Taking the Middle Path - Mama_N4856 (2024)

Table of Contents
Chapter 1: Once more into the breach, my friends, once more Chapter Text Chapter 2: Or close the wall up with our English dead Summary: Chapter Text Chapter 3: In peace there's nothing so becomes a man Chapter Text Chapter 4: As modest stillness and humility Chapter Text Chapter 5: But when the blast of war blows in our ears Summary: Chapter Text Chapter 6: Then imitate the action of the tiger Chapter Text Chapter 7: Stiffen the sinews, summon up the blood Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 8: Disguise fair nature with hard-favour'd rage Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 9: Then lend the eye a terrible aspect Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 10: Let pry through the portage of the head Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 11: Like the brass cannon; let the brow o'erwhelm it Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 12: As fearfully as doth a galled rock Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 13: O'erhang and jutty his confounded base Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 14: Swill'd with the wild and wasteful ocean Summary: Chapter Text Chapter 15 Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 16: Hold hard the breath and bend up every spirit Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 17: To his full height. On, on, you noblest English Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 18: Whose blood is fet from fathers of war-proof Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 19: Fathers that, like so many Alexanders Summary: Chapter Text Chapter 20: Have in these parts from morn till even fought Summary: Chapter Text Chapter 21: And sheathed their swords for lack of argument Summary: Chapter Text Chapter 22: Dishonour not your mothers; now attest Summary: Chapter Text Chapter 23: That those whom you call'd fathers did beget you Summary: Chapter Text Chapter 24: Be copy now to men of grosser blood, Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 25: And teach them how to war. And you, good yeoman Summary: Chapter Text Chapter 26: Whose limbs were made in England, show us here Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 27: The mettle of your pasture; let us swear Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 28: That you are worth your breeding; which I doubt not; Summary: Chapter Text Chapter 29: For there is none of you so mean and base, Summary: Chapter Text Chapter 30: That hath not noble lustre in your eyes Summary: Chapter Text Chapter 31: I see you stand like greyhounds in the slips, Summary: Chapter Text Chapter 32: Straining upon the start. The game's afoot: Summary: Chapter Text Chapter 33: Follow your spirit, and upon this charge Summary: Chapter Text Chapter 34: Cry 'God for Harry, England, and Saint George!' Summary: Notes: Chapter Text References

Chapter 1: Once more into the breach, my friends, once more

Chapter Text

“I choose…” Harry looked at all the paths offered to him while biting his lip. He knew what he wanted to do but was worried that they would be upset with him.

“Which do you want to choose love?” Lily walked over and brushed his hair from his forehead a soft smile on her face. “We’ll support you no matter what you choose.”

“Yeah pup…even if you want to move on without any choice that’s your right.” Sirius stated coming up and wrapping an arm around Harry’s shoulder. “You need to make a choice for your happiness.”

“Lord Fate…” Harry took a deep breath as he turned to the only male Being that was with them.

“Yes, child…” Lord Fate looked up from his conversation with his sisters letting the child have the time he needed to make the choice that was best for him.

“If I went back to my Hogwarts days either in the middle path or the one beside it, would I be able to change things enough by going when I would be a fourth year? And would I keep my memories of what happened, so I’d know what I need to change?” Harry asked straightening slightly as he looked over the paths, still biting his lip in his nerves.

“Why your fourth year?” Lord Fate asked, he had a good idea why but would like to hear the reasonings from the boy himself.

“That is the year that Dumbledore forced me to compete in the Tournament and I was emancipated. I found out when I snuck out with Bill while Hermione was recovering, and Ron was able to cover for us.” Harry explained looking over everything and at those that had joined him at the blanket. “If I let myself get entered again, I’ll be able to get to Gringotts and get all the things done to me removed by the Goblins as well as use my title to remove the seal on Mum and Dad’s wills so that Sirius can be cleared enough to get a trial. Once that happens we can work together to work against Dumbledore.”

“That is a sound reason but why not just wait until your fourth year but have the journey be longer?” Lady Magic asked.

“Because if I make the friends that I’d want to before it happens Dumbledore’ll likely do something that would affect the future even worse leading to the destruction of the Wizarding World before it’s time.” Harry responded looking over at Lady Magic. “If I did that I think I’d need to stay male, not because of Dumbledore but because it’s what I know and am most comfortable with.”

Lady Magic nodded in response to that and removed the image of the female Harry from the field.

“You want to go to the new one don’t you pup.” Remus stated having noticed where Harry’s eyes kept focusing on when he wasn’t looking at the others.

“I know that I’m gay, I checked out Cedric’s ass to many times not to be, but I still want children.” Harry responded simply with a sheepish shrug.

“No judgement here, I was only with Tonks due to Sirius dying and potions that she used on the ‘advice’ of Dumbledore.” Remus replied shrugging his shoulders as he knelt in front of Harry while his parents wrapped around him.

Lord Fate looked through the paths if Harry followed what he was saying and saw that it would be better for the Wizarding world to do it that way. He’d be able to work better as an emancipated minor at 14 than having Dumbledore as his magical guardian at 11.

“That is a good path for you to take.” Lord Fate finally stated looking at the child who seemed to hold himself in preparation for blows. “It’ll also keep you from being in the care of your ‘relatives’ any longer.”

Harry looked up in shock at that realizing what Lord Fate was saying, he’d be able to truly escape the Dursley’s this time.

“Just because she was adopted didn’t give her the right to be such a bitch to you.” Lily stated snarling at the thought of the treatment her ‘sister’ subjected her boy to. “Wherever you go…whichever path you take…don’t let them escape justice for how they treated you.”

“Your emancipation would lead to your secondary state to emerge early as well as any possible creature inheritance you might receive. Most only receive their secondary status at 17 in the middle path. If you desire children you’ll be an Omega Carrier. Many’ll try to control you because of that. But the Severus of that path has created a way to hide the truth.” Lord Fate stated looking at the Potion Master who blushed at the implication that in that world he was an Omega himself. “The soulmate words are given at birth if both are alive, and at the birth of the youngest if they are not.”

“I want that…I want to be able to carry my own children and find the love that you spoke about.” Harry stated softly looking again at the middle path and chewing his lip. “That is my choice.”

“Very well child.” Lord Fate approached and pressed a kiss upon Harry’s forehead right over where the Horcrux had resided for 17 years of his life.

“You will be blessed.” Lady Magic walked forward and copied her brother in kissing Harry’s forehead. “Remember you can call on our judgement if you need to for things that have been done to you.”

“I’ll remember Lady Magic.” Harry nodded, the comfort of her magic washing over him.

“Know Harry that while to the public your name has always been Harry James Potter that was for your protection. Lily was part Fae on her inheritance and I emerged part dryad.” James stated letting the glamour of what Harry knew from pictures recede as did Lily showing him his parents true forms. “Your true name is Haldir Jarrah Potter.”

Harry nodded in response keeping the name in his mind firmly and safely behind all else, he also locked away the memories that he was keeping as he went to the new path knowing how Dumbledore liked to mess in the minds of his puppets. He wondered if his parents were fans of the Lord of the Rings series with the name that they’d chosen for him.

“If you emerge in an inheritance you will be one or the other, there are no hybrids no matter what others would have you believe.” Lady Magic smiled softly looking at two of her blessed children as they showed their true forms. “In your family lines there are many interesting beings that you could become. It all depends on what the magic decides is best for you.”

Taking a deep breath Harry nodded again before straightening his spine. “Once more into the breach, dear friends, once more.”

Lily clung to James while Sirius, Remus, and Severus all stood behind them watching Harry carefully as he stepped forward onto the middle path and the change of world and time.

Chapter 2: Or close the wall up with our English dead


Any translations that are on this page are done with Bing Microsoft Translator, so if there are any mistakes please feel free to kindly point them out.

Chapter Text

Harry looked up from the place he was laying in the bed at Ron’s house, so he hadn’t gone back to the coming Halloween Night instead it was the night before he was to return to school. He sat up in the bed and thought of everything that would be happening this year, he needed to make some changes to his life.

“Nightmare Harry?” Ron stated sitting up and looking over at his best mate.

“Nah just can’t shut my mind up. I’m thinking about the reaction people had to me at the World Cup and how people refused to listen when we spoke of my innocence. Also how much the way Ginny has been acting gives me the creeps.” Harry wrapped his arms around his bony knees and rested his cheek on the top of them while looking over at Ron. “Also wondering if my parents would be proud of how I’m doing in school.”

“What do you mean? How has Ginny been acting?” Ron asked co*cking his head to the side as he sat on the side of his bed. “And what about how you’re doing in school?”

“Ginny’s been acting like what the muggles would call a stalker. I found a note from her in among my trunk right in with my underwear mate.” Harry stated giving a shiver as he remembered what he had found that morning. “She’s always watching me and following me, I’m pretty sure I saw her looking at wedding planning magazines and I caught a glimpse of some of her school notes when we were working on some homework earlier…She had Lady Potter and Harry + Ginny written repeatedly surrounded by hearts.”

“Okay that is creepy…but mum’s always been telling her that she’ll be Lady Potter one day…Something about a contract…” Ron stated scrunching his face up while thinking about what he’d heard.

“I’m pretty sure I prefer those of my own gender…And even so she gives me vibes that make me think of the pictures of my mum, red hair and freckles…I don’t have a mommy kink.” Harry shivered.

“Oh EWWW! Don’t need those images mate. As for the same gender thing it’s no issue…there are plenty like that in the wizarding world.” Ron shrugged off the being gay but shivered at the thought of marrying a look alike for his mother, which he understood what Harry was trying to let him know. “But what do you mean about school? they’d be proud of you as long as you’re doing your best.”

“That’s just it…I’ve got to be honest Ron; I’m not doing my best. And I think that Hermione’s sabotaging me.” Harry shrunk into himself.

“What do you mean?” Ron straightened at the mention of Hermione.

“Every time I work on something around her that I think would be a great essay she snatches it to ‘correct’ and I get a bad grade. I was suspicious last year and actually made a copy of one and let her correct the copy. I didn’t get it back in time to fix whatever she’d done but kept hold of my copy to check when I got the essay back.” Harry stated getting out of the bed and pulling out the two that he mentioned. “Here take a look.”

Ron sat up and waved up the magical light in his room so that he could read without straining and looked between the two. It was clear that the graded one had been altered and not in a way that was beneficial to Harry. It made him think about his grades and what had been happening, he had a good mind, but he seemed to struggle around Hermione. He had to be smart to be so good at Chess, Harry had told him about chess tournaments by trying to find things to talk to him about that wasn’t quidditch and he was planning on setting up some at Hogwarts this year.

“You’re right…What are you going to do?” Ron looked up and made eye contact as long as Harry would let him. “Don’t hold your grades back to make me happy. I’ll support you no matter what. You’re like my brother, mate.”

“I think I’m going to start turning in two essays, I want to start compiling evidence that even Professor Snape can’t refute. I’ll take a page out of the Marauders book and place a charm on the ‘corrected’ page that will show what was changed and by whom. It was something Professor Lupin came up with so that Dad and Sirius couldn’t cheat off his work. He gave me the Book along with returning the map at the end of the year last year, with the promise I’d only tell those I trusted fully about it, so it wasn’t taken from me.” Harry stated pulling out the Marauders Book from his trunk and showing it to Ron. “It’s protected similarly to the map.”

Ron took the book and paged through the blank seeming pages with a smirk before giving the Marauders password and watched as five distinct writing types showed up on the pages.

“Five? Who’s the fifth Marauder and why aren’t they on the map?” Ron asked looking up at Harry with a raised eyebrow.

“No clue…they only signed their ‘codename’ of Spook.” Harry shrugged before taking the book back and closing it with the second pass phrase. “But some of the things they created are amazing!”

“Huh…anyway do the spell on your work and let the Professors handle things. I’ll keep an ear out for what mum is telling Ginny and what she’s saying to others. I know the Twins will assist…all my brothers will. Bill can check with the bank if there’s any contract for Ginny and you, though you won’t be able to do anything until you take up your lordship or lordships depending on what you’re set to inherit.” Ron shrugged. “But prewarned and all that…”

“Good idea…Do I need to write to Bill to ask him to do so? I know that he’s gone back to work.” Harry shrugged as he thought of it. “Maybe he can look into why I’ve never gotten any statements or anything from the bank…or fan mail for that matter…”

“Nothing?” Ron’s brow scrunched in thought.

“Nothing…I only get my Hogwarts letters and anything from you guys or Hermione. Not even anything from Neville or Luna, I’ll have to explain it to them if they’ve written me I’ve never gotten it.” Harry shrugged.

“Bill’ll be here in the morning, he wanted to escort us to the station after what happened at the Cup. You can have him check you for a Mail Ward…in fact he should already be here.” Ron stated looking over at the small clock he had in his room. “Might be best to get him now so that Mum can’t stop things or protest…Did you ever bond to Dobby after you freed him?”

“No why?” Harry asked co*cking his head to the side as he stood and got dressed as Ron followed, he also hid his evidence essay and Marauder’s book back into the bottom of his trunk.

“It’ll kill him if he doesn’t bond with someone soon. All the elves at the school are actually bonded to the school, not the head or students but the school itself. He could probably find any mail that was sent to you that you haven’t gotten. Also can help keep you from being overwhelmed if you are under a ward. ” Ron replied as he pulled his jersey over his head.

“Dobby!” Harry called out hoping the elf would hear and answer.

“Great Harry Potter-Black call for Dobby?” Dobby answered as he popped into the room and looked around.

“Are you bonded to the school, or do you still need a bond?” Harry asked kneeling in front of Dobby.

“Dobby sorry Harry Potter sir…Dobby bond with Harry Potter when freed.” Dobby wrung his ears in his hands.

“Hey, hey no hurting yourself.” Harry stopped the Elf’s hands in his gently. “I’m fine that you bonded to me. I have a job for you. We think that I’m under a mail ward. I’m about to go see Ron’s big brother about getting rid of it. I don’t want to be overwhelmed or get anything harmful in my mail. Can you find my missing mail and put anything harmful in a separate place so that we can get it to those that can do something about it?”

“Dobby can do that. Dobby take care of his Master Harry Potter and Master Harry’s Wheezie.” Dobby nodded popping out of the room after clicking his fingers and making sure that both boys had all that they needed packed away in their trunks nicely.

Harry and Ron looked at each other with their eyebrows lifting in amusem*nt, Harry then placed a simple anti-theft charm on his trunk, and Ron’s at his request, that he had found written in the handwriting he had come to recognize as the fifth Marauder. They finally moved through the hall of the Burrow to the room that Bill and Charlie were in. Ron was the one that entered the room and woke his oldest brother and gave him a basic run down of what they had figured out, while Charlie woke and listened in. Bill agreed with their thoughts and called for Harry to enter. With some quick wand work it became clear that Harry was under a mail ward and with some equally quick wand work Bill had the ward removed. As an afterthought Harry suggested checking if Ron had anything on him and Bill found evidence of several spells, especially ones that affect his focus and study skills, which thanks to his curse breaking he was able to get rid of without having to have him come to the Bank to deal with it.

“If you get me some written permission I’ll look into the possibility of a contract. I’ll send information through Ron just in case the person that placed that ward tries something. I’ll also send you some protective amulets that will keep someone placing something like that on you again Ron.” Bill stated as they all began getting ready for the day as it was coming up on 6am and they needed to get out of the Burrow at a decent hour if they were going to make the train on time.

When they reached the train station Harry slipped Bill the written permission that he had requested, as well as a side note to pick up some nice-looking Dress Robes for Ron so he wouldn’t have whatever his mum picked up and gave a soft thanks before following Hermione and Ron onto the train. They went in search of Neville and Luna while Hermione was in the restroom and explained what they had found out that morning before talking over what was the plan for the rest of the year.

“The Bumblebee will be losing his main pawn and the opposing King will be toppled with the actions of a few.” Luna stated softly while looking right at Harry.

Harry just gave her a smirk and firm nod in acknowledgement.

“We’re going to be working on separating ourselves from Hermione. We’re going to be building up evidence of her academic sabotage that she’s been doing for so long. We think the spells that Bill found on him were partially from her.” Harry explained with a harsh look that she would do so much just to be seen as ‘the brightest witch’.

“She’ll come looking for us soon mate, don’t want to give up the game yet.” Ron stated standing from the seat across from Neville and moving to the door. “We were simply looking for the food cart since you didn’t get a chance to eat this morning.”

“Good idea.” Harry nodded to Neville and Luna before they moved along and were able to thankfully catch the Witch with the snack cart, after explaining why they were searching her out, she pulled out the savory options that she had when asked for them.

“Where were you?” Hermione snapped out as soon as they returned to the car where their trunks were, Harry noticed that her hands were red meaning she had tried to get into one of their trunks.

“I didn’t get a chance to eat as Mr. Weasley had wanted to talk to me about what had happened at the Cup. So Ron and I went to find the Cart Lady, we got some sandwiches and walked along while eating them. We also went to the restroom to change so we wouldn’t have to do it later.” Harry shrugged before he retook his seat, they were in their school robes so that wasn’t just an excuse, he didn’t mention the red hands but knew that she’d try again at some point, it was currently only their word against her own.

As the train pulled into the station Harry and Ron had stood up and made sure that Pig and Hedwig were in their respective carriers before looking out at the downpour that was happening, seeing the rain they both covered the cages to keep them dry in case the house elves took them out into the weather. Stepping out they joined Neville, Seamus, and Dean to talk about their summers making sure to sit so that Ginny and Hermione were unable to be right by the pair. As the first years were getting to the castle they started up a regular seeming conversation.

“I heard that Tony Stark is making some different tech, his stuff is always the best. I wish that it would work in the Wizarding world.” Dean stated with a sigh.

“He’s a warmonger! He only makes weapons that kill thousands!” Hermione snarled.

“He’s a certified genius that is simply making what his company requests. He’s protecting his fellow countrymen.” Harry spoke up looking over at Hermione with a raised eyebrow. “There’s talk that he wants to expand out of the weapons market but the board that he answers to refuses. Uncle Vernon’s company is a small division that was bought up years ago, just around the time that Dr. Stark lost his parents.”

“Dr. Stark?” Ron asked, he’d heard his muggleborn classmates talk about Tony Stark since they started at Hogwarts, especially the news that they brought back that first Christmas break where all they talked about was the death of Howard Stark and his wife in a drunk driving accident.

“Aye, Dr. Anthony Edward Stark has several PhD’s, which are similar to Master’s in the Wizarding world. Meaning he studied further than a bachelors. But because of his actions through the years most people forget that he’s a certified genius, he started at MIT at 14 and finished in 2 years!” Harry looked at Ron with wide eyes, he had always been fascinated with Tony Stark, wishing that he was related to the man so that he’d show up and take Harry away and teach him all about robotics and engineering, he had started building robots with the junk that Dudley had thrown in the room that had become his after his first Hogwarts letter, he just hadn’t figured out how to keep it working when Magic happened around the little guy.

“MIT?” Neville asked this time.

“Massachusetts Institute of Technology, it’s a graduate school or university, in the Colonies.” Harry answered. “It is THE go-to school for those that specialize in any form of tech. He’s built functioning thinking robots that he has help around his lab according to his latest articles. He’s also reported as working on creating a learning Artificial Intelligence.”

“It’ll never happen.” Hermione sneered, she didn’t like that Harry was showing passion about something and resolved to make sure it didn’t continue.

“He’s smart enough, if anyone can figure it out, it’ll be Dr. Stark.” Harry stated right back at her with a shrug unconcerned over her attitude.

“I didn’t realize you knew so much about Tony Stark.” Dean stated looking at Harry with new eyes.

“I’ve followed him ever since my science teacher told us about Howard Stark, the creation of Captain America, and used Dr. Stark as an example of what we’re capable of if we use our brains and study hard. He built his first circuit board at 4! Before I learned I was a wizard when Hagrid showed up I always dreamed of getting a scholarship overseas to escape from the Dursley’s and possibly meeting Dr. Stark.” Harry admitted.

“Hagrid introduced ya to the Wizarding World?” Seamus asked confused, he remembered Professor McGonagall telling his mum that a Professor was always the one to do the introduction. “Did he help ya get the proper books?”

“What books?” Harry asked, internally he knew what books Seamus meant but he wasn’t supposed to.

“The supplemental books that are recommended for Muggleborns and Muggle-raised, there’s some each year.” Dean answered looking at Seamus before looking back at Harry.

“No, I saw what Ron’s list looked like when I was at their place before second year. Our lists were the same.” Harry explained.

“No wonder ya have so much trouble in potions or with a quill. If ya don’t know the proper techniques.” Seamus looked at him in shock, not knowing that Harry was mentally smirking.

“What’s this about Harrykins having trouble with quills and potions?” Fred stated from a little ways down the table.

“Aye, he always struggles with writing with a quill. Plus he struggles in potions as well, I’ve noticed he doesn’t always cut things the right way and such.” Dean replied looking at Fred.

“We can help with teaching ya if you’d like?” George leaned around his twin to offer.

“I’d appreciate that. It’d help more if I could actually see the boards clearly as well…” Harry shrugged.

“But you have glasses?” Neville asked.

“Yeah, but they’re out of a donation bin and never fitted to me. I’ve always struggled with seeing the board. It’s one of the reasons I’ve so many headaches by the end of the day.” Harry shrugged.

“We’re takin ya to Madame Pomphrey at the end of the feast, she’ll be able to get them fitted to your eyes.” Ron stated looking at Harry in shock at what he’d just told them all. “It’s amazing that ya can find the snitch at all if ya can’t see clearly.”

“It’s a blur anyways with how fast it moves.” Harry shrugged again.

“Hiya, Harry!” Colin called down the table.

“Hi, Colin.” Harry nodded politely.

“Harry, guess what? Guess what, Harry? My Brother’s starting!” Colin was bouncing in his seat on the other side of Ginny. “My brother Dennis!”

“Err…I’m glad for you.” Harry looked at Ron with wide eyes, he always felt hunted by Colin with his camera and now another was starting, he could see the humor lighting Ron’s eyes.

“He’s really excited!” Colin was still bouncing.

“He’s not the only one it seems.” Ron mumbled softly so that Colin wouldn’t hear.

“I just hope he’s in Gryffindor! Keep your fingers crossed, eh, Harry?” Colin stated looking at Harry with wide eyes.

“Will do…” Harry stated having every intention not to though he wouldn’t say it out loud, before he finally looked at the front table. “Where’s the new Defense Professor?”

“Wanna bet how long this one’ll last?” Seamus asked noticing the empty seat that the Defense Professor usually sat in by Professor Snape.

“Maybe they couldn’t get anyone!” Hermione was looking at the table panicked when she didn’t see any new people up there.

“Nah…likely just got caught in the rain or something. And no bet Seam, they always last out the year.” Harry stated looking at Professor Snape, he looked paler than normal.

Harry looked along the table and noticed how throne like Dumbledore’s seat was. He noticed how Dumbledore seemed to be studying the ceiling which showed the downpour that was happening outside, but most likely was paying attention to the wards and making sure the fake Moody could get through.

“I wish they’d hurry up. I could eat a hippogriff.” Ron muttered looking toward the doors wanting the first years and McGonagall to enter.

The words were no sooner out of Ron’s mouth than the doors opened, and silence fell. Professor McGonagall was leading a long line of first years.

“That’s more than the other years.” Seamus looked over the large line with a furrowed brow.

“Aye it’s the baby boom from the end of the war. It always happens after a big conflict ends among the muggles; don’t see why it’d be any different here.” Harry stated looking at the line full of dripping wet students. “She could’ve spelled them dry, it’s like their wanting to have the Medical Wing filled with sick students before the term even begins.”

“We’ll dry off any new Gryffs.” Fred stated indicating the upper years with a movement of his head. “It’s a spell ya’ll learn this year.”

“Hush! The Sorting Hat’s starting!” Hermione stated with a harsh whisper shout.

A thousand years or more ago,
When I was newly sewn,
There lived four wizards of renown,
Whose names are still well known:
Bold Gryffindor, from wild moor,
Fair Ravenclaw, from glen,
Sweet Hufflepuff, from valley broad,
Shrewd Slytherin, from fen.
They shared a wish, a hope, a dream,
They hatched a daring plan
To educate young sorcerers
Thus Hogwarts School began.
Now each of these four founders
Formed their own House, for each
Did value different Virtues
In the ones they had to teach.
By Gryffindor, the bravest were
Prized far beyond the rest;
For Ravenclaw, the cleverest
Would always be the best;
For Hufflepuff, hard workers were
Most worthy of admission;

And Grieving Slytherin
Loved those of great ambition.
While still alive they did divide
Their favorites from the throng.

Gryffindor, those who would defend;
Ravenclaw, those who would instruct;
Hufflepuff, those who would heal;
And Slytherin, those who would lead.
Now slip me upon your heads,
Let me see within.
For from Gryffindor’s head I’ve come,
Gifted by the others with brains,
Blessed by Lady Magic with logic.
I will choose your Home within Great Hogwarts Halls!

The Great Hall rang with applause as the Sorting Hat finished, though it was clear to those who’d been at the other sorting’s this was not the normal way that it started the sorting.

“That’s not the song it sang when it sorted us.” Harry stated, while clapping with everyone else.

“Sings a different one every year,” Ron replied. “But even so that one was different. It’s never mentioned Lady Magic, or that Slytherin was grieving something. Nor has it ever mentioned those reasons as why the different Houses were made. According to my family, it’s always been about Cunning Slytherin, Bold Gryffindor, Smart Ravenclaws, and Hufflepuff taking all the rest. I suppose that it spends the whole time it sits through the year making up new songs.”

“Likely.” Harry nodded thinking over what the hat said as Professor McGonagall unrolled her large amount of parchment and gave the instructions that she gave each year about putting on the hat and sitting on the stool before going to the proper table before calling out ‘Ackerley, Stewart!’ who was quickly sorted into Ravenclaw starting the process. Harry watched as the young man moved to the Ravenclaw table and noticed Cho Chang, he felt the twitch of an attraction spell coming from her and narrowed his eyes. “Ron, do me a favor look at Ravenclaw, without drawing attention check out Cho Chang…”

“Why…” Ron stated looking over there and let his eyes slide right over Cho before shrugging. “What’re you thinking?”

“I briefly felt a desire to go over there and sit beside her. If you look at Malfoy, he’s got the same sort of feeling…I think she’s got something on her that is supposed to distract the seekers, she is the Ravenclaw seeker.” Harry whispered using the claps of everyone to explain. “I know that she’s dating a fellow Ravenclaw, but also telling other’s that she’s dating Diggory.”

“Huh…wonder if she has a specialized veela charm made?” Ron stated rubbing a hand across his face. “It’s illegal to have but it’s similar to what Bill found in Lockhart’s stuff, it was a special notice-me-not charmed toward his books. Bill had been called in by Madame Bones to figure out why no one had noticed how incompetent he was, after of course my dad put a bug in her ear after what happened with Ginny and him attempting to wipe our memories.”

“Huh…I guess it’s possible.” Harry nodded before moving his gaze around the room absentmindedly listening to the different sorting’s and clapping equally for each one. He turned his attention to the front when Dennis Creevy was called out and noticed that he was dripping wet and wrapped up in Hagrid’s giant coat. “He’s even more wet than any of the others!” Harry chuckled a bit clapping with the others when he got into Gryffindor.

“Colin, I fell in!” Dennis said shrilly after sitting beside his brother. “It was brilliant! And something in the water grabbed me and pushed me back in the boat!” The whole table was able to hear, even the Hufflepuffs behind them.

“Bet it was the giant squid.” Harry whispered to Ron just as he heard Collin start to speak quickly in his awe-struck voice pointing him out to his brother. “Not another ‘fan’.” He mumbled focusing on the sorting of Emma Dobbs.

“Of course it was the Giant Squid, that’s why it was magicked there in the first place.” Sir Nicholas stated simply as he floated through the table as the Sorting finished.

“What do you mean Sir Nicholas?” Harry asked tilting his head in question.

“When the Headmasters decided to start transporting first-years across the lake, several were lost beneath the waters on nights like tonight where they fell overboard and were never recovered. That was before we got a colony of Merfolk as well. If I remember correctly Peeves was one of the ones lost only to show up weeks later as the poltergeist we all love to hate.” Sir Nicholas explained. “The heads decided for the students further safety that something was needed to retrieve any that went overboard. Just as they created the spell that when used by a Head of House, Deputy Head, or Head of the School would activate the statues and armor around the school into defensive mode.”

“That’s not true! Hogwarts a History says…” Hermione started only to sputter as the Grey Lady interrupted.

“Because why would that work of fiction tell the truth. It was written by an old broad that wanted fame and had no other way to get it.” The Grey Lady sneered as she passed by. “After all what would the actual ghosts that lived here during that time know about what actually happened in the school?”

“It is NOT fiction!” Hermione snarled.

“Actually it is Miss Granger.” Sir Nicholas replied looking down his nose at Hermione. “I mean I think that Lady Ravenclaw would know what is truth and what is fiction in the school that she was born and raised in.”

“Lady Ravenclaw?” Neville asked as they filled their plates with the food that appeared finally.

“Aye, she is known as the Grey Lady by most.” Sir Nicholas stated before commenting on their luck to actually have a feast due to Peeve’s tantrum in the kitchens and upsetting the house-elves.

Everyone watched the horrified expression that covered Hermione’s face and several raised eyebrows happened at her mention of pay and holidays for house-elves, let alone the mention of sick leave and pensions. Harry about choked on his water that he had requested from Dobby when he sat down. It was like a bad tennis match the argument going back and forth between Hermione and Sir Nicholas until they saw her push away her barely touched plate of food.

“Why aren’t you eating Hermione?” Ginny asked, the only one that seemed concerned for the girl.

“I will not eat food made by SLAVE labor.” Hermione snarled, while breathing hard through her nose.

“You do know house-elves that aren’t in a bond with a wizarding family, wizard, witch, or building such as here or the ministry, will die right?” Neville asked with his eyebrow raised in disbelief.

Harry and Ron simply shrugged when the other boys from their dorm looked at them as if they could answer for why she was acting that way. Harry remembered her reaction to Winky being given clothes; he made a mental note to have Dobby find her so that he could bond to the female if she’d accept. They weren’t going to try and stop her if she wanted to try starving herself to make a hopeless point. Harry had actually talked with the Weasley’s and Remus about house-elves and why they were servants to wizards. To learn that they needed to bond to survive it just made Harry determined to find out more, he actually researched things to help with understanding and talked to several away from Hermione’s line of sight.

“That is just Pureblood Propaganda from those that don’t want to lose their free slave labor.” Hermione stated sitting back and crossing her arms.

Everyone looked up when Dumbledore stood back up after the plates had been cleared of all the crumbs. Everyone quieted to the point that they could hear the howling wind and driving rain that was still coming down outside.

“So!” Dumbledore smiled out at the students his eyes twinkling as he figured his plans were working well. “Now that we’re all fed and watered. I must one more ask for your attention, while I give out a few notices.”

Harry realized he always waited to do this when everyone was falling into a food coma stupor from eating so much.

“Mr. Filch, the caretaker, has asked me to tell you that the list of objects forbidden inside this year has been expanded.” Dumbledore continued and listed off the new items on the list even told them the total of items.

“Wonder how they can keep track of all 437 items?” Fred muttered to George with a smirk.

“Wonder how long until we get all our items listed?” George replied with an answering smirk.

“As ever, I would like to remind you that the forest on the grounds is out-of-bounds to students, as is the village of Hogsmeade to all below third year.” Dumbledore continued.

“Forbidden unless you’re given detention hunting dead unicorns or sent looking for answers by being told to follow the spiders. Or you have a secret map that shows you hidden ways out of the school.” Harry whispered to the side to Ron, getting a ruffle chuckle from Ron in response. Harry tuned back in intime to hear Dumbledore speak of Quidditch being canceled for the year. “Can always do pick-me up games between friends, keep the teams in shape.”

“That sounds like a fabulous idea Harrykins.” Fred stated having heard Harry’s idea.

“This is due to an event that will be starting in October, and continuing throughout the year, taking up much of the teacher’s time and energy…” Dumbledore continued only to be interrupted by the Great Hall doors being thrust open and a man standing in the entrance leaning on a long staff.

“What time?” Harry muttered to himself, he remembered how little help he had and how little he witnessed the teachers ‘time and energy’ being invested into the event, before looking over at the man that had entered. “And here comes the paranoid bastard himself…”

As Barty Moody walked down the aisle with a dull clunk echoing around him on every other step Harry had to fight rolling his eyes. The man had the paranoid Bastard’s actions and reaction down he would give him that, but he still added a bit too much flare looking back at his future memories of the real Moody. He caught the glimpse of the magical eye scanning the room and the way it seemed to settle on him and simply raised his eyebrow in challenge. When Barty Moody shook hands with Dumbledore, and they exchanged words Harry silently wished that he had been able to hear what was said. As Barty was gestured to his seat Harry turned his attention back to Dumbledore.

“May I introduce our new Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher?” Dumbledore stated as if nothing had just happened that was out of the norm. “Professor Moody.”

“Moody?” Harry looked at Ron with a raised eyebrow. “ Mad-Eye Moody who your dad went to help this morning at his home?”

“Must be.” Ron had awe in his voice as he looked at the grizzled old man.

Dumbledore finally cleared his throat when he realized no one was going to applaud for the man and turned to look at all the students again, though Harry did notice that his attention always returned to resting on Harry.

“As I was saying,” Dumbledore stated even though he saw that everyone’s attention was on the still eating Moody. “We are to have the honor of hosting a very exciting event over the coming months, and an event that has not been held for over a century. It is my very great pleasure to inform you that the Triwizard Tournament will be taking place at Hogwarts this year.”

“You’re JOKING!” Fred shouted out in shock, accidentally on purpose breaking the tension that had settled over the hall as nearly everyone laughed at the reaction.

“I am NOT joking, Mr. Weasley.” Dumbledore chuckled. “Though not that you mention it, I did hear an excellent one of the summer…”

Harry smirked as he heard Professor McGonagall clear her throat to stop the Headmaster from finishing the joke he was going to try and tell. He watched around the room as Dumbledore explained about the origins of the Tournament. He watched as people seemed to choke then half-heartedly chuckle over the reason it was stopped, due to the death toll. He listened as Dumbledore explained that the different ministry departments felt it was time to try again, while personally he knew that it was Dumbledore pushing for it so that there was another chance for Voldemort to attempt something with he walked right into.

“The Heads of Beauxbatons and Durmstrang will be arriving with their short-listed contenders in October, and the selection of the three champions will take place on Halloween.” Dumbledore stated while looking around the room again.

“OF course it happens on Halloween…just another chance for something to happen to make my life hell. Twenty galleons someone enters my name.” Harry whispered to his dorm mates.

“You don’t want to enter yourself?” Ron asked looking over at Harry with an expression of shock on his face.

It was then that they heard Dumbledore explain the age line and the age of contenders being restricted to 17 and above. Harry simply raised an eyebrow at the thought that an age line would be enough.

“I doubt an age line will keep my name from the cup…” Harry muttered. “Something happens to me every Halloween, ever since I entered this school.”

“I hadn’t thought about that.” Ron stated looking over at Harry wide eyed.

“My parents killed on Halloween. The Troll first year, the first release of the Slytherin Monster second, Sirius slashing up the fat lady last year. I just know something is going to happen this year as well.” Harry shrugged as he listed everything off on his fingers. “It’s a good thing I’ve been studying French since I started primary, it was something that the teachers did to help me escape Dudley at recess, one of the upper years had grown up in France and when I expressed interest in learning the language began teaching me.”

“Why do you say that?” Ron asked looking at Harry again, half-heartedly listening to the rest of the Headmaster’s announcements.

“Because Beauxbatons is located in France, and it would be courteous to speak to them in their native language.” Harry raised an eyebrow in regards to the question. “I just wish that I knew the language that the students of Durmstrang used.

“It’s located in Bulgaria; likely they speak Bulgarian.” Hermione stated in her stuck-up know-it-all way.

“Huh,” Harry stated before turning and speaking to Neville and Ron specifically. “Are there any translation spells or anything to help quickly learn a language?”

“Several. Bill and Charlie would know them. I’ll write to them and have them send the spells.” Ron nodded in answer before rising with the rest of the students and heading to the common room in the mass of students.

“I’ll send a message to my Grandmother for the same, she might know one’s that your brothers don’t.” Neville stated continuing the conversation as they all ignored Hermione’s sputtering as she stormed along behind them.

“We’re Seventeen in April, why can’t we have a shot?” George was heard complaining ahead of them to Fred.

“They’re not stopping me entering,” Fred replied with a stubborn set in his jaw.

They heard Hermione trying to argue about people having died and others responding about how that had been years ago and where was the fun without a little bit of risk. The rest ignored her when they noticed that Harry and Ron were doing so finally. What followed was several discussions around the common room about how people were going to attempt to enter even if they were underage and wondering about the impartial judge. They also heard Hermione’s mutters and about slave labor and plans for a group to try and promote elvish welfare. Harry sat by the fire listening to the plans and when someone asked if he was going to attempt to enter he let out a sigh.

“I don’t need a 1,000 galleons or fame, have enough unwanted fame as it is thank you very much. Besides can anyone tell me without looking it up who the last Champion was?” Harry looked around and noticed that had people stopping to think before they all shook their heads. “Yeah so much for eternal glory. Anyway, I won’t be entering myself…Knowing my luck someone will find a way to enter me unwillingly. Especially since it’ll be happening on Halloween.”

This caused many of his housemates to look at each other and talk about the past three years, filling in those that were new and made people realize what sort of luck Harry had. Ron sat beside Harry and bumped shoulders with him.

“We’ll stand beside you if that happens. We’ll help you even if an upper year is chosen from our house.” Fred and George stepped up with the other members of the Quidditch team.

“Here! Here!” called out several other members of the house before they were all sent off to bed by the Perfects.

The next two months flew by, they did everything they could to avoid Hermione and her S.P.E.W campaign even running the opposite direction if they were outside, and dragged at a snail’s pace, dealing with the lessons that were harsher seeming that normal and caused Harry to question again mentally how Barty Moody was able to teach the Unforgivable’s and even use them on the students. But before Harry was ready for it the delegations were arriving for the Drawing happening the next day. Harry stood with his fellow students watching as the others were scolded for things. He frowned at the way that Professor McGonagall scolded Parvati Patil for the clip that was at the end of her plait. He watched as people finally spotted the large horse-drawn carriage that was skimming the Forbidden Forest.

“It’s a bird, it’s a plane, it’s Beauxbatons showing off…” Harry muttered and heard Dean chuckle beside him as the only one close enough to hear and get what he was saying. “How are they not getting fined, I wonder…” He steadied Neville on his other side when the horses touched down, remembering how in his past Neville had stumbled back into a Slytherin who hadn’t taken kindly to the action, though they hadn’t retaliated until the next day. Hearing the gasps from people as they spotted Madame Maxime, Harry couldn’t help but scoff. “Seriously? It’s not as if we don’t have someone just as large in our school.” He looked over at Hagrid with a fond look as he remembered the relationship that would develop because of this set of events for the gentle half-giant. “You’d think they’d wear cloaks coming to a Scottish Fall…did they do no research on the area they’d be coming too, how’d they not know it was going to be chilly?” Harry murmured to himself and heard Neville chuckle lightly beside him.

“Probably thought their warming spells would be enough.” Neville murmured back.

“Very true…” Harry responded before straightening slightly when he spotted the glare from Professor McGonagall having caught them talking. “Here comes Durmstrang.” He stated as he heard the muffled rumbling and sucking coming from the Lake.

“The lake!” yelled Lee Jordan, pointing down at it. “Look at the lake!”

They were able to watch as the usually smooth black surface of the aptly named Black Lake started to bubble and a whirlpool formed in the middle of the Lake. Soon followed out of the middle of the whirlpool came the mast of a large ship, the rest of the ship finally emerged and showed a ship that looked like those that muggles would describe as ghost ships. As it glided to the bank Harry thought back on what happened after all this and made his plans mentally for tomorrow since the time was finally here.

“Now there’s people who know that the Scottish Highlands are prone to freezing in Fall.” Harry muttered as he noticed the large fur draped cloaks that the delegates were wearing. He also noticed how they seemed to avoid Karkaroff even though they were following him, he noticed how Viktor seemed to be resigned to the way the Headmaster was treating him and Harry recognized a fellow celebrity that wished they weren’t, he vowed silently to himself to get to know the man better this time around. “Ow Ron! I know that it’s Viktor Krum and if you look closely the ‘head cold’ is really just aggravation at being stared and having attention pulled to him by the Headmaster. He’s just like me Ron…look at his eyes…” Harry snarled when he rubbed his arm where Ron had smacked him to get his attention.

Ron blinked at Harry’s reaction before paying attention to Krum and realizing what his friend had noticed. He looked back and Harry and realized then and there finally that Harry had never liked the attention that he got for his ‘fame’ it was also then that he remembered how Harry had gotten that fame. His parents who were never remembered for the sacrifice they gave are what made Harry so famous, unknown to Harry it was at that moment that Ron vowed mentally to never let Harry’s ‘fame’ influence him and vowed to be a true friend, even better than he’d already been, and always trust his mate.

“You’re right mate. We’ll have to figure out a way to give him a space to escape the ‘fans’.” Ron nodded as he walked beside Harry as they were finally allowed to enter the school again and get out of the cold, he was grateful Harry had mentioned warming charms on their cloaks since they’d be standing still while waiting.

As they were enjoying the feast and saw Krum being swarmed at the Slytherin table, Harry could see this time that he was very uncomfortable with the attention that Malfoy was giving him, and the Beauxbatons contingent were sitting at the Ravenclaw table. Harry elbowed Ron when he laughed at the Beauxbatons when they stood in honor of their headmistress.

“They’re just showing respect that she deserves.” Harry whispered harshly at Ron and the others at their table that had laughed. “It is the tradition of their school and shows that they honor her, we should not laugh at other’s traditions.”

“Sorry Mate, you’re right…just glad we don’t have to do that with our Headmaster.” Dean replied sheepishly rubbing the back of his neck. “It’s like the muggles do with the Royal family entering the room.”

“Exactly.” Harry nodded.

As the food appeared and the new dishes were spotted by people he sighed in relief. This time he’d try the different dishes and get Ron to do so as well. Ron did try a bit of the bouillabaisse but found that he didn’t like it in the least, though Harry praised him for actually trying something that wasn’t fried and was from a different country. He looked up when Fleur approached the table.

“Bonsoir madame comment puis-je vous aider? (Good evening Madame how can I help you?)” Harry asked when he saw her approach.

“Tu parles Français ! Merveilleux...(You speak French! Wonderful)” Fleur cried out as she realized what she had heard as she approached. “Vous parlez tous Français ? (Do you all speak French?)”

“Certains en font pas. Vous sembliez en mission quand vous avez approché étiez-vous à la recherche de quelque chose? (Some do some don't. You seemed on a mission when you approached were you searching for something?)” Harry responded flawlessly, while stomping down on Ron’s foot to break the allure that was trying to settle over his friend.

“Oui, je me demandais si vous voulez la bouillabaisse? (Yes, I was wondering if you were wanting the bouillabaisse?)” Fleur asked pointing to the dish daintily.

“Nous en avons fini avec cela. Pas beaucoup sont habitués au plat, donc je ne voulais pas. Nous avons essayé cependant. (We are done with it. Not many are used to the dish so didn't want it. We did try it though.)” Harry responded as he reached for the bowl and wordlessly set a charm over it so that it wouldn’t spill or splash as she returned to the Ravenclaw table. “Vous devriez vous présenter à Luna Lovegood à la table où vous êtes assis. C’est une amie chère et elle aime les nouveaux plats. C’est l’une de ceux qui parlent Français aussi. Vous pouvez également faire appel à mon elfe de la maison Dobby ou Winky si vous souhaitez plus. (You should introduce yourself to Luna Lovegood at the table you are sitting at. She's a dear friend and loves new dishes. She is one of the ones able to speak French as well. You can also call on my house-elf Dobby or Winky if you wish for more.)” Harry explained as he handed the bowl over.

“C’est elle que j’ai entendu d’autres appeler Loony ? (Is she the one that I heard others calling Loony?)” Fleur asked with a concerned look on her face.

“Oui, elle voit le monde différemment des autres et ils ne comprennent pas. (Yes, she sees the world differently from others and they don’t understand.)” Harry simply replied with a sorrowful expression on his face. “J’ai peur qu’ils font des choses qui lui font mal au cœur dans leur incrédulité. (I'm afraid that they do things that hurt her heart in their disbelief.)”

“Idiots! Je vais certainement me présenter. Merci. (Idiots! I most certainly will introduce myself. Thank you)” Fleur replied her eyes snapping at the thought of someone hearting someone in such a way.

Harry smirked internally at the thought of what he was setting on the bullies in Ravenclaw as he watched Fleur return to the table and find Luna introducing herself and sitting beside the young girl with the soft blond hair and butterbeer cap necklace. He smiled to himself when he saw Luna light up at the attention that she was receiving, if he could help his little friend he would do so in any way he could. The rest of the evening passed quickly and then before Harry knew it they were excused from the Great Hall. He bit back a snarl when he heard how Karkaroff was speaking to one of the students.

“Ако наистина искате вино, можете да се обадите на къща-елф те могат да ви помогнат. Но трябва да е добре за страната ти. Рядко се греят вино на масите. (If you truly want some wine you can call on a house-elf they can help you. Though it has to be okay with your country. We rarely get mulled wine at the tables here.)” Harry stated stepping up beside the young man that had been spoken too so harshly by his headmaster, before turning to Viktor completely ignoring the sputtering coming from Karkaroff. “Г-н Крум, ако имате нужда от почивка от обожаващите маси, има няколко скрити нишия в библиотеката. (Mr. Krum, if you need a break at any point from the adoring masses there are several hidden alcoves in the library.)” Harry was beyond grateful for the quick response from Bill and Charlie with the language spells that they had sent, because of them he had been able to pick up the language quickly and therefore welcome the delegates and make them more comfortable. “Но за сега ви приветствам в Хогуортс и се надявам да се наслаждавате на времето си в нейните стени. (But for now I welcome you to Hogwarts and hope that you enjoy your time within her walls.)” Harry gave a brief bow to the students and then turned and left the Great Hall with Ron, Seamus, Dean, and Neville, he heard Hermione sputtering in the background at the language that fell from his lips.

“That set the Kneazle among the owls.” Ron chuckled as they moved through the halls. He had noticed how everyone was reacting to hearing Harry speak in the delegates native tongues so easily. “I’ll have to send Bill and Charlie a big thanks for those spells. I was able to understand what you were saying to them even if I don’t have the grasp of the language like you do yet.”

“Did any of you see what Dumbledore’s reaction was?” Harry asked seemingly absentmindedly.

“He didn’t have his usual twinkle in his eye, if that’s what you’re meaning.” Dean stated as he walked with Harry and the others.

“I don’t know why they didn’t give the language information to the school; this is supposed to promote international cooperation right? How’s that supposed to happen if we can’t talk with half the delegates? Surely not all of them can speak English and even if they can with their accents would they be understandable, or will there be misunderstandings that happen?” Harry asked in the common room when they entered having several that had arrived back before them and those that were behind them start talking among themselves as they wondered the same. “I think tomorrow I’m going to spend most the day hiding in the library…I noticed that Krum wasn’t the only one getting attention that he didn’t seem to appreciate.” He shivered as he remembered the look in Karkaroff’s eyes when he noticed Harry’s scar.

“I think I’ll join you…if I can’t enter do to my age why should I even worry about watching.” Ron stated shrugging as he joined Harry heading upstairs to bed.

The next day would see Harry, Ron, and Neville in a back alcove hiding once again from Hermione, Harry had gotten Madame Pince to throw Hermione out the last time she had tracked them down and tried to push S.P.E.W. on them. That had not made the know-it-all very happy and his arm was well bruised from the results when she’d sat next to him at breakfast, lunch, and dinner and hit him every time he seemed to ignore her rants about the slave labor happening within the school, he still didn’t let her know that he was bonded to two house-elves, when he had told Dobby of his search for Winky he’d been lead to the Kitchen and able to convince the drunk elf that yes he did actually want to bond with her and she was not a failure.

When they were once again back in the Great Hall for the Halloween Feast Harry knew that something was going to happen, it always did around this time each year since his return to the wizarding world. As the golden plates cleared the last of the crumbs and the visiting delegates seemed to straighten up or become more focused he knew it was finally happening.

“Well, the goblet is almost ready to make its decision,” Said Dumbledore. “I estimate that it requires one more minute. Now, when the champions’ names are called, I would ask them please to come to the top of the Hall, walk along the staff table, and go through into the next chamber,” he indicated the door behind the staff table with its anti-chamber behind, “where they will be receiving their first instructions.”

When he extinguished the candles so that they could see the flames of the Goblet better, Harry zoned out. He absentmindedly noticed people checking their watches or muttering how it would be ‘any second’ just before the flames turned from blue to red again and sparks seemed to fly out of it. As a charred piece of parchment fluttered out of the goblet Harry mentally rolled his eyes at the dramatic gasps from the whole room.

“The champion from Durmstrang,” Dumbledore read out clear and loud, “will be Viktor Krum!”

“No surprises there!” Ron all but yelled as people cheered and clapped for the first named champion.

“Aye but does he really want to do it or was he made to enter?” Harry muttered to those around him while watching the resigned expression that seemed to settle on Krum’s face briefly before he stood and wiped all expression from his face as he followed the directions he had been given and entered the antechamber to wait for the rest.

“The champion of Beauxbatons,” said Dumbledore looking at the second slip that had shot out of the goblet while Karkaroff cheered on Viktor, “is Fleur Delacour!”

“She’s the one you were talking to last night.” Ron stated as he noticed her walk regally up the aisle.

“Oh look, they’re all disappointed.” Hermione sneered over the noise, nodding to the others in the Beauxbatons party.

“Oh look, someone is being a shrew.” Harry sneered right back at Hermione, though he also sneered at the girls that were laying their heads in their arms sobbing over not being chosen, that showed him why they hadn’t been in his opinion.

“The Hogwarts champion,” Dumbledore called out while reading off the third sheet, “is Cedric Diggory!

As various reactions spread throughout the Great Hall over a Hufflepuff of all houses being chosen Harry kept his eyes on the Goblet knowing what was coming, he also noticed the look in Dumbledore’s eyes like he was disappointed at the name that had come out and had anticipated someone else’s.

“Excellent!” Dumbledore cleared his expression into his gentile old man look as the last of the tumult died down. “Well, we now have our three champions. I am sure I can count upon all of you, including the remaining students of Beauxbatons and Durmstrang, to give your champions every ounce of support you can muster. By cheering your champion on, you will contribute in a very real…” Dumbledore stopped speaking when he noticed the Goblet turned red a fourth time, Harry noticed how his eyes seemed to spark back into their twinkle. It seemed automatic when Dumbledore snatched the fourth slip from the air between two fingers and pulled it down to read as the flames finally died out completely from the cup. Harry whispered along with him when he read out the name. “HARRY POTTER!”

Chapter 3: In peace there's nothing so becomes a man

Chapter Text

Harry remembered what had happened in his past, how his ‘friends’ had just stared at him blankly when he tried to express his innocence, how Professor McGonagall had rushed to Dumbledore’s side to whisper argue with him as was happening once again. Harry knew that he needed to do something, so he wasn’t ostracized this time by the whole school, like had happened to him the last time he lived through this moment. Standing from his seat on the bench Harry pulled his wand while he walked down the aisle to the head table where he turned to look at all the visitors, staff, and students then lifted his wand.

“Sonorous.” He whispered to his throat before lowering his wand again. “I, Harry James Potter, Heir of the Most Ancient and Most Noble House of Potter, swear upon Lady Magic…”

A room wide gasp was heard at what was happening drawing out the attention of the other chosen champions.

“I swear upon Lady Magic that I did not enter my name in the Goblet, I did not ask anyone to enter for me, and I had no knowledge of my name being entered into the Goblet before this moment. So, I say it! SO, MOTE IT BE! LUMOS MAXIMA!” Harry lit his wand with the brightest Lumos he could achieve and noticed several blocking their eyes and turning their heads from the light. Harry then canceled both the Lumos and the sonorous before turning and giving Dumbledore a glare as if daring him to refute his vow. He could hear the whispers starting up behind him as he joined the other champions in the side room they had been directed to.

“Harry…what happened? Why would you vow that with Lady Magic?” Cedric asked concern clear in his eyes.

“My name came out of the Goblet, and I know how this school likes to blacklist me for the littlest thing. I wasn’t about to give them cause to do so again.” Harry snarled at Cedric; he had been one of the ones to blacklist him in second year when it came out that he was a parselmouth.

“Vat do you mean?” Krum straightened looking between the two Hogwarts champions.

“In first year, I was ostracized from my house because of something that my group of friends and I assisted with loosing us points, my friends didn’t get any blowback just myself. In second year, it was revealed that I have the gift of parseltongue,” He ignored Cedric’s hiss of fear at the mention of his skill, “the whole school declared me dark, and the teachers ignored the blatant bullying that I endured because of it. Third year, we had dementors on the grounds and I have an extreme reaction to them due to the fact that I relive the deaths of my parents every time they are near me. Some of the school got extreme amusem*nt at making fun of what happened to me every time I encountered them, only the help of Professor Lupin instructing me in the use of the Patronus Charm enabled me to get through that year. This year so far I’ve heard whispers from people and had bullying happen from classmates. Again, I’ve been ignored by the teachers, or they participate in an obscure way.” Harry made eye contact with Professor Snape who had stormed into the room with Headmaster Dumbledore as he spoke, the man hid a wince at thought of his past actions.

“No one took into account that I was raised by my magic hating muggle relatives, my ‘aunt’ Petunia, who was adopted into the Evans family before they were blessed with a child and isn’t even blood,” He kept eye contact with Severus when he said Petunia’s name seeing clearly when he realized where Dumbledore had actually left him. “My ‘uncle’ Vernon, whose favorite form of address for me is Boy.” He looked at Dumbledore as he said this knowing that Dumbledore loved to call him his boy, “And loves to threaten me with selling me as a whor*, and my ‘cousin’ Dudley whose favorite game to play with me is ‘Harry Hunting’. I knew nothing of this world thanks to them until Hagrid showed up on the doorstep, threatened the Dursley’s, spouted off how great Dumbledore was, even though the man had just left a one-year-old who was able to crawl and walk around by that time, on the doorstep of my ‘relatives’ on November 1, 1981. He also spouted about how great Gryffindor was for a house and the people in it and how ‘there’s not a single witch or wizard who went bad that wasn’t in Slytherin.’ He also told me ‘better Hufflepuff than Slytherin’.” Harry looked carefully at Cedric and Professor Sprout when he said that. “When we went to the bank he refused to let me speak with anyone handed over my key as well as taking it back as if it was his right to hold it and refused to let me buy anything that wasn’t specifically stated on my list, which I later learned by seeing Hermione’s muggleborn list was the one sent to those in the know of the world and didn’t have the supplemental books.”

“Zat is horrible! How could zomeone do zat?” Fleur looked as if she wanted to mother hen him to health. “Parseltongue is a blessed gift! Ze best healer’s in ze world have it.”

“What is the meaning of all of this?” Crouch asked looking around at everyone when the attention was focused on the boy. “We’re supposed to be going over the rules for the tournament. Sadly, son even though you gave that vow, your name did come out of the goblet, and you’ll have to compete.”

“Dumbly-dorr can you not do zomezing?” Madame Maximum asked looking at her fellow headmaster.

“Sadly no, we don’t know much about the Goblet, but if someone was able to trick it into spitting out Harry’s name then he must compete.” Dumbledore was laying his grandfatherly act on thick while trying to make people forget what was mentioned by distraction.

