evenly.

“The maids clean your room every day after you leave in the morning, Your Majesty,” Sun-young said, glancing down at the notes she made on her phone.

“When we questioned them, they’ve told us that there was nothing suspicious found. I believe the bomb could only have been placed sometime in the afternoon, prior to the incident, between the morning when you left and the evening when you’ve returned.”

“When would the suspect have the opportunity? The King’s Apartments are locked and unguarded when unoccupied,” Yoongi said. “Who has the keys?”

“Chung-ho,” Jeongguk answered. “The King’s Valet. The maids would retrieve the key from him and return it. Are the keys missing?”

“Bak Chung-ho himself is missing, sir,” Sun-young said.


“We cannot find him, Jeongguk,” Hoseok said. “He won’t answer calls, and he wasn’t in the palace when we locked it down shortly after the explosion.”

“As of now, it is safe to assume he is our prime suspect,” Sun-young finished.

Jeongguk closed his eyes, massaging his temples. “This – this doesn’t make any sense.”

“Chung-ho has been Jeongguk’s valet before he ascended,” Yoongi argued. “He was personally chosen by Eommoni.”

“Nothing is declared definitive, My Lord,” Sun-young said.

“We are compiling some CCTV footage from the cameras in the hallways,” Hoseok said. “Perhaps that would present us with more information.”

Jeongguk hummed in agreement. The CCTV surveillance cameras would help identify who was in and out of the King’s Apartments and perhaps jog his memories as well. Seokjin had warned him that it was possible that he wouldn’t recall the memories that he’d lost, but if he could, he would in the first couple of days while his brain recovered.

“I want to see it as soon as you’ve compiled it, Hoseok-hyung,” Jeongguk said.

“Of course, Jeongguk,” Hoseok nodded.

“And thank you for your diligence, Park Sun-young-ssi,” Jeongguk continued.

“Of course, Your Majesty.”

Jeongguk opened his eyes, scanning the once familiar chambers. The electricity was cut from the rooms, and the turbulent clouds in the afternoon sky did not provide any light to the darkened space.

These were his father’s rooms once before.

Jeongguk had moved into the King’s Apartments shortly after his ascension to the throne. He remembered the first time he entered the chambers; the eerie silence and the smell of antiseptic still haunted the space despite the years.

He had it refurbished, as he did the rest of the palace. Jeongguk kept little of the old décor, recreating the space to be functional for his own use.

Seeing the rooms in ruins did not hurt him as much as he thought it would. Everything could be replaced, Naissus was prosperous, and the Crown’s personal treasury abundant, rebuilding the King’s Apartments would not even leave a dent in the fortune House Cepheus has collected over its long history.

But there were other things could not be replaced.

Jeongguk pried Yoongi’s hand off his hip. The older man hesitated, tensing for just a moment before letting go. Jeongguk staggered on trembling feet towards the remnants of the bedroom and the doorway just off the left.

The walk-in closet fared no better than the rest of the room with plush white carpets dirtied and charred, shelves knocked over, and the burnt remains of clothes strewn across the floor. The wooden display cabinet in the centre of the room that held most of King’s accessories was unrecognizable. He did not need to check to know that everything inside was gone.

There were few things that he kept belonging to his father. Most of the fallen King’s belongings were burned or discarded; there was very little that could be dipped in disinfectant.

The signet ring of House Cepheus was one of them. The silvery band often sat on Jeongguk’s little finger, as it did on his father’s hand, and his grandfather’s. But the ring was an heirloom – it was not his father’s ring as it was the ring of the Royal House.

The other was a leather watch with the late King’s initials engraved on the inside of the band. It was well-worn, ageing with fraying stitches, indentations in the leather, and a tiny chip in the face of the watch. It was not an heirloom of any sort nor an expensive piece of jewellery.

But it was his father’s favourite, and Jeongguk had kept it safe over the years.

“Was anyone else hurt?” he heard Yoongi ask.

Hoseok shook his head. “Only Jeongguk and Taehyung. The wall between Jeongguk rooms and yours, Yoongi-hyung, are destroyed. As are the walls of the hall, but other than that – the damage does not extend past these rooms.”

Jeongguk turned on his heels, blinking away the blurry spots in his eyes. The burns on his skin prickled, and though he was dressed in a loose-fit cotton t-shirt and sweats, the clothes rubbed against the bandages uncomfortably. He returned to the sitting room, taking one last glance around.

“Have you gathered enough evidence?” Jeongguk asked.

“There is little evidence that remains, Your Majesty, we will resort to the surveillance footage now,” Sun-young replied.

“Good. Then I’d like to start rebuilding the rooms immediately,” Jeongguk said quietly.

Yoongi stared, perhaps surprised by how composed Jeongguk was. “I will speak to the Royal Secretary regarding finding a suitable architect.”

“Thank you, Yoongi-hyung. I think that would be all then,” Jeongguk replied curtly, Yoongi joined his side again, snaking an arm around him and Jeongguk was grateful to let his older brother bear some of his weight.

The King did not miss the silent exchanging of glances between his cousin and brother.

It was a look of pity then pride.

Pity for the boy who lost his last physical reminders of his father, pride for the man who will move forward past his grief.

But pride was an emotion wasted on him because Jeongguk was not grieving. Not anymore.

But the saying is true: you really don’t start to miss things until they’re gone.

The rainfall had picked up, and the once gloomy afternoon had transformed into a heavy storm.

The darkness and dreariness of the thunderstorm had engulfed the palace in tension. The staff walked around high strung, and the increased number of guards followed Jeongguk around diligently, eyes trailing after every passing individual with suspicion. It did not help that more guests were walking the palace halls when the Privy Council members arrived for a meeting that early afternoon.

The thunder rang in Jeongguk’s ears over the echoes of shouting in the Privy Council meeting.

As his nobles yelled over each other, Jeongguk was trying hard not to slouch in his seat, not to show his obvious discomfort.

But he was exhausted.

Jeongguk tried hard to keep his back straight and his shoulders locked, if Yoongi or Namjoon or Seokjin caught even a glimpse of fatigue, they’d put an end to his attempt to keep up his duties and drag him back to bed. He cannot appear weak here, not in front of his worried, high-strung King’s Circle and not in front of his insatiable, power-hungry Privy Council.

“This is an act of high treason!"

“But who would want to assassinate His Majesty?”

“What of the territories under the Commonwealth of Naissus?”

“The Commonwealth are independent nations,” Namjoon argued, always as the voice of reason. “Their only tie to Naissus is through culture and language; the Crown is a merely a figurehead to them.”

“Perhaps they fear being overrun, that we will take Orivala’s example and conquer them as the Empire has with Galatea,” Shin Sung-rok suggested.

“It is within the very constitution of the Commonwealth that such actions are forbidden. Clearly, Naissus gains nothing by conquering these territories,” Namjoon said.

“And they gain nothing by harming our King,” Hoseok’s father agreed.

“Has there been any trace of dissent present in any of the nations or republics?” Jeongguk asked wearily, choosing to humour the idea.

“No, Your Majesty, but it wouldn’t be improbable to imagine radicals wishing to separate from our sphere of influence,” Shin Sung-rok continued.

“You mean from Vesontio,” Park So-jin chimed in. “It has been years, even before the late King’s ascension that we have heard even a speck of opposition from the Vesonts. They have remained peaceful under the guidance of the Archduch*ess Kim Yong-sun."

“But the Vesonts have always been unhappy, wishing to separate from the Commonwealth, especially in the recent downturn of their economy,” Shin Sung-rok said. “The radicals have been pushing the Archduch*ess to separate, and in the midst of Naissus’ recovery from the plague, I wouldn’t be surprised if they decided to take advantage of our weakness.”

“What weakness,” Park So-jin snapped. “Naissus has recovered. It has been twelve years since the Naissian Plague. Her Majesty, the Queen Mother and His Majesty the King have done well to restore Naissus to her former glory. If anything – they feel threatened by the new and young Emperor of Orivala.”

“Yes, but attempted regicide?”

“Enough. This is all speculation,” Jeongguk snapped, suddenly. “You are grasping at straws that are not there.”

The clipped tone in his voice silenced his council in seconds. Jeongguk sighed, “I called you all here to assure you that your King is well and to ask if you have any facts about possible discord within our realm– not to listen to your gossip and rumours about our Commonwealth.”

“Of course, Your Majesty,” Park So-jin said, backing down swiftly.

“It is wonderful to see you recovering so swiftly,” Hoseok’s father said, nodding to himself.

“It was fortunate that you were not in your rooms.”

“And unfortunate that the First Prince of Attalia was caught in the midst of such chaos.”

“Why was the Prince near the Royal Apartments, Your Majesty?”

Silence. Jeongguk shifted.

“I’ve heard rumours that the Prince of Attalia is here not for a cordial visit but to secure an alliance,” Shin Sung-rok said, an almost smug grin on his face as if he enjoyed making Jeongguk uncomfortable.

“Your Majesty?”

Jeongguk licks his lips. He would have to tell his Privy Council sooner or later. “It is true; the First Prince was invited to Aurea in the talks of an alliance between our nations. Nothing is confirmed on either side.”

“And you decided this without consulting your Privy Council,” Shin Sung-rok said. “But I am certain that the King’s Circle knew?”

“Yes. But it was not a discussion up for debate, the First Prince’s visit was cordial,” Jeongguk said. His patience was wearing thin. The condescending tone in Shin Sung-rok’s voice growing more and more noticeable.

“Your Majesty, what a scandal it would be if the world found out that the First Prince of Attalia was found outside of your rooms the night of an assassination attempt.”

“Which is why it will not leave the confines of this room, correct?” Jeongguk said. “The First Prince of Attalia is my guest at court, and I will not stand for slander against his name.”

“What of sending word to the King of Attalia about his son?” Parl So-jin asked.

“His Royal Highness the Prince is incapacitated and unable to make a statement regarding the events,” Seokjin said, “until he wakes up, we have chosen not to inform Attalia. This decision was made with the approval of the Prince’s Crownsguard, Lord Park Jimin.”

“We agreed that it would be best to avoid misunderstanding,” Namjoon continued. “It is fortunate that Lord Park Jimin, as the Prince’s companion and advisor, was so understanding while the Prince recovers.”

“No matter, Your Majesty, what this incident taught us if anything, is that it is time you consider marriage to secure an heir for the throne.”

“I will not speak of this matter,” Jeongguk snapped. “I am not here today to discuss my relationships.” Yoongi glanced at him through the side of his eyes, Jeongguk’s annoyance was obviously too clear. He took a deep breath, crossing his legs.

“But what of an heir?”

“Should anything happen to me, the Crown, as it always has, will be passed to the next rightful successor to the throne, my cousin, Lee Ji-eun the duch*ess of Hespera. She would be more than capable of becoming Queen.”

Jeongguk sighed, raking a hand through his hair. Namjoon suggested the meeting to ensure the Council that the King was alive under the guise of debating possible suspects, but why he would think that the Privy Council – members of the Peerage, would have any information regarding this?

“Rest assured, my Lords and Ladies, that if I was considering a serious alliance with Attalia, that I would ask for your wise opinions,” Jeongguk concluded, holding back the urge to roll his eyes in annoyance.

“I’ve heard rumours about your relationship with the First Prince is more than just friendly, Your Majesty,” Shin Sung-rok said. “That it has already become serious.”


“And who spoke to you about this rumour, Lord Honos,” Jeongguk asked slowly.

“The ex-Lord Chancellor, the Earl of Fama, Cha Seung-won-ssi,” the Viscount of Honos replied.

Jeongguk licked his lips. His King’s Circle informed him of the events of the gala, filling in the missing pieces of information that Jeongguk lacked, including the appearance of the ex-Lord Chancellor at the dinner party.

“So, I see,” Jeongguk murmured. The terse displeasure in the young King’s voice now replaced by a quiet, deadly calm. “My Lords and Ladies, thank you for your time. However, this meeting has borne no fruit in the investigation on the matter. Thus, the Privy Council has been adjourned.”

“Of course, Your Majesty,” the Council Members chorused.

“You may all leave,” Jeongguk said, “But I’d like to speak to Lord Honos alone.”

“Of course, Your Majesty.”

Jeongguk wrapped his fingers around the carved decorations on the armrests of his throne, feeling the sharp edges digging into his palm. Yoongi made no move to leave as he stood by his younger brother’s side and Jeongguk made no move to force Yoongi to go: it would be futile anyway. Namjoon caught Jeongguk’s eye as he passed by. The Lord Chancellor did not appear happy with Jeongguk’s decision to speak to the Viscount, but he subtly nodded. Seokjin granted him a forced smile in support on his way out.

Shin Sung-rok grinned, straightening the lapel of his suit jacket as he stood and leisurely sauntered from his seat to stand in front of the King.

“Your Majesty,” he said, clasping his hands behind his back and bowing his head.

Jeongguk took a deep breath.

The Viscount of Honos, Shin Sung-rok of House Centaurus.

House Centaurus was one of the oldest of the Noble Houses of Naissus. Though relations between House Centaurus and House Cepheus were amicable in modern times, it wasn’t always the case historical: the Noble House held the belief that they were cheated out of the throne. House Corvus, to which Cha Seung-won belonged to, often supported House Centaurus’ claim but never pushed it forward,

In the years of the Queen Mother’s reign when Cha Seung-won had split the Privy Council into factions, House Centaurus was among the few that supported him.

And despite Jeongguk’s attempt at eliminating his body of advisors of those who would oppose him, he could not dismiss an entire Noble House from his Privy Council. Though Shin Sung-rok remained compliant on most occasions, he would not pass up an opportunity to diminish Jeongguk’s confidence.

The young King leaned forward in his throne, eyes trained on the Viscount as he articulated every word with precision.

“So,” Jeongguk began, “Tell me, Shin Sung-rok-ssi, what did Cha Seung-won have to say on the matter of an alliance with Attalia?”

“Your Majesty,” the man began, “I believe your actions at the gala have made it very clear that you and His Royal Highness the First Prince share more than just a friendship. You’re courting him. It’s was made very obvious and whatever Cha Seung-won-ssi had to say – ”

“But he had something to say, didn’t he?” Jeongguk pressed.

“These are not my opinions, sir,” Shin Sung-rok said, smiling as if abashed. But Jeongguk knew better.

“Of course not,” Jeongguk snapped, almost mockingly.

“I believe – if my memory serves me correctly – ”

Get on with it,” Jeongguk hissed.

The Viscount sighed, “Cha Seung-won-ssi spoke of how You Majesty has utterly fallen for the Blind Prince. He said that it was the downfall of our monarchy to let a young boy take the Crown, a young boy who cannot differentiate between duty and personal indulgence.”

Jeongguk stood all too quickly, white spots appearing in front of his eyes. Yoongi tensed beside him, arms falling to his side and knees bending like a cat ready to pounce. His eyes flickered between Jeongguk and Shin Sung-rok, ready to support his younger brother should he falter.

Jeongguk’s chest rose and fell rapidly, and he could feel his lungs working, but the oxygen wasn’t quite reaching his brain.

It hindered his thought-process, made him think with his heart rather than his mind, and he was furious.

Jeongguk stepped forward, standing chest to chest with Shin Sung-rok. Jeongguk was shorter than the older man, and he had to look up to meet the Viscount’s eyes, but what the young King lacked in height, he made up for it in presence. Shin Sung-rok took a step back, brows furrowing, and Jeongguk could hear him take a sharp intake of breath.

“Is this because I refused to entertain the idea of having you represent me at the coronation of the Orivalian Emperor?” Jeongguk hissed. “Is that why you’ve chosen to ridicule me, Shin Sung-rok?

“I would never, sir,” the Viscount said, swallowing audibly. “I just repeated the word of Cha Seung-won-ssi.”

“I didn’t think you needed reminding, but I stand corrected,” Jeongguk murmured. “Shin Sung-rok, I am the only son of King Jeon Yeong-hwan of the Ancient House Cepheus, and therefore it is my birthright to rule, no matter what you and Cha Seung-won may believe. I. Am. Your. King.

“Lord Libertas,” Jeongguk called, deliberately using Yoongi’s title and refusing to use Shin Sung-rok’s. “Remind me, how are members of the Privy Council elected?”

“They are chosen by the King,” Yoongi replied coolly, “and serve at His Majesty’s Pleasure,”

“Your Majesty – ” Shin Sung-rok started, breathing out a chuckle and incredulous smile.

“So, do not test me, Shin Sung-rok,” Jeongguk continued, “I have given you a place out of respect for the old Noble House Centaurus, but do not think that it is assured."

Blood vessels popped along Shin Sung-rok’s neck and Jeongguk could see the older man clenching his jaw.

“Of course, sir,” Shin Sung-rok said, his words missing that arrogant tone.

Jeongguk hid a sneer. “You are dismissed.”

“Thank you, Your Majesty,” the man replied, bowing and turning to leave.

It was hot. Jeongguk’s skin felt feverish around his neck, and the heat rose to his cheeks. The painkillers that Seokjin prescribed were not strong enough to completely distract him from the pain, but they were too strong and left him unable to think clearly.

He prayed that he wouldn’t pass out before Shin Sung-rok left the room.

“Jeongguk,” Yoongi repeated, he rested a hand on Jeongguk’s shoulder, pulling the young King’s arm over his shoulder. Jeongguk sagged, sighing in relief at the sound of the slamming door. “Are you okay?”

“I need to lay down,” Jeongguk said honestly.

They make their way to his study, by then, Jeongguk had all but relied on Yoongi to carry him.

“Jin-hyung told you to take it easy,” Yoongi said, frowning and easing Jeongguk towards the couch. “Not to sh*t on Shin Sung-rok.”

“He deserved it,” Jeongguk groaned, loosening the tie around his neck and sluggishly shrugged off the black blazer before gingerly flopping onto the couch.

“Can’t argue with that…” Yoongi sighed.

Seokjin had yet to remove the staples in the back of his head; the wound was tender to touch and even worse to sleep on. The burns on his back were beginning to heal, but not fast enough and gods, the headache.

Jeongguk lay on his stomach, cheek squished by the plush pillow underneath his head. The dizzying colours behind his eyes barely dissipated but at least he could catch his breath.

Namjoon joined them in the room, rubbing his temples between his index and forefinger.

“So, what did he have to say?” Namjoon asked.

“Nothing important, he just took an opportunity to take a jab at our decidedly young King,” Yoongi replied. He sat down on the sofa across from Jeongguk, crossing his legs and calling the footmen to serve afternoon tea. The footmen scrambled around the three, placing trays of sandwiches, scones, and fruit on the table as quietly as possible. “But Jeongguk put him in his place.”

“I can’t believe this,” Jeongguk breathed, words muffled by the pillow. “That f*cking bastard, Cha Seung-won, is still trying to turn the Privy Council against the Crown.”

“You know how close House Corvus and House Centaurus are,” Yoongi said.

“Despite that, I don’t think any of the Council Members are involved in the attempt,” Namjoon said. “They have no motive; even House Corvus gains nothing with regicide.”

“But with this, they will doubt my reign,” Jeongguk said. “You said that you saw me talking to Cha Seung-won at a gala and I cannot remember what I said – what he said. What if I told him something that he could use against me, against Taehyung?”

“You have done nothing wrong,” Namjoon said. “If anything, you have proven your merit by ascending at such a young age.”

“Or my incompetence,” Jeongguk mumbled, closing his eyes.

“Jeongguk,” Namjoon called. His tone was soft but serious. Jeongguk opened one eye. The Lord Chancellor stood before him, hands clenched.

The older man took a deep breath. “Jeongguk, your late father was a good man, but Naissus remained stagnant in the thirteen years of his reign.”

Jeongguk’s eyes narrowed at the almost casual insult to his father’s legacy.

“House Auriga has a reputation of apathy,” Namjoon continued. “My father and grandfather, though members of the Privy Council, did not choose to support the King wholly, especially in the recent years where the Crown has done nothing to change Naissus.”

“What…are you saying, Namjoon-hyung?” Jeongguk said slowly.

“I am saying that I chose to support you despite that,” Namjoon said, softly, “I would not have stood in front of the Council, as young as I was, and insisted on your early ascension if I did not believe that you were capable.”

Jeongguk sat up despite his unsteadiness and fatigue, eyes wide and mouth agape. “Namjoon-hyung…”

“I would not have accepted the position as your Lord Chancellor and member of the King’s Circle if I did not think you would become a great King,” Namjoon continued. “But I did – we did – because Naissus has prospered under your reign. What Shin Sung-rok and Cha Seung-won want is to see you fail, because they wanted a puppet King and instead they have a strong and competent Sovereign.”

It was quiet, Jeongguk could hear his own heart beating and the sound of his even breaths. He dropped his head into his chest, blinking away the burn in his eyes.

Yoongi reached over and combed his fingers through Jeongguk’s bangs: a silent agreement to Namjoon’s words.

“And you are allowed to love and make mistakes, Jeongguk,” Yoongi said, “You are human.”

Jeongguk nodded his understanding, not trusting his tongue enough to speak. But they would know his gratitude and how thank you will simply not suffice.

“The Earl of Libertas, Your Majesty,” the guard at the door announced.

Jeongguk shifted in his sleep, peeling back his eyelids. The golden glow on the dark walls was unfamiliar to the dazed, young King and it took him a while to figure out that these were not his rooms.

With the King’s Apartments destroyed, and the safe-house no longer suitable or needed, Jeongguk had taken up residence in one of the guest rooms in the East Wing.

All of the guest rooms were uniquely decorated, each themed with specific colours. Seokjin and Namjoon had a permanent place in the palace, in the apartments coloured in muted pinks and accents of forest green. The First Prince’s rooms that he shared with his Crownsguard were decorated in off-whites and ivory shades.

The guest apartments that Jeongguk currently occupied were painted in rich, midnight-blue and highlighted in the soft light of paper lanterns and golden ornaments.

Jeongguk sat up, rubbing the sleep from his eyes and untangling himself from the blankets.

“Ji-eun just left for Aerarius,” Yoongi called from the sitting room as the guards quietly closed the door behind him, “she’ll arrive at Stella House in about two hours.”

“Good,” Jeongguk mumbled. “And Eommoni?”

“Sun-young-noona will accompany Eommoni to Argenteus tomorrow morning, and she will personally oversee to Eommoni’s protection at Luna Castle.”

Jeongguk nodded, standing up and stretching.

It had been hours since the Privy Council meeting and the short break in Jeongguk’s study. But the King’s Circle had much to do.

Hoseok was in charge of fortifying security around the King and securing transportation for Ji-eun and the Queen Mother out of the city.

Seokjin took it upon himself to oversee informing the public on the incident as well as taking care of Jeongguk and Taehyung’s health.

Yoongi cleared Jeongguk’s entire schedule for the rest of the week, attending the meetings he couldn’t cancel on Jeongguk’s behalf despite his younger brother’s protests.

So, Jeongguk, having little to do, returned to his rooms and took an uneasy nap.

“Maybe we should go too Argenteus too, Jeongguk,” Yoongi said. He sat down on the velvet-blue sofa, crossing his legs. “We did promise Eommoni that we’d go.”

Jeongguk could tell that Yoongi was trying to keep his tone airy and casual. He grumbled to himself as he shuffled out of the bedroom.

“Did Namjoon-hyung put you up to this?” Jeongguk asked. “To try and get me out of the city for my own ‘safety.’”

Yoongi sighed, putting his feet on the coffee table and slouching. “I do agree with him that it would be for the best.”

Jeongguk gingerly sat down beside his older brother, sliding over and resting his head in his older brother’s lap. Despite taking a nap, Jeongguk did not feel any less tired. The amount of rest he’d gotten had reduced the haze of the painkillers and the head injury, but as it slowly scattering away, his once numb acceptance no longer remained.

There was an attempt on his life. In his own home. In his own bedroom. And they almost succeeded.

What if he didn’t leave his rooms?

What if Yoongi was with him? What if it was his mother or Hoseok or Ji-eun?

What if Taehyung was killed?

And so Jeongguk can’t leave, he couldn’t let his brother and King’s Circle deal with the aftermath of such an event.

“Not yet,” Jeongguk said quietly. “I won’t be any safer than I am here. The faster we figure things out, the better.”

“I thought you’d say that,” Yoongi said, sighing loudly again.

“The Lord Chancellor, Your Majesty,” the guard called as Namjoon entered, one hand in his pocket, and the other brandishing a thin, black flash-drive.

“Is that the CCTV footage?” Jeongguk asked, straightening upright.

“Yes,” Namjoon replied as he entered, he sat down on the couch adjacent to Jeongguk and Yoongi, picking up the laptop from the coffee table and setting it on his thighs. “Hoseok gave it to me on his way to another meeting, said there were only two video files on the drive, but the rest of the footage was irrelevant."

“Have you watched it?” Yoongi asked. Namjoon shook his head, eyes glued to the screen as he inserted the drive into the port.

“I just got out of my meeting with Ah-young-noona,” Namjoon replied.

The Lord Chancellor had arranged for a meeting with Seokjin’s cousin, Kim Ah-young, the Minister of Foreign Affairs to discuss the relationship between Naissus and her Commonwealth. Though he believed that there was little be concerned about, Namjoon had never been less than thorough.


“It’s true that Vesontio wants true independence from Naissus,” Namjoon said. “But it wasn’t the Archduch*ess’ doing, Ah-young-noona is looking into finding more information on the radicals, but she cannot see them resorting to violence nor anyone else within the Commonwealth.”

“So, the culprit is someone Naissian,” Jeongguk stated.

Namjoon paused, tilting the laptop screen down, “I do believe that the suspect was present on the day of the gala.”

“You mean one of the guests?”

“It isn’t a possibility I can rule out just yet, Hyung,” Namjoon replied. “But, I went through the guest list, I couldn’t discern anyone who could have a possible motive. Jin-hyung, however, believes that it could be one of the staff.”

“What,” Jeongguk asked, eyes narrowing, “but I thought Hoseok-hyung had questioned everyone.”

“Everyone who was present,” Namjoon said. “It was midnight when it happened, so most of the day staff that do not reside in the palace had left.”

“You think it could be one of them, Namjoon?” Yoongi asked. “But everyone who was hired by the Royal Household had clearance."

“There is a strict background check before hiring personnel, yes,” Namjoon agreed, readjusting the laptop as he crossed his legs, “However, with the position of Head of the Royal Household vacant it is not unlikely that protocol was lightened, and something might have slipped.”

“Say someone was able to infiltrate the palace,” Yoongi started, eyes narrowing as he fiddled with the hoops in his ears. “The apartments of the Royal Family, especially the King’s Apartments, have restricted access.”

“Yes, but the list of staff members who do have access is extensive,” Namjoon said. “Hoseok’s men are having a difficult time tracking them all down, like I said, with the position of Head of the Royal Household vacant, the paperwork is getting overlooked.”

Jeongguk scowled, pinching the bridge of his nose. “Damn it. I knew I should have found a replacement soon – but I didn’t think that it would come back to bite me this hard.”

“I also never thought the consequences could be this severe…” Namjoon murmured. “No matter, viewing the CCTV footage would give us the greatest degree of knowledge on the matter.”

Jeongguk nodded, shaking his leg impatiently as Namjoon connected the laptop to the TV. The bright lights of the screen made Jeongguk squint, the dull ache surfacing behind his eyes again. He squeezed his eyes closed for a moment. Seokjin had warned him to avoid lights, bright screens, and anything that required concentration – just until his brain could heal from the concussion. The Privy Council meeting drained him, but he cannot delay attempting to recover lost memories.

Namjoon pulled up a folder that contained two video clips. He clicked on the first one, pulling up footage of a camera that was placed on the ceiling, having a view of the entire hallway and the doors of Jeongguk’s chambers. The video had little colour, the familiar, empty halls bathed in soft blue hues.

“This is right before the bomb went off – just about midnight,” Namjoon said, eyes flickering between the TV screen and the laptop.

“Did I go to my rooms right after the gala?” Jeongguk asked, grabbing a plush pillow and tucking it into his lap, resting his chin on top.

Namjoon hummed. “Yes, according to the footmen, they saw you were going to your rooms, they said you seemed a little…”

“…A little?”

“Drunk,” Yoongi supplied. “One of the footmen said that he served you quite a bit of whiskey on the veranda before you returned to your rooms around 11’oclock.”

Jeongguk bit his lips, hiding the scowl of the embarrassment of lost memories of his inebriation.

“Did anyone else see?”

“No, the guests have all left by then,” Yoongi replied.

“Why are there no guards at the door?” Namjoon asked. “Did you dismiss them, earlier?"

“I could have – but I don’t remember…” Jeongguk said. “I wouldn’t be surprised if I did.”

It wasn’t customary to dismiss them, the guards were there for the protection of the Royal Family, but it was modern times, the guards stood there endlessly when there were security cameras at every corner. Yoongi had a bad habit of dismissing the guards before retiring to bed, even after Hoseok had berated him. Jeongguk had taken his brother’s habit in stride, more often than not dismissing his guards at the door when returning to his rooms late at night.

“This needs to stop,” Namjoon said. “They are there for your own protection, both of you. Jeongguk you are King and Yoongi-hyung, your position and status mean you are no less important.”

Yoongi scowled but did not argue. Jeongguk sighed. Namjoon was right, of course.

Jeongguk gnawed on the inside of his cheek, eyes returning to the TV screen. Namjoon quietly hit the play button.

Nothing happened in the first couple of seconds, and Jeongguk could hear Yoongi’s soft breathes beside him, but then he saw a familiar figure tearing down the hall.


The First Prince was without his cane, using the walls as a guide as he ran with reckless abandon. The blond-haired man crashed into one of the tables, knocking over a bouquet. White flowers scattered across the floor as the vase shattered on the ground and Taehyung landed on all fours on top of the debris. He lurched to his feet, and Jeongguk could see stains of a dark liquid on the marble floors.

Blood. He had sustained cuts on his hands.

Taehyung latched onto the door, pulling himself to a stop as he fumbled with the knob and slipped into the room.

“Taehyung knew,” Jeongguk murmured quietly.

“I assumed that he was with you when it happened,” Namjoon started, “But as Jimin said, Taehyung already retired to his rooms for the evening which leaves the question: how he knew about the bomb?”

“Do you think… do you think it could be his gift?” Yoongi asked.

Jeongguk blinked as the memory of Taehyung’s eyes surfaced behind his own.

“Maybe, could it be premonition, instinct?” Namjoon considered, “If it that is his gift, I see why he chose to keep it a secret.”

“I’m still finding it difficult to accept that as a possibility,” Jeongguk said. “Even if the proof is sitting in front of me.”

Jeongguk watched, he saw himself and Taehyung come stumbling out into the hallway. Taehyung grasping Jeongguk’s arm in one hand, tugging him as he stumbled and swayed. Jeongguk was dressed in a rumpled black dress shirt untucked from trousers, lurching as he tried to follow Taehyung – his coordination off: drunk. His clothes indicated that he hadn’t changed before somehow falling asleep.

They made it down the hallway, just half a metre out of the room before a bright explosion ripped through the doors.

It threw Jeongguk and Taehyung off their feet as if they were weightless, and into the opposite wall. Jeongguk watched as his head bounced off the surface as he landed on his side. Taehyung went flying into a table and crumbled to the ground, curling in on himself.

The young King bit his lips, watching as the version of himself on screen lay motionless for a minute before slowly and sluggishly moving, hands wrapping around his head, blood getting all over his fingertips. Moments later, Yoongi came flying down the hallway, sliding to a stop by Jeongguk and Jimin came to a halt by Taehyung.

The clip ended, and Jeongguk let go of a shaking breath, his stomach churning with eerie sight of moments that he had forgotten. If he were any closer – if Taehyung were just a moment too late – they would both be dead.

What if he hadn’t shown up at all?

“Are you alright?” Namjoon asked. “Can you remember anything?”

Jeongguk blinked. He shook his head.

“I – no – nothing,” he said. “Just – the ringing and Yoongi-hyung’s voice.”

Yoongi gnawed on the inside of his cheek, licking his lips and taking a deep breath. It was true that Jeongguk cannot remember much, but he could remember the panic in Yoongi’s voice.

“What’s the next video you have, Namjoon?” Yoongi asked.

Namjoon blinked, rubbing his eyes before clicking on the next piece of footage.

The second video was of Taehyung – sometime earlier in the afternoon. He was alone, cane in hand this time as he strolled leisurely down the hall. In his other hand, was a flat, white box. He stopped in front of Jeongguk’s rooms. There were no guards. But according to the time, Jeongguk was not returning to his rooms for a couple more hours. The rooms should be empty – locked.

Taehyung maneuvering the items in his hand to knock on the doors and someone answered.

When the doors opened, a familiarly dressed figure showed up. Jeongguk couldn’t see his face from the angle of the camera and the door, but the uniform was the identifying factor: dark colours of House Cepheus and the shine of the lapel pin of the King’s Valet on his suit.

“Is that Chung-ho?” Namjoon asked.

Jeongguk hummed, “Can’t see his face, but who else could it be?”

They watched as Taehyung handed the box to Chung-ho. The valet bowed, taking the box with both hands and shutting the door quietly behind him.

Jeongguk co*cked his head to the side, blinking at the oddity of the footage.

“What was inside that box,” Jeongguk asked, his voice was unnervingly calm, so much so that it surprised him.

“There were no remains of any kind of box in your rooms,” Namjoon said.

Then Jeongguk’s blood ran cold as sudden thought crawled up his spine. “Do you – do you think that the bomb could have been in that box?”


“Was it… Taehyung…?”

“There is no motive,” Namjoon said quickly.

Jeongguk dropped his head into his hands, raking his hands through his hair.

“How could you still defend him when the evidence is right there,” Jeongguk asked in disbelief. “It’s not a gift. Taehyung knew. Taehyung gave Chung-ho a mysterious box.”

“We don’t even know what’s in the box,” Namjoon protested. “And this does not explain why Chung-ho is missing – it explains little – ”

The door creaked open and in came Seokjin and Sun-young, both speaking on top of each other.

“The Duke of Concordia,” the guard announced. “And the Lieutenant-General.”

“Lord Libertas, sir, I need to speak to you, there has been a development – ”

“Good news, Taehyung’s awake and has been for a couple of hours now – ”

Namjoon’s phone went off, and he glanced down at it with Seokjin peering over his shoulder. Yoongi joined Sun-young in the corner as the two discussed some new information.

And Jeongguk – Jeongguk stared blankly at the TV screen, breathing heavily.

How did Taehyung know, how did he know, how – how – how.


He stood, slipping silently out of the room and storming down the hall.

“Open the doors,” Jeongguk ordered as he stopped in front of the First Prince’s rooms.

The guards hastily bowed and pulled the doors open upon the King’s sudden and frenzied arrival.

“His M-Majesty the King.”

Jeongguk angrily stormed through the sitting room and into the bedroom with its double doors opened wide.

Taehyung did not fare any better awake than he did unconscious.

The dark circles were almost a permanent fixture underneath his eyes, the shadows morphing into green-yellows and purple-reds from the cut and bruise on his cheekbone. His blond hair fell over and covered closed eyelids, and his cracked, pale lips were pulled into a pained grimace.

Jimin stood beside Taehyung, one hand in his pocket and the other flipping his cellphone around. He glanced up, staring at Jeongguk with furrowed brows.

“Jeongguk,” Jimin greeted cautiously.

“Jeongguk – ” Taehyung said, the young King’s name falling from his lips with a rasp.

His wrath bubbled in his chest and words spilled from his lips.

“Did you set up the bomb in my room,” Jeongguk asked.

“What?” Taehyung whispered.

“Jeongguk, please – Taehyung just woke up, not now – ”

“I asked the Prince, Park Jimin,” Jeongguk snapped.

“Jeongguk – why would you think –”

“You knew when the bomb was going to go off; you had that information.”

“But that doesn’t mean that I would have attempted to kill you,” Taehyung said, his words were halted like he couldn’t get enough air into his lungs.

“Then how did you know, Taehyung!” Jeongguk yelled, voice growing hoarse with the strength and the volume of his tone. “How did you know about the bomb?”

“I – I – ”

Jeongguk was getting dizzy; his short, uneven breaths were not enough. He moved too quickly, over-exerted himself in his haste to get here, somehow outran his King’s Circle.

But he needed to know – he needed something – he was frightened, scared, and confused. And –

And Jeongguk once loved the way that Taehyung said his name, his shoulders nearly sagging in relief at the fact that it was more than just a delirious whisper coming from his lips. Jeongguk hated how his heart twanged at the sound – and how it once was a comfort, and now all he wondered was if Taehyung’s affection was all fake.

And what if Shin Sung-rok was right?

The windows seem to always be open in Taehyung’s rooms.

The smell of earth and rain seeping through the air. Thunder rumbled, and Jeongguk could feel it underneath his feet, fueling his heartbeat. Fueling his rage.

“Do you have the Plague,” Jeongguk asked callously.

What – ” Jimin interrupted again.

“Leave us, Park Jimin,” Jeongguk snaps. “I will speak with the First Prince alone.”

Jimin began to protest, but Taehyung stopped him with a gentle hand, grasping the guard’s shirt with shaking fingers.

“Go, Jimin,” Taehyung whispered.

Jimin glanced down, chest rising and falling as he angrily ruffled his fingers though his hair. His hand then dropped to his side limply.

“I’ll be in the sitting room,” Jimin said softly, placing a hand on Taehyung’s and squeezing. He glanced back at Jeongguk – glaring almost. Jeongguk could tell that it was difficult to anger the Crownsguard, but he could feel it, Jimin’s rising wrath as Jeongguk continued to assault Taehyung with questions. But Jeongguk did not care.

Jimin bowed grudgingly, spitting Jeongguk’s title from between clenched teeth. “Your Majesty.”

The Crownsguard closed the bedroom door softly behind him.

And then Jeongguk began pacing, anything to keep the spots in his eyes from occupying his thoughts.

“Do you have the Naissian Plague?” Jeongguk asks again.

“Jeongguk – this is absurd.”

“You do know what the first symptoms of the Plague are, right? Blindness.

“Jeongguk – ”

“How did you know, Taehyung?” Jeongguk yelled. “There was CCTV footage of you running to my rooms right before the bomb exploded – how did you know?”


Taehyung laced his fingers together in his lap, his breaths sounding uneven, hitched – like anything deeper than short gasps would hurt and he bit his lip.

“What did you give my valet?” Jeongguk asked. “Was it the bomb? Were you conspiring against me with my valet?”


“He’s missing, did you know that?” Jeongguk continued. “Did you plan it so that he’d take the brunt of the blame and you’d walk away free?”

Stop pacing,” Taehyung hissed.

Jeongguk stopped.

“How could you accuse me of – ”

“I invited you to court,” Jeongguk interrupted, “on the terms of a possible alliance. I have honoured you and given you my trust, and in return –”

“Have you given me your trust?” Taehyung asked, his voice growing louder. “How can you say that you’ve given me your trust when you stand here accusing me?”

“Then give me something, Taehyung!” Jeongguk yelled. “Answer a question!”

“You ask if I have the Naissian Plague, and my answer is no. My blindness is not a result of an illness.”

“Then what is it.”

“If you trusted me, then you’d wait until –”

“I have been left with nothing but f*cking speculations upon speculations!” Jeongguk screamed, “How could you ask me to trust you when you will not extend the same to me! My Privy Council members are pushing for a marriage that would produce an heir – but I have refused all talk of such because of you. I have people mocking me because of my affection for you. I defended you all for what!”

“I saved you!” Taehyung yelled, hoarsely. “I pulled you from your rooms before the bomb went off!”

“A bomb that you knew about,” Jeongguk returned, but now he had all but lost his vision to the blurs of grey. “You knew that this was an attempt on my life – how – how did you know Taehyung – that is all I am asking – was this – was this a trap?” Jeongguk asked.

Words were coming faster, terrible thoughts formulating as quickly as Jeongguk could speak. “Was this all a ruse to – to get close to me – and then use me and then kill me? Did you have some sort of change of heart? Or was it a ruse to save my life so I’d be indebted to you? So that I’d have no choice but to say yes to an alliance.”

“What would I gain from setting up an elaborate plot that clearly implicates me? It results in nothing but me becoming bedridden with f*cking three broken ribs, and a king who isn’t dead. I have nothing to gain from hurting you – Jeongguk – I thought – I thought – I gave you a flower crown. I thought you saw.”


“The Commander General, Lord Jung –”

The bedroom doors crashed open and Hoseok came storming in with Jimin hot on his heels.

“Jeongguk! Jeongguk – we have to go. They found Chung-ho,” Hoseok yelled, panting as he spoke.

“Where was he?”

“He’s dead.”

A young woman with a short, uneven blonde bob and a pair of round glasses greeted them at the doors of the hospital morgue.

“Lee Hye-ri,” Yoongi introduced, running a hand through his damp hair after walking in the rain. “The forensic pathologist seeing to this case, she is sworn to secrecy on the events that occurred.”

She nodded. “Your Majesty,” she said softly, “My Lords. Please, come with me.”

She led them down the sterile, clean hall, unlocking the doors to one of the examination rooms, where a metal table sat in the middle with a white sheet covering a body.

It was cold, uncomfortably cold in the basem*nt office, and despite how open and spacious the room was, the air was suffocating and thick. Jeongguk rubbed his arm uneasily.

Yoongi stood beside Jeongguk, Hoseok and Namjoon in front of him.

Lee Hye-ri pulled on a pair of blue gloves, adjusting her lab coat and tucking her hair behind her ears.

“The police found the body in the Arethusa Lake about three hours ago. It’s not a pleasant sight, Your Majesty, My Lords,” she said cautiously, fingers gripping the white canvas sheet. “The body was exposed to the elements and with the heavy rain…”

“Are you sure it’s Bak Chung-ho?” Hoseok asked.

She nodded, “Yes, sir, some items were missing on his person, but there were other identifying factors.” The forensic pathologist lifted the sheet, exposing the face and folding it across the torso.

Jeongguk clasped his hands tightly behind his back, swallowing the hard lump in his throat.

It was unmistakable, Jeongguk had seen this face nearly every day for the past seven years.

Death had been unkind – death was always unkind.

Jeongguk looked away, taking short breaths through his nose and his vision was beginning to spin again – and gods – he just wanted everything to stop.

“How did he die?” Namjoon asked.

Lee Hye-ri turned the corpse’s head, where there was a dark area covered in dried blood.

“He took a blow to the head with a blunt object – broke the skin and cracked the skull,” she explained. “But it wasn’t the cause of death.”

She put the head down, gesturing to the prominent, deep purple line across his neck. “He was strangled by a rope. This was a murder. The killer was quick and efficient. I believe the victim was specifically targeted.”

Namjoon lowered his head, and Hoseok sighed in defeat. Jeongguk could hear Yoongi muttering under his breath in words of a foreign language: a prayer to the Mother Goddess of Attalia he assumed..

Jeongguk shut his eyes.

Bak Chung-ho was a few years Jeongguk’s senior. They had met when Jeongguk was fifteen-years-old when the role of Crown Prince of Naissus finally demanded that he look the part. They were never close – both holding strictly professional conduct around each other – but there were times when Chung-ho saw Jeongguk at his lowest when the weight of his duties and responsibilities crushed him.

But the King’s Valet never commented or spoke of the matter afterwards.

The older man was in charge of Jeongguk’s wardrobe as well as micromanaging the upkeep of the King’s Apartments and everything within. Jeongguk often dressed himself in his younger days, but upon his ascension, Chung-ho took it upon himself to ensure that Jeongguk looked every bit the regal King even on casual days.

Jeongguk’s last memory of the man was the morning before the gala, where he grumbled unhappily under his breath about Jeongguk’s choice of outfit to meet the Queen Mother in. The pictures in the newspapers were not overly flattering for the King.

And now Bak Chung-ho is dead.

“Do you know when he died?” Hoseok asked.

“Two days ago, I’ll put an estimate on roughly between 1:00 pm to 5:00 pm,” Lee Hyeri said.

“Any clues to the suspect?” Yoongi asked.

She shook her head grimly. “No. The rain washed away all the evidence; not even footprints were left.”

“Was anything taken?” Namjoon asked, “An access card? A set of keys?”

She pulled the gloves off, tossing them with a practiced throw into the garbage can by the door as she grabbed the chart file. “Um, no keys, but there was a card – is it a card into Sol Palace?”

“Yes,” Namjoon replied.

“No, we didn’t find it,” Lee Hyeri said. “The police searched the premise as well as scoured the lake. There was nothing definitively linked to the victim. The rest of his belongings were untouched.”

“The suspect killed Chung-ho for the keys to your rooms, Jeongguk,” Namjoon said. “That’s how he got in. The question is how he got in unnoticed and unquestioned by the guards.”

“Was there… a lapel pin found?” Jeongguk asked, finally contributing to the conversation. He had not gotten over his shock – he wondered if he’d even gotten over the fact that there was an attempt on his life.

“No,” she said, “His uniform was intact, but a pin was not on his person. It could have fallen off in the attack and gotten lost.”

“No,” Jeongguk said. “I know where it was.”

All the valets hired by the Crown wear the same uniform, but there was one thing that set them all apart which was a lapel pin that marked Chung-ho as the King’s Valet, an item that he wore with pride.

Everything was coming together now.

Chung-ho had been missing since the morning before the gala. That meant that the person Jeongguk saw on the CCTV footage was not Chung-ho – it was an imposter.

Someone killed his valet and took his place. Someone else was in his rooms, and – and – planted the bomb there.

And Jeongguk had no memory of this person – nothing more than a glimpse of a figure in his doorway through a video.

Hoseok swore under his breath.

“Have you notified his family?” Namjoon asked.

Lee Hye-ri shook her head. “Not yet.”

“He has a sister,” Jeongguk answered numbly, “She’s my age, I think. His mother and father died in the Plague."

“What will we tell her?” Yoongi asked.

“We cannot tell her that her brother was killed in a plot against the King,” Namjoon sighed, “that will further put Jeongguk’s life in danger if the public finds out.”

“But he died for me,” Jeongguk protested. “He was murdered because of me. He deserves to be honoured – as a hero.”

“But for what, Jeongguk, for what purpose?” Namjoon retorted. “Your kindness, though considerate, will do nothing for Chung-ho in death – all it will do is bring more danger to you – your enemies will see you weak if your valet was so easily killed, especially in the wake of this controversy of an assassination attempt.”

“So, Bak Chung-ho died in a freak accident,” Hoseok concluded, “he slipped when he was taking a walk down the lake where he fell and hit his head – that will be the story.” He turned to Lee Hye-ri. “Surely you could cover up the wounds on his neck if he sister wishes to visit the body.”

“Yes, sir, that would be doable,” Lee Hye-ri replied.

“But – ”

“Jeongguk,” Namjoon started. “The fact that your father died in the Plague was enough to show the Sovereign’s inevitable mortality – the knowledge that you could have been killed in an assassination attempt and the murder of your valet will only add to the scandal.”

“How could you be so cold?” Jeongguk whispered. “A man is dead, and you worry about a political scandal?”

“The Monarchy is fragile as it is,” Namjoon continued, his tone softening, perhaps realizing how much this hurt Jeongguk. “The years of your reign have changed Naissus, put us on the map as an international power. The King must appear unconquerable – invulnerable. The Crown must always take precedence.”

Namjoon was nothing if not pragmatic, and Jeongguk understood the need to be practical and emotionally distant but this – this was cold.

“…Of course,” Jeongguk said, stared numbly at the older man.

“I will see to it that Bak Chung-ho receives a proper funeral and honours for his years of service to the Crown,” Yoongi said.

“See to it that the Crown will also manage his sister’s living expenses and education,” Namjoon added.

But that is not enough – that will never be enough.

Rain struck the windshield in loud, constant taps, the sound of the windshield wipers drowned out Jeongguk’s breaths and heartbeats.

The trip back to the palace was quiet.

Yoongi drove, and Jeongguk sat in the passenger seat, sunglasses shielding his face and eyes focused on the blurry shine of the wet road before them. In the darkness of the afternoon storm and shade of his glasses, Jeongguk could barely make out the shapes of the cars or buildings passing by.

The warmth of the heater and Yoongi’s constant tapping on the leather wheel should lull him closer to sleep as exhaustion pulled on him. But it would not come. He glanced out the window, catching a glimpse of a black Tesla behind them.

Yoongi and Jeongguk took an unmarked car with Hoseok and Namjoon trailing behind them.

It was on Namjoon’s insistence that he and Hoseok take a vehicle that Jeongguk favoured to give the impression that all was well, and that the King’s safety was not compromised. But of course, that wasn’t true, else Jeongguk would be in the one in the vehicle, not his King’s Circle playing bait. Jeongguk did not like having Namjoon and Hoseok risk their lives for him – did not like having anyone risk their lives for him.

It was fortunate that media did not feel like braving the weather to take photos of him today, there were no cars following them. But Yoongi remained diligent, constantly checking the rear-view mirrors.

Jeongguk pulled his arm up against the side of the car, pillowing his head in the crook of his elbow, closing his eyes in attempts to stave off a headache for just a bit longer before resorting to more painkillers.

“Yoongi-hyung?” Jeongguk called, and he hated how small his voice sounded and how it broke and cracked on the last syllable.


“Hyung, what do I do?” Jeongguk tore off his sunglasses, pressing his forearm against his eyes and – finally – he let the grief and the anger through the floodgates, feeling hot tears seeping through the fabric of his shirt.

The vehicle slowed to a stop at the back entrance of the palace, the guards already forming a thin line between the door and the car.

Yoongi cut the engine, and without the warmth of the heater and the quiet hum of the engine, the dampness of his shirt was starting to bring a chill and the rain echoed loudly in Jeongguk’s ears.

“How many more will die?”

The passenger door was suddenly pulled open. Jeongguk snapped away from the window, leaning back against the headrest and digging the heel of his palms into his eyes. Namjoon’s shadow loomed over him with Hoseok at his side. Both of them were under the rain, the footmen hovering with open umbrellas nearby but Hoseok waved them off.

The pair were on the phone line the entire way back to the palace; so it was not a surprise that they’d hear him speak.

“Jeongguk,” Namjoon said slowly.

The Lord Chancellor knelt down. Jeongguk pulled his hands away from his eyes, blinking to clear his vision.

What was it that Namjoon said before?

All Monarchs are ordained by the heavens.

“This was not why I took the throne, Namjoon-hyung,” Jeongguk muttered. “I didn’t want to become a god. I didn’t want my life to mean more than anyone else’s – this – ”

“This was not your fault, Chung-ho’s death is not your fault. It is the very nature of your position as the Crown: it comes with the position. There will be people who will die for you – but we will do our best to stop any more causalities from happening.”

Yoongi unbuckled his seatbelt and leaned over the console, pulling Jeongguk into his chest. “We will fix this –take things one step at a time.”

“I’ll will look into finding out who the imposter was,” Hoseok said. “Now that we have some more information to work with.”

“It’s a heavy burden you bear, Jeongguk,” Namjoon murmured. “But you are not alone.”

Namjoon was right – the weight of the Crown was crushing him, and there will be those who will pay the price of his burden. But he is not alone.

Jeongguk nodded. He staggered out of the car, the footmen rushing to shield him from the rain.

“Namjoon,” Seokjin called once they made it through the doors. The Duke came rushing down the stairs, striding purposefully towards the rather rain-soaked group and following them into one of the sitting rooms. “And? Was is Bak Chung-ho?”

“It was,” Namjoon said. “He was murdered, keys to the King’s Apartments stolen as well as lapel pin of the King’s Valet.”

“So, it was a setup,” Seokjin said.

“The culprit infiltrated the staff… but how come no one found it suspicious?” Namjoon asked.

“It could have been planned for months,” Seokjin said. “The culprit must have been hired by the palace ages ago, laid low… just another face amongst the hundreds of staff.”

“But he was close enough to learn about Chung-ho’s movements,” Yoongi said. “Probably learnt Chung-ho’s schedule before making his move and planting the bomb. He was smart to keep his face hidden from the cameras.”

“He hoped on no one noticing him, stayed invisible…”

“I’ll go through the records of the employees,” Hoseok said. “But he could be anything – gardener, footman, historiographer…”

“But we don’t have a face,” Seokjin argued. “He could have used a fake name – he could still be in the employ of the Crown for all we know, banked on the assassination attempt working and getting away with it because only Jeongguk would have seen and remembered his face.”

“But he didn’t get away with it,” Yoongi said.

“But he did,” Jeongguk said. “The bastard did get away because I can’t recall anything about him – f*ck.”

“But someone else would remember something,” Namjoon said, with wide eyes. “Taehyung.”

“You’re going to ask a blind man if he remembers the face of an imposter?” Yoongi said incredulously.

“It doesn’t have to be a face,” Namjoon argued. “A – a voice, a scent, a name? Anything would help."

The Lord Chancellor turned on his heels prepared to storm out of the sitting room but Seokjin latched onto his arm, pulling him back.

No,” Seokjin said. “You cannot question him now, not after what happened.”

He turned to Jeongguk, and the young King knew that if he didn’t have staples in his head, the older man would have smacked him by now. “I am appalled by your behaviour, Jeongguk. You made Taehyung’s injuries worse, aggravated his wounds.”

sh*t – I – I forgot that I – I,” Jeongguk started.

“What exactly happened?” Namjoon asked. “We didn’t notice that you were gone until after Park Sun-young-ssi told us about Chung-ho.”

“Jeongguk came thundering into Taehyung’s room and started an argument,” Seokjin said. “I don’t know what it was about, but I do know that you left him unable to breathe and on the verge of passing out. What were you thinking?”

He wasn’t.

This entire day was filled with poor decisions led by his heart rather than his head.

“I accused him of planting the bomb and of false affections,” Jeongguk explained in a rush. “It was stupid – stupid and wrong. Taehyung is injured because of me… and he saved me. I was irrational and stupid and yelled at him… and f*ck. How do I fix this? What do I do?”

“You can start by apologizing, tomorrow,” Seokjin said. “I don’t want to bring up matters regarding this to him until he’s better.”

“I don’t think he’ll forgive me…” Jeongguk muttered. “I… f*cked up….”

Yoongi glanced over, offering no words of comfort: he agreed.

“You know,” Namjoon started. “I haven’t the chance to speak with Taehyung as much. But I’ve seen the way he talks – the way he smiles. He smiles for others – pretends to be happy – but his smiles for you are genuine.”

The silence in the halls was not as reassuring as Jeongguk would have hoped. The rain had stopped since yesterday evening, but opaque, grey clouds still covered the skies. It wouldn’t be long before the storm continued again and strangely, Jeongguk wished for the rain.

The hum of rainfall and thunder had become a constant comfort in the last twenty-four hours. A constant in the absolute insanity. Now all Jeongguk was left with were the sounds of his pounding heartbeat and the breaths of the two guards beside him as he stood in front of the bedroom doors of the First Prince of Attalia.

Jeongguk closed his eyes, exhaling slowly.

“Your Majesty,” the guard called quietly. “Would you like me to announce – ”

“No,” Jeongguk said, shaking his head. “I will do it myself.”

The guard bowed, returning to his station against the doorframe.

Jeongguk opened his eyes, stepping closer to the door and raising a fist to knock with his heart thrashing in his throat. But he paused, frozen with knuckles just centimetres from the wooden door as the silence in the hall was marred with tense voices beyond.

Jeongguk could hear Jimin’s voice, steady as he spoke in the lyrical language of Attalia, but there was an abrasiveness to his tone. Taehyung’s tone was just as strained, his voice deeper, softer, but no less curt.

They were fighting, arguing, spitting quick remarks at each other that Jeongguk did not understand, but he could make out one word, he heard Taehyung say it enough that he’d recognize how his own name slips off the tongue in the melodic accent.

Yoongi was right – he behaved poorly, as a King and as a friend.

Jeongguk sucked in a deep breath, biting his lips nervously as he knocked faintly. The voices inside grounded to a halt.

“Who is it?” Taehyung asked tersely.

“Taehyung?” Jeongguk called softly. “It’s… Jeongguk. May…may I come in?”


The door creaked open, and Jeongguk was met with the sharp, disapproving eyes of the Crownsguard. His hair was pushed back – as if wind-blown – or if he had vigorously been raking his hand through the silvery locks again.

Jimin pressed his lips together, lowering his head slowly in a bow. “Your Majesty,” he greeted through gritted teeth.

“Jimin,” Jeongguk said quietly.

“Let him in, Jimin,” Taehyung called softly. Jimin took a deep breath through his nose, but slowly opened the door allowing the King through.

Jeongguk took hesitant steps inside. The temperature was cooler inside than it was in the hallway – as always, the windows were open in Taehyung’s rooms.

When Jeongguk walked in, he saw Taehyung propped up against the wide alcove seat underneath the open window. He was draped in blankets with a loose white shirt hanging off his shoulders. The shirt did nothing to hide the bruises dusting his skin, trailing down the curve of his shoulder and no doubt littering his torso.

Taehyung held a large gel ice pack to his chest, gingerly shifting into a more upright position.

Jimin was at his side in seconds, gently easing the pillows underneath the Prince. The tension was high in the room, Jimin kept his eyes trained on Taehyung, and the Prince clenched his hands into a tight fist – it was a fight – and despite that, Jimin supported him always.

Taehyung fidgeted with the ends of his blanket and Jeongguk could see how wrinkled and crumbled the crisp white sheets had become in his hands.

“What is it, Jeongguk?” Taehyung asked.

“I—” Jeongguk started, fidgeting with his hands behind his back. “I—I’d like to speak with you – alone – if I may.”

Jimin regarded him with scorn, and Jeongguk stood in the breathless tension. The Crownsguard scowled, “The last time you spoke with Taehyung alone, Your Majesty, I returned to him gasping. I don’t think so."

“It’s alright, Jimin,” Taehyung finally said. “I think Jeongguk has regained his composure.”

Jimin swallowed and opened his mouth as if he was about to say something but then reconsidered. He finally sighed, “As you wish, Taehyung.”

And though Jeongguk was relived with the bit of privacy, the shortness in Taehyung’s tone was unmistakable. Jimin turned to the Prince once more, breathing deeply as his shoulders rose and fell, he closed his eyes, balling his fists before releasing and his shoulder dropped.

He turned to leave, glaring at Jeongguk with a sneer and knocking his shoulder into Jeongguk’s angrily on his way out – Jeongguk winced – but the pain was welcome, a reminder of how poorly he reacted, and how loyal Jimin is to the Prince.

The door shut quietly behind him.


Taehyung shifted, patting the empty space on the cushion beside him, “Sit with me,” he said.

Jeongguk hesitated, moving slowly. It was cooler where Taehyung sat than the rest of the room. The smell of soil after rainfall permeated the air, mingling with the scent of lavender and drowning out the pungent antiseptic that had followed Taehyung for days. Jeongguk realized now how much he missed the familiar, calming scent that surrounded the Prince.

Taehyung was propped up on a bunch of pillows, blankets covering his legs. He looked a little better, with his hair all fluffy from a wash and brushed away from his eyes. The discolouration on his cheek still remained, but the cut was healing and the dark circles under his eyes just a little less deathly.

Jeongguk cautiously sat down, swallowed uncomfortably loudly. He could feel how straight his back was against the wall, his shoulder tensing when it pressed against Taehyung’s side.

It was cooler where Taehyung sat than the rest of the room and Jeongguk shivered when his elbow brushed against the gel ice pack. Taehyung silently shuffled the blankets over, covering Jeongguk’s lap in the cotton comforter.

Jeongguk shifted underneath the blankets, muttering a stuttering thank you. He picked at his fingers, licking his drying lips as he tried to formulate words – tried to formulate an apology.

“I – I – ”

But the words died before they left his tongue – words were not enough to convey his remorse and regret.

“Do you have any good memories of the rain?” Taehyung asked suddenly.


Taehyung sighed, the movement led to him settling closer to Jeongguk, sliding against him until his head rested on Jeongguk’s shoulder and his hair brushed against Jeongguk’s jaw. The young King stopped breathing, shoulders stiff and still like a statue.

“Tell me a story of a memory of yours in the rain,” Taehyung said as he reached out, right hand tracing the sheets until he found it: Jeongguk’s hand. Taehyung wrapped his fingers around Jeongguk’s. His hands were colder than the young King’s, and instinctively, Jeongguk returned the gesture, intertwining their fingers together.

“This rain reminds me of autumn in Marsylle,” Taehyung started when Jeongguk did not speak. “When it rained this hard, I spent the afternoons with my grandmother in the conservatory watching it rain over the glass. The sounds were comforting. I can still vividly remember my grandmother’s voice – she used to sing to the flowers. My mother’s House had a very peculiar connection with plants – gladiolus in particular.”

The Prince wrapped his other hand around their interlaced fingers, brushing the pad of his thumb over Jeongguk’s knuckles. The comforting scent of lavender settled Jeongguk thoughts and the comfort and warmth of Taehyung pressed against his side made him – for just a moment – forget everything that had occurred and remember the bright, toothy smiles.

Jeongguk racked through his memories, searching until he found one of the rain.

“I remember… that my father took me out to his favourite bakery,” Jeongguk said. “He drove us on a motorbike, and we got caught in the rain on our way back. We looked like drowned rats – and the pastries we brought back were soaked.”

It was an ordinary story, a mundane memory of his childhood. But one where he can vividly remember the glisten of water over the cracked face of his father’s favourite watch behind his eyes.

Taehyung smiled, chuckling once before wincing.

Laughing must hurt.

Talking must hurt.

Breathing must hurt with three broken ribs.

And Jeongguk fought with him.

“Taehyung – ”

“There is never a rainy season when I don’t think of my grandmother.”

Jeongguk clamped his mouth shut. Taehyung mentioned his grandmother once before – stated that she was his strongest ally. Jeongguk thought – assumed that she still –

“Is… she…?”

“Gone,” Taehyung said, nodding into Jeongguk’s shoulder. “She passed before my 21st birthday.”

“My father…passed way to the Plague sometime after, that was our last outing together.”

“They both left us in the rain. Didn’t they?”

Jeongguk hummed, glancing out the window, though the rain had stopped, everything was still very wet, huge droplets of water falling from the tree leaves just outside Taehyung’s rooms. Now Jeongguk could appreciate the serene calm of the skies after a storm, and why Taehyung always kept the windows open.

The Prince’s fingers stopped dancing over Jeongguk’s hand.

“Sometimes, I wonder what she’d think of my decisions,” Taehyung said, and Jeongguk could hear a soft slur in the older man’s voice. “If she’d be proud of what…what I chose to become,” Taehyung continued, words running together and phrases spreading apart as he began drifting.

Now Jeongguk realized how weary Taehyung was.

I’m sorry,” Jeongguk whispered. “I’m so sorry – I – I can’t – I didn’t – ”

“I know,” Taehyung returned softly. “I know.”

And in a moment of boldness, Jeongguk titled his head and pressed his lips against Taehyung’s head. But even the overwhelming scent of lavender in the Prince’s hair was not enough to calm the ripple of shame and disappointment in his chest.

“I wasn’t thinking – that is no excuse – but I wasn’t thinking,” Jeongguk mumbled almost incoherently into the crown of Taehyung’s head. “And I was so afraid of – of everything and – and, I’m so sorry.

“I know,” Taehyung repeated, his words regaining the clarity of consciousness. “But you were right.”

“No, I was wrong to have accused you – ”

“But you were right that you deserve my trust in return for yours,” Taehyung said. He shifted, struggling to right himself off of Jeongguk’s shoulder and disentangle their fingers. “…There is something that I need to tell you."

“I – I don’t understand…?”

“I think it’s time that I tell you the truth.”


New Characters:

Park Sun-young (Hyomin | T-ARA)
House: N/A Plebeian
Title: Lieutenant-General
Age: 31

Lee Hye-ri (Girl’s Day)
House: N/A Plebeian
Position: Forensic Pathologist
Age: 26

Kim Ah-Young (Yura | Girl’s Day)
House: Ophiuchus (The Physician)
Position: Minister of Foreign Affairs, Cousin to the Duke of Concordia
Age: 29

Kim Yong-sun (Solar | Mamamoo)
House: N/A
Title: Archduch*ess of Vesontio (in the Territory of Duscae under the Commonwealth of Naissus)
Age: 30

Author’s Notes (Part II):

1. This chapter is titled ‘oppholdsvær’ to mimic the momentum of the story as well as the ending of this chapter. This is not the ‘calm before the storm’ because the storm came and is still brewing, instead, it is a short reprieve.

2. This chapter is a f*cking roller coaster of emotions for Jeongguk, and I really wanted to portray how he thinks with his heart rather than his head in all of these occasions. I hope it came through and that his decisions though - somewhat irrational, were not completely out of the blue.

3. Yo… the Canadian version of the FBI might be tracking me cause I’ve been doing some mild research on explosives for this chapter. And I can tell you that it makes zero sense to me, so if there are any inaccuracies about bombs, sorry… there was no one I could ask questions about it… PE4 is the British version of the C-4 explosive, which is used by the United States Armed Forces. It’s probably accessible via the black market…. (I’m staying off the Deep Web).

4. Please don’t mind me as I f*ck around with everyone’s age.

5. And - holy sh*t. This chapter is 13k long, like what the f*ck, I’ve never written a chapter that ever went passed 10k. I’m sorry that it took ages and it’s a rollercoaster of emotions - I hope that it made SENSE.

6. Please, comments are an author’s motivation - I’d love to hear what you guys liked and didn’t like about the story thus far. Blood of the Oracle is 100% a slow-burn, but I hope the rather… intense plot line… makes up for it.

7. I apologize for all grammatical errors. I don't have a beta reader, and it's easy to miss errors when you've read your own writing one to many times. I also apologize for how long it took me to post this chapter - I hope it was... worth it?

8. Come talk to me on Twitter or ask me question on Curious Cat .

Chapter 10: interlude: oracle



Thank you to ibloomforyou and jeraliase for beta-reading this gigantic mess of a chapter. You are both goddesses, this chapter would never have been completed without your help!

Previously in Blood of the Oracle (cause it's been AN ENTIRE YEAR):
Taehyung saves Jeongguk from dying in an explosion that went off in the King’s Apartments. Both of them end up injured and everyone else freaks the f*ck out. Jeongguk’s sorta okay with a couple of partial thickness burns, cut to the back of his head, and a concussion that resulted in him forgetting what happened at the gala. Taehyung has three broken ribs, a couple of open wounds and is out for the count.
No one knows what exactly happened except that if Taehyung didn’t come, Jeongguk would be dead. Jeongguk tries to do his kingly duties and attends a Privy Council meeting so everyone knows that he is alive and well. Shin Sung-rok insulted him and Jeongguk is a badass and puts him in his place (no one commented on that scene, it was my favourite scene!). Jeongguk then saw the CCTV footage and learnt that Taehyung came to his apartment earlier on the day of the explosion and gave his footman, Bak Chung-ho, a box.
Jeongguk immediately thinks that Taehyung set up a bomb and tried to kill him. He confronted Taehyung as soon as the poor boy wakes up because he’s scared and hurt. But then Hoseok comes in and tells him that Bak Chung-ho is dead and has been dead for two days. So Jeongguk and his King’s Circle go to the morgue to figure out what happened and it turns out that Bak Chung-ho was murdered. And Jeongguk is torn by the death of because someone wanted to kill him.
This also means that the person who Taehyung gave the box to was an imposter.
Jeongguk knows he f*cked up with Taehyung, goes and apologizes and Jimin’s pissed.
Taehyung forgives him.


(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

17 Years Ago

- Winter -

Jimin pulls on the hem of his canary yellow cardigan, frowning at his distorted reflection in the window. He’s drowning in the bright-coloured sweater, small hands disappearing inside his sleeves. He hates how the petals of the flower pinned over his heart blend together with the fabric – he wants the sunflower to stand out: he wants to wear it with pride.

“Come on, Jiminie,” Taehyung calls, beckoning the boy over to where he stood with the Dowager Queen of Attalia. Jimin complies, taking Taehyung’s outstretched hand in his own.

The small seven-year-olds trailed behind the old woman. Taehyung held his grandmother’s hand in his left and his right grasping tightly onto the fabric of Jimin’s yellow cardigan.

They marched in what could have been a single file line if only Jimin had managed to not to get distracted down the Great Gallery of the Chateau-de-Marsylle. Jimin has never seen the Great Gallery of the palace before, despite the numerous times that he’s stayed at the chateau. It was becoming a routine for seven-year-old to spend his weekends away from the Turnesol Manor. He remembers his mother saying that it wouldn’t be long before he’d be staying at the residence of the Royal Family permanently – a known arrangement due to his role at the future Crownsguard to the Crown Prince.

That isn’t important to Jimin right now, for now, the young boy’s eyes wander from painting to painting, vision spinning as he took in the portraits of the old kings and queens of Attalia swathed in heavy, dark fabrics. The portraits hung high above him, and Jimin has to crane his neck to meet the eyes of the imposing Sovereigns. He sees some portraits of the ancient rulers with their Crownsguard standing tall behind them, and he wonders how long it would be before Taehyung and himself join them all.

But then Jimin stops, staring with wide eyes.

It was an unusual piece, especially in a gallery of stern kings and queens of the past.

It was easy to distinguish the painting from the others, catching the boy’s attention with its bright and vibrant colours but soft and wispy strokes that made it almost dreamlike.

It depicts three beautiful women in an otherworldly landscape filled with flowers. They were so beautiful that Jimin knew instantaneously that they couldn’t be human.

“What is it, Jiminie?” Taehyung asks.

Jimin whips his head back to meet his friend’s curious gaze, realizing that he had stopped both the Prince and the Dowager Queen. He opens his mouth to apologize but is met with the soft and encouraging smile of Taehyung’s grandmother.

“Who…who are they?” Jimin asks, nodding his head towards the painting.

Taehyung glances over.

“Oh! They’re the Goddesses,” Taehyung answers easily.


“My child, did your mother ever tell you how the Floating Isles came to be?” the Queen Mother asks.

“Yes,” Jimin answers, nodding slowly. “Eomma sometimes told me stories before bed about the Mother Goddess, but… I can’t remember everything.”

“It’s alright,” the Dowager Queen says. “It will be a while before the stories are of any significance to you. And to you as well, Taehyung.”

“But can you tell the stories again, Halmeoni?” Taehyung asks. “Please? So Jiminie can hear it too. I love it when you tell the story about the Mother and the Maiden and the Blessing.”

The Dowager Queen laughs, gently caressing her grandson’s cheek as she turns to Jimin. “Would you like to listen to the story, Jimin?”

“Okay,” Jimin agrees quietly.

The Dowager Queen leads them to an ivory-white chaise lounge in front of the painting, sitting in the middle as both Taehyung and Jimin sit down on either side of her. She pulls them close, wrapping an arm around each of them as she begins in a low, dreamy voice.

“Long ago, before the days of the Divine House Chrysantheme and mighty Crown Guards of House Turnesol, before the formation of the noble houses, before Attalia was known as the Floating Isles, long before then, there was a time when the gods and goddesses walked amongst the mortals.”

Taehyung shifts, lying down in his grandmother’s lap. The old woman smiles, running her fingers through Taehyung’s hair and she glances over to Jimin, pulling the shy boy close against her chest – like his own grandmother would.

“A young king of a small country met a woman during his travels to the village. He fell in love with her and she with him. They married, and he made her Queen, together, they had a beautiful baby girl whose eyes were blue as the summer sky. They were happy for a time until the King began to grow older as the years went, but his Queen remained as young and as beautiful as the day they met. It was then that he realized that he married a goddess, but not just any goddess…”

The Dowager Queen points to a figure in the painting with inky black hair and wore deep reds and autumnal flowers in her hair. “The Goddess of Life, the Mother,” the Dowager Queen whispers. She moves her finger to the side to point to the figure standing in the middle whose bright blue eyes bore into Jimin’s. “That is her child, who is half-human, half-god: the Maiden.”

Jimin nods slowly.

“Like her mother, the Maiden held the powers of the gods, but like her father, she had the flesh and the soul of a mortal human. She lived longer than mortals, and when her father passed, she ascended to the throne. Without the ties of marriage holding the Mother Goddess to the mortal realm, she had to return to the skies to attend to her duties, but she could not bear to be ripped from her child. So, she raised a little country out of the waters, suspending it between the earth and the heavens where she may watch over her daughter.

"The Maiden ruled over the kingdom in the sky with a just and kind heart, as her father did before her. She was beloved by her people, as she was blessed as a messenger between mortals and gods. When the Maiden’s own child became of age, she stepped down from the throne to let him ascend as the Dynast King.”

“That’s him over there,” Taehyung says, raising himself onto his elbows and pointing at a portrait down the hall of a handsome man holding a beautifully intricate blade between his hands.

“Yes,” the Dowager duch*ess says, “that’s him.”

“The Maiden, being of divine descent, would live well past the life expectancy of those of her mortal flesh and blood. That upset the Goddess of Death: The Crone.”

Jimin’s gaze continues to the last figure in the painting dressed in black. She was just as beautiful as the others, just as ethereal. But her eyes, white and pupil-less, were even more daunting to stare at than the piercing colour of the Maiden’s. And Jimin could see out from the black fabric of The Crone’s cloak was a hand, thin and white as bone.

“The Crone sought the soul of the half-god, half-human, but this angered the Mother Goddess, wanting to do nothing more than to protect her daughter. The Maiden, however, knew that if a war waged between the two, her people in the mortal realm would suffer. The Maiden had lived a long and fulfilling life, having passed the throne to her son. So, she agreed to let the Crone take her soul, on the condition that the Mother presents a gift to her bloodline as deserving of their heritage.”

“The Crone agreed, so long as a payment be made if the gift of the Mother be taken – to remind us mortals of the price of a gift from divinity.”

“What are you three doing?”

Jimin glances over to see Taehyung’s father come. He jumps to his feet, scrambling to greet the King as his parents have taught him, only to have the King shake his head.

“No, it’s alright, Jimin,” the King says, placing a warm hand on the young boy’s shoulder.

“Appa,” Taehyung calls, smiling brightly.

“I thought you were on your way to the gardens with Halmeoni,” the King says.

“We were,” Taehyung replies. “but Jiminie saw the painting of the Goddesses, and I wanted to hear Halmeoni tell the story.”

“Oh, really,” the King starts, lowering himself down onto the sofa beside Jimin with a grunt. “I thought you knew the story by heart now, Taehyung.”

“I do,” Taehyung says with a pout. “But Jiminie doesn’t, and Halmeoni tells the story the best.”

“I see,” the King replies. “So, where were you?”

Taehyung looks at Jimin encouragingly.

“The gift,” Jimin answers.

Taehyung nods. “Halmeoni was just telling us about the gift. But you should tell it, Appa.”

Jimin looks up at the King, to see a glimmer protest in his face, but it quickly melts away into a helpless smile: for no one had the ability to say no to Taehyung.

“Alright,” the King sighs as he crosses his legs and rests his hands comfortably on his knee. “So the gift. When someone of divine blood becomes of age, the Mother speaks in your dreams and asks you if you want to receive the blessing, a gift from the gods – but it does come with a price: the Crone’s reminder."

“What kind of blessing?”

“It could be anything, the gift of healing, telepathy, clairvoyance. Those who do take the blessing are bestowed the great title of Blood of the Oracle.”

“Did you take the gift, Your Majesty?”

“I did not.” The King turns, speaking to Taehyung now. “Nor did your grandfather. Nor your great, great grandmother, nor anyone in the family for over a thousand years.”

“Why not, Appa?” Taehyung asks.

“Because they didn’t need to,” the King replies. “Because Attalia has peace.”

“Would you take the gift, Tae-tae?” Jimin asks.

“I can’t until I’m of age,” Taehyung replies. “Not until I’m 21-years-old.”

The King puts a hand on Taehyung’s head.

“You’ll never have too,” he says resolutely.

“But it is always your choice,” the Queen Mother says. The King looks up, and Jimin could see a hardness in his eyes as he regards his mother’s words.

“I know,” Taehyung replies. He turns and smiles brightly at Jimin, taking the boy’s hand in his. He squeezes Jimin’s small hand twice. “I’ll do it if I have too, to protect Attalia. Besides, I’ll always have Jimin to protect me, right?”

Jimin grins. “Right!”

o r a c l e

(n.) a person or agency considered to provide wise and insightful counsel or prophetic prediction or precognition of the future, inspired by the god; as such it is a form of divination


i n t e r l u d e: o r a c l e

The blast rung loudly in Jimin’s ears. It dissipated in his right ear, but remained a constant, high-pitched humming in his left, amplifying the sound of his heartbeat as he sprinted down the hall after Yoongi.

The drawing room wasn’t far from the Apartments of the Royal Family and the closer that Jimin got, the heavier and thicker the trail of blackened smoke became.

It was an explosion.

Jimin coughed, blinking against the burning sensation in his eyes as he tried to survey the scene. He could see Yoongi in the smoke, dark hair and clothes blending into the black clouds. His hands stood out – pale skin coated in red as he knelt over the body of someone curled into a ball.

The King of Naissus.

“Jeongguk? Jeongguk?!” Yoongi screamed. The fear and hysteria in the man’s voice made Jimin’s breath catch in his throat.

Made him feel breathless and dizzy and made his thoughts run dry.

He let out a shuddering breath, turning as he ran a hand through his hair as he scanned the vicinity, checking to see if there was anyone else who was injured or hoping to catch the culprit.

The blazing embers of a fire burned several feet before him, like waves of a red ocean. Black debris and smoke rained down, and – something caught his eye: peeking out from the remains of fallen furniture was a familiar pattern of white fabric and black polka dots.

That was the pattern of Taehyung’s favourite set of pajamas.

Everything seemed to slow down.

Jimin’s body moved automatically. He sprinted, yanking his limbs forward, tearing the broken pieces of wood away.

Faster – faster-

Taehyung- Taehyung- Taehyung.

Like Yoongi’s priority will always be Jeongguk, Jimin’s will always be Taehyung.

Taehyung!” Jimin yelled.

The prince coughed, groaning as he shifted at the call of his name. Jimin drops to the ground, hovering above Taehyung’s crumpled frame.

Blood. There was so much blood.

The once white silk now stained black and red. Jimin’s eyes flitted to find the source, immediately placing his palm over a large gash on Taehyung’s abdomen. The prince gasped, whimpering when Jimin’s hand made contact and his eyes fluttering open.

In the haze of smoke, Jimin could see the fading embers of blue around Taehyung’s pupils.

“Taehyung,” Jimin breathed in relief. “I need help! The prince is injured!

“Jimin?” Taehyung wheezed. “Jiminie?”

“I’m here, Taehyung,” Jimin replied, loudly. “What happened?”

“Jimin, Jeongguk, is he –” Taehyung asked in a slurred drawl of Attalian, “- is he?”

Jimin glanced back to see Seokjin and Namjoon running down the hall. The physician scanning the scene with sharp – focused eyes and moving quickly towards his king.

“Seokjin is attending to him,” Jimin replied quickly. “What happened, Taehyung.”

Taehyung doesn’t reply, his now brown eyes fluttering shut. Jimin gritted his teeth, pressing down harder onto the wound as he takes one Taehyung’s hands in his, disregarding the slick blood that coats the prince’s fingers.

“Taehyung,” Jimin called again. “I need to know what happened. I need to know what to do.”

“I saw – saw an explosion – in Jeongguk’s – Jeongguk’s rooms…his rooms,” Taehyung slurred. “Someone…someone tried to hurt – hurt him. Someone wanted to kill Jeongguk…Jeongguk.”

Jimin needed more information – needed to know exactly what happened. But Jimin knew that the prince wouldn’t be able to remain conscious for much longer.

“What do I do, then, Taehyung?” Jimin asks, dropping low and humming the words into Taehyung’s ear in hushed Attalian. But the prince continued to drift, his grasp on Jimin’s hand growing weaker. Jimin pulled, tightening his grip and pressing harder into the wound.

Taehyung hissed, head lolling and eyes fluttering open, pupils moving unseeingly.

“Taehyung, what do I do?” Jimin repeated. Taehyung visibly swallowed, chest heaving and Jimin’s heart drops. He hated this – hating having to hurt Taehyung to get him to concentrate – but he needed information, instructions, anything – because he knew that the prince will be out for the count.

Taehyung swallowed again, licking his lips. “Call Jennie,” he finally said. “Call Jennie as soon – soon as you can. Someone tried to kill Jeongguk. My father must not. Abeoji cannot know… not… not…”

Before Taehyung could finish, Hoseok arrived, hovering with wide, frightened eyes as Jimin once did.

“Apply pressure on the leg,” Jimin commanded. The Commander General nodded swiftly, tearing off his jacket and covering the large gouge on the back of Taehyung’s right thigh. Taehyung whimpered, writhing away from the touch.

“Don’t move, Taehyung,” Jimin warned.

“Tell Jennie, Jimin,” Taehyung repeated. “You must.”

“I will,” Jimin whispered, “I will.”

“The medical staff will be arriving soon,” Hoseok asked, glancing back down the hall, “What is he saying?”

“I don’t know,” Jimin lied easily. “He’s not making any sense.”

“Jiminie, someone tried to kill – ”

“I will,” Jimin repeated, cutting Taehyung off before he said anything incriminating. “Just hang on, Taehyung.”

Then Jimin frantically began murmuring a jumbled mess of a prayer under his breath, he never prayed to the Goddesses before, believing he had enough control over his life to manage his own fate. But in this instance, he’ll do anything, he prayed to the Maiden, to the Mother Goddess, to the Goddess of Death herself, that he’ll do anything – anything at all – if she’d just let Taehyung live.

3 Years Ago

- Spring -

The estates of Blamont Castle were always covered in greying white, whether by the winter’s snow or by the asphodel flowers that cover the fields.

Tonight, with the early spring sun disappearing over the horizon and all the windows and doors open in the ballroom, the sunlight bathed the marble walls of the room in a soft orange and pink glow, offsetting the grey vases filled with dreamy white flowers of House Asphodeline.

Blamont Castle was built centuries ago on a cliffside, just on the western outskirts of Marsylle. It was the official seat of House Asphodeline and rarely were any outsiders invited to the estate unless it was for an important event.

Today, the Earl of Grenadier was celebrating his 60th birthday, and Jimin and Taehyung were in attendance with their families.

Jimin tugs at the hemline of his suit jacket, conscious of the eyes drawn to the pin on his lapel. It was of a silver shield with the motif of a chrysanthemum flower and a diamond in the center: The Mark of the Crown Prince’s Guard.

Traditionally, Crownsguards are knighted at 21, especially in regard to the Crownsguard of the Crown Prince who would be knighted after the heir apparent’s 21st birthday celebrations – one of the grandest events in Attalian customs.

But Jimin was knighted one of the youngest Crownsguard in history at 18 because of his talent and skill. He should be accustomed to the attention by now, having been knighted for two years. However, being the Crownsguard to Taehyung always came with its downfalls when the soon to be 21-year-old sits in center of the spotlight, especially tonight with all the guests jumping at the chance to greet the young prince and congratulate him on his coming-of-age and with Jimin there, they decide to congratulate him on his investiture as well.

Taehyung’s birthday was almost 11 months away, but already the Palace of Marsylle was in shambles preparing for the celebrations, and many nobles and socialites were hoping for an invitation to the auspicious event.

But Taehyung could care less about it.

When the party lulls, Jimin pulls Taehyung aside, finding him a seat at one of the glass tables. The prince sighs as he sits on the alcove by open windows, resting his chin on his hand against the windowsill. A footman came by, handing the prince a warmed blanket.

Taehyung smiles and takes it, draping it over his legs just as Jimin snags a mug of mulled cider from a passing footman.

As the guard sits, Taehyung turns, eyeing the mug that Jimin set down. The Crownsguard raises a brow, pushing the mug tentatively towards the other man. Taehyung leans forward, grasping the ceramic cup in both hands and pulls it across the table.

“What is the point of congratulating me on turning 21?” Taehyung says, taking an annoyed sip of the mulled wine, wincing as he swallows. The prince brings the mug to his lips once more, taking another gulp. Jimin presses his lips together.

Taehyung rarely drinks.

“It’s customary,” Jimin replies, “You know how important becoming-of-age is.”

“I’ve not accomplished anything – I’m not even becoming King.”

“You’re given patronage to over a dozen charities and organizations,” Jimin reasons.

“That was the one thing I accomplished tonight,” Taehyung murmurs. “Viscount of Groseille is happy to donate a large sum of money to continue funding the restoration of historic sites.”

Taehyung sits up straighter, smiling fiercely at something behind Jimin’s head. Jimin turns to see Jennie crossing the room.

“Jennie!” Taehyung greets as the princess sits down beside Taehyung, swiping aside her red dress that was as vibrant as her brother’s hair. He offers her some of his blanket, but she shakes her head, leaning over to check the contents of his cup instead.

“Is that…alcohol?” she asks. “Since when do you drink alcohol at parties?”

Taehyung shrugs.

“You look a little tense,” Jennie says. “Something wrong?”

Taehyung shakes his head. “Just tired.”

Jennie’s eye narrow and her lips press into a firm line. But she doesn’t pry further.

Jimin whips his head over when he sees a flash of white in his peripheral vision. He smiles softly when he recognizes Jisoo’s calm smile and Chae-young’s halo of rose-gold hair behind his sister. Both of them held two steaming mugs of hot chocolate. Jisoo places a cup in front of Jimin, sliding into the seat beside him as she tucks her gauzy white gown underneath her. Chae-young sits across from the older girl, handing the other mug to Jennie.

“Thanks, Chae-youngie,” Jennie hums happily, leaning her head against her 17-year-old cousin.

Jimin pushes his mug towards Taehyung and takes the goblet of mulled wine out of the prince’s hands. Taehyung meets Jimin eyes for a second before flashing a cheeky grin in thanks as his eyes dart down to where Jisoo places a couple of confectioner’s bags of brightly coloured marshmallows on the table. Taehyung snags a bag of chocolate dipped squares.

“So what have you guys been up to?” Taehyung asks as he slowly peels open the plastic wrap.

“Just talking to everyone. There’s a lot of gossip going around,” Chae-young says, reaching into Jisoo’s bag of pastel-pink marshmallows and placing one carefully into her overflowing mug. “A lot of talk about the increased turmoil in Iaryen.”

“Oh?” Taehyung says, “Tell me more, cousin.”

Jimin places his elbows onto the table, leaning closer as Chae-young lowers her voice to a whisper.

“Much of the talk tonight revolves around Taehyung-oppa’s upcoming birthday celebrations or Jimin-oppa’s inauguration as Crownsguard,” Chae-young says in a hushed tone. Taehyung’s lips quiver into a straight line at the mention of his upcoming birthday. But then his cousin continues, “If not that, all the conversation seems to be about the growing hostility on the main continent.”

“Everyone loves gossip,” Jennie comments, rolling her eyes.

“What have you heard?” Taehyung asks.

“The usual,” Jisoo says, tucking strands of her long hair behind her ear as she lifts the mug to her lips. “Outrage with the Orivalian Emperor, Park Min-jun, for conquering so many lands and territories.”

“Are you guys holding a council meeting without inviting me?” comes a, familiarly raspy voice. Jimin scoffs loudly when he sees Ahn Hwasa strutting towards them. She stops, her daringly low-cut indigo dress pooling at her feet as she drops into a graceful curtsy.

“Your Royal Highnesses,” she greets Taehyung and Jennie. “My Lord and Ladies.”

“Hwasa,” Taehyung returns, the wide cheeky smile on his face pulls at his eyes. They all attended the same boarding school, but as the years passed and adulthood approached, the duties of each of his friends had them parting in separate ways. It had been several months since they last saw her.

Jimin stands, offering Hwasa his chair as he moves to lean against the wall closest to Taehyung’s side.

“What were you all talking about?” Hwasa asks, taking Jimin’s offered seat. The bold and brilliant woman was a member of House Gouet as evident by the silver arum lily brooch pinned on the left side of her dress. The 20-year old woman held the title as the First Daughter of the Earl of Lemangue, and her knowledge of international politics was unprecedented. Her father occupied an important seat within the King of Attalia’s government as the Minister of Foreign Affairs. Jimin knew that Hwasa was interested in taking the position once her father retired and perhaps serving at the future king’s - as Taehyung’s - Foreign Minister.

“We were discussing how all Iyaren may soon fly under the banner of the Orivalian Empire,” Jisoo sighs.

“Hm,” Hwasa says, raising an eyebrow as she slowly nods in agreement. “From the patterns of his conquest, I think the Emperor looks to Estermery next.”

“But Estermery won’t engage in war,” Jennie argues. “It is against their faith - their very nature of being pacifists.”

“That doesn’t mean that they’ll surrender willingly, Jennie-unnie,” Chae-young remarks.

“The lands are sacred,” Jisoo comments quietly as she takes one of the bags of marshmallows. “The culture is drenched in the faith.”

“So, you think they’ll take the path of least resistance and bloodshed to protect the country?” Taehyung asks, crossing his arms.

Jimin runs a hand through his hair. He finds it unnerving, listening to his younger sibling, Taehyung’s sister and cousin discuss heavy politics as if it was the weather. “Which will be…?”

“An alliance through marriage,” Hwasa murmurs.

“The heir to the Orivalian Empire is Crown Prince Park Hae-jin, isn’t that correct?” Taehyung asks.


“Does he have any siblings?”

“Not that I know of, the Empress passed years ago, and the Emperor never remarried…” Hwasa says, lacing her fingers together and resting her chin on top.

“Perhaps Park Hae-jin will marry the Estermerian Prince?” Jennie says.

“The Prince of Estermery is about your age, Jennie,” Taehyung murmurs, “ and the Crown Prince is over a decade older.”

“Though marriage would solidify an alliance, I don’t think that the Archduke of Estermery would do that to his son.”

Taehyung absentmindedly balances a square of marshmallow between his fingers, eyes lowered as he visibly gnaws on the inside of his lip. Beside him, his sister mirrors his discomfort, her eyes focused on white-painted nails, teeth biting on cherry-coloured lips.

The Royal Family were all too familiar with arranged marriages, though the Floating Isles were known for their peacetimes, it was not above the struggle for wealth and power. Jimin frowns, he knows what the Royal Siblings were thinking about: if the Orivalian Empire were to make a move on Attalia, would the King propose an alliance through marriage to protect the lands? If so, which one of his three children would he have the heart to offer?

“What about Galatea?” Taehyung asks.

“They will declare war if Estermery makes an alliance, I’m sure of it,” Hwasa declares, reaching over and taking a glass of red wine as the server passes by. “Especially since Estermery is the only thing standing between Galatea and the Empire. Lugdunum and Aquileia have chosen to stay out of it… though…that is until Orivala waits at their doorstep. Naissus won’t get involved… nor will the Territories of Duscae: no one wants to oppose the growing Empire.”

“The Territories of Duscae?” Jisoo asks.

“Formerly known as the Naissian Empire, but the territories no longer belong to the country,” Hwasa says. “Now they are the Commonwealth of Duscae.”

Jimin has heard lots about Naissus and their growing wealth and military.

“They were isolated during the years of the Naissian Plague, weren’t they?” Jimin says. “And still to this day, they have not made themselves present internationally.”

“Naissus might enter the world-stage soon enough,” Hwasa says, her words muffled as she lifts the wineglass to her lips. “They are quickly regaining strength after the plague that nearly destroyed them eight years ago.”

“It killed the late king, didn’t it?” Taehyung asks, brows furrowing as if he was trying to remember details of the event. Jimin could barely remember when he heard the news of the Naissian King’s passing. There was something else that was on his mind at the time.

Right, he remembers now: Min Yoongi’s death.

“Who is in power now?” Jimin asks, shifting on his feet and leaning against Taehyung’s back.

“His wife, the Queen Regent. However, there was just a coronation, if I remember correctly,” Hwasa says.

“And we weren’t invited?” Jennie pouts, pulling out a bright red phone from the pocket of her dress.

“No one outside of the Naissian Commonwealth was invited,” Hwasa says. “He’s young. Just eighteen.”

Jimin raises an eyebrow. “King at eighteen?”

“Youngest king in Naissian history,” Hwasa continues.

“Hey, is that Byul-yi-unnie?” Chae-young asks, straightening as she points to a figure crossing the ballroom. Jennie looks up from her phone and Hwasa spins around.

“We should go speak to her,” Hwasa says, standing quickly.

The girls leave, bidding Taehyung and Jimin goodbye as they cross the room to where the older woman was spotted.

Jimin takes a seat across from Taehyung again. The prince dejectedly stirred his untouched hot chocolate. The marshmallows had melted into a large gloopy cloud atop his cup and Jimin finds it strange that Taehyung hasn’t already drunk half of the sugary drink.

“It makes me uneasy,” Taehyung murmurs, his eyes downcast. “Hearing about what’s happening in Iaryen…about the possible fate of Estermery...and being unable to do anything…”

Jimin takes a sip of his mulled wine, reaching to grab a bag of pastel orange marshmallow squares.

“What do you expect us to do?” Jimin starts softly. “Attalia’s not famed for our strength in the military. We barely have enough soldiers to protect our borders. We’re commerce and artisans. Besides, striking against us would require a force of airships, and if we choose to take part in the war, we’ll need military airships.”

Taehyung bites his lower lip. “No, but... I feel as though we should be able to do something. We’re a neutral party, friends with everyone and yet not enough do anything about it.”

“Attalia has a reputation, we are the Floating Isles. Divine.”

“Only by our people. The rest of the world believes that the isle’s ability to float is due to science, something about the gravitational pull and buoyancy.” Taehyung tsks, rolling his eyes and rubbing the bridge of his nose with one hand.

Jimin remains silent, squishing the marshmallow between his thumb and forefinger.

“Religion matters so little to people…” Taehyung continues, resting his chin in his hands again, eyes half-glazed as he watches people mingle around the room. “Those who are faithful are ridiculed, why else do you think my father pushes for tourism of the castles and galleries in Marsylle rather than the temples of the Goddesses. Many have no concern for the faith – if things don’t make sense, they look to science and not to the heavens.”

Jimin pops the marshmallow into his mouth, using it as an excuse not to reply just yet. The Crownsguard was never as religious as the Crown Prince. He prays to the Mother Goddess out of habit built over his childhood spent in the proximity of the Royal Family. He always had a lingering notion of doubt, especially as technology continues to progress.

“Doesn’t matter though,” Jimin finally says, “The king wouldn’t have it. We are an impartial country. We kept our peace because no one sees us as a threat. Once the Sky City of Marsylle becomes the Sky Fortress, then we are in danger.”

“You sound like my father,” Taehyung whispers, glancing back at Jimin with a soft smirk. He returns to stirring his still full drink. “As well as the kings before him. But times have changed, Jimin, and I fear Attalia will falter if we cannot change with it.”

Jimin raises an eyebrow at Taehyung’s bold statement. “Oh? Will you be the king to bring Attalia to the future?”

Taehyung freezes, fingers dropping the spoon as he curls his hand into a fist. He drops his gaze, breaking eye contact with Jimin as he turns away abruptly.

“Taehyung?” Jimin asks. “Did I say something wrong?”

“No,” Taehyung replies quickly, too quickly. “It’s nothing…”

“Taehyung -”

Taehyung suddenly stands. “Halmeoni!”

Jimin puts his mug down, twisting into a stand. He turns to see the Dowager Queen making her way over to the alcove seats with her cane in one hand and a young court lady grasping to her other. The crowd parts for her, bowing and curtsying to the Queen Mother. Taehyung is at her side in a heartbeat, dipping lowly and taking his grandmother’s free hand to press a kiss against her knuckles and then on her cheeks. He takes over for the lady’s companion with a bright smile that crinkles his eyes, helping his grandmother into his seat.

Jimin moves to place his hand over his heart, bowing before the Dowager Queen. Jimin offers a seat to the Dowager Queen’s lady companion. She declines, stating that the Queen Mother is in good hands and if they need to find her, she won’t be far.

“Your Majesty,” Jimin greets.

“Children,” the Dowager Queen says with a sigh, resting her cane against the wall, “Sit.”

Taehyung smiles widely, settling beside his grandmother. “I didn’t think you were going to come, Halmeoni. Are you feeling well enough to be here?”

“It is not very often that celebrations are held at Blamont Castle,” she says as Taehyung drapes the blankets over her legs. Jimin sits across from the pair, relaxing as he leans against the chair, with one arm hanging comfortably over the backrest. “In my reign, I’ve been here only twice. It is not an opportunity I am to miss because of a mere cold.”

“If you say so, Halmeoni,” Taehyung sings, all trace of his earlier discomfort gone in his grandmother’s presence.

“Now tell me,” she says, leaning into the table with a conspiratory grin, “Have you found any potential suitors? I am surprised they aren’t gifting you with hundreds of flower crowns already.”

Taehyung laughs, a soft, breathy sound leaving his lips. “Halmeoni! I am not even of age yet.”

“No matter, I am determined to see one of my grandchildren married before I leave this earth.”

“Don’t say that, please,” Taehyung returns, quietly, taking his grandmother’s hand into his own. “I’ll get married when I find the right one. And you’ll be there by my side.”

“Alright, my child,” the Dowager Queen relents, and Jimin smiles at the scene.

“Tae-tae-hyung!” comes a sudden call. Jimin turns to see the youngest of the Attalian King’s children skidding to a stop before the table. Mingyu was already so tall for his age at 16-years-old, lanky limbed and just ever so slightly off balanced. Jimin just barely managed to get to his feet to properly greet the Second Prince himself. Mingyu comes rushing towards Taehyung and their grandmother, sits down on her other side, stopping just to bow and take her hand to kiss the back of her knuckles and both of her cheeks.

“Halmeoni, Tae-tae-hyung, Jimin-hyung,” Mingyu greets, sitting down beside Taehyung and throwing his arms around his older brother. Taehyung laughs as his younger brother nuzzles closer. “I was looking for you, hyung.”

“Where is Ji-hyun?” Jimin asks.

“We split up to find you,” Mingyu replies. “I’ll send him a text to let him know that I found you, but there is something I need to tell you, Tae-tae-hyung.”

“What’s the matter?” Taehyung asks with a soft smile.

Mingyu leans closer, disregarding how the fiery chrysanthemum blossom in his breast pocket is being squashed by Taehyung’s arm. “I just overheard that the Asphodeline brothers are looking for you, Tae-tae-hyung,” Mingyu says. “Something about giving a tour of the castle, since you are Crown Prince…”

Taehyung’s smile falls, and his eyebrow raises.

“Oh?” Jimin whispers.

“And it was the Asphodeline brothers who wanted to give me this so-called tour?” Taehyung says.

“The Earl’s sons, aren’t they?” the Dowager Queen asks.

“Yes, Halmeoni,” Mingyu replies.

“Perhaps it wouldn’t be a bad idea to allow them to give you a tour, Taehyung,” his grandmother says, “Perhaps they’ll show you something new about your heritage... your blood right. They are keepers of the grave. You never know what you might find.”

Taehyung turns to stare into his grandmother's eyes. The Dowager Queen of Attalia dotes on all three of her grandchildren, but it is no secret that she has a particular bond with Crown Prince. Jimin furrows his brows in confusion as the two share a knowing look.


“Halmeoni is right, Jiminie,” Taehyung says, “Let’s go.”

“I last saw them in the library,” Mingyu says, taking Taehyung’s place beside the Queen Mother. “When Ji-hyun and I were looking for a place to charge our phones.”

Taehyung nods, pressing another kiss on his grandmother’s hand before standing.

Jimin follows, bidding farewell to the Queen Mother and Mingyu as he trails after the Crown Prince.

“Taehyung,” Jimin calls, grasping hold of the prince’s hand tightly.

“Hm, Jimin?”

“About what happened, before Halmeonim arrived,” Jimin starts, “I hope I did not say something that offended you, that was not my intention.”

“No, I know,” Taehyung says, “It is just - the topic of… ascension bothers me - perhaps because it makes me think of about what must happen for me to rise to power.”

The prince says his explanation slowly, words choppy. Jimin did not believe that Taehyung was entirely honest. But he knows that Taehyung will tell him in due time.

“I’m sorry for bringing up ill thoughts,” Jimin murmurs, squeezing Taehyung’s fingers twice.

Taehyung returns the gesture with a boxy, bright grin. “There is nothing to forgive.”

Just like Mingyu said, Taehyung and Jimin find the Asphodeline brothers in the extensive library of Blamont Castle.

“His Royal Highness the Crown Prince and Lord Park Jimin of House Turnesol” the footman announces as Taehyung and Jimin enter. The brothers stand from their seats by the fire. Kim Jong-dae rises in one swift, smooth movement, whereas his brother bolts to his feet. The tumbler in his hand sways and the amber-coloured liquor nearly spills.

“Your Royal Highness,” they return with low bows.

“Kim Jong-dae-ssi, Kim Jong-in-ssi,” Taehyung greets.

“It is an honour to host the members of the Royal Family,” Kim Jong-dae says, “My father is delighted to have such esteemed guests attend his birthday celebrations.

“The honour is truly ours,” Taehyung says, “Blamont Castle is not like the Palace of Marsylle, ancient history colours these walls – all the way back to the days where the goddesses walked the earth.”

“Please, allow my brother and me to give you a tour of the estate grounds,” Kim Jong-dae says, gesturing to the doors, leading Jimin and Taehyung out into the dimly light halls of the ancient citadel. It was just as Mingyu said.

It was not unusual for the nobles to begin making their move to earn the favour of the future sovereign. But Jimin does not know what Jong-dae has to gain from giving a tour to Taehyung.

Neither Jimin nor Taehyung have personally spoken to the eldest of the Earl of Grenadier’s sons. But Jimin has heard rumours, mainly from Hwasa about the 25-year-old’s ambition and cunning. He wonders what Jong-dae has heard about the clever and handsome Crown Prince.

“Do you know the history of the castle, Your Royal Highness?” Kim Jong-in asks softly.

“Not exactly, House Asphodeline hides many secrets,” Taehyung murmurs with a knowing grin.

“You are not wrong,” Kim Jong-dae returns with a playful smile of his own.

Taehyung clasps his hands behind his back nonchalantly, eyes trailing up and down the high ribbed-vault of the ceiling. Jimin walks on the right-hand side of the prince with one hand resting in his pocket as he listens to the conversation. “I know that there are catacombs beneath these grounds. Extensive catacombs that date back thousands of years, and are the final resting place of those of Asphodeline blood.”

“You are well versed, Your Royal Highness,” Kim Jong-in murmurs.

Taehyung turns, his usual perfect posture dropping as he addresses the younger of the brothers. “Please, we’re the same age, Jong-in-ssi. Despite not being in school anymore, it does not change, you can call me Taehyung.”

Jong-in returns the grin hesitantly, glancing over to his brother.

“And I hope I can take the liberty to call you, Jong-dae-hyung?” Taehyung asks, his voice echoing across the walls. “And of course, in return, you may call me by name.”

Taehyung’s friendliness visibly unsettles Jong-dae. He nods in hesitant agreement, clearing his throat as he takes a couple steps ahead.

“What else have you heard about the catacombs, Taehyung?” Jong-dae asks.

“Hm, only what’s in stories and songs, hyung,” Taehyung replies as he follows in suit.

“Then you’ve heard of the sword of the Dynast King?”

Taehyung blinks.

“Of course, the sword of the Dynast King: first of House Chrysantheme,” Taehyung says, his deep, throaty tone dances over the title. “The blade was wrought in the blood of the Maiden’s sacrifice.”

“As far as the stories go, the sword’s final resting place is here, in the catacombs of House Asphodeline,” Jong-dae continues.

“Ah yes, I remember the stories,” Taehyung says.

“Strange how no one has unearthed the blade yet,” Jimin pipes in, “Considering its history.”

“It is said that only those with the Blood of House Chrysantheme can find the sword,” Jong-in says.

Taehyung’s brows raise as Jong-dae stops at a set of intricately carved wooden doors, beyond which Jimin sees a long hall filled with dark paintings. The gallery, Jimin assumes.

Jong-dae gestures for Taehyung to go first and Jimin follows closely behind.

“Few outside of House Asphodeline have the right to go down into the catacombs,” Taehyung says as he enters the room, his footsteps muffled by the dark carpeted floors and his words sounding softer and heavier without the reverberating echoes, “As sacred as they are.”

Taehyung wanders ahead of Jong-dae, glancing at the priceless paintings that hung on the walls. Jimin follows, his steps slower, wearier. He remembers the bright gallery of the Palace of Marsylle, the high windows on either side of the hallway would bring in the brilliant, rays of the sun and the soft, glowing beams of the moon. But in the gallery of Blamont Castle, there was little light, save for the pale glow of the lanterns.

The paintings were different as well. Unlike the gallery of Royal Family, where portraits of kings and queens of past and present sit, the galleries of House Asphodeline were filled with still-life vanitas. Jimin’s eyes linger on the wilting flowers, melting candlesticks, and yellowing skulls that seem to be present in every single painting.

“Yes, very few,” Jong-dae replies, with his hands behind his back and that coy smile returning, “But I’m willing to let you, if you wish, Taehyung.”

Taehyung stops mid-step, turning his head back to flash questioning glance.

“And why would you offer me such a grace, Jong-dae-hyung?”

“We never got off on the right foot,” Jong-dae says, strolling lazily towards the prince with both hands in his pockets. “And as your 21st birthday is approaching, you to be anointed as the heir apparent, as the Crown Prince – as the future king. It would be appropriate for me to make my stand. House Asphodeline has...long forgotten the honour of serving on the King’s Privy Council."

“A seat that is given by merit is it not?” Taehyung says, airily. Jimin scoffs under his breath, now he knows why Jong-dae wanted to befriend Taehyung: for power and wealth.

“Surely if past or future monarchs saw the virtue of having a member of the noble House Asphodeline upon the Privy Council,” Jimin starts, tearing his eyes away from the shadows of the painting before him, “Then a seat would be offered.”

Taehyung turns, letting only Jimin see the playful raise of his eyebrow. Jimin could see Jong-dae’s smile falter and behind him, Jong-in bit on his lip and pressed his hands together into a tense fist.

“But of course,” Jong-dae replies finally. “However, I hope by doing this – it’ll remind you of the favours once past. I could be in your Privy Council one day, and I want to be your friend, Taehyung – and what better way than by giving you this?”

Jong-dae turns, reaching up and pulling a large framed painting off of the wall. Jimin did not have a chance to look at that particular painting yet, and he’s glad that he’s only able to catch small glimpses of it through Jong-dae’s figure. More skeletons, more melted candles and wilting flowers, but there was also a set of eyes in sunken sockets that seemed to follow him.

Jong-dae sets aside the painting and Jimin tears his eyes away from the macabre painting to see that there was a stone passageway behind the frame. It was dark, and unlike the rest of the castle, which was fitted with electricity and modern appliances, the passageway appears to be lit by the glow of torchlight.

"You’re granting me passage to the catacombs?” Taehyung asks.

“As a favour for the future King,” Jong-dae says.

“What if I find the Sword of the Dynast King?”

“Then I hope you will remember that it was Kim Jong-dae of House Asphodeline that helped you find such glory,” Jong-dae says.

“And if I cannot?”

“You will be king by heritage and blood right. That is something that I can never take or give you,” he says, gesturing for Taehyung to walk through the doorway first.

Taehyung co*cked his head to the side, easy smile still playing on his lips, though his eyes regarded Jong-dae hesitantly. Behind him, Jimin could see Jong-in shuffling nervously.

“I accept,” Taehyung says, nodding his head. He clasps his hands behind his back as he strides confidently through the doorway.

J imin catches Jong-dae smiling to himself before following the Crown Prince. Jimin follows after them with Jong-in trailing behind. The Crownsguard wanted to be closer to Taehyung, to make sure he was okay – but he didn’t like having Jong-dae standing behind them both in a dark, almost pitch black hall.

When the soft glow of the gallery no longer reached the tunnel, Jong-dae pulls out his phone and leads them towards another door, where he produces a tiny key from around his neck and slides it through the hidden keyhole. He opens it and lets Taehyung and Jimin through.

It’s cold.

And then Jimin realizes that they must be outside, it was a small balcony beyond the door, and instead of the fields of asphodel flowers that Jimin expected to see, it was nothing but the dark horizon and the greying clouds beneath the Sky City. The Blamont Castle sits on the eastern edge of Marsylle, after all.

Jimin looks up to find a jagged cliff face – he could barely see the walls of the citadel beyond it. He scans the small balcony finds the beginning of a spiralling stone staircase on the right, half embedded into the cliff-face, and half-hanging free.

“The staircase will take you down into the catacombs,” Jong-dae says. “I will wait in the gallery for your return.”

“Thank you, Jong-dae-hyung,” Taehyung says. “I hope to return with the gift you’ve given me.”

“I hope you do as well, Taehyung,” Jong-dae bows and turns, exiting through the door and leaving it just a crack open behind him. “Come, Jong-in!”

Jong-in remains – staring at the door and his brother’s retreating figure. He then looks at Taehyung. He’s remained silent throughout the journey.


Jimin remembers that Jong-in was somewhat shy when they were in school together. But never cruel.

“Taehyung…” Jong-in starts. “I don’t know what Jong-dae-hyung is planning, but be careful….though House Asphodeline does well to maintain the catacombs – one wrong step and – ”

“To our death we’ll plunge,” Jimin murmurs, placing a hand on the railing of the balcony and peering down into the gray clouds.

“It’s alright,” Taehyung says. “I understand the risks that I’m taking.”

Jong-in digs into his pocket, producing a box of matches.

“It’s pitch black in the crypts. No technology works down there. I think it’s because of some sort of radiation in the soil. But….anyway…there are some torches down there, so take these.”

Taehyung smiles, nodding as he takes the matches.

“Be safe, Taehyung. I’ll…pray... to the Crone for your safe passage.” Jong-in bows, and leaves.

Taehyung’s smile falls, and he turns, tossing the box to Jimin, he catches it.

“Come on, Jimin,” Taehyung says.

Jimin remembers seeing a documentary on TV about how scientists were doing their best to explain the phenomena that are the Floating Isles – something about the buoyancy of the landmass and how the forces of gravity exerted on the specific soil of Attalia has changed its properties.

As they go further and further down into the crypt, the light of the moon fades, and Jimin reaches for the walls to support his descent, he pulls out his cellphone, intending to use the flashlight. But his screen began flashing on and off in eerie horizontal lines.

“Jong-in was right,’ Jimin mumbles. He takes a match and lights a torch hanging closest to him, “Technology doesn’t work… radiation he says?”

“A modern attempt to explain the supernatural powers that surround the area,” Taehyung says, comfortably falling into step beside Jimin and the light of the torch. “Jong-in isn’t particularly religious.”

“What is it then?” Jimin asks.

“The Crone,” Taehyung replies.

Ji min feels goosebumps rising on his skin.

He swallows audibly.

The crypt spirals downwards in stone cold caverns, with tombs built into the walls against the spiralling staircase, names and epitaphs engraved into the stone walls, worn down by the years that passed, but still in good shape with the upkeep by the family. The cavern was dark and damp – but well kept. Like Taehyung said – House Asphodeline had a history as keepers of the grave. Down, at the bottom of the crypt sat the stone statue of the Crone, shrouded by greying stone fabrics, her eyes obscured by the stone crown on her head. An all-seeing power – an all-knowing power as she watches over the crypt of departed souls.

“The Crone?” Jimin whispers, stopping to stare at the statue. He exhales shakily, brows furrowing at the sight of his breath fogging. It wasn’t cold enough for him to be able to see his breath, and yet down here in the catacombs, the air seems thicker.

Taehyung also stops.

“House Asphodeline are keepers of the grave, worshippers of the Crone,” Taehyung says. “No one is allowed within these crypts.”

“What is it that you’re looking for down here?” Jimin says.

Taehyung points at the statue, and now Jimin notices the gleam of metal at the base of the sculpture. It was a sword with golden floral etchings on the steel blade.

" The sword of House Chrysanthemum of course,” Taehyung says lightly. “The Sword of the Dynast King.”

“But… but how can that be? Surely if the sword exists, it should have been found by now.”

“Of course, it exists,” Taehyung says. “My father knows it’s down here. My grandmother knows it’s down here – everyone in House Chrysantheme knows where the Sword of the Dynast King rests.”

“Then why have you not retrieved it?”

“Because it rests in the crypts of House Asphodeline, worshipers of the Crone. Jong-dae is not doing this out of spite of me, he isn’t doing this because he despises the monarchy. But it is what the monarchy represents -- eternity, divinity -- a mockery of death and mortality. He’s allowing me to find the Dynast King’s sword not out of the kindness of his heart -- but because then I’ll owe him. And it is never good to owe anything to House Asphodeline. To owe House Asphodeline is to owe death. And there are greater things that I want than a sword for the price of owing death.”

Jimin’s brows furrow, as he glances around the catacombs.

“Then why did you agree to come down here?”

“Because there is something even more valuable than the Sword of the Dynast King,” Taehyung said turning and grinning.

“Which is…”

“The Pendant of the Maiden’s Tomb,” Taehyung says.

Taehyung’s eyes glow almost amber in the light of the torch, bright and wide-eyed as he licks his lips and starts to speak in a low tone.

“As the stories go, it was made by a member of House Asphodeline on the orders of Kim Sunjong, the Wandering King, centuries before. It was a map that was said to lead the way to the Tomb of the Maiden.

“How did you know it was here?”

“Much of the history of House Chrysantheme is not passed down via achieves and books, Jiminie, they were passed down as stories and songs to protect the lineage of the Maiden. Nowadays, everyone knows the stories and songs. Most of them are false…but some are true. Everyone writes it off as an old myth, but I’ve done some digging, and I know that it is here, I never thought I’d have… this simple opportunity to get it.”

“What’s the story then,” Jimin asks, as he watches Taehyung pause at every crypt to squint at the faded name. Jimin raises the torch higher, rubbing wearily at the back of his neck as they ascended again.

“Almost a thousand years ago, Kim Sunjong, Wandering King of House Chrysantheme married a woman of House Asphodeline. He told her of the secrets of the blood, secrets that should have told only to the most trusted advisors. The king told her the location of the Maiden’s Tomb. It was knowledge that was passed down through oral stories, but the king worried that such knowledge would be lost as time passed. He had her make a pendant that described its location but only coupled with the help of the Mother Goddess can one reach the Tomb. But…strangely… she took it to her grave.”

Taehyung pauses. “Here it is,” he whispers, pointing to the faded epitaph before him. He touches the stone crypt. “The grave of Kim Yonghwa.”

Jimin freezes. “Taehyung… Are we – grave robbing? You’re going to defile the final resting place of this woman.”

Taehyung turns, his face blanks as he blinks.

“Not defile, Jimin – I just want the pendant back.” Taehyung slowly. His fingers brush against the coffin. “We’re not grave robbing, we’re merely….”

Taehyung stops.

And Jimin knows it’s because he’s coming to realize what he’s about to do.

Taehyung pursing his lips. “You’re right, we are grave robbing. But I want to back what belongs to my family, and I will atone for my crimes with my blood…Do you have a knife on you?”

Jimin frowns but complies as he reaches for the small switchblade in his boot and hands it to Taehyung.

“Why do you need it?”

“To pay my respects and atone for my sin.”He cuts his index finger, wincing as the blood wells and drips over the edge of his skin, falling to the ground.

“Oh, Goddess of Death, Ruler of the Afterlife, Bringer of Eternal Dreams,” Taehyung calls, “sacred are these grounds that I humbly walk on. Forgive me for the crimes I am about to commit. I make the sacrifice of my flesh and blood for the price of disturbing the souls that rest here. I make the sacrifice of mortal blood to atone for my sins of disturbing the grace of the Crone.”

Taehyung wipes the blade on his pants after the prayer, sticking his bleeding finger into his mouth.

“I’ll do it,” Taehyung says, words muffled by the digit between his lips.

“You’re going to try and lift the crypt on your own?”

“I don’t want you to pay the price for my crimes.”

The guard stares as Taehyung returns the knife to Jimin.

He sighs loudly, handing Taehyung the torch.

“What are you doing, Jimin?” Taehyung asks. Jimin flips the switchblade open again.

Jimin was never as religious as Taehyung. But he’ll do anything to assuage the Crown Prince’s fears.

The Crown Prince’s eyes widen. “Jimin, no -.”

“Your crimes will be my crimes, Taehyung. I am your shield,” Jimin says quickly, pressing the point of the blade into the pad of his finger. “And besides… there is no way you’re going get the crypt upon on your own.”

The Crownsguard swipes quickly, watching bright red appear on his skin as he mutters the same prayer under his breath.

He wipes his finger on his pants, sheathing the blade back into his boot as he takes the torch from Taehyung.

“...Thank you, Jiminie,” Taehyung whispers.

“So, why is it so important.”

“Because the pendant is the only remaining item that maps the location of the Maiden’s Tomb.”

“You can’t believe that actually exists.”

“Of course, it does,” Taehyung says. “It is where the Blood of House Chrysantheme receives the blessing of the Mother Goddess. No one has taken the gift since it has gone missing – since Kim Yonghwa died. It has been almost a thousand years.”

Jimin furrows his brows – his memory of those who receive the gift was not as good as Taehyung’s. Those who bear the title of Blood of the Oracle.

But Jimin remembers the story of the blessing. He remembers the afternoon spent in the company of the Dowager Queen and Crown Prince years ago. He remembers the King speaking about a price to pay.

“Why do you want it? Do you want to receive the gift?”

“I don’t know...maybe?” Taehyung replies. “… It is for my descendants as well – it is a blood right. Help me, Jimin.”

And Jimin scowls, finding a metal hook for the torch as he settles beside Taehyung. Taehyung closes his eyes, muttering a prayer to the Crone under his breath and begging for her forgiveness once more.


And they both shove the stone aside. Despite the upkeep, dust plumes and a putrid odour cascade into Jimin’s senses

Taehyung coughs, shoving his nose into his elbow.

Jimin turns away biting his lip, holding his breath for a moment before pushing his nose into the sleeve of his dress shirt and inhaling the scent of his own cologne.

“Forgive me, Oh Mother Goddess, for disturbing the rest of one of my brethren, forgive me Goddess of Death for disturbing the soul of your child.” Taehyung whispers.

Jimin stands, pulling the torch down from the wall and shines into down into the stone coffin.

All that remains was a skeleton. The clothes that were centuries old, worn and moulted and jewels sitting around white bone wrists and neck. Then Jimin sees the gleam of light between the collarbones – a silver chain with a pendant hanging off the end. Taehyung sees it too, and gingerly, hesitantly reaches into the coffin with shaking fingers, he maneuvers the chain until he finds the clasp – ignoring the hollow sounds of the pendant bumping against bone - and softly and gently undoes it.

He looks down. “This is it,” he whispers.

In his hand was a flat disk with strange markings on it.

“A blood right,” Taehyung says, swallowing and tightening his fist around the chain.

Jimin paced along the length of the room in loose, chaotic circles. The haze of the smoke and the ringing in his ears have yet to dissipate from his thoughts. As were the images that came with it: blood, fire, moving Taehyung to the safe house – hovering, always hovering, helplessly while the Naissian doctors crowded around Taehyung.

Taehyung who refused to let go of Jimin’s hand, whispering incoherently – deliriously – for Jimin to contact his sister – Taehyung who at long last lost consciousness when the doctors pricked his arm with an IV pumped full of sedatives and painkillers.

Then silence.

This was Jimin’s chance to call Jennie, and he was hesitant, unsure of what he would tell the young Crown Princess.

He took a deep breath, punching in Jennie’s number into his phone and pressing it against his ear.

“Hello?” came the sleepy slur of the Crown Princess. It must be late in Attalia, being three hours ahead of Naissus.

“Jennie,” Jimin greeted slowly.

A silent pause, then Jimin could hear the static shuffling.

“Jimin-oppa,” Jennie finally said, sounding more awake.

“Is Jisoo with you,” Jimin asked, wondering if Taehyung would approve of him telling his sister. But Taehyung trusted him – trusted his decisions.

And look where it got him now.

“No,” Jennie replied. “Unnie is in the other room, why did you call Jimin-oppa? You wouldn’t call if it wasn’t important – especially not this late…. What’s happened – is Tae-tae-oppa alright?”

Jimin paused, racking a hand through his hair.

“He’s… he’s okay – he will be okay.”

Jennie waited, letting Jimin collect himself before explaining what happened – at least what he knows.

"There was an explosion that went off in the King of Naissus’ apartments,” Jimin said. “I don’t know if it was an attempt on the King’s life or an accident, but I think Taehyung saw it and saved him. They were both caught in the blast.”

Silence –

Then Jennie’s shuddering sigh – like a choked sob – swearing under her breath before trying to compose herself.

“The physicians said that he’ll be fine. That they’ll both be fine.”

“How bad,” she managed to choke out.

“Three broken ribs,” Jimin said. “Some partial thickness burns – that might scar…and two lacerations – both stitched up and the physicians are being careful about infections.”

“Is he – ”

“He’s unconscious – sedated….” Jimin replied. he ran a hand through his hair and feeling something dried on the side of his scalp. Jimin brushed haphazardly at it. He turned, glancing over at Taehyung.

“He wanted me to contact you. Probably to plan our next steps – he knew he’d be out of commission for a while.”

“…Abeoji cannot find out.” Jennie said, coming to the same conclusion Taehyung did. “Not while Taehyung-oppa cannot explain what happened. He’ll blame Naissus for putting Taehyung’s life in danger. He’ll go mad…. Was Taehyung-oppa… in the King’s apartments?”

“I don’t know if he went to the King’s apartments because he knew…Or if… if he went for…a rendezvous."

“Is he… how is it?”

“It’s only been a couple of months, Jennie. But – the King… the King made moves to officially court Taehyung last night. That should make Naissian news by the morning.”

“But – I don’t know if this changes things”

“It could have – it would have – but then this happened. I think it was an assassination attempt, Jennie.”

“And if it was, that means Naissus has internal issues that they’ll have to deal with, let alone manage foreign affairs,” Jennie says.

“Park Hae-jin’s coronation is three weeks.”

“And when are you leaving for Ravenna?”

“Six days – I’ll be attending the coronation right after.” Jennie continued. Jimin could hear the princess shuffling on the other end, her voice growing lower. “…was it?”

“I don’t know,” Jimin replied quickly. “I’m not sure – I don’t know. It could be? It probably was – but he’s – he’s under and I – I just need to follow his orders.”

“My father cannot know,” Jennie declared. “Not until Tae-tae-oppa is awake and can explain what happened. I will try and keep him distracted, especially with my coming-of-age ceremony approaching…"

“If this was an assassination attempt, it weakens the Monarchy and leaves the King vulnerable,” Jimin explained. “The Lord Chancellor and most of the King of Naissus’ Circle have agreed to keep everything hidden for now. Luckily, Sol Palace is so distant enough from the city centre that it is possible to keep everything quiet.”

“For how long?”

“I’m not sure, the Naissian King has yet to awaken.”

“Keep me updated.”

“Of course.” Jimin sighs.

“And Jimin-oppa,” Jennie started quietly.

“Yes, Jennie?”

She sighs “I can hear it in your voice. Don’t blame yourself. There is nothing you could have done. Tae-tae-oppa is not a child. He understands the consequences for his actions. He knows the risks, then and now.”

“I know, Jennie,” Jimin whispered, closing his eyes as he dropped his phone away from his ear.

3 Years Ago

- Summer -

Jimin’s breath fogged in the crisp spring turning summer air.

He wishes he wore something warmer, but Taehyung’s text came so suddenly.

And Taehyung rarely texts in full sentences. Rarely texts at all.

So Jimin came practically running to the Garden Conservatory and finds the Dowager Queen leaving with her lady-in-waiting trailing behind her.

He smiles softly. It’s been a while since he saw the Dowager Queen, for she had fallen severely ill since the Earl of Grenadier’s birthday.

He stops, when he makes eye contact with Taehyung’s grandmother, placing his hand over his heart as he bows.

“Your Majesty,” Jimin says.

“Jimin,” the duch*ess says, taping her cane on the ground as she sighs tiredly.

She looks tired, looks much worse for wear.

“How many times must I tell you to stop the formalities, child?”

“Forgive me, Halmeonim,” Jimin says, raising his head and smiling softly, “It is a hard habit to break."

The older woman takes her time walking over to Jimin, taking slow steps with her cane shaking in her hand. Her lady-in-waiting follows closely behind, hands wrapping gently but firmly around the elder woman’s arm.

Jimin watches as the Queen Mother does a once over of him. He remembers a time when he was so small, barely at her hip and now, she barely stands at his shoulders.

She sighs, reaching up and caressing Jimin’s cheek. “You both are coming-of-age so soon.”

“It isn’t that big of a deal, Halmeonim.”

“I hope not,” she says, releasing his cheek and taking his hand instead. “I hope it does not change you, does not alter your perception of the world. But, I do ask for one request, Jimin. When I am no longer here.”

“Don’t say that, Halmeonim,” Jimin breaths.

“You know it will happen one day, child.” The Queen Mother says, eyeing the boy.

“I’m his Crownsguard,” Jimin says. “I’ll never leave his side.”

“Not just that, it’s not about protecting him, Jimin, it’s about supporting him.”

Jimin furrows his brows.

"There will be decisions that Taehyung will have to make, hard and difficult decisions. And when I’m not there, I hope you will stand by his side.”

Jimin does not hesitate to nod.

“I will, Halmeonim.”

“I’m so proud of you, Jimin. And thank you.”

When Jimin bids farewell to the Queen Mother and enters the conservatory where Taehyung waits, he finds the prince sitting at the wall furthest to the entrance. Half-hidden by the vibrant green leaves that overtake the sides of the pathway. Jimin joins him, moving slowly and brows furrowing when the Crown Prince does not react to Jimin’s steps.

“Taehyung?” Jimin calls.

Taehyung doesn’t reply as Jimin joins him by the window. The guard sits with his back against the window, crossing his leg, leaning back, and closing his eyes.

Jimin tries to give Taehyung some space – he could see the redness that surrounds Taehyung’s eyes, and the tense rigidity of his shoulders. Taehyung’s grandmother must have spoken to him before Jimin arrived.

He’s been with Taehyung long enough to understand that he needs the company. The comforting silence of knowing that there was someone with him.

The Crownsguard waits, stuffing his hands into his pockets. He listens to the soft humming inside the glass building, enjoying the warm, humid air in the conservatory. The crisp spring air outside was a strong contrast to the warmth indoors. He listens to the air blowing throughout the conservatory and the hitched sounds of Taehyung’s breath.

“My father found out,” Taehyung whispers, hoarsely, “about our escapade in the catacombs.”

Jimin snaps his eyes open, brows furrowing. Taehyung doesn’t look at him, eyes downcast, fingers playing with the pendant that hangs on his neck: the map to the Maiden’s Tomb.

“He’s furious that I have jeopardized my neutrality amongst the families by choosing to accept the favour of House Asphodeline, especially since my birthday is less than 6 months away.”

“But you didn’t. You didn’t take the sword.”

“But I did take something else,” Taehyung says. He runs both hands through his lackluster red hair. “I tricked Jong-dae.”

“As he tried to trick you.”

“He doesn’t think that I owe him. But the gods know.,” he whispers. “What kind of king I will be?”

Taehyung swings his legs over the ledge, hanging his head. “I told my father that we went looking for the Pendant but couldn’t find it. I don’t know if he believes me but…if I did tell him… If I showed it to him… I swear, he’ll throw it over the cliff to prevent anyone from taking the blessing.”

Jimin mimics Taehyung, slowly placing his legs down onto the ground as he shifts to sit closer to the other.

“…Would you?” Jimin asks, his voice low. “Would you take the blessing? Is that why you wanted it?”

“I don’t know,” Taehyung answers quickly. Just as he did when Jimin asked the question months before. Taehyung licks his lips. “I…I’m not sure.”


He remembers the stories, the tales of the blessing, and the title of Blood of the Oracle and the king’s reluctance to acknowledge Taehyung’s openness to the idea.

“I met your grandmother outside…She – she seems concerned about you.”

Taehyung finally meets Jimin’s eyes.

Jimin’s always found happiness in the puddles of black in Taehyung’s eyes, the soft happy grins that graces the prince’s face where duty has not yet touched. He hates the red that rims Taehyung’s eyes and that it waters as he stares at Jimin.

“And what did she say?” Taehyung asks, voice barely audible.

“Asked me to…support you, and your decisions… if … or… when she’s no longer here,” Jimin answers truthfully.

Taehyung shakes his head and Jimin could see his lips quivering and his shoulders shaking.

“Taehyung?” Jimin whispers

“Were you happy, Jimin,” the Crown Prince asks suddenly. “Were you happy that you’re the Crownsguard of the Heir Apparent, to the future King?”

Jimin blinks.

“I’m… happy to be your Crownsguard,” Jimin says cautiously. “Are you alright, Taehyung?”

Taehyung blinks, taking a deep breath to steel himself.

And Jimin knows that he’s being serious.

That this is serious.

Taehyung loses eye contact, staring down at his hands, twisting them nervously.

“Would you feel cheated if – if I was no longer the Crown Prince?” he asks.

Jimin pauses.

“Taehyung – ”

“I can’t – ” he whispers brokenly “What – kind – ”

Taehyung takes a shuddering breath and raises his head to look Jimin in the eyes.

“I’m going to relinquish my claim to the throne and my title as Crown Prince,” he declares, pronouncing each word with purpose.

Jimin blinks. He remembers Taehyung’s reluctance to speak about ascension at Blamont Castle.


“Because I cannot be the king that Attalia wants. I’m not like my father or my sister. I can’t – I can’t take the mantle of Crown Prince.”

“Is this because of what happened at Blamont Castle?”

“No… I was thinking about it much before the Earl’s party. The Empire is rapidly growing. I know that my father plans to ride the tides of this rising ocean – he won’t fight it. king, I will want to fight it.”

Taehyung licks his lips, running a hand through his hair before clasping them both tightly in his lap. Jimin reaches out, resting his fingers on top of Taehyung’s.

“I will want to break Attalia’s long-standing neutrality,” Taehyung says. “I’d want to break our laws. I don’t have the ability to be the leader that Attalia needs – to lead the people. I’ll bring shame to House Chrysantheme.”


“I’m going to relinquish my claim to the throne, Jiminie,” Taehyung repeats quietly.

Jimin sighs, leaning against the cool glass.

“I’ve spoken to Jennie, and Halmeoni. They support my decision and Jennie is prepared to step up to the role. Jennie… Jennie would make a good queen. She’d make a brilliant Sovereign. All that was left, was to speak to my mother and father. And to tell you.”

“I know that you swore to be the Crownsguard of the future ruler of Attalia.” Taehyung takes a breath and his lips wobble again. “I will not blame you if you decide to break your oath to me.”

Jimin scoffs, then reaches down to his blazer, pulling off the lapel pin that sat proudly above his heart for the past two years. He returns it to Taehyung.

“This isn’t right anymore,” Jimin says, “If I am no longer Crownsguard to the Crown Prince, then I should wear the mark of the First Prince – to be the Crownsguard to Kim Taehyung.”

Taehyung smiles, wrapping his hand around the tiny accessory.

“Whatever your decision is, I’ll support you. It is my sworn duty to protect you, prince, king, friend, brother. I am your sworn shield, now until death.”

Taehyung grins, now finally letting the tears fall as he takes a shuttering breath, laying his head against Jimin’s shoulder, “Thank you”

“Thank you, Jiminie.”

It’s has been almost a full day since Taehyung woke up.

But still, Jimin slept fitfully. Still, he had nightmares of flickering lights and smoke and blood, and Taehyung’s still form and the feeling that the beeping of the heart monitor suddenly stopping.

Jimin wondered if he’ll ever get over seeing Taehyung’s crumbled form.

So Jimin constantly stole glances during the day, waiting until he could see the prince’s chest rise and fall before looking away.

Jimin wondered if Taehyung was asleep now because of how still he was, but he could see the knots in the prince’s brow, how tightly his lips were pressed together, and how he spun the ring around on his thumb.

Jimin turned on his heels, taking another quick peek at Taehyung.

“Stop pacing,” Taehyung mumbled, hoarsely as he shifted to pull the large cushion aside and feeling for the ice pack. “Or take your shoes off, the sound is distracting me.”

Jimin automatically pulled himself to a halt, running to help the prince, grabbing the gel ice pack where it sits just out of Taehyung’s reach and gently placing it over Taehyung’s chest.

Taehyung winced, screwing his eyes shut as he places a hand over Jimin’s and takes a shuddering breath. He was too still, and Jimin knew it was because of the pain, but Taehyung refused to take any more than the bare minimum number of painkillers that Seokjin offered – none that were strong enough to really ease the pain – only enough to take the edge off – because it leaves him feeling vulnerably dazed and ends with him feeling nauseous.

“Should I leave?” Jimin asked softly

“No, Jimin, no. That’s not what I meant,” Taehyung returned softly. “You’re giving me guilty vibes, stop it, you know it wasn’t your fault.”

Jimin sighed, sitting down by Taehyung’s side and began to fiddle with the bouquet of white and magenta lilacs that sat on the table next to the alcove, a gift from Seokjin, listening to Taehyung’s breaths.

Two days – it has been almost two days since the incident. But it’s hard to tell when Jimin’s days and nights blend together into a sleepless blur. He ran a hand through his hair, taking out his phone to see if there were any updates from Jennie.

Nothing – but that’s not a good sign either.

Taehyung continued to fiddle with the ring.

“You should speak to your father,” Jimin said.

“No –” Taehyung replied. “Not yet. Jennie has been keeping him updated, tells him she’s spoken to me, tells him I’m fine.”

“The Lord Chancellor will have to release a statement regarding the events soon,” Jimin said.

“Namjoon-hyung won’t – not until he has received a statement from me,” Taehyung swallowed, words halted as he tries to breathe. “And it’ll take another day at least – before he comes – given my state – that gives me time to think – before my father finds out."

“We need to tell your father, Taehyung,” Jimin repeated softly.

“No,” the prince said firmly. “Not yet – he’ll find out eventually – ”

“Did you see – ”

“Nothing,” Taehyung repeated. “So, I hope that means we have some time. When the King of Attalia learns of the news, he’ll personally send an airship to escort me home. I’m too valuable of an asset.”

“You’re his first-born son, Taehyung. You’re not an asset, you’re his child.”

“With a gift that is too powerful to lose and yet too valuable to utilize. No, we keep it a secret until it is no longer viable. My father will eventually learn of the news, but I hope to gain more knowledge of the attack before that happens.”

“Taehyung you can’t do this – how are you going to find any information? Jeongguk just accused you of being involved in an attack – ”

“He didn’t know.”

“That is not a good reason for being an ass,” Jimin hissed.

“He was terrified, Jimin,” Taehyung said. “He has responsibilities to his people and those he loves. I am the prince of a supposedly neutral country with a history that makes no sense to outsiders. Wouldn’t you be frightened if someone with only rumours of powers suddenly came into your life? Then suddenly saves you from an attempted assassination? Being the only one who had such information?”

“It doesn’t make any sense why he’d even think that you’d do such a thing,” Jimin muttered. “Especially not after what happened the night before."

“Jimin…. Jeongguk doesn’t remember, that I gave him a flower crown.”

“There must be gaps in his memories – Yoongi-hyung said he had a concussion.”

“That must be why... do you think he remembers what happened at the Gala?”

“No matter, it’s all over social media. ‘The King of Naissus is courting the First Prince of Attalia,’” Jimin said, reciting the news article he read earlier today. “But, when the Lord Chancellor decides to make the report of attempted assassination, it’ll be the last thing on everyone’s mind.”

“Speaking about the Lord Chancellor, Namjoon-hyung requested a meeting later this evening.”

“What are you doing to tell him?”

“I’m not sure yet...but...I busted into Jeongguk’s rooms to pull him out. They looked into the CCTV footage, its obvious I knew about the threat. There’s no way that I can lie my way out of this, not anymore.”

“You’re not….you’re not considering telling him – are you?”

“...Not Namjoon-hyung. Jeongguk.”

“No – no,” Jimin snarled, standing up and beginning to pace again. “You can’t.”

“It is my decision. I understand your loyalty to protect the Crown of Attalia, Jimin. But –– if I didn’t help – Jeongguk could have died.”

Taehyung, you almost died,” Jimin snapped, emphasizing the words. He felt dizzy, breaths becoming as short as his temper. “You almost died, and I wasn’t there to protect you! I am your sworn Crownsguard, Taehyung. This. Is. My. Duty. My loyalty is not to the King – not to the Crown of Attalia – my loyalty is to you and to you alone. Your station as the Crown Prince or First Prince does not change that - your blessing does not change that.”

“Yes, but –”

“You promised, Taehyung,” Jimin said breathlessly. “You promised me that you’ll tell me if it is a vision of great importance!”

“But you weren’t there.”

Jimin’s breath was knocked out of his throat.

Taehyung was right.

Jimin wasn’t there – because he was off dealing with his own issues – his own angry heart.

“I am not blaming you – no one is to blame, you’re right, I should have told you. But there wasn’t any time.”

“I’m sorry.”

“I am not blaming you, Jiminie,” Taehyung repeated.

Jimin bit his lip, running a hand through his hair.

“It was an assassination attempt,” Taehyung said confidently. He coughs, licking his lips. “It has to be. I just – I need to find out why and by whom. Conducting an investigation without help would be difficult. ”

Jimin starred. Taehyung’s tone of voice changed dramatically, moving forward in the conversation with a businesslike-tone as if Jimin’s outburst did not even happen. As if the Crownsguard’s frustration with Taehyung’s lack of care about his own life did not happen.

“But King made you swear that you’d consult him before you told anyone else of the gift,” Jimin said slowly, hoping to convince Taehyung to reconsider. “You swore on Halmeonim’s grave.”

“Father would forbid it,” Taehyung said.

“So, you’d break the oath,” Jimin said curtly. “You’d dishonour your grandmother’s memory for the sake of a child King.”


Jimin was so desperate to protect Taehyung. He just wanted to prevent Taehyung from making choices that could make him a target or get him killed. But he was cruel, and as soon as the words left his mouth, he regretted it.

“Taehyung - ”

“How could you say that?” Taehyung whispered, voice shuddering. “Halmeoni would trust me to make my own decisions – she’d stand by me – she’d trust me - ”

“I know. I’m sorry – I’m so sorry – I wasn’t thinking. I know you loved her.”

“I did,” Taehyung said. His voice was rising. His tone becoming brisker. “I do...I love her. But I think…. I’m falling in love with Jeongguk – I’m terrified that I’m going to lose him too, Jimin. I thought I did. I saw it. You don’t understand how frightening it is to see, Jimin. To see that I could lose everything.”

“And... and... I don’t want to lie to him anymore, don’t want to hide anything from him anymore,” Taehyung said dejectedly. “Jeongguk deserves to know.”

There was a soft knock on the door.

“Who is it?”

“Taehyung, It’s Jeongguk. May…may I come in?”

Jimin turned – heart pounding. Taehyung slumped, eyes screwing shut as he took a shuddering breath.

“Open the door, Jimin,” Taehyung whispered.

Jimin complied, raking a hand through his hair as he yanked the door open. Before him stood the King of Naissus, looking abashed, head lowered, eyes flickering. Jimin has never seen the king look so small.

“Your Majesty,” Jimin hissed.

“Jimin,” the king greeted.



“Let him in, Jimin,” Taehyung said.

Jimin carefully and slowly pushed the door open, keeping his eyes away from Jeongguk and on Taehyung.

Support him, said the Dowager duch*ess.

Support Taehyung in his decisions.

Can he?

Taehyung shifted, wincing as he paused to take a couple of shallow breaths before trying to sit up a little higher. Jimin moved just as Taehyung does, helping him ease into more comfortable position.

“What is it, Jeongguk?” Taehyung asked softly.

“I – I-‘d like to speak to you alone if I may.”

“The last time you spoke with Taehyung alone, Your Majesty, I returned to him gasping for air, I don’t think so,” Jimin snapped.

Taehyung placed a hand on top of Jimin’s, his long fingers wrapping around the Crownsguard’s.

He squeezed twice.

“It’s alright, Jimin, I think Jeongguk has regained his composure.” Jimin glanced over his shoulder to see Jeongguk’s eyes on the ground.

Taehyung’s grasp on Jimin’s hand had loosened, and he goes to move his hand away.

Jimin grasped Taehyung’s swiftly, pausing for just a moment before returning the motion.

Jimin sighed. “As you wish, Taehyung.”

3 Years Ago

- Autumn -

The nobles stand as Jimin and Taehyung enter the theatre-style arena, bowing and curtsy for the young and beloved First Prince.

Taehyung and Jimin were visiting the Sacred Islet of Ravenna, one of the major islands of Attalia, for one of its most important festivals in honour of the spirits said to protect its forests and rivers. It was one of the larger islands that surrounds the capital of Marsylle, and unlike the grand Sky City, which was the center of the arts and modernization, Ravena retained the ancient architecture in which Attalia was founded on. It preserves the tall imposing castles and temples with its high arches and imposing domes, thick marble columns alongside the rich colours of mosaics depicting the ancient gods, kings, and queens that once passed.

The islet was reachable only by airship or the impossibly built bridge that sits between the streaming waterfalls that plunges into the abyss below. Because of such, very few have ventured to the sacred islet until the age of modern technology.

The festival was a seven-day long event, filled with competitions to show off swordsmanship and dozens of decadent parties. It was a very elaborate and ostentatious festival, with many nobles and aristocratic families visiting from foreign and domestic society. Many of the royal and noble families all partake in the art of sword combat despite the introduction of guns and other methods of warfare centuries ago.

Taehyung came to represent the Divine House Chrysantheme as the ruling family of Attalia. As the first-born son, he had no choice but to attend the yearly exposition – it was always more of a display of grandeur rather than of might, of course, considering the history of peace Attalia has forged.

But the event gave those who were interested in sword fighting to flex their skill and those interested in fashion to show off the latest trend. Though the First Prince never cared for sword combat, he did have a talent for long-ranged weapons. Even then, rarely did he partake in the competitions. Jimin, however, enjoyed the art, liking the sound of his heart beating loudly in his ears, the strain against his muscles, the adrenaline rush, the watchful eyes on his back, and the constant praise of his peers.

Taehyung was content to show up to events for the parties dressed in the latest pieces from designers in Marsylle – happy to provide royal patronage to the brands that he loves. However, today, Taehyung decides to wear a velvet black suit with crystal chrysanthemum pins in the collar of his dress shirt, and a band of white around his arm with the dark petals of a gladiolus embroidered on it. Jimin is too, wearing dark colours – everyone who was close to House Chrysantheme is wearing dark colours. The First Prince also has given pause to his experimental hair colours for the time being, sticking to a soft shade of blonde.

He waves as Hwasa stood, curtsying to greet him before sitting down and patting the seat beside her. She wore an elegant black pant suit with her black hair curling in luminous waves down her back and her outfit complete with a fresh arum lily pinned to the left side of her blazer. She plays with the calling cards in her hands, engraved was the signature emblem of her family, House Gouet.

Taehyung nodded his greeting to the nobles in return, sitting at his designated seat in front of the arena. The entirety of front rows were reserved for monarchy and nobility – many whom were close ranks with the King of Attalia, but there were some guests who came from abroad to participate in the festivities as well – all wanted to see the splendor that was the Sacred City of Ravenna.

Jimin sits on Taehyung’s right, running a hand through his hair as he crosses his legs. He watches as the prince does the same, elegantly lacing his fingers together in his lap as he leans closer to Hwasa who sits on his left. Jimin fiddles with the thick piece of cardstock in his hands, running his index finger over the embossed outline of the sunflower, proud to be representing House Turnesol and his station as the First Prince’s Crownsguard.

“Hwasa,” Taehyung greets.

“Taehyung, Jimin,” she returns. “Shame Jennie couldn’t make it.”

“She’d make a better attendant than I,” Taehyung comments lightly.

Jimin couldn’t help but agree. The princess would be much better of a candidate, perhaps enjoying the festivities more so than Taehyung.

The afternoon’s events were taking place in an ancient building that once served as a shrine for the spirits but was now converted into a theatre on most occasions and an arena for the day.

There were other members of royalty present at the competitions today, familiar and unfamiliar faces, some were from the Territories of Duscae, others from the mainland of Iaryen who haven’t been ravaged by the Empire. But none were as revered or gossiped about as the young First Prince who had recently abdicated his position for the throne.

As for Jimin, he could feel eyes on him as well, he knew he had a reputation amongst those who partook in the arts, especially on the mainland of Iaryen. Afterall, he held the reputation for being the youngest Crownsguard in Attalian history.

He knew before long, someone would hand him their calling card to partake in a challenge. He scanned the theatre, wondering if there was anyone he would be interested in challenging.

“There is quite a crowd today,” Taehyung remarks, more interested in the people who decided to attend than the challengers battling in the arena.

“Anyone you find interesting, Jimin?” Hwasa asks.

“Not yet,” Jimin responds, turning back to the pair. “Shame that Naissus never takes part in these events. I’ve heard quite a lot about their style of swordplay.”

“Maybe next year,” Hwasa says, pushing her hair behind her ear in one smooth motion, eyeing the stage where two swordsmen squared off in an elaborate display of might with beautiful Vestonion weapons. “No matter, you have quite a few to choose from.”

“Next year?” Taehyung asks, curiously.

“At least with how things are going,” Hwasa continues. “The new king of Naissus is beginning to open the border. I heard that they’re prospering with opening trade outside of their commonwealth and creating a powerful military. Rumours are that the king is unveiling his first air fleet, complete with the state-of-the-art dreadnought he so aptly named ‘the Titan’.”

Jimin whistles, “They could give the Empire a run for their money.”

“Naissus could defeat the Empire if they can grow their fleet like that within the time that the new King has been in power,” Hwasa comments.


“The new king is young and proposes many changes to the country, revolutionizing it. ‘A king for the modern ages,’ as they call him.”

“A young king?” Taehyung repeats, airily. “I remember speaking of him at the Earl of Grenadier’s birthday…”

“Indeed very, young, younger than you, Taehyung. And he’s f*cking adorable and an eligible bachelor,” Hwasa says, pulling out her phone. “Here, let me show you – ”

But she never got a chance when an attendant arrives, bowing as he leans close to Taehyung’s ear.

“Your Royal Highness,” an attendant calls. Taehyung glances over and finds the attendant offering him a small folded piece of paper. “Forgiving me for interrupting your conversation, but I’ve been asked to give this to you.”

Taehyung raises an eyebrow. “For me, are you certain?"

“Yes, sir.”

Taehyung takes it, unfolding it to reveal a piece of paper with the mark of an unfamiliar house and a name.

“What the…it’s a calling card,” Jimin says, “someone’s challenging you.”

“Not to a duel though, to a target challenge,” Taehyung murmurs. He swipes a finger of the emblem, tracing the shape of a lion’s head embossed in silver: the national animal of Orivala.

“Yoo Su-hwa,” Taehyung reads.

He looks up, searching the crowd and Jimin follows as well. Then someone raises their hand as if to get their attention.

Jimin squints.

They were across the theatre, blurred by the bodies that weaves in between Jimin’s vision in front of him.

But he now can recognize that face, Jimin’s seen it enough in the background of the Emperor of Orivala’s speeches and official photographs.

Clean and sharp features, a perfect smile, black clothes with gold and maroon accents, a brooch in the shape of a lion’s head in the centre of the collar of his black dress shirt.

The Lion of Rossarya.

Jimin’s blood runs cold.

“Is – is that?”

“Yeah…” Taehyung says.

Park Hae-jin: Crown Prince of the Orivalian Empire.

“Why is he attending?” Hwasa mutters.

“He has no f*cking right to attend an event like this – a festival to honour the peace…” Jimin starts.

“Through the display of combative arts,” Taehyung continues in defense.

“The city of Ravenna sends out invitations to all nations on the Crown’s behalf,” Hwasa says, “and it would be unwise not to send an invite to the Empire, especially now.”

Jimin shifts his eyes to see a pretty girl sitting beside the Crown Prince. She was much younger than both Taehyung and Jimin with long black hair and stunningly sharp eyes. She nods her head in rapid succession in greeting first at Taehyung, then Jimin, and lastly at Hwasa before turning and looking at the Crown Prince.

“Yoo Su-Hwa…. I presume,” Hwasa whispers lowly.

Taehyung is silent, then suddenly he lifts the calling card, grinning as he hands the cardstock back to the attendant.

He turns to the attendant. “I did not bring my own calling card,” Taehyung says apologetically, “but notify Yoo Su-Hwa-ssi that I will accept her challenge.”

“Of course, sir, please if you’ll follow me, I will take you to the place where the ranged weapon competitions are held.”

Taehyung stands, and already behind them, Jimin could hear low mutterings.

“Stay, Hwasa,” Taehyung says, “Challenge someone amusing, I don’t want too many people at the target range.”

“I don’t know how much good that will do – but as you wish, Taehyung,” she says. Hwasa flags down an attendant and making a show of handing them her calling card. Hwasa was famed for her combat skills with twin blades, powerful and yet graceful. There will be many who will want to watch her in action

“What the f*ck, Taehyung,” Jimin mutters lowly behind the prince, swiping a hand through his hair. “What are you playing at? You never agree to a combative challenge, including ones from me.”

Taehyung kept the casual gait, hands laced behind his back, and a soft grin on his face.

Jimin turned to see the Crown Prince of Orivala and Yoo Su-Hwa standing as an attendant led them towards the exit as well. Once they were outside the stadium, Taehyung drops the grin and the lightness in his step. He turns to glance at Jimin with a stern look.

“Search Yoo Su-Hwa on the web,” Taehyung demands as the attendant lead them to the pitch across the arena.

They meandered around the brilliant, fire-coloured trees before entering the tent where the competitors waited and prepared for the long-ranged weapon competitions. It was empty, warm in the autumn rays of Attalian sun, and lavishly stocked with equipment for long-range combat competitions, from bracers, finger tabs to a variety of bows and throwing knives.

Taehyung turns and dismisses the attendant.

“I need to know who I’m up against, Jimin.”

Jimin scowls, pulling his phone out of his pocket, typing in the girl’s name.

No pictures, nothing familiar under the name.

“Nothing…” Jimin says.

Taehyung turns around, brows furrowing as he carefully takes off his blazer.

“What do you mean nothing?”

“I mean there is nothing on the net about a Yoo Su-hwa of Orivala. She probably not of Orivalian peerage.”

“That doesn’t make any sense.” Taehyung bits on the outside of his lip, cross his arms as he thinks. “What if Park Hae-jin is hiding something. What if both hiding something. Only nobility and monarchy are invited to this event, rarely are socialites invited to attend festivities in Ravenna, especially foreign socialites. She has to be nobility.”

“Then who is she, and why is she challenging you?”

“Exactly, Jimin,” Taehyung says. “Who is this person, who is sitting next to the Crown Prince of Orivala and chooses to challenge me?”

Jimin turns his phone absentmindedly in his palm. “What have you heard about Park Hae-jin?”

“Very little – other than what my father has told me,” Taehyung says. He tosses his blazer over a chaise lounge behind Jimin, and turns to choose what appears to the first fabric arm bracer he finds. The prince sizes it over his forearm. It was obviously too big as he distractedly tries to put it on.

Jimin rolls his eyes, taking the ill-fitting bracer from Taehyung and handing him a leather one.

“Which was?”

“Be weary, for Park Hae-jin is a cunning one,” Taehyung says, letting Jimin help him do up the straps of the arm guard. He looks up to meet Jimin’s eyes. His free hand brushes at the pendant underneath the collar of his shirt. “Something’s wrong here and accepting her challenge is perhaps the only way to find out.”

“His Royal Highness the Crown Prince of Orivala, and Lady Yoo Su-Hwa."

Jimin turns and bows in the same motion to the new arrivals.

As he learned from Taehyung and from years of being near the centre of Attalian court: being kind and respectful was one way through someone’s defenses, and they needed to get through Park Hae-jin’s.

“Your Royal Highness,” Jimin greets in the Common Tongue. “My Lady.”

Taehyung turns, giving his winning smile. “It’s a pleasure to finally met you, Your Grace,” he says, bowing before holding out his hand and shaking Park Hae-jin’s with both hands respectfully.

“And you as well, Your Royal Highness.”

“Please, Taehyung is fine.”

Park Hae-jin blinks, “Then you can call me hyung.”

“Hae-jin-hyung,” Taehyung repeats grinning widely.

A grin pulls on Park Hae-jin’s face but there was something… wrong with it.

Something calculating – something unsettling.

Taehyung turns to Yoo Su-hwa. “It a pleasure to meet you too, Yoo Su-Hwa-ssi, is it?”

“Your Royal Highness,” Yoo Su-hwa says, dipping into a curtsy, “Thank you for accepting the challenge.”

“It is my pleasure…”

“Actually,” Park Hae-jin says, stepping in, “I asked Su-hwa to send you the calling card because I didn't think you’d accept otherwise.”

“What do you mean, hyung?”

“Su-hwa isn’t challenging you, it is I.”

Taehyung blinks.

Jimin has known Taehyung for long enough to see the tiny flash of anger in his eyes, the slight narrowing of his eyes, the furrow of his brow and the small turn of his lips and the lowering of his head.

He’s angry.

But then it all melts away as he smiles pleasantly.

“I cannot refuse the Crown Prince of Orivala, can I?” Taehyung hums, and Jimin could hear a small growl in his voice. Jimin glances over, and he sees how guilty Su-hwa looks. How genuinely distressed she is for lying to Taehyung.

The Crown Prince smiles almost innocently.

“I look forward to it. Please, choose your bow and braces, hyung,” Taehyung says, leading Park Hae-jin towards the display of equipment.

Taehyung then returns to the chair when the Crown Prince and the younger girl browsed the displays, with Yoo Su-hwa brushing her hand against the wood of the bows beside the older man.

The First Prince continues to prepare for the competition, picking up his blazer and removing the arm band from his left sleeve. He hands it to Jimin to adjust over the sleeve of his dress shirt to display the deep purple embroidered outline of the gladiolus flower.

“He played me,” Taehyung whispers under his breath in Attalian. “He knew I wouldn’t agree to a challenge directly from him, but guessed I’d be curious enough to say yes to someone whom I don’t know and has a relationship with him.”

“Why didn’t you say no just now?” Jimin returns, adjusting the sleeve and helping Taehyung put on the forearm bracer again.

“Because I’ve already agreed – despite Hwasa’s efforts, I’m sure a crowd has already drawn outside,” Taehyung says, pulling off the chrysanthemum flowers on his collar and loosening the first button. “M y reputation was damaged when I abdicated my title. I don’t want to lose any more favor; besides, the crowd won’t expect much from me anyway and - ”

“My consolation on your loss of the Dowager Queen,” Park Hae-jin says, turning around and eyeing the pair. Taehyung looks up to see Park Hae-jin approaching. The older man had taken off his gold embroidered jacket and donned an arm guard, Su-hwa walks behind him, holding the blazer, his discarded tie and brooch.

Jimin regards her, wondering if she held the same p osition as he did for Taehyung. But he couldn’t see her being a Crownsguard, too young, he thought, sensing the shyness that surrounded her along with a protectiveness that Park Hae-jin held for her.

“She was your grandmother, was she not?” Park Hae-jin asks, reaching out and pinching the white arm band.

Taehyung follows the older man’s hands, eyes lowered as he stares.

“Yes,” Taehyung hums, voice barely above a whisper, “thank you for your condolences.”

“I am surprised that you are still attending the Festival, I was told you were quite close to her.”

“I was,” Taehyung says quietly, “But she wouldn’t want me to be wallowing in sorrow. Besides, if I didn’t come today, I wouldn’t have had the opportunity to challenge you.”

“They were right about you, Taehyung. Charming as you are beautiful.” Park Hae-jin smiles and pats Taehyung’s shoulder. “I’ll meet you on the field when you’re ready. Forgive me if I brought up ill thoughts.”

He leaves the tent with Su-hwa in tow.

Jimin turns Taehyung around, placing both hands on Taehyung’s shoulders and searching the prince’s eyes.

“You don’t have to do this, Taehyung,” Jimin says, watching as Taehyung closed his eyes and take a shuddering breath. Jimin’s heart sinks. It took weeks to pull Taehyung out of the grief and the daze of his grandmother’s passing. There were signs, the Dowager Queen’s h ealth declined rapidly throughout the year, the elder woman herself knew her time was coming to an end. But it was a terrible blow for Taehyung. It took so much encouragement from Taehyung’s siblings and Jimin to convince him to take part in Ravenna’s festivities.

“And what .. back down?” Taehyung asks, lifting the tarp entrance of the tent just a smidge to take a peak.

Word of the First Prince of Attalia accepting a challenge must have travelled rather quickly. The stands were filling rapidly with the excited and tense murmurs of the crowd.

“Taehyung, you haven’t p roperly participated in a challenge since you were 16,” Jimin says under his breath. “And even then, you know you aren’t at the level to be taking part in a competitive event.”

He was good, that much Jimin knew, Taehyung was well versed in long-ranged weaponry. It was about the only thing that he participated in for his classes. But he also wasn’t aware of Park Hae-jin’s skills.

“I know that,” Taehyung returns.

“What would the people think?”

“The people see me as the sweet and kind and naive prince,” Taehyung says. “To them this is a friendly challenge. You know just as well as I, that everyone has little expectations on my skill set for combat, the goal here isn’t to win: it’s to find out more inform ation.”

He opens the tent, the crowd’s hushed whispers growing louder at his appearance. Taehyung was smiling when Park Hae-jin and Yoo Su-Hwa turn to greet him.

"Speak to the Yoo Su-hwa for me.”

“What,” Jimin hisses. “Taehyung, I’m not you – I can’t.”

“Try, whatever you can glean would be very useful. And I’ll do the same with the Crown Prince, there is something going on – I can sense it.”

“Taehyung, I have a bad feeling about this. Attalia is neutral, you shouldn’t be interfering to begin with.”

“And I think it’s time we change that.”

The competitions took place outside on a green pitch often used for other sporting events, now transformed into lanes for targeted challenges. The competition was divided into three rounds. The challengers each chose one of three weapons, the final being the use of a rifle. In the end, the one who scored the highest point in accuracy wins.

Park Hae-jin chose throwing-daggers and Taehyung made his choice the longbow.

The attendants bow, taking the participants’ chosen weapons and bringing them out onto the field. Taehyung smiles radiantly waving to the crowd as they approached the first lane and target.

Jimin and Yoo Su-hwa meandered off to the side, where the Crownsguard watches with trepidation as the low buzz of the crowd fills him with a nervous, excited energy. He shifts uncomfortably from foot to foot, toying with the ceremonial, decorative blade at his hip.

“The next competitors: His Royal Highness, the First Prince of Attalia vs. His Royal Highness, the Crown Prince of Orivala.”

The crowd claps politely, whispers and rumours flying. Jimin knew that the news of Taehyung’s participation would have already reached Marsylle.

All eyes were on the young prince as he makes his way to the dart board.

“Competitors, please make your way to the first round: throwing knives.”

Taehyung starts first, taking the hilt of th e blade in his right hand. He takes aim, running through the motion of throwing twice slowly and steadily before whipping the knife in a graceful, swift motion.

The dagger embeds itself in the wooden circle just within range of earning points.

“His Royal Highness, the First Prince of Attalia earns three points.”

Park Hae-jin steps up to the mark with the grace of a lion. He lifts the dagger with practiced ease and flings it at the board in one sharp and powerful swing.

“His Grace, the Crown Prince of Orivala earns ten points.”

Taehyung’s not so good at throwing knives.

His next one is a little better, throwing with his left hand this time and earns 7 points. He finally manages 9 points with his last throw, getting into the rhythm of it.

But he won’t catch up to the Crown Prince with knife throwing, the round ending with Taehyung earning 19 points to Park Hae-jin’s 26.

Jimin breath es out a sigh, he prays Taehyung excels in archery to make up for what he knows will be a failure in performance during shooting.

Taehyung hates using guns.

Jimin takes a deep breath, determined to learn something, just as Taehyung had requested. He turns to the young girl who sat beside him with her back ramrod straight and her fingers fiddling with the hemline of Park Hae-jin’s blazer.

“Lady Yoo Su-hwa-ssi isn’t it?” he asks softly.

She jumps glancing over and nodding quickly.

“Yes. Lord Park Jimin.”

“How are you enjoying the festivities?”

Her smile brightens, like a child. “Ravenna is beautiful. I’ve never seen the sky change so many colors, nor such soft, white clouds, it looks like Dragon’s Beard Candy.”

Jimin couldn’t help but smile at her childlike delight. Her quietness and excitement remind him of Jihyun.

“I take it you don’t leave Orivala often?”

“No, I’ve never left Rossarya before,” she replies.

“It’s actually my first public outing. Hae-Jin-oppa insisted that I come with him.”

“First public outing?”

She nods. “I lived a very sheltered life.”

Park Hae-jin draws his bow first, and lands 7 points. Taehyung uses a left-handed bow. But there was tension in his eyes, an awkwardness to his posture as he squares his shoulders and nocks his bow, pulling the string back. He turns and makes eye contact with Jimin. Jimin smiles, giving Taehyung his own version of the prince’s grin with all teeth. It seems to help.

Taehyung’s tense shoulders drop just slightly as he takes aim and releases.

“His Royal Highness, the First Prince earns 8 points!”

Jimin breathes out and Yoo Su-hwa claps politely beside him.

“I’m sorry,” she says, “For tricking you and His Royal Highness. Hae-jin-oppa was afraid that the First Prince would not accept if he challenged him out rightly.”

“You aren’t wrong…” Jimin mumbles, licking his lips as his thoughts race on how to proceed. He makes the decision on being honest, like Taehyung would.

“I-I tried to search you up on the internet,” he says. “But it seemed to not have very many results…”

She nods, reaching up and curling a loose strand of hair behind her ear. “Like I said, I live a sheltered life, I won’t make my official debut until I’m 18, or if Abeonim abdicates and Oppa takes the throne.”

Jimin’s breath catches in his throat.

“The Crown Prince is your brother?” he manages to get out.

She nods again, “Half-brother. I took my mother’s name.”

Princess – She’s a princess.

“The Emperor took another wife?”

“No, not exactly. After the empress died, my father did not take another wife, but he did have a mistress.”


“Illegitimate,” she finishes. “But I’m still a princess of the blood. Knowledge of my existence is not a secret, Many of the peerage in Orivala know that the Emperor has another child. Hae-jin-oppa wants to keep me away from politics, at least until I’m of age. Oppa and Abeonim thought it would be best to keep my existence hidden until after Oppa rises to power. It’ll make the transition easier, so no faction attempts to put me on the throne. But my brother trusts me.”

“Is it because someone will want to put you on the throne?”

She turns, brows furrowing. She lets go of her brother’s jacket and starts to pl ay with the pleated skirt of her emerald green dress instead.“I guess so. But I’m not sure why – Hae-jin-oppa is born to rule.”

“Why are you telling me all this?”

“Because Oppa said you or His Royal Highness might ask and… I should answer you honestly if you do.”

Jimin blinks, licking his lips as he turns his eyes back to Taehyung and Park Hae-jin. Jimin wishes Taehyung was here. He’s not good at this, he doesn’t have Taehyung’s silver-tongue. He closes his eyes, like Taehyung said, Park Hae-jin is a cunning man. There has to be a reason why he’s allowing his half-sister to give all this information.

He wonders briefly if she’s lying.

But Jimin could see the resemblance in the pair: straight noses, and wide, sharp eyes, the same curve of their lips and cupid’s bow. Beautiful and most definitely siblings.

There has to be a reason why Park Hae-ji n would al low Su-hwa to divulge such knowledge.

Perhaps it is because he doesn’t see Attalia as a threat.

Park Hae-jin’s in the lead, only 2 points. Taehyung made a comeback with his choice of archery.

They take a short break, as Taehyung and the Crown Prince go to the table to find refreshments. Su-hwa bounces towards her brother and Jimin quickly heads towards Taehyung to report his findings.

“Did you learn anything?” Taehyung asks, bringing a cup to his lips.

“Yoo Su-hwa is not nobility. She’s royalty,” Jimin mumbles. “Yoo Su-hwa is Park Hae-jin’s half-sister, she’s a princess.”

Taehyung nearly spits the water he’s drinking. He turns sharply to the pair as Jimin reports the rest of his findings. He comes to the same conclusion that Jimin has – it makes sense.

“Why tell you though,” Taehyung mutters turning back and pulling the bracer off his arm. “This information seems to be too secretive to tell foreigners…unless he doesn’t see Attalia as a threat."

“That’s what I thought too.”

“Once again, our reputation precedes us. Never does Attalia become involved in the world of political aff airs,” Taehyung murmurs. “It’s a test – he lured me in with her, hook line and sinker…”

The judges call for order and the resuming of the challenge. Taehyung sets his cup down, preparing to head back onto the field. “I need to finish this, then we’ll talk. Talk to Su-hwa about Galatea and Estermery, she might not give an answer but – ”

“It doesn’t hurt to ask,” Jimin finishes, he nods and returns to the sidelines.

“Third challenge: rifle shooting!”

Taehyung stares as the attendants hand him a pair of safety glasses and giant set of bright green earmuffs to protect against the sound of the pistol. Park Hae-jin did the same, and just before Taehyung puts on the earmuffs, the Crown Prince says something and Taehyung freezes, looking up and tilting his head to the side. Jimin couldn’t hear. But Park Hae-jin grins and Taehyung’s lip quivers downwards, before he nods with a light smile.

“Can I ask you another question, Su-hwa-ssi?”

“Of course.”

“I heard that Orivala plans on annexing Estermery,” he says, turning away from the field, smiling pleasantly at the young girl. “What are you thoughts on this?”

“It is true,” Yoo Su-hwa says quietly.

Jimin frowns, turning away to catch the moment before Park Hae-jin pulls the trigger.

“His Royal Highness, the Crown Prince earns 9 points!”

“Lord Park Jimin,” Yoo Su-hwa calls,

Jimin returns his attention to the girl and sees a change in her demeanour and the firm set of her lips.

“I...I understand that you see Orivala as a threat,” she says resolutely, “With how many countries we’ve conquered. And… I admit that I am naïve of the war efforts and of how much destruction we’ve caused, but I believe that the people are better off under the banner of my father. There are territories that have spent years living in poverty. My father does not ask them to change their ways, simply to offer their fealty to him in exchange for protection and supplies. When my brother rises to the throne, I know he will do the same.”

And Jimin could see the admiration in the young girl eyes. She truly does look up to the older man.

“So how are your brother and father planning to peacefully settle things with Estermery.”

“It was my brother’s idea to declare a union of the two countries through marriage.”

Jimin frowns. “Marriage?”

“The Archduke of Estermery has a son, just a couple years older than I,” she says quietly, hugging her brother’s jacket to her chest.

“Ahn Hanul,” Jimin answers.

“We are both too young to marry. But the promise of an alliance will ensure that war will not enter Estermian soil and we hope Galatea will surrender without conflict.”

“I find it odd that the Crown Prince does not want to marry Ahn Hanul, himself.”

“His Grace, the Crown Prince of Orivala wins with 77 to 71 points!”

Jimin whips his head around and swears under his breath in Attalian. It wasn’t as if he expected Taehyung to win, but it still incredibly discouraging.

Taehyung drops the gun, glasses, and the earmuffs onto the table in a pil e before tu rning with a tight smile. He stops, just Park Hae-jin leans in, his mouth just centimetres away from Taehyung’s ear. The First Prince stays rooted in place, as Park Hae-jin takes his hand and places a kiss on the back of Taehyung’s palm.

Jimin stares with wide eyes.

“I think it’s because Hae-jin-oppa has someone else in mind,” Yoo Soo-hwa murmurs.

Park Hae-jin turns on his heels, walking towards Jimin and Yoo Su-hwaJimin quickly lowers into a bow, heart pounding loudly.

“See you later this evening, Park Jimin-ssi,” the Crown Prince says, grinning as he takes his blazer and tie from his sister.

Taehyung returns, frowning as he watches the Orivalian pair leave.

What the hell happened?” Jimin asks.

“I made a bet with him. And I lost.”

“What was the bet?”

“He wants to escort me at the reception party tonight.”

Jimin sat in the corner of the hallway with his legs stretched before him and head pressed back against the wall. He had the guards go on a break, knowing that the next shift started in twenty minutes, and Jimin trusted himself to guard Taehyung’s rooms for at least that long. It also gave him an excuse to stay close in the event that the prince needed him. Jimin had lost his trust in the King of Naissus.

He played absentmindedly with the hem of his shirt and he knew he was a strange sight to see for anyone passing, slumped against the wall in front of the doors of his shared rooms with the Prince. His vision blurred in a mass of colours, until he sees the familiar tuff of black hair standing in front of him.

Jimin blinked, raising his head.

“Yoongi-hyung,” Jimin mumbled.

The Right-Hand of the King stared with his eyes narrowed before sighing and slowly lowering himself onto the ground beside Jimin, moving gingerly as he leaned against the wall and stretched out his legs.

Yoongi’s arm grazing against Jimin’s as the older man shifted and with it, came the scent of orange blossoms again.

“So,” Yoongi finally started, humming in the soft melody of Attalian, “What the f*ck are you doing on the ground.”

Jimin threw his head back and scoffed at the strange absurdity of the question.

“I was banished from my rooms.”

Yoongi huffed, “For what?”

He sighed. “Because your King is speaking with my prince,” Jimin said quietly, “And I hope he is doing well to reconcile for his actions.”

“I wouldn’t stop you,” Yoongi started, “If you did want to give Jeongguk a piece of your mind.”

“Why, Yoongi-hyung, what a treasonous thing to say,” Jimin said humorlessly, turning to face Yoongi. The older man stared with furrowed brows.

“I hope you’re not beating yourself up for whatever happened, Jimin-ah,” he whispered.

“Whatever’s done is done, my duty is to prevent anything else from happening again.”

Yoongi sighed, raising a knee and resting his arm against it.

“… I assume you were sworn in as a Crownsguard?”

Yoongi said, eyeing the pin on Jimin’s lapel, like the pin of the Crown Prince, it was a shield with the motif of a chrysanthemum, but now instead of a diamond – which was what Jisoo wore – Jimin’s pin now has a centre of a deep blue sapphire stone.

Jimin nodded. “When I was eighteen.”


“And you?”


“And you’ve taken a pledge?” Jimin asked, pointing to the raised pink scar on Yoongi’s open hand. “I see the same mark on the others close to the King. You’ve taken an oath.”

Yoongi slid his fingers over the palm of his left hand, humming an affirmation. “It is a binding oath, I’m not Jeongguk’s shield as you are to the prince but…My life is his, as yours belongs to Taehyung.”

Jimin nodded.

“I’ll protect him,” Jimin whispered – more for himself than for Yoongi.

“I know you will,” Yoongi returned.


“What is he like? Jimin asked, “Your brother – King of Naissus?”

Jimin hasn’t had very many encounters with the younger man. Only seen the soft glimpse of innocence that somehow still remained in his eyes though often clouded by the weariness of bearing the weight of the Crown. He once remembered seeing that in his own – and Taehyung’s.

Jimin may hate the king now for what he said to Taehyung… Taehyung forgives too easily. But if Taehyung would forgive Jeongguk, it wouldn’t be long before Jimin would too.

“He’s idiotic at times,” Yoongi grumbled. Jimin almost scoffs at the endearing softness in Yoongi’s voice as he insulted his sovereign. “And ambitious – he wants to accomplish so much in so little time.”

Yoongi shifted, rolling his head as he cracked his neck with a relieved sigh.

“Namjoon struggled to keep Jeongguk in line in the beginning months of his reign,” the Right-Hand Man continued,

“But he’s managing well on his own now. He no longer needs Namjoon’s constant guidance and he doesn’t run to Hoseok for comfort as much.”

Jimin nodded.

“And… what of the First Prince?” Yoongi asked. “Other than being able to charm my pants off, what’s he like?”

Jimin looked up, blinking.

“Forgiving,” was the first word that came out of Jimin’s mouth. “Kind. Clever. Probably equally as ambitious. And we all know Taehyung has a silver-tongue. His head is in the clouds sometimes – but I know it’s because he’s shouldering so much. And he loves – he loves with all his heart.”

“He wouldn’t – you know,” Jimin said, blurting words out again, as if he needed to defend Taehyung, “He wouldn’t try and hurt Jeongguk.”

“I know,” Yoongi said. “And Jeongguk knows too. I think. I hope you’ll forgive him for his actions.He’s still learning and growing and with the pressures of the Privy Council; it’s difficult. He’s a king that rules with his heart more than his head.”

“Taehyung would have been the same if he chose to be king.”

Jimin fiddles with the sleeve of his shirt.

“I-I hope you’ll forgive me,” Yoongi whispered casting his eyes down, voice growing lower and stumbling over his words. “I never wanted to lie to you – but I just – I couldn’t…”

Jimin remained silent, pressing on the sore muscle on the web of his thumb until he could feel the pain shoot up his arm.

“I know…. I understand why you had to leave,” Jimin mumbled. “I just – ”

Jimin froze, pausing at the familiar sound of his phone vibrating in his pocket. He pulled his phone out, checking the caller ID.

It was Jennie.

“Sorry,” Jimin mumbled hurriedly, scrambling to his feet as he swiped the talk button, standing and stepping away from Yoongi so he doesn’t overhear their conversation.


“It happened, Jimin-oppa,” came Jennie’s voice in a hushed, rushed whisper.

Jimin’s heart dropped as he began worrying about the worst: the King found out. He kept the Princess updated every day, knowing that Taehyung had more on his mind.

“What?” he whispered anyway.

“Orivala made the march and invaded Piran,” Jennie said. “Queen Lim Aruem has surrendered in the capital city. Aquileia has fallen.”

“Already?” Jimin breathed. He felt no relief from learning that the king had not found out about Taehyung’s injury and the incident in Naissus, rather only the growing tension and the rising apprehension – and his heart pounding loudly. “How could this be – it can’t have happened this soon – Park Hae-jin wasn’t even crowned yet.”

“It’s all over the news.”

Jimin turned around, meeting Yoongi’s eyes who stared at him with raised eyebrows.

“Aquileia has fallen,” Jimin repeated.

Yoongi stood, eyes furrowing.

The Right-Hand Man pulled out his phone, eyes widening at whatever was on the screen. He scrambled to his feet, storming down the hall.

Jimin turned, pacing erratically as he spoke.

“What else, Jennie?”

“Lugdunum has declared war against Orivala and is seeking aid from allies.”

Just as Taehyung predicted.

“My father is speaking to the Privy Council as we speak – he is considering breaking Attalia’s neutrality.”

“By allying with Lugdunum?” Jimin hissed. “That’s madness – the Duke’s forces are not strong enough – and even with the combined force of Attalia, it will not be enough.”

“He will want to speak to Tae-tae-oppa first – to see the state of the alliance between Attalia and Naissus.”

“Attalia and Lugdunum will not stand a chance against Orivala alone,” Jimin reasoned, “What the king wants to know is if the alliance with Naissus is strong enough for them to stand with us. But given the circ*mstances…”

“I know. Naissus wouldn’t even consider foreign affairs – not until these internal issues are dealt with.”

Jeongguk had sent a small envoy to the Floating Isles when Taehyung came to Naissus – a small force of no more than thirty men and two airships: not enough to defend Attalia’s borders, let alone march into battle.

“And Abeoji does not know that Naissus has internal affairs...” Jennie argues. “There is another issue. Abeoji is sending Shim Changmin-ssi to Sol Palace to meet with Tae-tae-oppa and the Naissian King.”

sh*t, he’ll definitely find out. How long do we have?”

“Two days, at most.”

“f*ck,” Jimin ran his hand through his hair, pulling at his scalp, he started pacing again – always pacing. “Taehyung hasn’t seen any of this coming.”

“It’s difficult, you know how random these visions are. And how difficult they are on him,” Jennie whispers.

“I’ll figure it out, keep me posted, Jennie.”

“Of course, Jimin-oppa.”

He knocked on the door, not even bothering to wait before pulling on the knob and letting it swing open.

“Taehyung, we need to talk.”

3 Years Ago, the First Prince of Attalia’s 21st Birthday

- Winter -

It was late at night, and Jimin was in bed when he heard the door between his bedroom and Taehyung’s creak open. The Crownsguard reacts on instinct, rising out of bed and seizing the knife he kept underneath his pillow. He holds the knife close, heart pounding as he leaps over to the door on lithe limbs, pressing his body against the frame.

It’s been a while since Taehyung had snuck into Jimin’s room during the early hours of the night and Jimin’s thoughts race as he fears the worst: has someone invaded Taehyung’s rooms? Was there a fire? Did Taehyung hurt himself?

“Jimin?” came Taehyung’s voice, low and strained. Taehyung pushes the door open, slowly. His posture lacking the sense of urgency that Jimin feels. The Crownsguard grabs the Prince, pulling him out of the doorway and pressing him against the wall. He peers into Taehyung’s darkened rooms and finds no sign of a threat. Jimin shuts the door and scans Taehyung’s body for an injury, frowning as he realized that Taehyung was still dressed in the clothes from his birthday party. The white, flowery dress shirt and pale-pink trousers were crumbled as if he had gone to sleep in them.

“Taehyung?” Jimin returns, “What is it? What’s wrong?”

Taehyung swallows loudly, his hand forming a claw-grip over the fabric around his neck. His breath comes in strained heaves and Jimin finally notices how Taehyung’s hair is matted against his skin from sweat and his eyes were glazed over.

“Taehyung, what’s wrong, what happened?” Jimin asks again in a rush, he presses his hand against the back of Taehyung’s forehead. His skin feels hot and clammy to the touch. “You’re feverish, do you want me to call for the physician?”

Taehyung shakes his head, swaying with the effort of his movement. “N-no. Don’t,” he whispers.

Jimin grabs Taehyung’s arm, hooking it over his shoulder as he drags the prince over to the bed.

The Crownsguard gently sets Taehyung down and he immediately keels over, pressing his face into Jimin’s pillow and scrunching his eyes shut. Jimin kneels beside him, hands resting on Taehyung’s shoulder in comfort.

“Taehyung – ”

“She’s Calling,” Taehyung mumbles through grinded teeth, pulling on his hair. “The Mother is Calling, she speaks.'

Jimin lets out ragged exhalation.

“Her voice is so loud,” Taehyung whispers. “She knows. She knows that I want it.”

Taehyung yanks on his shirt, fingers digging underneath the fabric. It was his neck it was grabbing, but the pendant that sits around his throat – the map to the Maiden’s Tomb.

“Come on, Jimin,” he says, breathlessly, swallowing loudly as he struggles to sit up, pressing a hand against his temple as if to still the world from spinning. He grabs onto Jimin’s arm with his other hand, trying to drag him towards the door. Jimin follows, hanging onto Taehyung’s arm tighter than Taehyung does. “We can’t – we can’t get caught. Abeoji would know what I’m doing – he’ll forbid it.”

“What are you doing?” Jimin asks.

Taehyung stops, leaning against the door.

“She calls for me,” he whispers, blinking. “She knows that I’m yearning for strength.”


“Remember – remember the stories that Halmeoni told us?” Taehyung says, grasping onto Jimin’s arms. “When we were twelve, about the blessing of the Mother Goddess?”

“Yes, of course I remember – the stories -- the blessing - the gift -- the price -- but –”

“I’m of age, Jimin…and the Mother, she calls. I can feel it, she tells me of the blessing, of the gift and reminds me of the price should I choose to take it.”

Jimin does remember it, remembers the stories that filled his childhood dreams at the Palace of Marsylle, but he also remembers the warning of the King. The king had warned Jimin earlier this evening, pulling him away from the grand celebrations of First Prince’s 21 st birthday party. The king warned Jimin of the dangers of tonight, of the fevers that might overtake Taehyung as the divine blood that runs through his veins takes its course.

Now, he understands. It was the Mother’s Call for the Blessing. For the Gift.

“Tae-tae,” Jimin whispers, “It’ll pass, it’ll pass by morning. Your father told me that it will.”

“No – no, I don’t want it to pass.”

“Taehyung – your father – ”

“I know – he’ll forbid it – no gift would be worth the price the Crone would ask for. But I can’t – after – after meeting that bastard Park Hae-jin. Not after hearing what he has planned. I can’t ignore this any longer – Attalia will be in danger. Our home is in danger, Jimin and I have to – I have to do something about it."

‘Taehyung, I don’t understand.”

“I want to take the blessing of the Goddess. I will take her blessing and I need you to come with me,” Taehyung says, leaning against the door frame. “I – can’t – I cannot do this on my own.”


“Jimin, you swore to protect me,” Taehyung cries.

And Jimin realizes three things:

One: Despite’s Taehyung’s burning temperature, his hands were incredibly cold and they shake like dying leaves.

Two: Taehyung must have been fretting about this since the party, since his grandmother’s death, since meeting Park Hae-jin at Ravenna.

Three: Taehyung was just as scared as Jimin was. Jimin knew that he had to be strong for him. If not more.

“I’ll be here, always.”

Taehyung nods, head moving jerkily as he turns the knob to the door.

“Where do we go?”

Taehyung closes his eyes, taking a deep breath. “The conservatory.”

It wasn’t difficult to bypass the sparse number of guards that wandered the halls – nor difficult to avoid the eyes of the security cameras. The pair had snuck out together many a night in their youth. But it was never like this, with Taehyung nearly incapacitated. The prince leans heavily against Jimin for support, attempting to keep his footsteps light but was almost impossible. So Jimin stops, hoisting his charge onto his back and deftly made his way to the conservatory. Once they stand before the doors of the gardens, Jimin let the prince down.

Taehyung wanders through the pathway, making it slowly but steadily towards the gazebo, clutching his temple and weaving as if drunk. His hand brushes over one of the many intricate patterns along one of the marble pillars, moving slowly between the other pillars until he finds one that he’s looking for and pushes it and suddenly the stone floors of the gazebo move, a panel of stone shifting to reveal an ancient staircase.

“Taehyung?” Jimin asks, “Are you – ”

“The pendant, the map, leads me here,” Taehyung whispers. “And the Mother tells me of the flowers to touch and to go where She awaits.”

“Where is it?”

Taehyung does not answer, weaving towards the marble gazebo, brushing over the intricate marble pillars carved with intricate patterns that resemble vines and flowers – chrysanthemums. He feels for a particular flower, grasping it and twisting it several times, fingers turning white with the force he needs to exert. But the flower moves and then a panel suddenly drops in the gazebo and Jimin jumps back, heart pounding as he watches a square panel in the ground drop – and another – and another until it forms a winding staircase.

Goosebumps rise on Jimin’s skin.

“What the…”

Jimin fumbles for his phone, belatedly remember that he did not grab it. Taehyung shakes his head, appearing more lucid. “It won’t work down there.”

Just like in the catacombs.

Taehyung takes Jimin’s hand, pulling him along as he takes cautious steps down the staircase.

When Jimin’s feet hit the final stone step, he’s hit with the immediate scent on an earthy, herby flower: chrysanthemums. He’s finding it difficult to breathe in the thick, humid air – warm – so warm down here.

Taehyung lets out a breath – and down here, it fogs like it were winter.

“Where are we going, Taehyung?” Jimin finally asks.

Taehyung doesn’t answer, continuing forward with Jimin’s hand interlaced tightly with his own.

The smell of flowers grows stronger and stronger and the dim golden light of the conservatory disappears under the mystical blue glow of what Jimin believes to be water. The darkened, cold cave opens up suddenly and Jimin’s met with a shimmer blue-green lake overflowing with flowers along its shores. On the other side of the lake, intricate stone casket sits on a dais that was barely visible underneath the mass of white flowers growing on top. The scent of chrysanthemums grows stronger as Jimin’s feet hits soft grass rather than hard stone.

“Where are we, Taehyung?”

The prince turns.

“The Maiden’s Tomb,” Taehyung whispers. “Where She of the Blood lays interred for all of eternity.”

Upon first glance of the platform on the other side, Jimin thought it was empty but then when he blinks again.

He sees a figure standing there.

A beautiful woman dressed in the vibrant shades of reds. Like the painting Jimin saw so long ago.

“Is that – is that – ” Jimin stutters at lost for words.

“The Mother,” Taehyung whispers.

The woman beckons the prince with her open arms and then Jimin hears a voice - a melodic call in a language that he could not know - sounds that he couldn’t decipher - it wasn’t Attalian - it wasn’t the Common Language.

But he could understand it – the words reverberated loudly in his mind.

“Oh come, my child.”

Taehyung lets go of Jimin’s hand, as if in a trance and moves forward.

He stops by the edge of the waters, the soft sound of waves lapping at the rocky edge.

And Jimin’s frightened – scared – he didn’t take it seriously – did not take the religion of his people seriously – how could he when there was no evidence – he worshiped the Mother and Crone – prayed to the Maiden for the wellbeing of his family out of habit and childhood fear of the unknown. But now – he was proven wrong and oh how it frightened him.

Jimin reaches out, latches onto Taehyung’s hand.

“Taehyung,” Jimin whispers.

The prince turns, and Jimin could see in his eyes’ determination beyond the dazed awe of the Mother’s call.

“Taehyung, are you certain?”

“I want to accept Her gift,” Taehyung says, clearly. No longer were his hands cold as ice, nor his eyes dazed by the fever that struck him earlier. No, now, the First Prince of Attalia stands tall. “I’ve made up my mind, Jimin – this is not something I rushed into. I have spent years considering it, and Park Hae-Jin’s appearance at court and Orivala’s actions have solidified my choice. I will do it to protect our country. Our home – ”

“You are your father’s first son – ”

“But I am no longer the Crown Prince. If I don’t take the blessing, who will?” Taehyung whispers. “Jennie? As the future sovereign, she cannot afford to pay the price. And Mingyu is far too young and I don’t want to force him to consider it.”

Taehyung nods to himself, smiling as he places a hand on Jimin’s shoulder, reassuring his friend, maybe even himself. “This was the reason I have relinquished my throne.”

Jimin drops his arm and Taehyung shakes his hand out of Jimin’s grip.

Taehyung steps forward again as he steps out of his slippers, so his bare feet touch the waters.

Jimin clenches his fist – past the sound of his heart beats – past the sound of his own breaths – he could hear Taehyung’s.

The Goddess is calling again.

“My child, what is it that you seek?’

“Oh, Mother Goddess,” Taehyung says, “It is I, Kim Taehyung, blood of House Chrysantheme, descendent of the Maiden. I ask of you for the blessing, for a gift that would help me protect the land and the people that the Maiden had loved.”

Jimin watches with wide eyes as Taehyung steps into the water, the soft splashing resounding around the darkened cavern.

But instead of sinking like Jimin thought he would, Taehyung floats, hovering above the water’s surface as he walks towards The Mother.

Something catches the Crownguard’s attention out of the corner of his eye.

Another shape materializes from the water, a figure shrouded in a dark cloak and wilting blossoms, as grey as her statue in the tombs of House Asphodeline.

The Crone.

Jimin takes a step forward, his body moving automatically as a cry pulls on his throat.

“Taehyung. Tae – ” but more words die on his tongue as something touched his shoulder. He freezes in step, only able to move his head.

He turns.

Another woman.

A beautiful woman with a thick crown of white flowers in her hair and bright blue eyes. An appearance almost transparent.

As if she wasn’t there.

Her touch on his shoulder sent shivers down Jimin’s spine.

She shakes her head bringing a finger to her lips, as if insisting that Jimin does not interfere.

This must be the Maiden.

He is meeting with divinity.

His heart pounds loudly – as finally the tales of old, the stories, and the religion – everything comes crashing down onto Jimin.

Jimin turns, heart pounding so loudly in his ears that he could barely hear anything else.

Taehyung has made it to the centre of the lake, reaching for the Mother Goddess’ outstretched hand.

“Oh, Kim Taehyung, Prince of the Chrysantheme Throne, Blood of the Divine House, Descendent of the Maiden. I, the Mother, will heed your prayers and bless you with the gift of foresight,” the Mother Goddess says. He closes his eyes as the Mother places a kiss on Taehyung’s brow.

The Crone floats above the water, and from the depths of her shroud comes the hands of bone, she leans into Taehyung, wrapping her arms around his chest and snaking fingers up across his face, resting on his eyes.

And Jimin wonders – how would it feel – how frightening would it be to have the Crone standing behind you.

He hears the Crone’s voice now, icy and no more than a whisper.

“Kim Taehyung, Prince of the Chrysantheme Throne, Blood of the Divine House, Descendent of the Maiden. I, the Crone, will take my toll.”

“Blessed be the bloodline of the Divine House,” the Mother whispers.

“Blessed be the Blood of the Oracle,” the Crone hisses.

Taehyung drops, falling through the arms of the Crone and letting go of the hands of the Mother. The lake submerges him completely. The sound of Taehyung’s body hitting the waters does not reach Jimin until seconds later. Moments later. Where the blood rushes to his ears and his hearts pounds loudly - he’s suddenly able to move.

Jimin takes a step forward, turning back to see if the Maiden would provide him with reassurance that Taehyung was okay, but she was gone. And when he turned around again, the two figures of the women also disappeared, but Taehyung was nowhere to be found.

No bubbles rise from the surface where he fell.

No movement – nothing – nothing.

“Taehyung!” Jimin sprints towards the waters, peering down with frantic eyes.

He searches and searches until he catches a glimpse of pale pink sinking – deeper and deeper.

Jimin jumps, crashing into icy cold waters. His searching hands quickly latches onto Taehyung’s still form, pulling him to the surface and dragging him out of the waters.

“Taehyung, Taehyung, can you hear me?”

Jimin lays him down on the bank of the lake, leaning down and pressing his ear against Taehyung’s chest.

A heartbeat.

But he’s not moving. Not breathing.

“Taehyung - Taehyung, wake up!”

Jimin’s thoughts spin and spin. Chest compressions, he needs to do chest compressions. Needs to get Taehyung to breathe -

Suddenly Taehyung jerks awake, rolling over as water sputters out of his lips.

His eyes tightly screwed shut as he vomits half the lake. Then Taehyung’s eyes flutter open.

And Jimin freezes.

No longer were Taehyung’s eyes the soft brown, but instead, glowed blue.


New Characters In Order of Appearance [Information Current as of Present Day]

Hwang Mishil (Original Character)
House: Glaïeul (Gladiolus)
Title: Dowager Queen of Attalia / Queen Mother
Position: N/A
Age: 76 (Deceased)

Park Chae-young [Rosé] (BLACKPINK)
House: Rose
Title: First Daughter of the Duke of Fraises
Position: Heir Apparent to the title of duch*ess of Fraises
Age: 21

Park [Kim] Jisoo (BLACKPINK)
House: Turnesol (Sunflower)
Title: First Daughter of the Marquis of Chataigne (Chestnut)
Position: Crownsguard of the Crown Princess
Age: 22

Park Jihyun (Original Character)
House: Turnesol (Sunflower)
Title: Second Son of the Marquis of Chataigne (Chestnut)
Position: Future Crownsguard of the Second Prince
Age: 19

Ahn Hwasa [Hye-jin] (MAMAMOO)
House: Gouet (Arum Lily)
Title: First Daughter of the Earl of Lemangue (Mango)
Position: N/A
Age: 24

Moon Byul-yi [Moonbyul] (MAMAMOO)
House: Jacinthe (Hyacinth)
Title: Countess of Lelitchi (Lychee)
Position: N/A
Age: 29

Kim Jong-dae [Chen] (EXO)
House: Asphodeline (Asphodel)
Title: First Son of the Earl of Grenadier (Pomegranate)
Position: Heir Apparent to the Earl of Grenadier (Pomegranate)
Age: 29

Kim Jong-in [Kai] (EXO)
House: Asphodeline (Asphodel)
Title: Second Son of the Earl of Grenadier (Pomegranate)
Position: N/A
Age: 24

Yoo Su-hwa [Yeh Shuhua] ((G)-IDLE)
House: The Imperial House Cerebyrn
Title: Princess of Orivala
Position: Betrothed to Prince Ahn Hanul of Estermery
Age: 19

Ahn Hanul (Original Character)
House: Esfir
Title: Prince of Estermery
Position: Betrothed to Princess Yoo Su-hwa of Orivala
Age: 23

Shim Changmin (TVXQ!)
House: Perce-niege (Snowdrop)
Title: Viscount of L’citron (Lemon)
Position: Attalian Ambassador to Naissus
Age: 32

Author’s Rant About Things

1. IT HAS BEEN NEARLY A FULL YEAR SINCE I POSTED A CHAPTER AND I AM SORRY. Since the last chapter, there have been a lot of changes in my life, including moving out of my parent’s house, moving to a new city, and starting my Master's degree which takes up a huge chunk of my time. I cannot promise to be more consistent with updates, but I’ll not to leave it for another whole year. FINALLY we get some information about the GIFT THAT I SPENT 9 CHAPTERS TALKING ABOUT.

2. WorLD BUIlDING IS GOING TO KILL ME. Creating the religion of Attalia took SOO long.

3. So much VMin in this chapter. But it was important that there is a development of the bond between Taehyung and Jimin just like there were bonds developed between Jeongguk and Yoongi.

4. I resolve to give Taehyung more titles than the Mother of Dragons herself.

5. I dunno what else to write in these rants, it’s been too long.

6. Please, I love to hear what you guys think of the story thus far! I poured my heart and soul into this chapter. Comments are an author’s lifeblood. Your words, no matter how short, bring me so much joy and I go and re-read them all the time when I need a little pick me up.

7. Thank you once again to my two amazing beta-readers ibloomforyou and jeraliase. You both are heaven sent and I have no idea what this chapter would have looked like without you.

8. Come talk to me on Twitter or ask me question on Curious Cat . I love making new friends!

Chapter 11: para bellum


"Uneasy lies the head that wears a crown." - Shakespeare, Henry IV

Chapter Text

Jeongguk shifts uneasily on the heels of his feet, staring at the intricately decorated doors before him. There were ivory marble pillars on either side, high and intricate columns marked with the emblem of House Cepheus. Jeongguk glances up, eying the stone reliefs depicting figures in white wearing armour, wielding spears and swords.

A battle.

A war.

He remembers learning about it – standing before this very door somewhere amidst the hours of tutoring, listening to the tutor telling tales of wars and battles of days long past. He remembers being a young boy, overwhelmed and in awe by the stories of victorious kings – wondering if he would ever measure up to his ancestors.

Still, to this day, Jeongguk stares, head craning up towards the ceiling and feeling no more sure of himself today than he did then.

The War of Othrys. This was the war that would determine the ruling family of Naissus – the beginning of House Cepheus’ thousand-year reign. It was fitting that this relief stood before the War Council room.

Jeongguk had never been permitted to enter the council room, never invited when Yoongi and Hoseok met with the Queen Regent, until now – two weeks past his 15th birthday. Jeongguk clears his throat and straightens the collar of his dress shirt, nodding to the footman standing beside the door.

The young prince flinches at the sound of his shoes clicking loudly against glass floors. He finds it strange that the room was dark. He hesitates, eying the footman who gave the young prince a small encouraging smile and a slight bob of his head to go in.

His eyes take some time to adjust to the darkness in the room with only the floor being illuminated by an unnatural green and blue light. Jeongguk blinks, pausing as he begins to recognize the shadows. The Queen Regent and Yoongi stand in the middle of the room, faces illuminated by the glass under them. Across from them, Hoseok stands with his hands clasped behind him. When Jeongguk looks down, he realizes that the glass was a holographic map, the shapes and the images forming a geographic layout of the world.

Yoongi’s stark white hair stands out in the blue-green light. He fiddles with a tablet in his grasp, glancing down to watch as the map underneath them changes.

“His Royal Highness, the Crown Prince,” the footman announces.

The Queen Regent’s heels click on the glass floor as she walks, lifting her head and nodding.

“Thank you,” she says, crossing her arms as she returns her gaze down to the expanse of land that Jeongguk recognizes as Iaryen.

Jeongguk bows, “Eommoni, Yoongi-hyung, Hoseok-hyung.”

Yoongi hums, glancing up and nodding as Hoseok crosses the room to stand beside Jeongguk, patting him gently on the shoulder.

“You asked to see me, Eommoni?”

“Yes, Jeongguk,” she turns on her heels, eyes raising as she clasps her hands neatly in front of her. “Are you aware of what is happening in Iaryen?”

Jeongguk nods, hesitating before stepping closer to the map. The toes of his shoes touch the southern edge of the Offing Sea as he leans over.

Who wouldn’t know what was happening in Iaryen? It was all the news would report on lately.

“The Orivalian Empire is expanding,” Jeongguk answers. “And it has taken many countries.”

The Queen Regent nods. “Now there is a growing concern that, in time, the entire continent will fall under the banner of the Lion.”

“The Orivalian Emperor Park Min-jun,” Jeongguk says.

“Yes,” his mother replies. She drops her gaze, scanning the lands of the Territories of Duscae and stopping where the marker for the Crown City lies. “Wartimes are changing, my child.”

Jeongguk takes a step onto the map, pausing as the digital image begins to move, Duscae and Naissus disappearing into the edges of the glass floor and Iaryen expanding. The young prince glances over to see Yoongi continuing to manipulate the map on his tablet; he double taps on the screen and suddenly a video file materializes in front of him, hovering over the valleys near the capital of the Republic of Lavicci.

“This is a video captured by one of the surveillance drones in Caglliari twenty hours ago,” Yoongi explains.

Jeongguk sees the image of rolling hills, in the picturesque Republic of Lavicci that borders the Orivalian Empire. It was quaint and like all the images that he has seen, it was teeming with the vivid colours of trees and shrubbery. The setting sun casts a pale, golden glow against the dark shadows of the mountains and the fields were brimming with fiery yellow and orange trees, save for the occasional deep green cypress.

Suddenly, the image moves and Jeongguk flinches, taking a step back as the tranquil scene is engulfed in a blinding, white light. The sounds of an explosion rattle him and in mere seconds, buildings collapse in on themselves and the streets are flooded by red flames and black smoke.

As an airship flies into view, the camera mounted on the drone falters, moving unsteadily as it flits out of the way. Rising higher and higher until it’s almost in line with the low-flying airship – and there – Jeongguk recognizes the insignia of the Imperial House Cerebyrn imprinted on the side of the massive air vessel.

Jeongguk is not a stranger to the horrors of war, but there was something about hearing and seeing the destruction first hand – almost being able to feel the heat – that terrified him and brought upon a chilling numb that spread through his bones.

Hoseok hums, the tone of his voice losing its kind and gentle melody, replaced by a bleak note.

“The Duke of Lavicci refused to bend the knee to Orivala,” Hoseok starts. “And so, Emperor Park Min-jun sent a fleet of airships in the night and destroyed the vineyards of Caglliari – one of Lavicci’s greatest sources of commerce and their pride. Lavicci and the Empire are officially at war.”

“Did…did anyone die?” Jeongguk asks, his voice sounding small and airy.

“Twenty-seven reported casualties from Orivala’s first assault,” Yoongi says, “The numbers will change.”

Twenty-seven…. That number is minuscule to the number of people that perished in the Naissian Plague – and even smaller than the number of casualties in the War of Othrys. But they were still casualties nonetheless.

“Are we… Are we doing anything? Can we send Lavicci aid?” he asks quietly.

His mother turns to him, “What do you think, Jeongguk? Should we?”

He freezes, the question catching him off guard.

“What do you think sending aid to Lavicci will do?”

He stops, licking his lips as his eyes scan the destruction left in the wake of the Orivalian fleet, watching as Yoongi’s tapping results in the colours of the Empire flooding into the borders of Lavicci. As if it was decided that Lavicci will not win the war.

He feels indignance rising from his core, how could they have already decided the course of a battle not yet fought? Especially if they were not going to lend a hand?

“We can help them win the battle,” Jeongguk says resolutely, “We can send forces to Lavicci.”

“And what will you tell our people? What will you tell the families that will lose their sons and daughters in a war that was not theirs?”

“Supplies?” Jeongguk tries again.

“What would that mean? What message are you sending? Do you know why the Empire is on a quest to conquer all of Iaryen?”

Jeongguk shakes his head.

“If I may, Eommoni.”

“Of course, Yoongi.”

“This crusade that Orivala is on, is mainly due to theology. Orivala and much of Iaryen worship the Pantheon of Old, mainly the Goddess of Dusk and the God of the Moon. House Cerebyrn has laid claim as the heaven-sent sovereign. And by right given by the gods themselves, they will rule. Iaryen has never seen more than 100 years of peace at a time.”

Yoongi tucks the tablet into the crook of his arm, folding his hands in front of him before continuing, “War and conflict are almost a constant in the history of the continent. The Orivalian Empire has a claim as descendants of the Day-Slayer and the Silver One; the other countries lay claim to the right to rule their lands by the gods as well. Naissus has no claim to any lands on Iaryen - Naissus’ economy is just beginning to rise after a great decline due to the plague - Naissus has nothing to offer and the little aid that we can provide - how would Orivala take it? They may turn on Naissus next.”

Jeongguk feels a lump rise to his throat.

“What say you, Hoseok?” the Queen Mother asks.

“Yoongi is right, but… in this day and age, the Orivalian Empire is using theology as a guise – all they seek is power and resources. Naissus has just begun recovering from the plague – we are only recently attempting to catch up with the technology of warfare. The Empire’s air fleets are devastating on the battlefield, and many countries who do not have the same resources are forced to surrender or are annihilated – we will not be able to lend any substantial military aid.”

Jeongguk turns, facing his older cousin. He rarely has ever seen Hoseok without a brilliant smile on his face. Now, he stands watching the rest of the video clip, hands folded behind him, and back straight. The 19-year-old man was recently promoted to the rank of Major-General in the Naissian Military, definitely young for the position, but Hoseok has shown nothing but discipline and intelligence to earn it.

“With advancing technology, warfare becomes…easier,” the Queen Mother starts.

“The battles become more decisive,” Hoseok says, “Victories achieved faster, casualties are greater.”

“Your advisors have spoken, Jeongguk, what is your decision now?”

“Naissus does not have the military strength to intervene, nor is it not our place…” he concludes, “We can’t….. We can’t do anything…”


“Is that your decision?”


“It is important to listen to your advisors, Jeongguk. But ultimately, when you are King, the decision is yours and yours alone. I think it is time that you begin your tutelage of military strategy and warfare,” the Queen Regent says.

Jeongguk’s brows furrow. “Military strategy?”

“War may not touch the borders of Duscae in the years of my reign…but it may in yours. It is important to learn, Jeongguk-ah.” The Queen Regent’s heels clip loudly on the glass as she crosses the Offing Sea to stand in front of Jeongguk. He swallows, having to look up and away from the map to meet his mother’s eyes. His nerves coil unpleasantly in his stomach. “War is horrific. But it may be a necessity to protect our country and our allies. One day, you will have to decide if sacrificing the lives of your people and thousands of innocents is worth the price.”

His mother turns to regard the map of the Empire with a sombre disdain.

“One day, you must be prepared, my child, to make the call for war.”

p a r a b e l l u m

(esp.) lit. “prepare for war,” taken from the Latin adage, “si vis pacem, para bellum,” which translates to “if you want peace, prepare for war”


The prince had only been laying against him for a few moments, yet already, Jeongguk was missing Taehyung’s warmth and weight on his shoulder. The young king inhaled slowly, trying to comprehend what Taehyung was telling him.

“The truth,” Jeongguk repeated quietly. “What... do you mean?”

Taehyung hesitated, breathing slowly as he coiled the ends of the comforter around his fingers.

“You must know, Jeongguk,” Taehyung began, his words slow, but confident. “I did come with the intention of securing an alliance between our countries, foremost. But I did want to become your friend, first. I did not lie to you about that. But I did not tell you the complete truth. Yes – I wanted an alliance with Naissus in hopes of deterring the Empire from attacking, but that was only part of it.”

Jeongguk's breath sounded louder in his ears now. He shifted, pulling on the comforter as his legs bumped against Taehyung’s.

“Have you ever met Park Hae-jin?” Taehyung asked quietly.

“No,” Jeongguk answered, instinctively shaking his head as well. “I’ve only heard stories of the Crown Pri – Emperor’s charm and ruthlessness…have you?”

“I have.”


“You’re right, he is charming,” Taehyung said, his voice unbelievably quiet – Jeongguk almost couldn’t hear it. “He is also, undoubtedly, an ambitious man – calculating, calm, brilliant and – and.”

Taehyung’s fingers began turning white with the force of his grip on the blankets.

“I was sighted, when I first met him," Taehyung continued, steadily. Gone was the lethargy of reminiscing memories in the rain, replaced by an eerie calm before the storm. “There is… a cold fire in his eyes – a lust when he sees things that he wants to own. When I met him, he asked for details about the secrets of Attalia – about the lands and her Goddesses. About the secrets of the blood. I did not reveal any of our secrets – at least I hope I didn’t. But…Park Hae-jin has a way of spinning words.”

Taehyung paused and Jeongguk found himself frozen with a question resting on the tip of his tongue, lost as he questioned his right to ask such a thing.

“What secrets, you may ask?” Taehyung whispered, a flicker of a grin appearing on the corner of his lips, fingers falling loose from their tight grip. He smoothed the blankets out before lacing his fingers together. “Well… Park Hae-jin was knowledgeable of the Attalian faith. More knowledgeable than your Lord Chancellor, more knowledgeable than even your Attalian brother. Park Hae-jin believed in the gift…he was convinced of its existence.”

“I will admit,” Taehyung continued, “Attalia has many secrets – House Chrysantheme even more, and I fear that when Park Hae-jin rises to power, he’ll do whatever it takes to discover and exploit all that Attalia has.”

“But what – ”

Jeongguk jumped at the sound of loud knocking and the doors to the apartments opening without warning, almost elbowing Taehyung in the side. Jimin walked in, lips curled into a frown as his eyes fell on Jeongguk. The young king tensed – prepared for the Crownsguard’s verbal lashing again. But there is a strained look before his eyes dart over to Taehyung.

“Taehyung, we need to talk.”

Beside Jeongguk, Taehyung doesn’t move.

“Jennie called,” Jimin continued, turning to face Jeongguk, “Aquileia has fallen.”

Jeongguk blinked slowly, failing to understand for a moment. He fumbled for his phone, hoping that it’ll provide more answers. There were several missed calls from Yoongi and multiple notifications from Namjoon and Hoseok, all with the same message: come to the War Council room. Jeongguk stumbled, fingers failing as he tried to pull the blankets off his legs and ungracefully tumble to his feet.

His phone lit up again and Yoongi’s name appeared on the screen.

Jeongguk turned around, taking an unwillful step backwards. “Taehyung I – I have to –”

But then he hesitated. Jeongguk doesn’t want to leave; they were finally having a conversation, learning more about Taehyung, earning his trust. Strangely, Taehyung doesn’t appear surprised, his brows pulling tight for just a moment before he relaxed. Behind them, Jimin hovered by the door, holding it open as if expecting Jeongguk to leave – wanting the king to leave.

A footman appeared by the open door, breathing heavily as he bowed and greeted the three men. “Your Majesty,” he said, panting between each word. “The Lord Chancellor urgently requests for your presence in the War Council Room.”

“Go,” Taehyung finally said. He reached out, fingers searching until his hand found Jeongguk’s arm, gently pushing Jeongguk away. “We’ll speak of this after.”

Jeongguk swallowed, hesitant but placated by Taehyung’s promise. He turned, slipping past Jimin and the footman, heart pounding loudly in his ears and thoughts preoccupied with Taehyung’s words.

Jeongguk stormed towards the War Council Room; upon approaching the entrance, the footman who accompanied him back from Taehyung’s apartments, had to run to get ahead and quickly opened the door for the anxious King.

“H-His Majesty th-the King,” the footman panted.

Namjoon, Hoseok, and Yoongi were already there, staring at the large holographic map of the world on the floor. Namjoon mumbled something, stepping onto the map and toeing at the borders between the Empire and Aquileia. Yoongi stood on the side, thumbing through his phone, glancing down at Namjoon’s movements.

They all turn at the announcement.

“Jeongguk,” Namjoon greeted.

“I heard,” Jeongguk said grimly. “Aquileia fell to the Empire.”

“The Aquileian Queen surrendered,” Namjoon replied. “She has made an official statement declaring that Aquileia will swear fealty to the new Orivalian Emperor, and rightful ruler under the eyes of the Old Pantheon Gods.”

“The Empire now has access to the westmost coast of the Offing Sea,” Yoongi said, putting his phone away into his back pocket.

“Lugdunum is surrounded,” Hoseok commented.

“And now the Empire is closer to Attalia…” Jeongguk murmured, turning when the door opened once again.

“His Grace, the Duke of Concordia, sirs.”

Seokjin strode through the open door upon being announced, boots squeaking, trench coat and hair damp from the humidity – he must have just gotten in from a walk around the castle grounds.

“I came as soon as I heard,” Seokjin said, shrugging out of his jacket and throwing it onto the couch in the corner. The blue light of the map cast an unhealthy glow on Seokjin’s skin, darkening the pale pink of his hair.

“Jin-hyung,” Namjoon greeted.

“How could this have happened?” Seokjin asked, reaching up and shaking the dampness out of his hair. “There was nothing – no reports of the Empire marching.”

“Nothing that we knew of,” Namjoon replied. “We were in the midst of our own internal affairs, Jin-hyung. It was difficult to keep track of foreign events.”

Jeongguk looked at the map, eyes following the growing colours of the Orivalian Empire expanding across the main continent, the Lion’s colours covering vassal states and territories that Jeongguk once remembered being of different shades in the maps of his childhood.

“How could this have happened?” Jeongguk repeated quietly.

“The Empire must have been planning the attack for weeks...if not months,” Hoseok said. “Aquileia’s capital is nearly impossible to reach by foot with the mountainous terrain that surrounds all four sides.” The Commander General crossed the room, his shoes clicking on the glass as he walked towards the image of the main continent. He crouched down in front of the mountains of Aquileia.

“Was Aquileia unaware of the Empire’s approach?” Namjoon asked.

“Piran was taken with airships,” Hoseok replied. “Meaning, the Empire has formed an air fleet that was formidable and swift enough to have crossed the treacherous mountain range silently.”

“Perhaps they weren’t prepared,” Seokjin said.

“Perhaps it was impossible to deter the Empire,” Yoongi said, grimly.

“Have we heard any other news?” Jeongguk asked.

Hoseok shook his head. “Our sources are limited. We did not have a consulate stationed in Piran. Now the entire city is under lockdown as the Orivalian Empire vassalises the country.”

Yoongi breathed slowly through his nose, walking over to the table holding the tablet that controlled the holographic map. He began tapping on the device and Jeongguk stared numbly as the colours of Orivala bled into the territories of Aquileia, lapping at the borders of Lugdunum.

“Any statement from Lugdunum?” Jeongguk asked.

Namjoon nodded, pulling out his phone and reading a document on it.

“His Majesty, the Archduke of Lugdunum has declared a state of war with the Orivalian Empire,” Namjoon read. “He is asking for foreign aid.”

“The Grand Duchy of Lugdunum is the last sovereign nation in Iaryen,” Seokjin said.

“If Lugdunum falls, then…Iaryen is under Orivalian rule,” Yoongi muttered. “Will the Emperor stop there?”

“No,” Jeongguk replied, loudly. “Park Hae-jin will take Attalia next.”

Namjoon turned, eyes narrowing. “…You sound very certain of this, Jeongguk. Yoongi-hyung told us you were just speaking to Taehyung… is there any additional information you want to share?”

Jeongguk chuckled humorlessly, running a hand tiredly through his hair as he tried to think about where he should begin.

A footman knocked on the doors, opening it as a messenger staggered in, standing hunched over for a moment to catch her breath.

“Your Majesty, Your Grace, Your Lordships, this is an urgent message from our intelligence services,” she said, hands shaking as she presented the sealed envelope to the king.

Jeongguk warily accepted the papers, ripping open the seal. The report was only two pages long, but Jeongguk was barely able to pick up a couple keywords: Galatea. Revolt.

Jeongguk looked up, finally noticing that his King’s Circle were staring at him, waiting. He folded the pages, handing it to Namjoon to read as he quietly summarized it.

“Galatea revolted against the Orivalian Empire.”

Yoongi swore under his breath.

“Park Hae-jin is out of his mind,” Seokjin murmured. “To have completely disregarded the mourning rites, called for a coronation, and marched into battle all in less than two weeks.”

“The report states that Galatea has engaged in guerilla warfare against military forces installed by the Empire,” Namjoon said, “They are marching through Estermery, burning the sacred temples and cities as they go.”

“Didn’t Estermery surrender to the Orivalian Empire years ago?”

“They didn’t surrender,” Namjoon sighed, folding the papers and shoving them unceremoniously back into the envelope. “Became a vassal state, came to an agreement through an arranged marriage.”

“Between whom?”

“Ahn Hanul of House Esfir, Prince of Estermery and Yoo Su-hwa…” Namjoon said, mumbling the latter’s name as if he was unsure.

“Yoo Su-hwa… who is she?”

“I’m not exactly sure…” Namjoon replied, shaking his head. “I assume it is a position close to the Imperial Family.”

Yoongi pinched the bridge of his nose, frowning as he scowls at the map. “Civil war will break out at this point.”

“Lugdunum has a chance of mounting a force strong enough to fight back against the Empire if Galatea’s revolt takes back the country and severs the Empire’s connection to Estermery,” Hoseok said.

“So many lives will be lost,” Seokjin murmured. “Has any of the other countries declared war or anything?”

“No, not yet,” Hoseok replied.

“How strong is the Empire’s air force?” Jeongguk asked.

“Strong,” Hoseok said. “According to our intelligence, the Orivalian Empire just unveiled several new cruiser classes during the annexing of Galatea. I don’t know the full specifications, but it looks like their technology is almost comparable to Naissus’ latest vessels.”

“Were they unprepared for the revolt?”

“Appears so – the new Emperor seemed hell-bent on taking Aquileia.”

Jeongguk stared at the map, heart rising to his throat as the colours of the Orivalian Empire spread even further.

Information, he needs more information.

“Would Lugdunum stand a chance if we aid them?” Jeongguk asked.

“It may stall the Empire,” Namjoon said, “but it may not stop him from taking the main continent.”

“Hoseok-hyung… can you give me a detailed report of our air fleets by tomorrow? I want to know what we have available – in the event that we do decide to aid Lugdunum.”

“Of course,” Hoseok replied. “I know currently, most of our air fleets are defending our borders or are ready to be deployed. We do have the Famfrit heavy class carrier, thirty fighter class airships, and about 300 soldiers deployed in Attalia about three weeks ago”

“Emperor Min-jun was alive then,” Seokjin whispered.

“Right…” Jeongguk murmured. He vaguely remembered going through this with Namjoon and Hoseok, before Taehyung arrived. It felt like a lifetime ago.

“Are you considering Naissus’ involvement?” Namjoon asked. “We have yet to figure out our own internal problems – an assassination attempt, Jeongguk.”

“We need our fleets, Jeongguk,” Hoseok said, “to stop the Empire from crossing the seas.”

“Jeongguk, if we heeded Lugdunum’s call for aid, we will be declaring war against the Empire, are you ready for that?” Yoongi asked.

Jeongguk nodded, “I understand. I know what is at stake. My priority will always be to protect our people, the Commonwealth, and our allies. But I need to consider all our options…Besides… Taehyung had some information to share.”

“How is Taehyung?” Seokjin asked. “I did not have the time to visit him this morning.”

“I don’t know… he’s using ice packs on his ribs and I think I interrupted an argument he was having with Jimin…” Jeongguk paused, breathing deeply through his nose. “Regardless…the point is that we’re going to get pulled into the conflict in Iayren one way or another.”

Namjoon waited.

“Taehyung believes that Park Hae-jin plans on taking Attalia.”


“I don’t understand – Attalia is not of Iaryen – they do not worship the same pantheon of gods,” Yoongi said. “Attalia was untouchable and unattainable for centuries. House Cerebyrn has no claim to the Floating Isles.”

“It is no longer about theology – nor his right to rule – Park Hae-jin is passed that,” Hoseok said. “He wants everything, he will conquer everything.”

“We have to be prepared,” Jeongguk said, “If the Empire mounted a surprise attack against Aquileia, what is preventing them from attacking Attalia? Or Duscae?”

“What were you talking about with Taehyung?” Namjoon asked.

“I – was – he was – just telling me about…things before all this happened. Park Hae-jin had his eyes on Attalia much before the fall of Galatea, even before the Emperor’s health had started to decline. Taehyung’s intention of coming to Naissus was his idea, not his father’s, not the king’s. He wanted the news to travel, to show the Orivalian Empire that Attalia will not back down without a fight.”

Namjoon sighed.

“You were right, Namjoon-hyung,” Jeongguk said. “You said from the very beginning, about this being a game of chess.”

“We knew the chances we were playing when we got involved with Attalia,” Namjoon said. “The country is a jewel that I am surprised it took this long for the Empire to want it.”

The footman knocked again, bowing as the door slid open. Jeongguk’s heart rose to his throat and he waited for another messenger to come in bearing bad news, but instead, it was Jimin who stood waiting outside.

“Lord Park Jimin requests to speak with you, sir.”

Jeongguk’s brows furrowed, “Let him enter.”

He watched as Jimin stepped into the darkened room, waiting for the footman to close the door behind him before he began to speak.

“Forgive me for disturbing you,” Jimin began grimly. “I understand that this is a trying time, but there are some matters that take precedence. When His Royal Highness, the First Prince, was injured and unconscious, I made the decision to hold off on telling His Majesty the King of Attalia until more information was gathered, however - recent events have changed the circ*mstances. I fear we can no longer wait. His Royal Highness was informed that the Attalian Ambassador to Naissus will be requesting an audience with Your Majesty within the next couple of days. His Royal Highness wishes to arrange a meeting with you before that happens, sir. The prince also requests that you invite only your closest advisors to attend the meeting, sir.”

“When?” Jeongguk asked.

“Tonight, if possible, sir,” Jimin said, strained. “He asks that Your Majesty arranges the meeting place to be in a secure environment – somewhere where prying ears cannot hear us – it – it’s a matter of protecting the Attalian Royal Family.”

“Alright,” Jeongguk said. “Please let him know that everyone in this room is sworn as members of my King’s Circle. They’ve sworn their allegiance to me – and as such – are my closest and most trusted advisors. They will all be present – I will have someone escort you to the room this evening.”

“Of course, we will be waiting,” Jimin said nodding.

“Though I encourage him to get out of bed,” Seokjin interjected, “I do not think he should be walking so soon yet. I will ask someone to bring a wheelchair, in the event that he needs it.”

“Thank you, Seokjin-hyung.”

“I don’t like the idea of Taehyung straining himself.”

“Neither do I,” Jimin murmured, as he takes a step backwards, bowing deeply. “But – it must be done. By your leave...”

As the door closes behind Jimin, silence overtakes the room.

Jeongguk turned around, running a hand through his hair. “I think…I’ll hold off on making decisions regarding sending troops out until tomorrow morning. Until we have learnt more from Taehyung. Hoseok-hyung – I’d like more intel about the requests for aid that Lugdunum asks for. Yoongi-hyung, I think a meeting with Ji-eun-noona would be important – it is a blessing that she is out of Rossarya.”

Yoongi nodded, “I’ll make sure our people are safe in Rossarya, and ask Ji-eun to look into aiding their return to Naissus.”

“Of course. Namjoon-hyung, I think it’s time we call for another Privy Council meeting.’

“Yes – I will arrange for it, and I think it would be imperative to have a press conference as well, Jeongguk.”

Jeongguk raised his eyes from the map.

“Press conference… For the assassination attempt?”

Namjoon hummed, “Not exactly…not yet…perhaps about recent events regarding Iaryen. The people have the right to know the potential for war.”

“You’re right, of course. Please keep me updated on any news. I’ll be in the study contacting Ji-eun-noona.”

“Wait, before you go, Jeongguk – ”

Namjoon reached into the folds of his blazer, pulling it out a hefty, red envelope and handing it to Jeongguk. It was made of thick cardstock with a highly decorative seal on the flap.

A lion’s head with a crown.

Jeongguk peeled it open. “His Majesty, King Jeon Jeongguk of the House Cepheus is cordially invited to attend the coronation of His Imperial Majesty, Emperor Park Hae-jin,” he read.

“An official invitation to the coronation,” Seokjin said. “Did it arrive today?”

“This morning,” Namjoon answered. “I was on my way to your study when this arrived. I thought you should open it sooner rather than later.”

“There is still a coronation after this?” Yoongi seethed. “The Emperor has declared war at this point, and he wants to hold a coronation?”

“What do we do now?” Hoseok asked.

“Would you still want me to attend the coronation, Jeongguk?”

Jeongguk bit his lip, tapping his foot against the glass.

“No…Seokjin-hyung,” Jeongguk answered. He lifted his eyes and found each member of his King’s Circle awaiting his next words.

They look to their King.

“No…I think that accepting the invitation to Park Hae-jin’s coronation will imply that we are condoning his actions. Declining will have no consequences, Naissus has historically declined attending many events. In addition, Naissus does not have a right to enter the war in Iaryen – we have no claim to the lands in his crusade. There is no good justification to put the people at risk in a conflict that is not ours as the Empire has not yet threatened our Commonwealth or allies.”

“Unless Taehyung’s words ring true.”

“Exactly… so we wait, the more information we have, the better. But be prepared, it is possible that my next decision is to call for war…” Jeongguk said, pocketing the envelope into his blazer and stepping out with Yoongi on his heels.

It was late when Jeongguk called for an attendant to bring Taehyung to his study. The sun had set, and the few open windows allowed for the spring night chill to settle in the room.

Jeongguk ordered for coffee and tea to be set in the study, sending the staff home for the evening and the guards further away than just outside the study doors, feeling safe enough in the presence of his Commander General.

Namjoon poured himself a cup of coffee, and found a perch on top of Jeongguk’s desk as he lifted the cup to his lips.

“Seokjin-hyung, you brought a wheelchair to Taehyung’s rooms earlier,” Namjoon said. “Were you able to check on his condition?”

“His ribs are healing, and the laceration on his quadriceps remains clean and uninfected,” Seokjin replied. “I’m worried that Taehyung will overexert himself in the first couple of days as these wounds are healing, I’d like him to use a wheelchair for longer distances for now, just until the wound closes.”

“Thank you, Jin-hyung,” Jeongguk murmured.

There was a knock on the door, and Yoongi went to open it, frowning as Jimin appeared, pushing a wheelchair where Taehyung sat.

Pain - Taehyung looked like he’s in so much pain. Lips losing colour and breaths shortened. Jimin caught the look on Jeongguk’s face.

“Taehyung is refusing to take pain killers,” Jimin murmured.

“Not now,” Taehyung said, tersely through pressed lips. “I need to be clear-headed for this meeting.”

Jimin murmured under his breath – it sounded as though he was offering something to Taehyung, but the prince shook his head.

“Who is here?” Taehyung asked softly.

“My King’s Circle,” Jeongguk replied “Jin-hyung, Namjoon-hyung, Hoseok-hyung, and Yoongi-hyung.”

“Do you trust everyone?”

“With my life.”

“Is there any chance of this room being bugged?” Jimin asked.

“No,” Hoseok replied. “My men and I were thorough in our search. The room is clear.”

“No one outside?”

“No. I sent the guards to the doors of the wing. No one will hear us.”

Taehyung nodded, slowly sitting up straighter, composing himself.

“Of course, I think I should start from the beginning. Three years ago, I met Park Hae-jin at a festival held on Sacred Islet of Ravenna. It was… was a festival to honour the spirits sometime before the harvest months – many foreign nobility came to visit during the event.”

Jeongguk nodded, remembering there was often an invitation sitting on his desk around summer turn autumn months – never did he return it.

“Park Hae-jin challenged me to an archery duel….he…used the name of an unfamiliar aristocrat to catch my attention,” Taehyung said. “I accepted it - and he revealed it was he who challenged me. During the challenge, he wagered a bet - should he win he will be my escort to the reception party. I stupidly said yes, thinking that I could be a match for him. I thought that I could be a player in this game. I was wrong. He won. At the party… Park Hae-jin spoke about his plans - about what he will do once he takes the throne.”

“He planned on finishing what he knew his father would not continue,” Jimin continued. “The unification of Iaryen under the banner of the Empire. He was not intending to expand past the main continent….Until he heard the stories about the Floating Isles.”

“You see, few people believe in the gods and goddesses anymore…” Taehyung said. “I’ve seen the theories about how Attalia came to be – a phenomenon that is explained by science. But that is not the case – and Park Hae-jin knew it so. When he came to Attalia that day, he already knew that he wanted to own it. He came with the intention of courting Jennie. I am grateful that I went in her stead.”

Taehyung paused, and like this morning, his knuckles were growing white with his repressed anger. “Attalia has always been safe from the ravages of war and conflict. Since the beginning of her history, no one has been able to touch us – with the invention of airships, we became a center of commerce and arts – it is only now, when airships have advanced to the point of being powerful and devastating vessels of war, is our way of life being threatened.”

The prince stopped, taking deliberate and shallow breaths as slowly his seething anger seeped out of his being. Taehyung’s rigid posture fell and his tightly balled fists dropped open. His skin, already drained of colour, grew even more pallid.

“Park Hae-jin looks at people like they are objects that he wants to own,” Taehyung repeated, quietly. “Park Hae-jin wishes to own Attalia. That day, I recognized what part I would play in his grand scheme. It’ll only be a matter of time before it happens… He threatened to – to take the war to Attalia – and he’ll use it as the grounds for battle against Naissus. He stated that he will leave Attalia as vassal state – to let Attalia keep some remnant of independence should I - should I accept his proposal.”

“For marriage?” Namjoon breathed.

“Marriage,” Taehyung confirmed. “I am no stranger to my duties. Should marriage save Attalia, I am willing to wed him.”

Jeongguk lowered his head, poking the inside of his cheek with his tongue as he tried to control the waves of displeasure. He did not like hearing Taehyung talk of arranged marriages.

“But it will not,” Taehyung continued. “Attalia has secrets – House Chrysantheme has secrets that should never be spoken to anyone outside of the blood, outside of those sworn to protect the blood. That is why we’ve chosen to keep our neutrality for centuries. But this is no longer possible.”

The prince paused, inhaling slowly. “It is imperative that nothing I say will ever leave this room,” Taehyung said, gravely. “For it not only puts my life in danger, but the lives of the entire House Chrysantheme.”


“Your Royal Highness,” Yoongi says, calling Taehyung by his formal address to bring gravity to the situation, “forgive me, Taehyung. I may be Attalian by blood, but my sworn loyalties lie solely with my king. If this information poses a danger to Jeongguk, my brother - my king - or his reign, I fear I cannot keep such a promise.”

Jeongguk barely noticed it – probably wouldn’t have noticed it if he wasn’t so attuned to his older brother’s actions. Yoongi’s eyes flickered to Jimin, and though his apology was addressed to Taehyung, it seemed as though… it was also directed at the Crownsguard.

Jimin’s eyes noticeably darken at Yoongi’s words, lips pressed into a straight line – and there was a dangerousness in the Crownsguard that Jeongguk has never seen before and he knows – like Yoongi would lay his life down for him, Jimin would destroy everything in his path for Taehyung.
Jeongguk saw Taehyung move, arm tipping over the edge of the wheelchair and long fingers resting on the front of Jimin’s calf – as if sensing the Crownsguard’s rising tension.

“Your concerns are valid, Yoongi-hyung,” Taehyung began, smiling softly. “I would never do anything to intentionally bring harm to Jeongguk, his reign, nor anyone in this room. I am putting only myself and my own family at risk by telling you.”

“I trust you,” Jeongguk said, speaking up loudly. “I don’t believe that whatever Taehyung has to say will bring harm to me or Naissus.”

Yoongi stared at Jeongguk for a moment, before darting over to Namjoon. The Chancellor turned to Jeongguk. There was no trepidation in Namjoon’s eyes, only trust. Yoongi turned back, nodding now.

“I swear to you, Taehyung,” Jeongguk said, “nothing you say will leave this room.”

“Good,” Taehyung said. “Now…tell me, what do you know of the faith? Of the Goddesses? I know Namjoon-hyung, you’ve read as much as you could on Attalia, and Yoongi-hyung, you grew up under the tradition.”

“It’s a polytheistic tradition that worships The Goddess Trinity. The Mother, the Maiden and the Crone,” Namjoon answered.

Yoongi fidgeted, biting on the inside of his lips as he wrings and stretches his fingers. Finally, he opened his mouth, a breath escaping before his voice came. It sounded far away, almost… uncomfortable and dazed - as if he was recalling details from the past.

“House Chrysantheme are descendants of the Maiden, daughter of the Mother Goddess, blessed by the Maiden’s sacrifice.”

Jeongguk stared. Yoongi rarely spoke about his relationship with the faith. His indifference at the mention of Taehyung’s blindness and the supposed gift made Jeongguk think that Yoongi did not believe. Though Jeongguk’s rule is ordained by the gods, he nor his court fear or worship them, and as the age of modernity continues, religion is but an ancient tradition and Jeongguk thought Yoongi had felt the same about the Attalian faith.

But more than once, Jeongguk’s caught Yoongi muttering in Attalian - praying, he learnt afterwards. He thought it was just a habit from growing up in an aristocratic family in the Sky City, but it was only now that Jeongguk realized how significant the faith is to his older brother.

Yoongi stopped speaking, taking a breath and scratching at the bridge of his nose. His brows furrowed,a thin line forming on his lips.

“It is said that divine blood runs in the veins of the Royal Family,” Namjoon supplied, “And… when one of the blood becomes of age, they are blessed with a gift, should they choose to accept the Mother’s grace.”

Yoongi started again, words slow and quiet. “To answer the call is to receive the blessing of the Mother and…to pay the debt owed to the Crone for receiving a gift of divinity.”

Jeongguk’s shivered, swallowing loudly as Yoongi spoke.

“You accepted her gift. On the eve of your 21st birthday,” Yoongi said monotonously. As if he was finding it difficult to comprehend.

“I did,” Taehyung replied.

“The Crone took your eyesight,” Yoongi continued. “What was the Mother’s gift?”


Jeongguk’s heart pounded in his ears, loudly in his chest.

Jimin hadn’t moved, remaining still where he stood looming protectively behind Taehyung, eyes downcast and hands clasped in front of him, fingers turning white.

“Clairvoyance,” Taehyung whispered. “I have the gift of foresight.”


Namjoon’s shoulders sagged and Seokjin sat down. Hoseok nodded quietly to himself, brows furrowing as he glared at the floor. Yoongi remained rooted where he stood, wide eyes trained on Taehyung, and fingers curling into a fist. He murmured something in Attalian and Jeongguk raised an eyebrow.

Finally, Jimin moves, scoffing at Yoongi’s words.

Yoongi glanced back as if realizing that no one understood Attalian.

“For blessed be the Blood of the Oracle,” he repeated in the common language. “It is a prayer, to protect the one who is gifted by the Mother.”

“I…know you may ask me to prove the existence of such a gift…it is difficult enough to explain, let alone have solid evidence…” Taehyung shifted, wetting his lips with his tongue again as he tried to continue speaking.

“I think your actions have proven it,” Namjoon said. “A gift of the gods makes more sense than anything we’ll ever be able to come up with.”

“How does it work?” Seokjin asked. “Do you have visions?”

Taehyung folded his hands together, pausing. “I do. It is difficult to explain. It’s never really clear. I am never sure when an event may happen. These visions - they may just be small things. But I’ve seen world events unfold as well.”

“What have you seen?” Namjoon asked.

“Emperor Park Min-Jun’s death…” Taehyung replied. “I had a vision of his death two months prior to the event – before I came to Naissus. I thought maybe there would be more time…I knew his death would trigger – would trigger the rise of Park Hae-jin and I fear what that would mean for Iaryen and what it would mean for Attalia. I hoped that the prospect of a potential alliance between Naissus and Attalia would deter the Empire.”

“I also… saw Aquileia’s fall…. I don’t know exactly when these things happen – only that it will.”

“That’s how you knew, wasn’t it?” Jeongguk murmured. “About the bomb – how you saved my life.”

Taehyung paused, head tilting towards the sound of Jeongguk’s voice. “Yes,” he breathed.

“But you said you never know when, how did you know that night?”

“I wasn’t sure…I wasn’t even sure if it was a vision or a dream. I…I can see in my visions. Not clearly though, so I rely on my other senses to understand more… that night…I remember… seeing a black blazer on the floor – there were embellishments that I remember feeling along the jacket that Jeongguk wore that night. It smelled like whiskey…I – had to …”

“Does it harm you to have these visions?” Seokjin asked.

“These visions can take a toll…Especially of this magnitude. I am still learning to hone this gift. A couple of weeks ago… when I fell ill, I saw Aquileia’s fall.”

“Wait,” Hosoeok started, brows furrowing as he crossed the room to stand beside Namjoon, “So, you knew Aquileia would fall, weeks ago? Why did you not warn Queen Lim Areum?”

“Because my father and King forbid it,” Taehyung said. “Besides, how do we explain having knowledge of this?”

“They would think we are in league with the Empire,” Jimin added. “If the Empire learns that Attalia knew – what would they think? We are an impartial country. The world cannot learn of the Royal Family’s divine secrets.”


“What do we do now?” Seokjin asked.

“I fear that I must tell my father what has transpired here. I cannot keep my involvement in this a secret,” Taehyung said tiredly. “I hope you understand.”

“We trust that the information remains within the Attalian King’s circle?” Hoseok asked warily.

“My father will not inform anyone else - not when it involves knowledge of my gift and can endanger my life,” Taehyung assured him. “My sister has told me that the Viscount of L’citron will be coming to ask for an audience with you, Jeongguk.”

“Do you know the reason for his visit?” Seokjin asked.

“Not exactly,” Taehyung answered. “But I have a feeling it is to…ask about the state of the potential alliance between our two nations.”

Jeongguk sat down in an armchair, resting his head in his hands.

The alliance. What will he make of it now?

“I understand if you are unable to lend any aid to Attalia,” Taehyung said. “Not when you face internal matters such as these. But I ask for your permission to stay at court. I hope that it may delay the Empire’s advances, having heard of Naissus’ elite air force. In the meantime, I hope to use my gifts to help you uncover the truth behind the assassination attempt.”

“I cannot ask that of you,” Jeongguk said in a rush.

“You aren’t. I am offering,” Taehyung said with an air of finality. “My gift may not be much help in retrospect, but there may be visions of the future that are of some use. I will do what I can to protect you while you find the culprit. Have you any more information?”

“Someone murdered the King’s Valet,” Hoseok says. “Bak Chung-ho.”

Taehyung’s brows furrow, bowing his head and muttering in Attalian – a phrase that sounded familiar to Jeongguk: a prayer.

“Murdered,” Jimin cried. “How?”

“The authorities found his body in the Arethusa Lake, evidence showed he was probably stunned or knocked unconscious by a blow to the head, before ultimately being strangled to death,” Namjoon explained. “We think the culprit was after a set of keys to Jeongguk’s rooms.”

“The assassin took Bak Chung-ho’s lapel pin as well, made sure that it was visible in all CCTV footage and was careful to have their face hidden from view,” Yoongi continued. “The other staff were unaware of Bak Chung-ho’s disappearance until after the gala – the assassin planned for this – made sure the act was completed on a day where most of the staff would be too busy preparing for an event to pay much attention to the King’s Valet’s whereabouts.”

“Did anyone see the culprit enter the King’s Apartments?” Jimin asked.

“No, Bak Chung-ho was present that morning, Jeongguk remembered that,” Hoseok said. “He often returned to his home in the city during the day. His apartment is not far from Arethusa Lake.”

Taehyung paused. “You know… this does explain why Bak Chung-ho-ssi wasn’t there when I came.”

“That’s right…” Hoseok murmured. “You went to the King’s Apartments in the afternoon… why was that?”

“I was there to give Jeongguk a gift, a flower crown.”

A flower crown….it was a flower crown. Taehyung said that before – Jeongguk remembered how breathlessly Taehyung said it as an explanation.

“Did you not see it, Jeongguk?” Taehyung asked.

“I-I…don’t remember. I lost most of my memories of the day of the gala,” Jeongguk confessed.

“I see…” Taehyung said slowly. “It was in a box – I asked the valet to leave it on your bedside table with a note – the valet – but, I remember, clearly – that wasn’t Bak Chung-ho.”

“Do you remember any details about the man who was in the room?” Namjoon asked, standing with wide eyes. “Anything at all?”

Taehyung’s brows furrowed, eyelids screwing shut as he turned his head. “I remember knowing right away that it wasn’t the King’s Valet. I met Chung-ho-ssi weeks ago when I was looking for your chambers, Jeongguk, to return your jacket. This person...his voice was deeper, rasper.” Taehyung lifted a hand to his brow, squeezing the bridge of his nose between his fingers. “He gave me a name – and – and an explanation for where Chung-ho-ssi was. Sick with food poisoning?”

“What was his name?” Hoseok asked, inching closer. Jeongguk could feel the tension rising from the Commander General, could feel the hope that Hoseok had in gaining more information.

“Kihwan.” Taehyung murmured. “He said his name was Kihwan.”

Hoseok stormed out of the room with little words, mumbling something about checking a list. But then he stopped, turning on his heels, making fierce eye-contact with Jeongguk.

“I am leaving, as such, I will be stationing guards at the door. When you leave, you will take a guard with you and you will not dismiss the guards posted at your door tonight,” Hoseok commanded, almost hissing the words.

Jeongguk nodded, swiftly, and wide-eyed at the ferocity in his older cousin’s voice. Hoseok turned to Yoongi, glaring at the older man as well.

“You as well, Yoongi-hyung,” Hoseok snapped.

“Yes, Hoseok,” Yoongi replied automatically, blinking as if stunned.

The Commander General slammed the door shut behind him and through the walls, Jeongguk could hear Hoseok’s loud, barking orders for guards to return to their post at the door.


“Did Bak Chung-ho have a family?” Taehyung asked.

“A younger sister attending university in Aerarius,” Namjoon said, “His parents died in the plague.”

“Was she informed of her brother’s death?”

“She was told that her brother’s death was an accident, not a murder...” Jeongguk said.

Taehyung’s brows furrowed, but then smoothed out with a small wobble of his lips before he spoke.

“To ensure that the assassination attempt remains classified information,” he concluded, “I understand.” There was a sadness in Taehyung’s voice, a soft resignation that made Jeongguk once again remember Taehyung’s intelligence and his sense of duty.

“Do you have any leads?” Jimin asked.

“No, nothing,” Namjoon says. “No suspects with a possible motive until you gave us a name, Taehyung.”

“There were some speculations…But, neither I nor my King’s Circle and my Privy Council have any information as to who may want me dead,” Jeongguk added.

“Your Privy Council… do they know what happened that night?” Taehyung asked.

“They know of your presence in the King’s Apartments the night of and that you both made it out, Taehyung,” Namjoon answered. “They don’t know why you were there.”

“And we shall keep it that way,” Jimin added tersely.

“Should they ask,” Taehyung started. “I think it would be safe to suggest it was a secret tryst – if you do not mind sullying your reputation.”

“I don’t,” Jeongguk said stiffly. “Rumours of our courtship have already circulated. Do you mind?”

“No,” Taehyung replied swiftly.

Yoongi stepped up – bowing low and formally. “I need to thank you, Your Royal Highness. You risked your life to save him – I can never thank you enough.”

Taehyung shook his head as if dismissing Yoongi’s unneeded thanks.

Jeongguk slouched into his seat, letting his head drop back as his eyes followed the intricate patterns on the ceiling. He swore softly, head spinning from Taehyung’s revelations.

“Jeongguk – should we proceed as planned?” Namjoon said.

“Yes…” Jeongguk murmured, sighing as he lurched to his feet. “I trust Hoseok-hyung will get to the bottom of this. He will deliver some news in the morning along with the aid that Lugdunum asks for. Yoongi-hyung, please inform my private secretary that I will see the Viscount of L’Citron… perhaps an audience with the Viscount for the day after tomorrow. Please continue with the press conference and Privy Council meeting, Namjoon-hyung.”

“Of course, if you would excuse me,” Namjoon said. Jeongguk nodded.

Seokjin walked up to Taehyung, kneeling by his side.

“I think you should take the medications now, Taehyung,” Seokjin murmured. “I can give you something else for nausea, but you need to rest.”

Taehyung hummed softly.

“You promised to take the painkillers after the meeting,” Jimin pleaded. “Please, Taehyung.”

Taehyung frowned but didn’t protest, allowing Seokjin to pour him a glass of water, and place two tablets into his hands.

After, Seokjin bid farewell, following Namjoon with the promise that he’ll come to see Taehyung in the morning. Yoongi left as well, stating that he’ll tell Hoseok about Jeongguk’s decisions and will plan the audience with the Viscount.

Jeongguk watches as Jimin’s eyes follow Yoongi out the door, but he remained standing behind Taehyung.

Leaving Jeongguk in the same position where he was earlier today: staring awkwardly at Taehyung.

“Jimin – can you – can you speak to Jennie? Inform her about what happened and tell her that I plan to speak to our father soon.”

Jimin hesitated, glancing over to Jeongguk, and sighed – as if knowing that this was Taehyung’s tactic to be alone with Jeongguk.

“I trust you can take Taehyung back to the rooms?” Jimin asked warily.


“Okay...I’ll see you in a bit...” With the doors closing quietly behind the silver-haired Crownsguard, Taehyung let out a tired sigh.


Jeongguk swayed uneasily on his heels, leaning against his desk for support.

“Jeongguk – can we – do you think we can go to the gardens?” Taehyung finally said, softly.

“Yes, yes of course,” Jeongguk replied, promptly scrambling to Taehyung’s side. “We’ll have to be accompanied.”

“Oh?” Taehyung mumbled, lips tilting and eyebrows raising. “Do they think we need a chaperone?”

Jeongguk huffed in amusem*nt, “I wish it were the case.”

“I don’t mind. I’ve been stuck in my rooms since I woke up,” Taehyung said, taking slow and shallow breaths between gritted teeth. “I just need some fresh air.”

Jeongguk hummed frowning at the clothes Taehyung wore. The Attalian prince was dressed casually, in a black long-sleeve shirt and a pair of grey sweatpants. It was too casual for the often neatly dressed man, and too little for the chill of a spring-turn-summer night.

Jeongguk pulled a blanket off of the sofa, draping it over Taehyung’s lap, watching as the prince brushed a hand over the fabric before recognizing what it was. He pulled it close, smoothing the wool down over his legs with a small grin.

“Okay,” Jeongguk said, satisfied that it would keep Taehyung warm. “… to the gardens.”

When Jeongguk opened the door of the study, there were already two guards standing by the door.

“Your Majesty,” they greeted.

“The First Prince and I will be going to the gardens; I understand that we’ll need to be accompanied.”

“Yes, sir. If you will let us retrieve some lanterns, we’ll escort you and His Royal Highness.”

Jeongguk nodded, waiting for one of the guards to jog back with lanterns in hand. Taehyung did not speak throughout the journey, sitting silently as Jeongguk carefully pushed the wheelchair towards their destination. He wondered, briefly, if the medications Seokjin gave Taehyung were taking effect. Jeongguk was careful of bumps and took turns slowly to prevent aggravating the prince’s wounds.

It was quiet outside. The air felt damp and the ramp, soil, and grass underneath Jeongguk’s shoes were wet from the rain. It was probably almost midnight, according to the last time Jeongguk checked his phone. Late – and dark, but warm.

Both the guards carried lanterns mounted on long poles, one standing in front and the other behind Jeongguk as he pushed the wheelchair along the pathway. The gardens were lit with the soft golden glow of the little lamps on both sides of the gravel path. Jeongguk winced as he wheeled Taehyung onto the grass, awkwardly trying to drive the wheelchair through the uneven grounds.

“Sorry,” Jeongguk murmured quietly, “The pathway ended and now we’re on grass – I don’t think this wheelchair is meant for this type of terrain.”

“It’s okay,” Taehyung replied, long fingers gripping the armrests, “We’re outside.”

“Where do you want to go?” Jeongguk asked.

“…Can we go to the place we had tea that one afternoon? Where the wisteria and gardenias and jasmine flowers were?”

“Okay,” Jeongguk replied, pushing Taehyung through the formal gardens towards the flower garden. Jeongguk smelled the blossoms before he saw them, the shrubs and pots of flowers barely visible in the pale moonlight. The guards made themselves scarce upon arrival, remaining several feet behind them, diligently watching, but providing them with the privacy of conversation.

“Can you help me out of the chair, I want – I want to sit in the grass.”

“It’s wet from the rain.”

“Please,” Taehyung whispered and Jeongguk did not have the heart to say no, even though the ground was wet and the air was colder than he realized.

Jeongguk shrugged out of his black cardigan, draping it over Taehyung’s shoulders. Taehyung’s hand flew over the top of Jeongguk’s, clutching the king’s fingers and brows furrowing.

“I’m sorry, I’m giving you my sweater,” Jeongguk explained, realizing he might have startled him. “I’m going to take the blanket to lay on the ground.”

“Alright, thank you,” Taehyung replied, gingerly pulling an arm into the sweater and leaving the other side hanging over his shoulder - the side with broken ribs, Jeongguk realized. Jeongguk helped Taehyung out of the wheelchair. He moved gingerly – so slowly. Taehyung placed his arm around Jeongguk’s neck – letting Jeongguk almost carry him. He was light and even in Jeongguk’s injured state, it was easy to lower Taehyung down onto the ground.

Taehyung struggled to stay sitting upright, sucking in a breath as he braced himself using his hands. Jeongguk sat down beside Taehyung, watching as the older man attempted to right himself, clenching his jaw as his hands grazed along the grass, trying to find purchase to lean back in a comfortable position.

Jeongguk crept closer, shoulder touching Taehyung’s before sliding behind him - and then slowly, he felt Taehyung relax, his weight pressing into the left side of Jeongguk’s chest, his fingers finding Jeongguk’s knee, splaying over his thigh as he leaned against the king, like this morning.

Jeongguk had little experience with romance, but he’s read about it – seen it in movies and dramas.

These touches – should send butterflies crawling up his stomach to his throat, should have his heart beating madly. But with Taehyung, there was something comforting, easy about the simple touches they shared – from the very first moment in the gardens. Perhaps it’s the constant smell of lavender that puts Jeongguk at ease.

“It’s disconcerting to hear that you’ve forgotten what happened at the gala,” Taehyung said, pulling Jeongguk out of his thoughts.

“I know… I’m rattled by it as well…” Jeongguk started. “I know that I spoke to Cha Seung-won, the Earl of Fama. I cannot remember what about it…nor when I became so… inebriated.”

“I did not have the pleasure of speaking to the Earl of Fama,” Taehyung said, “who is he?”

“The previous Lord Chancellor… before I stripped him of his title and made it known that he was no longer welcome at court,” Jeongguk explained. “Namjoon-hyung took the role at the beginning of my reign. Cha Seung-won made quite a generous donation to the foundation… and since the gala was in honour of the patrons… I just… wasn’t expecting him to come.”

“Perhaps it was good that you don’t remember. I imagine he was not pleasant company,” Taehyung said, pulling on the sleeves of Jeongguk’s sweater over his fingers and yanking the collar closer to him.

Jeongguk hummed, remembering the words from Shin Sung-rok at the Privy Council meeting, “I just wish… I knew what I said…Or what I did at the party…”

Taehyung’s fingers found his, wrapping gently around them.“I went looking for you later in the evening during the party, I found you on the balcony.”

“What happened?”

“You told me that you were sitting outside for perhaps an hour. You smelled of alcohol.”

Jeongguk scowled in embarrassment as Taehyung continued, “You seemed… upset that we were unable to spend much time together at the gala. You…spoke about how your presence – in your words – kills the conversation due to your position.”

“Was that all we spoke of?”

Taehyung fiddled with the edge of the sleeve.

“You asked if my lips would taste like lavender,” Taehyung whispered and Jeongguk thought he was hearing things.


Jeongguk remembered that – like the edge of a dream – he remembered the smell of lavender and wishing to taste it on his tongue. He remembered brown eyes bleeding into the blue.

“Then what?”

“I told you to ask me when you were sober.”

“Right,” Jeongguk muttered to himself. He sighed, shoulders sagging, arm slipping off of Taehyung.

“Please forgive my impudence.”

“No, Jeongguk, please don’t be embarrassed,” Taehyung said, almost chuckling, “I – I would have…given you an answer if I did not feel as though I was taking advantage of your state.”


“Do you remember the first time we were here?” Taehyung asked softly.

Jeongguk hummed quietly. “You asked if I found you attractive.”

Taehyung huffed; the sound too breathy to be his usual deep chortle. He paused, wrapping an arm around his side.

“The medicine has yet to take effect?” Jeongguk asked.

“It is… but…Seokjin-hyung recommended this one – it’s slow-acting – but it won’t leave me feeling as nauseous after… but I rather not rely too much on pain medications.”

“Why not?” Jeongguk asked.

“I don’t like how it makes me feel – mindless and numb – and…. It makes it harder to tell if I am dreaming or seeing visions. The side effects are not worth it.”

Jeongguk bit his lips.

“You had a vision…that day?” Jeongguk asked. “I remembered seeing your eyes glowing blue.”

“Yes, I did,” Taehyung replied. “Jimin has told me they do when I have visions...I saw Orivala’s airships raiding Piran, and a grand scale assault on the palace. I also saw Queen Lim Aruem signing the accord allowing the Empire to vassalise Aquileia. I…don’t think it has happened yet, but it will in the next week or so.”

Jeongguk hummed in response.


“No one ever told me the extent of your wounds.”

“Some staples in my head, a concussion,” Jeongguk answered, “some burns on my back and my arms… but I think you got the brunt of it.”

Taehyung straightened, pushing himself off of Jeongguk’s chest as he slowly twisted, curling his uninjured leg into his chest.

“May I?” Taehyung asked, holding out his hands, “Where did you hit your head?”

Jeongguk lifted their entwined fingers, guiding Taehyung slowly to the wound on the back of his head.

Seokjin had taken off the dressing, opting for frequent visits to clean the wound and rather than wrapping the King’s head in mountains of gauze. The wound was drying and Seokjin promised that within a week and a half, he’ll remove the staples.

Taehyung’s fingers were gentle and hesitant as if he was touching a flower petal. He flinched, as his fingers grazed over the edge of a staple, curling away and pulling back.

“It doesn’t really hurt to touch anymore,” Jeongguk said, releasing Taehyung’s hand. The older man’s hand moved from the top of Jeongguk’s head, fingers barely touching his hair, to the tip of his ear before Taehyung’s palm found his jaw and his fingers rested on his cheek. Jeongguk can feel the thin bandages on his palm, but his fingers are warm.

Taehyung paused, barely touching Jeongguk’s skin, waiting to see if Jeongguk would pull away – or if he’d grant silent permission. Slowly, Jeongguk shifted, pressing into the warmth of Taehyung’s hands and welcomed the touch.

Taehyung’s fingers traced across his cheekbone, over the bridge of his nose, up to his brow, and finally landing on the corner of Jeongguk’s lips. Jeongguk felt his eyes flutter shut, relishing in the feeling of Taehyung’s fingertip trailing along the edges of his bottom lip, and then, like in the dream he can’t quite remember, he wondered what it would feel like to kiss Taehyung.

He was sober now, wasn’t he?

Jeongguk slowly opened his eyes and found Taehyung leaning so close, the top of his head nearly knocking into Jeongguk’s chin.

“How long has it been? A month? You’ve aged since that day,” Taehyung whispered. “It feels like your cheekbones and jaw are sharper, you have more furrows in your brow, your lips…. settle more easily into a frown.”

His hand fell from Jeongguk’s face, torso tilting to the side as he slumped into Jeongguk’s chest, head resting against Jeongguk’s shoulder.

“I’m sorry, Jeongguk,” Taehyung mumbled, “I’m sorry that this happened. That I dragged you into my own mess as well.”

Jeongguk inhaled deeply, pushing down the spiral of apprehensive thoughts. For just a short moment, he allowed himself to forget all that happened to savour the scent of lavender.

“No…If you weren’t here, I don’t think I would have survived that night,” he replied, gently.

“I don’t regret helping you.”

“Neither will I.”

Jeongguk stumbled into the doorway of his study, weaving almost drunkenly towards the sofa before sinking down. His head lolled listlessly over the edge.

He closed his eyes when he saw Seokjin trail in after him, directing the staff to place tea on the table and leave.

It was late in the afternoon. The Privy Council meeting went over an hour the time that Jeongguk had allotted in his day, but he was unable to bring a close to the meeting with the endless questions and opinions that the council members shot at him.

“I have a headache, hyung,” Jeongguk whined, “The light is making it worse.”

Jeongguk felt the sofa sink down beside him and an audible sigh fell from Seokjin’s lips. Jeongguk refused to open his eyes, listening to the older man shuffle around beside him until he heard the sharp sound of objects clicking against plastic. He rubbed his temples, peeling one eye open to see Seokjin holding a bottle in his hands and prying the top open.

Seokjin shifted over, taking Jeongguk’s limp hand and dumping two pills into his open palm. “Take these,” he commanded. “It won’t make you drowsy. You’ll have headaches for a while, Jeongguk. But you’ll tell me if they get worse and if you feel like vomiting, right?”

Jeongguk nodded, shoving the pills into his mouth and fumbling for a bottle of apple juice on the table to wash it down.

“His Grace, the Lord Chancellor and the Commander General, Your Majesty.”

Namjoon walked in with Hoseok in tow after being announced. He ran a hand through his ash-blonde hair, throwing himself into the chaise lounge opposite to Jeongguk. The back of his knees knocked into the armrests before he unceremoniously tipped himself over the side and landed hard on the leather as his glasses fell askew.

“I hate Privy Council meetings,” Namjoon cursed under his breath. Jeongguk scoffed, following the older man’s example and crashed into the cushions.

The young king closed his eyes again, trying to fight the pounding headache in the back of his head while dealing with the thoughts from the Privy Council meeting.

“f*cking three and a half hours,” Seokjin muttered, “And still no consensus.”

“Though there is no decision on Naissus’ stance on the war in Iaryen - it is indisputable that Attalia will become involved,” Namjoon said.

“The council unanimously has agreed to send one of the Royal Fleets to protect the Floating Isles,” Jeongguk supplied – knowing that Hoseok was waiting for the news.

Hoseok nodded, crouching by the coffee table and grabbing a tiny dessert fork. He stabbed one of every coloured rice cake and placed it on a plate, pouring himself a cup of tea. “That most definitely is a victory.”

“Yeah,” Jeongguk hummed, “I guess that is something to celebrate.” He pressed the heel of his hands into his eyes, hoping that it’ll help to elevate the pressure in his skull. Seokjin promised to remove the stitches by the end of the week. At least now, it doesn’t hurt as much when laying on the healing head injury or the burns anymore.

“Even then, they were reluctant – and many only conceded because of your sound reasoning, Namjoon-hyung,” Jeongguk said. “There was only one thing for certain which is how disappointed they are that I failed to inform them of my intentions to formally announce my courtship with Taehyung until now.”

The sofa dipped again as Hoseok sat beside Seokjin since there was no room with Namjoon sprawled across the other couch. The three of them squished cozily on the seat.

“War could be on the horizon, and yet all those f*cking nobles can think about is how they lost the chance to marry their child off to the King,” Seokjin said.

Jeongguk grunted, amused by how calmly Seokjin spoke – all too aware of the struggle for power.

“But you can’t group them all together,” Hoseok said around a mouth full of the sweets, “I’m certain my father was more than willing to support you, and so was Park So-jin-ssi.”

“So-jin-noona,” Seokjin sighed, “What a voice of reason in that room full of madmen.”

“You must not be too harsh,” Namjoon said, “the years of the Queen Mother’s regency and your reign thus far, Jeongguk, have been peaceful. Though the Empire’s expansion was always troublesome news, no one expected that this would happen so suddenly. Most of the peerages’ problems were to raise their station, and now with the surge of mounting concerns – from an attempted assassination of the king to an impending war – they cling to this problem in hopes of keeping some sense normalcy.”

Jeongguk raises his head, turning to face Namjoon.

“I understand that your patience is waning with the council, Jeongguk, but give them just a little more time to adjust. You are their King – and they cannot defy you – but having their support will be crucial in maintaining the peace once this all blows over.”

Jeongguk grunts, dropping his head back onto the fabric.

“Your Majesty, the Earl of Libertas and Lord Park Jimin.”

Jeongguk lifted his head, brows furrowing as his older brother entered the room with the Crownsguard behind him. He remembered his brother was just beside him after leaving the council room, but then Yoongi checked his phone and left, mumbling something about meeting them in the study. Namjoon flailed, struggling to sit upright, pulling his long legs off the edge of the couch. Jeongguk also sat up, back straightening when his eyes fell on the sharp curve of Jimin’s eyes and the stern turn of his lips.

“Jeongguk,” Yoongi called, “Jimin has some information to report to you.”

Jeongguk blinked, surprised by the familiarity of the Crownsguard’s name coming from his brother’s mouth.

Jimin bowed. “Forgive me for the intrusion, Taehyung would come himself, but he’s exhausted. I’ve convinced him to rest.”

Seokjin nodded with a soft smile as if appeased by the news, and Jeongguk was also happy to hear that Taehyung had taken time to rest.

“We were just settling down for afternoon tea, would you like to join us?” Seokjin asked.

Jimin opened his mouth, head shaking to decline, but Yoongi was already pouring two cups of green tea, handing one to the silver-haired man.

Jimin hesitated for a moment before bowing. He wrapped fingers covered in silver rings around the small ceramic cup, nursing it awkwardly as he quietly thanked Yoongi.

“Sit,” Yoongi murmured, settling beside Namjoon. But Jimin remained standing, licking his lips as he blinked several times. He took a breath, clearing his throat before he began.

“Taehyung has spoken to his father this morning,” Jimin reported. “His Majesty the King of Attalia did not receive the news of the attempt on your life well, or Taehyung’s involvement and the consequences. He had demanded that Taehyung returns to Marsylle immediately. This was what Taehyung predicted would happen and why we chose to keep the information a secret.”

Jimin paused, spinning the delicate ceramic cup in a full circle between his fingertips.

“It took much convincing,” he continued. “But Taehyung’s father has been…placated for now. Especially since – to my understanding – you spoke of Naissus continuing her alliance with Attalia and… the…implications of that. The Viscount will still be coming for an audience. The King wants solid evidence.”

“I understand… I have invited the Viscount to dine at the palace tomorrow,” Jeongguk said, leaning forward and pouring himself a cup of green tea. “It is short notice, but considering he wished for an audience and the state of current world affairs, I doubt he’ll decline.”

“I think not either,” Jimin agreed, turning away and bringing the teacup to his lips.

“Will Taehyung be well enough to attend?” Hoseok asked.

“I believe so. Even if he wasn’t, it will not stop him,” Jimin replied.

“Should the invitation be extended to the Viscount’s fiancé?” Yoongi asked.

“It will give off an air of normalcy,” Namjoon replied, as he stuck his fork into a pale pink rice cake. “Give off the impression that the state of affairs is still in order.”

Jeongguk gnawed on the inside of his lips, before nodding, “It wouldn’t hurt to extend the invitation. Do you think it’ll be possible to hold the dinner in the state dining hall? It is short notice.”

Jeongguk glanced at Namjoon who nods subtly, understanding Jeongguk’s intention. Though inviting the Ambassador and his fiancé to dinner was a friendly, intimate gesture, the fact that it would be held in the state dining hall signified the political nature of their visit.

“I will let Taehyung know,” Jimin nodded, “Also – Taehyung asks if Hoseok-ssi has been able to retrieve more information about Kihwan.”

“Not much,” Hoseok replied, taking a sip of tea. “He does exist in the directory of staff, Lee Kihwan.” Hoseok pulled up a picture on his phone, showing it to Jimin.

Jimin shook his head, “I have never seen him during my stay here.”

“My men are searching through the records for more information,” Hoseok said. “He is no longer in the palace… and…the house address provided leads to an empty apartment. I have investigators there searching for more information.”

“So far…. Lee Kihwan is not the assassin’s real name.” Hoseok leaned forward in his seat, lacing his fingers together as he rests his elbows on his knees. “It’s a false identity, which makes the search much more difficult – but not impossible. Obviously, the assassin was not expecting Taehyung to show up that afternoon, and he is lucky that Jeongguk lost his memories. But, what Taehyung gave was invaluable information. Now we have a face. I have sent out forces and informed our intelligence agencies. They have eyes on all ports out of the country – if he hasn’t left yet – we are going to catch him.”

Jimin nodded, “I will inform Taehyung of the news.” He downed the tea in one shot, placing the cup down onto the coffee table before turning his head toward Jeongguk. “Thank you for the tea, Your Majesty.” He bowed, spinning on his heels, but then paused, looking over his shoulder.

“Could I speak with you in private for a moment, Yoongi-hyung?” Jimin asked, softly.

Yoongi slammed his cup down onto the table, standing up quickly. “Sure,” he answered. “I have to go send the invitation to the Ambassador anyway.”

Jeongguk jumped, brows furrowing at the suddenness – Yoongi was never one for quick action, preferring to use his quick wit and sharp mind. It was rare to see the older man move as quickly as he did. Hoseok unsubtly sat closer to the edge of the couch, shooting a confused look at both Jeongguk and Seokjin. Seokjin returned the look with a wide-eyed glare of his own.

They both turned around to watch Yoongi scramble to join Jimin’s side. The Crownsguard stared for a couple of seconds, before turning and bowing to Jeongguk.

“By your leave, Your Majesty…” Jimin murmured before continuing on his way out.

When the doors closed behind the pair, Seokjin turned.

“What was that?” he hissed. “They came in together and they’re leaving together? Only days ago, Jimin would address Yoongi as ‘Min Yoongi-ssi’.”

“Yoongi-hyung was once of the peerage in Attalian court,” Namjoon mused, “Do you think Jimin found out and is threatening him?”

“No,” Jeongguk replied. “I don’t think Jimin is threatening him. They knew each other during childhood.”

Hoseok shoved another rice cake into his mouth, words muffled by the food. “The night of the gala, I fell asleep in the music room with Yoongi-hyung playing the piano. I woke up when I heard the explosion – Jimin was there too.”

Jeongguk huffed, “Odd,” he muttered, but refused to speak anymore. It wasn’t his story to share about his older brother’s affiliations with the Crownsguard.

“Now what?”

Jeongguk massaged the space between his brows.

“We proceed,” Jeongguk answered. “With the Privy Council’s backing, I’d like to study our possibilities for sending a fleet to Attalia.”

Hoseok nodded, placing his empty plate onto the table and grabbing the tablet in replacement. He fumbled with something in his pocket, before pulling out a small round object and placing it onto the table. With a click of a button, a holographic world map was projected on top. The Commander General proceeded to load the tablet with the specs and details of the Naissian Air Fleets, returning it to Jeongguk.

“What are your thoughts?” Jeongguk asked.

“Perhaps sending in the 1st or the 3rd fleet.”

“The first is the Dreadnought Titan?”

“Yes, he is older – slower, but most definitely equipped for battle. The other option is the Shiva.”

“The Shiva,” Jeongguk repeated, scrolling through the specs of the war vessel, “Not our latest model is it?”

“No, but she is fully equipped, functional, and deadly on the battlefield. Her speed is only rivalled by the Ifrit. She would make a formidable foe for whatever the Empire will throw at her.”

“I thought the commander of the Third Fleet retired,” Namjoon said.

“He did.” Hoseok grumbled, “I have yet to appoint a new commander. But since we may be sending the third fleet to Attalia, I have interviewed and accessed several candidates. I will appoint one by the end of tomorrow.”

“And what of defence for our borders?”

“We have the 2nd fleet, led by the Dreadnaught Ramuh on the outskirts of Aurea and the fourth fleet, led by the Leviathan on our borders with Corkidamia.”

“And the 5th fleet?”

“On loan to Ashua – which means they’ll be protected.”

“And the 6th fleet?”

“On standby in Aurea,” Hoseok replied. “It is our newest. The Sky Fortress is for protection of the Royal Family, should the battle be brought to Aurea.”

Jeongguk doesn’t argue that.

“Send the 3rd fleet to Attalia. I want this to be public.”

“We can invite the press to the hanger, where you’ll meet the commander,” Namjoon said.

“How soon can we make it happen?”

“The day after tomorrow, I’ll say,” Hoseok said.

“Alright. I want to invite Taehyung; the publicity will demonstrate our alliance.”

“If you intend to demonstrate the alliance, I believe you should also consider making an official statement,” Namjoon said. “Regarding that and your courtship.”

Jeongguk nodded.

“Good, I’ll draft a statement, and we’ll go over it in the morning,” Namjoon said.

“Jeongguk,” Seokjin started, having been mostly silent for most of their conversation on the logistics of Naissus’ fleet. “Suppose we catch Lee Kihwan, or whatever his name is….if he is guilty… what will happen to him?”


“He will receive the capital punishment for 1st-degree murder and attempted regicide,” Jeongguk whispered. “Death.”

Seokjin had warned him to avoid screens, but Jeongguk hoped that a short reprieve of video games would take his mind off the impending idea of war. So, it was later that night when Jeongguk found himself going to the media room.

As he approached, Jeongguk realized that there was a familiar sound coming from the dimly lit room. It was already occupied – and judging by the jazz music – by Taehyung.

Jeongguk paused by the door, peeking inside to find Taehyung reclining on the far sofa, alone, with no sign of the Crownsguard.

“Jeongguk,” Taehyung called out loud, head-turning towards the door. “Is that you? Are you there?”

Jeongguk flinched at the suddenness of Taehyung’s voice.

“Yes,” he answered, stepping cautiously into the room, heart beating in his ears, heat rising to his neck and cheeks.

Taehyung’s eyes were open, muted brown irises, framed by long lashes. Staring past Jeongguk – he couldn’t help but imagine…if Taehyung was sighted, his gaze would be incredibly piercing.

“How – how did you – you saw,” Jeongguk whispered.

Taehyung smiled, eyes fluttering shut again. “Come in, close the door behind you and you are welcome to turn on the lights.”

Jeongguk complied, closing the door quietly behind him but leaving the lights dimmed. It took a while for his eyes to adjust from the bright light in the halls, to recognise Taehyung and the furniture in the room beyond different shapes of shadows.

There was no wheelchair in the room, which meant that the First Prince was well enough to be on his feet.

But he still stumbled and moved slowly as he sat up. Jeongguk lurched to Taehyung’s side.

“Do you want me to help?” he asked.

Taehyung shook his head, leaning against a cushion as he made space for Jeongguk on the sofa. His breathing was still short. But he appeared better dressed than he was last night, wearing a loose, white dress shirt and a pair of black slacks, crinkled from laying down on the sofa, but still neat.

There was a familiar dark sweater draped over the prince’s legs.

“You still have my cardigan,” Jeongguk said, standing dumbly in front of the sofa.

“Yes,” Taehyung murmured, holding the fabric close to his chest. “I hope you don’t mind; I’d like to keep it for a while longer –”

“No, please, keep it,” Jeongguk replied, feeling a sense of pride and an unfamiliar sense of possessiveness surging within him.

“I’m trying to search for visions about you.”

Jeongguk tilted his head in confusion, “What do you mean?

“I don’t know if it’s true,” Taehyung began, “There aren’t any records of clairvoyance being a gift given by the Mother…but I feel as though I receive more visions when holding onto something belonging to the person I am searching for. Like it’s a channel of power.”

Jeongguk settled into the sofa beside him, Taehyung’s socked feet resting on Jeongguk’s thigh.

“…that day when you were sleeping here…you were holding a necklace engraved with the initials of your sister – were you searching for visions of her too?”

Taehyung’s eyebrow raised.

“You noticed?” Taehyung asked, with a grin, “That’s right. With the announcement of Park Hae-jin’s coronation, my sister, as Crown Princess, was the one who would be invited to the event. I feared the worst – that Park Hae-jin would set his eyes upon my sister – that he might ask for her hand in marriage. I needed to know – to prevent it.”

“Did you learn anything?”

“I did not see a coronation,” Taehyung sighed, “My visions of Jennie were of her visit to Ravenna soon….for a holy ceremony honouring the summer solstice and officiating her position as Crown Princess. It is the year of her coming of age after all.”

“Jennie did not take the blessing?”

“No,” Taehyung replied firmly. “She would never take the gift, not after taking the mantle of heir apparent. Such sacrifice is too great for a future sovereign.”

“Do you regret taking the gift?”

Taehyung smiled, leaning against the back of the sofa as he took a soft breath – unseeing eyes fluttering open once more.

“No,” Taehyung replied resolutely. “I don’t think I ever regretted taking the gift. As you have never resented taking on the mantle of King as early as you did.”

Jeongguk blinked, remembering the conversation they had – and the soft, understanding smile that graced the First Prince’s lips.

Taehyung moved, swinging his legs down and scooting closer to Jeongguk. He leaned back, resting his arm on the back of the sofa and pillowing his head in the crook of his arm.

“At first…it terrified me,” Taehyung whispered. “My world was pitch black, except for in my dreams and these visions – When I slept, it was impossible at first, to discern what was a dream and what was a premonition – even now I struggle with it.”


“Were you sleeping that night?”

“Yes,” Taehyung breathed, “I prayed to the Goddesses that what I saw was but a terrible dream.” He paused, pulling the sweater closer and over one shoulder.

“But I’m glad that I had that vision.”

Jeongguk swallowed, nervously brushing his hair behind his ear, fingers catching on his piercings.

“I, unfortunately, haven’t seen much else since…”. Taehyung continued. “I hoped that I’d see something that would help with the investigation – but…unfortunately…”

“What have you seen? Surely your visions aren’t all deadly and terrible,” Jeongguk asked, attempting a joke.

“It’s not,” Taehyung grinned. “I’ve seen glimpses of Jennie’s visit to Ravenna recently… uneventful glimpses – a conversation with Mingyu, the lighting of her flame in the sacred temple of the Maiden, the anointing…”

“You won’t attend?”

“No…it is not within tradition for anyone to attend the holy ceremony,” Taehyung answered. “It is a rite between her, the High Priestess, and the Mother – it’s a rite of renewal.”

Jeongguk doesn’t remember Namjoon mentioning any sort of ceremony during the solstice. In fact, the Lord Chancellor was only able to give him the barebone facts about the faith. Like Namjoon had said – the faith of the Floating Isles…was shrouded in mystery…

“Did you…participate in the rite when you came of age?”

“I did.”

“I only remember the smell of chrysanthemums… I can’t recall much else of the ritual – if I am honest. My 21st birthday was almost six months before the summer solstice …It was an overwhelming time – I was just learning to handle the gift and the loss of my eyesight.” He murmurs, voice getting softer and quieter.

Taehyung cleared his throat, shifting in his seat. “But…it was nice to catch a glimpse of Jennie in my visions. She wore a gown that looked like it was made from the stars. She’ll look beautiful.”

Jeongguk could hear the affection in Taehyung’s words.

“I also saw you entering the room – it was a short vision – barely anything, but even then, those are a blessing during these times.”

Taehyung huffs out a breath, shifting slowly, but with much more strength and grace than the last time Jeongguk saw him.

Jeongguk frowned, “Are you in a lot of pain?”

Taehyung lets out another breath, “Better than before. Seokjin-hyung said that the pain should progressively get better – by two weeks, the pain will be minimal – but it could take three months to heal completely.”

“He also tells me it could take two weeks for the symptoms of my concussion to dissipate.”

“You should be resting,” Taehyung said, “Not attending privy council meetings.”

“I could say the same for you,” Jeongguk returned.

“I am resting,” Taehyung said, smiling. Jeongguk scoffed, rolling his eyes at Taehyung’s cheekiness.

Taehyung’s smile grows wider at the sound of Jeongguk’s breathy laughter, and in the dim light, Jeongguk catches a flash of white teeth. He wished he could see those smiles more often.

“There was something else I wanted to discuss with you….” Jeongguk started, emboldened by Taehyung’s smile. “I know not of what aid Naissus can provide to Lugdunum – the Galatian revolt is nigh, perhaps Lugdunum will withstand…still…I want to discuss with you about sending another Fleet to the far borders of Attalia, to where the Empire might most likely strike. We sent a small squadron of airships when you arrived, but… it would not be equipped for war. Sending one of the Royal Fleets… This will discourage the Empire from striking just yet – just enough for me to see to the end of this assassination attempt and set our eyes on being able to deal with foreign concerns.”

Jeongguk watched as Taehyung’s brow raised, as he lifted his head from his arm.

“I have spoken to Hoseok-hyung… there is a matter I wanted to announce at a press conference…. I am aware of the gossip that runs regarding our relationship – and how it was confirmed during the gala.”

Jeongguk bit the inside of his cheek, hoping that the pain would help to calm his wildly beating heart.

“I don’t want to push you into anything that you don’t want, Taehyung,” Jeongguk continued in a rush, “But would you be willing to allow me to make an announcement at the press conference, to officiate our courtship?”

“Do you want this?” Taehyung asked.

“I do,” Jeongguk said. “I’ll have spoken to my Privy Council this morning about it – Some have not approved, but most are in favour. This is something that will benefit both our countries. Should the courtship be made official, the Empire will know that Attalia is protected by Naissus.”

Jeongguk tentatively reached for Taehyung’s hand, resting his fingers gently on top of the prince’s, waiting for permission to continue. Taehyung reacted quickly, wrist twisting and fingers curling around Jeongguk’s.

“Then yes, Jeongguk, you have my permission.”

“Attalia is now an ally and friend,” Jeongguk murmured, rubbing his thumb over the sharp bumps of Taehyung’s knuckles. “And Naissus will protect our friends.”

Jeongguk pulled on the lapel of his pinstriped suit, nervously pushing hair behind his ear before nodding to the guard to announce him.

“His Majesty the King, sir.”

Taehyung was sitting on the couch in the drawing-room of the chambers, dressed in an off-white wool sweater and a pair of loose dark-coloured trousers.

Jeongguk paused, admiring just how good Taehyung looks dressed in lighter colours.

“Jeongguk, are we late? Taehyung asked, smoothing down the collar of the sweater. “ Jimin is just finishing getting dressed.”

“No, I’m early,” Jeongguk replied. “I wanted to ask if I could walk down with you.”

A small smile forms on Taehyung’s lips. “I’d like that.”

“Can you choose a brooch for me?” Taehyung asked, pointing at the coffee table between them, turning his hand and waiting with his palm open. “They’re in the bottom-most compartment.”

Jeongguk turned, finding the familiar dark velvet box – he had seen it before, closed this time. He opened the drawer on the bottom of the box. Inside were a couple of intricate brooches in the shape of chrysanthemum flowers, all inlaid with precious gems, all with varying levels of ornateness. His eyes immediately are drawn to an elegant pin with ivory petals and a pearl centre.

Deciding on that one, he placed it gently into Taehyung’s open hand.

The First Prince’s fingers close around the jewelled accessory, feeling the edges. His lips curled into a grin as he breathed a soft laugh.

“I like your choice,” he said. He nimbly weaved the pin of the ornament into the fabric of the sweater, just over his heart, adjusting it with precision.

The adjacent doors to the sitting room creaked open and Jimin stepped out, wearing a crisp black dress shirt, and black pants, a silver sunflower brooch pinned to the left pocket. Unlike Taehyung who seems to favour lighter colours, Jimin favoured black – like a shadow.

He nodded in greeting to Jeongguk, unsurprised by his presence. Jeongguk assumed that the Crownsguard heard the guard announcing his arrival.

“Jimin,” Taehyung called, “Jeongguk and I will go down together.”

“I heard,” Jimin replied, “if that’s the case, I will go down first.”

“Has the Ambassador arrived?” Taehyung asked.

“Not yet,” Jeongguk replied, “it will take another ten minutes to drive in from the city.”

“Good…” Jimin murmured. He places a hand in his pant pockets, casually strolling out the door, “I’ll see you both later.”

Jeongguk watched as the Crownsguard retreats, silently closing the door to the apartments behind him. He turned, catching Taehyung affixing a pearl to his ear.

“It’s good that we got the chance to speak before the dinner,” Taehyung said. “Have you met the Ambassador?”

“Once before,” Jeongguk answered, “It was under my reign that Naissus began accepting envoys… I believe the ambassador was present during my last birthday celebrations…I did not have the chance to speak to him for long, he came alone then… he is bringing his fiancé tonight.”

“Yes, Song Ga-eun, who is not a member of the peerage,” Taehyung mused.

Jeongguk hummed, brows furrowing in confusion by Taehyung’s distinctive comment of rank.

“Arranged marriages are not as common anymore… but it is certainly a method to make allies and gain power. For someone in the Viscount’s position, marrying for love is rare,” Taehyung started. Jeongguk exhaled a low note in understanding, realizing that Shim Changmin had chosen love over prestige.

“House Chrysantheme has always been the undisputed sovereign house of Attalia. But our history is wrought with power-hungry nobles competing for the king’s favour, trying to marry into the royal family. Everything for wealth, power, and glory.” Taehyung paused, crossing his legs and leaning back into the settee with a gentle smile. “But Shim Changmin is different. He does not care for wealth and power, but simply for what he believes is right – he is a man who will speak his mind. He does not believe in arranged marriages – and he has been very vocal about his perspectives.”

“My father knows of my intentions here in Naissus. He understands that it is a possibility that my visit may result in an alliance – that I am willing to do so to save my country. But my mother does not want me to end up in a loveless marriage. That is why she has asked Shim Changmin-ssi to come. I understand that you will tell him about sending a fleet to Attalia and your official announcement of our courtship. However, this information is something that I can tell my father – this is not why Shim Changmin-ssi is here. He’s here to know – ”

“If I love you?” Jeongguk asked, suddenly – his voice sounding unnaturally loud in comparison to Taehyung’s soft voice in the room.



Taehyung stood, taking slow but steady steps towards Jeongguk, arms raising from his side and fingers reaching. Jeongguk found his arms moving, mirroring Taehyung until his fingertips touched the cuff of Taehyung’s sleeve and the First Prince’s fingers curled gently around Jeongguk’s wrist.

He stood so close – and though Jeongguk’s heart is racing – the scent of lavender and chamomile forces his senses to calm.

“I remember… you said some things the day I woke up,” Taehyung murmured.

“I said an awful lot of things,” Jeongguk muttered, “Things that I regret – things that are not true.”

A smile pulled on Taehyung’s lips “You told me of your affections for me – that day. Was that a lie?”

“No –,” Jeongguk answered quickly. “No, that – that was the truth.”

“Good,” Taehyung whispered, releasing Jeongguk’s wrist, fingers now running along his arm, over his shoulder, across his neck and then tracing over his jaw. “Because I will not deny my affections for you.”

Taehyung’s breath lands in warm puffs on Jeongguk’s skin.

“Good,” Jeongguk repeated, dazedly.

They were so close – if either of them turned their heads or moved closer, their lips would touch – and Jeongguk yearned to move just a little closer – to close the gap –

Suddenly, there was a loud knock on the door.

Jeongguk recoiled, spinning around in a huff.

Taehyung took a step back, clearing his throat before speaking. “Come in.”

A footman politely opened the door, bowing to them both. “Your Majesty, Your Royal Highness, the Ambassador has just arrived and is ready for you downstairs.”

“We’ll be right down,” Jeongguk answered. The footman nodded, closing the door silently behind him.

Taehyung huffed a chuckle, “Shall we?”

The summer rain provided a bleak background to the otherwise peaceful dinner with the Ambassador. Namjoon was worried that the heavy thunderstorm would continue onto the day of the meeting with the new commander of the Third Fleet. But the morning sun was bright and warm and the drive to the airship hangar was quiet.

After uncovering the name of the man who impersonated Bak Chung-ho, Hoseok took all the necessary precautions and limited the number of staff in the palace to the bare necessities. He cleared the need for a guard to be present by Jeongguk’s side while he’s in the walls of Sol Palace but has not lifted the extra security measures when he’s out.

Hoseok sent a team earlier to scout the secondary highway and once deemed safe, the Commander General insisted that Jeongguk take that route to the airship hangar, along with Yoongi. Namjoon and Seokjin took the main highway, along with Taehyung and Jimin in another vehicle.

The road was long and winding as it went around the Crown City rather than through it. Yoongi fell asleep as soon as the palace was out of sight, but Jeongguk had a heaviness that settled in his chest. He was concerned about Namjoon and Seokjin and Taehyung and Jimin, even.

He pulled on the necktie, the stiff collar digging into his throat. The young king wore a simple, and sleek black double-buttoned suit to the event, his dress shirt a crisp white. Much of his clothes were damaged in the explosion, and it was upon Yoongi’s insistence that Jeongguk take his own valet for the time being. Until Hoseok managed to figure everything out.

Yoongi’s valet, a gentleman in his 30s, was kind, immediately took it upon himself to order Jeongguk some new pieces of formal wear.

He pushed the sunglasses that Seokjin recommended he wear, higher up his nose bridge. It had been almost a week…still his eyes were sensitive to light – and the headaches were bound to come if he did not heed Seokjin’s advice.

“We are just arriving, Your Majesty, My Lord.”

Yoongi startled awake, sitting up and taking a deep breath. He blinked the sleep from his eyes and reached into his blazer pocket to pull out his phone.

“Everyone has arrived,” Yoongi announced, flipping through the text messages.

The drive to the middle of the hangar was long, as the runway had to accommodate for one of Naissus’ greatest airships. Already, there were a dozen individuals dressed in the colours of the Naissian military. One of them standing out.

The military general turns as Jeongguk’s car approaches, one hand sweeping the formal cloak over his left shoulder.

Hoseok. The multitude of medals and ribbons on the jacket of his military uniform swayed with his movements. A peaked cap with golden embroidery formed an elaborate bow and arrow denoting his house and rank sits on his head, the brim covering his sharp eyes.

It has been a while since Jeongguk last saw his cousin in full military regalia.

Not too far away, stood Namjoon and Seokjin, also dressed in dark colours. Another car was already parked and Jeongguk quickly recognized the silver-haired Crownsguard standing beside the open door, patiently waiting as Taehyung pulled himself out of the vehicle.

The prince always carried himself in a way that ensured no one could ever forget that he is royalty, but today, Taehyung makes it apparent. Jeongguk felt his heart leap when Taehyung stepped out of the vehicle.

He was a vision, dressed in a brilliant white suit with a long sash tied around his middle. On the lapel of his blazer, was a shining and intricate brooch of a golden chrysanthemum, inlaid with diamonds. It was not a piece that Jeongguk has ever seen Taehyung wear – not a piece that was in the collection of jewels in his velvet box.

Yoongi whistled.

“This is the first that I’ve seen Taehyung take the traditions of Attalia seriously.”

“What do you mean?”

“That brooch that Taehyung is wearing…it’s called the Dream of Winter,” Yoongi said, words rolling into the melodic tones of Attalian as he spoke. “It is one of the royal heirloom jewels of House Chrysantheme. I remember seeing it in the gallery of the Palace of Marsylle when I was younger. No one, outside of the Royal Family, can wear chrysanthemum flowers fresh or jewelled – it is the symbol of divinity, after all. That piece is passed down and worn by the first-born child of the sovereign – who is traditionally the heir apparent. Despite his abdication of the title of Crown Prince, the fact that Taehyung still wears the piece denotes his position and status and shows that he demands the level of respect of his title as First Prince…. Blood of the Oracle.”

Jeongguk nodded, Taehyung does look like a king.

“Do you have any heirloom jewels?”

“No, I wouldn’t inherit any, my elder brother would. Besides… I preferred wearing fresh peony flowers over jewels,” Yoongi said. His fingertips touch the pin on the collar of his shirt.

Jeongguk glanced at his older brother. The man wore all black – which is to be expected, except for the silvery glint of a jewelled pin on the left side of his shirt collar. It was a piece given to Yoongi when the Queen Mother formally adopted him into House Eridanus. It was thin and delicate with twisting lines connecting each inlaid diamond into the shape of the constellation of his house. Yoongi rarely, if ever, wears it.

“But that no longer matters, does it?”

“No…” Jeongguk murmured. He turned his head, looking over to see that both Namjoon and Seokjin were not wearing jewels or brooches on their simple suits but knew that they were both wearing matching watches with the symbol of their houses on the face.

For a split second, he felt out of place – not wearing a symbol to denote his house. But does he truly need it – when he himself is House Cepheus? He is the Crown?

The car pulled up several feet away from Taehyung’s vehicle. Jimin’s head turned to face Jeongguk’s car. The Crownsguard’s eyes were obscured by a pair of aviator sunglasses. Jimin wore dark clothes again, with a large silvery sunflower brooch on his lapel with a shield hanging over his heart. Inside, was a flower in the shape of a chrysanthemum.

“What about Jimin’s pin?” Jeongguk asked.

Yoongi glanced up from his phone, eyes sharp and lips turning into a frown at the mention of Jimin’s name.

“What about it?” he asked almost wearily.

“Doesn’t it have a chrysanthemum on it?”

Yoongi leaned over Jeongguk’s thighs, trying to get a closer look at the pin on Jimin’s lapel. Jeongguk got a whiff of his older brother’s cologne, a woody scent mingling with bright orange.

“It marks him as part of House Turnesol, the ancient Crownsguards of the Royal House,” Yoongi said. “Jimin wears merely the symbol of the chrysanthemum. Sapphire is the colour of the First Prince of the Divine House Chrysantheme – Duke of MûrierSauvage. It shows that he is bound to Taehyung for life. That he is Taehyung’s sword and shield.”

“You say it so sadly.”

Yoongi pulled himself off of Jeongguk, keeping his eyes down.

“Hyung, what is going on between you and Jimin?” Jeongguk asked. “Don’t think I didn’t notice. Jimin has started calling you ‘hyung’.”

Yoongi turned his head to meet Jeongguk’s eyes for a moment, before sighing.

“Hoseok-hyung also told me that you were speaking to Jimin the night of the gala. Is everything alright?”

“I don’t know, Jeongguk,” Yoongi finally whispered. “I don’t know what’s happening – but Jimin knows the truth about my past.”

“…Hyung – your life could be in danger.”

“I am more concerned about how it can affect your reign should this information be leaked – but – I don’t think he has even told Taehyung… I trust him.”

Jeongguk waited, knowing that his older brother needed a moment to gather his thoughts.

“He said he loved me,” Yoongi whispered, he scoffed. “I’d be lying if I said that I felt nothing for him. But I don’t know if he still loves me? I just – I don’t know if I’m ready… But I can’t think about that now – You and your reign will always be my priority. Forever and for always.”

Yoongi paused, glaring at the space between them. He turned, quickly undoing the seat belt and pushing the door open.

“We should go, Jeongguk – they’re waiting,” Yoongi said, effectively ending the conversation.

“Right…” Jeongguk muttered. “Let’s get this over with.”

Jeongguk knocked on the window, and the attendant outside opened it.

He stepped out of the car, and immediately the clicking of the cameras caught his attention. He glances over, raising a hand as he nods and greets the press.

“His Majesty the King!”

Jeongguk pulled off the sunglasses, making eye contact with Hoseok. He nodded, as he straightened his jacket and scanned his surroundings.

“Division, attention!” Hoseok yelled as the officers behind him heed his command. “Salute, His Majesty the King!”

Jeongguk scanned the line of armed troops. These are the men and women he’ll be sending to defend Attalia.

They might not come back.

He tried his best to make eye contact with each and every person, before nodding sharply to the soldiers, then turning to Hoseok.

“At ease,” Hoseok continued. He took off his cap and walked to meet Jeongguk.

“Your Majesty,” he greeted loudly, bowing as Jeongguk gave him his hand.

“Commander General.”

Hoseok straightened. Often Hoseok has a gentle, mischievous look in his eyes; now, his eyes are sharp, stern as he straightens his back. Jeongguk glanced over his shoulder. All the military personnel wore the same uniform, with high ranking officers adorned with metals, cloaks, and emblems signifying their status. Behind Hoseok, in the distance, stood a shorter, lithe figure – the only one in a cloak and had embellishments on their cap.

“Who did you choose?” Jeongguk asked. Hoseok’s lips pressed into a straight line.

“Jeon Soyeon,” he whispered, leaning in to murmur into Jeongguk’s ear, “of House Vela.”

Jeongguk’s brows furrowed. He was barely familiar with the name and title, having read it in the ledger of knighted officers.

“She’s young, isn’t she?”

“Young,” Hoseok agreed, “And recently risen in rank. Just a year younger than you. But talented and driven. She is fluent in Attalian.”

“I trust your judgement.”

“Namjoon recommended you come to meet her along with Taehyung. It will demonstrate solidarity in this endeavour and provide the necessary images to circulate through the press.”

“Alright,” Jeongguk replied.

“I will provide Taehyung and Jimin a short briefing before meeting the Major-General.”

Jeongguk nodded as he turned and began walking towards Taehyung with Yoongi on his right and Hoseok on his left. He saw Jimin turn his head, eyes downcast as he spoke into Taehyung’s ear.

Taehyung nodded, fingers reaching out for Jimin’s shoulder as they fell into step together.

His gait is strong, slower than usual – but he did not falter. It was as if he was never injured.

They meet halfway, Jimin bowing as he takes a step back behind Taehyung. The prince steadied himself, arm slipping off Jimin’s shoulder. Jeongguk did not see Taehyung up close this morning; the bruises on his cheeks and the dark circles under his eyes were already fading as the days passed, but today, all their remnants were covered by a light wash of make-up. His hair was styled to fall gently above his closed lids, his lips appearing pinker and smooth, with a small smile curling on one side. With his back straight and the chrysanthemum flower catching the light of the hiding sun, he looked put together as if he was never injured.

“Jeongguk,” Taehyung greeted quietly – knowing that no one could hear him casually address the Sovereign by name.

“Taehyung...Jimin,” Jeongguk returned.

The prince walked up to Jeongguk, bowing slowly with his hand pressed over his heart and lifting his free hand up with his palm open. Jeongguk slid his fingers easily into Taehyung’s waiting palm, watched as Taehyung’s long fingers curled around his own. With a smile, the First Prince pressed his lips onto Jeongguk’s knuckles.

His hot breath fanning against Jeongguk’s skin.

“I hear cameras,” Taehyung said. “Did you invite the press?”

“We did,” Jeongguk replies, “We want the news to travel about our alliance with Attalia and of our courtship. We’re going to make a show of strength.”

From the corner of Jeongguk’s eye, he could see Namjoon turning his attention to where the media had already gathered, cameras flashing as they caught the moment.

Jeongguk held onto Taehyung’s hand as Namjoon and Seokjin joined them.

“Will you come meet the commander of the fleet?”

“Of course,” Taehyung replied, allowing Jeongguk to gently place his hand into the crook of his elbow.

Taehyung pulled closer, shoulder brushing against Jeongguk’s. Jeongguk inhaled, waiting for the familiar scent of lavender and camomile to overtake him.

Hoseok leaned in, preparing to give the seven of them a briefing. “You’ll be meeting –”

“Lady Jeon Soyeon of House Vela,” Taehyung interrupted. “Major-General of the Naissian Air Force who will be leading the 3rd of the Naissian Royal Fleets to Attalia.”

Hoseok paused, eyes widening.

“That – information hasn’t been released,” Hoseok said, tripping over his words in shock. “No-no one should know that yet – I just told Jeongguk.”

“Try not to look surprised,” Jimin cut in, side-eying the cameras.

“Your blessing,” Seokjin said.

“You… had a vision?” Namjoon asked.

“During the drive here,” Taehyung said. “I thought you may be needing proof. I saw our conversation before meeting the Major-General. You informed me that the fleet will be stationed on the far borders of Attalia, closest to Iaryen. The fleet was instructed to remain in international air to prevent battle from reaching the cities.”

Hoseok hummed quietly, nodding in confirmation, brows furrowing.

“You were right, Attalia is not fortified for war,” Taehyung continued. “You told me that Jeon Soyeon-ssi is young, but she is talented and fluent in Attalian.”

Jeongguk felt a shiver running down his spine.

Hoseok took a step back, side-eying the cameras for a moment before straightening his back.


“Foreign conflict has not touched our borders for centuries, and I am sure my father would agree that we should keep it that way.”

“I guess… I will not be needing to debrief you,” Hoseok murmured.

Taehyung smiled coyly.

“Alright, right this way then.”

Jeongguk gently pulled Taehyung’s arm, watching as he easily fell into step beside him – trusting Jeongguk, just like the first moment.

“Your Majesty, Your Royal Highness,” Hoseok said, “may I introduce Major-General Jeon Soyeon of House Vela.”

A young woman, dressed in a familiar uniform and dark cloak artfully draped over her right shoulder, stepped out from the ranks, removing her cap to reveal vibrant blonde hair, cut to just touching her shoulders, and sharp eyes. She tucked the cap underneath her arm and saluted Jeongguk.

“Your Majesty.” She turned. respectfully facing Taehyung as she bows. “Your Royal Highness.”

“Major-General,” Jeongguk started. “Thank you for your service.”

“Pleased to meet you, Major-General,” Taehyung said. “On behalf of the King of Attalia, I would like to thank you for your service.”

Soyeon bowed again, and smiling as she spoke directly to Taehyung, switching to the lyrical notes of Attalian, speaking confidently and somewhere in the mix, Jeongguk recognizes the name of his country.

Taehyung grinned, lips widening to show teeth.

“The Commander-General does not lie when he says you are fluent in the language, Jeon Soyeon-ssi,” Taehyung replied in the Common Tongue.

“Forgive me for my enthusiasm, sir,” Soyeon said, eyes crinkling as she smiled. “It is not often that I get to practice speaking the language.”

“You speak it beautifully. Have you been to Attalia?”

“Once,” she replied, “two years ago. During the autumn festivals in Ravenna – I was a participant. The Sacred Isles are beautiful – as is the rest of the Attalia.”

“So, you were?” Taehyung mused. “I was not present during the festivities that year. If I may, I’d like to invite you to come to visit the court in Marsylle when this is all over.”

“It would be an honour, sir,” she said, bowing deeply.

“Would you be able to tell me more about the vessels?”

“Certainly,” she said, turning and placing her hands behind her back. “The Third Royal Naissian Fleet is complete with one heavy carrier-class, three destroyer class divisions, three cruiser divisions, and seven fighter divisions. The Fleet has a total of 10,000 enlisted officers and 22,000 crew members.”

Jeongguk hummed, remembering going over these details with Hoseok after the Privy Council meeting.

“The commanding dreadnought is named after the Frostbearer herself.”

“The Frostbearer?” Taehyung asked. “Is that not the epithet of one of the Astrals?”

“Many of our great war vessels are named after the Six Astrals of Duscae,” Jeongguk supplied. “Shiva is a benevolent being. But mighty is her wrath.”

“A befitting name for a warship.”

“Indeed. We will be ready for the Empire, should they choose to come,” Soyeon said confidently.

“Let us hope that they do not,” Taehyung murmured.

Jeongguk shrugged his blazer off his shoulders as soon as he entered the palace, feeling the sweat accumulating down his spine. The days were getting warmer, and the darker colours favoured by House Cepheus only made things worse. He draped the blazer over his arm, running a hand through his hair.

They did not speak much on the ride home; the Right Hand of the King was quiet and astoundingly awake during the drive back – staring out the window and lost in his own thoughts.

Jeongguk did not want to push – Yoongi will come to him when he’s ready.

His older brother had parted with him at the doors, shooting a quick note that he’ll be in the music room, leaving Jeongguk hovering by the Grand Staircase, alone.

Hoseok stayed behind at the airship hangar. Both Seokjin and Namjoon texted Jeongguk to let him know that they arrived safely at the palace almost half an hour ago.

Jeongguk assumed Taehyung also arrived earlier; the main roads were faster than the ones that Jeongguk’s entourage took. So, Jeongguk was surprised to see Taehyung sitting on one of the bottom steps of the Grand Staircase, alone; he was still wearing his formal attire, fiddling with sash on his side.

“Taehyung?” Jeongguk called.

Taehyung’s back straightened at the call of his name, head tilting.

“You’re back, Jeongguk,” Taehyung said, “Good.”

“Where is Jimin?”

“He went back to our rooms,” Taehyung replied. “I think he is calling his siblings… it’s been a while since they spoke.”

Jeongguk walked slowly to the staircase, lowering himself down onto the step below Taehyung – both of them couldn’t fit on a single stair side-by-side.

“What are you doing here?”

“I didn’t want to go back to the rooms…” Taehyung said, tilting his head back and resting on the iron baluster. “I was going to go for a walk, but… I didn’t want to go alone.”

“Were you…waiting for me?”

Taehyung hummed, “Do you want to go for a walk in the gardens with me?”

“Of course, always.”

Taehyung smiled, raising a hand. “Help me up,” he demanded.

Jeongguk jumped to his feet, reaching down and grasping Taehyung’s outstretched hand, gently but firmly pulling the prince to his feet. The prince tucked his free hand into the crook of Jeongguk’s elbow and started walking down the stairs, pulling Jeongguk along.

Jeongguk takes the lead when his feet hit the stone balcony, always saying a quick warning at the beginning and end of the staircases. There was a quiet intimacy that they shared and he enjoyed it – even from the very beginning – Taehyung was never shy about showing physical affection.

The smell of lavender soothed him, and he found the sound of Taehyung’s breath and the constant scent of lavender that surrounds him, hypnotic – addicting. Their walk began down the pathway near the pond, it felt like a lifetime ago the last time they went down this path.

Jeongguk clung to the moment of peace, clawing desperately after the strange calm that settled in his heart, stopping the swirling of thoughts in his head for just a moment. He focused on the scent of chamomile and lavender, the sound of Taehyung’s breath – calm, soothing as the sound of the gravel cracking underneath their shoes.

Jeongguk couldn’t help but glance at the prince through the corner of his eyes, the bright afternoon rays casting soft shadows underneath his eyelashes and bathing his hair in a golden light.

“The cicadas are coming out,” Taehyung commented, breathing in through his nose as he huffed a content sigh. “Summer is so close.”

“Hmm, it is getting warmer,” Jeongguk murmured, gladly filling the air with simple words.

“Should we have another garden picnic?” Taehyung asked. “Perhaps we should ask your King’s Circle to join us.”

“I’m sure they’d love to,” Jeongguk said – trying hard to mean it – to look forward to it. But it is difficult.

He stopped and Taehyung quickly halted beside him.

“Are you alright?” Taehyung asked.

Again, the dark rolling clouds of doubt and disquiet cover him – like the morning fog of spring.

“Jeongguk, speak to me.”

“How are you doing this?” Jeongguk asked, breathlessly.

“What do you mean?”

“Taking all of this in – handling it.”

“You seem to be handling it well.”

“I am not.” Jeongguk chuckled, humourlessly.

Taehyung dropped his grip on Jeongguk's arm, letting the king take several steps back and begin pacing.

“Someone wanted me dead, my valet is dead, and upon the counsel of my advisors – his sister will not know that he was murdered while in the service of the Crown.”

He ran a hand through his hair. “Gods exist and you are blessed with a divine gift….… and to top it all off, there is the possibility of Naissus going to war….against the Empire. Am I… I prepared to face the consequences?” Jeongguk’s pacing grounded to a halt as he spun on his heels.

“Please – do not think I regret my decision to send a fleet to Attalia,” he continued again, realizing that he was rambling and perhaps speaking too quickly – but he needed to tell Taehyung. “I do not. I gladly chose to do it, to protect Attalia and to protect you. But it weighs heavily on my mind to know that my actions could result in the deaths of hundreds and thousands of my countrymen and I wonder – constantly – if I am making the right choice as King. It’s too much. It’s all too much – and – and how do you do it? How do you live with the choices you have to make?”

Taehyung doesn’t speak. Jeongguk’s breaths sound louder than the heavy thumps of his heart.

“Can we find a place to sit?” Taehyung finally said, reaching out to search for Jeongguk again.

Jeongguk snapped out of his thoughts – taking a shuddering breath as he shook his head and leaned into Taehyung’s touch, letting the prince wind his hand around Jeongguk’s.

“Yes, yes, of course.” He led them to a stone bench by the pond. Taehyung sat down quickly and Jeongguk lowered himself slowly beside the man. The Prince crossed his legs, leaning back and letting the sun bathe his skin in its warmth.

“During the first months of living with this gift.…I had a vision…of one of the nobles in my father’s court,” Taehyung began, softly. “I didn’t know her well, only that she was a generous patron of the arts, and had a young son. But, in my vision, I saw her dying in a car crash. I didn’t know when or how. When I told my father and pleaded with him to warn her, he forbade it, for what would it suggest if he told her of the First Prince’s premonition of her death?”

Taehyung laced his fingers together, resting his folded hands atop his knee.

“She died….a year and a half later when her car slipped on black ice in the winter. I was furious at first – for what was the point of having this gift – this power – if I were not to use it? But then I realized… the Mother gave me her blessing to save Attalia and protect the Crown. It has been three years since I took the gift… and constantly, I have to fight the battle between doing what is right by my heart and what is right to protect the secrets of my House and my father’s crown. It is ironic that fate has decided that I should continue this battle, despite relinquishing the throne. My father…he has always told me that to be King, to be the Sovereign… is to constantly wage war between your burning heart and the unfeeling Crown.”

“Does it get any easier?”

Taehyung shifted closer, hand tracing along Jeongguk’s arm, the back of his knuckles brushing Jeongguk’s jaw before his fingers rested on Jeongguk’s cheekbones.

“It does not. You know it does not.”

Jeongguk stared, focusing on the shadows underneath Taehyung’s eyelashes, leaning into Taehyung’s hand and breathing in the scent of lavender.

“I’m afraid,” Jeongguk mumbled, “of losing my heart to the Crown.”

Taehyung’s lips curl into a soft grin.

“Your struggle only proves that you are not. You will live through these decisions. You are a just and good king.”

Taehyung’s thumb grazed the corner of Jeongguk’s lips.

“Fear not, Jeongguk, for I can see that your heart burns brightly,” Taehyung whispered.

Jeongguk closed his eyes, relishing in the warmth of Taehyung’s hand against his skin, the scent of lavender, the sound of Taehyung’s breath so close – and believed in Taehyung’s words.

“It burns for you,” Jeongguk whispered.

Taehyung inhaled shortly.

Jeongguk leaned forward, hesitating, waiting for Taehyung’s reaction – waiting for permission.

He opened his eyes and saw the curves of Taehyung’s lips.

Parted, breathless.


He felt a pull.

Taehyung’s fingers urged him closer, and Jeongguk could feel the longing, craving, aching to close the gap just as much as Jeongguk felt.

He heeded it.

Jeongguk had little experience with romance, but he’s read about it – seen it in movies and dramas.

A kiss – his heart should stop – the world should stop – and he should think of nothing, but the feeling of Taehyung’s lips on his.

And yet, Jeongguk could feel his chest grow warmer as if his heart was on fire, but at the same time, a flood of peace overcame him, like Taehyung’s lips contained the very essence of the purple blossoms.

Too soon did they part and Jeongguk leaned closer, chasing after Taehyung’s touch. Their foreheads met, noses brushing – Taehyung’s fingers and thumb still pressed against Jeongguk’s cheek, and though the kiss was not long, Taehyung sounded like he was out of breath.

“So?” Taehyung whispered. “Do I taste like lavender?”

Jeongguk grinned at Taehyung’s tease.

Taehyung’s lips do not taste like lavender. But, they’re soft, warm, and tasted like the artificial honey of a balm.

“I think…I may…need another taste.”

Taehyung grinned – wide – with all teeth before pulling Jeongguk close and taking his lips again.


New Characters

Jeon Soyeon
House: Vela (Sails of a Ship)
Title: Major-General of the Naissian Air Force, Commander of the 3rd of the Nissan Royal Fleets
Age: 21

Author’s Note:

1. Thank you toibloomforyouandjeraliasefor beta-reading! I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, you are both goddesses. This chapter would have been UNINTELLIGIBLE and a complete sh*tshow without you!
2. It has been over a year since I last posted a chapter - and once again I apologize for the long hiatus. Good news is that I have completed the academic portion of my degree and I have a short break where I can spend more time writing. So, hopefully, there will be more frequent updates!

Author’s Rants:

1. The epithet of Lion is inspired by The Witcher character, Queen Calanthe of Cintra. This epithet will be making a re-appearance in the story.
2. According to media reports, Shim Changmin is dating and marrying a non-celebrity. Congratulations!!!!
3. A dreadnought is a battle warship common in warfare during the 20th century. However, in this universe it refers to the largest and most powerful war airships.
4. The dreadnought ships in the Royal Fleets of Naissus were all named after the Hexatheon or Astral Gods of of the Final Fantasy XV universe.

Come talk to me onTwitteror ask me questions onCurious Cat. I love making new friends! See you all real soon!


Chapter 12: interlude: sillage


To ibloomforyou and jeraliase my amazing beta readers. Your encouragement, enthusiasm, and eye for details is what got this story as far as it has. Thank you, always.

Chapter Playlist

s i l l a g e

(n.) the “wake” or the trail left in the sky by an airplane or on the water by a boat; the trace of someone’s perfume; the scent that lingers in the air after something or someone has been there before you and gone


(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

i n t e r l u d e: s i l l a g e

The halls of the Palace of Marsylle were dark, save for the pale glow of the paper lantern in Jimin’s hand. Most – if not all – of the lights in the palace were turned off to eliminate light pollution that would ruin the beauty of the Winter Solstice.

Jimin has been looking forward to the Winter Solstice for weeks – it means he’ll get to see Yoongi again.

He hasn’t seen the older boy since the Feast of the Mourning Star and that was nearly three weeks ago. He hasn’t heard from Yoongi either – but he knew that was his fault. Jimin had joined the royal family in the small mountainous village of Lunefleur right after the feast, and it was nigh impossible to get reception anywhere there. They had just returned home yesterday morning for the Winter Solstice festivities.

Yoongi had seemed down during the feast… quiet – more solemn than before and distracted. Jimin couldn’t figure out the reason why. But he was resolved to try to make the older man feel better this time around – if he was still feeling sad.

Jimin picks up his pace through the halls, knowing that if he ran too quickly, the paper lantern might catch on fire. He clutches a small box tightly in his other hand, a box that he painstakingly wrapped together earlier that week.

He knew where Yoongi would be, the Grise Library had become their refuge during these parties, but tonight, with the Winter Solstice, he brought something else. He made a gift, a pretty, grey handkerchief embroidered with pale pink peony flowers. He had spent some time with his mother, who had great talent in the art and practiced it over the weeks of summer bleeding into autumn before beginning to make the one he’ll give to Yoongi. Instead of putting his initials in the small corner to remind Yoongi of himself, Jimin needled in a tiny sunflower.

He is excited to give it to Yoongi – Jimin was nearly running, heart pounding in his chest as he navigates the familiar halls of his home to Grise Library, eager to see the older boy soon. Jimin thought he’d hear the soft melodies of the piano, but the halls towards the library were oddly quiet.

He barged through the door. “Happy Winter Solstice, Hyung!”


No raspy chuckle.

No familiar sound of wood grating against wood.

No melody of the piano.

No lingering scent of orange blossoms.


Jimin makes his round through the room, looking to no avail before heading back to the party.

It was cold outside, even with the fur coat and a thick wool scarf wrapped around his throat. He could see his own breath in dark night – a thick fog of grey smoke erupting from his parted lips.

The festivals were held in the garden grounds of the Palace of Marsylle, where snow was lightly falling, illuminated by the multiple bonfires scattered across the large open area, and the paper lanterns that softly glowed, covering the area in gold.

It was barely late afternoon, perhaps nearing evening, but already, the sky was dark.

He could see Taehyung was with his siblings – and Jimin’s siblings too – listening to an entertainer weave tales of magic with cups of hot chocolate in hand. Jimin wanders further; he already spends so much time with his siblings and Taehyung. These events are his only time to spend with Yoongi.

He meanders through the group of nobles. He remembered seeing Yoongi’s father and mother and older brother at these events before. Maybe Yoongi is going to be with them.

“Did you hear about the tragedy?”


“The second son of the Baron of LaNoix.”

“Ah, yes, tragic indeed, strange to see the family still attending the Festival.”

“It has only been two weeks, but you have to move on in life, don’t you? The Winter Solstice is in honour of the Crone after all.”

“The boy was so young – just sixteen.”

“By the grace of the Crone, so young?”

Jimin stops.

Baron of LaNoix.

That – that was Yoongi’s father’s title.

“And once again, misfortune strikes House Pivoine. Did you hear that the Baron’s coffers have been emptied again because of a poor investment?”

“No, I did not…. But that cannot compare to the death of a son.”

Jimin paused – breathing heavily.


He could see Yoongi’s family now.

His father and brother were there – dressed in dark colours – white bands tied around their left arms embroidered with peony flowers. Grim looks on their faces.

“Jimin?” He heard his name being called, he looked up to see his mother and father approaching him.

“Jimin, are you alright? Are you cold?” his mother asks. “I thought you told me you were going to the library.”

“Why aren’t you with the others by the fire?” his father says.

“Abeoji,” Jimin whispers. “Is it true?”

He could see the concern on his parents' faces, wondering could possibly have distressed their eldest child.

“Come, sit with us, Jimin-ah,” his mother said, taking her son’s hand and leading him to a private corner behind the hedges of the formal garden. Jimin’s mother knelt down in front of him, her dress pooling at Jimin’s feet, disregarding that his boots were smearing snow onto the fabric.

His father sat beside him – Jimin felt young – he is young – but he felt like a toddler now with both his parents beside him. It’s been a while since he received the full attention of his parents – never did he doubt their love – but as the eldest, he had the duty to make his family proud. To uphold the long-standing tradition of the Crownsguards.

“Is what true?” his father asks quietly.

“What happened to Yoongi-hyung?”

“Yoongi-hyung?” his mother questions.

“M-Min Yoongi,” Jimin says, barely able to choke out Yoongi’s full title. “The Second Son of – of House Pivoine.”

“I didn’t know you were close with him.”

“Min Yoongi was the boy you were seeing in the library, wasn’t it?” his mother asks quietly. Her grip on his hands tightened.

It was then that Jimin realized that he was cold.

“Is that…is that why you were embroidering peonies on the handkerchief?”

“There was an accident two weeks ago…” his father starts gently. “When he was on his way to Avinhon… the automatic car lost control in the bad weather, it went over the cliffs. I was told… that they can’t find any remains.”

Jimin hears a strange sound – like choking – like sobbing.

He felt his lungs give up and his throat close up and – and – and his heart constricted so much it hurt, and it burned and burned and burned.

It was only when he felt the stinging in his eyes give way to hot streaks down his face that he realized that those sounds were coming from him and that he was crying.

“The funeral is next week, after the festivals of the Winter Solstice…would you want to attend?”

He couldn’t answer, curling into his father’s chest and dropping the box he carried so tenderly.

It was unspoken, his mother and father knew it – knew that their eldest child loved and loved with all his heart and that he truly must have loved Min Yoongi.

Jimin wishes he said it more often.

He felt an arm pull him close, hands on his cheeks wiping the tears away and his father’s soft words.

“I’m so sorry, Jimin… I’m so sorry.”

He wished he told Yoongi that he loved him.

“Come, we can talk in the drawing room,” Yoongi murmured quietly.

Jimin followed behind him, pushing his hands into his pockets to stop himself from wringing his fingers.

His footfalls are loud on the marble floors, offbeat in comparison to Yoongi’s long, relaxed strides. Jimin felt his heart pounding loudly…. he wasn’t expecting Yoongi’s appearance in Taehyung’s rooms earlier. Jimin barely was in the right mind to convince Taehyung to take a break, sleep, and take the painkillers.

He barely got through talking to Jeongguk with a straight head. How could he when finally – finally – his heart caught up to his head and he finally came to terms with what was happening.

Yoongi was alive.

Jimin watched as Yoongi shoved the door open, with his shoulder leaning against it as he waited for Jimin to enter.

Jimin slipped through, lingering just beyond the threshold as Yoongi let the door go. The older man sauntered to the sofas, turning on his heels and reclining against the arm of the seat. He crossed his legs, folding his arms over each other with his eyes downcast.

“So,” he rasped, speaking Attalian now. “What is it that you wanted to talk about?”

“We never had a chance to finish our conversations,” Jimin said, meandering over to the sofa opposite to Yoongi. He sat down, crossing his legs as he leaned back. “It seems like there is always some mad affair interrupting us.”

Yoongi scoffed. “It would seem so.”

Yoongi looked down, brows furrowing like he was trying to recall something.

“There wasn't much else I wanted to say. You know the truth, I can only hope you will keep it to yourself,” he said. Yoongi scratched at the back of his neck, eyes downcast as he spoke. “And, I hope to earn your forgiveness for hurting you as well.”

Jimin lowered his head, closing his eyes as he took a breath.

He thought he’d be angry still, when his hurt had enough time to fester into an ugly, blistering rage. But he felt nothing – nothing, but the overwhelming desire to forgive Yoongi.

“It was never my intention to hurt you,” Yoongi murmured, “I just – I couldn’t fathom why you would even care – ”

“Of course, I cared,” Jimin snapped. He raised his chin, eyes meeting Yoongi’s shocked gaze.

“Of course, I care, Hyung” he repeated quietly.

Yoongi broke away, suddenly finding the tassels on the floor rug very interesting.

Jimin smiled softly. Jimin always thought that Taehyung forgave too easily – but Jimin was no better.

“I forgive you, Yoongi-hyung.”

Yoongi glances up, catching Jimin’s gaze for just a second before his eyes returned to the floor.

“Thank you, Jimin,” Yoongi murmured, words barely audible. There was something in Yoongi’s eyes that Jimin couldn’t quite deceive. Disbelief? Hurt?


Yoongi stood, taking a hesitant step towards the door, turning to look over his shoulder. He lifted his eyes slowly.

“Thank you, Jimin,” Yoongi repeated. “I should go.”

“Of course, Hyung.”

Yoongi closed the door quietly behind him, leaving Jimin alone in the drawing room

The scent of orange blossoms lingered where Yoongi had been, as it always had. It’s a scent that Jimin will never forget – clementine and orange blossoms – mingling with an unfamiliar warmth of wood – Yoongi’s preferred cologne hasn’t changed.

Jimin walked slowly back to the rooms he shared with Taehyung, wondering about what happens now – about what will happen in the future. He wondered if Yoongi put much thought into it. Jimin knew he didn’t.

Jimin quietly slipped through the door of the apartments, expecting Taehyung to be asleep. But then he heard Taehyung’s soft voice calling his name.

He enters the prince’s bedroom, brushing away the canopy-like drapes around Taehyung’s bed.

“Are you alright, Taehyung?” Jimin asked, “Are you feeling nauseous?”

“No, I’m not nauseous,” Taehyung said, words slurring together, as if he was trying to fight off the drowsiness of the medications. “How did it go?”

“As well as it could, I suppose,” Jimin replied, “Do you want me to report to you what happened now or later?”

“Later,” Taehyung murmured, slowly shifting onto his side. “Jimin… you know that I’d never push you, right? And you know you can trust me.”

Silence. Jimin dropped his hands from the drapes as a quiet stillness befell the room. He knew he could trust Taehyung.

He will tell the prince, he will when he has time to process his own feelings.

But, by the time he was able to come to terms with his thoughts, Taehyung’s breathing had evened out and he had finally fallen asleep.

Jimin pulled the covers higher.

“I know. I’ll tell you everything soon, Tae,” he murmured.

Namjoon and Seokjin saw the Ambassador and his fiancé out after dinner and a couple games of cards. Taehyung decided to retire early, something that Jimin was grateful for, seeing how hard Taehyung pushed himself to be sociable.

Jeongguk left too, walking Taehyung back to their apartments after bidding his guests farewell, leaving Jimin alone with Hoseok and Yoongi who had stayed behind in the drawing room.

Hoseok stood by the arched ceiling-height windows, pulling back the thick, dark drapes.

“This storm is going to last all night, perhaps into tomorrow,” Hoseok commented, watching as rain pelted the glass. “Joon’s worried that it will impact how much press we get at the hangar.”

“There is no point worrying about it now,” Yoongi replied. “Besides, we should celebrate our most recent victory – the Ambassador will probably speak well for the terms of the alliance.”

Hoseok hummed, turning around to watch as the older man stood and grabbed the decanter of whiskey from the side table.

“A drink?” Yoongi asked, turning to eye Jimin, gesturing to the cups.

Jimin nodded, standing up to pull a glass from the table as Yoongi opened a case of whiskey rocks, using the tongs to transfer several of the stones into each cup.

“Pour me some too, hyung,” Hoseok said joining them by the table, leaning against the wall.

Yoongi paused, glancing up and raising an eyebrow.

“What, you’re going to drink?” he said teasingly with a smile so big, it showed off the pink of his gums. “The last time you had more than a glass of wine at dinner, Seokjin-hyung had a field day taking pictures of how red your face got.”

Hoseok glowered, though the look was not as intimidating as Jimin knew the Commander General could be.

“It’s been one hell of a week,” Hoseok complained.

“You sure you want whiskey?” Yoongi asked again, “We can call for some beer or something lighter?”

Hoseok rolled his eyes. “Just pour me some, hyung.”

Yoongi inhaled through his teeth, tilting his head.

“Okay,” he said, skeptically, pouring the Commander General a generous amount. Jimin clenched his teeth, trying to pull a smile together as he felt the twang of jealousy in his heart at the gentle and sweet familiarity between the two.

Yoongi turned to Jimin, holding the decanter and pouring Jimin a greater measure of the liquor than he poured himself.

Hoseok lifted his glass. Yoongi grunted a reply, still staring skeptically at Hoseok.

The three raised their glasses, Jimin and Yoongi taking cool sips of the liquor. The alcohol was sweet, honey-like and carved a warm path down Jimin’s throat. It was a high-quality whiskey, Jimin could tell that much.

They both turned to see Hoseok sniffing his whiskey before taking a tentative sip, and immediately putting the tumbler down, his face contorting into pain and disgust as he struggled to swallow.

Yoongi started laughing, a breathy, throaty chuckle. “I warned you.”

“Ugh,” Hoseok grunted, pushing the tumbler towards Yoongi. “Is this why you never invite me to drink with you anymore? Because of your sh*t taste in alcohol?”

“It’s because that’s your reaction,” Yoongi said, rolling his eyes. “And it’s not sh*tty, you just don’t have a refined palate.”

“I rather drink cheap-ass beers with Joon.”

“Those were the days,” Yoongi muttered, lifting the glass to his lips again.

“It sounds like everyone was close to each other before they became members of the King’s inner circle,” Jimin commented, turning and settling against the wall by the large windows.

“We are,” Hoseok replied as he leaned against the table, picking through the pretty paper box of chocolate confections that were left to pair with the whiskey.

“Yoongi-hyung, Jeongguk, and I pretty much grew up together,” the Commander General continued, carefully picking out a piece of candy. “Then Seokjin-hyung and Joon entered the picture sometime after Jeongguk’s 17th birthday.”

“Are they…?”

“Together?” Yoongi supplied. “Yes, practically married at this point.”

“Why don’t they?”

“I think time is the real constraint, with how busy Namjoon always is…” Yoongi continued “And Seokjin-hyung often represents the Crown when Ji-eun isn’t available.”

“I don’t think it bothers them…” Hoseok said, words garbled around a mouthful of chocolate. “I think they’re so disgustingly in love that barely anyone questions it anymore.”

“It must be a blessing to have a man like Namjoon-ssi as Lord Chancellor,” Jimin murmured. “I heard that it was he who orchestrated Jeongguk’s rise to power.”

Hoseok’s brows raised. “I always knew that Taehyung was the one with the silver-tongue, I didn’t know that you too were gifted, Jimin-ssi.”

“I’ve spent enough time with Taehyung to learn a few tricks,” Jimin said with a demure grin. “I don’t have any ill intentions, Hoseok-ssi, I simply would like to know more about those who surround the King and therefore, my Prince.”

“I suppose you do have the right to know,” Yoongi said, sitting down on one of the sofas across the fireplace, taking his glass and Hoseok’s with him. Now, Jimin realized that Yoongi predicted that he’ll have to finish Hoseok’s poured amount. Jimin gritted his teeth, feeling the burning alcohol fuel his annoyance. He doesn’t even know why he was annoyed, until the image of Yoongi’s easy, gummy smile flashed behind his eyes.

“House Auriga has a certain reputation in Naissus.” Yoongi started, “They are a powerful and ancient house that historically were strong supporters of House Cepheus’ rise to power almost a thousand years ago. As such, members of the House are often given a position in the King’s Privy Council. However, as time passed, the House’s perception of the Monarchy grew jaded – and more often than not, they were apathetic in politics.”

“Joon ascended to the title of Duke of Pietas and the estate after the passing of his grandfather during the Naissian Plague,” Hoseok continued. “His father was his representative in the Privy Council until Joon finished his university education.”

“He saw the system failing, and without change, the Monarchy and Naissus would be left in the past,” Yoongi said. “When he arrived in court, the first thing he did was request an audience with Jeongguk, who was just seventeen then. Namjoon won Jeongguk over with a single conversation and a promise to help him bring Naissus into a new age.”

“It has been three years since Jeongguk’s ascension and already, you can see the changes that he has made – can you imagine what six – seven – ten years under his reign will achieve?” Hoseok said with a proud smile.

Yoongi nodded, resting his head in his hands as he closed his eyes, a thin, smile pulling on his lips. There was a fondness to his smile.

An adoration for his younger brother.

“And you both followed along?”

“I met Joon before,” Hoseok said. “We both attended school together, however, went our separate paths after. But I trusted Joon not to lead Jeongguk astray… though Jeongguk was young, I had faith in him to make the right choices in who he chose to surround himself with.”

“And what of Seokjin-hyung?”

“Joon met Seokjin-hyung at court and brought him into Jeongguk’s inner circle,” Hoseok said. “You should ask Seokjin-hyung to tell you the story of how they met, I’m sure Seokjin-hyung would love it.”

Jimin smiled, “I’ll be sure to.”

“Well, I’m going to go,” Hoseok says, standing up and straightening his simple black blazer. “Good night, hyung, good night Jimin-ssi.”

Yoongi hummed, watching Hoseok leave. He brought the glass to his lips again, taking a sip. Jimin pushed off the wall, taking a seat across from Yoongi.

“You…seem very close with the Commander General,” Jimin started, switching to Attalian now that they were alone.

Yoongi nodded absentmindedly, lower lip jutting out, “We are…” he answered, “Hoseok was the first to accept me when I arrived at court. We were closest in age…Jeongguk was very shy in his youth – took a while to warm up to me.”

“Hoseok stayed at Sol Palace? Is he a member of the Royal Family?”

“Hoseok is Jeongguk’s maternal cousin. Hoseok’s mother was the younger sister of the Queen Mother.”


“Everyone in Jeongguk’s inner circle lost someone close to them in the Naissian plague… Namjoon lost his grandfather, Seokjin lost his older brother and Hoseok lost his mother,” Yoongi replied softly. “Hoseok’s father is a good man, but the death of his wife took a toll on him and it was a long while before he was able to recover. The Queen Mother took Hoseok in and became a mother to us both.”

Yoongi placed his empty glass onto the coffee table, picking up Hoseok’s and swirling the liquid inside. The whiskey rocks clanged against the crystal.

“That’s… probably why Jeongguk’s reaction was so… visceral, seeing what the plague had done to those around him and fearing it will happen again,” Yoongi said, softly. “That – of course – is no excuse for his behaviour. I am glad that both of them had worked through it though.”

“I’ve only heard some stories about the plague,” Jimin said, “Mostly about the death of the late King…”

“I arrived in Naissus after the cure had been discovered,” Yoongi said, “I too did not see how much was lost.”

“Are you…sad that you lost your family?”

“I miss my mother sometimes…” Yoongi admits. “Not so much my father... he wasn’t a terrible man….just wasn’t the greatest father. I wonder how my brother is doing. But, I am happy here.”

Yoongi sat up, reaching for the uncorked decanter. He raised the square-shaped bottle and with a small noise, asked if Jimin wanted anymore. Jimin nodded. The older man reached across the table, but then his elbow struck the glass stopper. Yoongi reacted immediately, free hand reaching out to catch the crystal before it landed on the floor. But in his jerky movements, he spilled whiskey all over his hand.

Yoongi muttered a curse, putting the decanter and stopper down and lightly shaking his wrist in hopes of flicking off the liquid as he looked for a cloth or napkin. Jimin rolled his eyes, reaching into his pocket to pull out a handkerchief.

“Thanks,” Yoongi murmured, dabbing away the alcohol.

Jimin scooted forward, taking over with pouring them both another measure of whiskey when out of the corner of his eye, he saw Yoongi frown, bringing the fabric closer.

The older man had unravelled the folded silk, carefully touching the middle of the fabric, where there was a familiar embroidery.

Pink flowers.

“These are peony flowers,” Yoongi whispered. “What – why…”

Jimin froze, heart climbing up to his throat. He had forgotten that he continued to carry the handkerchief around.

Forgotten the hope and hurt that it had brought him.

He continued to pour, deliberately putting the stopper onto the decanter and taking his tumbler before reclining back into the leather sofa. He took another sip, keeping his eyes cast on the fireplace.

“Do you remember the last time we saw each other, as children, Yoongi-hyung?”

“…The Feast of Mourning Star,” came Yoongi’s reply.

“Three weeks before the Winter Solstice,” Jimin clarified. “I remember you were…distraught during the feast.”

Jimin finally turned, raising his eyes to meet Yoongi’s. He was staring, wide-eyed before dropping his gaze the moment Jimin found his.

“I remember…it was… a week before the… arrangement that Suran-noona had planned…”

“To fake your death?” Jimin asked.

Yoongi nodded.

“I – remember that I was scared that it wouldn’t work – that I’d be caught and the dream that I hoped for would vanish before my eyes. I,” he hesitated, swallowing, wringing the silk between his fingertips. “I remember wanting to tell you – goodbye – but not knowing how.”

“I spent the three weeks leading up to the Solstice in Lunefleur. I didn’t learn of your death until the eve of the Winter’s Solstice. My parents told me that night, I didn’t believe it until I saw the footage of the site of the accident on the news.” Jimin said softly. “Fitting, is it not? To celebrate the longest night of the year, to honour the Goddess of Death, to mourn the death of someone you loved.”

“I’m sorry, Jimin,” Yoongi whispered.

Jimin took a breath, licking his lips. “I had made you a gift for the Winter Solstice – but, of course, you weren’t there to accept it. I guess I kept it for all these years.”

Yoongi slowly moved, with shaking hands, he traced the peonies and then the lone sunflower in the corner. Now that Jimin looked at it again, his embroidery was rudimentary, nowhere near the skill he has now. But he hoped that Yoongi could see the care that he put into each stitch.

Yoongi stared at it.

“It’s beautiful,” he murmured.

“You should have it.”

His head shot up; eyes wide as his met Jimin’s.

“I can’t.”

“I want you to have it, it was yours to begin with. The Summer Solstice is just a few days away – see it as a gift to honour renewal of our…”

Our what.

“Friendship,” Jimin finally choked out.

“Friendship,” Yoongi repeated.

Jimin stood, placing his cup down.

“I’m going to retire for the night,” he murmured. “Good night, hyung.”

“Good night, Jimin.”

“Jimin… there is something I wanted to talk to you about.” Taehyung said. It was the morning before the meeting at the hangar. Jimin was sitting across from him at the vanity, gently patting foundation onto the fading bruises around Taehyung’s forehead.

Jimin placed the brush down onto the table, fixing Taehyung hair until it fell in a neat array over his brow.

“What is it?” Jimin asked.

“What is Min Yoongi to you?”

Jimin involuntarily jerked backwards, the chair scraping against the floor. He felt his stomach drop and the urge to formulate an excuse bubbling to his lips.

But then, Taehyung reached out, long fingers searching for Jimin until his hand landed on Jimin’s knee.

“You can trust me, Jimin.” Taehyung repeated.

Then the feeling subsided.

“I – there – is something, I haven’t told you, Taehyung.”

“There is something you should know too… and I know I asked you – but I’ll start first.”

Taehyung paused.

“I know who Min Yoongi is. I know that he was the second son of the Baron of LaNoix of House Pivoine. I know he supposedly died twelve years ago.”

Jimin stared, unable to comprehend what Taehyung said, but at the same time knowing that he wasn’t surprised – shouldn’t be surprised. People always doubt Taehyung – they shouldn’t – he shouldn’t have.


“Suran-noona told me,” Taehyung said. “Yoongi-hyung was engaged to her after all.”

Of course, Park Suran, niece of the Queen, Taehyung’s cousin.

“When I made the choice to go to Naissus, Suran-noona requested a meeting,” Taehyung continued. “She had told me what happened, about the fact that she had helped to fake his death to help him avoid an arranged marriage to her. Of course – it was my mother’s house who would try such a thing, true to House Rose.”

Jimin laughed softly.

House Rose was known for all being romantics, defenders of love.

“Suran-noona has been trying to keep tabs after he went to Naissus. Yoongi-hyung was smart to keep out of the public eye in Naissus, despite his…status. He was young when he left Attalia and House Pivoine were not incredibly present in the media. Suran-noona told me he had disappeared for a short period of time, before resurfacing in Naissian media as the adopted son of the Queen Regent.”

“But… during our first dinner at court – ”

“I know. I pretended like I didn’t know who he was to see what his cover story was. Suran-noona was curious to know – to make sure that he’ll continue to stay safe. Though I cannot say for certain, Suran-noon and I are certain Jeongguk and the Royal Family are aware of Yoongi’s history – it was shortly then that her sources were able to find records of Yoongi’s ‘commoner’ family.”

“They are aware,” Jimin answered. “Yoongi-hyung told me that.”

“Suran-noona spoke highly of his character – promised me that he did not actively seek power, only wanted the freedom to pursue the arts. She asked that I do not bring this up with my father. He is a good man, Jimin, you know my father is. But to know what the Baron of LaNoix did and where and who Yoongi is, it may be a conflict he cannot ignore.”

“Min Yoongi is not a threat to Attalia, my father’s reign, nor my sister’s in the future,” Taehyung continued. “I just – want to know what he means to you. I’ve noticed changes in your tone when you speak of him and when you speak to him. I promised Suran-noona that I would protect Min Yoongi’s identity, but if he has hurt you in anyway, Jimin – I won’t hesitate to – ”

“No, no – he hasn’t,” Jimin said hastily. “We were childhood friends – do you remember when I would disappear during big parties when we were like eleven or twelve?”

Taehyung’s brows furrow, “I remember…”

“I was in the Grise Library, Yoongi-hyung’s father…did not…approve of his love for the piano, so… during festivals and parties were the only times that he could indulge in music…And I always joined him.”

“I remember that the palace received news of the death of the Baron of LaNoix’s second son on the eve of the Winter Solstice…. You stayed with your parents at Turnesol Manor for a week afterwards… but you never told me why…”

Jimin licked his lips.

“You were grieving, weren’t you?” Taehyung asked softly.

Jimin did not answer, and he knew his silence was telling.

“You loved him… you love him.” Taehyung said. “Oh, Jimin.”

“Jeongguk knows about Yoongi-hyung’s history,” Jimin said. “The Royal Family is aware.”

“I understand,” Taehyung said. “What now?”

“I… I don’t know,” Jimin replied honestly. “I can’t tell if he returns my feelings – if he ever felt anything for me. He said – that we could never be more than friends, because of our status and positions…”

“Jimin,” Taehyung said, finding Jimin’s hand now and squeezing tightly three times, “You are sworn to me as my Crownsguard.”

“And I am yours, always.”

“But I am equally yours in this life as you are mine,” Taehyung said resolutely. “Know that you will always have my support.”

Jimin smiled, slowly leaning closer until his forehead rested against Taehyung’s, the Prince’s favoured choice of bath oils smelling stronger now - and like the lavender that he favours, Taehyung’s presence always calmed Jimin.

“Thank you, Taehyung…” Jimin said, “Forgive me, for not telling you earlier.”

“Forgive me,” Taehyung murmured, “for never realizing how much you suffered then.”

The halls of Sol Palace were quiet in the afternoon after meeting at the airship hangar. Jimin had told Taehyung that he’ll be in their rooms, but like the Prince, who didn’t like spending time indoors, Jimin felt the suffocation of the walls as well. Perhaps it is in their blood, to yearn for the skies and the open airs that is Attalia.

So Jimin found his way to the Erato Music Room, opening the doors out to the balcony and settling precariously on the rails, resting his head against the marble pillar for a quiet moment before pulling out his phone.

Jisoo picked up on the first ring.

“I was wondering when you’d call, Oppa,” she said in lieu of a greeting.

He scoffed. “Hello to you too, Jisoo.”

“Jennie and I just saw what’s happening on the news,” she said, and Jimin could hear the muffled sound of the TV in the background that began to fade, as if Jisoo was walking away. “The tabloids are going to have a field day with the pictures. One of the three eligible royals is now taken. Only two left.”

Jimin rolled his eyes.

“How is Ravenna?”

“Beautiful as always, the Palais du Étoile is stunning during the summer months. Wish you were here to see the skies at night,” Jisoo replied. “The Summer Solstice is in two days; we’ll be travelling up to the Hirondelle Mountains – we won’t be able to talk then – you know how terrible reception is.”

“Non-existent you mean,” Jennie called.

“Jihyun is doing well?”

“Of course, he’s excelling in all of his lessons and exams,” Jisoo answered. “Abeoji is equally ecstatic and terrified that Jihyun takes after you.”

“What, why?”

“He doesn’t want another child with a renowned reputation as yours – you draw too much unwanted attention to your charge.”

Jimin chuckled, “I think Taehyung draws enough attention with or without me. Think Jihyun will best me?”

“I think he’ll come really close – but his 19th birthday passed – so he won’t outdo your title of youngest Crownsguard.”

Jimin hummed quietly.

There was a door closing on Jisoo’s side, followed by a rustling, like she had climbed onto a bed.

“Are you alright, Oppa?” she asked quietly.

Jimin felt his smile fall and his shoulders sag.

He didn’t answer.

“Jennie told me that you were distraught about what happened with Taehyung-oppa. It isn’t your fault, Oppa.” she said quietly.

“That event makes me wonder sometimes… what would happen if he died?” Jimin whispered. “What would I do if Taehyung died? How would I go on?”

“But he didn’t,” Jisoo said. “You cannot blame yourself for decisions he willingly makes.”

“I know.”

“But that isn’t what is on your mind, is it?”

Jimin huffed a sigh. “You seem to know me too well.”

“I am your sister, after all.”

“I will tell you about it…one day.”

Jimin pulled the phone away from his ear, hearing the door of the room creek open. He turned, deftly sliding off the railing silently and peeking through the door.


“I’ll talk to you later, Jisoo, I have to go now,” he murmured into the phone, swiping the screen to end the call.

Yoongi heard him, turning towards the sound of Jimin’s voice as he paused in his step.



“I could come back later if you were using the room,” Yoongi said in Attalian, stepping back towards the door.

“No,” Jimin returned. “Please stay.”

Yoongi hesitated, stepping closer. “I hope I wasn’t interrupting anything.”

Jimin shook his head, Yoongi nodded to himself, eyes darting towards the side. Jimin turned and spotted the black grand piano.

“You still play.”

“When I can.”

“Will you play for me, hyung?” Jimin asked quietly.

Yoongi had shed the black blazer he wore to the hangar, rolled up the sleeves of his black dress shirt, and undid the buttons around his throat. There was a pin hanging loosely on the left side of his collar. It was a simple, understated piece, but the diamonds glinted in the sunlight.

He was undoubtedly handsome, but Jimin thought peonies suited him better.

Yoongi smiled, walking past Jimin and taking a seat on the piano bench, lifting the fallboard before adjusting the bench. Jimin followed closely behind, resting his forearms on top of the black frame of the piano.

His posture still hasn’t changed. There was still that lethargic slouch in his shoulders, but an otherworldly grace as he placed his hands on the ivory keys, eyes closing as his fingers pressed on the first notes.

It wasn’t a song that Jimin recalls Yoongi playing before; this piece was a new addition to his repertoire.

Jimin rested his head in his hands, closing his eyes. Like all pieces that Jimin has heard Yoongi play, this one is wistful, airy, and soft.

It was too soon that Yoongi played the final key, letting the soft notes diffuse into the air. The older man exhaled quietly and when Jimin opened his eyes, he saw a soft, content grin on Yoongi’s face.

“Did you ever manage to pursue music like you wanted to?”

“Yes,” Yoongi answered. “The Queen mother... was very adamant about allowing me to pursue my passions. She encouraged me to audition for the conservatory of music in Aerarius. I enjoyed and excelled in my studies. I was even offered a position in the national orchestra… but I turned it down…I realized that Jeongguk would need my help. He needed people at his side whom he could trust.”

Yoongi absentmindedly traced the edge of the ivory keys.

“Jeongguk was against it at first,” Yoongi continued. “He hated the idea of me giving up on a career I wanted, for him. But I was happy, because I had a choice. So I gladly made the choice to help him. Besides, it’s too much publicity. I can’t risk the off chance that somehow someone recognizes me.”

“Are you worried that someone would? It’s been over ten years,” Jimin said.

“The fear never leaves…” Yoongi murmured. “Sometimes I have nightmares… that my father arrived in court and exposed me as his son. I just - I don’t want to be known as his son.”

“I don’t think anyone knows of your existence here, Yoongi-hyung,” Jimin said. “Especially not your father, he wouldn’t have the resources to.”

Yoongi placed his hand in his lap, “I...have considered asking Hoseok to find them...but I think it might be too difficult...and I don’t know if I have the heart for it. The fewer who know, the better.”

“...There is something I wanted to tell you,” Jimin murmured.

Jimin moved closer, and Yoongi shifted over on the bench giving the Crownsguard enough room to settle beside him.

The scent of orange blossoms and clementines is stronger, being this close to the older man.

“Taehyung knows.”

Yoongi’s eyes snap over. Jimin’s heart dropped, he could see the shock and betrayal in Yoongi’s eyes as a breath quavered from his lips.

“I didn’t tell him,” Jimin said quickly, “Park Suran-ssi did.”


“Taehyung told me last night…Park Suran-ssi had been watching over you. She wanted Taehyung to know what happened –”

Yoongi doesn’t meet his eyes, blinking and eyes darting everywhere.

“Of course… Suran-noona is Taehyung’s cousin…” Yoongi stammered.

“Suran-ssi lost track of you until you showed up at Naissian Court. From there, she dug into your records – and found that your… ‘parents’ died years ago. She suspects that the Royal Family is aware of your true… lineage and history.”

“I wasn’t aware that Suran-noona was keeping tabs…” Yoongi said, words slow and broken. “Nor that she cared so… W-would Taehyung –”

“He will not tell the King,” Jimin said, softly, trying to reassure Yoongi. “Nor anyone else in the Royal Family or the court. Suran-ssi vouched for your character.”

Jimin wasn’t aware of Yoongi’s tense posture until his shoulders visibly sagged and he hunched in on himself. Yoongi started to pick at the base of his thumb nail, and Jimin could see the remnants of healing scabs and calluses that formed a ridge where he was picking.

“How are you so sure?” Yoongi asked.

“He has given Suran-noona -- his cousin – his word,” Jimin explained. He reached out, placing his hand over top of Yoongi’s. Jimin’s palm barely covered half of Yoongi’s hand, but it was enough to wrap his fingers around Yoongi’s thumb, tilling the nervous habit.

“And Taehyung promised me and I won’t do anything to hurt you, Yoongi-hyung.”

Finally, Yoongi looked up – no longer frantic and wide-eyed, but there was something in his expression.

Yearning – and – and fear.


“Jimin, I-I-I don’t know what you want from me,” Yoongi whispered, fingers twitching under Jimin’s.

“I want to be friends again...Hyung,” Jimin said slowly, “And...and more, if you’ll have me.”


Jimin wondered if Yoongi was still breathing. He wasn’t looking at Jimin, instead Yoongi’s eyes seemed distant as he stared at the corner of the music rack. Finally, Yoongi pulled his hand away and Jimin lifted his fingers. His brows furrowed as he curled his fingers and slowly pulled back.

“...I don’t...we can’t be more,” Yoongi finally said.

Jimin stood, heels knocking into the legs of the bench.

“Jimin,” Yoongi started, finally looking up and meeting Jimin’s gaze. His hands moved, fingers lacing together. “My father may be exiled out of Chesos, House Pivoine dismantled, and my existence nearly forgotten. But - should it come up - should my past ever come to light - ”

He was rambling, words jumbling together and Jimin was shocked to hear it - when Yoongi usually is so composed.

“I’ll ruin Jeongguk….” Yoongi whispered, “I’ll hurt you – no – it’s too risky.”

“Hyung – what are you –”

“Jimin,” Yoongi interrupted, “You are part of the second most powerful House in all of Attalia. You are just below the Divine House – what would happen to you if – if you – if you were to involve yourself with someone like me? You are always in the spotlight. A-and Jeongguk – I couldn’t bear it if something were to happen to him.”

“You have very little faith in your brother if you think that your history will ruin his reign,” Jimin said, colourlessly.

“It has nothing to do with my faith in Jeongguk – ” Yoongi snapped, rising to his feet. The piano bench scraped against the wood. “My family was implicated in a mass extortion ring – the scandal that it would cause the Royal Family. And I faked my own death.”

“Before the fall of your family!” Jimin hissed. “You said so yourself that you weren’t part of your father’s crimes. Even – even if your history should be revealed, you would not be implicated. You did what you had to.”

“It is not so black and white, Jimin,” Yoongi said with a humourless chuckle. “The world of politics is harsh and cruel and those who seek power will take jabs at whatever possible – the Monarchy is already at risk with this attempt on Jeongguk’s life.”

Jimin glared at Yoongi, feeling his heart beat wildly as his chest hurt and hurt and hurt. He stepped away from the piano.

“I’m sorry, Jimin,” Yoongi whispered, taking a step forward.

“Admit it, you are just scared,” Jimin said, harshly as he ignored Yoongi’s apology. “You don’t even want to try.”

Yoongi paused, blinking at how brash and sudden Jimin’s words were – and for a split second, Jimin regretted it.

“You’re right. I am scared – scared that I will hurt you and my brother.”

Jimin should have expected it. But he thought he felt it - he thought he felt Yoongi teetering on the precipice - he thought Yoongi returned his feelings. Was he mistaken?

“Did you ever have feelings for me?” Jimin asked, softly. “Or are you saying these things because you –”

“Yes!” Yoongi said, raising his voice to a level that Jimin has never heard before. “I have feelings for you - and I am terrified of admitting that I had fallen in love with you only to realize that you can never be mine.”


Jimin staggered backwards, taking a shuddering breath like the air had been knocked from his lungs.

Yoongi’s chest heaves. “I am terrified to admit that once again, you will always be out of my reach.”

“I loved you since we were children, Yoongi-hyung,” Jimin said. “Doesn’t that mean anything?”

Yoongi paused, breathing loudly.

“I’m sorry, Jimin. I’m so sorry for always hurting you.” Yoongi moved closer, reaching out to lay a hand on Jimin’s shoulder as if to comfort him. Jimin veered out of Yoongi’s reach.

“I don’t want your apology,” Jimin whispered, “I wanted you.”

Jimin turned, storming out the room.

It’s quiet in the sitting room of Taehyung and Jimin’s shared apartments. The Crownsgard had taken to reading, trying hard to stave off the hurt of the conversation with Yoongi - trying hard not to think about it. Taehyung was beside him, leaning into his shoulder, humming quietly to himself as he listened to the news on his phone. Suddenly he sat up, gasping.

“The statement about the official courtship is out.”

Taehyung quickly seized his phone, handing it to Jimin.

“Read the article to me, Jimin. I don’t want to hear it in the automated voice.”

Jimin huffed, pretending to be petulant with Taehyung’s request, but complied, fumbling for a second with the unique interface of Taehyung’s touchscreen phone, unfamiliar with the larger keyboard and specific haptic technology.

Jimin cleared his throat, when finally, he was able to load the article that made headlines on the newspapers of Marsylle.

In a statement by Sol Palace, made this morning in Aurea, Naissus,” Jimin started, “His Royal Majesty, the King of Naissus is announcing the alliance between the countries of Naissus and Attalia. The King is also delighted to publicise the courtship between himself and the First Prince of Attalia, Kim Taehyung of House Chrysantheme.”

Taehyung grins, almost shyly as he plays with the silver dangling from his ear.

Jimin sighed, “I can’t believe it happened. Courtship. What are the chances that you’ll soon hold the title of King Consort of Naissus?”

Taehyung’s arm shot out, lightly punching Jimin in the shoulder. “It is too soon to say that, Jimin. Keep reading.”

Jimin scrolled down, continuing through the article. The news site had used an image from the meeting at the hangar, a clear snapshot of Taehyung and Jeongguk.

“There’s a picture,” Jimin said, “of you and Jeongguk.”

“How do we look?”

The sheer contrast between the white of Taehyung’s outfit and the black of Jeongguk’s suit stood out. They made a striking pair, with Taehyung’s fingers wrapped loosely around Jeongguk’s elbow. Taehyung always had his eyes closed – head held high as he walked. Jeongguk’s head was turned, eyes trained solely on Taehyung. There was softness in the king’s eyes and an almost helpless grin in the moment.

“Good,” Jimin replied. “As always. Jeongguk is looking at you – it looks like he thinks you are the stars themselves.”

Taehyung stopped toying with his earring, hand falling into his lap.

“I’m happy, Jimin,” Taehyung said quietly. “I know that… there is still so much to fear: the assassination attempt, the rise of Park Hae-jin, the ever-pressing threat of war…. But I am grateful for this small happiness.”

Jimin chuckled, pressing his weight into the prince’s side and rejoicing in Taehyung’s happiness.

“I’m happy for you,” Jimin replied, quietly. “You deserve happiness, for everything you have sacrificed.”

Taehyung shifted, tapping on Jimin’s arm.

“What does the rest of the article say?”

Jimin lifted the phone and started reading again.

Here in Marsylle, the Royal Family has confirmed the statement, though they have given no additional details, the statement does not come as much of a surprise, considering the recent joint visit to the Crepusculum Airship Hangar. However, there were also rumours that the 22-year-old King had invited the First Prince to be his personal guest, to a private gala in honour of financiers of a new hospital two weeks ago. The First Prince had departed Marsylle nearly two months ago for the Crown City of Naissus. The Chateau de Marsylle had little to say about the reason for the 24-year-old Prince’s visit, but speculations have now arisen that the discussion of an alliance had – Taehyung?”

Taehyung’s grip on Jimin’s arm clenched tight for a second before his hand fell limply onto the sofa.

Jimin put the phone down, turning to the prince.

There were tell-tale signs to when Taehyung was having a vision: Taehyung’s lips part but no breath leaves, his spine grows rigid, but his arms fall slack.

Jimin moved, shifting closer to Taehyung and taking his hand into his own, squeezing tightly, reminding him that Jimin was there – holding him in reality.

Finally, Taehyung moves, exhaling slowly.

“What did you see?” Jimin asked.

“Jeongguk was meeting with someone,” Taehyung said. “An audience or something, in the throne room.”

Taehyung rested his hand over his mouth, thumbing over the side of his lip as his brows furrowed.

“I think it was with two women – I could only see the back of their heads. One of them had long black hair…The other… had blue hair…When the woman with black hair spoke…she thanked Jeongguk for the audience and… her accent… was not Naissian. It was Orivalian. Their clothes were fine – I think they are ranked peerage... But I don’t know why they were seeking an audience.”

“Do you have a time frame?”

“No…” Taehyung replied. “But… sometime during the day… morning… the sun was low…”

Jimin sighed, thankful that the vision was simple so to speak.

“I should tell Jeongguk.”

“Do you want to tell him now?”


When asking around for where the King could be, they were told that he was in the eastern courtyard with some of his King’s Circle. The courtyard apparently had been converted into an outdoor gym with glass windows and walls surrounding the equipment and a modern track. In the center, was a square arena with a collection of practice swords and weaponry along the edges.

Jimin felt himself perk up in excitement – it’s been almost a month and a half since they arrived in Naissus – and he was feeling out of practice and restless without his sister or brother to constantly challenge. Nor the other peerage who enjoyed a match with him.

Upon arrival, they found the young King dressed in sweats and a loose t-shirt, sweating as he ran laps, laughing.

Taehyung’s fingers tightened around Jimin’s elbow as he leaned in.

“What’s happening?” Taehyung asked, having heard the ruckus.

“The eastern courtyard is an outdoor gym,” Jimin explained. “Jeongguk is…I think racing against Hoseok-ssi, he’s winning. Seokjin-hyung and…. um….Yoongi-hyung are here – I don’t think either are interested in participating.”

Jimin found it odd that Yoongi is even in the gym – perhaps deciding to accompany his sibling, cousin, and friend as he laid across an outdoor lounge chair, phone in hand and a thick book in his lap. Seokjin was content to watch the two younger men, as their laps turned into a game of tag. Loud peals of laughter erupted from the usually calm and reserved physician as Hoseok screamed in displeasure when Jeongguk nearly pushed him over.

“Jeongguk, slow down,” Seokjin yelled, though the warning was lighthearted.

The footman standing by the door, leaned casually against the doorframe watching the King and the General Commander fool around with each other. The footman smiled, chuckling. He was older – definitely older than the King and all of his men in the King’s Circle. There was a warmth to his grin, no resentment for the young men who held such power and high positions.

The footman turned, straightening when he saw the First Prince and Jimin arriving.

“Your Royal Highness, Sir, Would you like me to announce you?”

“Please do,” Taehyung said with a soft smile.

The footman nodded, turning, “His Royal Highness, the First Prince and Lord Park Jimin, sirs.”

Yoongi was the first to react, glancing up, lifting his head and squinting in the sunlight. Jeongguk skidded to a stop and Hoseok nearly ran into the younger man, having to spin to the side to avoid crashing.

“Taehyung!” Jeongguk called.

The Prince grinned at the call of his name, waiting until Jeongguk jogged closer before speaking. There was a lightness to the King’s steps – a certainty and assuredness in his smile.

“I wanted to speak to you about a matter,” Taehyung said. “But I can wait if I am interrupting – it sounds like you were having fun.”

The young King was panting, placing his hands on his hips.

“It’s fine, Hoseok-hyung and I were just playing around. Let’s join Seokjin-hyung and Yoongi-hyung by the chairs.” He gestures over to where the two older men were lounging. Taehyung nodded, and let Jimin lead the way.

“Seokjin-hyung cleared me for physical activity,” Jeongguk explained. “Under his watchful eye, of course – but I’ve been dying to let off some steam.”

There was a casualness to Jeongguk’s tone – a light airiness that made Jimin forget that this was a King that was speaking and not just a regular man in his twenties.

“Would you like to join us?”

“I don’t think Seokjin-hyung would approve just yet,” Taehyung grinned and Seokjin nodded with a hum of agreement, catching the tail end of their conversation.

“I doubt your ribcage will appreciate the extra exertion,” Seokjin said. “Give it another week at least, Taehyung.”

“Jimin-hyung?” Jeongguk asks, almost hesitantly, his eyes darting over to the Crownsguard.

“Jimin-ssi,” Hoseok called, standing by the table containing a spread of refreshments behind Seokjin and Yoongi, cracking open a bottle of water. “I’ve heard that you are quite the swordsman.”

Out of the corner of his eye, Jimin saw Yoongi sit up, eyes sharp and bright.

“Jimin was knighted as my Crownsguard at 18,” Taehyung said, “The youngest in Attalian history, his skill is renowned.”

“Would you care for a spar?” Hoseok asked.

Jimin felt his heart spark at the question.

Taehyung whistled.

“You are in for quite a challenge, Hoseok-hyung,” he warned. “Crownsguards are masters of swordsmanship and most forms of martial arts.”

Jimin saw a spark in Hoseok’s eyes. “I am always up for a challenge.”

“I’d love to then, Hoseok-ssi.”

Taehyung tapped on Jimin’s shoulder.

“Give me your cardigan.”

Jimin complied, shrugging out of the deep green sweater and placing it gently into Taehyung’s waiting hand. The prince curled it over one arm, and then reached out another for Jeongguk.

“Let’s sit on the sidelines, Jeongguk - you have to give me a play by play.”

“I’ll do my best,” Jeongguk promised, easily and casually taking Taehyung’s hand.

Jimin once remembered the slight hesitation in the King’s movements – but now, there was none of that – just sure and absentminded touches.

“Shall we?” Hoseok asked, gesturing to the outdoor arena. Jimin joined him on the dark stone, walking towards the massive display of weapons on the far side of the arena.

“Take your pick, Jimin-ssi,” the Commander General said. “All these weapons have blunted edges, but of course – with enough force, it could leave bruises and broken bones – we’ll spar till one of us raises a hand to end it – or are held at blade-point.”

“Agreed,” Jimin said, remembering that this is how they sparred with the other Crownsguard as well.

He scanned the rows of weapons, wondering if he wanted to play it safe or to show off his variety of talents. He found a weapon that was one of his favourites: a straight, double-edged blade of Vesontian make. He pulled it from the rack – it was heavier than he remembered these swords to be – but he loved the dynamic nature of the blade, how the long, red tassel at the base of the hilt danced and flew with his movements. He spun the blade once, adjusting his grip before nodding to himself.

“I’ll choose this one.”

Hoseok was quick to select a single-edged curved sword, a blade common in Galatean swordsmanship.

“Give me a moment to stretch,” Jimin said, placing the sword down.

“Take your time,” Hoseok said, weaving into some stretches and combinations of the blade, practicing the long, cross body slashes common in the Galatean style.

Jimin started stretching, breathing into the pulls and stinging in his muscles. He feels the excitement – the muscle memory and call of the dance as he leaned into the stretches in his hamstrings, quads, calves, and shoulders.

Out of the corner of his eyes, he could see Yoongi’s eyes following his movements, following the bending and lengthening of his limbs as he reminds his body of the warmth and fire of movement. Jeongguk was watching him too, curiously, with wide eyes that Jimin has yet to see on the usually tense King.

He spoke lowly to Taehyung, who was quite calm. Jimin could hear their quiet conversation. Taehyung was asking Yoongi, Jeongguk, and Seokjin about Hoseok’s fighting style – about his experience – about his swordsmanship.

“I’m ready,” Jimin said, breathing in. Hoseok squared his shoulders, lowering his sword and dipping into a bow as Jimin did the same. Upon straightening, Jimin slowly dropped into a low stance, whipping his sword arm in a wide arc as he crossed his arm over his chest and above his head, holding the blade eye level.

Hoseok grinned and there was a playfulness in his smile before he took a breath, spinning the sword in a flourishing figure eight and widening his stance.

There is a moment of silence.

Hoseok struck, lunging in.

Jimin snapped backwards, swiping his sword into an arc to parry Hoseok’s thrust.

Their weapons met.

The loud, vibrating clash of steel vibrated through the sword, Jimin’s hand, skin, and into his heart.

His body thrummed with adrenaline and the world faded, save for the glint of Hoseok’s blade and his own.

Jimin took half an inhale, saw Hoseok realign his blade and again – they struck.

Hoseok fought ferociously, pouncing and leaping with the power of a wild cat, as appropriate for a weapon shaped like the claws of a lion.

Jimin wielded the blade like a snake, slithering underneath Hoseok’s sword and deflecting the steel with his own.

The Vesontian style of swordplay was one of his favourites. The blade felt alive in his hands, an extension of himself as he danced across the field.

The Commander General’s playful smile fell, replaced with the hard line of concentration and eyes that shone.

Their swords met again and Jimin took the opportunity to slide his blade down the flat edge of Hoseok’s and whip his blade down to strike.

Hoseok pushed back, skidding across the stone and spinning on the balls of his feet before slowly turning.

Jimin took a step back, blood pounding in his ears.

Jimin’s reputation preceded him – Hoseok was not holding back on the strength of his blows – and Jimin could feel his arms shaking already and he could feel his shirt beginning to stick to his skin. But the Crownsguard could begin to see the other man faltering, sweat was forming on his brow and temples and his breaths were louder.

Jimin took a deep breath through his nose, feeling the hairs stand up on the back of his neck, his eyes flickering over to the three watching them and realized that there was a small audience that had appeared in the windows and surrounding the courtyard and the doorway.

Jeongguk’s eyes flickered between Hoseok and Jimin. Seokjin watched, equally enraptured and Yoongi hadn’t moved – his eyes trained on Jimin.

Jimin always did like an audience.

“You’re good, Jimin-ssi,” Hoseok commented.

“Likewise, Hoseok-ssi,” Jimin replied.

Hoseok adjusted his stance, holding the curved sword at waist height as he bounced back and forth on the balls of his feet, ready to strike or leap back.

Jimin followed in suit, this time, playing on the offence and thrusting forward.

Hoseok twisted his wrist and deflected Jimin’s cut, using the momentum to swing back and sweep into an uppercut that Jimin easily parried.

The piercing sound left Jimin’s left ear ringing, but he welcomed it, spinning on his heels and whipping the blade in a wide arc, spinning and spinning as he continuously struck, pushing Hoseok back.

The Commander General dropped to his knees, sliding out of the way before he stood, putting a hand up.

“I call,” he said – panting, dropping the sword and placing his hands on his knees, squeezing his eyes shut as he tried to catch his breath. “It’s too hard to keep up with you.”

Jimin sagged, sitting down and head lolling back. “No, any longer and I would have called too, Hoseok-ssi.”

Hoseok recovered enough to stagger his way to Jimin with a hand extended. “Please, call me hyung.”

Jimin grinned, nodding as he gripped Hoseok’s hand and let the other pull him up.

Behind them, Jimin could hear a strange cacophony of clapping from where Taehyung sat and the doorway. He turned to see the impressed wide eyes of Jeongguk and his entire King’s Circle, Namjoon having joined them sometime in the midst of the fray.

Both Hoseok and Jimin staggered towards the group. Hoseok immediately collapsed onto Yoongi’s lounge chair, earning him a disgusted grunt from the older man. Yoongi scooted over on the cushions, giving Hoseok some room as he handed the sweating man a bottle of water. At the same time, Seokjin offered Jimin a bottle.

Jimin accepted it gratefully. He screwed his eyes shut and attempted to swallow the rush of hurt rising up his throat by drowning it in ice cold water. He shouldn’t be angry, he doesn’t have a right to be angry.

“That was impressive, Jimin-ssi,” Namjoon said. Jimin opened his eyes, heart rate slowing.

“Thank you, Namjoon-ssi.”

“When did you start training as a Crownsguard?” Hoseok asked.

“Young,” Jimin replied. “Around ten years of age.”

“You two must have grown up with each other,” Seokjin commented.

“House Turnesol are the sworn shields of the Divine House,” Jimin explained. “I have always been by Taehyung’s side. As my father is by the side of the King.”

Out of the corner of his eye, he could see Taehyung’s lips pull into a grin at the sound of his name.

“The role and title of Crownsguard is more than just a shield,” Taehyung said. “Jimin is my friend, my advisor, and my brother.”

“Vestonion swordplay is very different than the Attalian style,” Namjoon commented, “It seems as though you have spent a lifetime mastering it.”

“It is a style that I tend to favour,” Jimin answered, tossing the empty bottle into the wastebasket and grabbing another one from the serving cart. “Hoseok-hyung, your proficiency in using the Galatean short-sword is remarkable.”

Hoseok grinned. “Thank you. It’s great to have a sparring partner with such unique and diverse talents.”

“Can I have a chance to spar with you, Jimin-hyung?” Jeongguk asked shyly. Jimin turned, regarding the wide-eyed King. “We don’t have to do it now if you’re tired, I understand it wasn’t your intention today.”

“No,” Jimin replied, “I’ll spar with you. If you’ll just give me a moment.”

Jeongguk grinned.

“Do you spar often, Jeongguk?” Taehyung asked.

“No,” Jeongguk replied. “I haven’t had much time to keep up with my swordsmanship since I ascended.”

Hoseok scoffed, “He’s being humble, Taehyung. Jeongguk is a natural.”

“But no one wants to ever spar with him anymore,” Namjoon said.

“Why not?” Jimin asked.

Jeongguk shrugged as Yoongi scowled.

Hoseok laughed.

“You’ll see,” the Commander General replied cryptically.

After draining another bottle of water and several segments of oranges, Jimin announced he was ready.

“Are you going to choose the same weapon?” Taehyung asked.

“I’m not sure yet. I’ve been out of practice with some weapons,” Jimin replied.

“Exactly…how many styles are you proficient in?” Seokjin asked.

Jimin looked over his shoulder, to see a rather incredulous look on all the faces of Jeongguk’s King’s Circle. A smug pride surges within him.

“I’m a Crownsguard,” was Jimin’s answer.

“My bet is on Jimin,” Taehyung said. And Jimin watches as Jeongguk’s head whipped over to Taehyung. Jimin nearly burst out laughing at the visible pout on Jeongguk’s lips.

“What makes you say that,” Hoseok asked wearily.

Taehyung grinned.

“It is because Jimin is my Crownsguard,” Taehyung said a-matter-of-factly.

Jimin put the Vesontian sword back, pulling a heavy, Laviccian long-sword from the wall. This was certainly a heavier, harder to wield blade, not as beautiful of a Vestonian sword, but no less fun.

The Crownsguard took a couple of swipes, getting a feel of it. He turned to see Jeongguk choose a set of twin blades, watching as the King whipped the blades into several combinations.

They bow, falling into a stance again.

Jimin wrapped both hands around the longsword.

Jeongguk made the first strike, swiping his twin blades in an upwards arc, forcing Jimin to twist his blade to defend – whipping it down into a hard vertical strike.

Jimin expected Jeongguk to step away.

He already planned his next combinations, body expecting his opponent’s maneuvers. Instead, Jeongguk dropped to one knee, crossing his swords and effectively stopping Jimin’s strike.

Jimin’s eyes widen.

To stop the heavy, powerful strike that Jimin delivered would take incredible strength.

Not only that, Jeongguk pushed up, slashing his swords in a wide arc.

Jimin nearly staggered backwards, struggling to dig his heels into the ground to balance himself. He had to take several unsteady steps – spinning the sword once as he circled Jeongguk, forearms shaking from the effort.

Jeongguk’s wide, almost innocent eyes are gone, replaced by a fierce glare. These were the eyes that Jimin was used to seeing – these were the eyes of a king.

Hoseok had struck viciously, relying on his speed and the sense of surprise and based on Jeongguk’s choice of weapon – twin blades – Jimin suspected that the young King preferred speed as well.

Jimin expected the speed, but he did not expect the sheer, raw power.

Jimin felt a grin forming, adrenaline pushing through his system again at the excitement.

He could hear Seokjin’s peal of laughter, “You see now, Jimin, why no one wants to spar with him anymore?”

Jimin breathed a laugh, and Jeongguk’s mouth curved into a small grin as well.

Jimin will have to change tactics; he cannot keep playing defensively until Jeongguk’s stamina runs out – he wonders if that’s even possible.

He’ll have to attack.


Jimin pounced, pushing forward with everything that he has.

Jeongguk met each attack with stunning precision, sparks flying as their blades collided.

He pushed Jeongguk to the edge of the arena before the King launched himself into a side flip, dancing a couple of metres back.

Jimin took the opportunity to catch his breath, arms shaking again, lungs aching with the familiar pain of exertion.

He looked in Jeongguk’s eyes, wondering if the King was at all tired. Jeongguk’s hair was falling over his forehead, wet with sweat – but there was still energy in his eyes.

Jeongguk rushed forward and Jimin barely had time to react, his body moving faster than his brain to dodge and deflect. The strikes had less strength behind them – but still the same precision and Jimin could feel his own accuracy fading.

It’ll be too dangerous to continue, for both him and Jeongguk.

Jimin found it more difficult to parry.

He was becoming desperate.

He backed up, raising a hand to call.

At the exact same time Jeongguk does.

“I call,” they both announce.

The King dropped his swords collapsing onto his back as he breathed heavily.

Jimin joined him, tossing the blade to the side as he crumpled to the ground, curling in on his side as he gasped for air.

There was clapping and whooping all around.

“What a show!” Hoseok yelled.

Jimin screwed his eyes shut, struggling not to cough up a lung. There is a shadow over the sunlight in his eyes – and he can smell the familiar scent of lavender and grapefruit before he felt Taehyung, tapping for his hand, grasping his fingers, his arm, and then hauling him into sitting. Another hand, shoving something ice cold into his palm – water.

Jimin gripped the bottle of water, tipping it down his throat.

“Are you alright?” Taehyung asked.

“Yeah, yeah,” Jimin puffed, “just tired.”

He peeled his eyes open to see Hoseok beside Jeongguk and Seokjin trying to shove water into the King’s face too. Jeongguk met his eyes and Jimin could see a hopefulness for forgiveness and a boyish hunger for excitement – for another friend.

Finally, Jimin laughed, “Let’s spar more often.”

Jeongguk nodded furiously.

Jimin let Taehyung haul him to his feet and he leaned on the taller man as they walked back to the little lounge area. Jeongguk stumbled behind them with both Hoseok and Seokjin in tow.

“I think that’s enough for today, Jeongguk,” Seokjin said, watching as the young King tumbled onto the lounge chair. “I want to be present for any strenuous activity for the time being, and I, unfortunately, can’t stay any longer.”

“Where are you going? I didn’t know you had a schedule this afternoon, Hyung,” Yoongi said.

“I don’t have any official schedules,” Seokjin replied. “But Namjoon and I are heading back to my estate for a couple of days.”

“Is everything alright, Hyung?” Jeongguk asked.

“It should be,” Namjoon murmured, eyes following Seokjin as he gathered the things he brought to the courtyard: his cell phone and a journal. “We’ll be back before the press conference.”

“I need to go too,” Hoseok said. “My lieutenant is arriving later this afternoon to deliver a report and I need to shower.”

“I should shower too,” Jeongguk murmured. He turned to Taehyung. “You said you wanted to speak to me about something important?”

“I can wait while you shower,” Taehyung said, “I’d like to take a walk in the gardens with you, we can talk then.”

With that, Seokjin and Namjoon took their leave, Hoseok seeing them out before stating that he’ll head to his own rooms. Taehyung and Jeongguk bid them farewell, suggesting that those remaining in the palace take dinner together.

Leaving Yoongi and Jimin alone.

Jimin took one of the towels, wiping off the sweat that had accumulated across his brow and neck.

He had begun to worry less about Taehyung when he was with Jeongguk – and now he’s wondering if he should go take a bath – he’s definitely going to be sore tomorrow - two continuous sparring rounds - was a bit too much, he realized.

He sat silently beside Yoongi, stabbing the tiny straw into the banana milk container.

“You’re a… good swordsman,” Yoongi mumbled, finally, speaking in Attalian.

Jimin scoffed. “Thank you.”

“Hoseok is very talented,” Jimin continued, trying to fill the silence, staring at the spread of refreshments before him and plucking out a couple of cookie sticks, crunching on them. “Jeongguk is insane. Who the f*ck uses twin swords like that? I understand why no one will spar with him anymore.”

“Seokjin-hyung is mildly terrified of him.”

“I can see why,” Jimin replied. “He’s a force to be reckoned with - I cannot imagine what sparring with him would be like when he’s at his peak.”

“You too,” Yoongi said. “It’s like watching you dance, when you fight – you’re… incredible - you’re beautiful.”

Jimin paused, heart pounding at Yoongi’s soft, and yet sincere compliment. He doesn’t know how to reply, quickly shoving a couple more cookie sticks into his mouth.

“I’m sorry,” Jimin started, spinning the half-empty cartoon around. “I was…being inconsiderate and cruel.”

“I’m sorry, too,” Yoongi murmured. “I know you don’t want to hear it.”

Jimin put the straw into his mouth, staring at the ground between them.

He took a breath. “I want - I’d like to have you in my life, Hyung. How ever you’ll accept it.”

Yoongi refused to reply.

“Will you spar with me?” Yoongi asked.

Jimin turned, “What?”

“You heard me.”

“I never…sparred with you when we were younger,” Jimin spluttered. “You didn’t even practice swordsmanship.”

“Not in Attalia… but I did here.”

“…You picked it up for Jeongguk.”

“Spar with me, Jimin.”

Jimin stared, meeting Yoongi’s tense eyes.

“Okay, let’s do it.”

“Do you want to rest a little longer?”

Jimin laughed, slowly rising to his feet. “It’s fine, I doubt you’ll be much of a match for me, Hyung.”

Jimin waited until he saw a reaction from Yoongi – a twitch -- before turning around again.

He heard the other man get up, zipping up his track jacket and join Jimin by the racks of weaponry. Jimin already made a decision on what he wanted to use, reaching for the Attalian dress sword with the traditional and elegant figure-eight loop guard.

His bones and body ached with the movements, but at the same time, heeded his commands as he rolled his shoulders. Unlike in the matches with Hoseok and Jeongguk where he was driven by the passion of competition and adrenaline, this time, there was a swirl of emotions rising from his core again - yearning, wanting, hurting.

He watched as Yoongi picked up a single-edged sabre.

Naissian in make.

Jimin backed up to the centre of the field, lowering into a stance and bouncing on his heels.

Attalian swordplay was always more about being quick on your feet – quick with the blade – thrusting rather than cutting – aiming to kill – cut out the heart.

“Stretch,” Jimin commanded, “or you’ll get hurt.”

Yoongi obeyed, sighing as he put the sword by his feet, leaning into several hamstring and quad stretches, swinging his arms into wide circles and cracking his neck.

“I’m ready,” he said. Nodding. Jimin returned it with a low bow, easily sliding into a graceful stance with his sword arm ready.

“Duel till one of us calls,” Jimin reminded. “Or held at a killing blow.”


Yoongi took a high stance in a style of Naissian swordplay that Jimin wasn’t particularly familiar with.

Yoongi was the first to strike, whipping around in a horizontal arc. Like Jeongguk, Yoongi was fast. But when their swords met, he lacked the raw strength that the young King had.

Jimin let his body run on autopilot; Yoongi could not match his skill with the blade.

Twice, he could have already disarmed the Right-Hand Man. Once, he could have ended the match by placing the cold blade against Yoongi’s throat.

“You’re toying with me,” Yoongi grumbled, pushing out of a deadlock and twisting away.

A smile pulls on Yoongi’s lips as he rights himself and launches into an attack.

It wasn’t the wide grins full of pink gums that Yoongi gave Hoseok.

No. This was a playful smile.

Whatever wrath and hurt from before dissipated like smoke in the wind.

Jimin smiled, raising an eyebrow coyly. He danced closer, ducking underneath Yoongi’s blade, and swiftly tapping the side of Yoongi’s neck with the tips of his fingers.

Yoongi wrenches away, hand flying to the side of his neck, placing his hand over where Jimin had touched.

Jimin laughed, leaping away as Yoongi launched into an impressive combination of slashes and strikes – Jimin grinned, parrying and ducking under the spectacular display.

Yoongi is out of practice – Jimin could tell that, but there was skill behind his strikes, a determination and precision to his movements. But he was slowing down – and Jimin could see sweat beginning to form and Yoongi’s breaths becoming more ragged.

He’ll end it.

Jimin arched back, avoiding Yoongi’s powerful horizontal slash of the sword and swiped his blade along Yoongi’s.

He followed the arc until he had enough momentum to twist his wrist and wrap his blade around Yoongi’s, using the length and flexibility of the Attalian dress sword in his favour to trap Yoongi’s blade.

Jimin slid closer until his left hand wrapped around the hilt of the sabre, ripping the sword out of Yoongi’s hand.

He spun, hearing Yoongi’s surprised gasp as suddenly, his own blade was held against his neck.

Yoongi was breathing heavily, squeezing his eyes shut for a moment as he tried to catch his breath.

The blade glinted in the sunlight where it rested on Yoongi’s shoulder, the dull edge pressing into his neck for just a moment longer before Jimin lowered the weapon, dropping both the sabre and his own dress sword.

But he didn’t step back.

Neither did Yoongi.

Their chests were touching.

Their breaths mingling.

Yoongi’s lips were parted, mouth curling into a grin - showing teeth.

“You win,” Yoongi whispered.

“As expected,” Jimin returned.

Then Jimin heard a soft chuckle from Yoongi’s throat.

He lifted his eyes to meet Yoongi’s only to find the older’s gaze lowered – half-lidded – staring at Jimin’s lips.

“I never stood a chance,” Yoongi murmured.

“Neither did I,” Jimin said – inaudibly – words slurring together as his heart leapt and his hands moved, and his fingers pressed into Yoongi’s cheeks, and he rushed forward.

He heard Yoongi’s shuddering breath – felt it for just a millisecond – before he closed the distance between them.

Jimin stopped breathing before his lips crashed onto Yoongi’s.

The scent of his cologne invaded Jimin’s every thought.

Oranges, clementine, wood – and – and Yoongi.

Yoongi parted first, breathing heavily, pushing away with his eyes screwed shut –

“Jimin,” Yoongi said.

Jimin’s eyes flutter open, fingers curling into the empty space where Yoongi just was.

“Jimin –” Yoongi whispered, “Jimin, I can’t – you –”

“You want this as much as I do, don’t you?” Jimin replied.

A low and uncontrolled growl escaped Yoongi’s throat.

He surged forward, pressing his lips against Jimin’s again.

Jimin grasping onto Yoongi’s shirt, breath shuddering as he leaned closer, fingers winding into Yoongi’s hair.

Their first kiss was chaste in comparison to the violence in their second, in the way that they pressed into each other, in the way that their touches sought for only more and more and more.

Suddenly Yoongi pushed back again, pushing Jimin away, staggering backwards.

Yoongi’s eyes were blown wide-open, pupils dilated, and breaths raw and uneven.

“No,” he said, voice wobbling as he shook his head. “No – we can’t, Jimin – I can’t. Jimin, please don’t make this harder.”

Yoongi turned, lurching and nearly running to the doorway.

Everyone had left when Jeongguk did.

The courtyard was empty and silent again, save for Jimin’s breathing and heart pounding and chest hurting.

f*ck,” he whispered to himself. He felt the stinging of tears in his eyes as he raked both hands through his scalp and curled tightly into himself.

The scent of orange blossoms lingered where Yoongi had been and Jimin clung to the scent, until the wind reminded him that Yoongi was truly gone.


Author’s Note:

New Names of Places
Hirondelle Mountains (Swallow Mountains) – Attalia
Palais du Étoile (Palace of the Stars) – Ravenna, Attalia
Lunefleur (Moon Flower) – City in Attalia, inspired by the French city Honfluer
Crepusculum Airship Hanger (Twilight) – Naissus

New Characters:

Park [Shin] Suran
House: Rose
Position: duch*ess of Fraises
Age: 38

Author’s Rant
1. Yoongi was playing Consolation No. 3 by Franz Liszt.

2. Chesos is the region where the three continents are: Iaryen in the west, Duscae in the east, and Attalia north of the Offing Sea.

3. Sword Fighting! Wooooo!
I borrowed a couple of styles of sword fighting from around the real world.
Vesontion swordplay is Chinese, with the long-blade that Jimin using modelled after the Jian of the Han Dynasty. In his fight with Jeongguk, Jimin uses a blade of Laviccian make, which is modelled after the Italian long-sword. In the final fight with Yoongi, Jimin uses the Attalian dress-sword which is the French rapier in real life.
Hoseok favoured a Galatean curved blade, which was the shamshir of Persian make.
Jeongguk used the Naissian sword shorts, which are the Korean Ssanggeom. Yoongi also uses the sabre blade of Naissus, which is the do blade of Korea. It appears to be the same sword in the Daechwita MV.

4. I had half a mind to have Yoongi say ‘You fight good’ to Jimin.

5. On Twitter, I have created a Master List of Characters and Settings for the world of Blood of the Oracle. Feel free to check it out!

Please leave a comment! A little encouragement goes a long way, and I would love, love, love to hear what you guys thought of the story thus far.

Come talk to me on Twitter or ask me questions on Curious Cat. I love making new friends! See you all real soon!


Chapter 13: tidal wave


t i d a l w a v e

an exceptionally large ocean wave
a widespread or overwhelming manifestation of an emotion or phenomenon


Chapter Playlist

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

chapter thirteen
t i d a l w a v e

Jeongguk pulls the thin hood of his sweatshirt over his head, trying to stay warm in the mild weather. It is dark on the beach - chilly in the spring-turn-summer months. The ocean waves bring the water further and further up the shores, so close that Jeongguk can almost feel the cold water lapping at his toes.


The boy turns around at the sound of his name, squinting in the darkness as he tries to make out the figure approaching him. His heart slows down when he recognizes Namjoon’s strides - confident and even, despite the bumpy sand beneath his feet.

“Namjoon-hyung,” Jeongguk murmurs in greeting, his voice barely audible above the crashing tides. The older man groans, bracing himself as he settles in the sand beside Jeongguk.

“Careful with your hand,” Jeongguk warns, “if you get sand in the wound, it might get infected and take even longer to heal than it already is.”

Namjoon raises his hand, brushing sand out of the thick white bandages covering most of his left palm.

“I imagine Seokjin-hyung would be quite displeased,” Namjoon says.

Jeongguk rolls his eyes, remembering how the eldest of them yelled loud enough for Jeongguk’s new secretary to knock cautiously on the door to ask if anything was amiss. Namjoon’s wound after his swearing of the Oath of Blood kept bleeding and bleeding until Seokjin had to intervene and then found just how deep the wound was.

It seemed that Namjoon was a little overzealous with the blade.

“Seokjin-hyung said it’ll take weeks to heal properly, longer considering it’s you.”

Namjoon chuckles.

“I don’t mind,” he says. “The pain is a reminder of my responsibilities to the Crown - to you.”

Jeongguk’s smile falls, and he looks away, casting his eyes on the dark waves.

“Are you nervous?” Namjoon asks quietly. “The coronation is only a few days away.”

“...I’m not too sure how I feel,” Jeongguk admits, “I dreamt about this moment for so long.”

The young king-to-be curls in on himself, pulling his legs close to his chest and resting his cheek on his knees. Namjoon sits with his legs splayed out, playing with the sand in his good hand and resting the bandaged one in his lap.

“From the moment you shared your dreams for Naissus, I dreamt about those dreams too, Hyung,” Jeongguk continues. “I dreamt about reaching this point with you and Seokjin-hyung and Hoseok-hyung, and Yoongi-hyung... but -”

Jeongguk pauses, licking his lips.“I’m afraid.”

“It’s okay to be afraid,” Namjoon says, “you should be. I would be worried if you weren’t.”

Jeongguk squawks indignantly at the jab. Namjoon chuckles; it’s a throaty sound. Even in the dark, Jeongguk sees a twitch of Namjoon’s lips.

“If it is any consolation, I feel the same,” Namjoon says.

“What does it feel like to you?”

Namjoon sighs, leaning back on one hand as he looks out to the ocean.

“I feel like… like I’m standing on the edge of a cliff in the middle of a storm,” Namjoon describes, “teetering endlessly, staring at the edge of this precipice, waiting for it to overwhelm me and pull me under.”

Jeongguk closes his eyes and lets out a shuddering breath, “I don’t know if I’m ready to let it take me.”

Namjoon doesn’t speak, humming quietly at Jeongguk’s words.

“And I’m sure the others feel the same,” Namjoon finally murmurs. “This is the beginning of a lengthy and difficult journey. But, I truly believe with your ascension, you will bring Naissus to a bright new age, Jeongguk.”

Jeongguk sighs, tipping back until he crashes into the sand, arms splaying carelessly at his side. He listens to the ocean waves, matching his breaths to the pulsing rhythm of the waters. It was then that he felt the gentle tide bring the waters to him.

“The ebbs and flows of ocean waves are inevitable, and we are merely subject to her tides,” Namjoon says. “Let it overcome you, Jeongguk - and rise through the aftermath.”

“The Archduch*ess of Vestonio is inviting you to attend the festivities of the White Nights of Summer this year, Jeongguk,” Yoongi said. “To be the court’s guest of honour.”

Jeongguk glanced up, just realizing how dry his eyes were from scanning documents for hours, “I’ve attended one before, haven’t I?”

Jeongguk has been busy in the past couple of days, catching up with the mountain of paperwork that had piled up in the wake of the recent announcements of his courtship, the Naissian military’s involvement with Attalia, the fall of Aquileia, the public press address that was to happen tomorrow.

“Yes,” Yoongi replied, twisting his torso over the back of the couch and dangling his arms over the edge to speak to Jeongguk, “In the year before you rose to power, you did a tour of the Commonwealth Nations in Duscae in Eommoni’s name.”

“Hm,” Jeongguk hummed, remembering the anxiety that the tour brought - being one of his main appearances in the nations as Crown Prince. He shuffled the papers on his desk, the pile dwindling since early this afternoon.

“Namjoon-hyung wouldn’t agree to it,” Jeongguk said. “Neither would Hoseok-hyung. It’s too risky, given the political climate and recent events.”

Yoongi nodded in agreement, sinking down and disappearing behind the couch. He sprawled across the leather, limbs peeking around corners as he stretched.

Jeongguk was glad to have Yoongi’s help in going through some of the letters and invitations from the Aristocracy of the country and the Commonwealth of Naissus.

“I think it would be best for me to stay put in the country,” Jeongguk concluded, “at least until things subside. Perhaps arrange for a gift to be sent to the Archduch*ess.”

Yoongi grunted in agreement, and Jeongguk could see his older brother’s pale hands patting the coffee table until he felt the notebook balancing precariously on the edge of the coffee table. He added the task to his list before tossing it haphazardly.

Jeongguk returned to his papers as well, picking up a pen and signing off on the documents in front of him. Hoseok had sent him the itinerary for tomorrow’s press address, down to the last second.

Upon Namjoon’s request, the press address would be held in front of Romulus Castle, a historical place for House Cepheus, where Jeongguk was crowned, and his ancestors entombed. The Lord Chancellor had described it as a symbol of the Crown’s enduring power.

“Anything else important in the letters, Hyung?” Jeongguk asked, finally pulling out the thick file of plans from the architect regarding rebuilding the King’s Apartments.

Suddenly, Yoongi threw a letter onto the ground, swinging his legs over the side of the couch as he sat up, exhaling shakily.

Jeongguk jolted. “What’s wrong, Hyung?”

“I hate this,” Yoongi muttered. “I f*cking hate how these power-hungry nobles think that they have a right to scrutinize what you do with your life. You should be free to love who you want to love, especially for what you have sacrificed for your country and people.”


Jeongguk felt his breath stuck in his throat, stunned by Yoongi’s sudden outburst. He cautiously stood, walked over to the coffee table, and picked up the crumpled letter. It was written in elegant cursive by one of the Privy Council members requesting that the king hold a meeting regarding his recent announcement of his courtship with the First Prince of Attalia and his plans for marriage.

“It’s too early to be concerned about marriage,” Jeongguk grumbled, smoothing out the letter and placing it onto the table - anything to distract him from the flustered blush he felt rising up his neck. “We’ve only started courtship…”

“Don’t let their words sway you, Jeongguk,” Yoongi said, almost growling, “remember what Eommoni said.”

Jeongguk fell onto the sofa beside his brother, brows furrowing at how worked up Yoongi got over it. The young king knew this was going to happen. When he ascended the throne, one of the first topics up for contention was finding the king a suitable partner to rule beside him. Jeongguk knew, no matter who he chose, someone in his Privy Council would be upset.

He knew the political significance that would come with his marriage - how impossible it would be for anyone in his position to marry solely for love. His King’s Circle did not have many opinions on the matter; but all his hyungs had promised to support his decisions regardless.

“They can try,” Jeongguk started, “but ultimately, they don’t have the right. The Privy Council serves to advise me, not make decisions on my behalf. There are no laws or rules that restrict who I can or cannot love. You don’t need to worry about me being controlled by them, Hyung.”

It was then that Yoongi finally looked up from his hands, staring at Jeongguk with furrowed brows for just a moment before his shoulders sagged and the tension visibly left his body.

“When did you grow up and become so wise?” Yoongi asked.

Jeongguk rolled his eyes, playfully pushing Yoongi over. “I should schedule a Privy Council meeting, though… I did promise that I would ask for their opinions when considering an alliance with Attalia.”

“I guess they deserve that much,” Yoongi mumbled. The older man rubbed his eyes, picking up his phone and squinting at the bright screen. Yoongi had been quiet and sullen in the past couple of days - after the sparring match in the courtyard. He had refused to attend dinner that night - and he was late to breakfast in the morning - dark circles under his eyes as he stepped into the conservatory.

Hoseok was alarmed at the older man’s appearance that morning, asking Yoongi if he was ill. All he got was a mumbled response and prompt questions about the day’s schedule.

“Hyung, have you been alright?” Jeongguk asked.

“Yeah. Yeah, I’m fine,” Yoongi said, quietly. “How’s your head?”

“...Better,” Jeongguk replied, giving into Yoongi’s attempt to change the conversation. “The headaches are pretty much gone.”

Jeongguk lightly patted the back of his head where the wound was. Seokjin had removed the stitches, replacing them with a couple of thin skin-closures to keep the cut closed until it healed.

“I can’t believe it’s been two weeks since the accident….” Yoongi murmured.

Jeongguk hummed. “It seems things are quieting down a bit…”

“We should enjoy the peace while it lasts,” Yoongi replied.

Jeongguk nodded to himself. The last time they spent time together doing a carefree activity, was the afternoon two days ago that was originally meant for some light exercise but turned into thrilling sparring matches. Since then, Jeongguk and Yoongi have been busy handling the mountain of paperwork. Namjoon and Seokjin returned to the estates of House Ophiuchus, and Hoseok… had been missing for most of the afternoons, appearing only for meetings.

Jimin and Taehyung had kept to themselves as well. Jeongguk only saw them when they all had dinner together. He wanted a break - he deserved a break, didn’t he?

“I know I said it would be best for me to stay in the country, but it would be safe to go to Argenteus, wouldn’t it?”

Yoongi smiled, “Eommoni has been calling me every night asking if I could convince you to go.”

“She hasn’t called me,” Jeongguk said.

“Don’t pout,” Yoongi said, lifting his arm far enough to smack Jeongguk’s thigh. “It’s because she doesn’t want you to worry.”

“We should go to Argenteus,” Jeongguk said, “with everyone else after the press meeting is over…I think we should take a break.”

“You know, summer is just around the corner,” Yoongi said, “Naissus is very different from Attalia, you know, closer to the ocean, more humid than the mountainous terrain of the Sky City. Taehyung would like Luna Castle. I think it’ll remind him of Avinhon.”

Jeongguk closed his eyes, thinking back to the blistering summers of his childhood spent in Argenteus.

“Your 23rd birthday celebrations are also coming up,” Yoongi said.

Jeongguk groaned, leaning over and slumping against Yoongi’s side, ignoring the stinging twinges of the still-healing burns. The older man grunted from Jeongguk’s additional weight.

“I don’t want to think about that yet.”

“You need to,” Yoongi said, voice sounding mildly winded. “Or at least appoint someone to handle planning the celebrations. There is no Head of the Royal Household still.”

“Alright, alright.” Jeongguk sighed.

He shifted, crowding further into his older brother’s space.

“It’s getting late; we should get ready for dinner soon,” Jeongguk said, despite making no move to get off of Yoongi. “Are Namjoon-hyung and Seokjin-hyung still away?”

Yoongi shook his head. “They returned this afternoon, while you were in the middle of a briefing with Jiyeon about tomorrow’s security measures. I’m sure they’ll be there for dinner.”

“Did they tell you why they returned to Chiron Manor so suddenly?” Jeongguk asked.

“No,” Yoongi said, his voice still sounding strained and laced with mild irritation. “Though I imagine it probably was minor familiar concerns.”

“Do you think they’ll get married finally?” Jeongguk asked, offhandedly.

“Maybe - Jeongguk, you are so heavy, get off!”

Jeongguk giggled, rolling off the couch. His giggles morphed into a loud laugh when he heard Yoongi suck in a full breath and groan.

“I think you crushed my lungs,” Yoongi moaned. The older man slowly pushed himself up and staggered to his feet. “I’m going to limp my way to the secretary’s office about this invitation to the White Nights of Summer. You should get Hoseok… I think he was planning on skipping dinner to handle some additional papers. You should stop him.”

“Okay, Hyung,” Jeongguk sang, hopping to his feet and leaving first while Yoongi gathered his bearing and the rest of his papers.

Outside of the room, the posted guards bowed when Jeongguk appeared. Hoseok had single-handedly led the charge of questioning the staff and guards after the attempted assasination. The Commander General had lightened up security that followed Jeongguk in the palace, but he continued to work tirelessly to ensure that Jeongguk’s public appearances were well guarded.

The last Jeongguk had spoken to his cousin was yesterday afternoon. Hoseok had been determining security measures and decided to be present as the king’s personal guard tomorrow.

Hoseok’s rooms were not far from the King’s Apartments, also located in the northern wing. As Jeongguk passed by the destroyed rooms, he could see the beginnings of reconstruction in the piles of drywall panels, paint cans, and tools sitting next to the stripped-down and bare wooden framing.

Jeongguk turned away, his steps hurrying as he focused on stretching his legs after spending most of the day in his study and trying to push out the tired unease in his chest. The bouquets of flowers that Taehyung had arranged had long since wilted, and the staff had removed the dying flowers. Jeongguk liked seeing the pretty arrangements with subtle colours that did not hurt his eyes.

When he arrived at Hoseok’s doors, he knocked only once before letting himself in. The Commander General’s rooms were dimly lit, smelling like earth, grapefruit, and cedarwood. He saw Hoseok’s military coat carefully laid over the arm of a dark leather couch, pressed and ready for tomorrow. The sitting room was empty, and the light of the attached study cast a harsh glow onto the dark wooden floors. Jeongguk tip-toed through the room, peeking into the doorway to see Hoseok scrolling through his tablet in one hand and worrying a half-empty cup of coffee in the other.

“Yes?” Hoseok asked, not even bothering to look up. By the tone of his voice, it sounded as though the General was expecting it to be one of his men.

“Hyung?” Jeongguk called.

Hoseok glanced up, relaxing when he realized it was Jeongguk.

“Ah, Jeongguk, is everything alright? I thought the meeting with Jiyeon went well.”

“It was fine, Hyung. I’m here to tell you to come to dinner,” Jeongguk said, lips setting into a thin line. “I’m not taking no for an answer.”

Hoseok chuckled, putting his tablet down with a sigh.

“Alright, we should head down,” Hoseok said. He stretched his arms over his head before walking around his desk and throwing an arm around Jeongguk’s waist, and pulling him into a hug. His cousin appeared rougher than when Jeongguk last saw him, with dark circles under his eyes and a haggard appearance.

“Are you alright?”

“It’s nothing really,” Hoseok started, “It’s just - I can’t seem to find any more information about Kihwan.”

“Nothing new?”

“Nothing yet,” Hoseok replied. “The staff have little information. I don’t think he had any accomplices. He was very skilled at steering clear of the cameras - keeping his face out of them.”

Jeongguk turned, beginning to awkwardly steer them both out of the study and towards the doors. Hoseok let Jeongguk lead, scratching his temple as he continued to speak.

“The man was trained, Jeongguk,” Hoseok said, slowly, “to avoid the cameras, to slip in and out undetected. He was a trained assassin, and I failed to protect you.”

Jeongguk stopped, hand resting on the door handle. He turned to his cousin, ready to protest.

Hoseok dropped his head against Jeongguk’s shoulder, wrapping both arms tightly around the young king.

“I almost lost you,” the older man murmured, “We almost lost you. I can’t help but feel shame because it is my duty to protect you - my king, my cousin, my brother.”

Jeongguk couldn’t speak, his hands unconsciously finding Hoseok’s. His fingers brushing over the smoothed surface of the familiar scar on his cousin’s palm.

“Namjoon already lectured me about it not being my fault,” Hoseok sighed, “and I know that there was little I could have done to prevent it from happening.”

“Hoseok-hyung -”

Hoseok raised his head, letting go of Jeongguk’s waist but still choosing to keep their hands connected. He pulled a smile onto his face, but it didn’t reach his eyes.

“Let’s go down,” Hoseok said, “I’m starting to realize how hungry I am.”

“Hoseok-hyung,” Jeongguk said quietly. “You still seem troubled.”

Hoseok turned, the forced grin falling and the tiredness returning in full force. He let go of Jeongguk’s hand, stumbling to one of the decorative chairs in the hallway and collapsing in it.
He dropped his head down onto the back of the chair, listlessly staring at the ceiling.

“I guess there is no point lying to you. I met my father for lunch this afternoon, and...he had invited Bang Minah and her parents along.”

“Bang Minah? She’s the heiress of Bellis Industries, right?” Jeongguk asked, “Why did you have a meeting with her?”

Hoseok frowned, a look of concern and surprise crossing his features for just a moment before it smoothed out with something akin to realization.

“Right,” Hoseok started, “You hit your head, so you don’t remember this. I told you during the gala that my father was trying to set me up for an advantageous marriage.”

Jeongguk felt his heart start racing again, the familiar feeling of unease and worry settling in the pit of his stomach. He didn’t remember this at all - what else did he forget?

“I can veto the arrangement for you, Hoseok-hyung,” Jeongguk immediately said. “You just need to tell me.”

Hoseok laughed. There was a soft look on the man’s face.

“You said that when I told you that night too,” Hoseok said. “But, there is no need. I did call it off after lunch. But, now my father is looking into arranging me with one of the peerages – he has secured me an invitation to a dinner party at Pavo Manor.”

“And who now?”

“One of the brothers,” Hoseok said softly, “preferably the eldest. My father is convinced that Taekwoon-hyung would see that our union would be much more advantageous than his current courtship with Jaehwan-hyung.”

“He’s courting Lee Jaehwan?” Jeongguk said, startled by the news. “Who did you hear this from?”


Of course. Jeongguk licked his lips.

“Well… what about -”

“Let’s not talk about him,” Hoseok snapped, cutting Jeongguk off. “Please.”

Jeongguk took a step back, holding his breath.

Hyung?” Jeongguk whispered.

Hoseok shook his head, straightening his back as he looked Jeongguk in the eyes. “It’s just -- Jeongguk do you love Taehyung?”

Jeongguk blinked, taken aback by the sudden question. He bit his lips.

“I see the way you look at him, Jeongguk,” Hoseok whispered, “It’s like he is the ocean tide and you are but a ship in a storm, helpless in his pull.”

“Hoseok-hyung…” Jeongguk started, feeling breathless, “Taehyung…Taehyung isn’t her.”

Hoseok’s eyes visibly darkened at the mention of her.

“Can you be so certain?” Hoseok whispered.

Can he?

Jeongguk remembered her, remembered her as the tidal wave that crashed into Hoseok’s world all those years ago.

He remembered the hollowness she left in her wake.

How can he be sure?

Jeongguk jolted out of his thoughts when he felt a gentle hand on his shoulder.

Hoseok stood before him, with a weary smile and the same hollow eyes from long ago.

“Forgive me, Jeongguk, I didn’t mean to question your decisions,” Hoseok murmured. “I trust your judgement and your reason, always - as my cousin and as my king.”

Jeongguk nodded but could feel the ocean waters lapping at his feet. He felt its cool touch consuming him with memories of honey and lavender - and he wondered if this familiar scent brought the calm of a still sea or the turmoil of violent waves.

The disquiet of Hoseok’s words didn’t leave him as they made their way to the drawing room. Yoongi met them halfway, Hoseok grabbing onto the older man’s arm as they walked down the Grand Staircase to the Clio Drawing Room in a jumble of tired connected limbs.

When Jeongguk pulled open the doors, he wasn’t expecting the thick, tense atmosphere that met him.

In the drawing room, Namjoon and Seokjin were sitting on the sofa impossibly close. Jeongguk always saw Seokjin as an imposing figure with his height and stature, but he looked alarmingly small curled into the corner of the chair, drowning in an oversized white sweater. Namjoon was pressed close to the older man, caging Seokjin in with his lanky limbs, as if trying to protect him from the world. It was rare to see such intimacy between the two and the fierce protective energy radiating from Namjoon.

Seokjin glanced at the door upon their arrival, watching as the door closed loudly behind them, engulfing them in silence.

“Joon,” Seokjin murmured, laying a hand on Namjoon’s leg and pushing, “It’s okay.”

“What’s wrong,” Yoongi immediately asked, “what happened at the estate?”

Neither of them responded. Namjoon was slow to draw away from Seokjin, letting the older man unfold himself from the corner and stand. The Lord Chancellor rested his hands on his knees, and Jeongguk could see him visibly gnawing on the inside of his cheek.

“Are you both alright?” Hoseok asked.

“We’re fine,” Seokjin answered. “But things did happen at the estate, and we should talk.”

The door opened again, and they all turned to see Jimin appearing with Taehyung’s hand around his elbow. Their voices were quiet as they spoke in the melodic notes of Attalian.

Jimin suddenly stopped, hand still on the door as his eyes darted around the room, taking in the tense postures and the strange silence.

Taehyung took a hesitant step forward.

“Are we interrupting?” Taehyung asked, “We could always take dinner elsewhere.”

“No,” Namjoon replied, his voice even. He stood, folding his hands behind him. “You aren’t - it’s good that you are here. This is something you should know too.”

“Let’s go through, and we’ll talk at the table,” Seokjin said with a calm smile.

It was silent as the servants placed dish after dish onto the round table.

Jeongguk struggled to keep from bouncing his legs, as they waited for the dishes to be served, watching as the rising steam from his bowl of stew blurred under his eyes and listening to Jimin’s low voice map out the table for Taehyung. The prince nodded, fingers grazing the utensils and bowls.

Jeongguk watched Taehyung’s fingers, trying to stop his thoughts from racing - could he handle more? Could they handle more? What could have happened that made Namjoon and Seokjin so tense?

It was still silent when the servants left, no one wanting to be the first to break the stillness.

Seokjin made the first move, tapping his chopsticks on the table and immediately snagging a piece of pork belly from a dish and putting it in Namjoon’s bowl, then another piece into Yoongi’s.

He rolled his eyes when they all stared at him.

“I know we are all stressed,” he started, “the topics that Namjoon and I have to share are not lighthearted either. We’re all on edge, but eating is important. We can talk while we eat.”

Jeongguk’s shoulders dropped, the tension falling for just a moment.

Hoseok followed in suit, slowly picking up his chopsticks and shovelling a mouthful of rice between his lips.

Sometimes Jeongguk forgets that Seokjin is the oldest of his King’s Circle, amidst Namjoon’s natural leadership, Yoongi’s calm nature, and Hoseok’s stern drive, he forgets that Seokjin is the force that holds them together.

Taehyung smiled, picking up his spoon, fingers feeling for the wooden coaster as he started stirring his bowl of gamjatang.

Jeongguk took a deep breath. Seokjin’s stern but comforting words reminded him just how starved he was, and he too was quick to bring food to his mouth.

When half Jeongguk’s bowl of rice was finished, and they made quite a dent in all the dishes, Seokjin put his chopsticks down and began to speak.

“As you know, my mother runs the estate in my absence,” Seokjin said. “This weekend, my mother was hosting a pheasant shooting party. Some of the local nobles were attending and some important socialites from the Crown City. Jaehwan was there, as were some other guests.”

Seokjin absentmindedly picked up his cup of tea, resting it against the side of his lips.

“Seokjin-hyung and I weren’t planning on attending,” Namjoon continued. “But the Dowager duch*ess notified us about one guest in particular who accepted the invitation: the Earl of Fama, Cha Seung-won.”

Jeongguk’s heart dropped.

“We did not tell you that day, as I was not sure of his intention,” Seokjin continued. “If it were nothing, I would have worried you for no reason.”

Jeongguk nodded, slowly using his chopsticks to pick through the bean sprout side dish, as he listened.

“I trust your judgment, Seokjin-hyung, Namjoon-hyung,” Jeongguk said.

Seokjin nodded, licking his lips before continuing. “We arrived late to the… festivities. Cha Seung-won was not expecting us to be present. Despite that… he had some… choice remarks to make.”

“Particularly about our age,” Namjoon murmured, smiling humorlessly, “especially mine, in my role as Lord Chancellor.”

“Do you think he might have been involved in the assassination attempt?” Hoseok asked.

“He was bold,” Seokjin said, “but he didn’t say anything particularly incriminating until...”

“He asked how you are faring,” Namjoon cut in, grimly. He, too, put down his chopsticks, resting his hands on the table as he laced his fingers together. “He said you looked rather unwell at the airship hangar, and he hoped nothing horrible has befallen the young monarch.”


“Or…” Seokjin started; he licked his lips again, his gaze settling on a plate of lettuce. Seokjin’s arm moved slowly, almost unconsciously over to Namjoon, his hand resting somewhere on the man’s leg underneath the table.

“Or his precious King’s Circle,” Seokjin finished.

“That sounds like a threat,” Hoseok growled. “To Jeongguk and his allies.”

“That sounds like he knows about the explosion,” Yoongi hissed.

“If such, it means… someone is supplying him information,” Namjoon finished.

“Who have you told about the incident?” Taehyung asked.

“My lieutenants and the palace guards are aware,” Hoseok said, “But these are people that I personally trust - they are sworn to the Crown.”

“My Privy Council,” Jeongguk added, frowning as he sieved through the faces of his council of noblemen, wondering if any of them would betray -

Shin Sung-rok,” Jeongguk hissed.

“Who is that?” Jimin asked.

“Viscount of Honos, Shin Sung-rok of House Centaurus,” Namjoon answered.

“A member of Jeongguk’s Privy Council…” Seokjin continued. “He is close to Cha Seung-won. He has been outspoken about Jeongguk’s reign before.”

“He has not done anything outright to tarnish your name,” Namjoon said. “I cannot see Shin Sung-rok as having the gall to attempt regicide. But...I do think it would be a good idea to keep an eye on him.”

Jeongguk leaned back against his chair. “I hate to add another item to your list, Hoseok-hyung…”

“No,” Hoseok said. “I am glad to have something to work with. I will have one of my men look into the Viscount and his recent movements. Perhaps there is a connection there between him, Cha Seung-won, and Kihwan.”

“This brings up another problem,” Namjoon said. “I wanted to keep the incident a secret until we had more information on the culprit, but it seems as though that can no longer be the case. Rumours are bound to travel. We’re going to have to do damage control.”

“We’re going to have to make a statement,” Jeongguk concluded, sighing. “When do you suggest?”

“Tomorrow’s press address,” Namjoon replied grimly. “Though it should focus on the Crown’s position regarding the war in Iaryen. At the end...I think it best to address the assassination attempt. Briefly, nothing more than noting that it was unsuccessful and the parties responsible will be found and tried for treason.”

Dinner passed quickly after those words.

Seokjin did not make as many quip remarks as he often did during dinner, and the quiet smiles that often sat on Namjoon’s face were lost as he fell into a dazed silence. Taehyung filled the tense silence with soft chatter, telling the table stories about the mountains of Lunefleur and the festivities that take place in Ravenna.

After dinner, Yoongi left, stating that he still needed to get some letters written. Hoseok followed behind Yoongi, with his phone pressed to his ear as he spoke in a quiet voice to whoever was on the other side.

Namjoon, too left, citing needing to draft the statement about the assassination attempt before morning. Seokjin followed and though he said he’ll go to help Namjoon, the tense set of his shoulders implied otherwise. Jeongguk wondered if the weekend excursion left him with worries about the young Lord Chancellor’s safety.

Jimin also requested to retire early, leaving Jeongguk alone in the drawing room with Taehyung.

Jeongguk remembered the first night sitting here with Taehyung. There was a rolling apprehension that settled in the pit of his stomach. Jeongguk remembered drinking scotch in an attempt to numb the feeling.

But the air felt different than it did after their first dinner together, especially without the constant presence of Taehyung’s shadow.

“Jeongguk,” Taehyung called. Like the first time Taehyung said it, the king’s name was painted with the hues and flowers of the Attalian accent. “Come sit with me?”