“Thank you Professor, you just confirmed for me that you as my magical guardian, headmaster, and member of the ministry representation here tonight, consider me of legal age to compete. Thanks to that I’ll need time tomorrow to attend affairs at Gringotts.” Harry stated with a smirk on his face. “Also, if I may see the slip that contains my name? I want to see how the Goblet was tricked?”

Dumbledore’s eyes widened as he realized what had happened and there was nothing he could do about there were too many witnesses. He pulled out all four slips and handed Harry his own.

“I see, it looks as if someone tore a page off one of my rough drafts for homework, the paper is some of my lined what I use to help me practice with the quill, since no one but the Weasley Twins have stepped up to try and help me learn how to use one in all four years I’ve been here. And that only happened because of a conversation we were having at the Opening Feast.” Harry stated seeing Professor McGonagall straighten in shock at hearing that before turning and glaring at Professor Dumbledore.

“You told me that you had it covered Albus!” McGonagall snapped out in a thick brogue that the Gryffindors knew only came when she was very upset and angry.

“If you excuse me, I’m going to head to bed.” Harry stated with a slight bow to everyone.

“Wait you can’t leave! You need to hear the rules for the first task.” Ludo Bagman called out eyes wide at the way that Harry was leaving the room without him having covered anything he was supposed to.

“Yes,” Mr. Crouch stated, “instructions. Yes…the first task…the first task is designed to test your daring,” He told the champions. “So, we are not going to be telling you what it is. Courage in the face of the unknown is an important quality in a wizard…very important…”

“Bullsh*t…” Harry coughed into his hand as he said this trying to ‘disguise’ what he was saying.

“The first task will take place on November the twenty-fourth, in front of the other students and the panel of judges.” Crouch continued after giving Harry a glare for his interruption. “The champions are not permitted to ask for or accept help of any kind from their teachers to complete the tasks in the tournament. The champions will face the first challenge armed only with their wands. They will receive information about the second task when the first is over. Owing to the demanding and time-consuming nature of the tournament, the champions are exempted from end-of-year tests.”

“Reallllly smart to do that…what about those that are taking their NEWTs or WOMBATs? Are they supposed to just not graduate?” Harry asked with a raised eyebrow which caused the older champions startle as they hadn’t thought of that, though Cedric was only a sixth year, so he still had a year.

“Well…” Crouch stumbled over this question not having thought of that.

Harry just shook his head before wishing most of the adults in the room goodnight he then turned to Professor Snape who had remained in the room during the whole thing.

“Professor Snape if I could request your escort to Gringotts tomorrow morning? I feel that Professor McGonagall would be too busy with the duties of the Deputy Headmistress, Head of Gryffindor House, and the Professor of Transfiguration. I know that you are extremely busy due to making potions in your capacity as Potion Master for Hogwarts and as Head of Slytherin, but I’ve noticed that you always find time to listen to your students instead of brushing them aside and telling them to go outside or to the common room.” Harry stated with a raised eyebrow at the Professor noticing from the corner of his eye how Professor McGonagall straightened at being reminded about first year and her brushing aside the students concern about the Sorcerer’s Stone being a target of theft.

“Meet me in the Main Hall at 6, if you are even a minute late I will not take you.” Professor Snape responded before turning with his usual flare and leaving the room.

Harry simply raised an eyebrow in response, pushed his glasses up his nose yet again and then nodded goodnight to Professor McGonagall. When he reached the common room there several upper years huddled around their books talking about the ways they could help Harry, while Ron was talking strategy with the twins and other Quidditch team members by the chessboard. Hermione though was in a rage that kept many away from her, Harry eyed her as she stormed toward him but even he wasn’t expecting what she did.

Chapter 4: As modest stillness and humility

Chapter Text

“HOW DARE YOU?!” Hermione walked over and slapped Harry knocking his head to the side when she went to do so a second time Harry snapped his hand up and grabbed her wrist.

“You should calm down. I didn’t stop you the first hit because I wasn’t expecting it to be honest. But I’ll no longer allow you to hit me.” Harry stated with a snarl as he threw her arm down.

“I’ve never!” Hermione snarled only to have her hand caught again this time with the hand in a fist heading for his shoulder.

“My shoulders and upper arms are filled with bruises due to your smacks and I’ll no longer take it.” Harry simply stated his eyes glowing green. “I’ve been abused ever since I was left on my relatives doorstep I’ll no longer allow it to happen here in my safe haven. You inserted yourself into the friendship that I had with Ron, Neville, and the twins while pushing three of the four away. You attempt to control my homework ‘correcting it’ to fit your level when in truth it’s dumbing it down from mine. I’m done. I’ve got my friends that believe in me, trust me, and support me. What have you ever done for me?” Harry co*cked his head to the side.

“If it wasn’t for me you’d have drank the poison in our first year in Professor Snape’s challenge.” Hermione started. “You wouldn’t have figured out what Slytherin’s monster was. Nor would you’ve been able to go back and save Buckbeak and Sirius last year!”

“Okay all of that is bullsh*t. If you’d paid attention I was reaching for the potion that you mentioned was the answer before you even told me which it was. Also, if you had paid close attention you would’ve noticed that it was the bottles not the potions that were different colors and seen that they were all draught of dreamless sleep. Professor Snape would not risk the chance that one of his students would be stupid enough to drink the wrong potion if they got that far and did one that would be easily countered after they’d been found.” Harry stated simply holding up his fingers as he counted off what she said. “I figured out Slytherin’s monster was a large reptile due to only me being able to hear and understand it, I was able to figure out that it was traveling through the walls, the only things in the walls is pipes therefore it was traveling through the pipes. Something large enough to travel through the walls and reptilian had to be a snake, the only ones that live that long are magical and the only ones that can petrify someone through reflection and that spiders are terrified of Basilisk.” He ticked off another finger before continuing. “As for last year, my arms were in a constant state of bruises due to your smacks when I didn’t do the correct papers by your estimation, though we weren’t in the same class nor are you a professor at this school. Add to that it was simply because of Dumbledore,”

“Headmaster Dumbledore Harry.” Hermione went to hit him again only to have her hand grabbed this time by Fred who had come over to see what was happening.

“Dumbledore, he has never done anything to earn my respect and therefore I will address him as such until the time that he stops with his creepy Hebephile bad touches and calling me ‘my boy’.” Harry stated simply thanking Fred with a nod for his catching Hermione’s hand, Harry could see that his words were making several consider things they had seen over the years, he heard some ask what a Hebephile was to their neighbor. “A Hebephile is a person that shows sexual preference to those entering puberty, between 11-14 years of age usually.” Harry answered looking around the room and seeing the widening of several eyes when it was explained. “Anyway, Dumbledore ‘strongly hinted’ that a few turns would take us back to save Buckbeak and Sirius, yes I helped but you were the one that decided that Buckbeak had to be saved due to the riddles of the old man, you who lured a feral werewolf after us by stupidly calling out as a female, it was also you that attempted to stop me from reaching the shoreline in time to cast the patronus that saved not only my past self but my innocent godfather.”

“Who’s that?” Colin spoke up over the muttering of the rest of the common room as they discussed what Harry had said.

“Sirius Black.” The gasps that rang out caused Harry to roll his eyes. “Oh, shut the f*ck up! He never got a trial! He was shoved straight into Azkaban. I personally saw the real secret keeper, instead of the decoy everyone blamed, be transformed from a common garden rat back into a man right before my eyes, with Ron and Hermione as witnesses as well. Peter Pettigrew, aka Wormtail aka Scabbers, was who Sirius was after all year last year. It’s why when he attacked the dorm room he was at Ron’s bed not mine, I sleep with the curtains open due to growing up in a cupboard under the stairs and don’t like being closed in to sleep, there was no way he wouldn’t’ve seen me. He’s the Lord of the Most Ancient and Most Noble house of Black and was thrown in Azkaban without trial. Others were tried in groups instead of individually. What if the ones in the groups were being made to do the things accused of by the ones that they were tried with? They weren’t give Veritaserum they weren’t even given a chance individually to speak, only the ‘leaders’ of the groups spoke or the ones that were insane and shouting out about how their ‘Dark Lord’ would return and save them, that they’d be honored for what they did.”

Again, questions were being thrown around and Harry noticed Neville looking at him with a thoughtful expression, he knew that Neville’s parents torturers were tried as a group and that Neville had confided in him that he remembered last year with the Dementors how the LeStrange Brothers had hidden him from Mad Bella, instead of helping her torture his parents while Barty was silent the whole time and only him being arrested with them was what lead to him being convicted. Harry mentally smirked when he saw the conversations were being talked about. He remembered watching the trial of the four in the previous time and how adamant Barty was that he hadn’t done anything and begging not to be sent back to the dementors. He knew that they would continue talking about it and spreading it to the rest of the school and word would reach parents and those that could do something about the questions.

“I know that it is against the Queen’s Law to try multiple parties in one trial and has been since the Second World War when people wanted to try all of Hitler’s generals and such in one trial. They found several that were innocent and actually protected the prisoners or ‘enemy’ soldiers in secret ways. We live under the British Monarchy and have since before we went into hiding, it was part of the treaty to be able to hide the land upon British soil.” Harry dropped amongst the conversations. “But that is something that the Wizengamot have to answer when the Queen sends a representative. I personally am going to go to bed and get some rest, I’ve got an appointment at Gringotts early.”

“HARRY JAMES POTTER DON’T WALK AWAY FROM ME!” Hermione growled trying to stop Harry from leaving the room. “You need to stop telling lies about being abused. Headmaster Dumbledore said that your family loves you and it’s only a slight misunderstanding. And the Wizarding world is separated from the British Monarchy, the Headmaster told me that we’re a separate kingdom.”

“Granger, I’m exhausted and need rest. I do not answer to you, and I don’t have to listen to you either.” Harry stated stopping on the stairs and not turning while he answered her. The rest of the common room stayed between the two. “You like to advertise that you’re the ‘smartest witch of our age’, but you are only book smarts. You never think outside of what you read in a book and trust all adults to be honest and kind. Dumbledore’s lied to you from the beginning. We exist through the good will of the Queen and leaders of the other countries that the communities live in.” Harry snarled before continuing up the stairs.

Ron, Fred, George, Neville, Seamus, and Dean all stop Hermione from following Harry up the stairs while the girls from the quidditch team moved to steer her from the room firmly.

“Lee, we’re commandeering our room for a moment.” Fred told their year mate only to get a shrug and nod, with that he led the group up the stairs to the sixth-year dorm room. “Okay, here’s the thing.”

“Something is going on with Harry.” George stated.

“True. I never thought he’d tell Hermione off like that, even though he’s been distancing himself from her all year. Something must’ve happened after his name was drawn and his return here, and I’m not just talking about the vow he took.” Ron replied nodding as he thought back to when he originally was upset over Harry’s name being drawn, after all he knew how Harry felt about it and was worried for his friend, then he fell into shock at the vow being made. “We need to keep an eye on him and make sure she doesn’t corner him. I’ve seen the bruises she leaves, if I was better at potions I’d make him bruise salve.”

“We don’t have any in stock, but we’ll make some.” George stated with a nod.

“See if you can make a scar reducer as well. He’s got a lot on his back.” Seamus spoke up thinking of the few times he’s been in the room unseen when Harry’s come out of the bathroom in a towel to get some clothes he’s forgotten only to see a plethora of scars crisscrossing his back.

“Will do.” Fred nodded. “Also, Hermione is free game for our products.”

The others that had joined them in the room nodded in response.

~*~*Line Break*~*~

When Harry got up into his dorm room he headed for his bed and pulled out a piece of parchment and a ball point pen.

“Dobby!” Harry called out while writing his note to the head of the Bank.

“What can Dobby be doing for Harry-Potter-Sir?” Dobby asked as he popped in and bounced on the bed impatiently.

“I need you to take this to the Head of Gringotts. Make sure it is for their eyes only. No One else can get a hold of this.” Harry stated holding out the letter that he had sealed with a drop of wax from the candle on his bedside table.

“Right away. Do you wish Dobby wait for reply?” Dobby asked with his head co*cked to the side as he took the letter.

“No, I’ve let them know that no reply was needed. Also, I need you to make sure that I’m awake by 5 am so that I can get ready and to the Main Hall in time to meet with Professor Snape at 6.” Harry stated letting the excitable house-elf take the letter.

“Very good Harry-Potter-Sir.” Dobby nodded and popped out of the room just as the rest of his dormmates entered and started getting ready for bed.

“I’ll be leaving early tomorrow since it’s Sunday tomorrow I won’t be missing anything. But I’ll do my best to stay silent as I get ready. I’ve got to meet Professor Snape at 6 tomorrow morning to have him take me to Gringotts.” Harry stated looking at his roommates.

“Are you sure you trust him?” Ron spoke up thinking of the venomous words that Snape would spew on Harry all the time.

“Think about it Ron, in first year he was casting the counter curse when my broom was affected, then he stood in as ref to make sure I was safe. Second year he vanished the snake before I could say too much to it and cause even worse fear to form. Third year he actually placed himself between us and a feral werewolf that hadn’t taken his wolfsbane potion that night. He’s done everything to protect us but there are several parents of Slytherins who would gladly kill him should he be seen as being nice to me. Add to that I looked some things up recently in the Library,” His little lie to hide the memories from the last time he lived through all of this,” when I was able to sneak away from Granger and saw that he received a trial after the last war and was declared a spy for our side. Now he has to put himself at risk against those that weren’t but got off on technicalities or lies. No wonder he’s grouchy and hard on everyone.” Harry shrugged when he explained that before continuing. “Plus, the last teacher Slughorn was more interested in popular kids and had multiple explosions that could have killed students in his time of teaching while Snape has only had mild injuries that are easily fixed by a Medi-witch and not a fully certified Healer, which Hogwarts doesn’t have.” Harry pointed out causing the others to stop and think about what had happened in class. Snape had always been rougher when there was higher risk of painful injury and students fear of him made them pay closer attention to their potions. “He’s also the youngest potion master in the world and has a more creative mind when brewing. He instinctively knows what a potion needs and to see students messing up, wasting ingredients, or just playing in his class with his passion that has to piss him off. So yes I’m sure I trust him, Ron. He’s saved my life more than any of the other teachers in this school.”

That left his fellow dormmates thinking carefully and mentally vowing to themselves to be more careful and cautious in Snapes class. After telling Seamus, Dean, Neville, and Ron his reasons for trusting Professor Snape that didn’t involve coming through time to try and change his future Harry climbed into bed and snuggled down as best he could. He let the curtains on the ends close but did not enclose the sides. Thankfully because of the exhaustion from having his memories having to sort themselves, the magic involved in the vow and his magic working to accept him as emancipated he slept deeply the whole night with no nightmares. Dobby woke him as planned at 5 am and he was able to get ready and down to the Main Hall in time to meet with Professor Snape, even arriving five minutes early so as not to anger the man.

Chapter 5: But when the blast of war blows in our ears


Edit: 6/9/21 had a small ooops pointed out to me by a reader and corrected it...

Chapter Text

After Professor Snape and Harry walked to the edge of the wards around Hogwarts Severus apparated them to Diagon Alley and led the way to the Bank with long strides.

“I hope you are not wasting my time this morning Potter.” Snape snapped at Harry as they climbed the steps.

“Ah…Heir Potter, Heir Prince welcome.” They were both greeted just inside the doors. “Thank you Heir Potter for sending notification of what you wanted to meet about today last night. We’ve got an office ready for the official tests and depending on the results we’ll move forward. If you gentlemen will follow me.”

“Thank you Master Goblin. May I enquire your name?” Harry bowed lightly at the waist when he said that.

“My apologies, I am Chieftain Ragnarök.” The Bank Chieftain replied as they moved through the mostly empty lobby. “Albus Dumbledore also sent a letter last night trying to forbid us from seeing you this morning as he claimed he was your ‘magical guardian’ and didn’t feel you needed to take care of anything. Looking through the files we’ve pulled together, he was never officially made your magical guardian because your legal magical guardians were still alive, though one was wrongfully incarcerated.”

“I thought something like that might have happened. I’m glad that another Ministry official stated I was legally required to participate in the Tournament, if they hadn’t I wouldn’t’ve had the three covered for the emancipation.” Harry replied as Ragnarök gestured to them both into a chair. “Though I have a feeling that I won’t legally be bound to the contract anyway because they didn’t put in my true name.”

“That would be correct, we are in charge of all magical contracts, something the ministry tends to forget. We took a look at the one made last night with the names of the champions and your name was not on there.” Ragnarök replied nodding while pulling out a piece of parchment. “Instead, a Bartemius Crouch Junior was listed in your place.”

“But Barty Crouch was declared dead in 1982 in Azkaban Prison, shortly before the death of his mother?” Snape questioned how this could be.

“Obviously, Sirius wasn’t the first to escape, though he might’ve had help, perhaps his mother?” Harry stated with a shrug, he knew how it had happened of course but wasn’t about to say it after all he didn’t know yet in this time.

“It is possible, but how can we get anyone to look into it.” Ragnarök replied with a shrug. “Now onto why we are here at this hour. Heir Potter, you requested an inheritance test, medical scan, and full purge. You also requested a full accounting of your vaults and a full accounting of your Godfather’s vaults, which by law as his heir you should have been getting reports on since you turned eight, but you claimed that you’ve never seen a report from us.”

“That is correct. I overheard Heir Malfoy talking about getting copies of his father’s account reports and that while he can’t do anything to the vaults he had a small one to learn proper management and investing strategies as befits an Heir.” Harry replied. “He also mentioned how he was glad that his Godfather wasn’t a lord, so he didn’t have to look over those accounts as well.” Harry looked at Snape out of the corner of his eye when Draco was mentioned.

“But his Godfather is an Heir, he needs only accept the Head ring to become Lord Prince.” Ragnarök replied looking over at Severus as he said this. “Has Dumbledore not passed on the messages he said he would?”

“My grandfather disowned my mother and I for her marriage to my father.” Severus looked confused as he said this.

“Yet more meddling from the old fool.” Ragnarök muttered before pulling out another file and paging through it. “Your grandfather had been trying to get ahold of you since your mother died, he wanted to get you out of that house and back with your family but first your father then the headmaster denied him. After your grandfather passed away Dumbledore appeared with a letter from you stating that while you were handling your apprenticeship for your mastery he was to be in charge of your accounts and seats. It was signed by you.”

“I never signed rights over to Dumbledore, he always told me that my grandfather refused to help me or acknowledge me after my mother’s disownment and that he had disowned me as well.” Severus muttered anger flashing in his dark eyes.

“Well, an inheritance test will clear things up easily here and you can take control of the vaults, seats, and properties that are your rights.” Ragnarök pushed over the inheritance parchment now understanding why the young lad had requested a second one of their special parchments be prepared. “Just seven drops is all you need. The M’s will mean maternal line, P’s mean paternal lines. A, B, or O stands for Alpha, Beta, or Omega. And the lowercase d’s and a’s are for alive or deceased. If there is a potion you will see a p, a charm will be a c, and a bond or block will be a lowercase b.”

Severus pulled out a small potion dagger that he kept on himself at all times for protection and pricked his right ring finger before letting the seven needed drops of blood fall upon the parchment. He fought back a growl when he read what was on the page.

Severus Tobias Snape
January 9th 1960 8:53pm
Lord Prince
Potion Master fifth class
Head of Slytherin House
Secondary Gender: Omega – hidden
Species: Half-blood human
Tobias Snape – Father (B)(d)
Eileen Snape nee Prince – Mother (B)(d)
Immediate Magical Relations:
Mathghamhain ‘Matt’ Brian Prince – Grandfather (M) (A)(d)
Godiva Alania Prince nee Malfoy – Grandmother (M) (O)(d)
Cadyren Mathghamhain Prince – Uncle (M)(A)(d)
Lucius Aurelius Malfoy – Cousin (M)(B)(a)
Narcissa Kallista Malfoy nee Black – Cousin by marriage (M)(B)(a)
Draconis Lucius Malfoy – Godson (B)(a)
Haldir Jarrah Potter – Godson (O)(a)
Prince – Lord (M)
Ravenclaw – Lord (P)(Squib line)
Pendragon – Lord (M)
Obsession to Lily Evans (p) administered 1976, 1980, 1984, 1988, 1992
Loyalty to Albus Dumbledore (p) administered 1978, 1981, 1985, 1989, 1993
Hate James Potter, Remus Lupin, Sirius Black, Harry Potter, Gryffindor House (c)
Favor Slytherins (c) administered 1981-1994
Soulmate bond (b/p) administered 1972
Permanent Glamour (c) administered 1960
Obliviates (c) administered 1975 – 1994 (150 total)
Dark Mark (b) administered 1978
Magical Leech administered 1971 and 1978
25% - Albus Dumbledore
10% - Tom Marvolo Riddle, Jr. (Lord Voldemort)

“Merlin…” Severus sat back in shock at that the chart showed, he knew that he had more relatives through the Prince line due to how much the families intermarried but to know that he was actually related to Lucius and Draco through his grandmother was amazing. “To think that this was under my nose. I’d like to formally request a purge and to claim my titles.”

“Of course.” Ragnarök nodded inwardly he was sneering at the things listed out. “You may use the ritual chamber while we work on Heir Potter’s statements.”

When the Goblin summoned in some odd way arrived Severus followed after them to the ritual chamber and the ones that would be able to help take care of everything that had been done to him. Ragnarök then turned to Harry Potter and simply pushed over the parchments that were needed for them to do the scan for the lad.

Haldir Jarrah Potter-Black (Harry James Potter)
August 1, 1980 – 1:57pm
Heir Potter (P)
Heir Evans (M)
Heir Black (godfather)
Heir Emrys (M)
Heir Gryffindor (P)
Heir Slytherin (M)(by right triple of conquest)
Secondary Gender: Omega – dormant
Species: Fae (M)(Evans/Slytherin line) – dormant
James Fleamont Potter (A)(d)
Lily Rose Potter nee Evans (O)(d)
Sirius Orion Black (A)(a)(by blood adoption August 14, 1980)

Harry skipped over reading the Immediate Magical Relations section, though he did notice that Remus, Severus, and Sirius were all listed on it as his godfathers.

Lord Emrys (M)(eligible by emancipation)
Lord Potter (P) (Eligible by emancipation)
Lord Evans (M)(eligible by emancipation)
Lord Slytherin (M)(By right triple of conquest)(eligible by emancipation)
Lord Gryffindor (P)(eligible by emancipation)
Lord Black (Godfather) (unavailable)
Lord Lupin (Godfather) (unavailable)
Lord Prince (Godfather) (second in line)
Mail Ward 1981 – 1994 (only allow Hogwarts, Albus Dumbledore, Weasleys mail through) (s)
(Broken September 1, 1994 by Cursebreaker William Weasley)
Loyalty to Albus Dumbledore, Gryffindor, Hermione Granger, Molly Weasley (p)
administered 1991, 1994 (Partially Broken October 31, 1994)
Denial of abuse (s) administered 1986 – 1994 (Partially Broken October 31, 1994)
Obliviates (s) administered 1986 – 1994 total 254
Hate Slytherin House, Draco Malfoy, Severus Snape, Lucius Malfoy (s) administered 1991 – 1994
Distrust authority figures (s) administered 1986 – 1994
Obey Dursley Family (p) administered 1983 – 1993
Permanent Glamour (s) administered 1981
Soulmate bond (b) administered 1981
Horcrux (b) occurred October 31, 1981
Magical leech (b) administered 1981
50% - Dumbledore applied November 1, 1981
25% - horcrux of Lord Voldemort applied October 31, 1981
Love Ginerva Weasley (p) administered 1993, 1994
Illegal Marriage – Ginerva Weasley (signed by Albus Dumbledore & Molly Weasley November 3, 1981)

“That bastard! I’m going to kill him! How dare he bind that much of my magic! I’m working with only 25% of my magic available to me!” Harry started shouting having leapt to his feet to pace and stew.

“Heir Potter, we can remove the blocks, potions, and spells upon you easily when you go for a purge.” Ragnarök stated attempting to calm the young man.

“I want everything removed. Can you clear the Horcrux? And can I cancel the marriage contract?” Harry asked looking over at the Goblin.

“Yes, we have a way to remove the soul shard without damaging the container or body it is contained in. As for the marriage contract you can call upon Lady Magic to judge it once you’ve claimed your titles.” Ragnarök replied with a nod, unknowingly causing Harry to continue to curse loudly and creatively in his mind, he didn’t need to walk to his death in his past if Dumbledore just did his research.

“I want everything removed.” Harry nodded his eyes angry at the thought of what he’d gone through. “If I claim all my titles can I hear my parents wills?”

“You could use your titles to get the Wills unsealed yes.” Ragnarök smirked liking the way the young lad was thinking.

“Plan for that while I’m getting the purge, I don’t want to attempt claiming the titles until after I’m purged.” Harry replied with a firm nod.

“It will be done.” Ragnarök replied. “Now are you ready to see the medical report or do you wish to just have it passed on to the healers?”

“I want to have only the healers and anyone else that can help build a case against those that had harmed me.” Harry replied looking at the long piece of parchment that had the results of his medical history. “If Professor Snape asks to see it let him.”

“Very well. Griphook can take you to the ritual room for the purge and the healers will meet you there as well. We should be able to reverse the malnutrition and other damage with the help of your professor’s potions.” Ragnarök replied calling for Griphook and handing over a copy of the medical chart to the Goblin who simply bowed at his waist to Ragnarök before turning to Harry and leading the way.

Harry passed Professor Snape who was on the way back from the chambers to the office where he was going to be claiming his own titles and reclaim his seats. Severus noticed the large roll of parchment in the Goblin guide’s hand and wondered just what that was about. When he asked Ragnarök he was handed a copy of the roll and was shocked at the amount of broken bones, malnutrition, chest illnesses, concussions, sprains, and lashes that the lad had gone through. He was growling under his breath in his anger over what Petunia had done to the child. He was just glad that he didn’t see any of signs of rape being listed.

“I wish to take up my Lordships and reclaim my seats. I’d like to see what they were voting for and have a recall of anything taken without my permission returned.” Severus stated as he got his temper back under control.

Ragnarök only nodded and handed over the boxes containing his three Lordship rings, they merged as he placed them on his finger and settled on a Silver ring containing a large piece of obsidian with a Celtic trinity knot on the side. Severus felt the family magic settle over him and then pulled back his sleeve, he was glad to see the Dark Mark was truly gone after the cleansing he had gone through, he’d have to let Lucius know that the Goblin’s could remove the Mark. Where the mark had been was the saying ‘So you’re the Half-Blood Prince I’ve heard so much about.’ He knew he’d have to go back through his memories to see who had said that to him for he knew that he’d met his soulmate while at Hogwarts as a student. He knew that his mate was still alive because the writing was not faded in anyway.

When Harry was escorted back into the office he’d grown four inches taking him to 5’8, though he was extremely thin for his height he was also a better weight even if it was not by much. His hair now reached mid back while his eyes no longer needed glasses to see and had the look of pure jade. Even his scar was fading but it was still visible, it would take a couple days to fully fade. Harry all but collapsed into the seat that was left for him exhausted from the ritual and the lack of nutrients it had to work with. He looked at the goblin and simply raised an eyebrow in response to the look he’d received from Professor Snape upon his arrival into the room.

“I believe that I need to take up my rings.” Harry stated simply looking at Ragnarök.

When the goblin snapped out of the feeling of awe that had hit him at the feeling of power coming from the lad before him he summoned all the rings that he had the right to claim. The four Lordship boxes landed first followed by the two heirship rings. The four Lordship rings he slipped onto his right ring finger and watched as they merged. When they finished they took the form of the Emrys’ dragon wrapped around the Gryffindor ruby with a Slytherin emerald for one of the dragon’s eyes, a Purple amethyst for the second eye to represent the Evans line, and the Potter was represented in the metal of the ring. Harry felt as all the family magics tested him before they allowed the rings to merge. Taking a deep breath he looked at the remaining two boxes and pulled out the rings, these he placed on his right pinkie finger and watched as the magic also tested him and then merged into one ring in the form of a snarling wolf head that had Black diamonds for its eyes. Harry then looked up at the Goblin and felt stronger than he had in a long time.

“I, Haldir Jarrah Potter-Black, do hereby formally request the unlocking and reading of my parents will. I request the presence of Madame Amelia Bones to act as witness along with Lord Severus Prince.” Harry stated formally while looking straight at the Goblin who nodded. “I, Haldir Jarrah Potter-Black, do here-by call on Lady Magic to judge the false contract made in my false name for marriage to one Ginerva Margaret Weasley. So mote it be.”

“So mote it be.” Severus and Ragnarök replied watching as the false illegal contract appeared on the Goblin’s desk before being burned by pure white magic and a new contract fillings it’s former place.

False Marriage Contract Judgement
Albus Dumbledore is to bond to Margaret ‘Molly’ Prewett no later than 12-31-1994 or their magic is forfeit. Ginerva ‘Ginny’ Margaret Weasley is to have no contact with ****** ‘Harry’ Potter-Black in from this point forward until such time as she gives up the idea of marriage to ****** Potter-Black.

“Molly Prewett? Isn’t she married to Arthur?” Harry looked up at Ragnarök and Severus in shock once he read the new contract. “And why is my true name blocked out?”

“Yes, simply married this is saying bond. They need to do a formal magical marriage bond. She only married Arthur in the muggle way, it isn’t seen as a valid marriage by magic for they didn’t bond their magic together as is recommended to keep magic strong. Your name is that way so that no one can use the true name against you, it is Lady Magic placing protection over your name. The use of your false name is one of the reasons it was judged as false.” Ragnarök replied after making sure that a copy of the contract, old and new, were sent to both the ministry and the Daily Prophet, they weren’t going to let this be swept under the rug. HE also made sure that Dumbledore and Molly received their own copies, so they’d know what has to be done. “I’ve sent word for Madame Bones to come as soon as possible. If you’ll follow me I’ll lead you to the conference room that we typically use for will readings and fetch your parents wills.”

Harry nodded as he stood along with Severus and were lead from the office to the conference room as told, there was food waiting of the pair as they waited for the arrival of the wills and the arrival of Madame Bones.

Four hours later Harry and Severus finally left the bank, Harry still in shock at what he had learned, while Severus was feeling even more protective over Harry than when they had went into the bank in the first place. Madame Bones had left as soon as the wills were finished with a copy of the wills to file at the ministry and to use to call of the dementors. She also listened to Harry and would go to the court record pages to make sure that he was telling the truth in that Sirius had never received a trial. After all someone with a formal godparent bond would be unable to bring harm to the child or their parents or they would lose their magic, she had also always wondered on the way they’d only found Pettigrew’s finger and not more of his body, since the muggles that had been as close as Pettigrew had more parts spread around than just a finger. She made sure that even though Harry was listed as emancipated and able to take up his Lordships that Severus was declared his magical guardian to protect the lad even further as his parents had requested in the wills.

“We need to get you some new clothes befitting your station. Also a new trunk and some additional books. If you’re able to we could work out a truce with Draco so he can help you learn what a Lord and Heir needs to know, he’s also your godbrother like Neville. We’ll also go to the wand shop and see if there is a better fit for you.” Severus stated leading the way down into Diagon Alley and toward Twilfitt and Tattings Robe shop where Harry was subjected to the torture that was being fitted for a full wardrobe, or at least that was what he’d tell anyone that asked, instead of letting on how much fun he had getting fitted and choosing his own clothes for the first time in his life.

Harry left the shop in an outfit that consisted of a pair of tan jeans, a blue tee-shirt with a zip-up hoodie over the top with grey sneakers that actually fit him, to his embarrassment he also had been refitted for underwear as well settling for boxer briefs after years of having to settle for tighty-whities since Dudley refused to wear the cheapest type of underwear. He’d made plans with Severus to have a burning of all of Dudley’s old clothes as soon as they were back at the castle. He’d also ordered several formal robes, day robes, new school robes, and the proper clothes for different events ranging from casual to formal. When they stepped into Ollivander’s Wand Shop Harry was able to spot the man in the shadows and simply watched him silently as he moved forward to see who had entered. The man seemed shocked when he saw who was at his counter.

“Is there a problem with your wand young Potter?” Ollivander asked as he looked between the two.

“Yes,” Harry responded keeping his eyes on the man. “I’ve had my core unbound and when I tried to use it to swear to the truth with Madame Bones at the bank it cracked. I don’t believe it fits me any longer.” Harry pulled out the cracked Holly and Phoenix feather wand that he had gotten his first year.

“Oh my…” Ollivander stated with wide eyes as he looked at the damage. “I’ve only seen the like when a core was blocked by a great amount.”

“Over 50% of my core was being leeched.” Harry replied not giving him the full amount but letting the eccentric man know it was a large amount.

“Oh my…yes…yes…that would surely cause that.” Ollivander stated looking at the lad again. “Hmmm…no wonder you were so difficult that first time if that much of your core was blocked. Let’s see if we have an easier time of it this time.”

With those words they worked through a large number of wands again before finally Harry hit on a match. The pale wand with even paler Celtic Knot work emitted a rainbow of colors and made Harry stand tall with a feeling of fun and excitement that came from the wand.

“Most unusual that there be such a large difference between wands.” Ollivander stated studying the lad. “Dogwood with a Horned Serpent Horn core. 13 ¼ inches. Dogwoods are known to be quirky and mischievous, they have playful natures and almost always insist on partners that can provide excitement and fun, while Horned Serpent Horn cores are exceptionally powerful while sensitive to Parseltongues and will warn their owner of danger by emitting a low musical tone that typically only the owner or their mates if they are so blessed can hear. This is the only Horned Serpent Horn cored wand that I’ve ever had in my shop, it was sent to me by a wandmaker in America who told them a seer had mentioned I’d need it on hand. It is not a core I personally have ever worked with.”

Harry looked at his new wand understanding the feeling of excitement that he had gotten and the background feeling of mischief. He studied the Celtic knotwork a bit closer and gave a small smile at the feeling of rightness that came from it.

“I’d like a wand holder and polishing kit as well.” Harry stated with a nod before moving to the area that had the wand holders, they actually looked more like cuff bracelets but had a pocket dimension in them that could be released with a flick of the wrist, he was drawn to one that was two toned leather and had the image of the Norse God of Mischief’s symbol embossed upon it. “This one…” Harry stepped up to the till carrying his new wand and the wand holster. “I want it charmed so that the wand will always return if ‘lost’ somehow and that it cannot be summoned by anyone but myself.”

“Very good.” Ollivander replied nodding while pulling out a polishing kit that he kept behind the till and adding up the total. “That will be 18 galleons.”

Harry only raised his eyebrow at the price but said nothing before exposing his Lordship ring and pressing it against the sales slip so that the money would be taken directly from his vault, Severus had explained that part to him when he wanted to simply pull a bunch of coins to do his shopping with.

“Thank you for your business I’ll see you on the 13th for the Weighing of the Wands Ceremony.” Ollivander stated with a nod before going back to his business in the back of creating new wands. He took with him Harry’s old wand to properly dispose of so that it wouldn’t be used for harmful purposes.

Harry raised another eyebrow in question at that statement and looked at Severus.

“The paper.” Severus pointed to the paper on the counter showing the image of the Goblet of Fire and a large headline above it.

By, Rita Skeeter
My dear readers there is such chaos happening around the rebirth of the Triwizard Tournament! Where there should have been three champions chosen last night at the Halloween Feast, Samhain Feast for the more traditional believers, there was instead FOUR!
Yes you read that right the Goblet of Fire, an ancient magical artifact, released FOUR champion names last night.
Fleur Delacour of Beauxbaton
Viktor Krum of Durmstrang
Cedric Diggory of Hogwarts
Harry Potter of Hogwarts!
After Mr. Potter’s name was drawn he seemed to be in shock and denial. He was pushed to stand by who we learned was a school friend by the name of Miss Hermione Granger. As he approached the front of the room the shock seemed to wear off and he became enraged! He even went so far as to swear an oath that he DID NOT enter himself upon Lady Magic!
What does it mean when someone was able to enter an underage wizard across Headmaster Dumbledore’s famed age line? Why would the Goblet draw a fourth champion when it’s only ever done three? What does Mr. Potter’s family and friends think about his actions? Why did he know to swear an oath instead of going quietly like the others? Who entered him and why? How will a fourteen-year-old muggle-raised wizard be able to possibly keep up with those who are truly of age?
I will work diligently to get you the answers you seek, I’ll be attending the famous weighing of the wands ceremony on the 13th where we will meet the champions and find out what they think of what is happening.
Keep reading as I continue to cover the events this year…

Harry bit back a sigh and looked at the paper with a glare before turning and leaving the Wand Shop.

“I need to find a solicitor to hire to take care of the fiction that is being passed off as the truth about my life. When I looked over the papers quickly before we left the bank there were no signs that I was receiving any royalties, something that is promised in the books, that I’m getting paid to give them my stories. I also need to make sure that I’ve got one on hand if the Prophet starts trying to twist a story about how I cheated my way in or some version of a sob story about my past. Skeeter is known for twisting things how she wants, and I want to make sure I’m ready if she comes after me. Even though I own a major part of the paper.” Harry stated as they walked along after stopping in the bookstore to pick up a few that would help him know how to act and respond as a Lord and Heir of Most Ancient and Most Noble lines that he has.

“I know just the one.” Severus stated gesturing to the left where they were, there was another building this one not usually registering when people are moving through the alleys because of the fact it was for a barrister instead of a regular shop, ‘Malfoy, Blishwick, and Greengrass, Barristers at Law’ was emblazoned on the window in the front of the shop.

“Huh…” Harry let out and then nodded his head before entering the building behind Professor Snape.

“Severus what can I do for you today?” Lucius stated coming out when the ward was triggered to greet whoever had entered only to see his old friend.

“It’s not me that needs your services today, Luc.” Severus stated with a smirk before stepping to the side and letting Harry be seen. “It’s Harry.”

“About time…” Lucius muttered as he took in the changes to the youth and noticed the Lordship and Heir rings upon his right hand. “Well, sh*t…”

Harry simply smirked and raised an eyebrow when he heard the pompous pure-blood Lord Malfoy swear after catching sight of his rings.

“What can our team do for you today Lord Potter-Black?” Lucius straightened up and reclaimed his emotionless mask at the sight of the youth’s smirk.

“You can sue the pants off Albus Dumbledore, Molly Prewett, and the Publishing company that puts out the Harry Potter books.” Harry stated with a raised eyebrow and a smug smirk.

“And just why are we suing the…pants off…your magical guardian and your best friend’s mother?” Lucius crossed his arms and looked at the boy with a raised eyebrow, he knew why they were going after the publishing company but was curious as to why Harry wanted to go after the others.

“One, Albus Dumbledore has never legally been my magical guardian since my Bonded Godfather never got an actual trial, even if he had been guilty and where he deserved I had two other legal available Godfathers before several mentioned in my parents wills, including you and your wife. I’d like you to look into Sirius’ case as well come to think of it. Two, they’ve both been helping themselves to my accounts for their own personal gains. Three, they created an illegal marriage contract for me with Ginerva Weasley, it has already had Judgement called on it. And four, he’s pissed me off with his condescending attitude and Hebephile attitude toward me.” Harry smirked as he counted off the reasons on his fingers, Severus was standing behind him smirking, though he raised his eyebrow when he heard Harry call Dumbledore a Hebephile.

“This will be my pleasure to do.” Lucius stated with a purely Slytherin Smirk. “What proof do you have for me?”

Harry reached into his robe pocket and pulled out a copy of the Judged contract, his parents wills, and the account files that the Goblins had given him.

“I trust these will be enough to start? Though I don’t have anything for the fourth reason there should be enough there to start.” Harry asked with a raised eyebrow.

“More than.” Lucius smirked as he looked over the legal copies of the information that had been handed to him, all stamped as valid legal copies by Gringotts. “You took up your Lordships, did you remove him from your seats?”

“I plan to do that the first Wizengamot meeting I’m able. I plan on calling judgement on all previous votes since he was never even supposed to have the chance to sit the seats. In there is also a copy of my Grandfather’s will stating that only my Father and his heir/heirs can sit the family seats, no proxy is to be assigned unless my Father passes a test showing he was free of potions and compulsions of any sort.” Harry stated gesturing to the stack with the wills. “If Dumbledore has been sitting ‘proxy’ or given proxy to another then all votes they’ve made are illegally done. And if he’s sitting my mother’s seats more trouble too him.”

“I’ll work with Madame Bones and start building a case. She’ll likely want to see you before the first session which will take place on the 7th of this month. Dumbledore does have a lot of influence though.” Lucius stated simply.

“Then use the press and remove his influence. I’ll be able to give information that my mother compiled about his past that no one is aware of but his old neighbor and brother, and they gave my mother that proof.” Harry stated with a smirk. “I own a majority of the Prophet and they should just be happy that I’m giving them juicy stories. I want to draw up an airtight contract with one of the reporters for exclusive articles that I give without them having a chance to twist my words.”

“Good idea.” Lucius nodded looking closer at the wills and noticing that Lily mentioned a bunch of shocking information on Dumbledore and the reason they didn’t really trust the man in a specific vault for her son to use as he saw fit.

“We should return to Hogwarts soon.” Severus pulled out a pocket watch and checked it before replacing it. “Dumbledore will throw a fit if I keep you away from the castle much longer.”

“Alright.” Harry nodded and then looked back at Lucius. “I’d like to also draw up an airtight contract with you and your partners to have your firm represent me. I figure I can slip to Gringotts the first Hogsmeade weekend and we can discuss things then. As for now a vow of confidentiality will suffice.”

With a nod Lucius and his partners gave the vow and promised to start to work on the multiple contracts and the multiple cases. As soon as that was finished Harry moved out of the building and with a hand on his shoulder from Severus they apparated back to the school and walked back up the path to the school. Harry nodded in greeting to those that he saw no matter the school, he’d placed an open robe over his hoodie and shirt but stayed comfortable.

Chapter 6: Then imitate the action of the tiger

Chapter Text

“Thank you for taking me to Gringotts and the shops Professor Snape.” Harry stated with a nod of thanks when he saw Hermione storming his way. “If you want a reason to give the know-it-all a detention I’d fade away into the shadows if I were you.”

Severus smirked as he watched her storm forward, he was going to enjoy the punishments he’d be able to dole out as he slipped into the shadows of the nearest alcove making her think that the professor had left the area.

“HARRY JAMES POTTER! WHERE WERE YOU??? HOW DARE YOU LEAVE THE SAFETY OF THE CASTLE!!” Hermione snarled as she approached reaching out to smack Harry with each statement only to have her hand caught not by Harry as had happened the night before but by Professor Snape.

“Just why would you care Miss Granger? He had permission to leave the castle to handle business due to the drawing of his name in the Tournament.” Snape sneered down at the girl. “50 points for hitting a fellow student and two weeks detention to learn just how not okay that sort of action is.”

“But sir!” Hermione sputtered.

“She hits others all the time Professor. She also forcibly takes Harry’s work and changes it.” Ron stated as he stepped up and stood beside Harry. “I’ve seen the work that he had done and noticed that it was better written out and thought out than her own each time she changes it. She makes sure he doesn’t have it back before its due so that he can’t correct the changes that she makes.”

“Is that why you and your dormmates have been handing in two different Essays this year, Potter?” Snape asked looking up at the lad.

“Aye, I make copies of the work that I’ve done and then ‘work’ on the copy where she can see it.” Harry shrugged he wasn’t about to flub his grades for her sake, he had enough of that with Dudley and had finally stopped putting up with it, after his discussion with Ron the day they were heading to Hogwarts. “We talked about it our second day back and decided that it would be safer to do so, so that she couldn’t perform academic sabotage for us any longer.”

“I see. I’ll speak with your other Professors about this but for now please continue with your previous actions. I’d suggest working out a way to make sure we correct the true essay so that we know which grade to actually place.” Severus stated his expression blank as he continued to watch the lad and his dormmates, who had all approached to greet Harry upon his return. “Miss Granger you are free to leave. I’ll send you a message about your detentions.”

“I’m NOT doing academic sabotage!” Hermione snarled. “Harry Potter you take that statement back! I’m only trying to help you all! You’d get even worse grades if it wasn’t for me! You’ll never succeed if I didn’t help you!”

“Actually Hermione I get worse grades because of you, and I’ve been doing double course loads and succeeding just fine.” Harry crossed his arms and glared at Hermione. “Just because Dumbledore is paying you from my vaults…” He let the news drop and watched as her face went white.

“I…I…I don’t know what you’re talking about!” Hermione stammered noticing that they had several witnesses for the ‘conversation’. “He’s been paying me to tutor you…that’s all…”

“Bullsh*t!” Ron coughed into his hand like Harry had the night before, though he didn’t know that.

“Hermione, the thought that you would tutor me would mean that you actually helped me instead of attempting to do the work for me. I’m done…keep bugging me or ‘assisting’ me in anyway and I’ll have no recourse but to declare you an Enemy of the Most Ancient and Most Noble house of Potter.” Harry snarled before pushing past her and finally heading for the common room.

“If he does, Granger know that as allies of House Potter, that House Longbottom will follow in the declaration.” Neville stated with his arms crossed and followed behind his friend, as the year had gone on so far Harry had shown that he was a true friend.

Ron noticed how Granger’s hands clenched when she watched Harry walk away. He knew that something was going to be happening soon and wondered how the Headmaster would be involved.

“Since I’m not head or heir of the House of Weasley I wouldn’t be able to make that call like Neville and Harry could, but I will stand with them and declare it even so.” Ron stated as he looked at the muggleborn girl that had tried too hard.

“What does he mean he’s taking double course loads?” Hermione snapped at Ron.

“He’s been doing his mundane education at the same time as he’s been here. He’s set to graduate this summer as he’s been flying through the information with Dudley not there to hold him back. One of his mundane teachers worked it out for him.” Ron shrugged. “At first he was just doing it through the summer but then after second year he had Dobby help him get the packets and does them at night in our dorm.” Ron was unconcerned with sharing this information with her.

“He shouldn’t be able to graduate yet! He would still be in secondary school!” Hermione snarled and mentally wondering why she hadn’t thought of doing the same.

“Well he is…something about MIT was brought up and his desire to always attend there. It was his plans to get away from the Dursley’s and I believe he stated it as the fickle wizarding world. Something about always being either on the pedestal or falling from it.” Seamus stated coming to stand beside Ron. “We’re about to start a chess tournament in the courtyard between houses. I believe I heard Malfoy saying he could beat you with his eyes closed.”

“We’ll see about that…Stubborn prick doesn’t know when to give up.” Ron stated as he stormed toward the courtyard muttering about how no stuck up Slytherin Princeling was going to beat him in a game of chess.

“Give up Granger…We’ve got Harry and Ron’s backs and you are not welcome any longer.” Seamus stated before walking over and joining Dean in heading to the courtyard, even though they weren’t as good as Ron at chess they were able to keep up with others, only Malfoy was really a challenge for Ron.

~*~*Line Break*~*~

November 7th was a day that would stick in Harry’s mind for years. He had been able with the help of Professor Snape, the Twins, and Madame Pomphrey; he was able to slip from the school and attend the Wizengamot Meeting that Dumbledore had been working at keeping him from since he saw the rings on Harry’s finger. Dumbledore kept placating him about how he was handling his seats as his father had wanted while Harry just stood with an eyebrow raised and said nothing. Dumbledore had even tried the route that because it was a Monday he’d have classes to attend and so couldn’t go for fear of his grades falling. Harry had continued to say nothing simply making plans where the Headmaster’s little spies couldn’t find out and made sure that he had robes fitting for the occasion.

Now Harry had met with Lord Malfoy in the barristers Ministry office, arriving via floo and the correct password. He was able to slip down into the chambers that meetings happened in and moved to the area he was to stand until he was introduced. He bit back a smirk when he saw Dumbledore enter five minutes late, as usual for any of his meetings even ones that he called the dramatic bastard that he was and wanting to make an entrance, the man’s florescent red and gold robes seemed as if they were to make a statement toward him being a Gryffindor all one had to do was look at school records and know he was a Ravenclaw.

“Welcome to the eleventh Wizengamot meeting of the year. Before we begin with old minutes are there any introductions that need to take place?” Dumbledore stated barely pausing before he was going to start into the meeting only to stumble verbally when he saw Harry step forward with Lord Malfoy at his side.

“It is my pleasure to introduce to the Wizengamot Lord Haldir Potter-Evans-Emrys-Slytherin-Gryffindor, Heir Black-Lupin, and Secondary Heir to Lord Prince. Lord Potter-Black for ease of introductions.” Lucius stated before anyone could comment on the lad being there, his crests took up the whole of the left breast of his robes.

“hem-hem…Mr. Potter is a minor so cannot take up his Lordships and therefore should be at school.” Dolores Umbridge spoke up from her seat beside the Minister.

“I think you will find Madame that I’m an Emancipated Minor and have legally taken up my Lordships with the help of the Goblins of Gringotts.” Harry spoke up as he lifted his hand to show the rings resting up on his fingers. “When I was unlawfully entered into the Triwizard Tournament…”

“You mean when you broke the law and entered yourself?” Dolores interrupted.

“No madame when I was unlawfully entered. I even gave an oath to that extent to Lady Magic and had it accepted.” Harry smirked at the toad like woman. “I still have my magic; else the rings would’ve never come to me. But that is not what I was wanting to talk about. There were three people of import that all claimed me of age to compete due to the magical contract that was said to exist. According to the Goblins, I have no such contract in my name, but Lady Magic recognized their words and decided me worthy of having access to my Lordships and Seats.”

“Objection! There is so a contract in your name young man!” Crouch called out only to freeze when the boy’s eyes landed on him.

“You must not have been paying attention to my introduction Lord Crouch. The name that came out of the Goblet is the name that I’m most known by, but it is not my true name.” Harry responded his tone cold. “The Goblins did find a contract in my name, but it was not the one you speak of. It was one that was judged by Lady Magic as Illegal since the person that made never had legal charge of me.”

“We shall cover these things during the new business of this meeting. Are there any other introductions?” Dumbledore was sweating he didn’t want people to question what the illegal contract was.

“Aye…I also have the privilege of introducing Lord Severus Prince-Ravenclaw-Pendragon.” Lucius smirked as Professor Snape stepped out of the shadows he was hiding in and let others notice him for the first time this session, the whispers that followed the naming of the three titles he had was louder than that of Harry’s, for most had missed the Emrys title being given amongst all the others.

“Chief Warlock, I would like to call for a count of seats…I believe that position is no longer validly yours.” Harry stated looking at Dumbledore with a smirk in his eyes though his face was blank.

When Harry said that the magic in the room shifted and Severus, Lucius, and Harry all walked to the Grey Side and took their seats, Harry’s in the direct middle of the grey and both Snape and Malfoy more toward the darker portion.

“I would also like a recount and recall of all votes made with my seats since the death of my grandfather. My father Lord Potter never gave permission for the use of his seats to anyone, as was stated in his will that was illegally sealed within a closed meeting of this body the day after my parents deaths, there were not enough members present for it to be a legal action.” Harry stated as he took the seat carefully while watching Dumbledore and the Minister’s reactions to where the seven seats that he represented were placed, the family crests showed along the top of his chair and the most prominent that of Lord Emrys.

“My dear boy…” Dumbledore started only to be interrupted.

“I am not your boy! I’ve asked you politely thought repeatedly to refrain from calling me such. I’ve never given you leave for your familiarity with me and am not about to start now. To you I’m Lord Potter-Black and that is all I ever will be.” Harry snarled before taking a deep breath. “I believe that your seat belongs now to Lord Ogden as leader of the Grey Party. Kindly remove yourself from that seat so that he may start this meeting.”

Lord Ogden stood and with a bow to the assembly stepped over to the podium for the Chief Warlock and waited. It took five minutes of Dumbledore staring at Harry wanting him to back down before he finally was forcibly removed from the seat by Lady Magic who deposited him in the Dumbledore seat and not even that of the Headmaster since there was three of the four houses represented in the Wizengamot once again and they had final say for the school not the Headmaster.

“I call this eleventh Session to order! We’ll cover old business next time for there is much to be covered in the new and I know we’d all like to get some rest at some point.” Ogden stated as he nodded to Percy, who was acting as court scribe at the moment. “A recall and recount of votes for the Potter, Black, Evans, Emrys, Gryffindor, Slytherin, Lupin chairs will be made.”

“Chief Warlock Ogden! I’d like to add my seats to that recall since the time my late Grandfather sat his seats. It was stated clearly in his will that no one was to use his seats until such a time as I claimed them.” Severus interrupted firmly.

“Very well, we’ll add the seats of Prince, Ravenclaw, and Pendragon to that recount and recall. We’ll meet on Saturday the 19th to go over that information. Packets of what will be covered and revoted will be sent to you no later than tomorrow.” Lord Ogden nodded and had Percy take note. “We’ve been notified via the Goblins Chief Ragnarök that a miss justice of multiple forms has occurred. Beginning with the illegal sealing of the Potter-Evans wills and ending with the unlawful entry of Lord Potter-Black into the Triwizard tournament. We also have on the docket for today the illegal imprisonment of a Lord of a Most Ancient and Most Noble house within Azkaban without trial, the vote for a registry of all creatures and beings, and the ethical use of trials against multiple individuals in one trial. I believe we’ll start with the Registry and go from there.”

Harry watched as Dolores Umbridge stood up and started into her long speech about the regulation and control for those of creature and being blood and how they were all dangerous and should not be allowed to hold any sort of position.

“So what you’re saying is that we should be like Hitler and Grindelwald and get rid of those that don’t fit the ‘perfect’ image.” Harry smirked at Umbridge as he leaned back looking quite comfortable in his seat.

“Now that isn’t what I’m saying at all…” Umbridge sneered at the boy.

“No you’re just giving your own version of Grindelwald’s Greater Good…” Harry heard the gasps around them all when he mentioned that. “Oh isn’t that the line that Dumbledore likes to use? For the Greater Good? Makes you wonder then why that is the saying in German above the Prison that Grindelwald built and is imprisoned in. Für das Größere Gute (for the greater good), I believe it says.” He noticed Dumbledore flinch at the words. “Next after the registry you’d want to move them into a ‘secure’ location to ‘protect them’, that is exactly what Hitler and Grindelwald were wanting to do though they were wanting more to experiment on people and find out what made them the way they were. For Grindelwald it was to find out what made Muggleborn, when the Goblins could easily answer that Muggleborn were and are just the merging of squib lines permitting magic to reemerge in the family line. It is clear in the lines I came from. My mother was of the Slytherin, Evans, and Emrys line, ones that were always seen as extinct or of the secondary line being the only remaining such as the Gaunts.”

“Now see here…” Dolores snarled hating that her ideas were being shown so.

“I don’t see why we should go along with your registry idea, especially since all of your facts are false and made to suit you.” Severus stated simply with a raised eyebrow sitting straight backed but comfortable in his own chair. “Until you can present truth I suggest the registry idea be put aside.”

“Seconded.” Harry nodded in response.

“I agree.” Lucius stated as well followed by a call for a vote which was a vast majority for tabling the registry until truthful information on the different creatures and beings could be brought forward.

“Lord Potter-Black, the floor is yours.” Lord Ogden stated as he looked at the other information on the docket.

“I thank you Lord Ogden.” Harry stood and gave a shallow bow to the Chief Warlock. “For those unaware I was raised muggle by my maternal aunt and uncle. While in the Mundane world I was under the rule of the Monarchy. It was while researching for a History of Magic paper that I was writing that I found out to my surprise that we as Magicals are also subjected to the rule of the Monarch. I discovered that it is not the Ministry of Magic it is the Ministry for Magic. As covered by the Statute of Secrecy that was signed by the then ruling family of the Stuarts, that we are to follow the Monarch’s rules, laws, and regulations to continue to be able to live in hiding from the rest of the Muggles.”

“Now see here Boy!” Minister Fudge began to sputter.

“I’m not finished, Minister Fudge.” Harry stated with a firm glare at the man. “Over the summer I wrote to the current Monarch as a concerned Magical citizen for the state of things when one of her Magical Nobles was denied the right of trial and had been given a Kiss on Sight order. Shortly before I returned to the magical world in time for the World Cup I was instructed to present myself to the Queen and give her more information. Since my unlawful entry into the Tournament I have again written to Queen Elizabeth II with my concerns. I visited Her Majesty on Saturday to let her know what has been happening. In the Muggle world she has given me a Royal Emancipation, as well as ordered my ‘relatives’ arrest for mistreatment of a peer of the realm. As for the Magical world She has given me this.” Harry held up an official scroll sealed with the Royal Crest of the house of Windsor, he sent the scroll to be read out by the Chief Warlock as it could only be opened by him. “She had her Court Wizard secure the document and charm it so that it would speak in her voice when opened before this elite party. Lord Ogden as Chief Warlock you are the only one that can open it.”

:My Wizarding World Subjects,

It is with Heavy heart that We’ve listened to the tales that the young Lord Potter-Black has shared with us about his involvement in your world. He has shared the treatment of several of Our royal Subjects and the miscarriages of justice that have occurred. We are most disappointed in the actions of our subjects. Thanks to the help of Our Court Wizard We’ve been able to view and verify the memories of the young lad. Because of this We, Queen Elizabeth the Second, by the Grace of God Queen of this Realm and of Her other Realms and Territories, Head of the Commonwealth, Defender of the Faith, do hereby proclaim that Lord Haldir Potter-Evans-Emrys-Slytherin-Gryffindor, Heir of the Most Ancient and Most Noble House of Black and Heir of the House of Lupin our Voice among the English Magical Court that is the Wizengamot. He knows Our Rules, Laws, and Regulations. While he is young he is to have the assistance of Lord Prince-Ravenclaw-Pendragon. Should the reports that he give Us be unsatisfactory We will remove the right of Secrecy for breach of Magical Contract.

We also declare Lord Sirius Orion Black pardoned of all charges! We’ve seen the evidence, including the recently unsealed wills of Lord Potter and Lady Evans. Lord Black’s lack of trial concerns Us greatly especially as the evidence we’ve been shown that this is not the first time such a miscarriage has happened.

The Magical world is also ordered to destroy the creatures known as Dementors and to clean up the prison over which they guard. The inhumane treatment of Our subjects, even those in prison will not continue.

The running of the school will be looked over. We will be looking into the lack of general skills courses, such as English, Math, Science, and the Arts. We will also be looking into the removal of several base courses that Our magical counterparts have available that is lacking from Hogwarts. We want all of our subjects to exceed in anything they desire and from what We’ve seen Hogwarts and the Magical World of Britain does not allow that to happen.

So say We so mote it be!: The voice of the ruling Queen of England spoke from the scroll as soon as Lord Ogden had opened it and caused many whispers to break out and many shouts of shock to happen.

“That’s not real!” Minister Fudge cried out pointing at the scroll.

“No one can fake the official Magical seal of the royal family. To accuse someone of trying is tantamount to treason.” Harry stated looking firmly at Fudge.

Fudge’s eyes were wide with shock as he registered what Harry said, for treason against the crown lead to death.

“The Kiss on Sight Order for Lord Sirius Orion Black is to be lifted IMMEDIATELY! News sent to all corners of the wizarding world of his royal pardon.” Lord Ogden stated to Fudge and Madame Bones, who simply nodded and sent out an official memo one of the only things that could leave the chamber while it was sealed for a session. “Anything further Voice of the Queen?” He looked toward Harry.

“All trials are to be gone over, especially those directly after the last war. Those that were multiple parties are to be retried individually with the use of Veritaserum to verify the guilty from the innocent. Any wills that were sealed in a secret session will be unsealed. All parties within this hall will be tested for spells, compulsions, or potions and a ward placed by the Goblins to prevent a person with such from entering. We make the laws of this land at the behest of Her Majesty and we’re making it a mockery of the world with our actions.” Harry stated still standing and looking over the assembly. “No longer will one person hold multiple titles of power. When one is the Minister they will be only the minister and not hold multiple votes. When one is the Headmaster they will only be the Headmaster, not Headmaster, Chief Warlock, and Supreme Mugwump all at once. When one is a Head of House for Hogwarts they can not hold a Deputy position as well as being a Professor of their department. It spreads the people’s attention too thin and lets too many things slip through the cracks. There will also be the development of a Department of Children’s Welfare that will look into the lives of ALL magical children and remove them should signs of Abuse be found. The children of our world have a right to feel safe in any environment.” Harry looked firmly at Headmaster Dumbledore as he said this. “These are all things that I’ve talked over with Her Majesty this summer and when I saw her just two days ago.”

“So it will be. The Unspeakable’s will be notified about the Royal Order of Destruction of the Dementors, until such time they will be banished and sealed in the lowest levels. I believe we’ve had enough shocks for the day. As previously stated we will meet up on the 19th to go over any laws or regulations that were voted upon using seats not permitted. We’ll also be going over the rules, regulations, and laws that are Royal Decree at that time.” Lord Ogden banged his gavel closing out the session without putting it to a vote.

Harry, Severus, and Lucius all stood and left the room before Dumbledore could even reach them. They knew that Dumbledore would want to discuss what was said while they were there and try to get them to stop with their actions, but Harry knew that he wouldn’t be able to do anything about it. Upon arriving back at the School, Severus and Harry nodded to each other and went their separate ways. Harry headed to the Owlery to send out a note to Sirius about his Royal Pardon being real and that it wasn’t just a way for them to lure him back to follow through with the Kiss on Sight order. He then joined his roommates in their dorm to get ready for supper, in that he changed into a more comfortable set of day robes, before they all went down to the Great Hall and avoided Granger and Dumbledore.

Chapter 7: Stiffen the sinews, summon up the blood


The Champions have the weighing of the wands, Skeeter meets her match, Hermione makes another stupid move, the champions figure out the first task together and make plans, harry has back-up while dealing with a stubborn headmaster...next chapter The first task finally arrives...

again any translations come from the Bing Translation website...if there are any mistakes please feel free to politely point them out...


I don’t own any of the characters that are recognizable in this story. The people who created them are/were wonderful and I enjoy working with their characters. This is not beta read so any mistakes in timeline and past chapters are all mine. I am trying to keep them consistent but there may be times when I goof.
Translations in parentheses beside words as needed, :Italics: - Talking over Comms/speakers/phone, *Italics* = mental conversations, underlined = parseltongue/all-speech

Chapter Text

Harry looked up when Colin knocked on the door to the Potion’s Classroom. Ron was seated beside him as normal and the pair were listening to Snape go on about antidotes, Harry thought it would be amusing to watch him test the antidote on Scabbers if the rat had still been available. As it was Harry wanted to sink into the floor and disappear when Colin stammered out about how they wanted him for pictures or something. Hermione’s glower could be felt on the back of his neck, since she had returned from the hospital wing with her teeth fixed after the curse that Draco had sent. Harry had to admit the Potter Stinks badges were a funny touch, they had started talking after one of the Care classes together and Harry explained why he hadn’t taken his hand in first year. They were by no means best friends, but they were friendly acquaintances at least, even Ron had started becoming nicer to Malfoy thanks to the Chess tournaments and the Blond being the only challenge for him. They had talked it over and because of the animosity in Slytherin House toward Harry that it would be best for Malfoy to continue to act as if he hated Harry. Shaking himself from his thoughts Harry stood up and gathered his items before turning to Ron.

“Maybe work with Neville today…” Harry stated as he made sure he had everything, it was then he remembered the date it was Nov. 13th he approached Professor Snape after waving Colin to the door for a moment and silently asked for a silencing charm around them. “Professor…I know you are in the middle of class, and this is not planned but I feel it would be better if I had an adult representative with me for the wand weighing.”

“What about Professor McGonagall as your Head of House?” Snape sneered with true question showing in his eyes.

“We both know she’d listen to Dumbledore and ignore the fact that as a minor, even an emancipated one, I should have a representative of my own instead of a school wide one that would be more focused on image.” Harry responded with a lifted eyebrow. “Also I feel it would make more of a statement if I had my second Godfather with me. Since my first still hasn’t surfaced.”

“Very well.” Severus nodded and removed the silencing spell. “Change of plans class. Pack up and get out.” He waved his wand to get all the unused ingredients packed back up and back into the storage room. “I want an 8-foot parchment on different antidotes and why we need them. Make sure to write in your own words and not just take from the books.” Professor Snape snarled at the class. “Mr. Potter, with me. Mr. Creevy I’ll take him up there myself return to your class.”

Colin let out a nervous squeak before dashing from the class while Severus and Harry left the room just behind the last of his classmates. When they reached the small unused classroom that had been commandeered for the ceremony Harry looked around. He noticed the reporter for the Prophet and bit back a smirk while looking at his Godfather, Severus just gave the smallest of nods to acknowledge his plan before moving to stand near Karkaroff and Madame Maxine. Harry hid a sneer when Bagman bounded toward him, this was just another glory hound.

“Ah, here he is! Champion number four! In you come, Harry, in you come…nothing to worry about, it’s just the wand weighing ceremony, the rest of the judges will be here in a moment…” Bagman rambled as he directed Harry further into the room as if they were best mates.

“I know that it’s the wand weighing, sir.” Harry stated pulling his arm from Bagman’s grip. “It was reported in the paper.”

“So it was, so it was.” Bagman nodded as he walked beside Harry as if just by being next to him some of his fame would brush off on him. “The expert’s upstairs now with Dumbledore. And then there’s a little photo shoot. This is Rita Skeeter.” He added, gesturing toward the witch in magenta robes. “She’s doing a small piece on the tournament for the Daily Prophet…”

“Maybe not that small, Ludo,” Rita said as she kept her eyes on Harry who only raised an eyebrow in response. “I wonder if I could have a little word with Harry before we start?” She asked Bagman.

“You need permission from my legal guardian…” Harry started before being interrupted.

“Yes…the Headmaster was so kind to give me that permission.” Rita smirked, thinking she had him.

“I’m sorry but he has never been my legal guardian. So you need either the Queen who gave me the royal emancipation in the muggle world, or my Second Godfather, Professor Snape, who I had listed after gaining my magical emancipation thanks to this tournament. I am still a minor in the eyes of the law by age after all.” Harry stated gesturing toward where Professor Snape was leaning against the wall with a raised eyebrow as he watched the harpy that was Rita.

Rita sputtered for a moment before looking between Snape and Potter and she saw her exclusive drying up before her eyes. She eyed the small closet that the Headmaster had suggested she use for the interview and Harry smirked briefly before hiding it. This is not the nervous flighty boy that she had been told to expect.

“As a major shareholder of the Prophet I’d be very disappointed if you worked with only speculation and slander. When I read a paper I want facts, not gossip, there are columns for that on their own.” Harry dropped in before moving to stand with the other champions. “I’d also be disappointed to read something that wasn’t about ALL the champions, not just one. Also any use of a Quick-Quotes Quill is now banned from the paper as I’m sure your editor in chief has told you…I hope that I don’t see one come out at any point today, would hate to have to have him remove you from reporting, especially since you have a little bug problem. And my name is Lord Potter-Black to you, I’ve never given you leave to call me Harry or anything else.”

Rita and the cameraman both sputtered at the casually dropped fact that Potter was the major shareholder that had resurfaced recently, she remembered the letter that had arrived that caused the Editor in Chief to blanch when he had read it. She blanched when she registered what he said about the bug problem and wondered if he knew about her animagus form, then took a deep breath and shook herself mentally there was no way he could know that was how she found out about his oath, she had come riding on Bagman’s robe when the drawing had happened.

Dumbledore strode into the room with flare as he always seemed to have before stopping in shock at the sight of Harry standing with the other champions while Snape stood talking to the other Heads. Ollivander slipped in beside him, he fought a smirk when he saw what was happening and knew that it was messing with the old man, he knew that Dumbledore was hoping to rescue a panicked Lord Potter-Black from the broom cupboard and stop the interview only to find there wasn’t one going on.

“Ah…Severus my boy, what are you doing in here? Don’t you have a class to be tending?” Dumbledore slid up to Snape with his twinkle absent.

“Lord Potter-Black requested my presence as his Secondary Godfather and legal guardian to protect his interest should there have been a reporter here.” Severus sneered at Dumbledore knowing what he was trying. “And of course I had a lesson today, something you well knew was Harry’s class since you sent Creevy to interrupt my lecture about antidotes, instead of having Harry be informed earlier and arrive with the others.”

Dumbledore sputtered momentarily before turning away and looking at Harry who simply lifted an eyebrow as if to ask Dumbledore to challenge him. Instead Dumbledore looked around to make sure everyone was here and noticed that Rita pulled out a regular quill as she settled in the corner, he was making a mental note as to why she wasn’t using her poisonous Quick-Quotes one for later contemplation.

“May I introduce Mr. Ollivander?” Said Dumbledore, taking his place with the other judges at the table that had been set up while Snape continued to lean against the wall and watch the procedures. “He will be checking your wands to ensure that they are in good condition before the tournament.”

Harry nodded politely to the old wandmaker, silently wondering what Dumbledore was going to do or say when it became clear that Harry no longer had the phoenix tail core wand that was his original.

“Madamoiselle Delacour, could we have you first, please?” The Wandmaker stated stepping into the empty space in the middle of the room.

Fleur swept over to Ollivander with a nod and handed over her wand, Harry had told them about the old Wandmaker and that he would be here that day. He also told them how he used only specific items usually in the makings of his wands, pressed that way by the reforms that Dumbledore tried to inforce.

“Hmmm…” Ollivander stated as he inspected the wand twirling it like a baton. It emitted a number of pink and gold sparks. “Yes…nine and a half inches…inflexible…rosewood…and containing…dear me…” He looked over at the young lady with his eyes even wider if possible.

“An ‘air from ze ‘ead of a veela.” Fleur stated straight backed and proud. “One of my grandmuzzer’s.”

Harry raised an eyebrow at that statement wondering why she would share that tidbit, unless France didn’t have the same beliefs about Veela as a lot of Britain did thanks to Dumbledore’s actions.

“Yes…yes, I’ve never used Veela hair myself, of course, I find it makes for a rather…temperamental wand…However with the connection to your grandmother it would suit you.” Ollivander stated simply as he ran his fingers along the wand again then with a muttered “Orchideous!” conjured a burst of flowers which brought a small smile to Fleur’s face. “Very well, very well, it’s in fine working order.” Ollivander gathered up the flowers and handed them and her wand back to Fleur with a soft bow. “Mr. Diggory, you next.”

As Fleur passed Cedric they shared a smile, glad that they all had this chance to interact before the big task coming up. Cedric simply pulled his freshly polished wand and handed it over to the Wandmaker with no flourish or words.

“Ah, now, this is one of mine, isn’t it?” As if Ollivander didn’t say to everyone that purchased from him that he remembered each and every wand he sold. “Yes, I remember it well. Containing a single hair from the tail of a particularly fine male Unicorn…must have been seventeen hands; nearly gored me with his horn after I plucked his tail.” Harry had to bite back a chuckle at the little antidote and noticed the other champions were fighting the same reaction. “Twelve and a quarter inches…ash…will only ever serve you as it’s true master, especially with the unicorn hair…pleasantly springy. It’s in fine condition…You treat it regularly?”

“Polished it last night.” Cedric was grinning as he said it.

Harry was grateful this time around that he knew to take better care of his wand and he wasn’t scrambling to remove the finger smudges and dirt caking it like he had his first-time round. He had convinced Ron that it was a good idea to care for his wand as well followed by his other roommates when they asked what the pair was up too. He watched instead as Ollivander conjured as stream of silver smoke rings across the room before calling for Viktor. Harry noticed unlike the first time round that Viktor seemed very uncomfortable about handing over his wand from the way he was scowling and quickly placed his hands in his pockets as if to keep from snatching the wand back.

“hmmm…a Gregorovitch creation…unless I’m much mistaken? A fine wandmaker, though styling is never quite what I…however…” Ollivander examined the wand minutely before nodding. “Yes…hornbeam and dragon heartstring?” He looked up at Krum who simply nodded. “Rather thicker than one usually sees…quite rigid…ten and a quarter inches…Avis!” The spell shot from the wand like a blast from a gun, making many of those in the room jump, while at the same time ducking from the large flock of birds that had been conjured that quickly flew out the open window into the watery sunlight that was trying to light the room more. “Good…which leaves…Lord Potter-Black.”

Harry got to his feet and with a flick of his wrist produced his wand from the holder it was concealed in, making several take notice of the wand holder for the first time and wonder where he got it.

“Ahhh…yes,” Ollivander took the wand carefully holding it in his hands with a gleam as he looked at Harry. “Yes, how well I remember.” He smirked and was echoed by Harry in the smirk.

“Of course you do it was on the First after all that I got it.” Harry quipped noticing out the corner of his eye how Dumbledore straightened in shock as seeing the wand that Harry had produced.

“Yes, you brought me your old wand do to a large crack that had appeared after your claiming of you Lordships. There was no fixing your previous wand and it was no longer a match for you anyway.” Ollivander’s eyes gleamed as he looked where Harry’s scar used to be but was now fully faded leaving his head blemish free. “Thirteen and a quarter inches…flexible…made of Dogwood a quirky wood to be sure playful in nature…and horned serpent Horn…something I rarely work with…in fact this wand was not made by me but sent to me from America. I looked up what information I had after you left my shop that day and this was a wand made by Isolt Sayre, one of the founders of Ilvermorny who also used a Horned Serpent Horn wand.” With that information he conjured a fountain of wine to shoot from the wand before handing it back to Harry, who quickly tucked it back into the holster so others couldn’t get a closer look.

“Thank you all,” Dumbledore stated as he stood from his judges chair. “You may all go back to your lessons now…or perhaps it would be quicker to just go down to dinner, as they are about to end…”

The photographer looked panicked at the thought of not getting the chance to do his job and called out a reminder of the photos for the paper, Bagman snapped up the reminder and called for ones of all the judges and champions asking Rita’s opinion.

“er…yes, let’s do those first,” Rita smirked while watching Lord Potter-Black. “And then perhaps some individual shots?”

“Not of Lord Potter-Black.” Severus interjected before Dumbledore could even think to okay it. “The others if they wish can do so but Lord Potter-Black does not wish to take the attention from his fellow champions who were legally entered into the tournament. The group shots are fine but no individuals.”

Harry sent a grateful look at Severus as he said that which caused the twinkle in Dumbledore’s eyes to dim momentarily. He noted how Krum was sulking behind the others until pulled forward by Karkaroff. When Rita tried to pull Harry forward to greater prominence he glared pulled his arm from her grasp and moved right back to the position that he had originally been in, to the side and purposefully not front and center. He also made sure that he didn’t smile for he was not happy to be a part of this. Thanks to Professor Snape’s words the others knew that they didn’t have to do the individual shots and rejected it letting them leave that much sooner and head to a meal. Harry, Fleur, Viktor, and Cedric walked out of the room together with Harry acting as translator to them all to keep them comfortable. When they reached the Great Hall they separated and went to various tables, though Viktor and Fleur followed Harry to Gryffindor so they could continue to discuss different policies that the countries had.

“Harry Potter! What do you think you are doing?” Hermione interrupted the conversation that he was having with Fleur and Viktor. “You’re not supposed to be discussing things with the other schools!”

“Granger, I’m discussing different ministry policies that are around for the sake of research, I’m not discussing strategies or plans for the tasks as we have no idea as of yet what the task will be. Though if it follows the past tournaments we’ll have to get something for a large multi-X class creature.” Harry replied before turning to the pair again and apologizing for the interruption that had happened.

“Често ли прави такива неща г-ца Грейнджър? (Does Miss Granger do things like that often?)” Viktor stated looking at Harry, she had approached him repeatedly in the Library while he was studying even going so far as to sit at his table without asking permission.

“Тя вярва, че е най-умната вещица на нашата възраст и отказва да слуша, когато другите й казват истински факти. Обича да прекъсва и да дава мнение, без да я пита. Тя също обича да удря, ако е провокирана достатъчно. (She believes that she's the smartest witch of our age and refuses to listen when others tell her true facts. She loves to interrupt and give her opinions without being asked. She also loves to hit if provoked enough.)” Harry responded with a shrug before turning to Fleur. “Je disais juste à Viktor; elle croit qu’elle est la sorcière la plus intelligente de notre âge et refuse d’écouter quand les autres lui disent des faits réels. Elle aime l’interrompre et donner son avis sans qu’on lui demande. Elle aime aussi frapper si elle est suffisamment provoquée. (I was just telling Viktor; she believes that she's the smartest witch of our age and refuses to listen when others tell her true facts. She loves to interrupt and give her opinions without being asked. She also loves to hit if provoked enough.)”

“Il faut alors lui faire le coup. Est-elle aussi une connaisseur de tout? (She needs to be given a reality check then. Is she a know-it-all as well?)” Fleur asked with her head tilted as she looked down at the young lady, Fleur could grasp the basics of what Viktor was saying thanks to the spell that Harry had shared with all the champions, but it would take more than two weeks to be able to grasp everything about the language.

“Oui, elle se sent en droit d’être entendue et ne laisse pas les autres donner leurs réponses. La plupart de mes camarades de classe ont cessé de lever la main à cause de ses actions. Elle inhibe l’apprentissage pour nous tous. Elle ne va que par livre et ne permet même pas son propre processus de pensée lors de la réponse. (Yes, she feels entitled to be heard, and doesn't let others give their answers. Most of my classmates have stopped raising their hands due to her actions. She is inhibiting learning for all of us. She only goes by book and doesn't even allow for her own thought process when answering.)” Harry responded; Viktor was better able to understand the French being spoken because of his work in the international Quidditch league but he too was grateful for the translation spells that had been given to them to help.

“Harry, have you see my latest letter from Charlie? I can’t seem to find it.” Ron asked looking through his bag. “I had it before potions. It just arrived this morning.”

Harry noticed the smirk that Hermione held on her face as she fingered her bag and had a pretty good idea where the letter was hiding.

“Accio Ron’s Letter.” He held his wand loose in his hand and sure enough the letter came flying out of the opening that she had from having her bag so stuffed with books and papers.

“HEY!” Hermione shouted getting the teachers attention finally. “Give that back!”

“I think not Miss Granger. See I specifically worded the spell so that it would only bring out the letter that belonged to someone else. I believe that is called stealing when you take something that doesn’t belong to you. In the muggle world mail interference is a major infraction.” Harry stated raising an eyebrow while McGonagall and Snape approached.

“What is going on here?” McGonagall stared at the group with a raised eyebrow.

“Harry took something from my bag!” Hermione stated smugly.

“Is that true Mr. Potter?” McGonagall turned to Harry to scold him.

“‘e was zimply returning ‘at ‘ich belong’ to ‘is friend.” Fleur spoke up with a raised eyebrow.

“He said the spell specifically to return his friends letter to him, that it came out of her bag means it did not belong there.” Viktor stated also speaking up when he saw the young lady planning on arguing.

“I had asked Harry if he’d seen my latest letter from Charlie, I don’t get many from him due to his position in Romania and keep each one. I had just received this one at breakfast but had to rush to class and hadn’t gotten a chance to read it. I last saw it in my bag before potions but after that couldn’t find it.” Ron stated while keeping his eye on Hermione, whose hair was getting even bushier seeming with her aggravation.

“25 points from Gryffindor Miss Granger for stealing. 15 points from Gryffindor also for false accusations.” Snape sneered at Granger before turning to Harry. “15 points TO Gryffindor for well-timed use of the Summoning Charm, I believe that you only started learning the charm today.”

The whispers of Harry of all people being granted points FOR Gryffindor started flowing up and down the table as people looked at Snape as if trying to figure out if he’d been replaced by someone trying to impersonate him. Harry simply nodded in response to the Professors before they turned and returned to their own tables. Thanks to the article that was sure to come out from Rita tomorrow it would soon become known that Professor Snape was his Godfather and legal guardian despite his emancipation. Everyone soon returned to focusing on their meals and talking with their friends when they saw there wasn’t going to be any more drama.

“Hey Harry…Charlie says he’ll see us soon…what do you think he means by that?” Ron stated looking up from the letter that he’d been reading.

“Damnit!” Harry dropped his head forward onto the table barely missing putting his face in his plate. “Ron think…I said a little while ago that the first task typically has the champions facing off against a Large Multi-X Class beast of some sort…it was a co*ckatrice in the 1792 tournament that got free and killed spectators as well as injured the Heads of the three schools. Now Ron what LARGE Multi-X class Beast does your brother work with?” Harry turned his face to look at Ron knowing his friend would catch on quickly.

“Class Five X Dragons Harry, you know that he was talking all about the different breeds that he works with when you asked about his burn scars…ohh…sh*t!” Ron looked over at Harry with wide eyes before looking at the other two champions that were sitting at the table with them who also got wide eyed when they realized what that meant.

“Exactly…Damnit!” Harry finally sat up and looked at the two other champions. “We’ll have to tell Cedric since we already know…Since it wasn’t someone from the school that helped us it won’t be considered Cheating…I think we should work together to figure out a way to get whatever they’re having us retrieve…”

“Oui, c’est une bonne idée. Je me demande si mon charme de lumière va travailler sur eux. (Yes, that is a good idea. I wonder if my light charm will work on them.)” Fleur replied with a nod while working through the situation in her head.

“Чудя се, какви ли ще ни кажат. (I wonder what breeds they will bring for us to face.)” Viktor nodded in response trying to remember what he knew of Dragons.

“Je crois que votre parseltongue vous permettra de leur parler. (I believe that your parseltongue will allow you to speak to them.)” Fleur stated as she looked at the paleness that was covering Harry’s face at the thought of the dragons.

“Мисля, че трябва да използваш уменията си, Виктор. (I think you should use your flying skills somehow Viktor.)” Ron stated, he had learned alongside Harry from the beginning of the year after Harry had pointed out the best way to promote interschool cooperation was to talk to them and that not everyone would be able to speak English as well as they could.

“Ve are only allo’ed ‘our vands.” Viktor responded looking at Ron with a curious gaze wondering what he was thinking.

“So use a summoning charm…” Harry shrugged looking at the pair with confusion when Fleur and Viktor looked at him in confusion. “You’re only allowed to bring your wand into the arena…they never said anything about not summoning something to help you…find the loopholes…I do so love those…” Harry’s smirk was echoed by three others as Ron, Fleur, and Viktor all thought of what they could do with the loopholes that were in the instructions. Harry could see Ron’s strategic mind working through different scenarios. “I just wish we knew what Dragon Breeds they were bringing so that we could better plan…”

“You know that as soon as Hagrid knows that there’s going to be dragons he’s going to go and see them. He’ll likely feel like he’s helping you if he asks you to come…” Ron stated looking over at Harry. “Why isn’t Hermione interjecting about the three of you working together?”

“Hmm? Oh…I placed a muffling ward I found in an old book in the potions room when asking Professor Snape for some alternate sources that I could use for my paper at the beginning of the year. It has a bunch of notes in it and has a bunch of handy spells. I showed it to the Professor and though his expression was pinched he said that I could use it…Turns out the reason his expression was so pinched I believe that it was his book at one point. It had written in it to return to the Half-Blood Prince…Professor Snape is Lord Prince.” Harry shrugged.

“Why haven’t you shown me this book?” Ron asked indignantly.

“Because he said I could use it…he didn’t give permission for others too. I’ve been trying to get on his good side since the beginning of the year.” Harry shrugged again. “I asked him if he could identify the spells and some he crossed out as being too dangerous. Wonder what they do but not going to test them if he doesn’t want me too.”

“Oh…” Ron thought for a moment then nodded in acceptance, he was so glad for the spells that Bill had done before they left for school it had certainly helped him with his temper issues. “We should probably find a way to alert Cedric without alerting the whole school that we know. Don’t want them deciding to change things last minute.”

“Professor Lupin told me during my Patronus lessons that they can also be used as messengers and will only go to the person intended for. I can try that, or I can send Dobby to give him a note when he’s alone.” Harry stated simply thinking of different ways he could handle this.

“Go with Dobby first before trying the Patronus. Yours’s very noticeable after all.” Ron responded and Harry simply nodded before drawing out a spiral notebook and a ball point pen to scribble out a note to Cedric about what they had figured out the third task. He also included the thoughts they had of what they could do to get past the Beasts if they needed to, all before spelling it so it could only be read by the intended recipient.

“Dobby don’t appear visibly. I need you to take this note to Cedric Diggory. Also make sure that if he has a message you bring it back. Don’t be seen.” Harry stated softly as he placed the note beside him on the table and watched as if disappeared with a smirk.

Harry watched carefully as Cedric noticed the note and carefully read it before turning his gaze around the room as if searching for someone, his eyes locked over Harry’s right shoulder he nodded as if acknowledging someone else before he turned his attention to his friends again. Harry knew that this was a better way to handle things than what he had done the last time and hoped that he could help make sure that Cedric lived. He turned his gaze to the table and focused on Snape and Barty Moody wondering what he needed to do about that.

“I vould like that.” Viktor responded nodding at Ron and causing Harry to tune back in.

“What was that?” Harry asked. “I apologize my attention was caught elsewhere.”

“Ronald vas mentioning how you are za best seeker of da school. He mentioned you vould be interested in Seeker Match.” Viktor explained looking over at Harry and looking his form up and down, trying to see if he could spot what made Harry Potter the best seeker.

“I would enjoy that as well. Perhaps we could include the other seekers? I know that Draco and Cedric would jump at the chance to try against you. Though I would warn against Cho…she looks for those that would give her the most status and tries to ensnare them or goes after her fellow seekers with charms to make them infatuated with her, so they’d flub the game. She used to date Cedric until I pointed out what was happening, carefully of course. He did not appreciate it happening.” Harry stated pointing out the young woman he was mentioning.

“I vill keep dat in mind.” Viktor responded with a nod. “Perhaps simply a male only Seeker Match, dat vay it vould be even numbers?”

“That would be perfect.” Harry nodded. “Perhaps this Friday after classes? I’ll need a distraction from the upcoming Wizengamot meeting on Saturday to cover the miss use of my seats and the actions the Queen wishes me to take among them.”

“Dat sounds good.” Viktor nodded before he rose to join his fellow Durmstrang students in leaving for the ship that they were staying on during the duration of the Tournament.

“I’ll let the others know.” Harry nodded in response and joined his fellow Gryffindors in leaving the Hall after saying goodnight to Fleur and wishing her a peaceful rest.

Hermione was storming ahead of the pair to the common room grumbling about the points she lost and thinking out loud of ways that she could earn them back. She ignored all the students that moved out of her way and simply muttered about what she was going to do. She turned on Harry when he entered the common room ready to tear into him for his actions at the meal only to watch him ignore her and head to the stairs ready to head up to bed. She stormed forward intending to follow him only for the stairs to become a slide as she watched him brush his fingers along something.

Professor McGonagall stormed into the Common Room a short time after to see Hermione at the base of the stairs to the boys dorm yelling behind a silencing charm and Angelia Johnson being the only one with her wand visible.

“What is going on here? Who was attempting to get into the Girls Dorm?” McGonagall turned and looked over at the girl’s stairs only to see them open and no one near them while everyone was looking toward the events happening at the base of the boys stairs.

“No one attempted to get into the Girl’s Dorms, Professor.” Angelia spoke up looking over at their head of house. “Miss Granger was storming after Harry when the stairs became a slide and sent her back to the base where she started screaming at Harry to undo whatever it was that happened and tell the teachers he was lying about the letter coming from her bag. Harry remained silent where he was and those of us that were trying to study decided she needed to be silenced. He never once drew his wand or did anything besides try to head to bed.”

“Balderdash…only the female dorms have that safety feature…” McGonagall strode over and started to climb the steps with no issue, she turned when she saw Miss Granger attempting to follow and watched as the steps below her turned into a slide up to the one that she was standing on. “What in Merlin’s name?”

“The founders knew the risks of line theft through the use of charms, potions, and spells and not wanting to risk the heirs or heiresses made the charms that do that to the stairs using a mixture of potions, runes, and magic. Those that have the position of head of house or one of the heads of the school, be it deputy or head, are allowed no matter the gender to be able to keep the students safe. Also the healer for the school is allowed no matter gender in case they are needed for some reason. Lady Ravenclaw placed the runes up far enough that it couldn’t be reached by a person of the opposite gender to turn them off before the enchantment kicked in. Lord Slytherin hid the runes with a bit of a concealing potion. While Lord Gryffindor and Lady Hufflepuff laid the spell work that would turn them on and off and create the slides that appear. If you look here you’ll be able to notice the runes under the concealment potion since you are aware of the runes being there through my pointing them out.” Harry explained pointing to the location that Granger had seen him brush his hand against. “As Lord Gryffindor and Lord Slytherin I’m able to reactivate them to keep girls from entering the boys dorms as has stayed in place for the female dorms. Only a Head of the School, again deputy or head, and/or a head of a house are able to cancel the spells in place. From what the students in the other houses have said Gryffindor is the only one that has had the male dorms protections turned off.” Harry explained knowing that the whole of the house was listening, some females grumbling under their breaths while the males looked contemplative and indigent about the risks.

“I see…well…15 points from Gryffindor Ms. Granger for attempting to force your way into the male dorms. 50 points Mr. Potter for the return of the safety wards around the male dorms.” McGonagall nodded to the House as a whole before turning to leave.

“Oh, Professor McGonagall…I’m not sure if the Headmaster has explained what was stated at the last Wizengamot meeting on the 7th, but by order of the Queen, no one is supposed to have multiple positions of power. The Headmaster had to decide between the ICW and here, as he lost his Chief Warlock position when I took my seats. And you are only allowed to either be the Head of Gryffindor or the Deputy, you’re not allowed both. The Queen wants those in places of power to have time to focus on their jobs to the best of their abilities. She was most disturbed when I said how much work you do as the Professor of all Transfiguration classes as well as Head of House and Deputy. Also all those in places of power have to be checked for spells, compulsions, and potions regularly to keep Her subjects safe.”

Professor McGonagall looked at Harry carefully and saw he was only speaking the truth, she knew why Dumbledore didn’t tell her for he didn’t want her to get tested and he didn’t want her focusing on one thing more than the other, he left most of the Headmaster work to her instead of doing his job as he should. She nodded in response and gave a quiet thank you, though her eyes were snapping with anger and irritation, before leaving the Common Room, she didn’t see the mischievous smirk that crossed Harry’s face for he knew that he had set the cat among the canaries and wished that he could be in Dumbledore’s office when she confronted him with this information.

~*~*Line Break*~*~

Harry sat at breakfast on Saturday the 19th of November and ate a healthy meal, Severus had been on him about getting his body weight back up since the cleansing at the bank and Harry knew that his House-elves were adding stomach soothers and nutrient potions into his goblets by order of his Godfather, he didn’t mind because they also made sure no other potions were added to any of his food. He thought back to the Seekers match that the male Seekers of Hogwarts and Viktor Krum had had the afternoon before. Most of the three schools had shown up to see, even Madame Hooch had stepped up to be a ref for the event. They had offered to let Cho join to remain fair, but she felt it was beneath her to do so, though it turned out that Fleur was the seeker for her team at Beauxbatons and so she accepted when it was offer to her, her little sister Gabrielle had let them know since Fleur hadn’t spoken up about it and for most the week it was the only thing people were talking about. In the end it was only Viktor, Draco, and Harry against each other as they outflew the others on their Firebolts and Nimbus 2001. Soon even Draco had to drop out since he couldn’t keep up with the Firebolt and didn’t have the same skills as the pair. It had been a very close thing, but Harry had lost by a finger width to getting the snitch before Viktor. He was proud of how well he flew and that he had been able to keep up with Viktor even if he had no plans of ever playing professionally. He looked up when Ron sat beside him, and Neville sat across from him flanked by Seamus and Dean with Fred and George dropping down on either side of Harry and Ron.

“So why are you bracketing me in?” Harry asked with his eyebrow raised.

“Hermione’s on a war path after the Match yesterday and then this.” Fred stated handing over the paper.

Boy-Who-Lived, Godson of Potions Master Severus Snape, and Charge of the British Monarchy?
By Rita Skeeter
My dear readers, I was privileged to cover the story of the Weighing of the Wands for the Triwizard Tournament earlier this week, see Tuesdays Paper for the article there, but while I was there some interesting things when I attempted to interview Harry Potter.
I was denied that privilege, though I had been promised by who I thought was his Legal guardian at the time, by none other than Professor of Potions at Hogwarts Severus Snape, who recently has taken up the Prince Lordship.
Mr. Potter also explained that if I wanted to interview him I had to have permission either from the British Muggle Monarch Queen Elizabeth II who had given him a Royal emancipation in the muggle world, or from Potion Master Snape who had legal say for him as a minor, by his choice, even though he was also emancipated by his forced entry into the Triwizard Tournament.
Now my dear readers I didn’t truly believe his words and so decided to do a little digging…

Harry didn’t finish reading the article before he lit the paper on fire and watched it burn.

“I believe I need to leave early gentlemen. I have a Skeeter to take care of, and an Editor in Chief to reign in.” Harry snarled before he stood and left the Great Hall, Dumbledore hadn’t even arrived down to breakfast yet so wasn’t able to stop him. He stormed out of the school and to the edge of the wards where he unconsciously apparated himself directly to Diagon Alley and in front of the Daily Prophet offices. He was already dressed in his formal robes for the Wizengamot meeting that was starting at 10 but since it was only 7 he knew he had time for this as he stormed into the Daily Prophet. “Barnabas Cuffe! A moment of your time!” Harry called out as soon as he was through the door. “Rita Skeeter you are requested as well!” He stormed to the conference room that was in the building having looked over floor plans when he found out he not only owned a majority of the Prophet but also the building it was printed out of.

“Mr. Potter…” Cuffe stammered as he entered the room seeing a young man that was very upset about something. “What can I do for you?”

Rita slunk into the room and tried to remain inconspicuous at least until Harry summoned one of the remaining papers to show the headline to the Editor.

“Care to explain to me how this article as able to get past you after my last warning about printing things that were private information? As well as using a false name for me?” Harry snarled while keeping an eye on Rita. “I informed your reporter that I was Lord Potter-Black to her and had never given her the permission to address me as informally as she tried while at Hogwarts. It’s amazing what one can feel when the wards attach themselves to oneself.” Harry raised an eyebrow. “Are you trying to get the Potion Master of Hogwarts murdered? Are you trying to get the Queen of England murdered? There are several out there that would love a chance to do so to get power over me and my many estates even though I’m legally emancipated in both worlds.”

“What…I…I had no idea…” Cuffe looked over the article before glaring at Rita. “This is not the article that I okayed for the front page.” He went to the door of the conference room and called out. “Mr. Amorim GET IN HERE NOW!” Harry watched as a larger gentlemen strode into the room acting as if he was the one in charge, clearly an alpha and used to getting his way. “What is the meaning of this article?! This sort of news is never to be published without going past me first!”

“Rita said you approved it and said to put it on the front page. She even had your signature on the piece.” Amorim sputtered at being called out about something while looking between the Editor and the Reporter not even noticing Harry as he stood there watching.

“So she gave you an article with a forged signature to get you to print it?” Cuffe snarled. “RITA YOU’RE FIRED!”

Harry smirked as he watched the poisonous reporter sputter and stammer trying to excuse what she had done. He looked at the other two and realized that they hadn’t realized and were trying to follow the directives that he had suggested, especially since the Ministry couldn’t lean on them any more since their main shareholder had stepped up again.

“Oh don’t worry Rita, this isn’t the only problem you’re going to have today. I know how you got some of the information you shared. Like I said earlier it’s amazing what the Wards of Hogwarts will tell a person when they actually listen. Such as unauthorized animagus being on the grounds in their animal, or should I say insect forms.” Harry crossed his arms and simply raised an eyebrow at the reporter who continued to sputter. “I’ve already sent information to Madame Bones, after all some of your articles over the years could be seen as treason since they were gathered during closed sessions of the Wizengamot.” At that news Harry and the others head the apparation of several people entering the building. Rita tried to change into her beetle form to escape but Harry wasn’t having any of that and had placed wards around the building to keep her from getting out.

Rita went into shock at the sight of the Aurors that entered the room with Madame Bones in the lead, she finally had the information that she needed to nail the bitch for the information she had leaked through the years. No more would she be protected by whoever was doing so, they didn’t want to go against the powerhouse that was Lord Potter-Black. Kingsley and Tonks stepped forward and arrested Skeeter making sure to use the special magic cuffs that would keep her from taking on an animagus form to escape. Without a word to any of the others they led her out of the building in the cuffs and she flushed when she heard the sounds of cheers behind her from her former fellow staff, they had despised how she got away with her slander and gossip passing it off as true news.

“Betty! You’re on the story about Rita’s arrest. Make sure to give the facts!” Cuffe snapped out before turning to Lord Potter-Black. “We’ll print an apology for the previous article in a special addition and have it beside Betty’s. I’ll give her everything I know.”

“Let her know that Rita was mainly arrested for being an illegal animagus and using her form of a Beetle to get confidential stories, anyone that wants to press charges against her slander is supposed to inform Madame Bones.” Harry stated with a nod before nodding to the young up and coming reporter, that he remembered had done the article on Rita’s Dumbledore book in his last life. “I’ve somewhere to be. If you gentlemen will excuse me. Thank you for your time.”

Harry nodded at the two men who had been used by Skeeter in both his lifetimes but this time her poison quill was being silenced the legal way. Harry exited the Daily Prophet building to shouts of ‘get back to work! The news won’t write itself!’ from Cuffe as he stepped into Diagon Alley and headed for the bookstore. He went to the Law section and scoffed at the limited selection. He bought what was there before paying and with a twitch of his wand changing his formal robes into a pair of khakis, a blue tee-shirt, and a lightweight jacket with a pair of chuck tailors on his feet, which he had been wearing with his robes as they were comfortable. He was soon walking out of the Leaky into Muggle London where he soon arrived at Cheswick Books and entered to find their Law section. Finding what he needed he nodded before paying and checking the time. As always he lost track of time in the Bookstore and was soon rushing to return to Diagon and change his robes back before taking the Diagon entrance into the ministry through the Leaky, the books he’d purchased in both places shrunken and in his pockets.

Entering the Wizengamot chambers he noticed the grimace that crossed Dumbledore and Fudge’s faces as he took his seat, they were both obviously hoping that he wouldn’t make it today. Chief Warlock Ogden ordered the doors sealed and the secrecy wards activated.

“I hereby open this special session of the Wizengamot.” Lord Ogden cried out as he banged the official gavel. “Let it be known that 35 of our esteemed colleagues have been cleansed by the Goblins of Gringotts of many compulsions, memory charms, potions, and spells. A case against the parties responsible is being compiled. They are cleared by the Goblins to return to this hall and would have been stopped by the new wards at the door should something still be upon them.”

Shock was heard rippling through the room, that was over half of the Wizengamot that had been cleansed in some way. Harry watched it all and noticed the extreme paling of Dumbledore at the mention of the cleanses that had happened. Severus was sitting beside him again watching everything that was happening around them.

“Before we begin going over the recalled votes are there any introductions to take place?” Ogden stated looking around the room before doing a visible double take as someone stepped out of the introduction section.

“I, Madame Amelia Bones, Head of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement, do hereby have the honor and privilege of introducing Lord Sirius Orion Black of the Most Ancient and Most Noble house of Black. He was pardoned by Her Majesty, Queen Elizabeth the II, and has been cleared by use of Veritaserum by my department as well as a full cleanse and healing by the Goblins of Gringotts.” Madame Bones stepped forward with a smirk hidden in her expression at the shock she caused to ripple through the courtroom.

Sirius stepped out of the shadows and showed what he had looked like before he had ended up in Azkaban with only a few years added to his face. One could no longer see the ravages of the Dementors affects that had covered him in the time that Harry had known him something that caused Harry to sigh with relief. Sirius’ eyes were clear of all signs of Black Madness and obsession, and he stood tall and proud in his fitted formal robes.

“Welcome to the Wizengamot Lord Black please place your seat.” Ogden stated and gestured to the seating area for the Lords.

Sirius simply nodded before walking forward under the eyes of everyone in the room and took the seat to sit beside Harry on the side opposite Severus placing him in the grey but more toward the lighter side of it. Harry simply nodded at his Godfather knowing that they would have a discussion later over what had been happening since they last saw each other but for now they had laws to take care of.

~*~*Line Break*~*~

The Wizengamot meeting had taken eight hours before they finally had to call an end and reschedule to finish the laws and hold the trial for Rita Skeeter on charges of espionage and treason. So many useless debates broke out over the laws that were being recalled and revoted, but it was something that needed to be done. They called for those that had voted as Proxy for others to be verified as true proxy, after they had realized just how many of the votes were coming in that didn’t line up with the amount of people, and over ten seats had lit up showing that they were not legal proxy for the person they were voting for, they hadn’t known that it wasn’t legal once they were questioned, Dumbledore had asked them to sit the seats. Madame Bones kept record of who the seats were for and would be sending the information to the Goblins so that they could contact the true people. They also called for a verification of death since some of the seats were being voted in the names of people who were supposedly deceased. The Wizengamot had not been happy with how much work they were being made to do to fix things. Harry had simply shrugged knowing that it was something that would have to be fixed over the years.

One of the main things the Wizengamot had voted on before anything else was the return of specific rituals and classes, no longer would the holidays be called by the muggle terms to make the muggleborn more comfortable in the wizarding world. They returned the true wizarding rituals and made sure that one of the mandatory classes for Hogwarts was a Wizarding Traditions and Laws class. It was explained that to those that wanted to keep making the muggleborns comfortable that it wasn’t right when they went into the muggle world they had to conform to their laws and traditions but when the muggleborns came into the wizarding world they forced their beliefs and practices on them instead. Harry had watched Dumbledore the whole time that the meeting was going on, while doing his best not to make it seem that was what he was doing. The Old Man had been furious when the classes were returned, Harry had presented the information from the ICW about the classes offered at the top schools and showed how instead of being one of the top schools as they claimed Hogwarts was in the bottom five, the only reason they weren’t at the bottom was due to the amount of students that attended the other four. Harry watched everyone as they moved from the courtroom simply staying seated, he knew that he’d have to deal with Dumbledore eventually and wanted there to be multiple witnesses when it happened.

“Harry, My Boy…” Dumbledore started as he approached Harry, Severus, Sirius, and Lucius.

“Again, I am not and never have been your boy. I’ve asked you repeatedly and politely to refrain from calling me by name or by calling me your boy. The only time you have a right to discuss things with me is when it pertains to schooling and even then it shall always be witnessed by others. Continue to ignore my requests and I’ll take it up with Madame Bones about harassment and see if it’s possible to get a restraining order against you.” Harry interrupted with a raised eyebrow. “Now is there a reason you approached that has to do with my schooling or are you here to complain about the decisions of the court that are backed by the wishes of the Queen and Lady Magic?”

“Now Harry…” Dumbledore tried again.

“He’s asked you to address him only by his title in public. He knows while at school that he is to go by Mr. Potter-Black but while here or in a public location he’s to be addressed as Lord Potter-Black until he gives his permission otherwise.” Severus spoke up from where he had remained talking with Lucius beside Harry.

“Surely as his magical guardian I have…” Dumbledore was once again interrupted.

“You were never his legal magical guardian, especially since Lord Black never had a formal trial. It is why Lord Black is able to claim his title, since he was never tried and convicted he retained his title and his legal guardianship of Lord Potter-Black.” Lucius interjected this time. “And even if you were his magical guardian you removed that right when you were one of the three in positions of power that declared he was to participate in the tournament declaring him to be of age and therefore magically emancipated.”

“Now see here! I’m trying to talk to Mr. Potter and do not appreciate the repeated interruptions.” Dumbledore glared at the two men on the left of Harry only to bite back a snarl when Sirius spoke up from the right of the boy.

“As they’ve repeatedly said and I’ve heard Lord Potter-Black repeatedly say…his name to you and all others until given permission is Lord Potter-BLACK, outside of school where he is Mr. Potter-BLACK. He is my blood adopted son and magically bound Godson; I’d suggest having care of how you speak to him.” Sirius stated with a raised eyebrow stepping up to stand shoulder to shoulder with his Son. “Now it is late enough that he will be missing supper if he isn’t able to make it back to Hogwarts in a timely manner. And since you seem determined to prevent that I feel it only prudent that I take Harry as well as the Lords Prince and Malfoy out for a meal so that they can fill me in on the other laws that will be covered at the next session. Good day Headmaster.” Sirius wrapped an arm around Harry’s shoulder, noticing the minute flinch that happened at the unexpected contact and having things firm up in his mind as to the treatment his son had faced while he was in Azkaban, he also noticed that Harry relaxed enough after a short time that they were able to continue along out of the room without anyone else trying to stop them. Though that was partially thanks to the glower on Snape’s face and Amelia keeping Fudge and Umbridge busy. He turned to the other two adults when they got out of the Hall, “You are welcome to join us for a meal but first I’d like to formally offer my apologies to you Lord Prince. I have things to share for the partial reasons behind my actions, but I still feel that I should apologize for how I treated you in school I was a right git and bastard. I’m sorry.”

Severus was shocked at the fact that Sirius was apologizing in such a public place and in such a formal way. He looked at Lucius before looking at Harry and getting the gentle nods from the both of them took a deep breath before nodding himself.

“I accept your apology and offer one of my own. I also was a git and a bastard, and I gave back as good as I got. If what you have to show me is anything like was on my scan with the Goblins then I know that you were as affected by outside sources as I was.” Severus nodded with a light smirk on his lips. “After all I need your help to find your brother. My mate needs to have his ass chewed out for disappearing as long as he has.”

This caused Sirius to blink in shock at the thought of Reggie still being alive, he had skipped over the magical family portion of the test not wanting to see proof that his little brother was gone when that was what he already knew. Lucius let out a chuckle that shocked those that were walking around the group for the stoic Lord Malfoy rarely showed any emotion, he couldn’t help but chuckle at the 2x4 to the face look that Sirius was sporting after the bombshell that Severus had just dropped on him. Harry blinked a few times before shrugging and making mental connections that would surprise some, he could see how things worked out in the way they did thanks to his past life and the present merging in his mind.

“Siri, you should message Remi to meet us by the phone booth. I think a meal in the muggle world would be better so as to avoid unwanted interruptions.” Harry stated while looking behind them at the rapidly advancing Umbridge and Fudge. “I’ll be able to assist Lord Malfoy and yourself with clothing appropriate for where I have in mind. I’ll also transfigure for Moony when he arrives. I know that Professor Snape can change his own to a suitable look. I figured a higher end restaurant for all of us that has access to private rooms.”

“Yes, that does sound like a good idea.” Severus nodded appreciating Harry’s forethought as he swished his wand and changed his formal robes into a three-piece black suit with black shirt and tie.

Harry transfigured Lucius’ robes after getting a vocal assent to the action into a three-piece suit with a blue striped shirt with white collar, a royal violet tie with jeweled tiepin, a purple pocket square, and made sure that the man’s pocket watch transferred to the correct location. He then turned to Sirius and with a nod of acceptance changed the man’s robes into a wine-red double-breasted suit with gold accent buttons and black button down shirt. With a flick of his wand his own robes were once again transformed after he sent the books within his pockets to his trunk via Dobby. Harry chose to change his robes into a Military style Steampunk tail coat in deep blue with silver buttons and accents, he went with black fitted trousers and with a quick word to Dobby exchanged his Chuck’s for a pair of knee-high black dragon skin boots.

“Remi will meet us at the exit.” Sirius stated as he nodded in approval of the outfit that Harry had chosen for all of them, it fit their own styles while still being formal enough.

“Then let’s get out of here before they are able to reach us. Lord Malfoy, remind me to thank those that helped block them at a later date if you would?” Harry stated nodding discreetly toward Fudge and Umbridge as they moved to the lifts and up the main entrance where they quickly exited the building through the ‘secret’ entrance, something that would be coming up at the next meeting since it was not that discreet any longer with the removal of most the phone boxes throughout London. “Professor Lupin…it’s really good to see you again.” Harry smiled at Remus with a soft look. “If we could step through here for a moment I can make sure you won’t stand out at the restaurant that I’ve got planned for us.”

Remus only raised an eyebrow and nodded when he took in the looks that they were all wearing. Harry was quick to change Remus’ rather threadbare robes into a stylish grey three-piece suit with white shirt and black tie. He then led them to the corner where he hailed a cab to take them to the Oblix West at the Shard, an expensive but sophisticated restaurant that he had looked up the last time he was in London in case he needed something like that for any reason. Within a short time they were all escorted to a discreet table and with a quick little hidden wand action had a muffliato around the table to keep anyone from hearing what they weren’t supposed to.

What followed was several hours of clearing the air, with Harry acting as a neutral party, and discussing the upcoming laws and recalls that would be happening in the next meeting of the Wizengamot. Since Harry was the only one with a Gringotts Bank card that worked in both worlds he quickly paid the check when it arrived before being escorted back to Hogwarts by Professor Snape after getting a hug from Sirius and Remus and their promise to be at the First Task to support him. Harry was not looking forward to that day though this time he did have a better plan in place than his past life.

Chapter 8: Disguise fair nature with hard-favour'd rage


I don’t own any of the characters that are recognizable in this story. The people who created them are/were wonderful and I enjoy working with their characters. This is not beta read so any mistakes in timeline and past chapters are all mine. I am trying to keep them consistent but there may be times when I goof.
Translations in parentheses beside words as needed All translations taken from Bing Translator unless stated otherwise, :Italics: - Talking over Comms/speakers/phone, *Italics* = mental conversations, underlined = parseltongue/all-speech

Chapter Text

Harry followed the other champions into the tent set up for them, the Dragons could be heard roaring in the distance. Thanks to Hagrid’s excitement all four champions knew the breeds of Dragon, though they didn’t have much time after finding out to do much for it. It was after all only two days ago that the Dragon Handlers arrived with their ‘cargo’. Harry looked around the tent set up for them and spotted Bagman looking like a slightly overblown cartoon figure, he was trying to wear his old ill-fitting Wasp robes again. Thanks to the help of Dobby, Winky, and the Goblins of Gringotts Harry was in a better suited Basilisk Hide leather woven body armor that protected his torso and parts of his legs and arms while still giving him full range of movement, the tunic underneath was that of Acromantula silk and so wouldn’t tear or rip easily. Over the armor is a black leather trench that is a military style with his house crests cleverly displayed on the buttons that lined it, he had gotten the idea for the trench from seeing pictures of Percival Graves’ trademark robe that had been stolen by Grindelwald when he had been impersonating the man. Harry was also wearing black Basilisk Hide pants that were tight to his legs with his black knee-high boots that he had worn to the meal with Severus, Sirius, Remus, and Lucius.

“Well, now we’re all here….time to fill you in!” Bagman clapped his hands together as if he wasn’t about to send them out against Class five X beasts that could roast them for supper. “When the audience is assembled, I’m going to be offering each of you this bag.” He held up a small sack that seemed to be moving from within. “From which you will each select a small model of the thing you are about to face! There are different…er…varieties you see. And I have to tell you something else too…” Harry had to fight rolling his eyes as the man seemed to forget what his job was. “Ah yes! Your task is to collect the golden egg!”

Harry and the others looked at each other each paling even further, they hadn’t realized that it was nesting mothers that they were facing, though Harry remembered it from the last time he lived through this he was just hoping it had changed enough that they wouldn’t do this. They listened as hundreds upon hundreds of pairs of feet passed the tent with the owners of said feet talking excitedly, laughing, joking, Harry even heard the twins calling out for people to place their bets. Within moments Bagman was holding out the bag toward Fleur.