Jeongguk hummed, pouring himself a measure of whiskey.

“Would you like a drink?” Jeongguk asked.

Taehyung grinned from his perch across the room on the alcove.

“No, I’m not fond of the taste of alcohol.”

Jeongguk took a moment, leaning against the table as he regarded Taehyung.

The window was open behind him, letting in a gentle breeze that brushed through the prince’s hair. His roots were coming through, dark strands peeking through the halo of light. He wore a shirt with a bright green lapel and floral designs across the white silk - bright and colourful for the spring-turn-summer months.

Taehyung didn’t even bother hiding the discolouring bruises on his cheeks, walking around the palace without the extra makeup, trusting Jeongguk’s staff not to gossip. His strides were stronger, regaining the grace and ease that followed the prince. His breaths were longer, fuller, and he laughed more rather than trying to rein in the soft giggles.

Jeongguk joined him, perching on the alcove beside Taehyung. He stretched his legs out and rested the quarter-full glass tumbler on his thigh. Taehyung’s fingers immediately searched for Jeongguk’s hand, pulling him close. Their arms pressed against each other as Taehyung leaned in and rested his head in the crook between Jeongguk’s shoulder and neck. Jeongguk inhaled the warm scent of lavender, content with the ease of Taehyung’s physical affections.

“I’m sorry,” Jeongguk murmured, “I hate that you are now privy to the struggles of my country’s politics.”

Jeongguk felt Taehyung shake his head and breathe a sigh. “It’s troubling how these things can connect in the most unlikely places.”

Jeongguk hummed, taking a sip of his drink.

“It is unnerving,” Jeongguk murmured, licking his lips as the bitter taste of whiskey spread along his tongue. “I thought… I thought we got rid of Cha Seung-won when I dismissed him as Lord Chancellor.”

Taehyung’s hand squeezed Jeongguk’s fingers reassuringly before he returned to toying with the signet ring on his pinky.

“I’ve heard stories,” Taehyung said in a light tone, “about how Namjoon-hyung was the mastermind to your ascension.”

Jeongguk smiled, teeth clattering on the glass as he chuckled. He knew Taehyung was trying to move on to less worrying topics.

“Oh, and from who?” he asked, indulging the prince.

“Lee Jaehwan-hyung,” Taehyung replied. “It seems that he and Seokjin-hyung had a history.”

Jeongguk grinned. “They did.”

Although Jeongguk was never one for gossip, Seokjin enjoyed telling the story so many times during dinner parties that Jeongguk grew rather fond of it.

“Jaehwan-hyung told me that both he and Seokjin-hyung were good friends when they were younger, and, upon Seokjin-hyung’s inheritance of the title of Duke of Concordia, the families thought that they would make a good match - Jaehwan-hyung being the heir to Illustris & Co. and all. It was a marriage of convenience… until it no longer became convenient when Seokjin-hyung met Namjoon-hyung.”

“When Namjoon-hyung came to ask for an audience with me,” Jeongguk said, “he changed my life that day...I don’t think he was expecting Seokjin-hyung to change his on the very same day.”

“Will you tell me the story?”

“I think you should ask Seokjin-hyung about it - he would be more than happy to tell you the full details,” Jeongguk said.

Taehyung groaned. “But I want to hear it from you,” he said, nudging Jeongguk teasingly, laughing as he nestled closer into Jeongguk’s neck.

“Forgive me, but I think Seokjin would kill me if I took his spotlight. How could I make it up to you?”

Jeongguk could feel Taehyung’s breathy laughter fanning across his skin and the barest touch of Taehyung’s lips had him shivering, a wave of heat rippling through him. Taehyung pulled back just far enough so Jeongguk could tilt his head. His gaze dropped immediately to Taehyung’s mouth, bottom lip pulled between his teeth.

It took Jeongguk a long second to realize he was holding his breath, trying to stop a shiver from climbing up his spine.

The silence was suffocating.

Taehyung leaned in, hesitating.

“Kiss me,” he whispered.

Jeongguk obeyed, leaning in and tentatively catching Taehyung’s lips, eyes fluttering close the moment they touched.

Taehyung’s lips were plush and damp.

The prince smiled into the kiss, breathing out a sigh.

“You taste like scotch,” he murmured. Jeongguk returned the grin, finally releasing his breath.

“Forgive me,” Jeongguk repeated, “How could I right such a terrible wrong?”

Taehyung chuckled.

“Hm,” he started, “I guess I could live with it, say if you give me another kiss?”

Taehyung’s lips had a sweetness leftover from the sujeongghwa they had after dinner. The sugar chased away the bitterness left on Jeongguk’s tongue, and Jeongguk relished in the touch.

Taehyung’s fingers were tender as they padded across Jeongguk’s neck and up to his jaw. But when Jeongguk laid a hand on Taehyung’s thigh, the prince grew more assured, palm laying over Jeongguk’s cheek and pulling him closer.

The scent of lavender no longer calmed Jeongguk. Since the kiss in the gardens, the heady fragrance that followed Taehyung brought about a buzz that accompanied the speed of Jeongguk’s heart and the heat that pooled in his stomach.

He hadn’t kissed Taehyung since, but the once nervous energy - the hesitance and innocent anticipation had given way to something a little more desperate.

And he wasn’t the only one affected.

Taehyung let out a shuddering breath when they parted, hand slow to drop to his side. Jeongguk inched forward until his forehead rested against Taehyung’s. He breathed in, closing his eyes. He yearned for more than just the gentle kisses and the trembling touches, he yearned to set fire to the heat that pooled within him.



Was Hoseok right?

Was Taehyung a tidal wave like she was?

“I will take my leave now, Jeongguk,” Taehyung whispered, pulling away and standing slowly. “I will see you in the morning.”

“Good night, Taehyung,” Jeongguk murmured.

Despite the troubling news discussed last night, Namjoon and Hoseok agreed to continue the press address at Romulus Castle. Hoseok once again upped security, concerned not only about Jeongguk’s safety but the safety of the King’s Circle.

Now, hours later, Jeongguk stood in the grand entrance of the palace, pulling on the lapel of his suit and toying with the hoops in his ears as he hovered beside Hoseok, standing by for the Commander General’s call to go. Yoongi stood beside them, stretching his neck as he scrolled through some sort of document on his phone.

Hoseok was still waiting for his men’s reports when Taehyung came down the stairs. The prince was also attending the press address. They were planning on travelling together - to demonstrate the strength of their alliance by courtship.

Jeongguk let out an involuntary sigh. Taehyung was dressed in the colours of Attalia, with the same chrysanthemum pin over his lapel: the Dream of Winter.

Yoongi scoffed beside Jeongguk. “He may not catch you drooling, but everyone else will.”

Jeongguk scowled, swallowing loudly as he straightened his back. Hoseok called Taehyung and Jimin over when they landed at the bottom of the Grand Staircase.

Jeongguk saw, out of the corner of his eye, a woman with sharp eyes dressed in the Naissian military coat approach them with a briefcase in hand. He nodded as she saluted him.

“Your Majesty,” she greeted, before turning and saluting the Commander General.

“Taehyung, Jimin,” Hoseok started, speaking sternly. “This is Lieutenant-Major Park Jiyeon, she is currently my second-in-command.”

Jiyeon bowed to the foreign royal, murmuring a salutation. Taehyung turned his head, nodding in the lieutenant’s general direction.

“Before we go, Jimin,” Hoseok started. The Commander General gestured to Jiyeon, who presented the black padlocked briefcase she carried at her side. Hoseok turned, flipping through the combination lock until the latch clicked open. Hoseok slowly opened the case to reveal a display of several different kinds of pistols and magazine clips.

Jimin peaked inside the case, brows furrowing as he realized what was inside. Jiyeon held out another hand, offering Jimin a harness and gun holster.

“In light of recent events, I thought you might want to be armed,” Hoseok said grimly. “You are trained to use one?”

Jimin bit his lip, regarding the weaponry with disdain before he nodded - silently agreeing with the Commander General about the need.

“Of course,” Jimin said, turning to Taehyung. “Can you hold my blazer for me?”

The prince nodded, raising an arm.

The guard was quick to shrug out of the fine black suit jacket, draping it over Taehyung’s arm before donning the leather harness. He tightened the straps over his shoulders with practiced ease. He chose a gun from the case almost at random before sliding in the magazine clip, disengaging the safety mechanism, and loading the chamber all in one swift movement.

Like the weapons made of steel, the Crownsguard was also well-versed in firearms. The clicks and snaps were ominous as Jimin aimed down sight. Breathing in once before clicking the safety back on and sliding it into the holster against his left rib cage, and taking his suit jacket from Taehyung.

Hoseok nodded, and his lieutenant snapped the case closed, walking away.

“Is anyone else armed?” Taehyung asked quietly.

“All of my men,” Hoseok replied, “But amongst us seven…the only ones carrying firearms are myself, Jimin, and Seokjin-hyung.”

“Seokjin-hyung?” Jeongguk asked. He whipped around, eyes searching for the physician. He stood beside Namjoon on the other side of the entrance, scuffing the floor with his shoes as Namjoon read something out loud on his phone. Seokjin wore a black suit - like the rest of the members of the King’s Circle. It was well-fitting, smooth across the expanse of his shoulders, but there was a strange fold on the left side of his chest. Jeongguk frowned, hands balling into fists with the knowledge that the group’s peacemaker was the one who was wielding a weapon.

“He insisted,” Hoseok said quietly.

“I think Cha Seung-won’s words took a toll…” Yoongi added, crossing his arms. “Seokjin-hyung was concerned that… there may be others who are… dissatisfied with Namjoon being in the position he is in, youngest Lord Chancellor in history.”

Jeongguk ran a hand through his hair. He remembered upon his ascension, the first person he appointed was Namjoon as his Lord Chancellor. It was a coveted position of high power and the ability to make decisions in Jeongguk’s name, even Yoongi, as Right Hand to the king, required a seal or Jeongguk’s signature. They knew it would put a target on Namjoon’s back, and yet the man took the position without hesitation.

“Does Namjoon-hyung have -”

“I appointed Jiyeon as Namjoon’s operative guard,” Hoseok said softly. “He’ll be protected, Jeongguk, should anything happen.”

“Thank you, Hyung,” Jeongguk murmured.

The Commander General paused, pressing a finger to his ear, speaking quietly. He turned to the group. “I believe that’s all. We leave in five minutes.”

“Hoseok will drive with you,” Yoongi said. “I’ll go with Namjoon and Seokjin-hyung.”

Jeongguk nodded. Approaching Taehyung slowly, the prince turned his head at the sound of Jeongguk’s footsteps.

“Shall we go to the car?”

Taehyung nodded, holding out his hand. Jeongguk found it easy to take Taehyung’s hand and tucked it into the crook of his elbow.

The car ride was relatively uneventful, with Jimin sitting in the front with Hoseok and Taehyung and Jeongguk behind them.

Jeongguk was reading over the address in his hands, mouthing over the words. Namjoon had come to breakfast this morning with the speech about the assassination attempt for Jeongguk to review, and now, he felt the trepidation of making this information public crawling into his chest. Taehyung placed a hand comfortably on Jeongguk’s leg, his free hand fiddling with the hem of his long coat.

Suddenly, Taehyung’s hand slipped off Jeongguk’s knee. His other hand fell limply into his lap, and a small gasp fell from his lips.

Jeongguk’s head snapped over in alarm.

“Taehyung?” Jeongguk asked. Taehyung doesn’t respond - doesn’t even seem to register the call of his name.

“Taehyung?” Jeongguk repeated in alarm.

Jimin whipped back, hands on the seat belt as if he was ready to vault over the console. Hoseok faltered, slowing down and eyeing the rear-view mirror.

“He’s having a vision,” Jimin said calmly, arms relaxing as he settled back into his seat. “You can keep driving, Hoseok-hyung. Don’t report it.”

Hoseok glanced back once before nodding.

“Take his hand, Jeongguk,” Jimin commanded, “let him know you are close, and remind him that you’re here. He’ll come through.”

Jeongguk did what he’s told, heart pounding as he remembered the first time he witnessed Taehyung’s visions. He mechanically took Taehyung’s lax hand, squeezing tightly as he scooted close and pulled the prince to his chest, careful of his still broken ribs. Taehyung’s rigid, back ramrod straight as he tilted into Jeongguk’s hold.

“Does this happen every time Taehyung has a premonition?” Hoseok asked.

“Not all of them,” Jimin murmured, glancing back and forth between Hoseok and keeping an eye on Taehyung. “It was worse before. Taehyung would collapse after a vision, the after-effects following him for hours if not days…sometimes you can tell how...shocking a vision is based on his reaction.”

Jimin glanced up at Jeongguk, “The garden one was bad.”

“Was it why he made the decision to stay out of the public eye?” Jeongguk asked.

Jimin hummed, nodding slowly.

“We hoped the speculations of an illness would override any thought of the mythical gifts by the Mother,” Jimin continued. “Taehyung is still trying to learn to control it and cope with the symptoms. I don’t think this ruse will last much longer.”

Jeongguk rubbed reassuring circles over Taehyung’s back, heart continuing to pound, waiting and waiting for Taehyung to move. He could see Taehyung’s eyes moving behind his eyelids, lashes fluttering against his cheekbones. He started whispering soft nonsense into Taehyung’s hair.

“How… how long…” Hoseok started.

“Do these visions last?” Jimin finished, “anywhere between a few seconds to several minutes.”

Finally, Taehyung sagged, crumpling into Jeongguk’s chest as he released a long breath. Slowly his fingers curled around Jeongguk’s.

“Taehyung?” Jeongguk asked hesitantly. Jimin reached back, resting a hand on Taehyung’s knee.

“Hey, you’re okay,” Jimin reassured him, “we’re still in the car. What did you see?”

Slowly, Taehyung uncurled himself from Jeongguk’s arms, keeping his fingers wrapped around Jeongguk’s hand.

“I’m okay,” Taehyung returned, swallowing loudly. “Jimin, I saw your brother.”

Jimin’s eyes darkened, cautious and wary of what Taehyung was going to say next. “Is he alright?”

“He was getting his right arm casted,” Taehyung said, brows furrowing. Jimin’s eyes widened.

“He was in the hospital,” Taehyung continued, face scrunching like he was trying to recall a memory. “There was a cut on his forehead… I think it was… stitched...and a bruise on his cheek. I don’t know why and I don’t know when. I heard my brother’s voice… and your sister’s.”

“Do you know where?” Jimin asked.

“No,” Taehyung said, “It did not appear to be the Chateau de Marsylle, I would recognize the infirmary.”

Jimin sat back in the seat, rubbing his temples.

“I wish I could give you more, Jiminie,” Taehyung said.

Jimin shook his head, scoffing. “Knowing Jihyun, it might be a sparring incident, especially if he was sparring with your dear brother.”

Taehyung chuckled, “Dearest Mingyu is too tall for his own good.”

“I should tell him, perhaps we can prevent it if they are both careful,” Jimin said, pulling out his phone and scrolling through his contacts.

Taehyung hummed, “I hope it is just a sparring accident.”

Jeongguk felt his shoulders relax, now realizing how tense he was. He moved to retrieve the discarded papers that somehow got strewn over the leather seat beside him. With one hand, he neatly rearranged them in his lap.

“Thank you,” Taehyung murmured, “I felt your presence. You grounded me to reality.”

“Are you tired?” Jeongguk asked. “Would you want to return to the palace?”

“No, it’s fine. It’s just a bit disorienting,” Taehyung sighed, dropping his head against the back of the seat. “Going from seeing nothing to seeing so much at once.”

He could see Taehyung’s eyes opening, blue irises gleaming beneath strands of blond hair and thick eyelashes, blinking as if it’ll help clear his vision.

Crystalline blue, hazy… like light shining through stained-glass. Blue - like from a dream that Jeongguk latched onto.

Taehyung’s eyes fluttered shut again as he inhaled slowly and smoothed down the sides of his hair.

“We’re almost there,” Hoseok said.

Jimin put his phone away, straightening the collar of his suit.

The gates to Romulus Castle were guarded by the Naissian military, all dressed in the severe colours of the Crown. Beyond the tinted windows, Jeongguk could see the flashes of cameras hovering in front of the gates, eager to catch a glimpse of the king before he made the address. Hoseok only approved several news media outlets to be present in the building during the speech, but he could do little to control the others.

The car stopped in front of the main entrance. Jeongguk peered through the window on his side. Perhaps because it was so close to the sea, but there was a constant fog surrounding the estate. The ancient castle looked the same from all Jeongguk’s memories, from the climbing ivy on the brick walls - to the eerie, thick silence that overcame him when he visited his father’s grave.

Hoseok quickly pushed his door open, turning back to speak over his shoulder. “As we planned, I will open the door for you, Jeongguk. Wait until my signal before opening the door for Taehyung, Jimin.”

Jimin nodded, following in suit as he got out of the car and moved to stand by the door on Taehyung’s side. Jeongguk saw Hoseok’s figure hide his view of the flashing cameras, all ready to take photos of the young king.

Jeongguk fiddled with the papers again, realizing now that his nerves were not about the address itself - but rather the weight and its topics. Was he ready to throw Naissus onto the international stage? To throw his country into the potential for war?

He felt Taehyung’s hand tighten around his fingers.

“It’s okay to be nervous,” Taehyung said. “Believe in the guidance of those you trust, and trust in your own heart, Jeongguk. I will stand beside you.”

Jeongguk released a single breath. Suddenly the world faded, and all that mattered was the man next to him and the calmness in his chest that came with his presence. Then the doors opened, and all at once, the world came back, and he sucked in air as the noise returned like a vacuum along with the cacophony of clicking cameras.

“Your Majesty,” Hoseok called. The usage of the title pulled Jeongguk out of his thoughts, replacing it with the chill and the calm of the Crown. Jeongguk turned around just as Taehyung turned away, reaching over to take Jimin’s hand.

Hoseok bowed when Jeongguk stepped out. Jeongguk scanned the crowd, nodding his head politely at the cameras, blinking in the light of the flashes. There was a barrier of bodies between the car and the reporters. He knew he was safe - with Hoseok vigilantly standing as his shadow, but there was a small part of Jeongguk that wondered if there was someone out there who wanted to bring him harm or to those he loved.

Out of the corner of his eye, he saw another black car pull up to the building, as soon as it rolled to a stop, Namjoon, Yoongi, and Seokjin stepped out. The Lord Chancellor immediately had a hovering shadow. Jiyeon was an imposing figure in all black behind Namjoon - despite being half-a-head shorter than the man. Seokjin provided a polite wave to the cameras before turning towards the theatre. Yoongi refused to acknowledge the press, immediately falling into step behind Namjoon. They all stood, waiting for Jeongguk to lead the way.

Jeongguk glanced back to see his reflection in black windows.

Sombre in the colours of House Cepheus. He did look older, more mature, regal. Kingly.

Across from him with Jimin at his side, stood Taehyung, the complete opposite of Jeongguk, dressed in white. Ethereal - otherworldly, touched by the gods.

His to protect.

“Good morning. I stand before you today to deliver news and address some pressing concerns brought to my attention. Aquileia has been annexed in a recent military takeover by Orivala. In light of this event, it is with much thought that I have made the decision to send a Royal Fleet to defend our ally, Attalia’s, borders. As you may know, it is also my greatest pleasure to confirm that His Royal Highness, the First Prince of Attalia and I are courting.

“As such, this mission does not intend to bring war to the Territories of Duscae, rather demonstrate to the Empire that Naissus and her Commonwealth of Nations will not sit idly should her allies be threatened.

“I stand here, in front of the ancestral house of the Royal Family. Romulus Castle is where my forefathers are buried and remains to be a symbol of House Cepheus’ thousand-year reign. I chose this place to be where I deliver this news to you, the people of Naissus and her great Commonwealth of Nations: on the eve of the 16th of this month, there was an attempt made on my life. Rest assured that your king is unharmed, and there were no other casualties. I deliver this news with the promise that those responsible will be caught and punished for their crimes. As my predecessors and late father have done before me, I will continue to protect Naissus and her Crown.”

Upon their return to the palace, Jeongguk’s secretary was waiting for them in the Euterpe Room bouncing anxiously on the balls of his feet. He rushed towards Jeongguk as soon as the king entered the room.

“Your Majesty, there is an urgent matter that requires your attention.”

“What is it?” Jeongguk asked. Taehyung and Jimin filed in behind him, hovering by the sitting area while Hoseok crowded in behind him. He heard Yoongi, Seokjin, and Namjoon’s voices coming down the hall.

“We have someone requesting an audience with you,” the secretary said. “She said that she’ll wait as long as need be, until you and the First Prince grant her a meeting.”

“She wants to see both of us?” Taehyung asked.

“Yes, Your Royal Highness,” the secretary said. The man shifted to the side, bowing as the other members of the King’s Circle entered the room. “Normally, I wouldn’t trouble you with such matters, Your Majesty, but the woman claimed to be a member of Orivalian royalty, the Lion Cub.”

The Lion Cub?” Seokjin repeated loudly, having just been close enough to hear the rest of the conversation.

“That’s the title held by the heir apparent of the Orivalian throne,” Namjoon said.

“What is her name?” Yoongi asked.

“Lady -”

“Yoo Su-hwa,” Taehyung murmured in unison with the secretary’s words. They all turned to him, seeing him lounging comfortably on the sofa with his legs crossed.

“Yes,” the secretary said, nodding in astonishment. “Yes, Your Royal Highness. She was accompanied by another woman as well - a member of the Orivalian military.”

Jeongguk paused, remembering the conversation he had with Taehyung in the gardens just a couple of days ago about his vision.

Jeongguk turned to the secretary. “I would like to discuss this matter in private with my advisors. I will call you should I make the decision to grant her request.”

The secretary bowed, “Certainly, sir.”

They waited until the secretary left, dispersing throughout the room. Jimin stood behind Taehyung. Yoongi took a seat on the piano bench, propping his arm against the lid of the instrument. Namjoon sat on the sofa across from Taehyung, and Hoseok found a perch next to him on the armrest.

The Commander General grabbed a bottle of green tea from the table, cracking it open and taking a swig. Seokjin leaned on the piano next to Yoongi, rolling his shoulders and fixing the fit of his shirt and blazer. Jeongguk joined them at the sitting area. There was an afternoon tea spread laid out, with coffee, tea, snacks, and some pastries. Jeongguk normally would be starving right now, but instead, he hovered nervously in front of the coffee table as his stomach churned.

When the door finally clicked closed behind the man, Jeongguk immediately turned to Taehyung, “Is it - ”

“I think so,” Taehyung replied, interrupting Jeongguk in a hush tone. “Two women…and an Orivalian accent - it makes sense.”

“Yoo Su-hwa,” Namjoon said, reaching to pull the half-empty bottle of green tea out of Hoseok’s hands and taking a sip. “The Lion Cub?”

“She is Park Hae-jin’s half sister,” Taehyung answered. “We met in Ravenna.”

“Her father is the late Emperor,” Jimin supplied, “her mother is the late Emperor’s mistress - she’s illegitimate, according to her own words.”

“How do you know this?” Yoongi asked.

“She told me,” Jimin replied, sharply, not even looking at Yoongi.

“Could she have been lying to you?”

“I’m not sure why she would,” Taehyung said, “Park Hae-jin was also present… he seemed to care deeply for her.”

“She is engaged to the Prince of Estermery, Ahn Hanul of House Esfir,” Namjoon said, “I thought that she was just someone close to the imperial family… to think - she was an Orivalian Princess.”

“I remember she said that her brother would announce her when she turned 18,” Jimin continued, walking around the sofa and collapsing in the cushions beside the prince. “I - don’t know how old she is now, but I thought she would be of age and announced by now.”

“The question is - what does she want appearing here in Naissus? Namjoon asked. “And how did she enter the country without anyone notifying the authorities?”

“I doubt she lied,” Hoseok said. “I have been monitoring those who left the country, not anyone who has been entering.”

“She most-likely announced herself as a foreign dignitary,” Seokjin said. He started taking off his blazer, throwing it onto the piano and removing his gun from the holster. “Her presence was unexpected, but she did declare herself to the palace staff. She’s not trying to be inconspicuous.”

“What does she seek asking for an audience with me and Taehyung?” Jeongguk asked, looking to his King’s Circle for their opinions.

“I don’t know,” Namjoon admitted. “I have no idea what she possibly could want.”

Yoongi shook his head, massaging the back of his neck. “I wonder if it is to do with the Fleet you sent to Attalia.”

“Why send an illegitimate, unidentified child then?” Seokjin asked, aggressively trying to undo the straps to the chest harness. Namjoon got up and walked over to his lover. He gently put a hand over top Seokjin’s to push them away from the buckles - gently working to undo them himself.

Jeongguk gnawed on the inside of his lip. He was hoping for a short reprieve after the press address; he wanted to be able to speak to his King’s Circle about a short trip to Argenteus. He wanted to take Taehyung to Luna Castle.

But instead, they were met with another point of tension.

“What are your thoughts, Taehyung, Jimin. Should I accept her request for an audience?”

Taehyung’s lips straightened into a thin line, and Jimin’s eyes snapped up.

“Are you sure you’d want to ask us for advice?” Taehyung asked.

Jeongguk blinked, “Of course… I want to ask you for advice - you both have met Yoo Su-hwa, you know more about her than my circle, you’ve had a vision, Taehyung. I trust both of you as much as I trust my circle.”

Jimin sighed, biting his lips as he took a moment to think.

“She’s a wildcard - both then and now,” Jimin mused. “Park Hae-jin must have sent her for a reason.”

“I don’t think Park Hae-jin would send his sister to Naissus unannounced to declare any harm to you,” Taehyung started. “I know not of what the audience entails - nor her intentions. But… I don’t think it would hurt to hear her out.”

“I think it’s decided then,” Jeongguk said. “I’ll accept the audience.”

“But Jeongguk,” Taehyung called “Be on your guard - she may appear naive… but you shouldn’t underestimate her.”

“I’d like for you to accompany me during the audience,” Jeongguk announced. “I also want Yoongi-hyung and Jimin present as well… Hoseok-hyung, can you escort them through the palace?”

“Certainly. When do you want them?” Hoseok asked.

“Another 15 minutes.”

“Where would you want the audience to be held?”

“In the throne room.”

It was Jeongguk who escorted Taehyung down the hallway. The prince had a hand comfortably pressed into the crook of Jeongguk’s elbow. The guards at the door bowed as Jeongguk approached and quickly opened the double doors.

Immediately, their first couple of steps echoed loudly in the expanses of the room.

Taehyung chuckled, “I remember our first introduction here.”


Jeongguk paused at the base of the stairs, still in awe of how responsive Taehyung was to the miniscule changes, halting just as Jeongguk did.

“Stairs,” Jeongguk said, and Taehyung hummed, waiting for Jeongguk to take the first steps up. Yoongi followed behind, Jimin hovering at the bottom.

Jeongguk paused, turning to address Jimin. “I’d like for you to stand on the same level as Yoongi-hyung - as you are Taehyung’s advisor.”

Jimin’s eyes darted over to Yoongi for just a moment before returning to Jeongguk. He nodded, ascending the stairs silently behind the Right Hand of the King.

“I didn’t know that there were so many stairs to your throne,” Taehyung commented, “not until I had the vision of this audience with Yoo Su-hwa. You are quite intimidating sitting on that throne.”

Jeongguk turned, “You’ve seen my face in your visions?”

“Only recently,” Taehyung admitted with a smile. “A small glimpse, it’s never very clear - like I’m seeing you in an old black-and-white film. But you don’t lie: you are easy on the eyes.”

“What does the throne look like in Attalia?” Jeongguk blurted, glad for once that Taehyung could not see the flush on the back of his neck.

Taehyung turned his head to the side.

“Not so many steps, if I remember correctly.”

“My father’s throne sits in front of a wall of windows… There's a balcony behind it with a view of Marsylle and the edge of the cliffs beyond the city’s borders. It’s always sunlit - from my memories, and there’s always the smell of roses and chrysanthemums.”

When they reached the second platform, Yoongi and Jimin took their places on either side of the staircase, standing far apart. Jeongguk, along with Taehyung, started on the second set, which led to his throne.

Suddenly Taehyung stopped, pulling on Jeongguk. He tried to pull his hand away. “The next steps are to your throne.”

“I want you beside me,” Jeongguk said.

“Would that be appropriate?” Taehyung asked. “I’m not your consort.”

“I know,” Jeongguk said. “I know what message this is sending. If you say Yoo Su-hwa is not as naive as she appears, she will take this to Park Hae-jin, and he will have proof that you are protected.”

Taehyung paused, teeth curling over his bottom lip again. His fingers found purchase on the fabric of Jeongguk’s suit.


Jeongguk sat on the black throne, crossing his legs and resting his elbows on the cold armrests. He wondered how they looked: a king dressed in black with an ethereal prince in white standing next to a throne framed by dark metalwork.

Yoongi and Jimin hovered at the second staircase far apart – not making eye contact.

“Let her in,” Jeongguk commanded.

The first thing that Jeongguk noticed when the doors opened, was a woman with long, wildly blue hair. The upper half of her face was covered by a white porcelain mask with feline ears, featureless save for a curved line of pink paint along the left cheek - an identifier.

Jeongguk has heard of those who wear these masks before - elite members of the Orivalian Royal Guard. He looked to Jimin, who shifted uncomfortably, subtly moving one foot up onto the stair behind him - as if wanting a head start to get closer to Taehyung should anything happen.

Hoseok, too, looked uncomfortable, standing by the door. Beside him, Jeongguk could feel Taehyung shift, as if feeling the tense atmosphere in the room.

The other woman had long, black hair hidden underneath the hood of a woollen cardigan. Jeongguk has seen the dress and styles of the capital of the Empire, rich, vibrant colours, velvet and luscious fabrics.

He thought she’d be wearing the deep maroon colours of House Cerebyrn. But instead, she wore muted earth tones, shades of sandy brown. The edges of her wool cardigan were fraying from wear.

When the door shut behind her, she turned her head towards Hoseok who stood with his arms folded behind him in the corner by the door. His face was stern.

She turned to the woman with the mask, sharing a look hidden by the shadows of her hood, before pulling it back and revealing her face. She was young – pretty in an unassuming way, but it was her eyes that caught Jeongguk’s attention, large and wide.

From the way she held herself – it was undeniable she was of noble descent, and despite the roughness of her clothes, a golden pendant with the emblem of House Cerebyrn hung from her throat.

Yoongi cleared his throat.

“You stand in the presence of His Majesty the King of Naissus, Jeon Jeongguk of the Ancient House Cepheus,” Yoongi announced, “and His Royal Highness, Prince Kim Taehyung of the Divine House Chrysantheme.”

The girl curtsied, smoothing the front of her cloak as she rose to her full height.

“Your Majesty, Your Royal Highness, I thank you for granting me this audience,” she said.

There was a nervousness to her tone, despite her attempt to keep her head high and her gaze on the king. Her eyes darted over to the window and to guard behind her.

She spoke in the common tongue, words coloured by a soft lilt, dragging r’s and sharp vowels. There was a childishness to her tone, a softness and innocence that offset the strength and assertiveness of her words.

She reminded Jeongguk of himself of days not long passed.

“Yes,” Jeongguk replied, “I have granted you an audience because the First Prince of Attalia believes he knows who you are. But I want to hear it from you.”

The girl clasped her hands in front of her, fingers turning white, her neatly manicured nails digging into her palm.

“My name is Yoo Su-hwa of House Cerebyrn. The Lion Cub of Rossarya, Princess of Orivala,” she said, sounding almost unsure of her title as she spoke.

“That is quite a title – a high claim for someone whom I’ve never heard of,” Yoongi said.

“I am currently title-less, My Lord,” she said, turning to address Yoongi. “But on the eve of my brother’s - the new Emperor of Orivala’s - coronation, he will officiate these titles and legitimize my claim. I will be the next in line for the throne by the blood of my late father.”

A silence overtook the room after she spoke.

“My condolences for your loss, Yoo Su-hwa-ssi,” Jeongguk said.

She blinked, bowing her head. “Thank you… Your Majesty.”

“What brings you to Naissus, Yoo Su-hwa-ssi?” Yoongi asked. Jeongguk laced his fingers together, watching as his older brother attempted to intimidate and interrogate the girl. “The Crown was not made aware of your presence in the country until now - and it is customary and courteous for foreign nobility to declare themselves, especially during these… troubling times, is it not?”

Her hands started shaking. The masked woman took a step forward, her shoulders moved as if she was taking a deep breath, ready to speak. But then Su-hwa swept a hand out, halting the other woman.

Su-hwa turned back to Jeongguk.

“Forgive me,” she said. “I did not intend to offend or trouble you - my title is not yet affirmed. As such, I did not think it was necessary to make official schedules, especially during a time such as the transition of power in the Empire.”

Yoongi glanced back at Jeongguk, a hardness in his eyes.

“Rest assured, I will not stay for long,” Su-hwa continued. “I have come to deliver some messages on my brother’s behalf.”

“Please do then,” Jeongguk said, with an indifferent gesture.

She took a deep breath.

“His Imperial Majesty, The Emperor of Orivala extends his warmest greetings to His Majesty, The King of Naissus….” Su-hwa started. Her voice sounded stronger - like these are the words that she had rehearsed multiple times. “It is with great pleasure that he welcomes His Majesty, The King to attend the coronation in Rossarya at the beginning of the next month.”

Su-hwa swallowed, eyes flickering over to the masked woman once before she inhaled sharply. “My brother would also like to send his personal congratulations on the announcement of your courtship with the First Prince of Attalia.”

Jeongguk had to hold back a scoff. He doubted that Park Hae-jin was sincere in his congratulations, given the man had attempted to threaten Taehyung into an arranged marriage. Beside him, Jeongguk felt Taehyung shift on his feet, the sunlight catching on the gleam of his brooch as he moved.

“My brother also asked me to deliver an invitation on his behalf to the First Prince of Attalia to attend his coronation,” Su-hwa continued. The blue-haired woman reached into the folds of her coat, pulling out an envelope that Jeongguk recognized: red, with the seal of a lion’s head.

Su-hwa took it, turning to Jimin as she presented the invitation with both hands.

“My brother has informed me that the invitations have been sent to the Attalian Royal Family and the Crown Princess of Attalia will be attending, but he wanted to extend the invitation to the First Prince who was not in Attalia at the time.”

Jimin slowly descended the steps, taking the envelope from the girl. Su-hwa offered Jimin a tentative smile and Jeongguk wondered if the sentiment was returned, but when Jimin turned around, there was a hardness in the lines of his lips. He ascended the second staircase up to Jeongguk’s throne, just high enough to speak to Taehyung in whispered Attalian. The prince held out a hand and let Jimin place the letter into his waiting palm.

“Your Royal Highness,” she started, eyes on Taehyung as she spoke, “I hope you still remember me, we met in Ravenna almost four years ago.”

“I remember you, Su-hwa-ssi,” Taehyung replied quietly.

“Your Royal High-”

“I think we can move past the formalities, can’t we, Su-hwa?” Taehyung cut in, his voice soft and just as kind.


The prince smiled, as if content with the familiar honorific.

“Good. Now that is cleared, I also remember that Hae-jin-hyung is quite a sharpshooter. I was hoping for a rematch in the following year at the festivities, seems things didn’t go as planned.”

Jeongguk glanced back at Taehyung from the corner of his eye, feeling his stomach churn at the casual familiarity of Taehyung’s words, but he noticed out of the corner of his eyes, how tense Taehyung's jaw was, muscles taut, as if he had to spit the words out through gritted teeth.

Su-hwa smiled sweetly at Taehyung’s playful tease. Her shoulders relaxed, and she no longer laced her fingers tightly together.

“Haejin-oppa asked me to personally hand the invitation to you, Taehyung-oppa. He...expresses surprise at your sudden appearance at Naissian Court after...three years of silence due to reports of ill-health,” Su-hwa licked her lips, pausing as she thought about her words. “He would also like to extend the invitation for you to visit Rossarya after your...stay here in Naissus, especially considering your visit here is for pleasure.”

“Please send my well-wishes to Hae-jin-hyung and my condolences as well,” Taehyung murmured. “I will take his offer into consideration but I must speak to my father before accepting his invitation.”

“Of course,” she said, smiling. She dipped into a curtsy, and the woman beside her bowed. “Thank you for your time, Your Majesty, Your Royal Highness, My Lords, I will take my leave.”

She spun, wobbling as if the adrenaline had just left her. But then, she paused, carefully turning back again. Su-hwa gnawed on her lower lip, wringing her fingers as she balanced on the thin tip of her heeled-shoes. She took a deep breath.

“Your Majesty, Your Royal Highness,” she started, “I - I don’t know what my brother is planning. But, I want to believe that he’s a good man -- and he’s trying to do what is right.”

She looked up, meeting Jeongguk’s eyes with a determination - and - what was it?

“I hope there will be no animosity between our nations.”

It took him a moment to recognize what else he saw in Su-hwa’s eyes: complete and utter admiration and trust for her brother. Jeongguk is familiar with such sentiment. In his youth, he placed his trust in his mother to rule - now he placed his trust in his advisors. He was no different than Su-hwa, was he?

“We will see what course the future will take,” Jeongguk murmured, softly. “I hope your faith in the new Emperor is not wrong, Su-hwa-ssi.”

Su-hwa frowned, but slowly nodded, “I hope to see you at the coronation, Taehyung-oppa, Jimin-ssi, and you as well, Your Majesty,”

It was not difficult to find the First Prince of Attalia after asking the palace staff. Nor was it particularly surprising to learn that Taehyung was found lying on the floor of the marble pavilion. Jeongguk made his way slowly though the stone pathing, hands behind his back as he admired the view before him.

The stone structure was nearly completely covered by thick shrubs of climbing pink, coral, and red roses. But it was not difficult to see Taehyung, standing out amongst the vibrant colours.

He had taken off his shoes, discarded them on the side along with the white cane, as he relaxed with his toes grazing the waters. He dressed in a loose, nearly transparent white blouse. The material fanned around him, the tips draping over the edge of the marble and getting soaked in the pond.

The days were getting warmer. The sunlight made Jeongguk squint as it reflected off the murky green-blue. Taehyung’s figure was shadowed by the tiled curved roof.

Jeongguk made his footsteps louder, slower, waiting until the moment Taehyung stopped splashing water and tilted his head towards the sound.

“Is someone there?” he asked, moving to swing his legs over the side.

“It’s Jeongguk,” the king announced himself softly, and Taehyung’s shoulders relaxed as he settled down again.

“Do you want to join me?” Taehyung asked.

Jeongguk immediately accepted Taehyung’s offer. Jeongguk sighed as he lay down, enjoying how the cold marble seeped through the thin fabric of his shirt. Today he opted for a plain t-shirt tucked into a pair of black slacks, but the cotton shirt was not cooling in the summer temperature.

Jeongguk turned his head to the side. Taehyung had his eyes open, and blinking slowly, lazily, like with each blink, they’d stay closed.

“Why do you keep your eyes closed?” Jeongguk asked.

Taehyung turned towards the sound of Jeongguk’s voice, eyes slowly opening as he sat upright, splashing water as he brought his foot out of the pond.

Taehyung blinked, staring off into the distance.

His eyes were not the blue Jeongugk had seen in the gardens, nor in the car, nor the far away dreams. But brown - like the pictures of the before.

“I thought…”

“The gift,” Taehyung said, as if reading Jeongguk’s thoughts. “I’ve been told that my eyes glow blue when I have a vision.”

“It’s safer to keep my eyes closed,” Taehyung murmured. “Easier to hide the presence of the supernatural.”

A strained grin pulled on his lips, like he was trying to make light of a situation. “Sometimes… it’s hard to remember though, twenty-one years of habit is hard to break… and I’ve been told that my eyes can be unsettling to see.”

Jeongguk sat up, and searched for Taehyung’s eyes. Taehyung said that he thought his eyes were unsettling - but Jeongguk thought that his eyes were enchanting - enthralling. If Taehyung was sighted - Jeongguk wouldn’t have stood a chance.

If he stood a chance to begin with.

“Your eyes are beautiful,” Jeongguk said, “I want to see them more.”

The strained line on Taehyung’s lips dropped, for just a moment before a wide toothy smile pulled his lips taut. He lowered his head, a low chuckle rumbling, “How dare you be such a charmer, Your Majesty.”

Jeongguk scoffed. “I don’t think anyone would agree with you.”

Taehyung laughed, tilting forward until his forehead rested in the crook of Jeongguk’s neck.

Jeongguk always enjoyed the natural familiarity of Taehyung’s touches - but there were times that he yearned for more.

Taehyung took a deep breath, as the comfort of leaning against Jeongguk lulled them into a peaceful silence.

“I spoke with my father,” Taehyung started, “about the invitation to Park Hae-jin’s coronation.”

“Oh?” Jeongguk said, using the sound to fill the silence.

“My father would rather none of his children attend - but Attalia has a reputation for peace and cordiality,” Taehyung said. “My sister was going to attend, after her coming-of-age ceremony.”


The prince exhaled tiredly, “To refuse a personal invite is a show of ill-will.”

“Your father wants you to go,” Jeongguk whispered. Taehyung nodded into Jeongguk’s shoulder, slumping against his chest.

“It was my decision as well,” Taehyung continued, “In light of recent announcements, I doubt Park Haejin is pleased in losing a chance to own Attalia. I want to keep Jennie far away from him.”

“When will you go?”

“I’ll return to Marsylle at the end of this week,” Taehyung said, “Jimin went to arrange our airship home. I’ll stay in Attalia and fly to Rossarya two days before the coronation.”

Jeongguk moved, shuffling closer to Taehyung so that they were side by side. He leaned back onto both hands, letting Taehyung rest against his chest.

“The coronation will be my first public appearance representing the Crown since my 21st birthday,” Taehyung continued, “I’m...uneasy about it…”

Jeongguk bit his lip, exhaling slowly through pursed lips, hoping that it would calm his loudly beating heart. He never intended to go to the coronation. It would never be appropriate given his recent actions of sending a fleet - and Naissus’ isolation. He knew he made the right choice appointing Seokjin as a representative. But now, he wanted to go. He wanted to stand by Taehyung’s side.

“Will he be a danger to you?” Jeongguk asked.

Taehyung chuckled humorlessly. “I doubt he will make any move against me. Not when you have your intentions so public. I also will have Jimin at my side and the Mother’s gift.”

“I want to go with you,” Jeongguk confessed. “To show Park Hae-jin that he’ll never own Attalia.”

Taehyung sighed, in a way that Jeongguk knew was accompanied with a soft smile.

“I wish to have you there too…” Taehyung murmured. “After the coronation, I won’t stay in Rossarya. I’ll come back to Aurea.”

Jeongguk was quiet.

“Perhaps… when you come back, we’ll go to Argenteus,” Jeongguk whispered.

“Namjoon-hyung told me about Luna Castle,” Taehyung replied, “and the summers in the Silver City.”

“Yoongi-hyung tells me that Argenteus is like Avinhon.”

“Ah, Avinhon,” Taehyung murmured with a dreamy sigh, “I told you about the gardens at my mother’s summer chateau - befitting of House Rose to have a garden filled with the flowers.”

“Tell me more about Avinhon,” Jeongguk asked, trying to change the subject, trying to make the most of the moments they had together before Taehyung leaves.

Taehyung straightened, lurching off of Jeongguk’s chest. He crossed his legs, resting his head in the palm of his hand.

“There is too much to say, what would you like to know?”

“Tell me a story about a memory - a favourite memory in Avinhon,” Jeongguk said.

“I must have been five or six…” Taehyung started, “We went to my mother’s estate for the summers… I remember, it was when she first taught me to weave a flower crown, with roses from those very gardens.”

Taehyung tilted his head back, bathing his face in the little sunlight that filtered into the pavilion. “I wasn’t very good at first, as five-year-olds don’t tend to be, but it was when my mother told me of the traditions of flower crowns.”

Jeongguk looked at the flowers surrounding them.

“Can you teach me?”

Taehyung turned his head curiously. “How to make a flower crown?”


Taehyung’s lips pulled into a shy smile. “Help me up, and show me the flowers you want to use.”

It wasn’t long before Jeongguk had crafted a flower crown of coral pink roses. Taehyung had demonstrated by making his own, showing Jeongguk the intricate weaving techniques with his long fingers. Jeongguk tried to follow along. It was not hard, but he knew he wasn’t very gentle with the flowers.

He was surprised that it held together. He could see where he pinched too hard, the stem cracking and barely holding on. There was a pile of petals at his feet. Both his fingers and Taehyung’s had mild scratches, and Jeongguk sustained a large cut on his thumb from the thorns.

But it was a flower crown.

“How does it look?” Taehyung asked, sitting on the only empty space on the banister, where the roses did not overtake. His own perfect flower crown of red and pastel pink roses rested in his lap.

“A little lopsided,” Jeongguk admitted, “But… the flowers aren’t completely crushed…”

“That’s certainly better than my first flower crown,” Taehyung said. “Now you have to give it to someone.”

Jeongguk hesitated, scratched fingers brushing over velvet petals.

(Jeongguk remembered summers spent in the coastal cities with his mother and father, where the ocean tides were high and he could always taste the salt of sea spray on his tongue. He remembered the spring evenings before his own ascension spent by the shores of Romulus Castle, where sounds of the tide lull him to and fro between calm and the storm.)

“May I give it to you?”

Taehyung’s brow raised, and he perked up, releasing a little giggle.

“What an honour it would be to receive the king’s first handmade flower crown.”

Taehyung raised both hands, ready to accept Jeongguk’s gift.

Jeongguk inhaled, his breath shuddering.

(Jeongguk knew of the dangers of people who were like ocean tides. He has seen first-hand during those rainy spring nights, when Hoseok drowned in the tidal wave she left. Jeongguk was familiar with the bewitching call of the ocean, seductively beckoning him into its ebb and flow.)

“May I - may I crown you?”

Taehyung’s smile fell, and for a split second, Jeongguk felt his heart stutter.

“Yes,” Taehyung whispered, “Only if I may do the same.”

(He heeded the ocean’s call, stepping further and further until his toes were teetering over the edge of the sea bed.)


Taehyung rose to his feet - still bare from before. He bent to one knee, lowering his head as he waited.

Jeongguk was slow, careful, as he gently placed his lopsided crown atop the First Prince of Attalia’s head.

Taehyung stood, releasing a breath as he held his own crown of roses.

“Down on one knee, Your Majesty,” Taehyung murmured.

Jeongguk did so.

Taehyung moved with slow grace, edging forward until his free hand brushed the side of Jeongguk’s cheek, up across his temples. He then pressed the circlet of flowers to Jeongguk’s head.

Jeongguk stood.

(He had gone past the seabed, toes searching for solid ground and found nothing but water. The ocean surrounded him, enveloping him up to his throat.)

He held his breath, leaning in - closer - until he pressed a kiss on Taehyung’s parted lips.

(All he could hear was the gentle lapping of the water - the world fading behind him as he held his breath and submerged his head beneath the sea.)

Taehyung surged forward, hands shaking as he tried to find purchase on Jeongguk’s shirt.

(Jeongguk couldn’t breathe, couldn’t think as the tide crashed over him. He surrendered to the pull.)

His hands slid up Taehyung’s back, fingers tangling and clutching thin white fabric, pushing - pulling until Taehyung’s shirt came untucked. Jeongguk’s hand quivered as his fingers rested on the warm skin of Taehyung’s waist, grasping, tugging until he had Taehyung against his chest.

He felt Taehyung’s breath hitch against his lips before he heard it. Jeongguk rasped through a gasp, welcoming the scent of lavender, and the storm that it conjured within him. He couldn’t think through the rush of heat and want.

Taehyung’s fingers were feather-light, trembling still as they clumsily danced across Jeongguk’s burning skin. He found a fistful of Jeongguk’s shirt in one hand, his other gripping the back of Jeongguk’s neck, pulling him in, lips colliding, pushing, moving.

(He sank, plunging, falling deeper as the ocean dragged him under. Letting the waves overcome him and succumbing to the storm.)


New Characters:
Park Jiyeon
House: N/A
Title: Lieutenant-Major, the Commander General’s temporary-second
Age: 28

Author’s Note:
1. I loved writing the whole Oath of Blood tradition. I loved the drama of it - but I also wanted to make fun of the trope of palm bloodletting because honestly, cutting the palm is the WORST place to doing any bloodletting for blood magic or oath swearing. There are so many nerves and blood vessels that innervate the hand, not to mention how superficial the tendons are, cut too deep and it’s a pretty severe injury.

2. The White Nights of Summer is based on the White Nights Festivals that take place in Saint Petersburg, Russia.

3. What’s going on with Hoseok? Who is ‘he’ who is ‘she’? We’ll all find out soon - but I can say that I was listening to ‘House of Cards’ on repeat while thinking up Hoseok’s backstory.

4. I wanted to take this time to say thank you to my amazing beta readers ibloomedforyou, jerliase, and junimo3. It has been a rough year - and I’m glad to have your support.

5. On Twitter, I have created a Master List of Characters and Settings for the world of Blood of the Oracle. Feel free to check it out! I'll also add a list of extra details that never made it into the story - but I feel are interesting!

6. Please leave a comment! A little encouragement goes a long way, and I would love, love, love to hear what you guys thought of the story thus far.

7. Come talk to me on Twitter or ask me questions on Curious Cat. I love making new friends! See you all real soon!


Chapter 14: moonbroch


A special thank you to minmi. It has been an absolute joy having you by my side as a beta reader. Thank you for your enthusiasm, attention to detail, and your willingness to put up with my absolute madness.

Chapter Playlist

m o o n b r o c h

(noun.) a hazy halo of cloud around the moon at night that is a supposed sign of bad weather to come


(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

chapter fourteen
m o o n b r o c h

It was raining - despite the forecast promising only grey skies for the night - it had started drizzling sometime after the sun had gone down. There was no stopping the forces of nature, after all.

But Jeongguk didn’t mind the rain, it fits the sombre mood of the night before his coronation. He should be rejoicing - there was an energy that bustled around Romulus Castle - an energy that he felt throughout the country.

Apprehension? Excitement? Relief. For with his coronation comes a new era for Naissus.

The closing of a dark and grief-stricken chapter and the ringing in of a new age.

He heard rumours of the people’s happiness.

But how could they be happy when they have but a child rising to the throne?

How could he be happy when he was sacrificing the remainder of his youth?

Eighteen and king.

Jeongguk remembers he was barely six when his father spoke to him and told him that one day, he will lead the country. That one day it will be him that sits on his throne. His father hoped that Jeongguk would be older than he was himself when he took the throne, his father hoped Jeongguk would be well into his adult years.

But alas.

It was cold and damp inside the Somnus Mausoleum and Jeongguk’s thin, grey mourning robes did nothing to shield him from the stale air nor the winds coming through the hallway leading into his father’s final resting place.

Jeongguk shifts on his feet, bare on the stone, and the ice has already seeped through his skin.

It was not Jeongguk’s first time visiting the Somnus Mausoleum; he has come many times since his father’s death - but the uneasiness of standing inside these marble halls never leaves him. The ceilings are high and the rooms are spacious, but Jeongguk can barely breathe standing before his father’s sarcophagus.

His eyes scan the characters engraved on the stone without really reading them. An epitaph. A date of birth. A date of death. The name of a fallen king.

Jeongguk kneels before the grave, reaching down to the tray of incense that was left for him and the matches beside it. His fingers are cold, barely able to move as he collects the thin sticks and strikes the match aflame. Smoke curls above the burning incense and Jeongguk raises them above his head, closing his eyes as he starts to mouth prayers. He prays for the wisdom from the Kings of Old and begs for their blessings as he takes the mantle they left behind.

Jeongguk prays for his father and prays that he rests well in the afterlife.

“Rest easy, Abeonim,”Jeongguk whispers as he opens his eyes and places the incense sticks into the burner, absently reaching out to trace the characters of his father’s name on the stone. “Trust in me to lead Naissus.”

He bows, three times, lowering all the way until his forehead touches the marble floor before rising to his feet.
Jeongguk inhales once, closing his eyes as the earthy, wood smell of incense reminds him of his father’s funeral, how the scent clung to his clothes and hair longer than the dull apathy had.

He exhales sharply, imagining blowing away the memories like smoke. He leaves behind his father’s crypt as he steps out of the mausoleum and onto the wet grass. Jeongguk makes the walk back to Romulus Castle alone save for the comforting sounds of the tide and the rain that is now but a light mist. He hopes that the clouds will clear enough for the light of the moon to accompany him during the rites before the dawn.

Jeongguk does not remove the mourning robes when he goes to bed, climbing under the covers with damp hair and equally damp clothes. It was part of the old customs that he doesn’t really understand - and it wasn’t as though he was going to be able to sleep anyway with the trepidation and anticipation of the morning to come. He rolls around in bed in the chambers that he was unfamiliar with - he never spent much time at Romulus Castle in his childhood and rarely did he spend it alone without the constant company of his mother and father.

When he can see the colours of dawn peek through the tiny slivers in the curtains, he sits up - unable to attempt sleeping for much longer.

Chung-ho gasps and clutches the door when he enters the darkened room to see the silhouette of the young king-to-be sitting on the edge of the bed. It was always a struggle for the valet to wake him on a regular day.

“Your Majesty,” Chung-ho calls, as he turns on the lights, “it is time.”

Jeongguk takes a deep breath, rising to his feet. He chances a glance in the mirror, and finds a tired version of himself staring back. Jeongguk knows his wide eyes always made him look younger than he truly is - but in the mirror with the dark shadows around his eyes and his chapped lips, he looked far older than his eighteen years. Accompanied with his rumpled robes and bed-tousled hair, he was a mess.

“The guards have arrived to escort you to the temple, sir,” Chung-ho adds.

Jeongguk turns away from his reflection, finding four guards standing beyond the threshold to his chamber, dressed in the black of House Cepheus with gold accents on their military regalia. Jeongguk wishes for a moment that he could have seen a familiar face among one of them. Hoseok hoped to be able to escort Jeongguk there himself, but with his position as a member of the peerage and his relationship as a blood relative, he couldn't.

“When you are ready, Your Majesty,” says one of the guards.

Chung-ho turns back to Jeongguk, quickly straightening the robes and tying the sash over his chest that had come undone during the night. He can’t help but smile at his valet’s fussing - it was too early in the morning for anyone to be up to see Jeongguk’s disheveled appearance - and he wouldn’t be wearing these robes for much longer anyway.

“I will be there after the ritual,” Chung-ho murmurs, reaching up to also take a couple seconds to comb his fingers through Jeongguk’s hair.

“Thank you, Chung-ho,” Jeongguk whispers. “Truly.”

The valet smiles, taking a step back as he bows to a full ninety degrees. “It is my pleasure to serve you, Your Majesty.”

With that, Jeongguk steps out of the chambers and into the dark hallway. The procession to the Temple of Six is silent, with the four guards to accompany him as he makes his way through the halls from the King’s Chambers in Romulus Castle to the Temple of Six.

The halls of Romulus Castle are much different than that of Sol Palace. Sol Palace had an air of regality, the walls bathed in golden light of the sun and interior airy with its high arched ceilings and marble reliefs.

Romulus Castle is a fortress made of grey stones on the outside and suffocating, thick halls inside. Wood floors creak under each of Jeongguk’s steps and he feels as though the eyes of all the portraits that lined the halls follow him. He is lost in his thoughts until the hallway opens up and the guards step aside as Jeongguk’s eyes find the intricate wooden double doors leading into the Temple of Six. In front of the doors stands a woman dressed in dark robes that declare her as a disciple of the Six.

The guards part from their formation around Jeongguk, finding their place on either side of the door.

The woman curtsies.

“Your Majesty, the High Priestess awaits you inside the Hall of the Six. She will lead you through the ritual as you form a covenant with the Gods.”

Jeongguk nods, and the woman steps aside. The guards open the doors to allow him to enter.

He pauses, allowing the doors to close behind him and his eyes to adjust to the darkness. It was warm and humid in the chambers that were lit only by several small candles.

Jeongguk bites on his lips as he goes through the motions of the rituals. He unties the ribbons holding his robes closed. There was a bath drawn for him and he must bathe before standing in front of the Six - to rid himself of the dirt and grime of the world as he enters the covenant and emerges as a new man - as a link to the Gods - as a King.

The water scalds his skin when he steps into the tub and he can feel its fire and heat in his bones.

It shocks him awake, like he did not realize he was in a daze since the evening he prayed before his father’s grave.

He remembers learning about the rituals in his studies during his childhood - he remembers making disgusted faces and grimacing as his tutors explained the symbolic and sacred nature of the covenant with the gods. He was young - but by then, even the boy that would soon be King did not believe in the Gods that were said to have given him such power. But now, in the darkness - in the heat of the pool of water, he is willing to believe - for why else would he, an ordinary man, be thrust into such power?

He submerges his head underneath the waters - skin set aflame once again - and he relishes in the underwater silence of the world just for a moment before he gets up. The scent of the oils in the water is strong and it assaults his senses.

Jeongguk pushes his hair out of his eyes and slowly gets out of the tub, feet touching warmed marble as he finds the towels and robes left for him. He dresses quickly in a thin, white shirt and pants, pulling on the hemp overcoat and tying it closed with a simple sash. He was still barefoot - these clothes were meant to symbolize simplicity and humility before the gods. He dries his hair as best as he can, before taking a deep breath and walking out of the bathing chambers and pushing open the doors to Hall of the Six.

The door creaks loudly. The Hall of the Six is dimly lit with several floor standing candelabras. The flames casted shadows along the floor and made the figures of an old woman and several of her attendants in the center of the room flicker.

Jeongguk recognizes the old woman - the High Priestess of the Astral Gods - he remembers her as the one who anointed his mother as regent eight years ago. She was old then - and the years have not changed much.

He raises his eyes - staring at the ethereal and hazy paintings in gold on the domed ceiling above, depicting the birth of Naissus and the formation of the pact with the First King of House Cepheus.

He swallows, his throat painfully dry as he lowers his eyes, letting the door screech to a close behind him. The sounds of his bare feet tapping the floors echo as he approaches the High Priestess.

Jeongguk was not raised in the traditions of the Six - as the years passed - there was a strong emphasis on the removal of religion from many state affairs. He was aware of the customs - of the fables and folklore that surround the beginnings of his great nation. But he did not grow up in the theology of the Six’s might, for why would such Gods - who are said to be benevolent and merciful - bring down a blight like the plague that devastated the kingdom and took his father from him?

But House Cepheus’ claim to the throne rests in the fragility of the connection to divinity, as all monarchies do. So, here he stands, wondering for the first time in a long time if a higher being exists who will grant him - an ordinary young man in a position of high power - the right to rule.

He tries to keep his steps sure and even as he makes his way from the doors to the center of the room. Jeongguk takes a breath. The scent of the oils still linger on his skin and though it burns, the pain is grounding.

“Jeon Jeongguk,” the High Priestess calls, her voice raspy and crackly. “You stand in the Temple of the Six. Speak - and they will hear.”

Jeongguk licks his lips.

He looks around, eyeing the six statues as he inhales slowly and begins the prayer he has practiced and practiced over hundred times since his mother brought up the planning for his coronation.

“Oh great beings of yonder,” Jeongguk starts, “I, Jeon Jeongguk of the Ancient House Cepheus, son of Jeon Yeon-hwan, the 96th King of Naissus, come to declare my birthright. I ask for your blessing and your willingness to form a covenant so I may rule the great nation of Naissus.”

Two attendants behind the High Priestess set a metal torch on fire and present it to him. Jeongguk takes it, carefully maneuvering the flame as he approaches one of the statues that was supposed to represent the likeness of the Gods. The sculpture was of a monstrous being with rippling muscles and thick marks that crisscross its limbs; it was the first from which Jeongguk will ask for a blessing.

“The Archeon,” Jeongguk calls as he lowers the torch and sets the fire caldron ablaze. “Steadfast as stone, I ask for your strength.”

He steps to the next statue of a being shrouded in a cloak. “The Fulgarian, sharp as lightning, I ask for your intellect.”

“The Glacian, gentle as snow, I ask for your benevolence,” Jeongguk says, staring at the figure with sharp, icicle-like wings protruding from its back.

“The Hydraean, relentless as the tides,” he calls, staring through the flames of the altar he lit in honour of the being that appeared half-human, half-fish. “I ask for your vehemence.”

“The Infernian.” A figure with horns rooted in its hair. “Fickle as fire, I ask for your wrath.”

Finally, Jeongguk stands before the twisting statue of a dragon - the king of kings. “The Draconian, unbending as iron, I ask for your will and grace.”

With the final altar lit, Jeongguk returns to the center, giving the torch back to the attendant.

He lowers to his knees in the center of the circle before the High Priestess.

“Jeon Jeongguk,” she starts again, “You have come to ask the Six for their blessing - may they heed your call and grant you favour as you bring Naissus into a new age.”

“Stand, Your Majesty,” she says.

He struggles to rise, but does so, until he’s at his full height.

“Go now, Jeon Jeongguk, and claim your throne,” the High Priestess says, stepping to the side and pointing to a different door from which he entered.

Jeongguk walks towards the door and opens it to reveal another dressing room.

He breathes a sigh of relief when he sees Chung-ho and two other footmen, the valet bouncing his knee waiting for him.

The valet stands eagerly upon Jeongguk’s arrival, the older man exhales sharply, like he is bracing himself for the job ahead.

“Sir,” he says. “Shall we?”

And Jeongguk nearly sags, letting the valet direct the other two in dressing him for the final part of his coronation ceremony.

Chung-ho is gentle as he leads Jeongguk towards the platform. He was exhausted - through the high windows in the corner of the room, he can see that the soft colours of dawn have given way to more golden tones. Chung-ho carries a bundle of clothes with him. His valet is gentle; after years spent in the Crown Prince’s service, he’s gotten used to the moods that take the prince.

He’s able to match the prince’s energy during days where Jeongguk is excited to get started with his day and lacks the patience to wait for Chung-ho - and the valet is more than happy to let the prince put on his own clothes and fix what he has missed. On days where he’s tired, sleepy, and groggy - he lets Chung-ho manhandle him, and Jeongguk was grateful to have a valet who was meticulous in making sure he was presentable.

However, it was days like today that he is most grateful for Chung-ho. The man is silent as he brushes Jeongguk’s still damp hair, and assists the other attendants in dressing him.

The fabric is heavy after wearing only the thin mourning robes and the scratchy hemp from the ritual. He does not look in the mirror this time - remembering how he looked in the mirror when they were tailoring the coronation regalia - pitch black everything, even the embroidery along the high collar of his jacket and the cuffs were done in a metallic black thread. The single glance that Jeongguk took in the mirror of the fitting room made him feel out of place - his face too young - eyes too wide, cheeks too puffy.

Jeongguk closes his eyes, trying to focus on Chung-ho’s breathing, on the sound of rustling cloth, on the clean scent of laundry detergent that follows the middle-aged valet.

Finally, while Chung-ho straightens his dress shirt and adjusts the stiff collar around his throat, the two other attendants together lift a heavy black piece of cloth from a box.

The King’s Mantle.

Unlike many monarchs, Naissus does not have a physical crown, instead the King dons a heavy cloak embroidered with golden thread as a symbol of his powers.

It takes both attendants to bring it to Jeongguk, and the addition of Chung-ho’s help to don it. The valet pins the cloak to Jeongguk’s jacket. Jeongguk almost collapses under the weight - it pools around him in the small dressing room but Jeongguk knows that at its full length, the mantle will drag several feet behind him.

Finally, Chung-ho turns and grabs something wrapped in cloth - the ceremonial sword. He clips it to Jeongguk’s belt on his left side and steps back, bowing.

“You are ready, Your Majesty.”

Jeongguk nods silently and turns, avoiding the mirror as he steps off the platform, the mantle dragging behind him.

“Right, then let us be off,” he murmurs.

One of the attendants rushes to the other door, notifying the guard that the King is ready. Chung-ho lifts and straightens the mantle behind Jeongguk as he hears the guards returning. He places his hand on the hilt of the sword, hoping that the touch will ground him.

The throne room is not far from the Temple of the Six. Romulus Castle was constructed during a time when the monarchy still cherished and held dear the connection to the gods - now the coronation is the only thing binding them together.

He can hear the herald begin the announcements down the halls of the castle.

“Make way for the King!”

Chung-ho and the attendants gather up the mantle, the guards following him also helping, picking up the heavy garment. He walks with several people behind him as he makes his way to the entrance of the throne room.

Eventually, they stop at the doors and Jeongguk closes his eyes. The attendants drop the mantle, laying it out behind him in a long train. He is trying to steady his breathing as the butterflies morph into buzzing wasps and his nerves threaten to control him instead. He can feel his breathing hitch - his chest rising and falling rapidly - the mantle weighing heavy on his shoulders - his fingers losing feeling from how tightly he gripped the hilt of his sword - and for a short moment Jeongguk regrets it all.

He isn’t ready - he’s only eighteen - how can he be ready to be King at eighteen?

He should have signed the accord.

Jeongguk can hear commotion coming from inside, low talking - he knows that every important member of the Naissian peerage, the nobility of the Commonwealth, the Privy Council that will soon serve him, and… and his King’s Circle lies beyond those doors.

His King’s Circle. He opens his eyes and nods at the herald.

“His Majesty, the King!”

The grand doors open and for a moment, Jeongguk is blinded by the light of the rising sun behind the throne. Unlike the throne in Sol Palace that was raised on a dais with two staircases, the throne in Romulus Castle has but a few steps that led to the lonely, cold, wooden chair. The massive windows behind the throne cast a hazy light into the room in the early morning.

Jeongguk freezes, a sound almost like a gasp escaping his lips as he takes in the sheer number of people in the room. Already on either side of the room were members of the Naissian Peerage - and other important figures in the governing of the country. Jeongguk knows that his eyes are darting, and he takes one moment before steeling himself and staring down the throne.

But in the short moments that he did glance about - he noticed one jarring fact: he was the youngest in the room.

He starts walking, merely because he rehearsed this multiple times in the last several days. Just never with the mantle weighing as heavy as it did. Without the help of the attendants, the fabric drags behind him and he has to be careful and walk slowly not to accidentally let it catch and fall face first. His breath leaves him, remembering that he won’t be alone - that he’ll have the guidance of his brothers to help. So he steps forward, shoes clicking loudly as he makes his way to the throne.

He wonders if there was ever a dignified way of doing this (or if all his predecessors suffered) as the cloak pulls on the brocade jacket, pushing his shoulders back and gathering at his heels.

The High Priestess stands in front of the wooden throne, hands clasped serenely in front of her as she waits for Jeongguk to lower himself to his knees on the steps. His fingers are clammy and he fumbles to unbuckle the sword from his belt, almost sighing with relief when it comes free. He holds the sword in both hands, lifting it high to offer to the High Priestess.

The High Priestess’ hands shake when she takes the blade from him. Goosebumps slither up his skin with the piercing ring as she unsheathes the blade from its scabbard. Jeongguk lowers his head, waiting until he feels the weight of the blade on his right shoulder.

“Jeon Jeongguk of House Cepheus, son of Jeon Yeong-hwan, 96th King of Naissus,” the High Priestess begins, “are you willing to take the oath?”

“I am willing.”

“Will you solemnly promise and swear to govern the Peoples of Naissus and protect the Commonwealth of

“I solemnly promise to do so.”

She moves the sword to his other shoulder.

“Will you, in your power, uphold law and justice and mercy, to execute your judgements?”

“I will.”

She lifts the sword from his shoulder, holding it in both hands and places the blade back into Jeongguk’s hands. The metal is cold on his palms. He rises to his feet, knees wobbling with the weight of the mantle and the imbalance of holding his arms at eye level. The High Priestess’ attendants are merciful as they help arrange the mantle around Jeongguk when he turns to sit on his throne. The black fabric cascades down his right side and flows like an inky river down the steps of the dais.

Since entering the Throne Room, Jeongguk has tried his best to stop himself from meeting the eyes of his court. He stares at the patterns on the wooden floor, at the shine of his dress shoes, at the subtle patterns on the High Priestess’ robes, but it wasn’t until the moment his back touches the wood of the throne that he lifts his eyes. He finds his mother’s eyes first. It was not difficult for Jeongguk to assume his mother’s sadness in seeing him in this position too soon. Her eyes are glossy and she pulls her lips into a tight smile.

His eyes find each member of his King’s Circle afterwards and Jeongguk sits just a little taller - just a little more assured of himself - when he discovers the proud smiles on each of their faces, and he reminds himself that he will not walk this journey alone.

“Oh mighty Six,” the High Priestess calls, stepping off the dias,“bless and protect this man who shall be our king. As you have done the first Kings of Old, may this man be blessed and declared the rightful Sovereign over the peoples, whom you have given thee to govern and rule.” She lowers herself, teetering on her feet into a deep curtsy.

“Long live the King!”

Immediately, there is a rush of movement as his court falls into bows and curtsies and repeats the blessing to the king’s health - to his.

“Long live the King!”

“Long live the King!”

Long live the King.

The two weeks following Taehyung’s departure to Attalia were quiet - there was an emptiness in the palace without the presence of the Attalian prince and his advisor. The absence was felt not only by Jeongguk but the rest of his King’s Circle as well.

It was obvious that the two had wormed their way into everyone’s hearts.

It was late at night, with only two days left until Park Hae-jin’s coronation - Jeongguk was in his temporary rooms, the desk that they had brought into the sitting room to serve as his study was neatly organized, papers stacked and pens aligned. He was going through some of the final reports that he missed today, distracted by the uneasy emptiness of the palace and the apprehension of what Park Hae-jin’s official ascension to the throne of the Empire will bring.

Jeongguk was scrolling through the text messages he’d exchanged throughout the past two weeks with Taehyung when there was a firm knock at his door.

“Jeongguk?” Seokjin called as he entered, with a metal tray in hand.

“Yes, Hyung?” Jeongguk answered, peering around the corner of his study. “I thought you went to bed.”

“I was going to, but I wanted to do one last check-up before I left.”

When they returned to the palace after, there was a change in the air between them. Something a little more desperate. But the prince was busy in the days before his departure, arranging for his return to Attalia and preparing for schedules in advance of his attendance at the coronation.

Jeongguk was likewise occupied. He originally intended against sending a representative for the coronation - but now, with Su-hwa’s appearance and Taehyung’s attendance - he would feel better sending someone - and once again opted for Seokjin.

“Right… okay.”

Jeongguk walked over to the bed, unbuttoning his shirt and shrugging the fabric off his back. Seokjin placed the metal tray on Jeongguk’s nightstand, walking over to the en-suite to wash his hands.

“How are the headaches and your sensitivity to light?” Seokjin asked, the soft conversational tone replaced by the clinical nature of his role.

“Headaches come only after a long day looking at papers,” Jeongguk replied, “And….I think it’s brought on by staring at a screen for too long.”

“That’s to be expected,” Seokjin replied, “the symptoms aren’t getting worse?”

“No, Hyung.”


The physician appears from around the corner, drying his hands on a hand towel before he goes to the tray.

“I think we can remove the skin-closures, I’d rather do it now than worry about forgetting to get you in to see someone while I’m gone.”

“Sure, Hyung.”

Jeongguk climbed onto the bed, laying down on his stomach and folding his arms underneath his chin. He felt the bed dip beside him and the familiar scent of Seokjin’s signature cologne with the grassy sweetness of figs wash over him.

He closed his eyes when he felt the gentle touch of the physician's hands in his scalp, tender as he brushed through Jeongguk’s hair to inspect the cuts. It barely hurt anymore, feeling more like a bruise than the sharp, aching pain that tormented him without the painkillers.

Jeongguk absentmindedly pulled on the silk duvet, kneading the fabric between his fingers as his thoughts drifted. In the past weeks, he had tried to keep his thoughts from surging back to that night -- for when he did, a constant dread settled in the pit of his stomach -- and no matter how hard Jeongguk tried, he couldn’t pull any memories from the haze.

“Will I ever get my memories back, Hyung?” Jeongguk asked.

Seokjin hummed. “Perhaps…” he answered. “But… to be frank, if you can’t recall what happened by now… the chances of you remembering are slim.”

Jeongguk gnawed on the bottom of his lips, wincing when he felt the bite of adhesive tape pulling free. “I just - I feel like I could ease one of our worries if I could just… remember.”

Seokjin must have finished, because he rests a hand on the nape of Jeongguk’s neck, giving it a gentle rub. “I think we are all grateful that you are alive, Jeongguk. The loss of your memories is a small price to pay.”

Seokjin stood and Jeongguk tilted his head, following the older man with his gaze as he crossed the bed towards the tray, quietly putting all his tools away. Jeongguk could see remnants of the adhesive strips on the tray, brown with dried blood.

“Besides, we’ve gathered all the information we could about Kihwan - all we can do now is keep you safe,” Seokjin said.

The oldest sat down on the bed, inspecting the healing burns on Jeongguk’s back. His skin was still red, sensitive to temperatures and touch, but Seokjin was confident that it would not scar.

“I worry about Hoseok-hyung,” Jeongguk murmured, “if he’s getting enough rest with all the work he’s doing. He has been looking very tired lately.”

Seokjin doesn’t answer. His hands are light, cold against the healing injuries.

“Lee Sunmi-ssi is engaged.”

Jeongguk turned abruptly, eyes wide and heart dropping.

The conversation two weeks ago with Hoseok had stirred some memories, like he dropped a pebble in still waters and watched as the ripples rose into waves.

He was not privy to the whirlwind of Hoseok’s romance with Sunmi, but he remembered seeing glimpses of the beautiful woman in the halls of Sol Palace, remembered outings with her presence, remembered how beguiled Hoseok was.

Jeongguk was not privy to Hoseok’s romance - but he was present during the aftermath - the dangerous fall.

“Hoseok knows,” Seokjin continued, fingers leaving Jeongguk’s back. “It's a high-profile engagement. There will be invitations sent to members of the royal family and to the noble houses.”

Jeongguk clumsily moved to work his legs underneath him and rose to a sitting position while Seokjin got up to wash his hands again.

“Hoseok will be invited…” Seokjin sighed. “I’m worried that some of the tabloids will use this opportunity to write a sensationalized story about his relationship with Lee Sunmi. It was fortunate that when things went… awry two years ago, it was during Ah-young’s very public engagement.”

Jeongguk nodded, remembering how the tabloids were more preoccupied with Seokjin’s cousin’s fairy-tale engagement to a popular actor than the private and quiet break-up between the Commander General and daughter of a minor noble house.

“Had he said anything?” Seokjin asked when he returned, settling back onto the bed beside Jeongguk.

Jeongguk licked his lips, “We… had a brief discussion about - if Taehyung - is like Lee Sunmi… like a tidal wave.”

Seokjin stared, blinking slowly before he spoke. “What do you think?”

Jeongguk looked down. “I don’t know what to think.”

He squeezed his eyes shut as the feelings of breathlessness of kissing and touching Taehyung consumed him. Of Taehyung’s smile - of the scent of lavender - of the anxiety of missing him in the past two weeks and feeling like he’s missing a part of himself. He savoured the feeling - savours the touches and the kisses and the way his heart feels calm and yet not - and how words spill from his tongue when he’s with Taehyung - and he savours the feeling of being in love. Is he in love?

“Is it too soon to say that I’ve fallen in love?”

Seokjin leaned back on his hands, regarding Jeongguk before he spoke.

“I think those you love tend to crash land into your life,” Seokjin said. “I remember Yoongi told me about how hesitant you were when he came to the palace. He told me you’d watch him with wide eyes and hunker down all scared in the corner of a room. It took some time for you to warm up to him - until you accepted him.”

Jeongguk frowned.

Seokjin wasn’t wrong - it took months for Jeongguk to finally let the older man he now called his blood-brother carve a permanent mark into his heart.

“Joonie also told me that you were weary of him too at the beginning, before he wooed you over with his idyllic words.”

Jeongguk pouted, tilting his head to the side.

“I don’t know where you are going with this, Hyung.”

“I also remember when I entered the picture,” Seokjin said, sighing fondly as he closed his eyes. “The final member of your King’s Circle - the oldest, too, at twenty-five years - I think, other than Hoseok who had the advantage of being your blood relative, you warmed up to me the fastest.”

“I think it’s because you kept bugging me to go eat with you or play games with you,” Jeongguk murmured. “I was always a bit shy.”

“You are slow to offer trust in others, but quick to give your love after they’ve proven themselves,” Seokjin said. “You wear your heart on your sleeve, my King.”

“Was I too rash?” Jeongguk whispered.

“Only time will tell,” Seokjin replied. “Taehyung may be a tidal wave - but do not think that you are not a force to be reckoned with either, Jeongguk.”

Jeongguk hummed.

“I don’t know what your relationship is like, Jeongguk,” Seokjin started, “As I don’t know what truly happened between Hoseok and Lee Sunmi. But, only time will tell. Relationships are built on pushes and pulls - give and take - ebbs and flows.”

“She...really hurt him,” Jeongguk murmured.

“They hurt each other,” Seokjin amended quietly.

Jeongguk flopped back onto the bed, arms splayed on either side of him as he stared listlessly at the intricate patterns of crown-moulding in the ceiling. Seokjin joined him.

“Is Yoongi alright?” Seokjin asked.

Jeongguk’s brows furrow. “I’m not sure… he’s been rather sullen too.”

“He told me that he and Park Jimin were childhood friends, but… I get the feeling as though there is something more.”

Jeongguk turned his head just enough to meet Seokjin’s eyes.

There was a guilt that settled in Jeongguk’s stomach, he too had known something was off. He noticed that there was animosity between Jimin and Yoongi from the beginning, but he simply assumed it was in the Crownsguard’s nature to be weary of strangers - especially since Yoongi spoke Attalian and understood the culture. But after the attempt on Jeongguk’s life, he felt as though those tensions melted away. But in the several days before Taehyung and Jimin’s departure, the friction had returned tenfold - to the point where Jeongguk was certain he imagined the gentleness - and Yoongi’s usual calm and steady aura now carried a heavy gloom.

Jeongguk should have known better - he should have asked Yoongi - should have pressed more than let his older brother drive the conversation away from himself.

“I should have asked,” Jeongguk muttered.

“I, too, wanted to ask him,” Seokjin said, rolling onto his stomach on the bed. He looked down at his hands, kneading the pad of his thumb as he spoke. “But I didn’t. Not because I didn’t care, but… there never was a good time. Besides, Yoongi will come to us when he’s willing.”

Seokjin reached up to brush the hair off Jeongguk’s forehead. “You know this too, Jeongguk. He’ll come to you eventually.”

“I hope so, Hyung,” Jeongguk whispered.

There was another knock at the door as the guard quietly stuck their head in. “Your Majesty, The Lord Chancellor.”

Jeongguk’s brows furrowed. He wasn’t expecting so many visitors this late into the night.

Of course, let him in.”

Namjoon entered, hair askew and shoulders tense and there was an angry force to his steps. He stopped only when he saw that Jeongguk had company.

“Hyung,” Namjoon whispered, almost guilty. “I - I didn’t know you’d be here.”

Seokjin’s brow raised, “I told you that I was going to check on Jeongguk’s wounds once more before I leave tomorrow.”


“Namjoon-hyung,” Jeongguk started. “Is something wrong?”

“I wanted to talk to you,” Namjoon muttered, “alone, Jeongguk.”

Jeongguk’s head co*cked to the side. “Hyung, whatever you have to say to me, you can say with Seokjin-hyung here, can’t you?”

“I know what he wants,” Seokjin said quietly, shoulders sagging like he had this conversation before.“He wants to convince you to let him go to Rossarya with me.”

Jeongguk turns to the other man. “Hyung, is that true?”

Namjoon licks his lips. “I don’t want Seokjin-hyung to go alone.”

“You can’t come,” Seokjin immediately said.

“Why not?” Namjoon snapped, eyes sharp, voice a touch louder than usual - and Jeongguk was shocked.

“You are the Lord Chancellor,” Seokjin said calmly, “you hold the greatest amount of power next to Jeongguk. You are a high profile figure in Naissian politics.”

“Why does it have to be you? You’re part of his King’s Circle,” Namjoon argued weakly, and Jeongguk was not used to hearing Namjoon like this, bordering on irrational.

“You’re right - but I will draw the least attention. Jieun is part of the Royal Family, Hoseok is Jeongguk’s cousin and a figure in the military, and Yoongi is his brother who doesn’t want to be in the public eye. The fact that we have to send someone to go is difficult enough - but it has to be someone that Jeongguk can trust.”

Namjoon couldn’t argue with Seokjin’s logic. He ran his tongue over the inside of his cheek as he glared at the floor. The Lord Chancellor of Naissus then whipped his head to Jeongguk, eyes asking him to step in - to use his power and his influence to change the tides of their argument. Seokjin also turned to Jeongguk and in Seokjin’s eyes he knew he was right, but when Jeongguk looked to Namjoon - all he saw was a dying glimmer of hope that Jeongguk would take his side.

“You shouldn’t go, Namjoon-hyung,” Jeongguk said quietly. “Seokjin-hyung’s right.”

Namjoon turned back to Seokjin - there was a desperation in his eyes - something that Jeongguk hadn’t seen in the logical man. Namjoon ran his hands through his hair. His stance was closed in and small and - Jeongguk averted his eyes as Seokjin stood and pulled Namjoon’s hands away from his face.

“I know that, I know I’m being irrational,” Namjoon said, hanging his head as he spoke. “Security will be high - there will be other royals and peerages present. The chances of something happening are slim - perhaps none. But I can’t help but worry.”

“You can’t protect me from everything, Joon-ah,” Seokjin replied, gently. “I’m not going to war, I’m going to a coronation of an Emperor.”

“I don’t want you to go alone,” Namjoon repeated. “What if something happens and I’m not there.”

Jeongguk chanced a glance - to see Seokjin’s eyes reflecting the same hesitance and pain.

“I worry too - about what would happen if I’m not here to protect you,” Seokjin replied.

“Am I being unreasonable?” Namjoon asked, looking up finally, turning to Jeongguk as well.

“No, Joon,” Seokjin said with a huff of a laugh, “this is simply the nature of love, is it not?”

Namjoon was never one for physical affection, rarely does Jeongguk catch him in any public displays - other than pressing himself into Seokjin’s side. Now, Namjoon crowded into Seokjin’s space, slumping into the older man’s shoulder, and pressing his face into the side of Seokjin’s neck.

Seokjin wrapped his arms around the younger man, a smile that Jeongguk could only describe as ‘fond’ gracing his features.

“It’ll only be for a couple of days,” Seokjin soothed, gently petting Namjoon’s hair. He looked over Namjoon’s head to Jeongguk. “Take care of each other while I’m gone, Jeongguk?”

“I will, Hyung,” Jeongguk answered, watching Seokjin tuck his taller lover against his side and lead him out the door.

“What are we all but lovestruck fools?” Seokjin asked.

Jeongguk doesn’t sleep well that night, tossing and turning until he ends up sitting by the window ledge, hoping that the soft light of the moon will ease his tensions.

The morning after Seokjin’s departure was dreary, with too many parts of their family missing. Namjoon was quiet at breakfast, throwing himself deeper into work as a coping mechanism for his stress and anxiety.

In the absence of Namjoon’s leadership and Seokjin’s care, Hoseok took over, making sure that they planned to spend dinner together despite three of their new seven-member family gone. Hoseok also made plans to watch the coronation together. There were dark circles under the man’s eyes - like he was losing sleep - like they all had too much on their plate.

The day drifted by in a haze of meetings that Jeongguk can barely remember and documents that he pushed off until the last minute. When the night came, he still had so much nervous energy that sleep would be impossible, so Jeongguk decided to go for a run around the estate. It took some time before the guards could arrange for someone to accompany him - Hoseok was still cautious, especially if Jeongguk planned on nightly excursions.

The light of the moon and some of the garden lamps were enough for Jeongguk and his guard to see down the pathway. The guard jogged alongside him, holding a flashlight in the event that the clouds blocked their main source of light. He made a full lap around the pond before his thoughts turned to the first night he walked with Taehyung out here. Suddenly, Jeongguk’s light jog turned into a full-out sprint as he attempted to escape the incessant thoughts of Taehyung, Taehyung, Taehyung. He relished in the burn of his lungs and muscles, the sounds of his footsteps against the pavement, and the hard thumping of his heart against his ribcage.

It was another forty-five minutes before he staggered back to the palace, his guard also panting and wobbling on his feet as he bid the king good night once his duties were done. Jeongguk struggled to get up the stairs, using the banister for support when his legs refused to stay balanced.

As he reached the top of the stairs, the soft melodic keys of a piano caught his ear.

He peered down the hallway, seeing the light of the Erato Music Room glowing in the darkness - Yoongi.

The notes are light - faint.

Yoongi’s choice of music often reflected his mood - soft and gentle songs for when he’s calm and content, louder and heavier on the virtuoso pieces for when he's frustrated and needs an outlet - and these hauntingly beautiful pieces for when he’s… sad?

The music called to Jeongguk, and he quietly made his way to the music room.

He recognized the hunched figure. Yoongi’s horrible posture was a trademark.

His brother’s eyes were closed, letting the music take him. Jeongguk knocked, a short, rapt noise on the doorframe. Yoongi opened his eyes and looked over, but he didn’t stop - not even phased by the sound.

Jeongguk took that as a sign that he could enter.

Yoongi returned his attention to the song, eyes fluttering close again.

Jeongguk slowly sat down on the bench beside his brother, back facing the piano. The bench was too small for both of them to sit comfortably without being pressed closely together and Yoongi grunted, tilting away from Jeongguk and the warmth and sweat of his skin.

But he gets through the song without a hitch, fingers light as the music comes to an end and Yoongi lets his hands fall into his lap.

“I haven’t heard you play that song before,” Jeongguk commented.

“It’s a contemporary piece,” Yoongi replied, “from an Attalian composer. Did you go for a run?”

Jeongguk hummed. “Yeah... felt restless… wanted to burn some energy. You haven’t played in a while.”

Yoongi scoffed, crossing his legs as he traced the keys without looking over at Jeongguk.

“Do I need a reason to play?”

“No… it just... that was a sad song... ” Jeongguk said, his words getting quieter. He spun around in his seat, until he could rest his back against Yoongi’s side, tilting his head back onto Yoongi’s shoulder. “You haven’t played many sad songs in a while.”

Yoongi groaned under Jeongguk’s weight - and probably the feeling of the younger’s damp hair on his neck. But Yoongi doesn’t move.

“I know.”

“Are you okay?” Jeongguk whispered, barely audible.


Finally, Yoongi moved, raising his arm and resting his elbow on the base of the music stand. The motions jostled Jeongguk to the point where he was now draped over Yoongi’s back. It was uncomfortable for him and probably the older man too - but at the same time, there was the security of the physical touch.

“Do you remember,” Yoongi whispered, “when you offered to keep tabs on my family?”

“Yes,” Jeongguk said. “Hoseok-hyung and I offered you the option to have a couple of people in our secret service follow your family. Why - did something come up - are you in danger?”

“No, Jeongguk,” Yoongi said. “I’m just… curious… I had a conversation with Jimin - ”

There was a strain in Yoongi’s voice in the way he said Jimin’s name, a pause - a hesitation. Jeongguk quickly sat up, spinning around again to face his older brother. Yoongi had his eyes closed, his cheek pressed into his palm as he leaned into the piano.

“We spoke about… things of the past and my family came up,” Yoongi continued.

Jeongguk’s brows furrowed, “Things of the past…Does… he know?”

Yoongi sighed, “We spoke that night - the night of the gala, and before you ask, no this is not a memory you lost - this is something I haven’t told you yet.”

Yoongi fidgeted.

“How did you meet?” Jeongguk asked.

The older man opened his eyes slowly, lips pressing into a thin line - into a curl of a smile as his eyes narrowed into slits. He sucked in a breath - glancing into the distance like he was recalling a memory.

“I think I was fourteen when I met him,” Yoongi said softly, “he must have been around nine or ten.”

Min Yoongi was a man of few words and even fewer actions. Of all the members of his King’s Circle, it was his own brother that Jeongguk found the hardest to read, for Yoongi’s eyes revealed little of his thoughts. But throughout the years, Jeongguk has learnt and kept a list of miniscule almost undetectable habits that his brother has.

The older man shifted, tilting his head away from his palm, fingernail scraping absentmindedly over the side of his ear. A tendency Jeongguk noticed when Yoongi was nervous.

“During the spring months,” Yoongi continued, “the Royal Family hosts some festivals - mostly for flowers - as the country is known for it. My family attends… he - my father enjoyed festivities as ways to show off his wealth and position.”

Yoongi’s eyes fluttered closed again and his hand stopped moving.

He licked his lips, brows furrowing and eyelids screwing tight in thought. “I met Jimin during one of the festivals, he was already by Taehyung’s side. He was the first-born child of the Marquis of Châtaigne, a prominent member of House Turnesol. At ten years old, Jimin was already preparing to take on his role as the Crown Prince’s advisor, friend, sword, and shield.”

“Crownsguards are highly respected in Attalia,” Yoongi continued, his eyes opening just a crack. “Unlike in Naissus, where the positions in court change based on the sovereign's favour, House Turnesol has the everlasting position of the second-most powerful house next to the Royal Family.”

“I liked seeing the chateau,” Yoongi murmured. Yoongi was never very fond of speaking about his past in Attalia. He would talk about it when asked by those he trusted - offering nothing but the truth when questions arose - but there was never a tenderness in the way Yoongi recounted memories of his childhood there. But now, in the rasp of Yoongi’s voice was a gentle lilt - a fondness. “It was one of the chances to explore the castle - there was a piano in the library - it was an old instrument that was rarely used and out of tune when I found it - but it was one of the rare chances that I got to play.”

He sat up, hands dropping to the piano keys again, featherlight as he played some silent tune.

“I was never very social - as you know. I think during that festival, I found a quiet patch in the palace gardens to take a nap. But I heard two voices and found the Crown Prince and his Crownsguard wandering down by a lake with rocky ledges.”

“It’s a blurry memory, but I remember a horse - that somehow got spooked - and it ran towards the prince. Jimin pushed Taehyung out of the way and somehow he tumbled over the edge and broke his ankle. I remember telling Taehyung to go get help and I piggybacked Jimin into the castle. Someone pulled him off of me when we arrived - and I lost sight of him in the panic of something happening to the Crown Prince and his Crownsguard.”

“I thought that would be the end of it,” Yoongi whispered, “I never told my father what happened because I knew he would try to milk it for all it was worth, especially given Jimin’s family’s status.”

“You know - I thought he’d forget,” Yoongi said. He huffed, a crooked grin pulling on his lips. “I thought that would be the end of it.”

Yoongi fingers pressed the keys harder and out came a few melancholy notes of the melody he played earlier. The sound lingered.

“But...Jimin remembered me, and he sought my company during every festival afterwards,” Yoongi confided. He splayed his fingers out on the keys, brushing tenderly along the ivory. “I came to the palace a couple months after to find the old piano in the library cleaned and tuned.”

Yoongi takes a deep breath. “But I digress. What I wanted to tell you was that Jimin remembered the stories of my… ‘death.’”

“Does... Taehyung know?”

Yoongi scoffed, “Taehyung knows, not because Jimin told him. But because the woman I was… engaged to is his cousin, Park Suran of House Rose.”

“She helped you stage your death didn’t she?.”

“Yes…” Yoongi said, he dropped his head back, listlessly. “Jimin confronted me that night on the balcony.”

Yoongi lifted his fingers off the keys, resting his hand in his lap and slowly starting to pick at the side of his thumb nail. Jeongguk knew this to be a habit of Yoongi’s when agitated, and if he let Yoongi have at it for too long, he’d start bleeding.

“I don’t think anyone heard.” Yoongi started again, “We spoke in Attalian. But - ”

Yoongi paused, licking his lips. His eyes darted up to meet Jeongguk’s for just a moment before he’s staring at the piano again.

“But if Jimin remembers…” Yoongi said in barely a whisper as if he’s scared someone would hear, “what if someone else remembers too?”


“I never stop thinking that one day I will bring scandal to your reign when someone discovers my history,” Yoongi breathed.

Hyung,” Jeongguk said. Yoongi’s voice was so small. Yoongi was so small as he curled in on himself and Jeongguk choked as his heart jerked painfully and all he wanted was to stop Yoongi from hurting.

But Yoongi wasn’t wrong - should rumours that Min Yoongi of House Eiridanus, Earl of Libertas was actually Min Yoongi of House Pivoine, Second Son of the ex-Baron of LaNoix - it would be a great scandal. It would put the Queen Mother’s reputation and Jeongguk’s own credibility in choosing his advisors on the line. But they were all aware of it - and they already had contingency plans in place that Yoongi himself was aware of.

Jeongguk and his King’s Circle were prepared and willing to take the risk.

“Hyung, we were aware of the risks. I was aware and I wanted you by my side regardless,” Jeongguk hissed. “Why - why do you bring this up now? Do you think Jimin will tell?”

“No,” Yoongi replied. “No… Jimin wouldn’t… and I doubt Taehyung would betray him. Loyalty between House Chrysantheme and House Turnesol is mutual and will go to the grave. It’s just - ”

Yoongi released a shuddering breath, closing his eyes again. “I am so grateful for what Eommoni has given me,” he said, pointedly, “the ability to pursue what I love, a choice to live my life away from the cameras, a family. I should be happy, I am happy.”

Yoongi’s nails dug deeper into his skin.

“But is it wrong of me to want him too?” Yoongi asked breathlessly. “I can barely avoid the spotlight in my current position, I can’t even imagine the heat that Jimin faces with his reputation and his role. I cannot bear ruining him too.”

“Did you love him?” Jeongguk asked, and he remembered that he asked Yoongi the same question all those months before when this all started.

“I was sixteen,” Yoongi repeated, barking a laugh, “what did I know of love?”

Jeongguk reached out, covering Yoongi’s hand with his own and stopping him from breaking skin. Yoongi froze, eyes opening just a little wider to glance at Jeongguk.

“And now?”

Yoongi pulled his hand out from underneath Jeongguk’s, rising to his feet. Yoongi couldn’t hold Jeongguk’s gaze for long - Yoongi never maintained eye contact for long.

“I don’t know,” Yoongi whispered, voice cracking. “I don’t know.”

The broken fragility in Yoongi’s voice rang sharper and longer than the melodies that he played. It was a feeling that Jeongguk was more than familiar with.

Yoongi left him in the music room after whispering what was his only lie during the entire conversation.

Jeongguk snigg*red. What were they all but lovestruck fools?

Jeongguk was tired, sore after the impromptu run the night before and he could not sleep well after his talk with Yoongi. It wasn’t until the early hours of the morning that he started dozing. He skipped breakfast in favour of a couple more hours of sleep, and was just now staggering into the media room where the staff had brought refreshments for the viewing.

He was the last one there, rubbing his eyes as he stumbled in, dressed in an oversized black hoodie and sweats. Already on the couch was Hoseok, stretched out and scrolling through a tablet as he twirled a stylus in hand. Yoongi was sitting at the bar, haphazardly tipping a large decanter of whiskey into his cup of coffee - which at this point - probably had more whiskey than anything else. Beside him, Namjoon stares with a raised brow.

“If I am going to make it through watching hours of red carpets and frivolous commentary, I need a drink,” Yoongi snapped. Namjoon sighed, more-so endeared than frustrated before carefully bringing his own cup to the side table and sitting down on the lone loveseat. Already balanced on the armrest was a book titled The Illustrated History of the Orivalian Empire.

“How much longer before it starts?” Jeongguk asked, peeling one eye open to squint at the screen.

“Maybe five or ten,” Namjoon replied.

Currently, the screen showed two reporters sitting in a studio, talking about the proposed guests who were said to come today as the camera behind them pans around the Citadel of Rossarya. The palace rests on the mountainous cliffside of Rossarya. It was a stunning and terrifying structure that climbed to the heavens with its pointed arches and flying buttresses. In the fiery light of the sun setting behind the cliff, Jeongguk could not deny how beautiful the Citadel was - or how beautiful Rossarya was.

Jeongguk crashed onto the couch, curling against Hoseok as he closed his eyes for several more minutes. Orivala was about eight hours ahead of Naissus, which meant it was already evening in Rossarya. Hoseok wrapped an arm around Jeongguk’s shoulders, pulling him closer so he could rest his head on his cousin’s chest. Hoseok chuckled softly, running his fingers through the young king’s hair. Jeongguk missed moments like these.

“Why are they televising it?” Hoseok asked, and Jeongguk could feel the gentle rumble from his cousin’s chest. “It feels like Park Hae-jin is showing off.”

“He is,” Namjoon answered. “To televise it is to show who’s coming to support him.”

Jeongguk forced one eye open. Despite how tired he was, he couldn't seem to sleep with the niggling feeling that something was wrong settling deep in the pit of his stomach.

“The cameras and all the angles are focused on the guests - who is coming, what they are wearing - because at events like these, clothes are symbolic,” Yoongi added.

“I thought Orivala was actually going to show the rites and rituals,” Jeongguk mumbled.

“I think the rites have been completed,” Namjoon said. “And I doubt the Emperor would allow that to be televised.”

“I doubt any foreign guests were permitted to view that,” Yoongi muttered, moving from the bar with his spiked coffee onto the couch, sitting on Jeongguk’s other side. If Jeongguk wondered for a second that there was any bitterness between them from last night, the thought was quickly washed away when Yoongi placed a hand on his leg and began rubbing slow circles into his knee.

“What are the coronation rituals?” Jeongguk asks, “Are they anything like ours?”

“I read about it in some books,” Namjoon said.

“It is not exactly a coronation rite - more so enthronement,” Namjoon said. “The Sovereign King of Naissus is said to be a connection - a mere link - to the Six. As history states, the Kings of Old were the first to enter a covenant with the mighty Astrals and speak the oaths - thus forming House Cepheus - and thus your claim to the throne. House Cerebyrn claim to be direct descendants of the Goddess of Dusk and God of the Moon. There are no oaths. It is his birthright to rule and his birthright to do as he sees fit with his kingdom.”

“The rites begin at dusk with the new Emperor offering prayers to the Day Slayer and the Silver One, then he proceeds to his throne where his court will arrive to declare fealty.”

“The rites have very little to do about caring for his people.”

Jeongguk hums softly to himself, eyes now settling on the large projector screen. He could see that the guests were starting to arrive for the gala event. The reporters spoke in the Common Language, with the same accent he heard in Su-hwa’s words as they announced and spoke about the guests who were coming to celebrate. There was a row of black cars lining up in front of the Citadel, and slowly, guests stepped out, waving to the flashing cameras before disappearing into the castle.

Jeongguk closed his eyes again, listening to the reporters list off the senators and officials of Orivalian court. It was only when he heard the report say the name of the recently fallen Queen of Aquileia that he jolted awake.

There the former Queen Lim Areum stepped out of the black vehicle in an ash-grey gown. The woman, barely middle-aged, wore a circlet of pearls in her dark-coloured hair. She barely looked at the flashing cameras, holding her head high as she marched down the red carpet and disappeared into the Citadel.

That is a statement,” Namjoon said. “Choosing to wear grey to a coronation.”

“Grey is the colour of mourning in Aquileia, isn’t it?” Jeongguk asked. The fact that the Queen had decided to wear mourning colours to the coronation of the Emperor who annexed her kingdom was bold...and it was unsettling seeing members of the royal households of the countries vassalized by the Empire attending the event.

“Here arrives the Imperial Consul of Lavicci,” the announcer stated, as an older man with a thick, greying beard appeared, fully garbed in the military dress uniform of Orivala, a blood red fabric with gold aiguillettes on one shoulder and a sash in the dark maroon of House Cerebyrn draped underneath. Mounted on the jacket over his left breast were a series of medals and awards of his service to the Empire.

Jeongguk remembered seeing the man in the news before. He had been the Imperial Consul of Lavicci since the Duke of Lavicci was killed in the war seven years ago. The Duke had no surviving relatives and the republic surrendered.

“Now, we can see the Imperial Consul of Galatea arriving.”

Jeongguk sank deeper into the couch as he watched another man, who looked no different than the Consul of Lavicci. He wore the same uniform, with the same sash and decors on his chest.

“I didn’t realize that they installed a consul already,” Hoseok added.

“The entire House of Champoo was killed in the war for Galatea,” Namjoon said softly.

Jeongguk remembered the reports of the King of Galatea’s death when his entourage was ambushed and his only child, the young Lalisa Manoban, rose to power during the peak of the war.

She was the same age Jeongguk was when she ascended the throne. Under her reign, Galatea refused to bend the knee to the Empire after the death of the Czar. Those loyal to the Galatean throne fought and fought until it was said that the young Czarina was killed by an assassin.

It seemed to be the fate for all who opposed the Empire’s reign. Jeongguk couldn’t let that happen to Attalia - he would not let that happen to Taehyung.

“Representing the Kingdom of Naissus is His Grace, Kim Seokjin the Duke of Concordia.”

Seokjin steps out of the vehicle then, smoothly buttoning his suit jacket. He wore black, as usual, given the nature of House Cepheus’ colours.

“It is said that His Grace is one of the members of the esteemed King’s Circle of the Naissian Crown.”

“Naissus does not often send representatives to these events, so the coronation of our great Emperor is truly a momentous event.”

Seokjin raised a hand to wave politely at the cameras, and his open palm showed off the pink scar across his hand. It was smaller than the rest of Jeongguk’s King’s Circle: Seokjin’s cut was made with the precision of his occupation.

As usual, Seokjin wore the colours of the Crown. He also had a brooch pinned over his heart by diamonds with the emblem of a charioteer that sits in the center of a circle of jewels. The brooch shimmed in the dimming Rossarian sun, standing out against the crushed velvet suit that made the black fabric even darker.

Jeongguk vaguely remembers seeing the brooch on Namjoon.

Out of the corner of his eye, Jeongguk saw Yoongi lean out of the stool, walking up to the projector screen until his shadow blocked their vision of Seokjin. Yoongi turned back, pointing at the brooch.

“Namjoon, that brooch is an heirloom of House Auriga, isn't it?” he accused.

“It is,” Namjoon hummed and Jeongguk could see the man’s attempt at hiding a grin, drawing his lips into his teeth and biting on them to stop the grin. “I - I gave it to him a while ago… I didn’t expect him to wear it today.”

“This is a statement,” Hoseok said teasingly.

“That will be all over the tabloids in a couple of minutes,” Yoongi grumbled. “And the only thing people will talk about for the rest of the week. ‘Kim Seokjin wears the family heirloom of House Auriga, is Kim Namjoon finally going to tie the knot?’”

Jeongguk bit his lip, looking down as he wondered why Seokjin would choose to wear something as visible as an heirloom gift from Namjoon. It was not a secret that Namjoon and Seokjin were a couple - they were seen together in public enough for the country and Commonwealth to know that neither were eligible anymore.

But the fact that Seokjin wore a piece of jewellery gifted to him by Namjoon meant that he was trying to gather attention - not in Orivala - but in Naissus. The realization then dawned on Jeongguk - Seokjin was drawing the tabloids and magazines away from writing about Lee Sunmi’s engagement and bringing Hoseok into the mix, instead choosing to be in the spotlight himself.

Jeongguk turned to Namjoon - and Namjoon met his eyes. Namjoon shook his head, like he didn't want Jeongugk to make a scene.

He was right.

Namjoon doesn’t add any more, instead, lifting the coffee cup to his lips, with his eyes glued on the TV, following Seokjin’s figure as he enters the Citadel.

“Representing the Former Duchy of Estermery is Prince Ahn Hanul of House Esfir - twenty-three years old and betrothed to Lady Yoo Su-hwa.”

Ahn Hanul was about Jeongguk’s age, a handsome man with sharp eyes and delicate features. He wore a suit in a red so dark it was almost black, but it was no doubt the colours of the Empire. Estermery was the first to surrender to the Empire, wanting to pursue peace for their people rather than the bloodshed of their neighbours.

Then another car comes up to the driveway of the Citadel - and out steps a familiar figure with silvery hair freshly re-dyed.


Unlike his usual appearances dressed in clean black suits, he was dressed in the full military regalia of Attalia, the white uniform a stark contrast to the darker shades of the consuls. He still wore the same brooch with the emblem of his devotion to the First Prince, this time hanging in the center of the high collar of his uniform. The Crownsguard regarded the media with a stern gaze before rounding the car and opening the door on the other side.

Jeongguk was tempted to invoke the name of the Six.

Taehyung had also dyed his hair upon his return to Attalia -- back to the natural black and wildly permed, falling in front of his eyes. He wore a black three-piece suit, crisp and clean. Over his chest was the same brooch, the Dream of Winter, and close to his throat was a pearl necklace with silver and jewelled charms hanging on the strands.

“And here is His Royal Highness, the First Prince of Attalia and his Crownsguard, Park Jimin.”

Yoongi squints at the screen, “The necklace is a gift from the Dowager Queen Hwang Mishil to the current Queen of Attalia on her wedding day.”

“He is representing both the King and Queen of Attalia,” Namjoon said.

“I thought he would be wearing white, as it is a colour that he favours and is often associated with House Chrysantheme…” Yoongi said. “But he wore black.”

“Park Hae-jin knows the colours of the Naissian Crown are black,” Namjoon said.

“Recent news reports that His Royal Highness has entered a courtship with His Majesty the King of Naissus.”

Like Yoongi said, clothes worn to these events are symbolic - and Taehyung chose his outfit to be the symbol of the alliance between the two countries. The First Prince was beautiful regardless of his hair colour, but the shade of black was a striking contrast to the blonde Jeongguk was so fond of. Taehyung was graceful as ever on screen, smoothing the front of his jacket as he raised a hand in the direction of the cameras and gave a demure smile. He looped a hand through Jimin’s waiting arm and disappeared into the castle far too soon.

“Speculations are that the arrangement is for a political advantage and not a courtship of love.”

Jeongguk snigg*red loudly at that, rolling his eyes.

Taehyung took Jimin’s arm and headed off into the Citadel as well.

The next guest was none other than Su-hwa. Unlike the first time Jeongguk saw her, Su-hwa looked the part of a princess now. She appeared in the colours of the House Cerebyrn, a deep maroon gown that pooled at her feet. On her head, she wore a golden crown encrusted with diamonds. Beside her was the same woman with blue hair, the mask still present. Su-hwa glanced uncomfortably at the cameras, forcing a smile on her face as she lifted the skirts of her gown and almost rushed into the castle.

And here arrives Her Royal Highness, Yoo Su-hwa of House Cerebyrn.”

“It is of no surprise that the Her Royal Highness is wearing one of the heirloom tiaras, given her position as a child of the late-Emperor, but it is curious as to when she will inherit the formal title of Princess.”

“When Yoo Su-hwa came to Naissus, she was observing Orivalian mourning rites,” Yoongi said, “wasn’t she, Namjoon?”

“I think so,” Namjoon replied. “Black is not the traditional colours of mourning in the Empire. It’s earthy colours, browns to symbolize humility and show respect to the Silver One and the Day Slayer. The mourning period should be observed for six months after the death of the monarch. The fact that he is holding his coronation now…”

Namjoon doesn’t need to finish his sentence for Jeongguk to understand the implications.

The camera panned to the inside the ballroom of the Citadel, where finally Jeongguk got a glimpse of the Emperor. Park Hae-jin was garbed in elaborate brocade fabrics with golden embroidery along the hemlines. On his head sat a crown lined with jewels that glistened in the light of the chandeliers. The cameras did not linger on the image of the newly crowned emperor for long, instead panning around the room as the reporters commented on the itinerary for the gala and the rest of the guests.

It was a crowded room as guests made their way to pay respects and congratulate the Emperor. He couldn’t see Seokjin or Taehyung and Jimin on the screen yet, so Jeongguk stopped paying attention to the commentary. He eased into the lull of information about performances as he started grabbing snacks from the table, chewing and swallowing whatever he could get his hands on, not really tasting the food.

Beside him, he could hear Hoseok and Namjoon talking and Yoongi’s throaty voice interject here and there.

A loud cracking sound jolts him out of the haze.

The TV screen went black. There was a brief moment where Jeongguk hoped that the power simply went out in Sol Palace, or maybe the cameraman in the Citadel tripped over a wire. No one moved.

The screen was suddenly flooded with static. A figure in a hood materializes within the grey buzz.

“This is a pirated broadcast from Galatea,” came the scratchy, scrambled voice through the screen.

Namjoon stood, the cup of coffee on his lap tumbling to the floor and breaking with a crash that Jeongguk could barely hear through the high-pitched screech that left Jeongguk’s ears ringing.

The Lord Chancellor fumbled with his phone for several seconds before pressing it to his ear.

“Namjoon --” came Seokjin’s voice through the phone’s speaker. “The reception just started. Is something the matter? You aren’t upset that I wore the brooch are - ”

“Hyung,” Namjoon breathed. “Something - something’s wrong. You need to get out now.”


“I repeat: this is a pirated broadcast from Galatea with the message for the Empire - the Czarina Lalisa Manoban lives.”

Hyung - leave!”

“Nam-” Seokjin’s words are cut off by the explosive sounds of - gunshots.

“Long live the Czarina. Long live the revolution.”

The broadcast ended with the flash of the bars of the test card and an ominous, piercing, unending screech.





New Characters:
Lee Sunmi
House: Vulpecula (the fox)
Title: Countess of Maiesta (Roman Goddess of Honour and Reverence) [by marriage]
Age: 28

Lalisa Manoban [BlackPink]
Title: Czarina of Galatea
House: Champoo (Thai word for pink)
Age: 21

Author’s Note:
1) Coronation of the Naissian monarch: this scene and tradition was inspired by what I could research about coronation ceremonies of Korean monarchs during the Joseon dynasty. There wasn’t much other than a chapter about the Confucian traditions in the coronation ceremony of Yeongjo of Joseon. I felt like it was important to include this, considering how the country of Naissus has specific elements of Korean culture. The traditions of the coronation were also inspired by the British monarchy and Christian theology. However, the religion in Naissus is inspired by Final Fantasy XV, as seen by the oaths made to the Six rather than to a single god. The Temple of the Six is inspired by the Pantheon in Rome and the Somnus Mausoleum is inspired by the Royal Mausoleum in Frogmore.

2) The piece Yoongi is playing is called The French Library by Franz Gordon.

3) The scene when Hoseok and Namjoon talking about the coronation was inspired by topics brought up in the TV series The Crown.


5) Please leave a comment! A little encouragement goes a long way, and I would love, love, love to hear what you guys thought of the story thus far.

6) Come talk to me on Twitter or ask me questions on Curious Cat. I love making new friends! See you all real soon!


Chapter 15: interlude: zugzwang


A special thank you to minmi. It has been an absolute joy having you by my side as a beta reader. Thank you for your enthusiasm, attention to detail, and willingness to put up with my absolute madness.

Chapter Playlist

z u g z w a n g

(noun.) “compulsion to move” A situation, found in chess, in which the obligation to make a move in one’s turn is a serious, often decisive, disadvantage. A player is said to be ‘in zugzwang’ when any possible move will worsen their position.


(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

chapter fifteen
i n t e r l u d e : z u g z w a n g

In the beginning, during the days after Taehyung had received the blessing, Jimin’s world was just as dark as Taehyung’s.

There were two clear memories he had of the after: Taehyung’s eyes, the first time he opened them - cold, eerie blue like in all of the paintings of the Maiden - falling shut soon after.

Then, things start growing hazy.

Jimin was told that he carried an unconscious Taehyung out of the underground Tomb of the Maiden up to the garden conservatory.

He was told that he demanded an immediate private audience with the King and Queen and let no one near Taehyung until the request was granted.

The second memory was seeing both the King and Queen openly weep at what their eldest son had done.

The next few months were just as blurry. Upon the orders of the King, Taehyung and Jimin absconded to the Palais d’Étoile in Ravenna, where they stayed for almost an entire year in convalescence.

There were only a handful of people who knew the truth of Taehyung’s blessing: the immediate Royal Family and the members of the Crownsguard. There were minimal staff at the Palais d’Étoile - and all were told that the First Prince sustained a head injury that took his eyesight and the public must not know.

The months passed under the clouds of uncertainty. Of learning curves, frustrations, and tears for both Taehyung and Jimin.

Taehyung had to learn how to live again without his sight - and to learn how to handle the visions as they came. And Jimin had to learn how to support his prince in new and unfamiliar ways.

There were days when they fought. When Jimin only wanted to help, and by doing so without asking for Taehyung’s permission he took away his friend’s independence and control.

In the years of their friendship, Jimin could count the number of times they fought on his hands. Never did their fights ever get as bad as the ones in those days - bad enough that the thought of relinquishing his title as Crownsguard crossed his mind. Jimin remembers the frustration and anger - and then the pain and the guilt of what he had done.

He remembers drinking - he remembers getting wasted and then stumbling around the palace calling Taehyung’s name. He remembers hearing Taehyung’s worried voice come in and out of focus. He remembers the apologies that streamed from his lips as he collapsed and cried on Taehyung’s lap.

In the midst of Jimin's drunken confessions, Taehyung also cried, asking Jimin for forgiveness for taking his frustrations out on the Crownsguard. In those moments of vulnerability, Taehyung whispered his fears of being unable to manage his newfound gift and the price that it came with. He asked Jimin if he had made a mistake, before backtracking on his words so quickly that Jimin still wondered if Taehyung said it at all.

Things slowly got better after that. Taehyung no longer skirted around difficult topics, being clear with Jimin about what he wanted help with and what he didn’t want help with. Jimin, too, began asking before doing anything to assist Taehyung. It hurt at first to only be able to watch Taehyung struggle with things that once came so easily to him, but eventually, they saw progress. Though they still had arguments, it never got as bad as the first.

The six months also came with rumours and speculations about why on earth the beloved, social First Prince suddenly disappeared from society. Jimin heard stories about the speculations: rumours of illnesses and injuries, secret engagements, and the hushed whispers of the Goddess’ gift.

The rumours grew like a crescendo through the winter turn spring months and soon Jimin heard about the moniker.

His Royal Highness, the First Prince of Attalia, Blood of the Oracle.

Blessed be the Blood of the Oracle.

The Royal Family was diligent in addressing none of the rumours, leaving the public to speculate and think what they will. It would be Taehyung’s decision on how to address the public upon his return - of course, barring the truth - but now, their main priority was to protect him while he recovered.

Some days were better than others - and there were times where Jimin prayed to the Goddesses to spare Taehyung from receiving any visions. There were days where the prince was confined to his bed - too nauseous by the lack of his own sight and too disoriented when the visions took him, sometimes dropping in and out of consciousness.

But like Taehyung, Jimin was constantly blind-sided by visions.

It was a warm day in the early spring months when Taehyung was well enough to insist on going to the palace gardens.

He had spent the morning, as he does every morning, with the lone physician who was sworn to secrecy - learning how to walk, eat, dress and live again. In the afternoons, he spends time with Jimin - learning more about the lores and histories of the blessing, hoping that there would be something documented regarding the ancient oral stories that could help Taehyung hone his gift. The searches are often interrupted by Taehyung’s fatigue.

So Jimin obliges, hoping that the afternoon in the sunlight and mountain air will be good for Taehyung.

The Palais d’ Etoile was named for being so high up in the mountains - providing a beautiful view of Ravenna below and the clouds that surround the Floating Isles. Taehyung once said that the sound of the waterfall crashing over the cliffs lulled him to sleep at night because it distracted him from the other sounds that he’s become so hyperaware of - now that he relied so much more on his hearing.

The Crownsguard sits in the reclining chair beside him, absentmindedly weaving a crown of flowers together as he breathes in the calming scent of lavender. Taehyung always preferred to sit near the bushes of the purple flowers that his mother had planted just for him. On the opposite chair, Taehyung dozed - not really asleep - for he kept tapping his index finger on the back of his hand to a rhythm somewhere in his thoughts.

“I made a flower crown for you,” Jimin says, finishing the final knot in the stems.

Taehyung opens his eyes at the sound of Jimin’s voice. Taehyung had been trying to keep his eyes closed out of fear that a vision will one day trigger in public and give him away.

He worries - but Jimin loved seeing Taehyung’s eyes.

Taehyung reaches out, palm up in Jimin’s general direction.

The Crownsguard carefully places the flower crown in Taehyung’s waiting hand. His fingers are gentle as he brushes over the small delicate flowers and the frosted leaves. He lifts it carefully to his nose, sniffing cautiously.

“I can only smell the lavender, but I think you weaved larkspurs into this too,” Taehyung says.

“You’re getting better at this,” Jimin replies.

“Are the larkspurs purple?”

“Yes, lighter than the lavender, like the dress Jennie wore to your 20th birthday.”

Taehyung hums, carefully placing the crown on his head, adjusting it to settle in his soft brown hair.

“I should make you one, Jimin,” Taehyung declares as he slowly stands, feeling for the white cane he left balanced against the armrest of the chair. “There are zinnias in the -”

Taehyung’s knees buckle and the flower crown tumbles off his head. Jimin’s body moved before his mind could register what was happening.

It’s a vision.

He gently lowers Taehyung into the recliner. The swirling panic of helplessness sits heavy in his chest and threatens to rise to his throat, but Jimin smothers it with the plan both he and Taehyung came up with.

Remind Taehyung that he’s safe, remind him to breathe, and stop him from digging more crescent-shaped scars into the palm of his hands.

The First Prince’s eyes were open, brown irises that always reminded Jimin of the warmth of their childhood were gone, replaced with the glowing, hazy blue of divinity. His eyes follow a scene that was beyond the palace gardens with the sounds of the waterfall and the scent of lavender blossoms - far beyond Jimin’s reach. So Jimin reaches for Taehyung’s hands, gently prying open his fingers and lacing his own between Taehyung’s, squeezing tightly.

“Taehyung -” Jimin calls softly. “Taehyung - you’re safe. I’m right here, it’s a vision.”

He wasn’t expecting a response. But he hopes for some sign that Taehyung heard - instead Jimin realizes that Taehyung was still holding his breath.

“Taehyung.” Jimin’s voice is louder now. “Taehyung. You have to breathe - I know you can hear me, breathe - it will pass.”

Sometimes, Taehyung can’t hear him. Sometimes, as they navigated the new territory of his sightless-seeing, Taehyung will stop breathing for the entire duration of his vision. He’ll hold his breath - and hold it - and hold it until eventually he passes out and it frightens Jimin every time.

“Taehyung. Breathe.” He squeezes Taehyung’s fingers, hoping that the pressure calls Taehyung back to the present long enough for him to hear. “Inhale.”

Taehyung’s limp hand jerks in Jimin’s hold. Then finally, he sucks in a shaky breath and an equally short exhale that has Jimin following in suit. He starts counting, hoping that this will be a shorter vision. Jimin reaches seventy-three seconds before Taehyung slumps back, eyes fluttering shut. Perspiration on his skin as he starts breathing heavily - trying to catch his breath as though he just ran a marathon.

“Hey, you’re okay,” Jimin whispers, brushing the hair off Taehyung’s forehead. “What was it, what did you see?”

It takes a couple more breaths, each one growing longer, more even, before he speaks, words slurring together.

“A council meeting will happen. My brother and sister were there as well as the entire Privy Council. My father… finally decided that it is time to make the formal transition for Jennie to become Crown Princess. The Privy Council was in support of the change.”

“When will it happen?”

Taehyung’s brows bunch together, like he was trying to pull details from the vision.

“Winter, it was snowing outside the windows… and… Jennie cut her hair shorter.” Taehyung replies and though his speech was sounding more coherent, it was apparent that he was exhausted.

“Could be this year then….” Jimin concludes, hands dropping from Taehyung’s face to comfortingly rub his shoulder. “I’m glad the Privy Council was in support.”

“I cannot imagine why they wouldn’t be. Jennie is more than competent.” Taehyung’s voice trails off as he inhales slowly.

“Are you feeling nauseous,” Jimin asks quietly. Taehyung nods once.

Jimin remembers the time Taehyung saw one of the aristocrats dying in a car crash. Taehyung had vomited after the vision, hyperventilating until he eventually fainted and slept on and off for almost twenty four hours.

They have come far since those days.

“There is lemon verbena tea,” Jimin says, standing and walking over to the small table, just behind the two reclining chairs. The tea must be lukewarm by now, sitting in a large glass pot beside a pretty plate of cookies. But Jimin knows that herbal tea helps to settle the nausea and dizziness that Taehyung succumbs to after visions. “Would you want some? There are also some butter cookies - ”

A quiet, barely audible whimper comes out of Taehyung. The sound stops Jimin dead in his tracks as his heart leaps to his throat. He turns back immediately to find that Taehyung has curled in on himself, burying his face into his hands - shoulders shuddering.

Jimin falls to his knees beside Taehyung, gently pulls his hands away from his face. Taehyung’s eyes were closed, eyelashes wet as tears began tracking down his cheeks.

“Taehyung - what’s wrong - are you feeling faint, are you hurting?” Jimin asks, thumbing away the tears.

“No. No - it’s not. Jimin - I - how will I be able to do anything when these visions cripple me?” Taehyung whispers brokenly. He pushes Jimin’s hands away, pressing the palm of his hands into his eyes.

“Jimin, it’s been five months and I can’t even have a simple vision of my father talking to my sister without almost passing out,” Taehyung continues, his voice growing louder - cracking and breaking between syllables but still he presses on.“I thought - I thought that this would save Attalia - was I wrong? I’m too weak to bear this gift - I - ”

“Kim Taehyung,” Jimin snaps, the sudden interruption startling Taehyung into silence.

“Taehyung,” Jimin says again, softly and full of love for the man he calls his best friend. “Tae-tae.” There was a noticeable change in Taehyung’s posture, like his defences shatter for just a moment with the sheer affection in Jimin’s voice.

Jimin leans close, until his forehead presses against Taehyung’s. The prince reaches for Jimin, fingers searching until he could grasp onto Jimin’s wrist like a lifeline.

“How dare you call yourself weak?” Jimin asks. “When you were the one who was brave enough to check under my bed for monsters when we were kids?”

Taehyung’s lips quiver and settle into a thin smile.

“When you are the one who had the courage to ask the Dowager Queen - who famously never dances - to dance at the Spring Flower Festival?

Jimin gets a breathless half-chuckle with that.

“When you are the one with the strength to stand before the Goddess of Death herself?”

Taehyung moves, slumping forward and resting his head the crook of Jimin’s neck.

“You will gain control over this,” Jimin says resolutely. “Trust in your own heart, Taehyung.”

Taehyung starts shaking, as the quiet tears become quiet sobs.

Jimin remembers what the Dowager Queen had asked of him before she passed: to stand by her grandson’s side when he has to make hard and difficult decisions. Jimin never even hesitated to make the promise. Not because he is Taehyung’s sworn sword and shield. But because Jimin loves him.

The Crownsguard wraps his free arm around the prince, pulling him closer. “And I will be with you, always.”

The two weeks before Taehyung and Jimin’s departure to Rossarya were quiet.

It has been nice being back in Marsylle after almost two months in Aurea. Jimin had grown to like the Crown City, but it could not compare to his home and he missed the scent of the flowers that always filled the halls of the Château. He missed how dawn rose over the cliffs of the Floating Isles, how the clouds that hovered beneath the edges changed colours with the rising and setting sun.

The Château de Marsylle was brighter than the majestic Sol Palace, and Jimin missed speaking the language of his lands. It was good to see his mother and father and siblings as well, though their reunion was short as Jimin’s father and Jihyun left to accompany the King and the Second Prince to a summer festival in Avinhon. With almost half the Royal Family and Crownsguard gone, it left only Jennie and Taehyung as the remaining royals in Marsylle.

Jennie and Jisoo had returned to the Sky City after the Crown Princess’ coming of age ceremony in Ravenna and since Taehyung’s return, the siblings were glad to spend some time together.

Jimin was also glad to spend some time with Jisoo. They sparred almost daily - though Jisoo favoured long-distance weaponry, she was just as skilled with a sword. Jimin enjoyed the reprieve of returning home - and feeling as though things were ‘normal’ as they once were. But, he slept as fitfully as he did in Naissus, plagued by dreams and memories that he hoped would leave him alone.

He was actually grateful for the excuse to return home to Attalia, even under the circ*mstances that they were in. It gave him a reprieve - for how could he avoid Yoongi when he’s the Naissian King’s brother?

Jimin thought leaving Naissus would give him reprieve - just enough for him to forget - as he did years before.

But when Jimin closed his eyes, he dreamt of Yoongi’s raspy voice - of Yoongi’s lips desperate against his - of the words that linger and haunt him.

We can’t. Jimin. I can’t.

Last night, Jimin crept into Taehyung’s room in the early hours of the morning. Taehyung woke up to the sound of his door opening, calling Jimin’s name. The prince did not question Jimin’s presence at the hour - pulling down the covers and letting Jimin press into Taehyung’s warmth. The scent from Taehyung’s bath - always lavender, this time with the essence of chamomile blossoms - drenched the soft silk pajamas he wore. The fragrance filled Jimin’s senses, chasing away the orange blossoms and clementines - well enough for Jimin to finally fall asleep.

When Jimin woke up, Taehyung was gone - and he could hear familiar voices coming from the sitting room just beyond the bedroom doors - Taehyung, Jisoo, and Jennie.

Jimin lurched out of bed, staggering through the attached doors of his own rooms to blearily get dressed before making an entrance through the main doors of the First Prince’s chambers. The floor to ceiling glass-paneled windows were thrown wide open, letting in the warm summer air and the scent of the strawberry-like freesias that bloomed in the gardens outside of the sitting room. He found Taehyung and Jennie sitting on the sofa in front of the unlit fireplace with a man Jimin recognized as the Keeper of the Crown Jewels standing in front of them.

The Crown Princess barely looked up from where she sat crouched over several velvet grey jewelry trays laid out on the coffee table. Taehyung turned at the sound of the doors opening and Jimin was quick to announce himself to the First Prince. Jimin’s sister was slouched over a lounge chair closest to the gardens, eyes closed until she heard the doors open. She passed one look at her older brother before turning her head and closing her eyes again.

“Finally decided to join us, Oppa?” Jisoo asked.

“I hoped you’d join us soon,” Taehyung said. “There is breakfast on the side.”

The man standing in front of the fireplace turned, bowing before Jimin.

Jimin hummed, settling down in one of the armchairs, crossing his legs. “I'll just wait to have lunch with you guys later.”

“How about these?” Jennie asked, lifting a pair of earrings in the shape of chrysanthemum flowers. “The petals are made of diamonds and the center is a ruby.”

She placed them in Taehyung’s waiting hands, letting him run his fingers over the design.

“Chrysanthemums?” he asked. “I’ve already got the brooch to represent the Royal House, I wanted something for Eommoni, Jennie.”

“How about the charmed-choker necklace that belongs to Her Majesty the Queen?” the jeweller asked.

Jennie turned. “You mean the one that she wore at her wedding?”

“Indeed, Ma’am,” the jeweller replied. He reached into one of the velvet trays, pulling out a single-strand pearl choker linked together with a silver chain of dangling charms.

Taehyung reached out and with Jennie’s help, he traced the pearls and held one of the charms between his fingertips.

“Halmeoni gifted this to Eommoni, didn’t she?” Taehyung asked.

“I think so,” Jennie replied.

“The pearls themselves came from the seas of Aquileia, the choker was a gift from your grandfather, King Kim Hyun-sung to Queen Hwang Mishil as an engagement present,” the jeweller explained. “The late Dowager Queen added a charm for each significant memory since - and then passed it down to Her Majesty the Queen. She has kept up the tradition, Her Majesty the Queen has added three more charms since her wedding.”

“One for each of her children,” Jennie said. The jeweller nodded.

“I’d like to wear this one then,” Taehyung said with a smile, tucking the long strands of his newly dyed black hair behind his ear. “Thank you for your troubles.”

“It is my pleasure, Sir,” the jeweller said. “I will have these polished and packed for your trip.”

Jimin yawned as a silence settled in the room.

“I still don’t like that you’re going,” Jennie muttered after the jeweller left.

“Well, I wasn’t happy that you were going to go either,” Taehyung returned. Jennie stood, the clicking of her heels muffled by the thin rug underneath the sitting area - but the sound was still loud enough for Jisoo to crack open an eye.

“Park Hae-jin’s going to be all over you,” Jennie said, “if he thought he could trap you and force your hand into a blessing - ”

“He did not force me into the blessing, Jennie, I willingly took it,” Taehyung said.

There was an uncharacteristic amount of spite in Taehyung’s voice - and it not only startled Jennie, but Taehyung too. He jolted back - shocked by his own words.

“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to yell.”


“I’m sorry, too. I didn’t mean it like that - ” Jennie said, softly. “No one could make you do something that you didn’t want to, Taehyung-oppa.”

Taehyung shifted, crossing his legs and nodding slowly. Jimin moved, sitting down beside Taehyung and pressing close to the prince. Though he was glad to return to Attalia - the tension was unbelievably high.

“What I meant was that he threatened you in your own kingdom,” Jennie said. “If he had the audacity to do that here, what would he do in his own territory?”

“That thought had occurred to me,” Taehyung replied. “But, now we have an advantage of an alliance with Naissus and military backing at our doorstep. Do you think he’ll be so bold as to make a move?”

“He did hear of the alliance - and sent Yoo Su-hwa to Naissus anyway,” Jisoo said. “I think it is difficult to imagine what Park Hae-jin wouldn’t do.”

Jennie tsked loudly as she started pacing, heels clicking loudly when the rug gave way to hardwood, circling the room.

“Jennie - ”

“Sorry - sorry,” she said, kicking off her heels to pace quietly over the wooden floors. She places her hands over her hips, turning to Jimin. “I just - I worry.”

“And I would worry if it were you going. I did worry - I searched for visions of you for weeks when the announcement of Park Hae-jin’s coronation came to light,” Taehyung said. “It makes sense why I couldn’t see anything - you were never meant to go.”

Jennie turned, lips jutting out as she eyed her eldest brother. She turned back, squeezing between Jimin’s knees and the coffee table, sitting on the table in front of Taehyung, their knees knocking together. He shifted, turning his head so his ear was closest to Jennie - a habit he developed to show that he was listening.

“What if something goes wrong, Oppa?” Jennie whispered. “How will you get out of Rossarya?”

Taehyung leaned back, crossing his arms. His tongue traced his upper lip, slowly.

“You sound like our father now, Jennie,” Taehyung said carefully. “I thought you’d trust me more.”

“I do trust you, Taehyung-oppa,” Jennie hissed. “But that does not mean that I am happy with the idea of you waltzing into the Empire with just Jimin-oppa.”

Jisoo scoffed. Jimin’s sister stood from her place on the lounge chair

She stalked over to the group of three standing behind the sofa. “Just Jimin-oppa,” she repeated.

Jennie glared at her own Crownsguard. Of course, Jisoo had full faith in her brother to protect his charge.

Jimin tilted his head back over the couch and flashed the upside-down visage of his sister a pretty grin.

“We’re going to a coronation, Jennie,” Jimin argued. “There will be other dignitaries present, witnesses should anything occur.”

“Have you had any visions?” Jennie asked.

“Nothing of importance yet,” Taehyung replied. “I’ve seen who will be greeting us there, Park Hae-jin sent his sister again. She’ll ask if we'll stay for longer in Rossarya. Of course, I will be declining. I also saw a chat with Kim Seokjin, the Duke of Concordia during the gala.”

“The King of Naissus’ representative,” Jisoo clarified.

“That’s right,” Taehyung said. “Other than those snippets, I haven’t seen anything else….I wish there was more.”

“Don’t push yourself,” Jimin murmured, “you know how unpredictable visions can be.”

Taehyung scoffed, rubbing a hand against his eyelids. He opened his eyes, sliding his fingers away slowly.

It never got easier to see the emptiness in Taehyung’s eyes.

“You know… the Mother promised me this gift to keep Attalia safe,” Taehyung murmured, “and yet I’ve only been able to do it to save the life of a foreign king.”

“I don’t regret it,” Taehyung said quickly. “I will never regret what happened with Jeongguk. But... I just wish that the Mother gave me more to protect Attalia.”

“Oppa, you asked the Mother for a gift to protect the lands and people that the Maiden loved,” Jennie started, “you are a descendent of the Maiden, the visions you are having are to protect the people you love.”

“Besides, you cannot bear the burden of protecting Attalia on your own,” Jisoo added.

“If anything, we should pray that the gift protects you, for it is you that Park Hae-jin is after,” Jimin said.

“I know,” Taehyung whispered.

The Crown Princess stared at her eldest brother. “Oppa, Park Hae-jin wants to conquer Attalia, that much is true. What a treasure he would have if he took the unconquerable, mystical Floating Isles. But ultimately, he wants you at his side as a consort.”

“And that is something we can never let happen,” Taehyung whispered.

“No matter, I doubt the Emperor would be rash at a public event,” Jisoo added, “especially after seeing what you are deciding to wear, Taehyung-oppa. I think you’ve made your stance very clear.

Jennie shifted, combing her fingers through the ends of her hair before beginning to weave tiny braids.

“Speaking of stances,” Jennie started. “Suppose something were to happen in Rossarya, Goddesses forbid... do you think the King of Naissus would declare war for you?”

Jimin turned, watching as Taehyung slowly tilted to the side, resting his elbow on the armrest and his head against the back of his hand. He exhaled slowly through his nose.

It’s undisputed that the three children of the King and Queen of Attalia were attractive, but on top of their undeniable beauty was a brilliance, cunning, and determination that made them all the more terrifying to deal with, and they knew it.

Taehyung is more than aware of the effect he has on people, and the power he holds to sway decisions, before and after the blessing. Taehyung may not be able to see, but he was no fool to the way that Jeongguk gravitated towards him.

“I do not want to bring these ill thoughts to life,” Taehyung whispered. “ Park Hae-jin...I think it is difficult to imagine what Jeon Jeongguk wouldn’t do.”

Jimin sat on the balcony of their hotel suite in Rossarya.

The early evening sun was warm on his skin. It was difficult to imagine amidst this beauty how brutal and savage the Empire’s touch had been across the continent.

Rossarya sat on the coast of a massive lake that extended between the borders of the Orivalian Empire and the jagged mountains of Aquileia. Behind the great city were high cliff formations where buildings jutted out from the rocks and roads zigzagged and circled up the precipice. The Citadel of Rossarya loomed above it all, jagged and rough like it was carved from the very rocks it sat on.

The Citadel overlooked the city below that seemed to be connected by more canals and bridges than roads. From the airship hangar, Taehyung and Jimin had to get onto a gondola to reach the hotel where they were staying.

Su-hwa had greeted them upon their arrival, just as Taehyung had foretold. She wore a pantsuit in deep green plaids. Unlike the earth tones that she wore to Naissus. Their conversation was amiable - and Taehyung was expecting the questions. Taehyung’s words were practiced for he had warned Jimin that the conversation between Su-hwa would result in her asking if they would stay in the Citadel rather than the hotel they booked for their visit.

Finally, she asks him if he will be staying in Rossarya for long after the coronation.

Taehyung smiled and declined the offer, stating smoothly that the hotel was often a favoured place to stay when House Chrysantheme visited the Rossarya in the past. Though Jimin has never been to Rossarya on official or unofficial schedules, he can see why the Royal House chose this hotel.

Taehyung joined Jimin by the balcony, stretching his arms over head as he tilted into a side stretch, wincing at whatever twinges his ribs still gave. In the two weeks in Marsylle, the bruises across Taehyung’s face had faded to nothing - but it’d be a couple more weeks before his ribs heal fully - and he was doing his best to continue with stretches as per Seokjin’s instructions. Taehyung didn’t grab the cane, instead walking with his arm outstretched until his hand touched Jimin’s and he found the handle of the railing with his other hand.

He leaned against the railing.

“It feels so peaceful here,” Taehyung said, dropping his head back and letting the sunlight warm his skin. “Hard to imagine that this is the capital of the Empire.”

Jimin hummed in agreement.

The balcony of their chosen suite had a clear view of Starfall Lake, its waters so crystal clear that it hurt his eyes when he stared at it in the light of the setting sun.

The hotel floated on it’s own little island away from the heart of the city. Though it was quieter, Jimin was content to see the bustle of the city from afar.

“Jimin,” Taehyung finally called in the silence that sat between them - and Jimin knew that tone of voice. He laughs under his breath - he should have known better - should have known that Taehyung would have sensed it. But he gave Jimin time - as he always has - time and space to think and to process and to grieve if needed.

Just like the first time he lost Yoongi - Taehyung may not have asked - but sometimes Jimin wondered if Taehyung subconsciously knew.

He thought the weeks would ease the pain - he thought - like the wind carries away the scent of clementines and orange blossoms, it would carry away the hurt.

But like the first time he saw Yoongi in the throne room beside Jeongguk - the wounds began festering.

The scars he quickly had to stitch closed burst open into festering wounds and at night they tormented him in the form of dreams and nightmares.

Sometimes he dreamt that he could hear Yoongi’s voice - soft and raspy - as he whispered I love you. Sometimes, he’d be sitting beside Yoongi, weaving a crown of the small peonies that he’d seen growing in the gardens of Sol Palace. Sometimes in Jimin’s dreams, he even got to the point where Yoongi would let him gently place the crown on his head - and Jimin could feel the weight of a circle of huge sunflowers in his own hair.

Those were his favourite dreams. But he always woke up with an ache in his chest and the threat of sobs in his throat.

The nightmares were strangely easier to handle. In those - Jimin wondered if truly Yoongi kissed him back with as much fervour as he felt it to be - or if it was just all a mirage.

Do you have feelings for me?

In his nightmares, Yoongi’s answer was no.

You can never be mine. Yoongi had said. Please don’t make this harder.

Sometimes, Jimin is not sure if his dreams and nightmares are made of memories or fragments of his imagination.

The memories and dreams of Yoongi’s voice made the current of apathy that Jimin clung to morph into a vicious wave made of a bruised ego and rolling anger. The lingering scent of clementines and orange blossoms that once made his heart flutter, now only brought the sting of tears.

You can never be mine.

I never wanted you.

“He doesn’t want me,” Jimin repeated out loud. Before they left Naissus, Jimin couldn’t even meet Yoongi’s eyes. He told himself it was because Yoongi didn’t deserve his forgiveness nor the respect. But if Jimin was being honest with himself - he couldn’t meet Yoongi’s eyes because Jimin knew and understood the love that Yoongi has for Jeongguk better than anyone else: for Jimin would sacrifice everything for Taehyung - even love - should it endanger his life.

His dreams and nightmares may hurt, but they are always less painful than reality. For it is here that he is faced with the truth.

So, regardless if Yoongi loved him or not -

Yoongi made it clear.

Jimin will never have Yoongi.

“I lost him again, Taehyung.”

Before Jimin knew it - his vision blurred and his breath hitched - and it hurt to breathe through the sharp lump in his throat.

Taehyung turned immediately at the sounds, reaching and feeling until he had his arms wrapped around Jimin. Jimin clung to him, fingers grasping desperately, as if it could stop him from teetering and falling over the precipice.

It hurt and it hurt and though he knew Taehyung was holding onto him, Jimin felt himself shattering and falling with the realization that seeped deep into his thoughts.

Even from the beginning, Jimin’s love could never hold Yoongi.

Jimin squinted as he stared at one of the frescoes on the ceiling; a person wearing a deep-red cloak bowed before a figure with wings the colours of the setting sun. Jimin assumed it must be one of the stories of the Goddess of Dusk. Beside it was another fresco of men and soldiers on horses - a war. The peace and soft warmth of Rossarya did not extend past the gates of the Citadel.

There was an opulence and an air of wealth that dripped from the arched ceilings and the golden chandeliers. His shoes clicked loudly across the marble floors of the ballroom and everywhere Jimin looked appeared to be dipped in gold or draped in lavish reds.

As planned, guests would be arriving at the Citadel before the sun set and there would be time for guests to mingle while attendants retrieve foreign diplomats to greet the Emperor and send their congratulations.

There were not as many foreign diplomats as Jimin expected.

Most were members of the Emperor’s Imperial Senate, identifiable by the red sash over their regalia. The Duke of Lugdunum did not show - as expected from his recent declaration of war. From across the Offing Sea, it was only Naissus that sent a representative - and Jimin knew that it was only because Park Hae-jin forced Jeongguk’s hand by sending Su-hwa. He could see Seokjin through the crowd, his soft blush-pink shade of hair had washed out to a blonde - and Jimin could see the Duke smiling politely as he greeted the other dignitaries.

Taehyung was and always would be a social butterfly. But Taehyung’s ability to transform into the charming, charismatic First Prince of Attalia never failed to impress Jimin. The Crownsguard was more than happy to stand in Taehyung’s shadow, smiling and nodding when several of the Orivalian dignitaries came, curious to meet the enigmatic prince.

Sometimes they asked Jimin questions, about what it truly means to be a Crownsguard - about his fame in Attalia. He responded with stock answers, always shooting a pretty smile. Sometimes they were even bold enough to ask if Jimin had found love in Naissus as Taehyung had.

He tried his best to laugh it off and Taehyung inched closer when the questions did arise, fingers resting in the crook of Jimin’s elbow and Jimin was grateful for the comforting and grounding touch.

“Taehyung,” called a familiar voice.

Jimin looked up to see Seokjin coming. He didn’t need to tell Taehyung who it was, for the prince was able to recognize the voice.

“Seokjin-hyung,” Taehyung returned.

Seokjin sighed, standing close to Taehyung as he leaned in. “I am glad to see a familiar face amongst all these Imperials.”

Taehyung chuckled.

“Have you spoken to the Consuls?”

“I have,” Seokjin muttered. “The Consul of Lavicci is quite level-headed, considering he’s been in power for nearly six years.”

“Lavicci has remained stable under the Consul’s command.”

“The Battle of Calligari devastated the republic...especially when the Duke was killed.”

“The Consul of Lavicci was smart in maintaining the Great Council and keeping those elected officials at his side - it kept the fragile peace that Lavicci had,” Jimin added.

“The same sentiment cannot be said about the Consul of Galatea though,” Seokjin said, hiding the lower half of his face by placing the champagne glass in front of his lips.

“Did he speak ill of the dead to you as well?” Jimin asked.

Seokjin made a sound of assent. “I had to excuse myself, he was recounting the stories to the Imperial Senate about how he planned and lead the assassination of the Czarina.”

“I was wondering why there were rumours of revolt and dissent in Galatea, now I understand why with a man like him in power,” Taehyung scoffed.

“He who boasts of committing regicide,” Jimin said, shaking his head. “No wonder the people are unhappy.”

“Have you met the Aquielian Queen?” Taehyung asked.

Seokjin hummed. “I made some introductions. Queen Lim Areum is a fearless woman.”

“Jimin told me she wore grey - quite a bold move for attending a coronation.”

Seokjin eyes Taehyung’s outfit.

“You, yourself, know how to make a statement, Taehyung, dressed in the colours of the Naissian Crown.”

Taehyung grinned, taking barely a sip of the co*cktail he had been nursing since they arrived in the ballroom.

Seokjin too tilted his flute of champagne. But the soft, playful curve of his eyes fell to something much more solemn.

“Taehyung,” Seokjin started, his voice low, “You must know how much Jeongguk cares for you.”

“I am aware, Seokjin-hyung,” Taehyung whispered. “I know what it means to wear the colours of another sovereign. Not only am I announcing the alliance between Attalia and Naissus, I am declaring that I am his - as you have done with - what I think is - a brooch from Namjoon-hyung’s house.”

Seokjin looked away, chuckling breathily through his teeth.

“Rest assured though, Seokjin-hyung,” Taehyung said. “I would not be so reckless to do so if I did not feel the same about him.”

Seokjin’s eyes soften with that, as if appeased by Taehyung’s answer. A footman stopped before the three of them, dropping to a low bow before he addressed Taehyung.

“Your Royal Highness, the Emperor is ready to receive you.”

Jimin exhaled softly, hoping that the little action would ease the trepidation and dread building up in his stomach.

The Ministers and dignitaries in Iaryen and under Orivalian rule had already sworn fealty to the Emperor during the coronation ceremony. The gala was merely for celebrations and for foreign dignitaries to speak their congratulations to the Emperor. Taehyung’s hand gripped tightly to the fabric of Jimin’s military jacket.

“Of course,” Taehyung whispered.

The footman led them out of the lavish ballroom.

The halls of the Citadel of Rossarya were no less beautiful than the ballroom. Their footsteps echoed loudly through the high-arched corridors and Jimin’s eyes flickered between life-like statues that lined either side of the halls. Most were of men who looked like warriors and perhaps previous rulers of Orivala.

Finally, they stopped before a set of double doors, guarded by two massive bronze lions, standing on their hind legs and teeth bared.

Taehyung slipped his fingers off Jimin’s elbow, instead, resting his hand on Jimin’s shoulder - just as the doors opened.

“His Royal Highness, the First Prince of Attalia, Kim Taehyung of House Chrysantheme and Lord Park Jimin of House Turnesol.”

The throne room in the Citadel of Rossarya had massive columns flanking both sides of the room, with maroon-red banners of House Cerebyrn hanging in between. An equally red carpet lined the center of the room, running up the stairs to the dias, where Emperor Park Hae-jin sat on a golden throne. The back of the throne had sharp, pointed spirals that framed the chair. From the far end of the room, with the light of the setting sun behind him, it looked like the spikes were coming out of Park Hae-jin’s back.

Like the lions that guarded the door, on either side of the Emperor were two more bronze lions - this time, made to look like they were lounging.

Sitting at the base of the dais was Yoo Su-hwa - with the blue-haired woman standing beside her.

The room was long and it gave Jimin some time to mutter quietly under his breath to describe to Taehyung who was in the room and where they were.

Jimin still remembered the first meeting with the then Crown Prince of the Orivalian Empire. The man was no less handsome than he is now - no less intimidating as Jimin takes a hesitant step into the space and Taehyung falls into step behind him.

There were six guards stationed on either side of the room, dressed in the regalia of the military with swords on their hips. Jimin wondered if they were armed with guns hidden somewhere on their person. The weight of the blade at the small of his back seemed so useless should there be any harm directed toward Taehyung.

“You stand before His Imperial Majesty, the Emperor of Orivala Park Hae-jin of House Cerebyrn, and Her Highness, Yoo Su-hwa of House Cerebyrn.”

Taehyung lowered into a bow.

Jimin did not even notice before, with the light from the windows behind the throne casting shadows in the sunset and how the throne distracted him, but there was a man with dark hair and a familiar porcelain mask of a cat that stood in the shadows of the Emperor.

There was a streak of blue paint on the left cheekbone of his mask, just as there was a pink mark on the blue-haired woman’s mask.

Jimin had heard stories about the Elite. These are individuals trained from youth to be cold-blooded killers - it was said that they wore masks to hide their identities during operations when they were in plain sight - oftentimes, they would go on undercover missions in the name of the Emperor.

The presence of the man increased the feelings of unease in Jimin’s chest.

Jimin had never seen the Elite in the presence of royalty during Emperor Park Min-jun’s reign. He wondered if there were more concerns with security in Orivala than Park Hae-jin let on...or if it was Park Hae-jin’s idea to use the operatives’ presence to intimidate the guests.

Su-hwa stood, dipping into a curtsy.

Jimin stopped when they were just several steps away from the dais, and Taehyung let go of his shoulder, stepping forward and bowing.

Park Hae-jin crossed his legs, tilting his head to the side and leaning into the palm of his hand. One of his brows raised as he took in Taehyung’s figure, eyes lingering on the brooch pinned to Taehyung’s chest and the pearls around his neck.

“Your Eminence,” Taehyung said, “on behalf of the His and Her Majesties the King and Queen of Attalia, I am pleased to offer my congratulations on your ascension to the Orivalian throne. May your reign bring joy and happiness to the good people.”

Taehyung raised a hand out to the side and Jimin pulled out a flat velvet box from the inside pocket of his blazer. He placed it carefully in Taehyung’s waiting hands that had stilled since he entered the room.

The prince’s long fingers wrapped around the box and he held it up.

“A gift from the Floating Isles,” Taehyung said, fingers pulling back the top of the velvet box to reveal a set of rectangular gold cufflinks engraved with a single amaryllis flower and a ruby inlaid in the center. “It is said that amaryllis flowers represent strength and pride - qualities I am sure illustrate you well, Your Eminence.”

Park Hae-jin stood from his throne, his coronation regalia made of red and gold brocade fabric glistened in the sunlight and the heavy crown atop his head shifted with each step.

The Elite soldier behind him shadowed his movements, and it took everything in Jimin not to step closer to Taehyung.

Park Hae-jin took leisurely steps down the dais until he stood in front of Taehyung.

Jimin noticed the tenseness of Taehyung’s spine, like he was bracing himself as Park Hae-jin approached. The Emperor reached out and plucked the gift from Taehyung’s hands. He looked at them with a handsome smile before handing them over to the attendant.

“Thank you for the gift,” Park Hae-jin started slowly, “and for accepting my personal invitation, Taehyung.”

For anyone who did not know Taehyung, it would be impossible to see the minuscule changes that show anger or tension - but Jimin had years attuning to the details of his charge and friend. He immediately saw the change in Taehyung’s posture, the stiffening of his shoulders and the way his knees hyperextended.

“Taehyung-ah,” Park Hae-jin repeated, “it has been a few years - but there is no need for the honorifics.”

Taehyung took a step back, until he was in line with Jimin. Jimin watched a pretty smile bloom on the prince’s face - fake.

All fake.

“I didn’t think it would have been appropriate,” Taehyung reasoned, “As you’ve said, it has been a couple of years... Hae-jin-hyung.”

The Emperor laughed, a throaty sound that showed off his teeth and left crinkles in the corner of his eyes.

“You have not changed, Taehyung,” Hae-jin said, “Still as radiant as ever.”

“You are too kind, Hae-jin-hyung. Thank you for sending Su-hwa all the way to Naissus to extend the invite.”

“I hope you are enjoying your stay in Rossarya.”

“Rossarya’s hospitality is undeniable, Jimin and I are very much enjoying our stay in the city.”

“Can I convince you to extend your visit a little longer?” Hae-jin asked. “Perhaps to stay the summer?”

Taehyung shook his head, his grin turning into a sheepish press of his lips. “I fear I cannot. I will be returning to Aurea tomorrow evening.”


Taehyung’s statement was a brusque reminder of the courtship between the King of Naissus and the First Prince of Attalia. Taehyung made sure there was no room for misunderstandings - if Park Hae-jin had forgotten the recent announcements - he could not ignore the colours Taehyung chose to wear.

Yet - there was nothing betrayed by the smile on his face. He blinked, looking down for just a moment before he shifted on his feet.

“Attalia has always been a friend to all the kingdoms. You should sit with me at the reception,” Park Hae-jin said. “To make up for the fact that you’ll be leaving so soon. ”

Jimin felt his stomach lurch.

They had planned and prepared for some tense conversations. Jimin hoped it would just be a short private audience and some public conversations in the ballroom - Taehyung was prepared for perhaps a dance. But with just a simple statement about Attalia’s political position, Park Hae-jin effectively placed Taehyung in a corner.

If he declines, then it sends a direct message that Attalia is not a friend to the Orivalian Empire - and therefore an enemy. Not a position that Taehyung’s father would want and Taehyung cannot go against the King.

But if he accepts, then it means that Attalia is not only a friend - but a close friend of the Empire.

There was a noticeable clench of Taehyung’s jaw and the prince let the question hang in the air for far too long before he quietly said:

“It would be my honour, Hae-jin-hyung.”

The Emperor smiled, still just as handsome, still just as diplomatic.

As the doors of the throne room closed behind them, Taehyung exhaled a shuddering breath.

“Taehyung - ”

“I have no choice,” Taehyung whispered, interrupting Jimin in rapid Attalian, as they walked back to the ballroom. The footman was too far away to hear their muttering.

“If I said no, I might have left Rossarya with the Empire declaring war on the Floating Isles,” Taehyung hissed.

When they entered the ballroom, the footman bowed, leaving them as he went in search for the next foreign diplomat.

Taehyung fiercely ruffled his hair, before smoothing it down.

“Park Hae-jin is playing with me to see what my father or Jeongguk will do about it,” Taehyung continued. “He sees me as nothing more than an object in this game... But I’ll show him that I’m not just some pawn in this game of chess. I am the queen.”

The reception dinner began with an announcement from a footman and everyone going from the ballroom into the state dining room.

Taehyung was quiet after their return, and Seokjin had been whisked away into another conversation.

Unlike the styles of dining halls that Jimin was familiar with - with a long table in the center of the room, the state dining room in the Citadel had two long tables flanking a shorter table on a dais on the far side of the room. The center of the room had an open space - almost like a stage.

He had always known that being by Taehyung’s side would equate to being thrust into positions such as these - but it was different when Taehyung himself was feeling uncomfortable.

The head table was meant for the Imperial Family, the royals that submitted to the Empire’s rule and the Imperial Consuls. Of course, Park Hae-jin sat at the center of the table with his sister on his right, the Prince of Estermery beside her and the Imperial Consul of Lavicci at the end. On the other side of the table, was the Imperial Consul of Galatea and the Queen of Aquileia beside him. Closest to the Emperor on the left were two empty chairs meant for Taehyung and Jimin.

Jimin led Taehyung down the long room, towards the center table, garnering strange glances from the other dignitaries and a worried look from Seokjin as they passed him by and stepped onto the dais. It was tense, when Park Hae-jin welcomed Taehyung to the long table with open arms, gesturing to the empty seats. Taehyung was silent as he took his place beside the Emperor and Jimin slowly settled into the chair with Taehyung to his right and the fallen Queen of Aquileia on his left.

Queen Lim Areum was a beautiful woman, most likely in her fourties now. Over her dress, on her shoulder was a sash the same deep red as the rest of the colours of House Cerebyrn - a symbol of the Empire’s reach. She was dressed in an airy gown. Her hair piled high around the crown of pearls around her head - no doubt beautiful. Jimin has heard of the mourning traditions of the kingdom, but he wondered if the grey was to represent the mourning of the loss of her country’s sovereignty or the monstrous storms that seem to have… little effect on the lives of the people.

The Aquileia was a paradox of mountainous terrain against the low coastal regions. Jimin remembers a holiday trip with his family to the stunning capital of Piran in his youth - he remembers the heat and the white buildings with blue-domed roofs and the endless blue sea.

He wondered how much has fallen since the Empire’s attack.

At the table, the only ones who were not dressed in the Empire’s colours were himself and Taehyung, the white and black a stark contrast to the dark red decadence that surrounded them.

There was a tense silence as Taehyung and Jimin took a seat beside the Emperor.

The Emperor stood, smiling as he spoke.

“My friends, thank you for coming today to join me in celebrating a bright future for this beloved nation. By the grace of the Dayslayer and the Silver One, I was blessed with this hallowed crown. Thus, I stand before you as the new sovereign of the Orivalian Empire... With the power that this crown gives me, I swear upon my life to unify Iaryen as was intended by the gods that wove and made this land what it is. I swear to bring everyone together under the banner of the great lion. This is the promise I will make today - to you, my friends, my allies, and to the people of Iaryen: peace will come, by the grace of the Moon.”

“By the grace of the Moon!”

Park Hae-jin raised a glass.

Beside him, Taehyung clutched the stem of his champagne glass stiffly.

Park Hae-jin then called for the entertainment to begin. A troupe of dancers appeared in the empty space between the tables, dressed in pale blue robes with long, white sleeves. Several musicians trailed behind them, settling their instruments down in the corner. The beginning notes of the zither were hypnotic and inviting and it wasn’t long before the dancers with sleeves that pooled at their feet moved, twirling and weaving around each other like water.

Jimin kept his eyes on the performance, but his attention on his peripheral vision, tensing at the way that Park Hae-jin leaned closer to Taehyung. Taehyung’s hand visibly gripped the armrest harder, though the rest of his figure was the picture of relaxed elegance.

“I was surprised, when I learnt that after three years of seclusion from the public eye, you chose your first official appearance to be in Naissus...” Hae-jin said, his voice loud enough to carry so Jimin could hear - perhaps even Su-hwa on the other side. “A kingdom of little international renown.”

“Perhaps that is why I chose Naissus,” Taehyung replied, equally as loud. His hand slid across the table with precision until his fingers touched the stem of a glass of champagne. He lifted and pressed the edge of the flute to his lips. He turned his face, angling it to be just a bit closer to Park Hae-jin’s. “I imagined it to be a peaceful start to my return into the public. I am enjoying my stay and the friendships I made there.”

Jimin nearly jumped when he heard a soft voice call his name.

“Park Jimin-ssi wasn’t it?” the Queen of Aquileia asked. Her voice low as her eyes are still on the center of the room - like she did not want the Imperial Consul of Galatea to hear beside her.

Jimin turned his head slightly and then figured out that she did not want anyone to see that they were speaking.

“Yes, Your Majesty,” he answered. “It is an honour to meet you, I wish it were on better terms.”

“As do I, Park Jimin-ssi.”

“I heard the recent news about the assassination attempt on the King of Naissus’ life,” Park Hae-jin said. “I hope nothing is amiss.”

“The attempt was obviously nullified,” Taehyung said casually, as if he was simply speaking about the weather. “I will be sure to let Jeongguk know of your worry for the well-being of the monarch of a kingdom of little international renown, Hyung,” Taehyung said.

Jimin averted his eyes, looking down his plate as he smirked. Taehyung’s casual use of the Naissian King’s given name was purposeful - to show the intimacy the two shared - and it was not difficult to hear the affection that dripped from Taehyung’s voice when he said Jeongguk’s name.

“Tell me, Park Jimin-ssi, are all Attalians as silver-tongued as the First Prince?” Queen Lim Areum asked.

Jimin lowered his eyes, trying not to let his lips curl into a grin.

“You are too kind, Ma’am.”

The dance ended as another group of performers took their place, holding various instruments that Jimin didn’t recognize. They bowed, before launching into a slow crescendo of a song.

“Are you certain you’ll be safe there, Taehyung? If the child king cannot protect himself how could he hope to protect you?”

“Are you implying that I am in need of protection?” Taehyung asked. “Attalia does not have enemies - none that I know of, Hyung.”

Park Hae-jin turned away, reaching to take his own glass of wine and lift it to his lips.

“I never got to send my condolences, Taehyung,” Park Hae-jin said, changing the subject suddenly, “for whatever happened that resulted in the loss of your eyesight, I hope you have recovered?”

“I have, thank you for your concerns, Hyung.”

“Strange that you fell ill right after your 21st birthday,” Hae-jin continued, he leaned onto the armrest of the throne-like chair, entering Taehyung’s personal space - like he was whispering into Taehyung’s ear, but still his voice was loud enough for Jimin to hear. “I have heard stories about the blessings of the Goddesses given to the descendents of the Maiden’s bloodline, something that occurs on the 21st birthday, is it not? And…. I heard of the stories of a price to be paid.”

Taehyung lifts the champagne glass, tilting it until he empties it down his throat. He swallows, licking his lips in a way Jimin can only describe as languidly. He was still facing forward.

“Tell me, Park Jimin-ssi,” Queen Lim Areum continued, “does the Empire desire Attalia?”

Jimin turned his head, eying the Queen wearily. She may be wearing the mourning clothes, but Aquielia is now a part of the Empire.

“Speak freely,,” the Queen said with a sneer, “I will not divulge any information to the Empire. I have no love for Orivala and my actions are only to ensure the safety and well-being of my people.”

“...I have reasons to believe the Empire desires more than just Attalia,” Jimin whispered cautiously.

“Your Eminence, if I didn't know better, it sounds as though you believe in the Goddesses,” Taehyung said a note of surprise in his voice. “I thought it was the Old Gods - specifically the Day Slayer and the Silver One who gave you the all-mighty power to rule?”

Park Hae-jin smiled, pushing off the armrest as he chuckled loudly. “How bold of you, Taehyung, to accuse me of blasphemy in my own court.”

“I did no such thing,” Taehyung said quietly.

“I was simply looking out for you,” Hae-jin said. “The times are changing and perhaps it is time that Attalia reconsider policies of neutrality.”

An attendant refilled Taehyung’s glass of champagne - Taehyung held tightly onto the glass. The prince never handled his alcohol well - never cared for the taste.

“Then I am to assume that this visit was not to offer sincere congratulations to the Emperor?” the Queen asked Jimin.

“I don’t think ‘sincere’ nor ‘ congratulations’ would be the right words,” Jimin replied through his teeth.

Park Hae-jin sighed. “I am rather glad you accepted my offer to sit by me, Taehyung,” he said. “You have definitely made this whole show much more bearable.”

“Speaking of rumours, I’ve heard about the civil unrest in your own territories, Hae-jin-hyung,” Taehyung said softly. “At least I hope they are rumours.”

“Ruling is not without its issues,” the Emperor said. “But not to worry, everything is under control.”

“Is that so?” Taehyung started. “Does ‘under control’ mean using the Elite members of the Orivalian military as personal bodyguards?”

“Think of it as a precaution,” Hae-jin said. “As you always have a Crownsguard at your side.”

“Jimin is more than a guard,” Taehyung said. “He is my advisor and friend - my equal. Whereas… I believe both you and Su-hwa have a guard somewhere standing as your shadow? It seems like… you wanted to intimidate the dignitaries coming today.”

“As your dear King of Naissus has seen it fit to send an entire Royal Fleet to the borders of Attalia.”

“Think of it as a precaution, Hyung,” Taehyung mimicked.

The Emperor settled back in his throne, staring boredly at the display of dance and song before them, though the other guests seemed enthralled by them.

“Then I think, Park Jimin-ssi,” the Queen started, “you would benefit from this bit of information.”

Jimin turned, fists clenching with the tension of listening to Taehyung’s conversation. “Yes, Ma’am.”

“As soon as this performance ends, I would suggest making an excuse to get yourself and the First Prince out of here.”

“What? Why?”

But the Queen offers no more information, as she rises to her feet.

“Please excuse me for a moment, Your Eminence, My Lords and Ladies,” she said as she stepped off the dais and exited the ballroom. Park Hae-jin barely glanced at the retreating Queen.

Jimin whipped his head back to the performance - it seemed as though it was still in the climax of the dance. He schooled his expression into perfect blankness, reaching out to take a sip of water. He leaned back against the chair, feeling the leather harness of the small dagger press against his back in a comforting weight - and his heart speeding up. His hand crawled under the table, and over to Taehyung’s leg, resting a firm grip over Taehyung’s knee.

Taehyung’s only reaction was to lean closer to Jimin.

Jimin tries to survey the room - wondering just how much danger they’ll be in - what kind of danger they’ll be in - and oh by Goddess- Seokjin-hyung. How could Jimin warn him?

“I am stunned that you decided to offer yourself to the child-king,” Park Hae-jin said, his voice sounding so distant to Jimin. “Tell me when is this farce of a courtship going to end?”

The performance was coming to a close, the music slowing down as the dancers twirled closer to the table before the Emperor.

Jimin’s free hand climbed slowly towards the small of his back, his other hand gripping tightly to Taehyung’s leg.

He felt Taehyung’s hand lay on top of his, fingers wrapping tightly around Jimin’s, squeezing - almost to the point where it hurt.

“It is not a farce,” Taehyung said sharply.

“Is that so, are you in love with him, Taehyung?”

Taehyung inhaled - a sound that was short and thin like a gasp.

Jimin's eyes darted around the room, scanning the faces of all the guests. Searching for something - anything amiss.

The footmen moved about with ease, placing plates down in front of the guests.

The guards appeared ... bored.

The camera crew also seem to be enjoying the display of the arts in front of them.

“Is he in love with you?” Park Hae-jin asked.

The final notes of the song were coming to a close - but he could not find a threat. What was Lim Areum talking about?

No matter - he’ll take the warning seriously. Whatever the consequences.

“Your Royal Highness,” Jimin started turning back to Taehyung, as he searched for an excuse.

Taehyung did not acknowledge Jimin’s voice, shoulders rigid, as his fingers continued to grow more and more tight around Jimin’s - it hurt now, and Jimin was reflexively trying to get Taehyung to let go and Taehyung’s other hand gripped the bowl of the champagne flute

Taehyung was upset - he was angry with Park Hae-jin’s words.

“Will Jeon Jeongguk - the boy-king lay down his kingdom and crown for you?”

The flute shattered in Taehyung’s hand. Shards of glass clattered loudly onto the table. Jimin gasped, eyes widening when he saw the shard embedded in Taehyung’s skin and blood welling in between. The guests at the table started at the high pitched noise, but luckily, Taehyung’s hand was hidden by a large flowering centerpiece - so one else saw - and the sound was muffled by the music.

“Taehyung,” Jimin whispered. Yet still Taehyung did not seem to hear - Taehyung didn’t seem to hear either of them.

Was he holding his breath?

The prince’s fingers continued to curl into a fist around the shards lodged in his hand. His other hand still had a death grip on Jimin’s fingers.

They were running out of time. Jimin was not familiar with this song, but he could hear the piece was coming to an end.

Taehyung was shaking.

Suddenly, Taehyung flinched, both hands flying open like he was burnt.

Taehyung gasped, letting go of Jimin and bringing both hands to his chest as he slumped forward.

Jimin immediately draped an arm over Taehyung’s shoulder, grabbing a napkin and holding it under Taehyung’s bleeding hand - blood now dripping down his wrists.

“Taehyung, we should get this cleaned up,” Jimin said, just loud enough that Park Hae-jin could hear - halfway through his sentence he realized that he was speaking too loud.

The music had stopped.

“I will have a medical kit brought to you,” Park Hae-jin said.

“Thank you, Your Eminence. Let’s go, Taehyung,” Jimin said in a rush.

“Forgive me, Taehyung,” Park Hae-jin said, “I didn't mean to push your anger that far.”

Taehyung did not reply.

Taehyung,” Jimin called.

“Right,” Taehyung finally said. “Let’s go.”

He let Jimin manhandle him out of the chair, leaning heavily against the Crownsguard.

Something was wrong.

Something was really wrong.

But he managed to get Taehyung up - standing to shield him from view of the other guests.

They were almost to the door.

Jimin did one last scan of the room, heart pounding.

He saw Seokjin at one of the tables, head lowered with a phone pressed to his ear - Jimin’s view of him was obscured by one of the marble columns.

Jimin turned back to the head table. Something small was trailing up the white table cloth near the Consul of Galatea, so small that Jimin almost didn’t see it at first.

Something red - a red dot that meandered across the white table cloth - like a laser.

His eyes followed the dot, trailing after it as it moved from the table, blending into the reds of the Consul of Galatea’s uniform, before showing up again on his skin - right in the center of his forehead.

“Your Eminence, get down!” screamed the Elite. But before his words registered in Jimin’s mind, Taehyung suddenly dropped to the ground, pulling Jimin along with him.

Then Jimin heard the certain sounds of two bullets making impact before the screaming began.

Jimin felt Taehyung’s pained grunt before he heard it. Somewhere in the haze of the fall, Jimin had shifted their momentum so that he lay completely on top of the prince with one hand wrapped protectively around Taehyung’s head. Instinct took over and he started surveying the scene.

The Elite guard behind Park Hae-jin had pulled the emperor to the ground behind the table as well, just as the shots had started.

Su-hwa screamed - but Jimin could make out her crouched outline against the back of a chair, hands wrapped around her head, the Prince of Estemery kneeling protectively in front of her. The blue-haired woman pulled a pistol from the folds of her uniform.

Looking up, he saw the Imperial Consul of Galatea slump out of his seat, crashing loudly onto the floor.

He wasn’t moving.

A grunt - and then Jimin glanced up just in time to see the Imperial Consul of Lavicci clutching his arm.

Blood seeped through his clenched fingers, but he managed to duck under the safety of the table.

There was a sniper somewhere - where.

Two more gunshots.

Louder. Not by the same weapon as the initial shot.

The guards were firing back - hopefully, they found them.

“Protect the Emperor!”

Park Hae-jin got up. Jimin turned to see the Emperor shrug out of the mantle, unbuttoning his regalia as he righted himself.

“Chul, hand me a gun.”

The Elite soldier did as he was told, placing the gun into the emperor’s hand.

Park Hae-jin’s movements were swift as he unlocked the safety, loaded the chamber and ducked behind one of the chairs. He glanced up at where Jimin also assumed the shots came from and fired several rounds.

This was where Jimin could see the stories of the deadly and powerful military leader that led several wars and won.

Out of the corner of his eye, Jimin saw Seokjin running to the dais, and Park Hae-jin turned, gun pointed at the man. Seokjin immediately raised his arms up in a non-threatening manner.

“Your Eminence,” Seokjin started, speaking slowly and clearly, “I am a trained physician. Please allow me to tend to the wounded.”

Hae-jin lowered his gun and that was all the permission that Seokjin needed to drop to his knees in front of the Imperial Consul of Galatea.

It was then that Jimin saw the stains of blood around the Consul’s head.

Seokjin placed two fingers under the side of the man’s neck - and waited.


Seokjin finally looked up and shook his head.

Hae-jin closed his eyes and swore under his breath. “Lock down the Citadel!” he yelled. “No one leaves until the murderer is found.”

“Sir, the gunshots came from the rooftops,” the blue-masked Elite said. “I do not see other threats in the room.”

Hae-jin nodded. “Go. Capture them if you can, eliminate the threat if you can’t.”

“Yes, Sir.”

The Elite guard left, moving like a panther as he ducked out of the room.

Seokjin’s eyes met Jimin’s - and it was clear that the other man was searching for injuries.

He saw the glass in Taehyung’s hands, still bleeding and perhaps even more set into his flesh.

Jimin shook his head and that was enough for Seokjin to turn his attention to the Imperial Consul of Lavicci.

Finally, Jimin looked down to Taehyung.

“Taehyung? Are you alright?”

He didn’t move, breaths coming in short, quivering pants.


“Jimin,” Taehyung whispered. “I saw.”

Jimin’s heart dropped.

Things fell into place.

Why Taehyung wasn’t responding to Jimin’s voice. Why Taehyung wasn’t responding at all.

Why he broke the glass.

Why he was so fatigued and weak after.

It wasn’t because Park Hae-jin had angered him - it wasn’t because he was in pain.

It was because Taehyung had a vision.

Taehyung had a vision of the death of the Imperial Consul of Galatea.

7 Missed Calls

Missed Call

Missed Call

Jisoo <3
Missed Call

Missed Call

Missed Call

Jihyun <3
Missed Call

Min Yoongi
Missed Call


Author’s Note:

1) Wow, three chapters in less than six months? WHAT IS THIS INSANITY?

2) The line Jimin said at the end of the first scene is pretty much word for word what Taehyung told Jeongguk before he did the press address in Chapter 13.

3) The city of Rossarya is inspired by Venice, Italy. But the Citadel of Rossarya takes some inspiration from the Neuschwanstein Castle in Germany, and the Milan Cathedral in Italy.

4) Please leave a comment! A little encouragement goes a long way, and I would love, love, love to hear what you guys thought of the story thus far.

5) Come talk to me on Twitter or ask me questions on Curious Cat. I love making new friends! See you all real soon!


Chapter 16: halcyon days


Thank you minmi, for continuing to beta-read and put up with my rants and my pages of extra information that really plays no part in the story. You make writing so much more fun.

Chapter Playlist

h a l c y o n d a y s

1. Period of calm during the winter, when storms do not occur.
2. (idiomatic) A period of calm, usually in the past and often nostalgic


(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

chapter sixteen
h a l c y o n d a y s

“Your Royal Highness!”


“Sir! Sir! Please, where are you?”

Jeongguk could hear them calling for him, fingernails digging uncomfortably into his forearm as he shrinks further into the plush cushion beneath him. It’s dusty in this little alcove which barely ever saw use despite being in the main hall of Luna Castle.

No one remembers that there was an alcove seat hidden in the window ledge.

The dark curtains were sun-damaged - lightened in places that were warmed by the burning rays of daylight. The latched window at the top was open - and Jeongguk could smell the brine of salt and seaweed from the ocean and the green sweetness of wildflowers from the rolling hills on the castle estate.

He could see Yoongi’s silhouette through the slit of the curtains.

His hair was dyed an ashy grey. It makes his eyes sharper, makes him look older and more mature, especially when his wardrobe has started taking on the colours of House Cepheus rather than the paler colours he favoured when he arrived in Naissus - or the blues and greens of House Eridanus.

He wore the colours of the future King.

“Have you found him?” Yoongi’s deep voice comes.

“No, Sir.”

“Could he have left the castle?”

“The guards report no one was seen at the gates. But… His Royal Highness has slipped past the guards in the past.”

“f*ck.” Jeongguk hears his brother hiss under his breath.

Yoongi steps closer, sweeping past the windows and the closed curtains. They move, brushing against Jeongguk’s legs and he presses further against the glass, pressing his forehead into the window. The glass is cool on his sweating skin and the curtains are scratchy on his bare calves. Yoongi’s cologne is strong - citrus and forest - and Jeongguk longed to just step out and hope that his older brother would just be able to comfort him in the darkness of the hurt.

But the rage that consumed him earlier lingered, and like embers of a dying fire was reignited with but a single memory.

Jeongguk remains hidden.

“Assemble two search groups, one to the beach, and another to go into town. You will notify me immediately if you find him - not Her Majesty the Queen,” Yoongi orders. “My mother is under enough stress - she does not need to know Jeongguk is missing.”

“Understood, Sir. Another matter - Lord Jung Hoseok has arrived on the estate.”

“Great.” Yoongi’s footsteps get closer to Jeongguk’s hiding spot. He shrinks deeper into the nook, back pressing into the corner, holding his breath. “I’ll let him know what’s going on. Remember, you report to me.”

Yoongi’s voice fades as he and that staff pass. Jeongguk lets his tense muscles fall lax for a moment before he lays down on the seat, curling into the dusty corner with his back against the windowpane.

In the silence of Yoongi and the staff’s departure, the guilt makes itself present in the nausea that sits in his stomach and starts coiling around his rib cage. When he closes his eyes, he could see the tutor’s astonishment and feel the burning anger and shame.

He didn’t plan on letting things go this far. He was a good student - excelled in most of his lessons, but how could anyone expect him to pay attention in this summer heat? The halls of Luna Castle are older than that of Sol Palace - and in the summer - they do little to stave off the humidity and warmth of the sun by the coast. He couldn’t concentrate. All he could think about was going down to the beach and dragging Yoongi along with him, maybe even getting his older brother to come into the waters with him.

Perhaps even Jieun - his older cousin was always so busy - and though he’s kind of shy around her, he still loved making her laugh so loudly she’d snort. Hoseok was coming too and he would always indulge Jeongguk in playing in the ocean. The tutor was constantly trying to pull Jeongguk’s attention back to the lessons on the economic system of Naissus and the country’s mining industry - but Jeongguk just doesn’t care.

He’ll have advisors and ministers and people who know what they're doing. He could afford to not know everything inside and out, right? He’ll have his mother’s advice too, and, when the time comes, a King’s Circle. People who he’ll trust. He still has a few more years. A few more years before he’ll have to consider if he will take the throne as soon as he comes of age.

Probably not.

“I’m not king yet,” Jeongguk had muttered.

“But you will be,” the tutor had said. “You are but two years away from becoming of age. When you become king, the stakes will be greater, Your Highness. What kind of king would you be if you could not pay attention to a simple economics lesson?”

“I’ll have advisors, people who know what they're doing. I’ll have my mother to assist me.”

“What if you place your trust in advisors who mislead you?”

“I’ll… I’ll have a consort - someone who I’ll love and trust.”

There was a look of pity in the tutor’s eyes.

“You cannot assume that you’ll have a consort when you take the throne,” the tutor says. “His Majesty the late King passed away.”

He felt his lungs constrict.

“If it were Her Majesty the Queen who caught the plague, it would have left him alone to rule as well. What if both of them had caught the plague? You must be prepared for the worst.”

Jeongguk saw images of his father’s funeral gather into growing wisps behind his eyes - until, like smoke, it clouds his vision.

“To be King alone.”

He bolted, knocking his chair over, and slammed the door closed behind him.

Running and running and running and ignoring the frantic calls of the tutor telling him to stop.

He didn’t have a destination in mind. But he remembers playing in Luna Castle all the times he came here as a child. His feet took him to the little nook, hidden in plain sight in the grand hall when they all perhaps expected him to have hidden in the less-tracked parts of the castle or perhaps even left the estate grounds.

It would be too predictable for him to have run off to the beach - there would be no cover there anyway - nowhere to hide (he paid attention to his classes in military strategy and warfare) and going into town would be too suspicious. There would be too much attention drawn to the young boy who looks strangely like the Crown Prince.

But despite Jeongguk’s education and what he remembered from his classes on warfare and military strategy, he had forgotten the most important lesson: do not let your emotions get the better of you.

He let his anger and fear get the better of him - his anger towards the tutor for even suggesting the notion that his mother could have been taken by the plague - and fear that perhaps the tutor was right.

Jeongguk needs to be prepared to rule alone.

He curls his knees into his chest, breathing in the dust as the guilt settles - he didn’t mean to worry Yoongi - or send the household into a wild hunt for him. But he’s scared and he’s angry because in the end, the tutor was right: Jeongguk will be alone when he rules.

His mother was.

Slowly his fears are smothered by a blanket of dull calm - and in the lull of footsteps passing him by and the calls of the title he wishes wasn’t his dim as exhaustion and sleep overcome him.

His sleep is fitful, and behind his closed eyelids the light of the sun fades from bright yellow to muted oranges and as the warmth recedes he finds himself shivering and goosebumps rising even in the heart of the summer months.

He dreams of being King - of sitting on the throne where he’s seen his father then his mother sit, surrounded by eyes that judge him.

And in between the world of waking and dreams, he catches the familiar scent of grapefruit and an earthy mint.

The ground beneath him is softer and warmer and the scent of dust getting further away.

His cheek pressed into fabric and something squishier and softer than the cushion.

Someone is running their hands through his hair.

He’s safe - he’s not alone - and that gives him enough reassurance to drift for just a little more.

Then he hears muffled sounds - like low absentminded humming and tapping on glass.

The hand through his hair is familiar - warm as it scrapes softly against his scalp, lingering at the base of his neck. There were few who would lull him to sleep by brushing his hair.

His mother and Yoongi mainly - especially in his younger years.

He opens his eyes slowly, the twilight hours dimmed enough that it didn’t blind him. When his vision clears, he sees grey pants covering a leg bent at the knee. It blocks off the fading light of the sun. On top of the knee, Jeongguk could see a hand tapping at a phone and the familiar golden glow of a signet ring engraved with two crossing arrows.

He recognized that ring and the scent of summer walking.


Jeongguk bolts upright, his heart taking flight then dropping when he hears a high-pitched yelp and realizes that in his sudden movements, he would have landed an uppercut on his cousin that would have knocked them both out if Hoseok had not pulled away at the last second.

Blood rushes to Jeongguk’s head and he scrambles back in his haste. His sleep-addled brain is slow - and it takes a moment before the fog clears and the fear and the anger and the humiliation of being found in such vulnerable position rain down on him.

“Hey - hey - hey. It’s okay, Jeongguk,” Hoseok says. “You’re not in trouble - you’re safe.”

“How-how did you find me?” Jeongguk asks his words slurring with the tiredness of his tongue.

Hoseok’s tense shoulders drop and he smiles hesitantly.

“You were always good at playing hide-and-seek, but I know your tricks. Yoongi-hyung doesn’t know the hiding places here - not like how we used to play as kids.”

“Does he...”

“He knows that I found you,” Hoseok says softly. “I had to tell him - he’s frantic… tried to call a team to ready a boat. He was scared you may have gone too far into the ocean.”

Jeongguk presses his back into the wall, slinking lower onto the corner between the window and alcove.

“He called off the search…and he knows you’re with me. He’s going to tell Oisukmo that we are going to miss dinner, because we went to the beach.”

“He’s covering for me…” Jeongguk whispers. “But...Eommoni is going to know I ran out of my lessons sooner or later.”

“Yoongi-hyung told me you left your economics lesson quite abruptly,” Hoseok supplies gently. “Will you tell me why?”

The reminder of the economics lesson had him clenching his fingers into fists and looking anywhere but his cousin’s kind eyes.

“I wasn’t listening,” Jeongguk says curtly.

Hoseok doesn’t respond, instead he sits, patiently waiting for Jeongguk to continue with the same soft smile. Jeongguk crossed his arms, the resolve to petulantly remain silent fell away as quickly as it came with the sight of Hoseok’s patient grin.

“I just - wanted to go to the ocean with you and Yoongi-hyung and Jieun-noona…” Jeongguk finally mumbles under his breath, forcing the words through pursed lips. He fidgets, folding his tense fingers together, clasping them tight as if it’ll hold back the fury and frustration from seeping out of his mouth. Hoseok doesn’t deserve his anger.

“...That doesn’t seem like you,” Hoseok finally says softly. “Was that all?”

Then the rumbling anger pops and then Jeongguk feels the trembling burn of tears.

“I don’t - I won’t be a good king,” he admits.

“What? What makes you think that?”

The tension in his limbs cut and with it, his strength to hold back the flood as Jeongguk began to ramble. “I - I don’t understand economics - fiscal plans and international trade… I won’t be able to make any of those decisions.”

Hoseok stares, brows furrowing and the soft grin turning into a confused pout. “But you’ll have advisors to help you -”

“What kind of king would I be if I can’t make these decisions on my own?” Jeongguk snaps.

“Jeongguk, what made you think that a king has to make decisions alone?”

“Well… how can I trust advisors?” Jeongguk asks. “They’ll all be strangers, won’t they? Will they have Naissus’ best interest at heart?”

“Jeongguk,” Hoseok starts, and the pout falls to a firm press of lips. “If you’re talking about your Privy Council - then yes - perhaps they will be made up of nobility who are older than you and perhaps have their own agendas. But your advisors - those you look to support - are those that you chose and you trust.”

Hoseok leans in, speaking in even more hushed whispers, “Your King’s Circle offer you their loyalty upon swearing the Oath of Blood. That oath is more binding than that of blood relation. They are willing to follow you to the death, Jeongguk.”

“I-I don’t understand…”

“Your duty as King is not to know everything - no matter what this tutor thinks. That is impossible. Your duty is to inspire confidence and loyalty in those that you trust.”

“…Will I find anyone who is willing?” Jeongguk asks tentatively. “I - just - I don’t want to be alone,” Jeongguk says, almost whimpering - and it takes but a shuddering breath before the tears begin to fall. Hoseok quickly wraps his arms around the younger boy and Jeongguk clings to his older cousin, inhaling the sweet scent of mint and grapefruit that promises laughter and comfort.

“Jeongguk - you won’t be alone,” Hoseok says. “Why do you think Yoongi-hyung shifted his education from music to political science two years ago? Or why am I choosing to further my career in the military?”

“I- I don’t know?” Jeongguk stutters.

Hoseok chuckles. “We were waiting until you took the throne to tell you. When the time comes, Yoongi-hyung and I will offer you our fealty by swearing the Oath of Blood.”


“Before you ask, no, neither the Queen Mother nor my father pushed either of us into this decision - but it is our desire to support you and our love for you.”

“A-Are you sure?”

Hoseok leans back and lets go of Jeongguk for just a moment to cup his cheeks. “Jeon Jeongguk, if I could I would swear the oath to you now.”

This only makes Jeongguk’s sobs grow louder. “But what if I’m not a good king and you’re loyal to a bad man?”

“I find it hard to imagine that you’ll become some tyrant of a ruler,” Hoseok says. “But if it concerns you, then I promise to hold you accountable. It won’t be a blind loyalty, Jeongguk.”

“Okay…” Jeongguk sniffles, wiping his face on the sleeves of his shirt before the tears drip down his chin. “Thank you, Hyung.”

Hoseok draws Jeongguk into his chest again. “You’ll make for a good king, Jeongguk,” he whispers. “This is only proof.”

It has been six hours since the broadcast.

Six hours since the announcement of the Czarina of Galatea’s survival.

Six hours of the news playing constantly like white noise, of people entering and exiting his study with questions and papers and information, and of Jeongguk feeling like he was drowning.

The sounds around him were muffled like he had water in his ears and every time that he felt he could take a breath, once glance at the TV screen with the bright red banner of ‘breaking news’ had his stomach dropping and his breath hitching.

They had received little news from Seokjin, Taehyung, and Jimin since the attack and they could not contact any officials from the Naissian embassy in Rossarya.

Namjoon received a single text message from Seokjin about an hour after the attack.

I’m okay. The Citadel is under lockdown. All diplomatic guests were given rooms under guard. I’m with Taehyung and Jimin. They won’t let us return to our accommodations nor leave the country yet. But we’ll be okay. I love you.

Jeongguk too received a text from Taehyung’s number.

This is Park Jimin on behalf of HRH KTH. He is well. The Citadel is under lockdown and we are unable to leave. I will update you as we receive more news.

It was the only message that Jeongguk receives and he sees Yoongi sometimes checking his phone too, but it seemed like all communication lines were cut shortly after the incident.

Namjoon hung tightly onto his phone after reading Seokjin’s text, repeatedly tapping it in hopes of seeing something new other than his lock screen picture.

“He said he’s not injured, Namjoon,” Yoongi said. “He’s not dying. He’s safe.”

“He’s not here, ” Namjoon whispered. “I - I had a feeling - I should - I should be there with him.”

Jeongguk also held onto his phone, clamped tightly in his grasp, the metal warmed by the heat of his clammy fingers.

The hours dragged on with no significant updates from Seokjin or Jimin or the embassy - and Jeongguk’s fuse grew shorter and shorter. He had paced the circumference of the study several times already - the rest of his King’s Circle equally anxious in their own ways.

Hoseok - like Jeongguk - was restless - perhaps not pacing but leaning against Jeongguk’s desk, leg bouncing and eyes darting between his phone and the TV screen every few seconds.

Yoongi had stopped moving - laying sprawled on the couch with his eyes closed but his jaw too tense to be sleeping. Namjoon sat on the edge of the sofa, fingers laced together - he, too, was still - but his eyes were glued to the TV, lips moving as if he was trying to occupy himself by mouthing the words on the screen.

They had to do something - anything is better than just sitting here waiting.

“This may be a stupid idea,” Jeongguk began in a rush.

Three sets of eyes turned to him.

Jeongguk licked his lips, trying to gather his budding train of thought.

“Can we…. go get them? We have the right to, don’t we?” Jeongguk continued.

“We do,” Namjoon started, carefully, though his eyes slowly were clearing of the hopeless daze that took him earlier. “Seokjin-hyung is a subject under your reign - you have the obligation as his king to assist him in his line of duty.”

Yoongi suddenly shifted, throwing his legs over the side of the couch and pushing himself upright.

“Taehyung and Jimin are also under your protection,” he said. “As Naissus’ allies.”

“Then we can go,” Jeongguk concluded. He stepped closer to the door, determined to call the guards to retrieve his secretary. “We’ll take the Bahamut - ”

Hoseok spluttered, coughing as he stood and shook his head.

“No, we can’t take the Bahamut - the Sky Fortress is meant for your protection - for the protection of the Royal Family in the event of an emergency.”

“Isn’t this an emergency?” Jeongguk argued.

“It is not an emergency that threatens your life,” Hoseok said, carefully - as if trying to gauge where his statement will take them. “It is not a precedent that we want to set - ”

Hoseok opened his mouth - then closed it - the sound of his teeth clashing together was loud enough to be heard by everyone in the room. He looked to the Lord Chancellor. Namjoon turned away, jaw clenched and eyes downcast.

“Taehyung could be their future King’s Consort,” Jeongguk said, “the people will want him to be safe, no?”

Hoseok flinched. “You have fallen so far,” he murmured - so quiet that Jeongguk knew he didn’t mean to say it out loud.

Jeongguk swallowed, feeling the hot embarrassment coiling tightly - anger that Hoseok should compare and think Taehyung was anything like the tumultuous relationship he shared with Lee Sunmi.

“Hyung,” Jeongguk said carefully, slowly, “Taehyung is not her.”

Hoseok flinches at the name. “It’s not a matter if he’s - if he’s like her or not. It’s about how far you’re willing to go - to fall - for him.”

You will soon disappoint everyone – they will see that you are just a boy with too much power, Jeongguk!

Look at our own monarch: a boy, with no exceptional talent – just a birthright.

Cha Seung-won-ssi spoke of how Your Majesty has utterly fallen for the Blind Prince. He said that it was the downfall of our monarchy to let a young boy take the Crown, a young boy who cannot differentiate between duty and personal indulgence.

It was Jeongguk’s turn to recoil, and the blow of Hoseok’s words had him staggering back into the door.

“Jeongguk, Hoseok,” Yoongi called, saying both their names in a low voice. “Arguing with each other is not going to help right now.”

His cousin’s eyes widened, like he was in shock at his own words. He took a deep breath, and slowly, the wild-eyed look calmed to the stern, controlled expression that the Commander General often wore during stressful situations.

“I’m sorry, Hyung,” Jeongguk immediately said, “I didn’t mean to be cruel.”

Hoseok’s head drops tiredly.

“I’m sorry too... I let my emotions cloud my judgment. Taehyung and Jimin - they are our allies - and our friends. And Seokjin-hyung is there too...but, I cannot condone the usage of Bahamut. The Sky Fortress would be too slow. It would take days.”

“Then what?” Jeongguk asked, now turning to Namjoon. “I’m sick waiting and I know you are too.”

The Lord Chancellor closed his eyes, gritting his teeth as he spoke through his lips, “Hoseok is right… it would be ill-advised to take the Sky Fortress and it could take us days to arrive in Rossarya, by then anything could happen.”

Jeongguk slumped against the door, sliding down to the ground. There was a raw panic that threatened to consume him and with it, the knowledge that he could override everything that his advisors were telling him - they were his advisors, but in the end he was king. If he wanted to, he could commandeer the Bahamut himself because he’ll do whatever it took to get Taehyung and Seokjin and Jimin back safely.

But there was another part of him - a numbness that came with the painfully rational notion that he can’t. But he can’t think of anything else to do.

And he hated this helplessness.

“So… what do I do?”

“I don’t - we can’t leave them - ”

“We’re not,” Namjoon said, “I promise you we’re not. Hoseok, is there anything else we can do.”

“The Ramuh is stationed on the outskirts of Aurea,” Hoseok answered. “We could… potentially take that?”

Namjoon turned to Jeongguk, eyes dark and determined and a deadliness that even Jeongguk - as his king - wondered if he wanted to argue against. “By your orders, Jeongguk.”

Before he could answer, there was a knock behind him. Jeongguk scrambled to his feet and shoved the door open, hoping that it was a messenger with news about the situation in Rossarya.

“Your Majesty,” the messenger stuttered, thrown off guard by the sudden appearance of the King himself at the door. He sank into a bow as he spoke. “Her Royal Highness, the Crown Princess of Attalia requests an emergency video call with you.”

“Is she on the line now?”

“She is, sir.”

“Then I’ll make the call here.”

“O-Of course, sir.”

Namjoon switched the TV screen from the news to the application for the video call - and Yoongi quickly made himself scarce from the view of the web camera.

Jeongguk waited, standing in front of the screen as the messenger spoke down to the hall to transfer the call into his study. “Sir, she’ll be on in thirty seconds.”

He nodded as the screen, once all blue, shifted to a video of himself. It was then that Jeongguk realized that he was still dressed in the grey sweats he wore this morning. His hair was longer than he remembered, messy and wild with how often he had been running his hand through his scalp.

Ragged - not kingly - but more like a boy lost.

He blinked - and when he opened his eyes, it was not his own image that reflected back at him, but he could recognize the lost, wild, and desperate gleam in the eyes of the woman before him.

He’s seen pictures of the Crown Princess before, images of her scattered across the tabloids and media after her ascension to the title. Like her brother, Kim Jennie was stunning.

She was biting her fingernails when the call connected, hands visibly shaking before she removed them from view. She blinked in the single moment, the fear in her eyes disappeared into a blank hardness. Jeongguk imagined that Taehyung would have shared the same switch in demeanour.

He could see it sometimes, in the way Taehyung’s lips curl into a grin full of teeth before falling away into a dark line.

“Your Majesty,” Jennie addressed him curtly. “I wish our first meeting could have been on better terms.”


She shifted, lacing her hands together in front of her as she looked off-screen for a moment. “Surely you’ve heard the news by now?”

“Of course.”

“Have you heard from them?”

“A message from Park Jimin on behalf of His Royal Highness,” Namjoon called, taking the opportunity to step into view. “He states that they are well, they are also accompanied by the Duke of Concordia. Have you heard much else?”

“Lord Chancellor Kim Namjoon, I presume,” her eyes softened in recognition and Jeongguk wondered if she was aware of the relationship that Namjoon shares with Seokjin.

“Park Jimin provided my father and I with the same information earlier - he did not say much else. It seems as though the Emperor has cut all communication out of the country and all travel in and out.” She licked her lips, folding her hands in front of her as her voice dropped an octave. “Perhaps it is an irrational fear...but the longer my brother is in Orivala… the more I am worried about….”

Jeongguk nodded as the princess’ words trailed off. The thought had crossed Jeongguk’s mind of the possibility of Taehyung’s gift of foresight being discovered.

“I should inform you now that I am planning on taking an airship to Rossarya and personally bringing the Prince and Duke back to Aurea - do I have the Attalian King’s permission?”

She let out a shuddering breath, leaning in closer to the camera.

“An airship?”

“A Dreadnought.”

Her eyebrows knitted together and she lowered her eyes in thought.

He knew what his actions meant. How each and every one of his moves will be scrutinized and they all go back to one conclusion: how far will he go for Kim Taehyung, First Prince of Attalia. Jennie’s eyes - cold and stern soften to something that is warm.

“When?” Jennie asked tentatively.

Jeongguk turned to Hoseok. The Commander General took a step back, running a hand through his hair. “The Ramuh,” he confirmed.

Jeongguk nodded.

“I - I could have everything ready by the evening - the Ramuh does not have the speed that the Ifrit does - but he does have the good maneuverability.”

Jeongguk turned back to Jennie. “By the evening we’ll be able to head out.”

Jennie nodded. “I will make sure that my father will agree to your plan - and that you have authority to fly over Attalian’s skies.”

“I will make sure you stay informed.”

“Thank you, Your Majesty,” Jennie said. “May the Maiden watch over you.”

She hung up and Jeongguk turned back to Namjoon and Hoseok.

“What needs to be done in preparation to leave?”

“I’ll see to it that Ramuh is prepared for travel,” Hoseok said. “We’ll take one of the light cruisers up - landing him will take too many resources and waste more time.”

“I will have a message delivered to the Emperor that the Naissian King himself will be coming to ensure the safe return of the Duke of Concordia, the First Prince of Attalia, and his Crownsguard to Naissus,” Namjoon declared, nodding to himself as he spoke.

“Wait - you’re going, Jeongguk?” Yoongi asked.

“I’m not sending an envoy.”

“I’m coming too,” Namjoon said, leaving no room for discussion.

“So am I,” Hoseok said.

“I will go -”

“You shouldn’t go, Yoongi-hyung,” Namjoon said. “In the event that something happens, you have to be the one to handle the transition of power to Ji-eun. You are the King’s Right Hand after all.”

Yoongi’s eyes darkened and he opened his mouth to protest.

“Nothing is going to happen,” Jeongguk said quickly - hoping to assuage his brother’s fear. “Galatea's war is with the Empire, not with us and Park Hae-jin would be a fool to attack us under the mighty gaze of Ramuh. But I do need you here, in case we are held up. I trust you with Naissus.”

Yoongi licked his lips, and nodded. He took a breath and it shuddered out of his chest before he muttered under his breath a prayer Jeongguk remembered being uttered in books about the old wars, “I pray that your god of wisdom watches over you all - and may he reign lightning down upon your enemies.”

Jeongguk remembered the first time he saw the Dreadnought Ramuh from the ground. The war vessel was an imposing mass of slate-grey steel that seemed to defy all laws of physics. He couldn’t understand how something that large could ever take flight without the influence of magic.

Now, flying over the fiery night skies of the Empire, the airship would be a stunning sight to behold. They passed by one of the Empire’s ships, a light class carrier that appeared to be on air patrol. It was tiny in comparison to the Ramuh - but that was the point of deploying a vessel this large: Jeongguk wanted to make a statement to the strength of Naissus.

Jeongguk received a message from the Attalian King not two hours after he spoke with the princess. The documents sent, complete with the King’s seal, gave him explicit permission to bring the Attalian Prince and his Crownsguard back to Naissus and permission to fly through Attalian airspace which would cut their journey down by three hours.

Namjoon’s negotiations with the Emperor were arduous. The Lord Chancellor was unable to speak to the Emperor directly, and instead spoke to his advisors and representatives. The negotiations were difficult enough for them to get permission to fly into Orivalian air let alone in a war vessel. But Namjoon is nothing if not charismatic and persuasive. He wasn’t able to negotiate the landing of the Ramuh on Orivalian soil, but the Emperor was agreeable to a small convoy to accompany the Naissian King and the Lord Chancellor. It took Namjoon all of the evening and late into the night to negotiate. And now, he sat on the ship with dark circles and an unwavering amount of tension as he constantly fidgeted and moved.

“We’re almost there,” Hoseok said, as he returned from the helm of the ship, “about another half an hour. They’ve given us permission to station the Ramuh on the edge of Rossarya’s controlled airspace. Two of their cruisers will meet us mid-air and escort us down to the hangar.

Jeongguk nodded and Namjoon hummed. The man absentmindedly picked up his coffee cup, raising it to his lips. Namjoon jerked as Hoseok gently placed a hand on top of the mug, forcing his friend to lower it down to the table. It’s Namjoon’s fifth cup of coffee - Jeongguk paid attention for the sake of having something to keep his mind occupied.

“I think that’s enough coffee,” Hoseok said softly, “any more and you’ll get caffeine poisoning.”

Namjoon took a breath, like he was going to argue, but stopped, letting Hoseok pry the cup from his fingers. He exhaled and began fidgeting again.

“I find it funny that Seokjin-hyung’s argument to not allow me to go was how high profile I was,” Namjoon said softly, “yet still - we all end up in Orivala.”

“Better it be this, than having both of you grounded in Orivala and unreachable,” Hoseok said softly. “We wouldn’t have been able to stage this rescue mission without you.”

Namjoon scoffed. “I’m certain if I weren’t here, Jeongguk would have found a way.”

“Not as diplomatically as you have, Hyung,” Jeongguk supplied.

“No matter, we’re here now,” Hoseok added. “We don’t have a lot of time. You should get dressed, Jeongguk, before we begin to board the cruiser and descend.

At the mention of getting dressed, a man appeared around the corner. Yoongi’s valet.

Jeongguk at first was adamant that he did not need a valet to come for the short trip - or even for an outfit to be prepared. But it was unbecoming of a king to show up in sweats - especially in a foreign country. So he stood, trying hard not to shift his weight nervously on his feet as the valet adjusted the lapel of the double-breasted button coat. Black and reminiscent of the military uniform that Hoseok now wore.

“Your Majesty, My Lords, the light-carrier is ready for you.”

Jeongguk took one final look in the mirror.

Namjoon and Hoseok stood behind him, dressed in the same shade of ink with hard looks in their eyes and clean slicked back hair. Hoseok was making the final checks for their descent - making sure that the carrier was accompanied by the two destroyer class ships and one fighter class - for Jeongguk is a king entering a foreign country after all.

“Remember, all personnel will remain at their positions in their vessels other than the King and his officials,” Hoseok declared through the radio, “The Duke, Attalian Prince and his Crownsguard will be passed into our care before our departure back to the Ramuh. Is that understood?”

The descent down to the airship hangar was quiet. Hoseok did not sit, choosing to stand at the doors with his hands clasped neatly behind his back, eyes focusing on the entourage of vehicles lined up on the other side of the landing field.

Jet black, sleek cars with windows so tinted, Jeongguk had no hope of knowing which one carried the Emperor and which one their dearest friends.

“Ready, Jeongguk?” Hoseok asked as the platform descended and the crew prepared to open the door.

He nodded.

As soon as the cabin opened Jeongguk felt the heat rolling in like a wave. The Rossarian’s summer heat is dry - unlike the heavier humidity that sits in the air of Aurea and the stickiness of the ocean salt that sits on his skin when they are in Argenteus.

Even this late into the evening - the warmth seeps through the layers of his long coat - and he feels sweat accumulating against the small of his back.

He saw a guard, a figure with a porcelain mask and wearing the colours of House Cerebyrn, open the door to one of the jet black cars.

Out stepped the Sovereign of the Orivalian Empire.

Park Hae-jin was just as imposing in person as he was in the pictures and videos, if not more. The Emperor wore different clothes than the last images Jeongguk saw of him on the news. A coat - black, embroidered with deep reds of the Imperial House. The image of some mythical creature along the hem as it sweeps up around his torso.

The Emperor began walking with his guard falling into step like a shadow behind him. Jeongguk along with both members of his King’s Circle followed in suit, matching Park Hae-jin’s pace to meet in the middle of the field.

Jeongguk’s attention is drawn to the sound of a couple more doors opening, and he catches sight of Seokjin’s figure, then Jimin’s, then Taehyung’s stepping out of another car. All of them were wearing outfits different than they wore to the coronation.

Seokjin was wearing white, a shade that Jeongguk rarely saw his King’s Circle in - but it suited the warmer weather and blazing heat. Jimin, too, wore white - keeping the formalities of his position as Crownsguard in a dress shirt with a stiff, starched collar and the brooch still hanging over his heart.

Taehyung wore the most colour, in one of his floral-patterned dress shirts tucked into light-coloured trousers. But perhaps - he looked the worse for wear out of the three - dark circles present and visible even from the distance that Jeongguk was standing. The cuffs of his silk shirt draped loosely over his hands and in the barely-there breeze, fluttered like curtains - and then he saw Taehyung’s left hand - white bandages wrapped around golden skin - thick gauze around his palm and smaller plasters wrapping around his fingers.

It took Jeongguk a couple of moments to realize.

Taehyung had been injured.