“Ladies first of course.” Bagman stated with a leering smile.

Fleur reached in the bag and drew the tiny perfect model of the Welsh Green with the number two around its neck. Viktor was next and drew the scarlet Chinese Fireball with the number three. Then Cedric was offered the bag and came out with the blueish-gray Swedish Short-Snout with a number one on it. Harry closed his eyes in resignation as he knew that once again he was going to get the Horntail and go last; he was of course correct as he pulled his model out of the bag and watched as it bared its fangs and stretched its wings.

“Well, there you are!” Bagman stated clapping his hands after he’d tucked the bag away again. “You have each pulled out the dragon you will face, and the numbers refer to the order in which you’re to take on the dragons. Now I’m going to leave you in a moment, I’m doing the commenting for the task.” Bagman puffed up in pride at the fact that he’d be giving the play by play as the Champions faced such deadly creatures. Mr. Diggory, you’re first, just go out into the enclosure when you hear a whistle. Now…Harry…could I have a quick word? Outside?” Bagman looked over at Harry only to wince back from the glare that met him.

“No, Mr. Bagman you may not. Nor do you have leave to speak so informally with me. Unless you are going to give advice to each Champion then I suggest you get to your post.” Harry sneered at the man remembering last time how he had tried to get foreknowledge of the method that Harry was going to use. “And if I find you’ve made bets on me and then regaled on Paying said bets off should you lose then I’ll tell Chief Ragnarök where he can find you…I believe you owe the Goblins quiet a tidy sum after all.”

Bagman blanched further and then simply nodded and scurried out of the tent as if a spell was after him. Harry turned back to see the others looking at him with a raised eyebrow though Viktor had a look of similar understanding, something that Harry had no doubt he had from dealing with ‘fans’ all the time. They all stayed silent and thought through what they needed to do as they entered the arena, when they heard the loud whistle they all squeezed Cedric’s shoulder in support and watched as he took a deep breath before stepping out of the tent. They could hear Bagman commentating the task and couldn’t tell anything of what was going on since he didn’t say what Cedric was attempting with his ‘Clever move…’. When the cheer went up they knew he had finished, and Fleur took a deep breath.

“Fleur don’t use enchanted sleep…Welsh greens tend to snore when sleeping and when they snore they spurt flames…” Harry stated softly as she approached the flap of the tent.

Fleur looked back at Harry with a raised eyebrow before nodding in acknowledgement to his words and taking her own deep breath exited the tent to face her own dragon.

“Откъде знаеш това за Уелс Грийн? (How did you know that about the Welsh Green?)” Viktor asked watching the young Lord carefully.

“Най-добрите ми приятели братът е с дракон. Разказа ни за хъркането им, когато обяснява някои от белезите му. (My best mates brother is a dragon handler. He told us about them snoring when explaining some of his burn scars.)” Harry replied grateful for remembering Charlie actually doing so at the camp before the World Cup started.

“Ahh…” Viktor nodded in understanding.

“Това е един от първите му белези, откакто не го е знаел дотогава, някакъв вид начален етап на "Наблюдаващ". (It was one of his first scars since he hadn't been aware of it yet until then, some sort of Handler initiation.)” Harry shrugged while looking around the tent trying to distract himself. “И тъй като никой от нас не се интересува от "Драконово манипулиране", нямаше нужда да го пази в тайна. (And since none of us are interested into going into Dragon Handling he didn't need to keep it a secret.)”

“Мисля, че бих искал да се срещна с този Драконов Обикон. (Interesting, I think I would like to meet this Dragon Handler.)” Viktor responded before being distracted by the sound of cheers rising again from outside the tent. “Успех с вашата задача. И благодаря за съвета. (Good luck on your task. And thank you for the advice.)”

“Моля. Не искам да има нещо лошо, ако драконът се ядоса достатъчно, за да се срине. (You're welcome. Wouldn't want any harm to come to the eggs if the dragon got mad enough to stomp around.)” Harry nodded and shrugged not bugged in the least that Viktor was going to follow his advice and summon his broom.

Settling into a meditative pose he waited, he knew it wouldn’t take too long for Viktor to get his egg even with the change of method. He continued to tune out the commentary that was filling the air until the sound of the applause shattered the wintery air like breaking glass. There had been no pained roaring shriek this time, so Harry knew none of the eggs were crushed at least. When he heard the whistle blow he stood striding firmly from the tent, not even drawing his wand as he entered the arena. He didn’t feel a panic this time only calm acceptance and peace settling over him. He had a plan and knew that it would work…it had to work.

“How dare the two leggers risk my hatchlings?!!” The Horntail was snarling as she looked around the enclosure that she was trapped in checking the chain holding her in place and shaking her leg with a snarl. “What is this? Why am I here?” Her head swiveled in the direction that Harry was standing in he didn’t bother trying to hide and he kept his wand tucked away. “Who is this Hatchling two legger that smells like the King of Serpents?”

“I’m Harry, Ma’am…I was entered into a tournament against my will. We were given a task to do that involves getting past you to enter your nest and remove the interloper egg.” Harry stated stepping carefully forward into the enclosure. “I smell like the King of Serpents because I’ve slain the King while he attempted to kill me, nearly succeeded as well were it not for a Blessed Fire Bird’s help. The Goblins forged my armor from his skin and scale. I didn’t want to wear the sheds of one of your kin by mistake and though not as spell resistant as your amazing hide I do have better protection than if it were made of the hide of prey.”

“You must tell me more about this ‘tournament’.” She said the word tournament with confusion in her face. “Why is a hatchling like yourself attempting such tasks?”

“I did not wish to be entered.” Harry replied with pain clear in his eyes. “A Dark one wishes to use the tasks to get me alone and return to life. One who calls himself a Light one wishes to send me before the Dark one to my death before taking credit. The Light one could have refused my entry into this series of games but didn’t. There are three others who willingly entered, but when we learned of the task set before us for the first game we were all angered. Since we are but children in the eyes of the judges we were not listened too. None of us wanted to risk your hatchlings nor those of you sky sisters.”

“Who are these JUDGES that would force this?!” The Horntail snarled and turned her head to look toward the stands where she heard all the gasps.

“The Judges are all in the Golden chairs. The one with the long white fluff, is the main judge and the main reason behind these games. The one in the ill-fitting skin delights in games of chance but never follows through graciously when he loses. The sickly-looking man beside the ill-fitting skin man, is the one in charge of the Wizarding games division and forced those that care for you and your sky siblings into bringing the four of you and your nests to this human nest.” Harry explained those that were behind the decision to bring Dragons for the First task and nesting mothers at that. “They threatened to get rid of the funding needed to continue to care for you and your sky siblings safely from those that watch over you. If you were discovered by those not of magical power they would completely destroy each and every one of you down to the last hatchling in fear. The White-fluff wants to expose us, he’s also the one that thinks he is a Light One.”

The Horntail shot a burst of flames toward the judges eliciting a round of screams from the audience. Bagman seemed disappointed with the task since it wasn’t very exciting, after all Harry was just standing there talking at the beast. Dumbledore’s eyes widened when he realized what Harry was doing to get through his task and grimacing internally since he didn’t want people reminded that Harry had that gift. Crouch looked panicked and sick almost falling out of his chair when he saw the shot of flame heading their way. Karkaroff and Maxime both simply looked at the boy carefully for they noticed the flame was aimed more at the other three than them. Sadly, in Harry’s opinion, there was a shield in place, so no flames were able to escape the enclosure and the judges were not fried to a crisp.

“Easy Great Mother…If you kill them they will have you killed for being a danger to the people. Then they will destroy your eggs for fear that what made you go mad will affect your hatchlings.” Harry raised his hands gently trying to calm the Large dragon. “I can end this so that you can return to your safe nest in time for their hatching. They simply want us to retrieve the false egg from among your nest.”

“A FALSE EGG! WHO WOULD DARE!” The Horntail snarled and turned to the nest that she was guarding over and easily identified the false egg, she picked it up with her sharp teeth and dropped it at the Speaker’s feet. “Take the foul thing, Blessed Speaker. As well as this orphan egg I was guarding for a dear sky sister, she was lost due to illness from wounds gained in her mating flight.” The Horntail also picked up another egg much smaller than the rest that were within her nest. “She would be considered a fire-lizard instead of a true dragon, but she was dear to me in that I enjoyed her songs when she flew.”

Harry cautiously took the orphan egg into his hands, it fit perfectly cupped between his two palms and as soon as it was within his hands it began to glow and hum. His eyes widened in surprise before looking up at the Horntail wondering what he was supposed to do now.

“Lady Magic has blessed you; it is there upon your magic. One of your line young Emrys needs to have a connection to one of ours. Keep the egg warm, it will not be long before they hatch. When the Hatchling emerges feed them, raw meats and water are fine, they will also grow to enjoy the foods you enjoy. NO ONE MAY TAKE THE HATCHLING FROM THE CHILD! They are a TRUE FAMILIAR!” The Horntail startled everyone by speaking in the Human tongue for the last part of her statement, though it was clear that another was speaking through her for the voice rang with Power.

“I am honored Blessed Sky Mother.” Harry bowed at the waist keeping the egg firmly in one hand before scooping up the golden egg. “May your return Journey be quick and the Hatching of your Clutch smooth.”

“May you find the peace and love you search for child.” The Horntail nodded regally before settling to curl back around the nest of eggs and watched as the child walked from the arena to shocked silence. She saw as he was greeted by the others made to face her sky sisters and was glad to see that they were all safe, no hatchling no matter the age should be forced to battle a Sky Being, especially a Nesting Sky Sister.

Harry waited for his scores completely ignoring as Hermione came up to him as if to apologize though he could clearly see by her gaze on the egg he still held clutched in his hand that she wanted to rant about what had happened. He simply raised an eyebrow as he got two 8s and two 7s, since he didn’t even pull his wand they didn’t give full points. He was disappointed that Dumbledore gave him the lone 6 that he received, he knew it was because he used parseltongue to speak with the Mother Dragon instead of fighting the deadly beast somehow. He shrugged off the other’s concern as he was in fourth place with the others getting 8s, 9s, and 10s from the judges, Viktor was first followed by Fleur then Cedric. Charlie came dashing up with wide eyes of wonder.

“I didn’t know that they spoke Parsel! Just imagin what we could learn from them! Is she alright…oh that’s the fire-lizard egg that she’d been guarding! Only one of the clutch that was viable. The Little Gold was pretty torn up from the Bronze that flew her during the mating flight. That humming you hear, means that little one will soon be hatching. I’ll need to write mum…she made me swear to tell her what happened when she found out I’d be here. Great flying Mr. Krum knew you had talent but seeing that just wow…” Charlie stated in a rush making Harry fight a smile. “Oh yeah…they told me to tell you that you’ve got to hand around for a few more minutes…Bagman wants a word, back in the champion’s tent.”

Harry and the other champions thanked Charlie for the information and Ron stated that he’d wait for Harry to emerge. Harry noticed how he was keeping an eye on Hermione and made sure that she kept her distance as well as keeping Ginny away with the help of the Twins.

“Well done, all of you!” Bagman stated bouncing his way into the tent.

“Did he eat a helping of bouncing beans before the task?” Harry whispered to Cedric getting a muffled laugh from the other Hogwarts champion.

“Now, just a quick few words. You’ve got a nice long break before the second task, which will take place at half past nine on the morning of February the twenty-fourth…but we’re giving you something to think about in the meantime!” Bagman continued, not even noticing Harry whispering to the others.

“I thought he said it was going to be quick?” Harry muttered getting muffled chuckles from the others. “It’s like he enjoys the sound of his own voice so much he doesn’t know when to stop.”

“If you look down at those golden eggs your holding, you’ll see that they open…see the hinges there? You need to solve the clue inside the egg…because it’ll tell you what the second task is…and enable you to prepare for it! All clear? Sure? Well, off you go, then!” Bagman shooed them off not even giving them time to ask any questions before he was bouncing out of the tent looking for a reporter to talk to.

“Oh boy…” Harry shook his head and looked at the golden egg that he had set down beside him instead of holding it, he didn’t want to let go of the real egg that held his familiar. “Look…etched into the outside…looks like waves and merfolk…I hope that we don’t have to go into the lake in the early hours of winter…Knowing my luck we will…”

“You’re right it does look like that…If it is merfolk on the side…I’d suggest opening that in water…the screeches of merfolk above water can make ears bleed.” Cedric stated studing the egg in his hands closely.

“J’espère que nous n’aurons pas à aller dans l’eau. Veela et ceux de la mer ne s’entendent pas, cela briserait le traité d’aller à l’intérieur. (I hope that we don't have to go in the water. Veela and those of the sea do not get along, it would break the treaty to go within.)” Fleur stated with a slightly panicked widening of her eyes as she took in what the others had noticed.

“I’m sure something can be done to make sure the treaty isn’t broken if for some reason we have to go in the water. Perhaps forefitting the task if we can’t think of something?” Cedric stated looking at Fleur and understanding her concern.

“Si je dois le faire, je le ferai... mais découvrons d’abord quelle est la tâche avant de prendre des décisions. (If I must I shall do so...but let us find out what the task is first before I make any decisions.)” Fleur nodded knowing that she would do what she could to not break the hard-won treaty between the two Peoples.

“Let’s go get something to eat. I’m sure there’ll be a feast on in celebration.” Harry stated stepping out of the tent with the others and pulling up to a stop when he saw Crouch, Dumbledore, and Fudge all standing before them, he felt the other champions, Ron, the Twins, Neville, Severus, Remus, and Sirius all come to support him from behind.

“Lord Potter-Black, you will have to give up the egg that you took from the dragon’s nest. It is illegal to have a dragon egg outside of the reserves.” Fudge puffed himself up with importance.

“You must not have been listening when Lady Magic spoke through the Great Dragon Mother.” Harry stated raising his eyebrow. “This is to be my True familiar in line with the line of Emrys. They’ve always bonded with a dragon or fire-lizard as a True Familiar.”

“Now Mr. Potter…Your snowy owl is your familiar, one can’t have multiple.” Dumbledore tried his disappointed grandfather routine.

Harry just looked at him as if he was insane before letting out a deep sigh.

“Headmaster, Hedwig while close to me has never formed a familiar bond with me. She is a dear friend and companion, but she is not my familiar.” Harry spoke slowly as if explaining something to someone without all their mental faculties. “I’ve already formed a bond with this little lady, and I know that she’s to be my True Familiar. Also Sir, there is the possibility of more than one familiar, the human though must have extremely strong magic.” Harry looked down at the flowing humming egg with affection in his gaze before looking back up. “If you will all excuse us, we’re famished from the task and would like to get to the meal sometime soon.”

Dumbledore, Fudge, and Crouch stepped aside with a glower not liking that this was happening but knowing by Law they were unable to take the egg from the boy, if the bond was already forming and from the glow of the shell they could tell that was the truth, then there was no way to break the bond without killing the hatchling and that would cause an uproar, to many witnesses.

“Pup you were fantastic!” Sirius stated coming up and wrapping his arm around Harry’s shoulder, he could feel the flinch and Harry forcing himself to relax but he continue to touch for even he could see that his Pup was touch starved. “I was so shocked when the jet of flame headed for the judges, too bad there was that shield there, Dumbledore could use a wardrobe change…I’m starting to believe the man may be colorblind.”

“No…just goes with the senile grandfather look that he tries to pass off to everyone to get them to trust him.” Harry chuckled leaning into Sirius as much as he could while walking.

“So where’s this egg that you had to retrieve only to get two?” Sirius looked down at Harry’s hands and noticed he was only carrying one egg.

“Oh…I shrunk it down to put in my pocket so that someone doesn’t think to open it in public. We think the task will have something to do with the Merfolk in the Black Lake because of the etches on the outside of the egg. If it is a recording we don’t want to risk bleeding ears.” Harry shrugged like it wasn’t a big deal they’d already figured part of the task out.

“But isn’t there a treaty among the Veela and the Merfolk to stay out of each other’s realms?” Remus asked looking over at Fleur, he knew she was part Veela thanks to Moony.

“Oui, We are going to try and figure out a way zo I can participate wizout breaking de treaty.” Fleur replied, she was grateful for the other champions help for she was getting better at speaking English, and it was one of the main reasons she had wanted to come in the first place.

“We’ll make sure that nothing happens to break the treaty. We’ll bring it up at the next Wizengamot and find out what is necessary and if they’ve taken into consideration the different treaties that could be broken with different tasks.” Sirius stated looking at the young lady with a soft smile.

“Merci messieurs. (Thank you gentlemen.)” Fleur stated before she split off to go sit by young Lovegood again having been fascinated with the debates that they had gotten into since the night Beauxbaton arrived.

“Oh Pup, have you any idea who you’re taking to the Ball?” Sirius stated as he dropped into a seat beside Harry at the Gryffindor table without a second thought of his actions, Remus sat on the other side of him while Severus continued to the front table and his usual seat.

“Ball?” Ron asked looking up as he filled his plate, all the while blocking his brother’s attempts to place a joke product in his food to be ‘tested’.

“Yes, every Triwizard tournament there is the traditional Yule Ball which is opened with a dance of the Champions and their dates.” Remus replied smirking when he discreetly sent the joke products into Fred and George’s food that they thought they had slipped into his own.

“So I’ve got to take someone to a ball, and I’ve got to dance at it. Well I’m f*cked.” Harry dropped his head to the table after Ron moved his plate, used to the way Harry reacted with things like that.

“No you’re not Pup.” Sirius laughed and made eye contact as he ate the item the twins had slipped a potion into in his food with no reaction causing them to look at Sirius and Remus with wide eyes.

“Yes I am…I’m pretty sure I’m gay and they won’t let me take another male to as my date, added to the fact that I’m the ‘girl’ in a relationship so would need someone to lead instead of me. On top of that I can’t dance. I’m f*cked.” Harry only rolled his head to the side to look at Sirius without raising his head before thunking his head back down on the table again.

“Okay…we can figure something out.” Remus looked at Harry while casting a cushioning charm on the table so he wouldn’t bruise his forehead. “And there are no rules that state you can’t take a male as your date.”

“With the way the press is they’d have field day with it. Who would want to go to the ball with me? It’d just paint a large target on their back against whoever entered me into this thing in the first place.” Harry sat up and placed the egg beside his plate while filling it.

“I’ll go with you Harry.” George spoke up with a shrug. “Free publicity for our future shop. Plus I see ya like a little brother and can be as protective as sh*t.”

“And we can help you all learn to dance.” Sirius stated gesturing to Remus and himself.

“Ron you should ask Luna…It’d likely be the only way she could go…they usually set an age limit of fourth and above that can attend these things.” Fred stated teasing his brother and watching him blush at the mention of Luna.

“If you won’t I’ll ask her.” Neville stated with a smirk of his own, he was tired of listening to Ron waxing poetic about the Ravenclaw.

“Shouldn’t I wait until they announce the ball?” Ron asked looking over at the table where Luna was sitting in an intense looking conversation with Fleur.

“Minnie will probably tell you all at some point next week. They just wanted to get the tasks out of the way.” Sirius chuckled. “And if she’s in Ravenclaw she probably knows about it already, they’d have researched all they could about the event when the Tournament was announced.”

“Right.” Ron nodded firmly. “After supper then.”

Harry looked at Neville, Dean, and Seamus and fought back laughter knowing after supper could mean tonight or next week or never with Ron. He smiled thankfully to his friends when he heard Dean ask Seamus to attend with him.

“So who’re you going to go with Fred?” Harry looked at the older twin with a raised eyebrow.

“Angelia if she’ll have me.” Fred responded with a shrug. “I’ll ask her in the common room after Professor McGonagall tells us about it.”

Hermione sat down the way from them and huffed, she’d have to figure out some way to take Harry down a notch. He wasn’t allowed to continue to do better than her in classes and act like he was better than her everywhere else as well.

“Are you ready for the Wizengamot meeting on Saturday?” Sirius asked Harry as he moaned at the taste of Hogwarts food, something he had missed since he graduated.

“As ready as I can be to deal with stubborn old farts that don’t want to acknowledge the Queen’s Laws.” Harry shrugged. “She sent me a new missive after the last meeting on what she wants covered this one. Is it odd that I think of the Queen as a grandmother?” Harry co*cked his head. “She also Royal Ordered that I was to attend Sunday Tea this weekend. She wants to know how the tournament is going, as well as what is happening. I guess I’ll have to find some place to stay in London for the evening.”

“You can stay at our place.” Remus stated looking over at his mate’s son. “It’s not fancy but it has a room for you.”

“Is it the Black Townhome? I saw that listed in the assets that are available to me as heir.” Harry looked up wondering where they were staying this time since Sirius was already cleared.

“Oh Hell no! I wouldn’t set foot back in that house even if I was still on the run. I wouldn’t put it past my dear old mum to order Kreacher to poison me from the portrait that I know she had made.” Sirius shuddered. “I would love to see it burn and dance in the ashes. All that house is to me is pain.”

“Huh…could hand it over to the Goblins to check over and clear out and then torch it or fix it up and return it to the muggle world, doesn’t it sit between two muggle homes? Wouldn’t that put your ancestors in a tizzy if a muggle family lived there.” Harry smirked thinking of the plans he had made after he learned that he had inherited the house, after Dumbledore had died and couldn’t keep the information from him any longer.

“OH Yeah! Let’s do that! We can stop at the bank before the Wizengamot meeting and get them started on that. I’ll pass over ownership of Kreacher to them as well, they can sell him or kill him. He’s really old and was going insane when I was 16 so I’d hate to see what he’s like now.” Sirius straightened up and his eyes lit up with glee at the thought of getting one over on his pureblood ‘always pure’ ancestors.

The desserts arrived and Harry looked around before grabbing a dish of pomegranate sorbet with bits of pomegranate seeds added for garnish. It was a unique dish that Harry knew Dobby had made for him after he had mentioned how he had finally gotten to try pomegranates recently and loved the tart sweet taste. Since then Dobby had been creating knew pomegranate dishes that he was able to hide the nutritional potions in without affecting the potion. He’d even started sending up Pomegranate juice instead of Pumpkin juice after he’d heard Harry talking to Ron about all the rich antioxidants in Pomegranates and how it helps the mind and body stay healthy.

Before he knew it Harry was saying goodbye to Remus and Sirius who promised to return next Friday and start their dance lessons over that weekend. Harry followed his dormmates and the twins back to the common room where a party was started, after all Harry lived through the first task. When asked about the golden egg that he had to retrieve he stated that he wasn’t supposed to open it among others, he didn’t want a repeat of his past life where the twins opened it in the common room and released the screeching echoes through room and the glares that he’d received for allowing it to happen. Everyone shrugged and accepted the statement before returning to their party. Harry escaped early that evening reminding everyone as he went that it was only Thursday, and the Professors won’t let them out of lessons for a second day so close to Yule Break. Thanks to that statement the party broke up early this time allowing Harry to get a full nights sleep with the glowing egg resting beside him on the pillow and his Horntail model curled up on his nightstand.

The next morning Harry got up early, it was still hard for him to sleep late thanks to the years of conditioning from the Dursleys. He quietly got ready and headed down the stairs carrying his familiar’s egg with him. He knew that eventually he’d have to deal with people about the hatchling, but he didn’t expect to have the egg snatched from beside his plate where he had placed it after sitting down and starting to fill his plate.

“Harry you know it’s illegal to have a dragon egg! Remember first year and Norbert?” Hermione snarled from where she dropped into the seat across from him having followed him down to breakfast without him noticing, or at least she thought he hadn’t noticed, she yelped when she felt a shock go up her arm causing her to release the egg thankfully into Harry’s hand who figured something like that would happen.

“And you should know Granger that it’s illegal to try and remove a familiar from their bonded, even when it’s a dragon, or fire-lizard in this case. You should also know that when an egg is glowing like this one that it’s in the process of forming a familiar bond, just as a kit, pup, or cub will glow when their forming a bond.” Harry replied pulling his hand with the egg back gently and fighting a glare.

“That ‘thing’” She spat in disgust, “Is dangerous! It shocked me!”

“That only happens when a new familiar senses malicious intent. The shocks get harsher the longer the malicious intent is in contact with the familiar.” Neville stated as he sat down beside Harry and started filling his own plate. “It’s a defense mechanism that was created by Lady Magic after too many bonds were interrupted by those that desired the familiar to bond with them instead, especially in the cases of dragons, fire-lizards, and phoenixes.”

“It shouldn’t exist in the first place!” Hermione sneered at Neville. “After all there’s no such thing as a ‘true familiar’ it isn’t in any of the books in the library. It’s just a pureblood excuse to keep dangerous creatures. Just like the crap about house-elves needing a bond to survive. I’ll get them to admit they want to be free…”

“Oh shut up Granger! No one wants to hear your SPEW crap any longer.” Malfoy stated as he walked past the table on the way to Slytherins table. “I almost feel sorry for you Scarhead as well as all Gryffindor, having to put up with listening to that harpy all the time on her righteous rants.”

“She’s not a harpy…that would be an insult to the Beings.” Harry stated smirking at Malfoy.

“True that…” Malfoy chuckled. “If only there was still the mandatory Wizarding Studies and Customs class. She’d have to accept the truth…”

“She lives in a very black and white world. If someone in power tells her it is some way then she believes it no matter what a dozen other sources might say.” Harry shrugged discreetly glancing toward Dumbledore at the head table when he said the someone in power statement. “As for the class it and several others that were removed are being returned after we return from Yule. Dumbledore,” He ignored the ‘Headmaster Dumbledore, Harry’ that was snapped at him by Hermione, “has been fighting the classes returns but it was ordered by the ICW, if we want to keep our accreditation, and the Queen herself.”

“So what my father told me is true there’s major changes coming?” Draco asked with an elegantly raised eyebrow giving a nod of acknowledgement to the quiet good morning that Ron said to him as he slipped into his seat beside Harry and started fixing a breakfast sandwich.

“Very much so. A lot of the muggle courses such as Latin, English, languages, arts, science, and math are being brought in. Muggle studies is getting a complete revamp bringing it into the modern age instead of the Victorian Era it’s stuck in. Azkaban is getting completely remade, the Dementors are going to be banished by Order of the Queen, the Unspeakables are working on the spell required. There’s going to be a lot of changes. There are going to be a lot of retrials as well, after all it’s illegal by Queen’s law to hold a multi person trial.” Harry stated for those that were sitting around them to hear him clearly, he had already explained to Neville that those accused of torturing his parents were going to get a retrial, even though Neville hadn’t told him about his parents he had found out when he was looking up information on his Godmother. “Creature registrations have been abolished, there are a lot of creature laws that had been snuck in iniquitously into the other laws that were passed and we’re going over things with a fine-tooth comb. The rituals and Holidays are returning to our original ways, no more Christmas it’s back to Yule and Samhain instead of Halloween for example.”

“Good.” Malfoy nodded glad to hear some of the changes that were coming and glad for them.

“Morning mates.” Ron stated as he started eating the sandwich that he had made while listening in to what Harry was telling Draco. “The little lady hasn’t hatched yet?”

“NO, but I’ve got a feeling it’ll happen some time today.” Harry stated running his hand over the shell of the egg that was still beside his plate.

“Well the Handlers don’t head back until tomorrow according to Charlie. So if she does hatch today they’d like to do a check up make sure she’s okay since her mum died as did all of her siblings. They’d also give ya tips on caring for her.” Ron stated with a nod toward the end of the table where Charlie was sitting with the other handlers now that the task was done, and they could be seen at the castle without giving away the secret. “Wish they’d have canceled classes today.”

“Shouldn’t have stayed up so late. I did mention it after all.” Harry smirked patting Ron on the back while he and Neville began making up sandwiches of toast, eggs, and bacon for Seamus and Dean who were rushing into the Great Hall with very little time before they had to get to class.

“Thanks mate!” Dean stated as he took the napkin wrapped sandwich and waited for the others while they gathered their stuff and headed from the Hall, they didn’t acknowledge Hermione in any way as they went. “I’m famished and was worried I wouldn’t have time to eat before dealing with Professor McGonagall this morning. Just glad that Potions isn’t until after lunch, I’ll need my energy.”

“You’ll be fine.” Harry smirked. “Unless you’re working with Seam…you know how likely he’s to blow stuff up or start it on fire. Still don’t know how you caused your water to explode in first year trying to turn it to rum.”

“It’s just in me blood.” Seamus state with a smirk thinking of what his parents had told him was a possible reason after they’d gotten another letter from Professor McGonagall about yet another explosion.

“So you say but you won’t expand on what you say.” Ron teased as he followed along finishing off his own sandwich as they entered the classroom and took their seats. They all made sure that Hermione couldn’t get near Ron or Harry.

Harry knew it was going to be a long day from the glare that he received not just from Hermione as she sat at her seat in the front but from McGonagall when she saw the glowing egg he carried.

Chapter 9: Then lend the eye a terrible aspect


Covering the hatching of the fire-lizard, the announcement of the Yule Ball, and Harry informing Fleur about the findings of the Wizengamot concerning the second task. Plans are made, questions asked and raised


I don’t own any of the characters that are recognizable in this story. The people who created them are/were wonderful and I enjoy working with their characters. This is not beta read so any mistakes in timeline and past chapters are all mine. I am trying to keep them consistent but there may be times when I goof.
Translations in parentheses beside words as needed All translations taken from Bing Translator unless stated otherwise, :Italics: - Talking over Comms/speakers/phone, *Italics* = mental conversations, underlined = parseltongue/all-speech

Chapter Text

Harry looked up from where the sunshine had disappeared to see that Charlie was standing over him with a smirk on his face, he could see the cracks forming on the shell and knew that the baby was about to hatch. Harry had slipped away from classes so that he could be outside alone when the egg hatched. Charlie had notice him from the trees and noticed how focused Harry was on the egg in his hands, and that he had no one else around him.

“You need to make sure that you are the first thing the little lady sees.” Charlie stated sitting down just out of direct range for a newborn dragon or fire-lizards eyesight.

“I thought that might be the case.” Harry replied with a soft smile on his face. His attention was fully focused on the egg. “Make sure Ginny stays away, she’s determined to bond with this little one as well and I overheard her talking about finding a way to be here for the hatching, that is why I came out here.”

Charlie simply nodded and turned his attention to everything happening around them so that Ginny couldn’t sneak up. They both heard the cracking get louder as the shell began to break apart more.

“That’s it little one come out…you’re safe here.” Harry whispered as he gently coaxed the little one from the egg but didn’t help, she needed to do it fully on her own.

What emerged from the shell was a unique baby fire-lizard, she was predominately gold but with touches of rainbow among her scales. She wiggled her way free, and Harry gently handed the shell over to Charlie to hold onto, any type of dragon even fire-lizard shells were valuable for potions. Harry lifted the little one up close and just studied her as she studied him, he felt the bond firmly snap into place making it so that as long as he was alive she would be.

“Iris…I’ll call you Iris after the Greek Goddess of the Rainbow.” Harry whispered and got a gentle coo of acceptance from the newly named Iris. “Dobby bring some meat please. Fish predominately.” Harry called out and was grateful when the asked for supplies were soon appearing beside him, the sardines were the perfect size for her, and Harry started feeding her by hand each one until she refused, and her belly bulged.

“She looks just fine Harry, but if you could bring her to the encampment we’d like to double check. You won’t even have to put her down for us to do so.” Charlie stated as he watched the baby fire-lizard curl up in Harry’s hands.

“Alright.” Harry stood easily while still holding his little Iris carefully. “Can you send a message to Ron and the Twins so they don’t get concerned when they can’t find me?”

“Of course.” Charlie sent of his patronus with a quick flick of his wand and a soft whisper of the message, his Patronus was registered as non-corporal but was actually a mischievous fox he’d been able to do it since he moved to Romania and didn’t want his mother to know.

With a quick nod he followed Harry into the Forbidden Forest and watched as the Horntail and other mother dragons all surrounded him to greet him and coo at the little hatchling. The other Handlers came up to stand beside him and watch the interactions.

“We need to get him interested in Dragon Handling. Think of the things we could learn.” One of the Handler’s stated with a greedy gaze in his eyes.

“Yeah that’s not about to happen. He wants to be a healer is what he’s told my brothers and I when we talked things over at the Cup.” Charlie replied still watching the interactions but making a mental note to keep an eye on Roberts after he saw the greedy gaze. “Harry let’s go to the main tent and do that checkup.”

“Alright.” Harry nodded before hissing a goodbye to the Mother Dragons and keeping Iris close to his chest, Charlie noted he held her close to his heart and she was snuggling directly against where the heartbeat would be strongest.

What followed was a few hours of tests and instructions, with Roberts trying to control things and get Harry to commit to coming to the Reserve after he graduated but Harry only raised an eyebrow every time it happened. When he left to return to the castle Charlie rounded on Roberts and started to chew him out.

~*~*Line Break*~*~

Two days after the Handlers had returned to the Reserve and Harry had spoken to Ragnarök to make sure that no one from the Reserve would put out a contract for him to work there without verifying it with him first. Harry wouldn’t put it past the one handler to do so if it would get him the regard for having a Speaker on his team.

By Thursday Iris had taken to perching on his shoulder and spitting small fire balls at Ginny or Hermione whenever one of them approached and started to lecture Harry, or in the case of Ginny attempted to forcibly take Iris from Harry’s person. The girl was repeatedly heading to the Hospital Wing with bite and burn marks as she didn’t learn from the previous times. Harry did nothing but raised an eyebrow whenever Dumbledore tried to do something to get the Fire-Lizard removed from Harry. Harry was amazed when Professor McGonagall started cursing Dumbledore out in Gaelic in front of the whole school and their guests after he had tried once again to take Harry’s familiar. Iris had won the woman over the first time she had seen the ‘wee beastie’. She had been nervous about the fire-lizard because of something in her past that she shared with no one.

“I have something to say to you all.” McGonagall stated that day in Transfiguration after she called out Harry and Ron for their little private battle with the fake wands from Fred and George, though privately she was fighting laughter and relief at seeing Harry act his age for once. “The Yule Ball is approaching…a traditional part of the Triwizard Tournament and an opportunity for all of us to socialize with our foreign guests. Now the ball will be open only to fourth years and above…although you may invite a younger student if you wish…” She ignored the giggling coming from Miss Brown and Miss Patil except to look at them with a stern raised eyebrow.

“Dress robes will be worn,” She continued, “ and the ball will start at eight o’clock on Christmas Day, though it is actually Yule, finishing at midnight in the Great Hall. Younger years will have special meals provided for the time it is happening in their common rooms.” She had fought Dumbledore on that since he had figured they wouldn’t care that they were being left out of something and she knew better.

“While it is a time for us to relax,” McGonagall glared at Brown as she started giggling even harder while whispering to Patil. “It does NOT mean, that we will be relaxing the standards of behavior we expect from Hogwarts students. I will be most seriously displeased if a Gryffindor student embarrasses the school in any way.”

When the bell rang and everyone gathered up their things to leave, mostly whispering about who was going to ask who and what they were going to wear Harry heard Professor McGonagall call out for him to remain a moment and he waved Ron on.

“Potter, the champions and their partners…” McGonagall started from where she was sure everyone was gone.

“What partners?” Harry asked looking up at the Professor with a raised eyebrow.

“Your partners for the Yule Ball, Potter,” She said coldly as if she thought he was trying to be funny. “Your Dance Partners.”

“Oh you mean our dates…I’ve already got that covered; I noticed a Yule Ball mentioned at every Tournament in the books that I looked after we were told about it. I wanted to be sure I had knowledge of everything that was going to happen. Professor Lupin also explained that we’d have to open the dance when they stayed after the first task. He and Lord Black are planning on coming on the weekends to help my friends and I learn how to properly dance. Especially since I had none of the usual lordship lessons which include dancing.” Harry shrugged as he scratched Iris’ head as she rubbed against his cheek.

Professor McGonagall looked carefully at the boy and realized that he was telling her the truth and simply nodded before excusing him from the room to head to the noon day meal. Harry gave her a polite nod before turning back at the door.

“Professor, I would suggest making sure the others have a basic understanding of Ball traditions and proper robes, wouldn’t do to have someone show up in things that weren’t appropriate, such as very outdated robes. That is if you don’t want an embarrassment from Gryffindor.” Harry stated with a raised eyebrow before he nodded again and left the room.

As Harry entered the Great Hall that evening he watched as Fred asked Angelia to the Ball while presenting a small Posy of White violets, pansies, and phlox. He raised his eyebrow at the message that the bouquet conveyed asking Angelia to take a chance for merriment and that they could have a good partnership. He was amazed that Fred had asked in such a public place instead of the common room as originally planned but shrugged it off, Fred always had a reason for everything he does. He watched as a blush crossed her dark cheeks and couldn’t help but smile. He remembered two years ago when he saw them react to the words that had been spoken for the first time after they saw each other after their fifteenth birthdays. He remembered how Angelia thought Fred was just messing with her and told him to leave her be, something that Fred did but while still remaining a gentleman with her. They were both Beta’s and had time to fall in love, Harry hoped that he would have the ability to fall in love with his mate when he meets them before they got into a heat/rut. He smiled softly as she agreed and took the Posy with a shy smile. He chuckled as he watched Kate and Alicia made Fred promise not to hurt Angelia.

Ron seeing that Fred had gone through with his promise to ask Angelia as soon as the Ball was officially announced took a deep breath and went over to Luna and with a bow asked her to the ball with him. Looking back on the last time Harry had lived through this he was so glad that Ron was getting better about doing things such as having the courage to speak to Luna in Public.

“YES!” Luna jumped off her seat and wrapped her arms around Ron in a tight hug. “I’ll send a message to my father to get the funds to get a set of dress robes.”

Harry smiled and remembered the private conversation he’d had with Bill before coming to school about getting Ron a good pair of Dress Robes and knew that he’d be grateful.

“When are Moony and Padfoot arriving?” Ron asked when he returned to the table and sat down to enjoy the meal.

“Tomorrow evening, they’re going to stay in one of the empty professor quarters. They cleared it with the Board on Sunday while I was at Tea. They’ll have to give the lessons to those that ask but the Board thought it a good idea to have someone teach the muggleborns and muggle-raised some of the traditional dances and such. As well as proper ways to act an Official Ball.” Harry shrugged keeping an eye on Fred and George when Ron asked about Moony and Padfoot. They hadn’t explained who they were to the pranksters and Ron wanted to see their reactions when they found out.

“I thought Lord Black and Professor Lupin were going to be the one’s teaching the dancing?” George looked up from the notebook he was writing in, they had been so grateful for the notebooks Harry had picked up for them was well as the muggle pencils so they could erase and change what was needed.

“They are.” Harry smirked and waited as the pair slowly made the connection and their eyes went wide.

“Who was Prongs and Wormtail?” Fred asked with a lifted eyebrow when Ron and Harry growled at the name Wormtail.

“Prongs was James Potter and Wormtail is struck from the Marauders for betrayal of the Bond of Brotherhood they swore when they created their group. Wormtail was the traitor and a true RAT through and through.” Harry snarled thinking back to the man and his actions including what was going to happen in a few months if Harry wasn’t able to change it all. “By the way Padfoot and Moony thank you for liberating the Map that had belonged to the traitor that got taken by Filch.”

“There were other maps?” George perked up.

“Aye…Padfoot, Moony, and James all had their own. Moony has given his copy to Shadowcat to keep an eye on the Old Goat and protect their Bambi. Padfoot has plans to bring his copy to return a copy to the next generation of Marauders. While my father’s copy was lost in the destruction of the home in Godric’s Hollow.” Harry stated holding out some sardines to Iris who was sitting primly beside his plate. “Oh they did tell me to let you know that they were impressed at your attempts to prank them after the first task but that you’d have to try harder to get things past the pair of them.

Fred and George looked at each other with wide eyes before looking back at Harry and nodding with gratefulness shining in their eyes. They realized why none of their prank products affected Professor Lupin or Lord Black and why they had the reactions instead. They silently vowed to figure out a way to get the pair. Harry looked up as someone dropped into the seat across from him and someone else sat beside him after Ron moved over slightly when he felt the slight tap on his shoulder.

“Bonjour, mes amis. (Hello, my friends)” Fleur nodded to the group at the table as she daintily sat beside Harry.

“Добър вечер на всички. (Good evening everyone)” Viktor stated from his seat across from Harry nodding to everyone else.

“Hello.” Everyone responded with a nod of greeting.

“Le jeune Harry, qu’avez-vous appris lors de la réunion de samedi ? L’œuf raconte quelque chose pris et n’ayant qu’une heure pour le récupérer. Je suis inquiet car ils regardent Gabrielle de trop près. (Young Harry what did you learn in the meeting on Saturday? The egg tells of something taken and only having an hour to retrieve it. I'm worried for they watch Gabrielle too closely.)” Fleur asked looking carefully at Harry, they hadn’t had a chance to talk since the feast after the first task.

“They tried to get around answering but Lord Black and I both called them on it. They had no answer saying they hadn’t planned on someone of your ancestry being chosen for Champion. They assigned someone to speak with the Chief, but it will either be Crouch or Dumbledore as the heads of the event. They also didn’t explain how the audience are expected to be able to watch the event since it’ll be in the water. They were shocked that we’d figured it out already, they didn’t expect the ‘best of the schools’ to be able to figure it out until a short time before the event. I’ve got a feeling the reason they’re watching Gabrielle is that they’ll take the ‘person’ instead of ‘thing’ that we’d miss the most. I honestly don’t know how they expect to get away with it.” Harry stated taking a sip from his water goblet. “When I explained my worries about the upcoming event to Her Majesty and what the first task was she was livid! She is worried about the students being harmed and she has no desire for a treaty to be broken. I’m planning on approaching the Chief of the Mer-Colony after the Ball and explaining things on behalf of Her Majesty.”

“Of course they don’t have any plans for it. They likely will say they have parental permission to include the others. If they haven’t done so we can sue the ones that risked the students.” Ron stated scooping up another helping of the dessert that had appeared in front of him. “Make sure your parents know of your concern about the way they’re watching your sister.” Ron looked at Fleur before looking over at Viktor. “They won’t have much information on you, since you are known for being the youngest of your family. They’ll want to take someone younger and still in school and will likely go for whoever you take as your date to the Ball.” Ron stated his chess master strategic brain working through the different moves they could take.

Viktor nodded before he excused himself from the table and went to speak to his few friends among his classmates and make plans. Fleur thanked Harry for the information and stood leaving the hall so that she could write her parents and give them a heads up. They’d likely pull Gabrielle from the area and keep her home and safe after the Ball when they’d return home for a small celebration before Fleur would have to return to the school.

“What are you planning on doing to be in the water for an hour?” Ron asked looking over at Harry with a raised eyebrow.

“Padfoot and Moony are picking up a device that I need. I’m going to see if I can configure it to work here. It doesn’t run on any electricity so I should have no problem but until I’m sure it’ll work I’d rather not say.” Harry explained thinking of the scuba gear that he was having the pair pick up, there were little computers that were part of them but they were a new thing and Harry was having them get things that weren’t the newest since he wanted to practice on a few.

“That’s cool.” Ron stated with a shrug. “What are you going to do with Iris when you go in the water. She won’t be able to follow you.”

“I’ll probably leave her with one of you guys and have you stay near wherever they have us go in from.” Harry shrugged, he was making multiple plans as they had already found out the task this time and it gave him plenty of time to plan. “I’ve already told the others they should practice casting in water and practice their silent casting since they likely won’t have the ability to use their voices under the water.”

“Good plan. How are you going to practice without going in the Lake?” Fred asked looking over at Harry from where he’d been talking with Angelia.

“I found a room on the seventh floor that seems to appear if you think of things you need while pacing the hallway. It also provides magical tutors for things like swimming if you have no idea what you’re doing and think of the help for that as well.” Harry stated as he thought of the Room of Requirement. “It’s where Moony and Padfoot will be teaching us. They have another room set aside for the others that want help.”

“Huh…” Fred nodded before trying to recall the room and knew that they hadn’t found the room. “How’d you find it?”

“I was trying to get away from Ginny and Granger on Monday and slipped up to that floor since the others lead to where they were waiting. I was thinking about how I needed a way to escape them but also a way to learn how to swim without giving away I’ve got no clue. The door appeared on my third pass.” Harry explained, he’d actually known were the room was because of his past but needed a reason for knowing where it was in this time and so on Monday after supper he’d done just as he said. Ginny and Ganger had been waiting in ambush on the few paths that were to the Common Room, and he hadn’t wanted to deal with them, but he also didn’t want to be seen going to the dungeons too often. He’d had Dobby take Severus a note explaining where he was and if the man could come and help him, he had left he door so that only Professor Snape could enter.

“I thought you said you had detention with Professor Snape that evening.” Ron asked looking over at Harry from the corner of his eye.

“Aye, I sent Dobby with an explanation, Granger was waiting where she’d be able to ambush me on the way to either the dungeons or the common room and Ginny was waiting outside of the common room. He came and joined me in the room and helped me learn some silent casting that I could practice.” Harry shrugged in response.

“That’s where she got her detention from?!” George looked at Harry with wide eyes.

“Yep!” Harry popped the p obnoxiously. “He was pissed that I couldn’t get to his office where I was supposed to meet him for detention because of her and took 20 points plus gave her detention. She was ranting at me later that it was my fault that she got her first detention, though it later got revoked by Dumbledore as usual.” Harry shrugged in response before standing with the others and preparing to leave the Great Hall.

“Mister Potter a moment of your time.” Dumbledore called out as Harry stood and finally let the silent muffalito that he’d cast break.

“Is it because of my schooling, sir?” Harry asked turning to the Headmaster.

“It’s about the Tournament.” Dumbledore answered with a disappointed look on his face that Harry didn’t jump right into doing what he was told.

“Then I must decline. I’m not allowed to discuss the tournament with any professors or my Headmaster for fear of cheating.” Harry stated with a raised eyebrow.

“It’s about the Yule Ball and none of the tasks.” Dumbledore quickly stated when he saw the boy starting to turn to leave.

“I already have a Partner; I believe is how Professor McGonagall stated it. I also have my Godfather and his Mate coming to instruct me and my friends in the proper manners and behaviors for the dance. They’re also going to teach us how to dance. So don’t worry I won’t embarrass the school, sir.” Harry stated with a raised eyebrow.

“It is your Partner I’m wondering about. Miss Weasley has told me you haven’t asked anyone as of yet.” Dumbledore looked over the top of his glasses at Harry trying to convey how disappointed he was.

“That is because my Partner asked me the evening after the first Task when Lord Black and Professor Lupin told us about the Ball and told us they would teach us. The Board is aware of their arrival and notices will be posted about them being available to tutor those that want to know how to dance or act properly for such an important occasion.” Harry stated making sure he spoke clearly enough so that others would know what was available. “The notices were actually supposed to be posted yesterday. Do you know what happened?”

“A mistake on the part of the elves, they took them down since the men are not employed by the school and shouldn’t be able to post anything on the notice boards.” Dumbledore stated simply trying to cover his tracks.

“Wrong, until the Yule Ball they are employed by the Board as Tutors for the school. After all wouldn’t want anyone to do anything ‘embarrassing’ for the whole school and making us look like a bunch of bumbling babbling, baboons.” Harry stated with a raised eyebrow and hidden smirk.

“I’ll have the elves replace the notices tonight.” Dumbledore cleared his throat and went to say something else but was interrupted.

“Oh they already did when I went to the kitchen before coming here and explaining the truth. By the way, the Head Elf stated that the orders to remove the notices came from you.” Harry stated before giving the slightest nod. “Excuse me, sir. But I’ve got several essays to work on and then need to get some rest.”

Harry turned and with Iris glaring behind him at the Headmaster daring him to do something, he left the Great Hall and went up the stairs to reach the Common Room only to take a quick glance at the map and snarled as another ambush was waiting for him. Turning he headed for the Room of Requirement yet again, for the fourth night in a row. He knew that Ginny was wanting to corner him so that he would ask her to the ball, he knew that she wouldn’t be going with Dean or any of the other Gryffindor’s this year, there was also none of the others in the other years that would take her after Harry and his friends had started giving the truth about her around. She was going to be pissed but there wasn’t anything he could do about that. He’d do some research for the next Wizengamot meeting on the first Monday of December, as well as work a little more on his swimming. Perhaps he’d have Dobby bring him his homework while he watched the map until they gave up and went to the Headmaster again.

Chapter 10: Let pry through the portage of the head


Alert! There is some hom*ophobic slurs in this chapter. It is a brief area toward the end. I mean no offense and don't want to trigger anyone. Please read Hermione's confrontation of Harry at the Yule Ball with caution.

AN: Posting will be more sporadic in the approaching months. My kids are having their last day of school today and so I'll have to figure out ways to entertain them over the summer. I'm not abandoning this story I just won't have as much time to write on it. Thanks for your patience and understanding!

Comments feed the muse!


I don’t own any of the characters that are recognizable in this story. The people who created them are/were wonderful and I enjoy working with their characters. This is not beta read so any mistakes in timeline and past chapters are all mine. I am trying to keep them consistent but there may be times when I goof.
Translations in parentheses beside words as needed All translations taken from Bing Translator unless stated otherwise, :Italics: - Talking over Comms/speakers/phone, *Italics* = mental conversations, underlined = parseltongue/all-speech

Chapter Text

December 11, 1994

Harry sat under a tree beside the Black Lake studying the water as he sat under a warming spell drying off. He’d just been in the water trying out the scuba gear that Sirius and Remus had brought him and communicating with the Mer-Chieftain about the coming task. When the Chieftain had found out what the coordinators were planning he was pissed to say the least. Especially since Dumbledore explained what they’d be guarding. He’d had it confirmed that they were going to be guarding humans trapped in an enchanted sleep. When the Chief heard the concerns of the partial Veela about participating he was grateful that she didn’t just enter the water without having someone communicate with him. If they had sensed someone with Veela Blood, even a quarter such as Fleur was, then they would have attacked before finding out the truth. And if the person they would miss the most had been of Veela blood as was suspected that they’d use the little sister of the champion than they would’ve had even more issues.

Iris trilled on his shoulder nuzzling his cheek. She had been frightened when he went into the water in the strange skin and had been hiding in the tree he was no sitting below gaze intent on the water, she would’ve flashed to Grandpa if she could of, the shaggy two legger had been saying that was his name to her so she went with it. Harry reached up and pet along her back, she was growing quickly but still obviously young, he had felt her worry and concern when he’d entered the water but didn’t want anyone to know what he was doing when he’d done so and leaving her with Sirius would’ve given a clue.

“Well, I’ve got to talk to the other champions.” Harry stated standing and using a bit of creative magic to switch his wet suit with jeans, gray shirt that read ‘of course I talk to myself…sometimes I need expert advice’, finished with a grey hoodie under a dark jean jacket over the top and a pair of bright yellow canvas shoes. “Dobby…please take these and store them in the special compartment in my trunk.” Harry asked as he piled the scuba wet suit and gear as the House-elf popped into place beside him. Dobby only nodded and snapped his fingers.

“Master Harry Potter, sir, should head in. Supper be starting soon.” Dobby stated before popping out again.

“Mother-hen elf.” Harry chuckled as he slipped the hood over his head, his hair was still damp from the water, and slipped his hands into the pockets of his jeans. “Come on Iris-love, let’s go get you some sardines and grapes.” Harry brushed his fingers over his hatchlings iridescent scales as he moved through the snow into the castle. He brushed off the looks he was getting for the light outfit that he was wearing, it was so layered with warming charms that he was okay for the short time it had taken him to reach the castle. He spotted Cedric, Fleur, and Viktor entering the castle chatting about the different types of magic their schools teach. “Hello my fellow champions!” Harry called out, grateful when he saw them all. “I’ve got news.” He spoke a bit softer with that.

“Bonsoir, Harry! (Good Evening)” Fleur called out as she approached with the others.

“Добър вечер. (Good evening)” Viktor responded moments after Fleur with a bit of a grunt.

“Let me guess…fan followers?” Harry winced as he saw the aggravated look on Viktor’s face.

Viktor only grunted an affirmative as he tucked his hands in his own trouser pockets. Fleur winced slightly and nodded.

“Ve had to leave za library due to zat fans. Especially zat Gran’ge’ you are avoiding.” Fleur explained as she accepted the offered arm that Harry held out to politely escort her into the Great Hall. “Vat iz zee news you hav’?”

“I spent the afternoon in the lake, testing out my method for being under for an hour, with extra time if needed.” Harry stated as he helped her to a seat at the Gryffindor table and after they had all sat, including Cedric, he cast a muffalito and obscuring charm that only those that are true friends can slip through, though when their friends saw how serious the discussion looked they moved to sit close but not in the bubble Harry had created. “They are going to take people down; they’ll be in an enchanted sleep according to the chief. He had no clue beyond they were supposed to guard hostages in the water for an hour before bringing them up after a certain time if no one arrived for them.”

“sh*t…” Cedric ran his hand through his hair before putting his elbows on the table and leaning into them.

Viktor sat back a little and crossed his arms over his chest as he thought with a firm glower on his face.

Fleur’s eyes widened in shock at what he was telling them before looking around frantically for Gabrielle as if they were going to take her then.

“Dumbledore’d never gone to him about there being a partial Veela as a champion and having to enter. He was grateful that you didn’t just enter the lake the day of the task for they would’ve been able to sense the Veela in your blood and would’ve taken it as an attack and struck back.” Harry stated simply while continuing to watch Fleur. “You have permission to enter and try and rescue your hostage. But enter before or after and they’ll consider it an attack.”

“Merci, jeune Harry. (Thank you, young Harry.)” Fleur nodded and pushed her plate away as her appetite left her completely. “I’ll hav’ to find zomezing beside a bubble charm to ztay safe.”

“My method worked; it was muggle means but it worked.” Harry stated leaning forward and looking at the other three. “I had my Dad and Uncle Moony pick up a muggle wet suit, to combat the cold water we’ll be entering, and other scuba gear that doesn’t require special tech to work. I think if we work together I can help you learn how to use it. I did a bit of cheating by using the Room I discovered that provided a scuba instructor. If you want I can have Dad pick up some for all three of you. They want to risk our friends and family we’re going to save them without magic.”

“I like that idea. I know how easily a bubble head charm is broken, and I’ve no skill for human to animal self-transfiguration.” Cedric stated with a nod. “They want this to cause international cooperation, why not use something they wouldn’t expect and all of us do it. If they take people that aren’t in a contract for the task well…”

“They deserve to things backfire. There’s also no way for anyone to see what is happening once we’re in the water. We could enter in the wet suits but have someone holding the tanks and such under the water for us…Or just enter with everything on. There’s also diver’s knives we can have them pick up. I know that Professor Lupin explained that there ware grindylows in the water of the Lake. I saw a few as I went through the water, but they didn’t approach because I also saw the Giant Squid.” Harry stated with a shrug.

“If we do zis we should alzo move togezer under ze water.” Fleur stated looking at the others. “Would zey be willing to pick za zings up for us? I can pay for mine.”

“They’ll be happy to.” Harry nodded looking up at his dad and uncle who were required to eat at the head table while here for official tutoring duties.

“What made you go out today?” Cedric stated looking at Harry carefully and seeing the worry he was trying to hide in his eyes.

“The Wizengamot meeting last Monday. It was the way Dumbledore and Crouch avoided the questions about the task and said everything was covered. They had been told to make sure they’d actually done what they said they would about making it safe for Fleur to enter.” Harry moved his gaze along the table brushing past Dumbledore who seemed to be upset about something. “Where’s Professor Moody?” He asked when he realized who was missing from the table.

“Madame Bones arrived earlier; you must’ve been in the water at the time. There was a lot of chaos as she stormed in here with several others. Lord Black met her and led her to Professor Moody’s office. When they came back out they had two Moody’s with them. One was in really rough shape and missing his magical glass eye and artificial leg. The other was raging about them not having the right.” Cedric explained looking at the table and seeing that McGonagall looked pissed, Dumbledore looked as he had learned that lemon drops were no longer available, Snape looked as if he was wanting to gloat, while the others had a wide range of emotions on their faces.

Dumbledore stood toward the end of the meal and with a sharp firecracker in the air got the attention of everyone in the Hall.

“It has come to our attention that Professor Moody was an imposter.” Dumbledore stated once everyone was paying attention. “It has also come to our attention that the imposter was the one to enter Young Lord Potter-Black’s name into the Goblet. The situation has been handled by Madame Bones of the DMLE and a specialized team working with her. Until the new term after our Yule Break, Professor Lupin will be returning as your instructor with the assistance of Lord Black. We shall find out over the break if Professor Moody wishes to come back or if Professor Lupin will be teaching for the remainder of the year.”

Harry hid a smirk as he looked at his Dad and Uncle and simply raised an eyebrow in silent question. He knew that he’d be heading to their chambers later and asking all that he could to find out how they accomplished this. He’d been trying to figure out a way to switch the Polyjuice to make it so that the imposter would emerge at the wrong time but couldn’t figure it out, the elves weren’t even able to help since Moody’s clothes were always charmed to prevent anything being taken even by elves.

“Excuse me, I’ve got to speak to someone.” Harry nodded to the others and left the Great Hall to head to the rooms that Sirius and Remus were staying in.

When he entered their chambers, having been given the password when they first moved in, he settled on the couch in front of the fire and thought back to the last time he lived through all of this. He now understood why the Grindylows had attacked Fleur so harshly when she entered the water last time, after all Merfolk keep them as pets. Lost in thought he didn’t noticed Sirius, Remus, and Severus enter until Sirius dropped onto the couch beside him jostling him out of his thoughts.

“So how’d you do it?” Harry asked looking over at Sirius.

“After you told me about his use of the Unforgivable in the classroom and what he’d done, I began watching him when we arrived. Moody was my instructor when I went through Auror Training with James before we were moved to Hit-wizards on graduation from the program.” Sirius explained. “The Moody I knew was a paranoid bastard, but he’d never use those curses on minors, especially not the Imperious. Then there was the tongue twitch thing he had. That wasn’t something that Moody does, but I did remember it was a twitch that Barty Crouch Jr. frequently did.”

“I found my copy of our map when I went through some boxes that I’d packed up after that night and never opened until this summer.” Remus stated sitting in one of the wing back chairs. “We started watching it between the three of us while another had an eye on Imposter Moody.”

“I’d noticed certain ingredients missing that make Polyjuice. I also noticed he was never without that flask and always drinking it just before an hour would be up.” Severus stated.

“I thought something was off with him but how’d Dumbledore not know that it wasn’t him?” Harry asked looking at the others with a confused expression on his face. “Aren’t they supposed to be close friends?”

“We wondered the same thing. Not only that but the Wards should’ve gone off when the Unforgivables were used. When Amelia found out about those…well there is a reason that the Bone’s family crest contains a Dragon. You never want to raise their ire.” Sirius stated with a shiver at some memory of some idiot causing the response he was thinking of. “There’s also a reason she was known as Amazon Bones during training and rose so quickly through the ranks.”

“Good to know.” Harry stated with a smirk thinking back to how she had taken out so many Death Eaters when they were sent to kill her before being overwhelmed, all to give Susan time to escape.

“When all our concerns added up I approached Amelia yesterday after the meeting and explained what we suspected. Moody has specific code phrases that he expects his ‘friends’ or students to use whenever around him. When we approached the imposter today he didn’t know any of the phrases.” Sirius continued explaining. “Remy was able to figure out where the real Moody was thanks to having his version of the map. He’d been kept in his multi-compartment trunk so that the ingredients needed would be available. The real Moody’s been taken to St. Mungos, he was cursing out Dumbledore the whole way out of the castle for not using the phrases.”

“huh…” Harry huffed and let himself lean against Sirius as he continued to watch the flames. “Add to what I’ve learned today, and I’d think Dumbles is trying to start incidents on international levels. Oh, if one of you could get scuba sets for three others that’d be great. Winky’s going to get their measurements so that you can make sure they fit. Also some diving knives for four.”

“They want to use the sets as well?” Remus stated raising an eyebrow. “Where are they going to train?”

“I’ll take them to the Room. It can supply a scuba instructor for them like it did for me.” Harry shrugged the length and work of the day catching up with him. “The Mer-chief had no idea about Fleur and would’ve attacked if she’d entered the water without permission. They’d also not have brought up the hostage at the end if it turns out they use her sister. I got them both permission to be in the water for the length of the second task only.”

“They are going to use hostages not things?” Severus sat up in shock, the information hadn’t been shared with any of the Professors, likely because they would’ve objected.

“Yep.” Harry popped the p as he let his eyes start to fall closed. “The suit plus the warming charm rune work that you put in it was perfect by the way. I didn’t feel the cold at all while wearing it.”

“You can stay in the guest room tonight Pup. I’ll let Minnie know.” Sirius stated softly brushing his hand through Harry’s hair before guiding the dozing teen through to the guest bedroom where with a flick of his wand changed his clothes into a pair of warm flannel pajama pants with snitches moving across them and a white shirt that had a faded image of a snitch and the word seeker on it. When he exited he went to the fireplace and with a pinch of Floo powder called for McGonagall to join them. “Firewhiskey or tea?”

“Tea with a splash of Whiskey.” Minerva stated as she entered the room through the floo.

“First off…Harry came here to go over somethings with us and started falling asleep against Siri.” Remus stated as he fixed McGonagall’s tea as she’d asked while refilling his own. “He’s sleeping in the guest room because we didn’t want to risk him going through the halls in his exhausted stated and risk an ambush.”

“Ambush?” McGonagall nodded in thanks as she took her cup.

“Granger and Ginerva have been trying to ambush him in different ways ever since the first task ended. Granger almost sent him down the staircases with the last one that happened after he’d been exhausted and moving half-asleep through the halls. If I hadn’t been following him from my office to make sure he actually went back to his common room he would’ve likely ended up with broken bones if not a broken neck from the fall.” Severus stated as he poured himself a tumbler of FireWhiskey. “She got the detention revoked by Dumbledore without even going to you. If I knew it would work I’d’ve had her expelled, she almost killed him.” He growled.

Minerva closed her eyes and slumped against the back of the couch.

“I knew that he was coddling them, but I didn’t think he was making things this bad.” Minerva stated looking toward the trio that she had taught years ago. “Next time something happens as soon as it happens come get me. Now that there’s a professor that was a Gryffindor that wasn’t a paranoid bastard I’m taking up only the Deputy position and will be handing over the Head of House Duties to Remus.” Minerva stated nodding toward the man in question. “Dumbledore is trying to get people to think Moody’ll be returning but I was in his office when he got the howler from the man. He’s never coming back here to teach when his ‘supposed’ friend couldn’t even tell that someone was impersonating him. Or the fact that Albus knew but ‘ignored it because it worked for some ‘greater good’ bullsh*t with Potter’. He also sent me a note and one to the board about his leaving and told me to get Cursebreakers in here, specifically the Defense Professor’s office where his trunk was kept. Since he wasn’t here as the professor but was kept prisoner he was able to examine the magic in the office even from within his trunk. There’s a curse on the position alright, its focused in the office.”

“We can call in Bill.” Sirius stated leaning back. “Until they can deal with it, we move the classroom and use the office you gave us when we arrived to set up times with the individuals that didn’t want to do the lessons with others. Or in the case of Granger wanted to complain about the fact that we were doing the lessons in the first place since it was spreading ‘Pure-blood propaganda’.”

“She claims to be the smartest witch of her generation and wants to be minister one day. With attitudes like she’s showing and the actions she’s taking, she’ll be in Azkaban before too long for attempted murder, assault, or murder.” Remus shook his head in exasperation.

“I fear you might be right.” Minerva stated. “I’ve pulled her aside several times to try explain things, but she refuses to listen. She was planning on wearing a purely muggle gown for the dance and doesn’t understand how much of an insult she was going to be giving to our guests. I’ve also explained that she is tenth on the list of muggleborn students but twenty-fifth overall for grades.”

“She’s complained around us enough about how Dumbledore would make things right.” Sirius stated leaning back and sipping from a bourbon. “We should make sure that he’s not fixing her grades for her. It won’t help her at all.”

“I say make copies of her work and the grade that we hand in. At the end of the year we’re allowed to see what grade went with which assignment. If there are discrepancies we’ll deal with it then if need be.” Severus stated rubbing his forehead.

“We’ve got plans and we’ve got classes to teach tomorrow. Let’s head to bed and talk again on Saturday. I think we should bring in the other Heads as well.” Minerva stated nodding in agreement to Severus’ idea as she finished her tea.

“We’re planning on testing the students to see what they need to learn to pass. We’ll submit our lesson plan to you not Albus. Last year he changed a lot of what I was going to teach, not that I followed his changes, but he cut out a lot that’s covered at the other international schools in Defense. The werewolf lesson that Severus did had been planned between the two of us though I acted upset about it. Dumbledore didn’t want me to teach about Werewolves at all, he feared students would make the connection and let their parents know. He’s the one that let out to the school what I was in the end when he thought I wouldn’t be caught by the curse, but let people think it was Sev.” Remus state standing to take the cups to the little kitchenette that they had in these rooms.

“I’ll keep an eye out for your lesson plans.” Minerva nodded, “Please reach out to Mr. Weasley as soon as possible. I’d like to keep a Defense Professor for longer than a year. The idiots that are applying are not good for this school. Moody was doing it as a favor because I refused to let Dumbledore hire someone that had no master’s or previous position such as Auror.”

“Rest well Minnie.” Sirius smirked ignoring the glare from Minerva as she entered the floo to leave the room.

Sirius and Remus saw Severus out of the room by the floo as well, he had entered that way as they wanted to keep Albus in the dark about their friendship for as long as possible. They refused to have any paintings in their rooms, not even landscapes knowing how easy it was for the people in others to slip in and spy. They had muggle photos spread throughout the rooms, including several of James, Lily, Remus, Sirius, and Baby Harry. Much to Harry’s blushing embarrassment one of their favorites was the first bath picture when Remus and Sirius were giving Harry a bath for the first time with James laughing in the background and a stream of urine hitting Sirius in the face as he held a naked Harry to put in him the baby tub that Remus was kneeling beside. Sirius stopped in the doorway to the guest room and looked at the young man sleeping spread eagle on his stomach with Iris curled up on the pillow beside his head, and one of his hands hanging over the edge. Remus brushed past Sirius and pulled the blanket back up over Harry from where it had slipped down before approaching his mate and wrapping the man in his arms as they watched over their cub.

“We’ll keep him safe, if it’s the last thing we do.” Remus stated from where he rested his chin on Sirius’s shoulder.

“We will.” Sirius nodded before turning with Remus and heading to their own room and getting ready for bed.

~*~*Time Jump*~*~

December 25, 1994

Harry stood in the dorm room and straightened the tie that had been with his dress robes. He changed the color of the tie and vest from the white they were to a dark hunter green vest with hunter green satin tie. He looked over at Ron and was glad to see that Bill had come through for him and gotten Ron a set of dress robes that almost matched Harry’s though he changed the tie and vest to black so as not to have a color clash with his ginger hair.

“Let’s go…” Harry stated taking a deep breath, he knew that he’d do better this time and be more comfortable but still wasn’t looking forward to being in the spotlight.

They headed down to the main hall where Ron waited at the base of the stairs for Luna to join him, while Harry headed over to greet Fred, Angelia, and George. The gasps that echoed through the halls caused them all to turn and Harry couldn’t help but smile at the beautiful but quirky picture that Luna made as she descended the stairs that lead toward Ravenclaw tower. Fleur was walking beside her and smiling gently at the nervous looking young lady. Luna was in a floaty gray blue strapless dress with golden butterflies all around it but mostly concentrated on the bottom and over the neck line, there was a gold sash around her waist, her hair was in two reverse braid buns, and there was a sprinkling of gold stars along the side of her face and over her shoulders with a soft makeup. When she lifted her dress lightly to walk down the stairs there was a hint of a wide strap light blue shoe with a clunky heel.

“Is that Loony? Who’d go with her?” Harry could hear other girls whispering around the entrance before they would go into the Great Hall. “Why is the Beauxbatons champion hanging out with Loony?”

“Because she’s more intelligent than you are.” Harry stated turning slightly and making eye contact with Cho Chang and her friends with a smirk on his face. “And because they don’t need to use spells to get someone to pay attention to them or win games for them.”

Cho went red and huffed before storming into the Great Hall, Harry noticed that she didn’t have a date this time which made him want to crow with success. Cedric had instead asked Fleur’s little sister Gabrielle so that she’d be able to attend. Gabrielle was wearing a beautiful yellow dress that had gems of some sort around the top of the bodice, and some tall black heels that Harry was able to spot when she lifted her dress to approach her sister, her own blonde hair caught up in a curly jumble of a bun at the base of her neck with yellow jeweled earrings Harry thinks they’re yellow sapphires for they are as intense as those gems.

Viktor arrived with a smirk on his own face at the fact he had a younger man on his arm as well, the young man was the one that Karkaroff had been chewing out that first night and looked as nervous as hell about being on Viktor’s arm though there was hidden love in his eyes and Viktor’s as they looked at each other. George dropped his arm over Harry’s shoulder as he watched Ron greet Fleur briefly thanking her for assisting Luna before he turned to Luna and with a gallant bow that he refused to admit he spent hours practicing offered her his arm while telling her how beautiful he thought she looked. Luna had a light blush on her face at the compliment before she slipped her arm into Ron’s, and they entered the Great Hall with Fred and Angelia. Fleur crossed over to slip her arm into the offered arm of one of her fellow Beauxbaton students, the young man looked as if he was a year older than her and gave her hand a squeeze.

Professor McGonagall was pleased to see all the champions standing and waiting for instruction but was visibly shocked at the fact that two of them had brought males as their Partners. With only a raised eyebrow she gave the last instructions and allowed the quartet of champions to enter with their Partners sweeping into a traditional waltz as soon as they entered. Thankfully since Harry didn’t have to lead he was able to perform the dance as Sirius and Remus had taught them the past month and didn’t worry about embarrassing himself or the school. As soon as the dance was over Iris landed back on Harry’s shoulder much to the amusem*nt of George and the champions with their Partners moved to sit at the table set up for them so the meal could begin. Upon seeing that the judges and heads of schools were at that table along with a smug looking Percy, Harry and George turned slightly and sat at a different table just beside.

“Harry, my boy, you and your companions are supposed to sit over here.” Dumbledore was hiding a glare, but Harry could feel it.

“We figured since we were going to be talking about teen things that we’d sit over here and not disturb the adults. Politics isn’t really our thing.” Harry gave a polite political smile to Dumbledore before his eyes sharpened. “I’ve also repeatedly asked you not to call me your boy, would hate for a reporter or someone to think you have a thing for young teens after all.” He had a truly vicious smirk that crossed his lips as he made that threat. “After all you’re always trying to press candy on people, and always calling your students ‘my boy’ or ‘my girl’. Or is it simply a ‘misunderstanding’.”

Dumbledore backed down with a glare and several of the professors moved to fill in the spots that were formally reserved for the champions and their partners. Harry smirked as he stepped back to his seat when he felt Percy’s glare as Severus sat beside him instead of Harry as he tried to gesture for him to do.

“Now that that is taken care of we should enjoy the rest of the evening.” Harry stated as he sat into the seat that George held out for him which left him in line of sight for Fred two tables over.

“May I introduce my mate, Aleksandar Poliakoff.” Viktor stated taking care to make sure there was a lack of heavy accent, he and Fleur were both getting much easier to understand the longer they worked with the others and the translation spell. “His birthday was five days ago. Ve were not told the age line limit. He’s top of his grade and can give me a run for my money in Seeking Matches.”

“Congratulations both of you.” Harry stated with a soft smile. He hoped he’d be able to find his own mate so soon after he turned 15. “My Partner for the evening is one of my best friends and an older brother figure, George Weasley. Be careful what you accept from him to eat he loves pranking with his twin.”

That caused chuckles from around the table. George just shrugged not worried about how he was introduced to the others.

“This is Alexis Allard, like with Monseiur Harry he is a big brother to me.” Fleur stated with a smile introducing the dark-haired Frenchman that was her date.

Cedric introduced Gabriella who gave a small smile and wave from her seat between Fleur and Cedric.

“What’re you going to be doing for the rest of the break?” George asked the others after the introductions had gone around and he’d stated his choice of meal to the plate on the table.

“We’re heading home for a short time tomorrow.” Fleur stated gesturing to her sister. “We’re ‘aving a belated family Yule celebration zince Père’s (Father’s) part of ze ministry, and I ‘ad to be ‘ere for zis.”

“I’m also returning home briefly.” Viktor nodded with a smile as he turned to Aleksandar beside him. “Родителите ми (My parents), vish to meet my mate not dat I found him.” He raised his mates hand to his lips brushing a kiss over his knuckles and causing a blush to color Aleksandar’s cheeks.

“I’m going to be hanging out around here as usual. My parents are going on one of their ‘special’ holidays. I’ll probably spend more time preparing for the second task if you wish to join me Harry.” Cedric shrugged unconcerned; his parents had done this since he started school here.

“I spent today with my Dad and Tad before getting ready.” Harry stated, just today he’d asked Remus if it was okay to call him Tad, since he was like another father to Harry. Remus had teared up at the question gave him permission. “I’m planning on getting work done in the library studying for my classes but also studying the different creatures that we might encounter in the Lake. I’ve been chased out lately by Granger thinking she can tell me what to study.”

“Fred, Ron, and I’ve been trying to keep Granger busy, but we’ve got to study at times as well. And in the library no one wants to risk Mrs. Pince’s wrath.” George shrugged before picking up the pitcher of pumpkin juice that had appeared in the middle of the table and caught a smell as he went to pour it. With a sigh he used slight of hand and poured in a neutralizer potion that Fred had come up with, with the help of Professor Snape.

“Please don’t be pranking the juice George.” Harry had noticed the potion being poured in. “You know I don’t drink mulled wine, and Dobby’s busy preparing my food so that they can’t slip in something.”

“Well, one good catch, but I’m not pranking it. Fred and Professor Snape’ve come up with a neutralizer potion that we can put in if we detect something that shouldn’t be in the beverages. Someone’d slipped a compulsion potion into the juice, don’t know about the wine since the Professor’s only taught us on things we regularly have to recognize the potions by scent. Fred want’s to become an apprentice to get better so that we’d be ablet make better joke products.” George replied making sure that the others could hear him but no one at other tables, though he did catch Fred’s eye and let him see the neutralizer which Fred then pulled an identical one out and put it in their pitcher and with a whispered explanation slipped it into any goblets that had already been filled. “Professor Snape told us to always carry common health potions as well as this on us.”

“Wow, didn’t realize you were so committed to the Joke products.” Cedric stated giving a nod of thanks for the save from the potion.

“We wanted to open a shop right after graduating but with the cheat Bagman taking our money and paying our bet back in Leprechaun gold we need to take more time. Then we got to talking with Professor Lupin and Lord Black and they said we’d have a better chance if we had masters in our specialties. Fred’s going for Potions, and I’m going to be working with Professor Flitwick and get a charms one.” George shrugged.

“Well with what I’ve seen of your products so far, I’ll definitely want to invest to help you get your shop.” Harry stated remembering how he’d given them the tournament winnings last time. “But I’d want to be a silent backer, let you sink or swim on your own rep not on using my name.”

“We’re fine with that. We’ve been considering changing from Weasleys’ Wizarding Wheezes to something that would honor those that gave us such inspiration the Marauders.” George stated with a shrug. “Lord Black already has told us he’d invest in us as well, as he gave us stories of what they’d done in their years. Well some of the prank ideas are great there were others that made us cringe. We like making everyone, even the one pranked, laugh.”

“I’ve tried to point out how some of their actions were those of bullies. I think it helps that they’ve really sat down with Professor Snape and talked over their school years.” Harry replied while remembering how they’d all changed after getting Goblin Cleanses but wasn’t about to tell the others about the reasons. “Too bad we can’t get a neutralizer in everyone’s goblets. It makes me wonder if we’re the only table or if it’s in everyone’s.”

“Good point.” George looked around and wished there was a way. “You have Dobby and Winky working for you right?”

“Yeah…” Harry looked at George with curiosity.

“Can you tell them to magic the potion into all the goblets? Fred and I have a large stockpile since it only takes three drops per pitcher.” George stated leaning over to speak but making sure that it looked to the Head table that he was reaching for something across Harry.

“Dobby, if you heard that please do so.” Harry whispered and felt a light tug of affirmation on the bond he had with his house-elves. “Also make sure the potion goes into the pitchers from this point forward.”

“Smart idea. This probably isn’t the only time something like this has happened. If it was I’d say that it was likely to get people more amiable to the use to hostages in the second task and get the people chosen to just go along with it.” Cedric stated from where he was sitting beside Harry.

“Fred and I’ll work with Professor Snape on making enough to keep the elves in stock from here on out. I don’t wonder if that’s part of the reason for the high animosity between the Gryffs and the Snakes.” George stated as he turned back to his meal.

“I’ll find a way to talk to the head elf without alerting anyone. I’ve got enough power with being an heir of Hogwarts multiple times over that they should listen to me about not putting anything harmful to the students in. I’ll take Professor Snape so he can explain just what they might be putting in. They may’ve been told it was a vitamin potion or a nutritional potion. I’ll also be talking to them about having more variety of foods. I know there’s several vegans and vegetarians that can’t often find things to eat, we all need less greasy items as well.” Harry stated while making sure to keep an eye on Dumbledore while taking a deep gulp of his pumpkin juice and noticed the pleased look that lit the man’s eyes. With his goblet still by his lips he continued. “I think it is school wide, Dumbledore’s looking around with too much of a pleased expression for otherwise.”

“He’s always been a manipulative old goat.” George took a drink from his own goblet and noticed what Harry had. “He’s definitely had a hand in it. But what’s his end game?”

“Hard to know.” Cedric replied as he took a drink of his mulled wine.

When the meal was over, and the tables magically moved aside they joined the other students and adults in the dancing. Harry was glad to see Remus and Sirius dancing, as well as Professor Snape taking Professor McGonagall to a turnabout the floor. George led Harry in a few more of the traditional dances when the Weird Sisters weren’t playing more ‘contemporary’ songs. They were enjoying their dancing when Hermione pushed herself in between them and slapping Harry hard all the while glaring.

“HOW DARE YOU!” Granger snarled causing Harry and George, as well as all of those around them to look on wondering what was going on. “Professor McGonagall specifically warned us about embarrassing the school and you dare come with Him!” She jabbed a finger at George. “YOU were supposed to bring a girl not a fa*g!”

“I’m bi thanks.” George shrugged, it wasn’t the first time he’d heard the slur, he did notice how Harry flinched though, he was glad to see Professors McGonagall and Snape making their way through the crowd that had stopped to watch the spectacle.

“So I should have realized you were a hom*ophobe.” Harry stated crossing his arms over his chest. “You’ll find that there are several around you that are going to make your life very uncomfortable for that attitude.”

“IT’S WRONG! A man is to be with a woman and not man with man or woman with woman!” Hermione snarled getting up close to Harry. “You should’ve brought Ginny if you wanted to bring a Weasley. Molly’d even sent her a beautiful dress to attend in. Perhaps I should’ve expected something like this with all the time you spend with those fa*gs you call dad.”

“Even if I wasn’t gay I’d never attend with that stalker.” Harry stated doing his best to keep his cool. “I’m just grateful my Lordship rings protect me from love potions. As for Remy and Siri, they’re soulmates. They’ve got each other’s words. It’s a blessing and even in the muggle world finding the one with your words is considered a blessing no matter genders, after all your soulmate is your perfect match.”

Sirius and Remus were approaching from behind George to give Harry support if he needed it. They were grateful for the way that he stood up for them. The crowd around the trio was tight and made it hard for the adults to get close enough to stop this train wreck but were able to hear it all.

“Soulmates are a myth!” Hermione spat out her eyes flashing with anger. “Just like the Alpha, beta, Omega crap that is taught. There are no such things!”

“You’re a blank…” Harry’s eyes widened as he realized why she was so angry about the thought of soulmates, and he knew that she was already 15 and should have presented both words and designation.

The whispers picked up when Harry’s words spread.

“I’m GLAD I’m a BLANK! Because Mates are a MYTH! There’s no such thing as a perfect match!” Hermione straightened her spine and continued to glare at Harry. “My parents taught me that.”

“Soulmates are very real Miss Granger.” Professor McGonagall stepped through the crowd finally. “I’ve lost my soulmate, but I did have one. All your Professors have had or have a soulmate. Mr. Potter-Black’s parents were and are soulmates. Even the Headmaster has a soulmate.”

“Lies! If soulmates existed they wouldn’t be able to harm each other!” Hermione snapped not about to listen to her Professor or take her eyes off Harry, who she could see was getting worked up and taking deep breaths to try and keep his magic calm.

“Who told you that Bullsh*t?” Sirius spoke up from behind George. “We’re human…of course we’re going to hurt each other. That’s how relationships grow. You fight and make up, you learn from your mistakes. Mates have differences of opinion all the time.”

“Look at the real history of this school not the bullsh*t that you read in Hogwarts a History that was commissioned by Dumbledore when he took up the position of Deputy. Godric and Salazar were mates, just as Helga and Rowena were. There is a reason for the school motto about not tickling a sleeping dragon. It was because of the arguments that Godric and Salazar would have about the safety of the students that lived in the muggle world. Sal was a dragon animagus and would take naps in that form to avoid the arguments, he hated having his sleep disturbed when Godric tried to wake him with tickling.” The Grey Lady floated through the crowd and stopped beside Harry to look at the girl. “Sal wanted to keep the muggleborn in our world to keep them safe, he left to save several that were at risk of being killed by muggles for their magic and ended up dying when he got them out.”

Many whispers broke out when they heard all of this, it was so rare to have the Grey Lady speak up anywhere, she was known for being a silent ghost, but the Ravenclaws had all learned to listen when she did speak.

“Now Lady Ravenclaw there’s no reason to spread those tales.” Dumbledore tried to interfere; he didn’t want to have the students question things.

“Oh shut up you old Windbag.” The Bloody Baron floated up. “Helena is just giving facts.” He came up beside the Grey Lady and laid a hand on her shoulder asking without words if she was okay only to get a nod before he turned to the still fuming girl child that stood before one of the heirs of the school. “I was sent after Helena after her mate tracked her down. He was determined to get her mother’s diadem, her mother had sent her away with it so that she could protect it when she Saw the way he coveted it and the harm he’d cause the world with it. I was a Blank and served as guard for the school and their heirs. He killed myself then her but not before she had a chance to hide the diadem. Seisyll Slytherin then returned with tales of how I killed her when she rejected my hand. He’s the one that started the stories about how his father wanted to get rid of muggleborns. So yes Soulmates can harm each other. In some cases even kill each other.”

Gasps of shock at the truth came out from the surrounding crowd.

“Sal had been killed four years before our deaths and Seisyll was the youngest of the three children he had with Godric as his Omega. There was their eldest and only girl Gerhild who’s line Lord Potter-Black’s mother came from and an Alpha like Godric. There was Silvanus the middle child and an Omega like his Bearer. And finally there was Seisyll who was a Beta and went on after killing me to marry and carry on the Slytherin Line. He’s the true ancestor of the one who calls himself Voldemort. He’s not the first heir and had no right to the title of Lord Slytherin once Lady Potter entered the Wizarding world.” Helena stated while making sure people were listening closely. “He resented that he was born a Beta and wanted be considered an alpha.”

“But…” Hermione’s eyes were wide as she listened to what the Ghosts were saying, after all who better to give the history of the founders than those that lived at the same time.

“You child need to take some time and consider things. After all History is written by the Victors.” Sir Nicholas stated as he joined the other ghosts.

Hermione’s eyes widened and she turned to run from the room, thankfully people parted so that she could get through easily. Ron and Harry watched her go with the rest, Ron had come to stand beside Harry in support when he heard her start to use the f-slur.

“Please continue to play.” Professor McGonagall turned to the Band who had stopped playing when they realized something was happening. “Everyone return to enjoying your time.”

“Lord Potter-Black, may I have a word?” Betty Braithwaite stepped up holding a normal quill and piece of parchment.

“I’ll send you a message to set up a time. I’m not up to do an interview tonight.” Harry stated letting her see a bit of his exhaustion.

“Of course. May I have permission to write on what you said as well as what the honored ghosts of Hogwarts stated? I want to start getting the true story about He-who-shall-no-be-named.” Betty asked politely.

“You may and look into Tom Marvolo Riddle and what his names spells out with anagrams.” Harry nodded before turning to the other champions, George, Fred, Ron, and his other friends. “I’m going to head back to the Tower and turn in for the night.”

“Will you be alright mate?” Ron asked concern for his best friend shining clear in his eyes.

“I’m just exhausted from holding my magic in so I wouldn’t hurt anyone. I’ll be fine.” Harry placed a hand on Ron’s arm to give a squeeze of thanks for his support.

“I’ll head back with him Ron.” Neville spoke up stepping up beside Harry as people started dispersing and going back to dancing. Neville had come alone but had spent part of the night dancing with Hannah Abbott.

“Thanks Nev. I hope you’re able to sleep well tonight Harry.” Ron nodded at Neville and looked back at his ‘little’ brother with his eyes showing his concern.

“If I need to I’ll send Dobby to Madame Pomfrey for a sleeping draught.” Harry gave an exhausted smile.

“Alright.” Ron nodded and then as the pair left after saying goodnight to those that were close he turned back to Luna.

“He’ll be okay, the Wackspurts won’t attack him tonight, he’s too tired for them to have the reaction they want.” Luna stated with a soft smile as Ron lead her back to the dance floor.

Everyone that remained enjoyed the rest of the night, except Dumbledore who the ghosts caused to feel uncomfortable with cold every time he tried to tell his version of the history of the school. They were tired of his falsifying the truth to spread his agenda as was Lady Hogwarts. Thankfully, there were too many people that were witnesses for him to do obliviates, there was no telling if he would miss someone, and the truth would still get out.

Lady Hogwarts seemed to glow with happiness when the students and staff started to ask questions that would guide them all to the truth. She reached into the Room of Requirement portion that stored all the lost items and returned the books that Dumbledore had stored there to the library, the music covered the rumbling that occurred as she re-arranged the library to hold the large amount of books. She was so grateful for the fact that one of her Heirs was finally helping get the truth out. She made sure that Harry was undisturbed in his rest as his familiar cuddled on the pillow beside him and his owl perched on the head of the bed keeping watch in her own way.

Chapter 11: Like the brass cannon; let the brow o'erwhelm it


Thank you for all those patiently waiting for this chapter. It is a bit longer than the past few due, at 6,000+ words to those that were so patient. It covers the second and third task and what happened after leading to the merging finally of the HP world and the MCU world in the next chapter.


I don’t own any of the characters that are recognizable in this story. The people who created them are/were wonderful and I enjoy working with their characters. This is not beta read so any mistakes in timeline and past chapters are all mine. I am trying to keep them consistent but there may be times when I goof.
Translations in parentheses beside words as needed All translations taken from Bing Translator unless stated otherwise, :Italics: - Talking over Comms/speakers/phone, *Italics* = mental conversations, underlined = parseltongue/all-speech

Chapter Text

February 24th, 1994

Harry stood on the platform looking over the Black Lake he was dressed in his wet suit, just as the others were. The whispers from the crowd was something that brought a smile to Harry’s lips. People were wondering about their outfits and the bulky tanks that were sitting beside them. Fleur was in a black with blue sleeve wet suit with her hair up in a ponytail. Viktor and Cedric were in matching red and blue with black wet suits. Harry was in the wet suit that Sirius and Remus had originally gotten for him just watching the water.

The night before George had been escorted from the common room. Harry had checked with the others and found out that Gabrielle had been taken from the house in France. Aleksander had been taken from the boat overnight as well. Alexis had been taken from the carriage first thing this morning. When they spoke when they went to wait at the dock not even bothering to sit and eat breakfast. They had sent word via house-elf express of the taking of Gabrielle, the Delacour’s had arrived as soon as they had gotten the note furious for they has specifically said she was not to be used. Arthur, Bill, Charlie were standing with Fred at the edge of the line of spectators. The parents of Aleksander and Alexis were there was well. The ministry officials and the judges that had chosen the hostages were in trouble already, there was already talk of charges of child endangerment especially because of Gabrielle.

When the whistle blew the four champions put on the tanks flippers and face masks before diving into the water together. Harry lead the way to the merfolk city beneath the water since he had been there in December so that he could negotiate them allowing Fleur into the city. The quartet moved through the water quickly thankful for the help of the Room of Requirement in learning how to scuba. When they arrived at the city Harry and the other’s waited until the Chief approached.

“We ask permission to enter and take those that were wrongly brought into your realm.” Harry removed his breather as he placed a bubble head as he floated in place. “One is a minor and was taken against her parents’ wishes.”

The chief nodded and led the group through the city.

“Children are honored and valued above all other things.” The chief said being understandable thanks to them being under water. “That there is a child brought into our care without their parents’ permission angers us.”

“I’m guessing it was Headmaster Dumbledore who told you that their parents had given permission.” Harry said as they moved through the city.

“He was the one who told us yes.” The chief said as they reached the middle of the city where they had the ‘hostages’ sitting in chairs in their enchanted sleep bubbles. “They wanted us to have them floating with ropes around their ankles.”

“Thank you for not doing so.” Harry bowed as best he could before replacing his rebreather and swimming over to George and removing the light robe of seaweed that was holding him in place at the same time as the others did the same thing to their ‘hostages’.

Once they were released the quartet gathered again and started for the surface. Harry took George, Fleur took Gabrielle, Cedric saved Alexis who he’d discovered was his mate at the Yule Ball but didn’t tell anyone but the other champions, while Viktor saved Aleksandar and they all headed for the surface. They had talked while waiting for the judges and realized that they had just taken their dates from the Yule Ball. They all breached the surface at the same time making it so that the judges couldn’t give different points, they were all within the hour time frame, and all saved their ‘hostages’.

Harry stepped forward after he removed his rebreather and saw George into his brothers and father while making sure that he would be okay. Madame Pomfrey stepped forward and checked on everyone before slipping the ‘hostages’ to the heating tent. Sirius, Remus, Severus, Lucius, the Delacour parents, as well as the other parents gathered behind him. He was so glad to see the press standing by, he’d suggested that they’d want to be there for the event.

“Sonorous” Harry spelled his voice and looked at the bleachers, he heard the water rippling in the background and knew that the Chief had risen to the surface to witness what was going to happen. “People of the Wizarding world, Press representatives, Ministry Officials, and Judges. We are angry over the actions of those that organized this event. Not only did they not set up a way for you to view what was happening beneath the water, which would’ve broken several treaties with the merfolk. But they risked two minors as well as the treaty between the Veela of the Sky and the Merfolk of the water willfully.” Harry glared at the judges. “Headmaster Dumbledore told the Chief of the Merfolk that they had the permission from the parents when in fact there was no permission, and the Minor Gabrielle was taken by force from her manor home in France. They used a house-elf that couldn’t disobey for fear of clothes which would mean death. When we approached the Mer-city beneath the waters of the Black Lake we waited permission from the Chief before entering. We were lead to our ‘things we’d solely miss’ which were simply our dates for the Yule Ball. Because of the actions of those in charge we were risking open war.”

The whispers around the Lake were getting louder as people looked between others and those that had planned the events. They could see the Mer-chief with several of his warriors surrounding him all holding their weapons as they glared at the Headmaster.

“As it is my fellow Wizards and Witches we’ve barely avoided breaking a treaty and causing war. The Mer’s value children even if it is a child of their ‘enemy’. As it is the Chief told me during the negotiations I entered before the task that if a child was threatened then we are hereby forbidden from entering the waters of the Lake again. Because of the Headmasters actions even the boats that the first years take are forbidden from crossing the water.” Harry explained with a smirk at the Headmaster. “My fellow champions and I have agreed prior to this event that if our family, mates, or friends were placed at risk then we would forfeit the task. We completed it because we didn’t want our friends at risk, but we refuse to take points.”

With those final words Harry canceled the sonorous and with his fellow champions walking beside him they left the platform and crossed in front the stands where they headed for the castle without stopping. The spectators all looked at each other and then toward the retreating bags of the champions and then back to the judges. Several people shrugged as they moved to follow only to stop when they heard Dumbledore being chewed out in French by the Delacour Parents.

“You are hereby served with notice that you are banned from the French Magical world.” Lord Delacour handed over the parchment that he was holding onto, Sébastien Delacour was the Right hand of the Minister and one of his head advisors, while the minister was the godfather of Gabrielle and when he was given the news of Gabrielle being taken by House-elf was angry. “There will be an inquiry in the ICW into your actions and the tasks for how much you’ve been placing our children in.”

Dumbledore began sputtering and fighting the desire to rage at the way he was being treated. People moved past discretely not wanting attention pulled onto them. The Weasley males moved toward Dumbledore not even caring that he was already angry.

“Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore, The house of Weasley declares Blood Feud upon you. Our children were not to be put at risk. You were warned prior when you approached about having George participate in this task. You were forbidden from using him, that you still did so an risked the life of not one but two of our house.” Arthur pulled himself up fully and glared at the man. “Just be glad that I’m not pulling my children from the school.”

“Your wife gave me permission.” Albus sputtered. “And only George would have been at any risk not that there was any. I did the spells myself.”

“I was beginning to wake before we were even close to the surface. If Harry hadn’t been prepared and able to share his rebreather I’d have been in deep trouble.” George stated. “And Fred and I are magical twins, one soul two bodies. If I’d died then Fred would’ve followed shortly behind.”

Dumbledore’s eyes widened when he realized what was being said, he gripped his wand and looked around as if looking for someone.

“Remain away from the Weasley’s, I’ll be dealing with my wife. As Lord of my House you had no right to ignore my words. She does not have the right to tell you it was okay after I originally forbid it.” Arthur stated as he moved around Dumbledore with Bill, Charlie, Percy, Fred and George all followed him while Ginny had run ahead trying to get Harry’s attention.

Fred and George passed on the information to the others of what had happened down at the Lake when the others had left. Harry smirked mentally when he realized how much trouble this would cause for the Dumbledore as well as Molly and Ginny. He had already sent out a notice to Ragnarök to start the process for a restraining order against Ginny, ever since the Yule Ball she’d upped her game and she’d attempted to give him tainted candies, thankfully he’d become a paranoid bastard and always tested his food and drinks with a spell that Professor Snape taught him.

~*~*Time Jump*~*~

Severus walked through the halls taking points and generally living up to his reputation. Harry watched him storm toward the Great Hall while he headed out onto the grounds to the quidditch pitch where he’d been summoned. Cedric and the others fell in step with him when he exited the castle.

“What do you think it’s going to be?” Cedric asked as they moved along.

“Per’aps tunnels beneaz za ground to find a treazur?” Fleur speculated as they moved along people from all the schools calling out greetings to the champions as they moved.

“Perhaps a flying competition?” Viktor said with a shrug. “After all dey are having us come to da quidditch pitch.”

The group arrived and Cedric, Harry, and Viktor all stood looking in horror.

“What’ve they done to it?” Cedric said indignantly, stopping dead.

The quidditch pitch was no longer smooth and flat. It looked as though somebody was building long, low walls all over it that twisted and crisscrossed in every direction.

“They’re hedges!” Said Harry, bending to examine the nearest one.

“Hello there!” Called Bagman as he moved over to them from the middle of the field that he’d been standing in waiting for the champions.

Harry had to fight an eye roll as they were subjected to the fan fanatic that was Bagman.

“Well, what d’you think?” Said Bagman happily as Harry and Cedric along with the others climbed over the last hedge and joined him in the middle. “Growing nicely, aren’t they? Give them a month and Hagrid’ll have them twenty feet high. Don’t worry.” He added when he noticed the less-than-happy expressions on Viktor, Cedric, and Harry’s face. “You’ll have your quidditch field back to normal once the task is over! Now, I imagine you can guess what we’re making here?”

“A Maze…” Harry said looking around at all the twists and turns.

“That’s right!” Said Bagman. “A maze. The third task’s really very straightforward. The Triwizard Cup will be placed in the center of the maze. The first champion to touch it’ll receive full marks.”

“We seemply ‘ave to get through the maze?” Said Fleur.

“There will be obstacles,” Said Bagman happily, bouncing on the balls of his feet. “Hagrid is providing a number of creatures…then there will be spells that must be broken…all that sort of thing, you know. Now, the champions who are leading in points’ll get a head start into the maze.”

“Now there’s an issue…the only points we have are from the first task.” Harry muttered with a raised eyebrow at the way Bagman flushed.

“Yes…well…” Bagman pulled at the collar of his robe.

“Will there be at least a way for the audience to view what’s happening? I see that there are risers being constructed over there. Why not put them in the stands?” Harry stated looking over at the risers that were being put up on the edge of the field at where the start of the maze was.

“Well…um…” Bagman was getting more flustered with each comment and question. “That’s something for the others to decide…I’m just the one that gives the information.”

Harry simply raised an eyebrow in response to that statement before crossing his arms and shifting his weight to one leg. “So you have no say in how people see the maze being run, after all you are the head of the Magical Game and Sports department aren’t you?”

“Well…” Bagman straightened up and brushed his hair from his face. “Anyway…Krum and Potter will go first, followed by Diggory, then Madame Delacour. But you’ll all be in with a fighting chance, depending how well you get past the obstacles. Should be fun, eh?”

Harry thought about the creatures that Hagrid was known for and what he remembered from his past, he knew that he’d be able to focus on making sure that Cedric didn’t lose his life this time if Voldie was able to make the cup into a portkey again. As the champions returned to the castle, Harry tuned out what Cedric was telling the others in what type of creatures that Hagrid was known for having, Harry pipped in mentioning how he was expelled due keeping an Acromantula in the castle as a ‘pet’ and let it go in the Forbidden forest and even got ‘him’ a mate. Harry looked up toward the castle and couldn’t help but breathe a sigh of relief as he approached.

“Knut for your thoughts?” Cedric asked as he heard Harry’s sigh.

“Just remembering the day after the second task and how I no longer have to watch everything I eat.” Harry said simply as he cast a quick glance over Cedric before looking at the castle again.

“I still can’t believe they were able to keep things hidden as long as they did.” Cedric replied thinking back to the moment that Arthur had stormed into the castle dragging Molly behind him to throw her at Dumbledore’s feet at the middle of supper.


“Take your lying bitch of a wife!” Arthur spat as he tossed Molly at Dumbledore’s feet.

“Now Arthur be careful what you say, among others.” Dumbledore cautioned as he looked around at all the students, delegates, and press that were still here to see what the fall out for the events of the second task would be.

“Oh…I want them all to hear! I, Arthur Septimus Weasley, do here-by disown Margarette ‘Molly’ Lucretia Weasley nee Prewett from the Weasley Family Magic and Line. Let no contact come between Molly Weasley and the children of the Weasley line. She has broken covenant with the sanctity of marriage, forced marriage via potion, and married another while still claiming marriage to myself. So I Say it, So mote it be!” Arthur spoke firmly while he glared at Dumbledore and Molly.

Fred, George, and Ron came to stand beside him and give their support. Ginny had given a gasp and run to her mother’s side only to be thrown back by magic of the decree that Arthur had just finished giving.

“Harry you need to fix this! It’s your fault!” Ginny had stormed over to Harry and went to smack him, only to be thrown back again. “What is the meaning of this?!”

“LET IT BE KNOWN!” A powerful feminine voice carried through the room as if it was reverberating from the stones of the castle. “GINERVA MARGARETTE WEASLEY HAS BROKEN THE JUDGEMENT OF LADY MAGIC FOR THE LAST TIME!”

Everyone looked around in shock at the words that they were hearing, and many jumped in shock when they saw who was standing in front of the Head Table. She was dressed all in white with white fairy wings behind her, her hair was a pale blonde that was almost white and around her feet sat three white wolves. Many people in the room dropped to their knees and bowed their heads when they noticed her. Harry simply smiled softly and stepped forward when she gestured to him when he arrived in front of her he bowed at his waist in formality only for her to pull him up from his back up and gave a kiss on his forehead causing gasps to spread throughout the room.

“Ginerva has broken the judgement called upon her when my favored called upon me for an illegal contract. The same contract that brought Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore and Margarette ‘Molly’ Lucretia Dumbledore nee Prewett to be bonded in marriage.” Lady Magic said with a smirk at the trio that she’d mentioned. “My judgement was as follows: Albus Dumbledore is to bond to Margaret ‘Molly’ Prewett no later than 12-31-1994 or their magic is forfeit. Ginerva ‘Ginny’ Margaret Weasley is to have no contact with ****** ‘Harry’ Potter-Black in from this point forward until such time as she gives up the idea of marriage to ****** Potter-Black.” Lady Magic looked at the gathered students. “Albus and Molly barely made my deadline. They all had notice of the judgement within moments of it being made. Miss Ginerva has refused to follow the orders that were listed leading me to placing a magical restraining order on her. She can no longer approach Lord Potter-Black, not even once she lets go of her desire to marry him. If she continues on the path she’s on her magic will be void.”

The gasps that echoed through the room caused Harry to hide a smirk. He was especially amused to witness the hidden meltdown that Dumbledore was dealing with while he tried to get attention away from Lady Magic. She hadn’t shown herself in hundreds of years and that she showed over something like this and that she was showing up and claiming Potter as her favored. All his plans were being eliminated with actions by that upstart.

“Let it be known that my judgment is absolute.” Lady Magic said before disappeared in a swirl of her magic.

The chaos that followed with the reporters rushing out to be the one to the get the scoop in the paper and the students all talking about it made the professors glad that it was Saturday, and they didn’t have to worry about controlling the chaos in class.

~*~*End flashback*~*~

Harry smirked as he thought back to things and the way Ginny had reacted. She’d had such a melt down that Poppy had to sedate her and confine her to the hospital wing for the weekend. Molly was thrown from the castle after she tried to potion the students with control potions, so they’d listen to the headmaster. Hogwarts was not happy and wouldn’t allow anyone to do so anymore, Molly had been arrested for attempted use of grade 5 controlled potions, only those that completely change a persons personality or feelings was above that at a grade 6.

“I still can’t believe all that happened or that you’re Lady Magic’s favored.” Cedric stated softly as they approached the castle, he spotted Ginny Weasley who was forcibly held back from approaching Harry due the magical restraining order.

“I WILL HAVE YOU POTTER! I WILL BE LADY POTTER!” Ginny shouted her hair looking like it was floating as she tried to push her way through the restraining order.

“Give it up Ginny, you’ll never be my wife.” Harry shook his head and continued walking along. “Dumbledore stop pushing her.” Harry shook his head when he noticed the Headmaster standing in the shadows.

“I don’t know what you are talking about my boy.” Dumbledore said as he stepped out of the alcove and looked down over his glasses as if he was disappointed in him.

“Of course you don’t.” Harry said with a smirk, “If you’re not careful you’ll be the cause of the young lady losing her magic. Something you barely avoided yourself.”

“Now there’s no need to mention things like that.” Dumbledore glared as he watched the champions walk away, he had just barely avoided having his own restraining order placed against the champions after the second task.

“Just avoid me and I’ll avoid you.” Harry said continuing to walk away with a raised eyebrow. “Now I heard Cedric explaining some of the items that Hagrid is known for but what if they bring in others? After all we’ve faced Dragons and Merfolk, what if they have us face a Sphynx or something?”

“Den ve practice riddles.” Viktor said with a shrug.

“Good idea.” Harry nodded. “Should probably practice spells if they have an antigravity spell or something. It would be something they’d do. Should also bring weapons incase they’re needed, like knives to cut away vines if they’ve got ones like devil snare, cut away before lighting it up so that we’ve got free range.”

“All good ideas.” Fleur nodded as they entered the Great Hall and sat at one of the empty tables, it was late enough most were back in their dorms at this time, Ginny had been caught by Severus after her shouts and given a months detention and Dumbledore wasn’t able to cancel it because of the orders from Arthur Weasley. “Ve’ve got a monz to figure eve’yzing out.”

“Meet in the Room tomorrow to start plans?” Harry asked as he looked at the others, they could see the exhaustion starting to weight on the lad.

“Oui.” Fleur nodded and the others agreed before they all separated to head to their beds for the night and getting the rest that they needed for the next day and the month ahead.

*~*Time Skip*~*

June 24th, 1995

Harry stood in front of the entrance to the maze with the others around him. They had planned to get to the center at the same time. They’d all talked and were all going to take the cup at the same time, they felt it was better in case something were to happen to have more ‘witnesses’ after all the events that had happened even though the main instigator had been arrested.

“See you on the other side.” Harry stated as the others entered in the maze and when it was his turn he followed the paths that he had taken his first time through.

Harry thought back to that morning when this time he was greeted by Sirius and Remus instead of Molly and Bill like the last time, they were much more family then Molly and Bill had ever felt in the past. He moved through the maze remembering the path that he took that caused him to run into the Boggart Dementor and made sure not to go down that path because he didn’t want to know if his boggart had changed, something that many would pick up on. He then ran into the blast-end skrewt instead of the boggart. He then ran into the golden mist that tipped his perspective upside down. Thankfully, there was no scream from Fleur and no imperious bespelled Viktor and they all entered the clearing at the same time as the Acromantula appeared behind Cedric.

“Cedric! DROP!” Harry called out and grateful when Cedric followed his call and simply dropped instead of questioning it. Harry pulled out the sword of Gryffindor which he had swiped from the Headmaster’s office and had in a special sheath on his back that kept it hidden until it was pulled. “Feel the sting of your enemy!” He slid under the spider as it scurried over Cedric slicing through the only vulnerable section of the spider besides its eyes, its belly. The other champions watched as the Spider began convulsing as the poison made quick work of the beast and it dropped to the ground dead. He then quickly moved to the cup with the others, this time with no wound on his leg. “We take it on three…one…two…three.” The hook-behind-the-navel feeling came and pulled them all off their feet and to the graveyard just as Harry had feared. “Everyone take cover! This isn’t part of the task…they wouldn’t send us off the grounds!”

Harry and the others ducked behind the gravestones just as Harry heard Peter moving through the long grasses.

“Find the boy…kill…the…sssssparessss…” The distorted voice of Voldemort came from the bundle Peter was holding, Harry had been told by Sirius that Nagini and this form of Voldemort were all that remained. Once they had found out about the Horcruxes they had sent out teams in secret with a special spell that showed them where they were hidden.

“Watch out…he has a nasty large snake that’s a man eater.” Harry whispered to the others, he sent off a patronus to Sirius, Remus, and Madame Bones that would lead them here before diving to a new location making sure to circle and keep out of the dimwitted betrayer’s sight.

“I see it.” Viktor snarled and sliced out with a cutting spell that severed the head from the snake quickly.

“Kill them you fool!” Voldemort’s voice called out from where Peter had placed him by the cauldron.

“How about we kill you instead?” Harry said as he stepped up beside the cauldron. “After all, you’re all that’s left of your foul creations!”

“NO! I’m Immortal you can not defeat me!” Voldemort called out in anger from within his swaddled robes.

“Sorry, but Lady Death and Lady Magic wish to speak with you.” Harry spoke as he lifted the blade that he was still holding in his hand after ending the spider’s life and stabbed it down into the malformed body of Voldemort.

“Pup!” Sirius cried out as he apparated into the graveyard with Amelia and Remus seconds behind him along with the others that were standing by for his message if something had happened.

Sirius wrapped him in a hug as he let the sword drop from his hand and just looked down at the misshapen form of Voldemort that was finally dead. The other champions approached from their areas and looked at the cauldron and the misshapen ‘baby’ form of Voldemort and let out sighs of relief.

“It looks like he was going to use the blood of the enemy ritual, though it wouldn’t have worked properly because the potion was made wrong.” Severus said as he looked in the cauldron and around at the surroundings, “add in the fact that he had Pettigrew making it and he would’ve had to use Pettigrew’s flesh making it even weaker.”

“It’s a good thing our warriors dusted and vanished his father’s remains, if he’d made it that far he’d have nothing of his father’s bones to use. They were concerned what would happen when we discovered a piece of his soul in the cabin in the woods and learned the family history of the Dark Lord.” Ragnarök said as he stepped forward. “Lord Slytherin, this land is now yours in full do to conquest what is your desire?”

“Destroy the run down home and build an orphanage for muggle-born and raised that are in bad situations. Let no one else experience what I experienced.” Harry said looking up at the mansion on the hill. “The cabin in the woods needs to be cleansed and burned to the ground, let the forest reclaim that land. Cleanse this land as well so that it brings none of the horror that resided within it into the new building. Oh…and I believe this belongs to your people.” Harry spoke picking up the blade and casting a cleaning spell that would polish the blade as well. “It has absorbed the venom of a basilisk since it was last in your people’s hands.”

“It has chosen you to weld it. It will remain with you until your death.” Ragnarök lifted a hand in denial of the blade.

“I will make sure that it returns to your people upon my death.” Harry bowed at the waist showing his respect before the goblins stepped away to deal with the task given to them.

Amelia stepped forward and picked up the corpse of Voldemort with a sneer in her face. One of the hidden robed figures stepped forward and ran a scan over the body and simply gave a nod.

“I’ll make sure everyone understands that he’s truly gone for good by decree of the goblins and department of mysteries.” Amelia said before turning to Kingsley who stepped forward with a struggling body beside him and specialty cuffs attached to his wrists. “We’ll also make sure that it is made clear that Peter Pettigrew is guilty of conspiracy of treason and war acts.”

“Good.” Sirius snarled only the calming but tight hand of Remus on his shoulder and Harry in his arms kept him from leaping at the traitor to tear him limb from limb.

“I zink you ‘ould check zee cup…zomeone had to change it to a portkez.” Fleur said as she levitated the cup over to the hooded robed man who took it with a nod.

“We’ll get you back to the finish line. I believe that you’re schools will appreciate that all of you won.” Remus said while those that weren’t in charge of the crime scene gathered around the champions.

“I’m just glad that Peter is a sniveling coward and was unable to ‘kill the spares’ like he’d been instructed to.” Harry smirked at the resigned traitor who only glared in return. “Perhaps use some Veritaserum on him to find out who truly held his chain, with Barty Jr. arrested there should’ve been no way for the cup to be changed unless he had someone working with him.”

“We will.” Amelia nodded in response before she had Kingsley take the man away to the cells and then went with the champions to the school to deal with the fall out there. She left the real Moody in charge of the crime scene knowing the paranoid bastard wouldn’t let anything slip past him.

When they arrived to the cheers of the audience that cut out when they saw everyone that had arrived with them they all hid smirks knowing that this wasn’t going the way any of the people thought it would. When the patronus arrived to tell Amelia the name of the one who had charmed the cup into the portkey she gave her own smirk knowing it was the final piece that she needed.

“Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore you are under arrest for conspiracy to commit murder, conspiracy to commit treason, attempted murder, illegal binding of a minor’s magic, illegal magical leeches on minors, illegal use of Wizengamot seats, theft of family heirlooms, and endangerment of a minor. Along with several other items I’ve been holding onto and the ability to add more charges as needed. You have the right to remain silent, anything you say can be used against you in the court of law. You have the right to a lawyer, if you can not afford one, then the court can appoint one for you.” Amelia stepped up and smirked at the man pulling out the magical suppression cuffs that she had ready for the moment that she’d have this chance.