Behind his eyes, Jeongguk saw an image of himself storming up to Park Hae-Jin, a fist clenched as he struck the Emperor across the sharpness of his jaw. He saw himself screaming at Park Hae-Jin, demanding to know what happened to Taehyung - demanding repentance for the red split.

But he doesn’t - instead, Jeongguk continued what he hoped was a confident and even march towards the center.

He is a King. He cannot start a fight on the territory of the Empire - he cannot endanger his kingdom.

Finally, they stopped when both the King of Naissus and the Emperor of Orivala were standing just arm’s distance from each other.

“Your Majesty,” Park Hae-jin greeted.

“Your Eminence,” Jeongguk said - voice low in his throat and he dipped his head into a respectful nod. He will not bow.

Park Hae-jin’s eyes bore into him - like he’s trying to size Jeongguk up. He was taller than Jeongguk was - that much he was certain - but he was just as fierce as the Emperor could be.

Namjoon stepped forward, hands clasped behind his back - a pair of smart frames perched on his nose.

“Your Eminence,” Namjoon echoed, bowing fully at the waist. “Thank you for meeting us in person.”

“You must be Kim Namjoon, Duke of Pietas, the Lord Chancellor of Naissus.”

“I am, Your Eminence.” Namjoon rises to his full height, and even as the tallest amongst Jeongguk’s King’s Circle, Namjoon was still a couple of centimetres shorter than the Emperor. But he did not seem intimidated.

Then Jeongguk sees a figure dressed in the maroon of House Cerebyrn’s royal guards out of the corner of his eye - then the familiar cat-like mask with the mark of pink. Blue hair.

Yoo Su-hwa’s guard.

The woman crosses around the front of the car behind Taehyung’s and opens the door to the back seat.

Park Hae-jin turns - and looks out the corner of his eye - for a second Jeongguk thought he saw the Emperor’s brows furrow with worry .

Su-hwa, too, had changed since the coronation, returning to the earthy shades she wore to Naissus - this time though - there was an obvious amount of wealth in the trench coat dress - and the golden pendant still present around her throat.

“Su-hwa,” Park Hae-jin says cautiously, “I thought I asked you to stay in the car.”

“I wanted to wish Taehyung-oppa well,” she said softly, awkwardly pushing her hair back behind her ears.

Taehyung turned at the sound of the girl’s voice - and he grinned - tiredly it seems but he reached out in her general direction - Su-Hwa moved, carefully taking Taehyung’s offered arm. He let her lead him closer to where Jeongguk and Park Hae-jin stood.

Jimin and the Princess’ faceless guard follow in the shadow of their charges.

She stops at the side of her brother - Taehyung standing so close to Jeongguk that if he leaned just a little, their arms would brush and Jeongguk longed to close the distance.

Namjoon takes a noticeable step closer to Seokjin from where he stood at Jeongguk’s right. He could see Seokjin sway forward - as if pulled closer to Namjoon’s gravity. But then stopped himself. They formed a loose circle - Park Hae-jin with Su-Hwa at his side and both their Elite guards behind them.

Jeongguk with nearly all of his King’s Circle present.

Then Taehyung and Jimin stand between them.

Park Hae-jin’s eyes soften with Su-hwa at his side.

Jeongguk thought that Taehyung’s closeness and the proximity would ease the churning tension in his stomach - but he can’t smell the lavender that is synonymous with Taehyung - instead, Jeongguk picks up the sweetness of honey and the tartness of lemon flowers - and this only makes him more unhappy.

“I haven’t thanked you yet, Lord Concordia,” Park Hae-jin said. His voice made Jeongguk refocus.

Seokjin turned abruptly, as if shocked to hear himself be addressed by the Emperor.

He smiled, “Whatever for, Your Eminence?”

“You rushed to the aid of my Imperial Consuls - put yourself in danger to help them. Your kindness will not be forgotten. I owe you a favour.”

“I am a physician, Your Eminence,” Seokjin replied, cautiously. “It is part of the oath I swore. You owe me nothing.”

Out of the corner of his eye, Jeongguk saw Taehyung’s hand curl into a fist.

Park Hae-jin turns to Jeongguk. “You have quite a circle of advisors, Your Majesty. Keep them close, it would be a shame to lose talent and loyalty like that.”

Jeongguk coughed to mask what would be a growl threatening to leave his throat. “Thank you for your word of warning,” Jeongguk said through his teeth, “but I never had to worry about their loyalty.”

“Everyone has a price,” Park Hae-jin said, eyes flickering between Namjoon and Seokjin. “No matter - the offer still stands, Lord Concordia. Should you ever need to call for a favour.”

Seokjin didn't answer, simply nodded.

Then the Emperor turned his attention to the First Prince.

“It is a shame to see you go so soon, Taehyung,” Park Hae-jin says. “Though I know it is for the best - I would rather see you safe.”

Taehyung nods. “I appreciate your concern, Hae-jin-hyung.”

Jeongguk feels his jaw clench painfully - and he knows he isn’t subtle in the way he leans into Taehyung’s space and feels a small spark of satisfaction when Taehyung mirrored the small shift.

“Another time,” Taehyung continued, “Ravenna will be hosting the autumn festivities soon… perhaps… should everything be well... you will attend?”

“Oh, I doubt this will remain a problem for very long,” the Emperor replied flippantly with a quick smile. “Will you attend, Your Majesty? I cannot recall any international events that Naissus has attended since your reign.”

Jeongguk had to physically stop himself from visibly tonguing the inside of his cheek. The little game of words that Taehyung and Hae-jin played was out of his comfort zone - words were much more of Namjoon’s playing field or even Yoongi.

Jeongguk did not have a way with words - he has been told he is too honest, too straightforward.

He knew the meaning and weight behind their words, though: Taehyung’s implications of a potential civil war breaking through in the light of the rebellion. The nonchalant remark by the Emperor who seemed self-assured and perhaps willing to end this by all means possible.

Park Hae-jin’s question to Jeongguk appeared innocent enough, but it was anything but. It was a jab at Jeongguk’s youth, at Naissus’ isolation through the years, and perhaps just how much sway Taehyung has over him.

He can’t play the same game - he won’t.

“I may go,” Jeongguk replied, plainly and honestly.

“Attalia’s doors are open to all,” Taehyung added, airily, “especially to our allies.”

The Emperor’s smile flickered.

“Of course,” Park Haejin said, almost dismissively. “I will consider your invitation, Taehyung.”

“We should be off now, Your Eminence,” Namjoon cut in, “we don’t want to cause any more disturbance.”

“Certainly.” Park Hae-jin stepped closer to Taehyung, reaching for where Taehyung’s injured hand rested by his side.

Taehyung tensed almost imperceptibly if not for how his arm pressed against Jeongguk’s. But he allowed the Emperor to take his hand and press a kiss on his skin where the bandages and plasters didn’t cover.

“I am sorry you were injured on your visit here to Orivala,” Park Hae-jin says softly. “You seem to have… had a string of bad luck recently.”

Taehyung’s lips pulled into a firm, straight line.

“Perhaps a little accident happened while you were in Naissus?”

Jeongguk inhaled sharply, his teeth audibly clicking as he snapped his jaw shut.

The bruises along Taehyung’s face from the explosion were already fading into greens and yellows when he left Aurea two weeks ago - still he was diligent in covering them up with public appearances. Jeongguk thought that perhaps the bruises were visible - but they had all healed by now.

Su-Hwa frowned.

“And what makes you think that?” Taehyung whispered.

“Just something I heard down the river.”

Very little people know that Jeongguk was injured in the attempted assassination - even fewer know Taehyung’s involvement. Jeongguk’s King Circle, his Privy Council, the Attalian and Naissian immediate Royal Family are aware but no one else. This could only mean that someone - someone who Jeongguk thought was loyal betrayed them.

There was a mole - or a spy.

Taehyung must have come to the same conclusion - as he took a sudden step back - pulling his hand to his chest as he knocked into Jeongguk’s shoulder as he moved and Jimin slowly and menacingly inched forward.

“Well, don’t believe all you hear, Your Eminence,” Taehyung replied, “else, it seems as though the Czarina of Galatea is alive.”

“Perhaps she is, perhaps it was the Gods’ will that she lives,” Park Hae-jin said. “As it is the Mother Goddess’ will.”

Taehyung is silent - as if struggling to come up with words. Taehyung, who always knows what to say. Jeongguk felt his blood run cold - even in the dense heat that made it difficult to breathe.

“I’ll let you be off. It’ll be a long journey back to Naissus.”

Taehyung nodded, lowering into a shaky bow. “I will take my leave then, Hyung, Su-hwa.”


“Taehyung-oppa…” Su-hwa muttered, dipping into a quick curtsy.

She barely looked at Jeongguk throughout the short exchange, but now she shyly made eye contact and dipped into a low curtsy as she lowered her head.

“Your Majesty.”

“Princess,” Jeongguk said, “Your Eminence.” He turns to acknowledge Park Hae-jin once more.

Taehyung reached for Jeongguk, his hand finding its place in the crook of Jeongguk’s elbow and his hand was shaking. Jeongguk was gentle, as he placed his own hand over Taehyung’s, trying to hide the unsteadiness of the prince as he tugged them both back. His King’s Circle behind him part - letting him make his way back to the carrier first, before falling into step.

The walk back to the carrier felt long - especially with the eyes of the emperor and his entourage on him - he longed to look back, to see what was in Park Hae-jin’s eyes.

But he didn’t.

Only when the doors of the airship closed behind them, did the flurry of words and action occur.

“Did Park Hae-jin imply there was a spy - ” Hoseok started to say, but stopped himself when Namjoon all but collided into Seokjin. He wrapped his arms around the younger man, hushed Namjoon’s almost incoherent babblings of “ Are you okay? You’re okay? I should have gone with you - I told you.”

Jimin leaned into Hoseok, muttering quietly, “I know you have a lot on your mind, but is there a secure network line where I could make a report to my king?”

“Oh, uh, not here,” Hoseok replied, “It’s best to do it on the dreadnought, but if you’ll come with me we can communicate with the Ramuh to prepare a line for you as soon as we arrive.”

Jimin nodded and hesitated between remaining in Taehyung’s shadow and following Hoseok to the co*ckpit.

He scanned the cabin of the light carrier, deeming it safe enough that he quietly leaned in to tell Taehyung where he’s going before leaving with Hoseok.

Somehow, in the midst of this, Seokjin had pulled Namjoon along with him a pair of seats near the back of the cabin, settling him down and buckled his seatbelt. Namjoon had buried his head into the crook of Seokjin’s neck and let Seokjin take care of him.

“We should all sit and prepare for take-off,” Seokjin says softly. “The faster we move, the faster we’ll be home and can rest.”

Jeongguk pulled Taehyung along - and directed him to the leather chairs.

Taehyung, with practiced ease, reached for the armrests before taking a seat. He allowed Jeongguk to buckle the seatbelt around his waist, his injured hand cradled close to his chest and his other hand fiddling with the loose end of the gauze along his wrist.

Jeongguk gently took both of Taehyung’s hands, pulling his fingers away from the bandages and carefully cradling the hand covered with gauze. He felt Taehyung’s hand relax in his grip, and the rigidity of his posture softened. Jeongguk lightly brushed over where Park Hae-jin had pressed a kiss to Taehyung’s knuckles - as if that would wash off traces of the Emperor’s touch - before pressing his own lips to the sliver of bare skin.

Once again, under the unfamiliar scent of tart lemons and the sweet honey, Jeongguk caught the sharp scent of iron and rubbing alcohol and -

Taehyung was injured.

“Who did this?” Jeongguk whispered into Taehyung’s hand. Taehyung moved until his fingers brushed against Jeongguk’s lips and then traced up the side of his cheek. He turned his head, eyebrow raising.

“What will you do to the culprit?” Taehyung asked.

“Hurt them as much as they hurt you,” Jeongguk said, resolutely.

The tiredness in Taehyung’s features softened as he pressed his lips into an attempt to keep from smiling.

“Unfortunately, this was my own doing,” Taehyung replied softly. “I broke a wine glass.”

“Does it hurt?”

Taehyung shrugged. “Apparently it bled a lot. I’m grateful that Seokjin-hyung was there...he said the cuts won’t need stitches and most likely won’t scar if I keep them clean.” He smirked. “I guess that means I won’t be making you any flower crowns in the near future.”

Jeongguk scoffed. The sound turned into a strange, almost childish giggle. He looked up to see Taehyung now smiling - brightly - teeth showing.

He’s safe. He’s here.

Jeongguk exhaled and leaned into Taehyung’s hand.

He’ll make all the flower crowns if it’ll stop Taehyung from hurting.

The Ramuh, unlike the light-class carrier that was meant for the King’s travel, was a dreadnought prepared for battle and war. As such, the vessel lacked the amendments of the light-class carrier - but what it did have was a private office that was meant to serve as the council room.

In the centre was a large table, with a holographic map similar to the massive map on the floor of the War Council room in Sol Palace.

Jeongguk leaned against the table, hand-wrapped snugly around Taehyung’s uninjured fingers as they waited for one of the technicians to connect Yoongi through a private and encrypted video network.

Jimin was across the room in a corner, speaking in rapid Attalian on a secured line to Jennie.

He returned a couple of minutes later, falling into a seat across from Taehyung.

“Her Royal Highness, the Crown Princess inquired if she could join the meeting,” Jimin reported. “I promised that I’d call her afterwards to give her a report.”

“It is best that she doesn’t join,” Taehyung replied, “though I doubt she would remember or even know Yoongi-hyung, it is best to keep things… quiet, especially in these high tension times.”

“Yoongi-hyung will be connected in one minute,” Hoseok called.

Jimin fumbled, reaching into his back pocket for his phone as he ran his hand through his hair.

It was a long minute, but soon the black screen showed Yoongi sitting in the chair in Jeongguk’s study.

He probably hasn’t slept since they left. He had stayed up with Namjoon to assist him where he could with the negotiations and paperwork. He also aided Hoseok with the preparations for their departure and then sat with Jeongguk in his bedroom while the young King tried to lose himself in the confusion of the quarterly fiscal report. Yoongi helped too - helped him to understand the financial language that after years of tutelage and four of them on the throne Jeongguk still struggled to fully grasp.

And it seems in the near nine-ten hours since their departure, Yoongi hasn’t taken the time to rest either.

The older man blinked wildly into the screen, squinting as his eyes darted about the screen, taking inventory of who he could see, until his eyes landed on Taehyung.

“You’re injured, Taehyung,” was the first thing that Yoongi said.

Taehyung sighed. “My own doing. Let’s start from the beginning?”

As it turns out, things were more convoluted than even those in attendance knew. They all took turns filling in blanks where they could regarding the event - and it seemed like they had more information about the attack than the Emperor did.

The Galatean rebellion in the name of the Czarina seemed to be targeting the Imperial Consul holding power to their nation - and perhaps attempting to take out the Imperial Consul of Lavicci while they could. They were successful in killing one, according to Seokjin who was given the opportunity by the Emperor to access both the military generals. But the Imperial Consul of Lavicci will survive with nothing more than a wound in his shoulder.

It also seemed that the Queen of Aquileia knew. Perhaps was even in on it, based on Jimin’s account that he received a warning from her to leave while they can.

Then finally - came Taehyung’s revelation.

“I had a vision,” Taehyung said, “moments before it happened - I saw a… a woman with long black hair. She…wore a mask and hat… I couldn’t see her face but..there was a man with her. And… she had a sniper rifle - she shot the Consuls.”

Taehyung paused.

“I - I only saw the Czarina in pictures once or twice when I was sighted…. I can’t tell if it was her. But there was another man with her - and in my vision… I heard him address her as ‘Your Majesty.’”


“The Czarina lives then?”

“And she risked entering the Empire?”

“What does she have left to lose?”

“Did the Emperor know you had a vision?” Namjoon asked.

“I saw it while holding a glass… I broke it in shock. But...I think… I remember Park Hae-jin was… questioning my… courtship with Jeongguk… I think that provided enough cover for him not to notice that my reaction was not because of his words… but…”

“Because of your vision,” Jimin replied. “I thought so.”

“You didn’t know of the vision?” Hoseok asked.

“I...put the pieces together afterwards - I didn’t know then,” Jimin replied, “but… it was too risky to speak of his gift in the open - even in Attalian. What if the rooms were bugged?”

Jeongguk felt the jolt of tension and apprehension of fear - of what if Park Hae-jin found out.

“But now you know,” Taehyung said, “I saw what would happen to the Imperial Consul.”

Namjoon folded his hands together on the table, eyes on the holographic maps in blue and green.

“No matter, I don’t think we could have done much,” Seokjin said. “Everything happened too quickly.”

“And still we cannot do much,” Namjoon concluded. “We cannot expose the Aquielian Queen and Taehyung’s gift.”

“So… that’s all?” Jeongguk said, as the conversation died.

“I guess, so,” Namjoon sighed, “We’ve come to the conclusion that nothing can be done - yet.


“I feel like we’re forgetting something,” Hoseok sighed.

“We probably are,” Seokjin said. “But I don’t think worrying about it will help now. We’re all safe and together and we’ll address all these concerns once we’ve rested and returned to Naissus.”

With that, their small group began to disperse. Yoongi disconnected shortly after with Hoseok screeching at him to get some sleep. Seokjin agreed with the sentiment.

“We’ll be jet-lagged,” Namjoon argued, but he quickly stopped seeing Seokjin’s stern gaze. The older man pulled Namjoon along with him to where the sleeping quarters are - muttering under his breath about Namjoon’s eyes and his lack of sleep.

“The crew has arranged some private rooms in the sleeping quarters,” Hoseok said before he left to speak to the captain. “If you wanted to get some rest too. It’ll be a while before we land in Naissus.”

“I should speak to Jennie and my father,” Taehyung announced.“I’ve got it, Taehyung,” Jimin said, standing and making his way to the doors to find Hoseok again. “You should get some sleep.”

Jimin met Jeongguk’s eyes, and before he departed, he mouthed the words ‘take care of him.’

In the silence that overcame them, Taehyung slowly inched closer and closer until like all the times before - Jeongguk found Taehyung’s weight and warmth pressed into him.

“You always smell of lavender,” Jeongguk said, “Now you smell like… sweet lemons.”

“I spilled champagne on myself. And my clothes got dirty with blood… We had a lot of time just waiting for some news in the room. So after Seokjin dressed my wounds, Jimin drew me a bath in the oils that were supplied in the citadel…he hoped it would calm me enough to sleep. Perhaps rest after the vision - but -”

“…you haven’t slept since the coronation, have you?”

Jeongguk felt Taehyung’s huff of a breath in faint amusem*nt -

“I haven’t.”

“Do you… do you want to sleep now?”

He shook his head against Jeongguk’s shoulder.

“There isn’t much to do on the Ramuh,” he said quietly, “this is a war vessel after all….but perhaps we could go to the canteen and get something to drink?”

“I’d like that.”

It doesn’t take them too long to make their way down the steel-lined halls of the airship - Jeongguk on alert the whole way to make sure they evade Seokjin should he have wandered out of the sleeping quarters. Something told him that the older man would not approve of activities other than sleeping at the moment. In his haste and distraction, Jeongguk somehow failed to remember that he was King. Something that perhaps Taehyung brought out in him: a remembrance that he was but a simple man in his 20’s, sneaking through the halls to avoid getting scolded - and not the Sovereign ruler of a powerful nation.

So, he was immediately stunned when the soldiers and staff in the canteen leapt to their feet upon his arrival.

“Y-Your - uh - Your Majesty?”

“Oh - Uh, at ease,” Jeongguk called quickly. Taehyung’s fingers clasped about his own squeeze once and he felt the prince’s shoulders shaking in quiet laughter.

“Is there something we could do for you? Would you like to take a seat, Your Majesty, Your Royal Highness?” one of the staff called - a man with a peppering beard. “We could try to have whatever you’d like prepared for you.”

“Perhaps tea?” Jeongguk murmured.

“Certainly, sir.”

It was only a couple of moments later that Jeongguk found himself sitting across Taehyung at a table furthest away from the rest of the soldiers and staff of the dreadnought. They placed a pitcher of cold green tea and a plate of pre-packaged sugar cookies on the metal table in front of them. The man with the beard apologized for the lack of selection, but Taehyung smiled pleasantly at the man, thanking him for his troubles and Jeongguk was more than happy to scarf down three or four cookies in show and before they were left alone.

The table was pressed against the edge of the ship, where there were floor-to-ceiling windows that circled the circumference of the vessel.

It was hard to see through the clouds, but Jeongguk learned of their coordinates as the announcements were made throughout the journey.

“Attention all crew members, the Stormbringer will be passing by the Frostbearer on our port side.”

“We’re just over Attalia then,” Jeongguk remarked.

“The Stormbringer… Frostbearer,” Taehyung repeated. “What powerful gods to be passing over the sacred lands of our Mother.”

“Ravenna is holy land?”

Taehyung’s long fingers curl around the wooden cup. He lifted the cup to his lips to take a sip - and Jeongguk was mesmerized by the grace of Taehyung’s movements.

“It is said that the Hirondelle Mountains - the highest point in all of the Floating Isles - is where the Mother Goddess first graced these mortal lands with her presence,” Taehyung sais, his words lilting into the accents of Attalian as he spoke the names of the places, “The Palais du Étoile, or… the Palace of the Stars... is the seat of the monarchy in Ravenna. Where the Goddess resided with her mortal lover.”

Jeongguk looked out the window, and through the clouds, he could see the deep slate grey mountains - some of the highest points were white-capped with snow, and some of them covered in deep green trees and pale grass.

“I think… I could see the Hir-Hirondelle Mountains from here.” Jeongguk said, struggling over the guttural r sound. It doesn’t sound as pretty in his sharp Naissian pronunciation.

Taehyung sat up straighter.

“How does it look from up here?” Taehyung asked.

Jeongguk only saw pictures of the Floating Isles, this was the first time that he’s seen it in person. Through the frame of clouds and the pale light of the moon, it was unreal - celestial - magical.

“It’s beautiful…” Jeongguk said.

“We’d be too high up to see the palace…” Taehyung says with a pout, fingers tracing the table to find the edge of the plate of sugar cookies. “I’d like to show you someday, Étoile is aptly named for how close to the stars we are. I don’t think there is any other castle as high as the Palace of the Stars.

Jeongguk hummed, resting his elbow on the table now with his eyes still glued to the passing picture of clouds and mountains. “Were you serious...about inviting Park Hae-jin and Yu Shu-Hwa?”

“Unfortunately, my father has not made a statement about the Empire,” Taehyung sighed. “Despite all that has happened. Thus, as of now, the Empire still remains to be a friend. Until something happens…”

“Will something happen?”

“Not that I’ve seen…” Taehyung muttered, lifting a cookie to his mouth.

Taehyung wore a signet ring on his index finger, gold with the etchings of a chrysanthemum flower and a single stone of sapphire in the center.

Jeongguk watched as the crisp, factory-perfect edge of the biscuit disappeared between pink lips.

He realized he was licking his own. He raised his own cup of tea and took several gulps.

“C-could you tell me more about the Palace of Stars?”

“Hm,” Taehyung hummed, taking the time to swallow before he started speaking. “The Palais du Étoile is between the mountains and the city… there is a field of lavender on the was the place I stayed after… after everything… in convalescence.”

“Were you always partial to lavender flowers?”

Taehyung’s lips curled into a grin, “You seem rather hung up about it still…if you want a kiss, I think I’ll taste like green tea and vanilla.”

Jeongguk spluttered, looking over to see if anyone was close enough to hear.

Taehyung grinned - laughing as Jeongguk tried to clear his throat from almost aspirating. “I think this might be a rather odd place - but Attalians have been known for being more… public with our affections. Perhaps it shouldn’t be the harvest festival you attend… but the blooming festival instead.”


“Am I wrong?”

“If I kiss you now, it wouldn’t be just one kiss,” Jeongguk warned under his breath. That made Taehyung’s breath hitch and his grin fade.

“Oh,” he breathed.

“But that’s beside the point…I just...I associate you with lavender.”

Taehyung hummed.

“You… smell like freesias and vanilla,” Taehyung said, almost sheepishly, “there are freesias that grow outside my rooms in Marsylle. The first time - in the flower gardens, over the smell of jasmine, gardenias, and wisteria …when I got close to you… you reminded me of home.”

“Now I will always have a part in Naissus.”

“Naissus will always welcome you.”

It took a week before Park Hae-jin came out with an official statement.

He called the revolution a faction of people against the Empire and stated the claim that the Czarina is alive is a hoax. His announcement outside the Citadel was short, resolute in his declaration that the insurgents will pay for the death of the Imperial Consul of Galatea and the injury of the Consul of Lavicci.

“In my first promise as Emperor,” Jeongguk remembered Park Hae-jin saying in the news, “is that I will rule without impunity.”

Their return to Naissus is lacklustre, and short is their stay in Aurea before Seokjin came barrelling into the breakfast conservatory announcing that they should go to Luna Castle for the rest of the summer months. In the past couple of days, Jeongguk had noticed the circles under Taehyung’s eyes have gotten worse - and his movements have become slower, more sluggish.

He’s been lacking sleep. But hearing about going to Argenteus caught Taehyung’s attention.

“Is it appropriate?” Jeongguk asked cautiously, “with everything happening in the Empire?”

“Luna Castle may not be the centre of administration, but it is still a seat of the monarchy,” Namjoon said. “Besides, there isn’t much we can do with the Empire…. We have to wait until their next move - either against Duscae and our Commonwealth or against Attalia as our ally.”

“Besides,” Seokjin continued, “we need a break too. Come fall, there will be events for your birthday, Jeongguk, and perhaps planning to go to Ravenna.”

Jeongguk groaned. “Right, birthday.”

“We haven’t appointed anyone to handle the festivities.”

“We still don’t have a Head of the Royal Household, do we?”

“Guess we can’t pass it off to them anymore…” Jeongguk sighed.

“Why don’t we employ Wang Ka-yee?” Namjoon asked.

“Who is he?”

“He more often than not goes by Wang Jackson.”

“I’ve heard of him,” Taehyung said. “Or at least I’ve heard whispers of him from Jaehwan and Taekwoon.”

“A famous socialite in Naissian society,” Seokjin replied. “He has hosted several parties and events that have gained notoriety throughout the years.”

“He’d kill at the opportunity to plan the party for the birthday of the King.”

“I’ve heard about his reputation though,” Yoongi said. “Are you sure you want him to plan your party? Hongbin told me about the parties he’s hosted...could be a wild event.”

“I'll lend him a hand,” Taehyung said, “I’d love to have something to do.”

“What did you do back in Attalia?” Namjoon asked, “before - before all this?”

“After I renounced my title as heir to the throne, I attended a lot of social events.” Taehyung said, “or at least, I did prior to taking the gift. My sister is more than capable as Crown Princess and future queen of Attalia, but she’s rather shy and would much prefer to stay out of the spotlight. I didn’t mind, and attended and hosted events in the Crown’s name to gain favour from the nobility.”

“You sound rather experienced in this field then,” Seokjin remarked.

“Then we’ll commission Wang Jackson-ssi to plan the party, and Taehyung, I’ll give you executive authority for everything for the event,” Jeongguk said.

“We’re trusting you to keep Wang Jackson-ssi from going overboard,” Yoongi said.

“I’ll be sure to keep the festivities appropriate for the celebrations of the King’s 23rd birthday,” Taehyung said with a sweet smile.

“Now that’s settled,” Seokjin said, “I’d like to plan for us to be on the airship by tomorrow afternoon. We’re taking a vacation.

When they touched down at the Eosos Airship Hangar, Jeongguk was hit with the familiar scent of saltwater and the barely-there earthiness of grass and wildflowers.

The rocky crags of Argenteus are a mass of grey and speckled white like eternal snow. He could hear the ocean waves - even this far up over the hum of the airship.

Taehyung stepped off the platform, arm curled around Jimin’s. He took a deep breath - a ghost of a smile appearing on his features, “This reminds me of my mother’s home, it always smells like flowers and salt there.”

“I’ve...been to… the Manoir de la Rose. Once...when the gardens were open to the public,” Yoongi said.

That was a lie - one that they all knew. Jeongguk is aware that House Rose’s family home, the Manoir de la Rose was where Yoongi had met Park Suran - and where she had laid her schemes to fake his death.

If Taehyung’s cousin had told him about the scheme - then he’d know that it was a lie.

“The manor is close to the cliffs,” Yoongi continued, “but not as secluded as Ravenna.”

Taehyung hummed, “Ravenna is beautiful - but…the sacred city is solemn…I like visiting Avihnon and the Manoir de la Rose the most.”

Taehyung reached out in Yoongi’s direction until his fingertips touch the older man’s elbow.

He paused as if waiting for Yoongi to move away - to flinch - but he let Taehyung loop his arm around the crook of his elbow.

“Will you tell me about the history of Luna Castle, Yoongi-hyung? You have a passion for the arts too, right?”

Yoongi opened his mouth - flailing for a bit, but then relaxed. He started in a gravelly voice, slow and unsteady at first, before gaining more confidence as Taehyung leaned in to listen. He told Taehyung about the history of the Luna Castle - from the start of its conception during the era of the Kings of Old and some of the features and facts - shifting almost randomly.

Jeongguk vaguely remembered some of the things Yoongi was saying, but most of it was just faint memories as he followed behind the pair. Jimin had long since let go of Taehyung’s hand, drifting nearby with his hands in his pockets and his head tilted back - like he too was enjoying himself.

The little party of seven stopped in front of the steps of the castle, where a man Jeongguk recognized from his childhood stood. The butler and head of Luna Castle was an ageing gentleman, the silver in his hair only growing more apparent since the last Jeongguk saw him.

“Good morning, Your Majesty, Your Royal Highness, my Lords,” he greeted. “On behalf of Her Majesty the Queen Mother and the staff at Luna Castle, I welcome you home.”

Luna Castle was built on the cliffside of the Silver City, after the era of the Kings of Old. It always felt much more modern than Romulus Castle but still held more history - and perhaps ghosts - within its walls than that of Sol Palace. It was always a place where Jeongguk spent his summers with his family - at least until he took the throne - since then it was difficult to take time off as the new sovereign.

But Luna Castle was just like it was in his memories - lofty in the cliffs of Argenteus - airy and open in the summer months where he could smell the salt and seawater where he sat on the balcony of the King’s Chambers. Yoongi was with him in the evening hours and as the sun dwindled in the sky and Jeongguk’s eyes strained to read the words on the papers in front of him.

It was then that he heard a knock on the doors of his chambers, and a guard called in loudly: “Her Majesty the Queen Mother, sir.”

His mother tutted, shaking her head as she crossed the room. Her shoes clicked on marble floors as she stepped through the King’s Chambers out into the balcony. “Don’t sit on the railing, Jeongguk. What if you fall?”

“That’s what I told him, Eommoni,” Yoongi grumbled. The older man, rather than taking a perch on the ledge like Jeongguk did, wisely sat on one of the metal chairs. Jeongguk bit his lips and tried not to grin at his mother’s nagging tone. Sitting on the railing was always something he was reprimanded for - by his mother and father, then by Yoongi and Hoseok. He swung his legs off the ledge, hopping to his feet.

“Eommoni,” he greets, dipping into a bow before reaching for his mother.

She raised her arms and Jeongguk had to bend down to hug her. His mother runs her hand through his hair - it had grown a bit longer since he last saw her, and now he could feel his mother’s fingers tangle in the locks.

“I’m sorry I wasn’t there to greet you when you all arrived,” she said softly. She let him go and placed one hand on his cheek and then reached over to do the same to Yoongi. Yoongi shook his head, taking his mother’s fingers in both of his hands and massaging the back of her palm.

“There was a matter I had to tend to in the city. Now before either of you tell me I should be resting - I’ve done enough resting since you took power - and these aren’t affairs that needed your attention as King. I’d like to keep myself busy.”

“There is no stopping you, Eommoni,” Jeongguk said softly. Her smile is gentle, tender as she held his eyes for just a moment before a sadness overtook her.

“You have that look in your eyes like your father did: you're tense,” she said. She turned to Yoongi. “And you haven’t been sleeping much, have you.”

“...There were some important matters to attend to, Eommoni,” Yoongi said.

“There will always be things to tend to,” the Queen Mother argued. “But you must take care of yourself if you are going to lead.”

“We are Eommoni,” Jeongguk added. “That’s why we’re here.”

“Well, everyone is welcome to stay as long as they would like. Luna Castle is yours, my love, and it is open to whoever you wish.”

“Thank you, Eommoni.”

“Sir,” the guard called again, “the Commander General is here.”

Hoseok comes running in with a spirited grin on his face.

“Oh - Oisukmo,” Hoseok said, lowering into a bow. “I - sorry - am I interrupting?”

He held his phone in his hands and seemed to have rushed from his own rooms to the King’s Chambers.

“Hoseok,” she returned. “No, of course not. I was just coming to say hello to everyone. I was going to find you next.”

Hoseok paused. “Oh, um...did you spoken Namjoon and Seokjin-hyung yet?”

“I haven’t I was told they were in the gardens with the Attalian Prince.”

“Maybe you should…wait till the morning.”

“Is everything alright?” Yoongi asked, “Is Namjoon okay?”

“Oh, he’s - he’s fine - everyone is fine. Probably just not… presentable… now.”

The Queen Mother raised a brow. “Well then, I’ll take your word for it, Hoseok.”

It took Hoseok a couple more minutes of exchanging pleasantries and the promise that they’ll all show up for breakfast tomorrow before the Queen Mother announced that she’s retiring to bed. As soon as the doors closed behind her, Hoseok pulled out his phone.

“Seokjin-hyung texted me like five minutes ago saying Namjoon got drunk in the gardens.”

Drunk, ” Yoongi repeated with a short laugh. “Let’s go, it’s been too long, I have got to see this.”

It wasn’t long before the three of them were dashing out of the King’s Chambers, and stepping into the garden where the heat and the humidity had Jeongguk’s shirt sticking to his skin and the scent of salt was strong.

He could hear Seokjin’s laughter before he saw them - loud and squeaky - accompanied by a deeper, rougher laugh - Taehyung’s. When they were in sight, Jeongguk saw Namjoon and Taehyung standing beside each other. About a couple paces in front of them were two narrow and short wooden canisters. They both held long bamboo sticks. It reminded Jeongguk of games played in his youth around the New Year or during the harvest festival.

Seokjin turned, still giggling when he saw them. Both he and Jimin sat at a table - no staff were in sight - but there was a collection of snacks in the form of dried shredded squid, seasoned nuts, and seaweed - and a couple of empty bottles of beer.

Jimin had a half-finished one balanced between his fingers and Jeongguk thought he saw the bright, eye-crinkling smile dim into something a little more reserved when he saw the three of them come into view.

Jeongguk didn’t have time to dwell on it for long.

“You came!” Seokjin yelled.

Taehyung turned at the sound of Seokjin’s voice. “Who?”

“I texted Hoseok - he brought Jeongguk and Yoongi,” Seokjin explained.

“What are you guys doing?” Yoongi asked, amusem*nt colouring his tired voice.

“Namjoon-hyung was teaching me about some traditions of the harvest festivals in Naissus,” Taehyung explained, “I asked about some of the games he played as children.”

“Namjoon told Taehyung about tuho,” Seokjin said. “And then consequently decided to challenge Taehyung to a game after learning about the competitions in Ravenna during the Attalian harvest festivals.”

“He challenged Taehyung to a game of tuho,” Yoongi repeated flatly. “Namjoon challenged a blind man to a game of target throwing.”

Seokjin hummed. “And he’s losing.

Hoseok laughed - clapping his hands as he threw his head back.

It was difficult to believe at first, but when Jeongguk turned - he saw the evidence before him. The canister in front of Namjoon had a pile of sticks littering the grass - several of them sticking upright with the force of Namjoon’s throw. None of them made it into the narrow bowl.

The area around Taehyung’s target was equally cluttered with a mess of sticks around the canister - save for one that made it into the narrow opening.

Jeongguk turned back to Namjoon and Taehyung. His Lord Chancellor had a bottle of beer in one hand and twirling the bamboo stick in the other, he seemed steady on his feet. But he had a ridiculous grin on his face that showed off dimples that have made less and less of an appearance in recent years.

And he was giggling.

Taehyung beside him was also laughing, mouth wide open as the laughs became silent and he doubled over with the force of it.

“No - no ,” Namjoon cried in between his chuckles, “rematch - rematch!”

“I don’t know, Namjoon-hyung,” Taehyung teased, “can your pride handle another defeat?”

The playful taunt only pushed Namjoon into demanding a rematch with Taehyung. Jimin helped Namjoon and Taehyung pick up the sticks strewn across the grass as Seokjin offered the new arrivals some drinks and snacks.

Jeongguk cracked open the bottle of beer leaning against the table as he took a tentative sip. The scent and the taste reminded him of his youth.

He remembered the first time he had alcohol. He had caught Yoongi drinking in the cellars of Sol Palace, cheap beers that no one - especially not the Head of the Royal Household - would remember went missing. Yoongi was twenty-four then, but seeing that Jeongguk was just on the verge of turning eighteen, he offered his younger brother a can. It was also the first time that Jeongguk got tipsy - and another incident where they both had to evade their mother’s wrath.

The second time he remembered having this bitter taste was just shortly after the beginning of his reign, when it had been just him and the four members of his King’s Circle one evening in his chambers. Namjoon had snuck some alcohol from the city past the Head of the Royal Household. It was the first time since the beginning of his reign that he let go and felt like he could act his age - the first time that he saw his King’s Circle act like young adults all in their early to mid twenties.

He held onto the feeling and took a deeper drink, savouring the bitterness that lingered on his tongue and the warmth in his stomach that accumulated into a pleasant buzz. Somewhere in the back of his thoughts - passed a sinking feeling that perhaps this might be the last time in a long time that they’ll… be this carefree as a group of seven.

He cast the thought aside.

The next game went just as well as the first. The pile of sticks grew just as large in the grass, but then Namjoon managed to get one in. He ran screaming around the little clearing in victory.

Hoseok’s laughter carried - and he nearly threw himself off the side of the chair.

“This isn’t fair,” Yoongi complained from where he sat in the grass, leaning against Hoseok’s legs, a bottle of beer balanced on his thigh. “Either we get to put a blindfold on you, Namjoon, or we get to give Taehyung tips.”

“By all means,” Namjoon said upon his return, panting from his impromptu laps. “If Taehyung is willing.”

“Of course,” Taehyung replied. “If I could get another arrow in, it would be quite a feat.”

“Lead with your throwing arm and leg, Taehyung,” Seokjin started.

“Maybe aim just thirty degrees more to your left,” Yoongi added.

The stick landed too far to the left.

“Actually maybe just fifteen degrees cause you’re throwing with your left,” Hoseok corrected.

“...and then add just a little more power,” Namjoon put in.

The stick made a straight descent down in front of the canister and they all made a sound of defeat.

“You’re so close, Taehyung. Maybe let the stick go just a bit before you flick your wrist,” Jimin said.

Then finally, Jeongguk stepped up and gently lifted Taehyung’s throwing arm just a tad higher.

Taehyung threw the stick.

It landed in the canister.

All six of them roared.

Taehyung turned around, toothy grin pulled so wide that his closed eyes crinkled upwards. Jimin stood and threw his arms around the prince. The Crownsguard’s balance is off - if his haphazard stumbling had anything to say - and Taehyung was not expecting the sudden and fierce attack. The momentum knocked them both off their feet. They collapsed in a heap in the grass and Hoseok’s laughter grew louder.

The laughter petered off in wave-like-bursts until eventually, they all ended up laying in the grass as the sunlight faded over the cliffside - and their giggles were replaced with sounds of their breaths and the quiet ebbs and flows of the ocean. They shared the rest of the snacks and beer, even Taehyung had one and a half bottles.

His speech started to slow down and the accent became more apparent.

“What other games did you play as kids?” he asked.

“Most of the traditional games of Naissus were played around the festival seasons,” Namjoon explained, sitting up on his elbow to take a sip of his drink. “Other than that…I think we play games most children would.”

“Catch…tag…hide-and-seek,” Seokjin listed.

“We used to play hide-and-go-seek here when we were kids,” Hoseok added.

“Wait, you guys played hide-and-seek here?”

“In Luna Castle?” Yoongi asked incredulously. “In a castle with more hidden passageways, secret entranceways, and books and crannies than Sol Palace?”

Hoseok hummed. “Jeongguk and I along with Ji-eun… and a couple of other distant relatives. We always spent the summers here though. So we got rather good.”

“That’s why you were always able to find Jeongguk…” Yoongi said. “But no one else could.”

“It always made it easier to get out of doing something if no one could find me,” Jeongguk added and he felt a childish giggle bubble up his throat when Yoongi reached over and jabbed him in the side.

“Let’s play now,” Seokjin suggested.


“The castle’s pretty much empty with the bare minimum of staff. No guests. It’s just the seven of us and the Queen Mother has retired to her chambers. Come on - how many chances do you get to play hide-and-seek in a castle.

Jeongguk sat up, the grin of his face doubled in size with the brightness in Seokjin’s eyes. Around him, he could see the rest slowly getting up, with the same eager grins.

“I think it would be fun,” Taehyung said.

“There have to be some rules if we do this,” Yoongi added, somewhat sensible even when tipsy.

“Okay,” Namjoon started, he very ungracefully rolled onto his stomach - nearly squashing Seokjin - before managing to sit up.

“Let’s…. uh... not hide in the staff’s quarters or out in the gardens - we stay in the gardens - I mean castle. We stay in the castle. We stay out of the bedrooms too - and the gallery - and the portrait hall…. Oh and once you’ve found your hiding spot you stay there .” It took a while for the usually bright and eloquent man to come up with the thoughts and even longer for everyone to comprehend.

“Okay… so everything else is free game?” Hoseok asked, “you’re all going to get your ass kicked by Jeongguk.”

“Then that’s not fair either,” Yoongi complained, “I didn’t grow up here, Namjoon and Seokjin-hyung have only been here a handful of times and Taehyung and Jimin are new - not to mention the other issue.”

“Jimin and I can pair up,” Taehyung suggested, “but we’ll still be at a disadvantage.”

“I’ll pair up with you, Taehyung,” Jeongguk volunteered swiftly.

“We should all pair up,” Seokjin suggested, “I’ll go with you, Jimin.”

Hey , what about me!”

“Namjoon, I love you, but you’re so long and loud . It’ll be impossible to find a good hiding spot with you.”

Namjoon pouted and Hoseok took pity on him. “I’ll be your partner, Joon,” he sang, wrapping his arms around the other man. “We got the best chance next to Jeongguk and Taehyung.”

“I guess I’ll count,” Yoongi sighed, laying back down. “I’ll give you to the count of a hundred. If I give up on finding you, I’m going to text you.”

Seokjin immediately leapt to his feet, pulling Jimin along with him. “You better actually try, Yoongi! Don’t fall asleep on us!”

Yoongi rolled his eyes, threw his arm over his eyes and started counting in a slow drawl. “One...two…”

Hoseok and Namjoon stumbled off, giggling a lot more than anyone had seen the Commander General and Lord Chancellor do. They both took off along the veranda, trying to find an entrance other than the one open straight out into the gardens.

Taehyung had wandered closer to Jeongguk in the midst of all of the activity, till he stood pressed against the young king’s side and his fingers searched for Jeongguk’s.

“Shall we?” Taehyung whispered into Jeongguk’s ear. He felt the warmth of his childhood spark a flame and it ignited into a blaze of too much - so much - in his chest.

In the dim light of the evening summer sun - Jeongguk leaned in and stole one kiss that quickly turned into two - then three.

Ten… eleven… I know you’re still here. Get moving.

They giggled, then Jeongguk wrapped his hand tightly around Taehyung’s and took off into the palace.


Eosos - Dawn in Latin
Manoir de la Rose - Manor of the Rose in French.

Author’s Note:
1) WAIT - I have an excuse for disappearing so long! I recently just wrote a 100K+ Taekook Sentinel/Guide AU for the InBloom Fest! If you guys are interested, the story is called 'These Dark Endeavours'. Perhaps you'd be interested in reading it while waiting for the next chapter! Remember to read the tags though! It's a little bit more mature than Blood of the Oracle. Hope you guys enjoy it if you do.

2) Please leave a comment! A little encouragement goes a long way, and I would love, love, love to hear what you guys thought of the story thus far.

3) Come talk to me on Twitter or ask me questions on Curious Cat. I love making new friends! See you all real soon!


Chapter 17: dormeveglia


Dearest, minmi, for all the love and support you've given me. I can never thank you enough.

Chapter Playlist

d o r m e v e g l i a

(n.) the space that stretches between sleep and awake


(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

chapter seventeen

d o r m e v e g l i a

Sometimes, when Jeongguk sleeps, his dreams morph into a peculiar movie of memories.

Sometimes, he dreams of the chaos that descended upon the late king King Jeon Yeong-hwan’s death. He dreams of the tasks that were placed on him as the heir - as his father’s only child. He dreams about the arguments with the High Priestess. Someone who was never involved in politics, someone who Jeongguk rarely ever sees at Sol Palace, coming and demanding that the King’s body be laid in state at Romulus Castle as per tradition before being entombed at the Somnus Mausoleum. Then the cries from the medical staff who say that it was too dangerous - the body needs to be burned to prevent the plague from spreading.

The High Priestess won, for even the medical staff - men of science - feared the ill-will of a King improperly laid to rest.

Sometimes, Jeongguk has memories of the blinding light of cameras following him and his mother after the king’s death. How his mother - even in her grief - shielded him as she always had and always would. Perhaps that was the first time Jeongguk learnt of the unforgiving nature of the media and the bite of rumours that followed the Royal Family in the months that came between the discovery of the cure and the death of the King.

His mother tried to shield him from the newspapers and TV broadcasts, but it was hard keeping a ten-year-old - especially a ten-year-old as curious and determined as Jeongguk - away for very long. And he soon discovered the harsh reality that love for the Royal Family lasts only as long as there is good fortune in the Kingdom.

For who else will the people blame for the downfalls of a nation?

It was the late King’s fault that the plague had started.

It was the late King’s fault that the research for the cure was delayed in favour of putting out more resources to provide support for smaller towns.

It was the King’s fault.

Better off that he died.

Is there even a need for the Royal Family?

What good have they done for the people?

Perhaps it is time for change.

Does Naissus even need a monarchy?

A monarchy under a boy king.

It was then that his mother - the still grieving woman who was once the beloved Queen Consort - became Queen Regent. She threw herself into the politics of ruling the nation that her too-young-son inherited, weathering the blows to House Cepheus’ right to rule in Jeongguk’s stead. When she announced that the cure was discovered, the people rejoiced - praising the Royal Family and blessing them for their love of the people.

Jeongguk may have been too young to understand the true nature of politics, but he does understand the pain of loss and the hatred of wanting to blame someone - anyone who could have had power to make it go away. Jeongguk himself had done the same, descending that hatred onto the gods and goddesses above him - silently staring at the statues in the Temple of the Six, praying for their divine intervention and loathing them for coming too late.

Sometimes, and these nights are rare and far in between, his dreams are not a memory, but a nightmare where he catches the plague himself. Where his vision fades into blackness, and the coughing fits steal his breath, and he can barely hear the screaming and yelling around him - his own voice, his mother’s.

“Eomma, Eomma, I can’t see.”

“It’s the plague - he has the plague.”


He wakes from these dreams with his heart pounding, the beginnings of panicked sobs wracking his lungs, and the lingering promise that if he tries to sleep now, the screaming will return.

On these nights, he gets out of bed and goes to the media room.

On this occasion of nightmare-racked sleep, it was still early in the night. Jeongguk knew if he doesn’t sleep now, he’ll be exhausted for the rest of the day. But perhaps tomorrow night - if he’s exhausted enough - his sleep will be dreamless.

Sol Palace was barren these days. It has been barely two years since the cure had been found, two years since this has become a regular routine for him. The nights leading up to the anniversary of his father’s passing always seem worse.

But Jeongguk knows his ways down the hall, and it doesn’t take him long to find the media room in the darkness.

Jeongguk gasps when he sees the fading pink hair of the boy who slowly - but surely - started to weave into the life of the young Crown Prince and the Queen Regent.

Yoongi was lying on the couch. Jeongguk, in the daze of long sleepless nights, didn't really see him until he was hovering over the older boy.

Jeongguk should have known something was off when the lights of the media room were on - even if they were dim - it was in the early hours of the night after all.

Yoongi had earbuds in, a book resting on his chest.

He twitches - perhaps woken up by the shadow over his head.

Slowly, Yoongi’s eyes open.

Then in a flurry of motion, he nearly falls off the couch, yelling something in Attalian.

The sudden movement has Jeongguk also jumping backwards, electricity scattering through his heart and muscles.

Yoongi places a hand over his heart - squinting in the low light.

“Oh, it’s - it’s just you, Jeongguk,” he says, releasing a breath. “Why are you still up? It’s like two in the morning.”

“Sorry, Yoongi-hyung,” Jeongguk mumbles, “I didn’t mean to scare you.”

Yoongi looks up, brows furrowed in confusion, like he expected Jeongguk to get defensive… not to apologize so suddenly.

“It’s… okay….” Yoongi says quietly. “I just - uh -”

He rubs at the back of his neck, pulling on the skin where his shoulder meets his throat. “My - my mother… used to tell me stories about servants of the Crone - the Attalian Goddess of Death. She told me that… they would come out at night and steal away children who weren’t asleep in their beds.”

It takes Jeongguk a second to realize that Yoongi thought he was supernatural.

Jeongguk snorts. “Did you think I was one of them?”

“You were looming over me dressed like that, what was I supposed to think?” Yoongi snaps.

Jeongguk glances down - and sees the massive black hoodie he shrugged over his head in the winter weather - it drowns him, the hood nearly covering his eyes and the growth spurt he had sometime after his twelfth birthday this year made him look like all skin and bones.

“What are you doing up so late?” Yoongi asks. “Don’t tell me you came to play games.”

“....I couldn’t sleep…” Jeongguk mumbles.

“Couldn’t? Or didn’t want to?”

Jeongguk hangs his head, shoves his hands into his pockets.

“Bad dreams,” Jeongguk finally says.

“Do you want to talk about it?”

Jeongguk doesn’t answer.

He doesn’t want to talk about it - doesn’t want to bring the images that he desperately tried to run from by leaving his room. This is a place that he knows could drown out the pain.

Yoongi stares for a second before he gets up from his place on the floor.

“Stay here,” he says with a sigh, “I’ll be back.”

Jeongguk watches as the lithe frame of the boy he calls his older brother slinks out of the room.

It takes him a couple of minutes of standing still before he gradually falls into the mindless motion of turning on the projector and gaming console and then curling into a tight little ball on the sofa - where Yoongi was just a bit earlier.

The cushions were still warm.

The coils of anxiety and remnants of the nightmare fall a little looser when the trills of the opening screen music start playing.

Yoongi walks into the room just as Jeongguk starts to load up the last saved file.

He’s holding a tray with two mugs and when the older man hovers between the couch and the coffee table, Jeongguk could smell it: a pungent, earthy scent that made him recoil.

“I know, it doesn’t smell great,” Yoongi says.

“What is that?” Jeongguk asks wearily.

“Valerian root,” Yoongi says,“made into tea. It helps you sleep.”

“Really?” Jeongguk reluctantly takes the cup Yoongi offers him. The scent has him pushing it as far away from him as possible, but the warmth of the mug is nice against his cold fingertips.

“It smells so gross.”

“Just hold your breath and take a gulp,” Yoongi says. He lifts the cup to his lips and takes a nonchalant sip.

Jeongguk cringes but does what Yoongi suggests. He holds his breath. The tea is warm as it slides down his throat, with a bitterness that leaves a strange grassy taste on his tongue.

“You know - there is a myth about valerian roots from Attalia,” Yoongi says, a voice that Jeongguk knows is the beginning of a story.

“In Attalia, there’s a… folktale about spirits that cause nightmares,” Yoongi starts. “Some believe…that some souls and spirits are so vengeful and angry that even the Goddess of Death herself, could not ferry them to the other side. They linger, searching for a vessel suitable to hold their souls.”

And Jeongguk listens - he likes listening to Yoongi’s voice. He liked the rasping rumble of Yoongi’s voice - of the way the words of the Common Tongue sound in the mix of his accent. Some words came out softer, warmer in the Attalian accent, when he was tired or comfortably alone with the occasional strong enunciations heard in Naissus.

“The stories say that people plagued by nightmares - are prayed on by these spirits. It’s their way of wearing down the bodies of those who they believe could be weakened enough to possess.”

Jeongguk shifts in his seat, fingernails unintentionally tapping loudly on the mug.

“The Goddess of Death was angry at the spirits for interfering with the living. So she gave the living valerian,” Yoongi continues. “Its properties help the victim sleep. The scent is supposed to deter the spirit, for it smells too much like the earth that surrounds their corpse.”

“Do you believe the stories?” Jeongguk whispers.

Yoongi shrugs. “It helps me sleep when I’m having bad dreams. So I suppose so.”

Jeongguk takes another sip - this time, breathing in the smell.

He could feel Yoongi’s eyes on him.

“So...what - what are you playing?”

It takes Jeongguk a minute to remember he hit the pause button as soon as he saw Yoongi enter. He put his mostly empty mug down on the coffee table, picking up the console controller again - eager to find a distraction once again.

“It’s an RPG.”

“A what?”

Jeongguk holds back a giggle and tries to explain it. It was a new game from Ashua. He only had about an hour or two of gameplay in, so he was still getting to know the characters and the story.

“Do you want to try to play, Hyung?” Jeongguk asks.

Yoongi scoffs and there was a moment where he hesitates like he was going to politely refuse before he puts down his empty mug and holds his hand out for the controller.

It takes Jeongguk even longer to try to explain the controls, the function of each button and then he watches - wincing - as the character jerks to life on the screen. Perhaps it was a bad idea handing over the reins of the game to a newbie in the middle of an open field with monsters that could be engaged in combat.

But he’d be lying if he said it wasn’t entertaining watching Yoongi fumble and it wasn’t long before his incorrect button-mashing led to near death and Jeongguk had to step in, but he hands the controller back when they get to a town, somewhere for Yoongi to explore the game without nearly getting killed.

Jeongguk yawns - as he watches Yoongi stop to talk to every NPC. He feels the late night getting to him - things start getting a little hazy - his yawns get longer, and he curls into the arm of the sofa, a cushion tucked into his chest.

His eyes start getting heavier.

Perhaps the valerian tea was working.

But it would keep the spirits of Naissians away?

He doesn’t believe in the story… not really… but he wondered - if in the plague - there was a lingering soul of those who died that is haunting him.

He wonders if his father’s soul still lingers - angry in his death.

Perhaps Jeongguk is angry at him for leaving.

He knows there are stories about restless spirits in Naissus - not souls angry and vengeful - but souls left with unfinished business - with worries that still remain among the living.

His mother - over the two years it took for her to climb out of the pits of grief - told him that she no longer wanted to be sad, for it would keep his father’s spirit here.

“We have to let him go, Jeongguk - let him cross to the other side.”

Perhaps it wasn’t grief that held his father to the mortal realm, but Jeongguk’s anger. Anger that he left him, that he made his mother cry, that he never played enough games with Jeongguk, that he never taught Jeongguk to play the piano.

“I like the music,” Yoongi murmurs - his voice loud enough that Jeongguk opens his eyes for just a moment.

The sounds had faded - like background music around him - and it took Jeongguk a second to force himself to focus.

He could hear it now.

A playful melody like a waltz.

He’s heard it before.

He’s been to this part in the game - heard it enough times for it to fade. But now he watched as Yoongi, with the controller discarded loosely in his left hand, started to play the melody on an invisible piano in his lap.

“Could you play it on the piano?” Jeongguk asks.

“Hm, probably…” Yoongi says, “Give me a little while to learn it by ear, I think I could.”

“I’d like to hear you play it, Hyung,” Jeongguk mutters.

“Okay… I’ll try to play it for you and Eommoni in the morning.”

Jeongguk closes his eyes again - and truly the world fades away faster now. He feels fingers combing through his hair. Then someone that smells of orange blossoms and wood scoops him up into their arms - the feeling of weightlessness. Then, the bliss of drifting off into a dreamless sleep.

Jeongguk doesn’t believe in the Astral Gods - for they were hateful beings if they left Naissus to fall into this darkness.

But he does wonder about the gods of Attalia.

For they had brought light back into his life.

It was late the next evening, when Jeongguk found himself stretching back in his chair, spine cracking as he hummed along to a new pop song he enjoyed as a reward for finishing reading the debriefing report on the quarterly fiscal meeting.

He barely heard the knocking on his door through his earphones.

“His Royal Highness, the First Prince, sir,” called the guard outside.

Jeongguk straightened, ripping the wires from his ears.

“Come in.”

Jeongguk huffed a breath at the softness the prince exuded - hair freshly washed and dressed in pale cotton colours, he looked just about ready to go to sleep.

He had the cane with him.

“Taehyung,” Jeongguk greeted as the guard closed the door behind him.

“Am I disturbing you?” Taehyung asked, hovering with his cane at the door.

“No,” Jeongguk replied, perhaps too quickly. He stood and made his way over to the sofa, all while keeping his eyes on the prince.

He stepped up, fingers brushing against Taehyung’s hand. “May I lead you to the couch?”


It was comforting to entwine their fingers together, a familiarity that Jeongguk had gotten used to. Taehyung fell into step, pressing some sort of button on his cane that made it snap and shrink into itself - until it was just as long as Taehyung’s forearm.

He spun it deftly in his hand and Jeongguk wondered to himself if Taehyung could and would ever use the cane as a weapon.

The sitting area in the King’s Chambers in Luna Castle was open as it outlooks the massive windows with views down to the ocean and cliffs. The colours of the furniture were just as dark as that of Sol Palace, the sofa more worn with use rather than the newly refurbished one King’s Apartments. Taehyung scooted over across the cross-sectional sofa, finding the spot where he could curl into the corner and pull Jeongguk alongside him with their intertwined fingers.

“Will you sit with me?” Taehyung asked, feeling for the coffee table that he must have guessed would be in front of the sofa and placing the cane on the surface. “I wasn’t sure if you were doing something when I came in.”

“I’ll sit with you,” Jeongguk said and it doesn’t take much before he has Taehyung laying against his chest and their legs tangled together. Taehyung’s hair is still wet - curling into loose waves where it dried and Jeongguk happily inhaled the heavy scent of lavender and chamomile.

He’s gentle as he runs his fingers through Taehyung’s hair. He craved to have Taehyung closer - relishing in how Taehyung seems to melt against him, savouring how Taehyung curled into him with an arm wrapped possessively around his waist. Taehyung pressed his face into Jeongguk’s chest, the top of his head fitting under the curve of the young King’s chin and throat. He sighed, a sound that seemed to be a mix of content and tired and Jeongguk let the sound hang in the air for just a moment.

“It’s rather late though,” Jeongguk commented, “I thought you would be sleeping.”

“I couldn’t really sleep…” Taehyung admitted - and something in his voice, in the way Taehyung spoke that made Jeongguk question if tiredness was the only thing. “I’ve…been having nightmares.”

Jeongguk could see the signs that Taehyung hasn’t been sleeping well: dark circles that coloured the underside of his eyes and now darken his eyelids, a lethargy in his movements that was uncharacteristic of the usually gracefully energetic prince; the slipping of more Attalian words in his speech, and just how often Jeongguk would happen upon the prince and his Crownsguard on the terrace or media room dozing as Jeongguk found him just after the first vision he witnessed.

Taehyung was also the first person at the breakfast table, rising before even Jimin in the past couple of days. Jeongguk hoped that as the weeks passed, their short reprieve at Luna Castle could ease the tension. But Jeongguk knew - that nightmares and the past do not have time limits nor care where you are.

Jeongguk hummed, “Perhaps… I could make you some valerian root tea?”

Taehyung turned his head to the side.

“Jimin… already made me some. I’m surprised you know of it… is it common in Naissus to use valerian root as a sleep remedy?”

“No, not exactly. Yoongi-hyung used to make me valerian tea too when I couldn’t sleep when I was younger.”

“Oh?” Taehyung hummed, “Did he tell you the story about valerian?”

Jeongguk nodded. “He did…”

“....Do you believe it?” Taehyung asked.

“In Naissus…there’s a belief that the spirits that stay are those with unfinished business with the living,” Jeongguk started. “Or spirits that can’t move on because those they love…have too much that they're holding on to.”

He stared at Taehyung’s hands, absentmindedly tracing the thin, silver rings that adorned his fingers.

“I hope that is not the case,” Taehyung whispered.

Jeongguk thought for a moment, wondering what to tell Taehyung - in the quiet breaths that settle between them - Taehyung’s weight soft and comforting against his chest.

“There… is a myth…” Jeongguk began, “about how the moon and the sun came to be.”

“Will you tell me?”

“...Long ago, the Astrals walked the earth amongst mankind as powerful beings. They brought many gifts to mortals: Bahamut gave them light, Ramuh gave storms that watered the crops, Leviathan filled the oceans with creatures that could be used for food, Ifrit gave fire for warmth, and Titan gave the earth for shelter.”

Jeongguk licked his lips, hesitating as he tried to remember the old tales of Naissus’ creation myth.

“Some of mankind worshipped these beings as gods and others saw them as threats. It was not long before a conflict broke out between the Astrals and mortals.

“Bahamut, furious in mankind’s hubris in the face of the Astrals’ kindness, plunged the world into complete darkness - so much so that even Ifrit’s fires brought no solace.The darkness did not make mankind fear the Astrals, instead, it made them smarter, created weapons and tools from the gifts previously given to them - and they began fighting each other. The land was split into three kingdoms which fought for more power.

“The Astrals - tired of the violence - slept - waiting for the day that mankind destroyed themselves and hoped that they could start anew. In the violence and the bloodshed, one man begged for help from the only being who would listen: Shiva - the Glacian. The benevolent goddess could not get rid of the darkness, but she created the moon and implored the man to seek a covenant with the other Astrals.

“He does so, first to seek Ramuh’s wisdom, then to Titan for his strength, then Leviathan for her ferocity, then to Ifrit for his cunning.”

“Together with the five gods - he went to Bahamut to ask for his will and the return of the light.”

“Bahamut agreed - for this man showed the courage and the might needed to become a leader. The King of Kings gave his blessing and commanded Ifrit to create a source of light that would remain for a finite time. When Ifrit’s gift of the sun set and the darkness returned, it was Shiva’s gift of the moon that reminded us that even in the darkest of nights - the light will return.”

There was silence for a while - as Jeongguk realized just how long he was talking - the windows were all open in his rooms - with the white inner curtains fluttering in the breeze - and the faint sounds of the crashing waves in the distance.

“There is a saying - about why the colours of the Royal House of Cepheus is black…” Jeongguk continued, “a reminder of the darkness, and it is the royal family - the King’s duty to lead his people through the darkness.”

“That’s... not a fairytale, Jeongguk,” Taehyung said, words clumping together in a slur of syllables. “That’s a history lesson.”

Jeongguk laughed - he knew Attalia’s connection to divinity - and after everything that happened with Taehyung - he no longer questioned the existence of the Floating Isle’s gods.

But of Naissus’ own?

Some scientists have argued that the darkness that took Naissus could simply be explained as an eclipse - and House Cepheus’ divine right to rule was all a ruse. For no man is mightier than another.

“I used to find my history lessons to be boring enough to put me to sleep, much easier than fairy tales.”

“Tell me another one then,” Taehyung asked.

“What kind of story?”

“A love story.”


This one, Jeongguk struggled with - pausing and adding his own little bits of commentary here and there - much to Taehyung’s quiet amusem*nt.

He couldn’t remember many of the details of the great love story between Shiva and Ifrit - other than they were complete opposites of each other. But it didn’t matter, as he never got to the ending (which is good, because Jeongguk can’t seem to remember if it was happy or tragic) before it seemed like the valerian tea had started to take effect. Taehyung’s breaths elongated and his arm slumped where it was over Jeongguk’s shoulder.

Jeongguk let his voice fade into a mumble - and slowly he reached up to run his hands through the wavy locks of Taehyung’s hair.

The ruffling of the prince’s locks made the scent of lavender more apparent. The scent was stronger, unlike yesterday evening - when the scent of cheap beer and grass had mixed in with the scents that Jeongguk knew so well.

Then, as he, too, fell between the crossroads of dreaming and awake, the warm, familiar floral sweetness pulled him back to the memories of yesterday’s game of hide and seek.

Memories of poor attempts at stifling giggles, of Jeongguk tripping over the edge of a step in his inebriated state, nearly landing on his face if he wasn’t holding Taehyung’s hand.

Memories of being pressed together in the tight space behind the bookshelf and Jeongguk wondering if Taehyung could feel just how hard his heart was beating through his chest as Jeongguk could feel his.

Memories of stolen kisses, hushed gasps, and moans muffled between teeth-bitten lips as Taehyung made trails of fire across Jeongguk’s feverish skin. And he can still feel it now, in this place just before memories become dreams.

It took almost five vibrating pings and then the jolt of his ringtone for Jeongguk to realize that Yoongi was trying to call him to end the game of hide-and-seek (they won that round).

He vaguely felt a familiar jolt somewhere in the realm of reality. It took several seconds and Taehyung jerking upright in his arms before Jeongguk was brought back to the present.

“Sorry, sorry,” Taehyung mumbled as he sleepily fumbled for something in his pocket that was vibrating: his phone. It takes him a moment to right the device, pressing on the haptic buttons before laying it against his ear.

He speaks in Attalian and Jeongguk could hear Jimin’s voice - altered by the phone - on the other side.

Taehyung rubbed his eyes - blinking blearily as he answered Jimin in short syllables. He nodded and then shook his head when Jimin said something before hanging up.

“Jiminie’s looking for me,” he said, “I should head back to my rooms.”

He lurched to his feet, wobbling for a second - like his knees were going to buckle.

He yawned.

“Thank you for the stories, Jeongguk,” he mumbled, taking another unsteady step, knocking his shins into the coffee table as he searched for his cane. “Good night.”

Jeongguk had to resist the urge to coo - as the usually graceful and elegant Prince of Attalia seemed to have turned into a baby deer.

“Let me walk you back,” Jeongguk said.

Taehyung didn’t argue, lacing his fingers together with Jeongguk’s and dragging him along - he took a few stumbling steps before he tripped over his own feet and Jeongguk all but gave up and offered him a piggyback ride. Taehyung didn't protest, and flopped over Jeongguk’s back, nuzzling his cheek into the back of Jeongguk’s neck.

He drowned in the scent of lavender.

Jeongguk carried Taehyung all the way back to his rooms. It took only two short taps on the door before Jimin answered - also looking soft and ready for bed in sweats and a loose t-shirt, hair fluffy and not the usual slicked back, perfect coif that he usually had it in.

He was a bit stunned to see Jeongguk, his brows furrowed then softening when he saw Taehyung draped over Jeongguk’s back.

The soft breaths become gentle snores.

“I think he’s asleep,” Jeongguk whispered.

Jimin opened the door wider, and ushered Jeongguk inside. “Help me get him into bed then,” Jimin said softly.

Like their rooms in Sol Palace - Jimin and Taehyung left a mark of airiness wherever they seem to go - on the coffee table was a huge bunch of wildflowers artfully arranged in a vase - all windows and balcony doors blown wide open. Jeongguk never noticed before - perhaps as intoxicated by the scent of lavender as he usually is - but there is a sweetness - a cologne that perhaps belongs to Jimin that mingles in the air.

It took them a little while to gently ease Taehyung’s weight off Jeongguk’s back, and a little bit more for Jimin to tuck the prince under the covers and tenderly brush the dark locks off his forehead.

“He’s been… having difficulty sleeping,” Jimin said quietly, as they silently slipped out of the bedroom and into the little sitting area. “How did you get him to sleep?”

Jeongguk shrugged, “He told me you gave him valerian tea. It probably helped.”

“I’ve been offering it to him for a while,” Jimin said with a tired sigh, “he drinks it most nights since we returned from Orivala, and still - it can’t help him relax.”

“Yoongi-hyung -” Jeongguk stopped, biting on his lips and watching at the way Jimin visibly stiffened at the name.

He looked up - perhaps catching the mild horror on Jeongguk’s face.

“What about him?”

“He - um - he used to make me valerian tea too, when I couldn’t sleep.”

“I see,” Jimin smiled, “it’s a common sleeping remedy in Attalia, along with lavender and chamomile oils.”

“He used to tell me stories too,” Jeongguk said, “about the Goddesses...I thought Taehyung might like some stories and fairy-tales I learnt when I was a kid.”

Jimin hummed, “I think you’re right, Taehyung used to love it when the late Dowager Queen told him stories.”

Jeongguk hummed. There was a softness in the way that Jimin talked about his relationship with Taehyung - about their childhood together, complete with utter love and devotion.

Jimin sat down on the floor in front of the couch - cross-legged and slouching - not the way the usually prim and proper Crownsguard presents himself in front of everyone. There was a comfort and familiarity in the pose that made Jeongguk happy that Jimin would lower his guard around him.

He picked at the flowers in the vase - and now Jeongguk knows that it’s Jimin’s flower arrangement.

“Thank you for inviting us to Luna Castle,” Jimin said, leaning back and closing his eyes. “It’s quite beautiful - and I think it’s a much-needed reprieve from…everything that happened in Rossarya.”

Jeongguk sat down on the sofa across from Jimin - licking his lips.

Jimin kept playing with the stems of the flowers, bringing them to his lap now and braiding them together almost nervously like fiddling with them would help.

“I - I need to be honest with you, Jeongguk,” Jimin whispered. “I… was so scared in Rossarya. Not for my own safety - but because - if Park Hae-jin… figured it out - if he knew then - then he’d stop at nothing to keep Taehyung - whatever it took - and if he couldn’t keep Taehyung then - I wonder if he would try to kill him.”

“I was scared too,” Jeongguk said. “I was scared I was going to lose him and when I saw the bandages on his hand - I wanted to hurt Park Hae-jin and even though Taehyung told me it was his own doing - I still wanted to hurt Park Hae-jin for being the cause of the vision.”

Jimin scoffed, “Maybe I should have some valerian tea too - there are days I can’t sleep because of this.”

“I promise you this,” Jeongguk started, “I will do everything in my power to protect Taehyung’s secret - now until my death.”

“I don’t doubt that at all, Your Majesty.”

Their two-week vacation to Luna Castle was too short.

The King of Naissus planned on attending the festivities in Ravenna, accepting the personal invitation from the First Prince. This meant Taehyung had to plan for his return and his attendance there too.

Upon their return - Jeongguk was swamped with the upcoming festivities for the harvest festival months. Though Naissus’ functioning of the state no longer has any ties to religion - other than the monarchy’s divine right to rule - the harvest festival is still a state holiday and requires some festivities to be hosted by the royal family.

It also happened that Jeongguk’s birthday fell into these months.

The planning for the King’s 23rd birthday celebrations was underway as soon as Wang Jackson accepted the commission to be the planner.

It led to Jeongguk sitting and waiting in the drawing room, having invited Wang Jackson to Sol Palace for afternoon tea and to get instructions for the planning of the party.

Yoongi and Namjoon joined him, Taehyung, and Jimin. Hoseok had another meeting with his father as soon as they came back from Luna Castle. Seokjin, unfortunately, was away for a medical conference in Aerarius - much to Namjoon’s trepidation.

Jeongguk was forced to attend the meeting - though he had no desire to make a real contribution to the conversation. Parties were never his forte. Jeongguk was already forced into the limelight at such a young age - and he could barely remember the parties he used to attend as a child.

He used to cling to his father’s side or shrink behind the volume of his mother’s skirts when the eyes of the nobles fell on the young Crown Prince.

In the aftermath of the Naissian Plague, it took half a decade before the country had recovered enough for the Queen Regent to once again host state banquets with her Commonwealth and call for royal parties.

By then, Jeongguk was in his late teens, old enough to know the importance of his attendance as Crown Prince and future King, but young enough to hate the stuffy outfits he was forced into.

“I hate parties,” Jeongguk murmured, reaching for the freshly made gukhwappang on the table.

Taehyung, who was sitting beside him, turned his head, one eyebrow raising.


“My birthday celebrations since my ascension to the throne have been just… over-the-top, parties with speeches and toasts to my health and well-being. And a chance for nobles to suck up and earn the Crown’s favour.”

Jeongguk moodily stuffed one of the flower-shaped red-bean-filled pastries into his mouth.

“Perhaps it will be different this time,” Namjoon said.

Yoongi joined them a couple minutes later, flipping through a black folder, the paper-heavy cardstock smooth except for the golden embossing with the constellation of House Cepheus. “Previously, Soon-ja-ssi was in charge of planning the event,” Yoongi said, opening the folder. In it was only a couple of documents, which he handed to Jeongguk.

Jeongguk read the document and saw the order by the Crown that they’ll be booking the Museum Lux Brumalis for the evening of the celebrations. He saw his own signature at the bottom of the paper, clearly denoting that he had personally approved of this decision sometime a year ago.

“Other than that, it seems like she hadn’t had much else planned.”

“Who is Soon-ja-ssi?” Taehyung asked.

“The Head of the Royal Household,” Namjoon said, sighing. “She has been in charge of the Royal Household since the days of Jeongguk’s great-grandfather’s reign.”

“She was… growing old and frail - but no one had the heart to suggest she retire and she loved the job too much to stop,” Yoongi continued.

“She passed away peacefully just under a year ago, I think… quite recently after she had booked the museum for my birthday,” Jeongguk added, “but the position has been vacant since.”

“Other staff took part of this position, us included,” Yoongi said, “until we find someone suitable.”

“We better find someone soon,” Namjoon sighed. “Perhaps one of the reasons why the assassination attempt occurred was due to this.”

“No matter - right now, this folder is all we have for the plans to celebrate Jeongguk’s 23rd birthday.”

“Jimin and I will take it,” Taehyung said, “We’ll go survey the venue and see if Soon-ja-ssi has anything else in place before we begin our preparations.”

Jimin stood, eyes on the floor as he raised a hand to gesture to Yoongi to pass it over. Namjoon is too busy to notice the exchange, speaking to the staff that announced Wang Jackson’s arrival. But Jeongguk saw it: the way neither of them were willing to meet each other’s eyes.

“Wang Jackson is here,” Namjoon announced, “the staff are bringing him in.”

“Alright,” Yoongi said, quickly returning to his place at Namjoon’s side. “It’ll be good for us to debrief the expectations for this event.”

“Will you tell me about Wang Jackson-ssi?” Taehyung asked,

“He’s twenty-six years old...His grandfather is the CEO of Peur Avis Industries,” Namjoon said, squinting into the distance, like he was recalling some long-lost memory. “We… went to school together… he was well-loved and respected by our peers.”

The door opened, and the footman bowed. “Your Majesty, Your Royal Highness, My Lords,” he greeted, “Wang Jackson-ssi is here.”

Jeongguk nodded, straightening his back and exhaling smoothly as he saw a handsome man with effortlessly coiffed hair.

Jeongguk remembered meeting Jackson sometime in the past - in events across the years hosted by the Crown. The man did not ask much of the king when introduced - simply the invitation that the King come to an event that Jackson hosted one day. Jeongguk did not - but he made up for it in asking Jackson to host now.

“Your Majesty, Your Royal Highness, My Lords,” Jackson greeted, bowing respectfully before Jeongguk, before his eyes scanned the room, landing on the beautiful pair of Attalians on the other side of the sofa by Jeongguk.

Taehyung was the picture of relaxed elegance, legs crossed and head resting in his hand. His eyes were closed - and if it weren’t for the subtle roll of his ankle and the gentle smile that pulled on his lips upon Jackson’s greeting - it might look like he was asleep.

Jimin leaned against the back of the sofa behind Taehyung with his hands in his pockets and though there was a rather bored expression on his face, there was a sharpness to Jimin’s eyes that Jeongguk knew meant he was alert.

Jackson must have seen pictures of the First Prince and his Crownguard in the tabloids and media - but even Jeongguk knew that pictures would do the pair no justice. It took Jackson a moment to tear his eyes away from them.

“Thank - uh - thank you for inviting me to Sol Palace and it’s truly a pleasure to be asked to plan the celebrations for your 23rd birthday, Your Majesty.”

Jeongguk smiled and nodded.

“Jackson,” Namjoon greeted.

“Ah, Namjoon -” Jackson returned. “It has been a while, hasn’t it?”

“It has, since our days in university. You have made quite a name for yourself.”

“You, as well, youngest Lord Chancellor in history.”

Namjoon looked down with a bashful smile.

“On behalf of the Crown, we’re delighted to have you plan the event. The Crown has… heard many... great things about you.”

“It is an honour that I am spoken about in His Majesty’s circles, I hope you say good things about me, Namjoon.”

Namjoon coughed to hide his nervous laughter.

“I look forward to making this event an unforgettable party, sir,” Jackson said, “we should commemorate your five years as King, Your Majesty.”

Jeongguk nodded to himself. “Certainly - it was thoughtful of you to think of that. ”

“However,” Yoongi added, “because it is an event for the King himself, there will be certain expectations and standards to uphold.”

“I see,” Jackson said - and Jeongguk saw Jackson’s lips jut out into a pout, “so... not as fun?”

Taehyung stood, “I would not say that, Wang Jackson-ssi.”

The socialite then turned his full attention back to the First Prince, he bowed once again.

“Your Royal Highness, I’ve only heard rumours about you - and none of them do you justice.”

Taehyung’s smile grew a little wider.

“I’ve also heard rumours, Wang Jackson-ssi, about your parties - and though I agree with the Lord Chancellor that decorum is necessary, I think it is also important to celebrate His Majesty’s 23rd birthday in a special manner, especially now.”

Namjoon’s eyes fell to the ground for a moment, flickering back and forth, but then nodded, “Yes, I suppose so. The First Prince of Attalia will also be lending you a hand.”

“I promise you, it will be a party no one will forget anytime soon.”

Jeongguk doesn’t get to see Taehyung often in the following three weeks, with the planning of the celebrations in Aurea, and Taehyung’s duties with Attalia.

He caught glimpses of the prince and Jimin here and there.

They made the ballroom the base for operations, with staff making constant deliveries of samples of things as the day goes by.

The ballroom of Sol Palace is open - the second floor is a hall where people passing by could see everything going.

Jeongguk found himself passing by more often - taking the scenic route around the hall of the ballroom - rather than the inner pathways.

There was a table placed in the center of the room, where there were piles of papers and a tablet that Jeongguk knows belongs to Taehyung. Sometimes, when Jeongguk passed by on his way to a meeting, he could hear their voices.

It was early one evening - when Jeongguk was passing by and saw that the table was pushed a little further aside, the space seeming so empty without it.

He could hear the quiet melodies of a song playing, a muffled orchestra - like it was playing on a phone - and he could hear Jackson’s voice, counting the rhythms of a waltz in methodic ‘one-two-threes’ in time with the music.

He heard the tell-tale sounds of shoes clicking in the same rhythm - sounds of a dance that he remembered learning when he was younger with his tutors.

He peered over the edge of the railing. The light of the sun was fading as the evening fell - and slowly it was growing dark and colder in the castle. The chandeliers cast shadows against the figures in the ballroom.

Just Jackson and Taehyung.

As summer quickly morphed into fall and the weather got colder in winter’s approach - Taehyung exchanged the bright, tropical colours that painted the whites he wore into softer, earthier shades for autumn. The shades were still light - but there was a warm coziness in the beige sweater he donned today.

Jackson held Taehyung’s arm, gentle and guiding as he showed the familiar weaving patterns that Jeongguk remembered learning in the waltz.

“Does that make sense?” Jackson asked, quietly.

Taehyung nodded, he tipped, uneasily from one foot to the other. “I think so,” he said quietly. “I just… haven’t danced in a while.”

“And that’s okay. The Naissian waltz has more… hand motions than footwork. You’re going to have to trust your partner to lead.”

“I will,” Taehyung replied.

“Do you want to try it with music?”


“Okay,” Jackson said. He pulled his phone out of his pocket, and slowly the background music - once but the barely-there hum, rose like a crescendo.

Taehyung’s shuffles grew more uneasy and he raised both hands in front of him - an unsure, nervous smile on his lips.

Jackson started slowly. He stepped closer to Taehyung. Wang Jackson was a bit shorter than the First Prince, but now in Taehyung’s rare uncertainty, he slouched, hunching over - and he seemed strangely small.

Jeongguk could appreciate the gentleness of Wang Jackson’s moves - how careful he is, but he wished it was him. Wished it was him who was holding Taehyung’s hand. Wished it was him with a hand on Taehyung’s waist - as they twirled, weaving around the room to the soft beat of the waltz.

“One - two - three, one - two - three, one - ack !”

Jackson doubled over, letting go and stumbling back as he hopped on one foot, clutching his shin as Taehyung backed up.

“Hyung - hyung - I’m so sorry.”

“No, it’s - it’s okay,” Jackson coughed, rubbing at his shin where Taehyung must have kicked him. “I - I don’t think you broke a bone.”

Jeongguk had to slap a hand over his mouth to stop the outburst of giggles.

“I think we should stop,” Taehyung said. “Before we have any more casualties.”

“Are you not going to dance with His Majesty at the ball, Taehyung?” Jackson asked, after recovering from the attack.

“I don’t think it’s a good idea, Hyung.”

“Of course it’s not a good idea with your skills now, you’re going to break the King’s toes.”

Hyung !”

“This is why we should practice!” Jackson said, “Wouldn’t it be nice to waltz with His Majesty?”

“Yes of course it would be nice - but I don’t want to hurt you - or him!”

“It’s fine,” Jackson replied, “this is my service to the Crown.”

Taehyung sighed, but then shook his head and stretched. “Okay, let’s try again.”

Jeongguk bit his lips, as his heart surged with the warmth of the realization that Taehyung was learning the waltz for him .

He watched Taehyung stand with his arms laced together behind his back, Jackson standing in front of him with both of his hands open - palms up.

“Once more?” Jackson asked.

Jeongguk was jealous.

He turned, deciding to leave before he got caught, but then he nearly jumped out of his skin when he realized that Jimin was standing behind him, holding a small stack of papers and an amused smile.

“I- I”

Jimin lifted his finger to his lips.

“I won’t tell him that I caught you spying, if you personally approve these expenses for the party,” Jimin said, holding up the first few pages of documents.

“I’m… not spying,” Jeongguk mumbled, clearing his voice of the whine that somehow coloured his tone, “the ballroom is in the middle of the palace.”

Jimin’s lips quivered but he lifted his head and the amused grin became a little more of a sly quirk.

“I won’t tell him that you’re sulking.” Jimin’s smile was deceivingly sweet as he offered Jeongguk the papers again, pulling out a pen from his blazer pocket. Jeongguk reluctantly took them.

“I thought we left Wang Jackson-ssi in charge of obtaining financial approval from Yoongi-hyung?” Jeongguk said.

“He’s preoccupied at the moment - as you can see,” Jimin replied.

“Yoongi-hyung could always review it later,” Jeongguk said, “I could...ask him to come by?”

“But you are here, surely the King’s approval would be enough, we don’t need to involve Yoongi-ssi.”

Yoongi-ssi .

Jeongguk raised his eyes from the papers - Jimin’s voice was deceivingly quiet. He looked away, eyes following the pair still dancing below.

“Worry not, Your Majesty,” Jimin said, “the party will not drain your coffers, most of the expenses are towards catering, purchasing fresh flowers, and hiring some artists to perform.”

Jeongguk bit his lip, eyes returning to the documents.

Jimin wasn’t wrong, the total listed was well within the budget set aside for the event.

He sighed and signed his name in the corner.

“I’ll let...Yoongi-hyung know that I approved of these expenses… should anyone question it.”

“Thank you, Jeongguk,” Jimin whispered, taking the papers back and tucking them under his arm. He rested both elbows on the railing.

“Taehyung asked Jackson-ssi to teach him the Naissian waltz,” Jimin started, “because he wanted to dance with you at the ball.”


“So no need to get jealous, Jeongguk,” Jimin said with a chuckle.

Jeongguk turned his gaze down. They stopped the music, Jackson’s voice is loud and slower than the usual tempo for the waltz. But Taehyung’s unsure steps had grown more solid, more confident.

“The Naissian waltz is much different from the Attalian waltz,” Jimin said. “It’s so structured, there are more choreographed steps.”

“What’s the Attalian waltz like?”

“Slower…” Jimin answered. He closed his eyes, finger tapping a beat that was strangely hypnotic.

“Wild in a way - more untamed,” he continued. “It’s intimate as all dances tend to be. You can’t lie in dance and you can with words...”

He placed his chin in the palm of his hand, eyes opening lazily. “Taehyung is good with his words,” Jimin said softly, “too good. But his body doesn’t lie.”

Jeongguk glanced down, Jackson’s counting had reached a regular tempo, and Taehyung’s steps remained just as confident and assured - now, he leaned into the dance - following the flow of steps rather than just figuring them out. He was having fun, giggling now as Jackson fumbled with his phone and then hit the play button - the orchestral music started again - and Jackson stopped counting, letting the rhythm of the music guide their dance.

“He’s a beautiful dancer,” Jeongguk murmured..

“You should see him dance the Attalian waltz. You will, if you decide to come to Ravenna. There’s always a ball at the end of the festivities. Taehyung was very popular then.”

“You didn’t attend any festivities after the… blessing?”

Jimin shook his head.

“He’s been looking forward to the masquerade ball,” Jimin said. “And to you coming to Ravenna. Don’t tell him I told you. He’ll get all crossed with me.”

Jeongguk grinned.

“I won’t, Jimin-hyung...if you teach me the Attalian waltz?”

Jimin scoffed. “Deal.”

Jeongguk stared at the garment bag in front of him.

His newly appointed valet, a young boy with a sweet smile and a nervous disposition named Hueningkai, delivered it to him earlier in the week.

Jeongguk wasn’t expecting a new outfit for the birthday party - prepared to use one of his formal suits or tuxedos as usual, but according to his valet, Taehyung had an outfit commissioned for him using the measurements that the royal tailor had gotten just weeks ago for the gala.

It was his costume for the ball.

“Costume for the ball?” Jeongguk had asked Taehyung at the breakfast table the next day.

“It’s a masquerade ball, Jeongguk,” Taehyung had said. “You can’t wear one of your old suits - you’ll be too recognizable. And the purpose of a masquerade is to hide your identity.

“What about you? And everyone else?”

“Everyone is aware of the dress code for the party and have made arrangements. I personally decided to take care of yours. I found a designer in Attalia who was adamant in wanting to make a piece for the event.”

“Would it be safe? Especially after everything that happened, I - I don’t want to put anyone at risk.”

“I arranged for proper security measures with Hoseok-hyung. Worry not, Jeongguk. All you have to do is show up and enjoy it . Oh, and don’t look at the garment until the night of the party.”

“...what about you? How will I find you at the party?”

Taehyung’s grin left shivers going up Jeongguk’s spine. “Do you think you can see the stars during an eclipse?”

The conversation left Jeongguk feeling rather anxious about the event.

A masquerade ball.

That was Jackson and Taehyung’s plans for the King’s 23rd Birthday.

Jeongguk has never attended a masquerade ball in his life - and underneath the trepidatious excitement of being anonymous, there was also the fear of being anonymous.

Who is he if he is not Jeon Jeongguk of House Cepheus?

The knocking on Jeongguk’s door pulled him out of his thoughts, and he realized that he had been staring at the garment bag for too long.

“The Commander General, sir,” the guard announced.

If it weren't for the announcement that it was his cousin, Jeongguk wouldn’t have known it was Hoseok. In recent weeks, Hoseok’s fiery orange hair faded to dull copper. But in a couple of days that Jeongguk hasn’t seen him, he must have gotten it redone - now it was a soft, russet brown. The rest of his features were obscured by a black mask that matched the black jacket he wore. The jacket was longer on one side, falling just below his knees. It reminded Jeongguk of the half-capes he saw in portraits of military generals long ago.

Jeongguk thought that Hoseok might have worn the golden brooch of his house on his lapel - but there was no identifiable piece of jewellery on his person that denoted his house or rank or anything…

Jeongguk whistled. “You look good, Hyung.”

Hoseok scoffed. “I’ll fit in, I guess. But why haven’t you gotten dressed yet, where is your valet?”

“I sent for him just a couple minutes ago,” Jeongguk said, “I just needed some time alone…”


“Kind of…”

“According to Taehyung and Jackson, the party is a lot less...formal,” Hoseok said. “I think what that translates to, is that it’ll be less… pompous - you won’t have to deal with a lineup of the peerage attempting to win your favour.”

“No one will know it’s us,” Jeongguk said. “No one will know… I’m Jeon Jeongguk.”

“I think it’ll be fun - pretending to be… not who we are,” Hoseok said.

Jeongguk nodded to himself.

“I came to let you know about the security detail, things have been pretty quiet since the incident. However, we shouldn’t let our guard down. Since this is a masquerade ball, we’ll all be wearing masks and it will be difficult to locate. So - ”

Hoseok pulled out of the inner pocket of his blazer a small velvet box. He opened it to reveal a simple, silver hoop earring, similar to the small collection in Yoongi’s ears and in Jeongguk’s.

“It’s a tracking device, just in case you’re unreachable by phone.”

Jeongguk carefully removed the earring from the case - replacing one of the many in his own ear with it.

“We just want to be careful - the security team - all whom I’ve personally vetted, will know where you, Oisukmo, Ji-eun, and the rest of the King’s Circle are at all times.”

“What if Taehyung and Jimin?”

“I gave them one too, of course,” Hoseok said. “Not to worry.”

“Though I may not be dressed and identifiable as the Commander General, I will be looking out for you,” Hoseok said, as he pulled Jeongguk into a hug. “So, enjoy yourself tonight, Jeongguk. Happy Birthday.”

“Thank you, Hyung,” Jeongguk mumbled.

“Now, let’s see what your costume is?” Hoseok asked. “I could give you a hand while we wait for your valet.”

“Okay, Hyung.”

Jeongguk finally decided to pull the garment bag down from the hook, laying it down on his bed as he carefully unzipped it.

“Oh wow,” Hoseok breathed. “White is the colour of the Royal House of Attalia, isn’t it?”

Yeah… ” Jeongguk answered breathlessly - for it was all he could say as the garment bag fell to the floor.

The costume Taehyung had custom made for him was all white . The blouse had soft ruffles down the center with silver-glittery details along the collar. The pants also had a strip of silver jewels along the sides. Then the blazer had a scattering of pearls all over the front of the jacket, but the back panel, instead of solid white was a thin, transparent fabric that would float like a cape whenever he walked and moved.

It didn’t take long for Jeongguk to put it on. Heuningkai apologized profusely upon entry of seeing the Commander General in the middle of helping the King don the shimmering white blazer.

The young valet took over afterwards, smoothing out the fabric.

Jeongguk hadn’t looked in the mirror yet, but already he could see something like a gossamer wings moving in his peripheral vision - waving like a soft wind in his wake.

Hoseok had stepped back to let Heuningkai finish, but he kept staring, and it was the final straw for Jeongguk when his older cousin exhaled in a rush when the valet left Jeongguk’s side to fetch the mask that went with the outfit.

“What? Does it look bad?” Jeongguk asked.

Hoseok scoffed.

“Maybe you should look in the mirror,” Hoseok answered.

Jeongguk turned, heart beating as he stared at his feet first before slowly lifting his gaze to look in the mirror.

He… knew how he wasn’t hard on the eyes - and he’s proud of the work he put into staying fit.

But…he had a fear of looking like someone he shouldn’t be.

A child wearing mourning clothes for his father.

A boy wearing the regal robes of a king.

A mere mortal wearing the clothes of the divine.

He took a breath - and finally, peeked in the mirror.

Oh .”

Jeongguk doesn’t recognize the person staring back at him.

“It also came with this, sir,” Heuningkai said, handing Jeongguk a mask that would just cover the upper half of his face. It was soft, pliable and made of a collection of beads and lace, with the same sheer white fabric over the curved cutout for the eyes - to further conceal his identity.

He took a moment to tie the ribbons behind his head, letting his valet fuss over the tie so it sat neatly on the back of his head. He blinked as his eyes adjusted to the thin film that clouded his vision.

In the mirror, the figure turned their head back and forth - with the mask and the glimmer of the beads - the figure looked like a creature not from the mortal realm.

“Let’s be off?” Hoseok asked, the heel of his shoe clicking in the silence of the room.

Jeongguk turned, looking away from the mirror now.


The ride to the museum was strangely nerve-wracking but cathartic in seeing the reflection of his mask in the tinted windows.

Jeongguk knew that there were already speculations and talks in the tabloids.

Since it was a masquerade party with the theme of black and white it was difficult to figure out who was who - but the tabloids had speculations based on who favoured which designer.

He’s read speculations about himself - the king who favoured the designer label UFORIYA known for their simple, understated pieces in the colours of the Royal House. It was said, almost without a doubt, that the King will arrive in black. Jeongguk was amused that Taehyung had chosen a piece in all white from an Attalian designer - perhaps intended to give him complete anonymity.

Already Jeongguk could see the flashing of the cameras in front of the grand iron gates of the museum, paparazzi lining up as the guards pushed them back to let their vehicle through.

Hoseok was driving a nondescript black car that could belong to anyone attending the party tonight.

“That’s a lot of cameras,” he whistled.

Jeongguk nodded, blinking as there was one pressed against the windows - bright light flashing - muted by the film of white over his eyes.

Hoseok quickly pulled through the gates, and gone were the paparazzi.

“Do you think they know who we are?” Jeongguk asked.

“I doubt it,” Hoseok replied. “Not from the tinted windows.”

The Lux Brumalis Museum was as grand as Sol Palace, built in the same year as the seat of the monarchy - but unlike Sol Palace, built for the protection and privacy of the royal family, Lux Brumalis had an entire glass ceiling - and its walls were more glass than brick.

It was - after all - a place to display the arts - it must be a work of art in itself.

Jeongguk stepped out of the car.

Immediately he could hear the muted, far away echoes of music coming from inside the halls lit with soft golden colours.

It was chilly in the evening of the changing summer into autumn weather. The breeze is gentle, though its chill is welcoming on Jeongguk’s nerve-fevered skin.

Behind him, he heard the oh so familiar sounds of cameras clicking and the flashes of white light.

He knew and was familiar with paparazzi - lived in the spotlight all his life as first the Crown Prince, then the King. He braced himself for the calls of his title, of the screams of Your Majesty, over here!

But they never come.

“Come on,” Hoseok called, stepping out the driver’s side and giving the keys to the parking valet.

Jeongguk paused - feet rooted to the bottom of the steps.

“Jeongguk,” Hoseok called. The young man turned around at the sound of his name. Hoseok had stepped around the front of the car, taken two steps up before turning back to his younger cousin. The mask obscured most of Hoseok’s face, but Jeongguk could recognize the sweet curve of his smile almost anywhere.

Jeongguk spent so many years at the center of attention - so much that it is almost a mindless process of squaring his shoulders, putting on a polite smile, and waving to the cameras.

“You aren’t the King tonight, Jeongguk,” Hoseok said, leaning down and reaching a hand out. “We’re just… just two kids… going out to a party.”

Two kids.

He’s allowed to be a kid sometimes - right?

“Okay, Hyung,” Jeongguk mumbled - low enough that Jeongguk knew Hoseok couldn’t hear over noise tumbling around them. But he hoped that taking Hoseok's hand would be enough to convey his fear and excitement.

Hoseok’s grip was warm as he squeezed Jeongguk’s fingers, tugging him up the steps with an excitement that Jeongguk remembered from their childhood games.

The glass ceiling often let in the light of the sun, but now, in the evening, the soft lights of the chandeliers made the sky look pitch black. The party was already underway upon his arrival - and seemed like the theme all bordered on the magical in black or white.

He could see Wang Jackson - the only person unmasked as the host of the event, standing in a velvet black suit with a mask on a stick in his hands.

“Welcome!” he cried, voice booming. “Welcome to this masquerade ball in honour of His Majesty, King Jeon Jeongguk of House Cepheus’ 23rd birthday celebrations.”

Jeongguk turned at the sound of the voice, taking a drink from one of the servers - he glanced around - everyone looked just as dressed up as he did. Gauzy fabrics in black and white. Wispy and delicate.

Jeongguk took a sip of champagne.

It did nothing to settle the butterflies in his chest.

“On behalf of His Majesty the King and the Royal Family, I have the honour and the privilege to be your host for tonight’s festivities.”

“I would first like to thank you for attending the ball - you all look magnificent tonight in your costumes and masks! It will certainly be an entertaining night. I must also take the time to thank my co-host - wherever he may be now - His Royal Highness, the First Prince of Attalia. Without him, this party would not be half of what it is.

“Finally - last, but most importantly, I’d like to raise a toast - to His Majesty, the King!”

Jeongguk raised his glass.

“To his 23rd birthday, to his health, and to many more years under his fruitful rule. Long live the King! And long may he reign!”

Jeongguk jolted at the sound of the chorus of well-wishes to his name and forced himself to mumble along to the chants of ‘ Long Live the King .’”

Then, he was swept away in the frenzy, somehow landing in the midst of a crowd of figures lining up to begin a waltz. Jeongguk heard a laugh beside him, a loud cackle with the hint of a snort. He latched onto the sound and found a figure in a floor length gown, black with thick strips of ribbon acting as cut outs in harsh lines that were softened by the way the ribbons flutter around them. He may not recognize the figure, but he knew that laugh.

“Ji-eun-noona?” Jeongguk called - hoping that no one around him was paying too much attention over the chaos of finding a partner for the waltz.

The woman turned. Her mask was not obscured by fabric, and so, Jeongguk could see the way her eyes widened when she saw him. She froze, eyes raking over his form before narrowing.

Around them, the crescendoing notes of a waltz began, and Jeongguk quickly offered his hand to her. She looked down.

“...There’s only one person who calls me Noona,” she said.

“It’s me, Noona,” Jeongguk said quietly.

“Jeongguk,” Jieun breathed. He wondered if she had anything else to say. She took his hand and quickly - they stepped onto the dance floor.

Jeongguk remembered dancing with Jieun when he was younger at parties. He remembered his dear cousin being kind enough to ask him to dance, then let him face the humiliation of being forced onto the floor with dance partners that he didn’t know. As he got older, his tactics unfortunately stopped working, for he had to make strategic choices to dance with certain members of the peerage.

But still, he always made the time to have one dance with his cousin.

“It was a good idea wearing white,” she whispered, when the dance had brought them closer. “I would never have guessed.”

“It was Taehyung’s idea,” Jeongguk replied quickly, just before the waltz had pushed them apart. “Have you found anyone else?”

“Seokjin-oppa found me,” she said, pointing to a figure not too far, one dressed in white and the other black.

It took Jeongguk but a moment to recognize the pair between the shoulders and the ash brown hair - there was a softness and an assuredness in the way they twirled in and around each other - flowing so naturally.

Seokjin and Namjoon.


She shook her head as Jeongguk led her into a twirl - the hem and loose ribbons of her gown flowing around her.

“I have not seen the Attalian prince either,” she said. “But when you do find him, please request a dance from him for me?”

“I’ll be dancing with him first, Noona,” Jeongugk whined.

As the waltz ended, he felt another hand pull him close - then caught the bright grin of Hoseok.

Hoseok led the dance, sweeping Jeongguk away to the pull of the music. Soon - Jeongguk felt himself giggling, laughing through the breathlessness - as he lost himself in the beats of the music and the thrumming in his heart.

He had three dances with Hoseok, downing a glass of champagne in between before pulling his older cousin onto the dance floor again. He let the thrumming in his heart pull him away - letting the music and the flow of movement invade his veins and he breathed in the scent of Hoseok’s cologne. Jeongguk yelped as Hoseok placed his hands on his waist and attempted to lift him in a spin. His feet barely got off the ground. But Jeongguk lost himself in giggles and the laughter, closing his eyes when his feet landed and spinning away until someone else caught him.

A figure with silvery-hair, dressed in black trousers, loose lace shirt and a leather corset. Their mask was a thick strip of black lace tied over their eyes.

They were shorter than him - and Jeongguk recognized the familiar curve of their smile.


“Jeongguk,” he replied, “can I have a dance?”

“Uh, sure?” Jeongguk answered breathlessly as the Crownsguard placed a hand around the young king’s waist.

“Hyung -” Jeongguk started. Jeongguk was trying hard to concentrate on following the lead of Jimin’s steps. The Attalian danced like he sparred - with serpentine grace - and he was slowly pushing them towards the edge of the circle of people dancing.


When they merged into the crowd of onlookers, Jimin stopped, only lacing their hands together and pulling Jeongguk along with him to the grand staircase in the center of the room.

“Hyung - where are we going?” Jeongguk yelled.

Jimin turned back, taking the stairs two at a time and nearly forcing Jeongguk to run along with him.

“To find the best view to see the stars,” Jimin replied.

Jeongguk was nearly out of breath when they arrived at the top - and he knew not if the world spun because he was dizzy or because this all seemed so unreal.

“What - there - we - we can’t see stars from the city, Hyung? There’s too much light pollution?” Jeongguk said, stuttering a confused reply as Jimin pulled him to a stop. They stood, hidden by one of the intricate columns as Jimin turned to look down.

Jeongguk followed his gaze.

He never got a chance to really take in the party, too overwhelmed by everything.

There were bouquets of full white blossoms with hazy green leaves lining the walls, and sheer, black fabric wrapped around the columns and draping over the bannisters like curtains.

The ball itself is like a world in-between.

Nothing seemed real - and the white film over his eyes only made it more dream-like.

There was a shock as a burst of light and sound jump-started his heart. Jeongguk took a step forward, leaning against the column and resting a hand on the railing as he watched as the light dimmed to almost barely there. He watched as the once familiar one-two-three beats of a waltz morphed into something slower, hypnotic. He heard a click, and glanced up. The glass dome-shaped ceiling let in no light in the moonless night.

But, the sound that Jeongguk heard was someone turning on a bright, white spotlight. He squinted as his eyes adjusted to the harsh glow, following the large white circle as it formed a loose figure eight against the glass, before circling lower, until it settled on the balcony of the third floor of the museum. As a figure emerged from darkness, entering the circle of light with slow grace. They wore a skin-tight outfit in shade of mist-blue, the colour extending up their neck and cheeks and disappearing behind a mask of crystalline white, blending into white hair that was piled into an intricate crown-like-braid.

Around them, there were wisps of white-blue that fluttered like a flurry of snow.

There was a celestial, unearthly-ness to the figure. Like everything else in the masquerade, Jeongguk couldn’t tell if they were real or if this was all part of some dream.

The figure stepped closer to the balustrade and deliberately stepped up onto the top rail.

The spotlight followed their movements.

The figure paused before tipping forward over the edge - and plunged.

Jeongguk heard a shocked scream and frightened gasps around him. He took a step forward, as if he’d be able to stop the figure’s still graceful fall. But he paused when he saw the thin, barely visible glint of wire around their waist. The figure’s fall descended to just above the heads of the guests, then changed into an upward trajectory onto the other side of the balcony, landing with the weightlessness of a bird.

The guests erupted into cheers, clapping wildly as the figure bowed and directed the crowd’s attention to the other side where they came from.

Another click and this time, it was a bright, yellow spotlight. A second figure stepped into the golden glow - this figure wore little clothes but a tight, tattered tunic, showing off the fire-red paint that covered their limbs. They had slicked-back hair, horns protruding from the top of their head, and a mask covered with black vein-like lines and bright orange jewels for eyes.

This was the depiction of Ifrit, meaning the other figure was Shiva.

Jeongguk watched as the figure posing as the great god of fire climbed into the bannister, hand reaching up to something that looked like a trapeze bar. On the other side, Shiva had climbed up one of the great columns until they were nearly at the top of the dome; there, another trapeze bar awaited them. The spotlight was bright, round like a full moon or the sun - and Jeongguk watched as Shiva grabbed the trapeze bar and soared through the air, just as Ifrit plunged over the edge of the balcony, making the same graceful arch that the Glacian had done earlier to the other side.

The circles of the spotlight pass each other like a cycle of day and night.

Together, the pair continued this dance, twisting and arching closer and further apart, but never, ever touching despite how they longed for each other, how they reached out and were so close to touching each other’s fingertips.

Now Jeongguk remembered the ending to the story.

The moon and sun were the very essence of the two great Astrals - Shiva who loved the mortals and Ifrit who loved her. But since they were complete opposites of each other, if they were to be together, they would bring darkness without the light of the sun and moon.

But lovers - as they are - could not bear to be parted from each other. So they met - for a short time - during the eclipse.

Ifrit, who was swinging to and fro on the trapeze pole launched themselves off, somersaulting into the air just as Shiva reached out and caught them.

The crowd cheered and just as white and yellow spotlights collided, the room fell completely black.

Jeongguk let out a breath.

An eclipse.

The silence that befell the room was as heavy as the blackness. Jeongguk gripped the bannister, blinking as if he hoped it would help him see better.

Then, slowly, Jeongguk could see tiny little twinkling lights begin to illuminate the space- some brighter - some dimmer and smaller.

Do you think you can see the stars during an eclipse?

The brightest of the lights were scattered in a strange formation that did not match the otherwise symmetrical, meticulous design of the room.

It took him a moment - to draw an invisible line between them before he recognized the peculiar shape.

It was the constellation of the Royal House Cepheus, glowing overhead.

“So? Can you see the stars?”

Jeongguk turned at the sound of the voice.

It wasn’t Jimin.

But Jeongguk knew that voice - could pick that voice out in a crowd. As he could with the scent of lavender, mixed with something he doesn’t recognize, something warmer - darker - bergamot.

Jeongguk was met with the sight of a man with dark hair, his face covered by a white eye-mask decorated with small ivory petals. He wore black silk shirt and pants with a long robe embroidered with white flowers that look like snowflakes.


Taehyung’s smile grew larger and he stepped closer, arm outstretched until his fingers touched the sleeve of Jeongguk’s blazer in a gentle, barely there caress.

“Your Majesty,” Taehyung greeted, the ghosts of a teasing smile pulling on lips, as though he knew that Jeongguk was left staring agape.

You can see the stars. Jeongguk wanted to say, wanting to fill the heavy air with light words - but he couldn’t breathe - eyes tracing Taehyung’s figure. The Attalian prince seemed to float closer - the robe flowing like liquid close to his feet.

Then time seemed to slow.

Jeongguk wondered if anyone was watching them. If one of the nobles, or socialites, or staff, or anyone would glance up at the balcony of the second floor of the museum.

Would they see a pair, barely hidden in the shadows?

Would anyone be watching, see the man with heavenly grace, dressed in shadow, inky black gently take the hand of the man in ethereal dazzling white and bend to place a kiss so full of reverence?

Would they flush and look away, embarrassed to be witnessing a moment of so private and full of tender love?

If they did look away, they would miss the words spoken next, as the man in black stood to his full height.

“It’s said that the stars shine brightest when the sky is darkest, and blessed be the stars of House Cepheus to shine so brightly.”

Jeongguk had always walked side by side with the cold, impartial disbelief of the supernatural, thinking that magic only lay in the eerie realm between sleep and awake. It is the place where the grasp on reality is threadbare and where dreams feel a little more real. A place only temporarily within reach - and perhaps Jeongguk’s only experience with the otherworldly.

It is here - in this state of half-awake and half-dreaming that Jeongguk found himself, clinging to Taehyung’s every word.

“Happy Birthday, my King.”

My King.

My King.

My King.

It took Jeongguk a moment to catch his breath - to stutter out Taehyung’s name as the phrase ‘ my king’ still echoed in this surreal space.


Beyond the veil of white, Jeongguk watched as Taehyung stepped closer.

“Jeongguk -”

“Dance with me,” Jeongguk said, suddenly - breathlessly. “Please -”

Taehyung huffed a laugh, licking his lips.

“I should be the one asking you to dance,” Taehyung replied.

Yes. Yes. Please.”

Taehyung’s grin grew wider and he raised a hand, waiting until Jeongguk’s fingers pressed into his palm before gently tugging him towards the stairs.

“Shall we then?”

Jeongguk was mesmerized. In the dim light, the flowers on Taehyung’s coat were a hazy gleam against the dark velvet. He didn’t even notice that they had walked down the stairs - how he had weaved their way through the crowd, ending up in the centre of the dance floor.

Jeongguk enjoyed dancing.

He liked dancing with Jieun and Yoongi because of the warm familiarity of their touch - how they were willing to let him lead with unwavering trust. He liked dancing with Hoseok and Seokjin because of the strength in their steps and how they always end up giggling, Jeongguk leaning into them as he struggled to stay in step. He liked dancing with Namjoon because he was the only one who could manage to lift him, and Jeongguk liked the feeling of flying. He’d dance more with Jimin, given the chance, for the Crownsguard is as stunning on the dance floor as he is on the sparring field.

Jimin had given him a short lesson on the Attalian waltz. It didn’t take long for Jeongguk to learn the slower rhythms and the unique circular steps of the dance. He knew Jimin was a skilled and agile swordsman and expected that fluidity to translate into dance, but he didn’t realize that Taehyung too, danced with an otherworldly grace.

He couldn’t remove his eyes from Taehyung, but he felt his limbs move, arms rising and everything out of his control just as his thoughts are moments before he succumbs to sleep.

The music is loud - with the orchestra so close, the harmonies of the violin and flutes drown out all thought - and the drumming, hypnotic three beat measures are so loud - he couldn’t hear the beating of his own heart.

But Jeongguk felt the warmth of Taehyung’s hands - and the gentle assuredness when their skin touched. Taehyung’s movements are not as loud as Jimin’s, who was able to take up more space than what his lithe frame suggested.

Taehyung is subtle, fingertips lingering, footsteps purposefully halting, and the smile on his lips.

How Jeongguk wanted to kiss those lips.

Jeongguk’s eyes fluttered shut. He drowned in the scent of lavender and bergamot, in the fire under his skin, and the pulsating rhythm in his ears.

He wanted to kiss Taehyung.

He wanted more with Taehyung -

Suddenly, Jeongguk felt a hand on his shoulder - urgent and firm as they spun him around and pulled him away. Jeongguk held tightly onto Taehyung’s hand, the prince gasped, stumbling.

“What -”

“Jeongguk,” came Hoseok’s voice. It took Jeongguk a moment to recognize it - for his heartbeat to calm enough that he could once again hear his breaths coming in short pants. “Jeongguk, we - we have a problem.”

“W-what - what kind of problem.”

“Some uninvited guests,” Hoseok answered. He pointed into the corner, nearly hidden in the dim light and twirling skirts. He couldn’t really see, in the darkness of the eclipsed sky, but he could make out two figures.

Two women.

One with a halo of blonde hair and a familiar white mask in the shape of a feline with a pink tear-drop on the cheek.

The other wore a dress in glittering black with the gleam of a gold pendant around her throat. She raised a hand, pulling on the ribbon holding the black mask against her eyes.

He recognized her.

Then, like waking up from a nightmare, Jeongguk is yanked back into the real world.

“What’s going on,” Taehyung asked. “Who is it?”

Yoo Su-hwa.


Lux Brumalis - the light of winter in Latin.
Puer Avis - baby bird in Latin, the literal translation of Aghase, GOT7’s fandom name.

Author’s Note:

1) The original Final Fantasy XV theology of the Hexatheon was altered in this piece to something that fit the world a little more.

2) Jeongguk is probably playing something along the lines of the Final Fantasyseries. I’d like to say Final Fantasy XV because I love the music so much (and because this piece is heavily inspired by it.)

3) The love story between Shiva and Ifrit is not part of the original Final Fantasy XV lore, I don't think. But it is inspired by many myths and legends about the love story between the sun and moon.

4) “Remember that the stars shine brightest when the sky is darkest.” - Originally said by RM during the UN Message of 2020.

5) The Naissian waltz is inspired by the choreography from Anna Karenina (2012).

6) Please leave a comment! A little encouragement goes a long way, and I would love, love, love to hear what you guys thought of the story thus far.

7) Come talk to me on Twitter or ask me questions on Curious Cat.

With Love,

Chapter 18: interlude: desiderium


Dearest, minmi, for all the love and support you've given me. I can never thank you enough.

Master Playlist

d e s i d e r i u m
(n.) an ardent desire or longing especially: a feeling of grief or yearning for something lost


(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

chapter eighteen

i n t e r l u d e : d e s i d e r i u m

“Go Jimin.”

“It doesn’t seem right going without you,” Jimin whines.

“I’ll be safe,” Taehyung returns.“Besides, Jennie and Mingyu wanted to spend some time together. We’ve been so busy with the arrangements for my 21st birthday.”

“But you know how curious we were when we were children,” Jimin argues, “I could wait until next year… or I could sneak you in.”

Taehyung hesitates, eyes softening with a gentle smile before he shakes his head. “I had enough excitement in Ravenna…. And I think it best that I stay away from provoking the Veil for now.”

He touches the white ribbon tied around his arm. The purple gladiolus embroidered on the fabric is the only vibrant colour in Taehyung’s neutral wardrobe these days. Jimin pouts, but Taehyung is right. With the death of someone he loved so recent, it would even more dangerous for him to attend the festivals.

“Go, Jimin,” Taehyung repeats, “I’ll join you next year - and you can keep me safe then.”

So Jimin goes, almost reluctantly leaving the First Prince’s rooms. He is slow to walk down the hall, trying to convince himself that he rather not, but then he catches sight of his reflection in the gleam of the glass panes.

His reflection is barely recognizable, in a white shirt made of stiff fabric and strong, sharp lines. The soft lights catch on the glimmering gold of a sunflower brooch inlaid with diamonds; a precious heirloom that sits proudly over his heart. He also wears a mask covered in the delicate yellow petals, as if the brooch was not enough to declare Jimin’s status as part of the devoted House Turnesol.

It was traditional for everyone to wear white - splashes of colour only visible in jewels and masks covered with blossoms. They said that the masks are meant to obscure their identities.

At first, Jimin was puzzled by that statement.

A mask made of sunflower petals would immediately mark him as part of House Turnesol, not hide him. But then he learnt that the masks were not meant to hide him from the living, but rather from the dead.

He could hear the muted rhythms of the drums from where he stood, could feel the vibrations under his feet. Somehow, in his stroll down the hall, Jimin’s steps grew longer - faster - until he was nearly sprinting to the doors leading out to the courtyard gardens. He crashes into the double glass doors, heaving them open with his bodyweight. Jimin gasps when frost-heavy air hits his tongue.

He exhales shakily, breath clouding his vision in a puff of smoke to the point where all he could see was splashes of colour amongst the dew-covered trees like a watercolour painting. The scent of flowers is thick and heady. The layers of Jimin’s tunic-like blouse were almost too thin for the autumn chill.

When the Mother walked the earth, she was the first deity to honour the shift in power where her own hold on the earth weakens and the chthonic Goddess of Death begins her seasonal reign.

It was during these nights that the shift in seasonal power from the Mother Goddess to the Goddess of Death can be felt. When shades of green begin to morph into fiery oranges and reds and warm browns. When the harvest season flourishes with the Trinity Goddesses’ final blessing before the cold winter. When spirits of the dead return searching for what they might have lost.

When the presence of the Maiden may be strongest felt.

The Nights of the Thinning Veil.

Unlike the soft regality of the Harvest Festivals in Ravenna or the muted warmth of the Winter Solstice, the Nights of the Thinning Veil during the summer turn fall months had an untamed, wild energy.

It was said that this energy was a result of the disquiet of spirits peering through the Veil. The celebrations were in honour of the Goddess of Death, Ruler of the Afterlife, Bringer of Eternal Dreams.

Jimin closes his eyes involuntarily, breath growing ragged as the song of the drums pulses through his blood. His heartbeat sped to match the steady rhythm, forcing his feet to carry him down the steps of the palace towards a circle of dancing figures dressed in white with masks of bright flowers.

“My Lord, dance with us,” came the siren’s call and Jimin has no choice but to heed.

His blood thrums with restlessness and his body longs for the burning ache of dance. His breaths come in heaves and he grows dizzy with the scent of flora and wood smoke - the pungent, earthy scent of valerian stronger now.

His fingers are cold, he knows his cheeks and the tip of his nose are bright red, but he could feel the sweat clinging to the back of his neck. He could feel hands across his waist and fingers grasping his then pulling away. It was intimate the way the touches linger and Jimin could still feel the imprints on his skin long after they left.

Jimin suddenly wondered if he was possessed - as he continued to dance, lungs aching and legs burning, but still, he kept dancing, spinning and spinning, swept away in the wild confusion and mess of bodies and scents. He remembers that there was a superstition that children would be more vulnerable to becoming possessed by souls that were able to cross the Veil - there was a reason why children could not attend the Nights of the Thinning Veil. Why Taehyung, who had yet to come of age, couldn’t attend.

“Jimin,” calls a voice so close to his ear.

His name sends a cold chill down his spine and the haze that once controlled his body dispelled at the sound. He whips around, and the first thing he sees is a bunch of delicate red flowers covering a black fabric mask.

Jimin shakes his head, stumbling out of the circle of dancers.

He recognizes the shape of the petals and their strange bright, yellow centers.

Poppy, the symbol of House Pavot.

There are few members of the esteemed noble House of Pavot and only one with dyed silver hair and that charming smile.

Lee Taemin, son and heir apparent to the Duke of Lesureau.

“...Taemin-hyung,” Jimin whispers.

Lee Taemin’s smile grows larger when Jimin said his name and the young Crownsguard could not help but grin in return.

“You look stunning as always, Jimin,” Taemin says. His voice is gentle and Jimin knew that the man had to raise his voice to speak over the pounding drums.

“Thank you…Taemin-hyung,” Jimin returns shyly.

Taemin raises a hand, tentative and hesitant as if asking for permission before reaching to pluck a loose, yellow petal from Jimin’s mask. It was wilting, crinkling and turning brown at the edges with the night’s chill. Jimin watches as Taemin let the petal fall before reaching out again, even more gently. Jimin gasps when he feels Taemin’s fingertips brush his cheek. Taemin’s hand was fire against his skin.

“You’re shivering, Jimin,” Taemin says.

Jimin didn’t notice how cold the night had become when he had been dancing, nor how much his body ached in pain, nor how each breath was shorter and alarmingly ragged in his ears. In this stillness, he feels a heavy fatigue collapse onto him.

His vision narrows and he’s only able to focus on the bright, blood-red poppies.

It was another two breaths - ragged and sharp before his knees buckle.

He thinks Taemin says his name again, loud enough for even the dead to hear.

The next thing Jimin remembers is the sounds of a crackling fire. The pungent scent of valerian root that seemed like it would imprint itself into his skin seemed so far away now - like some sort of dream. Instead, his senses were filled with the intense bitterness of spiced rum and an intoxicating fire-floral.

He’s warm.

“Jimin. Oh, thank the Goddesses, you’re awake.”

It takes Jimin a couple more minutes for the haze of memories to return, to feel the ache in his muscles, and the dryness in his throat. He swallows loudly and squeezes his eyes.

When he opens his eyes, he sees a familiar worried face above him. Gone is the mask of bright red poppies. The image of the flowers conjures memories of a fable he learnt long ago, of a draught that mocks death made of those pretty poppies.

House Asphodeline may be keepers of the grave, but House Pavot has a peculiar connection with the Goddess of Death and the tales surrounding the Nights of the Thinning Veil.

“You gave me quite a fright, Jimin,” Taemin says.

“Did I?” Jimin mutters, dazedly.

Taemin’s smile is soft, endeared as he runs a finger down the side of Jimin’s jaw. Taemin’s hands were hot before - now his touch is cold. Jimin shivers and the spark of ice helps cast the remnant fuzz away. He glances around to notice that he was lying across a settee in the Violette Drawing Room. The fireplace emitted a fuzzy, yellow glow to the room. It was so quiet, Jimin had to strain to hear the muffled sounds of the drums from the courtyard.

He must have fainted.

He shakes his head and tries to force his limbs to function.

“Forgive me - I - I didn’t realize how tired I was,” Jimin mumbles as he claws himself upright.

“It is your first time attending the Nights of the Thinning Veil, Jimin?” Taemin asks.


“The Nights can be enthralling. But if you are not careful, you could lose yourself to the Veil,” Taemin warns darkly, “or even to the limits of the human body.”

Jimin shivers again, fingers curling into the fabric of a coat that must be Taemin’s. It smells bitter and sweet like rum and orchids – too strong.

Jimin pushes the coat off.

“Thank you, Hyung, for coming to my rescue. I might have kept dancing if you didn’t stop me.”

“I must be frank, Jimin, I did not come to find you to save you. I came to you because I was drawn by you.”

Taemin’s features are half-shadowed in the golden light, a single eye aflame.

Jimin remembers seeing the older man at other events throughout the years. Taemin was always amiable to him and Jimin once harboured a fleeting crush. His mother would have been joyous at the prospect of such a match and Lee Taemin’s father would be too - though House Pavot held a prestigious place in Attalian Peerage, it would be even more advantageous to marry into the respected House Turnesol.

Taemin smiled. Jimin always found the older man dangerously alluring - even when wearing a smile that Jimin knew meant to be kind.

“You are ethereal when you dance, Jimin.”

“You flatter me,” Jimin whispers, coyly.

Jimin knows that he draws attention, probably because he’s the Crownsguard to the First Prince. But it would be a lie if he didn’t know of his own beauty.

“You deserve more flattery, Jimin. Have you had any suitors?”

“I think it is a little early to be considering suitors and marriage, Taemin-hyung,” Jimin laughs.

“Nonsense. You are the most eligible bachelor in all of Attalia.”

“What of the First Prince?”

“The Royal Siblings are untouchable, especially the First Prince. His Royal Highness will not be pursued and he perhaps will not settle for anyone less than a king.”

Jimin smiles sadly at the statement. Taehyung already was struggling in the aftermath of his grandmother’s death and Jimin knew the sadness grew in the knowledge that the Dowager Queen passed before any of her grandchildren - especially the eldest - were engaged or married. But Taemin wasn’t wrong: few have ever caught the First Prince’s eye.

“And you’re saying I would settle for less than a king?” Jimin asks, in a feigned haughty tone.

“I’m hoping you might.”

A crown of blush pink flowers appears in Taemin’s hands.

All at once, a swarm of sensations passes through Jimin. First the giddiness of innocent love - of the flattery that comes with being pursued by a handsome suitor. But then Jimin recognizes the massive blooms and the scent of the blossoms wafts over the bitter fire: faintly citrus.

The scent drags a knife through Jimin’s stomach, over his heart and carves free the memories he had carefully and painstakingly locked away: reminders of orange blossoms and the melody of a song long since faded.

“....Peonies,” Jimin whispers.

“I thought you’d like peonies better than poppies, especially during the Nights of the Thinning Veil.”

Jimin could barely hear Taemin.

“Why… why peonies?”

He could see it in Taemin’s eyes - the smile falls in the wake of the shakiness in Jimin’s voice.

“Peonies are no longer associated with the fallen noble house,” Taemin explains.“It no longer represents the Baron of LaNoix nor his family. No one would think you were involved in the extortion ring if you wore peonies.”

“I am not - it is not about the crime committed by the Baron,” Jimin argues, almost defensively.

“Then what is it?”

“I was… friends… with the second son of the Baron of LaNoix,” he admits the words so carefully, quietly, like he was afraid the dead would hear.

“The second son of the Baron…” Taemin repeats, his brows furrow. “I remember him now…Min Yoongi.”

Jimin sucks in a breath.

It has been long since he heard the name spoken out loud – House Pivoine fell to ruins after the trials. The Baron of LaNoix and his family were banished several years ago, his name and his house fallen. But Min Yoongi’s name was lost even before.

“I remember rumours of a second son who was betrothed to the Queen’s niece, before he died in a car accident,” Taemin mused, “Strange, I never spoke much to him, though I think we were born in the same year.”

“He wasn’t a very public figure.”

“...You were close to him?” Taemin asks.

“I only saw him during festivities and parties at the castle… he was always in the library,” Jimin says and he lets himself wonder for just a moment if Yoongi would be found in the library tonight if he were here, or would he be outside dancing – perhaps dancing with Jimin. He tentatively reaches out and gently caresses the edges of the delicate petals.

“Did you like him?” Taemin asks, leaning a little closer, hands curling roughly around the circlet of peonies still in his hands. His voice is sharper. “Did he like you?”


Jimin stands, the deep ache that came with dragging up these memories had left him feeling uneasy. He shouldn’t have gone to the Nights of the Thinning Veil, he should have stayed with Taehyung.

“Did you love him?” Taemin presses still. The question did not sound like a question but more like an accusation.

Jimin could feel the dull throbbing in his hands before he realized that he had dug crescent-shaped marks into his palms. He exhales a shuddering breath.

“I don’t - I don’t think it matters anymore,” he whispers.


“I’m sorry,” Taemin says. “But - if it is any consolation, he was below your station not to mention the scandal his family was embroiled in.”

“How dare you speak of the dead like that?” Jimin hisses through his teeth.

Taemin’s eyes widen - looking almost like a kicked puppy as he leans back into the sofa.

All at once, the red-hot anger in Jimin dissipates and what was left is wisps of hurt and a long-hidden yearning.

“I’m sorry.” Jimin whispers.

Taemin shakes his head quickly. “I - I didn’t mean to be cruel, Jimin. Or to bring up painful memories. I understand if I have offended you. I apoligize.”

“I accept your apology, Hyung,” Jimin sighs, shakily sitting down again. He’s shaking – like the exhaustion finally caught up with him and all he wanted was to sleep and to hope that this was all a dream.

“I like you, Jimin,” Taemin says. “...My only intentions were to try and court you.”

“I think it’s for the best that you don’t.”

Taemin’s eyes widen and his shoulders drop. Taemin’s hesitant, sheepish smile falls.

“I - I”

Jimin gently, but deliberately pushes the crown into Taemin’s chest, he fumbles, hands moving automatically to take it.

“I like you as a friend, Taemin-hyung,” Jimin says. “And I’m sorry if my actions said otherwise.”

“I see…”

“I’ll take my leave now.”

“Wait, Jimin,” Taemin calls. “The Veil is thinnest. Perhaps Min Yoongi is here with us now. Would you like to say anything to him… if he were here?”

“...It is probably best to leave the dead alone, Hyung," Jimin says out loud.

But in his ears - he hears the same three words repeat like an echo.

I love you. I love you.

I loved you.

It was another mindless night for Jimin - after going through all the papers for the masquerade ball, Taehyung took to the media room and Jimin was more than willing to try to get his mind off of things with some games.

Jimin hummed, crouching over the console and the collection of games that the young King had collected over the years. Jimin did not indulge in many video games in his youth. Taehyung preferred social company over virtual gaming and Jimin was nothing if not indulgent to the prince’s whims.

The said prince was content with messing around with the speaker system, shuffling through a variety of genres of music before he settled on the gentle pitter-patter of rain.

“We haven’t even gotten through summer and you’re missing the spring rains already?” Jimin asked.

“I miss home,” Taehyung whispered. “I like it here. But it smells too much like metal and cement and not enough like dirt and grass after the rain. I miss how the clouds looked over the cliffs of Marsylle…” He trailed off, before giggling quietly. “Remember how I got into painting that month when it rained every day?”

Jimin returned the laugh, “You used to make such a mess of the garden conservatory.”

“It was the best place to paint, the rain made everything in the gardens look like a watercolour painting through the windows,” Taehyung argued. “I tried to recreate it. I wish I could recreate it now… I think… I’m starting to forget what the gardens of home look like. Even in my dreams, it’s becoming blurry.”

Jimin stopped - glancing back to where Taehyung lay, sprawled across the sofa with his eyes open, squinting in the dimly lit room.

“Do you want to go home?”

Taehyung grinned, turning his head to the sound of Jimin’s voice.

“Jeongguk said he’ll come for the festivals in Ravenna - but it’s not home.”

Perhaps we could stay until the Nights of the Thinning Veil?”

“Oh,” Taehyung whispered. “Do you want to stay for the Nights?”

“Not particularly… but you haven’t attended the celebrations ever…”

“Hm, I know,” Taehyung murmured. “The masquerade ball… reminds me of the traditions for the Nights of the Thinning Veil. But instead of hiding our identities from the dead, we’re hiding from the living.”

Jimin picked a random game, some popular RPG with an extravagant cover. He crawled back to the sofa after loading the game into the console. Taehyung heard him and sat up just enough for Jimin to squeeze into the space left on the couch before resting his head in Jimin’s lap.

“Remember when we first learnt of the festival of the Nights? We were so eager to see it for ourselves.”

Jimin rolled his eyes - recalling the memory when they were both seventeen and trying to evade their chaperone to catch even the slightest glimpse of the celebrations.

“I remember. We got caught and got in so much trouble.”

Taehyung giggled, “I was upset then - but I respect our parents’ reproach now.”

Jimin sighed in agreement.

“Perhaps going to the celebrations wouldn’t be appropriate now either,” Taehyung murmured, “not with my gift – I think I might be even more of an easy target for the spirits attempting to cross the Veil.”

Silence. Taehyung shifted.

“Taehyung, what are you thinking?”

“...Sometimes, I wonder if the spirits of the dead follow me, knowing that I could have prevented their deaths and chose not to.”

“The dead don’t know that, Taehyung.”

“...I hope not.”

Sometimes, the hurt and the guilt clouded Taehyung’s skies and the soft pitter-pattering rain become a flooding storm. Jimin would sit with Taehyung during these times – sometimes they’d just sit…sometimes it helped. Taehyung’s breaths grew longer as time passed and Jimin let himself sink into the sofa and let go of his thoughts to immerse himself in the game.

His legs were growing numb, trying to stay still to let Taehyung doze. Suddenly, the prince inhaled sharply and sat up.


“I think I’m going to go to bed,” he replied groggily.

“Would you like me to come with you?”

“No, no,” Taehyung said. He struggled, disorientedly trying to find purchase on the soft cushions and armrests as he hauled himself to his feet. “You play - I know - I know you’ve had a lot on your mind lately.”

Jimin watched as Taehyung pulled the extendable cane from his pocket, flipping it open with the grace and ease of years of practice. He left Jimin sitting alone in the room, listening to the sounds of artificial rain and breathing in the comforting and herbal scent of lavender and chamomile.

It did remind him of the springs at Palais du Étoile. It was a welcome reminder, of quieter times - away from the turmoil of neighbouring conflicts, planning events, and the heartache that still hurt.

He threw himself back into the game, only realizing that hours had passed when his shoulders ached as he turned to the sound of footsteps outside the room. He saw a shadow at the threshold, then the lithe frame of the Naissian King.



“If you are looking for Taehyung, he retired to bed,” Jimin replied, going back to his game.

“I know, he stopped by to bid me good night,” Jeongguk replied. “I was actually looking for you.”

Jimin paused. “Why?”

“Taehyung told me you were playing games,” Jeongguk said.

The King shifted his weight, almost shy and hesitant. “Can I join you?”

Jimin immediately gestured to the row of games he had just scanned through. “Your choice.”

Jeongguk eagerly stepped into the room. Jimin couldn’t help the grin, endeared by him and even though Jeongguk was nearly bouncing on the balls of his feet, there was a heaviness in the way his shoulders hung.

It didn't take long before Jeongguk loaded up a first-person shooter game into the system and plopped onto the couch with a heavy exhalation, rubbing at his eyes. He caught Jimin staring and smiled sheepishly.

“I’m a little tired, but I didn’t want to pass up the opportunity to play video games with someone.”

“I didn’t get to play much growing up either,” Jimin said, as he curled into one of the corners of the sofa.

“Did Taehyung like playing?”

“He wasn’t really interested,” Jimin answered, “At first, he tried, perhaps to humour me. But Taehyung, like the rest of his siblings, enjoy pursuing subjects that they are good at.”

“He wasn’t good at video games?”

“Taehyung is good at many things. Video games were not one of them,” Jimin chuckled.

Jeongguk’s lips curled into a shadow of an endeared smile at the thought.

“Did your siblings play with you?”

“My brother is four years my junior. When he got to the age when I thought he was old enough to play with me, I learnt that Jihyun much preferred books to video games.”

There was a restless energy in the way the King tapped his fingers against the edge of the console controller as he listened. It reminded Jimin of Jisoo’s pent-up energy.

“But it was then that I realized that my sister, Jisoo, liked games. I think it was around the same time we stopped trying to annoy each other.”

Jeongguk’s giggles are light and Jimin decided at that moment that he wanted to hear the young King laugh more.

“I’m the youngest in the family,” Jeongguk started, “Jieun-noona wasn’t into games… and Hoseok-hyung threw himself into martial arts and swordplay instead.”

Jeongguk played with the joystick and controller button, mashing them under the pad of his thumb and eyes low as he shared his own relationship with video games.

“Yoongi-hyung - ”

He cut himself off, freezing completely as he glanced up at Jimin. Jimin wasn’t surprised that Jeongguk caught on to the frigid distance between them. He was certain that the entire King’s Circle was aware that something was amiss - but they all left it untouched. Perhaps out of respect for the King’s older brother - or perhaps because so far neither of them had let it affect their professional duties to their liege.

Jimin didn’t react to the name, meeting Jeongguk’s wide, shell-shocked eyes with what he hoped was nonchalant curiosity.

It seemed to ease Jeongguk’s fears, just enough for him to quietly speak of his adoptive brother again. “Yoongi-hyung tried. Still tries sometimes. He’ll still sit with me if he knows that I’m here.”

“It doesn’t feel as lonely, does it?” Jimin quietly agreed, “when someone is with you, even if in silence.”

Jeongguk hummed. A sound that was soft and breathy. Distant.

Their focus returned to the game as the title screen loaded and orchestral music drowned out the sound of waves. Jimin found distraction in learning the mechanisms and controls. They were halfway through a round into the capture-the-flag style combat, and both of them were equally matched in the beginning. But then as Jimin rounded a corner, he found Jeongguk’s character and took the shot. It was clean – too easy – like Jeongguk didn’t even try to retaliate or take cover.

He turned to Jeongguk on the couch and saw him frowning, staring into space.

“What’s wrong?”

Jeongguk turned.

It was a prying question – one that Jimin, himself, often deflected with a shake of his head and an innocent smile. He thought Jeongguk would do the same, perhaps scoff and turn back to the game with the soft, inconsequential reply

It’s nothing. Jimin expected. Instead, when Jeongguk spoke, he asked “Do you feel lonely, Hyung?”


“It sounds like you’re lonely.”

If it were anyone else who asked the question or who made that statement, Jimin’s response would have been different. If it were any of the nobility interested in gossip, he would have shut down. If it were his siblings, he would have laughed and denied it with a snarky reply. If it were Taehyung – if it were Taehyung – he might have cried again.

But it was Jeongguk - and there was something in the way that he spoke that struck Jimin in his core and dragged a familiar dull ache into the forefront of his thoughts.

“I - I don’t think I said that,” Jimin stuttered.

“Are you… afraid of being alone?” Jeongguk whispered.

“I’m not afraid of being alone. Crownsguards don’t tend to live alone, and we don’t tend to die alone,” Jimin said wryly. “Are you afraid?”

Jeongguk’s eyes softened and in that wide-eyed stare, Jimin saw a raw, trusting vulnerability. “I am. I’m scared of losing everyone that I have, of being the reason that they are gone.”

He could see why Taehyung fell in love with the young king.

Jeongguk shifted on the sofa, straightening as he hesitated with lips parted, “I think Yoongi-hyung is scared too.”

“...I know.”

“Yoongi-hyung, he sacrificed a lot to help me in my reign. He didn’t want the title or the power that he has. But he did it because I asked him to.”

“...I know.”

“Jimin-hyung,” Jeongguk whispered, “Yoongi-hyung may have sworn the Oath of Blood, but I would release him from that oath if he wanted me to.”


Jimin turned away, the ache growing stronger. Only if it were the oath holding Yoongi back.

You can never be mine. I don’t want you.

Jimin swallowed, sinking deep into the plush of the sofa.

“I just – I just – All I want is for him to be happy - to love without worry ,” Jeongguk whispered, “I’ll do whatever is in my power to give him what he deserves.”

Jimin’s smile was faint, “...I hope he finds that happiness and love, too, Jeongguk.”

“In the name of the Maiden…Just give me one vision of tonight,” Taehyung whispered as he fluffed up the back of his hair, pressing his spine into the massive column in the corner. Jimin was leaning against the railing, chin in his hand as he scanned the floor below.

“Is he here yet?” Taehyung whispered.

Jimin was about to say no, to roll his eyes and playfully tell his friend that Jeongguk would arrive when he arrived and no one can rush a king.

But when Jimin saw Hoseok, he recognized the Commander-General. Hoseok had come to them earlier and provided both him and Taehyung with matching earrings that served as trackers. So Jimin had already seen the asymmetrical black jacket and sleek mask decorated with black clover petals.

But it wasn’t Hoseok who caught his eye, but the creature that trailed behind him, dressed in ethereal white with a cape that looked like gossamer wings.

Jimin has only seen the Naissian King dress in black. It’s a shade that represented the regal and sombre Crown of Naissus. Black suited the young king - and Jimin will admit to anyone who would listen that Jeongguk is undoubtedly handsome.

But in white.

“He’s…he’s here.”

Taehyung gasped, straightening as he felt for Jimin, grabbing onto his arm. “How does it look - how does he look?”

Jeongguk was unrecognizable - the only reason why Jimin knew was because he had seen the outfit in the box after the Attalian designer had it delivered to the Crown City. Jimin had spent a good part of an hour describing it in detail to Taehyung as the prince ran a hand over the fabric.

“He’s…beautiful,” Jimin whispered.

Jimin remembered stories about the servants of the Mother and the paintings that hung in the palace. Mystical beings in white that attended to the Goddess of Life. He remembered the depictions of the creatures were as unearthly and dangerous as they are beguiling.

That was Jeongguk.

In the colours of Naissus, the King glided into a room and commanded attention with his authority. He was more imposing and the shadows seemed to grow under his influence. But in white - there was a softness and lightness - but still, Jeongguk drew attention to him.

Jimin watched, telling Taehyung in minute-by-minute detail of how the beautiful young King of Naissus has swept away in the crowd, dancing first with a woman dressed in matte black, and then getting caught in the arms of his Commander-General. Even from the second floor, Jimin could hear the King’s laughter and his smile was breathtakingly bright.

Taehyung too zeroed in the sounds of Jeongguk’s giggles. He held tightly onto Jimin’s hand, bouncing and swaying to the music and Jimin could feel how Taehyung was growing giddy in Jeongguk’s happiness.

He almost lost track of time until he felt the buzzing from his wristwatch. He had to tear his eyes away from the dance floor.

“They are ready, Taehyung,” he whispered. Taehyung nodded quickly, taking a deep breath before he shrunk back into the shadows, hand on the railing and his steps sure and measured.

Jimin slinked between the crowd, weaving his way onto the dance floor until he walked towards the creature with wings of white who was twirling towards him. Jimin caught him and heard the shocked gasp as Jeongguk collided into his chest.

It took him a second before words formed.


“Jeongguk,” Jimin returned softly. “Can I have this dance?”


He righted himself as Jimin took his hands - and instantaneously, Jeongguk fell into step, following Jimin’s lead. Jimin could feel the energy radiating from Jeongguk, hot fire and a thrumming that seemed to radiate from his skin. He was panting, hands warm and skin glistening in the golden light with sweat.

If he could see Jeongguk’s eyes, Jimin guessed he would see the intoxicated haze that came with surrendering to the music. Jimin, too, was lost in the dazzle of the music and the colours and the rhythms that flowed through his veins.

But he had to focus - had to get Jeongguk to Taehyung.

“Hyung - ” Jeongguk called, as Jimin’s steps took them closer to the edge of the floor.

“Hyung - huh - where are we going?”

It didn’t take Jimin long to pull the flustered, dazzle-struck king up the stairs.

“To find the best view to see the stars,” Jimin replied.

“We - we can’t see the stars from the city, Hyung. There’s too much light pollution.”


They paused at the bannisters - Jeongguk’s gaze whipping down to the view of the party from the second floor. Jimin dropped his hand out of Jeongguk’s lax grip, shrinking back into the shadows as the King stared at the show that Taehyung and Jackson had created.

Jimin slipped down the steps in the darkness, slinking back into the shadows where the black of his mask made the shadows all the darker. The black mask over his face impeded his vision and made everything a hazy dark fog.

When the lights turned back on, Jimin didn't look to where he knew Taehyung and Jeongguk were standing. Taehyung would be safe - with the earring that tracked his location and close to Jeongguk’s side - even under the influence of a night like tonight, Jimin felt like they’d be… safe.

And -

And -

And Jimin was happy that Taehyung found happiness.

But - Jimin could not help the feeling of self-pity.

And he would not let his own anger and bitterness taint the love of his friend.

Instead, he smoothly took another glass of champagne from a passing tray, swallowing it in one mouthful before taking another and weaving closer to the dance floor.

He was going to find a partner to dance with.

He saw a man, dressed in soft, cream white with strings of pearls wrapped around his neck and hair dyed ash-purple. He wore an intricate mask with tassels of glittering crystals and beads obscuring the bottom half of his features.

Still, despite that, it wasn’t difficult to tell that he was incredibly beautiful.

He seemed to be interested in dancing by the way his head turned and followed the flow of the figures.

Jimin stopped beside him and he whipped around. Unlike the other masks with fabric that covered the eyes, his were left exposed – sharp and feline-like.

The man opened his mouth - as if to dismiss Jimin by the quick huff of his breath.

“Forgive me, I couldn’t help but notice your interest in dancing,” Jimin started. The man paused, mouth snapping shut at the sound of Jimin’s accent-coloured words.

He turned fully away from the dance floor, the tassels of the mask moving distractingly.

“Who are you?”

Jimin turned his head coyly. “It is a masquerade party, I could be anyone you wish me to be.”

The man laughed, and Jimin caught a glimpse of a tiny golden lyre in the collection of golden jewellery decorating the man’s ears.

Attalia’s peerages are proud to wear the flowers of their Houses - and it seems that Naissus is equally so. Jimin recognizes the symbol of a family infamous for their matriarch.

The Dowager Countess of Lyra of House Eurydice.

Jimin had not spent long in the world of Naissian high society - but he would be remiss if he hadn't heard stories of the Dowager Countess of Lyra and her apparent schemes to get closer to the throne. Jimin may not know all of the Dowager Countess’ grandchildren - but he had the advantage of getting a glimpse of the guest list - and he knew of one Lord Byun Baekhyun of House Eurydice who accepted the invitation to the party.

“My grandmother has entrusted me with the daunting task of wooing His Majesty,” Baekhyun said.

“Well, I cannot imagine His Majesty the King being anywhere else but in the company of His Royal Highness, the First Prince at the moment.”

“That is exactly what I feared,” Baehyun sighed, dramatically. “Well, then I guess it cannot be helped. I have no choice but to accept your proposition to dance.”

He raised his hand and Jimin gladly took it - feeling the rush of adrenaline in the swell of music.

The man danced wildly, crystals shimmering in the low light and Jimin was taken by his laughter. One dance flowed into two - and then into three.

They stopped for a drink, clinking glasses of fizzing champagne.

Jimin inhaled the scent that followed Baekhyun, drenched his senses in the sharp fire-warmth of his cologne: heavy and intoxicating bergamot, vetiver, and gardenia.

Nothing like the soft, airy orange blossoms that still linger in his dreams.

Two glasses of champagne become three, then four, and then whatever remaining caution left bubbled away.

Baekhyun, too, became less reserved. His caresses were a little more daring, his eyes lingered on Jimin’s lips, and all Jimin wanted was to let this man ignite the embers.

“Come, let’s find someplace a little more private?” Baekhyun whispered into the curve of Jimin’s ear somewhere in the chaotic rhythm of their fifth dance.

“Yes,” Jimin breathed, “ yes.

Baekhyun’s arm around his waist felt more restrictive than the corset around his middle. As Baekhyun pulled him away, Jimin could catch only glimpses through half-lidded eyes and the dizzying colours that filled his vision of where Baekhyun was taking him.

But he could smell the scent of wine, skin, and silks getting further away. The music fades and Jimin’s own breaths and heartbeat grew louder in his ears like a roaring fire.

It was colder here, and yet under the surface of his skin, he was burning.

Jimin gasped when Baekhyun gently - so gently and carefully - pushed him back against the cold marble wall. Jimin was breathless when the man’s lips travelled down the length of his jaw to press a heated kiss along the column of his neck.

Suddenly, the crushing pressure of Baekhyun’s touch left like the crash of lightning.

Jimin opened his eyes.

In front of him was a man dressed in white.

A length of lace with a loose knot curled tightly in his hand.

Baekhyun took a step back - and though his mask obscured most of his face, it did not hide the way his jaw dropped and he too scrambled to take off his mask.

Jimin took deep breaths, squinting in the dim light of their corner and through the haze that still clouded his vision.

The heat of bergamot and vetiver was further away now - floral scent gone from his tongue - instead replaced with the soft airiness of citrus and flowers.

“L-Lord Libertas,” Baekhyun breathed.

Jimin tore off his mask, stepping away from the wall behind him.

The scent of orange blossoms should have given him away - but Jimin could barely recognize him dressed in flowing white, trailing ribbons, and the sparkle of tiny crystals.

Beautiful - he was breathtakingly and achingly beautiful - and he was here .

“Min Yoongi-ssi,” Jimin breathed. That caught both their attention. Baekhyun’s eyes flickered over Jimin’s features - as if he was just confirming Jimin’s identity - the accent - the implications of knowing Taehyung’s whereabouts.

“Lord Park Jimin-ssi,” Baekhyun greeted. “Of course it was you.”

“Byun Baekhyun-ssi, certainly this isn’t the place to be taking advantage of foreign guests of the court, is it?”

“Taking advantage?” Baekhyun spluntered, “ I think both of us were willing parties.”

“Would you want the rumours to spread?” Yoongi continued as if he didn’t even hear Baekhyun. “Your grandmother wouldn’t be happy to hear stories of your exploits here, would she?”

Baekhyun’s eyes widened almost childishly like he was caught sneaking candies rather than being threatened with the spread of gossip.

Baekhyun turned to Jimin and also bowed deeply, “Forgive me, sir, I meant no offence nor harm.”

He stepped back, head low as he bowed and fled. “I’ll take my leave.”

Byun Baekhyun left nothing in his wake but the lingering burn of his touch on Jimin’s skin.

Yoongi didn’t look at Jimin the entire time – not once did he choose to make eye contact with Jimin.

Until now.

“Jimin – ”

“How did you recognize me,” Jimin snapped.

Yoongi scoffed.

“Jimin, you dance the Naissian waltz like an Attalian.”

Jimin stared, perhaps stunned by Yoongi’s appearance. Yoongi had dyed his hair - an ashy shade of grey.

He was wearing white.

Jimin swallowed. “You look Attalian.”

For a fleeting, brief moment, Jimin felt a wall crack and a flood of images and what-ifs rushed through.

Dancing with Yoongi. Making a flower crown for Yoongi. Having a flower crown of peonies on his own head.

You can never be mine.

I never wanted you.

His skin was still burning, this time, fueled by the rush of anger and embarrassment in his blood that he didn’t understand. The autumn air in the balcony was not enough to cool him down.

Jimin took a step to the side, intending to leave - perhaps leave the party entirely.

Wait .”

A hand - with cold fingertips and long digits wrapped around his wrist. Jimin stopped, digging his fingernails into his palm as electricity flooded through his veins.

He could throw the person easily.

Jimin, please .”

Jimin could throw the person, he could turn around and twist the person’s arm behind their back and in the blink of an eye, he could have them pinned against the wall.

But he knew who it was - and even through all the roiling anger - he couldn't bear to hurt them.

He was a fool.

“What, Yoongi-ssi,” Jimin said through his teeth.

Yoongi flinched.

Jimin could hear the faint sound of his dress shoes clicking against the tiles and an intake of breath.

He turned around just in time to see Yoongi’s tongue run over the edge of his teeth and his eyes were drawn to the movement.

“Were you - were you interested in Byun Baekhyun?” Yoongi asked.

Jimin opened his mouth, denial on the tip of his tongue, but instead, pettiness clawed at him.

“What if I am.”

Yoongi flinched again and Jimin almost regretted it for a moment.

“He’s below your station, Jimin,” Yoongi said, “I know he and his cousins are all under the influence of the Dowager Countess of Lyra - and all of them are vying for a higher rank. Byun Baekhyun will not inherit.”

“Oh, so this is out of the goodness of your heart?” Jimin lashed out, spitting his words in Attalian. “Were you looking out for both of us?”

“Of course,” Yoongi replied, switching to Attalian and speaking the words with a biting sharpness. “That is - if you were wanting to marry into Naissian peerage. I’m sure you have plenty of suitors of Attalian peerage.”

“Rank - it was about rank and succession and stations.”

“That’s the nature of our positions,” Yoongi said, “isn’t it? Power and money and proximity to the Crown. Have you not considered the Earl of Grenadier’s sons? Kim Jong-in or Kim Jong-dae? Or what about Lee Taemin? House Pavot. You can’t climb higher than your current position in Attalian society other than marrying into the Royal Family.”

Jimin’s heart was beating in his ears - and he felt his neck and cheeks grow hot with anger and embarrassment.

“Stop thinking that I befriended Byun Baekhyun for his rank and position!

Jimin stepped back, growling as the anger boiled and overflowed, fueled by the bubbling poison in his blood.

“I know you are so determined to ruin your own happiness, but must you attempt to ruin everyone else’s as well?”

Yoongi opened his mouth and a breath escaped. “You won’t be happy with him.”

It was so quiet - the way Yoongi said it.

“Are you - are you jealous?” Jimin asked incredulously.

Yoongi didn’t answer.

“You don’t get to be jealous, Yoongi-ssi.”

Jimin took a step back, finally yanking his arm back and still feeling Yoongi’s touch on his skin like a brand.

“You don’t want me, so why would you even be jealous, Yoongi-ssi.”

“I never said I didn’t want you.”

Jimin threw his head back - a sob of a laugh was drawn from his chest - and he staggered into the wall. “I befriended Byun Baekhyun to try and forget you! I told you I loved you and you told me that you didn’t want me!”

“I never told you I didn’t want you!” Yoongi screamed. “Park Jimin, I loved you the very first moment that I met you!”

There was a desperateness in the way Yoongi spoke now.

Jimin’s heart pounded in his ears.

“I loved you when I saw you during the Festival of Flowers,” Yoongi said, surging forward and crowding into Jimin’s space. “I remember the fearlessness in your eyes when you saved Taehyung from the horse. You didn’t want to accept my help, did you? If it weren't for the way Taehyung pouted and nearly started crying. You were always so proud and capable.

The anger in Yoongi’s voice decrescendoed, but there was still a raw, helplessness - like it was hurting him if he didn’t get everything out.

“I thought that was the last I’d ever see of you. But then I remember hearing footsteps in the library during banquets and festivities. I remember seeing crushed sunflower petals behind bookshelves when I went to investigate. Of course, I knew that it was you who asked for the piano in the Grise Library to be tuned and cleaned for me.”

Yoongi looked away, yanking on his right earlobe and fiddling carelessly with his earings. He couldn’t hold Jimin’s eyes for long.

“I loved playing for you - I loved trying to impress you ‘cause even with my simple compositions you made me feel like I was playing complete symphonies. I loved your smile made your cheeks look - how your smiles always reached your eyes.”

He paused - mouth opening and closing and brows furrowing and eyes distant - like he was recalling a memory. “I think I fell for you - truly fell - for you when you walked into the Naissian throne room. You are radiant, Jimin - by the Goddesses - I would call you divine if it weren’t blasphemy.”

Jimin exhaled a weak laugh.

“I tried not to think about you,” Yoongi continued, “because I was scared to acknowledge what it means. But how can I not when you’ve weaved yourself into the lives of everyone I care about?”

Yoongi staggered forward, pressing into Jimin. He could feel Yoongi’s breath on his skin.

“You’re the only one who will indulge Jeongguk in games, Hoseok can’t stop talking about his spars with you, Namjoon seeks you out for conversations about Attalia, and Seokjin-hyung finds solace in your presence, even before the fiasco in Rossarya.”

Jimin was frozen - barely breathing as he saw Yoongi’s hand raise in his periphery.

“You’re everywhere, Jimin, I can’t ignore you and even tonight, with these masks I could tell it was you.”

Yoongi’s hand was shaking and hovering just before Jimin’s cheek - not even touching - like he was waiting for permission.

“I’ve fallen in love with you. I love you - I want you .”

Jimin gave in - leaned into the touch and all but melted - driven by the high of the ringing symphony of Yoongi’s words: I love you. I want you.

Jimin closed his eyes - Yoongi’s hand was cold against the fire of Jimin’s skin - and he felt the smear of gloss as he pressed his lips into the palm of the older man’s hand.

There was a shuddering inhale - and Yoongi’s tentative touch on Jimin’s cheek travelled down to his jaw and held him in place.

Yoongi was going to kiss him.

Suddenly, Jimin felt the hairs on the back of his neck rise and heard heels clicking from wood to granite - rushing, nearly sprinting footsteps that sound frantic.

A muffled voice saying, “ I found them - I got them .”

There was an urgency, a rush in the voice that spurred Jimin into action, he let instinct and the drive to protect take over.

Jimin grabbed Yoongi’s wrist, yanking the older man behind him, switching places as he pressed the man into the wall and placed himself between Yoongi and the threat.

With his free hand, he swept his hand across the smooth leather of the corset around his middle and pulled free the stiletto knife tucked against the side of his ribcage - hidden beneath the leather fabric and concealed by draping black fabric.

The clicking sound grew louder and louder until the shadow formed into a feminine figure dressed in a short gown with a long back skirt trailing behind her. She tore off her mask and Jimin recognized the woman as Hoseok’s current appointed second-in-command, Jiyeon.

She stopped in front of them, hand reaching to turn on the radio in her ear.

She said something, words so quiet and swift Jimin wasn’t sure he heard her correctly. “I’m with Pluto and Venus, track down Minerva and Neptune.”

“Lord Libertas,” she said, voice shaky like she was trying to calm her quick breaths in between her words.

Her eyes turned to Jimin, taking a firm step back, cautious of Jimin’s predatory stance. “Lord Park Jimin…Forgive me for the intrusion.”

“What happened,” Yoongi asked, stepping out of Jimin’s shadow, “Is everything alright?”

“His Majesty the King requests your presence.”

“What, is he alright?”

Jimin’s grip grew rigid around the hilt of the blade and he felt his stomach rolling painfully as the unwanted memories of the explosion just months before cascaded over his vision.

Taehyung is with him.

“The Commander General ensures that both His Majesty and His Royal Highness are safe,” Jiyeon said. “I am unsure as to the nature of the summons, my Lords, only that it is urgent.”

“He summons us both?” Yoongi asked. His own voice was shaky and low.

“Yes, my Lord,” Jiyeon replied, “His Majesty waits in the galleries of the Eastern Wing. I have been asked to escort you both there.”

Yoongi pulled his wrist free of Jimin’s grasp, stepping forward, “Lead the way then, Lieutenant.”

The sculpture halls of the Eastern Wing reminded Jimin of the portrait gallery in the Château de Marsylle.

As they got further and further away from the main hall, the sounds of the banquet faded and their footsteps crescendoed into a beat that matched the rhythm of Jimin’s heart. He still held the knife, tucking it into the sleeve of his silk shirt and laying the blade flat against the skin of his wrist.

The metal was cold - reassuring against the heat of the alcohol flooding his veins.

Away from the music - away from rhythms of movement and the swell of emotions that took him, Jimin finally realized just how tipsy he was.

He downed two glasses of water on his way out. His blood was still boiling and his cheeks felt red. His steps were slower and he hoped with his confidence and years of training, he could mask the unsteadiness.

Beside him, Yoongi was hesitant, pulling on the sleeve of Jimin’s shirt rather than touching his skin.

“You were drinking.”

“It’s a party,” Jimin replied, “Hoseok-hyung ensured Taehyung’s safety, so I indulged.”

Yoongi’s lips pressed into a thin line. Jimin stopped, curling his fingers around Yoongi’s.

His skin was cold in comparison to Jimin’s.

“If you think I won’t remember what you said because I am intoxicated, I will,” Jimin snapped. “I will remember. And this conversation isn’t over yet.”

“I know,” Yoongi returned, eyes flickering to Jiyeon who respectfully kept her distance, pausing with her back turned to them. “I...I know.”

They both turned at the sound of more footsteps and soft voices down the hall.

Yoongi dropped his head, hair obscuring his face. And though Jimin felt the tug on their joined fingers, he also felt Yoongi’s grasp grow just a bit tighter.

Jimin reluctantly let go of Yoongi’s hand, stepping back and squaring his shoulders as he turned to the sounds. He recognized their shadows before seeing Namjoon and Seokjin coming around the corner. Namjoon’s crystal-covered mask hung from his hand and Seokjin’s mask was nowhere to be seen. Leading them was a woman with fire-red hair. Another of Hoseok’s Generals: Park Sun-young.

There was an ease to the hard set of Seokjin’s shoulders upon seeing them.

“Yoongi-hyung, Jimin, do you know what’s going on?” Namjoon asked, rushing to meet them.

Yoongi cleared his voice, turning to face them. “I’m not sure. We just got here.”

“Speculating won’t help,” Seokjin said calmly, “let’s get inside.”

Namjoon nodded, leading the way with long and steady strides as they all fell into step behind him. Jiyeon and Sun-young nod before pulling open the double doors with an echoing creak.

The gallery was brightly lit in comparison to the sculpture hall and the main hall where the party was held and Jimin blinked to help his eyes adjust to the light.

The room was large and the wooden floors creaked under their footsteps.

It was a gallery of landscape paintings, muted black brushstrokes forming mountains and streams that made Jimin’s head spin.

He felt a headache coming.

In the centre of the room were two benches parallel to each other.

Jimin saw Taehyung’s figure first, sitting with his legs crossed and his hands folded above his knee - the midnight robe spilling over the edge of the bench and grazing the floor.

He almost didn’t recognize the prince in the shadow-black against the white that the King wore.

Both of them appeared unharmed and uninjured, but tense. Jeongguk sat with his legs crossed leaning back with a hand perched against the edge - a deceiving look of ease - but Jimin could see that the king was gripping the edge of the seat to the point that his fingers turned white. They had both removed their masks, the once giddy, childlike glee from the party - the laughter and smiles - gone, replaced with grave and severe glares.

Hoseok stood in front of both of them, hands clasped behind his back, tall - strong. Features unreadable.

He didn’t raise his eyes upon their entrance, staring at the pair on the other side.

Jimin turned. On the other side, there were two women; one dressed in black sitting and one in white, standing in front of her - like an eerie, inverted image of Jeongguk and Taehyung. The woman in white was the only one still wearing a mask.

Jimin felt the dread slowly settling in his stomach with the dull knowledge that he had seen this mask before. Pure white in the shape of a feline’s face with a single pink line.

The woman in black sat stiffly, back straight and her gown pooling at her feet.

A curtain of wavy black hair obscured her features.

“The Honourable Lord Chancellor; His Grace, the Duke of Concordia; the Lord Libertas; and Lord Park Jimin,” Sun-young declared upon their arrival.

The black-haired woman turned.

“Yoo Su-Hwa,” Yoongi whispered.

“Close the door behind you, Lieutenants,” Hoseok commanded.

“Yes, sir.”

The finality of the door closing behind them rang in Jimin’s ears.

“Your Royal Highness,” Namjoon greeted evenly. His steps were smooth as he sauntered towards his king, taking his place on Jeongguk’s left as he placed his hands behind his back. “This is the second time you’ve arrived in Aurea unannounced.”

Yoongi followed in suit, slinking like a cat towards Jeongguk’s right. Seokjin joined Hoseok, perhaps the only one to offer a neutral smile at the pair.

Jimin stalked around the room, steps quickening as blood rushed to his ears - and movement became his only goal - to get close to Taehyung. Protect Taehyung.

He closed the distance, finding himself a little more at ease now that he stood behind the prince.

Taehyung tilted his head to the side at the sound. “Jimin?”

“I’m here,” he whispered back.

Su-Hwa watched him, perhaps seeing him as her biggest threat. The woman with blonde hair must be the Elite guard - gone was the familiar blue that Jimin remembered seeing - perhaps a colour too eye-catching.

The Elite guard inched closer to Su-Hwa, almost obscuring her from view.

Su-hwa grabbed the woman’s arm.

The touch seemed to soothe the Elite, Su-Hwa turned back to Jeongguk.

“The first time you asked for an audience,” Hoseok added, deceptively calm, “this time, you somehow managed to get into a private, invitation-only event and demanded a private audience with the King?”

“Yes,” Su-Hwa started, “a private audience.”

Yoongi stepped forward, “Forgive me for being frank, Your Royal Highness; despite your position, His Imperial Majesty has not officially announced you as a princess of the blood. Even if so – you cannot simply enter a country unannounced – diplomatic immunity can only get you so far.”

“Please don’t patronize me, I am not a child. I am aware of the consequences of my actions,” she said slowly, words growing louder. It was curt - more authoritative than Jimin remembered Su-hwa ever being.

She took a deep breath.

“I came because I have a theory. Information. Something that may be of importance to you.”


Jeongguk leaned forward, Jimin couldn’t see Jeongguk’s expression, but there was a change in his demeanour - the rigid anxiety reforming into something more assured - more relaxed.

“These are my closest advisors,” the King stated.

She glanced at Taehyung and Jimin - who now stood beside him.

“Whatever information you have, you can share it in their presence,” Jeongguk continued.

She took a couple of breaths, biting her lips and Jimin wondered if she was regretting her decision.

“Before I continue…” Su-Hwa answered softly. “I want… assurance that regardless of whatever I tell you - my brother will not know that you learnt it from me nor the fact that I was in Naissus to begin with.”

“The Emperor is not aware that you’re here?” Namjoon asked.

Su-Hwa turned to Namjoon, hesitant. She shook her head.

“How could he not, he is in Rossarya, isn’t he?”

“He sent me to Estemery a week after the coronation,” she muttered. “To his knowledge, I am staying with nobles loyal to our house at their country estate, protected and away from court matters.”

“Why not the capital city and with the royal family?” Seokjin asked cautiously.

“I’m sure that you have heard that my brother promises retribution for the attack on the Citadel. Galatea may retaliate against the threat… and the capital city of Estemery, Orivala’s allies, maybe next.”

“What of His Royal Highness, the Crown Prince of Estermery?”

“The Prince is where he belongs. In the capital, taking care of his people. He will inherit, after all…”

There was a bitterness in Su-Hwa’s voice.

“Regardless, the point is… I would like them all to remain in the dark about my actions. At least for the time being.”

A pause.

“Do I have your assurance?” she pressed.

“You have my word,” Jeongguk said slowly, softly. “The Emperor will not hear from the Crown of Naissus that the Princess of Orivala was in Aurea. However, I am unaware of how you left Estemery, nor how you landed undetected in my kingdom twice. If there are informants or spies who follow you, I cannot protect you.”

She nodded. “That… that is acceptable.”

“What is this information,” Seokjin asked.

“Do you know much about the Elite?”

Jimin’s eyes flickered over to the masked woman. The only one remaining masked.

She remained silent throughout the exchange, standing beside Su-Hwa like a stone sentinel.

Hoseok shifted, crossing his arms. “They are soldiers trained from a young age, who have sworn loyalty to the Orivalian Emperor.”

“Is that all?”

Jimin shifted his weight. The fiery tension in his muscles dissipated as the shock wore out and he hated to admit it, but the alcohol in his system was numbing his emotions.

“It is said that the Elite are often orphans who are offered food, board, and education in exchange for a lifetime of loyalty to the Orivalian Emperor,” Jimin said. “They are trained under the guard and selected by the Emperor himself based on their skill.”

“They wear masks while in public service to the Crown,” Hoseok added, “in order to hide their identities for covert operations.”

Su-Hwa huffed, a sound that Jimin is almost sure is a humourless laugh.

“The Elite are always orphans,” Su-Hwa said. “The Crown chooses orphans because they have no ties to others to affect their loyalty to the throne. The Elite...serve the Emperor for thirty years. Should they survive that long. After that, a lavish retirement in the countryside is promised to them for their years of service. At least… that is what my father and brother have told me.”

Su-Hwa paused, licking her lips. “It’s true that the Elite soldiers may take on undercover missions for the Emperor. To act like spies as you have said.”

She looked down, nervously playing with the fabric of her gown, pleating the heavy black material between her fingers. A habit she still retained from the first days that Jimin met her.

“You must know that I was never privy to the meetings or councils held by my late father or my brother,” Su-Hwa explained. “So the information that I have is but glimpses and suspicions.”

Namjoon crossed his arms, and Jimin knew that he was weighing the merit of the princess’ words.

“It is my brother who has an interest in Attalia - and the world beyond the main continent,” Su-Hwa said. “My father cared only about Iaryen and taking what he believed to be what was promised by the Silver One and the Day Slayer.”

She let go of pleating her dress as if realizing that all eyes were on her as she folded her hands together. Still, she didn’t look up.

“After the news of Taehyung-oppa’s stay in Aurea, Naissus became increasingly more interesting to my brother. I have a strong suspicion that he could not do much when my father was still alive but after his passing, I think my brother had ordered for… surveillance to be conducted on Naissus.”

Jeongguk abruptly leaned back on his hands again, a ripple of movement that seemed to almost radiate anger.

“Then came the announcements of your official courtship with Taehyung-oppa… then the alliance between Naissus and Attalia…finally the news of the attempt on your life.”

She took a shaky breath.

“Firstly, I am glad to hear you are well, Your Majesty.” she tried to pull her lips into a ghost of a smile. “Secondly, I – ”

It was then that it seemed like her courage left her —

Her back was ramrod straight – eyes watery – her words growing hoarse like her throat was clogging with salt and fear.

No one spoke. The only sounds were her breaths and the shuffling of fabric as Su-Hwa’s Elite guard reached out and placed a comforting hand over Su-Hwa’s bunched fingers.

“I know,” she tried again, words still barely above a whisper, “I think - I know who tried to kill you.”


Deadly silence and Jimin's mind raced with the questions and implications of Su-Hwa’s statement.

If she knows then it could mean Park Hae-jin knew.

If she knows then it could mean Park Hae-jin was involved.

It could mean that Park Hae-jin had ordered the attempt.

It could mean war against the Orivalian Empire.

“I think you should explain yourself, Su-Hwa,” Taehyung said through the stillness, “before everyone’s imagination reaches a conclusion that could be wrong.”

She nodded, rigidly, taking another deep breath.

“There is an Elite who has been constantly at my brother’s side since I could remember. He wears a mask - also of a cat, with a blue mark.”

Jimin remembered seeing the man in the throne room of the Citadel, in the shadows of the Emperor, a man who answered the Emperor’s commands with feline grace and no hesitation.

“He is called Chul,” Su-Hwa continued. “There are rare occasions that my brother would send Chul out on missions - but most of them last no longer than a couple of days. Suddenly, a year ago, he wasn’t there….”

“I didn’t think too much of it after - perhaps I was naive to think that it was Chul’s time for retirement until he returned a month before Hae-jin-oppa’s coronation.”

The implication of a long mission – somewhere unknown.

Jimin had suspicions - they all had suspicions of where Su-Hwa was leading this story.

“Before I left for Estemery, I overheard my brother’s conversation with Chul,” she explained, “My brother was reprimanding him for his failure in catching the assailants at the coronation…”

She swallowed, closing her eyes. “I remember him specifically saying: you failed in Naissus and now you failed me here .”

Jimin could hear a strange ringing in his ears over the deafening silence that befell the room.

Hoseok was the first to move, pulling out his phone and marching towards Su-Hwa.

The Elite woman stood, placing herself in front of Su-Hwa and crouching with a predatory stance.

Hoseok ignored her - holding his phone up so Su-Hwa could see.

“Does this face look familiar?” he asked.

Su-Hwa’s eyes widened. She nodded.

“That’s - that’s Chul.

Hoseok turned around, phone now facing the rest of them.

Jimin had seen the image before, of the unassuming man under a false name.

“It’s Kihwan,” Hoseok confirmed tiredly.

Su-Hwa squeezed her eyes closed - and finally, a tear escaped - along with a choked sob.

“The Empire sent an assassin to kill the King of Naissus,” Yoongi whispered.

“We knew that Park Hae-Jin was power-hungry. But this ?” Seokjin returned.

Su-hwa wiped her cheeks with both her hands.

“You can’t call for war,” she said - so quickly - so swiftly.

“I think it is rather difficult for any of us to stop the fires that this has ignited, Your Royal Highness,” Hoseok said.

“Her Royal Highness is right though,” Namjoon said, lips flattening into a grim line. “The information that she brings is circ*mstantial evidence. That of which will not be admissible to call the Emperor guilty in attempted regicide.”

“It will essentially be our word against the Emperor’s,” Seokjin concluded. “If we do declare war, it will be on accusations with no definitive proof.”

“And you knew that didn’t you, Your Royal Highness,” Namjoon asked quietly, “You knew that when you came to us.”

Hoseok crossed the invisible line between the two benches, thumbing at the curve between his jaw and neck. “Especially given our King’s assurance that the Princess of Orivala’s presence in Naissus will be kept secret.”

Su-Hwa’s red-rimmed eyes give too much away.


She did know - and it was those telling eyes that made Jimin feel pity for the girl who grew up away from the scrutiny of the public and the cold world of the monarchy.

“Well, it seems as though my hands are tied,” Jeongguk murmured. “Well-played, Your Royal Highness.”

“Something still doesn’t add up though,” Taehyung murmured, drawing attention away from the princess. “Kihwan – Chul – he must have left the country soon after setting up the explosives. And if he did not, he did not stay long enough to learn of my involvement – and that information remains unknown to those outside of the Privy Council.”

“But Park Hae-Jin knew,” Jimin said.

“Precisely,” Taehyung muttered.

The young princess opened her mouth – hesitating a moment before she spoke, drawing everyone’s attention back to her.

“I have another piece of information that might provide some answers,” she said. “And - I’ll give it - under the assurance that you do not declare war on Orivala.”

“I cannot promise you that,” Jeongguk retorted. “Your brother came after me - and therefore my crown. I have to protect my country and my allies who the Emperor has threatened in the past.”

“You have no leverage to continue to make demands, Your Royal Highness,” Namjoon reasoned. “At this point in time, what His Majesty the King has offered to you was generous as it is.”

“Please don’t punish the people for the actions committed by my brother,” Su-Hwa begged. “The people have done no wrong.”

Yoongi took a step forward. “Your Royal Highness, you don’t have the power to negotiate. Your title is but a courtesy. The Emperor has yet to name you.”

Su-Hwa’s breaths came in quick pants, hands balled into tight fists that would surely wrinkle her gown if she hasn’t done so already.

“You’re right,” she whispered. “I have nothing. No lands. No name. Nothing but the promise of a title and the blood that runs through my veins.”

She rose to her feet, wobbly and hands still shaking. But she held her head high. “But it is the blood of House Cerebyrn. I am still the late Emperor’s daughter. By birth, I have the right to the Orivalian throne and it is my duty to protect my kingdom.”

It was then that Jimin began to question the image of the young princess that he had painted three years ago in Ravenna. She was only sixteen when they met. He thought her meek and docile in the presence of her brother. He dismissed her as blindly loyal to Park Hae-jin when she arrived in Naissus to deliver the invitation. But now, Jimin wondered if under the portrait of a pretty girl was a woman teetering over the threshold of this madness.

“I understand that - that war may be inevitable. But I ask that you stay your hand against Hae-Jin-oppa. Just for a short period of time.”

“Perhaps it is presumptuous of me,” Taehyung started, “but it sounds as though you have a plan, Su-Hwa?”

“I cannot - I - '' she faltered, “I cannot say right now. Please, all I ask is for more time - perhaps I can right the wrongs my brother has committed. I once trusted Hae-jin-oppa to have the people’s interest in his heart, that he would do what is right for Orivala, for Iaryen in the name of House Cerebyrn and the Sun and Moon. But maybe I was wrong, maybe he has been blinded by power - perhaps he always has been.”

Jeongguk stared. It was difficult for Jimin to see what the King was thinking - eyes dark and expression shadowed by the muddy golden light.

“How much time do you ask for?” Jeongguk asked.

“Three months,” Shu-Hwa replied. “Just after the mourning period for my father.”

“And what happens if, after three months, the Emperor still continues down this pathway?” Seokjin asked quietly.

“Then… I become your enemy, as you will become mine.”

“I hope it won’t ever come to that,” Taehyung said, “and you will accomplish what you set out to achieve, Su-Hwa.”

“I as well… Taehyung-oppa,” she whispered, unassuredly.

“I will give you three months,” Jeongguk declared. “Under the condition that the Orivalian Empire does not take action against Naissus or our allies.”

She stared but nodded reluctantly. “That is fair - I thank you for your generosity, Your Majesty, Your Royal Highness.”

“Now what is the information you have?”

“I’ve seen Naissus’ Ambassador, The duch*ess of Hespera,” she started. “I also know that Naissus does not send many foreign diplomats to Orivala. So… I found it odd that almost six months ago when my brother was still the Crown Prince, I walked in on my brother having a meeting with a man with a Naissian accent.”

“There are no foreign diplomats outside of the duch*ess in Rossarya,” Yoongi confirmed. “Whoever His Eminence was speaking to was not sent by the Crown.”

Su-Hwa closed her eyes, brows furrowing like she was recalling the memory. “I can’t remember what they were discussing. Nor can I remember the man’s face. But I do remember seeing a brooch on his suit: it was a black and silver feather.”

Brooches were a common way of displaying peerage - the way flowers were in Attalia. Jimin was beginning to recognize some of the noble houses of Naissus.

The lyre of House Eurydice. The bow and arrow of House Orion. The charioteer of House Auriga. The river of House Eridanus. The feather of -

“House Corvus,” Namjoon said in an eerily flat tone.

“Cha Seungwon,” Seokjin whispered.

“He is not a member of the Privy Council.”

“No, but Shin Sung-rok is,” Yoongi nearly growled, “and we know he speaks to Cha Seungwon.”

Jeongguk stood, slowly, perhaps too calmly for someone learning of the treachery in his court.

“Is that all, Your Royal Highness?” he asked.

“Yes,” she returned. “I hope the information proved useful.”

“Good,” Jeongguk answered, “I think it would be unwise for you to stay in Naissus any longer. The Commander General will arrange for your immediate and discreet departure back to Estemery.”

“Thank you, Your Majesty,” she whispered. She curtsied to both the King and Taehyung. Hoseok nodded to Jeongguk before turning and standing by the door - knowing his current duty was to get Su-Hwa and her Elite guard out of the country.

Su-Hwa followed, placing the mask over her eyes before turning back to them.

She curtsied again.

“Under the light of the Sun,” she whispered.

Jimin remembered this, somewhere in his studies of foreign diplomacy.

A phrase used in parting for war.

Between friends - between allies - to wish them well in the upcoming horrors. A prayer for the gods to watch over the blessed.

“And by the grace of the Moon,” she continued. “I wish you all well.”

Jimin couldn’t sleep.

After they returned to the castle, Jeongguk and his King’s Circle rushed off.

Despite both Jimin and Taehyung weaving their way into the inner workings of the Naissian court - they were foreigners and their involvement in Naissian politics was limited.

Right now at least.

Taehyung had returned to their shared chambers and sprawled across the sofa. He clutched the white mask that Jeongguk wore to the ball close to his chest, muttering under his breath prayers to the Maiden, Mother, and Crone for visions - for anything that would help the young King.

Jimin struggled to resist the urge to pace, knowing that it would make Taehyung even more agitated. Eventually, he decided he couldn’t stay and left the rooms altogether once he convinced the prince to lay down in bed.

Jimin wandered the halls - as he did during the first months that he arrived, and debated going to the gym again - or heading outside into the cooling autumn air. It wasn’t long before he found himself in one of the drawing rooms - this one with a balcony and a familiar upright piano.

His eyes landed on the pretty display of liquor on the table. Whiskey, Jimin assumed.

There were still remnants of alcohol in his system. In the silence of the drawing room, far enough away from the adrenaline of their encounter with Su-Hwa and away from the anxious energy Taehyung radiated, Jimin began to feel the sluggishness that comes with drinking.

He staggered to the sofa, crashing face first and crushing his cheek into the embroidered cushions.

He tried to curl himself into a ball - inhaling shakily as the corset constricted his breathing - but he felt too drained to even unzip the leather.

Quickly, the world faded and Jimin welcomed it - as his anxiety blurred into wisps of colours and single, unrelated thoughts.

He slipped between the world of waking and sleep - dozing in and out as he felt his fingers grow cold and a shiver run down his spine.

Then something soft - something warm - over his shoulders.

The scent was familiar, heart-achingly familiar and just out of Jimin’s reach.

In his dreams - he could hear the melody of a piano. Soft notes, gentle and barely there.

He woke to see a white blazer with tiny sequins that shone in the light in his hazy vision.

He recognized it - then somewhere in the depths of his sleep-addled brain, the scent registered.

Orange blossoms.

The name of the scent fuelled the burning hurt in his chest, it dragged his breath away - pulling with it the blissful numb of sleep.

Orange blossoms.


Jimin hurled himself off the sofa, indignantly getting his feet caught in the pillows and his arms stuck in the folds of the jacket. He couldn’t figure out his bearings and before he knew it, the ground rushed towards him. He grunted upon the sharp impact with the hardwood floor, rubbing at his hip and elbow where it hit the ground.

The music stopped and in the silence, Jimin groaned and got himself off the floor.

His mouth and throat were dry and tasted sour -

And he had a headache - hungover - he was getting a hangover from drinking.

He felt a shadow over him, hovering but not moving.

Jimin took his time to raise his eyes, meeting Yoongi’s hesitant gaze through the dark fringe of his bangs. He got to his feet, straightening the leather corset and the disarray of his shirt, trying to make him look a little less dishevelled than he felt - raking a hand through his hair and feeling the crisp edges where the hairspray had dried.

He felt his knees buckle under him for a moment and he stumbled to gather his footing as the pounding of his blood rushed to his head - it was pure instinct and years of pushing his body past the brink of exhaustion that he didn’t collapse. By the time his vision cleared he saw Yoongi crossing the room, holding a pitcher of water and a crystal tumbler - probably from the tray of liquor.

He silently handed Jimin the glass, and Jimin did not protest, taking it with a muttered ‘thank you.’

He turned away and raised the glass to his lips, drinking it quickly. It was only after he drained the cup that he could start to think over the swirling haze and the blood pounding in his ears. He stepped back, collapsing onto the sofa again, knowing that the dizziness and headache will only get worse if he continued to try to stay balanced.

“Why are you here?” Jimin rasped.

“I wanted to play,” Yoongi said quietly, gesturing to the piano behind him. “I couldn’t sleep after everything.”

“So…. what’s happening now,” Jimin asked.

Yoongi’s hands fell to his side and he languidly sat down on the piano bench.

“We got the warrant for an arrest, by order of the King,” Yoongi said. “Many of Hoseok’s men were deployed at the party to ensure Jeongguk’s safety… as well as all the other guests present. It’ll be several hours before Hoseok will be able to lead the assault on Cha Seung-won’s estate… Hoseok doesn’t think Cha Seung-won will expect it - so we’ll have the upper hand and can afford to wait until morning.”

“Do you think that it’s him?”

Yoongi scoffed. “I don’t know what to think anymore.”

Yoongi scrubbed at his face, squeezing his eyes shut.

“I don’t know anything anymore.”

He turned back to the piano, tracing the edge of the black keys for a moment. “I’m sorry, can we not talk about this at the moment?”

Jimin nodded, familiar with the need for distraction. He swallowed, leaning back into the cushions. He tried to think over the throbbing headache and scrounged for words to say.

Yoongi’s white blazer still lay on the floor from when Jimin had thrown himself off the couch. The Right Hand of the King wore a white blouse underneath the blazer that had thin ribbons at the collar and cuffs loosely tied in haphazard bows.

“You look like a ghost.”


“I’m just not used to seeing you wear white,” he clarified.

Without the rosey-tinge from the bubbling alcohol in Jimin’s veins or the golden glow of the light of the ballroom, Yoongi looked… tired in white.

No less handsome, as much as Jimin was reluctant to admit - but it was… odd.

Attalian aristocracy tended to favour lighter colours - especially in attendance of the festivities hosted by the royal family. Yoongi in Jimin’s memory favoured brighter hair colours too - coppery reds, sunrise pinks, and ocean blues.

But the Yoongi of today was a stark contrast - hair as dark as the Crone’s robes, favouring colours just as dark.

It was a stern and severe look - no less attractive, no less heartbreakingly beautiful.

Yoongi blinked, pulling on the sleeves of his dress shirt now - like he was self-conscious.

“Well, you look like one of the servants of the Crone,” Yoongi retorted, “especially with the black mask.”

Jimin scoffed.

“Terrifyingly beautiful,” Yoongi continued in a voice that was like he was in awe - almost as if Jimin was too far away.

Yoongi turned away, looking out the window. It had begun to rain shortly after they returned to the palace and the sounds of rain tapping on the glass are soothing.

“We’re close to the Nights of the Thinning Veil, aren’t we?”

Jimin nodded. “Just over a fortnight before the autumn equinox.”

“Did you ever attend?”

“Once. When I became of age.”

He didn’t ask Yoongi - knowing that he never had the opportunity to attend the celebrations.

“Do you remember the story of the woman who tried to bring her lover back from the Veil?” Yoongi asked.

Jimin frowned.

There were many stories that coloured his youth — stories used to scare children and others that were part of Attalia’s mystical history. He could no longer tell myth from truth and even if he did know the story, he definitely couldn’t recall it in this hangover.

“No, I don’t remember,” Jimin replied. “But would you tell me?”

Yoongi pressed his lips together, resting his wrist on the edge of the keyboard. The movement drew Jimin’s eyes to his fingers, where Yoongi had begun to pick at the corner of his thumb.

Jimin has always been observant and over the years, he picked up and filed away the habits of those around him, including his own.

He knew that he had a tendency of running his fingers through his hair when he was frustrated. He stood in a duelling stance and gnawed on the inside of his lower lip when he was bored.

Taehyung favoured his left side even though he was right-side dominant. He preferred walking barefoot, especially when he was feeling comfortable. He hated the sound of pacing.

Jimin started to learn the habits of the Naissian King and the members of his King’s Circle too.

Jeongguk would push his tongue against the hollow of his cheek to reign in his anger. He would tap the bridge of his nose when embarrassed. He doesn’t savour any drink, downing banana milk, juice, wine, or whiskey like it was water.

Hoseok would always add a little ‘hm’ before speaking - like he was acknowledging whoever spoke before him - and he power walked nearly everywhere he went.

Namjoon would make wide berths around coffee tables, side tables - or any kind of table. He would flick the edge of a sheet of paper twice before turning, just to make sure that there were no pages stuck in between.

Seokjin would readjust his flawless posture every couple of minutes. He also would scan the room, once while entering and once while leaving.

And Yoongi -

Yoongi would be seen doing neck circles in the background of conversations, perhaps on account of his poor posture. He would pull on the corner of his right earlobe when thinking. The sides of his thumbs were a landscape of calloused, thickened skin from years of absentminded picking.

“Please,” Jimin added when the silence drew on.

Yoongi stopped picking at his thumb for just a moment. He folded his hands together.

“Long ago, there was a woman who lost her lover to death,” Yoongi started. “They were young when her lover passed, and in her grief and pain she grew desperate to find a way to bring him back to her.”

Jimin barely noticed, how Yoongi switched to speaking Attalian. The change was so smooth - and though Jimin might not be used to seeing the older man in the colours of Attalia, Yoongi was Attalian. He spoke in a soft, rhythmic cadence, like a spoken lullaby.

“As we all know, the boundaries between the living and the dead is thinnest during the Nights of the Thinning Veil, where the vulnerable and the griefing could be taken. It was why valerian root is burned constantly during the autumn equinox to ward away vengeful spirits.”

Jimin closed his eyes. He only had faint memories of his single attendance at the Nights of the Thinning Veil. Most of them were flashes of colour amidst the shadow and white.

“The woman was a skilled healer and herbalist and she created a draught that would induce death-like sleep,” Yoongi continued.

“A draught that mocks death,” Jimin whispered, as flashes of a flower - red with a yellow centre - bloom behind his eyes.

Yoongi hummed. “So the woman took the draught, hoping that it would allow her to cross the Veil to look for her lover. She searched, wandering the precipice between the living and the dead. She searched and searched and searched for a soul with any trace of her lost beloved - but to no avail.”

Jimin opened his eyes and immediately found Yoongi watching him. He still sat at the piano bench, back hunched and hands resting loosely in his lap.

“It was then that one of the servants of the Crone appeared, drawn to the woman who had crossed the Veil and yet was still tethered to the living,” Yoongi continued, still holding Jimin’s gaze. “The woman begged the creature, beseeched them to allow her lover more time on the other side of the Veil. But, the creature was a keeper of the death and no soul who had crossed could ever return for the ties to their physical form had been severed by the Goddess of Death herself.”

Yoongi blinked, turning his gaze down to the piano keys. Jimin could feel his heart pounding in his throat.

Jimin held his breath.

“The woman, in her devastation, then begged the creature to sever her ties to the living. For if she could not be with her lover in life, then she will be with him in death.”

“...And then?”

“The creature denied her,” Yoongi said flatly. “But not without reason, for you see, souls ferried to the other side by the Goddess of Death are washed of their memories of the living. So even if the woman and her lover were reunited in death…”

“They won’t even remember that they loved each other in life,” Jimin finished.

“The Bringer of Eternal Dreams is as merciful as she is cruel,” Yoongi said, wryly using the many epithets for the Crone.

Jimin curled in on himself, once again feeling the chill of the growing night.

“That’s a sad story…” he whispered.

“There are few happy endings in stories surrounding the Crone,” Yoongi said, lifting a hand and resting his fingers on the keys.

“Is it true though?” Jimin asked, “that death erases everything?”

Yoongi shrugged. “It’s just a story I heard from House Pavot.”

Yoongi’s gentle caress of the keys turned into a playing a single note, then into a slow melody. Jimin closed his eyes again, resting his chin on his knees as the melody took flight. He could feel himself drifting again, called into dreams by both rain and song. But the piano provoked another thought - words spoken by Yoongi during the masquerade ball.

“Lee Taemin of House Pavot,” Jimin announced. Yoongi’s playing did not pause, but he did slow down and simplify the melody to just one hand to encourage Jimin to continue speaking.

“He tried to court me once.”

The song came to an abrupt halt.


Jimin still had his eyes closed, cheek now pressing uncomfortably into the side of his kneecap yet still he had not the energy to move. He felt a shadow fall over him as the light behind his eyelids became shadowed. He was anticipating the mellow scent of citrus and blossoms and he couldn’t help but inhale deeply.

“...When?” Yoongi asked.

“Three years ago, during the Nights of the Thinning Veil,” Jimin answered. He finally moved, eyes fluttering open as he lifted his head to see Yoongi towering over him. His expression was blank. It easily could be mistaken for taciturn neutrality if it weren’t for the hard set in his jaw and the way his eyes narrowed.

“Do you know what kind of flowers he gave me?” Jimin asked. He slowly uncoiled his limbs, lifting himself to sit on the armrest of the sofa so he was close to being eye level with Yoongi.

“He didn’t give you poppies?”

“No. Lee Taemin gave me a crown of peonies ,” Jimin said.

Yoongi staggered backwards and a sardonic laugh broke through the stern look.

“Did you accept his suitorship?”

“No. I didn’t. Once I saw the flowers, I thought it was a message from you from beyond the Veil,” Jimin said with an almost embarrassed smile, “but then, after I saw you in Aurea, I thought it was the Crone playing a cruel joke.”

“Why are you telling me this, Jimin?”

Jimin grasped the ribbons around Yoongi’s collar, stopping him in his tracks before hauling him forward. Until their foreheads nearly touched, until Jimin could feel Yoongi’s breath on his skin.

“Our conversation wasn’t over,” Jimin said, “I told you I would remember.”

Jimin heard a ragged intake of breath.

“You spoke of your grievances – of your inability to ignore me. Well then, allow me the privilege of speaking mine.”

He pulled Yoongi closer and relished the way his eyes darted down to Jimin’s lips.

Yoongi’s breaths grew shorter and Jimin struggled to keep his own breaths even. It took everything in him to keep from closing the distance between them.

“Min Yoongi of House Pivoine, Second Son of the Baron of LaNoix,” Jimin whispered.

Yoongi shivered at the evocation of the long-defunct title.

“Min Yoongi of House Eridanus, Earl of Libertas, Right Hand of the King of Naissus.”

He tilted his head to whisper into Yoongi’s ears.

“Min Yoongi, in life or in death, you haunt me.”

“Jimin, what are you saying?”

Jimin’s lips graze the shell of Yoongi’s ear. “You said you wanted me. Prove it.”


New Characters:

Lee Taemin [SHINEE]
House: Pavot (Poppy)
Title: Heir Apparent to the Duke of Lesureau (Elderberry)
Age: 28

Byun Baekhyun [EXO]
House: Eurydice
Title: N/A
Age: 30

Author’s Note:

1. A lot of celebrations and ceremonies in the Attalian religion are inspired by Pagan tradition.
2. The tale about the woman who crossed the Veil was very loosely inspired by the myth of Orpheus and Eurydice until it took shape on its own.
3. You bet Jimin is wearing the leather corset from Black Swan, I'm still not over that look.

Please leave a comment! A little encouragement goes a long way, and I would love, love, love to hear what you guys thought of the story thus far.
Come talk to me on Twitter or ask me questions on Curious Cat.

With Love,

Chapter 19: tacenda


Master Playlist

t a c e n d a

(n.) things better left unsaid, things better left in silence



(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

chapter nineteen

t a c e n d a

Grief, Jeongguk quickly learns at the age of ten, takes people in different ways.

Grief had made Jeongguk fearful. For it wasn’t just his father who he lost, but his mother and cousin as well.

Choi Haeun, Queen of Naissus, turned Dowager Queen, let the grief consume her very being. When the pain became a dull ache, the Dowager Queen became Queen Regent in her son’s name. Sometimes, there are days when Jeongguk wonders if the title ‘mother’ lurks somewhere underneath the facade of power and control.

Hoseok was fourteen when his own mother passed in the plague. His father had fled to the countryside, back to his estate after the death of his dear wife. Choi Hyun-jae’s final wish was for her son to stay in Aurea under the care of her sister, the Queen.

It was then, that Hoseok – agreeable, kind, and considerate Hoseok – fell to bouts of anger. Hoseok’s father rarely, if ever, came to the palace in the months after the funeral and distribution of the cure, but when he did, there was rarely a meal that the father and son shared together. Grief made Hoseok’s father distant and made Hoseok resentful.

Jeongguk had tried to chase after his cousin – he always looked up to him – but Hoseok was running too far away for the ten-year-old.

So, Jeongguk finds solace in Ji-eun. Her smiles remind Jeongguk of his uncle – of his own father, all teeth and full cheeks. Jeongguk inherited the same features - from their late grandmother, he was told. Perhaps the stability in Ji-eun’s demeanour is because she had lost her father in the early months of the plague. A year had passed, and the then twelve-year-old girl had inherited the title of duch*ess of Hespera and effectively became second-in-line for the Naissian throne.

Grief had run its course for Ji-eun, and after the anguish and anger, she found a fixation on learning languages as a distraction. She threw herself into learning Galatean, Vestonion, Orivalian, and even Attalian. Sometimes, Jeongguk would just sit with her in the drawing-room as she went over her lessons, speaking the words out loud. He couldn’t understand what she was saying - but anything was better than the silence.

Another month passes, then two - then it was five months.

Five became six - and suddenly, he sees more people in the palace.

It has been a while since he saw this many people.

After the king’s passing, the Queen had ordered a limitation on the number of staff directly serving in court, fearing that the plague would take all that remained. Jeongguk had gotten used to dressing himself. The last time he had a valet come to dress him was during the rites of his father’s funeral.

In the wake of the funeral, there were no state events, parties, or outings that required the young Crown Prince to appear well-dressed.

So, today, when Jeongguk heard a knock on his door and saw a familiar valet holding a clear garment bag, panic flooded his system. Inside the bag was a black suit. He knew he wore the same one during his father’s state funeral.

What happened?

“Your Royal Highness, I am here to help you get dressed.”

What. Happened?

Has someone died?

Is Ji-eun alright? Is Hoseok okay?

“Where is Eomma,” Jeongguk demands.

The man is taken aback, “I’m not sure, I believe Her Majesty is in the Throne Room.”

He needs to see his mother.


Jeongguk didn’t realize he is walking until the man blocks him.

“Please, Your Royal Highness, I was asked to get you dressed for the ceremony.” What ceremony.

What. Ceremony.

“I need to see my mother,” Jeongguk demands.

He runs out his bedroom, down the halls, weaving past the staff that have started to return in earnest, now that the plague was over. There were more faces that he didn’t recognize than he did – but they all knew him and bowed, calling his title as he sprints towards the Throne Room.

The double doors thud loudly when he crashes into them. The light was bright in the summer morning. He has to squint. His chest heaves and his lungs burned as he works on catching his breath because it was too difficult to think past the terror. Slowly, Jeongguk’s eyes climb up the set of dark, marble stairs, vision blurring when he sees the empty throne where his father once sat.

Jeongguk remembers once long ago, his father let him sit on it. Now it has become his mother’s seat.

She wasn’t there.

“Eomma!” he screams, his voice echoing and he could hear the fright in his tone. The valet said she was in the Throne Room. Where is his mother - the plague is over. There hasn’t been a case in three months. His mother was well yesterday night.

Why did they bring him the funeral suit?

“Jeongguk?” he hears his mother call.

Jeongguk spins around, and sees his mother standing by a table in the corner of the room.

Alive. Uninjured. Her eyes locked on his – and there was no milky, cloudy irises, nor the fearful far-away look that Jeongguk last saw in his father’s eyes. His mother’s heels clicks on the marble floors as she rushes to him.

“What’s wrong, my love. Are you hurt?”

She’s fine. His mother was fine.

His mother was fine, but what about everyone else? Hoseok-hyung? Ji-eun-noona?

“Where is - ” he starts, but still, his breaths were coming too fast. “The black suit - ”

“Jeongguk – breathe. I don’t understand.”

“Why did the valet say I have to get dressed,” Jeongguk tries again, and the question comes out so petulant. “What’s going on? Is everyone okay?”

The worry fell from the Queen’s eyes, instead replaced with a sadness that Jeongguk didn’t understand.

“Oh, my love,” she whispers, gently caressing her son’s cheek. “Nothing is wrong, no one is hurt. It’s the Ceremony of Office.”

“What’s that?”

She turns, and finally, Jeongguk realizes that there is another person in the room. He stands in the corner, dressed in a dark grey suit – almost black – but not quite. The man has sharp eyes, a strong jaw framed by a thick moustache and goatee. Hair coiffed neatly.

He looks powerful.

Jeongguk takes a step back, trying not to hide in his mother’s shadow.

The Queen Regent turns, gesturing to the older man.

“Jeongguk, this is the Earl of Fama, Cha Seungwon of House Corvus.”

Then Jeongguk sees the brooch pinned on his lapel: three plumes of stiff, inky feathers.

He remembers this man.

Jeongguk had attended one single Privy Council a month after his father’s passing.

He was a boy standing in a room full of adults, listening to them as they discussed the future of Naissus with a child barely ten as the heir to the throne.

He remembers their words.

“It has been two months since the passing of His Majesty the King.”

“It is time that we convene to speak of the future of this monarchy and the nation.”

“The future is in His Royal Highness, the Crown Prince.”

“His Royal Highness, the Crown Prince, is too young to take the throne,” one of the Privy Council members had said. He remembers the face of the man who said it now.

This was him.

Cha Seungwon of House Corvus.

“He cannot rule until he is of age, even then, what kind of king would an eighteen-year-old make?” Cha Seungwon continued.

“Then who shall rule in the name of the Crown?”

“I will,” his mother had said.

Jeongguk stares at the man before him, he was in awe of something that made this man exude power. The man steps closer to him, lowering his head to acknowledge the Crown Prince.

“Jeongguk,” his mother continues, “Cha Seungwon-ssi, has graciously accepted the position to serve as the Lord Chancellor of this regency government.”

The words were difficult for Jeongguk to understand. Still he stares, wide-eyed at the man who seemed so powerful and so sure of himself.

“Your Royal Highness,” Cha Seungwon greets. “It’s a pleasure to see you again.”


“You may not remember, but I met you once before at a state banquet in honour of your late father’s birthday.”

Jeongguk doesn’t remember.

“You were much younger then… you look more like the late King now.”

“D-do I?” Jeongguk questions softly.

His mother’s smile is telling: sad and almost forced, the grief still showing through.

“You look more and more like your father every day,” his mother replies.

But he’s not his father and will he ever measure up to the king his father once was? Jeongguk doesn’t remember much of his father, for his most vivid memories are just before his father’s death: a sickly pallor and barely-there eyes. He tries to push the memories away, tries hard to stop the images from conjuring behind his eyes.

“Go get dressed, Jeongguk,” his mother says. “It’s just for a ceremony to inaugurate Cha Seungwon-ssi as Lord Chancellor. There will be a formal dinner after.”

“Do I have to attend the dinner?” Jeongguk asks wearily.

His mother shakes her head, that sad smile turning fond. She often tells him that he inherited his father’s dislike for social events.

“I would encourage you to come, Your Royal Highness,” Cha Seungwon calls. “It may be boring, but perhaps you and I could get to know one another. Perhaps one day, I will serve as your Lord Chancellor when you are king.”

When he was king.

Jeongguk’s father once stood as proud and tall just as Cha Seungwon did, didn’t he?

Could he one day be as proud and as strong as his father was?

Could Cha Seungwon help?


It had begun to grow colder after the celebrations of the Naissian King’s 23rd birthday and the storm that had rolled in that night still hasn’t let up.

The morning after still held the bubbling, hazy energy of last night’s party. Many of the staff who worked at Sol Palace were invited to attend. When Jeongguk walked down the halls of the palace, he could hear their whispers of how beautiful the masquerade ball was, and gossip about the mysterious couple dressed in white pearls and black flower petals who stole the night.

Somehow - Jeongguk had almost forgotten the magic in the turmoil of Su-Hwa’s appearance.

He dreamt that night of flying through the air sitting on a trapeze bar. Taehyung waited on the other side, dressed in fire-reds with the horns of Ifrit protruding from his black hair.

He remembered reaching out for the Prince, one hand hanging onto the rope - he remembered stopping just before their hands touched. Then when he looked back - he saw a woman in a mask of black and silver feathers.

Under the light of the Sun, and by the grace of the Moon,” she said. “Are you ready for war, boy King?

Jeongguk woke up after that, and stayed awake.

He couldn’t stomach breakfast - but dutifully shoveled down the meal in front of the Queen Mother and the duch*ess of Hespera, both of whom were staying at Sol Palace for the remainder of the week.

He did not want his mother involved, nor Ji-eun. This was his and his King’s Circle’s burden to bear.

Hoseok didn’t show up for breakfast and Yoongi had nonchalantly stated that the Commander General had remained with his team after the event to assist in the clean up and ensure that the museum was not missing any valuable artifacts. An excuse so innocent in comparison to what Hoseok truly was doing. He left early in the morning with a small team of his most trusted officers to personally ensure the discreet arrest of Cha Seungwon at his country estate.

Hoseok with Namjoon’s assistance also had arranged for Su-Hwa and the Elite guard’s discreet passage out of Naissus that night. So neither of them had returned to the palace after the party.

It had been several hours since Hoseok left, and Jeongguk could not waste time mulling over what-ifs. He still had things to do – still had to keep up the appearance that everything was normal while his King’s Circle ran around with his orders.

He spent his afternoon pacing in his office, papers left unattended on his desk. The humidity made the air in his office thick and warm. He opened the windows, pressing his forehead against the windowpane.

He could feel the cool mist coming through. It was cold - and yet he felt like he was burning. His hands are clammy but he could feel goosebumps rising and he wondered if he was getting sick. Jeongguk closed his eyes, focusing on the sound of the heavy rainfall. The smell of petrichor was often soothing for him, but lately, the rain only brought about an uncomfortable tension in his stomach.

He could close the window, but the silence in his study would drive him mad otherwise. He returned to his desk shortly after, beginning to hesitantly flip through the pages of documents that landed on his desk this morning. He must go over them, it was his duty - he’s done this for years and it should come easy. But he couldn’t concentrate and kept reading over the same lines of the policy brief over and over and over again.

The sound of crashing thunder drew Jeongguk out of the blur - he could feel the ground rumbling with the sound and it only made him more uneasy.

The storm is upon them.


He barely heard the voice from the other side of the door - nor the soft rap-taps.

Jeongguk - can I come in?

“Enter,” he called, clearing his throat because he never intended for his voice to sound so sharp.

He saw a white walking-cane before he saw Taehyung. The prince was dressed in a soft, earth-coloured cardigan again. The floral patterns on his silk shirt changed from the brilliant neons for summer to jewel tones for the autumn.

His black hair was growing wild enough to almost cover his eyes. Soft and warm – and in that second, Jeongguk felt his racing thoughts fall still – the aching of anxiety knotting his chest unravelling.

Blissfully silent.

He basked in the quieting ease that came with Taehyung’s presence.


The soft call of his name again, coloured in the rolling breaths of Taehyung’s accent never got old.

“I’m here,” Jeongguk answered.

Taehyung hovered by the door. “You’ve been here all morning,” he said softly.

“I still have things to do,” Jeongguk replied.

He glanced down at the papers in his hand, the corners wrinkled where his fingers were clutching the page.

“Perhaps take a break,” Taehyung suggested, stepping further into the room. The tapping of his cane against the furniture and floor drew Jeongguk’s attention. He glanced back up, answering monotonously, thoughtlessly. “I can’t. There’s too much to get done.”