“You don’t have the right to do this!” Albus stepped back in shock at the fact she was trying to arrest him, he looked around for the cup and noticed it hadn’t come back with Harry meaning they had his magical signature on the piece of evidence. “FAWKES!” He cried out holding his arm up for several minutes before Amelia finally reached his side and started placing the cuffs, she wasn’t gentle about it, she also removed his illegal glasses and placed them within a magic neutralizing bag so that he couldn’t use them to see the wards on the cells.

“Oh didn’t you know?” Harry stepped up with a smirk. “Hogwarts broke your illegal bind on Fawkes. He does belong to the castle after all as Godric’s familiar and the protector he left for the castle to watch over the students with.”

Albus only sputtered as he was lead away. Hermione and Ginny both raised a fit and went after the Aurors trying to pull them away from Dumbledore and got arrested themselves for interfering in the due process. Ron stepped up to stand beside Harry and watched as his little sister was lead away in cuffs and simply shook his head.

“Dad disowned her when he showed up earlier after we told him how she still wouldn’t stop with everything. Lady Magic followed through and she’s barely a squib, she didn’t want Ginny dead for she’d never learn a lesson that way and if she removed all of Ginny’s magic she would’ve died.” Ron explained before pulling Harry in a hug holding him through the initial stiffening at the unexpected physical contact. “I’m so glad that you’re alright.”

“He’s gone for good thanks to the help of the Goblins.” Harry said as he relaxed into his soul-brother’s hug. “Now with Dumbledore being removed…Maybe I’ll be able to enjoy the remainder of my schooling here.”

“Thank you.” Ron whispered. “Thank you for coming back…Lady Magic felt there should be someone that understood what you’re dealing with. Thank you for saving Fred by coming back.”

“You remember everything?” Harry pulled back and whispered fiercely.

“Aye, me, the twins, Bill, and Charlie all had our memories of what happened before you came back given to us. She made it so it would seem as if was dreams since it would never happen with the actions you’ve taken. I just want to say I’m sorry for being such an idiot in that past. I’m glad that this time was so different.” Ron nodded and kept an arm around Harry’s shoulder. “I’m also glad you didn’t have to relive what happened last time on this night.”

“Same here.” Harry nodded and he looked over the other champions, tears of happiness filling his eyes at the sight of Cedric in his father’s proud happy arms. “Let’s get out of here before everyone comes out of their shock…”

“Fred and George with the others are going to be waiting for us in the Room.” Ron nodded and began leading his best mate away.

When they arrived at the Room of Requirement they walked into a somber silence before Fred and George came over and wrapped Harry in a tight hug repeatedly whispering thank you’s as they fought the tears that wanted to pour from their eyes. Harry simply sank into the large cushions resting in front of the fireplace the room provided soaking up the familial love that he was getting from all the rest. He just knew that this was the beginning of a new chapter in his past. Nothing from here on out would be the same, he’d already gotten rid of Umbridge thanks to the Wizengamot finding out about her methods of ‘finding’ facts and how she’d threaten the children of staff to keep them in line. Fudge was a short distance from a vote of no confidence with Bones being the next in line to take the position of minister instead of Rufus Scrimgeour who had been removed from his position as well for hiding evidence and accepting bribes to alter evidence against the ‘pure-bloods’. Bill handed over a cup of firewhiskey to all those gathered in the room not caring that they were minors after what Lady Magic had shown them they needed it.

“I think I need to meet Fleur.” Bill said with a soft smile looking down at the words which wrapped around his wrist, it was in French and one of the reasons he focused on studying the language along with all the others he studied for his work.

“I’ll set it up later…” Harry said as his eyes began drooping from the comforting feeling of Ron running his fingers through Harry’s hair lulling him into sleep. “It’s nice…not being…the only one…too know…”

“Sleep mate. We’ve got your back.” Ron whispered as he continued his soothing actions.

A short time later the Weasley brothers watched with soft smiles as little sniffle snores started coming from Harry’s mouth telling them he was fully out.

“We’ll help him make sure that the deaths that happened never happen again. Those that need to like Dumbledore will be handled by the ministry, but the needless arrests and deaths will not happen again.” Bill stated looking at the young man that had taken such a chance to come back. “We’ll make sure he gets the future promised to him.”

“Here, here…” Fred said lifting his tumbler of whiskey still in shock over what had happened.

The rest gave their own statements of support before settling in to keep watch until Sirius, Remus, Severus, and Lucius all joined them a few hours later, Bill having sent Dobby with a note explaining where they were with Harry.

The next few years saw the Death of Dumbledore by Veil; the imprisonment of Hermione and Ginny when evidence was found of the spells and potions that they had been ‘attempting’ to use on Harry, Ron, and several others to make them more compliant; Peter Pettigrew got the Veil as well; Molly died in her cell when she tried to break out and was caught by a Auror who killed her in defense and was not charged. Bill met Fleur the day after the third task and they were both gladdened to realize that they were soulmates, Fleur’s words had been ‘Parlez de grand, sombre et beau...(talk about tall, dark, and handsome…)’ while Bill’s reply had been ‘Parlez de sucre et d’épices. (talk about sugar and spice.)’ making Fleur gasp and Gabrielle laugh out loud. They’d made plans to meet and court over the coming years before they finally bonded the year that Harry and Ron graduated from Hogwarts. Fred and George bonded with Angelia, who was the soulmate to both of them thanks to the one soul two body thing with magical twins, in 2001. Ron bonded with Luna in 1999 as soon as she was finished with her schooling, they had each other’s words upon their bodies which brought relief to the pair who had been sweet on each other for years. They found out that Seamus was a fire elemental descendant of an IRA member who also had the love of making things go up in smoke. Harry developed the look of a male fae on his 15th birthday, his wings resembling that of a dragonfly, Iris continued to ride on his shoulders and keep any away that she felt were a danger to her bonded. As soon as Harry graduated from Hogwarts with the assistance of his family he moved across the ocean to get away from the press and whispers, he refused to let anyone but those closest to him know what his words said, and many had come out trying to claim they had his words. Settling at MIT he went through the program quickly and graduated with honors. He started up his own charity in 2002 called Lily’s Hope which was focused on creating chances for those in bad situations get out and find a job, usually at his company Black Marauder Inc., which Remus mostly ran for him so that he could work on his own creations. It would be at a Charity event in 2007 that he’d first meet Tony Stark.

Chapter 12: As fearfully as doth a galled rock


This covers the meeting and friendship of Harry and Tony. It also has plans being discussed, a spy created, and the beginning of Iron Man's creation


I don’t own any of the characters that are recognizable in this story. The people who created them are/were wonderful and I enjoy working with their characters. This is not beta read so any mistakes in timeline and past chapters are all mine. I am trying to keep them consistent but there may be times when I goof.
Translations in parentheses beside words as needed All translations taken from Bing Translator unless stated otherwise, :Italics: - Talking over Comms/speakers/phone, *Italics* = mental conversations, underlined = parseltongue/all-speech

Chapter Text

With a sigh Harry looked around the Grand Hall that had been rented for the Lily’s Hope Charity Gala, he was tired of the brown nosers and those that felt because he was an Omega that he had no right to start a company. He gave a nod to Draco, who was in charge of the Magical side of his company and working the room like the best of the brown nosers without talking down to many. Remus was over watching over a protective Sirius while also making sure that they worked the crowd. Harry approached the bar and saw that there was a slight muggle repel on some of the bottles and knew that it was a mixed bar.

“A draught of Ogden’s Best, straight.” Harry told the bartender as he slipped a twenty wrapped around a few Dragots in the cup on the bar top.

“Ogden’s Best? Never hear of that brand.” A male voice came from beside him.

“It’s a specialty.” Harry replied with a smirk. “It’s a very acquired taste, it’s called Firewhiskey because it has an extra burn going down.” He looked over at the man who’s skin looked almost orange with too much self-tanner.

“Justin Hammer…” Hammer held his hand out for a shake, but Harry only raised an eyebrow, he had his drink in one hand and the other was in brace. “Right…” He pulled his hand back with an awkward gesture. “Too much use of the wrist?” He had a leering smirk.

“Skiing accident actually.” Harry bit back a glare. “If you’ll excuse me, I see someone I must speak to.” Harry said in a deadpan before giving a dismissive nod and starting to turn away before feeling a hand land on his arm and turn him back toward Hammer. “Please refrain from touching me.”

“I just wanted to tell you not to bother with Stark. He’s usually seven sheets to the wind by now. I can give you a much better time.” Hammer raised his hands in supplication while opening-ly leering as he directed his gaze up and down Harry’s body. “After all there must be a reason that Lord Potter-Black invited a beautiful Omega like you.”

“And that right there tells me that a posturing Beta like yourself will never be the one.” Harry curled his lip in response while looking over the form of the Beta.

“And just what do you mean by that?” Hammer puffed up indignantly. “I’m an Alpha not a mere Beta!”

“And I’m the Queen of England.” Harry sneered, he heard a chuckle come from behind Hammer and looked to see Dr. Stark standing behind the man with a smirk of his own.

“Now see here!” Hammer stammered. “I’m just offering you a nice evening.”

“It seems as if Lord Potter-Black doesn’t want to spend an evening with you instead of being part of the Gala that he organized.” Dr. Stark said as he stepped around to stand beside the pair.

“Lord Potter-Black isn’t here. It’s just this Omega.” The way Hammer said Omega showed how he truly felt about them.

“This Omega, as you put it, never got a chance to introduce myself.” Harry smirked before giving a bow worthy of his twin soul brothers. “I’m Lord Haldir ‘Harry’ Potter-Black, so NOT at your service.”

“That’s not Possible! Omega’s aren’t able to…Everyone knows that…Lord Potter-Black is an Alpha not a…a…an…” Hammer stammered.

“An Omega?” Harry smirked with a raised eyebrow. “It is my Godfather Lord Sirius Black who’s the Alpha.” He made a discreet gesture toward where Sirius was hovering around a heavily pregnant Remus. “By the way…Don’t bother showing up at the meeting tomorrow. Black Marauder Inc has no interest in working with such a bigoted asshole such as yourself. We’re an equal opportunity employer that welcomes Omega’s as much as we do any other.” Harry then turned from Hammer completely giving his full attention to Dr. Stark. “I was actually hoping to get a chance to talk with you Dr. Stark. I’ve tried to get an appointment to talk some things over with you but keep getting blocked by certain associates.” Harry said looking around and letting his eyes linger on Obadiah Stane who was talking with Draco, Draco looked ready to strangle the man. “I’ve been working on some improvements in our prosthetics department but keep hitting a wall with the programing. I’ve followed your work with robotics since I was in primary, it was what lead me to following the path to a PhD in engineering specializing in robotics from your alma mater.” Harry noticed Hammer scoffing and storming away, he’d still likely show up tomorrow for the appointment with Remus only to find out that Harry had already let his godfather know that the meeting was canceled and why. “Would you have time for me to bounce some ideas off of you on what I’m having issues with?”

“What’re you having trouble with?” Tony asked as they moved to an alcove to keep their discussion slightly private only for him to smirk as he felt the notice-me-not raise around them. “Hogwarts? Or Durmstrang?”

“Hogwarts, class of 1997.” Harry replied with a smirk.

“So you are that Potter. I’d always wondered but didn’t want to make assumptions, after all you know what happens when you assume something.” Tony gave his own smirk.

“An ass out of you and me? Yes I know, too many do make the assumptions, an example is Hammer. Little does he know that the Lord Black that he had the meeting with was not Lord Sirius the Alpha but Lord Remus the Omega CEO of my company. Well our company actually, they helped me start it while I was still at MIT.” Harry tilted his head with a shrug, Tony threw his head back with a laugh at the thought of how Hammer would’ve reacted to that. “Salem or Ilvermorny?”

“Neither. I’m Techno-sensitive. Mom was full Squib, from an Italian Pure family. Howard was a techno-squib, it’s why his work was so advanced.” Tony shrugged, his magic was a specialized form that worked best with Technology, but he was sensitive to when other magic happened around him, it allowed him to be able to use potions for healing and such for the few times he was actually drunk instead of acting like he was. “I didn’t have the ‘right’ sorta magic to get into any of the ‘special’ schools.”

“So they’re just as backward here huh…” Harry shrugged not bugged in the least. “I know that more updated tech is starting to make it into the ‘specialty’ market, but it’s all still ancient stuff that doesn’t have the circuit boards most stuff works on. So no cells, computers, tablets, etc. It’s another thing my company is looking into making it so that computers will work in such a magic heavy environment. Remus is working on building a catalogue of ‘creatures’ and ‘spells’ that we’re passing off as for a game until we’ve got things working.”

“Fascinating! I’d love to take a look at what he has…” Tony’s eyes widened; he’d always been fascinated about things like that but due to his lack of ‘proper’ magic he didn’t have the chance for much.

“I’m sure he’d like the input.” Harry replied with a shrug.

“I’ll also look into the making electronics work with magic aspect. That is if I can ever get my board to agree to part with the weapons aspect of our business and branch into the tech that I’ve been working on.” Tony ran his hands through his hair in frustration.

“Hey, you’ll get there…” Harry reached out but stopped knowing that it wasn’t safe to touch others without permission, he hated when it happened for him and knew others were similar.

“Anyway you wanted to talk Robotics? Tell me what problems you’re having, and we’ll see if we can figure out the problem.” Tony crossed his arms and leaned against the wall behind him.

“Well, we’re trying to get the robotics of the prostatic to register the micro-movements of the nerves and muscles to make them move more like a true limb. It works in a basic way but then will stall…” From there the pair were lost in over an hour of bouncing ideas back and forth to figure out the problem as well as discuss the issue that Harry was having designing his own learning AI, he was so close but kept getting hung up on the final code, even exchanging numbers so that they could continue to communicate and bounce ideas as Remus sniffed Harry out and pulled him back out to continue mingling.

:U should keep makin plans 4 new tech want to be audience when finally tell BD to FO: Harry sent as he left the gala finally when the evening was done.

:Plan 2: Tony responded. :Think thisll be beautiful friendship good luck w figurin problem.:

“Harry you coming?” Draco called out as the car pulled up and the valet got out.

“Be right there.” Harry replied looking around for Tony but not seeing him, he heard whispers that the CEO of Stark Industries had slipped out early with another flavor of the night. :Rumors runnin about flave of night be safe:

With that Harry placed his phone in his pocket and stepped up to the driver side of the classic white 1976 Alfa Romero Spider convertible. With a low growl of the engine he peeled away from the curb with Draco sitting shotgun giving him a run down of the people that he’d talked to. When they reached his apartment in Manhattan Draco followed him up into the pent-house and into the luxurious kitchen where Harry threw together a quick snack for the pair as they continued to talk over what they’d heard and what they’d seen. Draco wanted to head out and take out Hammer for the way he’d looked down on Harry for being an Omega, but Harry was able to distract him with talk about the conversation that he’d had with Tony about the missing factor in their prosthetic robotics.

Six months later Harry had finally figured out with Tony’s help not only how to fix the prosthetics problem leading to them becoming the leading company for the military and hospitals for the use. He’d been contacted for improvements in a pair of hearing aids that worked as comms as well for a Special Agent that had his hearing damaged in a mission, they’d tried other companies, but they never stood up to the work that the agent did. He looked around and gave a smirk as he finished coding the learning AI.

:Good Morning Bambi.: The voice that came over made tears want to well up and spill over, it was a mechanical similarity to his father James, he’d been able to get the voice that way after watching several memories from Sirius and Remus.

“Good morning Pop. Are you ready to get to work?” Harry said still lightly choked up.

:Ready and willing.: Pop, or Personal Oversite Protection, started pulling up the information that Harry was working on.

~*~*Time jump*~*~

March 14th, 2010

:So the media and Pep continue to believe that I’m just like Howard. And it seems as Stane is encouraging the image always bring up how much I’m like my father.: Tony’s voice came over the speakers that Harry’d installed in his lab, Tony had helped him build it over the years they’ve become friends/mentor. :Even Platypus is falling for it, and he helped me create the images that I portray!:

“I can understand the frustration in that. Ron almost fell for the image that Dumbledore portrayed for me but thanks to a little help from Lady M, I was able to keep that from happening. We made sure to talk things over, you likely need to do the same.” Harry was bent over his worktable. “This agent that I make these for needs to learn to take better care of his items. This is the sixth pair in three years that I’ve created for him. Wish I had something stronger to make them out of.”

:Secret Agent man reach out again?: Tony asked, he was clearly working on his own project as Harry picked up the sound of the snap pop of a torch being lit. :I know I should talk with Honey Bear but finding time is so hard. I’m considering letting Pep go, she’s pushing where she doesn’t need to…:

“She’s your longest lasting PA. Maybe pull her aside and explain what you do when you actually bring women to your home or hotel room? Get her help in creating the cover stories?” Harry suggested as he all but threw his screwdriver as it continued to slipping from the tiny piece. “Pop pull up the image enhanced 75% let me see what I’m missin here.”

:I’ll do that later, it’s a good idea after all. She was the only one brave enough to come to me about the mathematical error I put through to test the department. The reason I call her Pepper is because she pepper sprayed the guard outside my door to get in and see me.: Tony cursed softly as Harry heard the torch drop. :As for talking with Honey Bear, I won’t see him until May when their doing that special award thing in Vegas.:

“The one that takes place at 7 but Stane told you happened at 9? Just before your scheduled trip to Afghanistan?” Harry wanted to clarify since he was planning on being there.

:That’s the one. Thanks for clearing it up for me. I’m thinking Stane wanted to make me seem absentminded or dismissive as he tends to. Thanks for the help that you’ve given me at seeing the way he was acting. I trust him less than I used to that’s for sure.: Tony was heard digging through a toolbox from the sound of the metal clanging together.

“Glad I could help. Are you sure that you don’t want my department to do a secret audit for you?” Harry offered again, he got a bad feeling whenever he was around Stane, and the man hadn’t stopped trying to break up their friendship ever since he’d found out about it.

:Still holding out on that. I don’t have a legal reason yet to look into things.: Tony replied. :When are you planning on comin and seeing the Malibu Mansion?:

“When you agree to come and stay at my Manhattan Penthouse.” Harry replied with a teasing smirk crossing his lips.

:Sir, Ms. Potts called to remind you of your lunch meeting with Mr. Stane.: Jarvis spoke up over the conversation the pair had been having.

:sh*t. I need to go kid; I’ll talk to you later Mini Merlin.: Tony said before they ended their call.

“Pop, pull up the image of the speaker system. Also make sure to mark a reminder on the calendar for the Vegas event so that I can go and support Tony in person.” Harry spoke as he finished on one section of the hearing aid.

:Appointment set for meeting in Vegas on May 18th with TechWizard.: Pop said while pulling up the information that had been asked for.

“Thanks Pop.” Harry moved the image a bit so that he could see what he was missing and finally spotting the problem he tweaked the hearing aid comm unit and sat back on his stool. “Order pizza, the usual place. I think it’ll be a quiet night in tonight. Make sure that the package is sent to Agent Coulson. Add a note that I hope these ones last longer than three months.”

Harry left his lab after packaging up the hearing aids in protective wrap and boxed them. He then headed for the kitchen to find himself something to drink, while he could cook and loved to, he took chances to just relax from time to time.

“Hey, Remy, what brings you by? Need a break from the twins and Siri?” Harry didn’t even look over into his lounge area where he knew that Remus was laying on the long couch.

“I needed a break from the hovering.” Remus replied as he sat up.

“I had Pop order pizza; he should’ve ordered enough for you as well if you want to stay.” Harry poured a thing of Pomegranate juice for himself and some apple juice for Remus, they both weren’t big fans of the soda and pumpkin juice when they found others to try, and while Remus was pregnant they mostly refrained from drinking alcohol around him except at events where it would look odd.

“Thanks for this pup.” Remy stated leaning back on the couch and resting, enjoying the silence that permeated the penthouse.

:Pizza has arrived Bambi,: Pop said over the speakers as the elevator dinged. :Also Hammer is continuing his attempts to get within the servers.:

“Keep gathering evidence. We’ll nail him at some point.” Harry smirked as he took the pizza’s from the delivery man and passed him a large tip. “Remy, want to go to Vegas in May with me?”

“For the awards ceremony for Tony?” Remy asked nodding in thanks for the pizza handed over to him it was an extra-large meat lovers, something that Sirius was currently refusing him since he was pregnant again and the man was being extra protective.

“That’s the one. He’s planning on messing with Stane and saying things that will shock the public.” Harry smirked as he sat down with his veggie lovers medium pie, since his inheritance he rarely ate meat and that was only at Galas and other Social Events so as not to draw unnecessary attention.

“I’d like to, but I’ll be on travel restrictions by then.” Remus was due in June this time.

“Forgot about that.” Harry shrugged not bothered by the statement, just glad that they were finally able to get the happiness they deserved this time around. “Any names chosen for my little brother yet?”

“Cal wants to name him Froggy Pants.” Remus spoke of his daughter Calpurnia who was the oldest of the two girls, and the tomboy of the two. “Jules wants to name him Steven, she’s in her Captain America fasciation stage.” This time he was talking about Juliana the bookworm like her Mum. “But Siri wants to follow the Black naming tradition and name him Leon, calling him Leo for short.”

“Of course he just wants to call him his Little Lion.” Harry smirked as he took a sip of his juice and turned on some soothing classical music.

“Very true.” Remus smirked and nodded in response. “We’ve been discussing Leon Romulus Black.”

“I like that name; it fits I think. But it’s all up to you, after all you’re the one carrying the pup.” Harry said softly smiling at his father figure.

:Bambi, Incoming call from Frantic Dad.: Pop said before connecting the call.

:Please tell me that Remus is there pup!: Sirius’ frantic voice came over the speakers.

“Of course he is.” Harry smirked knowing that Sirius had likely earned that title. “He told me he just wanted a ‘break from the hovering’.”

Remus was sitting back on the couch with a smirk of his own on his face as he continued to snack on the pizza that Harry had ordered him.

:I’ve not been hovering!: Sirius cried out in frustration.

“Yes you have luv.” Remus called back with his smirk only growing. “It’s okay but it was just getting to be too much.”

:I’m sorry…You had so much trouble at this state carrying the twins…I just worry.: Sirius sounded contrite as he calmed down.

Harry smiled at Remus and nodded out of the room showing he’d let them have their talk without an audience. He knew in the end that Remus would head home after he finished his pizza, if he didn’t end up falling asleep on the couch like he had a few times in the past.

~*~*Time Jump*~*~

Harry looked around the ballroom of Caesars Palace from the shadows of the stage. Tony stood beside him as they ran the special video that had been put together to help with his introduction. Tony was wincing through the video and being teased by Harry.

“Of course they made it seem as if Howard was SO amazing.” Tony mumbled as he shook his head at the magazine covers that were shown. “Of course he made sure that no one saw him for the abusive, cheating, drunk asshole that caused my mother’s death.”

“With time we can begin to change peoples perception. You just have to continue to be patient.” Harry smirked while watching the table that Stane was sitting at, he was presiding over it as if a king and making sure he was in the spotlight. “Really you got the keys to the kingdom? Are they for real? Stane still acts as if he’s regent.”

“Hush, you know Stane made that video. After all he made sure that he was mentioned as my ‘mentor’ after my ‘father’ died. Now we need to pay attention. Honey Bear’s up next.” Tony began straightening out his suit and tie making sure that he looked as put together as usual.

“As liaison to Stark Industries, I’ve had the unique privilege of serving with a real patriot. He’s my friend and he’s my great mentor…” Rhodey started speaking while looking over the audience.

Tony and Harry noticed the triumphant smirk starting to form on Stane’s face when the older man looked around and didn’t see Tony in the crowd at the spot reserved for him at one of the tables. Harry decided to keep an eye on him while he discreetly messaged Draco who was seated right behind Stane to make sure when the man left the ballroom that he’d have a tail in a reporter.

“Ladies and gentlemen, it is my honor to present this year’s Apogee Award to Mr. Tony Stark.” Rhodey continued and slowly looked around the room hoping that the spotlight would land on his friend. He took a deep breath when he saw Tony step out from behind the curtains at the other side of the stage and started forward. Rhodey placed the award back on the podium knowing how Tony hated having things handed to him and wrapped his friend in a hug. “I thought you’d bailed for a moment there man.”

“Stane gave me the wrong time. If not for Harry I would’ve showed up at 9 when the room was empty.” Tony replied knowing that the microphone would be picking up on their conversation. Tony then turned to the audience and picked up the award to look at it before placing it back down on the podium. “This is an honor, really…that’s what people expect me to say for this award. ‘A new era for my father’s legacy’…huh…yeah…that’s how I want to be remembered, by my father’s war mongering and Captain America obsession. That’s what he was. He made weapons for war. I want to make things for peace.” Tony’s voice dripped with sarcasm as he looked over the crowd, people were shuffling in their seats uncomfortable. “I don’t want to be remembered as ‘The Merchant of Death’ I believe is what the media is calling me lately.” He looked at the reporters that were on the side of the room, they looked a little uncomfortable as well. “I want to be remembered for the battle armor that keeps the soldiers safe. I want to be remembered for the work that I’ve been doing with the assistance of Lord Potter-Black for prosthetics for the wounded warriors that return home.” Tony was watching Stane who was looking very uncomfortable more so than any others as people start whispering, they hadn’t known about the other things that they were creating. “But thanks for the award celebrating the weapons that kill hundreds of thousands.” With that Tony stepped back from the podium and purposefully left the award sitting on the stand and laid his arm across Rhodey’s shoulder. “Thanks for the chance to catch up with my brother and my support through the years. He’s the true patriot out there on the front lines.” With that the pair left the stage.

“Tony, man, what was that?” Rhodey asked shocked by what had just happened.

“Just starting to lay the groundwork for when I don’t renew the weapons contracts.” Tony shrugged as they joined Harry behind the curtain. “We’ve found evidence of someone dealing under the table Rhodey. America’s men and women are being killed with my weapons. After this coming missile demo I’m planning on seriously downsizing the weapons division, if not closing it down completely.” Tony gestured at Harry as he explained. “We’re going to team up and we’re planning on expanding the divisions that I mentioned in there.” They continued moving through the casino portion of the building heading for the valet parking and where Happy was waiting with a limo instead of the car that Tony had originally planned on bringing.

“Thanks for the heads up.” Rhodey said giving Tony’s shoulder a squeeze. “I’ll try and prepare my superiors for the cessation of the weapons.”

“Thanks. We’re still keeping Stane in the dark about these plans. Every few times I’ve mentioned something like this the board has tightened by R&D budget.” Tony explained. “And Stane was in the lead with it.”

“SI and Black Marauders are planning on merging, not complete but a partnership.” Harry said as they approached the limo. “We’ve got a lot of similar plans and don’t want to compete against each other in the field.”

“Also I’ve named Harry as my successor should something happen to me. After all I’ve had several attempts lately though we can’t verify that they were true attempts.” Tony spoke carefully being aware of everything around him.

“Stane incoming and he’s fuming.” Harry whispered as he was the one that was facing the casino. “He’s also got a shadow.”

“Tony, my boy!” Stane stepped up wrapping a firm arm around Tony’s shoulder and pulling him aside slightly from the others, but they were still able to hear. “What did you think you were doing in there? The public doesn’t need to know about those other divisions they aren’t the money makers of the company. See this is why I told you to show up at 9. I was trying to keep you from embarrassing the company.”

“I don’t see how Tony talking about the other parts of the company are an embarrassment? Do you Rhodey? I mean it is his company after all. He does own the majority of shares and is CEO.” Harry smirked as he stepped up so that Stane couldn’t continue to ignore him. Rhodey shook his head in response to Harry’s question also stepping forward. “I think it’d just make the people trust you more and want to by more of your products if they knew that there were options other than weapons offered. What do you think Miss?” He asked the reporter that had followed Stane at Draco’s suggestion.

“Christine Everhart from Vanity Fair Magazine.” The reporter introduced herself. “I agree with Lord Potter-Black, most of the public has no clue of the other things that Stark Industries are a part of and only think that you create only weapons. They’d definitely trust SI more if the medical portion and the protective gear was known more.” Christine said with her recorder in hand. “Mr. Stark would you be willing to share more on the plans for your companies changes with our readers, as well as clarifying some of what you spoke of in your…speech?”

“I’d be honored.” Tony said gesturing to the limo he’d been getting ready to get in. “Rhodey and Harry if you’d join, you can help keep me on track.” Rhodey and Harry nodded in response and climbed into the vehicle nodding at Happy as they did so and ignoring Stane as he stood sputtering where Tony had removed his arm from his shoulder. “If you would join us, I’ve got to return to Malibu tonight to finish some things for the military presentation I’m giving in two days.”

“Will, Mr. Stane, be joining for his opinion?” Everhart asked with a raised eyebrow while she watched the interactions happening between the four men.

“No, thank you. I’ve got some feathers to smooth from Tony’s ruffling.” Stane sneered watching as he saw her climb into the limo, he knew that he’d be able to suppress anything she tried to print that he thought would make the company look bad. “Make sure you don’t miss the presentation Tones, don’t let your latest flavor distract you so much that you’re late.” He made sure to sneer as he turned and walked away.

Harry smirked as he watched Stane trip over nothing, he only got a raised eyebrow in response from Rhodey and Tony while Everhart didn’t notice.

“He needs to be careful or he’s the one people will think is the public drunk in the company.” Harry said with a smirk as Stane tripped again this time into a street worker that was beside the casino to get some work, the way he landed was caught on the paparazzi’s cameras showing him grabbing her breast and short time later the female worker slapping him.

Tony just smirked and lifted the whiskey tumbler that he was in the process of filling with apple juice.

“I don’t do multiples.” Everhart said with a superior air.

“I don’t either Ms. Everhart.” Tony said settling back into the seat holding his tumbler while Happy pulled away from the curb. “The image that most people know me as is a mask created to aggravate Howard that people have bought for years.”

“What do you mean? And please call me Christine.” Christine questioned placing her recorder on the seat beside her still on.

“Howard made it so in my youth I was seen as a mini him. Or he’d parade me out as his genius son, hence the magazine cover about my V8 that I built at 6. When I went to MIT at 14 and met Rhodey at 15 we planned to keep my father in the dark about many things.” Tony rolled up his sleeve and let her see the words that he hid from most people. ‘So you’re the little genius annoying the upper classmen.’ The words read in clear black of a met match instead of the grey that most people assumed they’d show. “Howard was a hom*ophobe along with being an abusive bastard, racist bigot, and the one I modeled my ‘drunk’ personal off of. And there was no way he could have a ‘pillow biting omega for a son’.”

“People remember Howard Stark as a visionary family man.” Christine said pulling out a little notebook.

“He was a visionary, and he did a lot for America during WW 2 and the Cold War that followed. But he was more behind closed doors. He was raised during a time when Same Sex relationships were against the law and could get you killed. Even Soulmates that were same sex were only able to have ‘platonic’ relationships for fear of being killed. He was obsessed with Captain Rogers, and I was constantly compared to the man and told I should find a woman like Peggy Carter for myself. Aunt Peggy told me the truth of the Captain and her relationship when she found out about my soulmate and assisted with the masks that I created.” Tony said with a shrug.

“What masks are you talking about?” Christine asked looking between the group, wondering which of the men would have the words from Tony if it was either of them.

Christine’s eyes widened as she watched Lieutenant Colonel James Rhodes rolled up the sleeves of his uniform and showed the black words ‘And you’re the black man that is pissing them off more for not giving up your position to the racists assholes.’

“I helped Tony create the masks that gave the public image of a drunk party boy. It was something that came about after he’d returned from break, black and blue for presenting as an Omega, he’d been able to keep his words hidden so that Howard didn’t see that he’d already met me. Howard forced him to take a special supplement that he’d created to hide his Omega side.” Rhodey explained.

“He’d destroyed all research, so we’ve been working on recreating it for Omega’s that need to hide in abusive situations.” Tony gestured to Harry and himself when he mentioned working on recreating it. “While it was an asshole move it did save me a lot of pain. But when I’d returned from that break I went to a party because someone wouldn’t hear of me sitting around my dorm, don’t even remember the name. When I was there someone slipped me a roofied drink and Honey Bear here was able to find me in time to keep me safe, though we didn’t complete our bond until after I was 18.” Tony shook off the memory of that night.

“We decided to keep an eye out for others that were slipped things and get them to safety while making people think that Tony was being the typical ‘Alpha’ male Stark and spreading his ‘wild seed’.” Rhodey explained with a smirk. “We’d work together to get those that had been roofied out safely, Tony’d walk out with them acting as ‘drunk’ as they were. Or I’d become protective of them and escort them out would Tony’d play up his persona of a protective asshole, if others had noticed the state of the one being saved and go after the perpetrators. He’d already made a name for himself through the years of hating anyone taking advantage of someone, turns out his mother had been roofied at a party by Stane and Howard only for Howard to realize that she was his and force her to silence about the act that got them together. No one ever saw that their words pointed to a non-consensual encounter.”

“What do you mean? They always shared that it was a love at first sight.” Christine furrowed her brow in question.

“Yeah no…Mom’s words were ‘just be a good little Omega and lay there.’ While Howard’s words were ‘Please don’t…I don’t want this.’” Tony snorted before taking a sip of his apple juice.

“f*ck! That’s just sick!” Christine covered her mouth while Harry placed a comforting hand on Tony’s shoulder.

“That’s Howard for you.” Tony shrugged. “He’s even still got the whole world believing he was some sort of paragon of virtue and the ultimate family man. He hated being tied down with my mom and me. He even caused her to have several miscarriages because one brat was enough to keep the board happy.”

“Tony knew that if he didn’t play a role then he’d likely be killed by his father’s anger. Howard came close a few times. But thanks to his graduating so quickly he was able to move fully out and into a home of his own, he even took Ana Jarvis and her husband Edwin with him along with his mom.” Rhodey said, “We still keep our relationship secret with the playboy persona do to DADT, Tony’s been silently supporting campaigners to get rid of the regulation but until he can get rid of the board he can’t fully support it. They’re still mostly his father’s board and were raised in the same times as his dad.”

“So you’re saying that everything the public knows or thinks they know about you and your family are lies and masks?” Christine asked with her eyes wide at the exclusive that she was getting that she’d have to sit on, she wasn’t about to risk the carrier of Lt. Colonel Rhodes.

“Yep.” Tony obnoxiously popped his p when he answered. “It’s what everyone expects, and the PR department promotes at the prompting of first Howard and now Stane. It sells an image and keeps the board from allowing a lot of my ideas through because I’m just the ‘face of the company’.”

“Why do you allow that to continue?” Christine asked confused.

“Because it allows me to work in the background. I get to help jail the idiots who think that drugging and forcing someone is the way to find a match or a f*ck. I get to make improvements on things that aren’t weapons and I get to work on finding the black-market dealer that is selling my weapons to terrorists from within my company.” Tony shrugged. “If people continue to think I’m some arrogant narcissistic playboy no one will look at the things I do quietly for others. I don’t do them to get the spotlight only to help. But mainly I keep it secret so it can’t be used against me by the person leaking weapons.”

“Leaking weapons?” Christine asked perking up, this was something she’d be able to report on.

“We know that someone, or multiple someone’s, inside of SI and who’s high up is selling weapons under the table, their selling those that aren’t sent to the soldiers because of faults or surplus. Without a full in depth search we can’t dig too deep. I’ve had several attempts against me to take me out, I’ve had my brake lines cut repeatedly, had things slipped into my food that would take me out if I actually ate out, and Happy’s taken a bullet meant for me repeatedly or knives. Harry’s AI as well as Mine are working together to discreetly find the leak without alerting them. But we’re also having to fight off Oscorp and Hammer, who are constantly trying to hack us for our servers for our secrets.” Tony said with a shrug as if he wasn’t pissed that someone was doing what they were. “We’ve got an idea on who the players are but haven’t been able to get evidence against the ringleader.

“I can help with that. I can look into this as a ‘disgruntled one-night stand’.” Everhart said turning off her recorder. “If I act that way people, including my bosses will expect me to dig into Tony Stark and SI’s dealings to find all the little secrets.”

“There’ll be people that’ll do anything to keep you from digging to deep.” Tony said as they arrived at the airstrip. “We can make plans on the jet and make a show of you storming out tomorrow morning from the Malibu Mansion.”

“I’ll stay behind and get eyes off of you. Hammer was seen at the Casino, I’ll go back and confront him about his latest attempts to get a meeting with Remus, after all my dad doesn’t need more stress right now with him being so close to delivery.” Harry said as he opened the door from the inside at the same time as Happy opened it from the outside. “I’ve got a car here that I can take back.” He stepped out with a nod of thanks to Happy for the ride. “I’ll be able to keep an eye on Stane and counterattack the gossip he starts spreadin.”

“I’ll stay with Harry, and meet you tomorrow at the airstrip, we’ll have to make a show of you being late for the flight, since you actually arrived tonight. I don’t trust Stane not to cause something if you show up early, he’s always stating how you’re late for everything.” Rhodey said with a smirk. “I’ll be commiserating with Harry about being left behind while you chase the latest flavor of the day.” Rhodey said nodding to Christine as he stepped out and stood beside Harry, he made sure to give Tony a kiss in the cover of darkness with only Happy, Harry, and Christine as witness of the tender look on their faces and determination to make sure they didn’t have to keep hiding things. “We’re going to have to play an argument up on the flight, Stane’s arranged for the pilot and stewardesses, likely to spy.”

“I’ll see you tomorrow, love. Be safe and take care of my little brother.” Tony stated nodding to Harry, before he lead Christine on the jet with Happy acting as bodyguard as was his job.

Four days later Harry would regret forgetting to give Tony the tracker that he’d created that was safe even for children, he was going to market it to people in power and celebrities to help them find their children or loved ones if they’re taken. When Rhodey called fighting the panic and tears that Harry could clearly hear in his voice, Harry promised to do anything he could to help. Rhodey was in the know about magic and had been since he was a child, his grandmother was a witch while his sister had also gotten the gene. Harry felt as if the carpet had been pulled out from under his feet when he got the news that the missiles and bombs used had remnants of Stark Industries clear on the shrapnel.

“He’s still alive, you need to remember that. His words are still on your arm. I still have my blood brother bond with him. We’ve got time.” Harry said to Rhodey before encouraging him to get some rest before going back into the search for his mate.

“I’ll keep you up to date as much as I can. We’re keeping you as our secret weapon for now against Stane.” Rhodey said before he ended the secure call that he’d set up and going to eat and get the rest while having his wounds tended finally.

What followed would be months of work to keep SI going in the direction that Tony wished. Starting a month after Tony had disappeared with Harry storming a SI board meeting dressed in a suit that was an armor all its own.

Chapter 13: O'erhang and jutty his confounded base


Harry's on a mission and is taking no prisoners. He'll make sure Tony'll have a company he can return to and be proud of, even if it means cleaning house and pissing several off in the process.


I don’t own any of the characters that are recognizable in this story. The people who created them are/were wonderful and I enjoy working with their characters. This is not beta read so any mistakes in timeline and past chapters are all mine. I am trying to keep them consistent but there may be times when I goof.
Translations in parentheses beside words as needed All translations taken from Bing Translator unless stated otherwise, :Italics: - Talking over Comms/speakers/phone, *Italics* = mental conversations, underlined = parseltongue/all-speech
All chapter titles are from the speech 'Once more unto the breach, dear friends, once more' from Henry V, spoken by King Henry Written by William Shakespeare

Chapter Text

:Harry, we’ve got to let them know. Stane’s trying to get Tony declared dead by the board. He’s meeting with them soon to try and get it passed. He’s blackmailing where he can. Rhodey’s still searching and can’t make an appearance even though DADT was repealed two weeks ago.: Pepper said in a panic over the phone a month into Tony being missing.

“Like hell I’m letting anything happen like that.” Harry snarled as he looked at Remus and Severus who he’d been discussing new things with for the company. “Remi, Sev, I’m going to have to leave Black Marauders in the hands of you and Draco. I’ve got a board and manipulator to take care of. Pop it’s time to go full scale attack. Get in Stane’s files with the backdoor we installed. He’s up to something and I want to know what.” Harry summoned the clothes and stuff that he’d need for an extended stay in Malibu. “Link with J. I’m going to the mansion. Pep, wait for me in the lobby. I’ll be there in time for the meeting.”

“It’s in two hours, will that be enough time?” Pepper asked, she’d been let in on the ‘magic is real’ information when she’d caught Harry and Tony testing the compatibility of some of his tech against Harry’s strong magic.

“It’s at the Malibu headquarters right?” Harry asked as he switched his clothes into a bespoke suit with black leather riding gloves and black motorcycle boots that wouldn’t be out of place on James Bond, slipping on a pair of sunglasses as he picked up his bag.

“Yes…” Pepper sounded confused.

“Then I’ll be there in plenty of time. I’ll grab one of Tones’ ‘bikes to get there.” Harry said firmly before nodding at the others in the office and apparating out of the room into the Malibu Mansion.

Five minutes before the meeting Lord Haldir ‘Harry’ Potter-Black strode into the SI headquarters in Malibu, California nodding at Pepper and Happy as he strode through security and into the elevator taking it up to the board room. He walked through the doors five minutes after the meeting began purposefully throwing the doors open dramatically.

“Now see here!” Stane stood from his seat with a shout. “This is a private meeting for the Board of SI!”

“Yeah…you keep telling yourself you’re in charge and see what that gets you. You don’t have the majority of the company, nor do you have the right to take over the company as you’re trying to tell others.” Harry snarled as he pulled out the paperwork that he’d summoned from the safe at the Mansion. “I know that you’ve accessed a copy of this and then systematically destroyed it. Tony kept many extras in secure locations and told me where they were, as well as Lt. Colonel Rhodes.”

Harry placed the papers on a scanner that was located in the table at the head so that Jarvis could pull it up so that the whole Board could see. The whispers started as soon as it became clear what was being pulled up.

Living Will for Dr. Anthony ‘Tony’ Edward Stark

This is the living will of Tony Stark, updated as of March 18, 2010.
Witnessed by: Lord Haldir ‘Harry’ Potter-Black; Lt. Colonel James Marcus ‘Rhodey’ Rhodes; and Dr. Michael Bright Sheffield, Esq.
If I should be missing no actions are to be taken until six months or the revelation of my death with physical proof.
If I should be medically unable to make decisions the choices will be in the hands of James Rhodes and Haldir Potter-Black.
At no point until I have been missing for under six months or incapacitated by any means is Obediah Stane to have control of the company.
Control of the company until my death is proven will be given over to Haldir Potter-Black. If my death is proven or I am no longer able to make decisions all power of CEO goes to Haldir Potter-Black. My shares of the company will be split between Haldir Potter-Black and James Marcus Rhodes.

The board stared between the Living Will and Obediah Stane who was visibly fuming.

“That is not real! That isn’t the Stark Industries Lawyer. It isn’t valid.” Stane sputtered.

“Just because he didn’t use the Lawyer in your pay doesn’t mean that it isn’t valid.” Harry smirked as he stepped forward. “Oh by the way, they’re here for you.” He pointed at the door where Agent Coulson was standing with several Agents, one of them holding cuffs.

“Obediah Stane, you’re under arrest for conspiracy to commit murder, attempted murder, conspiracy to commit treason, being in contact with Terrorist, selling weapons and secrets to terrorist, and arranging for the kidnapping of Tony Stark.” Agent Coulson stated as the CIA and Homeland agents he’d come with moved forward to cuff Stane who began sputtering and trying to deny everything.

“What were you lying?” Harry said as he pulled up the ransom video that he had received with English captioning showing what they were saying and showing the beaten form of Tony. Harry was glad that he was the one watching it and not Rhodey, his eyes focused on the spot of extreme bandages on his chest and the wires leading from it. “We found this on your computer. As soon as it was discovered we sent it and the files for the weapons you’re selling, especially to those that were sold to the Ten Rings who currently have Tony somewhere in Afghanistan.”

“You had no right to go into my computer.” Stane snarled fighting against the agents and cuffs to get at Harry.

“That is where you’re wrong. You were doing it all on your company computer. Tony has the right to have your computer gone through at any time. Jarvis has access to all computers in the company to make sure things are happening that shouldn’t be. He only does it when there is suspicion of problems such as this time.” Harry said with his arms crossed over his chest.

“It does make it much easier for us when the evidence is handed to us.” Coulson said with a smirk of his own. “Thanks to the evidence of the video we’ve been able to track the location and will have Dr. Stark rescued soon.”

Harry crossed his arms as he watched the board as they reacted to the arrest of Stane. He knew that Coulson was watching as well and caught the shifty looks cast between the oldest members as the agents lead Stane still protesting from the room.

“Oh just so that you’re all aware, Jarvis is going through all the computers of members of the board. If there is anything that shows you were a part of this conspiracy then you’ll soon be joining Stane in a cell.” Harry smirked. “This meeting is over.” He walked from the room every inch the Lord that he was.

Coulson fell into step beside Harry as they left he board room and the shocked silence that swept into the room behind them.

“It’s good to officially meet you Lord Potter-Black. Hawkeye thanks you for your improvements on his hearing aids.” Coulson said conversationally as they headed for Tony’s office where Harry was going to sit and go over things.

“He hasn’t needed them replaced in the past six months, that’s a record.” Harry smirked as Jarvis began pulling up the information as soon as he entered the room. “I thank you for your quick response when I sent the information.”

“Strategic Hazard Intervention Espionage Logistics Directorate is always happy to help.” Coulson said as he took a seat in a chair in front of the desk. “We’ve been looking into many things with the weapons dealing with SI under the table. We just hadn’t been able to get anyone close enough to find out.”

“Really? You’ll need to work on that mouthful…” Harry smirked when he heard the name of the group that he’d been helping with medical stuff for a long time.

“It’s a work in progress.” Coulson smirked in response while shrugging. “It started as Supreme Headquarters, International Espionage and Law-Enforcement Division.”

“Wow…someone wanted SHIELD to be your Alphabet name.” Harry shook his head and pulled up the information that Jarvis was feeding on the screens from the Board members computers.

“Huh…” Coulson blinked and nodded. “Probably, it was started by those that were closest to Captain Rogers.”

“Tony knows about your agency just so you know. You won’t be able to sneak someone in. After all his father was one of the founders.” Harry reminded as he pulled up some of the information for Coulson to see. “Looks like you’ve got five more members in the board to arrest.” He spun the screen. “All the oldest members of the board that were originally there with Stane and Howard they’ve been in on the sales and are currently trying to erase everything. Too bad for them Jarvis started with theirs.” Harry smirked as he sat back in the chair. “Looks like Tony’ll finally be able to completely clean house as he’s wanted to do for a long time. Just a heads up, the military will be learning this soon. He’s not continuing to focus so much on weapons, and I believe after this most recent occurrence he’ll not do any weapons since he was captured using his own weapons.”

“Good to know.” Coulson said as he sent off the notices for the arrests to occur as well as the heads up to Fury of what he’s learned about Stark. “I’ll leave you to the work that you’re doing and deal with the information you’ve given me.”

“Make sure you are up front and obvious with Tony and don’t expect him to fund the agency or anything else that Fury is thinking of. Tony’s been played by too many people for his money, and he won’t go with it. Do attempt to look behind masks.” Harry advised knowing that he’d shocked Coulson with his knowledge of who was in charge of the Agency. “Tell your Director that his brother says hello and to stop hiding from Mummy.” He smirked as he said the last part without even looking up from the computer screen he was working at.

Coulson blinked in shock, before shaking out of it and heading to the door and leaving. Harry watched him go from the corner of his eye before he dove back into work on cleaning up the chaos that the arrest of most of the board and the firing of the rest for their complacency in the conspiracy, there was evidence of emails back and forth between the members debating whether there was something happening and whether they should bring it up or not. Harry looked over the information sent from R&D and the HR department. He looked through things with the SI Lawyers and PR department and started making plans for a deep clean of corrupt individuals, their information would be sent to the proper authorities. Harry knew that he lawyers would likely lose their license to practice but it was for the best if they were so easily bought then they didn’t have the honor needed to practice in Harry’s mind.

~*~*Time Jump*~*~

Deep Clean at Stark Industries
By, Christine Everhart

There is a deep clean happening throughout Stark Industries! Several high members of the board have been arrested. Several members of the PR department, HR department, and Legal Department have been fired for accepting bribes!
Several accounts found of Sexual harassment to be ignored against NOT Tony Stark as many would expect but Obediah Stane! Stane was arrested for selling weapons to Terrorists, multiple counts of attempted murder, conspiracy to commit murder, paying for murder and kidnap, with added charges recently leveled for Rape and Sexual Harassment, with more charges possible.
It seems that Tony Stark left his dear friend Lord Haldir Potter-Black in charge should something happen where he’s unable to make decisions or he disappeared. Did he know that someone was going to try something against him? Did he suspect something? Yes, he did. I had a chance to talk with him the night before he left for Afghanistan and learned some amazing yet frightful things. Turns out he suspected for years that someone was trying to make him disappear. He had several close calls with murder attempts, but they were never able to link it to anyone. Every time someone was arrested for the attempts they either died in the cell or they were released for unknown reasons. Looking through the information given to the members of the press there were several pay offs that happened.
I’ll continue reporting on the clean up that is going on. We pray for the safe return of Tony Stark to his family and friends.

Harry laid down the paper two weeks later and smirked into his coffee, it was so great to have a member of the press that worked with him and the new PR department. They were going to start destroying the former image of who Tony was thought to be so that when he returned he’d be able to show his true self.

“Come in Director Fury.” Harry said not looking up from the computer that he was turning to after he finished the paper.

“How’d you know?” Fury snarled as he stormed forward.

“That you were in the building? Jarvis and Pop are very good at keeping track of everyone within the building even those that are trying to sneak around.” Harry smirked as he began working not even paying attention to the man.

“No, how’d you know my position and that I’ve got family?” Fury growled this time as he slammed his hands down on the desk and glared with his one good eye at Harry.

“I’ve worked closely with your brother and his mentor for years. Kingsley’s introduced me to your mother, she’s a wonderful woman that I wouldn’t want to cross any day of the week. Kings is really upset that you keep ignoring your mummy’s calls since your father was killed years ago, something about pissing off the wrong person.” Harry looked over at Fury without turning to face him. “I believe she wants to make sure that her ‘baby boy’ isn’t being as stupid as his big brother in throwing himself into dangerous situations. I don’t think she would like that you’ve been bugging me. Try to stop yourself from attempting to hack my systems if you’d please. There’s more than just my AI protecting it, would hate for something to cause your systems to completely fry.”

“Now see here!” Fury leaned forward trying to intimidate Harry.

“Nice try but I call Severus Snape Uncle and he’s much better at the intimidation than you.” Harry snorted at the attempt just pissing Fury off more.

“Why thank you Harry.” Severus said as he entered carrying a file folder of information that he’d been looking into for the R&D department for Black Marauders, he’d come from New York within a week of Harry settling at the SI headquarters to work the major clean up that was going on. “These are the ones that show the most promise for the changing of the potions to work with mundane items. I’ll be going through the SI members of the R&D department, but I don’t think anyone there will work. There is that Scientist that Dr. Stark was looking into that specialized in Gamma studies that would have the mind frame to work.” He completely ignored Fury knowing that it would upset the man but also throw him off, Fury thought he was ‘the spy’ but Kingsley had told Severus that he’d put his brother to shame with his skills when he learned some of the things that he had done while in the service of the Dark Lord and Dumbledore.

“Mr. Potter-Black…” Fury started only to be interrupted by a voice he had not wanted to hear.

“You know the last person to call him that ended up being fed through the Veil for being a manipulative asshole with a god complex who thought his way was the only way?” Kingsley said as he entered the room from the apparation spot in the ‘closet’ that was kept for that reason by Tony. “Thanks for the heads-up Harry. I’ll take care of my brother from here. Nick, mum is most upset with you.” Kingsley stalked toward his brother, laid a hand on his shoulder before he could avoid him and apparated away within moments causing Harry to smirk even more.

“Did you see his face!” Harry sat back and had a good chuckle.

“That was pretty priceless.” Severus chuckled as he dropped into the seat that Coulson had sat in weeks ago. “Wonder what the Agency will think when they find out that Fury disappeared from here?”

“They’ll likely send their best to investigate.” Harry shook his head. “They think he’s the best and that no one could get a drop on him. They didn’t realize that he learned everything he could from his brother before Shacklebolt Sr. kicked him from the family for being a Hedger.”

“Still can hardly believe that. His power level that I felt was higher than a hedger. But Dumbledore told his father that he was…probably did something to Senior.” Severus flipped through some of the folders again. “Have they had any luck narrowing down which caves the signal came from?”

“They have a general area and Rhodey is with a team in the area but there hasn’t been any luck. They only sent the one video and nothing more, and while it was enough to get the main area there are still hundreds of miles in the area and it is mostly dessert mountains and filled with cave systems. I hate to say it, but it may be up to Tones to blasting his way out in some dramatic fashion for them to be able to narrow it down.” Harry leaned back in his chair and rubbed his hand over his face. “Of course it had to be in such a magic dead area and magically restricted area so I can’t go in and try to help.”

“I know that’s hard on you pup.” Severus said walking over and laying a hand on Harry’s shoulder and wincing when he saw what was on the screen. “You don’t need to watch that anymore. Come on, let’s go get you something to eat, coffee does not count as a meal. Remy wants to video call later so that you can see little Leon.”

“I still wish they’d name him the Black heir. I’ve got enough titles as it is without that one.” Harry shook his head as he closed down the video showing the beaten and bloody form of Tony bound to a chair surrounded by terrorists.

“Give them time, it may happen.” Severus shrugged before they apparated from the room to the mansion with Harry walking to the kitchen upon landing. “I know that this is hard for you.”

“My blood-brother is out there being hurt and hurting and I’m stuck here keeping his company afloat.” Harry pulled out a knife from the block and some vegetables, his wings coming out as he worked letting his Fae glamour fall.

“It’s something he needs you to do.” Severus walked up and pulled the lad into a hug, since the ending of his double life he’d finally been able to open up and show his caring nature, he no longer hid his omega status.

“Thanks Uncle Sev.” Harry whispered with a sniffle before he turned back to prepping a large salad for the both of them.

“You’re welcome pup.” Severus said with a final squeeze and then turned to help prep things. “We’ll get him back, you’ll see.”

A few hours later Harry curled up on the couch talking on video call with Sirius and Remus while admiring his little brother who was only a month old and already getting the classic Black Silver eyes and bits of Remy’s brown hair with Siri’s curls. He looked up and smirked when he felt a presence cross the intention wards it felt as if someone was on a mission to find answers. With a few quick words he ended the call and stood casting a notice-me-not and tucking himself into the corner.

Chapter 14: Swill'd with the wild and wasteful ocean


New chapter for my faithful readers. I hope you enjoy this filler. Will soon be getting into the meat of Iron Man, Iron Man 2 and the others.

Chapter Text

“Coulson, there’s no one here.” A female voice said from by the couch where Harry had been sitting, the red hair shown in the lights that were on. “They were here a short while ago but disappeared as if into thin air.” She seemed to be listening to something being said in her comm unit. “That’s a possibility? What the hell!” She looked around more still confused by what she was hearing. “I mean I knew something unique was out there due to some of my trainers in the Red Room…But I thought there was only a few of them?...Are you sure that someone is still here…Very well sir.”

Severus walked in at that moment as calm and in control as could be. “Well, well, well…a little spider has slipped her web.”

“YOU!” Natasha Romanov turned with a snarl and looked at the man that had shown up. “How?”

“A spy should know that other spies never tell everything. I was sent to find those that were working within your little school that were breaking a very specific law. What better way to make that happen than to slip in as a teacher?” Severus circled Natasha and watched as she tried to follow him while staying still. “Just so you know. I’m able to reverse all that was done to you against you for your ‘final’.”

“SHIELD told me it wasn’t possible.” Natasha stepped back in shock.

“They lied. Fury would know there were methods available that are more ‘non-traditional’, you could say.” Severus pulled a glowing golden potion from his pouch. “I’ve been hoping at least one of you young ladies got free, especially when I heard about the Room being systematically dismantled from within.”

“Coulson, you need to come in.” Natasha lifted her hand to touch her comms and call in her handler. “Sir, do you think you can explain what happened with Director Fury?” She looked at Severus while Harry continued to watch from the shadows.

“When the one you called is here. I’ve gotten permission from the one in charge of my community to clue in others in your organization.” Severus said while crossing his arms and leaning against the wall. “Harry you can come out now.” He looked directly at where Harry was hiding in the shadows.

“Spoil my fun.” Harry muttered as he dropped the notice-me-not and applied his Fae glamour at the same time stepping out of the shadows looking as normal as always. He tilted his head and looked at the woman that had been sent by SHIELD to find the director. “Sev, did mum have another sister?”

“Yes…though she was kidnapped when she was really young, I believe three…They rarely talked about her since they never found her or any sign of her.” Severus said looking at Harry with a furrowed brow.

“Well…Pop, pull up the most current picture of mum and hover it beside our guest.” Harry said while crossing his arms.

The AI followed directions pulling up the picture that had been found from his first birthday that had been saved in one of his vaults by his parents. Lily was standing and holding Harry to wave at the camera, Harry was clutching a cat that was repeatedly attempting to get away.

“Who’s that?” Natasha stepped to the side and looked at the picture as the image zoomed in on Lily’s face, “she looks so much like me.”

“That’s my mum. She died the following Halloween, murdered.” Harry said simply as he looked between the two images. “Sev, you have a lineage potion in that special bag of yours?”

“Yes…” Severus was amazed at the similarities between the two women.

Coulson chose that moment to walk through the door and stopped in shock at the image on the screen looking between Natasha and the image repeatedly. “Well sh*t.”

“Phil?” Natasha asked confused and wanting her handler to help her figure things out.

“When we cleared the records of the Room when you joined us, we found evidence that you’d been taken from your family since you showed special talents that they wanted. Something about plants responding in unique ways. But then after they started training you it was as if that was shut off and you never showed any signs of it, but you exceeded in your other work, so they kept you.” Phil approached still studying the image. “Why Lord Potter-Black is everything always happening around you?”

“Can’t really tell ya.” Harry shrugged as he turned to face the man that had walked in. He blinked momentarily and saw the shine of an intense glamour over the man. “Tell me, Agent Coulson, why you feel the need to hide your true face?” His magic had surged so much when he’d had the leeches and blocks removed then his inheritance allowing him to see glimpses of auras around people and certain spells.

Phil startled and looked around the room when his eyes landed on Severus he paled, and his left hand slowly moved to the right gripping where most had their words.

“Is He truly gone?” Phil asked keeping eye contact with Severus the whole time.

“If you mean Tom Riddle aka Voldemort yes. He was killed the end of my fourth year. All his pieces had been found by the Goblins after a complete scan upon me discovered one that was imbedded in my famous scar.” Harry responded.

“So you’re the Half-Blood Prince I’ve heard so much about?” Phil asked keeping an eye on Severus as he said this and dropped the complex glamor that was hiding his real features, he had the shaggy black hair piercing grey eyes and aristocratic cheek bones and nose of the Black family.

Harry quickly moved to Severus’ side as his knees started giving out on him seeing who had appeared before him.

“You’re the Black that conforms to save himself.” Severus whispered the words he’d said the first time he’d seen his mate after his 15th birthday and they were in each other’s presence at a pure-blood party, Lucius had dragged him to it.

“Okay…I’m confused…” Harry looked between the pair before his eyes widened as he realized who he was looking at. “You’re Regulus Black? Holy sh*t!” Harry helped steady Severus who as soon as his knees would hold him approached his mate and hauled back to punch him.

Natasha watched in shock as her friend didn’t move in the slightest and let her previous trainer, who helped her realize she could find freedom, punch him square in the face.

Phil only pulled out a handkerchief and staunched the blood that flowed from his nose and with a whispered Episkey had his nose fixed with nary a flinch. “I deserved that. But to be honest I have been in hiding after I had Kreacher leave with the piece that I’d discovered. It took me a long time to get any magic back after punching through the protective spells around the cave island it was hidden in instead of succumbing to the Inferni that were within the water. I landed near Fury, who with the knowledge he has of our world helped me create a new persona with the help of the Goblins and Lady Magic I became Phil Coulson in truth leaving the name Regulus Black in the past. He also helped me find someone that could brew the antidote for the potion that I had to consume to find the blasted piece.”

“Yes, the Goblins did a through cleanse of the Black Townhouse and were able to get the piece needed and get rid of everything that was cursed within it. They then removed all magic from it and its been sold to a lovely muggle family.” Harry smirked. “Kreacher was very distraught when we handed over ownership of him to the goblins. He believed he’d failed you and your mother and killed himself a short time later.” Harry looked up as Iris flew into the room and landed around his shoulder. “Hey beautiful having fun fishing?

“So many fish…” Iris replied purring as she rubbed against his cheek. “Who’s the one that looks like dog man?”

“That’s dog man’s little brother. Who was thought dead. We’ll have to get Sirius here soon.” Harry replied before looking over at Natasha who looked as if she was following the conversation though her eyes were wide showing emotion which was rare for her.

“Natasha are you alright?” Phil asked approaching her carefully.

“I can understand what he’s saying to the little lizard thing…and then there’s you with a different face…what is going on here?” Natasha looked over at Phil looking lost. “I can tell it’s still you, but your face is so different…”

“How are you able to tell?” Phil asked placing a gentle hand on her shoulder.

“I can feel that it’s you. Phil what’s going on?” Natasha looked between them all.

“Sit down Nat, we’ll explain. Lord Potter-Black if you could contact my brother please.” Phil guided Nat onto the couch where Harry had been sitting and then looked over at Harry.

“I can do that.” Harry moved off and pulled out the two-way communication mirrors as it was less likely to be intercepted for something like this. “Sirius Black, urgent”

“What’s up pup?” Sirius was rubbing sleep from his face as he answered the call, Leon had been awake most of the night before with colic and they’d just gotten him to sleep after they’d finished the call with Harry.

“Something’s come up here. Need you and the others to come asap.” Harry said with a sigh as he rubbed his hand over his face making sure that Sirius could see who was behind him. “We’ve had some unexpected people appear.”

“Shi…shoot!” Sirius’ eyes widened in shock as he saw the dark head of hair being fussed over by Severus. “Reggie?”

“Yeah…and mum’s missing sister, that I had no clue about.” Harry pulled the mirror back to show his own face and let Sirius see the panic that was beginning to cover his face. “Please come soon dad.”

“I’ll come now. Remus can follow with the pups when they’re awake.” Sirius summoned a go-bag and woke Remus briefly to explain what was happening. He got a simply go from Remus before he moved through the house that they had moved into after Harry graduated from Hogwarts and started having kids. He stayed on the mirror the whole time. “Is there a safe place to arrive?”

“In the room with us. There is a spot by the front door, the only place for apparation, portkeys have a place out on the lawn, I’ll send one through the floo for Remus and my siblings.” Harry responded as he showed Sirius the location, after Sirius’d had the leeches removed it became easy for him to apparate long distances.

“I’ll be there soon pup.” Sirius ended his end of the mirror call moments before he apparated into the Malibu Mansion. “Like I said, I’ll be there soon.” He stepped out of the apparation zone and then moved through the room. “You stubborn bastard!” He approached Phil and pulled back as if to hit Phil only to pull him into a hug. “Don’t ever do that to me again Reg.”

“I’m sorry.” Phil returned the hug, he’d missed his brother, when Fury and the Goblins had worked with him after he regained his magic he’d been cleansed of all the potions, compulsions, and such that had been keeping him from his brother most laid by his own mother. “I’ve missed you Siri. Where’s your better half?”

“He’s getting some rest. Leon wouldn’t sleep last night.” Sirius said pulling back and turning to the still shocky Natasha Romanov letting his magic fill his eyes to look her over. “Oh yeah…she’s definitely a sister of Lily’s. And wow there’s magic being bound tight…We should get her to the Goblins for some help and get them removed. It’ll only harm her in the long run. Though there are cracks formin.”

“That was something I wondered about but because I never got permission to let her in on the secret I couldn’t take her to the Goblins.” Phil said looking over at his mate. “Do you have a calming draught?”

“Of course.” Severus pulled out the potion pouch he always carried and handed over a high-level calming draught, he also handed over the healing tonic he had mentioned earlier that would heal the damage done to her upon her graduation from the Red Room. “Do you prefer Phil now? Or are you going back to Regulus?”

“I prefer Phil, no offence Siri but I left the Black names behind when I entered SHIELD to hide.” Phil shrugged. “I knew if I went back I’d end up dead before I could get to Sev.”

“I understand. If I didn’t need to remain Lord Black to keep people from making stupid decisions now that Dumblef*ck and Voldieshorts are gone then I’d probably do the same thing.” Sirius shrugged. “It may take me a bit to call you by your chosen name Little Bro, but I’ll do my best.”

“Thanks.” Phil said as he watched Natasha down the potions from Severus without blinking only to come back to herself with a gasp as she felt the healing one start to work in the form of a gentle heat in her stomach. “We’ll take her to the Goblins soon. Right now I think she needs some clarification given before we do anything else.”

“Sounds good. We should wait until Remus gets here with the pups and we can explain things then. Leon got the Metamorphic Black Family gift like Tonks did. Oh you’ve got two nieces and a nephew by the way.” Sirius laid an arm across Phil’s shoulder.

“I’m guessing that Kingsley took his brother to see their mummy?” Phil stated the longer he was around his brother and mate the more his natural English Accent came into play, something he’d trained hard to hide so people wouldn’t get suspicious. He laid the glamour back over himself before turning to Natasha. “I’ll head to headquarters and deal with covering for what happened. I’ll make sure Hill doesn’t look into things too much.”

“Sounds good. Come back right away so you can meet your nieces and nephew.” Sirius nodded as he moved back slightly though he wanted to bundle his younger alpha brother up in cotton and hide him away.

“I’ll go with and make sure things aren’t look into too much.” Severus stepped up beside Phil, he wasn’t about to let him mate get away from him so soon after been reunited. “I’ll go disillusioned so that no one realizes that I’m there unless they have special skills.”

“I suggest you take this just incase they’ve got sensors that can detect you as well. This’ll hide you from it all. Tony tested it with Jarvis and Pop.” Harry handed over his invisibility cloak.

“Thanks.” Severus nodded and taking the cloak approached his mate and placed a hand on his arm.

Natasha watched as Severus disappeared, the calming draught keeping her from panicking as she wished to, there was too much happening that she couldn’t comprehend nor explain.

What followed was hours of conversation and explanations as soon as Phil and Severus returned from Headquarters, Natasha didn’t want to consider that headquarters was in DC while they were in California and Phil shouldn’t have been able to get there and back within hours. They took her to the bank and got things figured out, Natasha was put under while she was healed and had all the binds removed, turned out someone hadn’t wanted her to give away magic when she was taken and while she’d been able to work so well with plants as a baby she was blocked after her kidnapping, though they didn’t rescue her and that pissed her off. All she could remember was a long white beard and bright colors, when she explained that to the others the ones in the magical know all swore one word ‘Dumbledore’. Harry was able to get Pop to get into the files deeper than SHIELD had been able to hack and found out that Dumbledore would send ‘muggleborns’ to the Red Room or other ‘organizations’ to find out what made them have the gifts though he always bound the magical gifts before handing them over so as not to out the magical world.

Through the following months Fury was returned rubbing his ear and rear when he wasn’t being observed, or so he thought. Natasha got to know her nephew and adapt to being a Naga, an inheritance that came from the Slytherin line that they were a part of. As soon as the bonds were removed from her she’d gone through a painful transformation that had been delayed so long, she was deadly on her own but now being able to transform into a legendary Naga when needed just increased that deadliness. Harry dug deeper into the files that SHIELD hadn’t been able to crack, finding things he prayed never to see again that he took to Fury and Phil starting a cleaning in the organization that the effects of wouldn’t be seen for years. It was two months after Sirius, Severus, and Phil were reunited when the word came from Rhodey, Tony’d been found and was on his way home at last.

~*~*Time Skip*~*~

Harry stood in a modified notice-me-not that would allow people to see him but not be drawn in curious to who he was. He looked up from where he stood beside Pepper and noticed the ramp for the military transport plane descending. He smirked when he saw that Tony refused to come down in the wheelchair and Rhodey simply held him, it would hopefully come out soon that they were mates, they no longer had to hide due to DADT.

“You’re eyes are red. A few tears for your long-lost boss?” Tony asked Pepper with a smirk when she approached them at the bottom of the ramp.

“Tears of Joy. I just hate job hunting.” Pepper responded before getting a nod from Rhodey and pulling the man into a soft hug. “I’m glad you’re back.” She whispered so that only those close enough could hear.

“Yeah Vacations over.” Tony replied squeezing as much as he could with one arm free. He followed as they moved to the limo and gave Harry a soft smile letting him know that they were okay. “Hey Mini Merlin.”

“Hey Techwiz.” Harry replied with a soft smile of his own. “Let’s get you in the limo and we can discuss what’s happened.”

“There’s two things I want most now that I’m back stateside.” Tony said as he slid in with Rhodey right behind him.

“Let me guess? A real burger? And press conference?” Harry asked as he situated himself across from Tony with Pepper beside him.

“Right you are.” Tony snapped his fingers and pointed them at him.

“Well the press conference can wait until tomorrow, give you a chance to rest and get an update on what’s happened. I’ve also got fixing for real burgers not the crap from the drive-thru’s you frequent at the Mansion.” Harry responded with a smirk of his own.

“Ohhh! Sounds wonderful.” Tony nodded and let Harry tell Happy to take them to the Mansion.

“Okay highlights before we reach the Mansion.” Harry leaned back and watched his big brother to make sure that he wasn’t too exhausted to hear what he had to say. “Stane’s been arrested. We found evidence of him arranging for the kidnapping, they were supposed to kill you but didn’t upon realizing that it was you. Half of the Board was arrested as well as accessories while the other half were fired for negligence. Director Fury of SHIELD was pissed over something and got dragged home to see mummy finally. He was not a happy camper when he returned heads up on that. His ‘one good eye’ Phil Coulson turns out was my missing Uncle Regulus Black, name magically changed to Phil. Turns out Phil’s Sev’s mate and they took a month to reconnect after being separated since 79. Sev’s now pregnant and expecting his first. One of Phil’s underlings turns out to be a long-lost aunt that I had no clue about, formerly Violet Rose Evans now Natalia Alianovna Romanoff, aka Natasha Romanov. We took her to get bindings removed and she came into a really late inheritance as a Naga, she’s at the mansion learning how to control it. Fury’s been making noise of having her ‘infiltrate’ SI to get close to you. She’s planning on faking it while letting you know everything.” Harry gave the summary as best he could. “Sirius and Remus had their newest baby, Leon Rigel Black, they’ve finally given in and named the little one Heir instead of me, that’s one less title I’ve got to worry about. Iris loves chasing Auntie Nat around the Mansion and helping her figure out how to move as a Naga, she’s got two forms one with legs and one with a long snake tail, from the coloring she’s a Black Mamba Naga. It fits that she’s one of the deadliest snakes when she’s one of the deadliest assassins in the world.”

“How’s the company doing?” Tony asked as he leaned against Rhodey accepting everything he was told, he knew that his Omega status would come out soon since he’d missed three months of his shots that hid it and it needed to be given every two, he had days before his heat hit.

“We cleaned house, turns out that there was a lot who needed to go. We’re getting things cleaned up, handling a lot of sexual harassment cases that had been shut up by Stane against him and others on the board. Press is turning more in your favor; we’ve started cleaning up your image with the new PR department. HR lost over half the staff, those that were willing to accept bribes to hide the reports were handed over to the CIA for they were working with a national terrorist, which is what they’ve decided that Stane was. Homeland and CIA are currently battling over who will get to charge him with what. Production in the R&D has increased toward items not weapon related, we’ve made sure the press realize that the battle armor and medical advances were created by you wanting to protect from those that were using your own weapons. We let them know that you’ve been trying to discover who was behind it for months.” Harry said as he leaned forward and rested his elbows on his knees. “We’ve laid the groundwork so if the conference is to announce the close of the weapons department the world’ll be ready. We’ve made sure that the public understand that you’ll continue to employ all current employees just moving them to different departments. Stocks took a dip during the first month of you missing. It rose as we were open about the cleanup; Christine Everhart was helpful there.”

“Good to know.” Tony let out a soft sigh as he leaned more into Rhodey.

“Got word that Rhodey is given three months leave, President’s orders. I met with him in private and explained some of the truth about the two of you after DADT was repealed within a month of you being missing. He wants to give the two of you a chance to reconnect after what’s happened. I made sure no one could listen in when I spoke with him, he’s one in the know so I was able to put up wards. From now on Rhodey’s to be by your side unless ordered by the President.” Harry smirked as he watched the shock flow over the pair before they gave soft smiles at each other glad for this chance. “Rhodey’s status is the Liaison as usual though it’s by Presidential Decree instead of Military Orders. He can’t be removed and needs to be close to understand what’s going to happen, all reports go first to the President before going to the military higher ups.” Harry looked out the window and saw that they were arriving. “We’re here. Tones when we get in why don’t you head and get a shower or soak with Rhodey? I’ll get the burgers going should take about half an hour total.”

Tony only nodded trying to hide how nervous he was about getting a shower after the waterboarding he’d gone through. When they entered the Mansion he smiled softly on seeing Iris fly over and settle on Harry’s shoulders cuddling against her bonded. He nodded to Natasha who’d slithered into the common room before startling and switching back into her human form, while in Naga form she had slit eyes in a glowing yellow but in her human form she had the Evan’s family green eyes.

“Ms. Romanov.” Tony nodded as he moved carefully through the Mansion.

:Welcome back Sir.: Jarvis stated. :The bots and I have missed you.:

“It’s really good to be back.” Tony replied, “I’ll be down to see the bots later.”

“Come on Love, let’s get the desert off you better.” Rhodey stepped forward and wrapped an arm around Tony’s waist.

“Pepper, set up the press conference for tomorrow morning first thing.” Tony said as he followed Rhodey’s calm grip.

“I’ll get it taken care of Mr. Stark.” Pepper said as she followed Harry into the kitchen while Natasha moved along behind wanting to be close to her nephew at the moment.

Three hours later Tony was down in the lab working on things, mostly recreating the suit that he’d worn to escape from the caves, though he started with the chest piece needing a new miniature reactor to replace the rough one from the cave. Rhodey was looking over a tablet of information reading the reports that they were going to submit to explain how Tony got out. He was also looking over things to make sure that the whole group was caught though it looked as if a few had been missed. He looked up at his mate every so often to make sure he was okay before looking back down.

“Harry…I could use you’re small fingers.” Tony spoke into the comm that went to Harry’s tablet upstairs; he knew his little brother was looking over stock information to prepare for tomorrow.

:I’ll be right down.: Harry descended the stairs quickly, there was too many electronics to risk apparating down into the lab, even though it’d all been protected from magic he didn’t want to risk it. “Why do you need my hands Tones?” He approached where Tony was working on the new reactor.

“I just need your help for a sec.” Tony said as he fingered the new reactor and moved to a chair that he had set up with vital monitoring system.

“Oh Merlin, is that the thing that’s keeping you alive? Is it safe for me to touch?” Harry looked in shock when Tony pulled off his shirt and placed the monitoring pads on the places they’re supposed to be.

“It was. It’s now an antique.” Tony said before holding up the new one. “This is what will be keeping me alive for the foreseeable future. I’m swapping it up for upgraded unit, and I just ran into a little speed bump.”

“Speed bump, what does that mean?” Harry asked looking between the two pieces, Rhodey, and Tony’s face.

“It’s nothing. It’s just a little snag. There’s an exposed wire under this device. And it’s contacting the socket wall and causing a little bit of a short. It’s fine.” Tony leaned back after getting a grip on the former device and pulling it out with a firm little tug.

Rhodey stood up and approached listening to the words that Tony was saying and showing worry, he was fighting not to go Alpha in the panic as he watched everything. He was glad that he’d pulled Harry down instead of Pepper, she was a Beta and he’d not really accept her being near his mate while he was in such as state.

“Shouldn’t you see a Goblin healer to take care of the shrapnel?” Harry asked looking worriedly at Tony’s chest.

“I’ll do that soon but until I can get there I can’t have nothing in place, who knows how long I’ve got before things happen.” Tony nodded knowing it was a good idea.

“What do you want me to do?” Harry took ahold of the old piece.

“Put that on the table over there.” Tony gestured to the table behind Harry. “That is irrelevant.”

“Oh Merlin.” Harry scrunched his nose at the fact he was touching that. “I wish Sev was here. His fingers would be even better than mine.”

“You just don’t want to touch slimy things.” Tony smirked. “Now I just want you reach in, and your going to gently lift the wire out.”

“Is it safe?” Harry looked over Tony’s chest.

“Yeah, it should be fine. It’s like Operation. You just don’t let it touch the socket wall or it goes ‘beep.’” Tony said gesturing through his chest piece.

“What do you mean ‘Operation’? You know I’ve never played games like that.” Harry said his expression pulling in worry.

“It’s just a game, its fine.” Tony said sitting back lightly. “Just gently lift the wire. Okay? Great. Okay.”

Harry started to reach in the opening before pulling back. “You know, I don’t think I’m qualified to do this. I should get Sev.” Harry stepped back.

“No, you’re fine. You’re the most capable, qualified, trustworthy person I’ve ever met. You’re gonna do great. Is it too much of a problem to ask?” Tony looked over at Harry concerned, he didn’t want to push Harry past his comfort.

“Okay, okay. I can do this.” Harry stepped back up with a deep breath before reaching in. “Ohh…ewww…there’s pus.”

“It’s not pus. It’s an inorganic plasmic discharge from the device, not from my body.” Tony said flinching slightly.

“It smells!” Harry grimaced.

“Yeah, it does. The Copper wire. The copper wire, you got it?” Tony looked over at Harry with kindness in his eyes while Rhodey stood prepared to help if needed when he saw how pale Harry was getting.

“Okay, I got it! I got it!” Harry said with shaky voice.

“Okay now don’t let it touch the sides when you’re coming out.” Tony said grateful that Harry was extra careful. “Okay, now make sure that when you pull it out, you don’t just pull it all the way. There’s a magnet at the end of it.”

Harry held the copper wire and waited for instruction but when he pulled the wire a little more the magnet came with even though he hadn’t wanted it to. “sh*t…f*ck…”

“It’s gonna be okay…take this…take this we’ve got to make this quick.” Tony said handing over the new reactor as the machines beeped urgently behind them and Rhodey fought the fear that was coming over him with a growl bubbling in his chest. “Okay, you’re gonna attach that to the base plate. Make sure you…eyooowww.” He cried out as he felt the shock of the connection zapping into place. “Was that so hard? That was fun, right?” He looked at Harry with a smirk. “Here, I got it. I got it. Here. Nice.” Tony twisted it to lock into place.

“Are you okay?” Harry asked holding his hands out from his body grossed out by the puss and slime on his fingers.

“Yeah, I feel great.” Tony smiled “You okay?”

Harry took a bunch of deep breaths and gave a ‘are you sh*tting me’ look at Tony. “No I’m not okay…sh*t Tony…” He used a bit of wandless magic and spelled the mess from his shaking hands. “Don’t ask me to do that again.”

“Alright, little brother, alright. I’m sorry.” Tony stood up and wrapping his arms around Harry pulling the younger Omega into a comforting embrace. “I’m sorry, I know that was uncomfortable but thank you for your help.”

“I think it’s time for all of us to get some rest.” Rhodey said with his expression tight, he’d been fighting going feral during the whole time, after all he’d just gotten him mate back from being tortured and then he did this. He needed to re-glut himself on his mate before he was comfortable. “Let’s close up down here and head to the rooms. You can continue things tomorrow after the conference Tones, but you need your rest so that you’re ready for the press.”

“Alright” Tony nodded leaning on Rhodey as they all moved from the lab, leaving the old reactor behind though Pepper would later take it to be displayed in a special box at Harry’s suggestion.

The next morning Tony was in one of his fitted suits though it was altered with magic to make sure that it didn’t just hand off of him from the three months with limited food, he was grateful for Sev’s nutrition potions that were helping, along with his stomach sealer and soother potions that allowed him to eat more than he’d have been able to before taking them. Harry stepped out of his room in a nice three piece blue slim fit suit with black dress shoes and no socks, finished off with a black shirt and blue tie, cufflinks and tie pin with the Emry’s family crest of a dragon holding a sword in fine detail in gems. Natasha had already left for the day going in to build a presence with the okay of Phil and Tony as someone who worked at SI, they wanted to let Fury think his plans would work. Phil was already there; he'd be doing his best to make an appointment to debrief Tony though he didn’t really feel the need to know the truth he still worked for SHIELD and owed Fury for saving his life all those years ago. Pepper was in place making sure that the press were respectful when they finally arrived. Rhodey came out in his dress Blues getting a whistle of appreciation from Tony who always liked seeing him in his uniform.

“Let’s get this taken care of then we can get you to the Goblins and get that shrapnel out of your chest.” Harry said approaching the pair and giving a smile, he set Iris in the Cat tower that he’d modified for her to look like a tree with platforms to rest on. “Stay here little one. It’ll be safer for you.

Come back soon.” Iris replied as she settled on the highest perch.

Harry only nodded before the trio moved out of the mansion and into the car that was waiting with Happy once again behind the wheel. Tony once again snuggled into Rhodey as they moved through traffic approaching the Malibu headquarters of SI. Harry watched as people cheered as the car pulled up in front of the building, he was glad that Stane wasn’t there grandstanding as Harry stepped out and turned to watch as first Rhodey then Tony stepped out with Rhodey giving Tony the support that he needed to move through the crowd. They moved through the crowds and the press that were gathered until Tony was before the podium and turned to the rest with Harry on one side and Rhodey on the other.

“Hey, would it be alright if everyone sit down.” Tony said as he lowered to sit in front of the podium with Harry and Rhodey. “Why don’t you just sit down. That way you can see me, and I can…a little less formal and…” Tony turned contemplative and looked over at Rhodey beside him. “I never got to say goodbye to my father, not that I really wanted to…but there’s questions that I would’ve asked him. I’d have asked him how he felt about what this company did. If he was ever conflicted if he ever had doubts. If he ever wished he hadn’t focused on weapons. Or maybe he was every inch the egotistical man we all remember from the newsreels.” Tony looked over the press that was sitting in front of him before making eye contact with Rhodey. “I saw young Americans killed by the very weapons I created to defend them and protect them.” He looked pained at the reporters who were looking at each other with concern about what was coming. “And I saw that I’d become part of a system that is comfortable with zero accountability. I know that you’ve been made aware that I’d been looking at who was sending the weapons to our enemies.”

“Hey Mr. Stark!” One of the reporters called out.

“Hi Ben.” Tony nodded in response.

“What happened over there?” Ben asked.

“I had my eyes opened. I came to realize that I’ve more to offer this world than just making things that blow up. We’ve already been working on releasing new products that are not weapons. And it is because of what I saw over there and what happened during my time missing here that effective immediately, I am shutting down the weapons manufacturing division of Stark International, until such a time as I can decide what the future of the company will be.” Tony said as he got behind the microphone to make sure that the press actually heard everything that he had to say. Rhodey stood beside Tony and gave his good arm a gentle squeeze.

“Lt. Colonel Rhodes what do you think of this development?” One of the reporters called out to Rhodey.

“Tony had talked this over with me and I was able to tell the higher ups. We are looking forward to seeing what he can provide as body armor and medical support for the military as he has been planning on moving the departments to.” Rhodey answered ready to stand beside his mate. “The President has also been altered to the fact prior to this announcement.”

“Lord Potter-Black are you planning on continuing to work for SI?” Another reporter called out.

“I will support Tony until he desires to take back control. If he wishes to focus on R&D then I’ll stay in the position that I’m in. We’ve been talking for years that we’d merging the companies since we both have things that we work on together for the medical and body armor field. We will have separate areas for some items but will be working together for things. Remus Lupin-Black, my adopted step-father will continue to hold the position of CEO for Black Marauders Incorporated.” Harry said simply facing the reporter that had asked the question.

More questions were called out and answered before the trio left the podium and moved to walk through the crowd and join Pepper and Phil at the back of the room where they walked along getting ready for the fall out.

“We’re strong Stock wise, there were signs what was going to happen and so those that hold stocks shouldn’t be as concerned. We’ve made sure that they know that there will be other parts of the company stepping up to fill the departments shadow.” Pepper said as she looked at the portfolio that she was carrying. “Phil wants a chance to talk to you about how you escaped, we figure we can continue to put it off before Fury gets too upset.”

“Good plan. I need a nap.” Tony said with a sigh as he fought the desire to just lean into Rhodey and let his alpha carry him.

“We’ll get you back to the Mansion and you can rest in the car.” Rhodey said with a soft smile, that he reserved only for his mate. “Let’s get you home.”

“Sounds perfect to me.” Tony sighed out as they climbed into the car and let Happy pull away from the company and return into traffic.

“You plan on getting a nap and I’ll get some things baked for you to enjoy when you wake up.” Harry said with a soft smile watching as his best friend snuggled into his mates arms.

“Blueberry muffins?” Tony mumbled.

“Of course.” Harry smiled gently as he started going through the mental list of the supplies that he had on hand at the mansion and made plans of what he needed Dobby to go and get for him, he wished it was Winky but she had decided she wanted to be Sirius and Remus’ house-elf so she could take care of pups again.

A soft snore came from Tony a short time into the drive and Rhodey only pulled his mate more into his arms as he could get with the seatbelt and sling in place. Pepper was typing away on the tablet that she had making sure things were going out as they wanted them to before making sure that those who gave advice on stocks were watched so they couldn’t bad mouth the company for the announcement that had been made. Tony started wincing and fighting a nightmare just as they pulled up to the mansion, so Rhodey gently woke him as Pepper and Harry exited the limo, they didn’t want him to feel self-conscious about it. Rhodey guided Tony in a short time later and led him through to their bedroom where they both stripped down to their boxer-briefs and crawled into the bed to get another nap.

Harry called out to Dobby and had him get some fresh blueberries for the kitchen along with other ingredients before he dove into a stress baking spree. It was coming up not only on Tony’s heat, but Harry was close to his as well and they’d been getting harder and harder to get through as he hadn’t met his mate yet. Things were changing and Harry knew it would revolve around Tony and things that were to come.

Chapter 15


Authors Note: I will be away from my computer for over a week due to family vacation. I will continue working on my writing using notebooks and will post an update when I return. Until then I give you this short chapter


I don’t own any of the characters that are recognizable in this story. The people who created them are/were wonderful and I enjoy working with their characters. This is not beta read so any mistakes in timeline and past chapters are all mine. I am trying to keep them consistent but there may be times when I goof.
Translations in parentheses beside words as needed All translations taken from Bing Translator unless stated otherwise, :Italics: - Talking over Comms/speakers/phone, *Italics* = mental conversations, underlined = parseltongue/all-speech

Chapter Text

The months following the shutdown of SI’s weapons department, and the return of Tony were filled with press conferences and building of a new version of his escape suit. Harry was very impressed with the suit and enjoyed seeing things that Tony was creating. The worry came when word was released that Obediah Stane had escaped custody with help and was in the wind, last seen leaving the US on a private plane heading for Afghanistan. It was a year after his self-rescue from the caves that Tony came face to face with his betrayer. Rhodey was down in the lab working on something he had been planning out as a surprise, Harry had been back in New York helping with some work there as they were making plans to build an SI headquarters near the Black Marauders headquarters as well as prepping for the coming up Stark Expo that Tony was restarting. Tony had been resting on the couch looking over information from the new board and the numbers that they were generating when he felt the shock of something at his neck and then the feeling of paralysis that spread through his system.

“Breathe.” Stane said with a smirk clear in his voice as he lowered Tony backward on the couch. “Easy, easy. You remember this one, right? It’s a shame the government didn’t approve it. There’s so many applications for causing short-term paralysis. Just as there are so many applications for keeping separate locations for money, gadgets, and weapons on foreign shores. Ah, Tony.” Stane stepped around the couch and moved Tony’s face so that he could see the man face on. “When I ordered the hit on you, I worried that I was killing the Golden Goose.” Tony couldn’t see what he was doing to the side thanks to the paralysis. He was just grateful that he’d been to the Goblins after he’d healed as much as he could and they’d removed the remaining shrapnel, they’d also healed the large hole in his sternum though he had created a module that would sit on his chest over the scar that would hold an arc reactor to power his suit. “But, you see, it was just…” Stane pressed the device against his chest and Tony felt it pierce his chest as if he still had the device deep in his sternum. “Fate that you survived that.” Stane pulled away the device and while he looked a little confused by the size of the device and the blood pouring from the wound he simply shrugged before continuing his villain dialoguing. “You had one last golden egg to give. Do you really think that just because you have an idea, it belongs to you, an Omega Bitch? Your father, he helped give us the atomic bomb. Now, what kind of world would it be today if he was as selfish as you?” Stane released the device and was holding it in his hands. “Oh, it’s beautiful. Oh, Tony, this is your Ninth Symphony.” Stane moved to sit beside the paralyzed Tony. He didn’t realize that Jarvis had notified Pop who in turn had notified Harry. “Ah what a masterpiece. Look at that. This is your legacy.” He looked at the device in his hand. “A new generation of weapons with this at its heart. Weapons that will help steer the world back on course, put the balance of power in our hands. The right hands.”

“Do you know that most villains get so into their dialogues they don’t realize they are in trouble.” Harry said with a smirk in his voice as he placed his knife at Stane’s throat.

“Do you know Harry; he thinks that he would get away with harming my mate in such a way as to get away from all of this alive?” Rhodey said as he stepped up from the stairway with his gun in hand.

Stane looked at Lt. Colonel Rhodes with wide eyes as he felt the blade dig in.

“From the way he was talking there is someone pulling his strings.” Harry said keeping eye contact with the upset Alpha. “I dare you to make a move.” Harry leaned forward and snarled in Stane’s ear. “You’ve already given Lt. Colonel Rhodes reason to kill you. I’d like to get my pound of flesh for what you’ve done to my brother.”

“I am my own man!” Stane snarled upset that they were able to sneak up on him.

“Yeah, this nifty little tattoo on the back of your neck says otherwise.” Harry had pulled him back by his shirt before handing a vial of healing potion to Tony out of Stane’s line of sight. “This tells me that you work for someone much higher than you. Someone that is supposed to be dead. Did you order a hit on Tony’s parents as well when Howard refused to do something for you?”

“Howard wanted to get rid of the serum that the company designed. He thought Rogers should be the only super soldier.” Stane snarled. “I built this company from nothing! Nothing is going to stand in my way. Least of all Omega’s like you!”

“Rhodey, may I? Or do you want the honor of taking out the trash? Coulson and Fury are on their way to verify the justified action. CIA and Homeland have handed over jurisdiction after he was assisted in escaping. They still haven’t found the one that had helped.”

“I believe that I should have the honor Little Brother.” Tony said as he sat forward grateful for the help that Harry had given him and glad that he no longer had to worry about the shrapnel.

“That is your right Little One.” Rhodey said stepping forward and keeping his gun on the rogue Alpha that dared to hurt his mate.

Harry handed over a second knife that matched the one that Harry held at Stane’s throat.

“I, Anthony Edward Stark, Omega Mate of Lt. Colonel James Rhodes, do here-by fulfill Omega justice.” Tony said as he stood up from the couch and moved until he stood before Obediah Stane. “Obediah Stane, you broke all given vows of protection. You’ve harmed more Omega’s than can be counted. Had you stayed in jail where you were then you’d have been given the chance to live out your life. But instead you broke out.”

“I was released on good behavior didn’t you hear?” Stane sneered.

“You broke out and then decided to attack more Omegas and threaten my life. If I still had the shrapnel in my chest you would’ve killed me with your actions. Thankfully, I know specialist that were able to help me.” Tony explained as he picked up the arc reactor that Stane had gotten off his chest. “Alpha Obediah Stane you harmed my mother, you harmed many of my staff, and you attempted to kill me multiple times. Omega Haldir if you would assist me with our judgement?”

Fury and Phil stepped in during Tony’s speech but stood back and watched at a gesture from Rhodey and a glare from Harry. Harry only nodded at Tony’s question strengthening the grip on the blade he held.

“See you in hell.” Tony said as he plunged knife down into Stane’s heart at the same time that Harry drew his blade across Stane’s throat, making sure to get the arteries.

“Omega Justice observed and verified.” Phil said as he stepped up and checked that the man was truly dead, not that many could live through what he’d just had done to him. “We’ll remove the body on behalf of the grateful nation. No charges will be brought against either of you. He was a risk to all.”

“Our thanks.” Tony nodded in response as he stepped back. “I’ll need to replace the couch, won’t be able to settle on it when I know he died there.”

“I would look into the tattoo that he has on the back of his neck. It’s small and just under the shirt line.” Harry said as he stepped back and took the blades to hand over to Phil. “I give you the weapons of Justice to use as verification for our actions. I have no desire to have them back.”

“Very well.” Fury nodded as he stepped forward after calling in a few other agents to deal with the body and removing the couch.

Phil took the blades with a nod and knew that he’d be destroying them with FiendFire later in the cleansing ritual room at the Black Manor in New York.

Tony watched as the agents followed Fury’s orders and took the couch and body out of his home and gave a full body shiver when he watched the body bag be carried out. Rhodey walked up and wrapped his mate in his arms before leading him from the room with only a look at Harry. Harry only nodded in response knowing that he’d be performing a spirit cleanse in the room so that there was no chance of Stane harming him even after death.

“I’m glad I didn’t have to fight him in public.” Tony mumbled as he was lead from the room, exhaustion pulling him down. “Harry make sure that device he used never sees the light of day again.” Tony gestured to the pen like device and ear plugs that were sitting on the table in front of where the couch had been.

“With pleasure Techwiz.” Harry smiled sadly at his big brother. “Get some rest.”

“Come on Love, I’ll hold you until your able to get some sleep.” Rhodey led Tony to their room before slipping Tony out of the torn shirt and sweats he’d been wearing.

“Take those to Harry to get rid of as well please.” Tony shivered as he crawled under the covers.

“Of course. I’ll be right back.” Rhodey nodded and took them out to Harry who took the bloodied clothes with a nod and a whispered word of where he was heading, that is to the cleansing room at the Black Manor to add the items to what Phil would be destroying as well as getting the things to cleanse the Manor here.

“I’ll get Jarvis going here again when I get back.” Harry nodded before apparating out.

Rhodey only nodded before moving back to the bedroom and wrapping himself around Tony when he felt the shivers that ran through his body.

“I’ve got you love. You’re safe. He’s gone.” Rhodey whispered over and over until he felt the shivers stop and Tony finally relax into his hold the light snores that started letting him know that Tony had finally succumbed to the rest his body so desperately needed.

Two days later they had a press conference was set up to explain that Omega Justice had been enacted against Obediah Stane and that the body had been cremated as per Justice rules. Tony stood in the back and allowed Harry to give the statements to the press, he was still shaken by the events that had happened. It hadn’t helped that he’d started bleeding during the nap that he and Rhodey had taken, and they found out due to combination of devices that Stane had used on him they had lost their first pup. The bags under Tony’s eyes are starting to get extreme and it was clear to see that he was fighting depression. He’d dived into finishing his suit and making sure that he’d be able to take out all the terrorists that Stane had sold to after his first battle against the Ten Rings was so successful.

“Tony asks for the Press to respect his desire for privacy at this time. Thanks to the actions of his Godfather he and his mate are dealing with overwhelming grief. The Devices that Alpha Stane used on Omega Stark caused him to suffer a painful miscarriage. Please give them time as they deal with this.” Harry concluded the Press Conference as Tony left the conference room and went into his office to do some work for the company instead of hiding in his lab.

The head of PR stormed into the office without knocking two hours later having finally hunted him down, they never expect him to be in his office. Rhodey had been down in the lab that Tony had set up for him so that he could use his own engineering degree.

“How dare you not give us a heads up about revealing your status!” The PR and Legal Department heads snarled as they stormed into the office not seeing Happy standing in the corner talking on the phone as he had called Rhodey to come and get Tony since he’d been falling asleep at his desk.

“Now we’ve got to explain why it was hidden! The image we built up for so long is crumbling around us!” The PR head sneered as he looked at the exhausted man behind the desk.

“We’ve had to make do with your Omega replacement for long enough and now it comes out that you’re one too! Our stocks are going to plummet!” Legal department head snapped angry at the deceit that had been pulled.

“That is enough!” Harry had been working in the office next door with a door connecting the two sitting open so Harry could keep an eye on his big brother. “Obviously, you slipped through the cracks when we went through things as we cleaned up.”

Both men turned with snapping expressions angry at being interrupted by an Omega of all things.

“Just because you’re betas with an Alpha complex doesn’t give you the right to speak to the owner of this company in such a way.” Harry continued coming forward to stand in front of Tony’s desk and guard him from further vocal abuse. “Tony’s made it so that I’m continuing as CEO while he is the face of the company. We’ve talked it over with others about coming forward as to Tony’s true status as a mated omega. As such I still have the right to do this. You are BOTH fired. Happy, feel free to escort them from the building before Tony’s mate arrives and takes the upset they caused Tony out of their hides.”

“With pleasure mini boss.” Happy nodded as he stepped forward and showed why the former Alpha Boxer was Tony’s main bodyguard and head of his personal security. “Come with me gentlemen, we’ll be cleaning out your offices and revoking all rights within the company before you leave.” As he stepped out two other security members stepped forward to flank them.

“Well…that was…” Tony started while Rhodey stormed into the room and wrapped Tony in his arms.

“Jarvis showed me everything.” Rhodey said over where he had Tony tucked under his chin just holding his mate. “Thank you for taking action Harry.” He nodded and Harry simply nodded back in return before leaving the office and stepping back through into his own and closing the door behind him to give them some privacy.

Phil was waiting in Harry’s office when he stepped in and simply looking out of the large floor to ceiling window.

“So, I’ve raised anti-listening wards.” Phil said without looking back. “Thanks for the info to look at the back of Stane’s neck before we cremated him, it was done in private via Fiendfyre, there’s no coming back for him. Anyway it looks as if Hydra is still around.”

“I had a feeling.” Harry replied with a nod. “How’s Fury going to deal with that?”

“He’s tasked me with looking into it discreetly with the help of Nat and Clint.” Phil responded. “He’s giving me a little longer with Sev and Septimius before he’s sending me and Clint to a special base. Turns out one of the things that Howard did find was Hydra’s cube and he wants one of his trusted onsite now that he knows they’re still out there.”

“Probably a good idea.” Harry nodded. “I’ll keep an eye and ear on the two.”

“Thanks.” Phil nodded as he turned to face Harry. “Give Tony and Rhodey the condolences from us. Let them know that they can call on us if they have need.”

“Tony’d like to keep Nat close on hand. He’s sorta adopted her as a little sister in his typical way.” Harry responded. “I’d like her close so that we can see if there’s any of them within SI other than those we already got rid of. I’ve got a feeling a majority of the board had been members.”

“I think we can work that out. She’s legally able to be a notary and work in Legal.” Phil nodded as he stepped up to hug Harry, he knew that he was dealing with a lot at the moment and that his own heat was going to be hitting soon. “She can also act as a discreet bodyguard if you bring her in as your PA since Pepper is still Tony’s.”

“That sounds like a better plan.” Harry nodded snuggling into the hug that his uncle gave him.

“Then that is the plan we’ll use. I’ll tell Fury later; Nat will be by soon. You should head home pup. You’re close.” Phil said pulling back and trapping Harry’s face in his hands.

“I know but I needed to be close to support Tony. I needed to take over the press conference, the healers had only just allowed him out of bed.” Harry shrugged.

“That may be, but he’s got Rhodey now and you need to get behind wards asap pup.” Phil pulled back as he felt the Heat fever that was already building.

“Alright.” Harry nodded as he apparated to his apartment that he had gotten in Malibu in the past six months so that he wasn’t constantly under foot for Tony and Rhodey.

Harry quickly raised the wards that he’d had the Goblins installed and called Winky to gather the items that he’d need to get through this Heat. He knew it was going to be a bad one as Iris came and curled as tightly around him as she could in her small size. What he didn’t know was that when Phil returned to SHIELD headquarters he hadn’t gotten rid of the approaching heat smell that he’d gotten on his cloths well enough, and Clint stalked up to him slamming him into the wall.

“Where is he?” Clint snarled. “Where’s my Omega!” He snapped until Phil pulled away and gotten Clint into his office with a subtle use of magic.

“Easy, Clint. He’s behind wards. He’s safe. He’s one of my brother’s pups. I’d never hurt him.” Phil said after making sure nothing could record in his office and sprayed Clint with water from his wand to snap him out of the fugue that he scent had caused, after he saw that the water was working he cast a quick scent blocking spell to keep him from slipping back under. “You know I’ve got my own mate and pup.”

“Sorry Phil…didn’t mean to…” Clint shook his head causing the water to spray from his head before he rubbed the back of his neck.

“I know Clint I know.” Phil responded with a shrug. “His heat has already started or else I’d introduce you in person. As it is now that you’ve gotten his scent all that’s needed is a meeting in person to see if it’s just the scent of Omega in Heat that got to you or if it’s something more.”

“I think it’s more.” Clint shrugged. “But we’ll find out after his Heat.”

“You’ll need to be careful. He’s been dealing with them since he was 15.” Phil said as he moved through the office and opened the door just as Fury was about to storm in. “Fury, good to see you come in.”

“What is the meaning of the wards you put up?” Fury snarled not used to Phil throwing up the wards.

“I needed to keep people from seeing as I snapped Clint out of Heat Head.” Phil shrugged. “Harry had been in the main start stages when I stopped to see him earlier. Got his scent on my clothes when I gave him a hug of comfort. He’d like Nat to slip into SI as his PA to see if there are any more of the multiheaded serpent to take out.”

“I need the pair of you to head to New Mexico. There’s been some activity that we’ve been tracking.” Fury said after nodding in response to the information that Phil had given him. “Make sure that it’s secret this time.”

“Hey, I don’t keep anything from my mate, not after being separated from him for so long.” Phil snarled in response to the hidden reprimand that Fury was attempting to give him. “Clint, Harry’s Heats last a week. We wouldn’t be able to see him until after two at least, their really hard on him. He’s got a few House elves that’ll take care of him. When we’re done with the mission we can look into if he’s True or not for you.”

Little did Phil know that it would take six months and an alien invasion before Harry and Clint finally met face to face.

Chapter 16: Hold hard the breath and bend up every spirit


the battle of New York is happening...they have some additional help to protect the civilians...there is also a meeting of soulmates that we've all been waiting for...

AN: Thanks to those who've patiently waiting for this chapter as I was gone on vacation. I hope you enjoy it.


I don’t own any of the characters that are recognizable in this story. The people who created them are/were wonderful and I enjoy working with their characters. This is not beta read so any mistakes in timeline and past chapters are all mine. I am trying to keep them consistent but there may be times when I goof.
Translations in parentheses beside words as needed All translations taken from Bing Translator unless stated otherwise, :Italics: - Talking over Comms/speakers/phone, *Italics* = mental conversations, underlined = parseltongue/all-speech

Chapter Text

When Clint came too after the battle on the helicarrier he looked around at Natasha with shock in his eyes.

“How’d you get him out?” He asked confused as he shook his head some more to continue to dislodge things.

“Harry told me about how cognitive recalibration could help.” Natasha poured Clint a cup of water. “I hit you really hard.”

“Then we’ll need to do that for Loki, I felt as if someone else was controlling the controller.” Clint replied as he moved to the edge of the bed.

“So the puppet master is in turn a puppet?” Natasha asked as she stood while Clint moved to the small bathroom attached to the room he was in.

“From what I felt. The power seemed to be coming from the scepter and not the man.” Clint said simply as the door whooshed open and Captain America stood in the doorway asking if Nat could fly a quin. “I can.”

“Then suit up.” Rogers said simply as he nodded to the two as he turned and left.

“Nat let Fury know what I told you. I’ll get my quiver and bow and meet you both at the jet.” Clint said simply as he left the room.

Clint glanced into a side room in the healing wing and noticed the doctors were surrounding several still bodies. Taking a deep breath he grimaced in anger at what he had been made to do. He noticed them working around the fallen form of Phil and cursed, he knew the man’s truth and that it would take a lot to kill him due to his magic but still that he’d been injured as he was angered Clint. He wanted a way to get back at the one causing things to happen. He gathered his quiver and bow, made sure that his gear was loaded fully and stepped out of his quarters that had been set aside for him with the plan to have him come back some day. He nodded to the pair waiting at the entrance to the flight deck and as a group they approached a quinjet in the process of finishing its refueling.

“You can’t come on here.” The pilot said simply stepping toward the trio.

“Son…just don’t…” Steve sighed out holding his hand up in frustration at all that was happening.

Clint smirked as he watched the greenie leave the ship like a scolded puppy at the very light reprimand from Captain America. He moved forward and rushed the takeoff check leaving the flight deck just at the same moment that he saw Stark blast out of the back of the ship where they could load things on.

“Nat make sure that Stark has a heads up as well about Loki. We’ll need to figure out a way to destroy the control over the guy.” Clint said simply as he followed the flight path.

“We’re heading for Stark Tower obviously.” Nat said as she leaned over the back of the flight chair. “Harry is already there. We were finishing up the work there when I was pulled aside for an information gathering mission in Russia. Remus, Sirius, Severus, and Rhodey are also on hand though the first three are at their own location and not the tower.”

“Get word to them of the attack coming. Let them get word to others that can help if there are any.” Steve said not knowing who the mentioned men were but knowing that they’d need the help that they could get.

“On it.” Nat stood up and went to make the calls that she needed to make.

Clint turned and focused on flying. It was time to bring this all to an end so that he could finally meet Harry and find out if it was just the smell of an Omega in Heat that set him off or if he was truly his soulmate.

“Stark we’re on your three headed north-east.” Nat called into the comms as soon as they reached New York.

:What you stop for Drive-through?: Tony asked as he flew from the creatures that had come out of the portal. :Never-mind…Loki’s still controlled even after Phil’s blast. Swing up Park. I’m gonna lay ‘em out for you. Thor’s fighting Loki on the Tower, he’s got no clue yet that his brother’s a puppet like the others.:

:Sir, we have more incoming.: Jarvis said in his monotone way. :Harry, Rhodey, Sirius, Severus, and Kingsley have started Ground level support, they’ve gotten permission from MACUSA to use magic in the open. Several others are stepping out and raising shields to cover the mundanes:

:Fine. Let’s keep the hostiles occupied.: Tony replied as he kept zooming around in his suit fighting as Harry had called them the Fuglies.

“Nat…” Clint said as he looked out the co*ckpit window.

“I see him…Let’s separate them so that we can let Thor know.” Nat replied as they opened fire that wouldn’t hit the two but would force them apart, only for Loki’s staff to fire a shot taking out one of the main engines.

“sh*t! Okay I’ve got this!” Clint called out as he strained to keep the ship from just crashing and possibly killing even more civilians than were already being harmed.

: Arresto Momentum!: Clint heard a British voice call out over the comms and knew that it had to be one of those that were related in some way to Phil.

They all felt the ship slow but knew that it wouldn’t be a smooth landing since there was so much weight and only one slowing the ship. But they were able to immediately exit the ship instead of being knocked out. They stopped in horror as they saw several hostiles exit the worm hole including a giant ‘space worm’.

:Crap they’ve got some sort of leviathan! Sev get to Newt find out what can work.: A male voice called out over the comms as they watched the thing release hostiles from its side.

“Stark you seeing this?” Steve called out thankful for the comm in his cowl.

:Seeing. Still working on believing. Where’s Banner Has he showed up yet?: Tony said as he flew in the direction of the large creature.

“Banner?” Steve’s voice clearly held a question in the one word.

: Just keep me posted. Harry what can you tell me? Jarvis, find me a soft spot.: Tony said running scans as he flew alongside the creature.

:This is Newt Scamander, sorry to intrude but I was asked to help. This is some sort of Leviathan. From the looks of things armored by the creatures with it. They’ve covered most of the weak spots. The only way to take it down is by a killing blow to the head or a one in a million shot to the underside if you’re unwilling or unable to use the killing curse. They are a destructive creature and only capable of destruction. The only things on their minds are to eat, mate, and destroy. They never sleep. They’ve been wiped out of the magical world because of the destruction they cause.: Scamander said over the comms having been given Lord Prince’s so that he could let everyone know what he did.

“We’ve got civilians still trapped up here.” Clint said as they watched some of the flying craft soar over.

“Loki,” Steve said as he noticed one of the people flying one of the craft that was shooting at the civilians down below. “They’re fish in a barrel down there.”

:Iris go!: They heard another voice cry out only to look up when another shape flew over taking out the flying craft and firing shots of fire at those on the sides of the building with a person right along side it on…a broom? :We’ll cover you three while you get the civilians out of there.:

:Mini Merlin what the hell do you think you are doing?: Tony cried out as he flew after another speeder.

:I’m not about to let these FUGLIES ruin my world! They want to mess with Earth they’ll mess with me hell with the statute of secrecy!: Harry called out as he continued to circle the three looking down at the civilians being shot at by the others. :I’m also not about to let someone brain’jack my father’s favorite deity on my watch! HEY LOKI COME AND GET ME ASSHAT!:

“We got this. It’s good. Go.” Nat nodded to Steve while internally smirking at the taunting that was happening over the comms as Harry and Iris chased after the speeder with Loki on it and fired of all things prank spells at the God of Mischief leading to the man turning from gunning down the civilians and chasing the boy on a broom.

“Do you think you can hold them off?” Steve asked looking at Clint who was ducked behind an upside-down yellow cab messing with his bow and quiver.

“Captain,” Clint turned to look at the man. “It would be my genuine pleasure.” He flicked his fingers on the special controls on his bow selecting a special arrowhead before drawing it and moving from cover to fire at the creatures heading toward them. He struck one in the middle of its forehead and the special arrowhead shot out to take down others around it.

Captain America then leapt over the side of the bridge landing in a roll on the bus and leaping ahead of the craft firing on him. He kept his feet as he ran heading to give the support needed to those below. While Natasha and Clint kept up firing, Nat was glad that Tony and Harry had charmed her clips to be almost unlimited, it took a lot to empty them, but she knew it would happen in this battle. They’d also created her widow bites that would give an extra punch. She covered Clint as he evacuated civilians, especially children from the bus that was on the road directing them where to go.

“Just like Budapest all over again.” Nat called out to Clint as they both started firing on the approaching aliens to keep them from reaching the civilians.

“You and I remember Budapest very differently.” Clint snarked right back as he drew and fired another arrow.

Captain America rushed through the ruined streets ignoring the civilians hunkered by the over-turned vehicles and those running as he headed for the officers to tell them how to handle the civilian extraction.

:Grimm follow the Blue man with the shield! There’s plenty behind him and he knows how to command in battle. Kings there’s people over on Park that need cover, the Aurors there are taking hits. Loki’s Masters Army is able to detect us some how and is targeting magicals especially.: Yet another British voice called over the comms. :War Machine your mate could use the backup.:

:I’m on my way.: Another voice called over as another Iron Man style suit flew overhead this one with much more firepower than Tony’s and bulkier, the color scheme was also different.