He always found it mesmerizing, watching the way Taehyung navigate the world, clearly and gracefully able to avoid furniture and corners, taking easy, confident steps. Following the sounds around him, over the pitter-patter of rain, Taehyung walked towards the sound of Jeongguk’s voice, towards the tumbling wheels of Jeongguk pushing back in the swivel chair, perhaps even able to hear the soft puffs of his breaths and thumps of his heart - until the rolling tip of Taehyung’s cane bounced on the edge of Jeongguk’s shoes. The prince took a step forward, pulling his cane back until his knee grazed the king’s.

He watched Taehyung extend his arm, and Jeongguk mirrored it - their hands meeting just above the table.

Taehyung frowned, letting go of his cane and taking Jeongguk’s hand in both of his.

“Your hands are so cold,” he whispered. “Are the windows open?”

Jeongguk replied with a low hum. “I felt hot,” he said. But with the warmth of Taehyung’s fingers around his, he started to shiver. “Actually - I don’t know anymore.”

Taehyung’s brows furrowed.

“Are you feeling unwell?”

His grip loosened around Jeongguk’s fingers and he turned towards the windows. “I’m going to close the windows.”

“No – please,” Jeongguk clung to Taehyung’s hand, hanging on tightly. “I-I need the sounds of rain falling – I can’t stand the silence right now.”

Taehyung paused.

He curled his fingers around Jeongguk’s again, and gently pulled. He watched as Taehyung slid his foot along the floor until he felt the cane and then slammed the heel of his shoe down onto the rubber end of the cane, the opposite end shooting upright into his hand.

“You’re going to take a break,” Taehyung announced. Jeongguk didn’t protest this time and allowed Taehyung to guide him away from the desk.

He closed his eyes, listening to the sound of Taehyung’s breaths and the taps of his cane on the floor. Before he knew it, Taehyung had led him out of the office and down the halls where the rhythmic taps echoed.

Jeongguk pulled close to Taehyung, pressing himself against Taehyung’s side and dropping his head onto the back of the prince’s shoulder. They were similar in height, and the motion of their walking has Jeongguk’s forehead bouncing awkwardly, but still - he remained. Taehyung’s sweater is as soft as it looked and it smelled faintly of warm ginger, and underneath that, he could smell the familiar ever-present lavender.

Before he knew it, the tapping on marble changed to a scraping sound and the sharp tapping of his shoes on marble grew softer. Stone.

It was colder and the sharp smell of rain and dirt overpowered the warm spice and flora. Jeongguk lifted his head, opened his eyes and squinted. It was brighter than it was in the palace - he had refused to turn on the lights in his study despite how gloomy the day was.

The terrace leading out to the flower gardens was small – not as grand as the one in the ballroom, nor the one leading out to the courtyard. The doorway had a small overhang, just enough for both of them to stand outside but out of the heavy downpour. The sounds of rain falling were quieter outside than they were from inside his study, without the sharp sounds of it pelting against his glass windowpane. The skies were still a heavy grey and murky blue in some areas, and the wind was light enough that the autumn leaves swayed gently like a dreamy bonfire.

Taehyung stopped.

But the momentum of their steps, of Jeongguk’s mindless trust in letting Taehyung lead, steered him forward another step. The tip of his shoes crossed the clear boundary between wet and dry stone and he could feel the cold mist fanning across his skin.

Jeongguk took another step forward - and then stopped with the distinct thought that he shouldn’t go any further.

Their hands were still intertwined, and he would have pulled Taehyung along if he went any further. The prince tilted his head to the side, as if questioning why Jeongguk paused.

“I thought you could use some fresh air. But did you want to take a walk through the gardens?”

“I - we don’t have an umbrella,” Jeongguk protested, “We’ll get soaked.”

Taehyung shrugged. “The pavilion isn’t far.”

He raised his cane - pointing it vaguely in the direction of the pavilion, hidden from view by thick deep-green trees and shrubberies. Jeongguk watched as rain splattered against the ivory white. The storm was heavy. The thunder and lightning had stopped but still heavy enough that he knew they would be soaked to the skin in only a couple of minutes.

He shouldn’t. He should go back to his study, there were still documents that he needed to go over, papers from the economics report that he still needed to read, and a Privy Council meeting to prepare for when the news inevitably erupts from Cha Seungwon’s arrest.

He was a king.

Kings do not indulge in video games late at night.

Kings do not get drunk and play hide and seek with their closest advisors.

Kings do not run through the rain and mud - like a child - like a boy.

He felt the pull on his arm, outstretched and he felt himself leaning closer to the edge despite saying no. He lingered on the precipice, so close.

He didn’t move - couldn’t move.

It was Taehyung who took a step forward.

He took another until he was no longer under the protection of the overhang. The wild curls and waves of his hair immediately began to sink and stick to his face. He pulled on their entwined hands. Two steps had them pulled taut. Taehyung’s grasp loosened - like he was giving Jeongguk an opportunity to let go.

He didn’t. Instead, Jeongguk wrapped his fingers around Taehyung’s a little harder and then followed him.

Immediately Jeongguk could feel it stinging his bare skin. He blinked every time the pelting droplets touched his face, before letting his eyes drift shut and his head fall back.

It was cold.

He inhaled - breathing in and in until it started to hurt and the cold began to soak through his turtleneck. He took another step, then another, until he could feel the softness of soil and grass and until the taping of Taehyung’s cane on stone turned into nothing.

His dress shoes had little traction on the wet grass, but still, they continued forward. Taehyung’s cane swept along the pathway as their steps went from a stroll to a hurried jog. Then the pavilion came into sight and Jeongguk felt the rush of adrenaline pull on him.

Taehyung slipped and instinctively Jeongguk raised their joined hands pulling on Taehyung to catch his fall. He crashed into Jeongguk’s chest and the momentum nearly drove them both into the ground. Then, all at once, Jeongguk felt so light when Taehyung’s laughter - deep and breathy - came.

Jeongguk felt his own laughter bubble forth with just the absurd intensity of what they were doing.

The prince dropped his cane in the grass, trusting Jeongguk to lead them both to the pergola. They crashed into the pavilion, soaking wet, breaths huffing, but still laughing and Jeongguk couldn’t even explain why.

Taehyung collapsed on the floor, rolling over as he tried to catch his breath.

His hair clung to his cheeks and he struggled to pull off the sopping wet cardigan. Jeongguk was no better - shaking his head and pulling his wet locks out of his eyes. The knit turtleneck stuck to his skin as he pulled on the fabric around his neck and middle. Unfortunately, he wore nothing else underneath it - and it was better to keep it on than expose more of his skin to the wind.

He joined Taehyung on the hard stone floor – it was cold – and even where his side pressed against Taehyung’s, there was little warmth.

The smell of earth and rainwater was stronger here, mixing with the scents from the pond, and the muted lavender on Taehyung’s skin.

Jeongguk rubbed at his eyes - pulling fingers through his scalp as he dug his palms into his eye sockets. He felt it coming again, too soon, like the heavy press of the entire ocean pushing on his chest and all he could do was keep his head above the waters for just a moment.

He grasped onto the physical feelings: the way the cold seeped through his bones, how water from his hair dripped down the back of his neck, the scent of soil and algae and lavender, the sound of Taehyung’s breaths.

Anything to keep the tide of thoughts from crashing over his head.

He heard Taehyung shifting beside him, then felt the prince’s shadow looming over him.

A hand snaked over the side of Jeongguk’s rib cage - crossing his chest to rest above his heart.

He latched onto the soft touch like a lifeline.

“Are - are you afraid?” Taehyung whispered.

Jeongguk dug his palms further into his eyes, until he saw spots and waves in the darkness. Until it started to hurt a little before he released and dropped his hands to his side.

“I - I don’t know,” he returned.

Being afraid was something that Jeongguk was already profoundly familiar with. Something that he had admitted to being multiple times in the past.

He was afraid when he saw his father fall ill during the peak of the Naissian plague.

He was afraid when his father passed and the foreboding whispers of ‘ the king is dead, long live the king’ echoed through the empty halls.

He was afraid when watching the chaos unfold in Rossarya knowing that he was almost helpless.

But this wasn’t fear.

It was a horrible, suffocating numb that engulfed him.

“I think… I am afraid of my own fear,” Jeongguk started. “I’m afraid of my own emotions because how it’ll affect my decisions.”

He knew that it was the despair of his father’s death that made him so wary of Yoongi - so scared to let anyone new into his heart to protect himself from that hurt again. It was that same fear that made him so horribly and irrationally angry at the notion of Taehyung’s betrayal.

But it was that same fear that pushed him towards Cha Seungwon in his youth - that fear of never being good enough, of wanting to have someone fill the void his father left behind.

He could not let fear take him now - for if it did, it would be fear, despair and anger. That combination gave birth to sheer and utter panic which would destroy his ability to even think .

“It’s sad, isn’t it? I - I can’t even control my emotions - how can I rule a kingdom?”

“No. It’s not… sad, it’s human,” Taehyung said, firmly. “Your fear is the very proof that you are what Naissus needs - you have heart and so much love for your country and people.”

“I don’t know how to make decisions that are right for Naissus.”

“These decisions are not meant to be easy for anyone. Nor should you have to make them alone.”

He said it softly - like the reassurance that Jeongguk distantly remembered spoken like promises that still weigh on the shoulders of his King’s Circle. Promises that were sealed in a blood oath.

He wanted more than a blood oath from Taehyung.

“Will you help?”

He could hear the intake of breath - the soft gasp that fell from Taehyung’s lips. The implications of Jeongguk’s words hang thick like the humid ocean air before a storm. Jeongguk opened his mouth - the falling rain drowning out the sounds of him choking on more words he wanted to say.

Help me make these difficult decisions.

Help me rule.

Stay at my side.

As King Consort.

"Stay. With me. Please,” Jeongguk managed.

He watched as a smile – so tender and gentle – pulls on Taehyung’s lips - as if that was the only reassurance he needed.

“I’ll stay with you, my love, as long as you will have me.”

The journey back to the palace was longer as the cold had seeped into Jeongguk’s bones making their movements stiff and heavy with how drenched they were. Upon their return, a footman skidded to a stop, declaring that the Commander General and Lord Park Jimin were searching for them both. Hoseok had returned to the palace with news, it seemed.

Jeongguk sent the footman to gather his King’s Circle in the drawing-room, almost reluctant to part ways with Taehyung.

“Go,” Taehyung said. “We will talk after your meeting.”

So when Jeongguk arrived in the drawing-room, having thrown on a change of clothes and frantically ran a towel through his hair, he knew just how dishevelled he must have looked. But he couldn’t delay any longer. The reprieve was short, as welcomed as it was. But he was hungry for information. They had all gathered in the drawing-room, Hoseok standing in the corner, back to the door as he murmured lowly into the phone pressed against his ear.

Seokjin and Namjoon sat pressed against each other on the sofa - there was a listlessness in Namjoon’s features - a tiredness that mirrored how Jeongguk felt.

There was as much weighing on his shoulders as there was on Jeongguk’s.

Yoongi’s eyes lingered on Jeongguk, taking in the state of his hair and tracksuit he wore, but does not voice any questions.

Instead, Yoongi continued to pour tea, offering them a cup all in turn. Jeongguk took his in both hands, the porcelain was hot, and the heat melted the stiffness in Jeongguk’s fingers. It burned his palm and that was the final touch that pushed him back into reality.

He couldn’t wait any longer.

“Hoseok-hyung - ”

“I know,” Hoseok said, he sighed. “I don’t have good news - or any news - really. The…. raid… went as smoothly as a raid could possibly go.”

“What of the search warrant?”

“With the seal of the Crown, there is little that we can’t do,” Hoseok said. “Cha Seungwon was arrested and is currently being held at the courthouse. His estate and all his holdings were seized and all his staff will be brought in for questioning. I also had Shin Sungrok brought in, just as we had discussed.”

“Have you found any evidence?” Jeongguk asked anxiously. “Were they both involved?”

“I am not convinced…”

“What do you mean.”

“Shin Sungrok admitted that he only heard Cha Seungwon speak poorly of the king,” Namjoon said,. “But he denies telling anyone about the assassination attempt until Jeongguk publically announced it.”

“He described word for word what his conversations to Cha Seungwon were. He adamantly denied charges of providing classified information - and was willing to speak in court to sue Cha Seungwon of defamation against the Crown,” Hoseok said.

A boy with too much power.

The downfall of our monarchy was letting a young boy take the Crown.

A boy who cannot differentiate between duty and personal indulgence.

Is it defamation - when Jeongguk himself was beginning to believe it?

Seokjin laughed humourlessly, “If that was the only charge against Cha Seungwon.”

“But, I think Shin Sungrok is telling the truth,” Namjoon said.

“Did you think Jeongguk scared him enough by threatening his place in the Privy Council? Couldn’t that have spurred him more?” Yoongi asked.

“Perhaps, but his remarks occurred around the time of the gala” Namjoon said. “Whereas Cha Seungwon was in Rossarya much earlier. Things just don’t add up.”

“What of the interrogation with him?” Seokjin asked. “Cha Seungwon.”

Hoseok hesitated, and he rarely if ever hesitates – especially in conversation about his duties as Commander General. But in his hesitation, Jeongguk saw something akin to hurt. Namjoon, too, had a gritted jaw, eyes averted away from Seokjin. Both of them were avoiding speaking of something.

“He’s not responding,” Hoseok finally announces.

“Hoseok presented the charges,” Namjoon supplied. “But Cha Seungwon said he has nothing to confess to the Commander General.”

“I - we are accusing him of high treason, ” Hoseok continued, “I have seen men quake at the Crown charge of tax evasion. This is espionage and attempted regicide and he had nothing to say.”

“He didn’t deny it?” Seokjin asked.

He didn’t try to deny it - he didn’t try to do anything. He didn’t even ask for an attorney,” Namjoon said, his words growing a little faster, a little louder in his frustration. “Instead he - ”

Namjoon paused, finally glancing up and eyes meeting Hoseok.

Seokjin caught on, and his eyes narrowed.

“Instead, he what?”

“He asked if I would attend Lee Sunmi’s wedding,” Hoseok admitted.


It was the first time in a very long time that her name was said by Hoseok.

Jeongguk felt the knot in his stomach grow larger and pull tighter.

“I’ll admit that it caught me off guard,” Hoseok said quietly. “There was a moment when we sat in silence in the interrogation room. Then suddenly, Cha Seungwon asked what happened. He said he heard rumours that we - that I - was ready to propose to Lee Sunmi.”

The smile on Hoseok’s face was all wrong, curved too much on one side and his jaw too tight. “He… then continued to taunt me, told me about the Count of Maeista who is two years my junior and how happy she must be to finally secure an advantageous marriage.”

“I - I,” Hoseok bit the inside of his lip and squeezed his eyes closed. “I lost my temper and well, the entire conversation is laid out in the transcript if you wanted details.”

Jeongguk did not want to read the transcript.

“I couldn’t go back and face him after that,” Hoseok said. “Namjoon…. Namjoon had his chance too.”

Namjoon nodded, rubbing his temples.

“Did he… say something similar?” Seokjin asked in a tone that made Jeongguk wonder if he already knew.

Namjoon sighed.

“Seokjin-hyung and I didn’t tell you all because we didn’t think it was relevant,” Namjoon started, “Cha Seungwon had made comments about my role a Lord Chancellor when we went to Rosea Hall. However, he had other remarks to say about us to the other guests, much of which we did not learn of until after.”

“What remarks,” Jeongguk asked monotonously.

“Jaehwan-hyung had told us that - that his father was pushing for him to continue pursuing Seokjin-hyung’s hand on the advice of the Earl of Fama,” Namjoon slowly confessed.

“My mother also… asked if my relationship with Namjoon was for the best of the House,” Seokjin said.

“I don’t seem to understand. Why wouldn’t it?” Yoongi asked.

“In the trajectory of Naissus’ current economy, conglomerates are becoming the new wealthy. The nobility are of old and traditional wealth and name,” Seokjin explained. “My mother is worried that there will come a time when our wealth runs out and we can no longer sustain the estate and those under our care.”

Yoongi stood, “Does she think marrying into new money, a family that runs a conglomerate, is the key to survival?”

Seokjin nodded.

“But… you both are government officials,” Jeongguk argued. “The Crown has compensated you well for your services, has it not?”

“Yes, of course,” Namjoon said, “it is not a concern of that.”

“It is the whispers of war,” Seokjin said.


“Seungwon said that he had been hearing of discontent amongst the nobles,” Seokjin continued, “especially in regards to the war and Naissus’ stance should the Empire attack Attalia.”

Hearing discontent or is he instilling it,” Yoongi hissed. “The people are aware that Attalia is the only landmass between Iayren and Duscae, right? It is not only a matter of the alliance but also strategic planning to defend Attalia.”

“The people will not see it that way,” Namjoon said, “war is war. And if the war is not fought solely to defend Naissus - then it will foster even more discontent.”

“Stop it - stop it,” Hoseok hissed. “Cha Seungwon isn’t even here and we are playing right into his hands. He did all of this to break us up. To instill doubt into our choices. We have made our decisions: defend Attalia and stay our hand against Orivala for three months. We cannot change our stance now.”

The room fell silent save for their breaths.

“Let’s take a break,” Namjoon said.

Jeongguk sat on the ledge of the windowsill – pressing his forehead against the glass – the cold sent shivers down his spine, spurred by his still-damp hair. But the cold chilled the bubbling anxiety, and he let the numbness it left behind settle until he felt like he was underwater, or just beyond the windowpane, watching without being able to hear.

He watched his King’s Circle move around him, Hoseok tapping a little frantically at his phone, Yoongi deciding to load up the transcript onto the laptop left on the table, Namjoon providing some more information in what Jeongguk thought would be a low voice. Seokjin hovered behind them both, arms crossed, eyes distant, and brows furrowed.

Jeongguk took in the scene. He remembered that it was like this - in the months after his official ascension to the throne - they all had growing pains in learning how to take on the newfound roles as King and King’s Circle.

This was just another trial in the many he has faced - and the many he will continue to face as king.

Jeongguk is king.

He sees Yoongi’s lips moving, mouth forming a question that Jeongguk knows how to respond to correctly.

“Are you alright?”

“Yeah, just tired.” It’s not a lie. He was exhausted - barely slept in the past couple of days - but if he closed his eyes now, would it be sleep or a nightmare that greeted him.

He saw the door open again, and Jeongguk’s secretary appeared, holding a tablet in her hands.

Yoongi met her at the door, frowning as she handed over the tablet. Her fingers were shaking.

Jeongguk couldn’t see from this far. But he could make out a white screen and lines of text, thick lettering at the top reminiscent of the typeface of the Aurea Chronicals, one of the most widely circulated newspapers in the city.

Yoongi curled over the tablet, gripping it with both hands.

Jeongguk could barely hear - still feeling faintly like he was underwater – but he had to surface – something told him that whatever was in the news was not good.

He shifted, moving so slow it was like he was in sludge.

He stood, body moving without him knowing, and he reached for the tablet. Yoongi’s fingers were slack when Jeongguk took it.


Barely has 24 hours past since Naissus and her Commonwealth of Nations celebrated the 23rd birthday of our young King. Yet scandal still follows the wake of his fifth year in reign as Sol Palace has yet to announce any arrests in the recent crimes against the Crown. Perhaps many readers have pondered on theories as to why would there be an attempt on the life of the King of Naissus. This author has no answers, but instead urges readers to ask the question: how could His Majesty’s King’s Circle have failed him so?

Perhaps this is old news to many current readers, but has no one questioned the youth, inexperience, and scandals that surround each and every member of the King’s chosen advisors?

Let us begin with Lord Kim Namjoon of House Auriga, Duke of Pietas and the youngest Lord Chancellor in the history of Naissus. On paper, Lord Kim Namjoon is in possession of prodigious intelligence and stunning charisma having studied at the illustrious Themis School of Law in Aurea. But one must take into consideration his birth and blood into House Auriga - famed as they have become for apathy and opposition to the monarchy. How is it that this man has risen in rank to the position of Lord Chancellor?

Not only that, but can we forget how Lord Kim Namjoon interfered with the engagement between Lord Kim Seokjin, Duke of Concordia and Mister Lee Jaehwan, heir to the conglomerate giant Inlustris & Co.? The two had been childhood friends, set to marry when Mister Lee Jaehwan inherited his mother’s company. That was until the Lord Kim Seokjin met the Duke of Pietas in the King’s Court. Though such a fairy-tale romance between the two, one must wonder how Mr. Lee Jaehwan has felt being the one discarded.

But the Dukes are not the only ones with a scandalous love affair, Lord Jung Hoseok of House Orion, His Majesty’s maternal cousin has had a rocky love life of his own. Insiders report that Lord Jung Hoseok was seen at The Expectation , a five-star restaurant favoured by the beautiful heiress of Bellis Industries, Miss Bang Minah, just a few weeks ago as the families spoke of a potential match. It was rather a shame for His Lordship that there were no meetings afterwards. All of us remember the fiery romance he shared with Lady Lee Sunmi of House Vulpecula just a couple of years ago. We can all assume that something went horribly wrong if Her Ladyship decided to end things with the King’s cousin and marry the Count of Maiesta.

Now, we come to the most striking of concerns: Lord Min Yoongi of House Eridanus, adopted son of Her Majesty the Queen Mother. This is the man who serves as our King’s Right Hand: foreigner with no known history other than his fading Attalian accent and a supposed love for music. But he has no noble blood, no known heritage, and a title granted just for him by the enchanted Queen Mother. What will it do to Naissus to have a foreigner in such a powerful position as the King’s Right Hand? What will it do to Naissus to have a foreigner - such as the First Prince of Attalia - be consort to the King?

The King perhaps had taken the throne at an age too young and with the guidance of a Circle equally as young. Perhaps the attempt on the King’s life could have been avoided if he was surrounded by an older, more experienced Circle. They may have been successful in the last few years - but with the possibility of a war on the horizon what will our young King and his wayward King’s Circle do?

Jeongguk read it multiple times. At least he thought he did.

The words blurred into a mass of black lines on glowing white. He felt someone gently pry the tablet from his loose fingers. The same ringing silence as they read the words - before - finally, chaos erupted.

Yoongi-hyung –

“I’m fine. The paper didn’t reveal anything that wasn’t already public knowledge.”

“But to be safe - ” Hoseok started.

“I know - I’ll have someone sent… but how the f*ck did they get this information – especially on you, Hoseok. I didn’t know you had a meeting with Bang Minah.”

“It was nothing, and it doesn’t matter. Who allowed this article to be published? It is slander against the Crown!”

“Scandals and rumours are inevitable. They die down; they always do. We cannot always appease the whims of the people - and this discourse and displeasure will only grow in light of the potential war on the horizon.”

“But the timing of this... is too perfect to be coincidental,” he heard Namjoon say, speaking so quickly Jeongguk barely understood. “In light of Cha Seungwon’s recent comments and his arrest.”

Another knock - and the footman announced the arrival of Lieutenant-Major Park Jiyeon.

“Commander General, Cha Seungwon knew !” she all but screamed. “He knew what was in the newspaper despite being held in confinement since this morning – he shouldn’t have known, and upon being questioned, Cha Seungwon admitted that it was his design.”


“Was he expecting to be arrested…”

“Is he saying anything more?” Hoseok asked frantically.

Jiyeon shook her head, shoulders drooping at the weariness of the last 24 hours.

“No, he - he will not speak more to me - nor is he willing to speak to any of the King’s Circle, especially not yourself.”

“Then we leave him be - we still have charges to press in regards to espionage and treason - if he does not speak to any of us, he will speak to an investigator or Crown prosecutor during the trial.”

“Forgive me, Commander General, I must clarify. Cha Seungwon said he won’t speak to the King’s Circle, but he will speak to the King himself.”

It took Jeongguk a moment to comprehend those words. Everything sounded like garbled nonsense - inside his head, all he heard were the same words in repetition - the same low voices like whispers that grew louder and louder.

It was the late King’s fault that the plague had started.

It was the late King’s fault that research was delayed for the cure.

It was the King’s fault that the war was taken to Naissus.

Better off that he died.

Does Naissus even need a monarchy, especially one under a boy king?

A boy who could not differentiate between duty and personal indulgence.

They were right - his mother was right - he wasn’t ready to be King.

He should have signed the accord.


All at once - the flood of sounds and sensations and feelings crashed down onto him.

All at once, everything was too much.

He could not latch onto the numb any longer.

And he couldn’t pinpoint the feelings that threatened to smother him.

He heard a choking sound, a gasping breath - his vision blurred, and he felt light-headed.

Then he realized that those choking sounds were coming from him.


The words came from his lips – it was his voice he heard – but he couldn’t comprehend them.

“Jeongguk - ”


What is he saying? The sound came out jumbled, barely there, and it almost sounded like a whimper.

The pain in his throat grew into a hard lump that blocked his ability to breathe.

He couldn’t breathe.



His vision was blurry. He can’t see.

His knees buckled - he couldn’t even feel the pain when he hit the floor when he curled into himself on the rug. He wished he could feel that pain because it meant that it was real - that this was real - but it wasn’t - this wasn’t real - nothing is real. Jeongguk could hear the voices of those around him; nothing made sense but strange distorted sounds and gentle hands trying to pry own off his clothes, away from where he was clawing at his chest.

“Jeongguk - Jeongguk - you’re hyperventilating.”

Stop it. Heneeded to breathe - he couldn’t breathe.

He wished that the dizziness and swirling would consume him - that he could just let go completely and fade into darkness.

But he stayed awake.

He stayed awake until - finally, his breath was his again - until his hands were his own, aching and sore from how tightly he gripped onto something soft and warm - another hand. He could recognize the smells now and understand what the voices were saying.

“You’re going to be okay, Jeongguk. We’re here; we’re not going to leave you. You’re going to be okay.”

Seokjin’s cologne and Yoongi’s low voice.

His voice sounded hoarse - and vaguely, Jeongguk wondered if Yoongi was comforting Jeongguk or himself.

“It’s over, Jeongguk,” he heard above him, “You’re okay. Concentrate on your breathing; take a couple of deep breaths with me. I’ll count, 1-2-

Jeongguk tried to concentrate, and now, in the aftermath of the tsunami, he numbly recognized that a panic attack had ripped through him.

“Good, Jeongguk,” came Seokjin’s soothing voice again, “you’re doing well. I’m so proud of you. Keep concentrating on your breaths.”

“I can’t,” he managed through the huffing pants.

“Jeongguk,” he heard his name again. Namjoon. “It’s okay.”

“I can’t - I can’t - I’m sorry.”

“You don’t - please don’t apologize, Jeongguk.”


“Jeongguk,” another voice. Hoseok. “It’s okay to cry.”

They were all here. His brothers in name, blood, and oath.

As his breaths grew longer, his heart rate slowed, and the exhaustion drew him closer to the blissful darkness, he wondered if this was all worth it.

It took Yugyeom pausing to glance down at the watch on his wrist for the dread to sink deep into Jeongguk’s stomach.

He was late.

Jeongguk had dropped his sparring sword, yelling over his shoulder an apology to his friend as he dashed back into the palace.

He had to stop in his rooms before going to the library, or else he’ll be reprimanded not only for being late but also for smelling of sweat and dragging in mud and dirt from the sparing field.

He had lost track of time - something he was guilty of more often than not these days.

Especially for his lessons.

It took Jeongguk all of six minutes to shower and dress in what he thought would be a good outfit for an afternoon in the library.

He caught his new valet pausing in the hallway, watching as the young Crown Prince sped past him, tucking in a simple black shirt into black slacks.

“Sir, your running shoes are muddy.”

Jeongguk looked down. Chung-ho was right; he had put on the first pair that he saw - which were the same ones he wore earlier in the courtyard.

But it was too late now.

He kept going, feeling the trepidation and guilt growing in his chest - and he sought for some sort of excuse he could tell his tutor why he was late.

But there were none. It was his fault.

Jeongguk slowed to a stop in front of the library doors. He took a couple of deep breaths to calm the shallow pants.

To stall.

It took seven more breaths and a surge of guilt-ridden resolution before he finally pushed one of the doors open.

He liked to play in the library when he was younger, especially when his father had permitted Jeongguk to join him. Though Jeongguk was allowed to join his father in his study, he didn’t find it as interesting as the library, where he could play with the massive globe of the world, as tall as he was. He would trace his fingers over the carved shapes of the kingdoms beyond Naissus, over the bump of land in the middle of the Offing Sea that was the mysterious Floating Isles, and onto the enormous continent of Iaryen.

“That map isn’t very accurate,” his father said. “Some of those kingdoms don’t exist anymore.”

“Why not?”

“Because Orivala is greedy.”

Jeongguk doesn’t press further because at seven years old, all he knew of greed was the scolding he got from his mother for refusing to share his treats with his cousins. Ji-eun didn’t care too much, but Hoseok was furious.

He then asked his father to let him slide down the banister of the spiral staircase. The King had conceded with the promise that Jeongguk would not tell his mother - and then led his young son up the steps, holding on tightly to the boy’s waist the whole way down.

Jeongguk had liked to play in the library when he was younger, but now, seeing the spiral staircase brought a dull ache, and the globe marking bygone kingdoms only reminded him of the war that may come to Duscae.

He only comes to the library for his lessons now.

The Calliope Library always smelled of dust and old books, no matter how often he saw the staff cleaning in here. But today, it also smells strongly of amber and patchouli.

It always does, during his lessons on military strategy and warfare with Cha Seungwon.

He could see the older man now, at the end of the long shelf-lined hall. His vision was obscured by the same wooden globe that sat in the middle of the bookshelves. But he could see Cha Seungwon’s figure - he always chose the beautifully carved desk that sat in front of the spiral staircase.

The same desk that Jeongguk’s father used to sit at.

Jeongguk started walking down the long hall, wincing as his still wet shoes squelched loudly.

He saw Cha Seungwon had his glasses perched on his nose, holding a thick book that Jeongguk remembers being referenced occasionally in his studies.

The Art of War.

There was a pot of tea beside the older man – steam no longer wafting from it – he’s been waiting for a while.

Jeongguk hung his head, he could feel his cheeks burning, and finally, the squeaking sounds of his steps halted as he stopped in front of the desk, feet now firmly planted on the dark rug.

Cha Seungwon still did not look at him.

“Seonsaengnim,” Jeongguk greeted, bowing his head and clasping his fingers in front of him. It was a title that Cha Seungwon insisted upon after taking Jeongguk in as a student. It was his mother’s idea. Upon the fall of Lavicci to the Empire, his mother wanted him tutored on military warfare and strategy - and that education fell to Cha Seungwon - the Lord Chancellor.

“I am sorry for being late. I lost track of time sparring in the courtyard.”

Cha Seungwon did not reply and simply flipped the page.

Jeongguk remains standing, heart-pounding and fingers growing clammy with sweat, wishing that Cha Seungwon will do something – anything other than just ignore him.

Finally, Cha Seungwon moved. He snapped the book shut and took his glasses off.

“We’re going to play another game of chess today,” Cha Seungwon says, reaching down beside him and pulling out a chess board.

Jeongguk sits down hesitantly on the other side, curling his hands underneath his thighs – a habit to keep from fidgeting when he was nervous.

He hates playing chess.

At first, Jeongguk tolerated the lessons as he does with his lessons on economics. Most of the time, he even enjoyed it when Cha Seungwon taught him the histories of Naissus’ wars and the battles for Duscae and then moved on to international politics. He craved Cha Seungwon’s praise when he was able to explain how the Empire used the geography of Lavicci to their advantage in the battle that decided the fate of the Republic. Later, the lessons shifted from learning about the past to focusing on allowing Jeongguk to build his ‘experience’ in military strategies through chess games.

“If I win, you’ll write an essay on the pros and cons of the alpine terrain surrounding Aquileia’s capital. If you win, we’ll end our session early, and I’ll order patbingsu from that chain that you liked so much,” Cha Seungwon had said, just before their first game.

Jeongguk won, and, as he promised, Cha Seungwon had brought the young Crown Prince patbingsu and sat with him in the gardens while Jeongguk happily munched away at the sweetened shaved ice.

“Well done, Jeongguk. Keep it up, and you’ll make me so proud,” Cha Seungwon said. Jeongguk held that memory close to his heart and craved Cha Seungwon’s praise the way he craved his mother’s affection.

It was the last time he heard Cha Seungwon praise him. Jeongguk never won another chess game again.

“Jeongguk, I’m disappointed. You should have seen that opening.”

“That was a terrible move.”

“Did you even have a strategy, Jeongguk? Were you thinking?”

He started hating chess then, because he could never play the way Cha Seungwon wanted him to play. The stakes remained the same – and the lengths of the essays only grew longer and longer until he was spending most of his free time in the library writing and researching.

Now, as he stands here, Jeongguk knows the stakes will not be so frivolous this time.

“What…are we playing for?” he asks wearily.

Cha Seungwon turns, and Jeongguk is thankful for the short moment of reprieve as his attention turns out the window.

“You were playing with Kim Yugyeom.”

“I-I was.”

“He’s the youngest son of the Crown Jeweller.”

Jeongguk nods.

“Kim Juwon has been employed by the Crown for over twenty years, hasn’t he? His family has fallen on hard times, have they not.”

Jeongguk licked his lips, hesitant to say more. Yugyeom had confided in Jeongguk of the hardships his family was currently facing in the aftermath of the plague. His mother had survived, but her health was not what it once was. She could not work anymore, and it was his father’s position as the Crown Jeweller that was paying the bills.

“I heard that Kim Juwon was living in the servant's quarters - something that isn’t commonly done, as he is not a member of the Royal Household.”

“The Head of the Royal Household said that there was room,” Jeongguk mutters.

“Does Her Majesty know?”

“Eommoni wouldn’t mind.”

“Surely – but as the Lord Chancellor of her government, it is my duty to call out the concerns and ensure that the Royal Household is running smoothly. That means ensuring that the housing is only for the staff that directly serve the palace. The Crown Jeweller is not a serving member of the Royal Household.”

Jeongguk’s mouth goes dry. His heart starts to race, and he flounders for words.

“I - I don’t understand.”

“I taught you that there are always consequences to your actions,” Cha Seungwon says. “You have to take responsibility for what you have done.”

“Yugyeom did nothing wrong!” Jeongguk yells, frantic now. “It’s not his fault that I’m late. I lost track of time.”

Punishment. Cha Seungwon is punishing him.

“If you lose our game of chess, I will ensure that Kim Juwon and his family are evicted from their home in the palace. If you win, I will turn a blind eye.”

“That’s not fair - I’ve only won against you once, Seonsaengnim!”

“Then you better play well today, Jeongguk.”

Jeongguk panics and his eyes go blurry as he stares at the board. Seungwon plays white and makes the opening move: pushing a pawn forward two squares.

Jeongguk’s hand shakes as he moves his own black pawn forward one square.

Jeongguk knows his own limitations when it comes to chess. He’s heard it over and over and over from the Lord Chancellor: Jeongguk is unable to sacrifice any of his own pieces. He plays it safe, and plays too cautiously because he knows that Cha Seungwon likes to use chess as a metaphor for war.

“See your pieces like troops - each pawn a battalion, perhaps your rook, knight, and bishop the fleets.”

Jeongguk hates this. His mind is racing, and he hates playing chess - he hates comparing the game to war because war is not a game. Jeongguk doesn’t want to sacrifice anything.

He advances across the board slowly, cautious and wary of the knight and bishop that Cha Seungwon put into play and pulls his rook out now. He cannot lose this game. He cannot. He cannot let Yugyeom and his family get evicted - not when things were just looking up - just went Jeongguk got to see a smile and a laugh after so long.

Jeongguk anxiety led to him making a poor move, and he could see his mistake as soon as he let go of the piece. Cha Seungwon strikes, taking Jeongguk’s bishop with his knight.

The panic is making his ears ring. But he has to concentrate. He has to win this game. No matter what – no matter the cost.

He takes another breath.

No matter the cost.

Jeongguk moves another pawn forward, his breath hitching, and he has to force himself to release the piece. As soon as he let go, Cha Seungwon swipes the piece off the board.

Jeongguk’s hands are shaking, and he does not bother to hide them as he moves his knight forward, letting go before his nerves leave him. His rook is vulnerable and Jeongguk watches as Cha Seungwon’s hand comes down on it.

Good. Just a couple more moves.

Jeongguk continues to push, moving his knight into place to call check on the white king. Cha Seongwon moves the white king forward and takes Jeongguk’s black knight.

“Moving your pieces faster does not mean you’re playing any differently than you usually do,” Cha Seungwon comments. “You aren’t thinking ahead. You aren’t trying to predict your opponents.”

Jeongguk takes a moment, feeling his heart beat painfully in his stomach. He doesn’t have many pieces left – the white king sits one diagonal square away from Jeongguk’s remaining black pawn. He takes the black queen, and slides it across the board, placing it one square away from the king.

Trapped. Even if Cha Seungwon takes his queen, Jeongguk’s pawn will take the white king.



“C-checkmate,” Jeongguk says out loud, his voice cracking.

There was a look of surprise on Cha Seungwon’s face, and then…

“I wasn’t expecting that,” Cha Seungwon says. “You let me take your pieces on purpose. You sacrificed your pieces, predicted your opponent's moves, and took control of the game. You are finally learning how to strategize.”

“You will not evict Yugyeom and his family?”

“No. A deal is a deal,” Cha Seungwon says with a grin that made Jeongguk feel sick.

It was a proud smile.

“You did well, Jeongguk,” Cha Seungwon says, and Jeongguk feels like he is going to vomit. He is still shaking – and now that the fear is gone - anger rises.

“How could you do that,” he asks, “play with someone’s life? It’s wrong.”

“But if I didn’t, you wouldn’t have learnt a valuable lesson in what it takes to be king.”

Jeongguk blanches, “And what’s that?”

“To thinking like your enemy,” Cha Seungwon says, “in chess, you must be willing to make sacrifices to gain advantages. You refused to, you thought you could win without making sacrifices. You will have to learn to give up many things when you are king - your precious morals and values will be first, Jeongguk. Power always comes at a cost.”

“Your father did not want to make sacrifices,” Cha Seungwon continues, and Jeongguk flinches at the mention of his father. “If he did, it could have ended the plague much sooner. If he had chosen to be more aggressive with Marshal Law, or if he chosen to put more money into developing the cure rather than splinting funds for other means, or if he had chosen to isolate and cut off the palace from outsiders. If he had isolated himself, he might have lived. He might have spared your mother from taking the mantle as Queen Regent. He might have spared you from becoming a boy king.”

Jeongguk feels a sharp lump in his throat, and that same pain starts to prick his eyes. Tears. He was going to cry.

“Your father tried to be everything - and he did not want to sacrifice anything. And for it, he lost his life. Do you want to be like your father, Jeongguk?”

“My father was a good man.”

“A good man does not mean he’ll make for a good king,” Cha Seungwon says, fingers tracing the side of the chess board.

Jeongguk finally notices that he didn’t move his king piece at all during the match, even as his pieces slowly disappeared. He didn’t have many on the board now, despite winning – the black king stood alone. He doesn’t want to become king alone.

“How do I be a good king?”

“Think on it, Jeongguk,” Cha Seungwon says as he stands and smooths down his blazer with one hand and adjusts the silver feather brooch on his lapel with the other. “You’re just a couple of months away from coming of age. What kind of king would you be at 18-years-old? Still a boy and no experience.”

“But… I have to be king.”

“You don’t have to be, Jeongguk. You could sign an accord to have your mother continue to act as regent,” Cha Seungwon says. “Perhaps, you can sign an accord for a co-regency.”


“I still have much to teach you, Jeongguk. Under my tutelage, we can build your experience until you are ready to take your role as King with me at your side.”

Jeongguk bites at the inside of his lips, stomach still churning with the fear and horror of what just happened.

“I’ll… think about it,” Jeongguk finally says.

Cha Seungwon nods. “Let’s end our session early. Well done today, Jeongguk. Perhaps you’d like to celebrate with patbingsu, my treat?”

Jeongguk feels bile rising to his throat. “I’m not feeling well.”

“Next time, then.”

“Thank you, Seonsaengnim.”

Jeongguk leaves the library in a daze.

His father was a good man, wasn’t he?

Jeongguk didn’t know - he doesn’t know. He was young when his father passed - and too young to truly understand the weight of his father’s rule.

But Jeongguk can remember the blame. The nightmares never really go away. He can remember the people cursing the name of the king. It was under his father’s rule that the plague has started.

‘Better off that he died.’ They had said.

‘Does Naissus need a monarchy under a boy king?’

“Your Royal Highness!”

Jeongguk jumps. He turns and sees a young man bowing behind him. The man lifts his head, and immediately Jeongguk is drawn to his eyes, sharp and confident. He’s probably just a few years older than Jeongguk. His smile is kind – pretty even. He has dimples.

“Your Royal Highness, my name is Kim Namjoon of House Auriga, Duke of Pietas,” the man continues. “If I may, I would like to request a private audience with you.”

“About what?”

“Your ascension, and how your reign will bring good and prosperity to Naissus.”

Jeongguk’s dreams come in vivid, nonsensical scenes – bright colours and flashes of figures and voices that he found difficult to piece together. He doesn’t remember them when he wakes, but the weariness in his bones is a bright beacon that leads him back to the dread and anxiety that consumed him.

He could remember what happened in bits and pieces, the horrible fear that swelled, overflowed and drowned him. He was quick to remember the hands trying to pull his arms away from his face, his own fingers wrapping tightly around himself first and then holding onto someone else like a life raft.

Then gentle, soothing hands on his back, low voices trying to pull him back to the surface.

A panic attack.


When the choking and short breaths gave way to sobs and tears, he fell into an exhausted sleep.

He first awoke to the voices of his King’s Circle, lingering on the surface of consciousness to listen to the muted conversation accented by the pelting rain.

“Wouldn’t he be more comfortable in bed?”

“Maybe, but let’s not wake him yet; I doubt he has slept well these past few nights.”

“...why do you think he did it?”

“Vengence? Cha Seungwon never got over losing the opportunity for a co-regency.”

“He shouldn’t even have had the ability to become Lord Chancellor in the first place.”

“Why not?”

“You know the creation myth of Naissus, right, Yoongi-hyung?”

“I do, but I wouldn’t mind a refresher, Namjoon.”

“You indulge him, Yoongi. It’s not every day that Namjoon gets to flex his history knowledge.”

A rumbling laugh. Jeongguk felt the soft cushion beneath his head shake, now realizing that it was too warm to be a pillow. Then he felt the comforting scrape of fingers through his hair.


The warm, hazy promise of sleep called to him. Still, he hung onto the voices, to Namjoon’s low and soothing baritone as he retold the histories of their kingdom.

“There were three kingdoms that fought one another during the War of Othrys, each named after the family of the ruling house. Cepheus, Centaurus, and Corvus. Houses Corvus and Centaurus joined in an alliance just before the end of the great war. Before the First King entered into the covenants with the Astrals and united the three kingdoms under the banner of House Cepheus. But it lasted very few years before unrest rose again, and House Cepheus’ right to rule was questioned. It is why House Corvus and House Centaurus were given places in the Privy Council. The Kings of Old hoped by doing so they could appease the families.”

“Is it because the Privy Council is an illusion of power? Those who hold the most power are those who are of the monarch’s closest advisors.”

“Exactly. Thus, the title of Lord Chancellor is the second-highest in power next to the King.”

“Which is why no one of House Corvus or House Centaurus was granted the title of Lord Chancellor.”

“Cha Seungwon rose to power during the height of the Naissian Plague. Just after Jeongguk’s father fell ill. So many of the late King’s circle succumbed to the plague, the power shifted to the Privy Council, and they all voted for Cha Seungwon to take place as Lord Chancellor.”

“I suppose… it would be wrong to say that Cha Seungwon is a poor politician… he… he did what was needed.”

“Perhaps… it was in this position that he grew power-hungry.”

Power breeds greed.

Jeongguk drifted under after that.

The next time he came back, it was to the gentle shaking and a soft voice coaxing him awake. Then finally hauling him into sitting, just enough so they could lift Jeongguk onto their back.

“When did you get so heavy?” they said without malice, and Jeongguk could feel their lungs vibrating through their skin. Hoseok.

Jeongguk mumbled something - he didn’t even understand what he was saying. But he could feel Hoseok laughing.

“Uh-huh, sure. If I let you stand up, you’re just going to go back to the sofa,” Hoseok said. “You’ll be much more comfortable sleeping in bed.”

He remembered when Hoseok had untangled his koala-like grip and bid him good night. He remembered the faint, rhythmic scraping of aluminum on marble floors, then a soft, honey-sweet voice.

“How is he, Hoseok-hyung?”

“Oh, Taehyung. Okay, I think. He’s just tired.”


The scent of lavender filled Jeongguk’s senses, and he felt the press of lips on his temple.


Jeongguk blearily opened his eyes, and through the tangle of blankets Hoseok tucked around him and the fog of exhaustion, he found Taehyung’s hand.

He wrapped sleep-fatigued fingers around Taehyung’s.

Taehyung’s hand was warmer than his.

“Stay,” he begged in a single, hoarse whisper.

For as long as you will have me.

It felt like a lifetime ago when Taehyung said those words in the gardens.

Forever, Jeongguk wanted to reply before dropping off into a dreamless sleep.

When he awoke again, this time able to form more functional and lasting thoughts. He found himself feeling comfortably warm and curled under covers and sheets that felt familiar. He can’t hear the rain anymore. But he could hear someone humming, singing quietly, absentminded melodies that faded into whispering breaths in a language Jeongguk couldn’t understand but knew the sounds of stretched vowels and softened consonants of Attalian.

He felt warm fingers around his own, grazing over his knuckles and tracing patterns into his skin. The scent of sweet lavender oil lingered in the air.

Stay, Jeongguk had asked, and Taehyung stayed.

He squeezed Taehyung’s hand.

The humming stopped.

“Jeongguk? Are you awake?”

Jeongguk blearily opened his eyes, squinting as he took in the blurry, grey outlines of the newly refurbished king’s chambers. He turned to see a shape close to the side of his bed, sitting on a recliner that had been pushed in from Jeongguk’s sitting room.


“What time is it,” Jeongguk slurred.

He felt Taehyung shift, then a voice from Taehyung’s phone announced that it was just after 1 AM.

Then, Jeongguk vaguely remembered that the meeting with his King’s Circle was just before noon. He had slept for maybe twelve hours.

“Do you want to sleep a little more?” Taehyung asked.

Jeongguk sat up in bed, rubbing his face and feeling the tenderness of his eyelids swollen from crying. His hair had dried, but there was a strange crispy and greasiness from rainwater and sweat. His eyes felt puffy and stung with dryness from crying. The inside of his mouth tasted like rot, and his throat was painfully dry.


“Do you want something to eat?”

Jeongguk shook his head on instinct before speaking. “No… no. I’m not hungry.”

He fumbled to turn on the lights, squinting as the room lit up with the warm golden glow of his lamps. He felt the nagging apprehension returning and he wanted to ask questions, perhaps check his phone to see what more the tabloids and media were saying.

But instead, he fumbled to get out of his blankets, placing his feet down on the ground as he stood resolutely.

“I feel really… gross…” Jeongguk said, “I think I’m going to take a shower. I think… that’ll help.”

“...Okay,” Taehyung whispered. “I’ll call for some tea.”

Jeongguk watched as Taehyung rose from the chair, exceedingly graceful as always, but there was a tenseness in the way he held his head, his back ramrod straight. He picked up his cane that was leaning on the armrest of the recliner, the rap taps growing further away as he left Jeongguk’s bedroom and went into the hallway to call for a footman.

It was too quiet in his room when he was finally alone, and Jeongguk hated that there were no sounds other than his own breaths. The rain must have stopped while he was sleeping, and now the silence made room for the cacophony of thoughts.

He remembered coming down with the flu when he was younger. The fever had him delirious and constantly slipping in and out of sleep. Once it broke, he was left trying to piece together the fragments of memories.

This was the same.

He wobbled to the bathroom barefoot and shivering as goosebumps rose on his skin, hoping that the unease, anxiety, and disorientation could be washed off - or at least held at bay.

The sound of crashing water and the warm steam brought Jeongguk back to the present - and he felt the thoughts quiet as he told himself to go through each step. Strip. Get into the shower. Lather hair with shampoo. Scrub skin raw. The water was scalding hot, but it gave Jeongguk’s thoughts something to focus on through the fog of anxiety. He only stepped out once the tingling sensation started to grow painful and he couldn’t stay under the water for any longer despite wishing that he could let the spray drown out the silence.

He reluctantly shut the water off, exhaling shakily as the silence once again made itself known and Jeongguk was starting to grow restless as the final remnants of lethargy left him. He pulled on the first articles of clothing he could find in the attached walk-in closet – soft sweatpants and an oversized shirt – before heading out into his rooms again. As he opened the doors, he heard the same, faint, soothing humming.

With the towel haphazardly draped over his head and falling over his eyes, he could make out that the dimmable lights were turned on in his sitting room. The dial was turned too little and the light was too faint to make out anything but shapes and soft silhouettes in the darkness.


Jeongguk could see wild curls in Taehyung’s hair, the delicate curves of his nose and jaw, and the sharp lines that made up his long limbs. The prince sat in front of the fireplace, hands laced atop one bent knee. He was so still that Jeongguk wondered if he had fallen asleep if not for the faint, absentminded words he had sung. Jeongguk followed the sounds - hand outstretched in the darkness and footfalls light on the cold floors.

Taehyung must have heard the sounds of Jeongguk’s bare feet on marble, and he lifted his head from his knee.

“It’s just me,” Jeongguk said.

His hand finally found the light switch, and he slowly dialled it up. As it got brighter, Jeongguk could begin to see the familiar details of Taehyung’s features. The way the growing light highlighted the shadows underneath his long lashes, the way the light glinted off the gold in his ears, the way it made the curl of his lips all the more alluring.

“I asked for the staff to bring some food,” Taehyung said, gesturing to his left. There was a white serving cart pushed against the coffee table, both surfaces laden with silver-cloche-covered plates and a tea set.

Jeongguk took a seat beside the First Prince.

“I asked for the staff to bring some things you might like to eat,” Taehyung said as if he was able to sense Jeongguk’s reaction. “I know you’re not hungry, but you should eat something.”

Jeongguk knew Taehyung was right. He felt his stomach burning with a hollowness. That’s a good sign that his body wants the fuel, and he must eat and keep up his strength before the fear takes him again. So he hesitantly reached for one of the cloches to find simple and light affairs of dakjuk and a couple of sandwiches.

“Thank you, Taehyung,” Jeongguk murmured as he picked up one of the segments of sandwich - egg salad - and swallowed it in two bites. He barely tasted it as it went down, and immediately it began churning in his stomach. He didn't want another sandwich, and the dakjuk only reminded him that he was not at his best.

He went for the neatly arranged row of drinks, grabbing and popping open a bottle of chocolate milk. He drank slowly this time, hoping that the sugar on his tongue would trigger his appetite.

It was only a couple of tiny sips before something caught his attention on the cart: a portable burner with an aluminum pot beside it and another covered plate. He put the milk down and lifted the cloche to find a porcelain bowl with the contents of an instant ramyun package neatly arranged in it, along with a dish with chopped green onion, an egg, and kimchi.

His King’s Circle had a hand in this.

He huffed.

“Is it not to your liking?” Taehyung asked.

He could see the worry in Taehyung’s lips: a tired and sad pout.

“No, no, it’s not that,” Jeongguk immediately said. “It’s - well - they brought me instant noodles.”

Taehyung’s head turned to the side, and Jeongguk knew he had to explain.

“It’s sort of childish,” Jeongguk started, and the worried look on Taehyung’s features softened with the statement. Jeongguk absentmindedly traced the rim of the thin pot, trying to rearrange the fragments of memories and feelings into a coherent story.

“Before my mother abdicated, it was imperative that we gather support from the Privy Council members to speak in favour of my ascension. These were elaborate endeavours that started with casual conversations with certain nobles during state events. If we thought they might be sympathetic to our cause, Hoseok-hyung would approach with an invitation for a private dinner under the guise of curating funds for a charity I was a patron of.”

Jeongguk started the familiar process of cooking instant ramyun : ripping open the seasoning packages and dumping them all in before the water started to boil – just as Hoseok taught him.

“I just turned eighteen at the time and – honestly – I was a shy and nervous wreck,” Jeongguk laughed. “I barely ate during the dinners. Then, after the dinners, we’d all gather in my chambers to discuss rumours about who might be another suitable target and how we could turn the tides in our favour. I was also in the middle of what Yoongi-hyung deemed to be my second growth spurt – and they all thought I wasn’t eating enough. So, sometimes, during the late nights, Yoongi-hyung and Seokjin-hyung would go to the kitchens and bring back packages of ramyun and a portable burner.”

The water began to boil rapidly. He broke the dehydrated noodles into two chunks and gently lowered it into the pot.

He remembered Yoongi and Hoseok disappearing for some time one night, and for a horrifying second, his wild, sleep-deprived, and anxious thoughts raced to wonder if they had been caught. But they returned to Jeongguk’s rooms just a while later carrying a portable burner, a tray with whatever vegetables that they could find from the kitchen, eggs, rice, and a stack of bright red, square packages. They all would help cook and eat together over the small pot, taking turns with the single pair of chopsticks.

As the years went on and Jeongguk rose to the throne, the late nights still continued this time, without the pretense of having to sneak around. It had become such a habit that the kitchen staff would often leave plates and containers with prepared ingredients should it be another late night.

Once, Jeongguk found a spot of dried bright red broth on his papers from the tteok-bokki they had the night before. After that, he was careful to keep important documents away from the snacks.

He found a pair of chopsticks in the neatly laid out section of cutlery and poked at the softening noodles. The fond memories of those late nights swept away the unease that lingered like smoke. Soon the scent of spicy noodles permeated the air, and the smell made Jeongguk’s hunger flare.

“It smells good,” Taehyung commented.

“It is good…will you eat with me?”

Taehyung grinned, “No, though it smells good, it also smells much too spicy for me. I will have tea if you have some too.”

Jeongguk complied, making them both a cup of sweet yuja-cheong by pouring hot water and stirring a heaping tablespoon of the marmalade into the cups before digging into the ramyun.

Jeongguk ate slowly this time - he had too if he didn’t want to burn his tongue. The hot noodles sat somewhat easier in his stomach. He also munched on a couple of biscuits, pushing the sweets between his front teeth.

He found himself sitting beside Taehyung on the sofa, barely touching each other. The prince appeared comfortable, with his back in the corner and his legs stretched out across the black, leather sofa. He had draped a dark blue throw over his legs, balancing the mug of tea in his lap. He was quiet as he let Jeongguk eat, content in his own thoughts, it seemed. But as the silence crept in and the brief reprieve of fond memories fell away, Jeongguk felt the tension pulling on him - the shadow of doubt, questions, guilt, and fear making itself known again.

He shifted uncomfortably, licking his lips.

It was as if Taehyung could sense Jeongguk’s unease in the silence. He started humming again. It was soft, and Jeongguk felt that he could easily be lulled to sleep by a song like this. But instead, he felt strangely saddened.

“What song is this?” Jeongguk asked, “You were humming it earlier.”

Taehyung leaned back, head resting on the sofa cushions.

“It’s an old Attalian lullaby… a love story…” he said, then pausing with furrowed brows as if trying to translate the song in his head, “...about two people who passed each other like ships in the night.”

“That’s… sad.”

“Many Attalian lullabies are sad…but my mother used to sing this one to me when I couldn’t sleep and had nightmares. After I received the blessing, Jimin sometimes sung me to sleep too.”

Jeongguk curled into himself, knees pressing into his chest as he sunk into the curves of the sofa.

“Did you have many nightmares?” Jeongguk asked quietly.

“I used to be so frightened of the dark,” Taehyung started, his tone so soft. “I was scared of the spirits that lingered after death and servants of the Crone that lurked in the shadows. I used to sleep with a night light or I left my curtains open. The moon feels brighter on most nights in Marsylle since we are so high up.”

Jeongguk felt the faintest smile pull on his lips, he loved the way Taehyung spoke of Attalia and his childhood.

“After I…accepted the blessing, my nightmares got worse,” Taehyung continued, “The darkness became somewhat easier to bear than the visions. Jimin would stay the nights with me….sometimes he would read books, sometimes he sang me lullabies. I was just grateful to hear his voice.”

Though Jeongguk was aware of the unique friendship and love Taehyung and Jimin shared, he couldn’t help the blatant jealousy from rising in his chest.

“I thought I could do the same for you.”

All at once, the discontent melted away, and a burning warmth bloomed.

“...thank you for staying.”

“I meant it, Jeongguk. For as long as you’ll have me.”


He wanted this to be forever.

But the nagging feeling returned, and he felt the ever-present doubt coming and the whispers that sometimes haunt his dreams and linger in his waking thoughts.

A monarchy under a boy king.

A boy who cannot differentiate between duty and personal indulgence.

Is it truly wrong of him to want?

Taehyung shifted. The tea in his half-empty cup swayed as he lifted a hand to his mouth, covering a wide yawn.

Jeongguk felt a stab of guilt in his chest, “Have you been up since this morning?”

Taehyung’s smile was tilted, sleepy, perhaps a little guilty himself like he didn’t want to admit to it.

“It’s probably really late - or early now. You should get some sleep. Shall I escort you back to your rooms?” Jeongguk said all at once. He stood, brushing whatever remnant crumbs are left on his pants. He was trying not to think - trying not to imagine what it would be like to come back to this room alone and lay in the silence.

“Can I sleep here?”

Taehyung’s voice was so quiet, that Jeongguk thought he heard wrong.

“I don’t want to wake Jimin,” Taehyung said. His words were halting, “And - and I want to stay with you - if you’d let me.”

“Yes. Stay .”

“You should sleep too, Jeongguk. It’s too late to do anything.”


They had fallen asleep together before, curled and pressed against each other on the sofa. Jeongguk thought that the bed would be more intimate. Instead, all he felt was the comfort of knowing that Taehyung would be beside him. They lay close to each other, taking up only one side of Jeongguk’s massive bed. Taehyung curled up on his side, face turned to Jeongguk, and a pillow pulled close to his chest. Their shoulders touched, and their legs pressed against each other. Taehyung’s breaths fanned warm air against Jeongguk’s neck.

“You’ll stay, right?” Taehyung mumbled, words slurring together.

Jeongguk chuckled, “Where would I go?”

“It’s so late in the night,” Taehyung said, and it was obvious that he started drifting the moment his head touched the pillows. “Don’t go. Stay.”

“I’ll stay,” Jeongguk said.

He thought that he would lay awake. He thought that after sleeping for nearly twelve hours, he wouldn’t be tired. He thought that the anxiety would come to eat away at him again.

But instead, as Jeongguk lay beside Taehyung, listening to puffs of air become low snores, he felt his own eyes grow heavy.

Jeongguk jolted awake, blinking blearily in the dim light. The blackout curtains were drawn back, but the skies must still be cloudy, judging by the muted grey light that streamed through. He shifted, pausing when he felt the warmth of another body beside him, legs tangling with his own. He turned his head slowly, and his heart melted when he saw Taehyung’s figure beside him. The prince was sleeping on his side, a pillow crushed to his chest and eyes covered by the wild curls of black hair. He was still snoring despite Jeongguk’s movements.

Jeongguk gently brushed the hair out of Taehyung’s eyes, marvelling at the way the prince’s eyelashes touched his cheeks. He wanted to stay here, to lay and study the placements of the tiny moles on Taehyung’s face, to wait until Taehyung woke up or perhaps to wake him by kissing each freckle.

To stay in this bubble of simple affection.

Instead, Jeongguk slowly pulled his legs free and rolled out of bed, letting Taehyung sleep as he washed up. He called for the staff to bring a breakfast tray to his rooms and waited until it arrived, hoping Taehyung would wake before he would have to leave. But when the prince does not stir, Jeongguk has no choice but to shake him awake gently.

“Taehyung…” he whispered, “ Taehyung .”

Taehyung shifted, bringing the pillow closer as his eyes fluttered open: soft brown and opaque black pupils.

“Jimin?” he muttered, voice impossibly deeper.

“No, Taehyung, it’s Jeongguk,” he said.

Taehyung’s brows furrowed, fingers curling around the comforter and sheets until finally, he eased, features smoothing out into a sleepy grin.

“Ah, Jeongguk,” he nearly purred. His head dropped back onto the pillow, and his eyes closed again.

“You can keep sleeping,” Jeongguk whispered, “it’s still really early in the morning - just about seven.”

“Where are you going so early then?” Taehyung muttered.

Jeongguk chuckled, endeared by the innocence in Taehyung’s voice.

“You know why,” Jeongguk said simply. “You should get a couple more hours of rest. I had a breakfast tray set for you on the table in the sitting room. Your phone is on the right bedside table. If you need the staff, there is also a call bell on the table.”

Taehyung hummed and Jeongguk could tell the drowsiness was pulling him back to sleep. He curled under the comforters and nearly disappeared. Jeongguk couldn’t help the soft smile and the yearning to crawl back into bed with Taehyung grew stronger.

But he couldn’t. Instead, Jeongguk leaned in and indulged in one kiss against Taehyung’s temple before leaving. He was planning on going to his study, but on his way out, he was informed by the footman that his King’s Circle had requested that he be notified in the morning that they had convened in the Calliope Library.

“His Majesty the King,” the footman announced when Jeongguk entered the library. The library still smelled of ink and parchment, now mixed with the strong and warm scent of coffee and burning logs.

He doesn’t often venture into the library since his ascension, his office provided a quiet space for him to conduct work, and when he didn’t want to spend time in the office, his chambers had a small den where he could work as well.

His King’s Circle had convened around the desk.

Rather than using the desk for documents and papers, there was a spread of breakfast foods and half-empty plates. A sofa was pulled from the sitting lounge from the far side of the library, along with a couple of chairs. But few of the King’s Circle were using the chairs, Hoseok was standing in front of a standing whiteboard where several documents were posted using magnets.

Seokjin perched on one of the armrests of the sofa, balancing a cup of coffee on his thigh and staring intently at a tablet in the other.

Yoongi sat on the desk, chewing on a straw as he spoke in a low voice to Hoseok.

No one sat on the leather office chair.

Seokjin turned upon Jeongguk’s entrance and pressed a finger to his own lips, then pointed down at the sofa.

Jeongguk couldn’t see much past the high back of the leather settee, but he could see tufts of ashy-blonde hair poking from one side of the couch - then he could hear low rumbling snores.


When Jeongguk crossed the library, taking care to be soft with his steps, he found Namjoon stretched out across the sofa, one of the throws from the drawing-room draped over him.

“He just dropped off,” Seokjin murmured, “he’s… been working at this since last night.”

“Were you all up since last night?”

“No,” Hoseok immediately said. “We took breaks.”

“On Seokjin-hyung’s insistence,” Yoongi murmured.

“I promised Namjoon I’ll wake him when you come.”

Jeongguk glanced down at his Lord Chancellor.

The simple white dress shirt was open at the throat, and his dress shoes were discarded haphazardly at the foot of the sofa. Though he did not sport dark circles, there was a sunken nature to his cheeks and the dark shadow of a stubble around his chin.

“Let him sleep for a while longer,” Jeongguk concluded. “Can you provide me with any new details in the meantime?”

Hoseok nodded. “Some pieces of evidence to build a case, but we’re still trying to figure out how to connect it.”

Hoseok pointed to a photocopy held up by a magnet on the board. He recognized Hoseok’s writing on the top of the page: ‘Passenger Records: Commercial Airship from Aurea to Rossarya’. Most of it was covered in thick black lines of redacted information, but there was also a single streak of bright yellow highlighter. Jeongguk didn’t understand the string of letters and numbers, but he could make out the name at the beginning of the line of text.

Cha Seungwon.

“It’s not enough evidence –” Hoseok said grimly. “At best, Namjoon thinks that this could result in a charge of espionage. Cha Seungwon was in the position of Lord Chancellor. As a former diplomat, especially one of his standing, he must ask the Crown for permission to leave the state, especially if he was leaving and entering a nation that is not an ally.”

Hoseok continued, “From his passport records, Cha Seungwon stayed in Rossarya for a week before returning to Naissus. We haven’t found anything else regarding his stay there.”

Jeongguk nodded to himself, absentmindedly pinching the webspace between his thumb and forefinger. The soreness in the muscle grounded him, kept his thoughts from straying too far as fear began creeping into his bones. He wanted to doubt Su-hwa’s claims - hoping perhaps she saw someone else. But this was definitive evidence that Cha Seungwon was in the Empire when he shouldn’t have been.

“Regardless of what kind of visit it was, he should have reported to the embassy in Rossarya,” Seokjin said. “The fact that we have proof of his departure from Duscae without the Crown’s knowledge is enough to warrant a criminal investigation, arrest, and interrogation.”

“But it is not enough for a charge of treason,” Jeongguk concluded.

“Not unless we find evidence of his meeting with the Emperor,” a familiar voice called.

Jeongguk turned and nearly jumped when he saw a still black lump pressed into the corner under the window. He barely recognized the Crownsguard, who was dressed in a massive black hoodie and his dark-blue hair fluffy and wild.

“Sorry, I didn’t mean to scare you,” Jimin said.

“I asked Jimin to join us,” Yoongi said. There was a guiltiness in his tone. “I thought it would be good to have an outsider’s perspective on this case.”

Jimin immediately stood, “I will leave if these are private matters to attend to.”

Jeongguk shook his head.

“No, stay. Yoongi-hyung is right. The more ideas we have, the better.”

Jeongguk took a deep breath, and took a closer look at the board. He could see Namjoon’s swirling scrawl on yellow posted notes beside the flash-photograph of the Chungho’s valet pin taken on the silver sterile table of the morgue. Another picture, this time of the silver and black crow feather pin taken on what looks like a wood table.

He exhaled slowly, turning back to his King’s Circle. “So, what do we know?”

“Chul came to Naissus almost eleven months ago. He took on the alias of Lee Kihwan, a footman in service to the Crown. Lee Kihwan set up a bomb in attempt to assassinate the King of Naissus and, in the process, killed Bak Chung-Ho, the King’s Valet,” Yoongi said, picking up a sheet of paper from the desk.

“Lee Kihwan stayed in Aurea, in a small apartment unit in the Crown City - he left no traces there. He is skilled, which makes sense considering he is supposedly an Elite,” Seokjin continued. “He left no traces of his identity.”

“Then…how is Cha Seungwon and Lee Kihwan connected?”

“Seokjin-hyung, I asked you to wake me when Jeongguk arrived,” came a deep rumbling voice. Jeongguk glanced over to see Namjoon open his eyes just enough to become thin slits. Seokjin did not attempt to defend himself, merely watched as Namjoon struggled to sit up, rubbing his eyes with one hand.

“Perhaps you want to explain the connection between Cha Seungwon and Lee Kihwan?” Seokjin asked, calmly reaching for the glasses he set safely aside on the arm of the sofa back to their owner. Namjoon yawned, pressing the heel of his palm into his eyes. It was rare that Jeongguk got to see such vulnerability in his Lord Chancellor.

“The apartment complex is owned by Cha Seungwon,” Namjoon started as he tried to put on his glasses with one hand. He cleared his voice, adjusted the frames on his nose and suddenly, the drowsiness in his features disappeared, replaced by a grim seriousness.

“He is not the manager, but it’s part of his estate. He bought it a year ago, roughly around the same time Yoo Su-hwa claims Chul came.”

“I thought it was irrelevant to the case, so I didn’t look into who owned the apartment complex when conducting our initial investigation,” Hoseok murmured. “But even if I did, I don’t think I would have made such a connection.”

“None of us would have,” Yoongi muttered.

“It might be a stretch and it might be a coincidence,” Namjoon said. He stood, smoothing down the back of his hair as he walked to the table and grabbed the half-empty bottle of green tea.

“It is too convenient to be a coincidence, though,” Jimin said. “Cha Seungwon may not be the direct manager of the building, but it is still his property, and he housed an assassin.”

“His failure to clear his visit to Orivala is enough to press charges,” Seokjin reiterated. “It is solid evidence that we can present in court without incriminating Yoo Su-hwa as our informant.”

“I can’t detain him for much longer,” Hoseok said grimly. “Not without papers formalizing the Crown’s charges.”

“Even then, we will have to go through a trial,” Namjoon sighed. “It will inevitably go public. I fear that when that happens, Cha Seungwon will use this as an opportunity to continue to undermine your reign, Jeongguk.”

Jeongguk rubbed at his temples, the tension in his neck quickly forming a headache. He turned on his heels, taking a seat on the leather office chair. He laced his fingers together. His father once sat in this chair, and then Cha Seungwon occupied it after. Without the help of his King’s Circle, Cha Seungwon might have taken Jeongguk’s throne from him too.

Did Cha Seungwon think he could get away with a crime like this? Like he could threaten Jeongguk and talk his way out of this? No. Jeongguk was not the child he once was, he could not be as easily swayed. He was the King.

Cha Seungwon wanted to see Jeongguk - wanted to speak to him.

“Hoseok-hyung, please arrange for my visit to the courthouse.”

Hoseok whipped his head around.


“Cha Seungwon said that he would only talk to me,” Jeongguk said. “Then let him talk.”

All at once, Jeongguk’s King’s Circle erupted with protest.

“There is no need for you to –”

“You don’t have to –”

f*ck no.”

“Jeongguk - why -”

Jeongguk raised a hand, calling for silence. He watched as his King’s Circle all stopped, mid-sentence at the command of their king. Jeongguk let the silence hang for a brief moment while he gathered his thoughts.

Why was he doing this?

“I’m not doing it to prove myself,” Jeongguk started. “I’m not doing it to prove that I’m not scared of Cha Seungwon. I know what he thinks of me – of my reign and my decisions about who I keep close. I am aware of my own fear of him and I am aware that he knows. But if I don’t - we may lose the only opportunity to learn the truth and convict him for his crimes.”

He thought that his King’s Circle would still continue to protest, to shield him and protect him as they did during the beginning of his reign.

But instead, Namjoon stood. “I’ll support your decisions, Jeongguk,” he said, also sporting a soft grin. “Not only because you are my King, but because I trust you.”

A wide, proud smile appeared on Seokjin’s lips, and Jeongguk watched as Yoongi stepped around the desk and placed a hand on his head.

“You’re doing well, Jeongguk,” Yoongi said. “Your father would be proud.”

His older brother was never one for open physical affection, and rarely was Yoongi the one to initiate it. Perhaps that’s the reason why Jeongguk felt his eyes prick with tears or perhaps it was the reassurance that he was doing good.

Hoseok nodded once, the smile on his face curling into his eyes as he reached into his pocket for his phone. “I’ll have it arranged for you, Jeongguk.”

Jeongguk squeezed his eyes shut. Though the tension still sat in his stomach, he felt as though he could breathe a little easier having the support of his King’s Circle. He didn’t even have time to acknowledge the knock on the library door, before it was thrown open and a frazzled footman stepped inside.

“Your Majesty, My Lords,” the footman greeted, “His Royal Highness the First Prince requested that I escort him to you -”

Taehyung stumbled into the room, arm outstretched and hand resting on the footman’s shoulder. His fingers were shaking, his shoulders were hunched in on himself, and his chest rose and fell in shuttering heaves.

Jeongguk didn’t even realize he had stood from his chair and he didn’t realize he was sprinting across the library until he heard the sound of the office chair crashing into the wall. The sound made the high-pitched ringing in his ears dissipate just enough for him to recognize another presence behind him.


“Taehyung - Taehyung -” the Crownsguard called. The prince sluggishly turned at the sound of his name, hand dropping from the footman’s shoulder. His knees buckled. Jeongguk lunged for him, barely able to wrap his arms around Taehyung before they both went down. He was able to ease the prince’s fall, able to pull Taehyung close to his chest.

Jimin skidded on his knees, stopping before them and immediately, a rush of Attalian spilled from his lips.

Taehyung’s reply was short and barely audible. His head lolled back, shifting just enough in Jeongguk’s arms so they could see his eyes languidly open. Flecks of glimmering blue surround his dilated pupils, the colour growing dimmer as the warm brown bled in.

A vision. He had a vision.

Jimin moved, shielding Taehyung’s eyes from view of the footman behind them.

“Thank you, you can leave us now,” Jimin said bluntly.

The footman remained still, hovering above them, frozen with his hands and arms open like he was too trying to catch the prince. His eyes flickered between his king kneeling on the floor and the prince sprawled across his lap. The footman looked scared and worried, and Jeongguk recognized the signs of growing panic in the man’s posture: wide eyes, curled shoulders, and shaking hands.

“Is… is His Royal Highness well?”

Jeongguk knew this footman: Gwan In-ho. They were both around the same age. Perhaps the man was a little older than the king. He started working at Sol Palace around the same time Jeongguk rose to ascension. Jeongguk remembered that the man had a younger sister who survived the Naissian Plague, having received the medications to stop the infection from reaching her lungs. She survived and was left permanently blind. Perhaps Gwan In-ho had seen his sister collapse like this before.

“I will ensure His Royal Highness’ well-being,” Seokjin answered. In-ho flinched, barely noticing the arrival of the Royal Physician. Seokjin placed a kind hand on In-ho’s shoulder, a polite smile pulling on his lips. “Your concern is kind, In-ho. I trust your discretion to keep these matters confidential.”

“Of-of course, Sir - ”

“Then you may leave,” Seokjin dismissed.

The footman turned to leave, nearly tripping over his own feet before Taehyung’s soft voice came.

“Thank you, In-ho, for your assistance,” Taehyung murmured, softly.

In-ho left, bowing lowly before taking one final glance at the prince. It was clear that the kind and charismatic First Prince had won over Jeongguk’s entire court.

“It’s safe, Taehyung. It’s just the King’s Circle present now,” Jimin said, returning to speaking in the Common Language.

Taehyung’s eyes fluttered shut again and he turned his head into Jeongguk.

Seokjin crouched down, beside them. He told Taehyung he was going to touch his face before gently laying the back of his hand against Taehyung’s temple.

“He’s not feverish,” Seokjin concluded. “Am I right to assume…”

“A vision,” Jimin finished, quietly.

“Three, I think,” Taehyung replied, faintly.

Three?” Jeongguk repeated, “All at once?”

Jimin winced. “It’s a rare occurrence, but it has happened before.”

He’d seen the toll that a single vision had on Taehyung, he couldn’t imagine three.

“Let’s go back so Taehyung can rest on the sofa,” Seokjin said, “perhaps we could discuss what happened then?”

“Can you carry him?” Jimin asked Jeongguk. Jeongguk nodded, gently and carefully lifting Taehyung into his arms. He thought Taehyung might have drifted off in the lull of exhaustion, but instead, his still shaking fingers curled into the collar of Jeongguk’s shirt, forehead pressing into the crook of the king’s neck.

His hair was damp and fluffy like he had just washed and ran a towel through, and instead of the scent of lavender and chamomile oil that the prince so often favours in his bath, Taehyung smelled faintly like Jeongguk’s own bath wash and shampoo. It was then that Jeongguk realized that Taehyung had changed, now wearing a pair of familiar black sweatpants and an oversized hoodie. They were Jeongguk’s. He knew that the hoodie was meant to be oversized, but Taehyung’s frame was swallowed in excess fabric, and the rapid rise and fall of his chest only made Jeongguk never want to let Taehyung go.

Jeongguk was gentle, tender in the way he lowered Taehyung across the sofa. Jimin came and draped a plush throw over Taehyung’s legs. Seokjin took a seat on the edge of the couch, he started asking Taehyung questions – Does anything hurt? Is it difficult to breathe? Do you feel dizzy? – while placing two fingers over the pulse point on his wrist. Yoongi poured a glass of water, handing it to Seokjin to offer Taehyung. Namjoon and Hoseok stood close by, eyes sharp and observant, ready to offer assistance as needed. Jeongguk hovered, possessively, protectively above Taehyung, sitting on the armrest with the prince’s head resting on his thigh.

“You should tell us what happened in the visions,” Jimin said softly, “before the details get lost.”

“I think… it was three separate events,” Taehyung started, “I saw Ji-hyun again, it was the same vision as before.”

“Ji-hyun, your brother, Jimin?” Yoongi asked.

Jimin hummed. “Where he broke his arm?”

“Yes. But - I also saw my sister there. She was - she was crying.” Taehyung was shaking again, eyes squeezed shut and lashes wet like he was crying too. He was scared.

Jimin’s jaw was tense. He crouched in front of Taehyung, a hand reaching to cup Taehyung’s face. “I need more details, do you see a window or a clock?”

Taehyung exhaled sharply, eyes fluttering open - still faintly glowing blue - his eyes flickering like he was searching for something in the darkness.

“I remember a window. It’s dark, probably night. Clear skies - no snow.”

“Autumn or summer,” Jimin murmured. “Soon...perhaps.”

“The second one was an… explosion,” Taehyung whispered. “It was dark - I think I could see the stars and then suddenly too bright. There was stone falling. I saw artificial lights – like an airship.”

“An attack?” Namjoon murmured.

“Any more details, Taehyung,” Jimin pressed.

“No, no, there was nothing else,” Taehyung said, his voice rose and there was an edge to it like he was on the verge of panic. “I don’t know when or where. I don’t know if it was in Attalia or if it was in Naissus. I don’t know if anyone was hurt. I don’t know – ”

Taehyung swallowed back what sounded like a sob and Jeongguk’s heart plummeted. He wanted this to stop, he didn’t want to hear the pain and terror in Taehyung’s voice. But he knew of the sacrifices Taehyung made for this gift – everything he had lost in hopes of saving his country. Jeongguk cannot take away Taehyung’s pain, but he could at least stand by him - stay with him - as Taehyung had promised to Jeongguk.

He started running his fingers through Taehyung’s hair, brushing damp strands off his forehead.

“I know it’s frightening, but you’re not alone,” Jeongguk said, soothingly. His voice is low, and quiet, so only Taehyung can hear. “I’m here. I won’t let you go.”

It was a relief when he heard Taehyung’s breaths ease a little, and he felt Taehyung lean into the touch.

“And the last vision?” Jimin asked.

Taehyung hesitated, licking his lips. “I saw Jeongguk speaking to a man in an interrogation room. The man had a moustache and goatee, he was older.”

“That can only be Cha Seungwon,” Namjoon said.

“Did anything happen in your vision?” Jimin pressed.

“It was too short, but I remember Cha Seungwon saying, ‘perhaps I was wrong to dismiss the claims to divinity .’”

There was a simple explanation for the inquiry of divinity. Cha Seungwon had never supported the Naissian Royal Family’s ties to the Six. But he must have heard the stories about House Chrysantheme, heard the whispers of the title given to Taehyung. Blood of the Oracle. If Cha Seungwon is questioning those claims, then he must have known Taehyung’s involvement in saving Jeongguk’s life. Then he must have been behind the assassination attempt.

Jeongguk knew that his King’s Circle was coming to the same conclusion. It was silent in the room, but he felt more questions than answers rising.

“What now?”

“I… have warned Ji-hyun as best as I could,” Jimin said grimly. “This is the second time that Taehyung has had a vision of my brother getting injured. Though the Crown Princess’ distress does not bode well, the injuries do not seem life-threatening, and… it seems as though this event is unavoidable.”

“Can we try to address the second vision? It seems to indicate an attack somewhere,” Yoongi said.

“We could increase patrol of our skies,” Hoseok suggested, “not just in Naissus, but in Attalia as well. It may discourage an attack if it is one.”

“Please do,” Taehyung said. “Increasing defences can be correlated to the events of Iyaren. There is no way to prove divine intervention.”

Jimin looked hesitant, as though he was ready to protest. Jeongguk, too was concerned.

How much does Cha Seungwon believe in the rumours and stories? Does Park Hae-jin know? Are the secrets that Taehyung and House Chrysantheme so desperate to keep hidden known to the enemy? Cha Seungwon must be questioning if the rumours are truly just rumours. Would this somehow confirm them?

But this was Taehyung’s wish, and he knew the consequences of his actions.

“Then send word to Major-General Jeon Soyeon,” Jeongguk commanded.

“Now, the third premonition,” Namjoon said, evenly. “It seems as though it was inevitable, considering you just made the decision to speak to Cha Seungwon just moments ago.”

Namjoon was right. Jeongguk had barely begun to settle into the decision of speaking to Cha Seungwon, and now to learn that Taehyung had a premonition about it was spine-chilling. An inevitability as Namjoon put it. Though Jeongguk was hoping to get some information – perhaps the truth out of his conversation with Cha Seungwon, he knew that there was a possibility that all Cha Seungwon wanted was to gloat. But what if Cha Seungwon wanted to use the opportunity to get more information about Taehyung? What if he already knew about Taehyung’s blessing.

He felt Taehyung’s head slowly lurch to the sides, chin dropping to his chest, and his hand – once fiercely clutching the blanket – drop to his side. Jeongguk felt a panic rise, wondering if Taehyung was having another vision, but Jimin’s affectionate but tired smile told him that it was nothing to worry about.

“He’s fallen asleep,” Jimin murmured. Jeongguk knew a single vision could be exhausting. He couldn’t imagine three. Jeongguk couldn’t bear to move away, instead he leaned over the prince’s still form and brushed his thumb over the corner of Taehyung’s eye. His finger came away wet from tears.

“Cha Seungwon knows too much,” Jeongguk said, “He’s a danger to Taehyung and the Attalian Royal Family.”

“Not to mention you, Jeongguk,” Yoongi added.

“If we charge him without definitive evidence, it’ll discredit Jeongguk’s reign - especially in light of the recent tabloids,” Namjoon said. “I do agree, but we must tread carefully.”

Jimin rose to his full height then, he towered over where Jeongguk sat. “You cannot allow Cha Seungwon to walk freely again,” he said.

Jimin’s voice held a harsh, bluntness. The Crownsguard would go to any length to protect Taehyung – commanding a King, threatening a King, perhaps even taking things into his own hands and ensuring Cha Seungwon never had the chance to speak of this again.

But Jeongguk himself, won’t allow for any harm to come to Taehyung.

“He won’t,” Jeongguk said.

Jeongguk has to take a deep breath before finding the courage to peel back the white, draping curtains to peak through the window. There were so many clouds that the light of dawn casts dreary grey streaks rather than the warm, yellow rays. It was befitting of how Jeongguk felt as he watches the staff lower the standard of his mother’s regency and raise the standard of the new King of Naissus.

The flag was made of up a symbol that Jeongguk had seen only once or twice in his life. Royal standards of Kings of Naissus are unique in some way. All have the same intricate design that marks House Cepheus, but Jeongguk’s was intertwined with a streak of blue. A child of the river and the waters of Eridanus – for his mother’s house. But, he was of the ancient and royal House Cepheus first and foremost.

Jeongguk nearly jumped at the sound of knocking on the drawing-room doors, trying to compose himself quickly. He drew the curtains back and straightened his collar.

“Come in.”

The doors crack open, and a young footman steps inside.

“Your Royal High - uh - Majesty. Your Majesty,” the boy said, wincing at the fumbling of titles.

Gwan In-ho. He was Jeongguk’s age, relatively young to take up the job of a footman in the gargantuan Sol Palace. Jeongguk’s had seen the boy wandering the halls with the expression of a lost puppy. He felt bad for him, perhaps related to him.

“Yes?” Jeongguk asks softly - trying to give In-ho a reassuring smile.

“The Lord Chan- uh, I mean, His Lordship, the Earl of Fama, requests an audience.”

Jeongguk’s smile fell and he felt a cold chill run down his spine. “What is he doing here. He was dismissed last night.”

The change in Jeongguk’s tone had the footman shifting, taking a hesitant step backwards and his eyes widened.

“I - um - ”

“I hope you would allow me the privilege of clearing out my office and rooms,” Cha Seungwon says. The footman scurries aside, letting the older man step through the threshold. In-ho stares helplessly and fearfully at Jeongguk, and Jeongguk knew that if he had asked In-ho to see Cha Seungwon out, the poor boy might have collapsed right then and there.

“Leave us,” Jeongguk says instead. He clasped his hands behind his back, trying to keep his shaking fingers out of sight.

In-ho seems to hesitate.

“Go on, boy,” Cha Seungwon says. “Your King will ring when he needs you.”

The dismissiveness in Cha Seungwon’s tone has the footman scrambling to close the door behind him.

Jeongguk digs his fingernails deeper into the skin of his palm. “Cha Seungwon-ssi.”

The man raises an eyebrow at the distant address.

“You can clear your office and rooms without needing an audience with me.”

“Of course, but it is tradition, after all, for the Lord Chancellor to have the first council with the new monarch.”

“You do not hold the title of Lord Chancellor – ”

“I still do,” Cha Seungwon interrupts. His voice is even and calm like he was discussing the weather, whereas Jeongguk could feel his own voice rising.

“Until the formal Oath of Office ceremony is conducted, I will hold the title of Lord Chancellor – you know that, don’t you, Jeongguk. I taught you that.”

“Don’t address me so casually, Cha Seungwon-ssi.”

“But of course, Your Majesty.”Cha Seungwon strides into the drawing-room, circling the arrangement of the sofa and seats, like a prowling lion. He stepped closer to where Jeongguk stood by the windows, the sharp, heavy scent of amber and patchouli wafted over and Jeongguk struggled to stand his ground and not take a step back to cower behind the curtains.

“Say, who will be your new Lord Chancellor, then, Your Majesty?”

Jeongguk snaps his jaw shut.

“Will it be the Queen Mother’s adopted son?” Cha Seungwon presses. “The people won’t like that. He's a foreigner. Attalian, isn’t he? Will it be one of your dear cousins? No. I know, now. You’ll choose the Duke of Pietas. Kim Namjoon of House Auriga.”

“And what if I do?”

“You know, the late Duke of Pietas, Kim Namjoon’s father, did not openly support your father. He was rather against a lot of the policies proposed by your father’s close supporters.”

Jeongguk closes his eyes, feeling the discomfort of his short breaths becoming more painful. He hates how much Cha Seungwon’s disapproval churned his insides, how he longed for the praise and the comfort that the man once brought.

It starts to sting where his fingernails made dents in his skin - but the pain helps to control the anger and rage and sheer frustration that bubbles forth. He wanted to cry, and he couldn’t cry in front of Cha Seungwon.

“How long before he’ll turn on you?”

“Namjoon-hyung wouldn’t -” Jeongguk whispers as if trying to reassure himself. “He wouldn’t.”

“Power breeds greed, Jeongguk.”

Power breeds greed.

Jeongguk remembers in the histories of Duscae where there was an attempted coup on the Royal House by a military official promoted to Commander General by the king himself.

Jeongguk was considering giving the title of Commander General to Hoseok.

He was going to name Yoongi his Right Hand and Namjoon given the title and honour of Lord Chancellor, he was going to ask if Seokjin wanted to be a member of his King’s Circle.

He never once thought of the possibility of these people betraying him.

It never even crossed his mind – should he have?

Was Cha Seungwon right? Was Jeongguk too young and inexperienced to take the throne?

Was this all a mistake?

His eyes start to prickle, and the resolve that he had built and the adrenaline from last night dwindles and crumbles before his very eyes. He clings to the words his mother spoke — to the words of promise that Yoongi and Namjoon and Hoseok and Seokjin spoke.

“I’m proud of you, my son,” his mother said. “I will support your ascension.”

“Know that we stand with you.”

“We stand with you, always.”

“You will make mistakes,” Namjoon had told him, the day that he had asked for an audience with Jeongguk and convinced him to take the throne at eighteen. “We will all make mistakes. But it is about taking those mistakes, acknowledging and learning from them that will make you a great king.”

He has no confidence in himself – but they believed in him.

And that, for now, was enough.

“I know what you’re doing, Cha Seungwon-ssi,” Jeongguk says, voice wavering – shaky. But he can’t do anything to stop it, still he carries on. “I know I am young, and I know my own inexperience, but –”

“You won’t last long on the throne without guidance, Jeongguk,” Cha Seungwon says, “The men you have chosen are but boys with no experience. How do you plan on ruling blind?”

Cha Seungwon pulls aside the curtains, and Jeongguk could see the way the older man’s eyes darken at the sight of Jeongguk’s Royal Standard flying high above the gates of Sol Palace.

“I’m giving you a chance, Jeongguk,” Cha Seungwon says, voice deceptively soft and gentle, like he was coaxing a feral and wounded animal. “It’s not too late. The Queen Mother may have publicly abdicated the throne, but you have not made the dismissal of my position final. I can still be here to help you. To teach you, and to guide you.”

There was a small part of Jeongguk that wanted to give in. He felt the lull and the promise of security that Cha Seungwon offered. If he could help, if he could guide him, then Jeongguk wouldn’t need to walk this path alone.

His mother had trusted Cha Seungwon, right?

No, he couldn’t. He can’t. Not again - not anymore.

“I think you have done enough,” Jeongguk says curtly.

The smug grin on Cha Seungwon’s face dropped - and the way the man stood with languid ease and confidence turned into something a little more sinister. He steps closer to Jeongguk.

“So. Is that it, then, Your Majesty,” Cha Seungwon says. “You are done with me, after all the years I have served the Crown?”

“Your services have been acknowledged and rewarded. That should be more than enough.”

“You brought an early end to my career, Jeongguk. You destroyed it.”

“You don’t scare me anymore,” Jeongguk says, trying hard to believe his own words. He was wrong - Cha Seungwon does scare him.

“You should be.”

“Is - is that a threat to the King?”

“You are no king, Jeongguk,” Cha Seungwon says, “just a boy with too much power.”

Upon Namjoon’s recommendation, they standby another two days for the uproar caused by the newspapers to fall before going to the courthouse. In those two days, there was little that Jeongguk could do but wait. No more answers or evidence came to light - and thankfully - the visions that Taehyung had did not yet prove fruit.

The barrage of premonitions had exhausted Taehyung and he had taken to sleeping during the daylight hours. Jimin spent most of the time watching over his charge during the early hours after the visions, but when it was clear that all Taehyung needed was rest, the Crownsguard had dragged both Hoseok and Jeongguk with him into the field to spar.

The physical exertion helped to keep Jeongguk’s thoughts from straying. But on the night before his confrontation with Cha Seungwon, he found himself sitting and staring blankly at the holographic fire in his sitting room. He wasn’t even sure where his thoughts were taking him, but they always led down the same inevitable spiral of coming back to Cha Seungwon. Jeongguk decided to go for a walk, hoping that some movement will lull him into a tiredness that’ll promise a dreamless sleep.

The palace was dark and there were few members of the household still working this late into the night. He passed by the few guards patrolling the palace halls and the two housekeeping staff who he knew particularly enjoyed the later hours to avoid people. He tried to focus on breathing, maybe counting his breaths as Seokjin had taught him, but still his stomach churned and his thoughts circled back to Cha Seungwon.

He kept walking and walking and walking until finally, he realized that he was in front of a familiar double-doored chamber on the eastern wing of the palace.

Taehyung’s rooms.

Jeongguk held a hand up, and before rational thought caught up to him, he knocked. Then he swore under his breath. It was nearly three in the morning. He finally just noticed both guards in front of the prince’s doors were staring in mild shock after seeing the Naissian King mindlessly walk down the hall towards the First Prince’s rooms.

The sound was muffled on the otherside. But he knew that voice, soft and honeyed. “Who is it?”

Taehyung was awake.

“It’s Jeongguk. I-I’m sorry to have bothered you so late.”

He heard footsteps on the other side, then fumbling of metal until the doors are pulled open in a rush. The lights were off on the First Prince’s sitting rooms, and there was only the soft glow of the lamp in his bedroom.

It was dim, but Jeongguk could make out that Taehyung was dressed in silk pyjamas with a warm-grey cardigan draped over his shoulders. He was barefoot.

Jeongguk felt his thoughts quiet. Everything was so quiet he could only hear his breath and Taehyung’s.

“I - I was going for a walk and I just… found myself here.”

In the dim light, he could see Taehyung’s lips curl into a worn-out smile.

“I can’t sleep anymore,” Taehyung said. “I’m glad you came.”

He raised a hand, palm outstretched and for a moment, Jeongguk is transported back to the rush of adrenaline from the masquerade ball - muted lights and hazy vision, and the warmth of Taehyung’s fingers wrapping around his palm.

Jeongguk took Taehyung’s hand and let the Prince lead him inside.

The guards in front of Taehyung’s rooms had the tact to keep their eyes forward. The doors shut quietly behind them. It was darker in the room without the light from the hallway, so he let Taehyung guide him, pulling as he navigated the familiar space until they reached the bedroom.

It took a while for Jeongguk to realize that Jimin’s bedroom doors were closed.

“Is Jimin-hyung asleep?”

“He’s not here. I think… he may have gone for a walk too…” Taehyung said, words trailing off like he wasn’t sure.

It was colder in Taehyung’s bedroom, and Jeongguk was not surprised to see the windows were cracked open.

Taehyung pulled him closer to the bed - and though they had shared a bed just days before - there was something intimate about him being in Taehyung’s space. Taehyung’s bed was a tangle of comforters and throws in shades of white and beige. There were sheer fabric drapes over the frame of the canopy bed that fluttered in the barely-there breeze of the summer-turn-autumn wind.

How different it was from the last time Jeongguk was here, where the all-consuming fury and despair at the thought of betrayal had blinded rational thought. He did have blurry memories of Taehyung sitting on that very bed, the white seemed sterile then - eerie in how similarly pallor Taehyung’s skin had become and starkly painful in contrast to the purpling bruises that were painted down his forehead.

But now, in the soft light of the lamp, Jeongguk couldn’t make out many of Taehyung’s features, just the healthy glow his skin had taken in the light and the sharp angles of his jaw and nose.

He was beautiful.

“Why aren’t you asleep?” Taehyung asked, and Jeongguk seemed to have forgotten how long he had been standing, grasping Taehyung’s hand in silence.

“I - I couldn’t sleep.”

“Why not?”

“Because I can’t stop thinking about tomorrow,” Jeongguk admitted, “about what will happen.”

“So you come here?” Taehyung asked.

The question seemed so innocent, so simple – and yet Taehyung perhaps already knew the answer.

Perhaps he just wanted Jeongguk to say it.

“What do you mean,” Jeongguk said.

“Why did you come here , Jeongguk.”

Jeongguk could feel the warmth of Taehyung’s hand in his, in the way Taehyung’s fingers brushed over the callouses on his knuckles. He could feel the rough scars on Taehyung’s palm and fingertips.

Lavender and chamomile. It was always lavender and chamomile and he knew he will never be able to smell the flowers without thinking of Taehyung – without wanting.

He was so close. It was silent in the room. It was silent inside his head.

Was he even breathing?


" Because – because when I am with you, everything else is meaningless,” he confessed. “When I’m with you, I am not a king, just a boy in love. When I am with you, I can’t think about anything but you. You stop all my thoughts, Taehyung until there is nothing left, but you.”

He stopped speaking, gasping when Taehyung caught fistfuls of Jeongguk’s shirt and pulled him in. It felt desperate – carnal – in the way Taehyung surged forward. He missed, catching the corner of Jeongguk’s lips. But it didn’t take long before their lips slotted together, till he tasted honey-sweet balm, his hands found flushed skin, and his mind swirled with the scent of lavender, chamomile, and ginger.

Jeongguk stumbled when Taehyung suddenly pushed him back until his legs knocked into the soft upholstery of the bedframe. He kept pushing until Jeongguk’s knees buckled. Jeongguk had to pull away as he lost his balance and fell back, and he had to let go of Taehyung to brace himself.

He craned his head up to look at Taehyung. The prince had let go of Jeongguk’s shirt, hands now bracing his weight on Jeongguk’s shoulders as he climbed into Jeongguk’s lap.

Jeongguk felt his breath grow a little more ragged, his blood rushing in his ears, and his heart pounding loudly.

“Taehyung – ”

“Stop talking.”

His teeth clicked together as he slammed his jaw shut at the command. His skin burned where Taehyung touched. He dared not move as the prince leaned down and his lips brushed against the shell of Jeongguk’s ear.

“Talking means you are thinking,” Taehyung whispered. “And… you’re not here to think, correct?”

Yes,” was all Jeongguk could say as Taehyung’s hand travelled down the curve of his collarbone, then the centre of his chest, his navel, and then stopping just at the edge of the waistband of his pants. Taehyung left a hot, burning trail in his wake. Jeongguk felt it scorching his skin.

“Let me help you,” Taehyung purred, “stop thinking.”

That was all it took for Jeongguk to let go of the fraying control he had. He pulled Taehyung to his mouth again, kissing hungrily – dizzyingly. He wound his arm around Taehyung’s waist and flipped them so he was on top, bracketing Taehyung’s hips with his knees with hands on either side of his head. He relished in the opened mouth gasp elicited from Taehyung’s lips, pausing in awe of how Taehyung’s eyes were open, half-lidded with pupils dilating.

He let his body take over, let his hands clumsily pull at buttons and push down waistbands, and let his fingers roam over soft, flushed skin and pressed kisses to places only both of them will know of.

He somehow was able to follow Taehyung’s directions and found an unopened package of condoms and a new bottle of lube in the neatly arranged bedside table.

He didn’t ask for an explanation – didn’t care if Taehyung had foreseen this in a vision – because all that mattered was how Taehyung arched up from the mattress when Jeongguk wrapped his hand around him. The litany of words Taehyung spoke sounded too beautiful to be Attalian profanity. He savoured the breathlessness in Taehyung’s voice – in the broken groans – as he pressed in. It all became hazy as the line between too much and never enough blurred and he pushed and pressed, watching Taehyung come undone, and he followed suit.

Jeongguk barely had the strength to pull off the soiled duvet after they had calmed down before collapsing on the bed. Taehyung laid on the other side, limbs sprawled haphazardly, and his chest still rising and falling rapidly, like he was still trying to catch his breath and Jeongguk knew he were no better off. Taehyung’s lips were bright red and puffy, and his face was flushed, glowing almost in the dim light. Strands of Taehyung’s curls clung to his brow with sweat and the rest of his hair was spread wildly on his pillow…and…

Taehyung was beautiful. He wasso beautiful and he made Jeongguk want for nothing more than for Taehyung to be his. He made Jeongguk want to stay and never leave this moment and –

Stop thinking.

Taehyung had fallen asleep, his breaths evening out into soft, barely-there snores, and in the darkness, Jeongguk was not far from slipping under too.

Then, just before sleep took his thoughts and morphed them into strange incoherent images; he vowed that regardless of what happened tomorrow, he won’t give up on what he had.

It had continued to rain when Jeongguk made his way to the Royal Court of Justice in downtown Aurea. Rarely has a king attended hearings in the past fifty years. Jeongguk’s father and his grandfather never had the need, for everything could have been handled by magistrates appointed by the Crown.

Then again, neither Jeongguk’s father nor his grandfather has had an attempt on their life.

Hoseok was already waiting for their arrival at the foot of the entrance to the courthouse. It was grand, more modern than Sol Palace, for it was rebuilt during the short years of Jeongguk’s reign. The architects kept the touches of antiquity and tradition in the colossal stone columns. It was imposing as it frames the golden double doors that serve as the entrance. In between the columns were massive banners in inky black that were embroidered with the designs of the Sovereign's Royal Standard – a symbol flown at the palaces where the King currently resides or at places where the King will be visiting.

The only place where the banners with the Royal Standard are permanent fixtures is the Royal Court of Justice. For the Sovereign's presence should always be felt under the eyes of the law.

The interior of the courthouse was just as striking, with floors covered in ebony marble. There were engravings of the Old Language on the high-buttressed ceilings, and along the walls were portraits of the kings and queens of Naissus. His portrait hung somewhere on these walls too.

Hoseok led them towards a discrete door at the end of the main foyer. On the other side was a hallway lit by bright fluorescent lights that made it look eerily grey. Namjoon and Yoongi were silent behind him as Jeongguk followed Hoseok into the hallway and down several staircases. They were underground now, and Hoseok stopped in front of a metal door with a panel on one side. The Commander General flipped the panel open and tapped in a code, he then leaned down to let the machine scan his iris. Only then did the door click open, and Hoseok ushered them all inside.

“Where are we?” Yoongi wearily asked.

“The holding cells,” Hoseok answered. “Historically, these were the dungeons for criminals and those awaiting court trials. We converted it to holding cells for high-profile figures and criminal cases. They haven’t seen much use over the years that needed the Crown’s attention.”

The hallway of the holding cells was brighter, with white walls, a row of doors on one side, and a darkened room with several people sitting in front of computer screens on the other. They stood upon Jeongguk’s entry, dropping into bows and curties for the King. Jeongguk nodded at them in return and tried to put on a confident and reassuring smile.

Hoseok pressed on, leading them all to the end of the hall where there was a door labelled ‘Interview Room ’. Jeongguk found himself walking slower.

He flinched at the sound of the door handle clicking.

Hoseok held the door open for him. Jeongguk stopped just at the threshold, eyes adjusting to the darker room.

The room beyond the threshold was a monitoring room, and Jeongguk knew that he was staring at the other side of a one-way mirror.

Cha Seungwon.

This was the man that Jeongguk once held in high regard in his youth. The man looked just as confident and intimidating as he once did. Cha Seungwon sat at a metal table, features shadowed by a single overhead lamp above the table.

Jeongguk felt his heart start to beat a little too hard, his breath caught in his throat, then he felt a hand curl around his own.

“You don’t have to do this,” Yoongi said softly.

Yoongi’s hand was a little colder and a little rougher than Jeongguk’s. He wondered if that was a trait of all Attalian nobility, to have hands worn from tending to their flower-filled sky.

Namjoon clasped a hand on Jeongguk’s shoulder, “You can back out at any time, Jeongguk.”

“It doesn’t change the fact that we will support you, always,” Hoseok added.

Jeongguk thought it would be dead silent in the monitoring room. But instead, he heard a rhythmic, echoing sound. Tap - tap - tap. He looked through the one-way mirror again and saw Cha Seungwon tapping one foot against the cement floors. Then Jeongguk took a closer look. The three nights sitting in the holding cell after Cha Seungwon’s arrest did him little justice. His usually neatly groomed hair was tousled and greasy. His moustache and beard needed to be trimmed. The clothes he wore – once crisp and pressed – now had creases. His skin was pallor, eyes rimmed with black circles. Faint wrinkle lines marked the corners of his eyes and around his forehead.

Cha Seungwon was aging, and he was not the man that he once was.

Neither was Jeongguk.

And now, Cha Seungwon was not in a position of power.

Jeongguk was.

Jeongguk tried to imagine what it was like for Cha Seungwon. Was he marched up the stairs of the courthouse in handcuffs? Did he feel small and insignificant, looking up at the columns and symbol of House Cepheus blowing in the wind? Did he feel guilt and remorse, staring at the portraits of the bloodline he once swore to protect and serve as Lord Chancellor? Did he feel unease walking down the grey corridors and being held in the cells that were once the dungeons. Did he feel fear now, sitting at the interrogation table alone this deep underground?

Jeongguk squeezed Yoongi’s hand once and shook his head. “I’ll continue.”

“Remember Jeongguk,” Hoseok said softly, “everything you say will be recorded, as will everything Cha Seungwon will say. We’ll be able to hear it in here.”

“There is already some evidence against him,” Namjoon continued. “Perhaps you could get a confession to solidify the conviction.”

“He will be charged with suspicion of treason,” Yoongi muttered, “That is for certain...”

Jeongguk balled his hands into fists and nodded. “I’ll go in now.”

Hoseok took a deep breath, before turning to unlock the doors to the other side. The clicking was deafeningly loud, and the screeching door hinges sent shivers down Jeongguk’s spine.

Hoseok held the door open.

It took seven steps for Jeongguk to cross into the room, then two breaths for his eyes to adjust to the harsh light.

Cha Seungwon glanced up, eyes flickering to the door with disdain. The idle disinterest faded as a haughty smirk pulled on his lips.

The man’s hands were clasped neatly on the table, and Jeongguk would not have known the handcuffs were still on if he couldn’t hear the clicking of metal against metal.

“So, you finally came, Your Majesty.”

Jeongguk broke out in a cold sweat at the sound of the honorific. He dug his fingernails into the palm of his hand, trying to take a subtle breath in and out.

Cha Seungwon was still mocking him.

“Remember,” Hoseok whispered under his breath, “if I feel you are in danger, I’ll come to get you.”

Jeongguk doesn’t nod. But, he does wait for Hoseok to close the door behind him, before walking to the table. He took his time pulling out the hard, plastic chair, heart racing at the sound of it scrapping against the floor. The entire time, Jeongguk kept his eyes focused on the glowing spotlight on the metal table and only when he was sitting did he chance a glance up.

Cha Seungwon met Jeongguk’s eyes, the scornful smile still curled on his lips. Jeongguk felt the humiliating burn of a child getting scolded by his teachers rising to his cheeks.

“What – you’re not going to present the charges to me?”

“My Commander General and his Lieutenant-Major made the charges clear,” Jeongguk said. “I don’t need to repeat them.”

He was rather stunned by the calmness in his voice and the stillness in his stomach. “I do have a question.”

Cha Seungwon leaned forward, elbows on the table. “Go ahead.”


“Tell me why you think I did it.”

Vengeance. That was the answer everyone else thought. But none of them knew Cha Seungwon the way Jeongguk did. He grew up under the man’s tutelage, under the desire to make him proud, under the impression that Cha Seungwon could be a replacement for a father figure. How wrong Jeongguk was, but he hoped that over the years, Cha Seungwon revealed some of his true colours.

Jeongguk folded his hands in front of him, almost mirroring Cha Seungwon.

“To undermine the Crown,” Jeongguk answered. “To put doubt into the people’s mind that I am not a capable sovereign – that I have chosen my King’s Circle poorly.”

Cha Seungwon shifted in his seat, leaning back with a composure that made Jeongguk uneasy. He focused on the sounds of the clicking handcuffs and Cha Seungwon’s chair scraping.

“You have to admit. It was bound to happen.”

“So, you think that my King’s Circle will continue to face criticism after this,” Jeongguk said flatly. “Rumours will die quickly, especially in light of other events – such as your arrest and trial.”

“It happened to your father too; he had his younger brother sworn in as Right Hand. However, his tragic death saved him from too much criticism at the beginning of the plague.”

“So that’s why you did it?” Jeongguk asked, “To have evidence to publicly criticize my King’s Circle?”

It is too vague, Jeongguk,” Cha Seungwon said. “Narrow it down. Your Commander General has accused me of many crimes, including failure to report my trip to the Empire to the Crown, knowingly harbouring a criminal, and defaming the King’s name and public servants of the Crown. Was it one of these charges? Or another crime? What is ‘it’, Jeongguk ?

The patchiness of Cha Seungwon’s facial hair was more prominent as his lips pulled back into a grin. Jeongguk gnawed on the inside of his lip, trying not to let his frustration show.

“Why you… tried to have me assassinated,” Jeongguk said.

Cha Seungwon’s lips quivered – the smile dropping. Jeongguk watched as the man’s entire demeanour changed. The easy lacing of his fingers on the table turned hard, his knuckles turned white. He leaned forward again, pushing off with a little more force. Perhaps the tension was finally getting to him.

“So, you found out?” Cha Seungwon murmured.

“Is that a confession?”

Jeongguk watched as Cha Seungwon leaned down so his bound hands could reach his face. He smoothed the corners of his moustache, then the corners of his goatee. The entire time, Jeongguk noticed that Cha Seungwon’s hands were shaking.

“I will tell you why I went to Rossarya,” Cha Seungwon announced. “It was upon the Emperor’s invitation. He was Crown Prince then - and a formidable military tactician. I thought the Emperor wanted to learn about Naissus’ formidable air fleets or secrets that could bring Naissus’ downfall in a war. Perhaps, the Emperor wanted to discuss an alliance to dethrone you and put me in power in a military coup d'etat.”

Jeongguk’s blood started to pound loudly in his ears.

“No, he simply wanted you dead,” Cha Seungwon said.

He couldn’t help it; Jeongguk let out a gasp. His fight or flight response kicked in and he involuntarily pushed himself back in the chair. Still, Cha Seungwon continued to speak.

“During my meeting with the Emperor, he promised to send an Elite to commit the act if I were able to guarantee cover into the palace. The position of Head of the Royal Household remained vacant for so long that I knew an unvetted addition into the staff will easily slip by. I paid for the apartment complex the Elite stayed in for the six months because living in the palace would make him too recognizable – you and your King’s Circle are too fond of getting to know the staff who lived there.”

Cha Seungwon spoke with a sneer. He was still mocking him, even after confessing to treason against the Crown.

“The Elite reported that the deed will be executed the night of the gala,” Cha Seungwon continued. “He planned to bring suspicion on nobles and dignitaries attending. I thought by the next morning, your death will be announced.”

The pounding sound in Jeongguk’s ears dissipated, but now he felt like he was underwater, and if he didn’t get his breaths under control, he might start hyperventilating.

“The months of mourning would be observed and then your cousin, Her Royal Highness, the duch*ess of Hespera, would ascend as Queen of Naissus. Now, I did not know if Lee Ji-eun would have candidates for her Queen’s Circle. But I assumed she would asked the Queen Mother for assistance. But I know for a fact that your mother would decline, too broken at the loss of both her husband and only son. So the duch*ess would have relied on your King’s Circle during the earlier years…that is if they did not choose to join you in death.”

Jeongguk felt the panic rising to his throat now – vision blurring.

“But that will not do, so the article about your King’s Circle I had prepared for that very purpose. The King is dead. His Circle is but a group of young men who could not protect the sovereign. What will become of the new queen? Naissus has fallen into shambles. That would be when I would have offered my services again, Ji-eun might not want me in her circle, but she would accept me as her Lord Chancellor.”

Jeongguk stood – his chair knocking into his knees and crashing to the ground. He stumbled backwards until he found the ledge of the mirror. He heard the door lock click open. Hoseok.

“No!” Jeongguk yelled. His voice shook, and it came out as barely a whisper. He tried again, “No. Not yet. I’m not finished.”

The sound stopped, and then Jeongguk heard the door close again - the lock mechanism engaging. He wasn’t finished here. Not until he learnt what Cha Seungwon knew about Taehyung.

Cha Seungwon laughed, a breathy sound in the back of his throat. “Not finished? What more can you want? I gave you a full confession.

“Why. What have you to gain.”

“Nothing. I am telling you this now because I was a dead man walking the moment I learnt you survived.”

“And when was that?”

“When Shin Sung-rok came to my estate ranting about your disrespect for the old Noble Houses at the Privy Council meeting after the gala. He also unwittingly told me that it was the First Prince who saved your life.” Cha Seungwon scoffed. “He called the First Prince a little harlot for laying with a king when he had given up his own throne.”

“Did he say anything else about the First Prince?”

“No,” Cha Seungwon said, with a disgusted sneer. “Though…Park Haejin also has a bizarre obsession with the First Prince of Attalia.”

“...What do you mean?”

“To my surprise, he was much more interested in learning about the First Prince, than asking questions about the Naissian Crown,” Cha Seungwon said.

Jeongguk’s thoughts raced. Even with Cha Seungwon’s confession – there would be too much at stake for Jeongguk to even consider accusing Park Hae-jin of involvement in an attempted assassination. He couldn’t do it without revealing more details about Taehyung’s involvement, showing video evidence in court. What would it even achieve? The means to call for war?

“To think that the only reason why Park Hae-jin wanted you dead was that he wanted the First Prince for himself,” the older man continued.

Jeongguk’s blood ran cold as he surfaced from the oceans of his own panic. Park Hae-jin was willing to have another sovereign killed to get Taehyung – like he was an object - like he was a prize to be won. Perhaps Cha Seungwon was right, war is like a game of chess. But he wasn’t the player. He was simply a pawn in the Empire’s game. Were they all just pawns?

Jeongguk needed to end this conversation. There was nothing more that he could learn of Cha Seungwon – the man all but sentenced himself, and Jeongguk was growing unsettled by his derision for Taehyung – and if Jeongguk didn’t leave soon, he might do something he’d regret.

“So, did you want to gloat? Did you think I didn’t have what it takes to rule?”

“I am going to die by your hand, Your Majesty. I was dead the moment I found out you lived. Now my only pleasure is in knowing that your reign is short-lived and you will be the downfall of this country.”

“Naissus is mine to protect – and I will do whatever it takes… that includes carrying out sentences. Cha Seungwon, you are charged with the crime of high treason against the Naissian Crown.”

Cha Seungwon stood, handcuffs jingling as he slammed his hands onto the table. Jeongguk had to fight against the response to flinch as the sound echoed in the small interrogation room. He held up a hand behind his back, knowing that Namjoon, Yoongi, and Hoseok could see it from the other side.

Not yet. He has to face Cha Seungwon alone – until the end.

“You think that doling out capital punishments makes you a powerful king? Makes you a king worth fearing?” Cha Seungwon yelled, “You are still a boy, Jeongguk. I taught you everything you know.”

“Do not use my age as a way to disregard the accomplishments of my reign. It was in the years of my ascension that brought Naissus into a new era. Under my governance, our nation has risen onto the international stage as a powerhouse in technological development. It is with me that Attalia – a kingdom famed for their neutrality – asked for an alliance,” Jeongguk hissed in return.

“Still, it comes back to Attalia. Perhaps I was wrong to dismiss the claims to divinity if so many are interested in the Floating Isles and their so-called ‘ Blood of the Oracle’,” Cha Seungwon said, spitting the moniker through his teeth. “You and Park Hae-jin are both fools – stupid, foolish boys with too much power and a hold over people who fear you as gods.”

“I am not trying to be a ruler that people fear,” Jeongguk whispered. “Do not mistake me for the Emperor that you colluded with.”

Jeongguk took a step towards the door and immediately he heard the lock pop open and Hoseok’s lithe figure slip in.

“Do you have everything you need for a conviction, Commander General?” Jeongguk asked.

“Yes, Your Majesty, all crimes point towards the charge of high treason,” Hoseok replied.

Jeongguk turned back to Cha Seungwon. The man fell into the chair again, the image of the calm, collected, and confident man gone.

“I believe you know the sentence for high treason,” Jeongguk said softly.

Cha Seungwon scoffed. “You destroyed my career five years ago. What do I have left?”

“You once told me power breeds greed,” Jeongguk started, “but you’re wrong. Greed breeds greed, Cha Seungwon-ssi. You only have yourself to blame for what has occurred. If you hadn’t tried to force the Queen Mother into a joint regency, you might have had the position of Lord Chancellor for longer. I might have let you rule on my behalf.”

“Perhaps I was a fool to underestimate you,” Cha Seungwon said. “Congratulations, you won your little chess game, Your Majesty.”

But it doesn’t feel like winning. “Goodbye, Cha Seungwon. May the Six have mercy.”

When Jeongguk stepped out of the interrogation room, he felt Namjoon and Hoseok’s touch on his shoulders before he heard them. He thought they advised him to return to the palace, to rest, and they’ll handle the formal charge and sentencing. He didn’t really understand everything else they said, but he let them lead him down the hallway in the courthouse and then shield him from view with umbrellas and their own bodies. He thought he smelled Yoongi’s cologne nearby, so he focused on that. He focused on the low rumble of Yoongi’s voice and breathed in the scent of Hoseok’s cologne. He focused on the soft pitter-patter of the newly formed storm and the rumbling thunder to soon come. He focused on the rapid beats of his own heart, and only when they were in the safety of the window-tinted car did Jeongguk openly mourn for the boy he once was who looked up to Cha Seungwon as a father.


Author’s Notes:
1) “His Highness, the Crown Prince, is too young to take the throne.” - quote from Chapter 5, said by an unknown character (then).
2) “He cannot rule until he is of age, even then, what kind of king would an eighteen-year-old make?” - Another quote said in Chapter 5 by a, then, unknown character.
3) Themis - Greek Goddess of justice, often depicted holding the scales.
4) The Art of War is an IRL book written by Sun Tzu
5) I did not plan on this story taking this long to write - and therefore having real-world parallelisms in the pandemic.
6) The song Taehyung is humming is Sweet Night, duh.

Please leave a comment! A little encouragement goes a long way, and I would love, love, love to hear what you guys thought of the story thus far.
Come talk to me on Twitter or ask me questions on Curious Cat.

With Love,

Chapter 20: toska


Master Playlist

t o s k a

- a state of great anguish, melancholy, sorrow or longing beyond bearable bonds
- a longing with nothing to long for
- “No single word in English renders all the shades of toska. At its deepest and most painful, it is a sensation of great spiritual anguish, often without any specific cause. At less morbid levels it is a dull ache of the soul, a longing with nothing to long for, a sick pining, a vague restlessness, mental throes, yearning. In particular cases, it may be the desire for somebody of something specific, nostalgia, love-sickness.”– Vladmir Nabokov


(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

chapter twenty

t o s k a

The doors of the Royal Gallery were newly replaced, an initiative taken by the Head of the Royal Household.

Man Soon-hee was ecstatic about the young King’s acceptance to renovate and modernize the ancient Sol Palace.

However, the carpenters who installed the new doors to the Royal Gallery struggled with the massive frame – and though it appeared straight to the naked eye, it was decidedly not straight, and whenever anyone attempted to enter or exit the closed threshold of the gallery, they inevitably would create a massive ruckus. A cacophony of noises as wood scraped against wood.

It was often why Jeongguk chose the Royal Gallery as his safe place in Sol Palace. Not only were there seats where he could take a nap and hide away from his Royal Secretary, advisors, and the staff who constantly sought him out, it was also the best place to be discrete if he wanted a private meeting.

For not only were there few people who would go to the Royal Gallery, out of the way as it was, but the door would loudly announce anyone’s entrance and exit.

It gave him enough time to compose himself - to find a place to hide if someone were to enter - to have enough time to have company hide too.

can you come to the gallery tonight


around 8


I may be held up

I’ll wait

Jeongguk is almost running out of his study by the time the briefing with his King’s Circle concludes a quarter after eight. He wrings his fingers together as he speedwalks to his chambers, making a big show to his staff and his King’s Circle that he is determined to go to his rooms for a shower and then sleep. He stays in his rooms for ten minutes, using the time to change out of the suit and pace off some of his nervous energy before slowly and quietly opening his chamber doors.

The doorknob barely makes a sound, and that he is grateful for. He stays in the shadows with his head down – avoiding the staff as best as he can. There are few now, as everyone is winding down for the night.

He tries to keep his breathing even and stay alert as he crosses from one wing of the palace to the other. But soon, the buzzing thoughts of the day’s meetings come rushing back, and he finds himself eager to reach the Gallery and escape them.

The foreign office briefing left him breathless and worried: there were rumours and evidence from their spies that the Duchy of Estermery had sworn fealty to the Empire secured through a marriage alliance to prevent the war from touching their lands.

Then during the meeting with his Privy Council, there were constant questions and suggestions about what he plans to do with the kingdom’s capital budget this year.

Usually, his King’s Circle is of amazing help. Namjoon provides him with a list of pros and cons of the possibilities, and Seokjin suggests some reading material to help inform his decisions. Today, each of his King’s Circle had suggestions, but though they tried to be impartial, they all pushed for matters pertaining to their own interests. Hoseok pushed for spending in national defence, Namjoon in research and development of new technologies, Yoongi presented important points regarding funding for the arts and education, and Seokjin in health care.

They all had good points – and if Jeongguk could, he would agree to them all. But Naissus’ coffers are limited and he has the sole responsibility to make the decision.

It was too much, and he wants to stop thinking for just a moment.

They won’t find him in the gallery. It’s an area of the palace that Jeongguk actively and openly attempts to avoid.

He checks over his shoulder when, finally, the grand double doors to the Royal Galleries appear. Then he glances at his phone once more.

No other text messages. He said he would wait for Jeongguk, knowing that the young King would be late.

That should mean all is well.

So Jeongguk lays his hands on the door and pushes.

The door is excruciatingly loud as it crunches and slides against the crooked frame. He needs some time for his eyes to adjust to the dimmer light inside the gallery. Quickly, Jeongguk gets himself through the threshold and braces himself for the echoes of the door slamming shut.

Then silence. Only his hammering heart and short breaths.

He turns on his heels, staring down the long corridor. There’s no one in the main hall, but there are five other rooms attached, each with their own array of paintings and sculptures. Someone turned on the lights in the gallery. There are wall sconces above each of the paintings in the main hall. All of them are portraits of former kings and queens of Naissus.

In the darkness, Jeongguk can’t help but feel as though their eyes are following him, and the golden glow of the wall sconces only makes it worse.

Jeongguk presses his back against the door, taking a moment to just catch his breath. Then he hears footsteps from one of the rooms at the far end of the hallway. Then a familiar head of ashy-blonde hair peeks out from one of the rooms.

“Yugyeom.” Jeongguk says his name like an easy exhale.

Yugyeom’s eyes are guarded, sharp and narrowed when he regards the newcomer down the hall. But the moment he realizes it’s Jeongguk, his eyes melt into gentle crescents. Yugyeom smiles, a grin that is all teeth, one that pulls on his lips and emphasizes the bags under his eyes. It makes Jeongguk smile in return.

It had been weeks since Jeongguk last saw him, and even longer since they –

“How are you?” Yugyeom asks, as Jeongguk meets him halfway. The smile on his face falters as Yugyeom’s fingers gently press into the high points of his cheeks. The touch is gentle and tender, but it sparks a pit of warmth in Jeongguk’s stomach.

“You look tired… have you been sleep –”

Jeongguk doesn’t even realize how frantic he is, not until he captures Yugyeom’s hand in his and then crowds into his space. It doesn’t take him long to find Yugyeom’s lips.

The touch stops his thoughts – leaves him with nothing but the fire in his stomach and the desire for more.

Yugyeom freezes for a second before he returns the kiss. His lips are gentle against Jeongguk’s, moving without the fervour and need to simply drown in the taste and touch. Jeongguk breaks away from the kiss, just long enough to inhale the sweet spice of oranges, vanilla, and rose. Yugyeom’s cologne is heady and it always knocks the air out of Jeongguk's lungs.

The man takes advantage of Jeongguk’s distraction, pressing firm hands into Jeongguk’s waist and steering the young king towards one of the rooms and out of the central corridor. Yugyeom’s touch becomes demanding and Jeongguk is more than willing to be dragged over to the bench and laid across it.

Jeongguk gasps when Yugyeom’s lips find the edge of his jaw, and he presses soft, teasing kisses down the side of his neck.

“Tell me what’s wrong?” Yugyeom croons. His kisses and breath leave a trail of goosebumps on Jeongguk’s skin.

Jeongguk closes his eyes, and tries to answer, “Every-everyone keeps demanding answers from me…wants me to - to make decisions on things like tax rates and budget spending.”

“So you come to me?” Yugyeom hums.

Jeongguk nods frantically, knees weak and head spinning. “I just - I don’t want to think anymore.”

Jeongguk can feel Yugyeom smile against his skin, then Yugyeom’s teeth graze his ear. “I can help with that,” he says before he settles between Jeongguk’s legs.

Jeongguk’s breath sounds loud in his ears, growing ragged as Yugyeom undoes the drawstrings and his fingernails scrape across Jeongguk’s hipbones, pulling fabric out of the way. He relishes in the feeling of Yugyeom’s hand on his thigh, nails digging into the point where he knows marks will be left behind. He knows it’ll only be a little bit more before Yugyeom’s skilled hands draw other sounds out of his throat.

“Is this too much?” Yugyeom asks, “I’ll stop if you don’t like it.”

Jeongguk shakes his head. “N-no. I like it -”

“Good,” Yugyeom says, “you’re so pretty, Jeongguk.”

Jeongguk feels his skin flushing even more, his neck red with the simple compliment, the way Yugyeom seemed to croon. Yugyeom always was so unabashedly honest, willing, and eager. They’re the same age, but Jeongguk has always been a little hesitant, and a little unsure when it comes to exploration.

With their chests touching, Yugyeom presses kisses and nips at Jeongguk’s skin, hand moving between them, and Jeongguk can do nothing but hold onto the pleasure, the pain of the ache in his fluttering heart, and the spiralling dizziness as he gasps for air. He bites on his lips and comes with Yugyeom’s name on his lips.

When he finally is able to open his eyes, Yugyeom blocks the dim light from above, and it glows like a halo around his face. His grin is mischievous and Jeongguk couldn’t help but return the grin in the haze of his high.

“I like seeing you like this,” Yugyeom whispers.

“Like what?” Jeongguk asks, words slurring.

“Happy –” Yugyeom said, “content. Acting like a boy… and not a king. I haven’t seen you smile like this in a while.”

It’s not the most eloquent of sentences Yugyeom’s ever said - but his words are sincere.

“I am both, Yugyeom,” Jeongguk says – airily, “a boy and a king.”

Yugyeom lays down beside him; he turns to his side, so they both can fit on the narrow bench.

Jeongguk closes his eyes, and basks in the sleepy, euphoric haze. He smiles again when he feels Yugyeom’s finger trace the curve of his brow and down the side of his cheek down to his jaw, where it circles over a point just above his collarbone. He starts to drift.

“Jeongguk, you can’t fall asleep here,” Yugyeom says, so softly, like he is unwilling. “You told me not to let you fall asleep here.”

Jeongguk whines, and reluctantly peels his eyes open. He launches himself upright, vision spinning as the blood rushes to his head. Yugyeom was right, they can’t stay – the staff will come knocking at his bedroom doors in an hour, asking if there was anything they can get him before leaving for the night. When he doesn’t answer and when no one can find him in his usual places in the palace, they will alert his King’s Circle. His King’s Circle will call him and he’ll have no choice but to tell them where he was. Though Jeongguk did no wrong, it would be suspicious considering how he left the meeting with the very clear intention of going to bed. He would risk the secret.

Then, as the warm and soothing feeling dissipates, the all-consuming worry returns again.

“What’s wrong?” Yugyeom asks. He is frowning, brows turning down and pulling on his handsome features. It makes him look older than the barely-nineteen that they are.

“I wish we didn’t have to sneak around,” Jeongguk whispers.

“We don’t have to,” Yugyeom says, suggestively.

Jeongguk scoffs. “You’d be willing to get caught? To be labeled as my lover?”

“Jeongguk, you know I like this,” Yugyeom says, and with his fingers still on Jeongguk’s skin he trails them down the center of his chest. “I like you.”

Jeongguk can’t help but smile, chest warming with the simple words of affection. “I… I like you too.”

“I care about you. I love you, Jeongguk,” Yugyeom continues. “Since the day I saw you hiding behind your father’s legs.”

Jeongguk giggles. He has more memories of his early childhood with Yugyeom than without.

Most of his education was conducted with tutors in private classes, especially those pertaining to his future role as King: economics, political science, human rights, international relations, and eventually military and warfare. But there were times when his parents thought it would be important for him to spend time with his peers.

Yugyeom was the son of the Keeper of the Crown Jewels and, as per tradition, he would have inherited the role. He was not born of noble blood and wouldn’t have gone to the boarding schools like many of the peerage would have. So the late king suggested instead of choosing a member of the peerage and possibly inciting conflict due to favouritism, the Keeper of the Crown Jewels’ son would attend lessons with the Crown Prince.

Yugyeom attended most of the language and arts courses with Jeongguk: Naissian history, swordsmanship, ancient Naissian, and art history. Jeongguk already enjoyed these lessons, and he began to look forward to them even more with Yugyeom. They were fast friends and Jeongguk was beginning to develop a crush on the boy.

Then the first signs of the plague appeared.

Jeongguk’s lessons came to a grinding halt. Slowly, the staff at Sol Palace began dwindling.

Until there was no one left.

It was only after the induction of his mother as Queen Regent, that Jeongguk saw Yugyeom again. The Crown Jeweller returned to do his duties, with his son in tow.

Still the shy, bright boy - but always so painfully honest.

He didn’t get to see Yugyeom often – but when he did, there was something so refreshing about their friendship.

Until it grew into more.

Yugyeom was Jeongguk’s first kiss. Yugyeom was also his second.

He grew to care for Yugyeom too. For all his honesty and eloquence. For the fact that Yugyeom remained when everyone had left him.

“Would it be so bad to be your lover?”

With that statement, Jeongguk’s breath hitches. He leans into Yugyeom’s chest, burrowing his head into the crook of his friend’s shoulder, hiding the brightening shade of pink on his skin as a sense of guilt and yearning make his chest ache.

Jeongguk knows the galleries of Sol Palace well, often as he does spend time in here to get away from everyone. He could recognize the room they were in just by the shades of colours and the blurry shapes in his peripheral vision. Yugyeom had pushed them into the Gallery of Sena, a Naissian artist who lived almost three hundred years ago. Jeongguk’s favourite piece by her is a depiction of the first meeting between Ifrit and Shiva: the clash between sun and moon. But her most famous piece is a still life painting.

He stands, staggering in the direction of the painting. His vision is a little splotchy, as blood rushes to his head, but he knows the piece and can picture it behind his eyes.

The painting is simple, depicting stunningly realistic items strewn across a low, wooden table. A gayaguem lays across the table with a mother-of-pearl inlay of a butterfly decorating the surface of the zither. In front of the instrument are several persimmons, one of the fruits cut open to display the vibrant, orange flesh. There are mugunghwa blossoms scattered across the table, lying on top of the strings of the zither, and floating down - as if blown through an open window. Jeongguk is always stunned at the realism of the piece, but he always finds the painting to be strangely intimate because of the final item: a white, nearly translucent jeogori laying over the corner of the table, as if haphazardly thrown aside.

Jeongguk stops just in front of the painting. He turns back to Yugyeom. “Do you know the subject of this painting?”

Yugyeom raises an eyebrow. He stands, sauntering over to Jeongguk with his hands folded behind his back.

“I remember studying this piece in our art history lessons,” Yugyeom says. “‘Still With You,’ circa 604 M.E.”

Jeongguk hums.

“The artist Sena had painted this gift for her friend and patron of the arts: Nari the Lion-Hearted, Queen of Naissus,” Yugyeom says.

From Jeongguk’s memories of his lessons, Nari’s reign was an unremarkable one. Beyond the few skirmishes and uprisings in neighbouring countries, there were few events that took place during the forty-three years of her rule.

But there have been stories, plays, and poems written about her love affairs. Sena seemed to be privy to many of her friend’s antics – and it seems she was also inspired by them.

It was never confirmed by either Sena or Queen Nari as to the subject of the piece, but it wasn’t difficult to deduce that the painting was a tribute to the Queen’s dearest lover, a musician known only by the moniker ‘Butterfly.’

“I always felt that the painting was a snapshot of the room they might have shared in a moment of their love,” Yugyeom says. “Can you imagine it? The Butterfly is playing the zither, while Nari cuts slices of persimmons. Perhaps that jeogori belonged to one of them, taken off in a moment of passion.”

Jeongguk lets his thoughts race with Yugyeom’s description, and for a moment he imagines it was both of them in that room instead. Jeongguk with persimmon juices running down his fingers as he hand-feeds them to Yugyeom. Then as the evening grows and the cold seeps through the open window, the want and need to be closer – to be more — becomes impossible to ignore, until clothes are removed and tossed aside. Until bodies touch and breaths intermingle.

“Why can’t that be us?” Yugyeom asks and the beautiful daydream shatters before Jeongguk’s eyes.

“Because you know how the story ends, Yugyeom.”

Queen Nari was nineteen when she met the Butterfly, the same age as Jeongguk is now. It wasn’t until later that the gossip about her relationship with the musician were made public, when the Queen was already married to her first husband for two years. The tabloids and peerage were unforgiving.

Queen Nari’s reputation as a leader was tarnished and - as unremarkable as her rule was - she became remarkable for continuing to have the Butterfly stay at her side after the revelation. Even when she was with child and when she remarried when her husband passed from tuberculosis. The Butterfly stayed by the Queen’s side for twenty-eight years - until one day, she was suddenly gone.

It was never certain why the Butterfly left - if she did leave or if she died. But it was certainly a muse for the playwrights and poets. They wrote about the tragedy that was Nari and the Butterfly’s love. The jealousy from the Queen’s husbands, the Butterfly’s shame and pain from all the scorn, and the Queen’s heartbreak when she left.

“You know that ballet? The one that we had to go watch, ‘Tiger Lily.’ It was based on the story of Nari and the Butterfly,” Jeongguk says.

Yugyeom’s hopeful and playful smile drops. “I remember that. It was so sad. I just thought that Sena’s painting was capturing the love shared between Nari and the Butterfly.”

Jeongguk turns back to the painting. “Your interpretation is sweet, but, I feel like… like Sena was capturing all that remained of their love. When all was stripped bare, when the music has faded, and the fruit and flowers will rot and wilt.”

There was a deafening silence between them, before Yugyeom’s hand finds his and Jeongguk latches on to the warmth like a lifeline. “Where does this leave us, Jeongguk?”

“I - I don’t know,” Jeongguk whispers. “Please don’t ask me to make a decision.”

Yugyeom’s smile is sad. “I would never.”

“But you know… this can’t go on much longer.”

“I know,” Yugyeom whispers. “I always knew. But I will stay with you - until you’re ready. But can I make one request from you, Jeongguk?”


“A promise I need you to keep upon your word as King.”

“What is it?”

“I know what you’re doing, Jeongguk,” Yugyeom says. “You’ve always made sacrifices for the greater good. Please know that you deserve happiness. Whatever it is.”

Jeongguk grins at Yugyeom’s soft wishes. He looks around the room, at the portraits of the great kings and queens before him - and he wonders if any of them have had love matches, or were they all arranged marriages for the sake of the kingdom and crown.

“Like you said, Yugyeom, I am King. It is my duty.”

The Talaria

Naissus, Aurea


Cha Seungwon, Earl of Fama, was sentenced to receive capital punishment for high treason.

It was announced by Sol Palace today, that Cha Seungwon, Duke of Fama, and the previous serving Lord Chancellor to the Crown, has confessed and pleaded guilty to the charges of defamation of name, espionage against the Crown, accessory to murder, and attempted regicide.

He will be sentenced to receive capital punishment in two weeks. Currently, Cha Seungwon is being held at the Royal Courthouse of Justice in Aurea.

The incumbent Lord Chancellor, Kim Namjoon, made the following statement after the announcement: “the King and the members of his King Circle and Privy Council are shocked by the confession of such betrayal. However, we are relieved that the criminal has been discovered and rightfully charged.”

Cha Seungwon of House Corvus, Earl of Fama, began his service to the Crown in the Privy Council of the late King Jeon Yeong-Hwan, then as the Lord Chancellor in the regency of Queen Mother Choi Ha-eun. His term of service as Lord Chancellor and member of the Privy Council ended following the ascension of His Majesty, King Jeon Jeongguk.

The King remains in Sol Palace at this time, though he was reported to have gone to the Royal Courthouse to deliver the sentence just forty-eight hours ago.

The Duke of Fama was arrested in his country home four days ago, shortly after the release of a scathing article in the Aurea Chronicles detailing the alleged failures of His Majesty’s King’s Circle. Neither Sol Palace nor the Lord Chancellor have made comments regarding the article at this time.

Though the article's merits have been questioned in light of recent events, there are still concerns as the war in Iaryen continues. The Orivalian Empire had stopped advances across the continent following His Imperial Majesty Emperor Park Hae-jin’s coronation and subsequent attack on the capital city, Rossarya. Some speculate that the Emperor had ceased fire to appease the gods and the spirit of the late emperor. As per Orivalian tradition, the six-month mourning period is due to end in the middle of the harvest season.

The Crown has not made any more official statements other than the decision to send a Royal Air Fleet to patrol the skies of the Floating Isles. This action was declared in conjunction with His Majesty the King’s announcement of his courting His Royal Highness, the First Prince Kim Taehyung. His Majesty had also decided to personally fly to Rossarya to ensure the safe return of His Grace, the Duke of Concordia Kim Seokjin and His Royal Highness following the attack at the coronation ceremony. Though the action was a clear message of Naissus’ strength, it appears as though the Empire did not interpret the action as open hostility.

However, as the surmounting threat of the Empire grows, there is spreading concern throughout the kingdom as to whether or not the war will reach the shores of Duscae. The general public’s opinion appears to be focused on the kingdom’s safety and the Crown's safety in light of the revelation of the internal threat. Some are urging His Majesty to take action and lend aid to Lugdunum, the last remaining independent kingdom in Iaryen.

There were seventy-nine members of the late King Jeon Yeong-hwan’s Privy Council.

Sixty-five members survived the plague and stayed to advise the Queen Regent on her rise to power. She could not create a Queen’s Circle, as she ruled in Jeongguk’s name.

Then, with the help of Namjoon, Seokjin, Yoongi, and Hoseok, Jeongguk managed to convince forty-eight council members to support his ascension to the throne.

The other sixteen members of the Council were dismissed.

Jeongguk had appointed many ministers who, at Namjoon and Seokjin’s behest, were not descendants of the noble peerage.

“If we continue to have courtiers and ministers of only noble blood, the monarchy will continue on their path of disconnect and obsolescence. The Privy Council are people who advise you, and it is important to hear the voices of all the people.”

Jeongguk couldn’t even attempt to disagree.

Upon his ascension, he appointed an additional twenty ministers.

Rarely does the entirety of his Privy Council meet – most of the time, it was ministers pertaining to the issue at hand.

Jeongguk could count, on the one hand, the number of times he had summoned the entirety of his council.

First. His ascension.

Second. The attempt on his life.

And now, Jeongguk had summoned the entirety of his Privy Council to discuss the current threat of a war and the execution of Cha Seungwon of House Corvus, Earl of Fama, and previous Lord Chancellor.

Jeongguk was having a hard time focusing. Even when he was injured a couple of months ago, it wasn’t as bad as this.

Though he tried, he was losing track of the conversation. His thoughts returned to the interrogation room, to the echoing whispers of Cha Seungwon’s voice.

Out of the corner of his eye, he could see Yoongi flicking his wrist, trying to catch his attention.

Jeongguk subtly tried to turn his head and look up at his older brother. Their eyes met, and in that split second, Jeongguk can see the worry in how Yoongi assessed him. Jeongguk tapped his index finger on the arm of his chair, a simple system that they had come up with: twice for yes, three times for no, a waltz pattern for ‘ I need to leave.

Yes. Jeongguk signed.

“What of Cha Seungwon’s close associates?” came the barking voice of one of the many Privy Councillors. Nam Kwang-soo. He held the title of Baron of Saritor, but Jeongguk couldn’t seem to remember which House he was from.

The man seemed fixated on Cha Seungwon’s betrayal. Jeongguk couldn’t even remember if Nam Kwang-soo had chosen a faction during Jeongguk’s struggle to ascend to the throne five years ago, if it was his neutrality that led him to remain here today.

He reminded Jeongguk of Cha Seungwon, tall, confident, and sharp eyes that made Jeongguk always question his actions.

“He could not have acted alone,” Nam Kwang-soo continued, and Jeongguk had to quell the urge to fidget as the man turned his attention to him. “Surely there needs to be an investigation into the members of the Privy Council to ensure counsellors and advisors are loyal to the Crown and kingdom, do you think not, Your Majesty?”

Namjoon stood. “If I may answer your question, Lord Saritor. An investigation was conducted in the aftermath of the attempt. The investigation bore no consequence, as few members of the Privy Council remain associated with Cha Seungwon, save for the Viscount of Honus, Shin Sung-rok.”

Namjoon paused, taking the time to readjust the glasses perched on his nose and button his suit jacket. “The Viscount of Honus has his position in the Privy Council indefinitely suspended for his involvement by His Majesty the King. In addition to this, the Commander General is seeing to the investigation on members of Cha Seungwon’s House. I can assure you that precautions were taken to ensure His Majesty’s safety in the midst of his Privy Council.”

“What of the other members of the King’s advisors?” Nam Kwang-soo said, his gaze turned to Jeongguk’s right, eyes narrowing at Yoongi’s standing figure beside Jeongguk’s throne. “Especially those who do not even bear Naissian blood.”

Jeongguk sat up straighter, eyes narrowing. “Need I remind you, Lord Saritor,” Jeongguk started, in a tone so low and quiet that he wondered if the outer circle in the council chambers could hear him, “Cha Seungwon was of the noble House Corvus and Shin Sung-rok from House Centaurus. Loyalty to the Crown has nothing to do with blood.”

That shut everyone up.

“The incident with Cha Seungwon has come to a close,” Jeongguk continued, “and I will not speak of it longer. I advise the Privy Council to bring up other matters. Otherwise, this meeting will be adjourned.”

He watched as Nam Kwang-soo slowly returned to his seat, and - judging by the way his shoulders seemed a little less straight - Jeongguk’s response had rattled him.

Jeongguk let the victory sit as the silence stretched.

Then he stood, rising to his feet as the fellow Privy Council members followed in suit.

“Then this meeting is adjourned.”

Jeongguk was about to turn and leave, eyes barely scanning over the lowered heads of his council until his eyes caught the gaze of one.

He simultaneously heard the resounding thump of wood against wood as their eyes met. He blinked, and then he couldn’t help but let his gaze flicker down to the tail end of the cane. Slowly, his eyes trailed up its length, pausing on the handle curved into the shape of a silver outstretched wing. The symbol of House Pegasus.

“If I may request a private audience with you, Your Majesty,” rasped the voice holding the cane.

Finally, Jeongguk looked up to meet her eyes once more.

Shin Balam of House Pegasus, Marchioness of Salacia.

This was the most senior member of Jeongguk’s Privy Council. She was approaching her late eighties now.

A woman who served in his grandfather’s council, his father’s council, and now his own.

He nodded once before turning his back to the council and placed a hand on the arm of his throne. He used the last few moments to steel his nerves as he watched the retreating figures of his King’s Circle. Namjoon managed to catch his eye and give him the faintest reassuring smile.

As Jeongguk watched them disappear, he realized that he did not see Yoongi leave. He turned around when the door closed to see that Yoongi still stood rooted to the spot, hands folded neatly behind his back.

Shin Balam was still making her way down the steps, her cane tapping rhythmically against the floor as she walked.

“I am certain that I asked for a private audience, Your Majesty,” Shin Balam said.

Yoongi straightened his shoulders, hands turning white behind his back. “I am the King’s Right Hand, Lady Salacia. It is my duty to stand by the side of His Majesty.”

“Lord Libertas,” she addressed, “I admire your loyalty to your King and brother. But it is not needed.”

Jeongguk licked his lips, and he was beginning to feel warm and sweaty.

“Go, Yoongi-hyung,” Jeongguk said softly, “I will meet you and everyone in my study after.”

Yoongi turned, lips pressed into a thin line. Jeongguk knew that Yoongi could easily argue that his presence was necessary, but instead he reluctantly lowered into a bowed, “by your leave.”

Jeongguk waited until the doors closed behind Yoongi before turning to Shin Balam. He gestured to one of the seats on the main floor, moving to sit on the throne.

“Please, sit, Lady Salacia.”

The woman smiled ruefully. “You know better than to offer a chair during a private audience.”

“I - uh -”

“Was concerned about this old woman? Worry not, I may be aging, but I can stand for the duration of this conversation.”

Jeongguk swallowed and nodded, trying to breathe and stop his cheeks from flushing as he regarded the most senior member of his Privy Council.

She looked the same as Jeongguk remembered when he first met her at nine. Rarely did she speak up in these meetings, so even Namjoon balks when hearing her voice. She stood before Jeongguk, both hands resting on the winged handle of her cane in the image of perfect composure.

“You have seen the reports about the Orivalian Empire’s movements?” she asked.

Jeongguk nodded.

Shin Balam pulled a neatly folded piece of paper from her blazer pocket. “An air fleet was seen mobilizing on the coastline of Estemery, heading towards Galatea,” she read. “The fleet was suspected to be headed there to quell the so-called rebellion.”

Jeongguk frowned, “How do you know this?”

“Your Majesty, my granddaughter-in-law is your Foreign Affairs Minister.”

“Ah.” He had forgotten. Seokjin’s cousin, Kim Ah-Young, married Shin Balam’s grandson a couple of years ago. He was not surprised that the information had travelled to Shin Balam’s ears. Both were in his Privy Council, after all.

“I also know that there are reports that the Orivalian Empire has sent another fleet to monitor their borders with Aquileia, apparently fearful of a revolt there.”

This was not new information to Jeongguk. Hoseok had provided the reports from the Foreign Affairs briefings daily over breakfast.

“The events at the Emperor’s coronation had stalled most movements,” Shin Balam continued, “but now, the Empire is returning at full, and it seems as though they are intending to meet Lugdunum’s call for war.”

She put her papers down. “What I would like to bring to the discussion today, Your Majesty, is how much aid you plan on lending Lugdunum.”

Jeongguk crossed his legs, folding his hands in his lap. He felt the rising tension in his chest, his heart beating louder in his ears, his fingers trembling. He had sent a proposal to the King of Attalia to use the 3rd Naissian Royal Air Fleet for transporting medical supplies to Lugdunum, the King had agreed and did not question why Jeongguk chose a more passive response. Upon his promise to Yoo Su-hwa, Jeongguk could not openly declare war on Orivala yet – but sending medical supplies was a humanitarian response. Jeongguk had already sent the orders to Hoseok and his Foreign Affairs Minister.

“Are you sure that’s what you wanted to know?” Jeongguk asked softly.

Shin Balam raised an eyebrow.

“Lady Salacia, as you said, you are the grandmother-in-law of my current Foreign Affairs Minister,” Jeongguk said. “She would have been aware of my plans to aid Lugdunum. Just as you were aware of the information regarding the current movements of the Orivalian military.”

“You never cease to surprise me, Your Majesty,” Shin Balam said. “You’re right, I came to discuss this alliance with Attalia.”

“The alliance with Attalia will remain and continue to do so,” he said resolutely. “I think we can agree upon the fact that the continued sovereignty of the Floating Isles is in Naissus’ best interest.”

“I do not argue that, Your Majesty,” Shin Balam started, “I merely question your intentions in courting His Royal Highness, the First Prince.”

Jeongguk blanched - what was his intention? His thoughts continued to race – stupidly – he could remember the conversations with his King’s Circle months ago - nearly half a year ago.

His fingers were frozen. The weather was too cold for his light summer clothes, especially in the old room used for Privy Council meetings. He needed to discuss with his valet to switch to his fall wardrobe. His thoughts were racing. Jeongguk swallowed and licked his lips.

What were his intentions?

He remembered the words that he had said months before.

Does he want his son to rule beside me as my Prince Consort? Does he want me to take his son as a lover? As a – a mistress?

“I fail to see the relevance,” Jeongguk finally said.

Shin Balam turned, walking across the room and gently placing a hand on the surface of one of the tables.

She turned back to face him. “I was your age, perhaps just a little younger, when I witnessed the political upheaval in the fall of the Imperial House of Corkedamia. The last reigning King of House Lluvia bore no heirs, nor did he have any siblings.”

“His death led to the collapse of the Corkedamian monarchy and a bloody fifty years of war and anarchy, before the House of Lindless rose to power. It ended House Lluvia’s 197 year reign – short and inconsequential in comparison to House Cepheus’ thousand year dynasty.”

Jeongguk didn’t realize how hard he was clenching his hands together until he saw his knuckles had turned white. He felt the dread rising in his stomach, his breaths were a little short. His mouth was dry and Jeongguk knew - he knew - where this was going, but he didn’t have the heart or the courage to speak it outloud.

“Your Majesty, you have no heir,” Shin Balam said. “It is imperative that you produce an heir lawfully begotten.”

Lawfully begotten.

An heir born in wedlock.

Which would mean his marriage to someone that wasn’t Taehyung.


Jeongguk tried to swallow and speak through the lump in his throat, “Should something happen to me, the throne will be passed to the duch*ess of Hespera – ”

“And should something happen to Her Royal Highness?” Shin Balam interrupted. “Not to mention the scandal Her Royal Highness was involved in two years ago. What makes you think she would be able to produce heirs?”

Jeongguk stood. His chest heaved.

Shin Balam watched, returning to the center of the room again with her hands atop her cane. “It is your duty as King to secure the legacy of House Cepheus and such legacy cannot continue if you take His Royal Highness as consort.”

His ears were ringing. All Jeongguk could feel was a sinking dread, like the moment just after falling, where the pain and shock make it difficult to understand the extent of the injury. When the only thing the body and mind wants to do is not move - reject the pain. He turned around, raking a hand through his hair and scrubbing at his face. Trying to distract himself with other feelings rather than the pricking in his eyes and overwhelming fear in his chest.

“Your Majesty, I have served three generations of this proud and ancient monarchy – my family even longer,” Shin Balam said. “You may be free to choose who to court, but you cannot take a consort without consulting with your Privy Council first. Your King’s Circle may have encouraged the courtship and potential marriage to secure the alliance with Attalia – once even I might have. But we are entering unprecedented times. War is coming. ”

Jeongguk couldn’t help it, he let the words spill from his lips. “Haven’t I done enough?” he whispered. “Can I not be afforded the right to love who I want and to name who I want to be my consort?”

Shin Balam seemed to falter, just for a moment, with Jeongguk’s broken sincerity. The hardness in her eyes shattered for a millisecond. “For the sake of the Crown and the kingdom that your father, grandfather and the great Kings of Old had sacrificed so much to protect, you cannot.”

Jeongguk had fallen. The damage had been done, and he could no longer slough off the pain. It hurts and hurts, and in that hurt was one simple and even more excruciating thought: why does the kingdom matter if he cannot have Taehyung?

Then as soon as the thought came, he threw it aside. No. No. He was King .

“You know it is not unheard of for a sovereign to take a lover,” Shin Balam said.

It was then that a delirious laugh fell from his lips. Jeongguk had to rein in the raw anger from spilling out. “Are you suggesting that I take His Royal Highness the First Prince of Attalia as a lover?

“The First Prince of Attalia who relinquished his right to the throne, not to mention the supposed illness that took his sight,” Shin Balam said. “This way he can secure the alliance and you get what you want.”

Jeongguk exhaled. He collapsed back into his throne, arms thrown haphazardly over the chair. He no longer had the energy to appear composed before her.

“Your struggles are not new, Your Majesty, many have suffered and struggled in the same internal battles. But the outcome always remains the same. For the sake of the country and the people and your Royal House, the Crown must always come first.”

“Thank you. Lady Salacia,” he said flatly, “I appreciate your council. I will take what you have told me into consideration.”

The old woman nodded firmly. She knew when she was dismissed.

She lowered into a curtsy, “By your leave, Your Majesty.”

The words on the tablet blurred together, and Jeongguk was sure he had tried reading the same page at least three times after some attempt to stop the dry, burning pain in his eyes and dull the ache on the left side of his head.

He had taken some painkillers already, and the tears that made streaks down his face were from the eye drops.

It helped, but Jeongguk knew the causes of his ailments.

Lack of sleep. Too much caffeine.

He didn’t need Seokjin to diagnose his stupidity.

He closed his eyes, waiting for the smarting burn to subside before picking up his tablet and trying to read the same paragraph for the fourth time.

He gasped when it was yanked out of his grip, jerking backwards hard enough that his chair started rolling into the wall.

Hoseok stood on the other side of his desk, one hand braced on the King’s desk, the other holding the tablet. Yoongi stood by the threshold of the study, arms crossed. Both of them were dressed in soft sleeping shirts and sweats. Yoongi wore a white hoodie that Jeongguk knew didn’t belong to him.

He didn’t have the energy to question his older brother tonight.

“Yoongi-hyung, Hoseok-hyung,” Jeongguk started - his voice was thick and his tongue dry. He licked his lips, wincing as the crusted edges caught. “Is something wrong?”

“You should be asleep,” Hoseok said. His voice was lower and softer than the usual loud, commanding tone – but somehow, in the dim light of the desk lamp, it sounded more foreboding to Jeongguk.

“I have a meeting in the morning with my ministers to discuss the economic priorities of Naissus and Duscae in the light of this impending war.”

Yoongi stepped into the room, arms still crossed. “It is almost morning.”

Jeongguk knew that. He kept glancing at the clock every five minutes.

“I have to go over these documents,” Jeongguk said through his teeth. He didn’t like where this was headed. “I’ll go to sleep when I’m finished.”

He reached up to take the tablet just as Hoseok took a step back, raising the device out of reach. His eyes darted over the screen, finger flicking through the digital pages. “This is an economic outlook report,” he said flatly.

Yoongi stepped close enough to read over Hoseok’s shoulder. His eyes narrow at the screen. “A six-hundred paged economic outlook report, and you are on page two hundred and fifty-three.”

Jeongguk reached forward again, “I’m not tired right now. I’ll take a nap tomorrow after the meeting.”

Hoseok stared incredulously.

“Namjoon told me he heard you were up at 2 AM yesterday for a run around the estate,” Yoongi said.

“I couldn’t sleep,” Jeongguk replied. It was half the truth. He just didn’t want to sleep.

“And then the night before that?” Hoseok chimed in. “The staff informed Yoongi-hyung you were up at ungodly hours, and you missed breakfast with us.”

“There was a last-minute meeting with the Minister of Foreign Affairs. The Ambassadors of Corkadamia and Ashua are coming. I had to make preparations. Hoseok-hyung, please give me back the tablet,” Jeongguk said, growing more frustrated as the conversation continued.

“And you needed to prepare at 4 in the morning?” Yoongi pushed.

Hyung, I am not a child,” Jeongguk said through gritted teeth. He stood and forcefully ripped the tablet out of Hoseok’s grasp.

The movement was fast – violent – and as soon as his fingers touched the cold metal, he dropped it.

Jeongguk’s vision swam, and he felt suddenly breathless - skin suddenly cold and not his own. He felt himself swaying, knees ready to give out.


Yoongi swore and reached over the table to grasp Jeongguk’s elbow and steady him. Jeongguk leaned on the table, eyes closing as he swayed and waited for the dizziness to dissipate.

“He might be faint; get him sitting down.”

He didn’t notice that Hoseok had rounded the table until the older man had pushed him back into the chair, then guided him to folding himself over his knees. He could hear Yoongi and Hoseok talking – their voices muffled by the ringing in his ears.

“Should we call Seokjin-hyung?”

“Give him a moment. Is there anything sugary to drink in the fridge?”

He heard rustling sounds. Beneath his eyelids, he could see swirls of grey, and he tried to focus on his breaths, praying that the swirls didn’t suddenly turn black.

“Just - keep breathing, Jeongguk,” he heard Yoongi say.

“Here, I found some orange juice.”

“Jeongguk, do you feel like you can hold down some juice?”

He focused on two more breaths before placing his elbows on his thighs and pushing himself just a little upright. His arms were shaking from the exertion.

He felt something press against his lips. A straw.

“Jeongguk, the sugar will make you feel better.”

Three more breaths through his nose, and then he took a tentative pull. Then another, until he was gulping mouthfuls of tart orange juice - and he couldn’t stop until he reached the end.

Then he took a few more breaths before the dizziness dissipated.

“Were you feeling ill today?”

“No, just now. I just felt dizzy. I’m okay. Just give me a minute.”

“Did you have dinner?” Yoongi asked. “You told us that you weren’t eating with us.”

Jeongguk wanted to nod but knew that he would instantly regret it. “Seokjin-hyung brought me some kimchi jiggae.”

“Have you been drinking enough water?” Hoseok asked softly.

“Mostly coffee,” Jeongguk replied honestly.

He heard Yoongi let out a loud, exasperated breath. Once the spots in his vision calmed down, he chanced to open his eyes. Hoseok was standing beside the side table where the coffee machine sat, along with a full pitcher of water.

Hoseok didn’t speak until he returned with both the pitcher and now a filled glass. He placed it in front of Jeongguk, who took it and downed it without protest. The headache lightened – and when Jeongguk licked his lips, it did not feel like a desert anymore. He reached for the pitcher and poured himself another glass, taking it slower this time.

“Thank you, Hyung.”

Yoongi fell into the chair on the other side of Jeongguk’s desk.

“Jeongguk, why are you doing this?”

“Because we all have too much at stake,” Jeongguk mumbled. It was a mantra he had told himself over and over the past several days. “We have to deal with the international aftermath of war breaking out in Lugdunum, a kingdom which is a large producer of hydropower, fish and forests in the Chesos area. How are we going to deal with the economic effects of that?”

“Jeongguk, how is Naissus going to deal with anything if her King takes ill? Or worse?” Yoongi said flatly. “Your health and well-being take precedence.”

Hoseok hummed in agreement. “Everything will still be here in the morning. Please go to sleep.”

“Or is it something else bothering you?” Yoongi pressed.

Finally, Jeongguk gave in – as he always did when it came to them.

“I can’t sleep, Hyung!” he yelled. “I can’t sleep. When I close my eyes, I dream about him .”

He can see Hoseok’s expression visibly fall – his eyes grow watery –

On the other side, Yoongi leaned forward, arms crossed again. The stern thin line of his lips turned into a frown. His eyes were harder –

Jeongguk was familiar with how his family reacted to his emotions.

Hoseok took them on, enveloped them and felt them as his own.

Yoongi held the emotions close – and used them to fuel his anger at the cause.

“Cha Seungwon?” Yoongi hissed.

Jeongguk felt himself flinch at the name.

“Jeongguk – are you doing this because you are scared you’re unworthy as a king?” Hoseok asked. “Your entire reign proves him wrong.”

The Commander General grabbed the tablet where it had fallen on the table.

“Naissus’ economy continues to grow,” Hoseok said, brandishing the tablet as if it was proof. “The average per capita income of the people continues to grow and – and Naissus is famed for the continued industry of technology and development.”

“The education rate continues to climb, and mortality rates due to illnesses have exponentially decreased since your father’s reign,” Yoongi added. “The kingdom is stable – your government is stable. Cha Seungwon was wrong, Jeongguk. You are a worthy and good king.”

Jeongguk exhaled in a rush – skin flushed as Yoongi and Hoseok reassured him with such ferocity.

But they misunderstood.

No. It was not Cha Seungwon that kept him awake.

He had dreamt about Cha Seungwon, but Cha Seungwon came to him in both his sleep and waking hours.

He was learning to ignore Cha Seungwon’s cruel words, learning that the words were born out of malice and attempts to hurt him, not truth.

“He will be dead soon anyway,” Yoongi said, almost spitting the words, “he’ll never be able to hurt you again.”

“No, wait,” Hoseok said softly. His brows furrowed as he regarded Jeongguk’s expression.

“All you said was him …” Hoseok’s voice trailed off. “It’s not Cha Seungwon that keeps you up, is it?”

Yoongi also caught on. “If it’s not about Cha Seungwon… then – ”

Taehyung,” Hoseok finished.

Jeongguk buried his head in his hands.

It was Taehyung.


Taehyung who he yearned to touch, for the way everything all but faded when Taehyung was under him. For the way the smell of lavender still lingered in his room – still lingered on the side of the bed Taehyung had slept in.

“It is about Taehyung,” Yoongi said, though Jeongguk’s silence should have given it away.

“He asks about you,” Hoseok said. “Constantly asks Seokjin to remind you to eat and drink. He asks me to tell you to sleep - he probably saw this coming.”

Jeongguk’s heart sank.

He wasn’t wrong.

“Jeongguk – did something happen between you two?”

Jeongguk scoffed, and he felt the headache returning tenfold.

The last he spoke to Taehyung was the afternoon before the Privy Council meeting. Four days after he had met with Cha Seungwon in the Courthouse.

Taehyung tried to visit during the evenings, sometimes even staying the night. Jeongguk fell asleep to the lullaby of Taehyung’s breaths and the taste of lavender on his tongue.

It has been two weeks since the Privy Council meeting.

He had managed to avoid his rooms until late into the night, even going as far as asking his staff if there were any visitors to his chambers.

The guards at the door had told him that the First Prince came by and waited. But left when Jeongguk did not return.


He sat up, swallowing around the lump in his throat. “Nothing happened – not really.”

Both Hoseok and Yoongi waited.

“I… need to have heirs,” Jeongguk said slowly. “For the sake of the Crown.”

Yoongi frowned. “Why is this suddenly a worry?”

“I had a conversation with Shin Balam.”

Yoongi shifted uncomfortably. “The old woman? She is older than anyone in the Privy Council. Her opinions are outdated. You know that.”

“But they are not wrong,” Jeongguk said. “House Cepheus is the undisputed Royal House of Naissus. We just - I - was almost killed by a man I trusted because he couldn’t use me as a puppet. If I had died, he would have gotten to Ji-eun-noona.”

Yoongi paused. “Cha Seungwon underestimated Ji-eun; she wouldn’t have let him use her.”

“So he would try to kill her too,” Jeongguk said, already coming to the same conclusion. “And then move on to the next heir until he finds someone in the line of succession who he can control. None of those distant members of House Cepheus would foresee coming to the throne. It would have been easy then.”

“So Shin Balam told you to marry to produce an heir?” Hoseok asked.

Jeongguk didn’t need to answer.

Yoongi swore. “What of the alliance with Attalia?”

“We are already in an alliance, Hyung. We cannot afford to lose Attalia to the Empire. Not after what Taehyung had told us. Park Hae-jin would only use Taehyung’s powers to further his ambitions. Protecting Taehyung - protecting Attalia - is going to ensure the safety of Duscae and Naissus. The King of Attalia has agreed upon it, we both have so much to lose if this alliance does not work,” Jeongguk reasoned.

“So a marriage is unnecessary to secure the alliance,” Hoseok concluded.

Jeongguk nodded, he closed his eyes. “But - Shim Balam suggested that if I desired him so much, to take the First Prince of Attalia as a lover. She seems to believe that it would be an honour.”

“It is not an honour, though,” Hoseok murmured, “Those who bear the title of lover or mistress are looked down upon. It would be scandalous – ”

“The Attalian King would not accept it,” Yoongi said. “Taehyung may not be Crown Prince anymore – but he is still the First Prince of Attalia, and Blood of the Oracle - it would be disgraceful. Even if Taehyung himself wanted it.”

“I can’t do that to Taehyung. And I don’t want him as a lover,” Jeongguk said resolutely. “I want him at my side as my consort. A king is supposed to have a queen, right? Is that so wrong of me to want that?”

Yoongi shook his head. “No, no, it’s not.”

“So - yes, I am avoiding him,” Jeongguk admitted, “because I don’t want to tell him. Because how do I tell him that?”

No one spoke – and he knew that they felt this as much as he did.

The first night he slept without Taehyung – he dreamt of him. He dreamt of Taehyung’s ice blue eyes, but more often than not, he saw the pretty muted brown. He dreamt of a wedding ceremony in Attalia – at the Palais d’ Etoile that Taehyung painted images of in his mind, where they stood together in a field of flowers with the sounds of crashing water. He dreamt of a future with Taehyung at his side, sitting on a throne beside his own – of declaring Taehyung as his Prince Consort.

But when he woke – he was alone.

Taehyung had left things behind in Jeongguk’s rooms. A cane sitting up against the wall just by the door to the chambers. A flower arrangement on the coffee table in Jeongguk’s sitting room was made up of vibrant red and pink blooms that morphed into warmer, fire orange and dark autumn foliage.

He hadn’t the heart to allow the staff to remove them yet - despite the fact that they had begun to wilt.

And the ever-lingering scent of lavender.

He felt the tell-tale prick of tears in his eyes - he had spent too much time crying. By the Six - he was tired of crying.

“And you know what I keep failing to remember? The reason why Park Hae-jin even got involved, why he decided to conspire with Cha Seungwon was because he wanted Taehyung for himself.”

“For his gift.”

Jeongguk couldn’t help but laugh.

Jeongguk couldn’t even reason that he wanted to protect Taehyung for those reasons. He had forgotten about Taehyung’s blessing - about the fact that Park Hae-jin had suspected and coveted such a gift. He wanted Taehyung – for just that, because he wanted Taehyung.

“I risked the security of the kingdom and the Crown for him - and I still can’t help but want him.

“Perhaps… tomorrow… you should arrange to speak to Ji-eun.” Yoongi suggested, finally speaking up in the silence.

“Why?” Jeongguk asked.

“Just - trust me,” Yoongi said, “speak to Ji-eun. Then – then speak to Taehyung, honestly. Tell him everything - it will be difficult, but Jeongguk, you must speak to him. I know you are trying to protect him, but it is not a decision you have to make alone.”

“Okay, Hyung.”

“Okay, let’s get you to bed,” Hoseok said, gently guiding Jeongguk to his feet.

“I’m going to go make you a cup of valerian tea,” Yoongi said, “then we’re going to stay with you tonight.”

Jeongguk slept through the next morning. Both Yoongi and Hoseok ensured that the king was not disturbed and then turned off all his alarms. Yoongi also made a point to cancel all of Jeongguk’s meetings.

When Jeongguk finally woke up, he felt groggy but much more well-rested than he had in a while.

As per Yoongi’s request, Jeongguk sent a text to Ji-eun, asking if she could join him. She was not staying at Sol Palace, instead, she was staying at Caelum House in the city, one of the Crown’s official residences.

Noona, could you come for a visit?

Stay for dinner?


Are you alright?

Yoongi-hyung advised that we chat about something.


I’ll see you this evening then.

He slowly took the rest of the morning into the afternoon, much slower than the past couple of weeks. But he still found himself wandering to his study. The economic planning with his ministers was cancelled this morning - but not indefinitely. It still needed to be done.

He was just settling into the lull of reading on his tablet again, when there was a knock on his study door. He was expecting Yoongi and Hoseok again – perhaps even Seokjin, who heard about his near miss. But instead, he saw Jimin.

“Your Majesty, Lord Park Jimin,” the guard greeted and announced.

Jeongguk stood.

He remembered the last time he failed to communicate with Taehyung; the Crownsguard was quick to show his anger.

But when Jimin entered, Jeongguk thought fury would be on his face. Instead, it was a tired, almost anxious expression. The pretty silver-grey that he had dyed his hair into had faded into a dull blonde, and instead of the usually clean outfits of dark slacks and well-fitted tops, Jimin wore sweatpants and a loose shirt.


Jimin quickly bowed, turning to ensure that the guard had left and closed the door before speaking in a rush.

“Jeongguk, I understand you have been… under pressure, but may I ask to borrow your study this afternoon?”

There was a franticness in Jimin’s tone. “I just - we need a secure room to conduct a private meeting with the King of Attalia. Taehyung had a vision – I just – I feel unsafe in other rooms speaking about what he saw.”

Jeongguk’s heart dropped, “Of course. I can arrange for a secure line through to Marsylle immediately.”

Jimin raked a hand through his hair. He was shifting his weight from one leg to another - restless. “Not Marsylle. The King is in Ravenna, the Hôtel la Demi-Lune. It’s a… townhouse in the city.”

“The King is not staying at the palace?”

Jimin shook his head. “The Palais du Étoile does not have networking for communication.”


“It… it has something to do with the palace being sacred. There is little to no cell phone reception. We can barely get the electricity to work half the time. The Hôtel la Demi-Lune is often used as the headquarters of the Crown’s operations while the King is staying in Ravenna.”

Jeongguk nodded, “I’ll have my secretary arrange a line through to Ravenna then.”

Jimin nodded and seemed to relax a little as Jeongguk went to his desk to contact his secretary.

The Royal Secretary stated that it would take him fifteen minutes to connect. With that, Jimin’s anxiety seemed to diminish, and with it, his restlessness fell away as he took a seat on the sofa's armrest.

It was then that Jeongguk chanced to ask. “Is he… is he okay?”

Jimin sighed, “He’s tired from it. Seokjin-hyung is with him - just to monitor vitals.”

Seokjin was with him, and for that, Jeongguk was grateful.

“What was the vision about?”

Jimin’s eyes flickered back and forth, one hand grasping tightly onto his phone. He bit his lip – like he was wondering if he should tell Jeongguk.

“Taehyung saw his sister sitting on the throne.”

It took Jeongguk a moment to realize the gravity of the situation.

“It could be in the far, far future,” Jimin said, “she is Crown Princess, and she would one day take the throne. But in Taehyung’s vision…she didn’t look much older than she is now. We are warning the King – perhaps to look into his own health – perhaps there is something we could prevent with medical check-ups. She could be standing in his place while he recovers.”

Jeongguk nodded, and he too began to feel the disquiet in his chest. His secretary stepped in and notified him that the secure line had been set up for a conference call to the Hôtel la Demi-Lune. An urgent message was sent to the King of Attalia, who would be arriving at the townhouse shortly.

“My Lord, it may take some time for the King to arrive; perhaps I can show you how to use the conference system while we wait? I understand the need for confidentiality during the meeting,” the Royal Secretary said.

Jimin stood, “Please, I would be grateful for the assistance.”

Jeongguk took a step back, “My secretary will walk you through it…I’ll leave so you can have some privacy.”

Jimin swallowed hard, turning to Jeongguk distractedly.

“Thank you, Jeongguk.”

Jeongguk left the room, closing the door quietly behind him. He hovered by the door, resting the back of his head against the wood. His thoughts began racing again with questions that he won’t be able to answer now. So instead, he tried to turn his attention to what he’d do with his free time.

Ji-eun would not be coming to Sol Palace until the evening, he had no meetings to attend, and there was no way he’d be getting any work done right now. He did not have the energy or the inclination for games or working out. So suddenly, he found himself wandering the halls of the palace, until he stopped in front of a set of familiar white double doors.

Taehyung’s rooms.

Seokjin often spoke with a calm and collectiveness during meetings and his role as a physician, but there were times when he allowed himself to let go of that professionalism. Jeongguk cherished those times when Seokjin’s voice was louder, and the inflections of his tone more playful. He could hear Seokjin’s voice inside now, loud and playful.

Jimin did tell him that Seokjin was here. He could knock, he could request to speak to Seokjin as an excuse so he could catch a glimpse of Taehyung, just to see if he was well. But he was too much of a coward to face Taehyung now.

So instead, Jeongguk walked away, and he kept walking until he found himself in front of the doors of the Royal Gallery.

It had been a while since he came to the galleries to hide. The doors still groaned and screeched when he opened them.

It was dim, and though there were skylights, there was little sun was left in the late afternoon during the autumn months. But Jeongguk did not bother to turn on the lights when he came in.

Something about the dim light made the paintings and sculptures around him feel so much more alive.

Real. And sometimes, he would sit here and imagine what it would have been like to have been part of these paintings, to have lived during the times of these kings and queens of old.

Jeongguk flinched at the sound of the doorknob turning, he opened his mouth, ready to dismiss the staff. He just wanted a little more time alone.

But instead, he watched as the door opened, and Ji-eun appeared on the other side.

She had come earlier than he expected.

Her eyes easily found him. The bench was in front of him, and yet he chose to sit against the wall, legs sprawled out in front of him.

She let the door close behind her before walking toward him.

His cousin was dressed more casually than usual, in a loose white button-down and light-washed jeans. Elegant, of course, with her hair down and a pair of heels. Her shoes clicked across the hardwood floor, and Jeongguk had to look up once she stopped before him.

“Can I join you?” she asked softly.

He nodded and brought his legs up to his chest, wrapping his arms around his knees.

Ji-eun sat down on the floor beside him, legs stretching out.

“How did you find me?”

“Hoseok-oppa told me,” she said. “He said you were feeling unwell since last night, so he asked one of the staff to keep an eye on you.”

“Are they looking for me?” Jeongguk murmured.

Ji-eun shook her head.

“Your King’s Circle knows you’re here. Everyone else knows you are somewhere in the palace. You wouldn’t leave the grounds without notifying someone,” she said.

Jeongguk hummed.

He turned away from her, staring at the ground for a moment. He knew he asked her to come, but he wasn’t sure exactly what Yoongi had meant when he suggested that to Jeongguk. But he knew Ji-eun wouldn’t push, not until he was ready.

“What an interesting choice of painting you have chosen to admire,” she started conversationally.

Jeongguk glanced up again, remembering the portrait he had chosen to sit down in front of.

It was by a Vesontian artist known for his portraiture of royal subjects. This piece depicted the crowning of the Prince Consort Chang Iseul to Queen Jeon Yeong-mi. The 56th Queen of Naissus. She was one of Jeongguk’s great ancestors. She restored Vestonio’s sovereignty and in exchange, the Vesontian royal family agreed to a marriage alliance to secure the bloodline and so the next heir of the Naissus held the interest of both nations.

Jeon Yeong-mi married the second youngest of the ruling family.

Even then, the soon-to-be queen’s consort was ten years older than she.

Coronation ceremonies of the consort were solemn affairs in Naissus. Queen Jeon Yeong-mi, was thirty-one at the time of her coronation as sovereign and thirty-three when she had decided to take a husband. She looked young and small with the Queen’s Mantle draped over her shoulders and pooling at her feet. Or at least young in the portrait’s depiction of her.

Her husband was forty-three then.

Jeongguk recognized the ceremonial sword. He remembered how heavy it was in his own hands during the rites of the Blood Oath and during his own coronation.

In the painting, the man, soon to be Consort, knelt before Queen Yeong-mi. The blade of the ceremonial sword rested on his right shoulder. Beside them, stood the High Priestess of Six, hands folded and mouth open. Jeongguk had already imagined the scene play out before his eyes, he had seen the clips of his father’s coronation and his mother’s subsequent investiture as consort.

He remembered the oaths his mother had sworn. They were similar to oaths sworn in their marriage ceremony: the oath of loyalty to each other and to uphold the laws to govern the nation.

“Do you think they ever loved each other?” Jeongguk asked her as they stared at the painting.

Ji-eun pulled her knees to her chest, wrapping her arms around her legs. She rested her chin on the tops of her knees.

“The history books don’t say much, do they?” she murmured. “I would like to think they loved each other. After all, Queen Jeon Yeong-mi and Prince Consort Chang Iseul ruled for thirty-seven years after they wed. Until his death. She never remarried. That must mean something, doesn’t it?”

“Maybe,” Jeongguk mused. “Or by then, perhaps she just… gave up on the idea of love.”

Ji-eun moved out of the corner of Jeongguk’s eyes. She folded her legs under her as she shifted in front of him. Jeongguk unfolded himself, sitting cross-legged, waiting for what he thought was a lecture.

“Do you remember Lee Hyun-woo?” Ji-eun asked softly. Jeongguk clasped his hands together uncomfortably with the sudden shift in topic. Speaking of Lee Hyun-woo with Ji-eun was the equivalent of speaking of Lee Sunmi with Hoseok.

“I do,” Jeongguk said carefully.

Jeongguk remembered that at twenty-years old, he was King of Naissus and Head of the Royal House, as such he was solely responsible for the welfare of his kingdom and the honour of House Cepheus. So it was his duty to deal with the aftermath when a tabloid released blurry images of the twenty-three-year-old duch*ess of Hespera leaving one of the finest hotels in Aurea with an unknown man.

The man did not stay unknown for long, and soon, Jeongguk’s sources and the media were able to discover that the man was named Lee Hyun-woo. A violinist in the Royal Naissian Philharmonic Orchestra. An artist with no money, no reputable education, and no noble blood. The media quickly judged the relationship and the princess’ decision – some even compared the relationship to that of Queen Nari and the Butterfly.

Jeongguk’s Privy Council was also relentless, Shin Balam had come to him then too and given him the ultimatum: ‘The duch*ess of Hespera has sullied the name of House Cepheus with a scandal. She cannot court a man without noble blood. To protect the name of House Cepheus, the Council suggests a suitable match be made for Her Royal Highness.”

An arranged marriage.

He couldn’t do that to Ji-eun.

Instead, he had sent her to Ashua for six-months with the public statement that the duch*ess of Hespera will use the time to reflect on her actions while studying the culture and language. It was a lie, Ji-eun was always well-versed in Ashuanic, and she had written a thesis on the urbanization of cities in Ashua. But Ashua was small, and unlike the other kingdoms in Duscae, Ji-eun would remain relatively unknown.

She did not argue then, and accepted Jeongguk’s request with grace. It only took two months for the uproar to diminish, and by the time the six-month sentence was over, it was almost forgotten. Ji-eun returned to Naissus without fanfare, and she soon left to Rossarya to serve as the Naissian Ambassador to Orivala.

She never brought up Lee Hyun-woo again — and Jeongguk didn’t either. It was strange that she decided to bring him up now.

“You… never really spoke about him before,” Jeongguk said.

“Not many people asked and… and frankly…” Ji-eun started, with a gentle smile. “I didn’t know what to say then.”

Jeongguk licked his lips. “How… how did you meet?”

“We met at the Melpomene Concert Hall. He was performing Thalia’s Concerto of Lilacs with the Royal Naissian Philharmonic Orchestra.”

Ji-eun’s smile grew a little wider, a little pained with the memory. “I was invited to meet the musicians backstage. He didn’t even know who I was when we first met. So, he invited me to join him and the other musicians at a lounge. I said yes.”

Ji-eun closed her eyes. “When he found out that I was royalty, he was flustered, but still treated me no differently. He still asked me out to simple dates: the cinema and coffee. Sometimes, late at night he’d text me asking if I wanted to meet him at a food stand for snacks.”

She laughed at that and when Jeongguk looked up at her, she wore a smile that Jeongguk had never seen on her. It reminded him of the ache in his stomach after eating too many sweets – a pain that accompanies the fleeting pleasure.

“I think that’s why I fell in love with him,” she whispered. “I had these daydreams where we got a little apartment together in Aurea, close to the Opera House so he didn’t have to commute far.”

She opened her mouth, like she wanted to continue, but stopped herself. That same smile returned. Bittersweet pain - and it will not cease until it is felt.

“I even went as far as thinking about forgoing my titles and inheritance.” Ji-eun continued. “I might have…if you had listened to your Privy Council and arranged a marriage for me.”

Jeongguk swallowed through the lump in his throat. “I wouldn’t, Noona.”

“I know that,” she said. “I never got to thank you, for what you did for me. I was young and I made a decision that could have ruined my reputation and instead of forcing me to marry, you let me have a career that I always wanted. It must not have been easy to defy the Council's advice.”

“For what it’s worth, I’m sorry, Noona.”

“Don’t apologize for what is out of your control, Jeongguk,” Ji-eun said.

“You deserve to be happy and to - to have love.”

“And you don’t?”

Jeongguk closed his eyes and banged his head against the wall. “I must put the Crown first,” he said, looking down. There was a tired resignation in his tone. A deadness that Jeongguk didn’t even realize was there – he had given up. “It was what I was born to do.”

“I called Yoongi-oppa earlier today – your text sounded ominous,” she said softly, hesitantly like a confession. “He told me about the private audience with Shin Balam-ssi.”

Ji-eun paused, and for a moment all Jeongguk could hear were their breaths.

“You love him, don’t you,” she whispered. “The First Prince?”

Jeongguk was grateful that he had closed his eyes, for he could feel the tears pricking at the corners again.

I don’t know what to do ,” he managed. “For the kingdom, for the Crown - Ji-eun, I cannot imagine marrying someone else – ’

“My dearest cousin,” she murmured. Ji-eun opened her arms and pulled him into a hug. Jeongguk fell into her lap and let her comfort him as he lay there, her hands running through his hair the way his mother used to do. It was soothing and Jeongguk felt the exhaustion of the past couple of weeks accumulating.

“All I have ever done was what I thought was right, what was expected of me,” Jeongguk muttered, “to become King, to keep you and Yoongi-hyung and my family safe, to protect my kingdom…all I ever wanted was to marry some I love – why can’t I have this?”

“...Jeongguk,” she started hesitantly. “What if I told you, there is a way?”

He sat up quickly, “What do you mean?”

“Do you know Lee Joon-gi of House Lupus, Marquis of Caelus?”

Jeongguk did. Lee Joon-gi was a member of Jeongguk’s Privy Council.

He remembered one dinner with the older man. When Jeongguk was but a Crown Prince battling for ascension when he was half the age of this Privy Council member, a man who had served both on his father’s and his mother’s council.

Lee Joon-gi was stoic, but soft-spoken. He had promised his vote to support Jeongguk’s ascension, and then resigned from the position shortly after, stating that he only wanted to stay to ensure that the throne ended up where it rightfully belonged. He then ended his career in the politics of the monarchy in exchange for managing his estate.

“I remember him,” Jeongguk replied.

“I… met him during one of Joongmo’s charity galas,” Ji-eun said softly. “Just… a year ago. He had already retired from his political career. But he enjoys the charity work that Joongmo does. He wants to contribute more of his resources to her work. I’ve been away in Rossarya, but… I kept in touch with Lee Joon-gi ever since.”

“We did not do public meetings,” she continued. “And if we met, it was at Stella House, or I would take a discrete vehicle to Coccineum Manor. We… spent a lot of time in each other’s company. He likes listening to me recite Galatean poetry and… I like watching him practice his Vestonian swordsmanship.”

There was such a wistfulness in her tone, a gentle giddiness that Jeongguk had not heard in his cousin’s voice.

“Noona, I don’t think I’m following you.”

“Jeongguk, Lee Joon-gi asked for my hand in marriage.”

Jeongguk didn’t have words to speak. And then what stumbled out of his mouth was: “He’s… much older than we are.”

Ji-eun laughed.

“Is that all you have to say, Jeongguk? Age is but a number. You know all of us are mature beyond our years.”

“I - I -” he stuttered. “Did Yoongi-hyung know?”

Ji-eun’s smile was sheepish. “I told him during your birthday celebrations. But… with everything that happened, I did not have the chance to ask your permission.”

“What. Noona, what do you mean? Permission to what?”

“I am asking for your permission to allow me to marry Lee Joon-gi,” she said. “It would not be an advantageous marriage on my part, but it would be a respectable match.”

“Ji-eun-noona, I don’t - I can’t live if you sacrifice –”

“Jeongguk, the weight of the Crown and the duty to House Cepheus is not yours to bear alone. I am a princess. I, too, carry the blood of the Kings of Old. I am not sacrificing anything. I was already planning on telling you. Yoongi-oppa knew,” Ji-eun said.

“Yoongi-hyung knew?” he whispered. “You told him?”

She nodded. “He… told me about his past history with arranged marriages in Attalia.”

Jeongguk was surprised by that. Though Yoongi undoubtedly cared for the woman that was his cousin by name, he was still quite reserved about his history. But Jeongguk could understand why Yoongi would tell Ji-eun. He, perhaps, had the most intimate experience with arranged marriages.

“Yoongi-oppa spoke me both as the King’s Right Hand and as my cousin,” she started. “On one hand, he said as the King’s Right Hand, he would strongly advise and support the union. It would alleviate the pressure on you, as King, especially if I were to have a child soon….But as my cousin. Yoongi-oppa hoped I wasn’t being pressured by the council and by expectations to rush into a union that would end in mutual misery.”

Jeongguk’s head was spinning. It was all too much to take in. He saw in Ji-eun’s eyes and the way she sat that she was comfortable and open to his questions, expected them even. Perhaps there were some more practical questions he could have asked her, but there was only one that bubbled up.

“Do you love Lee Joon-gi?”

Ji-eun’s smile was soft.

“He’s… kind. Stoic. He spends so much time in his work - but so do I - and he will not hold me back from serving the Crown in the capacity that I chose.”

“Noona - do you love him?

“I care about him,” she said. “And I know he cares for me. What more can I hope for?”

“For love, Noona,” Jeongguk argued.

“And what should love be if not caring for one another?”

For the comfort that their presence brings in the darkest of times. For the simple and sweet solace in their companionship, even in moments of silence. For the ache that his touch induces, the burning embers left on skin.

Ji-eun turned back to the painting. “Lee Joon-gi is good with children. I think he will make for a good father… and I would want children, Jeongguk. Children who could be heirs, should you not have your own.”

“Are - are you sure, Noona?”

She nodded. “I am sure.”

“Then… I give you permission?” he said hesitantly. “I promise to support the union and I will personally announce your engagement as soon as the news of Cha Seungwon’s – his execution dies down a bit.”

She grinned. “Of course.”

Jeongguk licked his lips, “It would be celebratory news, and the kingdom would be glad to celebrate after everything that happened.”

He thought about the announcements, the state dinners Sol Palace would have to host with this royal engagement and then the wedding, the investitures he would give to Lee Joon-gi upon his marriage into royalty. Would Lee Joon-gi re-join the political sphere, and would Ji-eun return to Rossarya to continue her role as ambassador?

Upon her marriage, the Privy Council would be more involved in her life. They would question if it were safe for the Princess. Jeongguk would fight for it, though – if Ji-eun wanted to continue her role as Ambassador, he’ll fight for her.

“Jeongguk,” Ji-eun said, placing a hand on his shoulder. “I can see you are thinking much further ahead than you need to. Slow down. You – have you even thought about what this means for you?”

What does it mean for him?

Jeongguk frowned.

Ji-eun’s smile was fond. “You haven’t,” she concluded.

She was right.

Jeongguk hadn’t really thought of the implications. Everything still felt like a dream.

Then –

Ji-eun would have children. She wanted to have children and heirs lawfully begotten.

The throne would be safe.

Jeongguk would be free to marry who he wanted - he could ask for Taehyung’s hand in marriage.

He could ask for Taehyung’s hand in marriage.


It did not take him long to find Taehyung - after asking the palace staff where the First Prince might have gone - it was always the gardens.

He found Taehyung lying in the grass – it was one of the still-warm afternoons in the autumn months. He wore white – as he did when they first met - as he always favours.

He paused –

Taehyung’s eyes were closed - chest rising and falling evenly, hands laced over his stomach.

Beautiful - so beautiful in the way the sun casted shadows over his eyelashes and a golden glow over his skin.

Jeongguk stepped a little closer – just until he knew Taehyung could hear his footsteps.

Taehyung shifted, rising onto his elbow as he turned.

There was a slowness to his movements - a lethargy that Jeongguk knew came with the fatigue of his visions.

“Jimin?” Taehyung called, quietly, then a short phrase of Attalian came.

“It’s Jeongguk,” he blurted. Taehyung bolted upright, twisting around until he was facing where Jeongguk’s voice came. Eyes flying open.

“Jeongguk,” Taehyung whispered.

He didn’t know what to say - didn’t know how to start.

Taehyung too was at a loss for words - and Jeongguk tried to focus his attention - eyes lingering on the exposed skin and curve of Taehyung’s collarbones over the open collar of his shirt.

Finally, Jeongguk spoke. “Have you been well?”

Taehyung finally moved - unfreezing to move to his feet, wobbly at first until he rose to his full height - hands loose at his side.

“Jimin told me,” Jeongguk continued softly, “was… there any more news?”

“...No,” Taehyung answered. “Jimin sent a report to my father earlier this morning. They are in Ravenna, preparing for the autumn festivals. It’s evening in Attalia now – nothing has happened as of yet. Jimin returned to our chambers - to see if he could catch Jennie for a private conversation.”

“You are both welcome to use my study.”

Taehyung’s smile is hesitant – forced. “I don’t want to impose anymore.”

Jeongguk’s stomach sank- and a horrible feeling filled his thoughts like white noise.

“Impose?” he repeated numbly.

Taehyung licked his lips. “I am blind, Jeongguk. I am not a fool.”

The words ached and stung like a fresh cut.

“I know you have been avoiding me.”

Taehyung continued, “I don’t know if it was something that I had done wrong, or if it was merely the nature of this relationship that cannot go on any longer.”

Jeongguk reached out, fingertips barely brushing against the back of Taehyung’s wrist before the prince took a step back. Air rushed out of his lungs. All this time – while Jeongguk was pondering his own decisions - he had failed to recognize how much it tore at Taehyung.

And it hurt him to have known he hurt Taehyung.

Taehyung - please - it is not anything you have done. I —”

Taehyung smiled again - the same forced grin and his lips quivered. “I don’t resent you, Jeongguk. Whatever is the reason or the cause of your decision. I will respect it – but – ”

“Taehyung - ”

“Let me finish,” Taehyung said - perhaps just as breathlessly. He raised his eyes – as if searching for where Jeongguk’s might be.

“Please let me finish before my courage deserts me - ”

He swallowed loudly - and Jeongguk watched as he balled his hands into fists.

“I - I -”

It seemed for once - the First Prince was lost for words.

“When I came to Naissus, I hoped to secure an alliance to save my family and kingdom from the coming war. You know the state of affairs currently - and now my father has come to terms that he has no choice but to become involved and lend aid to Lugdunum. He will end Attalia’s centuries-old history of neutrality and pacifism in attempts to stop the Orivalian Empire. Park Hae-jin will retaliate. I - I don’t know when or how - but I know that my father will somehow be… incapacitated or - ” he stopped.

Taehyung’s eyes began filling with tears – and the unspoken words were plain.

“My sister will have to step in as - as regent or - as Queen. She will do well - but she is young and - and does not have the military experience necessary for war.”

“I know you are a man of your word, Jeongguk,” Taehyung said slowly. He lowered to one knee, bowing his head.

“Taehyung - ”

“I implore you to please continue lending Attalia your aid. In return – ”

Taehyung’s voice broke. “In return, I give you everything that I am.”

Jeongguk could not even respond to that.

Taehyung lifted his face up to the sky.

Jeongguk could see the smile transformed - a soft smile - it felt breathless - it felt helpless - like succumbing to a water’s pull.

“Use me,” Taehyung said softly, “use my gift to protect Naissus - to further Naissus’ ambitions if you so wish. I trust you not to abuse it.”

Jeongguk shook his head. “I - I don’t need your gift.”

Taehyung’s smile faltered.

“I don’t want to use you – you’re not a tool or a weapon, Taehyung.”

“Then I have nothing to give you - ”

“Your love,” Jeongguk blurted. “Your affections.”

“You already have my love. Jeongguk. My affections - my everything! I promised you I would stay for as long as you will have me.”

“I want you always.”

“Then why did you avoid me?” Taehyung finally shouted. “You avoided me for nearly a month. I -”

“Taehyung - I -”


Jeongguk jumped - it was Jimin’s voice. Loud and abrasive – and there was an edge to his tone that was veering on a roar.

Taehyung also jumped at the sound, whispering Jimin’s name under his breath.

Jimin was sprinting - and Jeongguk saw Yoongi beside him - he’s never seen his brother run so fast.

Jimin reached Taehyung first, ramming into him and speaking in Attalian.

The words are too fast - but Jeongguk can catch a couple of names: Ravenna, Jennie, Ji-hyun.

Then Yoongi reached him -

“Jeongguk, Ravenna was attacked by the Empire. The Palais du Étoile was hit. The King, the Crown Princess, and Jimin’s brother were caught in the explosion.”

Ravenna. Jennie. Ji-hyun.

The Empire had attacked Attalia.

This meant war.


New Characters
Nam Kwang-soo
Title: Baron of Saritor (Roman God of Hoeing and Weeding)
Position: Member of the King’s Privy Council
Age: 54

Lee Joon-gi
House: Lupus (The Wolf)
Title: Marquis of Caelus (Roman God of Theology, Iconography, and Literature)
Position: Former Member of the King’s Privy Council
Age: 40

Shin Balam
House: Pegasus
Title: Marchioness of Salacia
Position: Member of Jeongguk’s Privy Council
Age: 87

Author’s Note:
1. I love the concept of still-life vanitas paintings.
2. 604 M.E. (Modern Era) - year was chosen because Jeongguk released Still With You on June 4th, 2020.
3. The Talaria - another newspaper in Aurea, name comes from the winged sandals worn by Hermes, the Messenger God
4. The painting of Queen Jeon Yeong-mi was heavily inspired by The Accolade by Edmund Leighton and The Coronation of Napoleon by Jacques-Louis David.
5. Caelum House (Latin for Heaven)
6. Hôtel la Demi-Lune - this is a grand townhouse as per the French meaning of the word hôtel
7. Thank you kicksomeacid, for beta-reading! Your suggestions are AMAZING and you KICKASS at catching my abundant grammar mistakes. :)

Please leave a comment! A little encouragement goes a long way, and I would love, love, love to hear what you guys thought of the story thus far.
Come talk to me on Twitter or ask me questions on Curious Cat.

With Love,

Chapter 21: interlude: charmolypi


χ α ρ μ ο λ ύ π η [charmolypi]

(n.) “joy-making sorrow,” a missed feeling of happiness while being sad



(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

chapter twenty-one
i n t e r l u d e : χ α ρ μ ο λ ύ π η

Jimin has always considered Turnesol Manor to be his first home. His memories of the ancestral house are faint and vague, but his earliest image of his parents is in the backdrop of Turnesol Manor, as are memories of his siblings. His second home was Château de Marsylle. Jimin spent most of his adolescent years and celebrated many key milestones of his young life at the palace. His investiture as a Crownsguard. His coming of age. His dearest friend taking the blessing from the Mother Goddess. Then, Jimin moved to his third home, the Palais du Etoile. At first, Jimin hated the Palais du Etoile. It was always cold in the ancient castle. A chill that came and went like the heat of the autumn months, hot during the day and cold enough at night that even during the summer, there was always a fire in the hearth. Technology rarely worked and electricity constantly cut in and out, and most of the time, Jimin was forced to use oil lamps. The waterfalls that surrounded the palace on all sides created a constant song of white noise – so much so that when Jimin returned to Marsylle the silence was jarring. But the rush of waterfalls made it easier for Taehyung, helped him become less sensitive to the sounds and to the stimulation overdrive of all his other senses that the loss of his vision came with…and for that, Jimin was grateful. The months after Taehyung took the blessing were rife with uncertainty and unease. But there was something comforting about the palace with its crashing waterfalls and dim connection to the outside world. And it always smelled of chrysanthemums. The gardens were filled with the blossoms. Jimin and Taehyung had made the palace their home, even after the period of Taehyung’s convalescence. In the past three years, Jimin can count on his hands how many times they returned to Marsylle. Taehyung’s appearances in the Sky City always caused a stir with the paparazzi. Each time, it is a reminder that the whispers of the title “Blood of the Oracle” have not died. But it is said in simple reverence, a prayer and hope that it was a blessing that has caused the beloved First Prince to lose his sight and not an illness that had once swept the land just beyond Attalia’s borders. Taehyung’s control of the blessing is growing. Still, he is learning, but it no longer cripples him with every vision. Then, with that slow build in strength came the return of Taehyung’s determination that led him to such a decision. Protect House Chrysantheme. Protect Attalia. Stop Park Hae-jin and the Empire’s advances. “Your Royal Highness, My Lord,” the footman greets as they both stop in front of the Small Council Room. Taehyung’s grip on Jimin’s forearm loosens as he steps forward, walking stick sliding across the stone floors. “Has anyone else arrived?” Taehyung asks. “Her Royal Highness and Lady Jisoo are inside sir,” the footman answers. “I have been told Their Majesties, the King and Queen, will be coming soon.” Taehyung nods his thanks just as the footman opens the doors and announces their presence. Jimin has to squint as the reflected rays of sunlight fall over him. The Small Council Room within the Palais du Etoile is a dome of glass and the only part of the castle that isn’t surrounded by waterfalls. Instead, it perches on the edge of a cliff and, on some days without the fog and mist of clouds and water, it's possible to see the city of Ravenna below. In the center of the room is a round table surrounded by high-back wooden chairs, two of them with backrests carved in with the intricacy of a crown. On either side are statues of the two goddesses – the Mother and the Crone – looking down to the center of the room as if they are the final judges of all decisions made at the table. The Small Council Room was once the heart of the monarchy, where all orders and laws were made. It is said that the Maiden had stood in this very room and decreed that she would give up her immortality to stop the war amongst the gods. Jimin finds it foreboding for Taehyung to ask to meet here. Across the room sits both of their sisters. The Crown Princess of Attalia is leaning against the windows, arms crossed as she stares out over the city. Her Crownsguard stands across from her, head turning with the creaking door. Jennie turns only when the footman announces their arrivals. Her steps grow louder as she approaches. Taehyung stands and waits until the crescendo of her clipping heels stops, then lowers into a bow before the Crown Princess. Jennie nods at the gesture and waits impatiently for Taehyung to straighten to his full height and open his arms for a hug. She wastes no time burying her head into her brother’s pearl white cardigan. She twists her head to the side, and offers Jimin a warm smile. “Jimin-oppa.” Jimin bows, placing his hand over his heart as he bends. “Jennie.” Out of the corner of his eyes, Jimin spots Jisoo dip into a respectful curtsy for the First Prince, though he couldn’t see her. She murmurs a soft greeting before turning to smile at her brother. Jennie takes a step back, smile falling as she stares at her brother, her gaze travelling up and down, as if searching for an injury. “Are you well?” she asks. “It has been a while since we last came to Ravenna,” Jisoo says. “Even longer since we attended a meeting at the palace.” “I’m fine,” Taehyung says. His smile remains soft, eyes still closed as he reaches to find Jennie’s hand. “Truly, Jennie. There is nothing wrong, but…there are some matters that I wanted to discuss that require some discretion.” “Did you have a vision?” Jennie asks, her voice lowering to almost a whisper, despite everyone in the room already knowing of Taehyung’s gift, and the few employed at the Palais du Etoile sworn to secrecy. “Wait until Eommoni and Abeonim are here.” Jennie pouts. All three of the royal siblings knew how powerful their pout was when it comes to getting what they want. But Jennie’s puckered lips turn into a sad smile when she realizes that her brother won’t see it. She inhales sharply and then ducks under Taehyung’s arms around her, hooks both hands around an elbow and pulls him with her towards the window. Jimin watches as they pass him, turning away as he hears Jennie launch into the beginning of a story of the latest non-political event that she attended. While the siblings catch up, Jisoo slides over to Jimin’s side. Jimin hadn’t seen his sister in-person since her knighting as Crownsguard nearly three months ago. She dyed her hair since, deciding on a vivid shade of purple, perhaps attempting to draw attention away from the Crown Princess, who will be coming of age soon. Unlike Taehyung, who thrives under the spotlight, his sister was weary of it from the start. Though Jennie does well to mask her discomfort, Jisoo’s actions give the tabloids something else to write about other than scrutinizing each and every move by the Crown Princess. “How are you?” Jisoo asks softly. “It’s been a couple months since we last saw each other.” “Do you miss our spars?” Jimin asks, “or how often we bicker?” Jisoo rolls her eyes. “I don’t think anyone misses our fights, least of all Ji-Hyun.” Jimin giggles. Their youngest sibling somehow was the most mature of the three of them and always had to be the referee when Jimin and Jisoo had their spats. “How are things in the Sky City?” Jimin asks. She sighs, turning around to lean against the edge of the table. “Jennie has been running headfirst into her duties as Crown Princess and juggling the royal patronages that Taehyung-oppa used to manage. But it is becoming too much, and now the King is suggesting Mingyu take over some of the duties.” Jimin hums. This isn’t new information to him. Taehyung had already received the reports of his father’s plans for the Second Prince’s formal debut into society. It was unavoidable, even if Taehyung did not take the blessing, Mingyu would eventually have to play his part. But they all had hoped that they could shield the youngest prince and his Crownsguard at least until they both were of age. “There was barely any downtime in the past couple of years,” Jisoo continues. “I… knew that my life and Jennie’s will always be public. But… we were never prepared for this kind of publicity.” “It is a great deal of responsibility that rests on your shoulders, Jisoo,” Jimin says. She shakes her head, glancing over to where Jennie and Taehyung stand. “Jennie bears most if not all of the weight. I am happy to stand at her side.” Jimin follows her gaze. Both the siblings are sitting with their backs against the windows. Taehyung rests his head against the glass and if it weren’t for the subtle nods as he listens to Jennie’s story, it would look like he was asleep. Jisoo turns back to her brother, her lips pressed into a thin line before she speaks in a low voice. “Ji-hyun does miss you, Oppa… and Eommoni and Abeoji worry about you. It is a heavy burden you bear, as Crownsguard to the Blood of the Oracle.” “The burden is not mine. It is his,” Jimin says quietly. “I just hope I am ready for what’s to come.” She lifts an eyebrow. “What’s to come?” Jimin’s smile is rueful, “I can’t say much…but… it is the reason why Taehyung called for this meeting.” He can tell Jisoo wants to ask him more. But then the double doors open again and the footman enters, bowing as he announces: “His Majesty the King, Her Majesty the Queen, and His Lordship, the Marquis of Chataigne.”

Jimin straightens, standing at attention as he lowers his head. Out of the corner of his eye he sees Jennie stand with Taehyung at her side, hand tucked into the crook of her elbow as they approach their parents. Jimin raises his head just in time to see the queen reaching out for her eldest as he lowers into a bow.

It always surprises Jimin to see the royal siblings next to their parents. Jennie is the spitting image of the King’s sharp features save for her lips which held the soft curve of the Queen’s. Taehyung has his father’s eyes but all the soft beauty of his mother. The youngest prince couldn’t make it, it seems, still attending boarding school in Marsylle, but all three of them inherited their father’s sharp tongue, and their mother’s intelligence.

The queen places a hand on her eldest son’s cheek. Taehyung’s eyes flutter open with the contact but then close once more as he leans into the touch.

Her eyes are sad.

Taehyung had told Jimin that upon taking the blessing and recovering from the near-drowning experience, the King had many things to say and he had openly expressed his fears with Taehyung while his mother remained silent. But Jimin can see it now in her expression: a sorrowful pride as she holds her son.

“You changed your hair,” she says.

“He looks good with blond hair, doesn’t he?” Jennie says.

“I was always known for changing my hair, wasn’t I?” Taehyung says, as he playfully ruffles the back of his head, “Perhaps it will give the paparazzi something different to write about other than my blindness.”

The Queen frowns. “Are you coming to Marsylle for a visit? We can arrange discrete transportation, your visit doesn’t have to be public. We could go to Avinhon instead.”

“I am not coming just for a visit, Eommoni,” Taehyung says. “I’m returning to Marsylle to fulfil my duties as First Prince and as Blood of the Oracle.”

Jimin was prepared for the silence and shock that comes with such an announcement. Taehyung, too, and he gives his parents little reprieve. He gestures behind him, in the general direction of the round table.

“Let’s sit, I have some news,” Taehyung says. He reaches for his mother, fingers grazing the sleeve of her coat dress. Jimin remains standing and waits until the royal family have taken their seats before he steps around the table to sit at Taehyung’s side. He passes by his father, who follows the King like a shadow. Park Jin-sun is the same age as the King of Attalia, and the years are beginning to show in the salt and pepper of his hair.

Only after Jimin and Jisoo have taken a seat, does Taehyung begin.

“It has been nearly three years since Park Hae-jin came to Attalia. Since then, Orivala has continued on a path of war and expansion. We know Galatea will surrender in the war led by Park Hae-jin as general.”

The Queen nods. Jennie crosses her arms, eyes sharp as she focuses on her brother’s words. This isn’t new information. Taehyung had a vision about Galatea’s fall weeks ago. A declaration by the kingdom that the Czarina was murdered and they were now under the Empire’s reign.

“With Galatea’s fall, only two coastal kingdoms are stopping Orivala from taking over the entire continent of Iaryen and gaining access to the Offing Sea,” Taehyung continues. “Then nothing will stop Park Hae-jin from coming for the Floating Isles.”

“Park Hae-jin is not Emperor,” Jennie argues, “and Emperor Park Min-jun has never shown any interest in the territories beyond.”

Taehyung exhales slowly. The discomfort Jimin has been feeling manifests in his stomach, dull nausea that has been growing until now, where it sits in the back of his throat.

His Majesty, Kim Daeshim of the Divine House Chrysantheme, King of Attalia, has been quietly listening, and now, he leans forward, fingers lacing together. “You had another vision.”

“I had a vision of Emperor Park Min-jun’s passing,” Taehyung announces. The King’s fingers turn white, and the Queen releases a breath like she was hit in the stomach. Jennie covers her mouth with a hand.

“I had the vision yesterday afternoon. I’m not sure how he passed. I only saw the announcement in a press address by Park Hae-jin in front of the Citadel of Rossarya.”

“Do you know when?” Jennie asks.

“There were blooming azaleas. So it must be spring in Rossarya,” Taehyung says.

“Half a year from now,” the King says, “assuming it is soon.”

“It might,” Jennie adds, “there were reports that the Emperor has been experiencing a decline in his health.”

Taehyung’s visions rarely involve the clear prediction of someone’s death. It’s always worse when Taehyung sees a death he could stop. But the passing of the aging Emperor seems unavoidable. Six months is not a lot of time.

“The Emperor only recently announced his decision to remain in power,” Park Jin-sun says, “if his health was declining, wouldn’t he have abdicated?”

“Park Hae-jin is the Crown Prince and heir apparent to the throne. He is currently making a name for himself as a military general,” the King says. “The Emperor could be delaying his abdication to sit on the throne while Park Hae-jin expands the Empire's territories on what he calls a religious crusade.”

“When Park Hae-jin inherits the throne, he will continue,” Jimin says, “he will not stop until he has all of Iaryen.”

“He will want Attalia. Whether to acquire for pride or power or… because he believes he can harness the gifts of the Goddesses. We cannot prevent Emperor Park Min-jun’s death, but we can deter the new Emperor from attacking Attalia. Ever. By creating alliances.”

The King’s brows raise. This is not the first time that Taehyung has brought up alliances.

“Attalia does not form alliances, never throughout our history. Forming alliances will fundamentally change our people’s way of life, economics, politics, and sociopolitical standings with the world.”

“Yes, but if we don't, war will change it for us,” Taehyung argues. “Abeonim, we live in an era of airships and weapons that will reach us in minutes. Attalia is no longer safe simply because we are the Floating Isles. The Mother Goddess will not be able to protect us, nor will the Maiden’s gift.”

“I agree with Taehyung-oppa,” Jennie says, “The feats of the Mother Goddess have protected Attalia for many centuries, but science and technology have progressed, and if we do not take action, our sovereignty will not survive.”

The king’s lips press together into a tight line. “Alliances come with risks,” he starts. “What happens if Taehyung’s blessing becomes public knowledge?”

“It might be too late,” Jennie adds. “Already there is talk and gossip about Taehyung-oppa's supposed illness. You have heard the name already spoken. Blood of the Oracle. Though it may be blind faith in Attalia, it provokes gossip all over the other kingdoms. It would be political intrigue if knowledge of the blessing were to come out in conjunction with Attalia’s sovereignty being challenged –”

“It already jeopardizes the safety of House Chrysantheme,” Taehyung finishes. “And what is the point of protecting House Chrysantheme if Attalia is to fall?”

The King turns to face his Queen.

“Our son was given a powerful gift that would be frighteningly destructive in the wrong hands,” the Queen says. “If someone like Park Hae-jin were to discover the rites of such blessings – neither Jennie nor Mingyu would be safe. We must consider alliances.”

The King sighs and nods to himself. “If Attalia is to engage in an alliance, it should be for military might.”

“There are few kingdoms that the Empire has not touched,” Park Jin-sun says. “Those that are left do not have a military force powerful enough even to oppose the Empire, let alone protect Attalia.”

“Then we consider across the Offing Sea, to Duscae,” Taehyung says. “Specifically, the Kingdom of Naissus.”

Jisoo leans into the conversation. “The King of Naissus is young,” she muses.

“And, from what I know, an eligible bachelor,” Taehyung adds.

Another silence befell the room. Jimin can feel the mist's thickness – it clings to the stillness.

“Are you proposing a marriage alliance?”

“It is the most binding,” Taehyung says, “and can ensure the utmost discretion should the information of the blessing come forth.”

“Taehyung, your sister is too young, and she is Crown Princess. She cannot go to Naissus to forge an –”

“Your right, Abeonim. Jennie should remain here in Attalia by your side to learn and support you. Besides, it is common knowledge that the King of Naissus prefers men.”

Jennie sits back in her chair, crossing her arms as she huffs. “This is what you meant by returning to Marsylle: you were planning on returning to public life.”

Taehyung smiled, head turning towards the sound of his sister’s voice.

“And why do you propose Naissus?” Park Jin-sun asks. “There are five kingdoms across the Territories of Duscae. Naissus is the most uninvolved in international affairs. Not to mention the illness that destroyed the kingdom over a decade ago. What is it that they have to offer?”

Taehyung pauses, taking the time to cross his legs and fold his hands in his lap. “The 97th King of Naissus, Jeon Jeongguk of House Cepheus, came to the throne at the age of ten when his father passed in the Naissian Plague. His mother ruled as regent in his stead until he turned eighteen and ascended in his own right. To my knowledge, he is the youngest king to ever sit on the throne of Naissus without a regent.”

“I’ve heard he’s been in power for about four years,” Jennie says. “He’s twenty-two now. He’s younger than you.”

“Age doesn’t define ability, Jennie. Our Jimin is the perfect example of that.” Taehyung says. “I did my research. King Jeon Jeongguk has appointed Kim Namjoon, Duke of Auriga, as his Lord Chancellor – the youngest Lord Chancellor in Naissian history. The average age of the Naissian King’s Circle is perhaps half that of your Privy Council, Abeonim. Yet, in four years, Jeon Jeongguk has revolutionized airship technology. The Royal Naissian Air Fleet is the largest in the world.”

“And for what purpose?” Taehyung continues, “Not for warfare the way the Empire is, but to improve the lives of his people and those within the Commonwealth. He has not made any inclination toward wanting to use the air fleet to further Naissus’ power, wealth or land. Instead, he uses it to ensure resources are delivered to remote villages in the kingdom and to lend assistance and border protection to the Territories….I believe he would do the same for his allies.”

“What will we have to offer in return?” the king asks.

“Unrestricted access to our skies.”

“That is a coveted resource,” Jennie says, “Naissus will be able to transport their goods from Iaryen faster and more efficiently.”

“And,” Taehyung starts, “should he prove trustworthy and kind, access to my gift.”

“No,” the King snaps. “That’s too much of a risk. What if he turns out to be like Park Hae-jin.”

“I am aware of the risks not only to myself but to my family and country. I can be a judge of character, Abeonim.”

“The blessing was meant to protect Attalia.”

“If Naissus is an ally, then it would be in our best interest to protect them, too,” Taehyung protests. “We could be asking them to go to war.”

“What makes you think he will even agree to marriage?”

Taehyung doesn’t answer right away. Jimin watches as Taehyung fiddles with the corner of his cardigan, then digs his fingers into the fabric.

“I can’t imagine him disagreeing to at least a friendship between the kingdoms.”

The king exhales once more. “When the Emperor passes, the throne will remain vacant as per the mourning rites for six months. We have a year, maybe less, to secure an alliance.”

“I am prepared to go when I have been granted permission,” Taehyung says.

Jimin watches how the stern and composed features of the King melt, the fierce line of his lips falling. He turns to Taehyung, who sits patiently, waiting for his father to speak.

“I mourn for what you have already sacrificed, Taehyung,” the King murmurs.

Taehyung’s smile is tender. “It is my duty, Abeonim. For king and country.”

As they get older, it is easy to forget that the King is also a father. But it is clear now as Kim Daeshim’s eyes water as he gazes at his son. “It shall be decreed.”

Taehyung nods. “Thank you, Abeonim.”

“I will only make one request, Taehyung,” the King says. He stands and everyone at the table is quick to follow suit. The King goes around the table to stand before Taehyung, placing a hand on his shoulder. “Stay in Marsylle for a week before you go. Mingyu misses you.”

Taehyung’s grin is full and bright.“Of course, Abeonim.”

“I will go now. It will require some time to draft the request to the Naissian King.”

“By your leave, Abeonim.”

“By your leave,” Jimin echoes and he watches as the King sweeps out of the doors. Jimin’s father pauses in front of him. Park Jin-sun squeezes his son’s shoulder as he passes and gently pats his daughter on the head as she slides by. Their father’s smile is small, but like Jimin’s and Jisoo’s, it curls into his eyes.

“Take care,” Park Jin-sun says to both his children before following the King out the doors. However, the Queen remains.

“Eommoni?” Taehyung questions, after Jimin tells him that the Queen has not left.

“Come sit with me,” she says, beckoning to both her children as she sits down again. Jennie is quick to move closer to her mother’s side. She sits on the arm of the king’s chair, turning to watch Taehyung navigate around the table, hand brushing the tops of the chairs until he touches the crown-like carving. He sits beside his mother.

“Is something wrong?” he asks.

The Queen reaches for Taehyung’s hand. She holds it, quiet for a moment before she speaks. “Tell me more about the King of Naissus.”

“I told you about him.”

“No, Taehyung, not his achievements. Him. Who is he? What does he like to do? What were his past relationships?”

“...There was nothing in the media about his past relationships… of any sort. The tabloids tell me he’s handsome…. And he enjoys swordsmanship. He is kind to his mother and visits his father's grave often – a filial son. He sounds like a respectable match.”

“Respectable? But what about love,” the Queen asks.

“How can I think of love when my home, my family, is in danger?”

“It is not wrong,” she says, “remember the book you always asked me to read, ‘ Quand Fleurissent Les Chrysanthèmes.’”

Taehyung smiles.

“You were obsessed with it,” Jennie says, moving to perch on the table. “If you weren’t in the gardens, you’d be in the conservatory with Halmeoni – and she’ll be reading it to you.”

Jimin remembers those days. The conservatory gardens in Marsylle always held a variety of flowers. It was often the Royal Family's job to tend to them rather than the staff. The Dowager Queen often spent time there with her daughter-in-law and her son when he had the time.

Then as Taehyung and his siblings grew older, she began to have them come too. Jennie - though skilled – much preferred the libraries, and as she started her duties as Crown Princess, she did not have much time. Mingyu preferred the outdoors, like his Crownsguard.

Taehyung loved the conservatory, and as his grandmother grew older, much of the physical labour fell on him and Jimin as they accompanied her to the greenhouse. She would read to them while they worked. Taehyung had asked for the story of the Gardener and the Maiden at least three times in Jimin’s memory. The novel was not short, but an epic tale of their life and the strife that came with it.

Jimin was almost sure that Taehyung could recite it by heart.

“What was one of the lines again?” Jimin teases, “You are the sunshine beaming into my life again?”

“You’re the one who brought the morning dawn to my eternal nights with no end to be seen,” Taehyung recites.

Jisoo sighs, she leans forward onto the table, using her arms as a pillow. “It is a romantic tale.”

“But tragic,” Jennie says quietly.

Jimin can’t deny it. Though the tale of the Maiden and the Gardener is known as the greatest love story in Attalian history, it’s also one filled with tragedy. Their love could not last and it was doomed before it started.

The story is told by the child of the Goddess of Death, Despair. They follow the life of the Gardener from the moment he met the Maiden, to their marriage and his coronation as Prince. The Maiden then gave birth to a son, he who would one day become the Dynast King. She was supposed to die in labour, as that was the fate decided by the Goddess of Death. But she did not, and the imbalance had angered the Crone who demanded payment in exchange for life. The Mother Goddess would not allow for the Crown to take her child’s life and between them, a war amongst gods was brewing. The Maiden knew that such a battle would destroy her kingdom, and as such, she sacrificed her life to prevent the war.

“I don’t know Eommoni,” Taehyung says, “if I’d want a love as great as that of the Gardener and Maiden, if all I had left of it was the company of Despair.”

Jimin often found Taehyung sitting by the window alcove of their guest apartments at Sol Palace, perhaps because the ambient noise reminded the First Prince of home. A large hawthorn tree grew just meters away from the castle. It flowered during the first months of Taehyung and Jimin’s stay, the room always faintly smelled of the spicy, white blossoms. During the rainy season, the leaves muted the sounds of rain pelting the window into a constant, lulling rhythm. Now, as autumn slowly fell into winter, the leaves turned colours and faded away, and the air through the open window was crisp and earthy.

In the first weeks of their stay, Jimin would wake up in the early morning hours disoriented because the constant chill made him think they were at the Palais du Etoile. He would find Taehyung asleep in the alcove, curled under the blankets, while the open window let in a cold breeze through the room. He would try to gently coax the prince awake, just enough to convince him to stand and sleep in a bed. But oftentimes, Taehyung couldn’t be persuaded.

“It’s too quiet in the bedroom,” Taehyung would say, “I like hearing the trees and the rain. It helps me sleep.”

Sometimes, Jimin wondered if Taehyung was telling the truth. Taehyung didn’t sleep well on the nights he chose to lay in the alcove. Those moments made Jimin acutely aware of Taehyung’s homesickness. It made him miss Attalia too.

As time passed, Jimin noticed that Taehyung spent fewer nights in the alcove. Thus, Jimin’s stomach twisted when he returned from the secure call with the Crown Princess of Attalia to find Taehyung sitting in the window alcove.

Taehyung had a throw blanket draped over his legs; the window was open just a crack and Jimin could already feel the chill from where he stood. Taehyung’s eyes were closed, and he leaned against the wall behind him. But Jimin could see the subtle shift in the First Prince’s chin when the door shut behind him.

“Any news?” Taehyung asked. His words were slurred together when he spoke, and his voice was rough.

He was tired.

Jimin licked his lips. “Nothing yet. Jennie said that she and your father would stay at the Palais du Etoile until the end of the Harvest Festivals.”

“That’s almost four weeks.”

“The King does not want to return to Marsylle so suddenly, not when members of the noble houses are coming to Ravenna for the festival,” Jimin answered. “Jennie did manage to get him to agree to have a physician come to the palace for a preliminary examination. But most of the tests will have to be conducted in Marsylle.”

“I guess that’s all we can do,” Taehyung said, pulling his lower lip between his teeth.

“Are you well,” Jimin asked quietly, “You didn’t eat much this morning.”

Taehyung shook his head. “I’m not hungry, just a little tired.”

Jimin knew that the vision Taehyung had this morning would make him tired. But this – this was more than just fatigue. He could see it clearer now as Taehyung shifted his head toward the sunlight. His eyelids were puffy, and the skin below his eyes was red.

He had been crying.

Jimin's feet moved. Before he knew it, he was looming over Taehyung, arms outstretched as he all but crowded into his friend’s space. Taehyung groaned in protest, and a laugh escaped in a huff as Jimin flopped atop. It was a weak laugh – all breath. But it was a laugh, and for that, Jimin was grateful. He could feel Taehyung’s fingers trail up the length of his back, before resting on his head.

“What’s wrong?” Taehyung asked as he carded his fingers through Jimin’s hair.

‘You tell me,’ is what Jimin wanted to say. But instead, he buried his head into the collar of Taehyung’s sweater, inhaling the ever-present floral scent that clung to Taehyung’s skin and clothes.

“I love you,” Jimin said instead. “I love you, and I’ll always be here for you.”

Taehyung's soothing movements faltered for a moment before continuing. He didn’t speak, and Jimin would never force him to, but he would stay by Taehyung’s side. Jimin shifted his weight, trying to settle more comfortably in the tiny space so Taehyung was not bearing the entirety of his weight. But something sharp poked him in the side of the ribs, and Jimin had to get to his feet and search through the tangled blanket to find the culprit.

A book.

The cover was completely white, but Jimin could make out thick embossing patterns of leaves and flowers. In the center, there was a row of dots too even and straight to form constellations along the spine of the thick tome.

Taehyung realized what had caused Jimin’s sudden reflexive response, when his fingers touched the thick corner of the book.

“I forgot that it was there,” Taehyung said quietly.

“What are you reading?” Jimin asked, settling again in the alcove seat, this time across from his friend. He reached for the book, tugging it to silently ask for permission.


“You know I gave up on braille,” Jimin muttered. “My fingers are too stubby, I can’t feel all the dots in the cell.”

“That's a tragic excuse,” Taehyung said. “Park Jimin of House Turnesol, youngest to be knighted Crownsguard in history, can’t learn braille because of his short fingers?”

Jimin jabbed Taehyung in the side of the ribs, hard enough to earn him a yelp, but not hard enough to sting. Taehyung’s laugh was infectious and Jimin found himself giggling as he tried to decipher the collection of dots along the spine of the book.

It took him some time to recall the letters, muttering the mnemonic device their tutor taught under his breath. He closed his eyes, trying to focus as he spoke each letter out loud. He waited for Taehyung’s encouraging hums before continuing. It took him until half of the second word before he was able to guess the title.

“Q…u…a…n…d…F…l…e…u…r ….Quand Fleurissent Les Chrysanthèmes.”

Taehyung clapped and when Jimin opened his eyes, Taehyung was smiling.

“See, you can read braille. With a little more practice, you’d be able to read all the classics easily.”

Jimin snorted. He doubted he'd ever get to the point where he’d be able to read children's novels, let alone something like When the Chrysanthemums Bloom.

“Don’t you know the story by heart?” Jimin asked, placing the book back into Taehyung’s lap.

“Of course I know how the story goes,” Taehyung said, “everyone does.”

“Then why are you reading it again then?”

Taehyung’s playful smile morphed into something sadder as he shifted, resting his head against the wall again. “I was just…” he paused, as if searching for words.

“I was just missing home.”

Jimin absentmindedly traced the embossed leaves and the thick petals of the chrysanthemum flowers. His eyes fixed on Taehyung’s features - trying to search for the truth beneath.

“We’re going to Ravenna soon,” Jimin started, “perhaps we should plan to stay a little while longer in Marsylle? I’m sure Jeongguk would love to see the Sky City.”

Taehyung visibly stiffened at the mention of the Naissian King. He held his breath.

Jimin paused, swallowing hard before he pushed. “Did something happen between you and Jeongguk?”

Taehyung exhaled shakily, and his shoulders sagged. He pressed the palm of both hands into his eyes.

“I wish I knew,” Taehyung whispered, and Jimin’s heart dropped. Taehyung’s voice was hoarse – barely a croak like he was holding back tears.

“Taehyung – I don’t understand.”

“He is avoiding me,” Taehyung croaked. “Jeongguk will not see me and – and I – I just wish he would speak to me.

Jimin felt dizzy. “I thought – I thought things were going well. Jeongguk agreed to go to Ravenna - the ball?”

“He did, but then…I had a vision,” Taehyung started. “I saw Jeongguk at his desk in his chambers. I saw Yoongi-hyung and Hoseok-hyung with him and…He looked like he hadn't slept in days. Haggard and his eyes were bloodshot and – he looked so… defeated. It was a short vision, all I was able to catch was… was Jeongguk saying, ‘ I need to have heirs for the sake of the Crown .’”

Jimin’s heart sank.

It made sense. He could not deny it – he couldn’t imagine the pressure the young King was under with the attempt on his life and the impending war on the horizon. It might not have been upon Jeongguk’s insistence, but for the Crown….

“I…I spoke to Hoseok-hyung yesterday,” Taehyung continued, “I just - I had to know how he was doing…. And he told me that Jeongguk hasn’t been sleeping well.”

“He did… look tired this morning,” Jimin said softly.

Jimin had seen only glimpses of the young king in the halls of the palace. He always seemed to be busy, ducking into a room or speedwalking away staring at his phone. Jimin did not even think that Jeongguk could have been avoiding them.

But now, without the haze of panic, the meeting he had with Jeongguk this morning did seem odd. The King would not meet Jimin’s eyes.

It was too easy for Jimin to draw conclusions, to feel the same sinking in his gut – an heir would mean a wife. Even though the preferences of the King were known – were accepted – taking a Prince Consort would not produce an heir lawfully begotten.

Jimin felt dizzy – and his thoughts still clung to the words Taehyung had said. Heirs for the sake of the Crown.

“You didn’t tell me about the vision…”

Taehyung smiled again – something so sad and broken.

“I didn’t…I didn’t want to,” he hesitated, and the broken, stilted way that he hunted for words only hurt Jimin more. “I didn’t know how to tell you because there is nothing we can do about it.”

“What do you mean?”

Taehyung opened his mouth, but all that came was a short breath.

“I – I think - I think I’m going to get some fresh air.”

“Do you want me to come with you?” Jimin asked, as he scrambled to get out of all the blankets. Taehyung dropped the heavy book on the floor, before rising to his feet.

“No,” Taehyung’s answer was firm, but soft. “I just… want some time alone.”

As the door closed behind him, Jimin remained still, staring at the cover of Quand Fleurissent Les Chrysanthèmes wondering if Taehyung was truly alone, or if he had Despair walking beside him.

Jimin couldn’t stay in their rooms any longer after Taehyung left. Soon he had begun wandering through the halls of Sol Palace – aimlessly trying to find something to do.

His thoughts wandered back to Taehyung – but before the urge to find the First Prince took over, Jimin heard the faint notes of a piano, and the warm, familiar ache of nostalgia was like a siren’s song. He followed the music – and as he crept up on the drawing room, Jimin felt a pang of nostalgia, a painful hope, and despair that made everything in his chest ache. He saw the ornate doors of the drawing room – haphazardly closed save for a small sliver. He stopped in front of the doors and leaned in. The music was definitely coming from the drawing room, though muffled through the door.

Jimin leaned into the small space in between the double doors, peering inside. He felt a warm giddiness that drew the dull anxiety away. So he clung to it and though he knew exactly who it would be, he wondered if Yoongi could see him through the doors.

Through the little crack, Jimin could see Yoongi’s eyes were closed, so lost in the music that he did not even react to the door scraping open, nor the floor panel creaking underneath Jimin’s feet. He was able to somehow sneak onto the sofa and curl up with his head and arms on the armrest and still, Yoongi was completely enraptured by the music. Only as the song came to an end, did Yoongi open his eyes.

Yoongi finally turned to where Jimin was sitting. He seemed to blink slower like he was tired and just woke up. Then he reacted – pushing back from the piano. The wooden bench scraped obnoxiously as he stood, hands flailing like he was struggling to figure out where to put them.

“Jimin…” Yoongi said.

Jimin couldn’t help but smile. “It’s not as though I haven’t heard you play before.”

“Just wasn’t expecting company,” Yoongi muttered, then he looked up, “you’re always welcome to join me.”

“Something on your mind?” Jimin asked. He stood, and inched toward the piano.

Yoongi was wearing a simple outfit, a white t-shirt and clean fitted slacks, but he looked more put together than Jimin did in his loose jeans and an oversized grey turtleneck. Jimin kept his hands in jean pockets, knowing that he'd fidget if he didn’t. But his attention was on Yoongi. He wouldn’t meet Jimin’s eyes, focusing on brushing his finger over the brown lacquer of the piano, the fading sunlight in the autumn afternoon casting shadows over his skin and highlighting the silvery-ash in his hair.

Yoongi knew about Jeongguk’s dilemma. What was his advice to his brother and king? What would be the advice of a man who gave up his name and country and faked his own death to avoid an arranged marriage?

Their eyes met and Yoongi’s brows furrowed. “You look like something is bothering you too.”

Jimin couldn’t help it, he ran a hand through his hair, suddenly feeling self-conscious. The ugly and nauseating anxiety started to return. He opened his mouth. He wanted to tell Yoongi about Taehyung’s vision, tell Yoongi about the trepidation he felt in the unknown of the Attalian King’s health, and he wanted to tell Yoongi that he worried about Taehyung and how he only wanted for Taehyung to find happiness.

“It’s getting colder in Naissus,” Jimin said.

Yoongi did not answer right away, instead, he sat down on the bench. Purposefully closer to the edge to allow Jimin to join him. He smelled of the ever-present orange-blossoms and something bitter and woodsy that suited the cooling weather.

Yoongi started to play another song, single notes accompanied by looming chords.

“As the nights get longer, it’ll start to get cooler – it’ll start to snow before long,” he said.

“There are autumn festivals in Aurea, aren’t there?” Jimin asked softly.

“Yes. There are some. Autumn’s Eve. It’s not as grand as festivals in Attalia. But there are games and lots of food. I attended the festivities in the city when I was younger. But we rarely have time now.”

“Did you ever attend the Nights of the Thinning Veil?” Jimin whispers.

Yoongi shook his head. “I was too young….You told me you attended once.”

Jimin hummed. “Just after I came of age.”

“...and Taehyung?”

“Taehyung did not wish to attend, he wasn’t of age yet and though he could have snuck in — it was during the year of the passing of the Dowager Queen. He never attended after the blessing either, he felt too close to the Crone.”

“Do you miss the festivities?”

“A little,” Jimin whispered. He licked his lips. “We should go. Next year.”

Yoongi’s fingers paused over a key, the sound drifting too long to be on purpose.

“We could attend,” Jimin said, “no one would know who we were with the masks.”

He let himself imagine it. Yoongi dressed in white knit with a mask of blush pink peonies covering his eyes. Peonies. Perhaps not the best idea. Besides, Yoongi was not of Attalian nobility anymore. But he could wear the flowers of Jimin’s house, should they openly declare their courtship.

“It seems… ironic, to want to return to Attalia to attend a festival celebrating the return of ghosts of the past,” Yoongi said.

He swept into a new melody, drawing out the notes into something darker, haunting – a phrase that gnawed on him like a question.

“What’s the festival like?”

“I can’t remember much…the night felt hypnotic,” Jimin started, “like I wasn’t myself…. I remember just – dancing and dancing and dancing until I was exhausted. Lee Taemin had found me. Probably sought me out. I think I fainted on him.”

Jimin jumped when the featherlight melody turned dissonant. He opened his eyes to see Yoongi flick his wrist away from the keys, dropping his hands into his lap.

“You told me he tried to court you,” Yoongi started, “but not that. Did he hurt you?”

Jimin shrugged. “No, Taemin-hyung was perfectly gentlemanly. He carried me to the drawing room, gave me his coat. Then he warned me of how particularly enthralling the Nights of the Thinning Veil could be. I wish he told me sooner. I danced so much that I was practically bedridden for the next two days.”

“I’m jealous,” Yoongi admitted, in a low voice, almost like a growl. “That Lee Taemin got to see you dance.”

Jimin did not respond. Not yet, he watched Yoongi’s fingers lengthening over the keys and stretching over a particularly beautiful set of chords.

Jimin couldn't look away from Yoongi’s hands. He had to swallow and bite his lips, focusing on the pain to distract him from the memories of the night where he asked Yoongi to prove it. Of where his hands had touched and the sounds that he had pulled out of Jimin. Then subsequent nights where they sought each other’s company and how those big hands had clamped over Jimin’s mouth to dampen the sounds.

Taehyung, kind and understanding, had made but one comment that morning when Jimin stumbled out of his room. Jimin swallowed again, lowering his head to hide the flush in his cheeks. He tried to speak over the loud memories.

“I wished you were there. I wondered if you would have come to partake in the festivities, or if you would have stayed in the library again.”

Silence. Yoongi had stopped playing.

“I would have danced if you asked me to,” Yoongi said.

Jimin felt a grin pull on his lips. That giddiness in his chest returning that he desperately clung to. Then he felt the hairs on his back prick upright – goosebumps traveling down his spine as he heard thundering footsteps down the hall.

“Where is His Majesty?”

“Where is the Lord Chancellor?”

“They aren’t picking up their phones.”

“His Majesty was in the Royal Picture Gallery.”

“He isn’t there now.”

“Find the Lord Libertas.”

Jimin stood, and Yoongi pushed the chair back so swiftly, so loudly that there was no way someone outside of the Drawing Room couldn’t have heard them. Footsteps – and then one of the footmen crashed into the half-open door, he didn’t even bother to knock.

“L-Lord Libertas, Lord Park Jimin – the Commander General is looking for – ”

“Yoongi-hyung!” came Hoseok’s voice.

Yoongi had already slipped past the poor, flailing footman, turning down the hall towards the sound of Hoseok’s voice.

The Commander General barely had time to stop before he nearly collided into Yoongi.

Jimin followed closely behind. Hoseok’s eyes are frantic – and Jimin could see a small wireless device in his ear. His eyes flicker between Jimin and Yoongi, then the footman before pulling them both through the drawing room doors again, and then instructing the footman to ensure no one disrupted them.

“What is it, Hoseok,” Yoongi asked, “What’s going on, why are they asking for Jeongguk and Namjoon?”

Hoseok didn’t respond yet, he was still panting, hands on his hips as he paced the length of the room. Jimin counted nine breaths before the Commander General raised his eyes, searching specifically for Jimin.

“Perhaps you should sit down, Jimin,” Hoseok said carefully.

Taehyung. Where is he.

There was a sense of dread that overtook Jimin – and he felt rooted to the spot.

Yoongi took his hand, gently led him to the couch, and sat him down. But the Right Hand of the King remained standing, hovering above Jimin like it would protect him.

“What is going on, Hoseok.”

“I received an emergency report from the Shiva just ten minutes ago,” Hoseok said slowly. “At 0146 hours in Attalian time, seven fighter class airships bearing the insignia of the Orivalian Empire descended into restricted sky over Ravenna, Attalia. Three fighter class ships from the Third Fleet were immediately deployed and engaged, however, they were overpowered and only four Orivalian ships were taken down. Three of them continued to the Palais du Etoile, where missiles were dropped.”

Jimin’s ears were ringing - and he faintly remembered what Taehyung was saying about a vision.

...An… explosion. There was stone falling….artificial lights – like an airship.

“My reports are still preliminary and I am waiting to hear back from my officers,” Hoseok said, “but, to my understanding… they are still pulling people out of the wreckage. The King of Attalia, the Crown Princess, and Crownsguard Park Ji-hyun are still unaccounted for.”

Yoongi dropped onto the sofa, as if his knees had given out.

Jimin’s head was spinning.

Behind his eyes were visions of the worse outcome. Bloody bodies of the king and the crown princess - and his dearest brother –

He didn’t realize it – through the blurriness of his vision. He was crying – his chest rising and falling and it hurt to breathe. Then he felt something on his arm – a hand on his cheek –he blinked and his vision cleared and something ran down his cheek.


He blinked again and his vision focused enough to see Yoongi pressing a hand to his cheek — to see his face so close.

“Jimin,” he whispered, “it’s okay to cry.”

Jimin remembered the same words from long ago when he had broken his ankle.

Hey, it’s okay to cry. It must really hurt. I’m going to help you. You’re going to be okay. I promise.

It’s okay to cry,” Yoongi repeated, “This… must be really frightening. I’m right here, Jimin. We’re going to get through this, I swear to you.”

He had to believe him. Because – though his ankle still throbbed sometimes, Yoongi didn’t lie. He did get Jimin help. Jimin was okay. Just like he promised and right now – Jimin really wanted to believe him.


He couldn’t even react as the doors of the drawing room crashed open again.

“Sir, we’ve received notice that the news is breaking over the media as we speak.”

Taehyung. Where is Taehyung.

“Taehyung,” Jimin whispered. “Does Taehyung know?”

“Does Jeongguk?” Yoongi asked.

“No, not yet,” Hoseok said. “We’ve been trying to find Jeongguk - he’s been wandering around the castle and I was just notified that he is currently in the flower gardens with Taehyung.”




Taehyung would be devastated – he needed to be there for Taehyung. Jimin stood and nearly flew to the doors; Yoongi had to run to catch up with him.

Jimin felt his lungs burn with the exertion as they sprinted through the castle, he heard his heels crashing on the marble floors, and he heard the huffs of Yoongi’s breaths over his own. The thrum and burn in his lungs was a welcome pain and it kept him focused as the adrenaline shot through his system.

He saw Jeongguk’s back before catching Taehyung’s figure.

Both standing in a garden of fire-coloured flowers.


Jimin’s voice broke – and Taehyung’s head flickered toward the sound. Jimin could see from here – that Taehyung’s eyes were open, pitch-black eyes turned towards the sound, and Jimin didn’t stop running until he crashed into the prince.

“Taehyung – ”

The words started coming out of his mouth. Strangely, Jimin couldn’t hear what he was saying, but he felt the words that fell almost verbatim from what Hoseok had reported.

There were times in Jimin’s life when words created a silence that suffocated him. The first was news of Yoongi’s death. Then the news of the dowager queen’s passing. Then the minute of silence before the storm erupted when Taehyung announced to his family that he had taken the blessing.

This was one of those moments. A silence that consumed all his thoughts and made him think of only the pain. A silence that sucked the air out of his lungs, a silence that suffocated him and made him wonder if he will ever be able to breathe again.

Taehyung hadn’t moved. It didn’t seem like he breathed .

Jimin didn’t want to think of the consequences. But now in the silence, he didn’t have a choice as the thoughts came in like a tidal wave.

Again – Jimin found himself sending a prayer to the Goddesses.

Jimin’s youngest sibling may be dead.

The Crown Princess of Attalia may be dead.

The King of Attalia may be dead.

Taehyung – though he had abdicated the title as Crown Prince – was still a prince of the blood and the next in line for the Crown.

Taehyung might have inherited a throne he never wanted.

“T-Taehyung,” Jimin said, voice breaking. “ Taehyung, what do we do?

Still the First Prince did not respond. Jimin reached for his friend’s hand and found it shaking, fingers balled into a tight fist.


Jimin turned to see Jeongguk standing beside them. “Can I speak to you? Alone. For just a moment?”

Jimin did not want to leave Taehyung alone. Amidst the thoughts, Jimin had one where Jeongguk was about to abandon them – to tell Taehyung that they cannot continue this alliance. Just as Taehyung had feared.

But then Jimin met Jeongguk’s eyes. His eyes were wide with a bright and intense rage. Jimin raised his eyes to meet Yoongi’s. He nodded.

Jimin turned back to Taehyung. “Taehyung?”

Taehyung inhaled sharply, shakily.

“Alright,” he said. It was barely audible.

Jimin squeezed Taehyung’s hand once and the motion prompted him to relax his fist just a bit.

“I won’t be far,” Jimin whispered, before turning around and counting exactly twenty paces before stopping. He tried not to look at them, focusing on the wilting summer flowers and leaves that littered the grassy pathway. His entire body tensed when he felt calloused skin touch his hand. He turned to see Yoongi beside him.

Jimin reached for the warm familiarity of the touch, wrapping his fingers around Yoongi’s.

He heard more footsteps, loud as they crunched leaves and earth beneath. Jimin turned to see Namjoon and Seokjin storming into the gardens. Namjoon looked like he was about to speak but then Yoongi raised his hand motioning him to stop before pointing to where Taehyung and Jeongguk stood.

Taehyung and Jeongguk were facing away from them. Though they were both similar in height and stature, Jeongguk seemed to tower over the prince, seemed to stand taller in how Taehyung shrank into himself, shoulders hunched forward and arms crossed over his chest.

Yoongi pulled on their joined hands, urging Jimin to follow him and meet Namjoon and Seokjin halfway. Jimin followed, knowing at this moment, Taehyung would be safe with Jeongguk.

“I take it you heard the news?” Yoongi muttered.

Namjoon nodded.

Seokjin reached for Jimin. “How are you faring?”

Jimin blinked. “Numb,” he finally answered.

“Were there any more updates?” Yoongi asked.

Namjoon shook his head. “The Shiva touched-down in Ravenna. Commander-General Jeon Soyeon made the decision to send the infantry on foot to assist in the… the search for the King and whatever else local authorities would need. Hoseok is having difficulty contacting her for more updates.”

Jimin hesitantly glanced over his shoulder, where the Naissian King and First Prince of Attalia stood.

He could hear his own heart thumping in his ears, loud, even.

“So what do we do now?” Seokjin asked.

Yoongi exhaled, rubbing his eyes. “What can we do but await our King’s orders?”

Jeongguk pressed a kiss to Taehyung’s temple. He leaned close to the prince’s ear. Jimin saw two words cross the king’s lips.

I swear.

Jimin turned away, running a hand through his hair and heart hammering with catching such an intimate moment.

“Where is Hoseok-hyung?” Jimin asked.

“Meeting with his Lieutenants,” Namjoon said. “Trying to gather more information.”

“They’re coming,” Seokjin said.

Jimin turned around again to see them walking hand in hand towards them.

The hardness in Jeongguk’s eyes remained.

“Let’s talk in the War Council Room.”

Taehyung reached for Jimin, and with his hand outstretched Jimin could see bright, crescent-shaped indents in Taehyung’s palm.

“Taehyung –”

The Prince fell into Jimin’s arms, pulling him close and pressing his lips to Jimin’s ear.

“I had a vision,” Taehyung whispered in Attalian, “of the day of my wedding.”


Author’s Note:

1. “You are the sunshine beaming into my life again.” - Euphoria
2. “You’re the one who brought the morning dawn to my eternal nights with no end to be seen.” - Make It Right (obviously, I ain’t no poet.)
3. Thank you kicksomeacid, for beta-reading! Your suggestions are AMAZING and you KICKASS at catching my abundant grammar mistakes. :)

Come talk to me on Twitter or ask me questions on Curious Cat.

With Love,

Chapter 22: alea iacta est


a l e a i a c t a e s t

(phrase.) “The die has been cast”


(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

chapter twenty-two

a l e a i a c t a e s t

Jeongguk rarely, if ever, wakes up in the middle of the night.

Sure, it takes him a while to fall asleep. Sometimes, he’ll sneak the portable gaming console under his covers and play until his eyes burn. Then he’ll thankfully sink into a sleep filled with dreams of the fantasy world of sword-fighting gloopy monsters and human-sized rats, only to wake up with sunlight shining through his canopy.

Tonight, he opens his eyes to darkness, wide awake.

The canopy covers are shut, drawn closed by the nursemaid caring for him.

It’s still nighttime, then.

Instinctively, he sits up and crawls out of the large bed. He can hear noises outside his room and flashes of white light streaming through the curtain. Artificial. Headlights. Is someone coming to the palace this late in the night?

His mother wasn’t preparing for a Privy Council meeting today, nor did she say anything about a schedule tomorrow.

He remembers that his mother told him that his father is doing better, responding to the medications. His breathing has eased, and the spread of the infection has halted, and if all goes well, the physicians want to ease him out of the medically induced coma. The cure is reaching its final stages of development – things will be okay.

They had dinner together. Something that they haven’t done since the beginning of the plague.

It was simple – the Queen herself helping the lone staff prepare the meal.

Ji-eun was with them, as was her mother, Jeongguk’s aunt. His aunt and mother were speaking to each other, and Jeongguk sat beside his cousin on the floor, his gaming console in hand. Ji-eun sat beside him with a thick book. She didn’t want to talk, but he was okay with that.

He remembers bits and pieces of the conversation they were having. The number of cases are slowing down, plateauing, he heard them say. That must be good. The cure could be mass-produced and sent out in the next week should it pass all inspections and testing. The King just needs to hang on.

His father is doing better, right? So he could last until next week – especially with the royal physicians at his side.

So now, when Jeongguk wakes up to loud voices, sounds outside the doors of his chambers and people coming to the palace when there were orders not to: he knows.

His heart is pounding in his chest. He creeps to his bedroom door and pulls it open. The few people who still work at the palace are nowhere to be found. But even with the limited staff, there is always a footman outside his door.

He can hear the voices coming from the grand hall, down the grand staircases that is the heart of Sol Palace. His father used to slide down the bannisters when no one was looking.

“The King….”

“How is Her Majesty?”


“I hope we get the chance to pay our respects.”

Jeongguk pauses at the top of the staircase, watching two footmen and one kitchen-aide walking together toward a wall.

They disappear down the hall –

Their voices ring in his ears. He can’t understand what they are saying.

He follows them, walking down the grand staircase and stepping onto marble floors barefoot, goosebumps rising his neck as he trails after them, and watches them disappear. They’re gone now, but Jeongguk knows where they went, down to the safe house.

There are several entrances down to the underground bunker. He knows the code to the one by the grand staircase is often used by the staff, and everyone paid little attention to the young prince who would sit, observe and memorize the numbers entered into the keypad.

Jeongguk reaches up onto his tiptoes to find the indentation in the wall to release the panel hiding the keypad. He types in the code, hearing the telltale click, and then a metal door opens. The hall into the underground safe room is stark white, and he can immediately smell the burning antiseptic. It’s empty. He continues down the hallway, walking till it opens up into an area with several rooms. He can see a small group of the staff, faces covered with masks and hovering in the corner of the hallway.

Their heads are bowed – and they murmur something under their breaths.

“By the six…. Long live…. The king…”

A figure dressed in black is kneeling in front of a frosted glass wall.

Jeongguk didn’t hear it at first, but now, the sounds from the figure crushed him. A wailing sob that steals his breath, and he – he thinks he’s crying now too.

“By the six…the King”

Another figure comes running in, dressed in a night robe and barefoot as they throw themselves over the figure. He recognizes them now in how similar they look.

His mother and his aunt.

His aunt tries to hush her and lead her down the hall away from the glass room, but his mother crumples and the screaming gets louder.

His aunt is also crying. She had already lost her husband – now she watches as her sister loses hers.

“Unnie,” she said, voice shaking. “We have to let him go.”

His aunt helps his mother up, another man standing on her other side as they try to lead the queen away.

Jeongguk doesn’t understand.

He turns and steps to the other side of the glass room where the doors are.

It’s still frosted, but he can see shapes on the other side. A bed and something black on top. He knows this room. His mother has taken him down here a couple of times. Let him watch the doctors in their hazmat suits walk in and out of the room, checking on the machines connected to the man lying in bed.

Where are they now?

He steps in front of the doors. Then, he can't help it – he pushes it open.

The antiseptic smell is more pungent here, and he has to hold back a cough. Another smell hits him, sour and bitter like rot and iron.


It feels like he is blinking slower – and it takes him longer to put together the image of the bed before him, covered in a shroud of black – the shape of –

This is the room his father was in. This is where the machines were attached to his father’s body – to save his life. Where are they?

He steps into the room, steps closer to the shroud of black and lifts a corner – a hand –

“Your Royal Highness - you mustn’t go in there!”

“Jeongguk, no – get out –!”

A hand with a golden ring. A signet ring with a constellation of House Cepheus formed by inlaid diamonds, the points forming sharp corners in the constellation of the Royal House. The hand is pale, no, bluish purple. It can’t be his father’s, can it?

Only the King wears that ring.

Something yanks hard on Jeongguk’s arm. But he’s still holding onto the shroud, and it comes with him – and – and –

As the cloth slips down the face of the man, nothing makes sense anymore because the person under the fabric looks just like his father.

Jeongguk trips, then someone picks him up, and he can’t see the man anymore.

He finally blinks, rubbing his aching arm and realizing he was staring at the cement floor.

“Jeongguk – Jeong–”

His aunt’s face appears before him, blotchy and red, and her eyes are swollen and puffy.

Jeongguk’s arm still aches, but it’s nothing compared to the ache in his chest. His aunt opens her mouth, but nothing comes out. She shakes her head.

He doesn’t know what that means. But the sinking feeling in his chest seems to know. He mirrors her, shaking his head more violently as her sobs crescendo.

Jeongguk turns around, wrenching himself out of her arms.

“Jeongguk -!”

He runs down the hall and up the stairs. This was just a bad dream. A nightmare. He’ll wake up and –

He crashes through the safe house doors, feet pounding on the marble floors of the grand entrance where people are filing in.

Members of his father’s Privy Council.

His aunt has followed him. He doesn’t realize he’s stopped until she kneels before him. She squeezes him so tightly he can feel her heart pounding against his.

“I’m sorry,” she whispers, for nothing else could have escaped but sobs. “He didn’t make it.”

Jeongguk knows what death is – he may be young, but when he is surrounded by it, it’s hard not to know what it means – but does it mean Abeoji is gone?

He turns when another person enters his line of vision. His head is lowered. At Jeongguk’s height, he can only focus on the man’s hands, folded in front of him and shaking.

“Your Royal Highness,” he addresses, voice as strained as he looks. The Master Secretary. He served both Jeongguk’s father and his grandfather. Though the old man never spoke much to Jeongguk, he always passed Jeongguk a green-grape hard candy when he was in his father’s office.

“As per protocol, the King’s Privy Council has been summoned to announce his passing and to swear fealty to the next monarch. Will you have me lower the Royal Standard?”

The Royal Standard should never be lowered, for a sovereign is always on the throne.

“Can’t this wait?” his aunt says. “I don’t know the protocol for these things.”

The Master Secretary’s hands turn white. “Forgive me, Your Royal Highness,” he says in a strained voice, “it was an inquiry for His Royal Highness, the Crown Prince.”


“You can’t ask him this,” his aunt says through sobs, “he’s just a boy. He just lost his father.”

Jeongguk finally looks up at the Master Secretary. He meets Jeongguk’s eyes, red-rimmed and tired.

“What’s the protocol?” Jeongguk asks. He is rather surprised by the steadiness of his voice.

The Master Secretary looks down, head lowered. “It is tradition to lower the late sovereign’s unique Royal Standard until the period of Court Morning is over.”

Jeongguk thinks he can still hear his mother’s wailing sobs, and wonders if he’ll hear it in his nightmares too.

“Then do it,” he says.

The Master Secretary nods and then bows. He turns, his voice booming as he loudly declares: “The King is dead! Long live the king!”

Ravenna was beautiful, at least the digitized renderings of the sacred island were. Hoseok had explained that there were no accurate 3-D models of the island. All images of the ancient city were drawn maps and digital approximations created by Attalia throughout the centuries. There were a couple of photographs of the Palace of the Stars, but all of them were taken from across the chasm that separates the Sacred Isle of Ravenna from the main island.

Jeongguk thought the glamour would fade when he finally saw pictures of the Palais du Etoile. It did when he first saw Romulus Castle; the stories were of a grand and magnificent castle where his ancestors once lived. Where ghosts of Kings and Queens of yonder remained. But it was nothing more than an old brick-walled building with long, narrow halls that smelled of dust and earth and a wooden chair that symbolized the long reign of House Cepheus.

Taehyung’s stories had painted a picture of an ethereal place, like something out of the fairy tales that Jeongguk had read. He conjured an image of a palace so high that the fog and clouds would obscure the city below. That it felt like he could touch the stars. He told Jeongguk of the crashing waterfalls that would lull him to sleep and the fields of lavender blossoms that had become his solace.

So when the holographic rendering of the Palais du Etiole emerged on the floor of his War Council Room, Jeongguk could only stare. It was beautiful – eerily so. The architectural style was ancient, and it looked like it couldn’t have been man-made, with white stone, impossibly high towers, archways and buttresses that looked so thin and fragile that Jeongguk had no idea how it managed to last all the years of Attalia’s history. The Mother Goddess must have built it, if not imbued it with her power. Namjoon had said that in the famous novel, When the Chrysanthemums Bloom, the Mother Goddess raised the Palace of the Stars even further into the sky, so she could always look after her daughter.

“Here’s the west wing,” Hoseok started. He paused, fiddling with his tablet until three red dots appeared on the map of the Palais du Etoile, the city, and the surrounding mountains. One of the dots pulsed atop one of the great towers of the palace, another just on the city's outskirts, and one more against the rocky cliffside. “This was where the missiles were launched. Our fighter ships were in contact until this point; then, it appeared that all airships had lost power and control. All remaining enemy ships crashed into the mountains here.”

“How many ballistics were fired?” Yoongi asked.

“Four were detonated,” Hoseok replied. “Three made contact with the tower. The last one missed and hit the cliffs.”

Yoongi was about to ask another question when the doors opened again. The guard at the door announced the arrival of the Duke of Concordia. Seokjin’s strides were fast, even as he took in the holographic scene before him.

It was alarming when the doors closed behind the oldest of his King’s Circle, when the guard did not announce the presence of the First Prince and his Crownsguard.

“I advised that they take some time to rest,” Seokjin said quietly when he saw Jeongguk glancing behind him. “They need time to process what happened.”

Jeongguk cast his eyes on the map again, nodding slowly to himself. A roiling and bubbling pool of anxiety sat deep in his stomach as he recalled the events after they left the gardens.

He had been keenly aware of the eyes on him. Of Jimin and Yoongi lingering in the background, of Namjoon and Seokjin’s voices when they had come running into the courtyard. He had wondered if his court was watching them from the window.

But none of it mattered when Taehyung stood, trembling before him. His hands shook, knuckles turning white. At first, Jeongguk thought Taehyung was about to cry. He hovered close to the prince, chest aching from the breathlessness of their conversation and the news that had erupted.

But Jeongguk couldn’t afford to panic, not in this role, not when there was so much on the line. He forced the rising emotion down behind the wall of numb – it would overflow eventually, it always did, but he’d give it time later. He could barely think straight; he had no idea what to say to Taehyung.

But he was always a man of action anyway.

He remembered reaching for Taehyung’s hand, of trying to pull his fingers from the tight grasp of his palm, and then asking him.

“What will you have me do?”

Taehyung was still shaking.

“I told him,” he said quietly, so softly that Jeongguk wasn’t sure he heard correctly. “I told him - I had warned him that Attalia will not be safe. And now. Jennie. Ji-hyun. He’s gone. They’re gone.

“It’s too soon to make that conclusion,” Jeongguk said softly, trying to soothe Taehyung. Still he didn’t cry, only stood stiffly pressed into Jeongguk’s chest. He continued to speak, hands only moving to blindly bunch up the front of Jeongguk’s shirt.

It was then that Jeongguk realized that Taehyung wasn’t shaking from grief or fear, but from panic and anger. It radiated from his being like a miasma, raw and poisonous.

“I told him Park Hae-jin will not rest until he owns or destroys Attalia,” Taehyung continued. “No one will protect her. No one will protect me.”

“Taehyung,” Jeongguk called, he pulled Taehyung close - his elevated panic z fueling Jeongguk’s fury. He felt Taehyung curl into him, head falling against Jeongguk’s shoulder and the shuddering breaths. Then Jeongguk felt the rage return, first it was grief, shock that came and now – now he had a reason to feel the tidal wave of rage.

He pressed his lips against Taehyung’s temple, giving in to the sweet tenderness as he whispered a vow into Taehyung’s ear.

I will protect you. I swear to you, Taehyung, Park Hae-jin will pay for what he has done.”

He had felt the overwhelming weight of grief first hit him when Yoongi declared the Attalian King was missing. Without his permission, flashes of his own father’s death came to the forefront of his thoughts. He couldn’t have done anything about it then, for what could a ten-year-old boy do against a plague? But now he could. Now he had the power.

Departing from the gardens, Jeongguk had started walking ahead of Taehyung towards the War Council room.Taehyung trailed behind, clinging to Jimin and whispering words in Attalian so quietly it could pass for a rustling breeze. Jeongguk wasn’t paying attention. He walked with Namjoon on one side and Hoseok on the other. His eyes were on the doors that led into the castle where the Master Secretary waited for them: there would be a need for a Privy Council meeting. But Jeongguk did not care for their advice at this point in time.

Jeongguk wasn’t paying attention to what was behind him, only what lay before him and what he needed to do. His heart pounded with the persistent mantra of: this means war. This is war.

That and the vow he made to Taehyung.

He had skidded to a stop only when he heard Seokjin’s voice calling Taehyung’s name.

Jeongguk remembered blinking and turning around to see Taehyung on his knees, head bowed and hands shaking. Jimin was beside him, but before Jeongguk could lunge forward, the Crownsguard snapped his head up and told them to go ahead before turning to Seokjin and asking for his assistance.

Jeongguk felt helpless to do anything but stand there, watching as Seokjin gently stood on Taehyung’s other side and eased him up. He wanted to follow him, to sit by Taehyung’s side and ride through the tidal wave of anguish and fear.

But he was a King. He made a vow to Taehyung.

And he would carry it through.

Jeongguk took a deep breath. Seokjin had crossed the room, standing beside Namjoon who handed him the tablet.

“There isn’t much that can be done now, regardless,” Hoseok said, “not when our line of communication is down.”

“So there have been no more updates, Hoseok?” Seokjin asked, moving to stand beside Namjoon.

Hoseok shook his head, rubbing his face with both hands. He swore when a tiny wireless communicator fell out of his ear. He quickly caught it, and pushed it back in. Jeongguk wasn’t aware that the Commander General had been wearing the device the entire time. He always seemed alert, jaw clenched and eyes sharp.

“Could you give a rundown of events?” Yoongi asked.

Hoseok nodded, swiping something on his tablet again.

“At 0146 hours, the attack on Ravenna occurred when our patrolling light-class carrier ship spotted foreign objects in Attalia’s skies.” Hoseok started. “As we were aware, the Shiva was halfway across the ocean, delivering medical supplies to Lugdunum as was agreed by both the Attalian King and Jeongguk. It took six hours for the reports to make it to Marsylle.”

Six hours,” Seokjin repeated.

“The Shiva was notified three hours later when one of the cruiser classes doing patrol in the northern border of Attalia returned and flew to the city of Périteaux to make the report,” Hoseok continued. “Jeon Soyeon made the decision to turn back Attalia while the report was made to Naissus.”

“So it took nearly twelve hours after the attack for us to get this information?” Namjoon summarized.

“And there is still no communication with the Shiva?” Yoongi asked. He stood with his arms crossed, staring at the image of the palace. The green-blue light of the hologram washed his skin out, making him look even paler than he usually did, and the blank expression on his face was… unsettling.

Hoseok shook his head, “Jeon Soyeon had left the central command of the Shiva to assist in the recovery efforts on the ground. She had been aware of the — technological deadspace around the perimeter of Ravenna.”


“She went to Ravenna,” Jeongguk supplied, “she told Taehyung that she had attended the festivities two years ago.”

“That is good luck,” Hoseok said, “otherwise, I fear another commander might have led Shiva right into the dead zone. It would have been disastrous.”

Seokjin stepped closer to the map, reaching out to touch the white waterfalls. “So, where is the Dreadnought now?”

“The Shiva had anchored in the airspace at the closest border between Attalia to Iaryen,” Hoseok said. “Near the aire-port city of Périteaux. She took a fighter-class ship as close to Ravenna as she could, then went on foot.”

“So, absolutely no technology works in Ravenna?” Jeongguk asked.

“It is erratic at best and non-existent at worst,” Yoongi said. “No one relies on technology for transport or livelihood. Ravenna is like going back in time.”

Hoseok ran his hand through his hair, careful of his earpiece this time. “How were we not aware of this before?”

“Most international events take place in Marsylle,” Yoongi said, “Ravenna rarely, if ever, hosts foreigners – few would know of the issues of technology in Ravenna.”

For centuries, Attalia was an isolated nation until the conception of airships. Since then, Attalia had declared their airspace to be a no-fly over zone, due to the numerous airship crashes into their mountainous terrain. Technology had improved since then, but Attalia remained firm in its stance. Airships were only permitted to fly into Marsylle upon invitation. Rumours and gossip had run amuck, as it always did when it came to the magical Floating Isles; Jeongguk remembered the ones about Attalia’s secret military powers and the one where their Goddess Trinity still walked this earth. But now he knew that such a law was for everyone’s safety.

“The only international event that foreigners are invited to is the Harvest Festivals. Even then, it’s held in the forested outskirts of the city, where poor cell reception is expected.”

“But Park Hae-jin has been to Ravenna,” Jeongguk said. “Taehyung said – during the Harvest Festivals. So he knew.”

“So did Park Hae-Jin take advantage of it?” Hoseok muttered, “This was a fully planned attack. He knew the King would be in Ravenna. He knew that the information would be slow to travel because of the technological issues.”

“He must have been planning on destroying the entire palace,” Namjoon said, “but he must not have known that Ravenna would not support any technology.”

“All seven of his fighter class airships were destroyed,” Hoseok said. “That much I can confirm. He won’t have any reports on the state of the King and Princess.”

“That can play in our favour,” Namjoon said, “The Empire may not make another move until they know the state of the Attalian monarchy.”

“So… we have no choice but to sit and wait and hope that the King and the Crown Princess survive?” Seokjin asked softly.

“And if they didn’t?” Jeongguk said.

“By right, the Crown belongs to the blood of House Chrysantheme, the Attalian Queen is of House Rose,” Yoongi said, “As such, it will be passed to the next in line. Kim Mingyu, the Second Prince of Attalia, is too young to take the throne.”

Jeongguk crossed his arms. “Taehyung abdicated.”

“Taehyung abdicated his title as Crown Prince,” Namjoon said. “But he is still a prince of the blood. He would be regent at minimum…Or Taehyung would be the next King of Attalia.”

Jeongguk snapped his mouth shut. The rage that had once fueled his decisions had dissipated, and now all that was left was the heavy grief that once engulfed him. He loathed Park Hae-jin for forcing Taehyung into such a position – hurting him and his family and pushing Taehyung into a role he never wanted.

He didn’t know the Second Prince, Kim Mingyu of House Chrysantheme, Duke of L’AirelleRouge. But if he were anything like his brother and sister, he would not let Taehyung take the throne.

“Do you have any orders, Jeongguk?” Hoseok asked.

“Send a message to Marsylle. Let them know we are sending another fleet to their borders.”

“I can have that completed,” Hoseok said, already making his way to the door.

“I want a statement released condemning this as an act of direct aggression to Naissus for attacking our ally.”

Namjoon nodded, “Yoongi-hyung and I will have that ready in a couple of hours.”

“And one last thing, Namjoon-hyung. Let’s also draft a Declaration of War.”

Despite the insanity that had occurred, they still had the time to lecture Jeongguk to take it easy.

“These next coming days will be difficult,” Hoseok said, “and Naissus will need you at full strength. Do not push yourself today, not when we are still awaiting more news. Trust us to get that information to you.”

“Seokjin-hyung,” Yoongi asked, “can you stay with him?”

Seokjin had agreed with a firm nod. Yoongi and Hoseok had reported his near-fainting spell to the Royal Physician and much to Jeongguk’s dismay, Seokjin would not easily give in to the young king’s antics.

So here he sat, on the sofa of his office, going through only a tiny section of the day-to-day reports. Seokjin had another small stack before him where he sat cross-legged on a lounge chair with a pair of silver glasses perched on his nose and a cup of coffee on the side table. Seokjin requested a tray of snacks be sent to the office soon after they returned, then ensured that trays be made and sent to wherever the rest of the King’s Circle would be. As if knowing none of them would be stopping for a meal.

He made Jeongguk a cup of mugwort tea rather than coffee, then set a plate beside Jeongguk with a balanced collection of snacks. Jeongguk nibbled on a rice cracker and continued to try to read through the report from his ambassador in Corkedamia. But he couldn’t concentrate.

“Are they… okay?”

Seokjin glanced up, looking at Jeongguk above the silver frames of his reading glasses. He put the documents down. Seokjin had taken over Yoongi’s task of combing through the invitations to events sent to the Crown. Jeongguk couldn’t imagine attending any events right now.

Seokjin sighed, pulling off his glasses. “I don’t really know. I guess he’s hanging on. As we all are trying to do – as we all once had to.”

They had all lost someone.

Jeongguk once joked with Seokjin that he grew so close to him because of food and games, but it was because the older man was honest with him. Brutally so sometimes, and he spoke so candidly about grief.

Hoseok lashed out at his grief with anger. Ji-eun buried it in her studies. Yoongi was a mystery who didn’t share his sorrows with Jeongguk until much later; even now, he often chose to hide them.

Before Seokjin, Namjoon had spoken about his thoughts on grief and loss. By the end of their conversation, Jeongguk was in tears and he felt too much all at once.

But Seokjin had found him in the kitchens one late night, sitting on the floor nursing a cup of instant cocoa, hoping that the warm sweetness would chase away the gross reminders in his nightmares. In that silence, Jeongguk hesitantly told the older man about the nightmares he had. Often around the anniversary of his father’s passing or his coronation.

Seokjin had joined Jeongguk on the floor then and told him the story of how he lost his brother. Seokjin’s brother was three years older than he was and the heir to the family title and estate. Like most siblings, they often fought, but Seokjin had been grateful to have his older brother take the mantle of duke.

Seokjin was sixteen when his brother passed.

“They say that time heals all wounds,” Seokjin said. “I don’t think that’s true. I still wake up sometimes thinking that my brother is still alive, and it’s like cutting open my heart all over again. I didn’t know what to do with myself. I didn’t want the responsibility, and I wasn’t ready for the responsibility. I hated myself for being so weak and vulnerable and scared all the time. I am not as brilliant as Namjoon, not as brave as Yoongi, not as strong as Hoseok. I couldn’t lock up my feelings behind a wall. I still can’t. And when I think about my brother it makes me weak all over again.”

“How do you cope?” Jeongguk asked.

Everyone had their ways. Seokjin’s was the last he needed to learn.

“I don’t.”


“How can you cope with so many feelings? There’s no reasoning with this kind of loss. No matter how much time passes. It’ll always hurt like the first time.”

“That doesn’t give me much hope,” Jeongguk admitted.

“But that’s the secret,” Seokjin answered. “In those moments, hope is all we have. Hope that it will pass, eventually. That the next breath we take will be a bit easier. That we can move forward, even though we’ll never forget what we left behind, what we had taken from us. We feel. And we breathe. And then we press on. Because we must.”

We must.

Simple enough. Though the task felt monumental, in that moment.

“I don’t know if I can breathe just yet.”

Seokjin let his head rest against the wall with a shrug. “We have time.”

Jeongguk waited until the last swallow of cocoa before he spoke again. Seokjin hadn’t left his side.

“I worry I feel too long,” he whispered. “Too much.”

“Love is unyielding, Jeongguk. Grief is much the same.”

Jeongguk found himself leaning over, his head coming to rest on Seokjin’s shoulder. He felt they did not know each other well enough for the gesture, but Seokjin only patted his arm.

“We’ll press on, right, Hyung?”

Seokjin’s face was hidden from him, but the smile in his voice was clear enough. “We must.”

He thought of those words again now, if he should seek out Taehyung and share what he’d learned. But he knew the time wasn’t right.

Jeongguk tried to keep reading the report, before his guard at the door announced the arrival of the Right Hand of the King. Yoongi’s posture was rigid and his lips pressed into a grim line when he stepped inside.

Jeongguk stood, and Seokjin was quick to follow.

“What is it?” Seokjin asked.

Yoongi raised his hand, holding a red envelope with a familiar intricate seal in the shape of a lion.

He strode closer and handed it to Jeongguk.

“I opened it,” Yoongi admitted.

Jeongguk didn’t hear what he said after that, hands moving robotically to flip open the already broken wax seal.

The paper was thin, printed with the emblem of House Cerebyrn at the top.

The Lord Chamberlain of Orivala is ordered by His Imperial Majesty the Emperor to invite His Majesty, King Jeon Jeongguk of House Cepheus, to parley terms of peace on behalf of the Kingdom of Naissus. The location of such a meeting can be negotiated and will be agreed upon by the parties involved:

The Orivalian Empire
The Kingdom of Naissus
The Kingdom of Attalia

An invitation to negotiation.

“When was this delivered?” Seokjin asked.

“A courier arrived an hour ago at the palace gates,” Yoongi said. He collapsed onto the sofa. “According to the soldiers outside, they recognized the seal on the envelope and called me to investigate before delivering it to you.”

Jeongguk passed the invitation to Seokjin, who was reading over his shoulder.

“There was another envelope,” Yoongi said, “addressed to the First Prince of Attalia. I assumed it was a similar invitation and had someone deliver it to them.”

“Is there any more news from – ”

Yoongi’s solemn head shake was enough for Jeongguk. “Connection to the Shiva is still broken. I would assume Marsylle is pushing all resources into the recovery effort.”

“It says here that we have 48 hours to confirm parties in attendance and suggestions for location.”

“We cannot consider parley terms of peace when – ”

Hoseok came running in.

“Jeongguk, there has been news from Ravenna. Taehyung and Jimin are on the phone with the Crown Princess.”

The Crown Princess - she was alive. He scrambled to get around the coffee table

“Where are they?”

“Taehyung’s chambers.”

He sprinted ahead of them, heart pounding as the staff cleared the way for the four men running down the hall. The footman was already aware of the number of people who would be joining and had already pulled the doors open by the time Jeongguk skidded inside.

Taehyung had his phone pressed to his ear, and Jimin was sitting on the couch, bouncing his legs as he tried to listen to the conversation.

Taehyung was speaking in rapid Attalian - a little more loudly than his usual tone of voice.

Jimin stood when Jeongguk arrived.

“The King is alive, and so is Jennie.”

“Your brother?” Yoongi panted, arriving just in time to catch Jimin’s sentence.

“Ji-hyun was caught in the explosion trying to pull the Crown Princess out of the way. His arm is broken, but that was his worst injury..”

Jeongguk wanted to collapse in relief, but there was still a tenseness in how Jimin spoke. The King was alive, so were the Crown Princess and Jimin’s brother. What’s wrong?

Taehyung stood, smoothly navigating the room until he reached the window.

“The connection is poor,” Jimin explained. “We can barely hear her half the time. But the best we can manage is a phone call. It is not secure but – ”

“It is better than nothing.”

The king was alive…but.

“Was the King injured?”

Jimin’s eyes flickered back to Taehyung.

“The King… the king sustained some major injuries. There was head trauma. He’s unconscious.” Jimin whispered the final part.

It was so quiet in the room that Jeongguk could hear the broken syllables of Jennie’s voice coming from the phone. Her voice was hoarse.

“He was transported to Periteaux and then airlifted to Marsylle. Jennie said that his condition is… critical but stable.”

“What - what else?” Seokjin asked, forcing through the fog of despair.

“There are fourteen known casualties. Nine staff members and four visiting members of the peerage,” Jimin continued monotonously. “Seven are missing… Major General Jeon Soyeon and my sister are leading the rest of the search.”

They all stopped talking when Taehyung said a gentle goodbye to his sister. He dropped his phone into the cushions and pressed his hands into his eye sockets.

“Taehyung,” Jimin called, “Seokjin-hyung, Hoseok-hyung, Yoongi-hyung, and Jeongguk are here. I told them what happened. Any more news?”

Taehyung answered monotonously. “My mother, the Queen, is acting-regent. But Jennie will be named Regent upon her return to Marsylle. She is about to depart Ravenna now.”

Taehyung lifted his head, running a hand through his unruly curls.

“Jennie said there was an invitation delivered to Marsylle for her.”

“From Orivala?” Yoongi asked.

Taehyung nodded.

“Then that must be the invitation to negotiate terms.”

Taehyung sat at the alcove, still after his conversation with his sister.

“I know you also received the invitation, Taehyung. It gives us about 48 hours to respond.” Yoongi said. “I… understand this may be a difficult time, but we turn to you to liaison a response from Attalia.”

Taehyung wrestled with the question, licking his lips.

“Jennie, as Regent, has declared that she will honour the laws and traditions of Attalia on behalf of our father. She will want to negotiate terms of peace. She proposes that the meeting be held in Marsylle, as treaties have always been held.”

Taehyung’s voice was monotonous as if he hadn’t agreed with Jennie’s wishes.

Yoongi turned to Jeongguk.

“Then it will be done. Naissus will join the negotiations in Marsylle.”

Yoongi nodded, “I will inform our Foreign Affairs Minister. Seokjin-hyung, you should go inform Namjoon, he will want to attend.”

Seokjin nodded, backing out of the room.

Jimin also stood, “I need to make a couple of calls then, to inform Marsylle of our imminent return.”

Hoseok leaned in beside Jeongguk. “I have a couple of questions for you, but…I will wait outside if you need some time.”

He too left, then suddenly, Jeongguk was alone with Taehyung.

Taehyung had remained sitting at the alcove for the rest of the conversation, but suddenly he stood. Head in his hands as he exhaled loudly. His breaths were even at first, but at the sound of the door clicking shut, they grew a little more ragged, like he had been doing everything in his power to keep from breaking down and now he couldn’t take it anymore. But it wasn’t sadness that wracked his shoulders – but something else. Not the same anger that consumed him before, but something more wretched that Jeongguk didn’t understand.


The prince jolted.

“What?” he snapped.

Jeongguk took a step back.

“I - ”

Then Taehyung’s shoulders dropped and the gritted, snarling line of his jaw eased for just a moment.

“Jeongguk,” he said. Though his voice was softer, it wasn’t difficult for Jeongguk to detect the unease and impatience. The way the mask fell into place again — easy and simple and numb. “I didn’t know you were still here.”

“I just – I wanted to – ”

What. What was he going to say to make this situation any better when Taehyung was still reeling from the news?

Grief can be as unyielding as love, Seokjin had said. But was this grief?

He never got the chance to say, for there was a knock on the door. Taehyung curtly allowed entry to the guard, who bowed.

“Forgive me for the intrusion, Your Royal Highness. Your Majesty, you have a request for a video conference from Her Majesty the Queen Mother.”

He frowned - thoughts racing as to why his mother would request for a video conference.

Then it dawned on him.

Hoseok stood outside, phone in both hands and thumbs moving swiftly across the screen.

“Hyung,” he called, “when was the statement released?”

Hoseok glanced up, “About an hour ago.”

Right, he had to now face the consequences of his decisions.

His heart pounded in his ears as he waited for the staff to transfer the video conference to his study.

He paced across the length of his study, trying to fill his thoughts with other tasks rather than imaging his mother’s reaction. Hoseok had followed him, phone pressed to his ear as he spoke to his officers about the plan to travel to Marsylle and their options for transport.

“Though a Dreadnought would be slow, it would be the safest mode of transport,” Hoseok reported. “The Shiva will not be able to get here in time, and it would leave Attalia without defence. We have the Ifrit on standby and the Ramuh can be retrieved and readied by midmorning.”

Jeongguk scrolled through the stats on Hoseok’s tablet on the status of the fleets.

They had taken the Ramuh to Orivala before, but midmorning would not give them enough time to meet the proposed deadline. He did not want Park Hae-jin to make landfall before he did in Marsylle. But he did not like the eeriness of having the Ifrit alongside the Shiva. The starcrossed nature of such lovers – even if they were gods – did not bode well to him. When Jeongguk did not speak, Hoseok took a step forward and swiped the screen to another page of statistics of a fleet Jeongguk did not want to consider.

“There is one more option,” Hoseok said, “The Bahamut.”

“Isn’t that for the - ”

“The protection of the Royal Family, yes,” Hoseok said. “During an emergency. This is an emergency – a potential war. If things go wrong during this peace agreement, then we need to make sure you and Taehyung make it home safe.”

Then his eyes darken, “I want you to show Park Hae-jin that you will not back down.”

“Okay, Hyung.”

Hoseok nodded once. “Then I’ll make sure that the Bahamut is ready for take off tomorrow evening. We will be in Attalia in 24 hours.”

This left Jeongguk walking back to his study alone, staring at invitation and always a constant swirl of anxiety that has made itself an unwelcome home in his chest.

The emblem of House Cerebyrn was prominent throughout the stationary piece – in the wax seal and embossed on the invitation.

A lion.

Yu Su-hwa had worn a pendant with the head of a lion – the only piece that would identify her as a member of House Cerebyrn. He hadn’t heard any news of an announcement – of her becoming a Princess of the Blood as her brother had promised.

She had helped him find the culprit who had tried to kill him. Did she try to stop her brother? Or was she won over by his promises and words? He couldn’t help but wonder if they were in a similar situation.

“Your Majesty, the call is ready.”

He put down the envelope and turned to the camera, waiting for his mother’s face to appear on the screen.

She materialized in front of him, dressed in a muted blue coat dress, hair pulled into a low bun at the nape of her neck. She dipped into a graceful curtsy before she started scanning him from top to bottom.

He rubbed the sleeve of his shirt subconsciously. “Have you been well, Eommoni?” he asked.

Her eyes softened. “I am well, but I worry about you after hearing the news of Cha Seungwon’s betrayal.”

Jeongguk couldn’t help but shuffle his weight. Cha Seungwon. He hadn’t forgotten about the man. It only has been weeks since the sentencing. But he somehow sat in the back of his mind – like an ache he didn’t want to think about.

Jeongguk did not attend the execution.

“I have been meaning to come visit,” she continued when Jeongguk didn’t answer.

“Perhaps not now, Eommoni,” Jeongguk answered. “It is not safe.”

“Because of the attack on Ravenna?” she asked. “I saw the Statement of Aggression. Naissus is condemning the acts of violence committed by the Empire of Orivala against the allied Kingdom of Attalia.”

He tried not to think about it – but now in the face of his mother, he prepared for the worst, to be reprimanded for choosing his heart over the safety of his kingdom. He prepared his own rebukes: this is for the safety of their country. Park Hae-jin must be stopped.

“How is the First Prince?” the queen mother asked. Jeongguk didn’t realize he was looking at the ground. When he glanced up again, he saw his mother’s eyes, furrowed with worry.

“He’s…doing what he must.”

“What of the Attalian King? I saw the news breaking in the media. The Attalian Queen was not present at the attack.”

Jeongguk knew why his mother called now – she wanted to know if the king lived – for she would never want anyone to go through the same pain she did.

“The king is alive,” Jeongguk said softly, “So is the Crown Princess… that is all I am at liberty to say.”

She closed her eyes, and there was a sense of relief in the way her hand moved to rub her chest, just over her heart.

“Then, what is it that you plan to do next?” she asked.

Now Jeongguk straightened, ready to defend his case.

“The Empire has sent an invitation to negotiate terms of peace with Naissus and Attalia. We have agreed to meet in Marsylle in 24 hours.”

“Terms of peace?” his mother repeated. “What do you think they’d want?”

Jeongguk couldn’t answer.

He had thought about what his conditions for holding off on war would mean.

Payment for damages done to Ravenna and the Palais du Etoile. The agreement that all aggressions toward Attalia would end. Was that enough?

But what would he ask for if he put himself where Park Hae-jin was, standing against a formidable foreign power?

The withdrawal of all Naissian forces within Attalia. The agreement that Naissus will not interfere with matters in Iaryen.Is that something he could agree to?

But if he were Park Hae-jin, he would ask for more.

For an arrangement based on the promise of an alliance.

Jeongguk and Taehyung were courting. Would Park Hae-jin demand for such an alliance to end? Would he demand that a marital alliance seal the treaty? After all, no alliance would be as binding. Would he wish for an alliance between Attalia and the Empire, between the Empire and Naissus?

Jeongguk would never agree to any of those terms.

“I don’t know,” Jeongguk answered instead.

“And then what?”

He suddenly remembered the first lessons his mother had taught him. Years ago – when they discussed the war in Lavicci and how their intervention would be seen.

‘One day, you will have to decide.’

“Eommoni, I understand the stakes,” Jeongguk answered.

“What of your feelings?”

“What do you mean?”

Her smile was so – heartbreakingly beautiful.

“When your father passed, I wanted to tear the world apart,” she confessed. “I wanted to destroy everything, because I couldn’t protect him. But burning the world would not bring him back and it wouldn’t have stopped the disease that killed him.”

He was rather stunned by his mother’s words.

“Jeongguk. Do you love him?”

It was easy to answer her. “I do.”

“Do you love him enough to go to war for him?”

“I know the consequences of war. This attack was on an ally of Naisus. If I back down, it will be the same as declaring to the Empire that we are not willing or capable of protecting and fighting for our kingdom and country. We have the means now. Under my rule, our air fleet has the technological advances and the commandership to end skirmishes quickly and decisively. The Empire is not the only one with such technology anymore.”

‘One day, you will have to decide if sacrificing the lives of your people and thousands of innocents is worth the price. One day, you must be prepared, my child, to make the call for war.’

He was ready.

“Jeongguk, my love. We once spoke that an alliance through marriage is most binding. What you are doing goes beyond that –

“I will not stand by as the man I love has to watch his country fall apart,” he said. “Not when I have the power to do something about it and the means. The Empire was well aware of my public declaration of courtship with the First Prince, and they knew the ships I sent to Attalia.”

“Are you set on war?”

He wanted to say yes. He wanted to march into one of the fighter airships himself and take on Park Hae-jin to lay waste to the Citadel and all that it stood for - to watch it burn before Park Hae-jin.

But there had been too much bloodshed already in the Emperor’s wake.

Bak Chung-ho.

Cha Seungwon.

The ones who died at the Empire’s coronation.

The rebels who fell in his wrath - Galatea.

Taehyung’s father and sister.

He does not want there to be more.

He made a vow to Taehyung.

I swear to protect you. Park Hae-jin will pay.

“No, I don’t want war,” he answered. “I know what that means for my people, Eommoni. But I am prepared for it and will do whatever it takes to win.”

Jeongguk woke up in the middle of the night, feeling as if he’d never even slept to begin with. He was wide awake now as his thoughts continued to race, he knew there was no way he'd be able to fall asleep again. But, he also knew getting caught attempting to get any work done would result in a reckoning. He couldn’t go for a run to tire himself out either, his personal guard would go directly to Hoseok, and Jeongguk knew better than to incur the wrath of the Commander General.

But there was an ugly, gnawing feeling in his chest that Jeongguk could attribute to the trepidation of what was to come. In 24 hours, they’d be in Marsylle.

This wasn’t how he wanted to go to the Sky City for the first time.

He never really thought about it, hasn’t dreamed of why he’d go to Marsylle, only that he would with Taehyung. The prince would show him his childhood home: the garden conservatory in the Chateau de Marsylle, the Queen’s manoir house in Avinhon, the little town of Lunefleur in the mountains, and the ethereal Palais du Etiole. There would be no sight-seeing during this visit.

Jeongguk got out of bed. If he couldn’t sleep, he might as well find something to do.

It was after midnight, and the kitchen staff would be gone by now. But he had a coffee machine in his office that had the function to make other drinks.

The halls were barely lit – as they always were at this time of night – but it wasn’t hard to see the shadow of the guard outside his door. He bowed, a little too quickly, as if startled by the king’s late-night appearance. Choi Yeonjun of House Scutum. He was an untitled member of the House, the only son of the old Baron of Sancus’ youngest daughter. He was young, perhaps 2-3 years Jeongguk’s junior.

He had followed Jeongguk around since the General Commander appointed him as the King’s Personal Guard after Cha Seungwon’s confession. Since tensions rose and the understanding that it was a mole. If an agent had gotten in once, there is always a chance that they could get in again.

Hoseok had high hopes for the young man to become a strong general in his military and lead as well. Yeonjun had excelled in all his physical and written examinations. Graduated top of his class and took his duties as the King's personal guard very seriously.

Jeongguk was initially peeved by having a personal guard. Hoseok had argued that it was like Taehyung who had Jimin as his Crownsguard. Jeongguk argued that Jimin did not follow Taehyung’s every single step and moment of their lives.

So Hoseok had negotiated that Yeonjun would accompany him if he had any nightly excursions when there were less staff and guards in the building, and he’ll inform the guard during the day of where he was going.

Jeongguk reluctantly agreed, but as his stress and tension climbed, he grew bitter as he thought the young man wouldn’t be able to keep up with Jeongguk’s energy and the insane workouts and runs he’d do late into the night. But Yeonjun could match – if not exceed the bursts of energy Jeongguk had in his nightly runs and workouts without complaint. Instead, he seemed to thrive in it. Jeongguk then warmed up to the young soldier.

“Yeonjun,” Jeongguk greeted, fixing the hoodie as he stepped out in simple sweats and a pair of slides.

“Your Majesty,” Yeonjun called, falling into step beside Jeongguk. “I –”

“What did I say about titles,” Jeongguk said.

Yeonjun sighed, and then the hard mask melted as the boy started pouting.

Hyungnim,” he whined. “All the members of your King’s Circle advised me to remind you to rest.”

Jeongguk said. “They are older, and need their rest. I can’t sleep anymore.”

Yeonjun followed in step, and Jeongguk felt underdressed next to the guard’s black suit.

“Are we going to your study!? Hyungnim, please don’t make me call the Commander-General this late at night.”

Jeongguk couldn’t help a weak chuckle.

“Are you going to tattle on me? I’m just going to the coffee machine in the study.”

“That’s even worse!”

“To make hot chocolate,” Jeongguk finished. “Relax, Yeonjun.”

The guard pouted and continued beside Jeongguk.

“I’ll make you one too, and then we’ll just go to the media room and maybe play some games.”

Yeonjun’s eyes seemed to widen even more, and Jeongguk felt the warmth bloom in his chest. He wondered if this is what it was like for his King’s Circle, did they care for him like a younger sibling? Did Taehyung and Jimin feel this way about their younger siblings?

The soft and warm feeling dissipated when Yeonjun’s hand suddenly shot out and pulled Jeongguk to a stop. The guard yanked Jeongguk behind him, hand gliding towards the weapon holstered at his hip.

“I heard some noises,” Yeonjun murmured, “but no one is stationed at the Grand Staircase.”

“All the staff should have gone by now,” Jeongguk whispered.

There was a faint echoing sound – something familiar - a song he had heard like the edge of a dream. Yeonjun spoke into his radio in low voices in a code Jeongguk didn’t understand.

“Stay here, Hyungnim,” Yeonjun said, and something in Jeongguk did not like having the younger boy put himself in harm's way. But he was already slinking away, close to the edge of the wall, and Jeongguk had no choice but to stay - heart pounding and –

“Oh, Your Royal Highness?”

The gentle humming stopped, “Yeonjun? Is that you?”

“Yes, sir.”

“Was I disturbing you?”

Taehyung. His voice was quiet. He had been humming an Attalian lullaby.

“No, no, of course not,” Yeonjun said. “It’s just - what are you doing here in the middle of the night?” There was a gentleness to his tone, a reverence in the often stern way he spoke. He, like everyone else – had already fallen for Taehyung’s charm. Jeongguk pressed himself against the wall, thoughts racing as he tried to puzzle together how they knew each other. Yeonjun went where Jeongguk did– and perhaps – perhaps Jeongguk had made it obvious to the guard that he didn’t want to see the Prince in those weeks.

“Where is Lord Park Jimin?” Yeonjun asked.

Taehyung’s brief silence was alarming. “In our chambers,” he finally answered. “What are you doing this late at night – I thought you’d be guarding the King?”

Jeongguk couldn’t stand it anymore. He stepped out into the hall, and for a second, he thought the sound of his loudly beating heart would alert them. But not even Yeonjun turned.

“I – he – uh – ”

Yeonjun finally turned and eyed the King with a helpless look. There was no excuse Yeonjun could have come up with. Not if Taehyung knew that Yeonjun was the King’s Personal Guard.

There was no point in trying to hide. So, Jeongguk stepped out from behind the corner, and purposefully scuffed his slides across the floor.

Taehyung turned at the sound.

“It’s just me, Taehyung,” Jeongguk said softly, tried to, but his voice was so loud in the early morning that he wondered if he’d wake up the rest of his King’s Circle, wherever they were.

Taehyung stood, using the banister for support as he rose to his feet. “Oh…Jeongguk.”

Jeongguk licked his lips.

“I - I couldn’t sleep,” Taehyung said softly. “And I didn’t want to be in my rooms anymore.”

“Ah,” Jeongguk whispered.

“What are you doing awake,” Taehyung asked, “you… you must be tired.”

“I… couldn’t sleep either.”

Taehyung hesitated, “Perhaps… we should go somewhere more private to speak?”

Jeongguk nodded and hummed. Taehyung stood and held his hand out to Jeongguk.

“Would you be alright if we head back to my rooms?”

Taehyung nodded, “I – I’ll need help. I forgot to bring my cane with me.”

Jeongguk was eager to help. They both stood, and Taehyung held out his free hand.

The warmth and familiarity of entwining his fingers into Taehyung’s felt like the comfort of crawling into his bed.

Yeonjun smartly backed up, following some distance behind them. Once they got to Jeongguk’s rooms, Yeonjun leaned into Jeonguk’s side.

“I’ll be out of earshot,” he said softly, “to give you both some privacy.”

The statement might have implied something else if said by another, but Yeonjun’s words were gentle. Soft. He was a hopeless romantic like Jeongguk, it seemed.

Jeongguk nodded and Yeonjun left, closing the door behind him.

“How is Jimin-hyung?” Jeongguk asked.

“Probably in his room, hopefully resting,” Taehyung answered stiffly. “I…wanted to go for a walk on my own.”

Jeongguk felt something was wrong, something Taehyung wasn’t saying, but he didn’t push it further.

His rooms were dark – just as he left them. The lights were off and outlines of the furniture were illuminated only by the pale, barely there light of the moon through the clouds. Jeongguk didn’t bother to turn on the lights.

Taehyung stepped into Jeongguk’s rooms, letting go of Jeongguk’s hands. He twisted around suddenly, gasping and reaching for something mid-air, but then Jeongguk heard the sharp peal of something hitting the marble floors.

Taehyung dropped to his knees, hissing something in Attalian before switching to the Common Tongue.

“I got it,” Jeongguk said. He followed it, catching the gleam of bright metal in the low light. He cupped his hand over the rolling metal to stop it, and scooped it up to find a ring.

It was cold, the shape familiar as Jeongguk wore a similar signet ring on his hand. He recognised the insignia too. Jeongguk had seen it in the letters from the Attalian King, the pretty and intricate shape of a chrysanthemum flower entwined with a thorny stem of a rose.

He had seen this ring in the box of jewels in Taehyung’s rooms before.

Taehyung followed behind, arms outstretched.

“I’m on your left,” Jeongguk said, with his arms open until their fingertips met.

Taehyung slid his fingers into the palm of Jeongguk’s hand, like it was the most normal thing to do.

Jeongguk wanted to hang on – to simply hold on – but he flipped Taehyung’s hand over and carefully placed the ring in the center of his palm. Taehyung closed his fingers around it, in a furling blossom and brought his hand close to his chest.

“Thank you,” he whispered.

They stood awkwardly, Taehyung holding the ring close.

“It would be safer if you wore it.”

“It is… not mine to wear,” Taehyung whispered. “This ring belongs to Kim Daeshim of House Chrysantheme, King of Attalia.”

He said his father’s name with such gentle reverence, with such care to ensure his words were in the present tense.

“No other sovereign can wear this ring but my father,” he said. “It is tradition for a new signet ring to be made upon the crowning of a new monarch. Then, it will be altered upon their marriage to be a symbol of the era of their reign.”

Taehyung gently held the ring in his hands, like it was more fragile than flower petals. “Signet rings are buried with their wearer.”

“Then…” Jungkook hesitated. “If it’s not rude of me to ask-”

“My father made me bring it to Naissus,” Taehyung explained, “to use it as a channel.”

“For visions?” Jeongguk asked in a low voice.

Taehyung nodded. He turned away, navigating the room by feeling along the furniture and walls until he found the sitting area and sat down on the couch.

“Jennie called again.”

Jeongguk moved to sit beside Taehyung on the sofa.

“They have more information on my father’s condition. A couple of broken bones. But…” He turned his head towards Jeongguk. “The head trauma, they called it a subdural hematoma. They got him into surgery, and he’ll be in intensive care for a while.”

His long fingers ran over the embossed design of the ring.

“He’s… out of immediate danger,” Taehyung continued. “But the brain injury is severe. He’ll be in recovery for a while, and he’ll likely have complications: muscle weakness, memory, and cognition can be affected too.”

The ring disappeared in Taehyung’s palm, and he tucked it away into the inside-pocket of his colour-blocked cardigan. He curled in on himself, legs folding into his chest, and it was strange seeing the lanky man look so small. His hands turned white.

“He’ll have to abdicate. Jennie is prepared.”

Jeongguk didn’t realize that he had been gripping too tightly to his own hands until his fingers shook. He exhaled shakily. Abdications, regardless of reason, were never easy – and now Jennie would rise to power. She had just turned 21, as Taehyung had said, not much older than Jeongguk was when he took the throne.

“But my father is alive,” Taehyung whispered, “I thank the Goddesses for that.”

“How is your mother faring?”

“She is strong,” Taehyung said, “Jennie tells me that she was prepared to be regent until I returned because it was unknown if anyone had survived the attack. She spent waking hours in the temple while not helping Jennie deal with the aftermath.”

“And your sister?”

“She hadn’t slept since the attack,” Taehyung said, and now Jeongguk could hear the hoarseness in his voice.

“Have you slept?”

He could see a wry smile, before Taehyung subtly shook his head.

“You need to rest too,” Jeongguk said softly, “We’re leaving for Attalia in 24 hours….”

“I know,” Taehyung said.

“Jimin-hyung’s brother was injured too, wasn’t he?”

“He was… My father pushed both Mingyu and Ji-hyun out of the way of a collapsing ceiling. Mingyu…hasn’t left our father’s side. I worry he blames himself. ”

Taehyung’s voice broke, and Jeongguk could see his shoulders shaking in the greying darkness. Taehyung let out a laugh - and his voice cracked.

“I worry about a lot of things.”

Jeongguk surged forward, arms wide as he gently pulled Taehyung into his chest. Taehyung tipped easily, pressing into Jeongguk and curling a hand around the excess fabric of his hoodie. He rested his head against the curve of Jeongguk’s neck and shoulder. Taehyung’s shuddering breaths fanned against his collarbone, and he felt a warm wetness on his skin.

“I’m frightened,” Taehyung admitted in a whisper.

In the dark, the words were so soft – and they closed in on Jeongguk like a noose.

It hurt, and he wanted nothing more than to chase it away.

He knew trite words like, ‘I’m sorry,’ and ‘things will be okay,’ would never be enough. And Jungkook was a man of action.

So he held Taehyung close.

Taehyung sniffled, and Jeongguk was content to remain holding him, until the shuddering breaths calmed and Taehyung’s grip on his hoodie loosened. He had started running his fingers through Taehyung’s hair, hoping that the gesture was as soothing as it often was for himself.

“It’s alright to be frightened,” Jeongguk managed. “Your father is in good care. He’ll make it through, and as you said, Jennie will be a good queen. She may be young but has the skill. She won’t be alone.”

Then Taehyung laughed again, a sound that was half sob, half disbelief. “It’s not because of what’s to come that frightens me. It’s myself of what I have become.”

His voice was so quiet, like he was scared of confessing something some damning. “I… wanted to be king.”

“To save your brother?”

Taehyung scoffed. “Yes, it’s true that Mingyu is too young, he was never raised with the knowledge of having to inherit one day. But.. my motives… were not as altruistic. I gave up my right to the throne because I could never be king during Park Hae-jin’s reign and just sit and do nothing. And now – he had attacked my country and nearly killed my father and sister. I had a reason to fight back. I wanted to fight him. Then when we got news that my father and sister were alive, my first thought was relief, then disappointment that Jennie would not want a war.”

Suddenly, it made sense. Taehyung’s anger wasn’t directed at Jeongguk – no. It was at himself.

“I wanted a war,” Taehyung said, “Knowing all the consequences, all the sacrifices, I wanted a war because I thought it would be the only way to stop Park Hae-jin. To be able to protect everyone I love.”

Jungkook wondered if he should confess to knowing the feeling all too well.

“It was so childish,” Taehyung mumbled, “and foolish.”

But it wasn’t. Taehyung was right. Park Hae-jin was a threat that needed to be stopped.

“I meant it. Everything I said in the gardens,” Jeongguk said.

“What about… what you said - about wanting me?” Taehyung asked softly.

“That too,” Jeongguk said. That especially. “I… wasn’t avoiding you because my feelings changed. I didn’t mean to hurt you. The Council advised me to – ”

“I know,” Taehyung said. “I had a vision – you told Hoseok-hyung and Yoongi-hyung of the pressure for you to have an heir.”

Jeongguk winced at the blunt way Taehyung said it.

“I should have told you.”

“I understand why you didn’t.” Taehyung said.

Jeongguk licked his lips. He looked down, wringing his fingers nervously.“I should have told you.” he repeated.

He felt the tickle of warm fingers on his cheek, then looked up to see Taehyung reaching for him.

He leaned into the touch.

“I… don’t blame you for not telling me. I can’t imagine the pressures of being sovereign.”

“I had mistakenly distrusted you once, and it was foolish of me to think that this is something I should have kept secret.”

Taehyung didn’t reply, his thumb moving to trace over the corner of Jeongguk’s mouth.

“I hope to earn your forgiveness.”

Taehyung’s hand still rested on his cheek, and the prince leaned forward until his breath fanned against Jeongguk’s face, until his lips touched the corner of Jeongguk’s mouth.

“I forgive you.”

Jeongguk was told he wore his heart on his sleeve for his entire life. A boy too young to rule and too controlled by his emotions. He had tried to do what was right for his kingdom, to be a just and kind ruler.

He had.

But he would be damned before he lost someone he loved.

Not when he held enough power to stop it.

“I swear to you, Taehyung. I will not let Attalia fall,” he repeated. “Be it your father as king or Jennie as queen. Attalia will have Naissus’ support.”

“Even if Park Hae-jin chooses war?” The words were barely audible, no louder than a breath as Taehyung said the word ‘war.’ As if he said it any louder would make it a certain reality rather than a dreadful nightmare.

Jeongguk felt an anger at the way the Emperor’s name left Taehyung’s lips.

A muttering breathlessness like fear.

He never wanted Taehyung to feel like that.

“If Park Hae-jin chooses it, know I will go to war for you.”

Taehyung’s lip quivered – He leaned forward until their foreheads touched until Jeongguk could feel the warmth of Taehyung’s breath and the scent of flowers on his skin.

I love you,” Jeongguk breathed. The first time he'd ever said it. But the word ‘love’ might’ve not been enough to encompass everything he felt for Taehyung.

Taehyung didn’t speak, instead pressed up until their lips touched again. It ignited a fire, and Jeongguk surged after him, gently lowering him onto the couch. Until Jeongguk hovered over him.

Taehyung’s hand travelled down the curve of Jeongguk’s neck, and he pulled him in again. The kiss was bruising, and there was desperation to the touches. As if each touch and each breath was imbued with the love he didn’t say.

As if this could mean goodbye.

Taehyung’s hand slid under Jeongguk’s hoodie. He parted from their kiss, breathing heavily.

“Jeongguk,” Taehyung breathed. “Will you forgive me?”

Jeongguk stopped suddenly, sitting upright.

The heat and desire drained from his veins.

“What do you mean?” he asked breathlessly. “Forgive you for what?”

His only reply was a heart-wrenchingly sad smile, and Jeongguk felt the rise of an all-consuming fear.

Taehyung followed him, sitting up until he pushed Jeongguk down onto the couch, straddling him. He shook his head, leaning down.

“Taehyung – ”

Taehyung’s tongue and teeth began mapping a trail down the column of Jeongguk’s throat. His hand trailed up the side of Jeongguk’s waist, catching the hem of his hoodie until his hand splayed against his chest. Warm against Jeongguk’s skin, the thought of what he wanted to say slipped away.

It felt like an eternity before the trepidation and worry made him think past the head.

“Taehyung - ” he tried again. “What’s wrong? Did something else happen?”

Taehyung trailed his finger down Jeongguk’s face until he found Jeongguk’s lips.

“No. Not – not yet. I just….trust me…and know that I love you.”

He pressed another kiss to Jeongguk’s lips, then his hands began travelling down the side of Jeongguk’s waist to his hips. “That’s all that should matter right now.”



Choi Yeonjun [TXT]
House: Scutum (the Shield)
Position: Personal Guard to the King
Nephew of the Baron of Sancus (Roman God of Trust and Honour)

1. Thank you so much to kicksomeacid for reviewing this chapter so many times. Your support make the story so much better. <3
2. Come talk to me on Twitter or ask me questions on Curious Cat.

With Love,

Chapter 23: casus belli


c a s u s b e l l i

(phrase.) “occasion for war,’ an act or event that either provokes or is used to justify a war


(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

chapter twenty-three

casus belli

Jeongguk had always enjoyed the drive around the Crown City of Naissus. As the years went by and the population in the urban center grew, architectural changes were seen in layers. In the city’s center were the older buildings, centuries-old and grand with stone walls, arches, and intricate reliefs. The Royal Courts of Justice was there, as was the Museum Lux Brumalis. The streets were small and mostly cobblestone until they turned into paved asphalt roads with glass skyscrapers towering on either side. The contrast was sharp and jarring, but Jeongguk liked the way that the old and modern collided.

However, the Sky City of Attalia seemed to have come out of a fairy tale, suspended in another world. A cobblestone bridge took them over a wide river that turned into a waterfall. Old brick buildings and cobblestone alleys were beside the main road, and the streets were lit with pretty black lamp posts rather than industrial metal.

The sky had morphed into a watercolour painting, pale blue bleeding into pinks, purples and blinding orange.

Marsylle was beautiful.

Jeongguk tore his eyes from the tinted window, looking back to where Namjoon was sitting. Even the Lord Chancellor stared wide-eyed with a smile that could only be described as awe. He had tried to convince Hoseok to join them, but the Commander General trusted no one else with commandeering the Bahamut but himself. He wished Yoongi and Seokjin could have joined them, but Yoongi had his share of fears, and someone had to be in charge while Jeongguk was gone, and Seokjin was there to provide support.

Jeongguk turned to Taehyung when he heard muffled sounds from outside grow louder - then clearer. Taehyung had rolled down the window just a touch, enough for the wind to catch in his curls. He lifted his head, breathing in the air. Outside, Jeongguk could hear the voices of people gathered on the streets. They couldn’t make their arrival to Attalia subtle, not with the entourage of vehicles escorting them, and not with something as big as the Bahamut entering the kingdom’s airspace.

The Bahamut was the latest airship in the Naissian Royal Fleet. The requisition for its construction was delayed due to the epidemic that swept through Naissus and much of the Territories, and it was only during the early months of Jeongguk’s reign were the blueprints unearthed. The original plan for the Sky Fortress was to sustain the sovereign and most of his court should there be a need, but in the shadows of the war in Iaryen, Jeongguk had requested it be built with the capacity to be taken in battle. So, like its namesake, the Sky Fortress Bahamut – King of Kings – was outfitted with enough firepower to take out an airship armada.

At first, Jeongguk was horrified by its power, but now… he was grateful for his decisions.

He could hear the people outside yelling something in Attalian. He couldn’t understand it, but it sounded like the same phrase, repeated in reverence by some who threw themselves to the ground.

“What are they saying?” Namjoon asked, turning to Jimin who sat beside him.

The Crownsguard sat with his arms crossed over his chest, eyes closed. It looked like he was dozing.

“Blessed be the Blood of the Oracle,” Jimin replied. “Blessed be the Divine House Chrysanthème.”

Namjoon glanced over at that.

“Some Attalians are devout worshippers of the Goddesses,” Jimin said, eyes opening into slits like a cat. “Most did not believe… Until news of the First Prince’s sudden blindness.”

Taehyung didn’t answer, tipping his head back against the headrest. Taehyung hadn’t spoken much on their journey here. He lingered close to Jimin and Jeongguk sometimes, but there was a listlessness. The prince had strung his father’s signet ring on a long silver chain, and often Jeongguk would catch Taehyung pulling it out from underneath his shirt. He would grasp it tightly, holding his fingers to his moving lips as if whispering prayers.

“I’ve… never left Duscae,” Jeongguk said conversationally, glancing out the window again. “I have done tours of the Commonwealth… but this is the most I’ve travelled.”

Taehyung turned his head to the sound of Jeongguk’s voice.

“I had imagined your first visit to Marsylle to be different,” Taehyung said, his voice hoarse. He cleared his throat before continuing. “I wanted to bring you to the Rêvasser Museum and to the opera… I want to show you Avihnon and my mother’s rose chateau.”

“Next time,” Jeongguk quickly said. “When this all blows over, we’ll make some time to go to Marsylle again.”

“Next time,” Taehyung repeated, lips moving into a barely-there smile. The wistfulness in his tone made Jeongguk’s stomach hurt, the ache like the melancholy daydreams of the summer spent in Luna Castle.

He turned away when the driver said something sharply in Attalian.

Jimin sat up and opened his eyes. “We’re here.”

Jeongguk turned back to the window, watching as two guards pushed open the iron-wrought gates. The long driveway was lined with lush green trees. The road was covered with gravel paving; as the chateau came into view, there was suddenly a soft pitter-patter of rain hitting the windshield—a sun shower. The glass windows of the chateau glistened, and in the setting sun's light, it seemed to glow .

Even Namjoon was blown away by the beauty of it for a moment.

As the car pulled up to the entrance, several footmen stood with white parasols to shield them from the drizzling rain. It was evening now, but, due to where Attalia was situated, the sun set later during these months.

The doors opened, and immediately, Jeongguk was blinded by the glittering lights.

He turned to see Namjoon walking around the car with Jimin behind him. The Crownsguard held his own parasol. Jeongguk felt something brush his arm and glanced down to see Taehyung weaving his hand through the crook of his arm.

“Let’s go inside,” Taehyung said softly, pulling on their joined arms. He followed, still dazzled by the brilliance of the chateau. Once inside, Jeongguk marvelled at the way the light streamed in through the high windows and glass doors. The main foyer was made of a high dome ceiling and archways branching off to the different wings of the palace. As he stared, he wasn’t paying attention to the sounds around until he heard fast clips on marble floors – heels – and then one set of the doors bashed open as a figure in white came running into the hall.

Kim Jennie, Crown Princess of Attalia.

“Oppa!” she yelled.

Taehyung had heard her approach and slid his hand out of Jeongguk’s grip. He stood with arms wide open, waiting. The Crown Princess didn’t slow, shoes still pounding loud as she collided into him.

Jeongguk heard them speaking in soft Attalian.

He had learnt a couple of words here and there.

Hello. How are you? Goodbye.

I love you.

He heard Taehyung ask about his father.

Jennie shook her head, then, through the rush of mellifluous tones, he heard the name of the Second Prince.

Another woman emerged from the doorway. Her gait was more subdued, but her steps were light with an elegance that reminded him of Jimin. This must be Jimin’s younger sister, Jisoo. Beside her was a younger man who bore the same grace and beauty as the woman. Jimin’s brother, he assumed. Jimin stepped around the royal siblings, stopping before his own. He tapped his sister’s nose and gently caressed his brother’s face with both hands before his eyes slid down to the white cast beneath the black sling around his neck.

The young man brushed Jimin’s hand away when he tried to touch his arm, rolling his eyes and brushing off the injury in the way Jeongguk might have under the attention of his King’s Circle.

His eyes followed the sound of another set of shoes clipping across the marble floors. Jennie turned when she appeared, quickly locking her elbow around Taehyung’s and pulling him until they stood in front of their mother. Taehyung bowed, and Jimin stepped around his siblings to do the same. Jeongguk inclined his head and beside him, Namjoon lowered into a respectful bow.

This was undoubtedly Park Soohee of House Rose, Queen of Attalia. Jeongguk had only seen pictures of her in passing. But like Jennie and Taehyung, she had the same sureness in her steps, the same curve in their smiles…and he imagined that Taehyung’s gaze would be just as intense. She reached for her son, fingertips tracing the curve of his jaw and thumb brushing the shadows under his eyes.

She said something in Attalian, her voice was gentle and melodic, but Jeongguk imagined that her words would carry weight. Taehyung’s answer was equally soft before they all turned toward Jeongguk and Namjoon.

Queen Park Soohee was dressed in a blush pink coat dress with her hair cut in a chin-length bob. Jeongguk could see where the siblings had gotten their beauty from, but she had shadows underneath her eyes and a deathly pallor to her skin.

“Your Majesty, Lord Chancellor,” she greeted, nodding at them. “Welcome to Marsylle.”

Jennie stood at her mother’s side, fingers laced together in front of her. She held her head high, and the frantic affection she had shown her brother diminished into regal calm. “I trust the journey into the city was pleasant?”

“It was,” Jeongguk answered, “the Sky City is beautiful, and we’re honoured to have the chance to visit, even under such circ*mstances.”

“Are pleasantries really necessary?” Taehyung said, and though Jeongguk knew the prince was trying to keep his tone light, his words had an undercurrent of impatience. “When is the Emperor arriving?”

“Tomorrow evening,” Jennie replied, “We’ll host a formal dinner party upon his arrival. The parley will take place the following day.”

“A formal dinner party,” Taehyung repeated, “after everything that has happened.”

Jennie winced as if knowing her brother would respond as such. “It is tradition. When delegations arrive to discuss a treaty, Attalia hosts a formal dinner in hopes that all parties understand that the goal is peace.”

“Yes, Attalia hosts a dinner between the belligerent parties,” Taehyung argued, “Not when we’re part of the belligerents.”

“I know that,” Jennie hissed. “But there isn’t exactly a guidebook on handling a peace treaty meeting when your own country is being attacked.”

“Children,” Park Soohee said, putting a hand on both of them. “Perhaps you can discuss this in private? Not the middle of the great hall?”

Taehyung’s shoulders slumped. “Yes, Eommoni.”

Jennie also sighed. She reached out and wrapped both arms around Taehyung’s.

“If you don’t mind,” she said, “I’m going to take Taehyung-oppa to see my father and youngest brother.”

He allowed her to push him toward one of the hallways, whining half-heartedly when he tripped as if trying to lighten the situation.

“O-of course,” Jeongguk said, watching as they both left, still a little stunned by how quickly the siblings had escalated the conversation to have their mother deflate it in barely a second. “On behalf of Naissus and the Crown, I’d like to extend our well-wishes to both His Majesty the King and His Royal Highness, the Second Prince.”

“Thank you for your kindness,” Park Soohee replied, “and for protecting my son.”

Jeongguk opened his mouth, but no words came but strangled sounds, suddenly flustered under the Queen’s scrutiny. He looked to Namjoon for support, but his Lord Chancellor had turned to greet Jimin’s siblings.

“Well, I must excuse myself,” Park Soohee said, gesturing to a young woman dressed in a pale blue suit, holding a clipboard. She was one of the staff who had greeted them upon their arrival, and now she stepped forward, bowing at the waist.

“This is the Head of the Royal Household, Jia,” Park Soohee introduced, “she will show you to the guest wing and help you with anything you need.”

Jeongguk nodded his thanks and hovered as the Attalian Queen turned on her heels, and immediately an attendant rushed forward to whisper something in her ear.

“Right this way, Your Majesty, Your Grace,” Jia called.

Jeongguk jumped, following her with Namjoon beside him. He didn’t even notice when Yeonjun stepped behind him like a shadow. The guard had sat in the front passenger seat of their vehicle and had been a stoic statue in the foyer. But now, despite trying to look focused and stern, Jeongguk could see that he was struggling as he took in the palace's beauty.

Jia led them to the end of one of the five wings of the castle and stopped beside two sets of doors beside each other. She pointed to one of the doors.

“The rooms with the oak tree patterns are for His Majesty, and the one with the pine tree is for the Lord Chancellor,” she explained.

Namjoon opened the doors to his room and quickly stepped inside. He was pulling something out of his pocket as he went – his phone. The doors shut quietly behind him.

Jeongguk had to take a step back to admire the intricate carvings. The doors were painted white, as were the rest of the walls in the hall. There was a relief of a tree with a massive trunk and thick grotesque branches bisecting the double doors. The branches stretched up and beyond the wooden panels. He opened the doors and found that the patterns of twisting branches and curling leaves continued onto the ceiling and winded down the walls.

Yeonjun let out a little sigh.

Jeongguk stood, awestruck still by how much light flooded the chateau, even this late into the evening. The suite comprised of a private sitting room, office space, and bedroom with an adjoining bathroom. The room was furnished with oak wood and textiles of white and grey accents. The only form of colour in the room was glass vases with an arrangement of spray roses.

“Please don’t hesitate to call the staff if you require anything, Your Majesty,” Jia said. “You are welcome to explore the chateau. Please let someone know if there is anything you need. Her Royal Highness, the Crown Princess requests your presence tomorrow afternoon for a meeting in the King’s Study.”

“Yes, of course, I’ll be there,” Jeongguk said. As soon as she closed the doors, Yeonjun rushed towards the glass doors leading out to the terrace.

He turned back, “Can I open them, Hyung?”

Jeongguk nodded, stepping to meet Yeonjun as he pulled open the double glass doors. The guard held an arm out to stop Jeongguk as he stepped forward, scanning the surroundings before dropping his arm.

“All clear,” he called.

As soon as Jeongguk stepped outside, he took a deep breath, relishing in the calming scent of grass, rain, and soil. The veranda had a side view of the chateau’s expansive estate. The estate grounds seemed to go on until they reached a dense forest of trees, then dropped away to jagged grey cliffs. The terrace wrapped around the back of the castle, the pathways merging towards a grand staircase leading towards the formal gardens with neat hedge-lined pathways and rows of flowers. Jeongguk wondered if it were these gardens that Taeyung spoke about that smelled like freesia.

“Is that… a labyrinth?” Yeonjun asked.

He pointed to the far right corner of the estate, where a massive hedge labyrinth sat. Before Jeongguk could answer, another knock came at his door and through the glass, he saw Heuningkai walking in with his luggage. The valet came in immediately, apologizing for the delay, and asked if Jeognguk wanted a change of clothes.

He waved the anxious boy off, giving him what he hoped was a kind smile. Heuningkai wasn’t usually this nervous, but lately, in the presence of Yeonjun, he grew rather flustered. Yeonjun came inside again when the valet showed up, offering to help hang the King’s garments in the bedroom closet.

Jeongguk made a point to wander away from the bedroom, loudly opening every door to give them some privacy and out of sheer curiosity until no doors were left. He announced that he’d be visiting the Lord Chancellor, and he won’t be long before opening the main double doors and leaving his valet and guard to their flirting.

The doors to Namjoon’s guest suite had a relief of a tall pine tree. Though the trunk was thinner, there were more branches with thick needles. He knocked on the side of the panel and heard Namjoon’s footsteps scrambling to the door.

“Jeongguk?” Namjoon asked when he pulled the doors open. Jeongguk stepped past his Lord Chancellor into his rooms. Namjoon’s rooms were similar – just in accents of dark blue rather than the greys, and instead of the oak tree climbing up the ceiling, Namjoon’s rooms had a relief of a willowy-reaching pine tree on one wall.

Namjoon followed Jeongguk inside, used to the young King’s unannounced visits. The Lord Chancellor had shed the jacket he had worn into Marsylle and unbuttoned the top of his black dress shirt. He still held his phone, turning it in his hands as he gestured to the seating area by the windows.

Jeongguk’s rooms were on the end of the wing, a little larger with the study, a corner veranda, and his view obstructed by the rows of cypress trees surrounding the estate. But Namjoon’s rooms had an unimpeded view of the formal gardens from his sitting area. Jeongguk collapsed into the seat across from Namjoon, sprawling out across the sofa.

“It’s so beautiful,” Jeongguk mumbled. “It doesn’t feel like it’s real.”

Namjoon hummed. “I don’t think I ever planned on going to Attalia, and not like this.”

Jeongguk closed his eyes, intending to bask in the now-fading sunlight. He stirred when there was a knock on Namjoon’s doors, and one of the footmen pushed in a rolling cart. He seemed rattled at seeing the Naissian King in the room and stuttered his way through explaining the refreshments as he placed them on the table between them.

The footman placed a three-tiered stand on the table. The bottom tier was loaded with warm, buttery pastries and tiny tea sandwiches with delicate sweets on top. He also placed a glass pot of tea beside it, explaining that there was a tray sent to Jeongguk’s rooms, and he could bring it here instead. Jeongguk quickly declined, telling the footman to leave it in his rooms for Yeonjun and Heungkai’s enjoyment.

As Jeongguk swung his legs over the edge and hauled himself upright, Namjoon poured them a cup of tea.

Jeongguk held the glass cup in both hands. White petaled flowers sunk to the bottom, and the scent wafting from the steaming cup was sweet and floral. He remembered Yoongi favoured this tea later in the evening rather than the barley tea commonly served in Naissus.

The warmth seeped into his skin. As the amazement and adrenaline wore off, he realized how cold his hands were, and the knots in his chest remained.

“What do you think of having a dinner party?”

Namjoon lifted the teacup to his lips, glancing up at Jeongguk through the fringe of his hair. His irises appeared darker in the sunset’s glow – sharper. Jeongguk had always admired Namjoon’s intelligence, but most of all, he valued the Lord Chancellor’s wisdom.

“It is noteworthy,” Namjoon started, “that Attalia still wants to maintain their stance on peace and neutrality despite the current events.”

Jeongguk hummed, watching Namjoon take a plate and place a puff pastry on it. He couldn’t help the smile when the older man reached into the bowl of sugar cubes beside the teapot and placed one on his tongue. Jeongguk found it fascinating how the older man had a love for sweets.

“The Crown Princess seems to be following in her father's footsteps. I fear how tense conversation may be at the dinner table. We must tread carefully,” Namjoon said.

Jeongguk hummed again.

“You look tense,” Namjoon said.


“You haven’t touched anything on the tray, and you’ve been holding your cup so hard I think it would break.”

Jeongguk immediately placed the teacup onto the table, rubbing his hands on his pants. His fingers were red from the heat, and still, he felt cold.

“What is it?” Namjoon asked quietly.

“Taehyung…” Jeongguk whispered, “I think…he did not seem convinced we could reach a peaceful resolution.”

Jeongguk crossed his legs. He turned to the windows again. The sun had set beyond the trees. The skies turned a darker shade of blue, and as the shadows in the room grew, so did the discomfort in his chest.

Namjoon let Jeongguk’s words linger, taking the time to break apart the pastry between his fingers.

“Are you?” he finally asked.

“The attack on Ravenna…feels like just the beginning. I feel like nothing more than a pawn in their game.”

Their game?”

“Park Hae-jin… and Taehyung,” Jeongguk admitted. “I think Taehyung is planning something…”

“I don’t know Taehyung as well as you,” Namjoon said. “We had already established Taehyung isn’t a pawn in this game from the very beginning. He never would be, and it would be a mistake to underestimate him.”

Namjoon glanced at his phone again for the fourth time since Jeongguk entered the room. The Lord Chancellor was usually always engaged in conversation and was never this distracted.

“Is something wrong?” Jeongguk asked.

Namjoon’s eyes flickered toward Jeongguk. Then he smiled almost sheepishly. “No - I - I am so sorry. I am listening to you, Jeongguk. I’m waiting for Seokjin-hyung to call me. He’s in the middle of a meeting with Jaehwan-hyung.”


Namjoon nodded, cramming the ripped half of the pastry into his mouth. “Jaehwan-hyung’s mother had recently passed on the role of CEO to him. Inlustris & Co. wanted to offer patronage to the university he and Seokjin attended. Jaehwan thought that Seokjin could accept it on the university’s behalf as he was such a renowned alumni…”

Jeongguk nodded, brows furrowing. “Are you worried about them meeting each other?”

Namjoon choked on the flakes of the buttery pastry, coughing, hacking, and… laughing as he placed the plate down on the table and reached for the teacup.

“By the Six, no. I am not jealous,” Namjoon said, his voice rough. “I’m just not sure how long their meeting would take, and I want to ensure I catch Seokjin-hyung when he calls.”

Namjoon paused to clear his throat and take a couple more sips of tea. “Seokjin-hyung is more worried than I. After everything that happened… we’re just… on edge.”

“Is he worried something will go wrong here?” Jeongguk asked.

“It is understandable,” Namjoon said, “after what happened at the Emperor’s coronation. But it is safer here. Attalia is well-loved and still holds a stance on non-interference in Iaryen’s war. Their only act was to send humanitarian aid to the siege happening in Lugdunum.”

“But he still worries,” Jeongguk finished, “because there is a possibility that this meeting could go poorly.”

“As I did when he went to the coronation,” Namjoon said with a knowing smile. He turned his phone over, then took a deep breath.

“I’m going to propose to him when we return.”

Jeongguk felt his cheeks and lips strain with how wide his smile was.

“I hope – I hope to have your blessing?” Namjoon said, almost hesitantly, “As my King?”

“Of course, Hyung,” Jeongguk said. “It’s about time… I shouldn’t be telling you this, but… I think Hoseok-hyung just lost a bet with Yoongi-hyung.”

“What was the bet?”

“Will you be the one to ask or Seokjin-hyung,” Jeongguk confessed.

Namjoon scoffed, running both hands through his hair.

“I would have just left it as it is,” he explained, “we were… happy as we were. But a union would ensure our estates are protected and cared for should the other – ”

Jeongguk didn’t want to finish Namjoon’s sentence in his thoughts either.

“It would do us good to hold those we love close during these times,” Namjoon continued. “What of you and Taehyung?”

Jeongguk began fidgeting again, picking at the fringes of one of the white and blue pillows.

“Hoseok had told me what Shim Balam had said,” Namjoon pressed, “and Yoongi-hyung had told me about Jieun’s proposal.”

“You already knew?”

“Rumours travel fast… and it’s my job to know what’s going on within your Privy Council and where the shifts in power are.”

“I want to propose to him,” Jeongguk confessed. Namjoon’s expression softens into a warm smile.

Jeongguk couldn’t help but mirror it, “I want him at my side as King’s Consort.”


“Hyung, what if this… parley goes wrong…and it comes to war?”

The gentleness in Namjoon’s features remained. “Jeongguk, these years of your reign have brought many changes to Naissus and the Territories of Duscae. We were once a nation isolated from the rest of the world. Now, all eyes are on us. Your decisions have brought us here, for better or for worse. I cannot imagine you choosing such an option without precedence. Should the meeting go poorly, should we not come to an agreement, and should the Empire continue to threaten our ally or ourselves – then we do what we must.”

As the final rays of the sun sank over the cliffs, Jeongguk returned to his room to take a lengthy shower. The hot steam and smell of eucalyptus and roses helped uncoil the knots of tension in his muscles and chest, but they quickly returned when he got out. Naissus was a couple of hours behind Attalia, and though it was late enough to consider going to bed, he found that he couldn’t fall asleep.

Jeongguk had decided to join his guard out on the veranda. Yeonjun was content with sitting on the lounge chairs, half-dozing in the still-warm autumn evening. Jeongguk tried to settle, but he felt restless and wanted to take advantage of the lull in activity to explore the castle. He didn’t have the heart to make Yeonjun get up, especially when the guard hadn’t gotten much time off since he was assigned to Jeongguk.

“I know you want to go for a walk, Hyung,” Yeonjun said without even opening his eyes. “The Commander General had told me that the palace grounds should be safe, and you won’t need a guard.”

Jeongguk couldn’t help but laugh. “Am I that predictable?”

“No…not predictable,” Yeonjun sighed, the words lengthening into breathy syllables. “The Commander General just knows you well. Stay indoors, Hyung. The gardens are expansive, and it’s too dark to go out.”

Jeongguk couldn’t help but grin at his guard’s sleepy warning. He’d heed Yeonjun’s request after bringing him inside and helping him settle into the office space converted into a bedroom. Yeonjun might have been content with falling asleep on the veranda right now, but he wouldn’t be in the morning when the fern frost settled.

Unlike the stark marble floors and dark architecture of Sol Palace, the Chateau de Marsylle was all soft lines, gossamer curtains, wooden floors, and massive windows with high arches. The reliefs of trees and flowers continued on the walls and ceiling. The halls were lit with wall sconces that emitted warm circles of light. He had wandered into the main foyer, and before he could decide on which way to go, Jeongguk heard a familiar laugh and then the sounds of clashing metal.

He followed it, heading down the center corridor. At the end was a set of double glass doors bordered by a relief of climbing ivy. He poked his head in to see Jimin and his sister doubling over in the middle of the round ballroom, figures illuminated by the crystal chandelier hanging over their heads. Their younger brother sat on one of the benches scattered on the edges of the room, his smile just as bright as he watched his siblings catch their breaths and brandish their… foam pool noodles… and started sparing.

Their laughter was infectious, and with their foam swords, their play fighting was more for their brother’s entertainment rather than the show of skill and strength like Jeongguk’s previous sparring experience with Jimin. The foam noodles were too flimsy to manage any force in a thrust or parry.

Jisoo and Jimin showed off more flourishes and embellishments than would be safe in a sword fight. Jisoo wielded the pool noodle like a projectile weapon, throwing it in the air like a paper fan and trying to catch it. Jimin had begun a series of figure eights with the bright blue foam and squawked when the light, bendy material hit him in the face. They all dissolved into another fit of giggles, and Jeongguk had let out a breathy laugh.

With the sudden unexpected sound, both siblings snapped upright, swords disappearing behind their backs.

Jeongguk took another step and revealed himself. “I didn’t mean to interrupt,” he called. His voice echoed in the room.

Ji-Hyun stood, lowering into a bow and Jisoo into a curtsy as they murmured a greeting.

“Oh, Jeongguk,” Jimin sighed. “I thought it was our father.”

“Or mother,” Jisoo muttered.

“Or our aunt…” Ji-Hyun supplied.

They all visibly shuddered.

“We were just playing,” Jimin explained, “trying to burn off the energy.”

Jeongguk was tempted to ask if he could join them. But he refrained.

“I was just exploring the castle,” Jeongguk said instead, “perhaps you could point me to the library? Or the conservatory?”

“Actually… ” Jimin started, “Perhaps you’d want to see Taehyung? He’s in his room. He would appreciate some company.”

Jeongguk couldn’t hide his interest in seeing Taehyung’s rooms. To see where he grew up, where the stories of freesia blooms and midnight escapades had occurred. To see Taehyung.


Jimin pointed down the corridor. “Go back to the main foyer and go down the left hall. Taehyung’s rooms would be the last ones on the right side. His door is marked with carvings of chrysanthemums.”

So Jeongguk followed Jimin’s directions until he stood before a white door panel with a thin design of golden chrysanthemums. He raised his fist and knocked three times. He thought he’d hear Taehyung’s voice calling for him to come in. Instead, he heard footsteps too fast and light to be Taehyung’s and then a young woman appeared at the door, dressed in white robes.

Jeongguk was about to apologize, wondering if he had somehow gotten the wrong rooms, until the scent of candied ginger and lavender wafted from the open doors.

He now heard Taehyung’s low and soft voice, as he said something in Attalian.

The woman bowed before him, speaking in her native tongue, but Jeongguk heard his title and name, stuttered like she was nervous.

“You can invite him in,” Taehyung said, now speaking in the Common Language. The woman stepped aside to allow him entry. The scent of flowers was even headier in Taehyung’s rooms. The colours in his chambers were a mix of the same white and pale gold that coloured the chrysanthemums outside his door.

A simple arrangement of white roses sat on the coffee table of his sitting room and the doors leading out to the veranda were wide open, the gauzy curtains fluttering in the darkness. Taehyung was nowhere to be seen.

The young woman who opened the door fidgeted with the hem of her robes.

“Um, His Royal Highness is preparing for a bath,” she said in the Common Language, gesturing to an adjoined room.

“Come in, Jeongguk,” Taehyung called. Jeongguk followed the sound of his voice towards the patch of light. He could hear the rush of water and the soft clatter of footsteps on marble floors as he turned the corner. The air was noticeably warmer here, humid, and steam clouds floated around the softly lit room.

There was a folding panel divider separating what looked like a claw-footed bathtub against one side of the room.

There was another much older woman in the same white robes with longer sleeves standing in front of the bathtub; a young man stood beside her, carrying a tray laden with different glass jars. She turned to the young man, placed a jar down to pick up another one filled with bath salts, and poured a measure into the steaming water.

Taehyung sat on a wicker chair before a vanity table that looked out to the gardens. He lounged in a silky bathrobe … and nothing else.

He turned to the sound of Jeongguk’s steps.

“Hello Jeongguk, Yeongja-seongsaengnim was just brewing a healing bath for me,” he greeted.

Jeongguk had to take a moment to clear his throat before speaking. “Healing bath?”

Taehyung hummed, “My mother insisted that after so long being away from Marsylle, a cleansing bath is needed. Yeongja-seongsaengnim is a healer and priestess of the Trinity Goddesses.”

The same young woman who answered the door came in a woven basket with a neatly arranged collection of flower petals and full blossoms. She stood beside the younger man. Now Jeongguk could see that all three wore similar robes. The robes were all white, layers of soft cotton with silk sashes and embroidered embellishments. If Yeonja was a priestess, the other two beside her must have been her acolytes.

Taehyung crossed his legs and started playing with a lock of hair. “She has been in charge of these procedures since my grandfather’s reign,” Taehyung continued, “Now we are all in her very capable hands.”

“Child, flattery will not get you out of this,” she said. “It never got you out of it as a child and will not help you now.”

The curve of Taehyung’s smile was playful.

“I thought you liked baths?” Jeongguk said.

“I do. I like it when it is warm, not when I sit there till the waters get cold.”

“You must sit in the waters until the properties absorb into your skin,” Yeongja explained, exasperated.

Taehyung sighed, the smile growing pouty as he shifted in the chair. The movement pulled on his robe, fabric bunching up until the front opened just a sliver to expose honeyed skin and the curve of his collarbone.

“Were you looking for me?” Taehyung asked.

“Uh…well… J-Jimin-hyung told me that you’d be here. I could leave since you’re busy.”

“No, please stay,” Taehyung said. “It is a bath, and as Yeongja-seongsaengnim said, I’ll have to sit in it for a while. Stay and keep me company.”

Jeongguk did not need any more convincing. Yeonja had begun tossing flower petals and whole blossoms into the bath. The scent of the oils and florals overwhelmed the familiar lavender and ginger that Jeongguk had become so attuned to.

“You may enter the bath, child,” Yeonja said.

Taehyung stood, hand reaching until his fingers brushed the sleeve of Jeongguk’s sweatshirt. “Stay,” he repeated softly.

As Taehyung stepped towards the bath, he fiddled with the sash tying the robe closed, his other hand grazing the translucent partition to guide his way. The priestess and her acolytes turned their backs just as the bathrobe slipped off the First Prince’s shoulders, pooling around the crook of his elbows and exposing the curving dip of his low back.

Jeongguk looked away, face flushing. He had already seen the curves and angles of Taehyung’s silhouette, spent time under the glow of moonlight studying the freckles, scars, and trails of veins that marked his skin. But he could not openly ogle in the presence of the priestess. So he closed his eyes and listened to the sounds instead, to the rustling fabric as Taehyung slung the robe over the divider, the soft pitter patter of his steps, and then the splashing waters.

“I’m ready,” Taehyung called. Only then does the priestess turn and step through, her acolytes following. Through the corner of Jeongguk’s eye, he could only see her silhouette through the panels. Her acolytes stood just beyond the partition’s edge. She took the jars, and through the paper-thin divider, Jeongguk watched her pour more ingredients into the waters.

It felt like watching a shadow puppet show.

She spoke in Attalian, pausing after each ingredient to speak words over them.

Finally, the acolyte held out a small jar with green-tinged liquid. Her shadow stepped closer to Taehyung, and he lowered his head so she may swipe her finger across his brow.

Then she said a phrase Jeongguk had heard before akin to a lullaby.

“By the Grace of the Goddesses, blessed be the blood of the Divine House, blessed be the Blood of the Oracle.”

The acolytes repeat the blessing. Yeonja removed one last item from the tray, a tiny hourglass. She placed it on the edge of the vanity. “Remember, child, remain submerged until the oils have absorbed into your skin, and the toxins are removed. One turn of the hourglass should do it.”

She turned to Jeongguk, “I’m certain, His Majesty the King will be able to assist in telling you when.”

“Yes, Yeonja-Seongsaengnim.”

Jeongguk hovered in the same spot, shifting his weight from foot to foot until he heard their footsteps fade and the door click closed. Only then did he release a shaky breath.

“You can come around,” Taehyung said over the sounds of splashing water, “there should be a chair here.”

Jeongguk hummed. His mouth and throat were dry, and if he said something, he knew the roughness in his voice might give away how moonstruck he was. He was hesitant still, strangely shy as he stepped around the divider. Taehyung’s body was completely submerged in the oval tub, the milky white water filled with floating petals and sprigs of flowers.

As Taehyung said, Jeongguk found another high-back wicker chair close by the head of the tub with a set of towels draped across the back. He settled into the chair. It was becoming too warm with the heat and humidity of the waters.

“Jimin sometimes kept me company during these baths when we were younger,” Taehyung said, his tone light and conversational. “But… he rarely gets to spend time with his siblings… Jisoo and Ji-Hyun are always following my siblings around… and it has become rare for us to be in the same place these days.”

“...I passed by them.”

“Oh, what were they doing?”

“Sparring… with foam pool noodles,” Jeongguk answered, “in the ballroom.”

Taehyung giggled. “I’m surprised you didn’t join them.”

Taehyung shifted, sitting a little higher. The water rippled around the divots of his collarbones, and flower petals clung to his skin. It took Jeongguk a while to notice that he’s been silent for too long.

“I - uh - didn’t want to intrude,” he finally answered, scrambling to remember Taehyung’s last comment “Jimin-hyung said you’d like some company.”

Taehyung shifted again, exposing more glistening skin and –

“What’s the matter?” Taehyung asked, his brow furrowing. “You sound… uneasy…are you worried about tomorrow?”

Jeongguk coughed, “No - I’m fine. It’s not about tomorrow. It’s just… this is just very intimate.”

The crease between Taehyung’s eyes eased, and a coy grin pulled on his lips. “Oh…. but you’ve already seen everything.”

“Yes, but… this is different. I’m dressed.”

“Well, you could always join me.”

“But this is a ritual bath isn’t it?”

“Not exactly…it’s a healing bath with flowers, milk, and salt,” Taehyung said.

“She anointed you with oil.”

“Peppermint oil is used for healing… and for cleansing and clarity of visions.”

“She knows?”

Taehyung nodded, hands moving under the waters to cup a full peony blossom. He lifted the blossom, and water trickled down the length of his wrist and through the cracks of his fingers.

“She had come with me to Ravenna after the blessing and prepared numerous baths, salves, and teas and sent many prayers to the goddesses to help me through this journey. She is… older… and is now passing the mantle of priestess onto her acolytes. Someone to continue the traditions as passed down by the Maiden herself.”

“What’s… in this bath?”

“Salts and milk to cleanse the spirit. Lavender for peace and protection. Peonies for prosperity and good fortune. Rosehips for healing. Chamomile for restful sleep,” Taehyung announced. “Jimin often helps me prepare a similar bath in Naissus, just with fewer ingredients.”

“Lavender and chamomile,” Jeongguk murmured. Taehyung’s grin returned.

“Did you see your brother and father?”

Taehyung hummed. “Mingyu hadn’t left his side since the operation. I managed to convince him to go shower and sleep in his room. My mother is grateful that someone was able to talk some sense into him.”

“How is the King?”

“He’s still intubated and sedated,” Taehyung said softly. “And the physicians and nurses still constantly monitor him in the private infirmary. My mother said they’ll extubate him in a couple of days if his condition remains stable.”

Taehyung leaned over the side of the tub, lifting his arms to fold over the edge and bring himself closer to Jeongguk. Water dripped from his arms, plopping onto the marble floors in large droplets.

“Let’s not speak of sad things,” Taehyung said.

Jeongguk wanted to touch him, but he wondered if it would be wrong.

“What do you think of Attalia?” Taehyung asked.

“It’s…beautiful. There’s so much light in the palace… and the gardens are so green,” he said.

Jeongguk paused and licked his lips, huffing a rather sheepish laugh. “I’m sorry. I know it's simple. I’m no poet…”

“No,” Taehyung said, moving again, sinking into the tub until the water came up to his chin and knees were exposed – smooth golden skin peeking out from waterlogged chamomile flowers. “I like hearing your descriptions…. What remains of Attalia and my home is but the fading colours in my dreams and memories. I want to hear what you think of the Floating Isles, the Sky City, the chateau, and the gardens. Tell me what you see.”

So Jeongguk closed his eyes and thought of the swelling excitement as their light-class carrier landed and when he took his first steps onto the grass of the Floating Isles. He told Taehyung how the rolling green hills along the banks of the still-watered lake on their drive into the city had captivated him. He told Taehyung about how the shock of fire-coloured trees alongside such vibrant blue seemed impossible. He told Taehyung about the welling awe in his chest as the Sky City came into view - floating in the clouds. Jeongguk told Taehyung about how the streets of Marsylle reminded him of Old Aurea – and by the Six, the sun felt so impossibly bright in the rain.

Jeongguk turned to the windows. Though it must be close to midnight, the sky still felt so bright with the waning moon hanging on the horizon.

“It seemed as though the sun didn’t want to set,” Jeongguk said, “and now, the moon is so close. I imagined if Ifrit and Shiva were to meet… it would be here.”

“Some call the Marsylle the City of Love,” Taehyung said. His voice was quiet. “Perhaps Shiva and Ifrit did meet here once during a solar eclipse.”

As Jeongguk turned back, he caught the tail end of a long yawn.

“Hey,” he said softly, “you can’t fall asleep in the tub.”

“The water’s gone cold now,” Taehyung mumbled. Jeongguk stood and checked the hourglass timer on the vanity. All the sand had fallen to the bottom.

“The timer’s done,” Jeongguk announced. “Do you need help?”

Taehyung nodded, still sluggish as he tried to right himself and stand in the tub. Jeongguk reached for the robe, unravelling it just in time to watch Taehyung rise.

If Taehyung would allow him, Jeongguk could describe for hours how beautiful the First Prince was. With his back turned to Jeongguk, Taehyung was a living painting with rivulets of water flowing down the curve of his neck, shoulder blades, and dip of his spine. Flower petals clung to his skin like vivid watercoloured tattoos along the contours of his shoulders, chest…his hips.

When Taehyung turned, hand raised to ask for Jeongguk's assistance, he moved without thinking. The prince’s skin was cool to the touch, so Jeongguk quickly threw the silky material over his shoulders.

“You still have flower petals on you.”

“Help me then.”

Jeongguk picked the blossoms off, peeling away the ones that clung to his back first before slowly stepping around Taehyung’s front. His fingers grazed Taehyung’s skin as he plucked a sprig of lavender on the divot of his collarbone, a rose petal on the inside of his left arm, and a large peony petal on his hip. He knelt to find a pale yellow chamomile flower caught on the bend of Taehyung’s ankle.

“That’s all,” Jeongguk said as he rose. He didn’t realize how close he had gotten until Taehyung’s breath fanned across his cheek. He could smell the peppermint oil on Taehyung’s brow.

“Thank you,” Taehyung breathed.

“It’s nothing.”

“Stay the night. Please?”

The room was suddenly too warm. He felt Taehyung’s hand on his chest, just over his wildly beating heart, before trailing up the side of his throat to pull him close. Taehyung’s mouth grazed the side of his lips.

“Stay,” Taehyung repeated, whispering the words, and like before, like always, Jeongguk couldn’t resist.

Jeongguk had heard stories of beautiful, mythical creatures that roamed the coasts of the Territories. They lured folk into the ocean with their song. A siren. That is what Taehyung was. A siren, and Jeongguk was helpless to his call.

Taehyung’s fingers trailed down his chest. “Stay and let me – let me love you.”

Then, Jeongguk couldn’t think anymore.

Jeongguk woke to the jostling of his limbs, his arm forcefully yanked away, and the warmth of Taehyung’s body pressed against his ripped from him. Jeongguk sat upright, vision swirling in muted greys. A sense of panic overflowed in him, and for a second, he thought they were being attacked. Then he realized that all he could hear were his own pounding heart, Taehyung’s breathy voice, and the rustling of bedsheets as the prince tried to untangle himself.

Taehyung was mumbling something under his breath. “Jimin – Jimin I-I need – ”

“Taehyung?” Jeongguk said, his voice thick and gruff with sleep, “Are you alright?”

The prince jerked at Jeongguk’s voice, nearly jumping to get out of bed. He retreated until his back struck the wall. Jeongguk could barely see in the darkness, but he could see that Taehyung’s eyes were screwed shut.

“Taehyung?” Jeongguk questioned, now wide awake as he, too, tried to untangle the blankets around his legs. “It’s Jeongguk.”

Taehyung visibly relaxed, shoulders slumping and knees buckling. Jeongguk scrambled to his feet as Taehyung swayed and guided the prince back to the bed. Jeongguk knelt beside him and fumbled with the bedside light on the nightstand.

“I’m here,” Jeongguk said slowly, gently. “You’re safe. We’re in your bedrooms in Marsylle.”

He took Taehyung’s hand, trying to warm his frigid fingertips. Taehyung held on tightly, fingers shaking, and then Jeongguk noticed his palm was wet. He flipped Taehyung’s hand and saw new crescent-shaped cuts over similar crescent-shaped scars oozing red.

“You’re bleeding,” Jeongguk said. He stood, running to the ensuite. He remembered seeing a medkit in the drawers when looking for condoms. When he returned, Taehyung had slumped against the pillows, shivering.

“Can I clean these cuts?” Jeongguk asked, sitting on the bed beside him.

Taehyung nodded sluggishly. “It happens… sometimes when I have visions.”

Jeongguk paused in the middle of gently dabbing the cuts with saline.“Did you have a vision?”

“I –I’m not sure… if it was a dream or a vision?”

“Taehyung – could you – open your eyes?”

Eerie crystal-blue irises.

“Taehyung, your eyes are blue. What did you see?”

“The banquet tomorrow,” Taehyung replied, "I was sitting beside Yu Su-Hwa. I - I asked her about the Prince of Estermery. She told me that her brother had called off her engagement."

Jeongguk frowned – the sinking feeling in his gut returning. He tried to focus on carefully applying a thin bandage on the deepest of the cuts: a single crescent on the pad of Taehyung’s thumb that continued to bleed.

“I don't understand why Park Hae-jin would call it off… it was a guarantee of an alliance between Orivala and Estermery,” Jeongguk commented.

“Unless…” Taehyung started, “...there is no need for that anymore.” He stood, still on shaky legs and swaying.

“Where are you going?” Jeongguk asked. He hovered behind Taehyung, arms open and ready in case he faltered.

“I need to wake Jimin and speak with my sister… and Namjoon-hyung too – we need to have a meeting,” Taehyung said deliriously. “I don't understand why – I –”

“It's the middle of the night,” Jeongguk argued. “Jimin-hyung would be sleeping, Namjoon-hyung too, and you know your sister would need rest.”

“But –”

Jeongguk placed a hand on Taehyung’s shoulder.

“Taehyung, you need to rest,” Jeongguk said. “It's - it's going to be a very long day tomorrow, and regardless if they know now or tomorrow, there is nothing we can do about it.”

Taehyung paused, his breaths still ragged. “I – I – How do I go back to sleep after this? When all I'll think about is what happens now? What will happen tomorrow? What will happen to – ”

He cut himself off, and Jeongguk wrapped Taehyung into his arms.

“We’ll figure it out tomorrow,” he murmured into Taehyung’s hair. “Whatever happens, we – we can handle it tomorrow.”

I’m scared ,” Taehyung whispered.

“Tell me what I can do,” Jeongguk asked. “How can I help?”

Taehyung was silent for a moment, his head pressed against Jeongguk’s chest until he shifted and his lips touched the curve of Jeongguk’s collarbone.

“I want to forget about this,” Taehyung whispered, “help me forget. Help me dream of you.

Jeongguk woke to the soft light of the sun behind his eyes and the scent of lavender and chamomile. He reached for the phone he had left on the nightstand and opened his eyes to the bright screen telling him it was noon.

No one had come to wake them. Perhaps the high priestess and her acolytes had warned Jimin that Jeongguk had remained with Taehyung.

The prince had woken up lazily, loose-limbed and still dazed from last night. Their morning was filled with a soft silence as Taehyung asked for breakfast to be served on the veranda outside his rooms.

The morning air was crisp, and Jeongguk was glad he had left his room in sweats and a hoodie. He had pulled them on to join Taehyung outside. Taehyung had already sat at the table, listening as a footman laid the dishes out on the round table, identifying each item and stating where it would be in relation to a clock.

There were plates of crepes and waffles, a basket of pastries, a bowl of freshly cut fruit, and an array of preserves, syrups, and butter on a long silver tray. The scent of coffee, vanilla, and freshly baked goods made Jeongguk’s mouth water. His appetite had returned, it seemed. He piled his plate with a waffle and dumped a haphazard pile of fruit atop it. He popped a halved strawberry into his mouth and hummed in delight at its sweetness.

The footman poured them both a cup of coffee, trying to keep his eyes fixed on the table, but Jeongguk could feel the side glances. It would be inevitable for rumours to travel – the King of Naissus has spent the night in the First Prince of Attalia’s rooms. The Crown Princess would know – by the Six… the Queen of Attalia would know. But why should it matter? He had made his intentions to court Taehyung clear – and he had every intention to ask the First Prince to – to marry him.

“Your Majesty, Your Royal Highness,” the footman started, “I was asked to remind you of your meeting with Her Royal Highness this afternoon at two.”

Taehyung paused, sugar spoon hovering just above his coffee cup for a moment before he smoothly poured the crystals in. All at once, the languidness was stripped from Taehyung’s form and his spine straightened almost rigidly. Like the reminder of the meeting had pulled back the panic he felt last night. He rubbed his hands together, thumb brushing over the small plaster Jeongguk had put on.

“Thank you,” Taehyung said quietly. “That would be all.”

The sweetness of the fruit in Jeongguk’s mouth tasted sour now and at the edge of his thoughts were the words Taehyung had said last night.

Jeongguk had abided by Taehyung’s request. He turned off the lights and took the time to memorize the curves and dips of Taehyung’s body, to commit to memory the sound each touch evokes, and worked to draw out those breathless reactions.

‘Would that we could stay like this forever.’

Jeongguk had not paid any mind to it then, his only thought that if Taehyung was coherent enough to speak, then Jeongguk was not doing enough. It only took a couple fervid kisses and fingers promising more to come to have Taehyung falling apart beneath him.

Jeongguk left Taehyung to get ready for the meeting and made the rather embarrassing walk back to his own rooms, relieved not to have run into the Queen or any of Taehyung’s siblings.

Namjoon knocked and opened Jeongguk’s doors while his valet was pulling out the black suit from Jeongguk’s luggage. The Lord Chancellor of Naissus always looked imposing in black, especially in longer coats. He leaned against the doorframe with an expression that could only be described as smug.

“Yeonjun told me where you had gone to,” Namjoon said.

“I was being safe,” Jeongguk said.

“I hope so,” Namjoon said suggestively.

Yeonjun wiggled his eyebrows.

Jeongguk huffed, trying to plaster on a half-hearted grin.

Namjoon’s brows furrowed. “What’s wrong?” he asked, “I thought… I thought you’d be in a better mood.”

Jeongguk shook his head. “I’m just… worried about this meeting.”

Namjoon’s smile was kind when he stepped closer, placing a hand on Jeongguk’s shoulder. “We’ll get through this,” he said.

Jeongguk had said those very words to Taehyung. He believed it then – but now?

The doors of the King’s Study were decorated with the same climbing ivy reliefs as the ballroom. There were two guards standing at the entrance. They glanced at Yeonjun standing in Jeongguk’s shadow.

“Just His Majesty and the Lord Chancellor are permitted into the meeting.”

Yeonjun nodded, and retreated against the wall, hands folded in front of him. He nodded to Jeongguk as if indicating that he’ll be waiting as long as needed.

The King’s study was as bright as the rest of the palace, with tremendously high ceilings and thick columns of marble on either side of a beautiful wooden desk. The entire back wall of the study were ceiling high windows, and Jeongguk struggled to rip his eyes away from the view of the estate, catching the glimpse of the massive hedge maze on the western side of the palace.

Jennie and her Crownsguard stood over the desk in the center of the room, speaking to each other in low tones. Jimin balanced with one leg resting on the ledge of the farthest window. His younger brother stood beside him, phone in one hand.

Taehyung sat on the armrest of a white sofa. Beside him was a young man Jeongguk hadn’t met, but judging from his resemblance to Jennie and Taehyung, he had to assume this was the youngest of Taehyung’s siblings.

Kim Mingyu of House Chrysanthème, Second Prince of Attalia, Duke of L’AirelleRouge. Like his siblings, Mingyu’s eyes were most striking, especially framed with dark circles. Taehyung wasn’t kidding when he said that his brother hadn’t slept.

Jennie turned when they were announced, dipping into a curtsy.

“Your Majesty,” she greeted, “Allow me to introduce you to my younger brother, Kim Mingyu, Second Prince of Attalia.”

The younger prince stood, and bowed with a polite smile. “Your Majesty,” he greeted, his voice low and monotonous. He turned to Namjoon, “Your Grace. It’s a pleasure to have you both in Marsylle.”

Namjoon returned the smile.

“The pleasure is ours. Marsylle is beautiful.”

Jennie returned to the table. “I don’t think we need to go through the rest of the formalities,” she said curtly, eyeing her oldest brother. “But before we begin with discussions of the parley, I wanted your opinion on this seating arrangement.”

Jeongguk glanced at the table to see a chart of an oval table with twelve seats. On one side of the table, Jennie had placed the Queen of Attalia, Park Hae-jin, herself, Jeongguk, the Second Prince, then his Crownsguard. On the other side, directly across from the Queen, was Jimin, then Namjoon, Taehyung, Yoo Su-Hwa, an empty space, and Jisoo.

“Who is sitting beside the Orivalian Princess?” Namjoon asked.

“Unknown,” Jennie answered. She leaned against the desk, twirling a pen around her fingers. “My secretary had an empty seat prepared for the princess’ betrothed but… It seems as though… she is no longer betrothed.”

“What?” Namjoon asked.

“You told them?” Jeongguk asked, turning to Taehyung.

Taehyung affirmed.

Namjoon frowned. “Another vision?”

Jennie spoke up, explaining Taehyung's vision of his conversation with Yoo Su-Hwa.

The sternness of Namjoon’s features grew with each word Jennie spoke. He turned and leaned against the column, crossing his arms.

“What is the Emperor planning?” Namjoon asked.

“I'm not sure, either…” Jennie replied.

“Perhaps we could discuss our conditions for the parley and then figure out how this fits into the Empire’s possible terms,” Jeongguk suggested.

Jennie nodded, and then shuffled the board to the edge of the desk so she could sit on top.

“Please have a seat,” she said, gesturing to the two leather seats before the table. The beautiful, well-loved chair behind the desk remained pushed in, untouched it seemed since the last time the King of Attalia had sat in it, and judging by the nature of Jennie’s movements, she refused to sit in her father’s chair.

Her Crownsguard handed her a leather padfolio just as Jeongguk sat across from her and Namjoon opened the black padfolio he had brought.

“What happened in Ravenna was an unprovoked attack – an act of aggression,” Jennie started, her voice firm. “We would have the upper hand if we negotiated terms on a united front, especially since we are in an alliance.”

“Of course,” Jeongguk agreed.

Jennie nodded and Jeongguk could see the tension melting from her posture. She tried to release a quiet exhale as she flipped through her documents. Now that Jeongguk could see her up close, Jennie looked as weary and tired as the rest of her siblings, but given the nature of her position, she had been trying her best not to let it show.

She began reading from the document, reviewing the conditions for the peace treaty with Orivala.

Namjoon also read Naissus' request in this agreement.

“Naissus will engage in the treaty?” Taehyung asked, “even knowing Orivala was actively involved in attempted regicide?”

“Orivala was used as a means to an end for the Earl of – for Cha Seungwon ,” Namjoon said, cutting himself off from using the man’s title.

“Park Hae-jin would do it again, given the chance,” Taehyung said.

“We can’t confront the Emperor and accuse him of his involvement. The evidence would lead to Yoo Su-hwa, and we can’t trust her not to deny it. We also run the risk of bringing suspicion to your involvement, Taehyung,” Namjoon argued.

“So… you’ll just let him get away with it?” Taehyung asked.

Jeongguk turned to him, “We have apprehended Cha Seungwon and charged him with the crime. We made an example of what would happen. And… I won’t risk you.”

Taehyung was quiet.

“So, what do we suppose Park Hae-jin will ask for?” he asked instead.

Jennie shifted, closing the file and tossing it onto the table. “I am guessing Orivala would want the removal of Naissian military in Attalian airspace. I am hesitant to agree to such terms when Orivala has attacked us with Naissian military present.”

“We are also of the same opinion,” Namjoon said.

“If Orivala were to insist on such and it were the only negative terms,” Jeongguk started, “we would be agreeable to moving our fleet into international airs.”

Taehyung suddenly rose to his feet, cane in hand as he navigated the room towards them.

“We’re asking for a miracle to happen,” Taehyung snapped, “do you think Park Hae-jin will just agree to these terms after publically attacking Attalia? Why do you think he ended Su-hwa's engagement?”

Jennie also stood, stepping around them to stand before her brother.

“We don't know why he ended her engagement,” Jennie said. “You told me that Park Hae-jin dotes on his younger sister. You saw how much he cares for her. Perhaps he saw how this political alliance will not work out – why even bother with a political alliance when Estemery wouldn't even fight back? When he already has most of Iaryen?"

Taehyung shook his head. “You don't know Park Hae-jin.”

“And you do?” Jennie snapped.

“You did not spend an entire evening with him,” Taehyung hissed. “Five years ago, I spent hours listening to his plans for Iaryen and his Empire.”

Taehyung was shaking, hand gripping so tightly around the handle of his cane, it looked like his knucklebones would emerge through his skin.

“He had been waiting for Emperor Park Min-jun’s death since then,” Taehyung said. “He did not believe his own father capable of ruling anymore.”

“He is charismatic, Jennie, and ambitious and he will stop at nothing until he gets what he wants,” Taehyung continued, “I believed him when he told me how much he loved Attalia – how she deserves to be protected and he will protect her.”

Jeongguk had heard fragments of this tale before, when Taehyung had first revealed his gift. Taehyung had spoken so calmly then, perhaps numbed by the pain medication. But now, as he spoke, there was an edge of a frenzied anger and terror.

“He promised, if I joined him – should I choose to marry him – he would leave Attalia’s sovereignty, and if I don’t –” Taehyung paused, cutting himself off.

Jennie placed a hand on her brother’s shoulder. “We - I won’t let that happen,” she said.

“But he will make good on his threats, Jennie,” Taehyung whispered. “He wants power and if he can’t have it, he’ll get it with any means necessary. Be it through war or deception.”

“Then what do we do?” Mingyu asked, standing from the sofa. “Hyung is right, the Emperor is cunning and if we don’t prepare, we’ll fall right into his schemes.”

“We have to acknowledge why he would break-off Yoo Su-hwa’s engagement,” Taehyung said.

Jeongguk leaned back into his chair. The thought had crossed his mind, sometime last night and this morning too. But he didn’t want to dwell on it in fear that it was true.

“I hoped – well – I had thought he would care for her and did not want to wish ill,” Jennie murmured.

Namjoon crossed his arms, “I was afraid of making such conclusions.”

Taehyung had no such qualms, it seemed. “He will offer the hand of the Princess of Orivala in a more advantageous marriage of state under the guise of an alliance sworn in blood.”

Jennie closed her eyes, leaning onto the table with both hands, hanging her head.

“He'd propose a marriage between himself and Jennie first,” Taehyung continued, “knowing that you'd never accept. Then he'd propose an engagement between Yoo Su-hwa and Mingyu.”

“It's plausible,” Jisoo said softly.

“It is dangerous to allow him so close to House Chrysanthème,” Jimin said, “especially if he has the opportunity to learn of the secrets of this bloodline.”

“Then you'll have a war,” Taehyung said monotonously.

“There must be another way around this,” Jisoo said. “We can discourage him from wanting war.”

“Attalia will continue to have Naissus' backing,” Jeongguk added, “we can use the Naissian Air Fleet to deter the Empire; it is clear that we have more might.”

“Would that be enough to have the Emperor reconsider?” Mingyu asked.

Jennie turned to Jeongguk. The hope in her eyes made him realize just how young she was to be taking on this role. “I’ve never seen something like the Bahamut before. Something that massive should not be able to fly, let alone travel as fast as she does.”

“Naissian technology outstrips and outranks anything that the Empire has,” Namjoon added. “However, we also are limited – we don’t have the number of troops the Empire has.”

“Nor the bloodlust,” Taehyung muttered. “No one could live with the bloodshed the way he would.”

“The Bahamut’s presence alone could be a deterrent,” Jennie said.

“A deterrent, but not a guarantee,” Taehyung said. “An army is not enough to stop Park Hae-jin. Orivala has suffered mass casualties in this war, yes. But you cannot deny that Park Hae-jin is a cunning war tactician. He led the overnight occupation and surrender of Aquileia weeks before his coronation as Emperor. He attacked Attalia and then requested a parley afterwards. He doesn’t play by the rules, Jennie. We cannot trust him.”

“Well, what do you suggest?” Jennie asked. “It sounds as though you think the only solution is war.”

“Attalia won’t be safe until he is dead,” Taehyung said.

“We can’t simply kill him,” Jennie said. “It could lead to a power vacuum or worse, civil war in Iaryen.”

Taehyung’s silence was foreboding.

“What are you thinking, Taehyung,” Jimin asked.

“I'll agree to the marriage,” Mingyu said before Taehyung could speak. All eyes in the room turned towards the Second Prince.

“What?” Jennie said at the same time, Taehyung said, “No.”

“Noona is defacto Regent and she will be crowned Queen soon,” Mingyu argued, “heirs begot by her marriage will have a precedence to the Attalian throne – we cannot allow that to happen.”

Jeongguk was unsurprised to see how passionate and well-spoken the Second Prince could be, considering his siblings' skills as well. He watched as Mingyu crossed the room just a few steps to stand between Jennie and Taehyung.

“It’s too dangerous,” Jennie repeated, voice raising.

“What, Hyung is allowed to sacrifice himself in a marriage to the King of Naissus, and I can't do it to stop my kingdom from going to war?”

Jennie’s jaw audibly snapped shut, and Taehyung took a shaky step backwards, like Mingyu’s words were like a gust of wind.

Jeongguk stood, prepared to attempt to diffuse the situation. Namjoon rose to his feet, but then Jisoo raised her hand, stopping them.

“It's best to let them finish,” she said softly.

“Trust us,” Ji-hyun muttered from behind. Jeongguk nearly jumped. He didn’t realize that the youngest of the Crownsguard had moved from his place beside Jimin. “You don't want to get involved once they start arguing.”

“It was not a sacrifice,” Taehyung said softly.

“Perhaps not anymore,” Mingyu said, “and perhaps this won’t be either. You told me you liked the Lion Cub. We’re almost the same age – it – we could be friends.”

Mingyu then to Jennie. “I know you’re both trying to protect me. Eommoni and Abeoji too. But I can’t let you keep doing this. I have to play my part.”

Jennie sighed, rolling her neck. She placed her hands on her hips. “If you’re right, Taehyung-oppa… then Mingyu…”

“I’ll do it,” Mingyu said earnestly. “I won’t be able to attend the treatise, but I trust you to accept a marriage proposal on my behalf, Noona. If we delay the marriage until after my twenty-first birthday, I will not be able to take a blessing anyway. We can live in Lunefleur or Avinhon or Cérès, away from Marsylle and the risk of exposing the secrets here.”

Taehyung turned on his heels, pressing the bottom of his palms into his temples. He walked back to the sofa, sitting down with such gentle precision.

Jennie nodded, She exhaled through her teeth, turning to Jisoo who once again handed her the leather padfolio.

“I will make note of it in the treatise,” she said.

Finally, Jennie turned to Jeongguk, “Should the meeting take a different turn and we cannot come to a peaceful agreement?”

“Attalia will have Naissus’ military support,” Jeongguk said. “If Attalia declares war, Naissus will as well.”

“Then it is decreed,” Jennie said. “Should Park Hae-jin not agree to these terms of peace, then Attalia will officially declare war on Orivala.”

“It is decreed,” Jeongguk returned.

“Then this meeting has adjourned,” Jennie said. “The dinner party will begin at six. We’ll start with drinks in the drawing room when awaiting the arrival of the Emperor’s entourage.”

Mingyu nodded, turning to leave with respectful bows to his older sister and brother. He kept his eyes low as he paid his respects to Jeongguk before bolting out of the room. His Crownsguard weaved through the room with practice ease, even with one broken arm, and darted out after him.

Jeongguk intended to stay, to wait until he could walk out with Taehyung. Perhaps ask him to take a walk in the gardens. But as he turned to the First Prince, he saw that Taehyung still sat on the sofa, hands folded neatly in his lap, legs crossed, like he had no intention of moving.

“Jennie,” Taehyung called, “I’d like a word alone with you.”

Jeongguk turned to Namjoon, meeting his eyes in time to see the Lord Chancellor subtly shake his head and gesture towards the door. As if saying, ‘ we have to leave. We can’t do anything now.’ So Jeongguk reluctantly began walking, he could see Yeonjun outside, eyes already locked on him.

Jisoo and Jimin still hadn’t moved. Jisoo stood on the other side of the desk, rearranging the seating chart into the center of the desk. Jimin remained sitting at the windowsill, brows furrowing as he regarded Taehyung.

Alone,” Taehyung repeated, as if he heard all the moving footsteps and calculated two statuesque Crownsguard.

“Go, Jisoo,” Jennie said.

Jisoo frowned but started to walk towards the door; Jimin followed his sister without a fuss. But the hard press of his jaw was telling. As the guards closed the doors behind her brother, Jisoo leaned in to ask him something in whispered Attalian, and he returned her question in the Common Tongue, loud enough for both Jeongguk and Namjoon to hear.

“I don’t know.”

Jeongguk glanced back to the door, and the suffocating, nauseating dread began dragging him under.

Jeongguk fiddled with the decorative zipper on the lapel of his dinner jacket. The piece had a modern touch, chosen from the Crown’s favoured brand, UFORIYA, all black save for the two strips of white at the base of the lapel. It was a striking piece, with more metal embellishments than a typical suit for formal dinners. Still, it would be ill-advised to wear military regalia, even though Jeongguk had half a mind to.

The state dinner would begin with a co*cktail hour in the drawing room, then move onto dinner, and end with card games and conversation in the drawing room. Jeongguk had attended many formal dinners, but he never felt this nervous as he strode down the hall.

The drawing room had a beautiful view of the front of the palace with an expansive view of the city below in the pale light of the setting sun. The royal siblings and their Crownsguards were already present, as was Jeongguk’s Lord Chancellor.

Jennie stood by the window with Mingyu beside her. Both were dressed in creams and beiges with pale pink chrysanthemums on their chest. Jimin sat on the sofa with his brother’s head resting on his lap; both were wearing lighter colours, with bright sunflowers on their lapel. Jisoo sat on the opposite end of the sofa, wearing the most colour in a pale purple gown. Namjoon stood in front of the sofa, dressed in the severe colours of House Cepheus. He held a tumbler of amber liquid in one hand, the other shoved into his pocket. He turned upon Jeongguk’s arrival, dipping into a bow before his King.

At the end of the room stood Taehyung with his mother beside him. The Queen turned with the announcement of Jeongguk’s arrival. She leaned close to her son, whispering something in his ear that earned her a barely-there smile. Taehyung shifted, turning his body towards the door.

He held out his arm, and she took it as they both made their way toward Jeongguk.

Queen Park Soohee wore an elegant floor-length gown with off-the-shoulder sleeves in a pale, muted pink. She wore a five-string choker of pearls with a massive pendant surrounded by diamonds. In the center was an engraving of a rose surrounded by intricate chrysanthemum petals.

The queen kissed Taehyung's cheek before turning to where her daughter and youngest son stood. Taehyung crossed the room with such grace and precision toward Jeongguk. He glowed in pure white. He was dressed in a tailored suit, the jacket cinching his waist like a corset. Underneath the blazer, he wore a high-collared shirt with lace ruffles, pearl jewels hung in his ears, and the pale-pink chrysanthemum drew the eyes in. He was a vision.

A staff member then intercepted, asking Jeongguk if he wanted a drink. He blurted the first thing that came to mind, a whiskey neat, something Yoongi had often asked for and had taught Jeongguk how to drink. Taehyung raised a hand when he was halfway across the room, and Jeongguk quickly stepped forward to take it.

“Is everything alright?” Jeongguk asked. “With your meeting with Jennie?”

Taehyung graced him with the same smile, weary and tired. “My... conversation with Jennie was just tense,” Taehyung said. “We came to a decision in the end, but she was not happy with it.”

“I see.”

A footman arrived and bowed. “Your Majesty, His Imperial Majesty the Emperor and Her Royal Highness, the Princess of Orivala, are due to arrive at the gates in fifteen minutes.”

Taehyung sighed, "That doesn't give us a lot of time, does it?"

Jennie and her Crownsguard approached. The hem of the Crown Princess’ tea gown swished around her ankles as she dipped into a curtsy before Jeongguk. Namjoon also came, raising the glass to his lips as he waited for Jennie to speak.

“They finalized the guest attending,” Jennie announced, “I had left a seat open with the invitation for the Prince of Estemery. It would be too suspicious if I were to remove it. The Emperor's Chamberlain had notified our team that another person would be joining the table.”


“Someone named Soojin,” Jennie said, “there was no surname or title given.”

“Her Elite guard,” Taehyung replied. “I had the opportunity to speak to Su-hwa after the coronation. Soojin is the name of her Elite guard.”

“Park Hae-jin is offering a seat to an Elite at a formal dinner?” Namjoon mused, “I didn’t think Orivala values the Elite in such a way.”

“Perhaps it’s more Su-hwa’s request,” Taehyung said. “Is Park Hae-jin not bringing his own Elite? His name is Chul.”

Jennie shook her head. “The name wasn’t on the list of individuals arriving to Marsylle. He could have stayed behind on the airship.”

“So Park Hae-jin was co*cky enough to leave his Elite guard behind?” Taehyung said.

Jennie scoffed, rolling her eyes. It seemed the tension between them had dissipated since their heated discussions this afternoon. “I guess so.”

“But he cares for his sister,” Jisoo said, “if her Elite guard will be sitting at the table.”

“She is named,” Namjoon said. “And most likely coming unmasked. Elite guards do not give up their identity in the line of duty. This is rare.”

“Something tells me this is a unique situation,” Taehyung muttered as a footman arrived, balancing a tray with a tall glass filled with pale purple liquid. He offered it to Taehyung.

“Is he taking a dreadnought as Naissus has?” Jeongguk asked.

Jennie nodded, “It’s not… as grand as the Bahamut… the Tana Dei Leoni. Like the Bahamut, they took a light class carrier to land at the airship hanger.”

Taehyung took a sip of his drink and shuddered.

Mingyu had joined them now, catching the end of Taehyung’s reaction. “Hyung, if you don’t like drinking, why are you drinking?”

“To calm my nerves,” Taehyung answered with a cough.

“What is it?” Jeongguk asked.

“Try some. It’s something with gin and lavender,” Taehyung said, “it tastes awful.”

Jeongguk wrapped his fingers around Taehyung’s and tipped the glass towards his lips. The taste of pine and citrus peels was strong, but as he swallowed, his tongue was coated with the heady floral of lavender. He made a sound at the back of his throat as if trying to get rid of the taste.

“You’re right,” Jeongguk said hoarsely, “it… isn’t great.”

Taehyung chuckled and took his hand back. Then Jia appeared again and quickly made her way to Jennie.

“They are here,” Jennie announced, “they just arrived at the gates.”

Jimin and Ji-hyun rose to their feet, smoothing out their clothes as they began drifting toward their charge.

Taehyung raised his glass, suddenly and quickly gulping down the drink. His eyes watered, and he coughed. Jeongguk followed suit, finishing his measure of whiskey in two quick gulps. A passing footman offered to take both their empty glasses, his expression a little worried.

“Maybe I should have had a drink,” Jennie muttered as her eyes flickered between Taehyung who was still coughing and Jeongguk. But then she took a deep breath and stepped towards the doors of the room, brushing down the front of her gown as she clasped both hands tightly in front of her. Jisoo hovered on her right.

Queen Park Soohee stood a little further back, and though there was worry in her features, there was also a soft smile of pride as she watched her daughter stand as regent.

Mingyu stood with his Crownsguard on the edge of the room by the windows, both of them peeking through the curtains. The Second Prince balled his hands into fists – his discontent clearly written on his features, until he took a deep breath and forced his expression and body language into an apathetic calm.

Namjoon stood on Jeongguk’s right, the drink in his hand gone, replaced with his cell phone. He was quickly tapping away on the phone, perhaps sending a message to Seokjin to keep him updated. The bubbling warmth in Jeongguk’s stomach had spread to his chest and down the rest of his limbs like molten lava.

Taehyung weaved his fingers through Jeongguk’s free hand, grasping tightly. Immediately the words Taehyung said last night echoed.

I’m scared.

He brought their adjoined fingers up to his lips and pressed a tender kiss to the back of Taehyung’s hand.

“I’ll be close,” Jeongguk whispered, “I promise you.”

Jeongguk didn’t remember the double-doors being this loud, but the sound seemed thunderous when the footmen yanked them open. Taehyung slid his hand out of Jeongguk’s grasp, instead choosing to inch closer, until his arm pressed against Jeongguk’s.

“Announcing, His Imperial Majesty, Emperor Park Hae-jin of House Cerebyrn and Her Royal Highness, Yoo Su-Hwa of House Cerebyrn, Princess of Orivala!”

“Your Eminence, Your Royal Highness,” Jennie started, “thank you for joining us.”

Park Hae-jin offered Jennie his hand, and she took it, dipping into a low curtsy. Jeongguk could hear Mingyu’s low snarl as he watched the Emperor press a kiss to the back of the Crown Princess’s hand. Jeongguk did not have the opportunity to speak much to the Second Prince, but judging from both his outburst about Taehyung’s decision to go to Naissus and his reaction here, it seemed like he was protective of his siblings.

Jennie was quick to pull her hand back, clasping her fingers tightly behind her as she turned to nod at Su-hwa.

The Princess stood several steps behind her brother, hands hidden behind the fabric of her velvet maroon gown. The mourning period for the emperor had ended a couple of months ago, and now she once again wore the brilliant colours associated with House Cerebyrn. Her eyes were fixated on the floor and she gave a curt nod, as if she didn’t want to meet anyone’s gaze.

Park Hae-jin was dressed immaculately in a navy three-piece suit with a brooch of a lion’s head emblazoned on the lapel. His gaze was as piercing as the emblem of his house. Jeongguk felt his jaw start to ache with tension when their eyes met, and then Park Hae-jin’s gaze flickered between them – to how close they were standing, to the way Jeongguk stood just a bit in front of Taehyung.

He glanced back to Jennie. “It is a great pleasure to return to Attalia,” Park Hae-jin said, “such idyllic beauty is timeless. Isn’t that right, Su-Hwa?”

“Indeed, Orabeoni.”

Behind her was another woman. She wasn’t announced, and Jeongguk didn’t recognize her face, but he could recognize the gait, elegant and feline-like: the Elite Guard, Soojin.

Jennie still had the smile plastered on her face as she turned and gestured to her mother. “You’ve met my mother, Her Majesty Park Soohee of House Rose, Queen of Attalia.”

Queen Soohee offered Park Hae-jin her hand, and lowered into a quick curtsy.

“Your Majesty,” he greeted with a pleasant smile and met her for a firm handshake.

“Your Eminence,” she returned.

“I was hoping His Majesty the King would be attending?”

She paused, slowly clasping her hands together in front of her before speaking again. “I apologize, the King, will not be able to attend the events.”

Jeongguk held his breath. He could feel Taehyung shift uncomfortably at the sharpness of his mother’s words.

The smile on Park Hae-jin’s face did not budge. “My best wishes to His Majesty. I hope we will find a solution to our disagreements soon to ensure he can rest and recover in peace.”

“Likewise,” Queen Park Soohee said, “I hope tomorrow’s meeting proves fruitful in continued peace amongst our nations.”

Jennie then led the Emperor toward Mingyu “This is my youngest brother, Kim Mingyu, the Second Prince of Attalia.”

Mingyu had tried to pull his lips into some semblance of a polite smile, but it fell flat. When he turned to greet Su-Hwa, his smile grew a little softer. Like he was trying to befriend the person who he might one day have to marry.

Jeongguk could not relax for even a moment as Jennie then turned the Orivalian party towards him. Park Hae-jin stopped in front of them.

“I’m certain you have met His Majesty, Jeon Jeongguk of House Cepheus, King of Naissus, and the Lord Chancellor of Naissus, His Grace the Duke of Pietas, Kim Namjoon of House Auriga.”

The Emperor was undoubtedly tall and handsome and just like the first time Jeongguk had met him, Park Hae-jin had a commanding presence.

Neither parties deigned to attempt pleasantries beyond the acknowledgement of each other’s ranks and presence. He didn’t realize Taehyung had moved until he was already standing in front of him, hand raised.

“...A-And you know my brother, Kim Taehyung, the First Prince of Attalia,” Jennie said, hesitant as she saw her brother’s firm expression.

Unlike his siblings and mother, Taehyung did not try to smile. His lips set into a pained frown.

“Hae-jin-hyung,” Taehyung said.

Jeongguk was glad he had the alcohol in his system. It made him care a little less and numbed the speed of his responses. The familiarity of the honorific had thrown him off – had surprised Jennie and Mingyu too. The Second Prince stood behind the Emperor, and his eyes grew in shock.

Park Hae-jin also looked surprised by the use of the casual honorific. He took Taehyung’s hand, and Jeongguk had to lock his muscles in place to not react as Park Hae-jin kissed the back of Taehyung’s hand.

“Taehyung,” he started, “I am glad to hear there is no animosity between us.”

“And I hope it stays that way,” Taehyung replied.

He pulled his hand out of Park Hae-jin’s grasp, reaching in Su-hwa’s direction.

“Come Su-Hwa; I’ll walk you to the dining hall.”

The princess faltered, taking a step back in surprise. She turned to her Elite guard first, then to her brother – as if asking them for guidance before stepping forward and taking Taehyung’s hand.

The tense nature of the entire formal event did not dissipate come dinner.

Jeongguk picked at the ‘pan-seared duck in a pomegranate vin rouge sauce.’ The taste of the dishes laid in front of him was delicious, but Jeongguk knew if he ate enough to be full, his stomach would protest with the stress.

He tried to focus on the conversations happening across the table. Across the table, Taehyung and Namjoon engaged in an easy conversation about the art movements that inspired the architectural design and styles of the Château de Marsylle. It was too quiet for Jeongguk to make out more than a couple of words. But he could hear the conversation between Park Hae-jin and Queen Park Soohee.

“Will you be in attendance at the meeting tomorrow?” Park Hae-jin asked the Queen.

“I will not,” she answered. “I have made prior commitments to the Crown that take precedence.”

Jeongguk was well aware of Queen Park Soohee’s absence. Jennie had informed them during their afternoon meeting that the King’s health had stabilized to the point that it would be safe to wake and extubate him. Queen Park Soohee had planned to transport him to her château in Avihnon for convalescence. She was not even planning on staying for the dinner party this evening. But Jennie had argued that the Queen’s presence would be necessary not to raise suspicions and for appearances’ sake.

“Your attendance at the parley would be missed, Your Majesty,” Park Hae-jin said.

“I cannot imagine why,” the Queen said, “Jennie is capable of leading the negotiations as Crown Princess.”

Park Hae-jin turned to Jennie. “I do not doubt your abilities, Your Royal Highness. Simply… the regent should attend a parley of such great importance if the monarch is absent, yes?”

Jeongguk could see Jennie put down her utensils and reach for her wine glass out of the corner of his eye. She lifted the glass to her lips, stalling for time.

Park Hae-jin was fishing for more details on the King’s condition. There were few details provided by the media regarding the King’s health, and Jennie’s title as regent would not be announced to the public until the King’s health and capacity to return to the throne was confirmed.

Jennie placed her wine glass on the table. “Indeed,” she said, carefully. “However, such a meeting should be child’s play when all three nations involved seek a peaceful resolution, yes?”

Park Hae-jin seemed to chuckle at that, and he raised a wine glass to his own lips. “Of course.”

Jeongguk tried to focus on his plate. He turned to his companion on the left. Mingyu had been quiet most of the meal, occasionally speaking to his Crownsguard seated on his other side.

Jeongguk swallowed and then leaned toward him.

“I heard much about you from Taehyung,” Jeongguk said softly.

Mingyu didn't flinch but paused before cutting something on his plate. “Hyung has always been too kind with his words.”

There was a petulant edge to his tone like Taehyung had ratted on him to their parents. But Jeongguk didn’t understand. Taehyung had told him stories of the wayward Second Prince of Attalia. Mingyu was rambunctious in his youth, eager and energetic, and the only one of the three royal siblings to have insisted on attending the public education system. He scored high in all his classes and earned many praises for his charm, good-looks, and his kindness.

The dilemmas arose when Mingyu turned eighteen and he was determined to attend the Harvest Festival and compete. The King had denied him, on the basis that the prince was still too young and competing in the Harvest Festival would imply his formal debut into Attalian society. Taehyung was in the limelight as Crown Prince since his birth, and when he relinquished the title to Jennie, she had been eighteen.

Mingyu had been furious with their parents’ decision. Taehyung had said that the King and Queen had hoped that the burdens of the Crown would spare the Second Prince until his twenty-first birthday at least. He had recently celebrated his twentieth birthday after Taehyung first came to Naissus. So even that was wishful thinking.

“Is he? Taehyung had told me about your skill with the blade, specifically the longsword," Jeongguk said.

Jeongguk raised his voice just a little louder so Ji-Hyun could hear from the other side of Mingyu. “And he also told me that Jimin’s brother was close to surpassing him. Perhaps we could spar one day?”

Mingyu finally turned to look him in the eyes. “I'd like that.”

“Me too,” Ji-Hyun said, “Hyung told me about his spar with you last time, Your Majesty. He said you both forfeited the round.”

“It would be an honour,” Jeongguk replied, “but perhaps we should wait until after your arm heals.”

Ji-Hyun’s shoulders sagged, and he seemed to want to roll his eyes. But he held back. “Of course.”

Jeongguk felt the knot in his stomach loosen just enough to swallow a couple more mouthfuls. He reached for his wine glass when Mingyu cleared his throat.

“I'd also like to apologize. It wasn't my intention for my words to sound so cruel this afternoon,” Mingyu said. Jeongguk turned to face him, brows furrowing. He opened his mouth, intending to refute the need for an apology.

“Hyung – has given up a lot for… for the sake of the Crown…” Mingyu said before Jeongguk could speak. “Did he tell you that one of the Dowager Queen’s last wishes before passing was to see one of her grandchildren wed?”

The Dowager Queen, Taehyung’s grandmother.

“No… he hasn’t.”

“He had many suitors,” Mingyu continued, “when he was Crown Prince and even after his abdication….”

Mingyu trailed off, eyes roaming the rest of the dinner guests to see if anyone was taking notice. “Losing favour after such an announcement is common, but I remember the tabloids were still raving about him as the most eligible bachelor.”

Jeongguk took a sip of wine, huffing at the light remark as his eyes flickered to where Taehyung was sitting. Jeongguk would never doubt Mingyu’s words.

“Halmeoni thought Hyung would be the first to wed of her grandchildren, not because he was the eldest, but because he was the most romantic at heart,” Mingyu continued.

Jeongguk turned, and out of nowhere came a pang of jealousy and guilt. “And yet he sacrificed himself in an arranged marriage?”

Mingyu winced, “I was wrong. It… wouldn’t be a sacrifice to love someone like you.”

“You barely know me,” Jeongguk said.

“No, but… I can tell you are a good person, Your Majesty. I’ve seen how you look at Hyung,” Mingyu said softly, “how you gravitate toward each other.”

Jeongguk’s eyes turned to Taehyung upon the mention.

“Hyung could have had anyone,” Mingyu continued. “But he wanted you. That has to mean something, right?”

Taehyung leaned on the armrest towards the Princess of Orivala, head inclined as though he was listening to her. Though his anger and displeasure were almost palpable before, now, there was nothing but soft amicability as he spoke to her with a sweet smile.

“I just hope I can protect him.”

Mingyu snorted. “That isn’t a task you can do alone, Your Majesty.”

Jeongguk couldn’t keep his eyes off Taehyung.

Even without Jimin at his side, he navigated the table with ease. The footman who served him always lingered to whisper something in Taehyung’s ear before leaving – perhaps a detailed description of where everything was – and Taehyung always ensured that his glass of wine was left in the same place before.

He kept lifting it to his lips, but it looked like he barely made a dent.

As the final course was served – a decadent chocolate and pear tart – Jeongguk’s heart stuttered as he heard Taehyung’s voice, louder now as though he intentionally wanted others to hear.

“I thought you would be attending with the Prince of Estemery?”

Su-Hwa shook her head, and though Taehyung didn’t see it, she turned to Soojin.

“My brother had called off my engagement… right after giving me the title of Princess of Orivala,” Su-Hwa replied. It was so quiet the way she said it. Jeongguk could see out of the corner of his eyes that she had glanced up, then dropped her chin down again as if surprised to see Jeongguk was listening to their conversation. Then realizing that the entire table had fallen quiet.

“Called off the engagement?” Jennie said, as if this was the first she had heard of the news. “From what I heard, the Princess of Orivala had been engaged to the Crown Prince of Estemery by the late Emperor.”

“Yes,” Park Hae-jin said, “my late father thought the engagement would be good for the realm then. But, with these changing times, I didn’t think that such an arrangement was necessary anymore. Estermery has sworn fealty to the Empire.”

“I see,” Taehyung mused. He tilted his head towards Su-Hwa again, “but I am glad you have someone close at your side. I know it is daunting to travel without Jimin close.”

Su-Hwa nodded and hummed in agreement, placing a forkful of pear in her mouth. She glanced at Soojin again, and the smile on her lips was… shy.

“It is odd, though,” Taehyung continued, “that Hae-jin-hyung didn’t bring his guard. I have heard that the Emperor would not travel without his Elite.”

Su-hwa didn’t answer. The easy smile and the release of tension had returned. Her swallow was audible as she glanced at her brother. Park Hae-jin made no move to answer or save her from the question.

She licked her lips, gently placed her fork down and folded her hands into her lap. “He’s no longer with us,” she said – voice shaking and breaking like she was trying to speak louder over a clogged throat. “He had failed the Emperor… and paid the price.”


“He was executed.” Park Hae-jin said so loud that Taehyung noticeably jerked. “He had betrayed me. I had sent him on an important mission. He failed, and his informant was discovered though I cannot imagine how.”

Jeongguk froze.

Park Hae-jin killed Chul. Was it before or after the sentencing of Cha Seungwon?

Su-Hwa did not look up, curling in on herself, her hair falling around her face like a curtain as if to hide.

Does Park Hae-jin suspect Su-Hwa?

“Were his crimes his failures to you, or was it the implication of treachery?” Queen Park Soohee asked.

“Both,” Park Hae-jin answered, “I will not take chances.”

“So, you had no proof?” Jennie asked. “That is quite a punishment for suspected disloyalty.”

“There can be no room for incompetence and doubt, especially of my Elite.”

Taehyung reached for his wine glass, “I understood the Elite to be trained from birth to be soldiers. Their loyalty is to the Emperor.”

“Yet…there is an Elite sitting at our table, is she not?” Jennie asked.

“Soojin-unnie is my friend and my closest confidant,” Su-Hwa said quietly.

Park Hae-jin seemed to grin. “My sister had formed… an unusual bond with her Elite guard. I blame her sheltered upbringing.”

“Is that not the same as our Crownsguards, Your Eminence?” Jennie said.

“The Elite are not like the Crownsguard,” Park Hae-jin said, “who come from a noble bloodline. They are orphans, raised with only one purpose: serving the Empire. Their loyalty is not to the person they are assigned to, but to me, as Emperor. If they betray me, including Soojin, death is a light punishment.”

Jeongguk jumped at the sound of something clattering onto the table and wood screeching against wood. He turned in time to see a trail of red starting from Su-Hwa’s plate down the side of the table. She had pushed away from the edge as wine dripped down the stained tablecloth onto the floor.

“I-I am so sorry,” she stuttered. Taehyung too, had shifted to the side, brows furrowing in confusion for he only heard the commotion.

“It’s alright,” Jennie said gently, like trying to calm an injured animal. The wine had soaked into places of Su-Hwa’s dress, staining her already red dress even darker. She glanced up when Jennie called for someone to help escort her to the powder room, and when Jeongguk saw her eyes meet her brother’s, there was something akin to shame just before she turned to leave. Soojin followed, having said nothing throughout the entire exchange.

As the doors closed behind them, Park Hae-jin lifted his glass of wine, asking it to be refilled by the staff.

“I hope you will forgive my sister,” he started.

“It is spilled wine. There is nothing to forgive,” Jennie replied quickly.

“Her reaction was dramatic and unbecoming for one of her station. She mourns the loss of a man who had betrayed his Emperor,” Park Hae-jin said. “This is why I tried to keep her away from the public eye for so long. She is too sentimental.”

Out of the corner of his eye, he could see Jennie’s hands clasped in her lap. Though her posture in the chair had exuded an air of confidence, underneath the layers of tulle, Jeongguk could see her fingers had turned white.

“Sentiment is not a sign of weakness,” Queen Park Soohee said.

“I never said it was,” the Emperor replied. “But there is no place for it in politics and warfare.”

Taehyung’s friendly and enchanting smile had faltered into a hard line. “You underestimate her, Hae-jin-hyung,” Taehyung said. “And how ‘sentiment’ can influence decisions.”

“It sounds like you speak from experience, Taehyung.”


When dinner finished, they all went through to the salon. The room opened up to a spectacular view of the gardens of the castle's estate in the light of the setting sun. Su-Hwa had joined them after a short time. Her dress no longer had any visible dark patches, but her cheeks were flushed pink, and she would not look anyone in the eyes.

Taehyung had immediately invited her to walk with him in the gardens, and she had accepted the offer so quickly, Jeongguk had to wonder if it was because of Taehyung’s charm or if his offer was an escape from scrutiny. They both left with Soojin and Jimin close behind them. Jeongguk stayed in the drawing room with Namjoon standing close by the fireplace. They had already planned on having a single drink for appearance's sake before both retiring to their rooms.

The Queen said she would be retiring to bed early as she had commitments in the morning. Taehyung had been the first to bid his mother a good night before leaving with Su-Hwa.

Jeongguk smiled, warmed by the open affection the Queen gave to each of her children as she wrapped them in her embrace and pressed a tender kiss into their hair. When the Queen’s rounds came to Namjoon and Jeongguk, she lingered at the fireplace after they had given their regards.

Jeongguk swallowed the thick knot in his throat as the Queen silently studied him. “You are both quite young to carry such a heavy burden,” she finally said.

Jeongguk felt his jaw snap shut. This wasn’t the first time he had heard such a statement, but most of the time, it was said with spite, disbelief, or disdain. But the Queen’s tone was…sad…

“It is a burden I am proud to bear, Your Majesty,” Namjoon said, “especially when my king had ascended so young as well.”

Queen Soohee smiled at Namjoon. “Do bring Kim Seokjin-ssi the next time you visit?”

“I will, Ma’am.”

She then turned to Jeongguk. “I wish we had more time to speak. I would have liked to get to know you better, but my children only have good things to say about you, Your Majesty.”

“They are too kind then,” Jeongguk said.

“You are too modest if you do not know, Jeon Jeongguk-ssi,” she said.

She opened her arms, “May I?”

Jeongguk blinked but then nodded stiffly, allowing the older woman to wrap him in a warm hug. She smelled like roses and honey, and suddenly, he was reminded of his mother. His throat started to prick, and his eyes burned.

“Please, protect Taehyung.

All the warm, soothing sentiment rushed out of his system. When the Queen released him, he felt cold watching her take her leave.

“What did she say?” Namjoon asked.

Jeongguk gulped the brandy in his hand, letting the fire wash down the biting apprehension.

“Protect Taehyung,” Jeongguk muttered.

“He has become rather friendly with Yoo Su-hwa,” Namjoon said.

“You sound jealous,” Jeongguk teased half-heartedly.

Namjoon snorted. “Jealous? I think I made my devotion to Seokjin-hyung quite clear… I spoke more about him than would be appropriate at the dinner party.”

“Is that why the Queen invited him?”

Namjoon hummed. He checked his watch. “Seokjin-hyung asked to call in a bit. Would you want to walk back together?”

Jeongguk shook his head. “You go, Hyung. I’ll leave in a few.”

Namjoon nodded. He took one final sip of his brandy before giving his empty glass to a passing footman. Jeongguk leaned against the fireplace mantle, listening as Namjoon announced his departure to those remaining before leaving.

He meandered closer to Jennie, Mingyu, and their Crownsguard sitting around a table, playing cards. It was an Attalian card game, judging by the unusual deck of cards and the Attalian words they all spoke. Mingyu had offered him a seat at the table, eager to teach him how to play. But Jeongguk declined, using the opportunity also to announce his leave. As Jeongguk turned to reluctantly bid Park Hae-jin a good evening, he watched the Emperor place his empty glass on the table.

“I will also retire to my rooms,” Park Hae-jin said.

Jennie stood, “I will call Jia to show you to your rooms, Your Eminence.”

“Have her meet me in the guest wing,” Park Hae-jin commanded, “I’m sure His Majesty would be able to show me where they are.”

“But – I – ”

“It’s alright,” Jeongguk cut Jennie off. The fire in his stomach was no longer a comfortable warmth but embers of ashes waiting for a gust of wind.

He gestured to the door, “Right this way, Your Eminence.”

Jeongguk hadn’t noticed before this morning, but most of the light that filled the château came from the skylights and the massive windows. So just like the night before, when the sun had set over the horizon, the halls were lit by hazy soft golden light. But last night, the light was warm and cozy. But with the Orivalian Emperor trailing behind him, the light seemed to cast growing shadows and flickering images.

Jeongguk’s footsteps were loud, as were his breaths.

“Taehyung is as beautiful as he is cunning, don’t you think?”

Jeongguk halted. “Excuse me?”

Park Hae-jin took several steps forward, hands resting in his pants pockets. He leaned against a wall.

“He knows I care for Su-Hwa,” Park Hae-jin continued, “he thinks he can use her to dissuade me from war. But Su-Hwa will not have the courage to try.”

Jeongguk shoved his hands into his pockets, hoping the fabric would hide the tremors of anger. He remained rooted where he stood. Was that Taehyung’s plan? To ask Su-Hwa to counsel her brother against war when she had asked Jeongguk to give her time and she failed to stop him?

“Taehyung puts too much hope in that girl,” Park Hae-jin said. “But, who knows, perhaps he could convince her to try.”

“Perhaps,” Jeongguk replied carefully. He just wanted to go back to his rooms –

“It is a shame he didn’t want to be king,” Park Hae-jin continued. “But that was when I knew he would be interesting. No man would give up the throne – unless there was a higher power he was pursuing. So did he give up the throne to pursue higher power or divine power?

“What are you implying?”

“There must be a reason the country whispers the moniker Blood of the Oracle, ” Park Hae-jin said. Jeongguk noticed that the Emperor was looking at a painting. He shifted his eyes, noticing they were in the palace's galleries. Jeongguk hadn’t paid much attention to the paintings earlier.

But now, he could see through the shadows and dim light, a portrait of three figures hung on the wall. He couldn’t make out the details in the darkness but could see enough. On the left was a figure dressed in deep reds, hands wrapped around a cornucopia overflowing with fruits, flowers, and grains. On the right was a figure shrouded in grey, no less beautiful, but she held a human skull in her hands. Between them sat a figure dressed in snow-white, a crown of blood-red chrysanthemums on her head, and eyes a familiar stain-glass blue.

The Mother, the Maiden, and the Crone.

“Surely you know the legends and myths of Attalia,” Park Hae-jin said, “the tale of the Maiden and her Gardener?”

Jeongguk had heard of the stories. During the summer nights spent at Luna Castle, Taehyung had once recited the tale of the Gardener and the Maiden. He was surprised and troubled that Park Hae-jin knew the stories so well.

“I do know the myths,” Jeongguk replied.

“And what a great love story it was,” Park Hae-jin said.

Jeongguk turned at the sound of approaching footsteps, holding back a gasp when he was met face-to-face with the Emperor of Orivala. He smelled of whiskey and a cologne that filled Jeongguk’s senses with the taste of charred wood and smoke.

“Tell me, does he love you?” the Emperor crooned, his voice low and rumbling like – like a dragon.

Jeongguk laughed, “What would you know of love, when all you want is power.”

“Love is a weakness in this world. There is only lust, and it will drive you mad. How far would you go to have him?”

“I could ask you the same.”

“Your Eminence, Your Majesty.”

Jeongguk whipped his head to the call and found Jia standing in the light, hands clasped together, features unreadable as she regarded the two monarchs.

“Her Royal Highness has tasked me with leading His Eminence to his guest rooms,” she said.

“Of course,” Park Hae-jin stepped away from Jeongguk, hands returning to his pockets as he followed Jia down the hall. “Have a good evening, Your Majesty.”

Jeongguk stayed, focusing on counting his breaths until he no longer felt the heat of anger on his cheeks before returning to his room. Jeongguk collapsed over the edge of the sofa as the doors closed behind him. Exhaustion washed over him. He’d been restless throughout the entire dinner, then his exchange with Park Hae-jin left him dazed and listless.

He thought about grabbing his phone, notifying Yeonjun, and then going to Namjoon to tell him about the conversation. Before he could muster the energy to move, Jeongguk heard a knocking on glass. He sat straight up, blood pounding when he saw a dark figure standing outside the veranda.

At first, Jeongguk’s thoughts had turned to the image of the Crone in wispy shadows. But then, as his vision adjusted, he recognized the figure dressed in white. He scrambled to his feet and fumbled with the lock on the glass doors before tossing them open.


Jimin had worn a pretty blouse with a massive bow around the collar to the dinner party. Now, the sheer fabric hung loose around his neck like a scarf. His hair was sticking up, windswept it seemed, and he looked….frazzled.

“Taehyung wants to see you,” he said. “In the gardens, alone.”


“Yes, alone.”

Jimin’s tone was curt, words short and clipped.

“What’s wrong?” Jeongguk asked.

“It’s nothing.”

Jimin ran both hands through his hair. He exhaled, and the sound was shaky, like he was on the verge of laughing or crying….

“Is Taehyung alright?”

“He’s fine.”

“Hyung – ”

“I’m just – ” Jimin cut himself off, as if the words had come too fast, loud, and angry. He took another breath and tried again. “I’m just worried about tomorrow.”

The dread of what tomorrow may bring sat heavy in his chest. He tried not to think about it, let the warmth of the liquor keep the thoughts clouded in mist.

“So, where is he in the gardens?”

Jimin nodded to himself, “Right. Um, go down these steps to the grand staircase into the gardens. Go straight to the water fountain and then turn east. He's waiting for you by the entrance of the Labyrinth of Endless Dreams.”

“Where are you going?” Jeongguk called as Jimin turned on his heels away.

“On another of Taehyung’s errands,” Jimin sighed, “keep him safe while I’m gone?”

Jeongguk nodded, “Of course, Hyung.”

He watched Jimin leave before remembering that he should send a text to Yeonjun and then followed Jimin’s directions, feet carrying him faster as the nervous energy spilled from him. As he made the final steps down the grand staircase and began walking down the pathway toward the water fountain, he saw two familiar figures in the distance. It wasn’t difficult to identify the Lion Cub of Rossarya. Her red gown was a stark contrast between the dark sky and the deep greens lining the pathway. Soojin would have disappeared into the shadows if it weren’t for the platinum blonde hair.

The Elite Guard had heard him approach the moment his feet had met the gravel pathway. She stood before the princess, hands clasped in front of her. Even from this distance, Jeongguk could see Su-Hwa sitting on the edge of the fountain; skirts hiked up as she dipped her feet into the waters. She turned when Soojin moved and then scrambled to get up and fix her dress.

“Your Majesty,” she said in a rush, dropping into a curtsy when Jeongguk was close. Jeongguk nodded in return.

“...I'm sorry about the ending of your engagement.”

“...It didn’t mean anything anyway,” she mumbled.

“...I should go.”

“W-Wait,” she called just as Jeongguk turned away.

Su-Hwa had fistfuls of her gown. Her shoulders were hunched forward, and she was shaking.

“Why did you take the throne?”

He turned at that. “What?”

“You – the Queen Mother was regent. I - I read the newspapers. There was a discussion of an accord where she would remain in power until you were older,” ” she explained. “You could have had a normal life, gone to university or travelled or -”

“You think by taking the throne at eighteen, I gave up a chance at a ‘normal life’?” Jeongguk snapped. He didn’t mean for his words to sound so harsh or condescending. He raked a hand through his hair and took a deep breath. “Your Royal Highness –”

“Su-hwa,” she said. “Please – just Su-hwa.”

“Su-hwa-ssi,” Jeongguk started carefully. “What makes you think we could ever have a normal life?”

Su-hwa took a step back. He was being too harsh. Jeongguk remembered that she had grown up out of the spotlight. Her status as Princess of Orivala had not been declared until recently. Her existence was known, but her identity was hidden for years. Perhaps that was how she had snuck into Naissus twice. Yu Su-Hwa was undoubtedly beautiful, now garbbed in the colours of her House, but she didn’t possess the air of royalty, the innate conviction that comes with holding power.

“You read the newspapers?” he asked gently.

She nodded. “Maybe they weren’t correct, but I read that you had split the decision of the Privy Council, and the Queen Mother had no choice but to support your ascension as the youngest King of Naissus.”

“But the newspapers didn’t tell you why ,” Jeongguk started, “I did it because Cha Seungwon was attempting to take power away from my mother.”

“Cha Seungwon,” she repeated, brows furrowing like she struggled to understand the connection. “But… but he… attempted to…”

“That’s right.”

“He was… the Queen Regent’s Lord Chancellor, wasn’t he?”


“Did you trust him?”

The question threw him off-guard. Her voice was so soft, and though the question was intrusive and directed at Jeongguk… he couldn’t help but feel like she was asking herself that.

“I did,” he answered truthfully. “He was in charge of some of my education before my ascension.”

She nodded to herself, “Do you hate him?”

He felt the walls return. The apathy he had welded like a shield blocked the tidal wave of emotions. “It doesn’t matter anymore. Cha Seung-won is dead, and I have you to thank for that.”

She closed her eyes. “Right,” she muttered so quietly, Jeongguk barely heard it. “Another death on my hands.”

Jeongguk turned again, “I should go. I will see you at the parley, Su-Hwa-ssi.”

“I'm sorry. I - I didn't want this to happen. I tried to stop him and… I thought I could stop him and convince him to take a different path but –”

“I don't think you need to apologize to me,” Jeongguk said, “If anyone deserves an apology, it would be Taehyung."

“I already did,” Su-Hwa said, “But it’s not enough. It will never be enough.”

Su-Hwa suddenly marched over to stand in front of him. She finally held his gaze, and in her eyes was a spark of fire and resolve.

“I swear to you. I’ll make things right.”

Jeongguk frowned. “Be careful of what you promise. Your words may sound traitorous to your Emperor... and I don’t know if he’s above hurting you.”

Her eyes flicker to where Soojin stood, silent and still in the shadows.

“He’s already trying to.”

Jeongguk left Su-Hwa and Soojin at the fountain. He could feel the Elite’s guard’s eyes boring into him, but he had yet to hear her speak.

The gravel under his feet was louder than his own breaths. He sped up, eager to reach Taehyung’s side. Soon, his speed-walking had morphed into a jog and then a run. The estate of the Château de Marsylle was grand and large, and it took a while before the labyrinth grew in size and the hedge maze towered over him. He saw a figure sitting on a stone bench in front of the shadowed entrance.

Taehyung was a glowing halo amidst the dark. He had turned his head to the side, listening to the loud crackling footsteps of Jeongguk’s run as he kicked up gravel. Jeongguk stopped when he was a meter or so away from Taehyung, then stood, panting.

“Why is it called the Labyrinth of Endless Dreams?”

Taehyung patted space on the bench beside him. When his breaths slowed, Jeongguk rounded the bench and sat beside Taehyung. It was comforting to feel the press of Taehyung’s weight against his arm, to notice the ease as Taehyung tilted his head into the crook of Jeongguk’s neck, and the scent of lavender and chamomile envelop him like the comfort of returning home.

“It was built by Mael, Queen of Attalia,” Taehyung started. “During her reign, many of her closest advisors fell in tragic deaths…Mael feared she was cursed and worried that her dearest friend and lover, her Crownsguard, would be next. So she sought the Goddesses’ help.”

“She accepted the blessing?”

Taehyung hummed, “The Mother Goddess blessed Mael with the divine gift to speak to those beyond the veil. Mael learned that her advisors’ deaths were not accidents but a plot by her cousin, a prince of the blood, whose greed for power made him cruel.”

“When he learned he’d been discovered, he tried to kill the Queen, but her Crownguard saved her life by stepping before the blade. The Crownsguard killed Mael’s cousin, but she also perished from her grievous injuries. Mael had lost that which she valued most, her beloved Crownsguard. With no one else to protect her, she fell prey to the price of her divine gift. The Crone will not protect her from the veil.”

Jeongguk felt a shiver climbing up his spine. Taehyung spoke gently, voice lilting like he was singing a haunting lullaby.

“The souls of the dead will torment her until she joins them. No longer could Mael sleep without dreams of her advisors, bitter for the life they lost; of her cousin, vengeful and angry; and her dearest Crownsguard, longing to remain with her.”

“Then what happened?”

“In desperation, Mael went to the Shrine of the Trinity Goddesses in Lunefleur to beg for release. The Maiden pitied her descendent and gave her visions of a labyrinth that would hold the ghosts at bay. The Queen then commissioned the construction of this labyrinth with twists, turns, a single exit, and bushes of valerian, poppy, and asphodels. The valerian to deter the angry, vengeful ones; the asphodels to lead the lost ones across the veil.”

“And poppy?”

Taehyung smiled. “Poppy is used to make a draught that mocks death. Mael would take it sometimes to be as close as she could to her Crownsguard. But it has its dangers; such a feat is addicting, and as Mael aged, she grew more dependent on the draught to numb her pain. She passed away in the labyrinth, having taken the draught one last time to be with her lover. That’s why it’s called the Labyrinth of Eternal Dreams, and it is said that Mael and her Crownsguard still wander the labyrinth together. It’s said that by walking through the labyrinth, you can trap malicious spirits and bad luck following you.”

“I used to walk through the labyrinth,” Taehyung said, “fears are like ghosts… it made me feel better sometimes. I showed it to Su-Hwa.”

“Did you mean for us to meet at the fountain?” Jeongguk asked.

Taehyung’s lips drew into a barely-there smile. “Su-Hwa wanted to speak to you. To ask you some questions, I wanted to give her the opportunity without the watchful eyes of others. Did she ask you something?”

“She did,” Jeongguk muttered. “She asked why I took the throne when my mother could have been regent for longer…”

Taehyung hummed.

“You sound as though you knew she would ask that.”

“What did you tell her?”

“I told her about Cha Seungwon and his attempt at power,” Jeongguk said. He didn’t like how his voice grew quieter when he said Cha Seungwon’s name like it would summon him — dead or alive. “She also asked me…. if I hated him.”

“Do you hate Cha Seungwon?”

It took Jeongguk a while to process the question. To even think. He had kept his sentiments regarding Cha Seungwon buried under the worries and horror of an impending war. When Su-Hwa asked him, he acted instinctually, letting the years of practice take over to continue to build bricks in his old wall. But with Taehyung's voice soft and gentle, his words broke through the thin cracks and let streams of water trickle in.

“I don’t know,” Jeongguk said. “I hated that he tried to take my throne, he tried to kill me… He hurt you.

Jeongguk shifted just enough to wrap his arm around Taehyung’s waist and bury his nose into the crown of Taehyung's hair.

“I should hate him,” Jeongguk whispered, “But, I’m just relieved that he’s gone. His opinion of me was his own undoing.”

“And what was that?”

“A boy with too much power,” Jeongguk murmured, “one who wears his heart on his sleeve.”

“Perhaps that is what I love most about you,” Taehyung murmured.


Jeongguk blew out a breath.

“Did Su-Hwa say anything else?” Taehyung asked.

“...She made a promise to make things right.”

Taehyung didn’t reply to that. Jeongguk placed one hand on the stone bench, leaning back and tilting his head to the sky. Sol Palace may be distant from the city, but light pollution meant the stars were never as clear. Here, the skies seemed brighter, the stars so much closer.

“She is scared,” Taehyung whispered. “Because Park Hae-jin killed his Elite.”

“Is she worried we’ll tell Park Hae-jin how we knew about… about Cha Seungwon?”

Taehyung shook his head. “No, I don’t think she’s worried for herself. But for her Elite guard.”

Jeongguk turned to face Taehyung.

“She loves Soojin.”

Jeongguk was stunned by the revelation. But it made sense. The way Su-Hwa would hold onto her guard was more than just a simple friendship, more than the relationship between guard and ward.

“They’ve kept it a secret,” Taehyung said. “But she’ll do what it takes to protect Soojin.”

“Is that what you were talking about?”

Taehyung shook his head.

“No… I asked her to do something for me.”

“...And you won’t tell me?”

“I won’t give false hope. She might not do it.”

“Did you ask her to convince Park Hae-jin not to choose war?”

Taehyung’s lips form a frown, “What makes you say that?”

“I had an impromptu conversation with Park Hae-jin after leaving the salon,” Jeongguk explained, “he seemed convinced that you were trying to have Su-Hwa turn on him.”

Taehyung froze, “Perhaps,” he muttered, “but not in the way that he thinks.”

“Taehyung, what are you planning?” Jeongguk asked.

Taehyung stood, clasping his hands behind him as he tilted his head back to savour the breeze.

“What else did Park Hae-jin say?”

It seemed Taehyung wasn’t going to tell him his plans. But he had asked Jeongguk to trust him, and Jeongguk had failed him before.

Jeongguk sighed, hunching forward and placing his hands on his knees, trying to suppress his fears. “He asked how far I would go to have you.”

Taehyung turned. “Did you answer him?”

Jeongguk had to crane his neck. Taehyung glowed in the moon's light, majestic and ethereal in all white. Jeongguk never stood a chance, and that knowledge frightened him.

The question was never how far he would go but how far wouldn’t he.

“You must have known from the start how enamoured I was by you.”

Taehyung audibly swallowed. Taehyung reached for him, sliding between Jeongguk’s open knees. One hand wrapped around the back of his neck, and the other cupped his jaw possessively. Taehyung leaned down, tilting Jeongguk’s jaw up until their lips touched.

“I want you for eternity,” Taehyung said against his lips.

“You have me.”

“Will I?” Taehyung whispered.

Jeongguk placed his hand on Taehyung’s. His fingers were trembling, not from the cold… but from a wild energy that radiated from him.

“Taehyung, what are you planning ?” Jeongguk repeated, desperate now.

“You have to trust me.”

“Does Jimin know what you plan on doing? Or Jennie, or Mingyu – Su-Hwa – someone .”

He could feel Taehyung’s lips form a thin smile. “They know the parts they have to play.”

“What about me?”

“Trust me,” Taehyung repeated, “and know I love you.”

Taehyung kissed with a fervour that made Jeongguk’s chest ache.

He found himself in Taehyung’s bed again, clothes shed and hands searching for more skin, for the heat to chase away the chill of fear. He had fallen asleep, tangled in the heaps of blankets with Taehyung’s weight on his chest and the daze of their pleasure pulling him under.

But when he awoke, the sky was still dark, and Taehyung’s side of the bed was cold.

It was unsurprising to know that the Château de Marsylle had a room specifically for international meetings. The room itself was circular in shape with a glass dome ceiling. The walls were lined with bookshelves filled with archived and bound documents of all the treaties signed in this very room.

There were six chairs set around the massive round table, set in pairs, so the participants sat adjacent to each other in the shape of a triangle.

Jeongguk could barely sit still and he had fidgeted so intensely that Namjoon had to place a hand on his arm and remind him to breathe.

Park Hae-jin sat with Su-Hwa at his side, Soojin hovering on Su-Hwa’s right. The princess had dark circles under her eyes and she gnawed on the inside of her chapped lips. He wondered if she was able to complete the task Taehyung had asked.

Jennie and Taehyung sat beside each other with their own Crownsguard on either side of them. The Crown Princess sat with her hands gripping the edge if the armrests, back straight, and lips pressed into a firm line. The First Prince, beside her, sat with a languid grace, legs crossed and leaning on an elbow. His eyes were closed and if it weren’t for the bouncing of his leg, Jeongguk would have thought he was asleep.

Taehyung never returned to his rooms until several hours later and he wouldn’t talk about where he went.

“We’re here today to discuss a treatise amongst our three nations,” Jennie declared, “Let us begin by stating the grievances.”

Park Hae-jin nodded and gestured for Jennie to continue.

She leaned forward, placing her arms on the table and clasping her hands together.

“The Kingdom of Attalia demands an explanation and actions towards reconciliation for the crimes of aggression from the Empire of Orivala. These crimes include the unprovoked attack on the city of Ravenna, the bombing and destruction of the Palace of the Stars, the death of four citizens of Attalia, the injury of nine others, and the attempted regicide on the King of Attalia.”

Park Hae-jin simply nodded again, then turned his attention to Jeongguk.

“And what of Naissus?” he asked. Jeongguk had felt uneasy since the moment he woke, but now, the tension had risen to the point where he felt like his heart was going to burst.

“The Kingdom of Naissus demands explanation and actions towards reconciliation for the crimes of aggression from the Empire of Orivala. These crimes include the unprovoked conflict against their ally, Attalia, the destruction of two Naissian fighter jets and the death of two soldiers.”

“These are not unprovoked attacks,” Park Hae-jin stated. He turned to Jennie. “You have begun to militarize your nation, Your Royal Highness. It was a precautionary measure when a historically neutral country agreed to allow foreign armed fleets into their airspace.”

It was clear that Park Hae-jin had prepared the refute.

“There was no movement from Attalia suggesting a conflict with the Empire. Our actions of agreeing to Naissian military presence is to ensure that your war will not harm Attalia,” Jennie argued.

Park Hae-jin turned to Jeongguk and Namjoon again, “Is it truly, when it is provocation when you decide to have your dreadnought – the Shiva – entering Iaryen airspace, bringing supplies to a nation that has declared war upon the Empire. You sided with our direct enemies.”

“The supplies provided to Lugdunum were provided in humanitarian efforts,” Namjoon replied. “The Empire of Orivala is attacking the capital city, where there are civilians affected, not just soldiers.”

Park Hae-jin sighed like he was dealing with children. “Regardless, the actions conducted by both Attalia and Naissus appear to be in preparation for war against the Empire and to aid the enemy lines,” Park Hae-jin said.

He leaned back in his chair, casually lacing his fingers before him. “My actions are justified in protecting my Empire during the militarization of Attalian airspace and the joint efforts by both the Kingdom of Attalia and the Kingdom of Naissus in providing aid to the belligerent party of Lugdunum in the war in Iyaren.”

Jeongguk gritted his teeth – gripping the armrest until it hurt. Taehyung was right, Park Hae-jin was sharp with his words, twisting intentions and pointing out the clear flaws in their plan.

Jennie leaned forward, lacing her fingers together on the table. “It seems as though no one is willing to admit fault, but can we all agree that we do not want war?”

“Of course,” Park Hae-jin said, “There is no need for meaningless bloodshed.”

“Yes,” Jeongguk said, “Naissus has no intention of bringing the war to the Territories of Duscae or Attalia.”

“Yet you will bring the infamous Bahamut, the Sky Fortress, to a peace meeting?” Park Hae-jin said.

“Precautionary measures,” Jeonguk imitated.

Park Hae-jin’s smile was tight.

“Then let us continue,” Jennie said. “The allied Kingdoms of Attalia and Kingdom of Naissus demand the following actions by the Empire of Orivala to reach an agreement of peace: the complete financial reparation for damages to the Palace of the Stars, a public apology and acknowledgment of the harm caused, the agreement that the Empire of Orivala will never bring military forces into Attalian skies again, and the restricted access to Attalian territories.”

Namjoon shifted in his seat, leaning forward as if preparing rebuttals to Park Hae-jin’s arguments.

“I will agree to such terms,” Park Hae-jin said. “If my own are met, I demand the complete demilitarization of foreign forces within Attalia, including… allied nations, and for the accord to be sealed in a marriage of state.”

“Marriage of state,” Jennie prompted slowly.

“You don’t seem surprised,” Park Hae-jin said.

“I’m not,” Jennie returned, “I think you made your intentions clear in the dissolution of the engagement between Her Royal Highness, the Princess of Orivala and the Prince of Estemery.”

Park Hae-jin’s smile is strangely innocent. “I was hoping my dear sister’s engagement to another could help prevent a larger conflict.”

Su-Hwa had kept her eyes on the center of the table for most of the conversation, and now she turned, jaw clenched and eyes blank. Park Hae-jin placed an elbow on the armrest, leaning on his hand in a relaxed manner that made Jeongguk extraordinarily weary.

“I had planned to propose a union between myself and Her Royal Highness, the Crown Princess of Attalia,” Park Hae-jin said.

Just as Taehyung had predicted.

Jeongguk’s eyes flickered to Jennie, watching as she swallowed.

“But then I received an offer far greater.” Park Hae-jin turned to Taehyung, who had been silent throughout the meeting.

He still hadn’t moved.

“The First Prince of Attalia has offered me his hand in marriage.”

Like when the explosion in his room went off – Jeongguk didn’t understand what was happening.

His ears were ringing.

He couldn’t breathe.

I beg your pardon.” Jennie turned to Taehyung, “When did you –”

“Last night,” Taehyung answered.

Last night, when he had left Jeongguk alone in his bed, when he had asked Jeongguk to trust him, when he wouldn’t tell Jeongguk his plan.

This was his plan?

He turned to Jimin, trying to figure out from the Crownsguard’s expression if he had known about this. But Jimin’s face was blank, jaw locked together and eyes forward.

“I will not agree to this,” Jennie snapped and judging by how flustered she was, she had not known this was her brother’s plan either.

She turned to the Emperor, “You – we – if we wish for the accord to be sealed in a marriage of state, then it should be the union between the Princess of Orivala and the Second Prince of Attalia.”

“I had said I wished for my sister’s engagement to another to prevent a potential conflict,” Park Hae-jin clarified, he turned to face Jeongguk again.

“You mean potential conflicts across the Offing Sea,” Namjoon said, as though he understood the implications before Jeongguk did.

“Since the King of Naissus is no longer courting the First Prince of Attalia,” Park Hae-jin explained, “I offer Yu Su-hwa, Princess of Orivala, the Lion Cub of Rossarya to him.”

The sound of a chair screeching across wood shot through Jeongguk like electricity. His eyes turned to Su-Hwa, who had stood and slammed her fists on the table.

Her hands shook and her eyes watered.

“Orabeoni,” she said, voice shaking. “How could you just – toss me around from marriage to marriage. I don’t want to be a pawn in your game.”

Park Hae-jin did not answer immediately, still shocked at the outburst from the usually meek girl. The entire room remained still, other than Taehyung. Jeongguk wondered if anyone was paying attention to the First Prince when all eyes were on Su-Hwa. But he watched as Taehyung suddenly moved, uncrossing his legs and hunching over his chair, fingers curling into the palm of his hands.

“You are not a pawn,” Park Hae-jin said, words slow and stern like talking to a child. “You are a member of House Cerebyrn, and your duty to the Empire is to serve your Emperor. Your marriage will ensure peace among the three most powerful nations in all of Chesos. That is if the King of Naissus will accept such terms.”

But before Jeongguk could, Su-Hwa had already answered. She shook her head, stepping around her chair and backing towards the door.

“No,” she announced.

“Su-hwa,” her brother tried again, gently this time.

No ,” she repeated. The first time Su-Hwa said it, her voice shook, but now she spoke with more conviction and rage. “I will not agree to the marriage.”

She turned and ran to the doors, bursting through them as Soojin followed behind her. Park Hae-jin didn’t move, still staring at the table.

“I find it strange that you tried to have the King of Naissus killed once, and now you desire an alliance,” Taehyung said.

All heads turned to Taehyung when he finally broke his silence. He was still curled in on himself, but slowly unfurling.

The Emperor’s brows furrowed. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

“Don’t be coy, Hae-jin-hyung,” Taehyung admonished, “The Earl of Fama had confessed. You invited him to Rossarya and presented an offer he couldn’t refuse. An Elite as the assassin for the King of Naissus.”

“That is quite an accusation.”

Jeongguk’s thoughts spun as he tried to put together what Taehyung could possibly be doing. Openly accusing Park Hae-jin of his involvement in an attempt on Jeongguk’s life was dangerous. If Taehyung wanted Su-Hwa on his side, doing so would implicate her. Did he plan for Su-Hwa to refuse the marriage of state?

“You got the report, didn’t you?” Taehyung continued, “From Cha Seungwon’s source within His Majesty’s Privy Council. How scandalous it was that I was in the King’s Rooms that night. How fortunate it was that I had convinced the King to leave his rooms just before what could have been a fatal explosion.”

“Taehyung –” Jeongguk started.

“But you didn’t believe that, did you?” Taehyung said, ignoring Jeongguk’s interruption. “Of course, you didn’t believe it — because you thought I had a gift.”

Taehyung leaned forward. His hands were clasped together, white and his fingernails were… crusted red?

Jennie tried to stop him, placing a hand on his arm. She shook her head, furious. “Oppa, don’t –”

“Well – you were right.”

Jeongguk’s heart was pounding and his ears started ringing – no – Taehyung.

“Taehyung —”

“I saw your Elite, Chul, place an explosive in Jeongguk’s rooms.”

The Emperor’s eyes lit up, eyes wide. “The gift of premonition?”

“That’s right,” Taehyung said. “I received the blessing of the goddesses. I have visions of the future. I saw when your father passed, I saw the fall of Aquileia, I saw the Imperial Consul of Lavicci fall. Do you know what else I have foreseen?”

He braced his hands on the table.

“The fall of Orivala should you declare war on both Attalia and Naissus.”

Jennie couldn’t help but turn away, chest heaving as she looked to both Jimin and Jeongguk in search for an answer – searching for the reason why Taehyung would suddenly reveal such a dangerous secret.

Taehyung had not told them of such a vision though.

Park Hae-jin finally reacted – eyes narrowing as Taehyung said the words. “Why would you share such a secret if that was the premonition you had?”

“War is not without loss,” Taehyung hissed.

Park Hae-jin chuckled, with a strange, cruel smile on his lips. He glanced at Jeongguk. “You’re doing it to save him, aren’t you?”

Taehyung ignored the question. He stood, trying to look commanding but he leaned heavily on his arms for support.

“The offer of my hand in marriage remains only in these conditions.”


“One: the wedding is hosted in Attalia. In Ravenna as per the traditions. Which means you will ensure that the Palais du Etiole has been repaired to its former glory. Two: the wedding will take place after the Feast of the Mourning Star to honour those who have passed. It is not right to celebrate a wedding before then. Three: you will allow me to make a pilgrimage to the Shrine in Lunefleur.”

The fear in Jennie’s eyes morphed into a strange confusion. She glanced down her eyes flickering to Park Hae-jin, ensuring that his eyes were on Taehyung before she turned to Jeongguk.

“A pilgrimage,” Park Hae-jin asked.

Jennie answered.

“A pilgrimage to the Shrine of the Trinity Goddesses” she licked her lips, reluctant to speak further. “It is a rite all bearing the gift must undertake before a marriage.”

Something was wrong. Jeongguk remembered Taehyung’s story of the Labyrinth of Eternal Dreams… this wasn’t the reason.

“I will allow for such,” Park Hae-jin declared. “I will agree to the terms if you will agree to the following: One. The First Prince of Attalia will remain under guard by my Elite soldiers for the entire duration of his stay in Attalia. He will not be left alone with either the Crown Princess of Attalia nor the King of Naissus. Two. Upon completing this pilgrimage, the First Prince will travel to Rossarya, where he will stay until the wedding.”

“I accept,” Taehyung said before wilting in his seat. He had placed his hands in his lap again, and he pulled a handkerchief from his blazer pocket, and pressed both hands in it. Park Hae-jin couldn’t see it from here, but the white cotton was stained red with blood, bright red crescent-shaped marks in the palm of his hand.

His breaths were unsteady – a little shorter than normal.

“And third,” Park Hae-jin continued, “I want the King of Naissus to be present and agree to this union.”

“You expect me to come to your wedding?” Jeongguk blurted without thinking.

“It is dear Taehyung’s wedding too,” Park Hae-jin crooned, “surely you won’t want to miss such an event, after which we can negotiate terms of peace between the Empire and Naissus. I am sure my sister will come to her senses soon.”

“I will not marry Yu Su-Hwa,” Jeongguk hissed.

“It is the best solution for all three of our countries,” Park Hae-jin argued. “It is assurance that we will not go to war.”

“It is not a solution when you have already attempted to kill me once.”

“And you were going to let it go, weren’t you?” Park Hae-jin retorted. “If Taehyung hadn’t revealed his gift, you would have stayed silent. All to protect him.”

Jeongguk couldn’t help but glance at Taehyung. It was true. He gladly would have let Park Hae-jin’s crime go unpunished. If it meant, Taehyung would be safe. But it was all for nought.

Why would Taehyung do this?

Jeongguk knew his anger and confusion were evident on his face. He could feel the heat burning his ears and neck, and his heart thundered over the gusts of his breaths.

“Your Majesty, you are taking this too personally,” Park Hae-jin said. “I had warned you there is no place for love in this world.”

He thought Taehyung had a plan.

Taehyung had asked him to trust him.

How far would you go to have him?

I will go to war for you.

He felt Namjoon’s hand on his arm. “Jeongguk,” Namjoon murmured. It was unusual for the Lord Chancellor to refer to his sovereign by name in a public setting. Jeongguk turned to him, he was ready to counter whatever argument Namjoon had to accept the offer, prepared for the Lord Chancellor’s warning that this was the best option.

But instead, Namjoon did not say anything else, and his hand on Jeongguk’s was not to restrain his anger, but to provide solidarity with Jeongguk’s decision.

“We are left with no choice,” Namjoon whispered, so soft only Jeongguk could hear him. “We must take the appropriate action to address crimes.”

The Naissian King stood, voice steady as he declared: “I will not be present to witness this union, and for the acts of aggression and attempted regicide of the King of Naissus, I make the formal declaration of war on the Empire of Orivala.”


Rêvasser Museum - Daydream
Tana Dei Leoni – The Lion Den

Author’s Note:

1. We’re in Attalia. FINALLY.
2. That bath scene had been floating around since day 1 of writing this story. Did I have a plot? No. Did I have a world? No. But I had an idea and a desire to write a scene involving a bathtub and many flowers.
3. Thank you so much to kicksomeacid for reviewing this chapter so many times. Your support make the story so much better. <3
4. Come talk to me on Twitter or ask me questions on Curious Cat.

With Love,

Chapter 24: queen sacrifice


Master Playlist

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text


It took Jimin a moment to realize that it was blood. Smears of red on white fabric that seemed to come from the crescent-shaped divots in Taehyung’s hand.

Those marks would scar.

Jeongguk stood, the sound of his chair scraping just loud enough to force Jimin’s eyes his way.

“I make the formal declaration of war on the Empire of Orivala.”

Park Hae-jin responded by mirroring Jeongguk, standing with a purposeful languidness. He held both hands up as if trying to appease a wild animal.

“Now, now, Your Majesty, it doesn’t have to come to this.”

Jeongguk leaned both hands on the table. “It does,” he said. “I had my speculations regarding your involvement, but this confirms it.”

“Hyung… Jeongguk. Please.” Taehyung’s voice was too quiet, too shaky and breathy. No one heard him save for Jennie and Jimin.

Jennie now joined them, slamming her hands onto the table and rising to her feet so quickly that her chair wobbled. “Your Majesties, please, let us not ruin the tenuous promise of peace my brother has offered.”

Taehyung also rose to his feet. “Ca-can we agree on an armistice? A moment to celebrate and time to… reconsider.”

Jeongguk’s lips thinned into a line, eyes flickering between Park Hae-jin and Taehyung, then down to Taehyung’s hands wringing the handkerchief.

Perhaps he, too, knew.

“I am willing to stay my hand,” Park Hae-jin said, “In honour of this momentous event. There will be a royal wedding, one unlike any the region of Chesos has ever seen. It is His Majesty’s decision now.”

Jeongguk’s hands form tight fists.

“Please,” came Taehyung’s shaky voice, “Yoongi-hyung… has not stepped in the gardens of his home in years.”

Jennie’s eyes narrowed just as Jimin turned to survey her reaction. Surely she has heard the name before, Min Yoongi, Right Hand of the Naissian King. She knew stories of his Attalian blood.

“I did not know your brother was Attalian,” she said. “Allow for this moment of celebration. We do not know if there will be another opportunity.”

“I will consider it,” Jeongguk said softly, “in honour of our – our…friendship and Attalia’s reputation.”

For a moment, Jimin thought that Park Hae-jin would argue, but there was a smug look, like having Jeongguk attend the union was more of a blow than not.

“And our reputation remains so,” Taehyung said, tilting his head towards Park Hae-jin.

“Of course.” Park Hae-jin said. The Emperor’s expression did not change, though his words were clipped. “Shall we discuss a timeline?”

Jennie stepped around her chair towards the floor-to-ceiling windows. Her heels clacked loudly along the floors, drawing attention to her and away from the table. Taehyung sank with almost a thud into his chair.

“The ceremony will take place in Ravenna,” Jennie started, “in all her glory.”

Park Hae-jin nodded. “That can be arranged. The repairs to the castle will be completed within a fortnight. Footed by the Empire, a wedding gift to my newly betrothed.”

“Then the Feast of the Mourning Star does not occur until next month,” Jennie said, loudly.

Taehyung attempted to muffle a cough. “It would be unwise to host any festivities within a week of its new moon, to allow for unhappy spirits to return beyond the Veil.”

“Then the week after,” Park Hae-jin declared. “I will want it announced.”

“It will not be televised,” Jennie added, “Ravenna will not allow the use of such technology. We have secrets we want to keep.”

“But of course,” Park Hae-jin said. “These secrets will remain as such. I will do all in my power to protect Taehyung.”

Jennie returned to the table, fingers twisting her rings. “Then, do we have an accord?”

“We do,” Park Hae-jin said. “Attalia is protected by the Empire of Orivala and maintains her sovereignty in this alliance.”

He turned to Jeongguk, gesturing with a hand for him to make his declaration.

“The Kingdom of Naissus has declared war on the Empire of Orivala, with an agreement of armistice until the wedding date between His Eminence… and His Royal Highness.”

“Then it is decreed.”

q u e e n s a c r i f i c e


  • A chess move when a player voluntarily lets the opponent capture their queen. The player offering the queen sacrifice does so to try to gain an advantage like more material, a better position, or checkmate.


chapter twenty-four
Interlude: Queen Sacrifice

Jimin won’t ever get used to the scent that pervades every surface at Maison du Chevrefeuille. It seeps into every nook and cranny, so even after they left Lunefleur, Jimin’s clothes still smell of the warm cinnamon, bright orange, and sharp pine that sat in the always-burning simmer pot.

Perhaps it’s the only pleasant aspect of the Honeysuckle House. Jimin has become accustomed to discomfort throughout the years of constant training. He knows the discomfort of sleepless nights, aching muscles, and old fractures that act up when the weather gets bad.

But there is something…unnerving about the Honeysuckle House that can not be simply described as discomfort. There is always an ever-present dampness that seeps into his bones. No matter how many layers he wears or how close he sits by the fire, the chill never leaves him.

Some nights in their childhood, Jimin and Taehyung would find their shared room crowded with both their siblings, unable to sleep. Jihyun would whine about the growing shadows in his room, how they twisted and moved like someone - or something - was there. Jimin knew their parents would tell his younger brother that it was all in his imagination. But Jimin had seen it too. They lingered around the edges of the room, elongating and darkening in the growing night. Sometimes Jimin would peel his eyes open to see the shadows looming over him.

But the days of fearing shadows and the darkness beyond were behind them. At nearly eighteen, he is near the title of youngest Crownsguard to be knighted. They are safe in the small study. Jimin’s mother, father, siblings, and the Royal Family are present just down the hall in the parlour. Guards stand at the main gates, and Jimin can hear Taehyung humming not far, sitting in a chaise lounge he had pushed to the windows.

So Jimin closes his eyes for a moment. The light of the fire is a comforting aura behind his eyes. He had pulled some of the pillows and blankets from the sofa onto the rug to keep warm. Beside him lays a half-open book, a collection of poems by one of Taehyung’s forefathers. He hoped it would ease his boredom, as his phone is not functional in Lunefleur; instead, the dreary verses lulled him closer to that space between sleep.

In this space, he imagines the sounds of the door creaking open, gentle footsteps and the familiar sound of wood on stone floor. A cane.


“Child, we thought you went to bed.”

“I can’t sleep, Halmeoni.”

Jimin feels the gentle caress of weathered hands through his scalp, then wool blankets draping over his chest.

“Jimin seems to be managing.”

“He hasn’t been sleeping well. I’ll wake him before we go to our rooms.”

“What’s so interesting outside, my child?”

“Halmeoni…have you ever met the High Priestess of Eternal Night?”

“In my youth, when I was at your grandfather’s side. Why do you ask?”

“I think she came to me… in the village.”

The whispers seep into his thoughts, and in his fading consciousness, Jimin latches onto the name and memories of their peculiar encounter this afternoon.

She had appeared so suddenly before them in the middle of the empty pathway to the village square. Jimin had reacted with the instinct of a Crownsguard, forcing Taehyung out of the path against a tree and pulling the dagger out from its holster against his back in one swift motion.

The figure did not flinch. Pale hands appeared from the folds of a midnight cloak to pull down her hood. It would be impossible to deny she was incredibly beautiful, with a straight fringe of black hair cut just above her eyes. She dropped into a full curtsy before them.

“She called me… Blood-Woken, what does it mean?”

“Ah, the Children of Night are not fond of House Chrysantheme. It is not an insult, such a name, but rather an acknowledgement that the divinity has touched the bloodline.”

“Children of Night. I’ve never heard of them.”

“The Children are a devoted cult to the Crone. Throughout the years, the monarchy has decided it is best to leave them be. They are entrusted to protect Le Sanctuaire d’Élysée.”


“Why are you still troubled, Taehyung? Did she say anything else?”

“She… told me that the Le Sanctuaire d’Élysée will always be open for me.”

“The Children of Night have a peculiar connection to the Crone, more so than House Asphodel. The cult participates in practices of divination and communion with the Goddess.”

“They can speak to the Goddesses? I thought – I thought only descendants of the Maiden could commune.”

“The Cult of the Night’s methods are unorthodox – dangerous even. But they will do so to commune with the Goddess of Death, not the Maiden.”

“But why? Does… the Crone grant favours?”

“Taehyung, my child, such communion is dangerous. It is not a game.”

“I know, Halmeoni. But… there was something that the High Priestess said to me. She said one day… I’ll return to the shrine and be granted entry. It would be my decision on what I do afterwards.”

“Child… do not always believe what the Children of Night tell you. But take heed. There may be some truth. Remember, you are the Crown Prince, one day to be king. Should you still choose that path.”

“I don’t have to?”

“Kim Taehyung, I have watched you grow up, and you do nothing if you don’t choose it. Your choices have the power to shape the future. Remember, there will always be consequences to your choices, and the Goddesses may not always be kind.”

“Yes, Halmeoni.”

Namjoon’s voice, though soft and calm, sounded like he was shouting through the silence. Even several meters away, head pressed against the windowpane on the far side of the wall, everyone could hear the concise report he provided to Seokjin, Hoseok, and Yoongi over the phone.

Marriage proposals. Taehyung’s offer. Taehyung revealing his gift. Yoo Su-Hwa’s departure. The confirmation of Park Hae-jin’s involvement. Their king’s declaration of war.

The King of Naissus sat, back straight and hands balled into fists on his knees. He stared straight ahead. It didn’t even look like he was breathing. Every so often, Namjoon would turn back as if making sure his King hadn’t moved.

The study of the Attalian King felt foreign after the affairs in the treatise room. It felt empty without Taehyung’s presence. Jisoo wasn’t there either, having demanded Jimin watch over Jennie as she slipped away for a moment.

Jennie, too, was in a similar state to the Naissian King. Her face was blank as she mechanically sat in her father’s leather chair. Her fingers laced together on the mahogany wood desk, eyes pressed shut. A pose that would easily be mistaken for prayer if it weren’t for the string of words, growing louder and louder until it became audible.

“I don’t understand, I don’t – why?

No one spoke up to answer her. No one moved until the doors burst open, a footman swiftly announcing Jisoo’s presence as she came in pushing a bar cart with a metal carafe, cups, and a tray of sandwiches.

Jennie stood, the empty expression on her face becoming something akin to relief and – and barely restrained panic as she watched her Crownsguard park the cart before the desk. She gestured to the tray.

“There is coffee in there and brandy at the bottom. We’re going to need it.” Jisoo started pouring a cup of coffee, placing a mug before the Crown Princess. She did not touch it. Jisoo started pouring another cup.

“I got some reports from the staff,” Jisoo started. “Taehyung-oppa and the Emperor were seen speaking on the veranda just outside the ballroom. They are currently making their way back to Taehyung-oppa’s rooms. The staff are worried. He doesn’t look well.”

Namjoon returned to the center of the room, hands in his pockets. The calmness in his voice was deceiving when matched with the sharpness in his eyes.

“Taehyung doesn’t look well?” Namjoon repeated.

Jeongguk said what was on everyone’s mind. “Visions.”

The first word he had said.

Jennie’s gaze shifted to the Naissian King. Her eyes grew watery. She turned her head to the side, blinking rapidly until it subsided. She turned her attention to Jimin.

“Did you know?”

Jimin shook his head.

Please don’t lie to me.”

“I’m not,” Jimin said, his voice was strangely more calm than he felt. “He didn’t – tell me –”

Then the fear began to bloom, like poison spreading from his chest out into his arms and legs. He trusted Taehyung’s decisions, he knew Taehyung had a plan but –

“He wouldn’t tell me what he was planning,” Jimin said, “He said if too many people know, there are too many moving variables, reactions would not be sincere.”

Jeongguk stood. “But he had a plan.”

Jennie didn’t seem as hopeful. “Surely he told you something ?”

“We all had a part to play,” Jimin said. “He – he wouldn’t tell me anything but my part.”

“Who’s involved?” Jennie asked.

“I – I can’t be certain. You, Jeongguk…Mingyu… Yoo Su-hwa.”

“Where is Mingyu,” Jennie asked, “And has anyone found Yoo Su-Hwa? We cannot – ”

Jisoo interrupted. “The guards don’t know where Mingyu is. The last they saw… he was in the gardens with the Princess of Orivala.”

Jennie took a deep breath. Raising her hands to gesture to the rise and fall of her breath.

“What was your part to play?”

Jimin couldn’t help but start pacing. Without Taehyung here, it felt wrong, but the movement was cathartic, and it helped to release the smothered energy that led to shaking.

“He asked me to arrange meetings on his behalf. Last night…. after the meeting with Su-Hwa in the gardens, Taehyung requested a private meeting with Jeongguk, Mingyu, and Park Hae-jin.”

Jennie sat back down. Jisoo pushed the cup of coffee toward her again. This time, Jennie wrapped her fingers around the mug.

“When was the meeting with Park Hae-jin?”

“Nearly three in the morning. In the library.”

Jeongguk’s brows furrowed. “He left in the middle of the night to speak with him then.”

“Were you present at the meeting?” Jisoo asked.

“No,” Jimin muttered, “Taehyung asked me to leave the library.”

“So his marriage proposal was a surprise for all.”

Namjoon turned to Jeongguk, “What was your role?”

Jeongguk crossed his arms. “I’m not sure,” he murmured. “But.. I think he wanted me to declare war.”

“It did seem strange,” Namjoon mused, “Su-Hwa’s departure should have been enough of a dismissal of the alliance between Naissus and Orivala.”

“He must have had the vision then,” Jennie said.

“Why does he want to go to Lunefleur,” Namjoon asked, “I don’t understand the significance of this… Le Sanctuaire d’Élysée.”

Jennie sighed, “To be frank, neither do I. Traditionally, the royal family takes a pilgrimage to the village of Lunefleur, just before the Feast of the Mourning Star. There is a temple, the Sanctuary of Elysium, where offerings are presented to the High Priestess of Eternal Night.”

“What – ”

A high-pitched chime cut Namjoon off. It didn’t sound like a door – shrill like a faint alarm coming from one side of the room, where a floor-to-ceiling bookshelf sat.

Jimin’s body reacted before his thoughts managed to catch up, hand pressing over the dagger sitting at the small of his back. He darted between the sound and Jennie, only to have Jisoo place her hand on his shoulder.

“It’s fine,” Jisoo said, before calmly walking to the bookshelf. She pulled down several books before reaching into the space and pressing something on the other side. A latch popped open on the floor beneath the king’s desk. Jennie knelt, yanking on the hidden handle to reveal a square metal door beneath the wood floors. A black console and a code pad were on the metal panel.

Namjoon swore under his breath as he rounded the table to see what was going on. Jeongguk leaned over the desk, watching cautiously as Jennie placed her hand on the black square, waiting until the machine beeped before beginning to type in a lengthy number code. The machine beeped again, and they all watched in awe as the metal door slid back and Mingyu’s lanky body climbed up through the darkness.

“What the f*ck is this,” Jimin muttered.

“There are secret tunnels all over the palace,” Jisoo explained, “Majority of them have caved in and have become unusable. But Jennie and Mingyu convinced their father to renovate some tunnels.”

“And it’s a good thing these are complete,” Mingyu huffed as he got to his feet and reached down to help his Crownsguard up the ladder. Jimin came forward to help. Jihyun was huffing from using only one arm up the ladder, and he smiled thankfully at Jimin as he helped haul his weight the rest of the way up. Jennie leaned down to close the trap door, then gasped when another face appeared from the dark shadows.


Jennie took a few steps back in alarm, but Mingyu reached down and helped the young princess up. Her Elite appeared last, lithely climbing up the ladder.

“Hyung asked me to wait by the labyrinth,” Mingyu said instead of greeting everyone. “Told me to discreetly bring Yoo Su-Hwa-ssi for an audience with you, Noona.”

Jennie nodded, regarding both Su-hwa and Soo-jin with caution. “Is that all he asked of you, Mingyu?”

Mingyu didn’t at all seem flustered by the sudden interrogation. But his eyes narrowed into slits as he surveyed the rest of the room and the severe silence.

“No,” he answered. “I take it the treatise did not go well?”

Jennie turned to Su-Hwa instead, “He asked something of you, didn’t he?”

Su-Hwa flinched.

Mingyu stepped towards his sister, placing a hand on her shoulder. “Noona, perhaps you could tell us what happened at the meeting first?”

“You did not tell him?” Jennie’s eyes did not move from Su-Hwa. “Did your Emperor put you up to this? To win my brothers’ favour with feigned innocence.”

Su-Hwa reacted to that, shoulders hunching and teeth bared as she spat back. “My brother did not even tell me he was planning on selling me off to His Majesty the King of Naissus, let alone trust me to curry favour from Taehyung-oppa or Kim Mingyu-ssi.”

“Your Royal Highness,” Jeongguk started, “I understand your frustration and fear. But Taehyung had a plan that involved Mingyu and Su-Hwa. Let’s explain what happened so we may move forward with the same mind.”

Jennie finally shifted her gaze away from Su-Hwa to Jeongguk instead.

“Where is Taehyung-hyung?” Mingyu asked, and that broke the silence. Jennie finally moved.

“Forgive me, Su-Hwa-ssi,” Jennie said. She clicked the buttons to close the trap door and took a seat in her father’s chair in one smooth motion. “I am not acting at my best.”

Su-Hwa simply shook her head.

She turned to Mingyu, “We learnt that Taehyung-oppa had requested private audiences with several parties involved in a secret plan. He put the plan in motion during the meeting.”

Mingyu nodded slowly, features growing increasingly tense as Jennie and Namjoon explained the proceedings of the meeting. His hands began shaking at the explanation of Taehyung’s marriage proposal and the revelation of the blessing.

Su-Hwa’s eyes widened. “The blessing is real?”

Jennie breathed a humourless laugh. “I wish I was lying to you, Su-Hwa-ssi.”

“And… m-my brother is now aware of this?” Su-Hwa continued. Her voice shook.

“He is,” Jeongguk answered.

“Now, you both should share what Taehyung had asked of you, so we can continue to piece this puzzle together,” Namjoon encouraged.

Mingyu exhaled. “He – he asked me to take Su-Hwa-ssi to Cérès. To have public appearances with her so the tabloids report it.” He turned to Su-Hwa now, “Then he asked me to help you secure travel wherever you needed to go.”

Namjoon thumbed the edge of his jaw. “He wanted Su-Hwa’s presence to be known here, to make it seem like she’s staying in the country.”

“But why?”

“So I may gather allies in secret,” Su-Hwa said. All eyes turn to her. She refused to make eye contact.

Su-hwa nodded. “I found who was behind the attack during my brother’s coronation. The Imperial Consul of Lavicci had helped the rebels into the capital, and the Queen of Aquieleia supplied the firepower. The Consul allowed himself to be injured to throw suspicion off of him.”

Ji-Hyun swore under his breath. He had only heard about the events during the Emperor’s coronation. Jimin had told his siblings of the Queen’s peculiar warning. Now it all made sense.

“I… also learned that the Czarina Lalisa Manoban is actually alive,” Su-Hwa said with a forced smile. “I’ve met her.”

“But it appeared as though the rebellion was quelled,” Namjoon argued, “there hasn’t been any news regarding it for months.”

“It’s because I convinced her to stand down. I… have been trying to convince the ministers and nobles in my brother’s court to dissuade him in his pursuit of war,” she said. She lifted her eyes to look at Namjoon and Jeongguk. “That’s what I have been doing for the past few months.”

“It doesn’t seem that you were successful,” Jeongguk said.

Su-Hwa winced. “The court is divided. Some members disapprove of my brother’s campaign in Iaryen. He is taking too many risks, and Orivala is not as she once was. Some court members are in favour of… deposing him. Including the Imperial Consul of Lavicci.”

“And you told Taehyung this?” Jeongguk asked.

Su-Hwa swallowed hard. “I did.”

Jennie leaned forward. “Su-Hwa-ssi, what did my brother ask you to do?”

Su-Hwa grasped the edges of her dress. She opened her mouth, and, for a moment, nothing came.

And then a breath of a whisper so quiet, it felt like a fleeting thought.

A coup d’état .”


Mingyu strode away, stomping towards the window. He whispered profanities in Attalian as he paced the length of the wall.

Jeongguk closed his eyes, exhaling forcefully.

Jimin jerked violently when an earsplitting crash came from across the room. They all turned to see the Second Prince standing over the shattered remains of a flower vase. Crushed blooms of deep purple dahlias and roses amongst white chrysanthemums littered the floor before him.

Why couldn’t he just tell us?

The dull numbness that had spread to the tips of Jimin’s fingers liquified as violent anger bubbled in his chest. He knew Taehyung was up to some scheme, but the magnitude of consequences should this have failed made Jimin’s stomach churn and bile rise to his throat. But he knew why. They all did.

They all turned at the sound of a faint knock at the door, then the creaking of the doorknob turning. “Your Royal Highness – ”

“All is well,” Jennie shouted. “Do not disturb us.”

The guard stopped, stepping away from the door.

Jihyun stepped around the mess of flowers and glass, offering Mingyu his hand. Mingyu didn’t take it, reaching up to swipe his sleeve across his eyes instead.

Sometimes, Jimin forgot how young Jihyun and Mingyu were. How young they all were.

“Taehyung-oppa chose to play a mind game with Park Hae-jin,” Jennie explained, her voice softer as she spoke to her brother. “This was an unspoken game of chess, and we are all simply pieces with their roles to play.

He took on the burden of planning each move.”

Su-hwa stepped forward. “Taehyung-oppa – His Royal Highness told me my brother would propose a union. If I refused and left the meeting, it would mean I had agreed to the coup,” she huffed, a sound between a sob and a laugh. “I didn’t believe him…at first.”

“That might have triggered his vision,” Jeongguk said. “He seemed distracted after you left, Su-hwa.”

“Did he see something that could have altered this plan?” Namjoon asked.

“No…I don’t think so,” Jimin replied. “It seems as though he’s buying Su-Hwa-ssi more time by going to Lunefleur and insisting the wedding be held after the Feast of the Mourning Star.”

“What did Hyung ask of you, Noona?” Jihyun asked.

“Permission to stay in Lunefleur,” Jennie answered, “and…to push for the wedding ceremony to be held in Ravenna. I didn’t think he would be referring to his own. I thought it would be Mingyu’s.”

“Taehyung must want Park Hae-jin to be in Ravenna because nothing could reach him in time. No airships, phone calls, or even a foot soldier if the cards are played right. Sever all communication to the head of the Empire. It’s brilliant,” Namjoon concluded. He turned to Su-Hwa. “That is the opening Taehyung gave you.”

Su-Hwa nodded, a short bob of her head before repeating the action as if to reassure herself. “I will not waste such an opportunity.”

She turned to face Jeongguk.

“I have asked much of you, Your Majesty,” she began, “but I must ask you for more now. I do not have command of the Orivalian Air Fleet, nor will I be able to turn the Commander General onto my side in time. Lend me your airships, and allow me to take Rossarya. With your fleet backing me, I could seize the capital with minimal bloodshed.”

Jeongguk hadn’t moved from his chair since the beginning of the meeting. Barely moved save for the flickering of his eyes as he followed the conversation. Now, as his eyes turned to Su-Hwa, the thin line of his lips softened into a frown. He glanced back to Namjoon. His Lord Chancellor simply bowed his head, a sign of deference to whatever the young king chose to do.

Finally, Jeongguk stood, extending a hand. “You will have my support, Your Royal Highness. My fleets are at your disposal.”

Su-Hwa held herself so stiffly that Jimin wondered if she was breathing. With those words, the sharpness of her spine fell inward with relief. She reached and shook Jeongguk’s offered hand. “Thank you, Your Majesty.”

“So now what?” Jisoo asked.

“Now we go,” Jihyun replied. He had not been vocal during the conversation, spending most of it glancing down at his phone, texting rapidly. “I’m getting reports that more imperial soldiers are arriving on the grounds. If no one can find us, it can be assumed we’re all together.”

Jisoo nodded, bending down to unlock the trap door once more. “You can arrange your transportation out to Cérès?”

Mingyu nodded. “We’ll stay at Les Saules. I’ll text my secretary to call the hotelier about our arrival.”

Jennie winced, “It’ll be all over their social media in hours.”

“Good. The paparazzi would be ready, and with any luck, they’ll have pictures up by the evening.”

“I can arrange for one of our media associates to follow you around for a couple of days and take some covert photos. She can release them to different news outlets intermittently to make it seem like Yoo Su-Hwa-ssi is still staying in Attalia.”

Su-Hwa stood before Jennie, lowering into a curtsy. “I cannot thank you enough for your help in this, Your Royal Highness… I cannot imagine how much strife my brother has caused.”

Jennie’s smile was genuine and gentle as she reached out to hold Su-Hwa’s hands. “Attalia will support you how we can. But I fear you have a difficult journey and task ahead of you, Princess.”

Jimin stepped closer to help his brother down the ladder again.

Jihyun pulled his older brother into a hug before beginning the climb down.

Su-Hwa glanced around the room and then lowered onto one knee in a mark of respect before Jennie and Jeongguk.

“As…. E-Empress , I swear to you both, Orivala will have no quarrel with Attalia or Naissus. I will end the war in Iaryen and do whatever it takes to restore the sovereignty of the kingdoms taken in my brother and father’s name.”

Jeongguk simply nodded, and Jennie returned the gesture with a brighter grin.

Jimin waited for someone to speak up while the metal door closed behind the Second Prince, Princess of Orivala, and their companions.

Jisoo spoke up, having checked her phone. “Jennie, there are Imperial Guards outside of Hyung’s rooms. The gardener saw Taehyung-oppa and Park Hae-jin stroll through the eastern flower gardens. He – he fainted, and Park Hae-jin carried him back. There are rumours that an imperial physician was called.”

Jeongguk spun on his heels as if ready to rush out the door, if not for Namjoon’s steadying hand on his shoulder.

But Jimin was already halfway across the room before Jisoo stepped in front of him.

“I need to go to him. Now.”

“Will they let you in?” Jisoo asked.

“They can’t stop me.”

“They can and they will,” Jennie said. “Jimin-oppa, I don’t have enough power. Taehyung-oppa is under his protection, his betrothed. The Attalian Crown is second to such decree.”

“Park Hae-jin won’t let Taehyung out of his sight,” Jeongguk said, gritting his teeth. “He knows it’ll be too much of a risk. If you choose to go to him, Park Hae-jin won’t let you leave either.”

“And we need to know if this is what Taehyung-oppa wanted,” Jisoo said, “we need to know if the vision he had affected this scheme.”

“You said that there are secret tunnels, refurbished; Taehyung has one attached to his rooms, doesn’t he?” Jimin asked. “Show me a map, and I’ll find it and get in.”

“No, don’t use the tunnels yet,” Jennie said. “Once inside, you can take the tunnels to my chambers.”

Jisoo pulled out a laptop from one of the cabinet drawers. “I’ll show you the map, Jimin-oppa. You’ll need some time to memorize the pathways.”

Jimin stepped around the desk to stand behind his sister, tapping his foot impatiently as he watched her load a password-locked file with an extensive palace map he had never seen before.

“Does Taehyung –”

“No, they were in disrepair for decades,” Jennie said. “Blocked off and boarded up by our great-grandfather. Mingyu was the one who stumbled upon them. We only recently started refurbishing it.”

“Most of the passageways are still broken down, be careful where you tread,” Jisoo said. “The passageways can be treacherous. Some may even lead to drop-offs to the cliff.”

“Take the time to study them now,” Jennie said, “Don’t risk your life.”

Jimin reluctantly listened, staring at the lines crisscrossing the familiar halls of the palace. It made him feel like he never knew the Chateau de Marsylle at all.

“Can I ask a question?” Namjoon started.

Jennie gestured to go ahead.

“What is the rite?”

“There – there is no such rite before marriage. Lunefleur has a shrine dedicated to the Goddess of Death. Some have gone there, conducted a ritual to commune with the Goddesses to beseech them for assistance.”

“Like Queen Mael?” Jeongguk asked.

Jimin knew Taehyung had shared stories of their history like a fairy tale to Jeongguk. But it surprised him to hear the name of an old tragic figure in Attalian history on the lips of a foreigner.

“Like Queen Mael,” Jennie returned. “The stories say that she went to the Sanctuary of Elysium to beg the Crone for help.”

“Would Taehyung be granted asylum in the shrine?” Namjoon asked.

“No one is allowed entry without the permission of the High Priestess of Eternal Night,” Jisoo said.

Jennie shook her head. “Rarely is anyone granted entry. It is under the care of the Children of Night, worshippers of the Goddess of Death. They are not under the jurisdiction of the Crown.”

Jimin tried focusing on studying the map, closing his eyes to visualize the pathways and the number of turns it would take before he’d reach the corridor to Jennie’s chambers. But the titles and name of the cult pulled his attention, like a distant dream or nightmare.

“Then why Lunefleur,” Jimin asked. “He could have chosen to stay in Ravenna to oversee the restoration of the palace. The Feast of the Mourning Star will take place there anyway. Why chose Lunefleur?”

Jennie turned to him then, and a grave expression fell over her features, yet she did not answer him.

“Was… there a ritual Queen Mael needed to undertake?” Jeongguk asked.

“Yes,” Jisoo answered slowly. “To speak to the Goddesses in such a manner…one must pass through the barrier between the mortal realm and the gods… to pass through the veil.”

Jeongguk frowned, head turning to the side. “I don’t understand.”

“To pass through the veil, one must walk between life and death,” Jimin explained.

“He can’t be considering that… could he?” Jisoo asked. “Queen Mael did it because her gift was killing her. Taehyung-oppa has control of his gift, right?”

Jennie stood, clasping her hands together in front of her. “There is no point in speculating. The best thing we can do now is follow through with this scheme.”

She turned to Jeongguk and Namjoon, “I don’t think you can stay much longer either, with this many imperial soldiers about, it wouldn’t be safe.”

Jeongguk nodded.

“I’ll arrange for our staff to help prepare for your departure,” Jennie said with a gentle smile, then she turned to Jimin. “I need you to go and see to my brother.”

“Of course.”

“Please protect him,” she urged, and something in Jennie’s voice made Jimin wonder if it was a plea to protect Taehyung from himself.

In the hour between the treatise meeting and the meeting in the king’s study, the halls of Chateau de Marsylle no longer felt like home.

The usual staff, dressed in pale blues and greens, were often heard talking as they moved about the halls, greeting the royal family and guests of the palace with ease. Now, they walked with their chins tucked into their chests, eyes downcast and a swift bow before Jimin.

Jimin saw Jia hovering at the grand staircase. He watched as passing guards and staff members leaned in to whisper something into her ear before moving on. She barely glanced up at them with the tablet tucked under her arm and cellphone in hand. She must’ve been providing reports to Jennie and Jisoo. Jia raised her head only when Jimin was just an arm’s width away from her.

He nodded once, and she returned the gesture.

“I sent our royal physician to him,” Jia said, speaking lowly in Attalian as she peered around the corner. “But she was denied entry into His Royal Highness’ rooms. The Emperor had brought in his own physician.”

“Has he seen Taehyung?”

“His Royal Highness has allowed the Imperial Physician to tend to him… he just left,” Jia said. Then her expression darkened, “His Eminence the Emperor is inside.”

“I’ll go to him, Jia. Jennie may need you in the King’s Study. Exercise discretion.”

“Of course, sir.” Jia was just a couple years older than Jimin, having earned and held the title of Head of the Royal Household for nearly a decade. She was there throughout their youth and then during the madness that followed the blessing.

“If there is anything I could do for you or His Royal Highness, please don’t hesitate to ask.”

Jimin forced a smile and a nod, watching as she curtsied quickly, turning on her heels and pulling out her phone again. His smile fell once Jia turned the corner, and as Jimin began walking down the corridor towards Taehyung’s rooms, his once even and measured steps shortened.


Then he broke into a run.

There were two guards standing in front of the doors to Taehyung’s chambers. The sight of their white masks and maroon military uniforms nearly had Jimin skidding to a stop.

The Elite.

Both of them bore animal masks. Different than the ones Jimin had seen on Soo-jin and Chul.

One of them, tall and lithe, wore a half-mask in the shape of a wolf, the lines of the snout following the shape of their sharp jaw. The other, willowy and made of sharp angles, with a sleek ponytail down their back, wore a deer mask.

Neither of them acknowledged him when Jimin slowed to a stop in front of the doors, trying to slow his breaths. He felt like he was heading unprepared into a battle armed only with the knives on his person, and he struggled not to unsheath one.

He had never fought an Elite. But judging by the rumours and stories that surround them, he would not walk away unscathed.

“Let me through,” Jimin said, stepping forward as the two Elite stepped sideways to block the door in unison.

Let me through ,” Jimin repeated. Neither of them moved. Jennie told him to make a scene, to make them all look like unprepared children out of their depth. But Jimin didn’t have to fake the anger and terror.

“I am the Crownsguard of His Royal Highness, the First Prince of Attalia. Step aside and let me in.

The doors creaked open. Jimin took a step back. His hands balling into fists as Park Hae-jin appeared through the threshold, regarding Jimin with disdain.

“Park Jimin-ssi,” he acknowledged as he stepped out, closing the door firmly behind him. “There is quite a commotion outside. It is disturbing Taehyung’s rest.”

“Tell your guards to let me in,” Jimin demanded, forgoing any sense of decorum. “I am the First Prince’s Crownsgaurd. His wellbeing is my duty.”

“Of course,” Park Hae-jin said. His brows furrowed, lines forming on his forehead. “I understand the relationship between the Crownsguard and their charge. It flows deeper than duty, doesn’t it?”

Jimin didn’t answer.

The Emperor’s expression morphed into something mocking worry. “If you wish to see him, you must be willing to give up some freedoms.”

He was prepared for this, Jeongguk was right. Park Hae-jin wouldn’t let him leave again.


“Your phone first,” Park Hae-jin said without missing a beat. “If there is anything you or Taehyung need, my Elite will ensure it is retrieved. You will not have to lift a finger.”

The deer mask stepped forward, raising a hand, palm up, waiting for Jimin to hand over the phone.

Jimin reached into the inside pocket of his blazer. He had no attachment to the device. But the contents within had sentimental value.

The long text updates between himself and his sister. The photos and short one-line messages between himself and his brother. The loving notes from his mother. The reminders to take care from his father. Jimin had saved the beginnings of Taehyung's journey with adaptive technology in this phone, notes taken on how to use the applications and voice activated commands.

It was on this phone that he had begun texting Yoongi.

Jimin held onto it tightly. Then dropped it on the floor, crushing it under the heel of his boot.

No one will see it but him.

The deer lowered their hand. Park Hae-jin watched, his expression unchanging.

"Pat him down.”

Jimin submitted to the humiliation, raising his arms and allowing both guards to rifle through his pockets, hands brushing over the holsters to remove the thin daggers in his right boot and the knife pressed against his spine.

Only once the Elite stepped back and nodded did Park Hae-jin step aside.

“You’ll hold him prisoner in his own home?”

“The chateau is not safe. The king who just declared war on my empire still remains, and there are many who know of Taehyung’s gift, are there not? I cannot allow for him to be endangered.”

Jimin gnawed on the inside of his mouth to stop himself from spitting an accusation at the Emperor. This was Taehyung’s greatest fear: to be caged like a pretty animal.

“And you, are my betrothed’s confidant,” the Emperor continued. “I am not a fool to mistake where your loyalties lie, Park Jimin-ssi.”

Park Hae-jin turned to leave, “Allow him to enter. For the safety of His Royal Highness, Lord Park Jimin is no longer permitted to leave these rooms.”

The Elite guards bowed to acknowledge the command. Jimin found it unnerving that neither of them have spoken. He had never heard an Elite speak.

Taehyung’s rooms looked the same when the doors closed behind Jimin.

“Taehyung?” Jimin called. There was no answer. The scent of lavender and camomile was constant in Taehyung’s rooms – but the space felt wrong . Taehyung’s bed was unmade, sheets and blankets tossed haphazardly like someone had gotten up in a rush.

“Taehyung?” Jimin called again, growing more frantic.

Then Jimin heard a wretched sound, gasps and retching, coming from the bathroom. He rushed towards the attached bathroom and found Taehyung curled against the side of the toilet. His shirt lay open and wrinkled around his neck, like he had torn at the buttons in desperation. Across the ivory tiles were small stains of red. The physician must have attempted to bandage his hands, judging by the strips of gauze that lay strewn around him.


Taehyung couldn’t hear him. The prince spat into the toilet bowl, shuddering as he leaned against the wall of the water closet. It was then that Jimin saw Taehyung’s eyes—open and hazy blue.

Taehyung,” Jimin called again, soft and gentle like a lullaby as he knelt by his friend. Taehyung flinched when Jimin’s fingers made contact with his shoulder. He scrambled away.

“Taehyung, hush, it’s okay – it’s me. It’s Jimin. I’m here. No one else is in the room.”

Then, only after whispering it a couple more times, did Taehyung finally wilt into Jimin’s arms as his sobs grew more frantic.

Taehyung’s hands wrapped around the cuff of Jimin’s shirt. “I’m sorry. I’m sorry, it came to this. I didn’t tell you – Did Jennie figure it out? Did Su-Hwa come speak to you? Where is Jeongguk? I – I’m so sorry –”

“Hush,” Jimin whispered again, gently combing a hand through Taehyung’s hair. “Yes, she did. I think… I think we understood your plan, Taehyung.”

Taehyung’s vice-grip loosened with Jimin’s reassurance.

“You had another vision?”

“I saw the wedding again,” Taehyung said, words slurring. “It didn’t change. It’s still in Ravenna, you’re standing in front of him.”

Jimin bit on the inside of his lips. There were questions that he wanted to ask. But now wasn’t the right time. He was honestly thankful to have Taehyung close again. So Jimin simply held him as the tears welled up and his chest heaved with his own grief and fear.

It felt like hours before Taehyung’s sobs had slowed to silent tears and then to calmer breaths. Only then did Jimin muster up the energy to move.

He managed to coax Taehyung out of the bathroom. Then to sit in bed and take small sips of water. Jimin worked in silence, fishing out the medkit and cleaning the scabs again.

Jimin’s hands shook. Never had he felt so derailed. So helpless to know how much Taehyung was hurting and he can’t do anything.

They weren’t children anymore, they weren’t children when Taehyung took the blessing, but still Jimin could go to the King and Queen, could command his court and whisk him to Ravenna, or somewhere safe. His authority as Crownsguard meant something, but now – this court was no longer safe. He couldn’t keep Taehyung safe anymore.

“Did he hurt you?” Jimin finally asked softly.

Taehyung shook his head. He must have bit on the inside of his lips too, judging by the crusting blood on the edge of his mouth.

“No,” Taehyung said, “I think he was alarmed when I passed out, he called the physician right away. I think he…suspects the repercussions of having visions. It won’t take him long to put the pieces together.”

Jimin swallowed, trying to focus his attention on putting away the supplies.

“How… is everyone?”

Jimin exhaled. “Hanging on.”

“I had to do it.”

“You asked Su-Hwa to overthrow her brother.”

“I had to do it,” Taehyung repeated, voice cracking.

“You never thought peace was possible, did you?”

Taehyung swallowed. “During the meeting, I had a vision of the Emperor of Orivala commanding his officers to begin departure for Aurea. He is planning an attack on Sol Palace the day of the wedding.”

A chill went down Jimin’s spine.

“Su-Hwa has to stop him before then. The wedding will get him away from his officers. He won’t have command of them, it’s her best chance.”

“We know,” Jimin replied. “We figured out your plan.”

“But – I couldn’t warn Jeongguk at all. But I thought if I could convince him to come, and Yoongi-hyung, I could at least save them.”

Taehyung balled his hands into fists again, shoving them into his eyes. He shuddered again. “I can’t – I should have said something. But it would ruin everything. This is the only way – You know how dangerous Park Hae-jin is on the throne. This is our only chance. I had to.

“I could tell Jeongguk,” Jimin said.

“How? Park Hae-jin will not let you leave, and once we’re in Lunefleur – ”

“No,” Jimin started, “Jennie told me that there is a series of tunnels under the palace.”

Taehyung’s lips curled into a small smile and Jimin couldn’t help but return the grin as it sparked hope in his chest.

“You have to go tonight,” he said. “It’ll be your only chance. Park Hae-jin intends to bring more soldiers to the palace. He said it is to prepare for our departure to Lunefleur, but I know it’s to cut off communication.”

Jimin nodded, “I’ll go.”

The hours ticked by slowly. Jimin had difficulty staying still, so he circled the perimeters of Taehyung’s chambers.

The Elite barred him from going any further than opening the doors to request valerian tea. Just a couple hours later, Jimin saw Imperial Guards posted outside the veranda. The imperial physician, a middle-aged man with a receding hairline — perhaps from the stress of working for the imperial household – came by after a dinner cart was brought in. He was kind to Taehyung, though cautious with Jimin looming in the background. Taehyung requested not to be disturbed after the examination, and the exhaustion in his features was enough for the imperial physician to agree without protest.

The entrance to the secret tunnels was luckily hidden inside the closet in Taehyung’s bedroom. He went searching for it earlier, feeling and picking at the tiles until one of them came loose and he was able to pull the rest of them off to reveal a rotting, trap door. The musty scent of earth and dust made him choke when he pulled open the door and the light in the closet was barely enough for him to see how deep the drop was. There was no ladder like the one in the king’s study. Together with Taehyung, they gathered bedsheets and towels to serve as a rope and tied it to the sturdy armoire

Taehyung slipped in and out of sleep for most of the day, waking up with Jimin’s name on his lips. He barely ate anything at dinner and by the time night fell, Taehyung could barely stay awake.

“You should go to sleep,” Jimin said. “I’ll be back before you know it.”

Taehyung shook his head, sitting down with his back pressed against the doorjam of the closet. “No, if someone comes in, I have convince them to leave before they notice you’re gone.”

Jimin knew Taehyung was right, and there was no point convincing him otherwise. So he gave one last tug of the rope and began his descent. The faint light from above was already fading into grey when Jimin’s feet hit the dusty floors. Then with just a couple steps into the tunnels, it was gone. Taehyung’s rooms didn’t have a flashlight and without his phone, Jimin was stranded in the dark with only the memory of the passageways to Jennie’s rooms.

Jennie’s rooms weren’t too far down the hall, but he knew some of these passageways would open up the staterooms. If he made a mistake and landed in a room monitored by the Imperial Guards, he’ll hurt their only chance at warning Jeongguk.

Jimin shuddered with the feeling of things crawling over his skin, but he had to push on, carefully inching forward with his hands on either side of him, feeling for the sharp corners that promised an open hallway. The scent of earth and thick dust filled his nose and when he tried to breathe through his mouth, it coated his tongue. Though Jimin was not afraid of the dark, he was frightened of the unknown.

Then he saw it, the same faint light as before.

Jimin stepped into it, and glanced up to see a familiar pair of shoes.

“Jisoo,” he called and immediately his sister’s face appeared.


It took him a while to brush the cobwebs and dust from his hair and skin. His clothes were a lost cause. Jimin tried to be concise as he explained Taehyung’s visions while Jisoo searched Jennie’s rooms for a flashlight.

Jimin wanted to ask his sister for a dagger, but he knew better than to have one on his person.

Jennie paced as she listened to Jimin’s low tones.

“We’ll get the information to Jeongguk,” Jennie muttered, “he and his entourage left Marsylle hours ago. They’ll be halfway across the ocean by now.”

“The palace is still ours,” Jisoo said, “as long as Park Hae-jin has his attention on Taehyung-oppa, we should be able to send someone in a couple of days to Naissus to warn them.”

Jennie nodded. “Park Hae-jin insisted on accompanying Taehyung to Lunefleur. I will ensure Maison du Chevrefeuille is ready for your arrival. There is no point in delaying the trip any further. I fear you will be under house arrest regardless.”

“Could you request safe refuge in Le Sanctuaire d’Élysée?”

Jennie shook her head. “My father wouldn’t be able to, let alone me. If anything, they will allow Taehyung-oppa because he took the blessing.”

Jisoo returned, having found a flashlight and handed it to Jimin. “You should return soon.”

She turned back to Jennie, frowning at the way the Crown Princess held herself, hunched over and rubbing at her arms. “You… look troubled.”

“Children of Night have their own reputation, but they are Attalians, and perhaps anything is better than being close to the Emperor.”

The next day passed in a foggy haze.

There were few visitors.

The Imperial Physician came again in the morning. Then, the Elite guards who brought about meals.

Jimin had tried the door that sat between their rooms. It was rarely locked in their childhood, no matter how angry they were at each other, the doors between their chambers were always left unlocked.

Now, when Jimin had hesitantly tried it, it remained shut.

Taehyung slept through most of the day. Now, he sat on the sofa beside Jimin, toying with a watch.

Jimin had turned on the TV in the sitting rooms, leaving the volume on low as he stared out the window.

Until there were some words that had blurred together, and caught his attention.

Engagement. Naissus.

Jimin turned to see the image of Taehyung and Park Hae-jin, taken from the Emperor’s coronation months ago. The title at the bottom of the screen announced their engagement and the alliance between Attalia and the Empire.

Then there was another flash of a paparazzi photo of Jeongguk leaving the grounds of the Château de Marsylle.

Jimin turned to the sound of shuffling and watched as Taehyung stood and walked to the bedroom.

The guards knock on the door. “Your Royal Highness, His Eminence, the Emperor, requests entrance.”

“Taehyung — ”

“Go hide in the bedroom.”

Jimin obeyed, slinking off and ducking around the side of the door, just as Taehyung had said: “Come in.”

He noticed that the full-length mirror on the opposite wall would give him an optimal view of the sitting room if he angled himself properly. So he lowered into a crouch, moving slowly to not draw attention to his shadow in the waning light of the sun.

Park Hae-jin’s shoes first appeared through the threshold of the door, black and shiny, then the rest of him. He was dressed in a deep maroon suit. Crisp and clean. He had one hand resting in the pocket of his pants, the other holding a bright-coloured circle. It took Jimin some time to make out the petals and the leaves: a flower crown.

Taehyung lowered into a bow, hand over his heart.

“Your Eminence.”

Park Hae-jin paused in the middle of the room, glancing around the space.

“Were you resting? I was told by my physician that you have recovered from… whatever happens when you have a vision.”

“I have recovered, now, Hyung,” Taehyung returned, and there was something about that honorific that seemed to make Park Hae-jin drop his guard. Then, the faintest hint of a forced smile pulled on his lips. “Though, I would feel better if I could go for a walk in the gardens.”

Park Hae-jin narrowed his eyes at that. “You know that can’t happen, Taehyung.”

Taehyung huffed, a sound almost too casual for the situation. “Why have you come, Hyung?”

“To bring you a gift. It’s a flower crown of bougainvilleas.”

The Emperor lifted the crown of bright fuchsia flowers holding them in both hands.

Taehyung’s half-hearted grin fell. “You are well-versed in our customs.”

Park Hae-jin took that as an invitation to place the crown atop Taehyung’s head. “I must, if I am to marry you.”

Taehyung lifted his hand, trembling fingers touching the edges of the massive crown. The flowers pressed his hair down, pushing the mess of black over his eyes. The crown was too big for his head and it teetered with even the slightest tilt.

Jimin’s stomach lurched.

“Th-thank you, Hyung.”

Park Hae-jin took another look around the room. “How strange that your Crownsguard isn’t in your shadow.”

“It is safe here,” Taehyung replied, “so he’s resting in the bedroom.”

“Will he always be near you?”

“It is his duty.”

“Was he with you every moment you spent with the Naissian King?”

“Give him time,” Taehyung said. “Trust is earned.”

Park Hae-jin laughed. “That goes both ways, Taehyung.”

Jimin watched as Park Hae-jin sat on the armrest of the sofa.

“You’ve kept such a secret for so long — and yet you told the King of Naissus and his advisors, did you not?” Park Hae-jin said.

Taehyung did not budge from where he stood, hands at his side, “I had to.”

“Did you think he would be so noble as not to use your gift to his advantage?”

“He hadn’t. He didn’t even ask me to assist in finding who betrayed him.”

“Are you sure?” Park Hae-jin asked. “He came so quickly to your aide in Rossarya.”

“He came because — ”

“What? Because he loved you?” Park Hae-jin scoffed. “He was so desperate to have you, he was going to let attempted regicide go.”

“Why did you help Cha Seungwon?”

“Let’s play a game, Taehyung. To get to know one another,” Park Hae-jin said. “A truth for a truth. I will tell you why, if you tell me more about that vision: of the fall of Orivala.”

Jimin swallowed. Taehyung never had such a vision.

“Alright,” Taehyung agreed. He shuffled over to the settee, sitting down in the corner farthest from the Emperor.Park Hae-jin crossed his legs, leaning back as he spoke. “What makes you say Orivala couldn’t win.”

“You may have the numbers, but Naissus has the firepower. Jeongguk may not be a military tactician — he might not have the experience you do in warfare — but he would have me. That will be enough to destroy Orivala.”

“Why didn’t you let him?”

"Because you will make Attalia your battlefield,” Taehyung said. “I… I saw Marsylle destroyed in the battle. Homes were reduced to rubble in the aftermath, many innocent civilians dead.”

Jimin knew Taehyung did not have such a vision. But even now, as Taehyung described such destruction, the tremble in his voice seemed so real .

“But now I have you,” Park Hae-jin said, “and in this war against Naissus, he will fall.”

The silence was deafening before Taehyung’s quiet voice came. “I did what I had to.”

Park Hae-jin stood from his perch, standing before Taehyung and reached with his free hand to trace the edge of Taehyung’s jaw. “Rest assured, Taehyung, Attalia is under my protection now.”

“You hurt my father and Jimin’s brother. You had wrecked the Palais du Étoile. A place I cherish and hold dear.”

The seemingly engrained gravitas in Park Hae-jin’s posture deflated. “It was a necessary sacrifice.”

Taehyung pulled away from the Emperor’s touch, rising to his feet. “Now why did you help Cha Seungwon?”

“You said it yourself, no airship in the Orivalian military could stand in the might of Naissian Royal Airfleet,” Park Hae-jin said so matter of factly. “Naissus has become a threat. Cha Seungwon wanted vengeance, something I could easily provide in exchange for the promise of loyalty.”

“He wouldn’t have been loyal to you if he had betrayed his own king.”Park Hae-jin laughed. “I am well aware of Cha Seungwon’s treacherous nature. You see, Jeon Jeongguk – though young – has surrounded himself with a court and advisors who are loyal. Should Cha Seungwon’s vengeance prove fruition, he would have weakened House Cepheus. The dead king’s Circle – as sentimental as they seem to be – would be devastated from the loss.”

Park Hae-jin turned and strolled to the window. “What did you think would happen after, Taehyung?”

“The… duch*ess of Hespera would ascend the throne.”

“Ah yes, Lee Ji-eun is a fine ambassador and would make for a fine queen. But she wouldn’t have time to worry about foreign affairs during the investigation of the death of her cousin,” Park Hae-jin explained. “Then what?”

“A sudden attack might have resulted in a victory for the Empire.”

Park Hae-jin turned and the grin had returned. “Precisely.”

“Jeongguk wouldn’t ever have involved himself in your crusades, you could have left Naissus be.”

“Perhaps. I know my father did not ever consider Naissus or any kingdom in the Territories of Duscae to be a threat. Perhaps, I wouldn’t have seen Naissus as a threat either, until you made him a threat. You started this game of chess, Taehyung.”

“I never wanted a war .”

The sudden, barking laugh that came from the Emperor startled Jimin and his hand instinctively flew to the small of his back only to have his fingers brush skin.

“It is too late for that. You know as well as I do, war was always on our horizon.” He stepped closer to Taehyung, so close that they nearly touched.

“You had known I would call for war on Attalia the day we met. Don’t play coy with me — you understood my ambition.”

Park Hae-Jin leaned closer, mouth close to Taehyung’s ear and he murmured something Jimin couldn’t hear. But whatever it was, Taehyung recoiled at it, jaw clenching.

“I am not like you,” Taehyung hissed, reaching up and shoving the Emperor back. “I abdicated the throne to protect my kingdom – ”

“No, ” Park Hae-Jin snapped, he stepped forward again forcing Taehyung back until he collided into an armoire, wood creaking and thumping upon impact. The crown of bougainvilleas slid off Taehyung’s head, crashing to the floor with enough force to have petals flying.

Jimin stood, shoes deafeningly loud as he rounded the corner and stepped through the threshold.

Park Hae-jin pressed Taehyung against the wood cabinet. The prince did not back down, head held high, eyes open.

“Do not hide your actions behind a false sense of justice, Taehyung. You gave up the Attalian Crown because it wouldn’t give you enough power,” Park Hae-jin said. “Men have gone to war for you. You are the most powerful man in all of Chesos, and I would be a fool not to keep you at my side.”

Finally, Park Hae-jin turned to Jimin, finally noticing the Crownsguard’s presence.

He stepped away from Taehyung, smoothly straightening the front of his blazer. Jimin didn’t bother with formalities, openly glaring at the Emperor as he stepped towards the door.

“Park Jimin-ssi. We’re leaving for Lunefleur tomorrow afternoon, I’ll have my servants come assist you in packing.”

The doors closed with a soft click behind him.


Taehyung sagged against the armoire, hands shaking as he raked them through his hair.

“Taehyung, are you – ”

Taehyung straightened abruptly. “Not now, please, Jimin.”

Jimin snapped his mouth shut. He watched as Taehyung walked away, stepping on the fallen bougainvillea flowers as he staggered off to the bedroom, slamming the door shut behind him.

Taehyung had left his self-imposed confinement a couple of hours later. He sat beside Jimin on the couch, curling up against the Crownsguard as they often did as children. Taehyung did not bring up the earlier encounter with the Emperor, and Jimin did not want to push it.

Later that evening, when the deer-masked Elite came with their meal, Jimin noticed something unusual on the dining cart. Two red gift bags.

Curiosity only got the better of him once the Elite left.

“She left two gift bags here,” Jimin said as he stood and circled the serving cart. There were no marks or notes on the gift bag, but he peered into one of them and saw a red leather box.

“It… looks like a jewelry box,” Jimin said cautiously.

Taehyung sat up.

“Open it.”

Jimin pulled open the box; nestled inside the white satin was a solid gold pendant shape of a lion head, with red rubies serving as eyes.

“...What is it?”

“A lion’s head necklace,” Jimin explained.

Taehyung sighed, “A gift from the Emperor, surely.”

“What do you want me to do with it?”

“Ensure it gets packed for our trip,” Taehyung said, “We might not be staying in Attalia for long.”


“What about the other?”

Jimin reached inside and found sleek white boxes embossed with the number of the latest smartphone model.

“Cell-phones,” Jimin said. “He took yours too?”

Taehyung hummed. “For my own good, he said.”

Both phones had already been opened. When Jimin turned one on, it was programmed with familiar apps and settings for voice tech. He tapped through the contacts and found them already loaded with phone numbers.

“There are numbers already programmed into the phones,” Jimin said. “Our parents, siblings… your cousins…friends. Whatever numbers were stored in your own phone.”

Taehyung frowned. He stood, meandering over to a desk in the corner of the sitting room. “Anyone else’s numbers?”

“Jeongguk…. And Yoongi-hyung…”

Taehyung hummed again, patting around the desk until he found a notepad and pen. He returned to the sofa, already scribbling something on the pad and then handing it to Jimin.

It took Jimin a moment to decipher Taehyung’s rushed script.

Phones might have recording devices.


He hoped to be able to sneak out to speak to Jennie one last time before they left for Lunefleur, but this would make it impossible.

He thought about sending a message to Yoongi.

Jimin turned off both phones and placed them back in their boxes.

“I turned them off.”

“That might not be enough,” Taehyung murmured. “We’ll… be safer in Lunefleur.”

When Taehyung and Jimin were escorted from their rooms out to the cars, Park Hae-jin was already standing beside a sleek black vehicle. There were identical cars in front and behind it.

Jisoo and Jennie were also present, dressed in the light colours of Attalia. But both Jimin and Taehyung wore inky black. Their decision to wear the dark colours could be interpreted in different ways; perhaps to pay homage to the Goddess of Death, they were on their way to a holy place afterall. But the way Park Hae-jin’s eyes narrowed at the sight of Taehyung, dressed in mourning black, made another association clear. These were the colours of House Cepheus, and Taehyung had chosen to wear black to the coronation as well.

Regardless, the Emperor greeted Taehyung with a kiss to the back of his hand.

“We’ll be travelling together,” Park Hae-jin announced, “Jimin can drive, he knows the roads of Attalia best after all. We’ll have another Elite riding along with us.”

Jimin’s eyes narrow, turning to see the Elite guard – the one with the deer mask, armed with a pistol at their hip.

“Certainly,” Jimin said.

“Shall we be off then?”

Just as Jimin was about to help Taehyung into the car, another guard jogged up the Emperor. He bowed before leaning in to whisper into Park Hae-jin’s ear. Jimin couldn’t make out much, but whatever they said, it made his lips twitch.

He nodded in acknowledgement and then turned to Jennie.

“It seems as though your youngest brother has absconded to the city of Ceres with my sister.”

Jennie raised an eyebrow. “I was not aware, my brother was already on his way out of the city the day of our treatise meeting.”

“It seems Su-Hwa had gone with him.”

“I can have a message sent for them, if you would like, I could arrange transportation for Her Royal Highness.”

“No, that isn’t necessary,” Park Hae-jin said. “Perhaps they will become unlikely friends. Keep my sister safe, Your Royal Highness. That is all I ask of you.”


The silence in the vehicle was suffocating. Jimin’s grip on the wheel had his fingers going numb before they had left Marsylle.

“Why did you choose to keep Su-Hwa hidden for so long?” Taehyung asked as they crossed the bridge onto the highway.

“As did your father with your brother,” Park Hae-jin answered. “It is rare to find a piece of media featuring the Second Prince of Attalia, nothing but statements regarding his education and celebrations of his birthday. We both did it for the same reasons, to protect them from scrutiny for a while.”

“Yet you set her up for an arranged marriage.”

“That was my late father’s doing. I broke it off.”

“If you cared, shouldn’t you allow her to choose her own partner?”

Park Hae-jin rolled his eyes. “Her proclivities for her Elite are clear, a marriage is simply a political arrangement. She is the Lion Cub, respected. Any one who will marry her will be marrying into a dynasty. It would be the most respected marriage. It was the principle of the matter.

“You….knew that Jeongguk wouldn’t accept.”

“The child is too righteous and stubborn. Of course, he wouldn’t. Granted… I did not think… Su-Hwa would have reacted as so.”

Silence. Jimin chanced a glance in the rear view mirror, Taehyung looked upset.

“Why should she not, when she had been sold into from political marriage to from political marriage.”

“That is the world we live in, Taehyung,” Park Hae-jin said and the tone of his voice made it clear that the conversation was finished.

The drive to Lunefleur was only about three hours long, due to the long, winding roads around the landscapes and mountains. Park Hae-jin and Taehyung did not speak after that, and Jimin was not inclined to begin any sort of conversation with the Elite beside him.

In the rear view mirror, as Jimin drove, he watched as Taehyung’s head drooped to the side. It was expected, no matter how hard he tried, Jimin knew that Taehyung could not stay awake for long with the lull of the moving vehicle. As he slept with his head pressed into the corner of the car, Jimin caught a glimpse of Park Hae-jin turning to look at Taehyung.

There was a softness in the man’s features, a gentle smile that Jimin had only seen reserved for his — for his sister.

It made him look so human.

Taehyung had not slept much in the last two days, perhaps even earlier than that. And now, it was taking its toll on him.

Though he was glad Taehyung was finally getting some rest, he couldn’t help the nervous feeling. Worried about Taehyung's habit of sleep-talking and the potential visions that came in his dreams.

They were just half an hour away from the village of Lunefleur when Taehyung shifted, and Jeongguk’s name came out in a quiet, sweet murmur.

Park Hae-jin scoffed and so quietly, he muttered under his breath, “He truly does love the child.”

Jimin’s teeth ground together in the force of keeping his mouth shut.

“Taehyung is cruel to ask him to attend. How it will break the Naissian King’s heart. But… he did say it was on behalf of a dear friend, was it not?”

Jimin chanced a glance in the rearview mirror and found Park Hae-jin waiting to make eye contact with him.

“I confess I was looking for scandal attached to the young Naissian King. Of course, there are secrets regarding his adoptive brother.”

Jimin wrenched his eyes away from the mirror, forcing himself to focus on the road and the beginning of the winding curves up the mountain.

“Do you know about the rumours, Park Jimin-ssi? I was certain you would have heard of them, given your connection with the only man close to the King of Naissus who has Attalian blood.”

He clenched his teeth. “Rumours are rumours, Your Eminence. It is not my business to know what the tabloids say.”

“Truly?” Park Hae-jin started, “so it is simply a rumour that you are close to the Lord Libertas?”

Jimin’s hands tighten on the wheel, trying to keep his breaths even. “Yes.”

“Then you wouldn’t mind that I investigate his past? I believe that the Right Hand of the King is not who he says.”

“I see.”

Jimin couldn’t breathe.

“There was a second son of a disgraced noble named Min Yoongi. Died in a car accident some years ago – strange how they bore the same name… and would have been the same age, is it not?”

The fleeting thought of swerving off the cliffside crossed Jimin’s mind. The Emperor sat just behind him. The edge was just a drift away. The Elite guard couldn’t stop him in time.

Jimin could end it right here.

But they’d all die.

Taehyung included.


This was why the Emperor wanted Jimin to drive. To ensure Jimin couldn’t try to kill him without harming Taehyung in the process.

“You are being needlessly cruel, Hae-jin-hyung,” came Taehyung’s voice. He must have woken up during the middle of their conversation.

“I am simply watching out for you, Taehyung.” Park Hae-jin returned.

"You have what you wanted,” Taehyung said. “You don’t have to threaten my Crownsguard to keep him in line.”

Park Hae-jin chuckled and thankfully dropped the subject. But Jimin’s heart still beat terribly loud in his ears.

As they rounded the final bend from the narrow roads up the mountains into the arched entrance of the Lunefleur, Jimin couldn’t help but feel comforted by the sight of snow-covered mountains surrounding all sides of the small, picturesque village.

Jimin remembered spending a few weeks here each year in his childhood, going with the Royal Family to their yearly visits after the Feasts of the Mourning Star. This was earlier in the year, but despite the warmer weather down in Marsylle, the village was almost perpetually covered in a light dusting of snow.

“We’re here,” Jimin announced. He glanced through the rear view mirror to see the Emperor reaching into his blazer pocket for his phone, frowning at the screen. “There is no cell-phone reception in Lunefleur.”

“We’re lucky that we have electricity in most places out here.”

Park Hae-jin tucked the device back into his pocket. “Divine intervention?”

“Perhaps,” Taehyung said. “Le Sanctuaire d’Élysée is hallowed grounds: where the Mother, Maiden, and Crone all walked once upon a time.”

Park Hae-jin didn’t respond, glancing out the window with an almost bored expression.

Taehyung rolled the window down on his side just to let in the cool air, and the scent of pine and moss wafted through the vehicle.

Jimin navigated the rest of the tiny streets of Lunefleur in silence, trying hard not to make eye contact with the villagers staring at the entourage of vehicles marching through their streets. It didn’t take long to get through the main roads and onto the gravel path lined with massive pine trees, then only a little bit more until the Maison du Chevrefeuille came into view.

He pulled to a stop behind the other Elite vehicle in the driveway, pushing open his door before the Elite guard could do it for him. Then turning to pull open Taehyung’s door, instinctively offering his hand for Taehyung, but then another entered his vision.

“I will escort His Royal Highness inside, Lord Park Jimin.”

Jimin faltered, glancing back at Taehyung. Taehyung gently pushed Jimin’s arm down, the Crownsguard took a reluctant step back, watching as Taehyung took the Emperor’s offered hand instead. Taehyung got out of the car then allowed Park Hae-jin to rest his hand into the crook of his elbow.

Jimin followed behind them, taking in the number of staff and Elite Park Hae-jin had taken with them. Three figures with white animal masks, dressed in the maroon of the Orivalian military. The rest seem to be household staff, including the physician who tended to Taehyung in the past few days.

Park Hae-jin paused in the foyer of the house, taking a moment to look around the small space. The manor paled compared to any of the other residences of House Chrysantheme, with its yellowing brick walls and modest size. The interior was simple, with low beamed ceilings and cold stone floors, there were very few bedrooms, and fewer staff needed to upkeep the home.

It smelled like dust and warm spices that always sat in the simmer pot. A familiar, damp chill began settling into Jimin’s bones.

“How long will we stay here?” Park Hae-jin said.

“Until I am received by the Children of Night, keepers of the Le Sanctuaire d’Élysée, and complete the rites.”

“Will I be able to observe?”

“The Children of Night allow few into Le Sanctuaire d’Élysée,” Taehyung said. “They may not even grant Jimin entry into the shrine, let alone one not of Attalian blood.“

“You expect me to allow you to go alone into the shrine unprotected?”

“You mean without the watchful eye of one of your Elite, Hyung?” Taehyung slipped his hand free and stepped around to face the Emperor. “Rest assured that the Children of Night do not care for the monarchy or foreign politics. Their allegiance is to the Goddess of Death and — ”

He staggered backwards, hunching into himself and tensing like he was in pain.


Taehyung’s knees buckled. Jimin surged forward and caught him.

“Get me the physician!” Park Hae-jin yelled.

“He doesn’t need a physician.” Jimin looped Taheyung’s arm over his shoulder and half-led half-dragged Taehyung into the sitting room. He couldn’t hear Taehyung’s breaths, which meant he was holding it again. His fingers were clenched into fists and if Jimin didn’t intervene, Taehyung would reopen the barely healing scabs.

After Jimin got Taehyung to sit in the armchair, he knelt beside the prince. “Taehyung,” he called softly, hands already grasping both of Taehyung’s and gently prying his fingers out of his palm.

“Taehyung. Taehyung. Breathe. I’m right here. You’re safe,” Jimin said, trying to be soothing as he spoke in Attalian.

“Is he seeing the future?”

Jimin startled at the new voice, glancing over his shoulder. Park Hae-jin had followed him into the room, behind him was the physician. He turned back to Taehyung, who now held his fingers in a vice grip.



The physician stepped forward. “Your Imperial Majesty, if I may speak…His Royal Highness isn’t breathing?”

“Sometimes he holds his breath during visions,” Jimin explained.

“But, if he continues to do so, he’ll lose consciousness.”

“How long do these last?” Park Hae-jin asked.

Jimin tried to stall for time, speaking in Attalian to Taehyung.

“I asked you a question, Lord Park Jimin.”

“It depends,” Jimin answered, “seconds, sometimes minutes.”

Then Taehyung slumped forward, gasping for breath. “ Jimin. Lu-Lugdunum — I-I saw —

“Taehyung,” Jimin interrupted, trying to speak in hushed Attalian. “Taehyung, you’re safe. We’re in Maison du Chevrefeuille. The Emperor is here.”

It took Taehyung a moment to fight the haze of exhaustion and shock for the gravity of the statement to settle in.

"Lugdunum,” Park Hae-jin repeated. “What did you see Taehyung?”


“Do not lie to me, Taehyung,” Park Hae-jin said.

Taehyung licked his lips, unsteadily rising to his feet. Jimin hovered close behind. Taehyung’s words were stilted, broken by puffs of air and shutters through his body. “I will tell you, and you will allow me to enter Le Sanctuaire d’Élysée without an escort.”

“And if I don’t agree? This wasn’t part of our deal.”

“It was. Our union will be null if you do not.”

Park Hae-jin barked a laugh, shaking his head. “Alright. I agree to your terms. Now, what did you see, Taehyung.”

“An air attack launched on a city in Orivala.”

The tone of curiously mocking interest disappeared, and the expression on Park Hae-jin’s face grew grim. “How do you know it was Lugdunum?”

“The insignia on the side of the airships, they bore the crane of the Grand Duke Choi Mal-chin.”

“Do you know which city?”

Taehyung shook his head, “I don’t know many of the cities in the Empire… I saw a bridge and it looked like shops or homes were built on it.”

“The old bridge in Cuccana,” Park Hae-jin said. “And when will he attack?”

“I can’t tell. It was during the night…The airstrikes targeted what looked like government buildings.”

“Your Royal Highness, perhaps you should sit,” the physician said, stepping forward and glancing at the Emperor for his permission. Park Hae-jin nodded. Jimin and the physician did not have to do much to coax Taehyung back into the armchair. He slumped gracelessly into the seat, head lolling and still taking heaving breaths. The physician knelt beside him, gently taking the prince’s wrist and listening to his pulse.

“Your Royal Highness, can you please open your eyes,” the physician asked.

Taehyung gritted his teeth.

“I just need to check your pupils, sir, as I did last time,” the physician gently explained.

Taehyung complied.

The physician gasped. He turned to the Emperor. “This — His Royal Highness’ eyes were not blue when I had examined him days ago.”

Park Hae-jin’s eyes narrowed, “Is this a symptom of the premonition?”

“It’ll fade,” Taehyung said, eyes lulling shut again.

“What about this fatigue, does this always happen when you have a premonition?”

“Not all the time.”

“But it happens,” the Emperor insisted. “You had similar symptoms before. I thought this gift from the gods had taken your health. But you had a vision during the meeting.”

“I did."

“What did you see.”

“It doesn’t matter anymore.”

“You did something to change the course of the future,” Park Hae-jin said. “ What did you see — ” He stepped forward as if to pull Taehyung to his feet and question him again. Jimin stepped between them. Park Hae-jin glared down at the Crownsguard, then glanced behind Jimin to the physician.

“How is he?”

“His Royal Highness’ heart rate is still elevated, sir,” the physician reported, “this conversation may be exacerbating the symptoms of — of this affliction.”

Park Hae-jin ran a hand through his hair, stepping back and turning to the hall. “Minnie!” he yelled.

Jimin relaxed for a moment, turning back to Taehyung.

The Elite appeared at the threshold of the sitting room just seconds later, lowering onto one knee before the Emperor.

“It seems like I will not be staying in Lunefleur,” Park Hae-jin said. The Elite nodded once.

Taehyung pushed himself to sit up straight. “What will you do?”

“Returning to Orivala to speak to my generals. Your premonition may turn the tides, Taehyung. You’ve saved many lives and perhaps given me an opportunity to lay a trap for the Grand Duke. This might be the end of the war in Iaryen,” Park Hae-jin said.

“Minnie, you still stay and guard the First Prince of Attalia.” Park Hae-jin turned back to Taehyung. “She will remain at your side as your Crownsguard would. She is your Elite now.”

“We agreed to no guards.”

“No, we agreed to no escort into the shrine,” Park Hae-jin corrected. “I will give you a week’s time here. That should be enough to complete this rite, no?”

“And then what will happen?”

“I will return and escort you to Rossarya,” Park Hae-jin said. “We’ll host a party to celebrate our engagement and you can begin planning our wedding.”

Taehyung swallowed. “I want to return Ravenna before the wedding to attend the Feast of the Mourning Star — with you.”

“I can arrange for that to happen.”

Park Hae-jin began walking towards the hall again, his guards and attendants already informed by Minnie of the Emperor’s sudden departure. He paused, turning back to Taehyung again. “Oh, and Taehyung, if I return in one week and find that you or your Crownsguard had snuck off to Marsylle… or wherever else… know I will not be so kind in the future.”

Taehyung spent the rest of the afternoon Park Hae-jin’s departure sleeping. He slept on and off until the next morning too. The number of monumental visions had taken their toll on his health and the visions had begun to bleed into his dreams. He mumbled in his sleep, tossing and turning. Sweat matted his hair to his temples and he woke asking for Jimin, sometimes his mother. Sometimes, Taehyung sat up whispering Jeongguk’s name, along with mumbled apologies. That made Jimin’s heart ache the most.

The Crownsguard had sat vigilant in the bedroom throughout the night, watching the sun both set and rise in the cacophony of his own thoughts. Jimin struggled not to pace around the room, but it was difficult as the raucous in his mind grew louder.

“What time is it?”

Jimin jumped, turning away from the window to see Taehyung sitting up from bed again. His figure hunched and the tangled mess of waves obscured by the gauzy curtains of the canopy bed.

He sounded more coherent, more awake than the last times he had woken up.

“Almost noon. You slept through the day and night.”


Jimin stood from his seat by the window and sauntered closer to the bed. “You should rest more.”

“I’ve rested enough,” Taehyung said. He struggled to untangle himself from the sheets. “We’re running out of time.”

Jimin walked over to the sprung bell to call for a staff. “You have bought us a week, Taehyung.”

“I do not know how long the rite will take.”

Jimin froze. “The rite,” he repeated. “You want to commune with the Goddess.”

“Of course,” Taehyung replied, “it’s why we’re here.”

Jimin spun on his feet, finally the terror and the questions in his head spilling over. “Taehyung. I trust your decisions, and I will always stand by your side regardless of what happens but what are you thinking ? I cannot help you if you do not tell me what you’re planning!”

“Hush,” Taehyung said, "these walls are thin, Jimin. It is not safe to speak here.” He rose to his feet, using the canopy posts for support. “I promise to tell you everything once we are safe in the sanctuary.”

Jimin did not argue anymore, standing by as Yeongja was called to brew a ritual bath. He did not make eye contact with the healer’s questioning gaze as Taehyung requested a bath for protection and safety in spiritual travel.

Once Taehyung had bathed and dressed, the room smelling strongly of betony, violets, and the sharp tang of peppermint, they made their way out of the room. Jimin nearly swore when the figure of the Elite with the doe mask appeared from behind the corner. She bent on one knee before Taehyung.

“Your Royal Highness, I am called Minnie. It is a pleasure and an honour to serve you.” It was the first time Jimin had heard her speak, her voice was high-pitched and young despite the tonelessness in her words.

Taehyung paused at the entrance, clutching his white cane in one hand, using it more for support than for spatial guidance.

“How old are you, Minnie?” he asked in lieu of a greeting.

“Nineteen, sir.”

“How long have you served?”

She raised her head. “I spent ten years training and five in active service.”

“Did you know Chul?”

“I did, sir. He served His Imperial Majesty for sixteen years before his execution.”

“Are you scared that the Emperor will kill you for failing him?” Taehyung asked.

“House Cerebyrn has housed and fed me, kept me alive and gave me a purpose. It is my duty to lay down my life for the Empire.”

“Do you wear a mask, Minnie?”

“I do, sir.”

Taehyung stepped forward, continuing down the hall again. “Take it off, you will draw too much attention in the village with it on.”

The girl obeyed and as she pulled off the mask. She was young and her eyes looked familiar to Jimin — something that he had seen in himself and his siblings: intense devotion.

“Let’s go, Jimin,” Taehyung called, and he fell into step behind the prince.

Even without a masked Elite, the three of them drew many curious eyes in the village square. Despite the lack of functioning technology, it would be impossible not to hear about the handsome, blind First Prince of Attalia. He stopped at several shops in the market to gather offerings for the shrine: bright and shiny pomegranates, a massive bouquet of fresh lilies, and bottled water from the glaciers.

The villagers stopped to pay their respects, gifting Taehyung with baskets of pastries and fruit, sprigs of wildflowers from children and full flower crowns from others. Taehyung’s smiles were soft and, for the first time in a while, real as he greeted and thanked the people.

Taehyung gathered everything into a pretty wicker basket, before taking Jimin’s arm.

“I have everything, let’s go to the temple now.”

Jimin guided them out of the main square, weaving through the villagers who whispered words of prayer and greeting.

Blessed be the Blood of the Oracle. Praise the Divine House Chrysantheme and the Devoted House Turnesol.

It didn’t take long before the crowd thinned along the pathway the closer they came to the marked trail to Le Sanctuaire d’Élysée. Soon, all Jimin could hear were the crunching of snow under their feet, the glass in Taehyung’s basket, and his own breaths.

The sky grew darker as the path took them deeper and deeper into the dense pine forest. Minnie trailed behind them, putting on the deer mask again once they were out of the village square.

Jimin thought the unease in his chest would dissipate the closer they got to the shrine, they had been to the gates of the Shrine to Elysium before, after all. But in the darkness of the forest and the eerie silence that came with it, he felt chilled and… more frightened.

Taehyung, too, must feel ill at ease as the grip on Jimin’s wool coat grew tighter and tighter.

“Taehyung — ”

“Not yet, Jimin,” Taehyung breathed in Attalian. “It’s not safe here.”

“Are we going to be safer in there?”

Taehyung did not answer.

As the rock face of the shrine came into view, Jimin had to choke back the gasp and the rising trepidation. The temple always struck him every time he visited. It was built into the side of the mountain, with massive double doors flanked by stone pillars carved into the image of the Crone’s servants: unearthly creatures shrouded in cloaks, one with an owl perched on their shoulder and the other holding an hourglass.

When his eyes trailed down the carvings, fear shot through his system when a figure in hooded black robes in front of the doors. The Crone. The Goddess of Death.

He pulled Taehyung to a halt, arm shooting out in front of his prince as he curled into a defensive position. Minnie, too, reacted, skidding in front of Taehyung and raising a gun down sight.

“Come no further, or I will shoot,” she declared.

The figure slowly raised their hands and pulled the hood down. Jimin exhaled, but he wasn’t sure if it was relief or horror.

“Jimin, what is happening,” Taehyung asked, yanking on the vice grip he had on Jimin’s coat.

“It’s — Minnie, you can lower your weapon. False alarm,” Jimin explained, trying to the trembles out of his voice. “I thought — I thought I saw the Goddess of Death… it’s… it’s just the High Priestess.”

The Elite still trained the weapon on the High Priestess as she approached them, unperturbed by the gun pointed at her.

“Minnie,” Jimin called again, “lower your weapon.”

The High Priestess stopped just short of the barrel of Minnie’s weapon brushing her forehead.

“Minnie, do as Jimin asked.”

The Elite complied, swiftly lowering the gun and clicking the safety back on. She took a couple of steps to the side, but still held the firearm ready.

The High Priestess took another step forward, turning first to regard Jimin and then Taehyung. She lowered into a full curtsy before the First Prince, cloak pooling like rivulets of black water around her.

“It is a pleasure to see you again, Your Royal Highness. I was awaiting your arrival.”

“You knew I would be coming?” Taehyung asked.

“But of course,” the High Priestess replied. “I had told you seven years ago that our paths would cross again.”

Taehyung stepped forward, presenting the wicker basket. “I bring offerings to the shrine and gifts to the Children of Night.”

“Thank you, Your Royal Highness.”

“I — I ask for — for refuge in Le Sanctuaire d’Élysée in return.”

The High Priestess nodded, “But of course, you will always be welcome in the House of Night.”

She turned to Jimin again, “You as well, Lord Park Jimin-ssi.”

“I am not of House Chrysantheme.”

“I know,” she said. “But you have known the Goddess’ touch.”

Jimin had to suppress a shiver.

“Minnie, you should return to the house,” Taehyung said. “The weather can be unforgiving in the mountains.”

Minnie turned to Taehyung. “I have orders from His Imperial Majesty to protect you, sir. Such conditions will not deter me.”

“You may enter as well, child, if you so wish,” the High Priestess said. “You have been intimate with Death. However, I will not allow you behind the threshold of the temple with weapons on your person, nor will you be able to attend to His Royal Highness.”

“I will remain at the threshold then, Your Grace,” Minnie said.

The High Priestess smiled, gesturing for Taehyung to continue down the path toward the doors.

Taehyung readjusted his grip on Jimin’s sleeve as the Crownsguard slowly and cautiously stepped past the High Priestess. She followed behind, Minnie falling into step behind the High Priestess, hand still on her gun.

Taehyung jolted and took a step back when a sudden booming sound erupted.

“It’s just the doors opening, Taehyung,” Jimin said. Taehyung straightened, exhaling slowly as he nodded. Two more figures appeared at the threshold of the shrine, holding fluted oil lamps. It was dark inside, veiled in shadows and the faint glow of the lamps.

The High Priestess stopped again, turning back to them.

“This is as far as I will allow you to go, child,” the High Priestess said to Minnie, then turned to address Jimin and Taehyung.

“Come, I will show you to your room.”

The foyer was a dark arch lined with a couple of oil-burning sconces. Then as they crossed through the threshold into a massive open dome. It felt like his eyes were covered with a gossamer film, hazy light filtering through an opening at the top. The floors were made of polished marble slabs, with beautiful etchings of familiar poisonous flowers. Jimin thought the shrine would be as damp and cold as the Maison du Chevrefeuille, instead he was met with a peculiar warmth, like the humid damp of a greenhouse, along with the heady fragrance of flowers despite not seeing any. It reminded Jimin of the passageway into the Maiden’s Tomb. The High Priestess’ shoes clipped and echoed as she crossed the massive space, leading them towards one of the dark arched halls.

Jimin’s eyes lock onto another set of double doors on the other side of the room, more splendid than the grand doors into the shrine. They were etched with the same blossoms on the marble floors: foxglove, wisteria, crocus, lilies, and hemlock. Flowers that were said to have blossomed when the Goddess of Death graced the island.

The High Priestess seemed to have noticed Jimin’s interest. “The doors lead to the consecrated soil touched by the Maiden, Mother and Crone.”

“Are we allowed entry?”

“Should you choose to undertake the rite.”

Jimin stiffened.

The winding hallway the High Priestess took them down was lined with doors, and she stopped before the one at the end of the hall, opening the simple wooden door. The room was simple, two cots pressed on one side of the cavern wall, on the other was an unlit stone hearth and a wooden table with a wash basin.

“The mess hall is on the other side. Meals will be served there. On this side are the living quarters. It is a humble way of life for us here.”

“We thank you for your hospitality, Your Grace,” Taehyung said.

She nodded. “Perhaps you would like to rest. You can find me in the mess hall should you like to speak.”

“Let us speak more tomorrow. Rest tonight.”

She turned then, and left the room.

Taehyung slipped his hand out of Jimin’s grasp, slowly pulling out the cane and mapping out the room himself. Jimin did not move, staring at the door in the silence.

“You should sleep, Jimin,” Taehyung said quietly. His voice was muffled by the sound of the cane scraping along the floors, then tapping along the rock walls and side of the cots.

“I don’t want to sleep,” Jimin said through gritted teeth. “I want to talk.”

Taehyung sat down on one of the cots, sluggishly pulling off the wool coat. “Okay, let’s talk.”

“What… I… ” Jimin didn’t even know where to start. His thoughts too jumbled to form coherent questions. “Taehyung. What are we doing?”

Jimin started pacing. He had spent too much time sitting around doing nothing and he could feel the apprehension and worry boil over in his veins. Taehyung bit on the inside of his lips, but did not comment.

“Did you tell him the truth?” Jimin asked when Taehyung didn’t answer his first question.“What you saw in your vision.”

“I did.”


“Because I suspected he would leave Lunefleur to take care of it,” Taehyung said. “If he remained here, he would charm the villagers to tell him about the history and rites. He would have learnt that there is no rite associated with a marriage. f*ck, the royal family barely stays long enough other than to give offerings, and no one in their right mind would undertake the rite before such – even with the Goddess’ blessing.”

Jimin ran a hand through his hair. It felt greasy, and he could feel the strands sticking straight up. “Fine, you got rid of him — but why didn’t you lie. He’s right, Taehyung. This could alter the trajectory of this entire war in Iaryen!”

“I know that,” Taehyung said through gritted teeth. “I know what I did, Jimin and — and I am aware of the consequences.”

Taehyung dropped his head and into his hands, palms kneading into his eye sockets.

Jimin slowed to a stop, the fire fleeing from his veins. He staggered to the cot, dropping beside Taehyung.

“I thought we were coming to Lunefleur for asylum. Park Hae-jin doesn’t know sh*t about our customs — you don’t have to go through the rite. Why does it sound like you’re considering it?”

“Because I am… scared, Jimin,” Taehyung whispered.

Taehyung’s voice grew louder, words coming faster. “What if Su-Hwa can’t get out of Attalia, what if she cannot find enough allies in Rossarya, or — or worse, Park Hae-jin learns. I am playing a dangerous game! I forced an avoidable war on Jeongguk — and — and — and if it doesn’t work, I marry Park Hae-jin.”

“How would this help!?”

“It is divine intervention,” Taehyung explained. “The Mother helped Mael, didn’t she?”

“Taehyung, that’s what the stories tell us,” Jimin said. “Bedtime fairytales. The Crone did not help. The Mother did. She just helped Mael run away from the gift she gave —”

Jimin’s words became lodged in his throat, when the tendrils of an idea latched onto him. Taehyung balled his hands into fists at the hitch.

“She will not restore what she has taken.”

“I don’t care,” Taehyung hissed. “Jimin – I have been manipulating people like they were pieces on a chess board. These are people's lives! I am not – I don’t want to be him .”

The way Taehyung said it, hissing the words like someone would hear.

“If… if this ends poorly, then Park Hae-jin wouldn’t be able to use me anymore,” Taehyung said.

“And then what.”

“Then I will marry him,” Taehyung said. “Then one night, perhaps when he trusts me, when he thinks I am incapable of harming him....”

“No. That is my calling,” Jimin said. “If it comes to that, I will do what needs to be done.”

Taehyung growled. “You’re not Minnie – you’re not an Elite tasked with protecting the Crown at all costs.”

“No, but I am your Crownsguard. Your sword and shield, and I know my duty –”

“What about Yoongi-hyung.”

Jimin’s breath hitched. “We both know our priorities. We knew…”

Taehyung shook his head.

“I think…. You should get some rest, Jimin. I know you did not sleep at all last night.”

That night, Jimin slept like Death had touched his dreams.

When he woke, groggy and disoriented, it took a few moments before a sense of dread had settled in his chest. The room was too quiet. He sat up. The small fire in the hearth had died, and the once gentle warmth in the room had faded into a biting chill.

Taehyung’s bed was empty.

Jimin struggled to turn on the oil lamp at the small bedside table between the two cots. When he did, he found a small piece of paper with a note in Taehyung’s slanted, spaced-out script.

Forgive me.


Maison du Chevrefeuille - Honeysuckle House, a royal residence of House Chrysantheme in Lunefleur
Le Sanctuaire d’Élysée - The Sanctuary of Elysium
Les Saules - The Willows, a famous hotel in the city of Cérès

Author's Note:
1. Kicksomeacid, thank you for beta reading and pushing me to add more drama to this already dramatic story. Your support make the story so much better.
2. Come talk to me on Twitter or ask me questions on Curious Cat.

Chapter 25: étude: dor


Chapter Warnings:
Minor Character Death

d o r

A deep or nostalgic feeling of sadness, agony, and emptiness upon intensely missing, longing, or yearning for something or someone


Master Playlist

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

chapter twenty-five
étude: dor

Taehyung fears waking Jimin with the thunderous sounds of his footsteps on stone floors. The rough scrapping of his cane and the tapping on the side of the wall usually doesn’t bother him, but now it is earsplitting. If Jimin wakes, Taehyung won’t know how to explain his actions.

Does he even know what he’s doing?

But he is running out of time.

He pauses, disoriented, when rough, uneven stone becomes smooth marble underfoot, and the sound of the plastic tip of his cane scratching stone becomes a quieter swish. This is the main hall. Taehyung remembers the marble floors…can recall the High Priestess’ words as she explained where they were.

But how will he find her again?

“Your Royal Highness.”

Taehyung tenses at the call of his title. The High Priestess’ voice is melodious. Like many others in Lunefleur, she speaks Attalian untouched by the Common Language. Her words flow together like music, syllables melding together. That, perhaps, leaves Taehyung even more uneasy. Her voice echoes in the cavern and leaves a strange chill down his spine, like a siren’s song.

“It is rather late. Is something amiss?”

“No, I wished to speak to you. Alone.”

“How strange it is to see the First Prince without his loyal Crownsguard.”

“Jimin needs to rest and…I am afraid this can’t wait.”

“You have come to a decision?”

“I have.”

Jimin will remain asleep for only so long, but the longer Taehyung drags this out, the less confident he becomes.

“He does not approve of your decision, does he?”

Taehyung doesn’t reply. But he hears her walking closer. Her footsteps are as rhythmic as her words.

“Perhaps you would like to start with some questions, Your Royal Highness. You may speak freely. The halls are empty at this hour. Or do you wish more discretion before the Altar to Her Lady?”

Taehyung swallows.

He has only vague memories of stories he heard of the shrine. Stories shared during the Feast of the Mourning Star of the enigmatic shrine to the Goddess of Death. Very few members of the Royal Family had seen it. Sometimes, Taehyung wonders if the stories were exaggerated, for it was said that the Crone’s presence could be felt throughout the entirety of the altar.

He doesn’t want the Crone to know his intentions just yet.

“Let’s speak here then.”

“Certainly, Your Royal Highness.”

“Please call me by my name, Your Grace.”

“Then you should call me by mine. Runah.”

She doesn’t give him a surname.

"How did you know I’d return?” Taehyung says. His growing anxiety makes him impatient.

“She told me.”

“She… as in the Crone… She speaks to you?”

The High Priestess makes a sound. “Kim Taehyung, surely you do not believe all you are taught? That the House of Chrysantheme are the only ones capable of holding divine power?”

Taehyung takes a step back.“I don’t understand.”

“Your stories and histories are skewed. You were taught to worship the Mother, Maiden and Crone as equals. Yet the Maiden is half-mortal, half-divine. The Mother is not the creator of life but a spring goddess who fell in love with a mortal man. Our Lady, the Goddess of Death, is a chthonic deity. Older than the Mother. More powerful than the Mother. House Chrysantheme has a goddess’s blessing because of your connection to her blood.”

Taehyung bites his lip. The bluntness of Runah’s words cut into his ego. All his life — there was an inherent hatred and pride that his bloodline was given such responsibility and power. Bile rises and sits like a lump at the base of his throat.

He grew up knowing that the Maiden’s gift was there, that it could be used as a last resort in the face of crisis. But Taehyung is lying to himself if he didn’t acknowledge that the thought of taking the power crossed his mind even before knowing that the Empire was a threat.

He is no better than Park Hae-jin. He has exploited the Maiden’s sacrifice.

He has to do this.

“So you hold divine power?” Taehyung asks, forcing himself to speak.

“Of sorts.”

“Was there a price?”

“There is always a price for power.”

“Did you receive such gifts through the rite?”

He hears her soft chuckle at that. “No. Her Ladyship chose me to be her messenger and vessel.”


“That is the price of my gift,” Runah continues. “Her Ladyship can use my body to speak to her disciples, and to walk the mortal realm.”

Taehyung doesn’t have words for that. How would it feel to be at the whim of the Goddess of Death? But then again, he willingly gave up his vision for such a gift. Would this be the better price?

A low rumbling erupted from the distance, and Taehyung jerks at the sound.

“It is only thunder,” Runah says. “There is a storm coming in.”

Taehyung takes a moment to gather his breath. Thunder will not keep Jimin asleep for long.

“How does the rite work?”

She circles him, footsteps echoing and the swooshing of fabric so close Taehyung can feel it against his legs.

“Surely you have heard the stories, Kim Taehyung. The rite is not for the faint of heart.”

“But it is a chance to communicate with the Goddess of Death, no?”

“It is. But what is it that you seek in communion with Her Ladyship?”

“That is between myself and the Goddess.”

Runah chuckles, a sound that is more breath than voice.

He amuses her. “Certainly, Kim Taehyung. The only way to commune with Her Ladyship is by dying.”

Taehyung can’t help but laugh too. “Surely you speak of a certain method that includes returning from the dead?”

“But of course. You take the draught that mimics death but mocks it.”

He hums, remembering the phrase from a story he once heard.

“The draught will put you in a state like death so that you may cross to the other side of the Veil. She will speak to you there.”

Taehyung swallows the lump in his throat.

“What are the stakes?”

“The space between the living and the Veil is not safe. You may encounter unhappy spirits, spirits who wish you harm, spirits who will lead you astray. You must remain strong in your resolve if you go through with this. You will not return unscathed, Kim Taehyung. It will change you.”

“I understand.”

“Do you still wish to go through with this?”

“I do.”

“Then I will go prepare the draught. I will ask an attendant to meet you here. They will lead you to the altar.”

Taehyung nods.

Only after the High Priestess’ footsteps fade does Taehyung hear the blood pounding in his ears and the pain in his hand from gripping so tightly onto the cane.

Unhappy spirits. Spirits who will lead him astray.

There are many of those.

He wonders if the dead know what he has seen, if they know of his gift and his ability to save them.

He could have saved the Baroness of Myrtille. He could have stopped her from getting into that car that night.

He could have prevented Jia’s father’s death, if he had warned her of the incoming heart attack.

He had caused Cha Seungwon’s death.

Would they all come to him beyond the Veil?

“Your Royal Highness.”

Taehyung whirls at the sound, heart pounding again. He usually is never this skittish. But he was so lost in his thoughts that he didn’t hear the approaching steps of the attendant.

“I am here to escort you to the altar,” the man continues, his voice deep, and like Runah’s, honey-thick and soft.

Taehyung clears his throat. “Of course.”

He reaches out, waiting until the attendant offers his arm. Taehyung doesn’t flinch with the roaring thunder, nor the loud creak of heavy doors opening, or the booming sound of the doors closing behind them.

But his steps falter with the overwhelming scent of soil, earth, and sweet-cloying blossoms that fill his lungs and clog his thoughts.

The attendant begins moving again, and Taehyung has no choice but to follow.

There is something soft underfoot – moss. He can hear the rain louder here, pounding into something like a pond.

“There is a skylight in this space,” the attendant says. “The opening lets rain in, and there is a pond in the middle of this cavern, and… small streams cross the floors. It is why Her Grace asked me to lead you. It can be dangerous if you cannot see where you are going.”

Taehyung can’t help but let his mind wander to the stories again, to the end of Quand Fleurissent Les Chrysanthèmes where the Maiden, Mother, and Crone had met.

Where the Maiden gave up her life.

It is colder here. The air is humid, and the overpowering scent of flora is suffocating. He feels his breath leave, forming a thick cloud that feels like it lingers on the edge of his lips.

The attendant stops then, taking Taehyung’s hand and placing it on a stone surface in front of him.

“Please wait here for Her Grace, the High Priestess. She will be here shortly,” the attendant says.

Taehyung nods and thanks the attendant before brushing his fingers along the stone. The surface is flat, just about waist-high. It is cool to the touch and rough under his fingertips. As he circles the surface, he realizes the edge of it is covered in vines.

As Taehyung walks along the edge, tracing the surface, he is able to map out a long, rectangular stone slab. The slab sits against a stone wall of some sort, higher – just about his shoulder height before flattening out again. He let his fingers drift over the surface until he touched something that felt too smooth and perfectly carved and shaped to be simple cave formations.

This must be a statue.

The Altar to the Goddess of Death.

Taehyung draws back just as he hears the doors creak open and shut again.

“Is this a statue of the Goddess?” Taehyung says out loud.

“It is,” Runah answers. “It was carved into the stone by the first followers of Her Lady in Attalia. Before the Mother raised the islands.”

“Does she…”

“The Goddess does not see through such effigy, not when she has access to messengers and vessels.”

“Do you present offerings before her image?”

“No material of the mortal realm would satisfy the Goddess of Death.”

“Then what is this table for?”

“It is where you will lay to cross the Veil.”

Her voice sounds so close now. The moss muffled her footsteps so Taehyung couldn’t hear her approach.

Taehyung choked back an uneasy laugh.

“Are our souls her offering?”

“I have told you, you will not come back unscathed from such a journey. Do you wish to turn back?”

Taehyung shakes his head.


He feels clammy fingers touch his hand, raises it, and something smooth is placed into the center of his palm.

“This is the draught. You will take all of it, down to the last drop – and then lay down. It will take a moment for it to take effect. But then you will go under.”

Taehyung’s fingers curl around the vial. It was small, a thin, unassuming shape. He feels the cork at the top, thumbing over it. He imagines the colour to be black. A liquid so dark it will stain his lips and teeth. He imagines it will slide down his throat like molasses, and it will be just as slow to enter his system.

“For how long?”

“It can vary. Usually, a journey to the space between the veil could last a full day. It is your first. There will be consequences, of course, to taking such a draught.”

He could keep asking questions – keep building and fueling the fear and nerves in his chest, but he made a decision. So Taehyung pulls the stopper from the vial.

The thunder crackles above them. Taehyung has always liked the sounds of rain and thunder. But the roar leaves his heart pounding.

Jimin will not remain asleep for long.

“Will others be allowed in the shrine?”

“The shrine will be guarded. You will not be disturbed during the rite.”

“Will you be able to stop Jimin? I don’t want him to see me in such a state.”

“From what I have heard, very little could stop a Crownsguard from protecting their charge.”

Taehyung can’t help the small and fond smile from pulling on his lips. Jimin will learn of this soon – if he is not rushing out of their rooms by now. The only reason he could sneak away was because Jimin hadn’t slept since the night of the meeting.

He’s running out of time.

“When he comes… ask him to forgive me.”

“You can tell him yourself when you return, Kim Taehyung.”

Taehyung takes another breath. He has delayed enough.

Taehyung raises the vial to his lips. At first, he doesn’t notice when the draught touches his tongue –like drinking air. But then, a bitter film coats his mouth. He winces and forces himself to swallow, shaking the vial to get every drop.

Cold hands pluck the glass bottle from his fingertips.

“It will take a moment,” Runah repeats. “Lay down before it does.”

Taehyung complies. But he moves slowly, whether from the effects of the draught or the deep-seated dread in his stomach he knows not.

“You will feel it soon, like drifting off to sleep. Your breaths will feel slower and heavier. Do not fight it. Just let it go.”

Taehyung tries not to panic at the words, focusing on the different things he can feel and hear besides his breaths.

The scent of the flowers – so strong that it wraps around him.

The crashing rain – a loud reminder of his time in Ravenna.

The bitterness still lingers on his tongue, but now it morphs into something colder. Into something numbing, he can’t feel his tongue or teeth.

The cold stone digging into his back – a comfort to know the solidity and pain.

It is becoming difficult to know how to swallow.

The bang of thunder, the creak of a door opening.


His chest does not feel like it belonged to him – and – and

Taehyung woke, eyes open and heart pounding as the gentle knocks grew louder at his door. He could hear Jimin’s breaths beside him, the soft snores indicating his Crownsguard wasn’t lightly dozing like usual. It was rare for him to have fallen into such a deep sleep. But Taehyung was grateful to wake with Jimin by his side this night.

The knocks grew a little louder, followed by the call of his father’s voice. Taehyung sat straight up, frenziedly throwing off his covers and stumbling out of the darkened room.

Taehyung knew it was never good news to have his father personally knocking at this hour. Taehyung pulled open the doors to see the King of Attalia dressed in a grey nightrobe.

His eyes were red-rimmed, and his features were worn and –

“Taehyung, it’s time.”

The words lingered in the air.

At first, Taehyung didn’t even realize his father had spoken. “But – the physician said –”

His father shook his head.

But before he could explain anything else to Taehyung, he was already rushing down the hall, running to the familiar chambers of the Dowager Queen.

Taehyung had spent much of his childhood – much of his entire life in those rooms. When he was younger, small enough for his grandmother to lift, he would fall asleep to her singing old lullabies and she would carry him to the bed.

As he got older, he would sing the same songs and lull himself to sleep on the settee in her drawing room.

He learnt about his favourite story: When the Chrysanthemums Bloom here, he heard the Mother’s gift and the Maiden’s sacrifice in his grandmother’s raspy voice one winter night when he was seven.

He made many bouquets for his grandmother. He knew there was a vase with a flower arrangement he had spent three hours completing, with branches of apple blossoms spreading like vines amongst the delicately placed purple and white ranunculus, spray roses, and zinnias.

As he burst into the room, he could smell the bouquet first. Then something stronger: the scent of sickness and hospital.


The physician was still there, sitting in the drawing room with a tablet in hand as she spoke to the nurse beside her. They both stood when Taehyung arrived, the footman barely had time to announce him before Taehyung barged in – bedhead, pyjamas and all.

“Your Royal Highness,” she greeted. The nurse bowed before backing away to complete the task for her.

Taehyung watched her leave, stepping into his grandmother’s dimly lit bedroom. He had spoken to his grandmother earlier in the evening, and bid her good night. His grandmother had a faint reply – weak, but the faint smile was enough to reassure Taehyung to leave the room.

“You said she would improve.”

“I had told His Majesty that Her Majesty the Dowager Queen’s prognosis was positive earlier in the day. There was a chance she would pull through this bout of pneumonia,” the physician said. “However, just a couple of hours ago, she began showing signs of organ failure….”

The physician kept talking, but Taehyung couldn’t hear anything beyond it.

The chambers of the Dowager Queen always felt large when he was younger. His grandmother said that she preferred these rooms, for she liked to know all the comings and goings of the court. The sitting room was always filled with sunlight from the massive ceiling-to-floor windows that overlooked the main gates into the palace.

The bedroom was no different. But now, in the early morning, the lights were dimmed. He couldn’t see into the room.

Taehyung stepped forward, feet carrying him further and further towards the shadows.

“His Majesty has decided to halt life-support measures,” the physician continued. “At this point, we are focusing on making her comfortable.”

He froze.

The heart monitor was a constant at his grandmother’s side since her cold had taken a turn two weeks ago. Now it was gone.

All that was left was an empty IV pole.

He could barely see his grandmother’s face in the light.

But he could hear her breaths.

A wet, crackling sound like a moan.

“I can assure you she’s not in any pain, Your Royal Highness,” the physician said.

“How — how much longer?”

She shook her head. “It is difficult to say, but… I don’t think she’ll make it to the morning.”

No. Not yet. Not like this.

Not when she said she would see one of her grandchildren married before dying just this spring.

Not when she had promised to come with him to take the blessing.

“I would advise you to take the opportunity to say your goodbyes, Your Royal High-”


The panic overwhelmed him.

And he couldn’t – he couldn’t be here.

He turned and left – hyperventilating – stumbling towards the doors.

He ran into a figure taller than he.

“Hyung – ”

Mingyu. As Taehyung blinked away the burn of tears, he saw Jennie behind their youngest sibling. In the distance, he saw Jimin running in.

Jimin’s eyes are frantic, trying to meet Taehyung’s. He slowed to a halt halfway down the hallway – and in the single moment, Taehyung knew that his eyes said all.

He couldn’t look at Jennie or Mingyu – it would give too much away.

And he – he couldn’t breathe right now, and he –

Taehyung turned, stumbling in the opposite direction.

His chest hurt. His head hurt. All he could do was turn the corner before his will left him, and he slid down against the wall.

The sounds coming from his throat were horrendous, but they matched the pain in his chest.

He wished it could just stop.

He flinched as the soft, gentle hand touched his hair, then a warm, ever-comforting presence at his side.

His mother.

He raised his head just enough to watch her slide to the floor beside him.

“I can’t do this,” he whispered.

“Hush, my heart,” his mother returned, “there is nothing you must do now.”

He tried to recall the last happy moment he had spent with his grandmother – just last week when she felt well enough to sit in a wheelchair and make the short journey to the conservatory to see the newly bloomed chrysanthemums.

He couldn’t recall most of the conversation – perhaps he didn’t want to.

But he remembered that she was trying to warn him.

She had known.

“The seeds will be ready to harvest by your birthday,” she said. “You must remember to collect the seeds from this bloom.”

“We can do it together, Halmeoni.”

“Sow these seeds next autumn. You should weave them into a flower crown for the Nights of the Thinning Veil.”


“So I can see how you’ve grown.”

He didn’t know how to respond to that.

She had known.

And he refused to believe or accept.

“How do I go on without her?”

His mother continued to brush her hands through his hair but did not answer.

“I – I can’t do this alone, Eommoni.”

“You are not alone, my heart. You will never be alone,” she said. “We will stand by you.”

Taehyung wasn’t easily hurt by words. Thick skin was necessary to survive in a court as Crown Prince. But he was no longer Crown Prince – not when he had made the official announcement of his abdication a month ago – with his grandmother at his side.

The tabloids had destroyed him, without the shield of being the next heir to the throne, the tabloids took the opportunity to rip into his character and his competence to be a king.

How cruel they could be.

But throughout it all, his family and Jimin stood with him. Held their heads high. But in the end, did it matter?

“There isn’t much time, anymore. If you are ready, if you want to, you can say your goodbyes. Pray that the Bringer of Dreams gently ushers her beyond the Veil. She will watch over you from the other side.”

He didn’t move. Taehyung sat there, staring at the patterns on the marble floor until they didn’t make sense anymore, until the pain in his chest consumed him.

Until the sun rose and all that was left were the thrumming whispers that rang through the lofty halls like ghosts.

‘The Dowager Queen has passed.’


It is so bright. The colours in the cavern are too vibrant, and it hurt his eyes.

Even with the pale, barely there light of dawn bathing the entire space in a misty fog.

The ground is covered in moss. In the center of the cavern, just below the skylight, is a large pond with thin streams branching out and disappearing into tiny, dark holes, perhaps down the mountain. Flowers grow everywhere. Impossibly growing on the moss-covered rock are hues of foxglove, belladonna, oleander, and lily of the valley.

Beautiful and deadly flowers.

But the most stunning feature is a massive statue of a cloaked figure behind Taehyung.

This isn’t a dream. Nor a memory or vision.

Never are his visions this clear – never beyond the cloudy haze on his periphery.

But here – everything is so crisp.

“Kim Taehyung.”

Taehyung turns to see a woman standing not too far away. Her features pull on his memory. He has seen her long ago, before the gift had taken his sight.


Still, she wears her black hair long, with a blunt fringe across her brow. Her sharp eyes are framed by long, spidery lashes. As he fell asleep, Jimin said that she had not changed from how she looked years ago.

“Where…are we? How can I see?”

“Your soul stands in the precipice between the mortal realm and the Veil. The ailments of your physical body left behind.”


His eyes drift back to the statue, lowering until his eyes land –

Taehyung jerks away.

It is too eerie to look at his own body, eyes closed, his chest still.

Like he is dead.

Runah steps closer, until she stands beside him, hands folded before her and eyes cast on the table where his body lays.

“The journey back will be treacherous and it will hurt. But do not let the fear take you, else you will never return.”

“What do I do now?”

“You shall wait for Her Ladyship.”

Taehyung nods. His eyes wander again and he drinks in the sight of the cavern, of the colours and shapes that fill his vision. Its beauty was intoxicating, and he knew not when he would ever see such sights again. If ever.

Runah steps into his line of sight.

She is undoubtedly as beautiful as Taehyung remembers, but… Taehyung notices the difference between then and now. He feels the same difference in his own body.

The swirling energy that isn’t his own, the exhaustion that weighs down his very bones. The memories and voices that come to his dreams. House Chrysantheme might have the remnants of divine blood. Taehyung himself is touched by divinity. But Runah bears more than just a gift.

Perhaps Taehyung did not notice during their first encounter but now, his eyes linger on the trail of spidery black veins crisscrossing the back of her folded hands. The lines disappear beneath the sleeve of her cloak, then reappear on her sternum, crossing over her collarbones.

“Those marks…”

Runah glances down, lifting her hands. The lines of black climbed up her wrists, following the trail of her veins like corrupted blood.

“These marks appeared when I accepted my calling as Her Ladyship’s vessel.” She runs her hands reverently over the marks.

“What do the people think?”

“The people do not have good opinions of the Children of Night. You must know that. Many see the marks as a curse to be touched by the Goddess of Death. But to me, it is a gift, a reminder of my ties to the Lady.”

Taehyung’s eyes linger on the spidery lines.

“Do you not bear a mark of divinity?” she asks.

Taehyung raises his own hand, fingers grazing the side of his temple. “I have been told that my irises turn blue upon a vision.”

“It is not a permanent mark?”


“So you hide that you were graced. Are you ashamed?”


“I hide my gift… to protect my family.”

Runah grins, a smile too sardonic to have good intentions as if she was waiting for such a response.

“What is the point of such a gift if you do not use it?”

“I do, and I have.”

Ruanh began to circle him.

“Only when it is safe to do so. You lie in the shadows with all of these premonitions.”

“If I were to act on all visions, it would endanger the Crown and my family’s bloodline,” Taehyung hisses. The words feel rehearsed.

“Would it?” Runah questions. “Or is it your own fear and hubris that leads you to such an answer?”

She leans closer, her breath fanning over his ear. “You resent him, do you not? For forbidding you to use the gift… for threatening you with the safety of your family and kingdom, for forcing you to swear upon your grandmother’s grave, isn’t that right, Kim Taehyung.”

“I have made my choices and am aware of their consequences,” Taehyung says through gritted teeth.

“Are you? So you admit to using your powers as leverage.”

“What –”

“You must have known from the start that your father, the King of Attalia, had no real power over you once you took the blessing. You became divine-touched,” Runah says. “You believed the only way to save your kingdom was to remove Park Hae-jin from power. You knew from the start that the secrets of the Divine House Chrysantheme would not remain secret for long.”

Taehyung closes his eyes. The darkness behind his lids is a comfort from the onslaught of light. But he can’t escape how deeply Runah’s words pierced his heart.

“Do you admit it, Kim Taehyung?”

“That- it- that wasn’t what I wanted,” Taehyung stutters.

“Come now, I have heard tales of your silver tongue, Kim Taehyung. Where is it now?”

“Admit it,” Runah repeats, “You single-handedly have orchestrated a war.”

“I did what needed to be done.”

“Then what is it you desire from the Goddess of Death?”

“I wish to renounce my divine gifts.”

The grin on Runah’s face falters. “You and your foolish ancestors beg for divine intervention, yet you cannot stomach the consequences. You will not regain your eyesight if you give up your gift.”

“I don’t want it back.”

“You spoke so confidently of consequences, and yet neither you nor your ancestors truly understand. You are a coward. You don’t want the responsibility anymore.”

“I am doing this for the greater good.”

“You can lie to yourself. But you cannot lie to Her. You are afraid.”

He surges forward, spinning on his heels as he faces her. He wants to spit an insult – but he holds his tongue. It would not be wise to insult a vessel of a goddess. The world seems to close in on him. The calm he attempted to keep a hold of is crumbling.

“Tell me what you are afraid of.”

“I am afraid of losing,” his voice starts as a whisper, but as they leave his lips, they gain momentum until he is screaming them. “I’m afraid of failing everyone I love and watching them die before me.”

“There it is,” Runah muses. “The truth.”

“I am afraid of failing my kingdom. I am afraid that everything I had ever known was a lie.”

He pauses. Another confession hanging in his throat, the notion barely formulated in his mind until now, as if even thinking it would be too much.

“I am afraid of becoming like him.”

Park Hae-jin’s words echo and reverberate in his dreams and thoughts.

We’re made for each other. We’re kindred spirits, Taehyung, drawn by ambition and desire for power. You would do whatever it takes to protect Attalia. How different is it from me?

The words cling to Taehyung like a leech; no matter how hard Taehyung tries to shake it off or deny it, they remain. For how could he deny it was false?

Runah hums, satisfied with Taehyung’s answers, it seems. She folds her hands in front of her. “But…there is something else that haunts you.”

“I don’t understand what you mean.”

“Regret.” Runah raises a hand, pointing at something beyond. Taehyung can’t help but follow her movements, blinking as he tries to focus.

In the distance, stepping closer and closer, is his grandmother.

She looks the same – as she always did in the years of Taehyung’s childhood and youth. His grandmother did not age from Taehyung’s first memory of her. She stands before him, dressed in the white gown she was buried in.

He remembers that he left the funeral procession early.

The tabloids wrote stories about his swift departure, snapping photos of his red-rimmed eyes, the disarray of his appearance and black clothes that Taehyung never favoured.

Some newspapers had more sympathy for his ill behaviour, stating that the First Prince always had a close relationship with the Dowager Queen, and her passing was difficult for him. Others had no remorse, criticizing him for his lack of respect for the traditions on top of his already frowned-upon decision to abdicate.

Taehyung couldn’t care less; in the following months, he became a recluse, and his favour with the public was lost. Before his 21st birthday, Taehyung attended the Harvest Festivals upon his father’s command to regain favour. He might not be the Crown Prince, but he is an active member of the Royal Family with duties to uphold, including finding a suitable match.

But he reflected on his loss in the time he had to himself. He had shut Jimin out and refused to speak to anyone because he couldn’t deal with his heart's horrible, all-consuming anger and shame. It burned through him until he was left with the ashes of his love for his grandmother.

Taehyung wanted the anger to take him – but eventually, the pain had subsided to a dull ache that comes and goes.

Jimin had broken his ankle in his youth. Sometimes, he rubs his ankle and walks with a limp on rainy days or when the weather changes to something colder.

Taehyung has those days, too, when the pain and grief blot out the warmth and sun. But now… now, the pain is crippling.

“How you have grown, my child,” she says in the warm and gentle warbling rasp that had lulled Taehyung to sleep with lullabies and stories.

He turns, words leaving his lips before he could find Runah. “Is this some sort of twisted game?”

She’s gone.

He turns back to the image of his grandmother. “You aren’t real… this is – this is some sort of trick.”

His grandmother’s smile is warm and sad. “It is real, child. You shouldn’t doubt the powers of the Goddess of Death, not when you stand in the place between the living and the Veil.”

She reaches out, and Taehyung wonders if he is simply imagining her hands touching the side of his cheek, caressing his jaw and gently tugging his earlobe.

Now, as he stands before his grandmother, the flames rise again. The fear, anger, and terror in his chest burst forth at once. It is all too much.

“I–I missed you,” he says.

She smiles. “As I have missed you. But I hope you did not let the passing of an old woman consume you.”

He looks away, guilt and shame rolling in his chest.

“Tell me all I have missed.”

Taehyung hesitates at first, mind spinning and unsure where to start with the swirling emotions in his chest. But he heeds her command and skips past the months he spent mourning her passing and beginning where he attended the Harvest Festival.

He speaks of the blessing.

He skims over the three-odd years spent learning to live with the gift and the loss of his vision. Then, the decision to throw himself into an arranged marriage with someone he didn’t know.

But Taehyung speaks highly of the Naissian court, their power and strength, kindness and generosity. And he grows shy when speaking of their king and how he embodies those aspects.

His grandmother’s smile softens when he speaks of Jeongguk.

“You… you would have liked Jeongguk, Halmeoni. I tell him about you.”

“I can tell that you love him.”

Taehyung doesn’t have to answer that.

His grandmother’s silence is all he needs to continue forth. So he tells her about the attack on Ravenna, his father’s injury, and Jennie's rise to be Queen Regent. Then… he ends with the engagement, the planned coup, and how he had given the Emperor information that allowed him the ability to do this.

“You haven’t told me why you decided upon the rite.”

Taehyung can’t meet her eyes. He stares at his lap instead as the silence grows between them. His grandmother listened attentively throughout. She holds his hands in hers, gently patting the back of his hand.

His right hand feels warm. Sometimes, he can feel her squeezing his hand twice in quick succession.

The gesture comforts him, though he doesn’t know why.

But now, his grandmother allows the silence to grow. She will not push him to answer or let this question slide away without him definitively saying he will not answer it.

“I want to relinquish this gift.”

Her brow furrows.

“You would relinquish the blessing? As you have relinquished your blood right to be King?”

“You know why I did not want to be king,” Taehyung whispers. “I would have declared war on the Empire. I know I would have, Halmeoni, and I cannot do that to our people.”

“So what will happen to our people?” his grandmother questions. “The Emperor of Orivala would have targeted Attalia regardless if you had taken the blessing. I know my son, child. He would have agreed to become a vassal state if it meant keeping the peace. Such secrets of House Chrysantheme would not have lasted long after that.”

“But what if this doesn’t work?” Taehyung argues, “I would have endangered the Princess’ life and started a war between the Empire and Naissus. Naissus will be thrown into a war, long and destructive. Attalia would fall into the Empire’s hands.”

He pulls away from his grandmother, wrapping his arms around himself as if it will protect him.

“I would have to do it,” Taehyung whispers through the lump in his throat. “I will have to end Park Hae-jin myself, and how could I live with myself then?”

His grandmother remains silent.

“I don’t know if he will love me… after what I have done.” His voice cracks. “What do I do, Halmeoni?”

His grandmother exhales. “You know I have never given you an answer to such a question before.”

Taehyung can’t help but let the breathy chuckle escape.

“But allow me to give you some advice.” She reaches up and places her hand on Taehyung’s face. Her touch is gentle, fingers cold where they press into his cheek.

“I know you fear the cold-blooded nature of protecting the Crown. But you are not like Park Hae-jin. You understand and remorse at the price that comes with power. You understand the consequences. Do not give up what you have. But do not waste this opportunity to ask for guidance.”

Taehyung shakes his head.

“But what if I fail?”

“Then you do what you must. If he is worth it, he will learn to love you then as well.”

He closes his eyes as her thumb brushes closer. He does not know if they glow blue in this world. Her fingers press over his lids, then smooth out the space between his brows. Her touch is cold as ice.

“I am proud of you. I had always known you would ask for the Mother’s blessing.”

Taehyung opens his eyes. His grandmother’s features are soft, save for the sharp, knowing eyes.

“Heavy is the burden you have chosen to bear.”

“I wish you were there,” Taehyung confesses shakily. “You left. I was alone on my 21st birthday–”

Taehyung’s words broke into a hoarse sound as he spoke. The accusation bubbled with no force behind it.

“I needed you,” he whispers. “You left me alone.”

“You are never alone, my child,” she says.

She takes his hand in her’s again. Finally, Taehyung realizes that his grandmother’s touch is cold. But his fingers remain warm.

Two quick squeezes.


“He is waiting for you to return from the other side. As he did when you went to the tomb.”

Taehyung can’t help but sob now. “I wish you were both there with me.”

“I did not want to leave you. But it was my time… as it is my time to leave now.”

Taehyung looks over to see Runah again, hands folded serenely in front of her. Beside her is a figure covered in wisps of black, hovering above the ground. At once, Taehyung knows this is a servant of the Crone, ready to escort his grandmother through the Veil again.

Grief and panic rise in his chest. He isn’t ready. He’ll never be ready, but he'll lose his chance forever if he doesn’t say it now.

Taehyung turns back to his grandmother and speaks through the heaviness in his heart. “I’m sorry, Halmeoni. I wasn’t at your side that night. I’m sorry I didn’t attend the Nights of the Thinning Veil as you asked me to. I’m sorry I left your funeral early. I wasn’t ready to say goodbye.”

His grandmother smiles.

“I know, my dearest. But I am never truly gone. Remember me in the summer breeze and spring rains. In the gladiolus and chrysanthemum blossoms in the conservatory. In the stories I told you and the lessons I shared. I will always be with you, Taehyung.”

He takes her hands, pressing his lips to the back of her hand.

“I will miss you always, Halmeoni,” he whispers.

“I am grateful for this last opportunity to see how you have grown, Taehyung. I was always proud of you. Stay strong, my child.”

He forces a smile onto his quivering lips as the floating figure approaches, wisps of black forming a hand in offering to his grandmother. She takes it.

“Rest well, Halmeoni.”

His grandmother nods, and Taehyung makes himself stand and watch as the Crone’s attendant leads his grandmother towards a shimmering wall, like a transparent current. He remains rooted there until her silhouette disappears.

Runah stands beside him now.

Taehyung swallows, blinking away the burning in his eyes. “Will you thank Her Ladyship for me?”

“You may do so yourself when she comes.”

“I did not expect her to be so kind.”

Runah grins. “Her Ladyship is fair and just.”

“So Halmeoni once told me.”

“You held onto so much grief in the Dowager Queen’s passing,” Runah says. “You know of Her Lady’s children, do you not?”

“Of course,” he answers. “Destiny, Dream, Desire, and Despair.”

“Despair has quite a hold on you. Kim Taehyung. All of my children do.

Taehyung frowns. The call of his name sends shivers down his spine. Something felt wrong about it – the hypnotic notes of Runah’s voice coloured by an echo – words spoken in a language he didn’t understand.

He turns to face her.

He blinks – then blinks again as Runah’s features flicker. He thinks he’s seeing things as her blush red cheeks hollow into sockets, bones prominent. Though always beautiful and sharp, her features change and become less… human . Then Runah’s eyes, once a dull brown, morph into a brilliant red.

Taehyung takes a step back.

“Now you are afraid when you see my true face?”

There is something familiar about her voice, a tone that is a cross between that familiar lilting and a foreboding echo of a distant memory.

Taehyung lowers his head, unsure if he should bow before the goddess.

But he can’t take his eyes off her –

“Your Ladyship.”

“You did not hesitate when we first met.”

Taehyung can’t help but blink again, and Runah disappears in that brief flicker of darkness. But Taehyung feels her presence behind him, a familiar, numbing dread sinking into his chest.

He remembers this from the first time. Hot and cold. Everything all at once.

Five years ago, when he stood in the presence of the Mother — he remembers this very feeling as the Crone laid her hands on him. Bony hands crawling over his eyes — the stench of decay and flowers.

The forever darkness after.

“I never had the opportunity to see your face during our first encounter, Your Ladyship. Forgive my surprise.”

“The silver-tongued prince through and through,” she says. She steps closer, a hand — fingers long and bone-white lifts his chin. “You have grown since our last meeting. The gift weighs heavy on you. Is that why you have come?”

Is it? Was it?

Do not give up what you have, his grandmother advised. But what was it she was referring to? To the power he holds as Blood of the Oracle or to the love he shares with the Naissian King? Or both?


“No?” the Crone repeats. “Then what is it that you want?

But do not waste this opportunity to ask for guidance.

“Answers. How do I stop Park Hae-jin?”

“You were granted a gift of premonition. Have you not seen it?”

“Premonition is not enough. The future can change.”

“You wish for a Goddess’ Prophecy?”

His mind races. Will that be enough? Will it be enough to guide him through this path?


“What will you give for it?”

You lie in the shadows with all of these premonitions. You spoke so confidently of consequences, yet neither you nor your ancestors truly understand. You are a coward.

“I will bear your mark.”

The Crone laughs. “You will reveal your gift to the world? Bear the scorn of being ‘cursed’ and touched by the Goddess of Death? I will not make the mark so easy to hide.”

“I willingly accept it.”

“But it is not enough.”

Taehyung grits his teeth. “What do you mean?”

“Kim Taehyung, I took your sight in exchange for the gift you have. Wearing my mark is but a trifle. What will you pay for the God’s Prophecy? For me to change your fate? For me to change the fate of this world?”

You are not like Park Hae-jin. You understand and remorse at the price that comes with power.

Taehyung opens his mouth, an offering sitting on the edge of his tongue. There will be no way back from this. He will face his family's sorrow and anger and his people's fear and scorn. Perhaps even the hatred. But Runah had said: he would not return unscathed.

He will do what he must.

“The promise you made with my ancestors, the deal you struck with the Mother to allow a gift of divinity. I will release you from it.”

The Crone did not appear surprised. “Are you certain of this? You will cut your bloodlines’ ties to the gods. That of which the Maiden sacrificed her life for.”

“It must be done.”

“Long have I awaited for this day,” the Crone says. “I accept this offer.”

Then she pulls him to her. An embrace so gentle, he wonders if she will be this kind when it is his time.

But then pain blooms across his left shoulder. It spreads like fire and ice. The pain is unlike anything he has ever felt. It forces tears to his eyes as it spreads down his collarbone, sternum, and then up his neck. It steals his breath so he cannot even scream.

“The price is paid. A gift unto you: a prophecy foretold, once said, cannot be undone.”

With rites completed, he ventures to plea,
A prophecy whispered, his destiny decree.
An empire of power, once staunch and secure,
Shall crumble and fall, pride's blind allure.

Arranged union, a marriage ordained,
Emperor's sister, ambition unchained.
She rises in darkness, her brother she'll dethrone,
Blood shall be spilt, for the lion’s gold throne.

In Iaryen's domain, a war's fiery strife,
Shall find its resolve, as Death calls from the afterlife.
Loved ones shall suffer, on both sides they'll mourn
Blood shall be shed, two worlds torn.

A life shall be taken, a sacrifice grand,
In prophecy's dance, destiny's hand.
Blood of the Oracle, bear your bestowed role,
Even for the powerful, there are consequences to behold.

Then, the world descends around him, and all the light fades.

“Kim Taehyung of the House of Chrysantheme, First Prince of Attalia. The last Blood of the Oracle, as promised to the Maiden and her descendants. It is done.”


Author's Note:
1. Kicksomeacid, thank you for beta-reading. With you, this chapter is readable.
2. The mark of the Goddess of Death is highly inspired by Taehyung's neck tattoos from ON.
3. This is the only chapter we get from Tae's perspective, and I hope it gives more insight into his feelings. He's a complex character, and I feel like it's important to explore that.
4. Come talk to me on Twitter or ask me questions on Curious Cat.

Chapter 26: rasque


Master Playlist

r a s q u e

1. A moment you instantly wish you could take back, feeling a pulse of dread after crossing the point of no return – a blurted confession, a hurled insult, a final decision you’d been waffling over for months
2. Wanting to take one step backward in time, reverting to the way things used to be in the halcyon days of just a minute ago


(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

chapter twenty-six
r a s q u e

Septem 21, 1016 M.E.


He jumped at the sound of Namjoon’s voice.

Jeongguk turned to see the Lord Chancellor sitting across from him, the table of the war room between them. Jeongguk shifted, with Namjoon’s words, he felt how stiff his body was. He had rested his arms on the table, fingers laced together, hunched over.

“You haven’t moved since we took off,” Namjoon said softly.

Jeongguk shuffled in the chair again, rubbing the aches out of his neck.

The clock on the table noted that it had been almost an hour since they left the airfield. Nearly an hour since Hoseok met them, standing at the base of the airship with his hands folded behind his back and an unreadable expression on his face.

He had greeted them both curtly before ushering them into the dreadnought. Only then, did Hoseok feel safe enough, with the King and Lord Chancellor on board and the airship off in the air. He launched into an array of questions.

Jeongguk could barely answer any of them. Namjoon was able to follow through, calmly asking for a private connection to Sol Palace, to speak to Seokjin and Yoongi as well.

They had convened in the war room, and Namjoon had provided information they had learned from Su-Hwa and Taehyung’s plan.

Only then did everything sink in.

He had called for war. He had agreed to assist Yoo Su-Hwa perform a coup. He had lost Taehyung.

Hoseok left after Namjoon had given a summary. He had to begin the withdrawal of their troops from Attalia – and call upon the commanders of their military to provide a briefing as soon as he landed in Aurea.

And Jeongguk could do nothing – but sit – and wait.

He had called for war.

He... had lost Taehyung.

And soon, despite all the reeling, all the sudden shock through his system, he came to know that despite all the emotions running through him, there was one that was noticeably absent.


“Do you want to talk about it?” Namjoon asked.

Jeongguk ran a hand through his hair, “What is there to talk about, Hyung.”

His voice sounded so monotonous to his ears.


“We already know what needs to be done.”

“Perhaps,” Namjoon started, “But – a lot is happening. How do you feel about it?”

He turned to Namjoon.

“I’m scared.”

Namjoon’s smile was soft and gentle as he leaned across the table.

“That’s normal. Expected even. You’ve made a monumental decision.”

Jeongguk scoffed. “No, I’m not… I’m not scared about declaring war. Hyung, the potential for war has been on my mind long before. My mother brought me into the War Council Room when I was fifteen. War has been an inevitable part of my reign.

He stood, stepping over to the window. Attalia was behind them.

And there was nothing but ocean beneath the Sky Fortress.

“I’m not scared about declaring war,” he repeated softly.

Namjoon joined him by the window, hands in his pockets. His gaze never left the young King’s. The Lord Chancellor has always been an attentive listener.

“I’m scared because I don’t feel regret.”

“What do you feel?”

“Rage,” Jeongguk said, “at Park Hae-jin for so openly admitting that he tried to kill me. Hurt… and worry and… betrayal… at Taehyung for not – not telling me. I know why – but –”

Jeongguk sighed, “I have already forgiven him.”

Namjoon leaned against the glass.

“In the end… I’m just impatient,” Jeongguk said. “Impatient to get on with it. Impatient for this to end.”

“You know how this will end,” Namjoon said, “if it all goes as planned. Park Hae-jin will not go quietly.”

“I know the risks,” Jeongguk said, “I chose to play this game of chess.”

Statement from His Majesty the King of Naissus
Published Septem 22, 1016 M.E.

With profound regret and deep concern, I address the alarming escalation of tensions between the Kingdom of Naissus and the Empire of Orivala. The Kingdom of Naissus, a steadfast beacon of stability and peace in the Territories of Dusce, has been thrust into a precarious situation due to the reprehensible actions of the Orivalian Empire. However, as your king, it is my solemn duty to protect the welfare and safety of our people, and it is in this spirit that I must share distressing news that has compelled us to take a momentous step.

On Septem 21, 1016 M.E., during a parley between the Kingdom of Attalia, the Kingdom of Naissus, and the Empire of Orivala, it was revealed that the Empire had a hand in the attempted and failed regicide against me. Such actions present a grievous violation of international norms and an affront to the principles of diplomacy and peaceful coexistence.

War, as a means of resolving conflicts, has always been the last resort, a path that should only be pursued when all diplomatic avenues have been exhausted. However, there comes a time when we must confront the undeniable truth that diplomacy alone cannot protect our sovereignty, our people, and our future.

With a heavy heart and after extensive deliberation, I, as your king, must announce that the Kingdom of Naissus has declared war upon the Empire of Orivala. This decision was not made lightly, but it is necessary to safeguard our nation from further threats and ensure that justice is served for the attempt on my person and the preservation of our way of life.

As your king, I ask for your unwavering support and unity during these challenging days ahead. Together, we shall face this threat head-on, and together, we shall ensure that justice prevails. Our kingdom's strength lies in its people, and together, we shall emerge from this trial stronger than ever.

May the light of justice guide our path, and may the blessings of the Six watch over and protect us all.

His Majesty King Jeon Jeongguk of House Cepheus
Sol Palace

Statement from His Imperial Majesty the Emperor of Orivala
Published Septem 22, 1016 M.E.

To all esteemed citizens, noble houses, and loyal subjects of the Orivalian Empire,

It is with immense pleasure that I announce the engagement between myself and His Royal Highness, the First Prince Kim Taehyung of House Chrysantheme. This union is a testament to the enduring spirit of love and unity that has defined our Empire for generations. His Royal Highness and I have found companionship in each other and a shared vision for the future of Orivalia, one marked by prosperity, harmony, and unity.

As we embark on this journey together, let our love symbolize hope, unity, and a bright future for the Orivalian people. The legacy of House Cerebyrn and House Chrysantheme shall be forever intertwined in the annals of history, a beacon of unity and harmony for generations to come.

We eagerly anticipate the joyous celebrations that will accompany this momentous occasion, and we invite all our subjects to join us in celebrating this union that binds our Empire even closer.

Under the light of the sun and by the grace of the moon, long live the Orivalian Empire.

His Imperial Majesty, Emperor Park Hae-jin of House Cerebyrn
The Citadel

Le Flâner
Wander Into Gossip

Scandalous Revelations: Heartbreak for His Royal Highness

Marsylle, Septem 22, 1016 M.E. - Brace yourselves, dear readers, for the juiciest tale of heartbreak the kingdom has ever seen. Our beloved First Prince, Kim Taehyung of House Chrysantheme, has been through the proverbial wringer of love, but the tides of fate turned in a way no one could have predicted. Le Flâner brings you the inside scoop!

End of a Royal Love Story: Farewell, King of Naissus!
Just early this spring, HRH Prince Kim Taehyung of House Chrysantheme and His Majesty, King Jeon Jeongguk of House Cepheus announced their formal courtship. Their love story was enchanting, transforming what some whispered to be a mere political alliance into a captivating romance. But as they say, even the prettiest flowers bear the sharpest thorns.

It was announced by the Chateau de Marsylle earlier today that the engagement has officially dissolved. Though there are speculations regarding the reasons behind the heart-wrenching split, insiders say that their love story was sacrificed for something far grander.

A Royal Alliance: First Prince and the Emperor of Orivala
In a turn of events with the kingdom gasping in disbelief, HRH the First Prince has found a new love, purpose, and engagement! And who is the lucky suitor? It is none other than the infamous Emperor of Orivala, His Imperial Majesty, Park Hae-jin of Orivala. Yes, you read that right, dear readers!

The engagement announcement was shrouded in whispers of political maneuvering as Attalia faces the ominous shadow of war in the recent attack on the holy city of Ravenna. This alliance between Attalia and Orivala is hailed as a move to save our kingdom from the brink of conflict.

But here’s the real question on everyone’s lips: Is this truly a matter of politics, or is it a tangled web of romance gone awry?

War of Hearts: Naissus vs Orivala
Speaking of conflict, the once diplomatic relationship between Naissus and Orivala has soured into an open declaration of warfare. Though openly, Naissus declares war due to Empire’s involvement in an attempted regicide, our gossip-hungry hearts can’t help but wonder if this was born out of romance, jealousy between the King of Naissus and the Emperor of Orivala for the hand of our enigmatic First Prince.

It’s a tale of love, betrayal, politics, and warfare that leaves the realm hanging on every word and craving the next chapter. HRH Prince Kim Taehyung has shifted the public's opinion as swiftly as the sands of time. With his abdication, sudden disappearance just after his 21st birthday, and reappearance three years later with the title “Blood of the Oracle,” Attalia can only watch, and the world waits for what destiny holds for our mystifying prince.

Septem 26, 1016 M.E.

Yoongi hesitantly entered Jeongguk’s room with his tablet in hand.

Jeongguk glanced up from his papers the moment he heard the guard knocking on his door. The sense of dread and impatience had become second nature. He constantly waited for any news.

It had only been three days since the summit.

He hadn’t heard from Taehyung or Jimin… but Jennie had warned him that communication would be sparse for the first little while, until she could ensure a secure line of communication.

“What is it?”

Yoongi placed the tablet down.

Jeongguk’s gaze zeroed in on blown up picture in the middle of the screen. Taehyung… and Park Hae-jin. The emperor had lifted Taehyung’s hand to kiss it. Taehyung’s eyes were closed, but Jeongguk could see the flat press of his lips.

To anyone else, it might have looked coy, like an attempt at hiding a shy smile. But Jeongguk knew better. Taehyung was trying not to let his displeasure show.

Jeongguk forced himself to take a full breath.

“There is an announcement from Attalia regarding Taehyung’s departure to Lunefleur—an official statement regarding his pilgrimage to the Sanctuary of Elysium,” Yoongi said.

The news article was all in Attalian.

Jeongguk had to swipe to translate it into the common language. Attached to it was an official note of the engagement between Taehyung and Park Hae-jin.

“Repairs are being done to Ravenna – and the Empire has also sent gifts to the royal family to be distributed to the people in commemoration of what he calls an alliance,” Yoongi continued, “There are no official statements regarding the ‘alliance’ from Attalia’s side. But it is to be expected with the king being out of commission.

“Taehyung is still in Lunefleur?”

Yoongi nodded. “We haven’t heard from the Crown Princess yet either.”

They both turned at the sound of another knock, and the announcement of Seokjin’s arrival.

He held up an envelope, embossed with an intricate golden flower.

The seal of House Chrysantheme.

Jeongguk stood, hand outstretched and heart leaping to his throat. He broke the seal and quickly flipped open the letter. It was short, just a couple of lines.

“Jennie is requesting we grant entry for Park Ji-Hyun of House Turnesol for a private audience with me,” Jeongguk summarized breathlessly. “In three days time. She also requests discretion for Park Ji-Hyun’s visitation.”

Seokjin crossed his arms, leaning against the back of Jeongguk’s desk. “Park Ji-Hyun is a Crownsguard?”

“Jimin’s youngest sibling,” Yoongi supplied, “and Crownsguard of the Second Prince of Attalia. He might be the only one able to discreetly get out of the country.”

“What are your orders, Jeongguk?”

Jeongguk swiftly folded the letter and placed it back into the envelope. He reached into the drawer by his desk and pulled out a lighter.

The flame flickered to life under his thumb and he slowly placed the envelope above it.

“Prepare for Park Ji-Hyun’s arrival,” he commanded. “Ensure it remains discrete.”

Corriere della Sera
Your Evening Source of the Latest News

Emperor Park Hae-jin Returns to Orivala: A Glimpse into the Future of the Empire

Rossarya, Septem 25, 1016 M.E. – In a resolute demonstration of diplomatic finesse and international engagement, His Imperial Majesty, Emperor Park Hae-jin, has returned to the heart of the Empire, making the culmination of a pivotal first to Attalia. His journey, replete with hopes for peace and unity, bore witness to an array of consequential events that promise to shape the realm’s future.

His Imperial Majesty, Emperor Park Hae-jin’s recent excursion to Attalia was driven by a profound commitment to diplomatic endeavours to resolve protracted disputes. The voyage across the Offing Sea was marked by an area of anticipation and expectation as the Emperor assumed the mantle of peacemaker.

The central objective of this diplomatic expedition was to initiate parley discussion with the Kingdom of Naissus, a realm on the other side of the sea that had remained neutral until recent aggressions. Regrettably, despite sincere and conscientious efforts from all parties, the envisioned peace treaty remained elusive, Naissus declared war against the Empire of Orivala in an unforeseen turn.

The motivations underpinning this declaration of war remain shrouded in intrigue. Observers and political analysts alike have been left to speculate whether the conflict is rooted in fundamental political differences or bears a deeper, perhaps personal, dimension related to leadership dynamics.

The Citadel has officially communicated that His Imperial Majesty’s sojourn in Rossarya will be succinct. He intends to embark on a return voyage to Attalia expeditiously. The purpose behind this swift transition is profound – he will accompany his betrothed, the esteemed First Prince of Attalia, Kim Taehyung, from the enchanting city of Lunefleur to the venerable capital of Rossarya.

As the realm contemplates the prospects and challenges that lie ahead, it remains to be seen whether this newly forged alliance will serve as a harbinger of hope during this period of turbulence. Only the annals of time can truly elucidate the ramifications and resonances of these recent developments.

Orivala’s Premier Tabloid on the Glamorous and the Gossip

Ceres, Septem 27, 1016 M.E. – Hold on to your brooches and hats, dear readers, for Meraviglia has unearthed the most jaw-dropping revelation of the century! The streets of the picturesque town of Ceres have witnessed the unexpected ‘friendship’ of none other than HRH the Second Prince of Attalia, Kim Mingyu, and Orivala’s very own Lion Cub, HRH Princess Yu Su-Hwa. Who knew these two had gotten so close in the last few months and what could that possibility mean for the realm?

It was a sight that no one saw coming – HRH, the Second Prince of Attalia, and the demure Lion Cub were caught strolling through the charming streets of Ceres together. Their rendezvous took place just after the dramatic parley in Marsylle, where the world is still reeling from the unexpected alliance between Attalia and Orivala following the engagement of HRH the First Prince to His Imperial Majesty. Little did we know, another union may have been brewing under our very noses!

The truly baffling aspect of this spectacle lies in the secrecy surrounding the friendship. No one even knew they shared such a close bond as both were spotted entering the boutique hotel, Les Saules, together. Could this merely be a friendship that has been hidden away from the prying eyes of the realm? We all know that the Lion Cub of Rossarya is a recluse, but this unexpected revelation could hint at yet another courtship within the Attalian and Orivalian royal circles.

As the empire buzzes with speculations, one thing is for sure, the sightings of HRH Prince Kim Mingyu and HRH Princess Yu Su-Hwa together have sparked a much-needed buzz of happiness for both kingdoms as the loom of war and broken alliances sits on the horizon.

Octo 5th 1016 M.E.

“There are no pictures,” Jeongguk said.

Namjoon peaked over the side of Jeongguk’s shoulder, watching as the young king scrolled through the translated newspapers.

“I found it rather interesting as well,” Namjoon commented. “Park Hae-jin seemed to enjoy the media publishing articles with images of him and Taehyung together. The fact that they had departed for Rossarya without much fanfare is strange.”

“And he also hasn’t been seen since arriving in Orivala,” Yoongi commented, from his place on the sofa. “Just the rumours that he’s been staying in Venilano.”

“Where is Venilano?”

“Deep in the Orivalian Empire,” Namjoon answered, “away from the main borders of the annexed kingdoms.”

He pulled out his phone, typing something in with swift thumbs before showing the screen to Jeongguk. Namjoon had put Venilano into a search engine.

Images of a picturesque lake-side village appeared on the screen, with perfect cobblestone paths and vibrant bougainvillea trees climbing and arching over white stone buildings. It was undeniably beautiful… vivid in colours and intricate architecture. But… the walls surrounding the village were unusually high for what looked to be a picturesque little village.

“It was once the ancient capital of Orivala before they grew and overtook areas,” Namjoon said. “Venilano is a fortress. House Cerebyrn’s palace, Casa Tra Le Vigne, has a history of being untouchable.”

Jeongguk’s jaw ached with the force of his tension. “So, it is nothing more than a gilded cage.”

Namjoon nodded grimly.

There was a knock on the door, and Yeonjun stepped in. “Your Majesty, My Lords, the Commander General is here with a guest.”

Jeongguk stood, putting the tablet down. “Allow them in, Yeonjun, and please ensure one one enters.”

Ji-Hyun was dressed in all black with a cap and mask obscuring the majority of his face. It was only when they were inside and Yeonjun shut the door behind him that the young Crownsguard removed the mask.

His features resembled his older brother’s.

Soft cheeks and wide eyes.

“Your Majesty, My Lords,” he greeted, “is this a safe place to speak?”

“Yes,” Namjoon answered. “The King’s study is soundproof and secured. Speak freely here, Park Ji-Hyun-ssi.”

He nodded, “Then allow me to share the news before you ask questions, I’m sure you’ll have many.”

They stayed silent, as Ji-Hyun told them of Taehyung’s visions. Taehyung had several visions of a wedding in Ravenna between himself and Park Hae-jin. It seemed inevitable, regardless of what decisions he made. So he took it as an opportunity to plan to have the Princess of Orivala remove her brother from power.

It seemed accurate to everything they had pieced together.

But during the treatise, Taehyung had seen an air strike on Aurea.

“So Park Hae-jin agreed to the ceasefire just until their union was sealed,” Namjoon asked to clarify.

“Taehyung convinced him to go to Ravenna for the Feast of the Mourning Star,” Ji-hyun said. “It would allow for some time to plan for forces to move on the capital.”

“Does Yoo Su-Hwa know?”

Ji-Hyun nodded. “Jennie-noona has been organizing discrete communication to the Second Prince and the Orivalian Princess. They both are informed, which is why I have been sent on this mission.”

“Where is the Princess now?”

“She’s no longer in Ceres. Mingyu had arranged a flight through a commercial airship for their departure out to Vestonio.”


“Her movements will be less traceable,” Hoseok murmured, “she could cross the borders via Ipswich or Ashua before making her way to Iaryen. She’s gotten into Naissus twice undetected. She must have a false ID.”

“She will return to Ceres before the engagement party,” Jihyun explained, “to keep up pretenses that she has been with Mingyu this entire time. They’ll attend the engagement party together. Hopefully, we could use it as a way to gather some more information. If not, at least ascertain Taehyung-hyung’s safety.”

“You haven’t heard from them?”

Ji-Hyun shook his head. “As Jimin-hyung predicted, they took his phone. We learnt that both of them received new devices, but neither of them have reached out with them yet.”

“Of course, it wouldn’t be possible with Lunefleur’s reception,” Yoongi muttered. “But, they may not want to risk it, the device would be monitored. It may be better to just avoid the temptation.”

Ji-hyun nodded in agreement. “But we would like to remain in communication with you.”

He reached into one of his many pockets, pulling out a black device. A simple smartphone.

“It’s connected to the Crown Princess. If there is any news, we will be sure to inform you via this phone rather than any of our personal devices. Refrain from using any of our real names, instead, we’ll have codenames for all parties involved.”

Ji-hyun pulled another piece of paper from the inside of his pocket.

On it, in a neat print, are codenames and names for everyone involved.

Dahlia - YOO SUHWA
Destroy after reading.

Jeongguk neatly folded the paper, throwing it into the metal bowl on his desk, where the ashes of the letter from Jennie remained.

“Thank you for the news, Ji-Hyun.”

“Will you stay?” Seokjin asked.

Ji-Hyun shook his head, “I will be off tonight.”

Corriere della Sera
Your Evening Source of the Latest News

Attempted Attack on Cuccana Thwarted – Emperor Acknowledges Inside Source

Cuccana, Octo 8, 1016 M.E. – In a harrowing incident that unfolded earlier this evening, Cuccana’s skies bore witness to a formidable threat as foreign airships breached Orivalian airspace above the city. However, what could have been a dire catastrophe was promptly averted due to the rapid response of the Empire’s military forces.

Reports indicate that multiple unidentified airships, suspected to belong to Lugdunum, were detected approaching Cuccana shortly after nightfall. Tension escalated as the vessels drew near to the city, sparking fears of an impending attack.

However, it appears the Orivalian military was prepared as concealed ground troops engaged the intruding airships, launching a decisive counterattack. Missiles were deployed with pinpoint precision, eliminating the imminent threat before it could draw closer to Cuccana. Eyewitnesses in the area reported the airships were engulfed in a fiery spectacle, plummeting from the skies.

In the aftermath of the thwarted attack, His Imperial Majesty, Emperor Park Hae-jin made a formal statement addressing the nation. His Imperial Majesty characterized the incident as a premeditated air strike by Lugdunum intent on destroying the old bridge of Cuccana. The swift and effective response from the Empire’s military forces averted a potentially devastating situation.

Notably, Emperor Park Hae-jin hinted at an ‘inside source’ that had provided crucial information leading to countering the attack. While the Emperor acknowledged the invaluable role played by this undisclosed informant, no further details regarding the identity or nature of this inside source were revealed during the statement. The Emperor's unwavering dedication to maintaining peace and security in the realm serves as a beacon of hope during these uncertain times.

Confidential Report
To: HG Archduke Choi Mal-Chin
From: Office of SIS of Lugdunum
Subject: [REDACTED]
Date: Octo 10, 1016 M.E.

Your Grace,

Recent events merit your attention. On October 12, 1016 M.E., our operation targeting Cuccana, Orivala, encountered unexpected and vigorous resistance. Orivala's military displayed uncanny awareness of our plans.

Emperor Park Hae-jin publicly attributed this awareness to an 'inside source.' Notably, knowledge of our operation was confined to a select group within your circle, and our security remains uncompromised.

We suspect the Emperor's recent acquisition of the First Prince of Attalia, Kim Taehyung, may explain Orivala's preparedness. Persistent rumours suggest Kim Taehyung possesses supernatural abilities that could have influenced Orivala's intelligence.


Investigate Kim Taehyung's abilities and involvement discreetly.
Evaluate the impact on future military operations.
Maintain utmost vigilance and secrecy.

The situation remains complex, and further investigation is imperative to determine the extent of Kim Taehyung's involvement and abilities.

Yours faithfully,
Head of the Secret Intelligence Service

Statement from His Majesty the King of Attalia
Published Octo 12, 1016 M.E.

It is with a heavy heart that I address you today in Avinhon where I have been in convalescence. In recent weeks, I have faced many trials and tribulations, including injuries that have tested the limits of my strength and endurance. While I am confident that I will recover from these afflictions, I must face a harsh reality: I am no longer capable of fulfilling my duties as your sovereign with the vigour and dedication this great kingdom deserves.

As a result, after much contemplation and consultation with trusted advisors, I have made the difficult decision to abdicate the throne of Attalia. With unwavering faith in the future of our nation, I am pleased to announce that I will be passing the mantle to my beloved daughter, the Crown Princess Kim Jennie of House Chrysantheme. Though she may be young, she has been preparing for this responsibility for many years now and I am confident that she will rule with the same kindness and generosity that has defined our reign.

I give my wholehearted blessing to my daughter, Crown Princess Kim Jennie as she takes on the role of sovereign and the mantle of Queen of Attalia. I am confident she will lead Attalia with wisdom, compassion, and deep love for our people.

May the Mother, Maiden, and Crone watch over and guide her in all her endeavours.

Long live the Queen.

His Majesty the King of Attalia Kim Daeshim of House Chrysantheme
Manoir de la Rose

Orivala’s Premier Tabloid on the Glamorous and the Gossip

The Curious Case of the Hiding Prince: Who and Where is the First Prince of Attalia?

Venilano, Octo 15, 1016 M.E. – His Royal Highness First Prince of Attalia, Kim Taehyung of House Chrysantheme, has been conspicuously absent from the capital city of Rossarya. Instead, there are eyewitness accounts of more recent activity near the Emperor’s private villa, Casa Tra Le Vigne, and it is said to be where HRH has sought refuge, since his arrival to Orivala. What could possibly be happening behind the villa’s closed doors?

It’s a puzzling twist that has left many of the Empire’s aristocracy and citizens bewildered and intrigued. The First Prince is known for his charismatic presence and penchant for public appearances; however, the days of public photographs and social engagements are gone.

Speculation runs rife about the reasons behind the First Prince’s uncharacteristic absence. Is it our Emperor’s concern about the safety of his betrothed, seeking refuge from potential threats that might loom in the shadows? Or could there be another explanation – perhaps the First Prince has fallen ill again, leading to the question of how fit he would be to stand at our Emperor’s side as consort?

The paparazzi, once relentless in their pursuit of images of the First Prince, have now been left to ponder the whereabouts of their new favourite subject. Casa Tra Le Vigne remains a fortress of secrecy, a haven for the royal family of Orivala, but one thing remains clear – there’s more to this story than meets the eye. What is happening behind the villa's closed doors? Is it a matter of security, or is there an underlying health concern? Meraviglia will be watching closely, ready to uncover the secrets of the enigmatic Prince of Floating Isles.

Octo 13, 1016 M.E

Jeongguk couldn’t sleep – a usual consequence as of late. Yeonjun had been good company, late into these nights, eager to accompany his king on nightly jogs, or hours spent in the media room, as Hoseok demanded constant vigilance in the face of the war.

Tonight though, Jeongguk had chosen to remain in his chambers.

He took a scalding hot shower that did nothing to help with the ache in his bones and the coiling anxiety that still sat in his throat.

The engagement party was just a couple days away.

When he left the shower, he heard the quiet tinkling of glass in his sitting room, he peeked out to see Yoongi there, brandishing a bottle of brandy.

He glanced up when Jeongguk pattered barefoot into the room.

“Care for a nightcap?”

“Why not.”

Yoongi poured him a measure and handed it to him.

“Can't sleep?” Jeongguk asked.

Yoongi shook his head. “But this isn't new.”

“You always discouraged alcohol for coping.”

“I still do,” Yoongi muttered. “I’m not planning on drinking myself to sleep.”

Jeongguk tilted his head to the side, watching as his older brother sighed as he sat down on the sofa.

He took a sip of the brandy, swirling the liquid inside the crystal glass.

“It’s Jimin’s birthday.”

“Oh,” was all Jeongguk could say.

“I didn't really think about celebrating it, not in the midst of the chaos. But… having them in Orivala.”

Yoongi inhaled sharply, eyes closing, and his grip on the crystal tightened to the point where his knuckles turned white.

“I have been blessed, whether by the Mother or by the Six, I have been blessed to have left Attalia… to be found by Eommoni, to be at your side, and to find Jimin again. I have never asked anything of you, as my brother or as my King. But Jeongguk, promise me, we’ll bring them back safely.”

“I swear to you, Hyung,” Jeongugk whispered, “We’ll bring them home.”

[Chat: Min Yoongi and Park Jimin]
Octo 13 at 2:56 AM

Min Yoongi: Happy Birthday, Jimin.
[Message Not Delivered]

[Chat: Aurora and Shadow]
Octo 16 at 5:43 PM

Aurora: The Swan called and told me that Eclipse wanted me to make an official statement about his gift the day after the engagement party.

Shadow: Is he well?

Aurora: Swan hung up after making the request.
Aurora: It may not be safe to speak for long.

Shadow: Thank you for the information.

Aurora: Be prepared for how the news will be received.

Corriere della Sera
Your Evening Source of the Latest News

Return of the Lion Cub: HRH Princess Yoo Su-Hwa Attends Imperial Engagement

Rossarya, Octo 17, 1016 M.E. – After a notable absence that spanned most of the month, the esteemed Princess of Orivala, Yoo Su-Hwa of House Cerebyrn, has returned to the Empire, making a graceful reappearance just in time for the highly anticipated engagement party of her brother, Emperor Park Hae-jin, to the First Prince of Attalia, Kim Taehyung.

Her Royal Highness had been notably absent from the Empire following her attendance at the parley with her brother in the Kingdom of Attalia. Sources indicate that she spent the weeks after the parley in Attalia in the company of HRH, the Second Prince of Attalia, Kim Mingyu. This unexpected alliance between the Princess and the Second Prince had raised eyebrows, leaving many to wonder about the nature of their relationship. Her return to the Imperial capital, Rossarya, was marked by a noticeable lack of fanfare, consistent with the Princess's characteristic disregard for ostentation and public appearances.

The engagement party for her brother, Emperor Park Hae-jin, and the First Prince of Attalia, Kim Taehyung, is set to be a grand affair at the Palazzo della Luna in Rossarya. Known for its picturesque lakeside views and opulent ambiance, this venue promises a night of splendour and celebration as the Empire prepares to welcome its Emperor Consort.

Image: Princess Yoo Su-Hwa, the "Lion Cub," upon her return to Rossarya.
Image credits: Imperial Archive

Le Marsyllien
Your Window to Attalia and Beyond

Mysteries Unveiled: HRH Prince Kim Taehyung’s Startling Revelation at Engagement Party

Rossarya, Octo 18, 1016 M.E. – In the grandeur of the Palazzo della Luna, the world witnessed a spectacle like no other as HRH the First Prince of Attalia finally graced the public eye at the engagement party honouring his union with the Emperor Park Hae-jin of Orivala.

While the Emperor extended invitations to members of the Orivalian nobility, the gathering included luminaries such as the esteemed Queen of Aqueilla, the Lion Cub of Rossarya, and even the surprise presence of the HRH the Second Prince of Attalia.

However, what sent shockwaves through the crowd was the sight of the First Prince emerging from his vehicle, draped in the vibrant reds of House Cerebyrn. A choice of attire that defied expectations and left all in attendance buzzing.

But the most remarkable note was the revelation of the First Prince’s eyes. For three long years, His Royal Highness has chosen to keep his eyes closed in all images in media. But it was common knowledge that his eyes are brown. Yet, this night, the First Prince’s eyes shone an electrifying blue, a transformation as dazzling as it was baffling.

The peculiar black marks adorning his neck and throat were even more disconcerting, a development seemingly tied to his recent sojourn in Lunefleur. Speculation runs rampant – had these marks been bestowed upon the First Prince by the Crone during his pilgrimage to the Le Sanctuaire d’Élysée? Is it possible that the Goddess of Death blessed him?

One thing is clear: the First Prince of Attalia has added the moniker ‘Blood of the Oracle’ to his official title, suggesting that he has been, at the very least, blessed by the Mother Goddess and gifted with her extraordinary powers.

As these revelations continue to astound, one cannot help but ponder the implications for the Empire of Orivala and her sovereign, who stands in alliance with a consort possessing powers as mysterious as the Afterlife.

Image: Kim Taehyung, the First Prince of Attalia, adorned in House Cerebyrn's red attire.

Statement from Her Majesty the Queen of Attalia
Transcript of Speech Delivered on Octo 19, 1016 M.E.

[Image: Her Majesty Queen Kim Jennie addresses the public before the Chateau de Marsylle. She stands with her Crownsguard, Kim Jisoo, to her right.]

My dear and cherished subjects of Attalia,

Today, I stand before you as your new sovereign and your Queen, and I am profoundly grateful for the trust and faith you have placed in me during these trying and challenging times. In the face of adversity, I look to each and every one of you for your unwavering support and solidarity.

As we embark on this new chapter together, I am compelled to address a matter of great significance. Throughout the years, our kingdom has been steeped in rumours and speculations, particularly surrounding the Royal House of Chrysantheme and its ties to divinity. These claims have lingered in the shadows of my family, obscured by layers of mystery and secrecy. But today, as your sovereign and Queen, I am committed to unveiling the truth that has been hidden for far too long.

It is indeed true that House Chrysantheme is descended from the Maiden, and as such, her descendants have the unique privilege of partaking in a sacred ritual on their 21st birthday to receive a gift from the Mother, albeit with the price of such power bourne by the Crone. Few individuals in our long history have made the ultimate sacrifice to harness this power to protect our beloved kingdom. It is with immense pride and honour that I reveal to you today that my beloved brother, the First Prince, also made this profound sacrifice four years ago. The gift of the Mother Goddess blessed him, and in return, he bore the consequences of losing his vision.

As we usher in the new era where secrets can no longer be concealed and the safety of our nation is questioned daily, my brother undertook yet another significant rite. He communed with the Goddess of Death and released her from her pact with the House of Chrysantheme. This means that no house member can undertake the rite and receive such blessings in the future.

I implore you all to acknowledge and honour the sacrifices made by my brother on behalf of our kingdom. May you extend to him the same love and respect that he rightly deserves.

Blessed be the Blood of the Oracle. May the goddesses continue to watch over us.

Confidential Report
To: HG Archduke Choi Mal-Chin
From: Office of SIS of Lugdunum
Subject: [REDACTED]
Date: Octo 19, 1016 M.E.

Your Grace,

Recent reports suggest that Kim Taehyung, First Prince of Attalia, may possess divine powers, changing the war’s dynamics. Though it is not certain, we suspect his gift is some form of premonition based on present evidence. He is a potential threat that requires immediate measures for neutralization. Urgent action is advised.

Yours faithfully,
Head of the Secret Intelligence Service

Confidential Order

To: Head of the SIS
From: Private Secretary to the Sovereign
Subject: Urgent Message to HM King of Naissus
Date: Octo 20, 1016 M.E.

Deliver a sealed message to the King of Naissus regarding the Cuccana incident and our suspicions of the First Prince. Maintain utmost secrecy. Await confirmation.

Octo 20, 1016 M.E.

They had pulled down the projector in the Privy Council room for this.

Jeongguk had to force himself to keep his expression even – but every time he glanced up at the photo, his stomach twisted.

Doesn’t help that the projector was right in front of him.

The image of Taehyung burns. The hollowness of his cheeks. The dark circles under his eyes.

He has been unwell. Even more so than he was during the summit.

He had make up on, skin smooth, but even that wasn't enough to hide the hollows nor how sunken his eyes were. Beautiful, in an eerie way- like the undead

Especially with how his eyes glowed.

Taehyung wore a blood-red double-buttoned suit with no shirt underneath the blazer. Jeongguk could see the curves of Taehyung’s neck and collarbone and the glint of the gold chain hanging on his neck. A pendant of a lion with red eyes resting just above his sternum.

It made bile rise to his throat the first time he saw the image.

But what was most alarming to see was the lines of black that curled out from underneath the red. Tendril like branches, jagged and rough, carving up the left side of his neck, caressing the underside of his jaw.

“Your Majesty,” Kim Ah-Young started, her face grim as she stepped down from her seat to take the floor. “Certainly, you heard the statement from Her Majesty the Queen of Attalia yesterday morning?”

“I have.”

“And you also received a report from the Secret Service of Lugdunum regarding their failed strike on the Empire and the involvement of His Royal Highness the First Prince.”

“... I have.”

“Speculations were abundant before, but it seems now there is only confirmation and proof of His Royal Highness, the First Prince’s supernatural abilities. Were you or anyone in your King’s Circle aware of this fact?”

Jeongguk gripped the edge of his chair. He felt like a criminal under interrogation.By his own Privy Council.

He exhaled. “Yes. I was aware of this information.”

Nam Kwang-soo, Baron of Saritor, stood, “And you sought not to inform your Privy Council?”

Jeongguk snapped to the Baron. “I do not need to explain myself to you, Lord Saritor,” he hissed. “But if you wish to know, the First Prince suffered slander and scandal for ‘spending the night in my chambers’ the evening of the assassination attempt. In reality, he had a premonition of my death and came to my aid. If it weren’t for His Royal Highness, I would be dead.”

Nam Kwang-soo shook his head. He inhaled sharply like he was preparing for a rebuttal, until the familiar bang of wood against wood silenced him. Jeongguk turned to see Shin Balam slowly rising to her feet.

He had yet to hear from her since she made her position clear in his courting of Taehyung.

“May I remind you, Lord Saritor,” she began, “you are speaking to our King.”

The old Marchioness took her time to step down onto the floor, the loud tapping of her cane accentuating her words as she spoke.

“This Privy Council serves to advise His Majesty. We will all do well to remember that during this time.”

She stopped to stand beside her granddaughter-in-law. Jeongguk couldn’t help but feel suspicious. The Marchioness has years under her belt advising three kings. Her kindness would not come without a cost.

“It would have done us well to have such an… asset as His Royal Highness the First Prince at your side.”

Jeongguk’s eyes narrowed. “You expressed…a different opinion just weeks ago.”

“That was before we had such knowledge, Your Majesty,” she said. “No matter, Naissus does not have the First Prince nor an alliance with Attalia any longer. The Empire of Orivala does, and it is clear that he is a valuable asset to the Empire and a threat to us.”

“That is true,” Ah-young said. “The Lugdunum is our most valuable ally now that we have declared war upon the Orivalian Empire. If the Empire countered their attack because of the First Prince’s gift, it would only mean trouble for us.”

“Any attack that we mount could be met with the same foresight,” Shin Balam said. “As such, my advice is the same as the intelligence service of Lugdunum: we must neutralize the threat.”

Neutralize the threat.

“You mean kill him,” Jeongguk said bluntly.

Namjoon stood, quickly stepping down the stairs and entering the conversation. “Though I understand your concern, Lady Salacia, that is rather drastic of a conclusion. If we decide to attack the First Prince directly, it would turn Attalia against us, who remains neutral at this point.”

“For how long will they remain neutral,” Shin Balam asked, “when a member of the royal family is engaged and will be marrying the Emperor of Orivala in just a couple of weeks.”

She turned to Jeongguk, “I understand you agreed upon an armistice until the Royal Wedding. Now is the time to plan a strike. Since the First Prince left, the Floating Isles have been left defenceless. You could mount an airstrike to capture the Kingdom of Attalia for ourselves.”

“That I agree on, Lady Salacia,” Nam Kwang-soo added.

Judging from the smirk on his face, he was eager to be on the old Marchioness’ good side. “The Emperor of Orivala clearly prizes the First Prince. If something happens to the Kingdom of Attalia, we may hold the upper hand.”

“Involving the Kingdom of Attalia in such a manner would be considered a war crime,” Seokjin said. “It is not what Naissus stands for.”

“I agree,” Hoseok’s father stood. Jeongguk’s head spun, watching as his uncle joined the conversation.

“We cannot attack Attalia. The First Prince may be able to foresee such an attack on his kingdom. It is why he bears such powers, after all.”

Hoseok sunk further into his seat, lips pressed into a tight line.

His father had made a point against attacking Attalia – but not to argue the First Prince as a threat.

“Then we have no choice,” Shin Balam said, “the First Prince must be eliminated – ”

“Enough!” Jeongguk yelled.

The room fell into a deathly quiet. He stood.

“No harm is to come to the First Prince of Attalia. No harm is to come to the Kingdom of Attalia by Naissus’ hand. This war is between Naissus and the Empire of Orivala.”

His heart beat so loudly in his ears. He just wanted to leave.

“We will continue the agreement of armistice until after the wedding,” he said. “Then we will strike Rossarya.”

He raked a hand through his hair, arm dropping loudly to his side as he suddenly felt exhausted.

“I thank you for your council, my lords and ladies, and now ask you to leave.”

There were some mutterings from his Privy Council, disapproval. But Shin Balam did not seem surprised by his dismissal. She stood still as the rest of his Privy Council began leaving. She remained when all who were left were Jeongguk’s King’s Circle.

“Do you seek a private audience, Lady Salacia?” Jeongguk asked flatly.

“No,” she said, placing both hands atop the cane. “I do not need a private audience with you to say what I need to say, Your Majesty.”

Namjoon stepped down from his place on raised steps, adjusting the thick black frames on his nose. “I believe you made your point rather clear, Lady Salacia.”

“I see you and your King’s Circle agree that my advice is not the right path to take,” Shin Balam said. “Perhaps you all are in possession of information that you are not willing to share with your Privy Council.”

Jeongguk presses his lips together. The rage in his chest has not simmered, and he struggled not to roll his eyes immaturely.

“I don’t know what you’re implying, Lady Salacia,” Namjoon started calmly.

She glanced at the Lord Chancellor briefly, judging him before turning her gaze back onto Jeongguk.

“Whatever you are planning, Your Majesty, know this will define your reign. News of the First Prince’s gift will spread, and the people will suspect your prior knowledge of it.”

Jeongguk gritted his teeth.

“They will think that you are marching into battle for him, that this is a war of hearts.”

Jeongguk could hear Cha Seungwon’s voice, the echo of his mockery and his whispers colliding with Shim Balam’s accusations.

“You are the youngest king in Naissus history. You have made your mark on world history with your investments into technological advancements; do not let your legacy falter by letting your heart cloud your judgment.”

A boy who cannot differentiate between duty and personal indulgence.

Love is a weakness in this world.

How far would you go to have him?

He will not be like Nari and the Butterfly.

Jeongguk stood again. He had enough.

“So be it,” Jeongguk spat. “I will not be known as a king who lost what he loved because he wasn’t willing to fight.”

[Chat: Aurora and Shadow]
Octo 20 at 10:34 PM

Shadow: I received communication from Lugdunum they are concerned about Eclipse.
Shadow: They want him removed from the war. As does my Privy Council. I can only hold them off so long without telling them.

Aurora: I will inform Dahlia.

Shadow: Where is Dahlia now?

Aurora: Last I heard in Galatea. She will make her way to you soon

Shadow: Time is running out. Are you ready for this?

Aurora: I want him home, Whatever it takes.

Statement from His Grace the Archduke of Lugdunum
Transcript from the Speech Delivered on Octo 27 1016 M.E.

People of Lugdunum,

I stand before you today to share news of profound importance. It is with great consideration and commitment to our nation’s well-being that I announce the negotiation of an armistice with the Empire of Orivala. This ceasefire will remain in effect until the culmination of the wedding celebrations between the Emperor of Orivala and the First Prince of Attalia.

This impending union signifies a shift in the alliances that thus far defined the course of the war in Iaryen. Our objective has always been clear: the preservation of our way of life and the pursuit of a lasting peace that ensures our continued prosperity.

As we embark on this pivotal period, let us be steadfast in our resolve and our hope for a future where conflict is replaced by reconciliation. May the wisdom of our ancestors guide us as we navigate these unchartered Waters.

Choi Mal-chin
Archduke of Lugdunum

Statement from The Citadel of Rossarya
Published Octo 30 1016 M.E

His Imperial Majesty the Emperor of Orivala and his esteemed betrothed, His Royal Highness the First Prince of Attalia, will embark on a journey this afternoon to the holy city of Ravenna in Attalia.

Their visit to Ravenna holds special significance, as it signifies their commitment to honouring Attalia’s rich traditions. The Emperor and The First Prince will take part in the cherished ‘Feast of the Mourning Star,’ an ancient celebration that pays homage to the dearly departed and venerates the Goddess of Death.

As they immerse themselves in this sacred tradition, The Emperor and The First Prince will also use this time to deepen their connection, forging a bond that will carry them into the future as they prepare for their forthcoming marriage and the joyous celebrations scheduled for Novem 8th, 1016 M.E.

May this union bring prosperity, harmony, and everlasting peace to the Empire of Orivala and the Kingdom of Attalia.

Le Flâner
Wander Into Gossip

Royal Wedding: The Emperor of Orivala and the First Prince of Attalia Arrive in Marsylle

Marsylle, Octo 30 1016 M.E. - The city is abuzz with the arrival of none other than our newly betrothed First Prince of Attalia and his impressive betrothed the Emperor of Orivala.

Our shutterbugs were quick to catch a glimpse of the radiant couple as they graced our Sky City before departing for the sacred city of Ravenna. Their arrival in Marsylle was accompanied by much fanfare as they were greeted at the gates of the Chateau de Marsylle by the newly declared Queen of Attalia, Kim Jennie of House Chrysantheme by their side.

And what a photograph it was! Our First Prince was not dressed in the fiery reds of his fiancé’s house, but rather the traditional whites of House Chrysantheme. But what truly caught the eye were the conspicuous marks adorning his shoulder and neck, and his eyes, dear readers, were as vivid as sapphires. Our beloved Prince has decided to embrace the title of the Blood of the Oracle without reservation.

Unfortunately, our cameras were obstructed by the mystical forces that shroud Ravenna, preventing us from sharing more of their journey. But fear not, Le Flâner shall continue to keep a watchful eye.

The Feast of the Mourning Star, a time-honoured tradition, will find the illustrious couple at the newly restored Palais du Etiole. The setting is nothing short of regal, befitting the solemnity of this age-old celebration.

As whispers and speculations abound, we've been privy to tantalizing tidbits about the impending royal wedding on Novem 8th, 1016 M.E. An intimate and secretive affair, it seems, with only a select few dignitaries and nobles receiving coveted invitations. One name we can confirm is that of the esteemed King of Naissus, Jeon Jeongguk of House Cepheus and his mysterious adopted brother, the Earl of Libertas, Min Yoongi of House Eridanus.

Image: Emperor Park Hae-jin and First Prince Kim Taehyung exiting a vehicle together.

Orivalian News Network - ONN

LEE EUN-JOO: Well, folks, have you heard the latest? His Imperial Majesty is tying the knot with the First Prince of Attalia, Kim Taehyung. Can someone please tell me what’s so special about this blind prince with supposed mythical powers?

PARK MIN-WOO: You know, it’s beyond me. This guy vanishes for three whole years and returns blind. Now, the new Queen of Attalia claims it’s because of some mystical powers. I mean, seriously, what happened during those years?

LEE EUN-JOO: And hold on, let’s talk about that blindness. Doesn’t that ring a bell, Naissian Plague, anyone? That’s right, the disease with the first symptom is blindness. What’s to say he didn’t contract the plague and spent some years recovering from it? He has been spending most of his time after his return to society in Naissus. What’s to say he wasn’t already in Naissus before?

PARK MIN-WOO: Absolutely. He’s been photographed getting really cozy with the King of Naissus. That kind of thing doesn’t happen overnight. Those photographs are intimate – they were practically touching without actually touching.

LEE EUN-JOO: And now, the Kingdom of Naissus has declared war on Orivala, all based on some flimsy accusation that His Imperial Majesty was involved in an attempted regicide. They are furious that the First Prince of Attalia chose the Emperor over the King of Naissus.

PARK MIN-WOO: The King of Attalia is young, just in his early twenties. If he’s making such false and irrational claims to justify his actions then he’s not fit to rule.

LEE EUN-JOO: Exactly. But why is everyone so obsessed with the First Prince? If it’s truly divine intervention from the so-called ‘Goddesses of Attalia,’ is it a blessing or a curse from their Goddess of Death? Those marks on his neck and face are unsightly, and we’re expected to believe they’re holy marks? It seems like an attempt to pass off a serious condition as something sacred.

PARK MIN-WOO: But His Imperial Majesty has stated that the attack on Cuccana was countered with the help of an inside source. If it is the First Prince of Attalia, then his blessing and marriage to our Emperor is a sign from the Day-Slayer and the Silver One.

LEE EUN-JOO: To wrap it up, Park Min-Woo-ssi, I can say this with confidence: His Royal Highness, the First Prince of Attalia, makes for an interesting choice for Emperor Consort.

Octo 31, 1016 M.E

The Talaria had written an article on the scathing news report in Orivala.

Blindness from the plague.

Intimate photographs.

False accusations.

Not fit to rule.

Unsightly marks.

Emperor Consort.

The title has bile rising to the back of Jeongguk’s throat. His hands shook as he held the tablet. His blood began to boil.

He couldn’t stay still, he couldn’t stay in his study any longer.

Somehow he pushed out of the room, stumbled his way down the hall and out into the sparing field.

He somehow picked up a sword, the blade heavy and solid in his grasp. Then went at the practice dummy, slashing and hitting –

His hands burned and the dummy gave no challenge – nothing for him to strike at.

He yelled.

“Do you want a sparring partner, Hyungnim?”

Jeongguk spun around at the sound, swinging his sword with him. His tunnel vision on the mannequin cleared to see Yeonjun standing at the edge between the lawn and the gravel. He had forgotten that the young guard had become his constant shadow again.

Yes. This is what Jeongguk needed, an opponent.

His heart was thumping loudly in his chest, arms stinging from the sudden excursion, but still the raw energy inside him thrummed.

He nodded and Yeonjun mirrored the action, he stepped onto the gravel, walking over to the rack of practice weapons.

Jeongguk took a moment to weigh the sword in his hands.

He had picked up a ssangsudo, the long, thin, and curved blade vibrated in his hands.

He heard Yeonjun pull a weapon from the rack before he saw what it was.

He lifted his head to see the guard holding a rapier. The weapon, despite being blunted and the tip covered by rubber, was ornate, with an incredibly intricate knuckle guard that looked like vines surrounding the hilt and elaborate etchings along the blade.

The shape and style were not Naissian in making but Orivalian.

Jeongguk’s hands gripped the hilt of his sword almost painfully.

Yeonjun tested the speed and the weight of the blade before stepping in front of Jeongguk, just ten steps away.

“I am ready, Hyungnim,” he said softly. “What are the rules?”

Rules. Right. That’s important, he – he doesn’t want to hurt Yeonjun.

Even though the anger rises in him.

“Until someone yields or is held at knifepoint.”

Yeonjun nodded. He lowered into a ready stance, shifting his weight on the balls of his feet.

The tunnel vision returned, and all he could focus on was the rapier.

Park Hae-jin would use a rapier. Jeongguk saw it, when he was dressed in an elaborate red suit and cape at his coronation. He saw a rapier in a scabbard at his side.

“Ready when you are.”

A blade with a golden lion head on the pommel.

Jeongguk would strike the sword out of his hand.

He let his body react, lunging forward and twisting his blade in a sweeping arc, it was met with a clean parry.

Jeongguk knew his strengths. A sabre was meant for speed and finesse in swordplay. But Jeongguk had an uncanny level of strength that often threw his opponents off guard. Though the parry was quick, his opponent would be stunned by the strength of Jeongguk’s blow, and he would not slow down.

Jeongguk stepped back, twisting into another strike.

Park Hae-jin was a renowned tactician and military general. To him, swordsmanship would be nothing more than a battle on the smaller scale.

His opponent ducked under the blow and then rolled away from Jeongguk. Their footsteps were measured and evenly paced as they circled him.

Orivala had been on this crusade for years, so Park Hae-jin had the patience and the strength to draw a battle out. To weaken defences, draw them into a false sense of security before mounting a surprise attack.

But Jeongguk couldn’t be caught off guard if he struck first, and he did, launching himself at his opponent and forcing them backwards to parry in a series of blows.

His opponent flipped out of the next strike, landing on Jeongguk’s unprotected side.

He had to take a step back and right himself just in time to catch the blade with his and counter the impressive series of hits.

He could not underestimate Park Hae-jin.

He must not.

Park Hae-jin was as cunning and cruel as Cha Seung-won.

Park Hae-jin would strike where it hurt the most.


His King’s Circle.


Jeongguk had so much to lose.

He could not lose this.

Park Hae-jin could not be power any longer.

Park Hae-jin could not be allowed to live.

Jeongguk had to end it. He had to kill him.

Jeongguk twisted, using the curved edge of his sword to slide under his opponent, then swung. He heard the struggling grunt from his opponent as blade met blade again. He could feel it now. His opponent was slowing down. Breaths were coming quicker, louder.

Park Hae-jin might have been a master tactician and military general. But Jeongguk had youth on his side.

He’d end this. He’d stop Park Hae-jin. He’d kill Park Hae-jin.

Then Naissus would be safe.

His family would be safe.

Taehyung would be safe.

His opponent was down on one knee, faltering after the series of blows. This was his chance. Jeongguk raised the sword above his head.

He needed to end this, before it became a war. Park Hae-jin would not rest until Orivala or Naissus was destroyed, and Jeongguk would have lost either way.

Should this plan not work,

Park Hae-jin would be a threat for as long as he lived.

“I yield!”

That wasn’t Park Hae-jin’s voice.

The fog in his vision cleared.

His hands were shaking, sword held in front of him. Yeonjun was down on one knee. Rapier held up above his head, one hand on the hilt, the other with the flat of the blade pressing into his palm. He tried to hold off Jeongguk’s sword as it inched closer and closer to his face. The rapier bent under the force of Jeongguk’s sword.

Jeongguk dropped the sword.

Backing up as finally the adrenaline and — and blood lust — evaporated into the sheer horror. Yeonjun didn’t seem to mind. He stood shakily, wiping the sweat off his brow.

“The Commander General had told me you were incredibly skilled, Hyungmin. I thought you’d be a bit rusty from lack of practice, but clearly, that’s not the case.”

Jeongguk tried to smile, but all he managed was a tug on his lips.

His hands still shook.

He raked a hand through his hair and found his forehead damp with sweat.

Heat pooled at the back of his neck, and sweat dripped down the curve of his spine.


Jeongguk glanced up, heart dropping to see Hoseok standing on the edge of the sparring field.

Yeonjun dropped the rapier to the ground before rigidly saluting the sudden appearance of the Commander General.

Hoseok spared him a glance. “At ease, Yeonjun. You can take a break for the afternoon. I’ll stay with His Majesty.”

Yeonjun nodded before carefully picking up the rapier and stumbling off the field. It didn’t feel like they were sparing for long, but judging by the way Yeonjun rolled his shoulders, he would be sore tomorrow.

Even now, Jeongguk was panting. His arms and legs burned.

He turned his back on Hoseok when Yeonjun disappeared back into the palace, walking over to the weapons rack.

He heard Hoseok’s footsteps follow after him.

He didn’t speak yet, choosing to watch as Jeongguk put the blade back into a sheath and carefully place it on the hook.

He followed Jeongguk to the small locker rooms just off of the other outdoor gym.

Jeongguk busied himself by turning on the tap, washing his hands of the sweat and grime. He winced as the palm of his hands stung under the water. He had gripped the hilt so hard that blisters had formed, popped, and bled.

Hoseok had stepped off to the fridge, grabbing two water bottles before returning. He glanced over Jeongguk’s shoulder.

“I used to get those a lot too, remember?”

They both had the same swordsmanship tutor, a woman in her late 40’s, who looked too willowy to wield a sword as powerfully as she did.

She humoured them, both their unique styles and the ebbs and flows of their desire to learn as youth.

But she had one important rule: do not pick up a sword during heightened emotions.

Swordplay should not be used as an emotional release. The practice should be done with a calm mind, to prepare for when it is needed.

She made them meditate before each session.

“How much did you see?” Jeongguk asked, voice rough.

“I saw you marching down the hall with Yeonjun,” Hoseok answered. “You didn’t hear me when I called you.”

Jeongguk gingerly patted his hands dry, before throwing the towel into the hamper. Hoseok offered him the other water bottle, before cracking open his own. He took a swig, then another, and before he knew it, he had finished half the bottle.

Then, as the shaking in his hands subsided, the vile, disgusting feeling in his chest grew.

“I saw an article in the Talaria, about some media coverage on Taehyung and the blessing…” Jeongguk said.

Hoseok winced. “I heard bits and pieces about it from Yoongi-hyung before my meeting.”

“I read it before going to the sparring field,” Jeongguk said monotonously. “I couldn’t sit still in my study anymore, and the next thing I knew, I had a sword in my hand. I just wanted to hit something safely. Then Yeonjun offered to spar with me.”

Jeongguk sat on the bench in the middle of the room.

The locker rooms were often empty, the outdoor gym and sparring field were often used by guests, members of the Royal Family, or staff living in the palace. But after the show Jeongguk put on in the middle of the courtyard, he doubted anyone would still be there.

Still, he lowered his voice, eyes flickering towards the door, and around the room, anywhere but meeting Hoseok’s gaze.

“He chose an Orivalian rapier,” Jeongguk said. “And now, when I think about it, I’m not even sure why.”

“Because it’s what you wanted.”


“Yeonjun is… perceptive,” Hoseok said.

“What’s that supposed to mean?”

“He’s spent a lot of time in your company over the last couple of months,” Hoseok said. “He is always there when you come and go from a meeting, when you were here in Aurea or in Attalia… He has seen what the mention of the Empire or Park Hae-jin or Taehyung does to you and – ”

Hoseok paused.


Hoseok closed his eyes, lips pressing into a thin line.

“Hoseok-hyung,” Jeongguk started, “Did you ask Yeonjun to report to you on my reactions to the news?”

Hoseok winced again. “I… also asked him to offer to spar with you, using the Orivalian rapier.”

“Hyung –”

“I’m sorry, Jeongguk – ”


“Because I wanted to know what you’re thinking,” Hoseok said. “Jeongguk, you returned from Attalia having called for war on Orivala. This was before knowing Taehyung had a plan.”

“I trusted him,” Jeongguk said.

“I know, we all do. But – ”

“You think this is a mistake – like everyone else seems to think too – ”

“No, that’s not what I’m worried about – Jeongguk,” Hoseok said sharply. “I was there once – when my heart ruled my head and I acted before thinking.”

“What’s that supposed to mean?”

“Jeongguk - when you were sparring today, what was going through your mind?”

Jeongguk didn’t want to answer yet, taking another swig of water.

“I think you know the answer,” Jeongguk finally said.

“I want to hear it from you,” Hoseok whispered.

Jeongguk scratched at the back of his neck, before dropping his head into his hands. “I wanted to kill Park Hae-jin.”

Hoseok exhaled slowly.

“Do you disagree with me?”

“No,” Hoseok said, “I want you to be sure this is what you want. There is no going back, Jeongguk. Hundreds will die — thousands will die in a war.”

“I know, Hyung,” Jeongguk said, “I know what needs to be done. We cannot let this go further. If — if Taehyung’s plan does not work…. I cannot let Park Hae-jin walk out of Ravenna as Emperor still. If this doesn’t work, I will kill him, myself.”

Hoseok slowly nodded.

“Do you disapprove?”

Hoseok huffed. “I told you I’d support you, as my king and as my blood. Regardless of what your decision is, I may advise you otherwise, but I will not stop you.”

“Do you have any advice now?”

The Commander General settled on the bench next to Jeongguk. “My only advice is to remain calm on the battlefield, don’t let your emotions overtake you. The ssangsudo is an interesting choice… I’d recommend a shorter sword.”

Jeongguk scoffed. “Be serious, Hyung.”

“I am.” By the tone of his voice – soft but stern – Hoseok was serious. “Park Hae-jin will not go down without a fight. It may come down to a duel, and you must be ready to spill blood, Jeongguk.”


Jeongguk stood, heart pounding as both he and Hoseok stepped out of the locker rooms.

Outside, Yeonjun had returned, running into the courtyard with his uniform half undone.

“What is it?”

“Hyungnim, someone is here to see you. Called themselves ‘Dahlia.’”

“Where is she?”

“The Lord Chancellor heard of her appearance first, and granted her entry into the palace. She’s waiting in the Throne Room now.”

Jeongguk veered down the hall, sprinting faster than Hoseok and Yeonjun.

He didn’t even wait for the guards to announce him, barging into the Throne Room to see Su-Hwa standing in the middle of the room alone.

She had dark circles under her eyes. Black hair dyed an almost unrecognizable blonde.

She turned when he walked in.

“Your Majesty,” she whispered.

He waited, chest heaving.

“It’s time.”


The Talaria (Naissus - more straight forward facts)
Aurea Chronicles (Nsissus - more speculative news)
Le Flâner (Attalian - Tabloid Magazine, more gossip based “to wander aimlessly”)
Le Marsyllien (Attalian - daily newspaper detailing world news)
Meraviglia (Orivalian – tabloid magazine, gossip based “wonder”)
Corriere della Sera (The Evening Courier - daily evening news)

Casa Tra Le Vigne - House Amongs the Vineyards
Manoir de la Rose - Rose Manor
Palazzo della Luna - Palace of the Moon

Recurring Members of the Privy Council of Naissus
Kim Ah-Young
House: Ophiuchus (The Physician)
Position: Minister of Foreign Affairs, Cousin to the Duke of Concordia

Shin Balam
House: Pegasus
Title: Marchioness of Salacia
Position: Member of Jeongguk’s Privy Council

Nam Kwang-soo
Title: Baron of Saritor (Roman God of Hoeing and Weeding)
Position: Member of the King’s Privy Council

Author’s Notes:
1. M.E. stands for Modern Era, per year notations in Final Fantasy 15.
2. 1016 is the month and year that Blood, Sweat, and Tears was released and the date of my downfall.
3. Kicksomeacid, you make BoTO tolerable, without you, the grammar mistakes would make this completely unintelligible.
4. Come talk to me on Twitter or ask me questions on Curious Cat.

Chapter 27: interlude: nodus tollens


n o d u s t o l l e n s

1. the feeling that the plot of your life doesn’t make sense to you anymore
2. as the days flip past, it all happens far too quickly to absorb — a mess of seemingly random events.

ORIGIN | LATIN | The Dictionary of Obscure Sorrows

Master Playlist

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

chapter twenty-seven
interlude: nodus tollens

Forgive me.

Jimin’s body moved before he registered the ice of the stone on his bare feet. Before his vision cleared enough to recognize the cavern-like corridor and the intricate designs of the main foyer.

He saw two figures dressed in the black robes of the Goddess of Death standing in the foyer, guarding either side of a set of wooden doors carved with images of flowers Jimin vaguely remembered to be poisonous.

They were not there before, and they visibly tensed upon his arrival.

He turned on them. “Where is the First Prince?”

His voice came out in a deadly calm, nearly monotonous.

They shuffled closer as if trying to hide the doorway. “He should not be disturbed, sir.”

Jimin all but growled. “Let me through.”

They both leapt in front of the double doors, bowing.

“Sir, the rite should not be disturbed.”



Taehyung decided to complete the rite.

Forgive me.

Jimin couldn’t hear them anymore. It felt like he was watching himself from afar, for he had no recollection of shoving them aside. He felt no pain from throwing himself against the doors and pushing his way through.

Everything was fueled by a singular thought: Taehyung.

Only when his vision narrowed on the statue looming over the cavern, did a tinge of fear spark within him. The air rushed out of him, and then he breathed in, filling his lungs with the thick heat and the heady scent of flora. His feet touched moss, then his vision exploded into an array of colours.

The entire cavern was covered in flora.

Jimin blinked, his mind trying to piece things together. He had known that the Le Sanctuaire d’Élysée were hallowed grounds, a place touched by Mother, Maiden and Crone. The flora and the warmth of the cavern, despite the eternal winter of the mountains of Lunefleur, was a testament to it. But he did not expect the massive statue of the Crone. Nor the altar with a stone slab beneath it. On top of the grey table, lay a figure dressed in black —


Standing in front of him, blocking most of Jimin’s view of the First Prince, stood the High Priestess, with her hands folded before her, hood pulled down.

“He had told me you would be coming.”

“What did you do to him?”

“Nothing with ill intent, Park Jimin-ssi.”

Jimin swept past her and stared at the man on the table. It was Taehyung, and it frightened Jimin to see him so unnaturally still.

It looked like he was –

“Stop it,” Jimin commanded. “Stop whatever this is.”

“I cannot stop the rite, even if I wanted to,” she said. “Once it has begun, all that can be done is wait until the communion is complete.”

He whipped back to her, “How did this happen? Did you hurt him?”

She did not seem worried by the fury that sat barely controlled underneath Jimin’s skin. His hands were trembling, and his vision felt both sharp and fuzzy around the edges at the same time.

“He knew what he was getting into.” She lifted her hand, and between her fingers sat an empty glass vial.

Somewhere in the back of Jimin’s memories, words from a story sang.

A draught that induces death-like sleep.

A draught that will allow her to cross the Veil.

“You can stop it. Bring him back,” Jimin said.

She shook her head. “As I have said, it is no longer in my power, Park Jimin-ssi. It is his decision, his choice to return or not.”

Jimin turned back to Taehyung, fear gripping his heart as he reached out with quivering fingers. Taehyung’s chest wasn’t rising and falling. His lips had turned blue. His skin no longer held the soft glow of gold.

Then, when Jimin’s shaking fingertips touched his cheek, Taehyung’s skin was cold.

So cold.

“Stay with him if you wish,” the High Priestess said. Jimin jumped at the sound.

“You can’t leave – ”

“There is nothing more I can do, Park Jimin-ssi,” the High Priestess repeated. “His Royal Highness knew the dangers. He has made the decisions, and the journey to the Veil and back is done alone.”

He felt a panicked protest rising from the back of his throat as he watched her turn and walk towards the doors. Jimin wanted to run to her and drag her back to Taehyung, give him something else to wake him from this sleep. But his body felt like stone. He couldn’t leave Taehyung. Not now.

So Jimin turned back, his breaths loud. It took him a moment to realize that it wasn’t his breaths, but strange, choking sobs.

Jimin stood, paralyzed by the weight of helplessness that gripped his chest. The air was suffocating, thick with the scent of flowers and the fear that coiled around his lungs. He was crying, vision blurry, and his head spinning from the force of his tears. His knees buckled, and he landed in the moss and foliage surrounding the altar.

Hesitantly, Jimin reached for Taehyung’s hand, twinning their fingers together. The cold seeped through his skin, sinking into his bones. It felt like the heat was being sucked out of him, consumed by the ice. Still, Jimin didn’t move. He tightened his grip around Taehyung’s hand, holding on until his hand felt like stone. Until his body grew numb. Until the frantic swirl of fear, terror, pain, and anger dulled to one thought: don’t leave me.

Don’t leave me.

What will I do if you leave me?

Come back to me, Taehyung. Don’t do this alone.

At first, Jimin thought he was falling asleep. His arm jerked, body protesting at the stillness of his vigil. But then he realized that he hadn’t moved. It was a twitch of a hand against his.

He felt it again.

Jimin scrambled to his feet, leaning heavily against the stone when his legs didn’t heed his command.


No response.


A shuddering exhale escaped Taehyung’s lips, followed by a shallow, barely there inhale.

Panicking, Jimin turned and yelled for the High Priestess.

Just as Jimin faced Taehyung again, he noticed a growing spot of black marred his friend's chest. He pulled back the fabric, horrified to watch the mark spread like poison up Taehyung’s sternum, across his collarbone and neck, crawling like growing branches until it stopped just underneath the curve of his jaw. The ominous darkness mirrored the dread that now gripped Jimin's heart.

“What - ”

Suddenly, Taehyung jerked, gasping as he twisted and curled in on himself, drawing in desperate breaths before falling limp again.

“Taehyung? Taehyung!”

His lips retained their pallor, but he was breathing. Shuddering, shallow breaths, but he was breathing.

“What’s happening?” Jimin yelled.

“He has returned from the Veil. And judging from those marks, he has made a deal with Her Ladyship,” the High Priestess explained.

“What deal?”

“That is between His Royal Highness and Her Ladyship.”

“What – what happens now.”

“Now, it is a matter of recovery. However, even that will be a long and painful process.”

Jimin hadn’t known how long it had been since he entered the altar, but according to the acolytes who came and helped carry Taehyung to the infirmary, it had been almost two days. Jimin had followed behind them in a daze, barely reacting as they placed a bowl of hot food and tea beside him. He didn’t touch it.

Taehyung hadn’t moved since. He slept so still, so silently, that Jimin had to search for the slow rise and fall of his chest. Taehyung slept through the first night and the day after the rite.

But it was the second night that the fever crept in. Taehyung’s once ashen skin now held an unnatural flush. Beads of sweat formed on his forehead, and the sheets grew damp.

Jimin had desperately called for the acolytes for assistance, and it was the High Priestess, who returned with a somber expression.

“We need to get him to a doctor, there has to be medications that can help with the fever –”

But the High Priestess shook her head. “You know as well as I do, this is beyond the grasp of modern medicine, Park Jimin-ssi. This fever is the manifestation of his crossing of the Veil. A sign that the boundaries between life and death are still blurred.”

“What do we do?” Jimin asked, but his heart sank as he clearly already knew the answer.

“There is nothing we can do,” the High Priestess said. “We wait and hope he will find his way back.”

The night wore on, and Jimin’s exhaustion clung to his every move, to his every thought, but he would not rest until Taehyung awoke.

The fever intensified as the sun rose, bringing with it what seemed to be vivid dreams. Taehyung tossed and turned, murmuring and mumbling incoherently, and through it all, Jimin could do nothing but watch.

He found himself lost in the pages of his memories, the weight of past failures pressed upon him like an unyielding burden. Jimin lingered on the memory of the explosion, the deafening boom and the searing image of Taehyung lying crumbled underneath the rubble, unsure if he was alive. He sat with the knowledge that he had encouraged Taehyung’s self-sacrificing streaks.

I’ll always stand with you, he told him.

Nevertheless, throughout all of this, as day turned to night and the fever refused to break, Jimin felt the crushing guilt of hatred curling into his chest. For Taehyung had promised not to go through with the rite. Not yet, at least. The bitterness sat deep in his stomach, for all he wanted was to protect Taehyung, and now he was powerless.

So, in the quiet of the night, as the glow of the room grew suffocating in the candlelight, Jimin murmured a quiet prayer.

Take me, ” he whispered. “If you must claim a life, take mine. Just return him to the living.

Then, as dawn approached on the fourth morning, the fever began to relent.

The High Priestess returned, offering the first smile Jimin had seen in acknowledgment that Taehyung had escaped the worst.

Jimin? ” Taehyung’s voice was hoarse, the relief made Jimin wobbly. As Taehyung’s eyes fluttered open soon after, Jimin froze at the sight of crystal blue.

“Taehyung, are you having a vision?”

He shook his head, calling Jimin’s name once more.

“Jimin, I’m sorry,” he murmured.

“…I forgive you, Taehyung, I always will.”

Taehyung’s smile was forced. At first, Jimin thought he had fallen asleep again, as his eyes closed, but then Taehyung whispered, “I made a deal with her. It’s over, the line of divinity ends with me.”

Jimin’s brows furrowed, he wondered if Taehyung was delirious as he spoke.

“What, what do you mean?”

Taehyung’s eyes fluttered open again, still blue, clear despite the far-off look. “I cut my bloodline’s ties to the gods. We will no longer be able to bear the gifts of divinity.”

Jimin’s heart sank, the implications swirling in his thoughts. “What — what did you ask for in return?”

“A prophecy foretold, once said, cannot be undone.”

“What was the prophecy?”

But Taehyung’s eyes dropped close again, and his breaths even out.

Jimin shook his head. “Just… rest, Taehyung.”

Jimin stayed by his side for a couple more hours, until the sun had begun to set, long enough to ascertain that his sleep was instead more restful and the risk of the fever returning was slim. Only then did he feel safe enough to climb into the cot next to Taehyung and close his eyes for a moment.

“My Lord, someone is at the door requesting for His Royal Highness.”

It took a moment for the sentence to register in his thoughts. Then, another moment for Jimin to wonder who knows where they are, finally he jerked out of bed when the number of days they had spent at Le Sanctuaire d’Élysée. Seven days.

One week.

I’ll return in one week.

It’s been a week.

“Who is it?”

“He calls himself the Emperor of Orivala.”


Jimin scrubbed the sleep from his eyes, stumbling out of the cot.

He turned to Taehyung. He hadn’t moved since the last Jimin left him, but his breaths were still even, deeply asleep.

So, Jimin would have to appease the lion. He rushed out the door, throwing on his coat as he headed outside.

The frigid temperatures immediately pushed the remaining exhaustion away. His breath fogged his vision, just as his eyes found Park Hae-jin standing on the bridge in the distance, a mark of black and red amidst the white.

Minnie stood beside him.

His footsteps crunched in the freshly fallen snow, and Jimin had to steel himself, taking a subtle deep breath as he lowered into a bow before the Emperor.

“Your Eminence.”

“Park Jimin-ssi, where is the First Prince?”

Jimin licked his lips. He wasn’t the one with the silver tongue — nor the skills to lie through his teeth the way Taehyung could.

“Park Jimin,” Park Hae-jin repeated, “Where is Taehyung?”


The Emperor raised an eyebrow.

“He’s resting.”

“It has been seven days,” Park Hae-jin said. “Minnie tells me you arrived here the day after I left. Was it not enough time to complete the rite?”

“The rite was an… ordeal for His Royal Highness,” Jimin said, carefully choosing his words. “He has yet to recover.”

“Then I will send for a physician to come here. He can rest in Orivala.”

“He’s barely awake. He’s not ready for travel.”

Then Jimin saw a spark of… suspicion? No… worry?

The Emperor sidestepped past Jimin. “I need to see him.”

“Wait — ”

Jimin turned, ready to stop the Emperor, until he realized another’s presence beside him. The High Priestess had come, standing in the snow in her dark cloak, hood pulled over her head. She stood in front of the Emperor, hand pressed into his chest.

“No outsider may enter the Sanctuary,” she said in the Common Language, words coloured by the haunting melody of her old Attalian accent. “Not even one who knows death and loss as well as you do, Your Eminence.”

Her words seemed to strike him enough that Park Hae-jin had audibly inhaled, leaning away from her touch.

“How dare you speak to me in such a manner,” Park Hae-jin said dangerously slowly. “Who are you?”

“High Priestess of the House of Night, Keeper of Le Sanctuaire d’Élysée.”

Park Hae-jin was not a tolerant man and Jimin could see it now in the way his jaw flexed.

“Well then, High Priestess, if you will not allow me in, see to it that the First Prince comes out. The physician can see him at the Maison du Chevrefeuille.”

“Le Sanctuaire d’Élysée is a refuge. His Royal Highness will leave when he is willing and able.”

The Emperor turned to Jimin, eyes sharp. “Are you lying to me, Park Jimin? Has Taehyung absconded somewhere?”

“No. He had a fever - he - ”

He returned from Death, Herself.

“Then he needs to see a doctor.”

“No, he just needs to rest,” the High Priestess said firmly.

Park Hae-jin’s eyes narrowed. “If you are trying to convince me that the First Prince is ill, but not ill enough to need a doctor, you are failing.”

“I am protecting those who seek the Children of Night for sanctuary.”

“Let me through, or I will burn this place to the ground.”

Jimin’s ears began ringing. He may not have known the Emperor as well as Taehyung seemed to, but he knew what Park Hae-jin was capable of.

“High Priestess, please — ” Jimin whispered. But she didn’t relent, didn’t move from where she stood in front of him.

“Hae-jin-hyung, there is no need to make threats.”

Jimin spun around, heart sinking when he recognized the voice, despite how hoarse it was, how his words slurred together.


He stood at the threshold of the doors, figure illuminated by the dull glow of the lanterns in the foyer. The snowfall had increased in the wind, and Taehyung seemed to sway with it. He was dressed in a black cloak that an acolyte must have given him. But the cloak did little to hide how ill he looked, hair askew, skin still flush with the remnants of the fever, lips cracked and ashen.

In the glow of the flames, Taehyung's eyes gleamed eerily ice-blue. The marks on his pallid complexion appeared black, as if inked into him, resembling trails of poison beneath the surface.

He was hauntingly beautiful.

A wraith.

A servant of the Crone.

Park Hae-jin stood, frozen for a moment, as if he didn’t recognize Taehyung, then took a hesitant step forward.

Then he turned to the High Priestess. “What did you do to him?”

She did not flinch at the ice in his tone. “I did nothing. His Royal Highness chose to commune with the Goddess of Death. That is the physical manifestation of his feats.”

Jimin rushed to him, heart pounding as Taehyung staggered, shivering in the frigid weather. But he was awake and clearly through the worst of it. He leaned against the frame for support, clearly close to collapsing again.

Park Hae-jin approached, and this time, the High Priestess allowed it — stepping aside as the Emperor stopped before the threshold,

“I am here, Hae-jin-hyung. Clearly too unwell to have gone anywhere,” Taehyung said loudly, brazenly. “I… kept my word…”

He towered over Taehyung’s hunched form, now moving to lean against the doorway. Taehyung tilted his head towards the sounds. Hae-jin didn’t speak, his eyes hovered over the marks on Taehyung’s neck. His brows creased and his lips formed a thin line. At first, Jimin thought it was in disgust, but then Jimin noticed Hae-jin’s fingers shaking as he pulled his hand back.

Not disgust — but in fear.

“What have you done?”

The walls surrounding the Casa Tra Le Vigne caught Jimin’s attention first, tall with a moat surrounding the perimeter of the fortress.

There was a single entrance into the castle, it seemed, across a stone bridge and through a heavy portcullis. Then Jimin’s eyes landed on the ancient halls of the palace, the car drove through the expansive courtyard, circling a dramatic water fountain before stopping at the steps into the castle.

Though beautiful, it was undoubtedly a fortress meant to keep them in. Multiple soldiers dressed in the immaculate red of House Cerebyrn greeted them in two rows leading up the steps. Jimin waited for them to approach the car and open the door before gently nudging Taehyung awake at his side.

After Taehyung had appeased the Emperor with his appearance, he promptly crumbled to the ground. It was strange to see the worry cross Park Hae-jin’s features. They had stayed the rest of the night at the Maison du Chevrefeuille where the physician did return again.

The physician, once kind and gentle to Taehyung, seemed fearful in his presence now. He is hesitant to touch the black lines that crisscross his skin. Taehyung remained asleep the entire time, but Jimin had heard the physician’s report to the Emperor outside the doors.

“I can’t find the cause of this illness… Your Eminence. It seems as though His Royal Highness will recover. But these — these marks — Your Eminence, it is not of this mortal world.”

They began their journey to Venilano the morning after. They took the airship from the port city of Periteaux, rather than going to the airship hanger near Marsylle.

Taehyung had slept through most of the trip, drifting off almost unintentionally, awake enough only to get from one vehicle to another. His skin was still icy like his blood had frozen in the rite.

Taehyung started to wake up as Jimin gently shook him, sitting up and easing himself out of the car. Jimin offered to carry him, but Taehyung insisted on walking himself, head held high despite leaning on Jimin, eyes open and gaze straight. He moved sluggishly, and Jimin could feel Taehyung’s weight as he used him to pull himself upright.

The guards bowed before the Emperor, heads lowered still as Jimin passed with Taehyung leaning against him. He could see the guards seemed ill at ease with the presence of the First Prince. For the journey, Taehyung had decided on an all-white ensemble again, the buttons of his white dress shirt undone enough to show off his collarbone and the extent of the black lines that trailed up his throat and neck.

A man, clearly the butler of the estate, bowed before the Emperor. “Your Imperial Majesty, welcome home.”

He also turned to bow before Taehyung, averting his gaze quickly. “Your Royal Highness, Lord Park Jimin, welcome to Casa Tra Le Vigne, the old and traditional home of House Cerebyrn. I am called In-Su, it will be my pleasure to — ”

Taehyung’s knees buckled, and it was only Jimin’s quick reflexes that allowed him to catch his friend. Park Hae-jin turned at the sudden movement. Taehyung was doing well to keep his pain hidden, but now, he was panting, clearly struggling to stay conscious.

Park Hae-jin's expression tightened, exasperation and worry etched on his face as he snapped, “In-su, take us to the First Prince’s private chambers. Then go fetch the physician.”

The butler spluttered at the sudden change in direction. “Certainly, sir, just this way.”

Jimin, supporting Taehyung, followed the determined pace set by the butler. As they traversed the ornate halls, struggling up the stone steps, Taehyung's laboured breaths filled the uneasy silence.

In-su led them to a set of double doors, where Park Hae-jin took charge. He swiftly approached Taehyung, his eyes flashing with a mix of frustration and genuine concern. Without a word, Park Hae-jin scooped Taehyung into his arms, catching Jimin’s wide-eyed look. Taehyung didn’t protest this time.

"Open the doors, Park Jimin-ssi," the Emperor instructed. Jimin hurried to comply, watching as the Emperor strode toward a plush settee by the window and gently placed Taehyung down. His stern exterior momentarily softened by the weight of worry – and it was in these moments that Jimin was struck by the vulnerability in the Emperor’s features.

“Taehyung, is it — ”

“It’s not…” Taehyung breathed, “I’m just tired.”

The rooms were… massive. Incredibly ornate - it made the vast expanses of Taehyung’s chambers in Marsylle seem small.

Park Hae-jin paced the room, footsteps booming on the wooden floors. They looked too new for a palace that was supposed to be ancient.

These rooms were renovated. The rooms had a view of the massive lake that took up the side of Venilano, the edge of the cliff where the castle was built. The entire back wall was made up of windows that went from floor to ceiling, with stained glass decorating the arched tops. In each corner of the room were huge tropical plants that made the space feel like it was half outside. It was undoubtedly beautiful. But there was no balcony, no way to reach the courtyard – only the windows that dropped off to the craggy cliffs and a deathly fall should anyone try to leave.

Taehyung seemed to catch his breath after a while, “You seem… restless, Hyung,” he commented.

Park Hae-jin laughed humourlessly. “Save your breath and strength, Taehyung, wait until the physician has seen you.”

“He will not be able to help. I have told you. I doubt he found anything earlier.”

“Then what happened,” Park Hae-jin hissed. “I leave for a week and return to you looking as though you were knocking on death’s door.”

Taehyung laughed too, a sound that was borderline unhinged. “I crossed the Veil and returned, Hyung. No doctor can save me from the repercussions of meeting the Goddess of Death.”

Hae-jin’s jaw tightened, and he stopped pacing.

“Was that expected of the rite?”

“No,” Taehyung answered, and by the resigned nature of his voice, he was being honest.

“What of the tattoos?”

Taehyung’s brows furrowed, and then he touched the lines on his chest and neck. His fingers followed each curve and twist precisely as if he remembered and knew where it had seared into his flesh.

“These aren’t tattoos…this is the price I pay for my decisions. I am marked by her.”

“Will you die from this?”

Taehyung tilted his head, brows furrowing. “I don’t think so, I have survived so far.”

“And your gift?”

“Remains intact,” Taehyung answered, and that seemed to ease Hae-jin's tension. Then Taehyung smiled, “What would you do if it were not?”

The Emperor raised an eyebrow. “Then you’ll be nothing more than a pretty bird in a cage.”

“Is that what Venilano is?” Taehyung asked. “Was it always your intention to bring me here?”

Hae-jin chuckled. “I’ll be honest with you, Taehyung. I wanted to bring you to Rossarya, have you beside me in the days leading up to the engagement party. It would do me good to have you close in the event of a vision.”

Hae-jin strolled towards the settee and stood beside it, looking out the window. “But… judging from your poor health… I thought you’d like the privacy of Venilano better. It is a private home… I grew up in these halls, and Su-Hwa spent most of her life here. Casa Tra Le Vigne can be your home if you do not like the bustle of Rossarya.”

“How kind of you,” Taehyung murmured, “What a beautiful prison this would be.”

Park Hae-jin’s smile was forced, and Jimin tensed as the Emperor bent to Taehyung’s eye level.

The Emperor’s voice is soft, but just loud enough for Jimin to hear, too. “I can be as kind as I can be cruel, Kim Taehyung. Remember that it is I who holds the power in this deal.”

“Of course,” Taehyung purred.

Then, there was a knock at the door, and a guard announced that the physician had arrived.

“I will still ask that you allow the physician to assess you,” Hae-jin said. “I will be returning to Rossarya to attend to matters. But I will come and visit you soon enough.”

"Fine, let the physician do their assessment," Taehyung sighed, a weariness settling in his features. "But don't expect me to revel in your visits, Hyung. I'll manage just fine on my own in this 'beautiful prison' of yours."

Hae-jin paused, a hand on the door as he turned back.“Remember, Taehyung, this deal only remains if you are willing to continue to use your powers for Orivala’s gain. Otherwise, I will destroy Attalia.”

The days in Venilano passed by in a stupor, where Jimin could not discern reality from dream.

The week's exhaustion in Lunefleur still refused to leave him, weighing heavily on his chest and clawing through his waking hours.

He spent the days at Taehyung’s side, who slept on and off through the days and nights, slowly but surely recovering. The days bled into weeks, and Jimin’s body couldn’t handle the tension any longer. He remembered collapsing into bed in the rooms adjoining Taehyung’s and closing his eyes as midnight came, but when he awoke, the sun was high and bright.

He sat up in a daze, heart pounding, and Taehyung’s name stuck on his sluggish tongue. But then he saw the familiar figure sitting against the headrest.

“It’s okay, Jimin,” he said. “I’m right here. We’re safe for now. You can keep sleeping.”

He heeded the softness of Taehyung’s words, laying back down and succumbing to the fatigue. The next time he woke, the sun's light had dwindled into warm shadows beyond the cliffs. Taehyung was still lying next to him, having crawled underneath the covers since.

“Are you awake?” Jimin whispered.

Taehyung hummed. Jimin shifted, turning so he could see Taehyung.

“I had a vision, at least I think it was a vision,” Taehyung murmured. “My father attended the Feast of the Mourning Star.”

Jimin was more awake with that. “What did you see?”

“My father is using a wheelchair, but I think he is on the mend… He tells me he is proud of me… said I was the Crone’s Chosen…”

“Crone’s Chosen.”

“I can’t remember exactly what he said… but a story about someone who would one day release the Goddess of Death from her vow to the Maiden.”

“I… never heard that story.”

“Neither have I…” Taehyung said with a sad smile. “Maybe it was just a dream, a way to ease my guilt.”

Jimin rubbed his eyes, glancing around the darkening room. The sheer white curtains billowed in the breeze. Taehyung had opened the windows, letting in the sounds of splashing waves and singing cicadas. The sounds had felt foreign to Jimin before, a nuisance and distraction that prevented him from hearing any unusual sounds. But he came to find it familiar to the rush of the waterfalls of Ravenna, and it seemed to ease Taehyung’s sleep.

It was strange that, despite being in enemy territory, it was eerily peaceful. There was no balcony outside of their chambers, but Taehyung was free to spend time in the expansive courtyards – of course, in the company of several guards and Minnie close by.

Venilano was warm, the city too close to the equator to be touched by the coldness of the snow. But the warm afternoons in the sun have been good for Taehyung. The gardens were filled with flowers, and on some afternoons, Taehyung was inclined to make flower crowns. The staff provided everything they could ever want, often bringing lavish gifts claiming they were from the Emperor.

But they were weary of the First Prince. Taehyung had always drawn people towards him, even before he took the blessing. But now, the staff did not stand close and never did they meet Taehyung’s eyes, often glancing to Jimin for direction. If it was upsetting to Taehyung, he didn’t let it show. Instead, he wore the newfound marks with pride, the collar of his dress shirts unbuttoned to show off the inky-black trails and he kept his eyes open.

“What was the prophecy?” Jimin asked. “The one she told you.”

Taehyung turned to face him. It used to worry Jimin, seeing the vivid blue and feeling the residual panic of a vision.

Taehyung’s brow furrowed as he opened his mouth. “I… can’t seem to remember.”

He sat up, closing his eyes. “No, I remember her words…I remember what she said. But every time I try to speak of it… it disappears.”

Taehyung shook his head, squeezing his eyes shut. “A prophecy foretold, once said, cannot be undone.”

“Perhaps that’s why you can’t speak of it.”

“What do you mean?”

“You have… undone the future before. You cannot speak the prophecy now, for you cannot change what will happen.”

“Perhaps,” Taehyung said. “I remember for the price I paid… she said she’ll change the fate of the world…”

Taehyung sagged, pushing himself into Jimin’s space, and they both fell back into bed, pressed together as they often did when they were younger.

“I’m sorry,” Taehyung whispered.

Jimin felt pressure and pain at the back of his throat.

“What was it like crossing the Veil?” Jimin asked. “Do you remember?”

Taehyung nodded against Jimin’s chest. “Most of it… I don’t remember the crossing exactly… But the Crone came to speak to me with the High Priestess as her vessel…. Then in her true form as the Mother did when I took the blessing.”

“Was it frightening?”

“It was. But… she also let me speak to Halmeoni.”

Jimin waited for Taehyung to continue.

“I told Halmeoni about the blessing, what happened since and… about Jeongguk.” Taehyung smiled at the quiet mention of the young King, but his smile soon passed.

“I - you knew I never took her passing well.”

Jimin closed his eyes. The days, weeks, and months after the Dowager Queen’s passing were difficult. The grief had been all-consuming, and Taehyung’s emotions were raw and unbridled. It took a long time before the waves of anger and grief fizzled away.

“I remember,” he said quietly.

“I was furious that she had left me,” Taehyung said, “But she reminded me that her memory will remain.”

Taehyung reached for Jimin’s hand, twining their fingers together. “It was Halmeoni that reminded me that I have you.

I’m sorry, Jimin,” Taehyung whispered again. “I betrayed your trust.”

“Taehyung - I would do anything for you,” Jimin said. “My life is yours.”

“I don’t want it to be.”

Jimin lightly smacked him on the arm. “Then stop doing dangerous things.”

That earned him a small smile.

“I prayed to the Crone, you know,” Jimin said. “I told her I’d trade my life for yours.”

Jimin watched as a look of panic crossed Taehyung’s features, then morphed into something akin to confusion.

“What is it?” Jimin asked.

Taehyung shook his head. “I… can’t remember. But… please don’t make such offerings to the Crone. She’s always listening.”

Daily, Minnie would ask if Taehyung had any visions about the safety of the Empire and the Emperor.

Daily, Taehyung would answer no.

It was pleasant how quiet it had been, the lack of visions.

Two weeks before the engagement party, Hae-jin showed up.

“You haven’t had any visions?”

Taehyung shook his head, fingers weaving a wreath of wildflowers together. One of the maids slowly approached and placed a basket of flowers from the garden at his feet.

“No visions of importance.”

“But you have had visions?”

“I had one,” Taehyung said, “my father will attend the Feast of the Mourning Star… but just to show face.”

“That is all?” Park Hae-jin said, “Your visions cannot be this sparse.”

“This gift was a blessing from the Mother to protect Attalia,” Taehyung said. “Visions of Orivala are rare.”

Hae-jin did not seem pleased with the answer. “Perhaps I should acquire another gift. Your youngest brother, Kim Mingyu, is soon of age, is he not? I’m sure he would do anything to protect you, including taking the blessing.”

Taehyung froze for just a millisecond before he began twisting the stem of a cornflower into place again. “Is that a threat, Hyung?”

Hae-jin's eyes bored into Taehyung's as he replied, “Not a threat, Taehyung. Merely a suggestion for the greater good of Attalia. After all, Orivala’s safety would equate to Attalia’s, would it not? I know you’d do anything to protect your family.”

Taehyung's fingers tightened around the delicate blooms, “I am telling the truth, Hae-jin-hyung. I have had no visions pertaining to Orivala. Do not bring my brother into your political game.”

A tense silence enveloped them. Finally, Taehyung resumed his floral arrangement, the scent of flora and the unspoken tension filling the air. Hae-jin knelt by the basket, plucking a purple bloom from the pile. Violets. There were more violets in the gardens than any other flower.

“You’d be happy to hear that the attack on Cuccana was thwarted. You saved many of my civilians' lives.”

“So I have heard, especially regarding your ‘inside source,’” Taehyung said. “Are you instigating betrayal within the Lugdunum government?”

“Perhaps,” Hae-jin said.

“Or do you want them to fear you?” Taehyung said.

“Fear can be an ally, Taehyung. It is a testament to the power one holds.”

Taehyung scoffed. “Didn’t you once call me the most powerful man in all of Chesos?”

Hae-jin twirled the flower between his fingertips. “Ah, but all-powerful men have weaknesses, and I know yours, Taehyung.”

“What are yours, then?”

Hae-jin rose to his feet, his movements deliberate as he approached Taehyung. In a surprising gesture, he gently tucked the violet behind Taehyung’s ear, a stark contrast against the black waves of his hair.

“Many would like to know.” Without waiting for a response, the Emperor turned. “I’ll return before the engagement party.”

Taehyung remained silent for the remainder of their afternoon in the gardens, but he turned to Jimin with a command after they returned to their rooms.

“Call Jennie,” he murmured, “tell her to release a statement regarding my gift… and tell her about the rite.”

“That would completely expose you,”

“It’s a price I’m willing to pay,” Taehyung said. “With this knowledge public, Hae-jin cannot threaten them any longer…. ”


“Tell her to release the statement after the engagement party,” Taehyung said, fingers dancing over the lush leaves of the wreath. “Hae-jin is right about one thing: fear can be an ally.”

The days preceding the party in Rossarya brimmed with an unusual tension, and it was evident that Taehyung harboured a sense of nervousness.

While the First Prince typically revelled in the festivities, whether in Attalia or Naissus, even amid the strain of the Coronation of the Emperor, Taehyung usually carried himself with effortless ease.

But now, as they got ready, Jimin watched as Taehyung pulled at the sleeve of his shirt and absentmindedly massaged the lobe of his ear. The weeks of rest were good for Taehyung, but the circles under his eyes remained prominent.

The Emperor had brought in a team of people to get the first prince ready for the party. Taehyung was sitting at the vanity, one of the staff members carefully applying concealer to the circles beneath his eyes. Her gaze shifted downward, noticing the marks on his neck and the exposed skin beneath the silk robe.

“His… His Eminence requested that I conceal the – the marks on your neck, Your Royal Highness,” she said.

“Leave them be,” Taehyung replied.

“But His Eminence – ”

“I will deal with the Emperor’s wrath,” Taehyung said airily. “You need not worry. No harm will come to you. I’ll be grateful if you could just make me less tired.”

She couldn’t help but smile. “Of course, Your Royal Highness.”

Jimin was weary as he pulled out the outfit in the garment bag the staff had delivered earlier that morning.

Inside was a double-breasted button suit, smooth and soft under Jimin’s hands. No doubt it was tailor-made with all the measurements that they took of Taehyung in the last couple of weeks. It was in a stunning blood red, the colour contrasting with how pale Taehyung had gotten in the last while and the black mop of hair.

The outfit would do nothing to hide the marks, either. He would undoubtedly look stunning in this – but Jimin had gotten used to the whites and the blacks that Taehyung sported.

Taehyung also chose to wear the lion’s pendant gifted to him by the Emperor. It sat in the center of his breastbone, the gold accentuated by the marks of black that crisscrossed his skin.

Park Hae-jin waited for them in the foyer, dressed in a military uniform. The ensemble was black, and decorated with golden buttons and tassels. He had a half-cape tied over one shoulder, the lining as red as Taehyung’s outfit. This was the image that Jimin was familiar with. The image of a general, cunning and severe. The man who brought down Galatea.

At first, Hae-jin’s eyes were hungry as they followed Taehyung down the stairs, then his gaze immediately fell to Taehyung’s neckline, and his brows furrowed.

He turned to the young girl, who had followed behind them. She lowered her head upon the Emperor’s scrutiny. “I asked you to cover the marks.”

“I asked her not to,” Taehyung said, smoothing the collar of the blazer, drawing attention to his throat once more and where the pendant rested. “You have the Blood of the Oracle at your side. Divine-touched, Veil-crossed and returned, wouldn’t you want proof?”

Hae-jin scoffed, but strangely, he seemed appeased by Taehyung’s words.

“It was you who had chosen to hide it for so long.”

“Not anymore. It is time the world knows what I am.”

Jimin should have been used in the spotlight. He had spent his entire life beside the First Prince who had made headlines. He had made his own splash on the tabloid covers in his lifetime too.

But Attalia was small. It was tiny in comparison to the expanse that was Rossarya. The sheer number of people that lined the streets on their way to the Palace of the Stars had Jimin’s stomach twisting.

He was thankful for the tinted windows. He crossed his legs, glancing to the other side where Taehyung sat with Park Hae-jin. Taehyung appeared unperturbed, leaning against the armrest of his seat. But still, he played with the edges of his sleeve.

Minnie sat beside Jimin. Dressed in the full maroon uniform of an Elite, mask set on her face.

Outside, Jimin could see the flash of cameras. He wondered how much they could see through the tinted windows. But he could hear the people’s screams.

“Long live the Emperor!”

“Long may he reign!”

“Blessed be the First Prince!”

“Blessed be the Blood of the Oracle!”

Taehyung paused, fingers pausing on the crease of his sleeve. A shiver ran down Jimin’s spine.

Jimin had read some of the articles, desperate for news of the world outside Venilano. There was little news of the impending war, nothing but the intrigue that came with Taehyung’s presence. The desire to know more about the elusive First Prince, famed for his beauty, famed for his silver tongue, and a mysterious gift that came with his blindness.

Would they still see it as such when they see those marks? The haunting colour of his eyes? When the news of being touched by the goddess of Death circulates, the interest in the prince will turn into fear and disgust. Just as Taehyung hoped.

The car came to a halt, and Jimin’s heart rate rose, climbing as he saw attendants walking towards the door.

Park Hae-jin stepped out first. He smiled, waving to the crowd before turning back to help Taehyung out of the vehicle.

Jimin watched as Taehyung took a breath, pulled his sleeve straight and reached for Park Hae-jin’s hand. The cheers seemed to intensify in anticipation. Taehyung straightened to his full height, then turned back to face the crowd.

The yelling and calls…stopped for the briefest moment—a breathless silence.

Throughout it all, the cameras flickered and flashed like a wild heartbeat. Then, the resurgence of voices came again in hushed whispers. Taehyung didn’t bother waving to the crowd, as he usually would. Instead, he turned back to the Emperor, placing a hand in the crook of his elbow, ready to go, like the crowd of people were beneath him.

As they walked down the main pathway, Jimin could see two figures standing at the steps of the Palazzo. He recognized the first, hovering in the back with a similar mask to the shadow following behind him. The Elite guard of the Princess of Orivala. In front of her, stood Su-Hwa herself, dressed in a red gown of soft chiffon.

He felt the tension in his chest curl and coil into a tight ball as he followed Park Hae-jin and Taehyung up the steps until the Emperor stood in front of his younger sister. Su-Hwa dipped into a low curtsy. When she raised her head, Jimin couldn’t help but see the smile on Park Hae-jin’s face.

“Su-hwa, I am happy you came, despite how we left things.”

“I would not miss this,” she said softly, “no matter how angry I was, Orabeoni.”

It seemed the goal of the entire event was to get the pictures in the press, the image of Taehyung on the arm of the Emperor. Jimin couldn’t remember much of the party afterwards. The faces and names blurring together.

“Oppa, are you heading back to Venilano after?” she asked Taehyung conversationally.

Taehyung, who had been silent for most of the event, tilted his head to her.

“So it would seem.”

Then Su-hwa turned to Park Hae-jin.

“I know you don’t know a lot of time, Orabeoni,” Su-hwa said. “I could escort Taehyung-oppa back to Venilano this evening. It’s been a while since I was back at Casa Tra Le Vigne.”

Jimin expected Park Hae-jin to refuse, but instead, he leaned back into his chair and smiled at her.

Jimin had seen Park Hae-jin smile before, in victory, in sarcasm, but this - this was endeared.

“Of course, Su-Hwa.”

He trusted Su-Hwa wholly and utterly.

Her returning smile is a little hesitant, but if he didn’t know better, he’d just chalk it up to her shy disposition.

The party couldn’t have ended soon enough before they were back in the car, and Park Hae-jin bid them farewell.

Su-hwa leaned into both of them, whispering softly before getting into the car, “Not here, not until we get back to the house.”

Back in the house, she was greeted with a warmness that neither Jimin nor Taehyung were able to elicit. She directed them to one of the many drawing rooms, one that had a beautiful view of the gardens, warm and bright in the light of the setting sun. The staff had piled the table full of sweets and tea, and it took her some time before she was able to get them to leave, and close the door behind them.

Su-Hwa leaned heavily on the door.

“We can speak freely in here,” she said finally. “There are no prying ears.”

She sat down on the sofa, across from Taehyung.

“Let me start by telling you what I’ve done.”

The days had gone so slowly lately that the speed of events tonight had Jimin dizzy as Su-hwa updated them on the happenings outside of Venilano. In the weeks since the failed treaty, Su-Hwa had convinced both the Aqueilian Queen and the Grand Duke of Estemery to side with her. The Imperial Consul to Lavicci already swore fealty to her.

“The Czarina of Galatea agreed a ceasefire… until the day I take power,” Su-Hwa said, “But, there is a matter of Lugdunum. The attack on the bridge of Cuccana was stopped.”

“I know, I told Hae-jin about the attack,” Taehyung said.

“So that’s how he was able to stop it,” Su-Hwa said, “A counterattack would have been impossible without insider information.”

She leaned back against the sofa, crossing her arms. Since the last Jimin saw her, there was a buzz in the air around her. A tension and passion in the way Su-Hwa spoke. A self-assuredness that she hid in front of the cameras. He wondered if she was always like this beyond the cameras and the public appearances.

Su-Hwa leaned forward again, speaking in hushed tones, “I’ve been hearing rumours that the people believe you were involved. That the Emperor had chosen you as consort because of some divine powers.”

“They are not wrong.”

“With the pictures of… this… and the address by your sister, it will spark other feelings,” Su-Hwa continued, “ fear. Are you sure about this?”

“I am.”

“You’ll be targeted,” Su-Hwa said. “By enemies of the Empire.”

“What enemy is left?” Taehyung asked. “Naissus and Lugdunum.”

“We already have Naissus on our side.”

“Then we must get Lugdunum as well.”

Su-Hwa tensed, “You want me to make an alliance with the Archduke.”

“Then you’ll have all of Iaryen united in this endeavour.”

She stood, fingers pulling on the sides of her dress. “The Archduke of Lugdunum is not known for kindness towards foreigners, nor mercy in times such as these. I doubt I’ll be granted a private audience.”

Taehyung folded his hands in front of him. “You were able to convince the Czarina of Galatea to your side, after all she endured and lost in the war. You were able to convince the Queen of Aquileia when her wounds were still fresh.”

“The Archduke Choi Mal-chin is ruthless. He attacked Cuccana, a civilian city. There are no military bases in the area.”

“He knows the power Hae-jin has,” Taehyung said, “you have to convince him that I am on your side. That we are working together with Naissus.”

Su-hwa bit the side of her lip, walking to the windows. The sun had set now, twilight blanketing the gardens.

“I’ll do it,” Su-Hwa said, “If I don’t, I fear he’ll target you.”

“It is a possibility, but there will be others who resent and fear me.”

“Have you had any visions?”

Taehyung shook his head. “Things might change after the announcement tomorrow.”

“Casa Tre La Vigne should be safe. It is probably the safest place for you now,” Su-Hwa said. She leaned against the windowsill. “Did my brother tell you how much time I spent here?”

“He said the royal family lived here…”

She turned back, eyes scanning the walls with warm familiarity.

“I grew up here, despite being an illegitimate child. My father, the late Emperor, never truly cared for me. I was an unwanted reminder of a scandal he wished to forget. My mother was never allowed to stay here for long… too much scandal and judgment in the wake of the late Empress’ death."

She traced the edge of the windowsill with her fingers, lost in the recollection. "The late Emperor was seldom around. But Hae-jin-oppa would visit.”

A soft smile touched Su-Hwa's lips as she continued her story. "Hae-jin-oppa knew I loved wildflowers, violets in particular. So, he ordered the gardens to be filled with violets. I miss the vibrant hues sometimes. It was a small gesture, but it made this place feel like home."

“He truly cares for you,” Taehyung murmured.

Su-Hwa sighed. “I know…”

“What will you do now?” Jimin asked.

“Find my way to Lugdunum,” she replied. “Then to Naissus…He — he’ll help me, right? He said he would, but I fear he might change his mind.”

“Jeongguk will help; he is a man of his word,” Taehyung said. “Would you bring something to him for me?”


Taehyung returns from their rooms to give Su-hwa a jewelled pin made of pearls and ivory petals shaped into a chrysanthemum flower.

“Where is he?”

Jimin tensed, fingers crinkling the pages of his book as Park Hae-jin stormed into the room.

Taehyung didn’t move from his place by the window, sitting on the settee with his hand resting on the sill. They had known the Emperor would be coming.

He then placed a tablet on the table and tapped the screen. Jimin could only hear Jennie’s voice, as she spoke as the new Queen of Attalia. She spoke of the gifts and the rite, the loss of House Chrysantheme’s ties to divinity.

Park Hae-jin paced, and out of the corner of Jimin’s eye, he could see the hint of a smile behind Taehyung’s hand.

“You planned this,” Hae-jin said. “You lied about the rite. I shouldn’t be surprised, though, you were always cunning, Taehyung.”

“We’re kindred spirits,” Taehyung said, almost mockingly, “And I will do whatever it takes to protect those I love.”

Park Hae-jin sighed, sitting down across from Taehyung. “That includes the King of Naissus, does it not.”

Taehyung didn’t answer.

“You can’t protect him, Taehyung,” Hae-jin said. “He’s made his choice. War will happen.”

Hae-jin placed a hand under Taehyung’s chin, turning, tilting his head to the side.

“Jeon Jeongguk will lose, now that I have you on my side, and if you think for one second I will let you slip through my grasp, Taehyung, you are wrong.”

Jimin woke to the sounds of shuffling and gasps. He scrambled out of bed, flinging the blankets and running to the adjoining room to see Taehyung had thrashed his way out of the bed and was now sprawled on the floor, clutching his neck and panting.

“Taehyung – ”

Vision,” he choked out.

Minnie must have heard the commotion, forgoing the knocking this late at night and entering silently.

“What – ”

“Someone will try to kill me,” Taehyung said, “Will happen here. Night. I don’t know who.”

It was enough information. Minnie ran outside, voice commanding as she yelled something in Orivalian before turning back to Taehyung and Jimin.

“I will inform His Eminence,” she said. “Venilano is well guarded. No one can enter Venilano. I can assure you, Your Royal Highness. You are safe.”

“They got into the palace in my vision,” Taehyung said.

Minnie did not respond.

“I will inform His Eminence,” she repeated.

It was a couple of days later when Park Hae-jin returned with soldiers at his side, hauling someone between them. Jimin turned to the sound of chains rattling, and he felt a chilling numb seeing a person dragged between the soldiers with a cloth bag over their heads.

Taehyung, who had been dozing in the soft light of the afternoon sun, rose with the sound, sitting ramrod straight as the soldiers pushed the hooded figure to Taehyung’s feet. Jimin stood rigid at Taehyung’s side. Taehyung remained still, but his fingers wrung the corner of his shirt.

“My men found him last night dressed in the uniform of the palace. He had stolen the ID card of one the kitchen boys, snuck in and poisoned another guard for his uniform,” Hae-jin explained.

He stood beside Taehyung, his hand resting on something just underneath his coat jacket. Jimin wondered if it was a weapon.

“I think he was lying in wait until he was able to get close enough to you,” Hae-jin continued, “But Minnie sniffed him out. Though he may be dressed in the colours of the royal guard, he failed in following the customs.”

“Where is he from?” Taehyung asked.

“Lugdunum,” Minnie answered. She appeared from behind the entourage, pulling the cloth bag off the man’s head. He looked… like everyone else. Someone amongst the many faces that Jimin would have seen passing through the halls and gardens of the palace. Probably someone he did see passing by.

“Bow before His Eminence and His Royal Highness,” she commanded.

The man squinted in the sudden light. His face was swollen, his nose crusted with drying blood, and his lip cracked. He was taking shallow breaths, shifting against the chains and the two soldiers holding him down. They must have cracked a rib or two in the takedown. But the man’s eyes are bright, and defiant as his gaze flickers between Hae-jin and Taehyung.

Then the man spoke, words coloured by an accent Jimin rarely hears, the language in Lugdunum is coloured by harsh consonants, guttural sounds that reverberate loudly like through the mountains that surround its capital.

“He is no Emperor of mine,” he spat. Then he turned to Taehyung. “And that is an abomination.”

Minnie pushed his face into the floor, wordlessly forcing him to bow now.

Taehyung stood. Jimin followed in his shadow, eyeing the knife at the closest guard’s belt while calculating the distance and time it would take to lunge, unsheath the dagger, and take the man down should he try to attack.

But considering the manacles on his wrists and the state of his injuries, Jimin doubted that the man would have much fight left in him.

“Tell me, did His Grace, the Archduke send you here to kill me?”

The man yanked on the chains and arms holding him back, snarling at Taehyung. Even Park Hae-jin stepped between the man and the First Prince. “I’ll let the Waters take me before I speak to a demon like you.”

Taehyung didn’t even flinch at the insult. Instead, he smiled, and something in Jimin twisted at how… wrong it looked.

“It might have worked,” Taehyung murmured. “But I saw you coming, I saw you creep into my bedroom and slit my throat.”

The man’s ips trembled, something akin to fear in the nonchalant way that the First Prince spoke.

“Premonition,” he whispered. “Did the King of Naissus know of your powers?”

Taehyung scoffed. “Does it matter?”

“I guess it’s no longer a secret, now you have revealed yourself,” Hae-jin said. “However, it seems as though the Archduke sees you as quite the threat now that you have revealed your gift.”

Taehyung hummed. “So, do they think taking me out would give them a fighting chance against the Empire?”

“So it seems.”

“What will you have me do with him, Your Eminence?” Minnie asked.

Park Hae-jin turned to Taehyung.

“You are my future consort. What will you have done?”

Taehyung turned on his heels, reaching for Jimin. “I leave that to you, Hae-jin-hyung.”

Park Hae-jin laughed, “I know what you’re thinking, Taehyung. You do not want his blood on your hands.”

Taehyung paused, back turned to the Emperor.

“He tried to kill you, Taehyung,” Hae-jin continued. “You think your beloved Jeon Jeongguk was so kind to the man responsible for attempting to kill him?”

Taehyung’s hand curled around Jimin’s arm, fingers digging just a little too tight.

“This is the price of power, Taehyung,” Hae-jin called. “Besides, you must recognize the weight of your actions. How many lives will end because of you? How many would throw their lives away for you?”

“Too many,” Taehyung whispered. He was shaking now. By the time they made it back to their rooms, Taehyung’s trembling grew. Then outside, despite how far they were from the main courtyard of the castle, Jimin turned towards the sound of a thunderous blast. The sound echoed, followed by a cacophony of fluttering wings and chirping birds.

A gunshot.

Jimin closed his eyes, trying to breathe through his nose and stop the bile from rising up his throat. He heard a flurry of movement behind him. He opened his eyes to see Taehyung on the ground, hands pulling at his hair, breaths coming in loud gasps.

“Taehyung,” Jimin called. He lunged toward his friend, wrapping his arms around him.

Taehyung - ”

“He’s right. He’s right,” Taehyung gasped. “There is blood on my hands – there is so much blood. I am not any different than he is. This is all for power.”

Jimin held Taehyung close, shushing him softly as they rocked through the panic. “Taehyung, listen to me. You are not like him, your heart bears the weight of your choices. You’re enduring this for the good of Attalia – for the safety of those you love. You’re doing what is necessary.”

“How do I keep going?”

Jimin pressed a soft kiss to Taehyung’s forehead, holding him tighter. “Just a little longer, Taehyung. Just a couple more weeks, and regardless of what happens, I will be with you, and we’ll end Park Hae-jin’s reign.”


Author's Note:
1. There are already two more chapters sitting ready for posting! So there will be more to come in the next week!
2. Kicksomeacid, thank you for beta reading!!!! As always!
3. Come talk to me on Twitter or ask me questions on Curious Cat.

Chapter 28: fýrgebræc


f ý r g e b r æ c
[n.] the distinct, sharp crackling or breaking sound made by a fire; lit. "fire break"

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

chapter twenty-eight

He couldn’t look away, tempted to stick his head out of the carriage doors like an eager child.

Jeongguk had seen pictures of the Palais du Etiole, but not of the city of Ravenna. He knew his jaw sat unhinged as he peeked through the curtains.

The road leading was made of cobblestone, a small stream to their left, and multi-storied homes on their right, with the main floor being a business of sorts. Colourful awnings sat in front of little shops, and most, if not all, windowsills had a box of flowers, blooming brightly.

He pushed the curtains closed again, shaking his head. It felt like a dream.

The journey to Attalia was similar to their last trip. They had opted for a small airship, rather than one of the dreadnoughts this time. But they had driven past the Sky City, and Jeongguk didn’t think that the car would be able to pass through Ravenna’s strange barrier.

So, just on the outskirts of the city, there was a house with several horse-drawn carriages. A retinue from the palace was waiting to greet them. At first, Jeongguk was a little weary – perhaps he was just apprehensive. But Yoongi did not seem too perturbed by the change in their transportation.

It was only as they slowly approached the castle did his older brother’s mood begin to take a sour turn.

In the carriage, he, too, was looking at the scenery until the Palais du Eitole came into view. Then he crossed his arms, sinking lower into his seat and leaning against the side of the carriage. It seemed like he was sleeping, if not for the way his leg bounced uneasily.

“Are you going to be alright, Hyung?” Jeongguk asked softly.

Yoongi only provided him with a quick nod.

When their carriage slowed down at the gates of the palace, Jeongguk’s stomach began to twist uncomfortably, too.

In the weeks leading up to coming to Ravenna, there was no time to think about it – nothing but endless meetings with Hoseok regarding the military, meetings with his Ministers of Defence to ensure Aurea would have a plan should there be an attack mounted on the city – that they would be able to protect the people. Meetings with his King’s Circle - the ones who would stay and hold down the fort.

Then, a dinner with his mother – to tell her that he loved her.

Finally, a meeting with his cousin to pass her the mantle of sovereignty should things go wrong.

It was only now, as the adrenaline fizzled in the exhaustion, as the awe of the city caught him off guard, did he begin to feel the rising fear and unease of what they were about to do.

He took a deep breath, as he heard the gates to the palace open, and the carriage stir forward again.

He could hear the soft rush of water that was growing louder and louder, and he couldn’t help but peek through the gates again.

The castle was made of white brick, the waterfall rushing in the background - and mist rising from the pools of water that surrounded the palace. Climbing ivy scaled most of the walls and towers, with a section of the palace noticeably bare.

Park Hae-jin was true to his words for rebuilding the palace in record time. But it looked off, the stone too white, too pristine.

The driveway towards the main gates was filled with more foliage and flowers than that of Marsylle, if that were even possible. Then he smelt something that made his chest ache: lavender.

As the carriage came to a stop in front of the main doors to the palace, Jeongguk dropped the curtains, glancing back at his brother.

“Are you ready?” he asked quietly.

Yoongi took a perceptible deep breath, before nodding.

The doors opened, and as Jeongguk stepped out. Staff dressed in warm tans and browns bowed and greeted them. Then Jeongguk saw a woman step forward. He recognized her, from the stern line of her mouth to the pale blues she seemed to favour. Jia, Head of the Royal Household. She bent into a deep curtsy, hands folded over her chest, the ever-present tablet now replaced by a leather folio in her hands.

“Your Majesty, welcome to the Palais du Etiole,” she greeted. “Her Majesty the Queen sends her regrets for being unable to be here to greet you in person, some duties are taking away from her ability to greet guests at this time.”

Jeongguk shook his head. “It’s not a worry.”

Then Jia turned to Yoongi.

“Lord Libertas,” Jia started, then she began speaking to him in a string of Attalian. Yoongi instantaneously stiffened, his jaw clenched as Jia spoke. But then she turned to Jeongguk, gesturing to the doors, “Just this way, sir, I’ll lead you to your rooms.”

The palace was airy - the main hall echoing with an etherealness that Jeongguk seemed to associate with halls of marble unlike the Château de Marsylle, softened by the warmth of sunlight or the golden glow of wall sconces, the Palais du Etiole felt like stepping into another world. The soft, hazy mist seemed to flow through inside, creating a soft film before Jeongguk’s eyes, and he moved in a daze, following Jia up a set of spiral stairs and down a hallway with a balcony on one side, vines climbing up the arched columns.

She stopped before a door covered with the same climbing vines. “These are your rooms, Your Majesty.” She gestured to the door just several meters ahead. “And these are your rooms, My Lord.”

Jeongguk cautiously opened the doors.

The foliage from the outside seemed to invade the entirety of the palace.

His room overflowed with the same vines, roses climbing up the columns out to the windows.

There was a fire already crackling in the hearth - but he didn’t feel warm or cold. He wondered if there was any room in Ravenna with windows if the weather was this pleasant in winter months.

The bed took up most of the room, a canopy bed with wispy white curtains.

It felt like a dream.

Jia directed the footmen to unpack his luggage in the room, and as he turned back to her, she held an envelope with his name written across it.

“The itinerary for the festivities, Your Majesty,” she said. Jeongguk nodded, gingerly picking up the envelope. “Personally addressed by the Queen.”

He peeled open the seal and found several thick cardstock pages of the events taking place over the next couple of days.

A welcoming banquet tonight, the wedding tomorrow, and departure the next day.

He swallowed the trepidation in his chest, flipping through the pages without really reading them. A menu. A formal invitation to celebrate the union between His Imperial Majesty and His Royal Highness.

But amidst the pretty calligraphy, and embossed letterings, was something written at the bottom, in looping cursive different from the calligraphy above.

Spaced out, slanted — he had seen this handwriting — it felt like a lifetime ago—the note he received with a crown of red spray roses.

Yours, Taehyung.

Library. 2 AM. Tonight.

He looked up at Jia. She didn’t seem to notice how intent he was staring at the menu for tomorrow night’s dinner.

She seemed not to comment on it at all.

Maybe she didn’t know.

He flipped to the following document.

“The welcoming banquet will begin in just a couple of hours, Your Majesty. We hope you enjoy your stay.”

He flipped through the papers once again, just checking to make sure he wasn’t dreaming it.

Then he folded the documents back into the envelope.

His heart beat loudly, and his hands shook.

He placed the envelope down, turning around to survey the room again.

They had waited long for this day to come - the months passed by like years and yet felt like no time at all.

Now, as the staff unpacked his luggage, pulling garment bag after garment bag and hanging them up, he wished he had a little bit more time. Time to ensure that this all would go right and that they’d be able to take down Park Hae-jin once and for all.

That he had a little bit more time to steel himself before seeing Taehyung beside a man who wasn’t him.

Jeongguk stood out amongst the other guests — there weren’t many — he recognized a few from the short brief that Namjoon provided in regard to members of the Attalian Royal Family.

Some cousins and aunts and uncles.

But they all wore lighter colours, pale shades of yellows, greens, blues, pinks, and purples.

With the immediate royal family dressed in white.

He tried not to look at the dais, eyes flickering back and forth between the flowered archways and the massive water fountain in the center of the room.

But his vision caught flickers of colours.

Jennie dressed in a simple white dress, and Mingyu in a flowing white button-down.

On the other side, his stomach did a twist when he saw Su-Hwa in deep green.

He had to force his head to turn.

The entire banquet hall was beautiful, a space that was half indoors, half out, with archways made of wisteria branches and climbing roses.

The scent of flowers overwhelmed him - and he knew sooner or later, his senses would be clogged.

Yoongi walked almost rigidly beside him. His face was blank and appeared unreadable, but Jeongguk recognized the tension.

The pathway into the banquet hall seemed so long, and as they stopped to allow the herald to announce them, Jeongguk noticed how he and Yoongi stood out amongst the rest of the guests - stark black.

He had spoken to Seokjin and Namjoon about the choice of outfits for the occasion, wondering if they should have gone for something lighter, softer.

But all of them have agreed that the royal black would be most suitable.

“His Majesty, Jeon Jeongguk of the Ancient House Cepheus, King of Naissus and His Lordship Min Yoongi of House Eridanus, Earl of Libertas.”

The air seemed to quiet.

He could feel the eyes locking onto him, he could hear their voices — the scandal.

The man who once courted the First Prince, attending his wedding to another.

His heart was pounding in his ear, but then he had to do it. The crowd parted for him as he made his way to the dais.

He couldn’t hold off on it any longer, his eyes found Taehyung.

The prince, like the rest of his family, wore white, a gauzy white blouse and pants. In his hair was a crown of chrysanthemums, massive white blossoms that sat so vividly against his black hair.

But then Jeongguk’s eyes drifted down to the opening of Taehyung’s shirt.

Jeongguk had seen it in the pictures at Rossarya, he opened the picture up so many times on his phone that he could recreate the pathways of the black lines crawling up his neck.

Now, his heart clenched at the sight before him.

Taehyung’s eyes were open, his body angled towards his sister, as though he was speaking to her, but at the announcement of Jeongguk’s arrival, he turned, lifting his head and eyes to face him. His eyes flickered like he was searching for Jeongguk.

Then, a hand came to rest on Taehyung’s shoulder.

His gaze followed, stomach twisting as red entered his vision. His hands clenched together.

Park Hae-jin.

Dressed in a violent red military jacket, Park Hae-jin met Jeongguk’s eyes.

Jeongguk had to force himself to continue walking forward, to rip his gaze from the Emperor and continue towards the dais.

He nodded in greeting to the new Queen of Attalia. Jennie smiled, though genuine, the smile never seemed to reach her eyes.

“Thank you for coming,” she said softly. He returned the smile, but he couldn’t manage to claw the words, “It’s our pleasure” out of his throat.

He moved to greet Mingyu, who shook his hand with a tight, almost knowing grip, before turning to speak to Park Hae-jin.

"Park Hae-jin-ssi."

"Jeon Jeongguk-ssi."

“We are pleased to see you’ve accepted the invitation,” Park Hae-jin continued.

Jeongguk’s jaw clenched at the word ‘we’. As though he spoke for Taehyung.

Jeongguk turned to Taehyung. Then, before Jeongguk could help it, Taehyung’s name slipped from his lips.

Taehyung raised a hand, and the single movement blurred the world around them. Up close, the branch-like marks seemed to lay underneath his skin, fanning out like growing hoarfrost on glass.

The blue eyes always made Jeongguk feel uneasy, and worried for the consequences of Taehyung’s vision.

Now, as Taehyung’s gaze went past him, his breaths came easy, and his shoulders relaxed, Jeongguk found himself spellbound.


The sound of his name honeyed in the way the name languidly fell from his lips. It had all sound fading away, save for his heartbeat. Then Jeongguk noticed the way Taehyung held his hand, a way that demanded not a simple handshake, but a kiss.

And he obliged, curling his fingers beneath Taehyung’s, carefully and gently.

His hand was cold like he submerged his hands into the waterfall - and the cold seeped into Jeongguk’s skin. Perhaps this was another side effect of being touched by death.

But still, Jeongguk bent, pressing his lips to the back of his hand.

He only slowly lifted his head at the sound of Park Hae-jin clearing his throat.

Reluctantly, he straightened and dropped Taehyung’s hand.

Jeongguk swallowed down his pride before turning to greet the last person standing on the dias.


She had dyed her hair back to black since the last time he saw her, dark circles hidden beneath the glittering makeup.

Unlike her brother, she had chosen a rich green gown. Still, they showed off Orivalian fashion in the rich tones of their dress.

He nodded his head as she lowered into a curtsy.

“Your Majesty,” she murmured, raising her head to meet his eyes. Wide-eyed and hardened.

He hoped it meant that everything was going as planned.

Park Hae-jin had turned his attention to the figure behind Jeongguk.

“So, this must be the infamous Min Yoongi,” he declared loudly.

Jeongguk stared in confusion at the sudden declaration.

His brother does not make any splashes in the headlines, other than his Attalian blood…

“There was someone else… in Attalian nobility with such a name, isn’t there?”

Jeongguk’s stomach turned, and he found Jimin standing just behind Taehyung, his arms crossed behind his back, but his jaw tight.

“Some Bar-”

“Please, Hae-jin-hyung, it is a joyous occasion, let us not sully it with such gossip,” Taehyung said.

That seemed to ease the Emperor; he didn’t push further, but he did catch Jeongguk’s eye and he grinned. He turned to see that his brother had frozen on the spot, eyes downcast. He tried to be subtle in pressing a hand against his back, and urging him to move.

Jennie stepped to the center of the dias, heels clacking loudly as she gathered everyone’s attention, taking a flute of champagne from a server.

It was enough for Jeongguk to whisper in Yoongi’s ear to keep going.

“How does he know?” Yoongi whispered.

“I don’t know.”

“Do you think he told —”

“I hope not,” Jeongguk muttered, “but if he did, I believe her problems are much greater than rumours of a returned son of a disgraced baron.”

Jennie waited for the low voices to quiet, for everyone to find a drink before she began speaking.

Jeongguk snagged two champagne flutes from a passing attendant, handing one to a still-dazed Yoongi.

He took another breath before glancing up at the Queen of Attalia. She had the same pretty smile plastered on her face.

“We thank you for joining us here at the Palais du Etiole. It is thanks to His Imperial Majesty that she has returned to her former glory.”

The smile seemed forced now—too much teeth. Jennie had to force herself to enunciate the words as if to stop herself from gritting her teeth as she spoke. “After all the… misfortunes that have occurred, we are grateful to have this joyous celebration. Please join me in a toast to my dearest brother, His Royal Highness the First Prince of Attalia, and his betrothed, His Majesty the Emperor of Orivala, may your union bring peace to both our kingdoms.”

She lifted her glass, and reluctantly, Jeongguk mirrored the motion, but unlike the dainty sip Jennie took, Jeongguk drained the glass.

As the afternoon waned, and the sun set over the cliffs on the other side of the palace, Jeongguk thought that the weather would grow colder as he could see his own breath fog into mist in the firelight.

But it was neither warm nor cold — a mix of something in-between that felt both comforting and discomforting. A stillness - like time had stopped.

The evening continued in a strange haze; some guests came to greet him, and most could not help the blatant curiosity.

Tell them about how he became king at such a young age.

Why did he choose to take the throne?

Did he know about their First Prince’s gift?

How does he feel about the betrayal of his former Lord Chancellor?

How does he feel about giving up Taehyung?

Was it a blessing? Now, knowing that the First Prince was touched by death, Herself?

He struggled not to react negatively to it, sipping on champagne to keep the bubbly light feeling in his stomach, and his head spinning enough not to heed their words.

But the final question had brought about the taste of bile in the back of his throat.

He couldn’t stay any longer.

The party had dissolved into little groups of nobles scattered about the hall, surrounding the center where a group of musicians played, someone singing in Attalian.

He could leave now - return to his room and sober up before this post-midnight meeting.

Yoongi had left earlier for some fresh air, he had said, taking to the gardens. It shouldn’t be challenging to find him.

So Jeongguk turned, taking one last glance at Taehyung. He sat with Jennie on his left and Park Hae-jin on his right, chin resting on his palm, eyes closed. If it weren’t for the rhythmic taps of his finger against his cheek, Jeongguk would have thought he’d fallen asleep. The glow of the oil lamps highlighted the shadows and high points of his features, the flickering lights made Jeongguk’s vision swirl.

Divine blood ran through Taehyung’s veins.

He was god-touched, even before the blessing.

And Jeongguk wanted nothing so desperately in his life.

The music came to an end, and Taehyung moved to clap for the musicians before they began their next song. He couldn’t stay any longer.

Quietly, he slipped out of the hall, heading towards the darkened pathway into the gardens.

The scent of flowers was even more pungent here, heavy with the scent of lavender.

He followed the thin dirt pathway, until he saw a figure sitting on a bench.

Jeongguk could recognize his brother’s hunched shoulders, but he didn’t notice the second figure sitting beside him. A woman.

He skidded to a stop, kicking up dirt and gravel in the process.

They both turned to him.

The woman was pretty, with straight brown hair and blush-painted lips. Her eyes were kind, as she stared at Jeongguk.

Yoongi rose to his feet.

“Jeongguk - I didn’t think there would be a good time to introduce you.” He turned back to the woman, offering her a hand. She took it, rising to her feet only to bend into a low curtsy before Jeongguk.

“This is Lady Shin Suran of House Rose, duch*ess of La Fraise.”

The tension that Jeongguk didn’t realize was building in his chest snapped, and his shoulders dropped.

This was the woman who helped Yoongi get out of an arranged marriage with her. Who helped Yoongi run to Naissus and brought him to Jeongguk.

“Suran-noona, this is my brother, Jeon Jeongguk of House Cepheus, King of Naissus.”

Jeongguk couldn’t help but smile at the warmth and pride in Yoongi’s voice.

Suran’s smile was equally as kind as her eyes.

“Well-met, Your Majesty.”

“The pleasure is mine,” Jeongguk said, perhaps the most genuine thing he’d said all night. “I’ve heard much about you, Lady La Fraise.”

Yoongi smiled, small, but it was the first easy smile since the beginning of their trip.

“Suran-noona and I were just… catching up.”

“Don’t let me stop you then,” Jeongguk said. “I just wanted to make sure you’re okay.”

“I am.”

“Then I’ll retire for the night.”

Yoongi’s smile faltered for a moment. He nodded slowly and Jeongguk knew he understood that Jeongguk still planned on going to the library at 2 AM - and Yoongi would still join him.

“Rest well, Your Majesty,” Suran said, before he turned to leave. “I cannot imagine what you are going through.”

He paused. The softness of her words felt genuine.

“Thank you.”

“May the Goddesses watch over you.”

When he had returned to his rooms earlier, Jeongguk had shrugged off his jacket and shoes and fell into the four-poster bed with an exhausted sigh.

He didn’t mean to fall asleep. But his view out the window was a cluster of crystal-like stars, almost as bright as the moon. Beneath the hazy white curtains of the canopy bed, the hypnotic light of the sky lulled him into peace, and as he drifted, dreaming of summers at Luna Castle, where the tides of the ocean reminded him of the rush of the waterfall.

Jeongguk didn’t realize he fell asleep until he woke to someone shaking his shoulders.

He bolted upright, hands flailing.

"Jeongguk — it’s just me."


“What time is it?” Jeongguk slurred. His tongue felt thick and tasted sour in his mouth and he could feel the beginnings of a headache forming behind his temple. He reached for his cell phone on the bedside table, but when he flipped it over, expecting the light to burn, the screen remained blank.

“About a quarter to two,” Yoongi answered. “Your phone isn’t going to work in Ravenna, remember?”


“Are you still going?”

Jeongguk blearily rose to his feet. The fire in the hearth had died to embers so the only light in the room came from the oil lamp in Yoongi’s hand.

He rose to his feet, rubbing his eyes as he searched for the decanter of water at his bedside. He poured himself a glass and drained it before speaking.

“Yes,” he said, voice clearer now that his throat didn’t feel like craggy rocks. “I should.”

“What if it’s a trap?”

“Do you think Park Hae-jin would send me a handwritten note in an invitation?” Jeongguk asked. “It would be foolish to incriminate himself by killing me before the wedding.”

“Unless he knows,” Yoongi hissed. “He found out about my past, what is to say he doesn’t know about this coup? This could be incriminating for all of us.”

Jeongguk paused, and a rising sense of fear began in his chest, slow like sludge, but heavy.

“It was Taehyung’s handwriting,” Jeongguk said.

“It is not hard to forge handwriting.”

“We have to take our chances; be careful, it could be Taehyung trying to get vital information to us.”

Yoongi ran a hand through his hair.

“Are you worried?”

Yoongi nodded stiffly. “I’m just… on edge. Being in Attalia again… hearing the way Park Hae-jin spoke. He knew. I saw it on Jimin’s face.”

“What did Suran have to say?”

Yoongi wandered to the lounge chairs in front of the fireplace, collapsing into one of the seats. “She admitted to telling Taehyung when he was planning on coming to Naissus. She asked him to protect me.” He draped an arm over his eyes. “She also put in a good word about me to Jennie, as the new Sovereign. She hopes that Jennie will pardon me and allow me to return to Attalia.”

Jeongguk stood in silence, squinting in the dim light at the implications. His mind was slow to put the pieces together.

Yoongi sat up.

“Jeongguk, she doesn’t believe Naissus would win a war with Orivala.”

Jeongguk swallowed and grabbed one of the oil lanterns, flicking it on and stepping towards the door. “We won’t have to win, if there is no war.”

Jeongguk cringed when the door snapped unlocked, Yoongi stood behind him, pressing into the wall.

It had taken them some time to find the library. Jeongguk had asked Jia for a tour of the palace earlier in the day, but in the darkness, the Palais du Etoile did not feel the same.

The library was silent, with no lights or sounds that he could hear. So he stepped inside, Yoongi following and trying to close the door behind him quietly.

The light of both their oil lamps barely illuminated the path in front of them, let alone the massive expanse of the library. The room was longer than it was wide, with an arched ceiling. A mural seemed to be painted on it, but Jeongguk couldn’t see.

Arched windows between massive shelves covered the opposite side of the wall. The library had a pretty view of the lavender fields below.

The walls were lined with shelves with glass-panelled doors to protect the books from the elements.

On the far side of the room, was a fireplace surrounded by a comfortable array of sofas and lounge chairs.

There were few places for someone to hide.

But then, he saw a shadow moving where the fireplace was.

Yoongi stepped in front of him, the light of the oil lamp following him, he outstretched an arm to stop Jeongguk from going back past him — perhaps to protect him.

Jeongguk hoped to see the halo of white chrysanthemums, and glowing blue eyes in the distance, but instead, behind the sofa the light reflected the shape of… cat ears…?

A familiar white mask.

Then Su-Hwa stood from behind the sofa, still dressed in the same green dress.

Jeongguk didn’t remember seeing Soo-jin at the banquet, but she was here, dressed in a knee-length maroon dress - the most… unarmed he’s seen the Elite guard dress.

“Jeongguk-ssi,” Su-Hwa greeted.

Yoongi dropped his arm.

“You look confused… you didn’t write the note?”

She pulled a folded piece of paper from the folds of her dress.


But before he could say anything else, the door clicked again. Su-hwa and Soo-jin ducked behind the couch again, and Jeongguk pulled on Yoongi, yanking on him until they slid into the corner between the wall of bookshelves and the fireplace mantle, hoping that their black clothes would make them blend even more into the shadows. Yoongi doused the oil lamp.

He tried to hold his breath, but his thoughts began to race. What if Yoongi was right, and this was a set-up. What if Park Hae-jin had discovered Su-Hwa’s treachery and he was gathering evidence of Naissus’ involvement. This could incriminate Attalia too — they’d all be doomed.

Then he heard two voices, whispering in a language he didn’t know.

Attalian. Then, the clipping sounds of high heels. He dared to peek around the bookshelf, immediately, the white clothes of the royal Attalian siblings caught his eyes.

Jennie and Mingyu. As the door closed behind them, their bickering grew louder. Jeongguk stepped out from behind the bookshelf, Jennie flinched in surprise, and Mingyu turned around with something that sounded like a swear flying from his mouth.

It took them a moment to relax, before Su-Hwa and Soo-jin showed themselves as well.

“Did you all receive the same note?” Jennie asked.

“It seemed so. Am I right to suspect it was Taehyung’s doing?”

“My brother insisted on doing the invitations himself,” Mingyu added. “I thought it was to combat the boredom and restlessness, Park Hae-jin refused to allow him to take part in other parts of the wedding planning.”

“Will he be coming?” Su-Hwa asked.

Jennie shook her head. “I doubt it… there is a ritual on the night before the wedding. Ceremonial baths to cleanse the spirit before bonding.”

“Then why would he have gathered us?”

Another voice cleared their throat.

They all spun around, Jeongguk’s heart clenching until he saw Jimin’s silhouette illuminated by the light of the stars and moon.

“I can answer that.”

“Hyung,” Mingyu breathed.

Jimin gestured towards the fireplace, “Come on, there’s a safer place to talk.”

Jimin weaved between their still forms, perhaps too stunned by the sudden turn of events to take action. There must be a latch of some sort hidden behind the mantle of the fireplace, for as Jimin dug around, a small clicking sound could be heard and the wall became a loose panel. Jimin pulled it open. Yoongi now stood close to him, fumbling with the oil lamp to get it back on.

“How did you get away?” Yoongi asked.

Jimin glanced at Jennie and Mingyu, “Remember, Taehyung and I spent nearly three years living here. The Chateau de Marsylle isn’t the only place with hidden tunnels.”

“Would they suspect you missing?”

Jimin shook his head, signaling for everyone to enter the passageway. “No. The staff are rather preoccupied with preparing for tomorrow’s events… and with the ritualistic baths. Taehyung made sure of it.”

Jeongguk followed behind Mingyu, the passageway was small and cramped and immediately became a spiralling stone staircase, twisting upwards.

As they ascended, Jeongguk felt as though he could breathe a little easier, even with the powdering scent of earth and the feeling of dust settling beneath his fingertips. They were safer here than they were in the open air of the library, and he was among people he trusted. At the top of the staircase, was a small room, with a scattering of wooden chairs and a table in the center.

Jimin took one of the chairs, sitting down as Mingyu placed his oil lamp on the center of the table.

Jennie exhaled, placing both hands on the table.

“So, shall we begin from when we last met?”

He had to sit down, ending up massaging his temples as the meeting progressed.

Su-Hwa had spent the last week after returning from Naissus in Rossarya, trying to gain the favour of the Emperor’s Senate.

“How many have agreed to support you?” Yoongi asked.

Su-hwa licked her lips, eyes darting to Soo-jin. “Ten out of the twenty-eight members have sworn fealty in my name.”

Only ten. That was significantly less than Jeongguk had hoped. When Jeongguk and his King’s Circle had pushed for his ascension to his mother’s Privy Council, he had almost half of the member’s support and even then, conflict arose. What are the chances that Su-Hwa would succeed in a coup?

“The others are too close to my brother,” Su-Hwa said. “The ten who have sworn loyalty to me are prominent members of the military. They have grown weary of the years - decades - in war.”

“They will support your reign?” Jennie asked.

“They do.”

“So… when will this all happen?” Jimin asked.

“They have already begun, four hours ago, at midnight in Orivala,” Su-hwa answered. She looked down at her hands, wringing them as though speaking the following words gave her great pain. “The plan was for Galatea to launch another rebellion attack on the city of Rossarya, aiming specifically at military sites and the Citadel. The ten members would call for a Senate meeting within the Citadel. They must unite in making a decision without the Emperor present.”

“Then… upon the ten’s command, the Naissian airfleet will lay siege to the city.”

“What about the Orivalian fleets?” Jimin asked, “Would they see it coming?”

“They have secretly departed to Naissus, and are awaiting the Emperor’s command to strike.”

“So if they do not hear from the Emperor, they will not attack.”

She nodded. “Once my brother surrenders and I take the throne, I’ll call off the Orivalian fleets.”

“How will you know?”

Su-Hwa gestured towards her Elite guard. “After this meeting, Soojin will leave Ravenna. Mingyu-ssi has provided a safe house for her to await news from my allies. Once she receives confirmation that the Senate has… united in my name, she’ll return to Ravenna.”

“We’ll ensure no one else is allowed to enter or leave Ravenna in the meantime,” Jennie said.

“How soon will we hear the news?” Jimin asked. “Will it be tonight? Tomorrow morning? Or after the ceremony?”

Jeongguk felt his stomach churning, he hoped it would not be after the ceremony.

“I’m not sure,” Su-Hwa said. “I hope it is by tomorrow morning. If it is not possible to turn the Senators, the ten will resort to… other means to reach a conclusion.”

“Let’s say we don’t hear anything by tomorrow morning,” Jennie began, “or even after the ceremony. My brother will be married to the Emperor of Orivala. It might be null in our eyes, but the gods will know. Their souls will be bound in life and death.”

“Taehyung understands the consequences,” Jimin said.

“But I am not willing,” Jennie replied. She turned to Jeongguk. “Marriage is binding. It is what held the Mother Goddess on the mortal plane, and tied her to the first King of Attalia until his death. I will not stand and watch my brother tie himself to a man such as Park Hae-jin.”

Su-Hwa inhaled sharply. “It won’t come to that. I swear to you. We will have news by noon.”

“Good,” Jennie replied.

“So, in summary, you have the support of the Czarina of Galatea, the Queen of Aquileia, and the Archduke of Estermery?” Mingyu asked.

Su-Hwa nodded. “And of course, Naissus.”

“What of Lugdunum’s call for a ceasefire? Was that your doing?”

Su-Hwa nodded again. “He agreed upon a temporary ceasefire.”

“Before or after the attempt on Taehyung’s life?” Jimin snapped.


Jimin exhaled sharply. “Taehyung had a vision of someone entering the villa and killing him. We had to inform Park Hae-jin. They found the culprit, a man from Lugdunum, though it is uncertain if the Archduke sent him.”

“It might have been,” Jeongguk added. “Naissus received word from their Secret Service regarding the failed air strike on the Orivala, and their suspicions regarding Taehyung.”

“It was before I spoke to the Archduke then,” Su-Hwa said. “He had sworn that no harm will befall any Orivalians.”

“That’s the thing… Orivalians,” Mingyu hissed. “The Archduke will continue to see my brother as a threat. How will we protect him when this is all over?”

Jennie placed a hand on her younger brother’s shoulder. “We’ll worry about that afterwards. Our first priority is to ensure he gets through tomorrow.”

Jeongguk swallowed, but nodded solemnly. “Taehyung wasn’t hurt… was he?”

“No,” Jimin confirmed, “but… quite shaken by the bloodshed caused in his name.”

“There’s blood on all our hands,” Su-Hwa murmured. “Perhaps… such is the price of power.”

Jeongguk’s gaze lingered on the young princess. It had only been a year since he first met her. Her voice trembled then as she delivered the invitation to her brother’s coronation. But now, her voice was more assured, perhaps a little cynical. In the months that passed, she had aged, no longer the timid child who once believed unwaveringly in her brother’s goodness. Jeongguk couldn’t help but see himself mirrored in her, both of them thrust into roles too soon for their age, compelled to make choices and bear responsibilities few should ever have to face. There was truth in her words; the cost of power was not only measured in blood but in the loss of innocence.

Jennie stood, “We should try to get some rest, the days ahead will be long, and I fear there will be little reprieve.”

She began to move towards the door with Mingyu on her heels, Jimin bowing in respect to her, but Yoongi kept his eyes downcast, half hiding behind Jeongguk, as Jennie stopped before him.

“Min Yoongi-ssi?” she asked softly.

“Y-Yes… Your Majesty?”

“Suran-eonni informed me early on when she became aware of how close Naissus and Attalia were becoming. As far as I am aware, the crimes committed by your father do not extend to you, and as Sovereign, I will ensure you are free to come and go from the Floating Isles as you wish.”

“I-I - thank you, Your Majesty.”

“Jennie,” Jimin called. The Queen turned. “Thank you.”

She shook her head, “Please don’t thank me. This is child’s play to what Naissus will do for Attalia. May the Mother, Maiden, and Crone watch over you.”

“Jeongguk-ssi, may I speak to you alone for just a moment.”

He paused, hand on the library door, Yoongi lingering at his side.

He turned back to see Su-Hwa with her hands clasped together, fingers bone white.

“Go back first, Hyung,” Jeongguk murmured, “I’ll see you in a moment.”

Yoongi hesitated, but nodded.

Su-Hwa also gestured to Soo-jin to leave. The Elite nodded, turning to curtsy deeply in front of her charge. There was a reverence in the way Soo-jin performed the action, bowing all the way onto one knee before slipping out the door. Alone in the room with Su-Hwa, Jeongguk took a seat by the fireplace; Su-hwa followed, leaning against the armrest of the chair opposite to him.

“What is it?”

“How… do you live with it?” she started, “the decision to execute Cha Seungwon?”

“What do you mean?”

“I don’t see you as a… cruel king,” she continued. “My brother sometimes talks about you, calls you weak… but you called for the execution of Cha Seungwon. He was your mentor and former Lord Chancellor was he not?”

As Jeongguk met Su-Hwa’s inquisitive gaze, he felt an unspoken kinship, a shared understanding of the heavy burden borne by those thrust into the realms of power.

“I saw him as a father once,” he found himself confessing to her.

She looked up, and her eyes softened.

“But he would bring ruin to Naissus… he wanted more than the alliances between the nations of Duscae, he wanted a Naissian Empire. I couldn’t let that happen. Not when I had the power to stop it.”

Su-Hwa regarded him with an unreadable expression, hard eyes but a soft smile. “I think you and I… are quite similar aren’t we?”

He couldn’t help but smile, “I was thinking that.”

She looked away, “It is one matter to conquer Iaryen under the banner of the Lion, in the name of the gods… but it is another to extend Orivala’s reach to beyond Iaryen’s shores. To Attalia and then to look to Duscae.”

She turned back to him, “It was always my brother’s intention to do so.”

“Does the Senate know?”

“There are rumours that most fear he has gone mad,” she whispered. “To marry a prince who has openly shown abilities of the divine outside of our gods, a prince who has been touched by Death.”

Jeongguk’s jaw tightened at the way Su-hwa referred to Taehyung. But he knew it was not out of malice as she continued.

“He had been wanting Attalia — wanting Taehyung since the day he met him. I should have known then – that – that something was wrong – but to attack Attalia, to instigate war with you openly — I cannot allow this to happen.”

Jeongguk stood, watching as Su-Hwa mimicked the action. He could see the determination flickering in her eyes, the echoes of his struggle reflected in her.

“Are you prepared for the consequences,” he asked softly. “For what tomorrow might bring?”

Su-Hwa nodded. “Whatever it takes. This will end tomorrow.”


Author’s Note:
1. If anyone is wondering how the Palace of Stars was repaired without modern equipment/machinery because of the location: answer is the old-fashioned way. Orivala spent a lot of money to send the supplies and manpower to Ravenna to get the work done in a short amount of time. There have been criticisms from some members of the Emperor’s Senate regarding the delegation of precious resources when the Empire was still at war… I wanted to add this in somewhere, but nowhere made sense in the narrative. So, extra tidbit!
2. I'll post the next chapter after Christmas!
3. Kicksomeacid, thank you for beta reading!!!! As always!
4. Come talk to me on Twitter or ask me questions on Curious Cat.

Happy Holidays, everyone. Wishing you all a safe, happy, and warm holiday season.

With Love,

Chapter 29: étude: eigengrau


e i g e n g r a u


“dark light” or “brain grey”; the colour seen by the eye in perfect darkness; lit: ‘intrinsic grey’
perceived as lighter than a black object in normal lighting conditions (ex. The night sky looks darker than eigengrau because of the contrast provided by the stars)


(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

chapter twenty-nine
étude: eigengrau

The music hums in his chest, the drums thrumming in unison with the beating of his heart. This is the first Feast of the Mourning Star Taehyung has attended since taking the blessing. He only faintly remembers the sights of the previous celebrations he had attended. A growing bonfire in the center of the fields of wildflowers and lavender. A white pavilion set up close to the palace where the feast takes place. An effigy of the Crone, a massive figure made of wood and straw, covered in black fabric before the bonfire, with a table at her feet filled with offerings to the Goddess of Death.

She of abundance, she of Eternal Dreams.

But now, without his vision, Taehyung only has his other senses to rely on.

Taehyung barely tasted the food, but now it sits heavy in his stomach, swirling with the heat of the ice wine that still coats his tongue with cloying sweetness. Through the music, the sound of the waterfalls surrounding the Palais du Etiole once comforting, now feels like whisperings of his name.




It is disquieting, and though Taehyung does not drink, he finds himself taking more and more sips of the ice wine, hoping that the buzz will block out the calls.

If the Nights of the Thinning Veil is when the barrier between life and death is thinnest, then the Feast of the Mourning Star is the closest that the gods will walk amongst the mortals. The feast is in celebration of the end of the harvest months and the beginning of winter — the season that belongs solely to the Crone. Some say that the Goddess herself might be walking amongst them in mortal form, taking part in the drink, food, and gifts in her honour.

The thought unsettled Taehyung in his youth and frightened him enough to be cautious of what he said and did with the Crone’s eyes upon him. But now… he wonders if the Crone is watching him through the eyes of the effigy… if it is she who is whispering his name.

Kim Taehyung.

Kim Taehyung.

Blood of the Oracle.

He takes another sip of wine.

“Your Royal Highness, His Majesty the King Father wishes to speak with you.”

Taehyung pauses, the edge of the flute pressed against his lips at the sound of Jia’s voice behind him. He hears Jennie shift beside him, the fabric of her gown swishes as she turns in her seat.

“Where is he?” she asks.

“His Majesty is currently in the conservatory, but he plans on retiring to his rooms in preparation for his departure from Ravenna in the morning. He requests to speak to the First Prince before then.”

“Your father will not be staying?” Park Hae-jin asks.

Taehyung’s jaw tightens, “I don’t think his health would hold.”

“So he will not attend his eldest son’s wedding?”

Jennie shifts again, her chair creaking. “Worry not, Your Eminence. The wedding is legitimate without my father’s presence as I am Sovereign now.”

Hae-jin laughs. “It is not that. I only wondered as I would wish my own father were present to see me wed.”


“Few would have such luxury in our positions,” Taehyung says slowly. “Given the nature of succession.”

“It is fortunate he is alive,” Jennie adds.

Hae-jin does not reply, but Taehyung knows the jabs are not at all subtle.

“Your Royal Highness, would you like me to accompany you to the conservatory?” Jia asks.

“No need, Jimin can lead the way.” Few will notice him missing. This late into the night, most guests either left or drank enough to try to forget the eeriness of the effigy looming over them. Perhaps they will be happier that Taehyung is gone. Perhaps they wonder if he was the Goddess of Death in mortal form.

Taehyung stands and he hears Hae-jin’s chair screech as he pushes back from the table.

“I can accompany you, Taehyung.”

“Allow me the privacy of speaking to my father, Hyung,” Taehyung says. He pauses, surprised by the steadiness of his voice despite the drinks. “I don’t know when I’ll have the chance to do so again.”

It seems to silence Hae-jin from pushing further, “Alright.”

For a moment, Taehyung wonders if the tiredness in his voice convinces Hae-jin or the belief that the King Father is no longer a threat. He hears Jimin’s footsteps, the assured footfalls as he approaches.

“By your leave,” Taehyung says, nodding his head in his sister’s direction, then to Hae-jin, before reaching for the comfort of Jimin’s touch, finding the familiarity of his wrist tucked into the crook of Jimin’s elbow.

As the music fades into the distance, the rush of the waterfalls rises in a crescendo. Once what he thought were whispers grew louder and louder until it sounded like a howl.




Taehyung shakes his head as if the motion can dislodge the voice.

“What’s wrong?” Jimin asks.


He wonders if he is going mad.

Is this the price he must pay? The consequence of the prophecy?

Taehyung can’t seem to remember much of it, the memory of the prophecy slips through his fingers like water. It sits at the edge of his consciousness like a fading nightmare, where all that remains is the lingering trepidation in his chest, but he is uncertain why.

The call of the waterfall is mercifully muted as they enter the conservatory. The heat of the glasshouse eases the chill that seems to follow Taehyung everywhere now.

“Your Majesties, the First Prince of Attalia and the Lord Park Jimin,” announces the footman at the door.

“You may leave us.” The knot in Taehyung’s chest uncoils with the sound of his mother’s voice.

Taehyung waits until he hears the click of the doors close, and then his father speaks.

“Come here, my son.”

Taehyung steps forward, arms outstretched until his hands touch his father’s. For a moment, the Father King freezes, perhaps in surprise at just how cold Taehyung’s skin is. But the moment is fleeting, and it feels like Taehyung imagines it before his father pulls his hand and wrist. Taehyung kneels before his father. He longs for a hug, for the safety of his father’s arms as he once did as a child. But, he feels the metal edges of the wheelchair pressing into his calf and thigh.

There are pieces that Taehyung remembers from his vision of the meeting with his father and mother: his father using a wheelchair to get around and Taehyung’s mother at his side, gentle and patient. Taehyung hasn’t realized how much they have aged in the years.

But most prominent, Taehyung remembers specific images that he has committed to memory: the sight of the scars on his father’s face fading into angry pink lines, the new wrinkles on his brow and the edges of his nose, the circles beneath his eyes.


“My son,” the Father King murmurs again.

“How are you?”

“Better. But you know things will never be the same.”

Taehyung bows over, forehead resting on his father’s leg.

“Forgive me, Abeonim.”

Taehyung feels his father’s hand, gentle but sure, pat the top of his head.

“I had underestimated you, Taehyung. I should have known that the prophecy was speaking of you.”

Taehyung closes his eyes. Here, in the conservatory’s humid warmth, with the scent of the foliage, his mother’s perfume hanging in the air, and his father’s hand carding through his hair, Taehyung returns to his childhood. To the time when the stories of the blessings of the Mother and the rite to commune with the Crone were just that: stories.

“Prophecy?” Taehyung asks.

“Blood of the Oracle,” the King Father continues. His voice is softer now, cracking like he was on the edge of tears. “Chosen of the Goddess of Death.”

Taehyung raises his head. “I had a vision a little while back. You spoke of this; you called me the Crone’s Chosen; what does it mean? What prophecy?”

“There are tales, parts of the oral tradition, that I never passed down to you,” Taehyung’s father starts, “I learnt it only in passing in my youth. Given that you had taken the blessing, I never thought you’d need to know. I could protect you from it if you didn’t know.”

“What was the prophecy, Abeonim?”

His father hums. Then begins to speak, words and phrases coming together like a poem.

“When the Crone, in her wisdom, accepted the offering in exchange for the boon of divinity, it was not a pact sealed for all eternity, for there must be an end to all things. So the Maiden, adorned with the remnants of her divine essence, spoke a prophecy into the weave of time. She foresaw a day when her kin would no longer need the powers of the gods. Then, in her own lineage, a descendant would emerge. This chosen one, touched by the legacy of the Maiden and carrying the blood of the divine, will unravel the vows that bound both Mother and Crone. Thus bringing an end to the cycle.”

Blood of the Oracle.

Long have I awaited this day.

“Have I made a mistake, Abeonim?” Taehyung whispers.

His father chuckles, hand resting at the nape of Taehyung’s neck, thumb brushing over the marks on the edge of his jaw.

“I would not know,” the King Father says. “Perhaps it is too soon, perhaps the gifts from the gods have no more place on this mortal plane anymore. Regardless, Taehyung, these are the choices you have made, and you must live with them.”

That night, as Taehyung lays awake, listening to the song of the wind and rush of the waterfall, he hears the Crone’s voice.

A prophecy foretold, once said, cannot be undone.

Blood of the Oracle, bear your bestowed role,

For even the powerful, there are consequences to behold.

Taehyung is cold. Even in the steaming heat of the bathhouse, Taehyung feels like he’s moving slower… like his blood is still half frozen from death. But he is grateful for the almost silence.

The bathhouse is located underneath the Palais du Etiole. Sometimes, Taehyung is still stunned that the bathhouse remains functional after all these centuries. Still, given Ravenna’s technological limitations, the subterranean bathhouse and its intricate heating system play a pivotal role in the daily lives of the inhabitants of the palace.

During the three years residing in Ravenna, Taehyung often sought solace in the bathhouse. When the rushing sounds of the waterfall were too loud, and everything felt too disorienting. But the soft stream cascading into the large communal pool in the center was enough to lull him to sleep — much to Jimin’s dismay, who had to work hard to keep Taehyung from falling asleep and nearly drowning in the healing baths.

He wonders where Jimin is now. If he’s reached the library and has met with the rest of them. He hopes Jeongguk saw the invitation, that his sister read it and understood it was from him.

“Your R-royal Highness, the High Priestess is ready for you.”

The acolyte’s voice shakes. Taehyung recognizes the tenor of his voice. He has met this disciple of the Trinity Goddesses before, during his last visit to Marsylle. The boy had helped the High Priestess prepare the last healing bath. His voice did not shake with the same fear as it did now.

Taehyung feels it, a new wariness of those around him. He hears the way they give him a wide berth, the way their voices shake, how they speak with their faces tucked into their chests.

Like they cannot bear to look at him.

How frightening must he look?


“Yes, of course,” Taehyung answers. “Lead the way, I’ll follow you.”

Taehyung stands, pulling the robe tighter around him as he shivers. The robe sweeps around his feet, dragging along the floor as he follows the acolyte into one of the private rooms. The sound of his cane swiping across the stone slabs meld together with the slapping of their bare feet. Taehyung pauses at the sound of another set of footsteps approaching from the other side.

“Your Eminence,” the boy greets.

Taehyung tenses. He was aware that the ritual bath was designed to be conducted simultaneously, he anticipated having to see Hae-jin now. But despite the reassurance that each would have their own separate pool veiled by translucent curtains, Taehyung can’t shake off his discomfort.

Still, he forces himself to breathe and relax his shoulders before offering a nod in Hae-jin’s direction. “Hyung.”


There isn’t much time for other forced peasantries before the High Priestess announces herself. “Well met, Your Eminence, and blessings to you, Your Royal Highness. I am Yeongja, Priestess of the Trinity Goddesses. I will guide you through the rite of cleansing.”

Taehyung inhales again, focusing on the sound of more footsteps, the clattering of glasses, and the scent of blooms that remind him of days long past.

“Two baths for two souls, soon to be bound as one in this lifetime,” Yeongja begins. He hears the glass clattering and imagines her picking up bowls of flower petals and whole blossoms. “With reverence, I scatter petals of rose for love and purity—next, lavender blooms for tranquillity and balance. Chamomile is for cleansing both body and soul. Lastly, calendula, golden as the sun, brings rays of energy, illuminating the path to your new life forged together.”

Yeongja approaches, her footsteps not as balanced as they were years ago. But still firm in her resolution. She stops to Taehyung’s left. A cork pops, and the scent of something sweet and earthy wafts over. It is not the heady scent of lavender oil that Yeongja often uses, not the sharpness of peppermint.

“Lastly, I will anoint your brow with the oils of sage and sandalwood for balance, unity, and harmony.”

Taehyung tastes copper in his mouth, and only then does he realize he bit his lip. For Attalia. He reminds himself.

For his family.

For Jeongguk.

“I ask that you bend the knee to receive the blessing of the Goddesses, Your Eminence.”

Taehyung is certain Hae-jin will refuse, but he hears the swishing of fabric beside him, and Hae-jin kneels.

“Blessed be the Emperor of Orivala,” Yeongja says. Taehyung feels her step before him now, her robes brushing his feet.

“I ask that you bend the knee to receive the blessing of the Goddesses, Your Royal Highness.”

Taehyung lowers himself to the ground, involuntarily closing his eyes as Yeongja’s finger slides across his forehead. The earthy-sweet oil invades his every sense. He expects her to step away, to try to get away as quickly as everyone else has. But she doesn’t, instead, he feels her hands on his elbows, pulling him to his feet.

Then just as he rises to his full height, he feels Yeonja lower into a full curtsy before him.


“It has been an honour to serve you all these years, Your Royal Highness,” she says. “Blessed be the First Prince of Attalia, Blessed be the Blood of the Oracle.”

Taehyung doesn’t move, stunned by the gesture of fealty. It is only after Yeonja and her acolytes leave that Taehyung feels the trepidation of being alone with Hae-jin once again.

“Would you need help getting into the pool?” Hae-jin asks.

Taehyung shakes his head. “I can do it myself.”

Hae-jin hums. He seems to let it go, as Taehyung hears his footsteps and the rustling of fabric get further away. He hears fabric dropping to the ground, then splashing water.

“You can get into the bath,” Hae-jin says. “I swear to you, I won’t look. Besides, the bathhouse is quite dark, and these curtains are opaque enough that I’ll see nothing more than your silhouette.”

Taehyung may not trust Hae-jin, but the Emperor has never been untruthful. He has always made his intentions clear, so it eases Taehyung’s worries just enough that he steps closer to the edge of the pool. But he slips behind the curtains first before removing the robe.

The water is scorching against his skin and just after seconds of having his feet submerged, Taehyung feels the prickling of pins and needles. Still, he pushes forward until he’s almost completely immersed and he can sit at the bottom of the stone tub.

Since the rite of communion, Jimin told Taehyung that his body temperature had decreased dramatically. They both wonder if it will ever return to normal. Warmth seeps from his skin so quickly, even when he’s pressed against Jimin’s side.

But at the party… when Jeongguk held Taehyung’s hand and pressed a kiss upon his knuckle, Taehyung felt warmth for the first time since Lunefleur.

“This is similar to the coronation rites of Orivala. Did you know that?” Hae-jin says.

Taehyung starts. “In… in what way?”

“In Iaryen, the God of the Moon has control over the tides. It is tradition for the newly enthroned Emperor to pay respects to both the Moon God and the Goddess of Dusk by submerging in the ocean the night of their coronation. To be cleansed by His Tides under the twilight skies of Her Light.”

“Is that what you did?” Taehyung finds himself asking. He’s always loved tales of the faiths, of rituals and rites to honour the gods.

“It is,” Hae-jin answers. “And it is what you will do as well, once we return to Rossarya and you are crowned Emperor Consort.”

Then, before Taehyung’s courage leaves him, he asks, “Hae-jin-hyung, can I ask you a question.”

“Certainly, Taehyung.”

“But will you be honest with me?”

Hae-jin barks a laugh. “Have I ever been dishonest with you? I have always made my intentions clear.”

“… Is it… is it truly in honour of the gods that you embarked on this crusade?”

For a moment, Taehyung thinks Hae-jin will not answer.

“Scripture speaks of an era where all people living on lands touched by the tides of the Silver One will be united under the banner of the Lion. It is that promise of unity and prosperity that I strive for,” Hae-jin says.

“But the bloodshed,” Taehyung argues, “is it worth it?”

“I know you think me cruel, Taehyung,” Hae-jin starts. “But I am nothing in comparison to the Emperor Park Min-jun. Under my father’s reign, Lavicci fell into poverty after the war. My father was under the impression that in order to ensure zero chance of revolt, you must destroy all remnants of hope. So, he executed all members of the nobility, burned farmlands, and leveled cities during the war. Then provided aid to make the people feel grateful to the Empire.”

“Is that not what you did? To Galatea? To Aquileia?” Taehyung asks.

“No, I left their cities and most high officials. I only wanted to end the line of power. But that was my mistake; I didn’t route out the poison, which led to the Galatean Revolt,” Hae-jin scoffs. “But I have since learned my lesson. Perhaps I should have done what my father did.”

Taehyung hears water splashing, and then Hae-jin’s voice doesn’t sound as muffled as he had turned around. “Did you know that my father saw Attalia as a threat? He had me come to Ravenna all those years ago as a scout to see all the fuss regarding the mythical Floating Isles.”

“And what did you find?”

“A kingdom that seemed to be of little to no threat with the current king on the throne. A rumoured blessing of divinity with no proof then. And a beautiful prince. I did not think he’d one day be the central player in changing the fate of all of Chesos. He is the instigator of war between Orivala and the Naissus — the very subject even.”

Taehyung tastes bile in his mouth.

“All I wanted was to protect Attalia.”

“As I do with Orivala,” Hae-jin says. “And I have told you, Taehyung. We with power cannot escape from getting blood on our hands.”

“What about Su-Hwa?” Taehyung asks.

“What about her?”

“What if something happens to you? You will leave Su-Hwa as Empress.”

“You mean what if Jeon Jeongguk kills me?”

Taehyung’s jaw audibly snaps shut.

“I am not a fool, Taehyung. The Naissian King’s fleets are renowned, and I know the Archduke of Lugdunum will not back down without a fight. I may take you as Emperor Consort, but I will bear heirs. Su-Hwa will never have to carry the responsibility of sovereign.”

“What makes you so sure you’ll win?”

“You’d do anything to protect who you love, won’t you, Taehyung?”

“I would…”

“I have said that you and I are the same, and we’ll both do whatever it takes. By any means.”


1. We are reaching the end. The wedding scene is the next chapter. Ack.
2. Kicksomeacid, thank you for beta reading!!!! As always!
3. Come talk to me on Twitter or ask me questions on Curious Cat.

Happy Holidays and Happy New Year, Everyone!
With Love,

Chapter 30: interlude: pikit mata


p i k i t m a t a

1. lit. “with eyes closed”
2. how you accept the fact that something against your desires must be done


(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

chapter thirty
interlude: pikit mata

The crimes do not extend to you.

I will ensure you are free.

The words echoed in Jimin’s ears in time to the rapid beating of his heart. He could hear Yoongi’s breaths behind him and Soojin’s footsteps as they descended the stairs. Jimin lingered at the edge of the hidden door. His eyes focused on the patterns of the rug as he waited for Yoongi and Soojin to exit to push the door shut quietly.

Soojin headed for the opposite end of the room, nearly blending into the shadows if it weren’t for the porcelain white mask.

Yoongi sat down on the sofas in front of the fireplace, checking the silver watch that glinted on his wrist. He wore the customary black of his king. But he had grown his hair out since they last saw each other. Now, the black locks were slicked back and almost touched his shoulders.

Jimin closed his eyes. He couldn’t afford any distraction. Not when they could still be caught. Jimin remained still, hearing stretched in hopes of hearing Jeongguk and Su-Hwa’s descent or the footsteps of anyone approaching from outside the library.

It wasn’t too long before he heard footsteps from behind the hidden door. He moved to open it, stepping aside to allow Jeongguk and Su-Hwa to exit. The princess seemed even more ill at ease than she did at the beginning of the meeting. But a small smile graced her lips when Soojin floated out of the shadows to greet her.

“I’ll see Soojin off then,” she said softly, “Jennie-ssi said she’ll provide a royal seal to allow Soojin entry back into the city when we receive news.”

“I bid you safe passage then, Soojin-ssi,” Jeongguk said, nodding to the silent guard. She lowered into a deep curtsy in return.

Then, Jeongguk turned to Jimin.

“You should return to your rooms before anyone notices you’re missing,” Jimin said.

Jeongguk nodded to himself, licking his lips. He seemed to be hesitating a moment before pulling something off his finger.

“Would you tell Taehyung I received his gift?” Jeongguk said, pulling on the side of his blazer to reveal the pearl chrysanthemum brooch pinned on the side, resting against his heart.

For a moment, the tension in Jimin’s shoulders eased. “Of course. He would be glad to know you wore it.”

“I want to wear it openly,” Jeongguk admitted, “But now may not be the right time.”

“No,” Jimin agreed.

Then Jeongguk raised a closed hand. “House Cepheus does not have Crown Jewels or heirloom pieces. But, would you give this to Taehyung in return?”

The Naissian King opened his hand to reveal a gold ring, the face of the ring inlaid with diamonds, forming a constellation of House Cepheus, the Royal Family of Naissus.

Jimin took a small step back, head tilting at the sight of it.

“Jeongguk, this is your signet ring,” Jimin said flatly.

“It is. It is his now… tell him I promise that I’ll have a proper gift made for him when this is all over.”

Jimin plucked the ring from Jeongguk’s palm. The metal was warm under his touch and heavy with the weight it symbolized. Jimin hoped that this would give Taehyung strength in the next day.

“I will,” Jimin promised. “Now you should go. I’ll reset the trapdoor and ensure nothing looks amiss.”

“Alright…I bid you goodnight, then, Jimin-hyung.”

With that, Jimin carefully placed the ring in his pocket before returning to the trap door. He focused on quietly pushing the door silently closed, and re-attaching the mechanism that would release it. He tried not to pay attention to the fading footsteps or the slow click of the library doors opening and closing. To the familiar, sweet scent of spring that seemed to linger.

Jimin. ” The roughness of Yoongi’s voice startled him.

Hyung, ” Jimin breathed. He spun around, back pressing into the wall. The Earl of Libertas stood before him. Even in the darkness, Jimin could see how wide Yoongi’s eyes were. Jimin’s heart pounded with his full, undivided attention.

“You’re here,” Jimin said.

“I’m here,” Yoongi repeated, just as softly in Attalian.

He couldn’t take the distance any longer. Jimin surged forward, crashing into Yoongi’s chest. He felt an arm wrapping around his waist, another carding through his hair and tucking him close. Jimin closed his eyes, inhaling the scent of orange blossoms on Yoongi’s skin.

All the tension in his body melted away for just a moment, and Jimin sank into the embrace. His knees threatened to give way, and it was only the strength of his hold on Yoongi that held him up. He was so tired. He was tired of trying to be strong, of holding his emotions together for himself and for Taehyung. Here, he could dream of the safety that was just within reach. Just another day — just another day and they could have this. They could be safe.

The crimes do not extend to you.

I will ensure you are free.

The new Queen of Attalia had promised.

“It’s alright,” Yoongi murmured. “We’ll be alright. The Maiden will watch over us. She will watch over her blood.”

Attalian sounded so beautiful on Yoongi’s tongue. His chest vibrated with his words that sounded like a lullaby. But Jimin didn’t need the goddess’ protection, all he needed now was this, and if he couldn’t have this, if he were going to lose this —

“Yoongi-hyung — Yoongi-hyung, I — ”

Yoongi pulled away. Jimin’s heart threatened to burst as Yoongi backed him into the wall and crashed their lips together. His hands wound their way into Yoongi’s hair, fingers tangling into the locks and pulling Yoongi closer. Yoongi’s hands, big and warm, found their way underneath Jimin’s shirt, splaying over the curve of his waist and digging into the jut of his hips.

“I love you,” Yoongi murmured through teeth, tongue, and more kisses. “I love you. I love you. I should have told you long ago.”

Jimin tasted salt on his lips. He didn’t even realize that he had started crying. The panic, fear, and raw yearning that simmered like embers caught flame and now consumed Jimin’s every thought and feeling. His legs buckled and he brought Yoongi down to the floor with him.

“I’m frightened.” Jimin whispered. “I can’t lose you — I can’t lose Taehyung.”

“You won’t,” Yoongi growled fiercely. “You fought for this. We have all fought and awaited this day. It will be alright.”

“This all ends tomorrow,” Jimin said.

“Tomorrow,” Yoongi repeated, whispering the word like a promise of new beginnings.

When Jimin returned to Taehyung’s chambers, he had already completed the ritual bath. The room smelled of sandalwood and lavender and was only stronger the closer Jimin approached Taehyung’s bed. The prince was still awake, sitting on the edge of the canopy bed with the moonlight and stars bathing his figure in a white glow.

He joined Taehyung’s side, whispering in low, frantic beats the news from the meeting and Su-Hwa’s plans.

“So it must end tomorrow,” Taehyung concluded. “Hae-jin… Hae-jin can’t leave the ceremony as Emperor still.”

Jimin hummed. “No, he cannot.”

Taehyung rubbed at his temples. “I thought — we would have some room for error but…”

“But there will be no errors,” Jimin said firmly, trying to convince himself too. “All the pieces have been played, tomorrow… all Su-hwa has to do is make the call.”

Taehyung fell back into the bed. Without the make-up he often wore during these days, the dark circles under his eyes were more prominent than they were in Venilano.

He had been having nightmares, and they were getting worse since they returned to Ravenna. Jimin had thought that Taehyung would sleep better with the rush of waterfalls that once comforted him. But instead, the sound seemed to frustrate him, and he twitched and turned like… like he was hearing voices.

Jimin remembered that Taehyung had once whispered in his sleep, ‘ she calls. ’ He hadn’t dared ask about it, too frightened of the implications. As fatigue settled into their bones, but trepidation grew, Jimin reached into the folds of his pockets and pulled out the ring.

He gently took Taehyung’s hand and placed the ring carefully in the center of his palm. Taehyung’s fingers curled around the object, and he sat up, feeling the ring with his other hand. He tilted his head to the side as he thumbed over the pattern on the face of the ring.

“I remember this pattern,” Taehyung murmured, “This ring belongs to… Jeongguk.”

“He asked me to give it to you,” Jimin said with a soft smile, “he also promised that when this is over, he’ll have something made for you.”

The first genuine smile Jimin had seen in days bloomed on Taehyung’s lips. Taehyung threaded the ring onto his ring finger, bringing his hand close enough to press a kiss to the metal.

“It will all be over tomorrow,” he murmured. “The Crone has promised in her prophecy.”

Jimin closed his eyes, relishing in both Yoongi’s promise and Taehyung’s words like they were prayers.

It would all come to an end tomorrow.

Jimin rushed down the halls of the Palace du Etiole. His heeled boots cracked loudly across the stone as he went down to the cavern below the gardens. The caverns were a sacred place that still bloomed with the divine magic of the Maiden and Mother. He remembered in the tale of Quand Fleurissent Les Chrysanthèmes, the Maiden and her lover were married in the caverns, secretly at first.

In her happiness, the Maiden cried and from her tears emerged a wisteria tree forever in bloom. The tree remained in these caverns centuries later, still as beautiful, vibrant and blooming as the day the Maiden walked this mortal plane. Taehyung had always said that when he married, he’d want the ceremony to take place in Ravenna for that very reason.

As Jimin descended the steps to the caves, the scent of flowers and earth was heady and he felt like he was transported back to the passageways into the Tomb of the Maiden in Marsylle. The tunnels were lit with the golden glow of paper lanterns. Moss and climbing vines covered the rocky walls, and the tunnel opened up to the surprisingly large cavern; Jimin could only exhale in awe at the sight of the ancient wisteria tree. Its massive trunk twisted and curved into thick, long branches with long tendrils of deep purple flowers swaying with a strange, mysterious force. The cavern’s floor was littered with flowers, and more petals fell like snow.

There was a small opening in the ceiling of the cavern, letting in some of the sunlight in the morning sky, and it bathed the space in a dream-like mist.

It was undeniably beautiful for a wedding ceremony, and yet eerie in its otherworldly beauty. There were a few wooden benches for guests. But there were so few invited. Other than Taehyung’s siblings and Crownsguard, the other guests were Jeongguk, Yoongi, and Su-Hwa. Most of them were already present in the cavern.

Mingyu and Jihyun hovered at the far corner, dressed in the traditional white with the flowers of their House pinned on their lapel. Their mood was clearly subdued as they half-heartedly pushed the mountain of petals with their shoes and checked their watches almost rhythmically.

Jeongguk stood by himself in front of a wooden bench closest to the entrance. Predictably, he was dressed in black, but instead of the usual understated suits, the King of Naissus wore a regimental military uniform. The frock coat had silver buttons and black braided patterns along the collar. At his waist, was a black leather belt with a sword hanging on his left. The entire hilt was etched with silver, with an intricate, cloud-like design forming the pommel. A bright red tassel hung from the end of the pommel, the only colour in Jeongguk’s outfit. Jeongguk’s left hand rested on the scabbard of the blade. It looked almost relaxed, if not for how his index finger tapped inconsistently against the surface. Jimin wondered what could be going through his mind at this moment.

His eyes finally found Su-Hwa, standing close enough to the wisteria tree to be half hidden by the curtain of flowers. She wore red again, a floor-length gown that impeded her nervous pacing, but the gauzy material did well to hide the wrinkles as she took to kneading the fabric between her fingers instead. Her head snapped over to Jimin when he appeared at the entrance of the cavern, eyes lighting up for a moment before falling as she recognized him.

They all turned to him at that moment, and he could only shake his head. No doubt, they were all waiting for Soo-jin’s arrival for the announcement that the coup was successful. She nodded subtly in acknowledgment. He turned, heading down one of the thinner corridors that branched off to smaller caverns that served as storage and dressing rooms.

He clutched a velvet box tightly in one hand. Taehyung had requested Jimin retrieve a piece of jewelry he wanted to wear that he had left in his room, the Dream of Winter. Though the brooch was a prized heirloom, it was not a piece Taehyung often wore unless it was to make a statement to the public. There was no public here, no photographer planned until they left for Marsylle — and Jimin knew there was no way Taehyung planned to have wedding photos in Marsylle.

No, this was a ruse, for Jimin to return to the palace and see if Soo-jin had returned. He took a deep breath in preparation for declaring the bad news to Taehyung. But then someone caught his arm.

He spun around, twisting out of the person’s grasp and ready to retaliate until he caught the scent of —


Orange blossoms.


He wore a loose-fitted suit. His dress shirt open at the collar, and a thin white scarf draped around his neck. Jimin felt more at ease all at once, shoulders relaxing and trying to unclench his teeth.

“What are you doing here?” Jimin whispered. “You should be in the ceremonial hall.”

“I went looking for you,” he said. “I wanted to give you this, just in case — well…”

Yoongi didn’t need to continue the sentence. Instead, he raised his hand, presenting a small brooch. The pin was incredibly delicate looking and thin, with only silvery threads stretching out to diamonds that seemed to form a constellation. Jimin frowned at the brooch; he recognized it — he had seen the brooch pinned to Yoongi’s lapel on several occasions.

“This was an heirloom gift from the Queen Mother when she named me a member of House Eridanus,” Yoongi said.

Jimin faintly remembered Seokjin proudly wearing a brooch with the symbol of a ship and stars on his jacket during the coronation. When he had asked the duke about the significance of the accessory, he had told Jimin that it was a gift from Namjoon. Heirloom pieces with the symbols of their Houses are the equivalent of an engagement gift — the equivalent of a crown of flowers.


“I’d — I’d prefer to make you a crown of peonies,” Yoongi murmured sheepishly. “As it is our custom. But… I am more the son of the Queen Mother of Naissus than I am the son of the former Baroness of LaNoix.”

“Once this is over, I will make you a crown of sunflowers,” Jimin declared. “If you will let me. I want to make my intentions public.”

Yoongi smiled. Then, in the dimly lit corner of the tunnels, he leaned in to press his lips against Jimin’s. It was a ghost of a kiss, barely there in comparison to the crashing tidal waves of the night before. But it still sent shivers down Jimin’s spine.

“Whatever you want, Jimin,” he murmured. “I am yours, now and forever.”

Yoongi held Jimin’s eyes, lifting the brooch again to ask permission to pin it to Jimin’s lapel. Jimin nodded and watched as Yoongi took his lapel. Like the rest of his siblings, Jimin wore white with a bright yellow sunflower over his heart. Yoongi carefully pinned the brooch beneath the blossom so the petals hid it.

“I’ll wear it openly,” Jimin promised. “When we are safe. When we are all safe.”

Immediately the mood fell, the tension creeping into his system again.

“…How is he?” Yoongi asked quietly.

Jimin shook his head. “Couldn’t sleep last night. But… I don’t think anyone got any sleep last night.”

“No…” Yoongi agreed.

“How is he?” Jimin asked.

“Anxious to get it over with.” Yoongi’s expression grew tighter. “I know you’d do anything for Taehyung, but — be careful. Park Hae-jin is an Emperor. Even with Su-Hwa on our side, should something rash happen, even she must abide by the laws.”

“I… don’t know what you’re implying, Hyung.”

Yoongi sighed. “Don’t take matters into your own hands, Jimin,” Yoongi whispered. “We both know that Jeongguk would do anything for Taehyung. If — if it comes to drawing blood, let a king do it. He will survive the consequences.”

Jimin remained still, refusing to make promises he couldn’t keep.

Yoongi lingered, reaching out and running a finger down the edge of Jimin’s jaw. “Just… stay safe. By the Mother’s blessing and the Crone’s will.”

The short blessing left Jimin with a bitter taste on his tongue as Yoongi turned and ducked out of the corridor.

“You as well,” he murmured. Still, he pressed on, continuing down the path until he reached Taehyung’s dressing room. He pushed into the room with a newfound determination.

There was more sunlight filtering into the space than the tunnels. Jimin had to squint against the sudden brightness. Taehyung stood on a platform in the center of the room. On the other side of the room was a large three-paneled mirror. There were only two staff members rustling about, straightening the fabric of a long white train, while the other stood on a stool to powder away the dark circles under Taehyung’s eyes.

She curtsied and stepped away when Jimin entered.

“Lord Park Jimin has returned, Your Royal Highness,” she announced.

“Did you get it?” Taehyung asked, turning his head to the side. He did not move, as the other staff member was still straightening his train.

“I did,” Jimin replied. He opened the small velvet box as he rounded the room, careful to avoid the trail of fabric behind the prince.

Taehyung was a vision dressed in an all-white ensemble. The blouse he wore was translucent enough to show off the black marks that began at his chest and climbed up his shoulder. But most of the lines around his neck were covered by a collar embellished with silvery embroidery shaped like chrysanthemum flowers. The jacket he wore also bore embellishments in the floral patterns of his house. The back of the jacket was simple, but it extended down into a long train that swept off the podium. Jimin thought that the train would have the same embroidering of chrysanthemum flowers, but instead, along the hem were white bougainvillea branches, with a roaring lion in the center of the train.

The garment was commissioned by the Emperor, from an Attalian designer. Taehyung’s favoured atelier, but the piece clearly had elements requested by the Emperor. Jimin looked away, instead focusing on stepping onto the platform and pinning the brooch to the side of Taehyung’s jacket. The golden frame of the flower would be the only colour in the pure white of his clothes.

Taehyung raised a hand and traced it up to the edge of Jimin’s jacket, brushing the edge of the sunflower, then continuing up to skim the sharp corners of Yoongi’s pin.

“Good,” Taehyung murmured. “You saw each other.”

Jimin paused. “You… saw?”

Taehyung’s smile is sweet but drained. “I had a vision when you left to get the brooch.”

Jimin resumed his work, carefully arranging the jewelled accessory.

“Any news?” Taehyung asked.

“No,” Jimin said. “No sign of Soojin returning. Su-Hwa is anxious.”

“I see,” Taehyung whispered.

“Your Royal Highness, Her Majesty the Queen is here.”

Jimin stepped off the platform just in time to see Jennie step through the door with Jisoo on her heels with a large blue velvet box in her arms. Both of them wore varying shades of white, but Jennie wore a crown of pale pink chrysanthemums atop her hair. The young queen dismissed the rest of the staff, as Jimin helped Taehyung step down the dais, turning and adjusting the access fabric. They stopped in front of Jennie and bowed before her.

She clasped her hands in front of her.

“Nothing?” he asked.

She shook her head, “No news… she hasn’t returned… But, you look breathtaking, as usual.”

“Not exactly the wedding I dreamed of,” Taehyung murmured. “Did you get any news?”

“Regardless, you should look the part,” Jennie said. She turned to Jisoo and lifted the lid of the box. Nestled inside the velvet was a diadem. The crown was framed by a circle of diamonds with a delicate motif of chrysanthemum flowers weaving through it.

“A crown. Fit for a king, not a consort. To intimidate him at least.”

Taehyung scoffed. But he bent down onto one knee, allowing Jennie to place the crown on his head.

"Blessed be the Blood of the Oracle,” she murmured. “Blessed be the Chosen of the Crone.”

When Taehyung stood again, Jennie pressed up onto her toes to brush a kiss on his cheek. “I’ll see you on the other side.”

Jisoo turned to her brother, forcing a smile as she slid something into Jimin’s hand: her favourite dagger. The blade was light in his hands—the hilt molding around his fingertips.

“I hope you will not need it,” Jisoo said. “But just in case. Stay safe, Oppa.”

He nodded as she brushed past him to leave.

But then, Jennie stepped in front of him. She leaned in to press a kiss to his cheek as well.

“Jimin-oppa, I am asking a great deal from you,” she whispered into his ear. “Whatever it takes…this marriage cannot go through. You must protect him from such oaths.”

Jimin froze, a numbing sense of dread spreading over his limbs. He was Taehyung’s Crownsguard, he was Taehyung’s sword and shield.

I prayed to the Crone…I’d trade my life for yours.

Don’t make such offerings to the Crone. She’s always listening.

If it comes to drawing blood, let a king do it.

But was Jeongguk willing?

Regardless, blood would be on Taehyung’s hands.

“I swear,” he murmured back to Jennie. She nodded solemnly before turning to leave. Jimin turned his back to the wall, as if he needed to hide the weapon from Taehyung, and the promise he made to his sister. He slipped the blade underneath his blazer, with the sheath tucked into the waistband of his pants and the hilt pressing against the underside of his arm close enough that he’ll be able to pull it out.

Just as he finished hiding the blade, an attendant entered the room.

“Your Royal Highness, His Eminence is ready. Would you like a couple more minutes?”

“Please.” Taehyung exhaled slowly. The crown glistened in the sunlight, and together with the all-white outfit and the divine marks on his skin, Taehyung was ethereal.

“What would you want to do,” Taehyung began suddenly, “when this is all over?”

Jimin couldn’t help the burst of laughter from his lips. But he took a moment to consider it. He hasn’t had much time to consider the aftermath.

“Sleep for a couple of days. Maybe a week,” Jimin answered honestly. “I also promised Yoongi-hyung a flower crown and a public courtship.Jennie pardoned him,” he continued, “maybe… when things settle down, we’ll explore Attalia. Stay in Marsylle for Winter Solstice.”

The gentle dream earned Jimin another real smile from Taehyung.

“What would you want to do?”

“I like the sound of staying in Marsylle for the solstice,” Taehyung said. “But then… I’d like to go home after.”

“And where is home?”

“Naissus. Sol Palace.” Taehyung placed a hand on his sternum where Jeongguk’s signet ring hung on a chain around his neck. He exhaled again, before straightening his shoulders.

Another gentle knock at the doors, followed by a muffled voice of the attendant. “Your Royal Highness .”

“Just a moment,” Taehyung called back. He reached out for Jimin’s hand, squeezing twice. “Whatever happens, do not play hero, Jimin.”

“I — ”

“I am not stupid, I know what my sister would have asked of you,” Taehyung continued. “…My soul is tarnished, Jimin, by the sins I’ve committed — to those who have perished because of my inaction. To those who have died because of my actions. Park Hae-jin was right — the Crone was right. There was always blood on my hands, and I must learn to live with it.”

There’s blood on all our hands. Perhaps such is the price of power.

“Taehyung — ”

“Whatever happens, promise me you won’t throw away your life,” Taehyung said. His grip around Jimin’s hand grew tighter, more frantic. “You are more than my Crownsguard. You are my friend, my brother, my soul mate.”

Jimin closed his eyes, blinking away the ache of tears in his eyes and swallowing the prickling lump in his throat.

“You cannot expect that of me when I know you will not do the same,” he said through gritted teeth.

Your Royal Highness, we must go.”

Jimin drew Taehyung in, ignoring the calls of the attendant, as he held Taehyung tightly to his chest. “I made my vows. Wherever you go, I will follow. In life and death.”

“Together?” Taehyung whispered.


The Emperor of Orivala was an imposing figure at the end of the hall, dressed in the sharp reds that Jimin was so used to seeing. Like Jeongguk, Park Hae-jin had chosen to wear a version of the military uniform. His frock coat was embellished with gold buttons and epaulets. Buckled at his hip was a ceremonial sword, the pommel shaped like a lion’s head.

Su-Hwa stood behind him, leaning against the wall. She wrung the hem of her dress, perhaps even more agitated than before, as she tried to subtly check a pocket watch before shoving it into the folds of her gown.

As Jimin opened the door to the dressing room, they both turned to them. He focused on helping Taehyung navigate the uneven pathway, carefully holding the train of fabric in one arm.

The Emperor met them in front of the doors. His gaze landed on the diadem shimmering in the black of Taehyung’s hair. Park Hae-jin took Taehyung’s hand, bending to press a kiss against his skin.

“You look magnificent. How lovely it will be to finally call you my consort.”

Jimin bit on the inside of his cheek, trying hard to keep his expression neutral.

The Emperor tucked Taehyung’s arm into the crook of his elbow, leading them both down the dimly lit tunnels towards the cavern. Jimin hung back, carefully straightening the trail of fabric behind them, reluctantly showing off the intricate lion and bougainvillea designs.

Jimin turned to Su-Hwa then, catching the princess’ eyes. Jimin could see the panic and fear in her wide expression. Clearly, Soojin has not shown up yet. He glanced at his own watch. It was well past 1 PM. Taehyung had purposefully delayed the ceremony as much as he could in getting ready. They couldn’t delay it any longer without Park Hae-jin getting suspicious.

They were running out of time.

“Your Royal Highness?” an attendant asked, stepping up behind them, “My Lord, the procession will begin shortly, please stand at the entrance of the hall.”

Su-Hwa and Jimin were to enter first, acting as both their witnesses and assistants through the ceremony. Jimin numbly offered Su-Hwa his arm. She stared for a moment before hesitantly hooking her hand into his elbow. He led her unwillingly to the threshold of the grand cavern and the closer they drew to the curtains now hiding them from view of the guests, the tighter her grip grew around the fabric of his jacket, holding on like it was a lifeline.

The shear curtains were pulled back from the entrance of the cavern.

All eyes turned to them.

Immediately, Jimin felt the swell of disquiet rise up from his stomach. The feeling sat heavy in his throat, itching like the threat of tears.

He froze.

His eyes darted to Jennie, then to Yoongi.

Whatever it takes…

He felt a soft pull on his arm as Su-Hwa took the first step forward.

“Have faith,” she muttered under her breath, barely loud enough for Jimin to hear. “Soo-jin will return.”

Jimin stepped forward in a daze, eyes narrowing down the table covered in a white cloth underneath the wisteria tree. Standing in front of the table was the High Priestess, Yeongja. He barely recognized her, without the plain robes she often wore. Today, the High Priestess was garbed in deep blue with patterns of golden flowers decorating the hem of the garments.

It took him two breaths before the dread began to crush him.

For a moment, Jimin’s mind spun with the insanity of how this all started — how Taehyung’s gift and Attalia’s power all began with a goddess falling in love with a mortal man, forever changing the fate of a kingdom.

He glanced behind.

Taehyung was beautiful. But the image was all wrong, with the smug smile on Park Hae-jin’s face.

He turned to the front again.

Jimin’s eyes lingered on the red tassel of Jeongguk’s sword. Was that the same blade used in the Naissian Oath of Blood? Was it what tied Yoongi’s life to Jeongguk’s?

Every single person in this room was tied by blood now, whether it be in blood spilt or by oaths taken.

He turned back to Su-Hwa. She shifted, also taking a glance behind them, as if hoping someone would appear beyond the curtains.

Soo-jin must not be coming.

The coup had failed.

Whatever it takes, this wedding cannot go through.

If it comes to drawing blood, let a king do it.

He could not allow the ceremony to begin, they could not be wed.

Park Hae-jin could not leave as Emperor still.

He wouldn’t let Taehyung sacrifice himself in this either. The dagger pressed uncomfortably against his side.

It would be swift. They were not far behind. He could turn, unsheathe the blade and plunge it into the Emperor’s chest. But then what would happen?

What do you want to do when this is all over?

Attalia was not at war with Orivala. If he killed Park Hae-jin, it would be an assassination. A crime of high treason, even if someone else took the fall for it. If Jeongguk, as King of Naissus, had taken the blame, would Su-Hwa agree to it?

The death of her brother would result in her becoming Empress regardless. Perhaps this was the only way they’ll win.

Even if they all corroborate the story, the Goddesses would know.

Would Jimin ever have peace? Would any of them know peace?

In life and death, Jimin promised.

The altar was close now.

They couldn’t wait for Soojin any longer. He had to act now.

He searched for Yoongi’s eyes, mouthing the words ‘I’m sorry .’

As they stepped under the canopy of the wisteria tree, petals cascading down like snowflakes, Jimin slid his free hand beneath his jacket, fingers finding the warm hilt of the dagger. He turned on his heels. Su-Hwa retracted her arm in confusion.

She turned with him.

“No,” she murmured, too quietly at first. But it was too late. Jimin had already caused a scene. He could see Park Hae-jin’s brows furrowing. His steps slowed, his own hand moving towards his side.

Jeongguk, too, caught the motion. He gripped the guard of his blade, limbs coiling like a spring as he prepared to draw his sword.

Jimin drew in a breath. He had made his decision.

He drew the dagger.

Su-Hwa leapt in front of him, hands spread wide. She shook her head.

“No,” she repeated, loudly, almost yelling.

Jimin heard the High Priestess take a step back from behind him, muttering something in Attalian.

“Su-Hwa…” Jimin began, voice low like a warning.

She shook her head, refusing to move. “It doesn’t have to end like this, Jimin-ssi.”

“Su-Hwa,” Park Hae-jin called, “What is the matter?”

The Emperor’s posture remained at ease, though he rested a hand on the hilt of his sword. He had taken a step away from Taehyung so that he could survey the entire room and all the threats before him.

Su-Hwa spun around, hands dropping to her sides. “Orabeoni…please call the ceremony off.”

Park Hae-jin’s expression darkened. He turned to Taehyung. “Taehyung, did you plan something… did you see something?”

Taehyung remained quiet. His breaths are short like he was struggling to breathe, struggling to speak.


Finally, Taehyung rasped: “Whatever it takes. Isn’t that right, Hae-jin-hyung?”

Park Hae-jin’s lips curl into a snarl. His hand moved away from his sword, shifting to the inside of his frock coat. Jimin’s heart leapt to his throat, he side-stepped Su-Hwa, lunging forwards at the Emperor.

Was this what Taehyung saw in his visions? Was this the prophecy promised by the Crone? Jimin killing the Emperor?

“Stop the ceremony. It has been done!” came a shrill voice. At first, Jimin couldn’t understand. The words were spoken in accented Attalian. Then again, in the Common Language, with the sharp intonations of Orivalian.

They all turned, watching as a shadowed figure materialized through the wispy curtains. Jimin didn’t recognize the woman who had soft, feminine grace and wide eyes as delicate as a doll’s. But he does recognize the way she moves, lithe and rhythmic like a cat.


Soo-jin was panting as she strode towards Su-Hwa, her eyes fixed on the young princess the entire time as she crossed the room. She knelt before Su-Hwa, drawing a sword from its scabbard at her hip. She lifted the sword above her head, the flat of the blade resting in her palms.

“I have received news from Rossarya,” Soo-jin declared. “The Senate has been subdued. All twenty-eight members of the Senate have signed an accord pledging their fealty to you, Yoo Su-Hwa. The Imperial City is yours. Lugdunum has sworn to peace in this alliance. Galatea has sworn to peace in this alliance. Aquiella has sworn peace in this alliance. The Imperial Consul of Lavicci and the Archduke of Estemery have sworn fealty to you. It is done. Long Live Yoo Su-Hwa of the Imperial House Cerebyrn, Empress of Orivala.

The beating of Jimin’s own heart was an earthquake in his ears.

Su-Hwa didn’t move, but a strange sound escaped her lips that was a cross between a whimper and a sob.

“Forgive me, Orabeoni.”

Park Hae-jin didn’t move. “You were all in this…” he said carefully. The monotony of his voice made Jimin’s skin crawl. He was too calm for a man that just learned that his empire had been taken from him. That composure was what made Park Hae-jin such a terrifying opponent.

“You convinced my sister to usurp me — poisoned her with your lies and false gods.”

“No, Orabeoni,” Su-Hwa said. “It wasn’t gods or lies that made me do this. It was watching you pursue this bloody crusade. Orivala cannot continue down this destructive pathway! Our people are suffering.”

“Su-Hwa, everything I have done, I have done for you,” Park Hae-jin said. “So you may inherit a legacy. How could you have betrayed me?”

Su-Hwa’s eyes glistened with tears, her voice cracking as she nearly yelled. “I didn’t want that! I never wanted to rule. All I wanted was a quiet life, with Soojin, safe at my side.” She swiped her eyes with the back of her hands, straightening her shoulders. “But it wasn’t by the gods’ will. I did this to save Orivala. To save you .”

Park Hae-jin laughed, a sound that was near maniacal, as he threw his head back. In his peripheral vision, Jimin saw Jisoo step in front of Jennie, and Jihyun pushed Mingyu further into the shadows. He was nowhere close enough to Taehyung as he would have wished. Taehyung was too close to Park Hae-jin, his movements impeded by the weight of his clothes and the crown on his head.

Jimin cautiously stepped closer. It was over now, wasn’t it? But if he could put himself between Taehyung and Park Hae-jin, he would be more at ease. But then Park Hae-jin moved. He lunged towards Taehyung, an arm wrapping around Taehyung’s throat, bringing him close.

Taehyung gasped, arms flailing as he tried to get away.

Jimin rushed forward, dagger out.

The diadem slid off Taehyung’s head, falling to the earthen floor with a muted thump.

Jimin heard the ominous click before he saw the glinting steel pressed against Taehyung’s temple.

A gun.


Jimin skidded to a stop.

Everyone froze — stopped breathing even.

“Hae-jin-hyung, please — don’t — ” Taehyung said, his voice raspy with the force applied to his throat.

“It’s rather late for that, Taehyung,” Park Hae-jin said. “Hands where I can see them.”

He turned his eyes to Jimin. “Drop the knife, Jimin-ssi.”

Jimin immediately complied, placing the dagger at his feet.

“Kick it away.”

He did.

“Orabeoni — please,” Su-Hwa begged. She stepped closer to her brother. “It’s over. There has been enough bloodshed. We can leave in peace.”

“You can leave. But I cannot.”

Taehyung inhaled sharply, eyes screwing shut. “Hyung — don’t — ”

“I have been kind, Taehyung, but I have warned you.” Park Hae-jin pressed the muzzle harder against Taehyung’s head.

No — please — ” Jeongguk choked.

Jimin heard the click of the gun safety.

Park Hae-jin lifted the gun.

Jimin lunged for his dagger.


1. FINALLY. WE ARE AT THE WEDDING SCENE. I am so happy that we finally reached this point. I've been planning this scene for YEARS. Things will be heating up in the next 1-2 chapters. But rest assured -- THERE WILL BE A HAPPY ENDING.
2. Kicksomeacid, thank you for beta reading!!!! As always!
3. Come talk to me on Twitter or ask me questions on Curious Cat.
4. There are about five more chapters before the conclusion of this story, an epilogue, probably. Three of them are already written and will be uploaded soon! This long, long, LONG story might be done before February.... Ahaha. Till the next chapter!

With Love,

Chapter 31: étude: yuyin


y ú y ī n 餘音

[n]. the remnants of sound that stay in the ears after the sound has stopped


(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

chapter thirty-one
étude: yúyīn

With rites completed, he ventures to plea,
A prophecy whispered, his destiny decree.

Her prophecy rings in Taehyung’s ears, a whisper that never leaves him alone. It follows him into his dreams and promises the end one way or another.

It lingers as Taehyung walks down the pathway towards the altar. He’s seen images of the wedding in his visions: wisteria blooms floating in the strange breeze, an altar covered in white underneath its canopy, and vows he had studied sitting heavy on his tongue.

But before he had a chance to speak the poison –

Arranged union, a marriage ordained,
Emperor's sister, ambition unchained.

“Long live Yoo Su-Hwa of the Imperial House Cerebyrn, Empress of Orivala!”

An empire of power, once staunch and secure,
Shall crumble and fall, pride's blind allure.

It is over. It’s finally over.

“Forgive me, Orabeoni.”

She rises in darkness, her brother she'll dethrone

“You poisoned her with your lies and false gods!” Taehyung doesn’t even have time to react as hands dig into him, knocking him back as he trips over the train of fabric at his feet. An arm wraps around his neck, and suddenly, he cannot breathe as something cold is pressed to his temple.

Blood shall be spilt, for the lion’s gold throne.

The prophecy spills again into Taehyung’s thoughts.

Will it be his own blood spilt?

“Orabeoni — please. It’s over. We can leave in peace.”

“You can leave. But I cannot.”

Taehyung feels the object dig into his skin. A burst of self-preservation and panic surges through his system. Taehyung cannot die here — he cannot die here. He won’t.

“Hyung, don’t —” he starts.

“No — please!”


Loved ones shall suffer, on both sides, they'll mourn
Blood shall be shed, two worlds torn.

“If I can’t have you, Taehyung. Neither will he.”

Taehyung hears a click.

Then, a surge of pain sets his entire system ablaze. It’s a fire that begins at his skull, spreading and spreading and —

For a moment, Taehyung can’t feel anything — can’t hear anything.

The world comes back.

He’s falling.

Everything is spinning.

He doesn’t know up from down, but he thinks he’s on the ground, dirt crushed beneath his fingertips.


Then another explosion of sound erupts so close to his ears. It leaves everything ringing in his mind: a cacophony of divine whispers, sharp clashing of metal against metal, the rush of voices around him.

“Taehyung — Taehyung, can you hear me?”

Jimin. That is Jimin.

Then, a voice further away.




A life shall be taken, a sacrifice grand.


2. Kicksomeacid, thank you for beta reading!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
3. Come talk to me on Twitter or ask me questions on Curious Cat.

Chapter 32: nunc scio quid sit amor


nunc scio quid sit amor

[phr.] lit. “now I know what love is”


(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

chapter thirty-two
nunc scio quid sit amor

Warning: Character death. Descriptions of gun violence, sword fights, blood, and wounds.

“Hae-jin-hyung, please — don’t —”

Taehyung’s voice was breathy, the pressure of Park Hae-jin’s arm against his throat cutting off his airway.

“It’s rather late for that, Taehyung. Hands where I can see them.”

Jeongguk couldn’t move. His hands already hovered helplessly at shoulder height, feet rooted to the floor the moment he saw the gun pressed to Taehyung’s temple. Any sudden movements could trigger Park Hae-jin.

Taehyung would not survive a bullet through the head — divine blood or not.

Jeongguk tried to work through Park Hae-jin’s thoughts, to see what the former Emperor could be thinking.

The Emperor’s arm tightened around Taehyung’s throat.

Jeongguk heard Namjoon’s voice in his thoughts, low and severe, through the panic.

Put yourself in their situation, Jeongguk. Understand what they are going through if you want to predict their next move. It’s all but a game of chess.

Park Hae-jin’s eyes flickered around the room, taking stock of how many people were there. Then, his eyes lingered on the curtains that blocked the exit. There was only one way out of the caverns. Perhaps he was thinking of using Taehyung to buy his way out of the country.

But where would he go? What was left?

This marital union to a powerful, divine entity was nothing more than a farce.

His sister, whom he loved, just betrayed him and revealed that she had conspired with the enemy to overthrow him.

Park Hae-jin had lost his empire.

He had lost everything.

There is no way out. It wouldn’t matter anymore.

Su-Hwa inched forward, barely moving as she held her hands in front of her, tears now streaking down her cheeks. “Orabeoni, please. It’s over. There has been enough bloodshed. We can leave in peace.”

“You can leave. But I cannot.”

No. Park Hae-jin didn’t intend to make it out of here alive.

Jeongguk lurched forward, hand reaching out like he could stop this — like he could say or do anything to prevent it.

But he couldn’t, not when he could see the hardness that settled in Park Hae-jin’s eyes. The resignation and finality.

A breathless plea fell from his lips.

Then Park Hae-jin’s eyes met his.

Jeongguk could see Park Hae-jin’s lips moving.

A prayer flitted through Jeongguk’s thoughts: a plea to the Six, to the Mother, Maiden, and Crone – to anyone – who would listen.

Please, no.

Time seemed to slow as the sound of the safety shrieked.

Park Hae-jin shifted, pulling Taehyung closer and then lifting his hand, jamming the heel of the handgun into Taehyung’s skull.

In Jeongguk’s peripheral vision, Jimin flung himself to the ground.

The First Prince crumbled to the floor.

Jeongguk knew he was yelling. But he couldn’t hear his own voice through the beating of his heart.

He blinked.

When he opened his eyes again, Park Hae-jin pointed the gun at him.

His entire body grew cold.

Park Hae-jin never intended to kill Taehyung, just Jeongguk.

It was strange, the flood of relief that came through him.

At that moment, Jeongguk had enough time to wonder if he would have done the same.

(He would.)


Something crashed into Jeongguk, knocking the air out of him as he tumbled to the ground, shoulder screaming and his sword hilt jamming into his stomach. A loud boom rang in his ears, and the shock cracked through the ice in his veins.

He blinked away the dizziness in his vision.

Jimin rushed to Taehyung’s side. He was so still, lying in a heap of white fabric. Blood trickled from a wound underneath his hairline. But Jeongguk could see the rise and fall of his chest.

He was alive.

Park Hae-jin swore.

Jeongguk scrambled to his feet, hand instinctively moving to his sword.

Park Hae-jin stumbled back several steps, cradling a hand close to his chest. Blood seeped between his fingertips. Jeongguk searched for the gun, finding it at Su-Hwa’s feet, Jimin’s dagger lying not far away.

He must have thrown it. Maybe that’s why it missed Jeongguk.

But someone pushed him out of the way.

Jeongguk blinked.

He turned his head.


He stood where Jeongguk was just moments before.

He stood abnormally still, shoulders hunched, a hand pressed to his abdomen.

“Hyung?” Jeongguk said.

His voice had Yoongi stirring. Yoongi pulled his hand away from the black of his suit.

Yoongi’s palm was covered with thick, dripping red.

He staggered a step backwards and began to tip.

“Yoongi-hyung!” Jeongguk screamed. His voice broke as he rushed to catch his brother. Yoongi’s weight brought them both crashing to the floor.

The gunshot wound was barely visible in the black of Yoongi’s clothes, but Jeongguk could see the frayed edges of his shirt where the bullet tore through the fabric. The fabric stuck to Yoongi’s skin, and now the white scarf that hung around his neck was stained red.

Yoongi took a stuttering gasp, eyes closing.

No. No. NO.

Jeongguk tried to cradle Yoongi up in his lap. But his brother was all dead weight.

Yoongi couldn’t leave him. Jeongguk would not be able to live if he lost Yoongi.

Somewhere in his thoughts, he heard Seokjin’s voice screaming at him now.

Breathe, Jeongguk. You’re running out of time to save him.

He tried to heed Seokjin’s words. He took a breath, not caring that it came out as a sob on the exhale.

Good, now apply pressure to the wound.

Jeongguk moved without thinking, the palm of his hand pressing into the wound.

Yoongi groaned. He cursed, and Jeongguk was so grateful for the sound — to see Yoongi’s eyes flutter open.

“Jeongguk,” Yoongi slurred.

“Hyung - Hyung . I’m here. I’m here . Hang on, just hang on.”

Yoongi’s eyes moved as if searching for Jeongguk’s. Once their eyes met, a small smile curled the edges of Yoongi’s lips. “By the Goddesses, you’re safe.”


Jeongguk barely reacted when two figures crowded around them. A hand touched his shoulder, and he shook them off, turning to almost snarl at them. But then he recognized their face.

Mingyu’s features were stern as he tried to meet Jeongguk’s gaze.

“How can I help?” the Second Prince asked.

You must stay calm, Jeongguk. For Yoongi.

Jeongguk forced another breath into his lungs.

Find something to dress the wound. Starch the bleeding.

He found himself repeating the instruction out loud, and Mingyu immediately reacted. He shrugged off his white blazer, rolling into a ball. Jeongguk took it. Then, carefully but firmly pressed it into Yoongi’s abdomen.

Jeongguk tried not to focus on how the fabric became soaked with blood so swiftly.

Yoongi groaned again. But he didn’t move as Mingyu’s hands overlapped Jeongguk’s, applying additional pressure.

You’ll need to get somewhere safe. He’ll need medical attention for this, Jeongguk.

“We need to get out of here — a doctor —”

“Noona’s already going,” Mingyu replied lowly. The first words he had said since coming to their aid. Jeongguk turned his head just in time to see the curtains fluttering close as Jennie and Jisoo, both barefoot and silent, tear down the tunnels.

They’ll get help.

Good. Keep him calm, now, Jeongguk.

“Stay with me, okay, Yoongi-hyung?” Jeongguk said. “You’re going to be fine.”

Jeongguk’s skin crawled at the sound of a sharp peel of steel on steel.

He glanced up to see Park Hae-jin had drawn his sword: a thin but menacing rapier with an intricate, swirling guard and a pommel shaped like a lion’s head.

The same style of blade Hoseok had asked Yeonjun to spar with.

Jeongguk might have laughed if he wasn’t so numb.

Park Hae-jin straightened to his full height. His injured hand rested casually at his side. At his feet lay the blood-red mantle once draped around his shoulders. He pointed the end of the blade at Jeongguk.

Come, Jeon Jeongguk! King of Naissus!” Park Hae-jin called.

Jeongguk was used to the calm demeanour of the former emperor, commanding in the way he spoke and all too intelligent and cunning. But now, his voice is too loud, wild, almost in the way he nearly screamed Jeongguk’s name.

Jeongguk’s blood pounded in his ears. Images of his imaginary duels with Park Hae-jin flashed across his vision. He had nightmares of a sword fight with Park Hae-jin. He never imagined it coming to fruition.

Hoseok came to him now, his voice grim.

You were prepared for this, Jeongguk. You were prepared for the consequences.

Jeongguk flinched when he felt Yoongi’s hand touch his wrist. His brother’s fingertips were slick with his own blood.

“Go,” Yoongi hissed. “End this.”

The ferocity in Yoongi’s voice was not lost on him.

Promise me, we’ll bring them back safely.

Mingyu nudged him, urging him to stand.

“Go,” he whispered. “We’ll take care of Min Yoongi-ssi.”

Jeongguk slowly rose to his feet, and as he turned his gaze to Park Hae-jin, he searched for the anger, bloodlust, and fear that once consumed him.

But all he felt was resignation.

Jeongguk grasped the hilt of his blade, stepping away from his brother towards Park Hae-jin. The sword felt familiar in his blood-slicked hands. Jeongguk had held this ceremonial blade many times before.

“Come at me!” Park Hae-jin yelled.

Jeongguk carried it during his coronation ceremony, swearing to serve and protect Naissus with his life upon it.

“Avenge your brother!”

He used it to draw blood in the oaths binding him and his King’s Circle — together in life and death.

“Try and kill me.”

And now, he’ll use it to kill an Emperor.

Jeongguk inhaled once, adrenaline slithering through his spine as he unsheathed the blade with a sharp ring. The metal shined in the misty light — eerie in its beauty. Park Hae-jin grinned.

“Orabeoni, stop!” Su-Hwa screamed. “Please — ”

“This will only end in my death, Su-Hwa,” Park Hae-jin snapped. “There is no other way.”

Jeongguk wrapped both hands around the hilt of his sword, watching and mimicking Park Hae-jin as they began circling each other, stepping around the benches and underneath the canopy of the wisteria tree.

Jeongguk couldn’t help but take his eyes off Park Hae-jin for a moment, glancing up through the thicket of the tree. The purple blossoms hung like a thick curtain over the twisted branches, with little sunlight filtering through the gaps. Loose petals floated down from the branches. Taehyung had told him stories of the wisteria tree in the caverns — a sacred place for ceremonies – of celebration.

Now, they will spill blood here.

Jeongguk thought that Park Hae-jin was right-handed. But he wielded the rapier with such ease in his left.

“I heard you had declared the death sentence for your former Lord Chancellor,” Park Hae-jin began. “I thought you might have been merciful, considering your reputation.”

Park Hae-jin whipped his rapier gracefully, bending his knees and testing his weight on his heels. “But you are just like the rest of us: frightened by power but starving for more.”

Jeongguk tried to focus on his breath and not react to the taunt.

Remain calm on the battlefield; don’t let your emotions overtake you.

“Still, I don’t think you have what it takes to take a life by your own hand.”

(He was wrong.)

Park Hae-jin struck like a viper, lunging forward with the rapier’s tip aimed at Jeongguk’s chest. Jeongguk’s heart slammed against his ribs as he struggled to parry, swinging his sword in a wide arc to knock the rapier away. Hae-jin swiftly disengaged, pulling back for just a second before striking again.

As their blades clashed, his entire body vibrated with the force.

There was no time to absorb the impact before the Emperor pulled back and struck again. Jeongguk couldn’t dodge in time; he had to sidestep and cried out when the blade tore through his upper arm.

Jeongguk backpedaled. Hand flying to the wound. His frock jacket and shirt had taken the brunt of the cut, but the blade still made it to flesh, and Jeongguk felt blood seep through his fingers now.

Jeongguk’s stomach sank as fear rose to his throat.

Park Hae-jin was both strong and fast. Jeongguk couldn’t risk underestimating him. He couldn’t play safe. He knew this — Park Hae-jin was a renowned tactician and military general.

Park Hae-jin spun his sword once more, returning to a ready position. He was smiling. He was enjoying this.

Jeongguk took a deep breath, wiping his hand on his shirt before grasping his sword again. He had to focus.

The Emperor moved to strike again. But this time, Jeongguk was more prepared.

Jeongguk wielded the long sword with more speed and agility than most, parrying swiftly before dropping to his knees and thrusting the blade forward.

It wasn’t enough to stab Park Hae-jin, but enough to nick him in the side. The Emperor staggered backwards, hissing in pain.

Jeongguk was sweating now.

He turned to his brother. Yoongi had fallen unconscious, head lolling in Mingyu’s hold as the Second Prince, along with his Crownsguard, hauled him between them towards the mouth of the cavern. They’d get him out to safety, away from this.

The trail of white fabric was the only thing that remained of where Jeongguk last saw Taehyung. Both Jimin and Taehyung were gone. Safe.

He didn’t see Su-Hwa or Soo-jin.

“Don’t look away from me!”

Jeongguk twisted back in time to see Park Hae-jin flying at him. He dodged the strike, swinging his sword to the other side. The Emperor blocked the sword swiftly, meeting Jeongguk in a deadlock.

“It didn’t have to come to this,” Park Hae-jin grunted. “If you had stayed out of these affairs, you could have continued to live in peace.”

“One way or another, we would have crossed paths,” Jeongguk hissed.

“At least now, you can personally end it, right?”

Jeongguk pushed out of the deadlock, carelessly forcing another strike at Park Hae-jin’s forearm. He managed to get a hit, but he left his side undefended. Jeongguk’s vision whited out when the Emperor’s sword swept a deep cut to his ribs.

They both staggered backwards this time, staring at each other as they inspected their new wounds and tried to catch their breath.

The pain was a shocking reminder to Jeongguk: this wasn’t a spar where he could push himself to recklessness. Recklessness meant death here.

Jeongguk pounced, forcing Hae-jin back as he wielded the long sword with as much strength and speed as possible. The clash of their swords forced the air out of his lungs. Before Jeongguk could swing away, Park Hae-jin raised his other hand. Jeongguk jolted when he saw the glint of metal catching in the sunlight.

He barely had time to duck and yelped when something sharp cut his forehead.

Another dagger.

This has to end soon.

Jeongguk had enough momentum for another strike and lashed out, cutting into Park Hae-jin’s thigh.

Park Hae-jin screamed, and he dropped the dagger to tend to the wound.

Jeongguk was panting.

Blood began dripping into his eye, and no matter how he wiped it away, his vision was blurry and crimson.

His energy was depleting. The burning of his lungs and limbs began taking over.

This must end now.

For Naissus.

For Yoongi.

For Taehyung.

Jeongguk had to keep one eye closed, rising to his feet again. Park Hae-jin did the same, limping as he approached.

Their swords clashed in another stalemate. Jeongguk could feel Park Hae-jin was trembling. He was panting, just as tired as Jeongguk was.

Jeongguk pushed, inching his blade closer to Park Hae-jin’s neck until the metal kissed the softness of flesh. Until all it would take was one sweep back to end it.

Truly end it.

“Yield,” Jeongguk hissed. “It’s over, Park Hae-jin.”

The Emperor bared his teeth, still pushing back. “Then do it.”

Jeongguk gritted his teeth as Park Hae-jin moved closer to the blade.

“Do it. Be a murderer, or he’ll never be safe.”

For Taehyung.

For Yoongi.

For Naissus.

Jeongguk’s blade drew a thin line of blood across Park Hae-jin’s neck.

Bang! Bang!

Jeongguk jerked backwards, nearly dropping his blade.

Park Hae-jin didn’t move.

For a moment, Jeongguk wondered if time had stopped.

Then, the Emperor of Orivala collapsed.

There were two holes in the back of his coat. More visible than the puncture in Yoongi’s clothes — higher and closer to his heart.

Blood began blooming across the fabric, darkening the already bright red colour.

Jeongguk raised his eyes.

Su-Hwa was standing behind her brother.

His gun was in her hands.

Her eyes were wide.


Park Hae-jin remained still.

Was he…

Suddenly, there were more voices. Attalian. Jeongguk… didn’t know what to do.

Jeongguk turned away — no one — no one he recognized was there.

He turned back.

Su-Hwa had dropped the gun, carefully approaching her brother’s still body now. She leaned down, her hands shook as she placed two fingers against the pulse point.

Even the voices had died down to a murmur in wait.

She stood and shook her head.

He was…

Nothing made sense to Jeongguk anymore.

...Was he dead? over?

He was prepared to kill Park Hae-jin -- to slit his throat.

The voices returned tenfold, moving around him, towards him.


He knew that voice.


He blinked.

“Jeongguk-ssi,” she called again. “Will you allow the medics to tend to your wounds?”


He blinked again. Once again, realizing that his left eye stung. He noticed a young man standing behind the Queen of Attalia with a massive bag in his hand with the first aid symbol stitched across it.

“Where is Yoongi-hyung?” Jeongguk croaked.

“Mingyu and Ji-Hyun took him to the infirmary,” Jennie explained. “They’re taking care of him there, he’ll be–”

“Be honest with me, Jennie-ssi,” Jeongguk growled. He was surprised by the fierceness in his voice and the frenzy creeping into his blood as the numbness subsided.

Jennie swallowed, looking down at the floor. “The physicians here are determined to stabilize him with what they can. He… he has lost a lot of blood. They are preparing to airlift him to Marsylle. We have more resources there to help him.”

“I need to go with him,” Jeongguk said, staggering towards the exit. But then Jennie shoved him down, and he luckily landed on a bench.

“You need to sit down,” she said. “You have to let someone tend to your wounds — or you’re going to bleed out, and we’re going to have to airlift you both out.”


She sighed. “He’s… awake. They are tending to him in the infirmary as well. He took quite a blow to the head.”

“Can I see him?”

“If you let the medic tend to your wounds first,” Jennie said. His shoulders slumped, and he nodded.

The medic still did not approach until Jennie knelt at Jeongguk’s side, calm as she pried the sword out of his hands.

“It’s… over, Jeongguk-ssi,” she said softly. “They… will make it through this. You must have faith that they are strong.”

Jeongguk nodded, allowing her to remove the blade and place it in the dirt at his side.

“And…” he started. His throat stung. “And Park Hae-jin?”

He didn’t need to see Jennie’s face to feel how she tensed. “The Emperor was pronounced dead upon arrival.”

Jeongguk didn’t respond. Jennie left him with the medic. Jeongguk nodded blearily as the medic asked for his consent. The young man hesitated momentarily before settling on the bench before Jeongguk and inspecting the injuries.

Jeongguk must’ve looked crazed, with dirt sticking to his skin, sweaty, and covered in blood. He felt it on his hands. It was drying underneath his fingernails. He could taste the salt of it on his tongue.

The medic handed him a wet towel, and Jeongguk took it gratefully.

The repetitive motion of wiping the blood from his skin brought him back to reality for a moment, just enough to notice Su-Hwa kneeling underneath the wisteria tree.

Her pale green dress pooled around her as she sat beside her brother. They had flipped him onto his back, closed his eyes and arranged his limbs so it looked like he was… sleeping.

Su-Hwa held her brother’s hands over his chest. Her head bowed as her lips moved. Slowly, she lowered her head to their joined hands. She stayed for a moment before releasing her grasp. Jeongguk turned away, as she leaned to press a kiss to his forehead.

It was over.

It was truly over.

“Your Majesty.”

Jeongguk opened his eyes to the medic’s voice. His vision was still spotty, with the crusted blood around his eye, but it wasn’t difficult to identify Su-Hwa’s still figure standing in front of him.

Su-Hwa had blood on her hands, splotches of red covering the skirts of her dress.

“Thank you,” she said. Her tone was devoid of emotion. “For allowing my brother to fight you honourably. I — I’m sorry about the injuries to the Earl of Libertas… and yourself. I — I don’t know if there is anything I can offer in reparations.”

Jeongguk shook his head. “No. I want nothing… I’m just…sorry it had to come to this.”

Su-Hwa tried to smile, and Jeongguk could see she was struggling to hold back tears. “It might have been inevitable.”

“Thank you for… for ending it.”

She nodded. “It’s… for the best.”

“Su-Hwa-ssi,” Jennie called from across the room. They both turned to the queen. She was still barefoot, standing beside a man in the standard Attalian uniform. “The carriage is ready for your departure.”

Su-Hwa turned back to Jeongguk. “I must return to Orivala now. To right the wrongs… and prepare for my brother’s funeral.”

“Safe travels… Your Eminence.”

She paused with the title but then continued away.

Jeongguk remained sitting, jacket removed and shirt hiked over his back to allow the medic to tend to the cut on his ribs. The lacerations were long, but thankfully, they were shallow enough not to hit bone. He’d need sutures. He barely felt the prick of the needle.

Jeongguk found himself observing the young Attalian queen. She had been directing the clean-up and…from the looks of things, arranging to transport the Emperor’s body back to Orivala. Her white dress was streaked with dirt, the hem of the gown covered in blood. Upon seeing a glittering crown lying amongst a pile of petals, she paused in her work.

Jennie bent to pick up the crown. The circle of diamonds and jewels still sparkled despite the dirt and muck covering it. The diadem was beautiful on Taehyung’s head. Jeongguk had wondered if such a crown was meant to be worn by a prince — or if it belonged to the goddesses themselves. Jennie didn’t linger with the crown for long, handing it off to one of the many staff who were called to the commotion in the cavern.

“I’ve done what I can, Your Majesty,” the medic said. “It will scar… and I advise you to be gentle with the stitches.”

“Thank you,” Jeongguk murmured, slowly rolling his shirt down and shrugging the jacket over his shoulders again.

When he stood on shaking feet, Jennie was beside him.

“Would you like to go to the infirmary?” Jennie asked. “Min Yoongi-ssi might have left by now… but… Taehyung would be there, and you could get some rest.”

Jeongguk shook his head. “I want to see Taehyung first, but then I’d like to go to Marsylle immediately.”

Jennie nodded. “Of course, I will arrange for transportation. Jia will escort you to the infirmary.”

Jeongguk wearily picked up his sword, his tired limbs struggling to sheath the blade in its scabbard, before following the woman down the tunnels. Around him, the guards and staff members parted like an ocean wave. Their eyes followed him, and though Jeongguk couldn’t understand Attalian, it was easy to guess what they were murmuring about.

The death of the Emperor, was it at the hands of his beloved sister? Or the king of a country rivalling for the First Prince’s heart? The king who was covered in blood and carried a blade equally stained.

Jeongguk didn’t have the energy to think anymore.

He didn’t realize they were so close to the infirmary until he heard more voices, louder and more frantic. Jia began walking faster, and Jeongguk followed. When the doors to the infirmary opened, Jeongguk’s heart dropped at the sound of Taehyung’s voice, distraught, as he yelled in Attalian.

“What is going on?” Jia cried.


Jeongguk turned as Mingyu came rushing towards them. “What’s happening?”

Mingyu shook his head. “I don’t know. Hyung was unconscious when Jimin-hyung brought him here. But when he awoke, he began repeating something about a prophecy, and they couldn’t calm him down!”

Jeongguk rushed around the corner, the exhaustion in his system forgotten in the panic. There were several nurses and physicians crowded around a small cot. Taehyung curled against the headboard. He screamed, thrashing and speaking in such rapid, breathless Attalian that it frightened Jeongguk.

“Where is Lord Park Jimin?” Jia asked.

“I told Jimin-hyung to go with Min Yoongi-ssi to Marsylle,” Mingyu replied, “I didn’t think Hyung would get like this.”

The medics had cleaned the wound on Taehyung’s forehead, but it appeared as though they couldn’t stitch it closed before the prince awoke. Taehyung scratched at his face, still muttering in Attalian, as a sob escaped his lips.

“Jeongguk-ssi, you have to help calm him down,” Mingyu said frantically, “if this continues, they’ll sedate him, and we both know he won’t react well to that either.”

Jeongguk did not need to be persuaded to intervene. He pushed through the bodies, and like the others, the hum of voices died at the sight of the king.

“Taehyung,” he called softly. At first, Taehyung didn’t respond to his name, eyes screwed shut, hands tugging at his hair, and lips moving rapidly. His voice had fallen to a bare whisper. This wasn’t like Taehyung. Even in the throes of a vision, his emotions have never escalated to near delirium.

This wasn’t a vision.

“What was he saying?”

Mingyu spoke up. “The prophecy from the Goddess of Death. It’s… in old Attalian. I can only understand parts of it. Something about ‘she rises from the shadows, blood spilling for the lion’s throne, bloodlines suffering, two sides are torn, and….and a life will end… a sacrifice most grand.’”

A shiver ran down Jeongguk’s spine. Jimin had told them of the prophecy, but no one, including Taehyung himself, had remembered it. They theorized that it was a side-effect of such a prophecy. To know it may come the chance to undo it. To change the future.

But now, the prophecy had come to pass. It must have returned to him.

A life will end—a sacrifice.

One of the physicians attempted to pull the prince’s hands away from his face, and he earned a violent shove for his efforts. Taehyung scrambled to the edge of the bed, trying to get his feet under him as he stood. He lurched forward, knees buckling underneath him. Jeongguk lunged and managed to catch him.

“Taehyung,” Jeongguk tried again. He felt Taehyung’s body tensing, sharply inhaling as he tried to push away.

“Taehyung, it’s Jeongguk. You’re safe here.”

He hasn’t gotten an answer from Taehyung yet—nothing but several moments of shuddering breaths.

“Jeongguk?” Taehyung whispered.

“That’s right. It’s…it’s over now.”

“The prophecy — ”

“It came true,” Jeongguk continued. He began stroking Taehyung’s back, holding him close as they rocked back and forth on the floor. He didn’t care that several people stood above them, watching and listening.

“It’s over,” Jeongguk repeated like he had to remind himself too. “We… won.”

“What happened?”

Jeongguk licked his lips. A part of him hesitated to explain everything, especially with how fragile Taehyung was at this moment. But if he were in this situation, he’d want to know. He’d want to know everything. So he explained it all, from the moment Park Hae-jin hit Taehyung with the gun to the two shots Su-Hwa fired.

“Yoongi-hyung,” Taehyung whimpered.

“He’s on his way to Marsylle,” Jeongguk said. “He’ll be — he’ll be — ”

“I’m sorry.”

Jeongguk’s voice broke. He didn’t have the heart to lie when he didn’t even know.

“We can only wait, knowing that Yoongi-hyung is strong,” he said instead. “But it’s… over now.”

It was over.

Jeongguk can’t recall how long they sat on the floor together. Taehyung clutched the lapel of his jacket in a death grip until, slowly, the sobs grew quiet, and his breaths evened out. In the quiet that followed, the nurse returned, a kind-looking woman who asked if she could tend to Taehyung’s wound.

The prince only nodded. Jeongguk helped ease Taehyung back onto the cot. She watched as the nurse gently cleaned the wound again, explaining everything she did in a singsong voice, both in Attalian and Common. Her voice seemed to lull them both to the edge of sleep, and Taehyung succumbed to the exhaustion soon after, curling into Jeongguk’s side.

Jeongguk remained awake, sitting against the headboard, carding his hand through Taehyung’s hair. Though he longed for the quiet that sleep might bring, he knew the nightmares would consume him.

He — he was so close to doing it: to end it all with one final movement. The image behind his eyes. Even if he didn’t land the final blow, he had a hand in Park Hae-jin’s death.

He committed regicide.

Somewhere in the constant circling of his thoughts, he heard footsteps approaching their little corner of the infirmary. The curtains opened, and his stomach twisted at the sight of the Attalian Queen. Her face was impassive, softening only when she realized her brother was asleep.

Jennie pulled up a chair quietly at the bedside.

“How are you,” she began.

Jeongguk shrugged, preparing his heart for the worst. “My brother?”

“Min Yoongi-ssi is in stable condition,” she said carefully. “I just received news from Marsylle that they’re taking him in for surgery.”

“And the prognosis?”

Her lips became a thin line. “They are hopeful… if he makes it through the surgery, his chances are good.”

Jeongguk nodded, still running his fingers through Taehyung’s hair. He was thankful for this quiet moment, for the still lingering scent of lavender and the song of Taehyung’s slow breaths.

“I should be there.”

“We’re preparing to leave soon,” Jennie said.

“And Taehyung?”

“I think he’d want to come too,” Jennie said. “The physician also recommended he go to Marsylle for further investigations. Though the symptoms appear to be a concussion, he wants to rule out any internal bleeding.”

That made Jeongguk nervous. “When do we leave?”

“In half an hour,” she said softly.

“…Alright,” Jeongguk said. He felt his eyes drooping close, the exhaustion finally weighing him down.

He forced himself to sit up straight. “What about Mingyu?”

“Mingyu will stay to oversee the aftermath here in Ravenna… and to watch over the remains of the Emperor,” Jennie explained. “It is best to let the dead rest in peace.”

“And Su-hwa?”

“She left about an hour ago. Soo-jin had arranged for an airship to take them back to Orivala. She had made the public address announcing her brother’s death and her ascension as Empress upon the airship.”

Jennie crossed her arms, leaning against her knees. “She called off the war with Naissus and declared the wedding between her brother and Taehyung-oppa null.”

Jeongguk swallowed the lump in his throat. The relief was short-lived, his thoughts circling back to Yoongi. He couldn’t cry now. Not yet.

“I see,” he said instead. “I assume she’ll want us to make statements soon, too.”

Jennie nodded. “Your King’s Circle will want to know what happened, and my parents will need to be informed, too.”

“In Marsylle,” Jeongguk replied. “Once I get more news on my brother’s condition.”

Jennie hummed. Her attention turned to her own brother.

“Mingyu… told me he was repeating lines from a prophecy,” Jennie murmured. “There was supposed to be a life taken… Do you think the prophecy has been fulfilled?”

“I can only hope,” Jeongguk replied. Taehyung shifted in his sleep, turning his head closer to the warmth of Jeongguk’s body. “He was so… frightened.”

“It is the guilt,” Jennie murmured, “I can see it on your face, too, Jeongguk-ssi.”

Jeongguk bit on the inside of his cheek.

“Min Yoongi-ssi chose not out of duty but out of love. All of our choices today were made in love… I think.”

“Even Su-Hwa’s?”

“Especially Su-Hwa,” Jennie said. “For her empire and her brother.”

A knock came at the door before Jeongguk could question Jennie’s reasoning. A guard entered, bowing before them.

“Your Majesties, we’re ready to depart. Though the carriage will not be able to take His Royal Highness in a stretcher.”

Jennie turned to her brother, a gentle smile pulling on her features as he continued to sleep. “I hate to disturb his rest, but it must be done.”

“I can carry him,” Jeongguk offered. The cut along his ribs and shoulder burned with his movements as he carefully got off the bed. But it wasn’t difficult to lift Taehyung into his arms, and though he tried to be gentle, the motion still woke the prince.

Taehyung murmured something in Attalian. Jeongguk couldn’t understand, but he heard Jimin’s name, Yoongi’s, then his own.

“Oppa, we’re going to Marsylle now. Jeongguk will carry you to the carriage,” Jennie answered.

“Yoongi-hyung?” Taehyung repeated.

“He’s going into surgery now,” Jeongguk answered.

Taehyung curled into Jeongguk’s chest, forehead pressing into the crook of Jeongguk’s shoulder. He felt the dampness of tears against the collar of his shirt. “Jeongguk… Jeongguk, I’m sorry.”

“Hush, my love.” The endearment broke on his lips. “You — we cannot change what has been done.”

“Come on, let’s go,” Jennie said. “We’ll find out more once we’re out of Ravenna.”


Author’s Note:
2. Kicksomeacid, thank you for beta reading!!!! As always!
3. Come talk to me on Twitter or ask me questions on Curious Cat.

Chapter 33: madrugada


Master Playlist

m a d r u g a d a

[n.] the moment at dawn when the night greets the day, the period between the “dead of the night” and “early morning,” roughly 1 AM - 4 AM


(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

chapter thirty-three

The gentle lull of the car ride to Marsylle left Jeongguk in a strange daze. Given the abrupt nature of their departure from Ravenna, it was the fastest way for them to get to Marsylle. Jeongguk didn’t mind.

The numbness had crept back into his system and settled like sludge in his veins. It took Jennie to clear her throat and tell Jeongguk that his phone had been vibrating non-stop for him to react. Jeongguk had fallen into a safe space of just… existing… where fatigue and shock had collided, creating a blanket of nothingness in his thoughts. Taehyung’s even breaths were a lullaby in his ears, as were Jisoo’s rhythmic taps on the edge of the window and Jennie’s nonsensical humming occasionally.

Jeongguk felt his limbs protest once he began moving again, carefully reaching into the pocket of his frock coat and pulling his phone out. He had turned on his phone when they were on the outskirts of Ravenna, but he had sunk further into a state of disbelief in the time it took for his phone to boot up. When he checked his phone now, there were over a hundred messages from a group chat with his King’s Circle, several messages from his cousin, and another dozen from his mother.

With only one hand, he clumsily tapped open the chat with his King’s Circle. Jeongguk felt his heart drop and another surge of fatigue wash over him. There were too many questions for him to answer by texting, most of them were frantic requests for him to call them as soon as he could. So he reluctantly hit the call button and pressed it to his ear.

Namjoon picked up on the second ring. Jeongguk knew that Seokjin and Hoseok were not far, judging by the faint sounds of their voices. So, Jeongguk didn’t give them much time to speak. Just numbly began telling them the facts. His voice cracked when he spoke of his brother’s injury, and the news that that Yoongi was in the operating room.

But then he cleared his throat, determined to share all the news to his King’s Circle. He ended with the knowledge that the Crone had gifted Taehyung with this prophecy: someone would die this day.

Namjoon remained silent. But then he heard Seokjin’s soft voice, a little further away.

“Are you well, Jeongguk?”

“I got a couple of cuts during the… duel. The medic patched me up.”

“That doesn’t answer my question.”

Jeongguk placed his elbow on the windowsill. Out of the corner of his eye, Jisoo and Jennie faced each other, Jennie showing her phone to Jisoo as they engaged in quiet conversation, giving him as much privacy as they could in this enclosed space. Taehyung barely moved from where he lay, slumped into Jeongguk’s side, still trying to sleep off the headache and nausea that surely came with the head injury.

“I don’t know,” Jeongguk answered honestly. “I’m just… worried about Yoongi-hyung.”

“One of us could come to Attalia,” Namjoon suggested. “With the Queen’s permission, of course. You’ll need to make a public address on the matter, Jeongguk.”

Jeongguk turned to face the Queen. She seemed to notice that he wanted her attention and glanced up.

“Would it be too much trouble, if a member of my King’s Circle comes to Marsylle?”

Jennie’s smile is soft. “You can invite them all if you’d like, Jeongguk-ssi. The Crown would be happy to host for as long as needed.”

Jeongguk pressed his ear to his phone again and immediately heard rustling of movement. It seemed he didn’t need to relay the message.

“Hoseok is trying to get things in order. With the success of the coup d’etat, Hoseok has recalled most of our fleets from the borders of Orivala. However, with most of our fleets still away, all that is left is the Bahamut. Will you give your consent to us using it?”

“Of course.”

“Hoseok believes we could be there by early evening once Her Majesty has permitted us to enter Attalian airspace. I will start drafting a statement for your approval.”

“Thank you, Hyung.”

“One last thing, Jeongguk. Su-Hwa has already made her address,” Namjoon said carefully. “If you’re feeling up for it, I would suggest watching it. It’s… done, Jeongguk. Naissus is safe. Attalia is safe. Yoongi-hyung will pull through. You have done it.”

The quiet words of reassurance from his Lord Chancellor were a cooling wave over the embers of his fears. He tried hard to let it sink in and believe it.

It’s over.

“Thank you, Hyung.”

“We’ll be there soon.”

The call ended, and just as Jeongguk was about to put his phone away, a video clip in their group chat caught his eye. He pulled it up to see a still image of Su-Hwa. Her hands were folded neatly in front of her on a gray table. She wore a maroon jacket that Jeongguk recognized to be the uniform of the Elite guards. It was likely Soojin’s and used to cover up the dirt and blood stains on her gown.

He clicked play on the video, raising the volume on his phone just enough to hear the Princess — Empress’ voice through the speaker. But the space was small enough and quiet enough that both Jennie and Jisoo halted their whispered conversations at the sound of Su-Hwa’s address.

“Citizens of Orivala, people of Iaryen, and those around the world. Today, I speak to you in my grief and hope as we navigate through a chapter of profound change and challenges. With a heavy heart, I announce that my brother, Emperor Park Hae-jin, has fallen honourably in battle.”

She took a breath, eyes flickering off the screen, before returning to the camera.

“In pursuing a future shaped by unity and harmony, I, Yoo Su-Hwa, as Orivala’s new sovereign, will not continue my brother’s nor my forebearer's crusades. Though it is wrong to speak ill of the dead, I must acknowledge the bloodshed left in the wake of my brother’s ambitions. In his quest to unite all of Iaryen under the Lion's banner, the late Emperor Park Hae-jin has left a trail of destruction and carnage in his wake. I cannot, in good conscience, allow such to continue. The Day Slayer and the Silver One may have dreamt of a great empire, but it was not one writ in blood and iron.

“There will be no more war in the name of the Silver One and the Day Slayer. Under my reign, we shall bring an end to the decades of war to usher in an era of peace, cooperation, and shared prosperity.

“In this endeavour, I declare a ceasefire in my brother’s call to war with Naissus. Furthermore, the union between the First Prince of Attalia and my late brother was never completed. Attalia has no alliance or loyalty to the Empire. I declare my intent to negotiate terms of peace and reparations with the kingdoms of Galatea, Lugdunum, Aquileia, Lavicci, and Estemery, who have suffered in the reigns of my father and brother.”

She forced another breath, her eyes growing watery, though she smiled at the camera. “The time has come for introspection: to mend the wounds forged with steel and greed and to honour the fallen in these battles. Let it be known that the Empire of Orivala, under my rule, will stand committed to forging connections that endure and fostering alliances with our neighbouring kingdoms. May the light of the sun and the grace of the moon bless you all.”

The video ended, and Jeongguk remained still. Jisoo sighed, putting her head in her hands. Jennie held his gaze.

“She let you have the credit,” Jennie finally said.


“Of Park Hae-jin’s death…” Jennie clarified.

Jeongguk put his phone away.

“I can understand why she would,” Jeongguk murmured.

Su-Hwa was declared Empress just hours ago and had already made decisions that no one should ever have to make. She couldn’t admit to killing the late Emperor. For if it was known that Su-Hwa’s reign began with a coup d’etat assisted by Naissus, Attalia, and alliances forged by enemies of the Empire and her own brother’s blood on her hands, she would face even more backlash.

But regardless, Jeongguk was close to doing it anyways. Su-Hwa never needed to say who her brother had fallen to in her address. It would be easy for the world to assume that it was the King of Naissus.

Jeongguk shuffled in his seat when Jennie’s phone went off, and she raised it to her ears to listen. She spoke in Attalian, hushed words in the lyrical language that sent Jeongguk further down into a state of exhaustion. He closed his eyes for what felt like just a moment — but sleep quickly claimed him.

In his dreams, the images returned.

The sight of hands stained red with Yoongi’s blood.

The stench and taste of iron on his tongue.

Park Hae-jin’s voice, a hypnotic whisper, “Do it, end it, Jeon Jeongguk.”

Kill me.

Be a murderer.


Jeon Jeongguk.


Jeongguk forced his eyes open. He thought he’d feel the grogginess that comes with slumber, but all he felt was the tiredness in his muscles and the dull ache of his wounds. Still, his mind was awake. He didn’t know how long he fell asleep, but the sun had shifted in the sky, becoming late afternoon now. In the distance, he was beginning to see cliffs, hills, and buildings that formed the familiar shape of a city.

“Jeongguk-ssi,” came that same voice. Jennie had been calling him, her features contorted with concern as she stared at him from across the seat. “I didn’t mean to wake you so abruptly.”

“No, it’s — it’s alright.” Jeongguk rubbed his eyes, though he did not feel the tiredness.

“I have news about Yoongi-ssi,” Jennie continued. Jeongguk froze, his heart beginning to pound painfully.

“The damage done to his internal organs was severe, but they were able to stop him from bleeding out and reduced the risk of sepsis. The bullet has been removed, and he’s received some blood. He’ll be down for a while, but the surgeons are confident he’ll recover from this.”

The relief overflowed. His chest began heaving. Jeongguk tucked his chin into his chest and took shuddering breaths. He had felt the shadows of vengeance looming over him, the intense and unbearable notion that if Yoongi didn’t make it, he’d want someone to blame. In that darkness, Jeongguk would have wanted to blame Su-Hwa. He tried not to let the thoughts consume him for long — wanted to stomp them down with the knowledge that revenge would not bring Yoongi back. Yet still, he was frightened of his own thoughts.

Knowing now that Yoongi would survive only made those thoughts more alarming. What if. What if Yoongi died? What if Taehyung was killed? What if he killed Park Hae-jin? Would Jeongguk be strong enough to turn away from the siren’s call of revenge for the sake of his kingdom?

He didn’t have long to ponder as Taehyung shifted, pushing himself off Jeongguk’s chest. He opened his eyes, and Jeongguk still hadn’t gotten used to the shining blue.

“What is it?” Taehyung asked hoarsely. “Did something happen?”

But it didn’t matter anymore. Yoongi will recover. Taehyung was safe. Park Hae-jin was dead.

“Yoongi-hyung made it out of surgery,” Jeongguk answered. “He’ll be alright.”

Taehyung’s eyes glistened with the same tears Jeongguk couldn’t help but shed now.

“We’re almost arriving in Marsylle, Oppa,” Jennie answered from the other side. “You’ll be able to see him soon.”

When they arrived in Marsylle, Jennie had directed their chauffeur to the hospital serving the Royal Family. Several staff members, including nurses and emergency personnel, were already waiting for them at the entrance, rushing to open the doors.

Jennie explained that the physician and medical team in Ravenna had sent a report ahead of them regarding both Taehyung and Jeongguk’s injuries.

“They might want to perform some tests, Oppa,” Jennie added, “to ensure you didn’t sustain any major head injuries.”

Taehyung nodded in agreement, but as the doors opened and a wheelchair was pulled up to the side, Taehyung refused to let go of Jeongguk’s hand.

“Would you want someone to look over your wounds as well, Jeongguk-ssi?” Jennie asked.

“No. I’m fine. But I’d like to accompany Taehyung.”

No one protested the Naissian King’s insistence as he trailed after the team, pushing Taehyung into the building. He followed them into the elevator and down to the lower floors of the hospital until they stopped before a white double-doored room. Then Jeongguk was asked to wait outside while they performed the tests.

The quiet hallways and dimly lit waiting room left Jeongguk alone in his thoughts. He rubbed at his arms, trying to warm himself in the sudden chill of the darkness. He didn’t want to close his eyes or sleep right now. Not when he knew the nightmares would come. His clothes felt crusty and sticky beneath his fingertips, and he tried to brush off whatever the black fabric hid.

Jeongguk couldn’t stop moving. He bounced his leg. Then, got up and began pacing. A restlessness enveloped him despite the ache and fatigue. Should he see Yoongi? But he couldn’t leave Taehyung — not when Jeongguk promised he’d just be outside. And a small part of him worried that if he left, Taehyung wouldn’t be here when he returned.

Just as he was about to collapse into the chair again, he heard footsteps coming down the hallway. He stopped pacing when Jimin turned the corner. The Crownsguard paused, holding two paper cups as he regarded the young king. Jeongguk waited as Jimin crossed the hallway and offered him one of the paper cups.

It was cold and not as heavy as Jeongguk thought a cup of coffee might have been. He could hear ice sloshing inside the cup. He took a cautious sniff of the opening of the lid and winced at the scent of something familiar and sharply acrid.

“Whiskey,” Jimin explained and then slumped into one of the plastic chairs. “Offered by an old man at the front desk. He said it was to… ‘celebrate a momentous occasion.’”

Jimin spoke the last words with a sarcastic flare. He shook his own cup. “I thought it might take the edge off of things…”

Jeongguk took a seat beside the Crownsguard. Jimin raised his cup, and Jeongguk half-heartedly tapped his cup against the side. The alcohol stung his lips, but the taste got rid of the iron lingering on his tongue. It left a trail of warmth melting down his throat and settling in his stomach.

They both sat in silence on uncomfortable plastic chairs, sipping whiskey in paper cups until the burn in Jeongguk’s stomach morphed into relieving dizziness.

“Have you seen him?” Jeongguk asked.

Jimin nodded. “He’s still sedated. Might take a while for it to wear off.”

“Thank you for being with him.”

Jimin hummed. “Jennie told me what happened with Taehyung…. If I had known what might have happened… I still might have chosen to have gone with Yoongi-hyung, knowing you’d be at Taehyung’s side.”

Jimin scoffed and then raised the paper cup to his lips. “I’m a sorry excuse for a Crownsguard, aren’t I?”

Jeongguk shook his head. “Then I’m a sorry excuse for a king.”

“We all do drastic things in the name of love and duty. It’s f*cked up that our positions make us decide between them.”

Jeongguk shrugged, the alcohol loosening his tongue. “Why shouldn’t they be the same? Love for country is duty.”

Jimin scoffed. “Yoongi-hyung was right: you wear your heart on your sleeve.”

Jeongguk couldn’t help but chuckle. He took another sip of whiskey, sighing as it burned down his throat.

“Is it really over, Jeongguk?” Jimin asked. His voice was thin and cracking. “Did we win?”

Jeongguk turned to the older man. Jimin’s eyes were darkened by circles, lips were dry, and hair was askew. Both of them still wore the same clothes to the wedding. What once was crisp black and white now took on different shades of dirt brown and rust red. The bright sunflower on Jimin’s lapel had wilted with petals missing. But what still shimmered brightly was the jewelled pin dangling on the open collar of his dress shirt.

Jeongguk doesn’t see the pin often, for his brother rarely attended events and even more rarely does he choose to show off his House. But Jeongguk knew Yoongi prized the simple pin gifted to him by their mother upon his investiture.

Brooches are the most common heirloom jewels. In Naissus, brooches are gifted to the betrothed rather than rings or crowns of flowers, as was the Attalian tradition.

He wondered when Yoongi had gifted it to Jimin. He wondered if this would lead to another wedding in their near future – along with Seokjin and Namjoon’s quiet declaration earlier this year. He wondered if he could get a piece commissioned from the jewels of the Royal Family to gift to Taehyung one day.

“I think so, Jimin-hyung.”

Namjoon, Hoseok, and Seokjin arrived in Marsylle late that evening. As Namjoon had promised, he delivered a draft of a statement to Jeongguk soon after.

It was a short and succinct message, noting the call for a ceasefire, the end of aggressions with Orivala, and the acknowledgment of Su-Hwa as the new Empress of Orivala.

Jeongguk signed off on the statement quickly.

When they received notification that Yoongi had woken up, they all made their way to the hospital to visit him.

The scent of antiseptic and…what Jeongguk could only describe as hospital was stronger in the private observation units than on the lower floors. The sound of a beeping monitor brought back memories and emotions Jeongguk had long forgotten. Memories that no longer stung now felt more intense, like re-opening a wound.

Jeongguk lingered at the threshold while Seokjin and Namjoon stepped inside. Hoseok was the first to enter, already throwing a tease to lighten the mood even though Jeongguk could hear the Commander General’s voice wobbling.

“You go on one official event alone with Jeongguk and you decided that you had to play hero?”

Jeongguk couldn’t exactly make out Yoongi’s reply, but he heard the half-hearted whine in his brother’s hoarse voice. Yoongi was awake and well enough to retort.

Jimin stepped around the corner. He had changed into track pants and a plain shirt since they last saw each other. His hair was damp and a little fluffy. The relief was evident on his features with a soft smile as he regarded Jeongguk.

“He has been asking for you since he woke up,” Jimin said.

When Jeongguk hesitantly stepped around the corner, he fixed his eyes on the outline of Yoongi’s feet, covered by white blankets. It took him a moment to steel his nerves and follow the shape of Yoongi’s body up his legs, lingering at his torso. The white blankets and the blue-and-white patterned scrubs Yoongi wore hid any sign of the wound on his stomach. But still, Jeongguk searched.

“Jeongguk,” Yoongi said. The sound of his name, scratchy and rough in his brother’s voice, had Jeongguk’s eyes snapping up to meet his gaze.

Yoongi’s skin took on a pallid, almost greenish hue, half-lidded eyes outlined by dark circles, and his hair a strange matted mess. But he was alive, and he was smiling. He raised a hand, reaching for Jeongguk. He heeded, gently taking his brother’s hand, careful of the IV line taped to his vein.

His hand was warm.

Yoongi was alive.

Yoongi frowned at him.

“What’s wrong?” Jeongguk asked, “Are you in pain?”

Yoongi shook his head, then pointed to his own forehead. “What happened?”

Jeongguk touched the gauze taped to his brow. “Oh…just a small wound from the fight with Park Hae-jin.”

Yoongi’s brows knit together.

“Jimin told me what happened,” Yoongi started, “but I didn’t realize you were injured.”

“It’s nothing,” Jeongguk replied. “You took the brunt of it, Hyung. You saved my life.”

Yoongi scoffed. “I swore upon my flesh and blood.”

Jeongguk’s eyes began prickling with the familiar itch of tears. He hated the mention of the Oath of Blood.

The mocking tone in Yoongi's voice softened at the apparent distress on Jeongguk’s face. He hated that his brother had to comfort him in this state. But he allowed Yoongi to squeeze his hand and held on tightly.

“My life is yours, Jeongguk. I’d do it again.”

“But my blood is your blood,” Jeongguk said resolutely. “So it’s my job to protect you too.”

“It’s all our job,” Hoseok added, placing a gentle hand on Jeongguk’s shoulder. “We are family, after all.”

“We survived together,” Namjoon started. “It is done now. We will wake up to a new dawn tomorrow.”

As twilight dwindled and night came, Jeongguk found himself pacing in the sitting room of his guest quarters. Jia had set him up in the same rooms he stayed in previously, with the rest of his King’s Circle just down the hall from him.

The physicians advised Yoongi to stay the night at the hospital for surveillance. But should he remain stable, he could be transferred to the Château de Marsylle for the remainder of his convalescences in Attalia. Jimin had offered to stay the night with him, and Yoongi did not protest.

Jeongguk had the opportunity to shower, finally scrubbing off the blood, sweat, and tears until everything felt a little raw. Seokjin personally saw to his injuries, re-bandaging the cuts with ease. The oldest of his King’s Circle did not force conversation upon Jeongguk, content to sit in silence. When Seokjin finished, he retired to the rooms shared with Namjoon, leaving Jeongguk alone.

He felt tired enough to collapse into bed and fall asleep. But he knew the moment he closed his eyes, he’d dream of the duel. He didn’t want to face the dreams yet — not alone.

So he found himself wandering the halls of the château, lingering in the empty ballroom before descending the corridor towards Taehyung’s rooms. He found them without much trouble, drawn to the doors by the intricate wooden reliefs and gold foiling. But when he raised a hand to knock — he hesitated.

Something changed in the hours between the car ride and now.

Taehyung emerged from the hospital office almost two hours after Jimin’s arrival to share whiskey with Jeongguk. The alcohol had restored some warmth to Jeongguk’s skin, and it lulled Jimin to a state of half-sleep, but it did little to ease the tension.

Taehyung had announced that the physicians did not find evidence of a brain bleed or any skull fractures. Other than a nasty concussion and symptoms that would last for several days, he’ll be fine.

He then declared he’d be returning to the palace on his own to help his sister with the statement on Attalia’s position. He encouraged both Jimin and Jeongguk to stay at Yoongi’s side. Jeongguk hadn’t seen Taehyung since.

Jeongguk wondered if, in the clarity, the hours in between have provided, Jeongguk repulsed Taehyung, a would-be murderer. But he quickly shoved the thought down. It was wrong of Jeongguk to think so ill of Taehyung’s opinion: they all did what had to be done.

The door knob turned and began opening. Suddenly, Jeongguk was face to face with the First Prince of Attalia. Jeongguk gasped, taking a clumsy step backwards with an apology stuttering out.

Taehyung jumped, pressing into the door. “…Jeongguk?”

Jeongguk cleared his throat, heart pounding in his ears. Taehyung’s eyes glowed in the dim light of the hallway.

“Did you see me coming?” Jeongguk blurted.

Taehyung shook his head. “No… I… I was going to go for a walk. I can’t sleep.”

“Neither could I,” Jeongguk murmured.

Taehyung slowly opened the door wider. “Would — would you like to come in?”

Taehyung’s room was cold despite the crackling fire burning in the hearth. He had the door leading out into the gardens open, allowing the crisp air of the Attalian winter to waft inside.

The First Prince wore a thick, beige cable-knit sweater with a matching set of cream-coloured pyjamas underneath. Jeongguk, too, wore shades favoured by the Attalian royal family. The staff had given him new clothes while his luggage was moved from Ravenna. The white sweatpants and sweatshirt were comfortable and warm, but the colour felt odd to see on him. It didn’t suit him the way it did Taehyung.

“Tea?” Taehyung asked, sitting down on one of the sofas. A tray of sweets and tea sat on the coffee table, with a half-empty cup on the side.


When Jeongguk sat on the other side of the sofa, he could smell the pungent valerian as Taehyung poured another cup. Still, through the scent, Jeongguk hung onto the familiarity of another.

Lavender and chamomile.

He hungered for the taste of it on his tongue.

Yet Taehyung seemed uneasy, hand splayed across his throat, hiding the lines.

In the glow of the firelight, Taehyung’s skin took on a warm yellow hue. But since their last meeting, Taehyung grew paler and lost the sun-kissed warmth Jeongguk was used to seeing. The sweater and collar of his sleep shirt hid most of the black marks on his chest and shoulder, but the trail of it was still visible along Taehyung’s neck and the underside of his jaw.

Jeongguk thanked Taehyung as the prince slid the cup across the table. He took a tentative sip before placing the cup back on the table. Taehyung sat, back rigid, with the teacup pressed to the edge of his lips.

Neither of them spoke.

Jeongguk glanced out the windows. In the late hours of the night, the view of the gardens was obscured by darkness. During their drive back from the hospital, snow had begun coming down. It would be blanketing the fields in white by now. But with the absence of light, the shadows pressed into him along with the same – dreadful – memories.

Jeongguk did what he had to do.

Would he ever be able to rest easy?

“I missed you.”

Jeongguk jumped at the sound of Taehyung’s voice. Jeongguk exhaled, the same words spilling from his lips like a long-awaited confession.

Taehyung shifted, breath hitching his throat. His hand trailed down his collar, reaching into his shirt and pulling on a thin chain to reveal Jeongguk’s signet ring.

“I kept it safe.”

“It’s yours to keep.”

“It’s not my right to wear your signet ring,” Taehyung said.

Jeongguk shook his head. “It’s yours. It’s all yours if you want it, Taehyung.”

Taehyung toyed with the chain, wrapping it around his index finger. A single breath escaped his lips.

“I’ll always want you,” Taehyung murmured.

“May I hold you, Taehyung?”


Jeongguk found himself with Taehyung’s weight in his lap. The prince’s touch was soft as his hands traced the side of Jeongguk’s chest and neck, leaving a trail of goosebumps along his throat until Taehyung’s fingers found his lips. Jeongguk’s eyes fluttered close when Taehyung’s lips replaced the cold touch of his fingers. He didn’t mean to gasp, but the touch sent a shockwave through his body. Since their parting months ago, Jeongguk felt like he couldn’t breathe properly. Like his lungs would not fully inflate. But now, he sucked air like a man starved.

The kiss was too gentle, too short, and Jeongguk craved the taste of honeyed balm. He pulled Taehyung closer, arms wrapping around the prince’s waist.

He could taste the salt of tears on his tongue.

“I thought I’d lose you,” he breathed into Taehyung’s skin.

“You’ll always have me,” Taehyung whispered.

Their kiss deepened, and soon, it became frantic touches and shuttering breaths as fevered skin pressed against a cold touch. The sound of rustling clothing, hurried footsteps, and opening drawers filled the air. It wasn’t long before Jeongguk stepped onto the pile of warm blankets and plush towels before the fireplace and knelt above Taehyung’s body, lying out before him.

This close to the glow of the firelight, the trail of black lines was more prominent in contrast with Taehyung’s skin. It began in the center of Taehyung’s sternum — perhaps just where his heart was — before arching into jagged lines across his chest and over his collarbone. It trailed over his neck and caressed the curve of his jawline. Jeongguk couldn’t help but touch the spot where the lines began.

Taehyung trembled, and his breath quivered.

“Does it hurt when I touch them?”

“No,” Taehyung said, “it’s not painful, just… odd.”

He placed his finger on a line over his clavicle, tracing it over his throat and chin. “I feel them always, like a reminder of the Crone’s… curse.”

“It’s not a curse,” Jeongguk said. “It is a blessing. Your sacrifice saved us all, Taehyung.”

Jeongguk leaned down and pressed his lips to where the marks began. “Allow me to memorize them, to worship the divine-touched.”

Taehyung’s laugh was short. “That sounds blasphemous.”

“You are divine, Taehyung,” Jeongguk argued, “It is only deserving.”

Taehyung grew quiet for a moment.

“Is something wrong?”

“You don’t find it revolting?” Taehyung asked quietly. “Or frightening that I have been touched by death?”

Jeongguk frowned. “You have been touched by a goddess. Two, if I understand correctly, with the blood of a demi-god running through your veins. If anything, I worry I am not worthy of you.”

“Don’t say that.”

“Then know that I could never be scared of you, Taehyung,” Jeongguk whispered. Taehyung reached for him, pulling him down for another kiss.

“Well then,” Taehyung murmured, “go on as you declared: worship me.”

The high of release and the exhaustion in his bones pulled Jeongguk down into a dreamless slumber for some time. But it didn’t last long enough, and Jeongguk reluctantly opened his bleary eyes when memories of the day past trickled into his thoughts.

They somehow made their way to Taehyung’s bed, but the curtains around the canopy bed remained tied to the posts, so the soft light of dawn filtered through the windows. Jeongguk was tempted to pull the blankets over his head and search for sleep again, for he wasn’t prepared to face the day. But he felt a shadow overhead. He blinked again and turned to find Taehyung sitting against the headboard, gently carding his hand through Jeongguk’s hair. His fingertips are gentle as they graze over the small bandage on his brow. He had donned the beige cardigan, buttoning it up over his naked torso, but the deep v-neck did nothing to hide the vine-like marks.

For a moment, Jeongguk indulged in his imagination, wondering what it would be like to wake up to this every morning.

But the line on Taehyung’s lips spelled worry and discomfort — not the moment of peace Jeongguk tried to create. Immediately, the warmth and languor vanished.

Jeongguk rose onto his elbow, and Taehyung stopped his ministrations.

“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to wake you,” Taehyung whispered.

“Were you up long?”

“Not long,” Taehyung replied.

“Are you having trouble sleeping?”

Taehyung hesitated. “At first, no… but…”

Jeongguk sat up now. He found Taehyung’s hand and held it tightly.

“Your hands are always cold,” Jeongguk murmured.

“A side effect of the rite,” Taehyung said.

Jeongguk enveloped Taehyung’s hand in both of his now.

“Is something wrong?”

Taehyung took a deep breath. “She started showing up in my dreams.”

Jeongguk frowned, trepidation gathering in his stomach at how Taehyung whispered the word ‘she’ like he was worried someone would overhear. Like a deity would overhear.

“…The Goddess of Death?”

Taehyung nodded once. “She has come to visit sometimes… At first, I thought they were memories that became nightmares. But then… I started hearing her voice in the breeze and the rush of water.”

Taehyung tugged on the edge of the blanket, twisting it between his fingers. “She is not cruel, but she is not kind either.”

“Will she hurt you?”

Taehyung shook his head. “I don’t think so… she won’t truly come until it’s my time.”

“She spoke with you tonight?”

Taehyung leaned into Jeongguk’s side, resting his head on the crook of Jeongguk’s shoulder.

“Yes. She asked if I was satisfied with the outcomes of her prophecy. She was rather amused that I wasn’t. Sacrifices must be made, she said. She also said we were lucky it was only one life she took. She might come again — perhaps to ask for another bargain, perhaps just to see how the gift of premonition takes me.”

“Are you scared?”

Taehyung scoffed, “Sometimes I feel like I’m losing my mind.”

Jeongguk pulled Taehyung to his chest, wrapping his arms around him like he could shield Taehyung from the world. “I’ll be here with you — always. I’ll stay with you, be with you when she comes.”

Taehyung sighed. “Yoongi-hyung shouldn’t have gotten hurt. It should have been me.”

“No,” Jeongguk said. “I cannot speak for Yoongi-hyung… but I think he would have wanted the outcomes to be the same.”

“And what of you?” Taehyung asked.

“What do you mean?”

“Are you… alright?”

“I am…”

Fine. Alright.

Kill me, Jeon Jeongguk.

“Frightened of myself,” Jeongguk admitted instead. “When I close my eyes, I think about the duel with Park Hae-jin, I think about the sword at his throat, and how… how easy it would have been just to end it. I think I will always be scared of what I am capable of. I think I slept easier with you at my side.”

He relished in the smile that it brought to Taehyung’s lips. “I’ll be here with you always.

The softness of Taehyung’s words made Jeongguk yearn for more, and soon he found himself breathless on Taehyung’s lips. Jeongguk convinced Taehyung to lie down again, limbs tangling together under the sheets as the morning air brought in a chill.

“Perhaps it is good to have such fears. Without it, you will feel no remorse for your decisions.” Taehyung said. “It is what makes you… a strong and just leader.”

“I…would not wish the burden of such decisions on anyone,” Jeongguk said. “But I believe Su-Hwa had made the right decision. It is by her hands that saved Orivala — in blood and peace.”

“She’ll have a lot to face on her own now,” Taehyung murmured, “with an empire to rebuild and power to redistribute… they’ll be discontent. I hope… she’ll have something like your King’s Circle,” Taehyung said.

“She’ll have Soo-jin,” Jeongguk said. “She was quick to inspire the coup… I’m sure she’ll be able to find those she trusts within her court.”

Taehyung hummed. “So… what now?”

“Yoongi-hyung will have a long road ahead to recovery,” Jeongguk murmured. “…I think he might want to stay in Marsylle while he does.”

“I think that would make him happy,” Taehyung said, “and Jimin too.”

“What about you?” Jeongguk asked, “What about us?”

Taehyung didn’t reply right away, and for a moment, Jeongguk wondered if he had fallen asleep if not for the quicker unevenness of his breaths. “I think I should stay a while to help Jennie in her transition of power. My gifts may still prove helpful to her now that it’s… out in the open. Then… then I’d like to go home.”


Author's Notes:
Taehyung will always be plagued by the Goddess of Death, in his dreams and in his waking hours. It is the price of power, and he'll face the consequences of his choices, as Park Hae-jin did. Taehyung's bloodline is now touched by the Crone. If he ever decided to pass on his bloodline, his gifts and the Mark would be passed onto his descendants too. But I don't think that'll be explored in this story.

Jeongguk too has his own demons to contend with, but I think he's accepted the choices he's made.

I think this is almost it. We've gotten through the hard stuff. The next chapter will probably wrap up the Yoonmin narrative with some fluff and coziness and maybe some angst... but they'll all have a happy ending. I think after chapter 34, it'll be an epilogue.

Till the final chapters, everyone.

With Love,

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Blood of the Oracle - study_a_latte - 방탄소년단 | Bangtan Boys (2024)


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Name: Frankie Dare

Birthday: 2000-01-27

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Job: Sales Manager

Hobby: Baton twirling, Stand-up comedy, Leather crafting, Rugby, tabletop games, Jigsaw puzzles, Air sports

Introduction: My name is Frankie Dare, I am a funny, beautiful, proud, fair, pleasant, cheerful, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.