:Well we got its attention. What the hell was step two?: Tony said as the leviathan turned and started following them.

“That’s gonna bruise.” Clint grunted after he landed yet again on his back being slammed into his quiver.

Captain arrived in time to block a shot against the archer and then a loud crackle of electricity happened before lightening struck multiple hostiles approaching the trio.

“I wish I dared change…” Nat muttered thinking of the lethality of her tail and the venom that she secreted when in her Naga form.

“What’s the story upstairs?” Steve asked Thor when he landed while Nat handed over a comms unit for him to use, she had another on hand if Banner ever showed up that would work even when he changed into the Hulk.

“The power surrounding the Cube is impenetrable.” Thor said as he nodded in thanks as Nat showed him how to insert the comm in time for him to hear what Tony was saying.

:Thor’s right. We got to deal with these guys.: Tony said as he flew over head with Harry right beside him.

:The shield is even resistant to magic attacks.: Harry chimed in.

“How do we do this?” Nat asked.

“As a team.” Came Steve’s reply as he looked at the destruction and was in awe of the creature flying beside the person on the broom.

“I have unfinished business with Loki.” Thor said with a bite to his voice.

“Yeah, well…tell me Thor what color are your brothers eyes?” Clint asked as he gathered his used shafts and refilled his quiver.

“Green why?” Thor asked.

“When you were fighting him earlier what color were his eyes?” Nat asked watching the Thunder God closely.

“Blu…sh*t…This does not change things. He is a God and it’ll take a lot to free him as you were Sir Archer.” Thor said nodding to Clint in acknowledgement of the knowledge that he was given.

:Then we just wait for Banner to show up and Hulk out. Even your little fight and body slam didn’t break him free of it.: Tony said as he circled back and made sure to protect the group on the ground.

“Save it.” Steve said moving between them all. “Loki’s going to keep this fight focused on us and that’s what we need. Without him, these things could run wild.” Steve continued moving through the destruction on the bridge. “We’ve got Stark and his friends up top. He’s going to need us to…” He trailed off when he heard a motorcycle approach in the mess that was the area only to look in shock when he realized that it was Doctor Banner.

“So, this all seems horrible.” Bruce said looking around.

“I’ve seen worse.” Nat said with a smirk.

“Sorry.” Bruce nodded, he looked rough even more so than usual and it was clear he was truly sorry for what she’d seen on the helicarrier at the beginning of all this.

“No, we could use a little worse.” Nat shook her head with a smile before stepping closer. “Got something for you.” Nat handed over the comm. “It’ll even work when the Big Guys out.”

“Stark, we got him.” Steve said into his comm.

:Banner?: Tony asked.

“Just like you said.” Steve nodded and his face had a relieved look on it.

:Then tell him to suit up. We’re bringing the party to you.: Tony said as he flew around the corner of sky scrapper with Harry right beside him on the left and Rhodey on the right.

“I don’t see how that’s a party.” Nat looked on in confusion.

“Dr. Banner. Now might be a really good time for you to get angry.” Steve said as Bruce turned to look at the flying creature heading their way.

“That’s my secret, Captain. I’m always angry.” Bruce said as he walked toward the creature and as soon as he finished his statement he changed between one blink and the next into the being that was the Hulk smashing his fist into the creatures head.

:Hold on!: Tony called as the three airborn fired at the exposed weak spot blowing the creature apart as Iris swooped in and shielded Clint who was the only one that hadn’t been protected only hiding behind an overturned vehicle.

The roars that echoed around and the stances that were taken by the others caused Harry to smirk until he saw what was exiting the hole.

:sh*t! We need more forces! Bring in the Dragon Riders even I don’t care we need help here!: One of the previous voices called over the comms as Tony told Steve to call it.

“All right, listen up.” Steve said stepping forward and falling into a familiar roll of commander. “Until we can close that portal our priority is containment. Barton, I want you on that roof. Eyes on everything. Call out patterns and strays.” Steve began before continuing on with the others. “Stark, you and your flying friends have the perimeter. Anything that gets more than three blocks out, you turn it back or you turn it to ash.”

“Can you give me a lift?” Clint asked Stark.

:Right…Better Clench up, Legolas.: Tony said as he stepped over and grabbed onto a secure area on the suit that Clint was wearing instead of his quiver and blasted into the sky carrying him to the roof he’d been assigned.

“Thor, you got to try and bottleneck that portal. Slow them down. You got the lightning. Light the bastards up.” Steve looked over at Thor and nodded as he took to the sky. He then turned to Nat. “You and me, we stay here on the ground. We keep the fighting here. And Hulk…” Steve said turning to the Hulk and getting a grunt in response “Smash.” He pointed at the aliens and smirked when he saw the excited grin light the big green guys face.

What followed was even more controlled chaos than the final battle at Hogwarts while Harry with Iris beside him flew through the aliens firing bombardas and killing curses as well as continuing to try and get Loki to follow him. Sirius, Severus, and Kingsley focused on the Woolworth Building area and helping those in that area protect the seat of MACUSA which was being swarmed with the creatures that weren’t going after those fighting with Tony.

:Watch those bolts man! You almost fried my familiar!: Harry called out as one of the lightning bolts came close to hitting Iris.

:Stark you got a lot of strays on your tail.: Clint called out.

:Well we’re trying to keep them off the streets.: Tony said, sounding a bit limited for air as he pushed his body against the forces that it took to keep ahead of the creatures.

:Well, they can’t bank worth a damn. Find a tight corner and they’ll take care of themselves.: Clint said as he fired a shot without looking.

:Thanks for the assist.: Harry called out to Clint as he flew past on his broom Iris flying loops around him looking as if she was having a blast.

:I will roger that.: Tony said not realizing that Clint’s attention was lost for a moment as he followed the male on the broom with his eyes and looked at the spot covered by his vambrace where the words ‘thanks for the assist’ rest.

Clint snapped back into things quickly and fired an arrow that melted part of the speeder causing it to fall apart as Stark worked through the areas and found a place where he could find the tight corner. Rhodey found his own tight corner after he heard the advice from Barton and set about getting rid of his own tails.

:Nice call.: Tony said as he lost the last of his tail. :What else you got?:

:Thor’s takin’ on a squadron down on Sixth.: Clint informed Tony with a vocal shrug in his voice.

:And he didn’t invite me.: Tony said sarcastically as he looped around to Sixth to assist Thor.

:What is with the idiots watching out of the high-rise buildings! We need to evac them now!: Harry called out when he saw the gawkers at the windows watching as the Hulk attached himself to one of the leviathans and take it away from the building. :Hey Grimm need a specialized shield with Spook! Wolf get with Kings and make sure that the buildings don’t come down with the civilians inside!:

:On it Merlin.: A series of voices echoed over the lines.

:Widow, you and Cap need any assistance?: Harry called out as he flew over the pair when Captain landed next to Nat on the bridge.

:Cap, none of this is going to mean a damn thing if we don’t close that portal…And Merlin I could use the assist. Better than risking the jump to get one of the occupies speeders.: Nat responded looking up at the portal and the army still flowing out of it.

:Our biggest guns couldn’t touch it.: Steve said his voice carrying exhaustion.

:Well, maybe it’s not about guns.: Nat replied before looking around with the Cap and seeing a new wave heading their direction.

:If you want to get up there, you’re gonna need a ride.: Steve said not having heard her ask for the assist from Harry.

:I’ve got a ride. I could use a boost, though.: Nat said looking back at the captain and watching as he took in her plan seeing Harry swooping around close by giving them as much cover as he could and waiting for his Aunt’s signal.

:Are you sure about this?: Steve said thinking that she was talking about taking one of the speeders.

:Yeah. It’s gonna be fun.: Nat said as she smirked seeing Harry flying bent over his broom with his arm out and speeders on his tail.

Nat ran toward the Cap and was lifted into the air with the help of boost from his shield as she latched arms with Harry and swung up behind him on his Firebolt sitting back-to-back with him so she could fire at those following him as they swooped toward the Tower. Tony flew up beside them and fired off before joining Steve on the ground and assisting him while Clint continued to shoot those he could. The Hulk took out the army on the leviathan and together with Thor killed this one using its own armor. The screams and shouts echoed around the streets. Everyone was getting tired.

:Captain, the bank on 42nd past Madison. They’ve cornered a lot of civilians in there.: Clint reported as he continued to do the job assigned to him.

:I’m on it.: Captain America panted out as he moved to pick up his fallen shield.

:Grimm if you can assist the Captain.: Harry called out as he avoided the blasts from the speeders.

:Will do. We’ve got the buildings as secure as we can while they evac people. We’ve got other enhanced helping at the perimeter. The creatures are basically ignoring them, but they’ve got moves that aren’t normal. Holy sh*t did that guy just release metal claws from his hands?!!: The man called Grimm responded as he started moving.

:Stay focused Grimm!: His battle partner called out.

:Captain, you take the Fuglies, I’ll shield the mundanes. Looks like the creatures have some sorta bomb.: Grimm was heard stating when he found the Captain near the bank that they’d been called to.

:Everyone! Clear out!: Steve was heard shouting while the comms also picked up the sound of the battle he was going through with the creatures.

As the bomb blew Steve was able to get to his shield and hide behind it while Grimm was able to cast a shield over the civilians to keep them from being wounded with the debris.

:Oooo…that had to hurt.: Grimm was heard over the comms. :Here Captain, this will help you keep going.:

:Thanks. That helps.: Steve said as he drank the healing potion and pepper up that had been handed over to him, he recognized them from when the Commandos had worked with Order of the Phoenix members during the war.

:Hawkeye!: Nat called when she saw who her and Harry had picked up on their tail.

:Nat what are you doing?: Clint asked in shock of what he was seeing, he still couldn’t quite wrap his head around the flying broomstick fighter.

:Ahhh…A little help?: Nat called as Harry did his best to avoid the shots from the speeder that Loki was flying.

:I got him.: Clint said with a smirk as he prepped an arrow and waited. He hoped the explosion it would cause would knock the God out of the control of the puppet master.

Loki landed sprawled on the platform of the Tower from the resulting explosion and Nat jumped from the back of Harry’s broom as he swooped over the tower before banking to avoid yet another speeder.

:Hulk head to the tower.: Harry called out as he swooped away hoping that the man within the Beast was able to understand just as Wolf could when the moon was full.

Harry watched as the Hulk soared across from where he was crashing into the rising form of Loki and smashing him through the windows into the penthouse.

:ENOUGH!: They all heard Loki yell over the comms at the Hulk. :You are, all of you, beneath me! I am a God, you dull creature. And I will not be bullied by…:

What followed as a series of thumps and thuds that were loud and Harry caught a quick glance through the broken windows seeing Loki being slammed back and forth by Hulk holding his leg.

:Damn if that doesn’t snap him out of it, I don’t know what will.: Harry said just as they all heard the statement from the Hulk before he jumped back out of the window leaving Loki groaning in the floor.

:Puny God!: Hulk smirked as he walked away.

Harry flew in and noticed that Loki was still aware though whimpering in pain. He heard Nat reassuring Doctor Selvigg about him not knowing what he’d been doing and heard the response. He smirked as Nat let out a brief Accio and summoned the scepter as soon as she realized what the good doctor was saying.

:We’ve got a building going down! Is there anyone in there?: Grimm shouted as he saw a leviathan cut through a building.

:It’s empty Clear away.: Spook replied as they watched Tony fly into the leviathan’s mouth and blow it from the inside.

:Crap I’m out and being overwhelmed I’ve got to leave my position!: Clint shouted when he realized his quiver was empty.

:Stark, do you hear me?: Another voice entered the comms, this time it was Fury. :You have a missile headed straight for the city.:

:How long?: Tony asked with panic coloring his voice.

:Three minutes, max.: Fury replied. :The payload will wipe out Midtown.:

:Jarvis, put everything we got into the thrusters.: Tony said as Grimm appeared and helped him clear the hostiles around him while giving him a nod, he knew what he was going to do.

:I just did.: Jarvis replied.

:Tony what are you doing?: Rhodey asked panic in his voice.

:I’ve got the fastest suit I can get it.: Tony replied as he headed for the bay.

:I can close it. Can anybody copy? I can shut the portal down.: Nat said, it was clear to hear the strain in her voice.

:Do it!: Steve called out only to have Tony call out over him.

:No, wait.: Tony called out.

:Stark, these things are still coming.: Steve questioned why he’d want to stop the closure.

:I got a nuke coming in. It’s going to blow in less than a minute. And I know just where to put it.: Tony responded as he caught up with the nuke and with sheer force overpowered its flight path.

:Stark, you know that’s a one-way trip.: Steve sounded as if he was already grieving as he stated this.

:Save the rest for the turn, J.: Tony instructed.

:Tony what the hell are you doing?!!: Harry called out while he knelt beside Loki looking out of the window, he could track Tony heading straight toward the tower and watched as he skirted it heading straight up. :Tony…you…don’t…:

The team watched as the creatures all seemed to have their strings cut after Tony had gone through. They watched waiting until finally Steve made the call to close the portal, only for Tony to drop through at the last moment.

:He’s not slowing down.: Thor called out only for the Hulk to catch him.

:Is he breathing?: Steve called out as the turned Tony onto his back.

When the Hulk roared, and Tony startled awake everyone was grateful.

:Please tell me nobody kissed me. Only my Honey-Bear can kiss me.: Tony said as he caught his breath from the startle that he’d just had.

:We won.: Steve said catching his breath as he realized that the battle was over, and the adrenaline started to fade.

:Alright, Yay!: Tony said, Harry was smirking in the penthouse as he heard his big brothers response. :Hurray. Good job, guys. Let’s just not come in tomorrow. Let’s just take a day. Have you ever tried shawarma? There’s a shawarma joint about two blocks from here. I don’t know what it is, but I want to try it.:

:We’re not finished yet.: Thor responded looking toward the tower where Harry was with Loki.

:And then shawarma after.: Tony said as the others helped him to his feet so that he could join them in checking on Loki.

:Grimm, you want to find the archer, after his leap he’s gone quiet.: Harry said. :Bring him to the Tower.:

:I’m sending Phil to the Tower, he’ll be hidden, we believe that one of the men on the team that’s already headed out to gather the scepter and cube are part of the hidden group.: Fury spoke over the comms again wanting to give a hint to what he thought instead of actually saying it.

The team were soon entering the Tower and the penthouse where they saw Loki crawling along while groaning. The God turned looked at them all warily.

“If it’s all the same to you, I’ll have that drink now.” Loki said and they were able to see that his eyes were clear Green again.

The team stood down with relief and all headed for the bar to get that mentioned drink needing it after the hell they’d just been through. The magicals stayed in the background disappearing before the retrieval team arrived, when they saw what was going on they stopped in shock.

“You were made aware that He was being controlled as well right?” Tony asked looking at the team and noticing they seemed angry that they couldn’t do anything to Loki. “He’s now under the protection of the Avengers.”

“He’s also under the protection of another group that you don’t have the clearance to know about.” Harry said stepping up and showing the pardon form that had been made as soon as they alerted MACUSA and the ICW into why Loki was attacking the world.

“We’re still taking control of the scepter and the cube.” Sitwell said as he stepped forward.

“Actually no you’re not.” Harry said with a smirk still on his face. “That also belongs to the special department you have no clearance for. We’re better able to contain it than your teams.”

Sitwell snarled and knew that he’d be unable to do anything about it right now. They’d find a way to deal with this set back. Harry knew that they’d have to keep an eye on him and his Strike team.

“I hope that you didn’t sign anything without reading it completely through Captain.” Harry said after the Strike Team and Sitwell were both completely out of the building. “Wouldn’t want to work with those that you fought against in the past. We’re working on flushing them out.”

“I haven’t no. They haven’t let me out of their sight since they thawed me out either.” Steve answered looking at the short dark-haired green-eyed man before him.

“Well that’s going to change.” Tony said stepping forward and handing Steve a glass of firewhiskey. “You can move in here; I can create your own floor to help you adjust. We’ll put together files to help you catch up to things you should know. My father may have been a bastard to his wife and I, but he never forgot you as a friend. He was killed because he refused to turn over the serum that SI had been able to fabricate from the last of your blood, which he lied to Aunt Peggy about having destroyed. My mom was just collateral in the hit.”

“Your father was a bastard even when I knew him. He was also a creep with women.” Steve shrugged. “I apologize for what I said in the lab on the Carrier.”

“I’m sorry as well. We were being influenced by something in that scepter.” Tony said pointing to the scepter that Harry had secured in a magical ward that wasn’t visible to the naked eye. He leaned back against Rhodey. “Captain Rogers, meet my mate Lt. Colonel James ‘Rhodey’ Rhodes, air force and War machine.”

Harry stepped away from the trio now that Tony and Steve were getting along and went to get a bottle of water from behind the counter.

“So you’re Stark’s Mini Merlin?” Clint said as he approached the smaller man, he caught the water bottle that started slipping from his fingers in shock as he heard his words said.

Chapter 17: To his full height. On, on, you noblest English


a short chapter of what happened after the battle and the meeting of mates. Plus a little shock in there for Rhodey and Tony.


I don’t own any of the characters that are recognizable in this story. The people who created them are/were wonderful and I enjoy working with their characters. This is not beta read so any mistakes in timeline and past chapters are all mine. I am trying to keep them consistent but there may be times when I goof.
Translations in parentheses beside words as needed All translations taken from Bing Translator unless stated otherwise, :Italics: - Talking over Comms/speakers/phone, *Italics* = mental conversations, underlined = parseltongue/all-speech

Chapter Text

Tony, Sirius, Severus, Remus, Kingsley and all the others turned when they heard the gasp of shock from Harry at the words that had come from Clint’s mouth.

“It’s about Damn time.” Sirius smirked as he saw the awe that was crossing Harry’s face at the fact that he’d finally met his soulmate.

“I know what you mean, I thought he’d never find him.” Remus nodded leaning against his husband exhausted, he was glad that they’d been able to send the kids to Minnie to watch when they learned of the threat that was coming from space of all things. They didn’t think that she believed them when they said they were going to fight Aliens of all things, but she’d learn. “Let’s let them be, I need to see my pups.” Remus pulled Sirius away and to the apparation point forcibly apparating Sirius away before he could bug their son and ruin the moment.

“Remind me to thank Remy later.” Nat said with a smirk as she steered Tony, Bruce, Steve, and Kingsley out of the room.

Rhodey, Thor, and Loki had smiled softly at seeing what was happening and left with the others as well. It took the pair some time to realize that they were the only ones left in the main sitting area of the penthouse and let out sheepish chuckles.

“So you’re the one that Phil was smelling of all those months ago. Have to say this is much better.” Clint said as he stepped forward more into Harry’s space and placed a hand on his cheek both shuddering at the spark of magic that flowed through them of the bond starting to form.

“Sorry about that. He sent me a message after New Mexico to tell me what had happened and try to arrange a meeting. Then you both got tied up in that lab and it never happened.” Harry leaned his face more into the callused hand of his mate, his eyes went wide for a moment. “Please tell me all that isn’t hidden on you somewhere.”

“No…your first words to me were during the battle. You told me ‘thanks for the assist’ after I blew a speeder that was on your tail.” Clint smiled softly.

“Oh thank Merlin.” Harry sagged in relief that he hadn’t doomed his mate into a paragraph on his skin.

“Do you have some place we can go to learn more about each other?” Clint asked wanting a chance to get to know Harry much better.

“Yeah, my penthouse is on the other side of town so should be free from damage.” Harry said simply with a smile. “Want me to apparate us there?”

“Sounds perfect.” Clint said with a nod.

“Pop, is the Penthouse clear of debris?” Harry called out for his part of the AI pair that inhabited the new tower.

:Yes, Bambi it is.: Pop’s voice came over bringing a raised eyebrow from Clint along with a shrug. :Your wards remained strong and protected the whole complex. It is safe to apparate.:

“Thanks Pop.” Harry smiled before holding his hand out to Clint only to gasp as he was pulled into a gentle but firm hug. “Hold on.”

“With Pleasure.” Clint smiled as he felt he sensation that Phil had done with him only three times in the past, each time he’d been severely wounded and needed medical assistance as soon as possible.

Tony soon walked into the now empty bar space and sighed before leaning into Rhodey’s arms. “I’m glad that they found each other.”

“So am I. Now tell me Tony…WHAT THE HELL WERE YOU THINKING?!” Rhodey was still upset over the fact that Tony flew into a wormhole with a nuke on his back, but the scan that Jarvis had shown him that showed he was alive caused his anger to be greater.

“I was thinking that I was the only one that could do it. I’m the only one that had the speed and maneuverability capabilities that could handle the pressure it took.” Tony shrunk into himself some more.

“You really don’t realize?...Tony it wasn’t only you at risk the past few days.” Rhodey cupped Tony’s cheeks in his hands and made eye contact.

“Well of course not the whole team was facing risks.” Tony was confused.

“Tony, your last heat ended four weeks ago…you’ve been feeling sick in the mornings and at random smells.” Rhodey tried to convey what he had learned without saying it outright.

“I always get sensitive for a few weeks after.” Tony shrugged not wanting to get his hopes up.

Rhodey closed his eyes and sighed laying his forehead against Tony’s. “Jarvis pull up your medical scanner and scan Tony for me please.”

:Of course, Sir.: Jarvis replied as he pulled up the holographic display of Tony’s body on one of the screens on the smart bar. :Several severe bruises, strained muscles, and signs of a twisted knee seem to be the only injuries. Both Sir and the fetus’ heartrates are stable.:

“Fetus…?” Tony looked at the scan and sure enough there were two heartbeats registering. “Oh sh*t…” Tony’s eyes rolled back in his head, and he passed out once he realized he’d been in extreme battles over the last few days while pregnant.

“TONY!” Rhodey cried out not expecting that to happen but able to catch his mate nonetheless lifting him into a bridal carry and heading back for the elevator that would take them down to the level that the rest of the Avengers and Loki were staying at the moment along with Severus and Phil, who had joined his mate as soon as they had left the penthouse. “Loki, Severus, or Phil, can one of you run a complete diagnostic and make sure things are stable for Tony? He just realized that he’d been fighting while four weeks pregnant.”

“WHAT?!!!” Several shouts of alarm went up and soon the wizards capable of the necessary scans were working on doing so while the rest stayed out of the way. Those that were watching were concerned, especially when it was shared that he’d lost a babe not that long ago.

Severus and Loki were the ones to do the scan wanting to make sure that he had what he needed. Severus ended up spelling several strengthening, stabilizing, and healing potions into Tony along with nutrition and stomach soothers. It was half an hour after Tony collapsed, twenty minutes after he woke from his unconscious state only to be spelled asleep with a dreamless sleep potion so not to stress himself with nightmares of the battles, before Severus and Loki sat back with sighs of relief.

“They’re all fine.” Severus said with a sigh.

“All three of them are now stable.” Loki nodded as well wiping his brow and accepting the hand up from Thor only to be wrapped in his brothers arms as Thor knew how hard this was on him with what their father had done to his children.

“THREE?” Rhodey’s eyes went wide looking from Tony and back to the others. “But Jarvis’ scan only showed his heartbeat and one other…”

“They’ll be magical twins. Their heartbeats beat in sync with each other.” Severus said looking up from where he was now leaning against Phil’s legs. “They will be one soul between two bodies. Fred and George are that way. Molly was surprised when she had the twins. She was sure it was only one and that they’d be a girl. She was furious when it was magical twins and boys at that.”

“Yeah…I remember Arthur’s joy over the fact but the Anger that was on Molly’s face whenever the twins would be brought up at the ministry when I was a trainee.” Kingsley said from where he was sitting watching everything. “I should head back and report in at MACUSA before reporting in at the British Ministry. Tell Harry I’m happy for him when you see him next.” With that Kingsley popped out and the others just shrugged, though Bruce and Steve looked a little confused on how it worked.

“I heard Tony tell you that you should visit here Dr. Banner, there was already a room he was setting up for you. He had hoped to find you and offer you sanctuary in his buildings so you could continue your research. He and Harry had made plans to try and find you but not make you feel cornered.” Rhodey said with a soft smile looking down at his mate. “Feel free to ask Jarvis to lead you to your room. Captain, Prince Thor and Prince Loki, there’s spare rooms you’re welcome to use as well on this floor to get some rest. Jarvis will order clothes and food for you if you need it. Captain, he’ll also order someone to go to wherever SHIELD has you squatting and bring your stuff to you, they’ll even check it for trackers. Wouldn’t want the Snake heads to know where you are all the time. Nat, your rooms are down a floor, he set aside the whole floor for you with plenty of room for both your forms.”

“Of course he did.” Nat said with a soft smile before nodding in thanks and telling everyone goodnight she headed for the elevator.

“Both her forms?” Loki asked confused.

“Aye, that’s up to her to tell you about them.” Rhodey shrugged before turning to Phil and Severus. “Your guest rooms are down two floors, unless you want to head back to your kid.”

“Thanks, we should head back to Septimus, Minnie’ll need a break after watching them and Sirius’ three.” Severus sighed as Phil helped him stand and they both nodded farewell to the others and apparated out as well.

“J, is the master bedroom safe or should I put Tones in one of the guest rooms?” Rhodey asked as he moved over to be closer to his mate.

:No damage is recorded in Sir’s lab or bedchambers. The wards that Mini Merlin installed held up during battle and kept both safe.: Jarvis replied leading to Rhodey nodding and scooping Tony into his arms carrying him from the room after telling the others goodnight.

“Oh Sir Rhodes…He’ll need to be on bedrest for two weeks to make sure the children are completely safe.” Loki called out before Rhodey got into the elevator again.

“Thanks, I’ll figure out a way to keep him there.” Rhodey nodded grateful for being told as he carried a sleeping Tony to bed.

~*~*Scene change*~*~*Harry’s Penthouse*~*~

Harry and Clint arrived in the Penthouse that Harry owned and looked out the large windows that covered floor to ceiling just like with Tony’s.

“All that destruction. I wish I could just get away with waving a wand and repairing things like they did when Newt Scamander released the Thunderbird after the Obscurial attacks of the 1930s.” Harry sighed as he leaned into the hold that Clint had on him, he’d turned so Clint’s chest was to his back so they could both look out the window.

“It would be nice but in this day and age not feasible after all the videos that are out there.” Clint nodded.

“I know.” Harry sighed again and stepped out of Clint’s arms. “I need to show you something before we get to know each other more.”

“What is it Sweetheart?” Clint asked reaching for Harry who he could see was nervous as hell, his attention was briefly taken by the entrance of the little flying dragon that he’d seen circling Harry when they were in the battle only to turn back and look in amazement of the image of a completely un-glamoured Harry.

Harry’s long hair reached even further down his back resting just above his hips and held purple highlights, the top half pulled back away from his face with some strands falling to frame his androgynous features. His wings, and that was a surprise for Clint to see, his wings shimmered through every color of the rainbow. His little companion was now resting on his shoulder watching Clint carefully. Harry had his face tipped forward so that he couldn’t see Clint’s expression.

“Now I know I’ve done something right in a past life. You are beautiful, sweetheart.” Clint said as he slowly stepped into Harry’s space cupping his cheek in his hand tilting Harry’s face up and his breath catching at Harry’s glowing Jade eyes. “I am truly blessed to gaze on your beauty.” He leaned in giving Harry time to pull back which he didn’t before he laid the briefest of kisses first on Harry’s eyelids then on his cheeks before finally lightly kissing his lips.

Harry gave a small, relieved smile when he felt the first flutter of the kiss. He opened his eyes when he felt Clint pull back slightly, still keeping his hands holding Harry’s face.

“We should sit down and talk. You also still need to introduce me to this little amazing one.” Clint said as he held his hand out for Iris to take his scent but not touching until she pushed her face into his hand. “She’s almost as amazing as you are. Though perhaps we should clean up and change if that is alright with you? I’m starting to feel the effects of the battle.”

Harry only smiled before taking Clint’s hand and leading him to a guest bathroom while summoning some of Sirius’ left behind jeans and shirt which charmed to shrink or grow to fit Clint as needed.

“I’ll get you some healing potions, and likely bruise balm, I saw how you landed on your quiver several times and know that probably bruised your back to hell and back.” Harry said with a small smirk. “Her name is Iris.” Harry said gesturing to the fire-lizard on his shoulder. “She’s my bonded Familiar and dear companion.” Harry ran his hand over Iris’ head as she nuzzled into him, he was still sad over the loss of Hedwig five years before to old age, she’d outlived her species average lifespan of 9 ½ to 10 years thanks to the magic that she was raised in, but she’d been 25 when she finally passed. “There’s plenty to eat and drink in the kitchen while I also get a shower. Feel free to help yourself and take your time.”

“Thanks.” Clint smiled softly to help keep Harry at ease before he turned and went into the bathroom only to gape in amazement that this was a guest bathroom, he was saddened to see the destruction from the windows behind the tub and the still rising smoke in some areas.

Harry turned toward his room and entered his bathroom stripping from his basilisk skin armor as he went and watching Iris fly over to the dual rain head shower with the stone wall she could perch on. With a flick of his hand and burst of wandless magic he turned on the showerheads and got the water heating to the almost scalding temperature that he loved and Iris luxuriated in. After spending an hour scrubbing away the battle and making sure he was fully clean Harry left the bathroom and threw a longing glance at his King size Round Bed with the multitude of pillows and the drapes, all in a bohemian style that Luna had introduced him to, with a longing eye before pulling on a pair of black sweats and chuckling as he pulled out the dark blue shirt that Tony had gotten him last time they had a day of nothing after his most recent heat, it said ‘that’s a horrible idea…what time?’ it had made Harry smile after such a rough heat so Tony had bought it. Tying his hair up into a high pony he left his room and found Clint standing in the dark boot cut jeans that hung low on his waist with the green shirt that Harry had summoned, he chuckled when he remembered what that one was it had the image of a velociraptor chasing a man and the words ‘Running…sometimes we all need a little motivation’ that was from when Remus was trying to get Sirius to start running with him when he was trying to loose baby weight. His hair was still wet but tousled as if he’d been running his hands through it. His bow and quiver were leaning against the window beside the door out onto the balcony. Iris took off from Harry’s shoulder and landed on Clint’s causing the man to startle momentarily but then turn and look at Harry holding something in one of his hands which he then placed back in his ears.

“So you’re the one I’ve been making those for all this time.” Harry smirked as he noticed that it was the hear-aids/comms that he’d been making so many times. “The latest ones have lasted the longest for you. How are they holding up after that battle?”

“They’re still working well. Was just giving my ears a break from wearing them.” Clint said simply with a shrug. “I was wondering if it was you that had been making them.”

“You find something to eat?” Harry asked gesturing toward the kitchen with a raised eyebrow.

“Not yet.” Clint shrugged before following Harry as he entered the kitchen and started throwing together a quick but filling stir-fry.

“Grab a beer from the bar if you want. I did pull you away from the one at Tony’s after all.” Harry gestured with his knife into the living room where the bar was located.

“I’m good thanks.” Clint held up a glass of water he’d grabbed. “I don’t like to drink to much right after an adrenaline crash.”

“I can understand that.” Harry nodded in response and closed his eyes as he felt Clint come over closer, he was already picking up things from his mate and knew that they’re bond was going to kick in soon and they wouldn’t be able to ignore it for much longer, he was close to his heat as well. “Want to grab some of the dishes from the cupboard beside the one you got that from and set some spots at the island? This won’t take much longer.”

“Sure.” Clint shrugged and did as asked already slipping into the bond and the ease of being around his true mate, even though they didn’t know each other too well they were knowledgeable about them thanks to their mutual friends.

What followed was a few hours of laughter and learning. Harry rubbed the bruise balm across Clint’s back covering the whole back while he shared the truth of his past and what he’d gone through to get to the point that he was at, even the traveling into the past part. He also shared what Lady Death had shared over the years in his dreams over what was to come as her Champion. They made tentative plans that they’d discuss with the others on how to handle Death’s Courtier. With a sigh Clint looked down at the young man that was curled against him the exhaustion from how much he’d pushed himself in battle finally pulling himself into slumber while Clint was still charged from the adrenaline and wanting to learn the territory that his mate called his home. Clint gently moved Harry off of him and then turned and picked the man up cursing his relatives for how light he still was even years out of their influence. Harry had admitted that because of his past he frequently forgot to eat unless reminded by others, so he never got about the low average weight for a man his height of 125 and most of that was muscle. Clint followed Iris as she showed him the direction to Harry’s room and he smiled when he saw the round bed, Harry’s indulgence of a nest. He laid Harry in the center of the bed with plans to leave and find the guest room only for Harry not to let him go.

“Just let me get out of these jeans love.” Clint whispered glad that he’d found a package of new boxer briefs that fit him in the guest room his bathroom had been attached to so that he wouldn’t have to be going commando.

Harry in his rest must have vaguely heard what Clint said for he released Clint enough that the man was able to strip out of the jeans and pull the covers over the both of them. Iris released the curtain ties that held the canopy open closing the pair into the nest in a glow of blues until Iris turned off the light using her feet and flying to her tree perch that Harry had installed in the corner of his room. Trilling with joy at the thought of her bonded having found his true mate she curled up on the branch and let sleep take her as well. Harry curled up against Clint letting out a very realistic sounding purr as Clint laid on his back with one arm behind his head and the other wrapped around his mate. That was how the pair slept through the night undisturbed by nightmares or busybody relatives. It was only after they didn’t surface for three days that they were disturbed by Sirius only for the man to swear and apparate back out of the penthouse crying about how he never wanted to see his baby boy like that again. Turns out the adrenaline from the battle and finally finding his mate lead to Harry’s heat hitting the morning after the battle. The pair didn’t fight the drive to mate and when they next emerged two weeks later from the penthouse they supported the mating bites of the other on the right sides of their necks at the junction between neck and shoulder.

Chapter 18: Whose blood is fet from fathers of war-proof


Some interaction between the Avengers and those of the Magical world. Some revelations and some comfort given.


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Harry looked around the wrecked remains of Tony’s penthouse and shook his head.

“No one thought to fix this while we were busy?” Harry looked at everyone around them.

“We were a little distracted and felt that the rest of the city had the right to be fixed first.” Tony shrugged from where he was snuggled on the only remaining intact couch in the common room.

“Tony, I can understand you and Rhodey not doing anything, but what about Loki, Sev, Phil, Remus, or Siri?” Harry asked with his arms crossed looking at the forementioned people. Clint came up behind Harry and placed a hand on the spot just below his mating bite calming Harry instantly. “Sorry…I shouldn’t be judgmental…” He closes his eyes briefly. “Tony, I’m very happy for you and Rhodes but I ask that you step out of the building for a little while…I want to make sure that the repair magic won’t affect your babes. Loki, if you could assist me. Sev, Phil, Rem, and Siri please make sure that things are going well in the city…”

“Of course pup.” The four smile softly while Remus leads everyone out. Steve, Bruce, Thor, and Natasha had already been out in the city helping, thanks to a glamour on Bruce he was able to slip past the General that was constantly hunting him. “Call us when you’re ready for us to return.”

“Will do.” Harry nodded enjoying as Clint’s arms wrapped around Harry’s waist determined to stay with him the whole time no matter what.

“Let’s go love! I’m finally free of this place.” Tony smirked glad to be off bed rest and that the babies were safe, he’d been cleared just that morning by Loki and Severus, hence why Sev and Phil had been at the tower in the first place.

“Alright Tones, let’s go see what’s happening out there without us.” Rhodey chuckled as he wrapped his arm around Tony’s waist and lead the way from the apartment. He nodded gratefully when he felt the notice-me-not drop over the pair of them, while he hadn’t let Tony follow the news he had been and knew that people were wondering where the ‘heroes’ had disappeared to.

“Harry…we’ll have to do something about the World Council, they want to control the team and they’re the ones that sent the nuke. Fury’s been delaying them as much as he could stating repairs and clean up on the carrier but still…” Phil said before turning to follow the others.

“After we get this fixed I’ll go deal with that.” Harry nodded in acknowledgement, after he’d learned that Sev’s mate was a SHIELD agent and that his lost aunt was as well he’d slipped his way into the organization, mostly through his providing medical supplies for the hospital wing. “They’ll regret everything they try.”

“Look forward to it.” Phil smirked in response.

When everyone was clear but for Clint, Harry, and Loki they got to work, those that could casting cleaning and repair spells while the Clint made sure they didn’t over work.

“Thank you Agent Barton for alerting them to the issue you noticed.” Loki said as they were finishing up.

“Were you able to get it all out?” Clint asked looking over at the god with a raised eyebrow.

“Aye, with the help of your Professor Snape. He was able to enter my mind when he found out about the control that had happened and made sure there were no remnants.” Loki said looking at Harry when he mentioned Professor Snape.

“I’m glad. He’s good at what he does and won’t accept leaving something to chance.” Harry replied with a soft smile as Clint nodded along. “I did the same for Clint and hope that they found someone for the others.”

“Yes, there was talk about bringing in discreet Mind Healers.” Loki nodded as they settled on the couch that had been repaired, he looked toward where there had been cracks in the flooring from his pounding from Hulk.

“Well it will be interesting to find out what happens.” Clint nodded as he perched on the back of the second couch where Harry dropped with exhaustion, he hadn’t fully recovered from his heat and seemed to become exhausted easy when using his magic.

“Clint…glad to see you guys back.” Natasha walked into the room with a smile when she spotted the pair and then looked over toward Loki with a blush, she’d not been around the man since the battle and even then she didn’t really interact with him.

“How is work going out in the city Auntie?” Harry asked tipping his head back to look at Nat from his relaxed position.

“We’re making some progress, Tony’s helping with things even from his bed rest, the public thinks that it’s special tech when they spot a magical helping with the repairs.” Nat said moving over to the couch and lifting Harry’s feet into her lap. “MACUSA was looking for you and wanted to arrest you for using magic in view of mundanes especially with Iris showing up in battle. Tony, Kings, and Fury were able to spin it on the news that you were a special mutant, and the broom and fire-lizard were simply illusions that you would lay with your mutation.”

“I’ll still stay away from them as much as possible.” Harry muttered as he closed his eyes when he felt his aunt start to massage his legs.

“Did you get looked over at least before you disappeared for two weeks?” Nat asked softly.

“It was superficial wounds.” Harry replied without opening his eyes and so didn’t see Clint nod in confirmation to his long-time work partner.

“Prince Loki, would you be so kind as to scan my stubborn nephew? He normally isn’t so exhausted from some minor repair work.” Natasha asked simply looking up at the alien who had through being controlled caused the repair work to be necessary.

Loki blinked momentarily before looking between the trio and swallowing lightly and smiling at the feisty redhead.

“I would be honored Lady Natasha.” Loki nodded as he stood and rolled up his sleeves placing a hand on Harry’s forehead and another on his chest and allowing his magic to scan, he ignored for the moment the way both super spies eyes widened at the words that had come out of his lips and the way that Natasha’s right hand moved to just below her ribs on the left.

Loki sat back after a while and sighed before shaking his head.

“You’ve used too much magic…between the battle then going into your heat followed by this. You need to rest child.” Loki brushed some hair from Harry’s forehead, his finger drifting over the point that Harry’s scar formally resided. “There is minor dark residue here, I can remove it easily if you wish, most of it was removed years ago but from what I can feel in my scan there was minor amounts that remained, nothing as dark as what originally resided there just residue.”

“Please.” Clint asked running his hand over Harry’s hair as Harry sat up slowly and leaned between his legs on the couch while Harry nodded.

With another simple touch Loki pulled away a small amount of dark energy that he held in his hand and then crushed in his grip. When that happened Harry let out a soft gasp as the minor headache that he’d been living with since the removal of the Horcrux disappeared fully, if he were to look into the mirror he'd see the last of the famous scar fading completely from his head. Nat smiled softly at her nephew before turning and focusing on Loki with another smile.

“Thank you.” Nat said as she stood to get something to drink.

“So Prince Loki, I have a question…” Harry started while looking through his eye lashes at Loki.

“Yes…” Loki looked at Harry from the side of his eye as he drew out the word while settling back on the couch he’d previously been on.

“Is the legend true that you dressed Thor up in a wedding dress to retrieve his hammer, while dressing as a handmaiden?” Harry smirked as he heard the sputter that came from behind them.

“Brother no need to answer that!” Thor boomed out not noticing the flinch that his loud voice drew from Harry though Loki and Clint both noticed it.

“Well, that answers that.” Steve chuckled as he entered the room behind the large blond god. “How about the stories about you having several children?”

“Ah…yes…” Loki smirked at his brother. “I did assist Thor in retrieving his hammer in that manner, though I didn’t just dress as a woman. I’m able to shift my form into a female body. As for children…”

“Are you okay?” Harry looked concerned as he leaned forward to make sure that Loki wasn’t overwhelmed as the others returned from the time outside.

“Odin has banished my children and while their conceptions were not good times I loved each and every one of them.” Loki responded standing and moving to the window.

“Sorry but Odin sounds like a dickhe*d.” Steve shrugged, “From what we’ve learned in the time that you’ve been around and the time that we’ve met with Thor it just leads to me wanting to punch him.”

Loki let out a little scoff and wrapped his arms around himself only for his brother to come over and hug him in support. Thor had thought over things since he thought he’d lost his brother and in the time that Harry and Clint had been at Harry’s apartment the brothers had time to talk things out.

“He is as you say a dickhe*d. If it wouldn’t leave the realm in chaos I would abdicate the throne and remain here.” Thor responded with a nod to Steve.

“I’ve already sent word to mother of my abdication, though I now see that Father would’ve never let me have the throne.” Loki sighed looking out the window. “I just wish that he didn’t believe the prophecy so completely.”

“What Prophecy?” Harry sat forward, he remembered how his first life had been tied to a prophecy that he found out was false.

“Father was told that one of Loki’s children would bring about Ragnarök and so banished or enslaved them. He’s locked them in their animal forms if they have one and only he can break the spell.” Thor replied looking over his shoulder at the group.

“That BASTARD!” Natasha snarled as she returned to the room and had heard everything. She wasn’t able to hold her Naga form back in her anger over how her Alpha was treated and everyone that didn’t know about it stepped back in shock though Loki only looked on in awe.

“Well…that’s one way to let them know about your other form.” Tony said from where Rhodey had settled him into a seat on the third couch available.

“I know a Ragnarök he could meet. Like to see how he’d stand up to the Goblins.” Harry snarled fighting the fact his magic wanted to flare. “Okay here’s the thing. There is a place in England that has record of all Prophecy’s in the known universe and the magical world still remembers the fact that Asgard is not a myth.” He pushed himself to his feet and fought against the dizzy spell that washed over him. “We can get there through the use of the Gringotts floo network, and I know someone who would love to help.”

“Luna?” Severus asked looking over at his nephew.

“Luna.” Harry nodded thinking of his dear friend, while Ron had gone on to become deputy head of the Auror Department under Kingsley Luna had gone into work for the Unspeakables to work in the Prophecy department and became the head of that department in a few years.

“What about me?” A voice asked from the balcony doors with a smirk on her face and her blonde hair blowing lightly in the wind that was coming through the open doors, the tall red head behind her was smirking at having been able to surprise so many people.

“Of course you knew we’d need you.” Harry sighed as he walked over to the pair and was wrapped in hug. “Luna are there any True Prophecies of Loki’s Children bringing about Ragnarök?”

“That bullsh*t? No…it was made by a disgruntled Delphi Oracle apprentice that had been passed over for the position of head of her own sect as well as being turned down for a tumble by Prince Loki when she was most fertile. She made it when she knew that Odin would be close and knew of his treatment of his second son.” Luna shook her head in disbelief that the belief in that prophecy was still out there. “She figured that since she couldn’t have a child of Loki’s, then Loki shouldn’t have the privilege of enjoying having his children.”

“Please tell me that she died horribly?” Thor snarled at the thought of what a jealous woman had caused.

“Oh yes…It was my many times-great-grandmother that first cursed her for none of her prophecies to be understandable and then when one that she had given came to pass the public cursed her for her lack of clarity and had her executed by method of the Brazen Bull. Pandora Lovegood the first made sure that the curse would last until the end of the line, only a few times did it seem to weaken when the Norns or Delphi Oracle needed something heard that would change the world. Sadly Cassandra made sure that we’d be seen as ‘Loony’ in the curse she cast in return, though she only made it that it would last until the last of her line died.” Luna smirked. “You actually know one of her descendants Harry, had a great love of sherry and incense.”

“Trelawney?” Harry raised his eyes in surprise at what he learned.

“Exactly, heard she fell down the ridiculous ladder she had to her rooms while completely sloshed and broke her neck.” Luna chuckled; she’d hated how she was talked down to by the ‘seer’ who taught Divination, there had always been a feud between the Lovegood and Trelawney families, everyone that married into the families took the name of the Seers, meaning Ron was now Ron Lovegood, something he didn’t mind since his family had so many boys to carry on the name.

“Good riddance to bad rubbish. You obviously know of the false prophecy that was made to Dumbles to land the job.” Harry said with a smirk, “Then her ‘prophecy’ that happened when Scabbers was going to escape.”

“Ah yes. That one was pushed through by the Norns to make sure that things happened as they were supposed to. The one that made Voldiemoldie focus on you was completely false though and a set up from beginning to end.” Luna replied with a nod as she moved further into the tower room she turned and gave a shocked bow to the two Royals. “Greetings, Crown Prince Thor Odinson, and Heir Apparent Loki Friggason may your days be filled with joy.”

“Greetings Norn Daughter Lovegood.” Prince Thor nodded recognizing that which was being said when she told of how the prophecy had come around. “Brother, I should go and inform mother of what was learned. She’ll have advice on what to do.”

Loki took a deep breath and nodded in response as Natasha moved forward and wrapped her serpentine body around him when Thor stepped back.

“I’ll be here to comfort my mate.” Natasha lisped slightly as she struggled to pull back the fangs and split tongue that comes out when she’s at her angriest.

“Congratulations Brother, Lady Natasha. I’m glad his greatest match is such a fine warrior as you are.” Thor nodded before looking at the others. “I’ll return when I can, this information must be shared to bring the children of my brother from their torment.”

“Do you think your father will listen to reason?” Severus asked where he stood with arms crossed and concern clear on his face.

“I know for a fact he will not. But my mother will and can help. If only he didn’t have Gungnir things would be easier.” Thor sighed running his hand down his face. “But he ordered me home as of this morning and has sent the decree that Loki is forbidden from returning to Asgard.”

“Take this, when you have a chance give it to your mother with the order to let the full contents fall upon the spear.” Luna said stepping forward with a large vial of a self-bubbling hissing substance that had Harry gasping and stepping back in shock. “Make sure that not a drop touches any skin.”

“Where did you find that much Venom?” Harry whispered his eyes wide as he touched his arm where the previous scar of the Basilisk fang had resided.

“King Ragnarök gave it to me before we came, stated his seers had told him we’d need it and that we needed to be here this evening. He said that they put the corresponding funds in your vault.” Luna shrugged unaffected by the fact that she held a large goblin glass flask with the deadliest venom known to man hissing within.

Harry took a deep breath and sighed before he looked back at the deep purple vial and knew that he needed to trust what was being said he only nodded in response knowing that it was venom from the basilisk that had been within the chamber.

“I thank you Lady Lovegood.” Thor nodded and took the flask carefully; he may seem like a bumbling idiot most of the time, but he was aware of things, and he’d noticed the reaction that Warrior Potter-Black had when confronted with the flasks contents.

“Remember none gets on the skin, for I doubt you have access to Phoenix Tears, and it is the only known cure.” Luna said as she handed over the flask carefully to the Prince of Asgard. “Things will be made clear when the task is done. And your mother must be the one to destroy the spear.”

Thor only nodded again before taking the bag his brother held out to him to place the flask within and would keep it from being broken at any point. Loki gave his brother another hug as he turned to head out to the landing pad that was one floor up on the very top level of the tower. With a cry out to Heimdall Thor was whisked away with the help of magic from Loki and Heimdall returning him to Asgard and a meeting that would change many things. The others simply looked around at each other, Nat slowly pulled her Naga form back and returned to Human shape while Tony called for Jarvis to order a large order of pizza, Ron and Luna met Clint and congratulated Harry on finally finding his mate. Rhodey hovered around Tony while Steve sat with a sketch book and Phil sat with Severus curled in his lap dozing while Sev read the latest Potions Monthly that had his latest article on the true affects of Wolfsbane on the body of a Werewolf. Loki simply stood by the window with his arms around Natasha and her arms around him. Bruce had simply nodded at everyone and then disappeared down into the lab that Tony had given him access to. Remus and Sirius had returned to their home to be with their younger children instead of returning to the tower, the girls and Leon still shaken by what they had caught glimpses of on the tv. They all simply settled in for a quiet evening and hoped that things would ease into a routine soon.


Do you want to see what happens on Thor's trip to Asgard or simply have him give a summary when he returns? let me know in the comments. Who do you want to be Thor's mate? Choices: Kingsley, Neville, Viktor, or Seamus?

Chapter 19: Fathers that, like so many Alexanders


For those who asked to see Harry's confrontation with the World Council, also the process has begun for the burning of the heads of Hydra.
Looks like the winner by a land slide for Thor's mate is Neville, something that I'm looking forward to having them meet. Next chapter will have the interaction on Asgard. and should be longer.

Chapter Text

Harry looked over at Loki three days after Thor had left and knew that he needed to do something. He looked out over the city and cursed the fact that Loki still wouldn’t let him use his magic, it was still too drained. He looked up at the sky as Iris came soaring back toward him, while Natasha and Loki cuddled on the couch in his apartment. He’d gone back home with Clint and taken his aunt and her mate with, stating he wanted Loki close so he’d know as soon as possible when he could use magic. But he could see that Loki appreciated being away from the Tower when his brother was gone and so many were surrounding the building, both fans, protestors, and those that were calling for his arrest. Phil had let him know that Fury was getting pressure from the World Council and General Ross to take in not only Loki but the Hulk as well. Looking once more at Loki he smirked, he couldn’t go to Asgard to chew out the asswipe Odin, but he could take care of several with superiority complexes that thought it was okay to wipe out all of Midtown with a Nuke. He pulled Clint into their room, which he had sound and smell proofed at Omega Heat levels the moment he moved in and knew it would make it very difficult for either Natasha or Loki to hear them.

“I need you to take me to Shield headquarters. Or contact Phil to do the same. I can’t have Loki or Aunt Nat find out.” Harry said as soon as they were in the safety of his room.

“Why do you want to go there?” Clint asked with a raised eyebrow.

“Well…I might have a say in the running of the organization since I found out it was started by my blood brother’s asshole father and then found out that my Uncle worked there.” Harry shrugged. “If they want me to continue supplying them with the medical and prosthetic gear that I do then they’ll need to meet with me.”

“You want to chew out the World Council don’t you?” Clint smirked as he crossed his arms over his chest.

“Yep.” Harry popped the p as he said it not ashamed in the least. “I’m still the Voice of the Queen for the Magical World of Britain, and I know for a fact that they’ve placed someone on the Council.”

“As long as I can watch.” Clint continued to smirk before pulling out his phone and making a call. “Hey Phil?”

Moments after the call had been placed Harry and Clint turned to smirk at Phil who walked into the room with a raised eyebrow and Nat following behind with her own arms crossed and a raised questioning eyebrow.

“So you wanted to come and make sure things are going right with the supplies you’re sending, and Clint wanted to restock his gear? Why couldn’t you just bring him in then?” Phil asked looking between the two.

“Because we don’t want Harry seen out in public just yet and he can’t apparate somewhere he’s never truly been.” Clint shrugged unbothered but glad that Phil had been able to come up with an explanation that wouldn’t put Nat’s radar up.

“Alright, Prince Loki he’s safe to be apparated if he doesn’t do so himself?” Phil looked over at Loki just to make sure he wouldn’t harm his nephew’s core.

“As long as he doesn’t pull on any magic himself he will be fine.” Loki nodded while placing his hands on Natasha’s shoulders.

“Alright, come on you two.” Phil placed his hands on each of their shoulders and apparated them to the Helicarrier that was still hovering to keep watch over New York, though repairs were difficult they were going on and didn’t want to land until they were finished, they couldn’t tuck the engines away in their secure hold until the repairs were done.

“Alright come on you two, Fury’s in the call room, he couldn’t put the Council off any longer, so your timing is perfect.” Phil said as he lead the way to the secure call room that they had set up.

:Where are the Avengers: One of the Shadowed Council members asked.

“I’m not currently tracking their whereabouts.” Fury said in response his arms crossed and focusing his good eye on the pair. “I’d say they’ve earned a leave of absence.”

:And the Tesseract?: A female council member asked.

“The Tesseract is where it belongs. Out of our reach.” Fury replied, thinking about the fact that it was currently in one of Gringotts most secure vaults along with the scepter.

:That’s not your call.: One of the male council members snarled.

“I didn’t make it. I just didn’t argue with the god that did.” Fury said seriously, Thor and Loki had both made the call to trust the cube and the scepter to the Goblins.

:So, you let him take it and the war criminal, Loki, who should be answering for his crime.: The Councilman said simply, though the frustration and anger was clear in his voice.

“Let me stop you right there Councilman Matthews.” Harry said stepping in and typing his special code in that allowed the shadowing of all the councilmembers faces visible.

:Who are you?!: Several voices cried out while the British contingent only let out a Curse, when he saw the form that stepped into view.

Harry had been wearing his formal Mandarin Style suit that could pass as a formal Robe with a white shirt under it, Iris was perched on his shoulder and Clint stayed in the shadows with Phil. He had the sword of Gryffindor sheathed across his back in a similar manner as Clint wore his quiver, he also had his wand in hand though he wouldn’t use it.

“I am Lord Haldir Jarrah Potter-Black, Lord of the Most Ancient and Most Noble houses of Potter, Evans, Emrys, Gryffindor, and Slytherin. Secondary Heir to the Most Ancient and Most Noble House of Black. I am the Voice of Queen Elizabeth the Second, by the Grace of God Queen of this Realm and of Her other Realms and Territories, Head of the Commonwealth, Defender of the Faith for the Magical World in Britain. A world that you are all aware of in your position on the World Council.” Harry said with a sneer looking at the councilmembers in front of the four in the video room. “I should tell you that Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth the second is pulling the British contingent from the Council effective immediately. You Councilman Richards are to report to her Majesty and explain what the hell you were thinking when you agreed with the other members of this council to fire a nuke on the City of New York and headquarters of MACUSA.”

:You can’t do this!: The Councilman with the British flag behind him snarled.

“You will find that I can. I’ve also been in touch with the rest of the heads of your countries. You are all being recalled to your homes, and they will judge you based on your answers to the questions raised.” Harry smirked; he’d been busy in the few days he’d had since he exited his apartment after his heat. “Prince Loki Friggason has been given a worldwide pardon when it was explained to the heads of all nations that he was just as controlled as the ones that he controlled. He and the man that becomes the Hulk were given asylum by order of the President of MACUSA and the President of the USA. Any attempts to imprison either man will be met with extreme prejudice.”

:How dare you!: The council woman that had originally asked about the Tesseract snarled.

“I dare because I am the Heir of Emrys friend of Dragons, I dare because I am sick and tired of Assholes like yourselves deciding that other humans lives are of less value of yours. I dare because I am the Champion of Lady Death and I’m not about to let you Bastards cause even more death in your quest of world domination. I dare because with Dr. Stark we own control over 70% of SHIELD.” Harry snarled with Iris flaring her wings behind him at the mention of Emrys. “The council’s reign is over. You are all fired.”

:YOU HAVE NO RIGHT!: The first Councilman snarled.

“You will find I have every right.” Harry sneered at the man and wishing he was able to send a curse over the video feeds, but he wasn’t able send through technology. He turned and looked at Fury. “Director Nicholas Fury you are from here on out fully in charge of the organization known as SHIELD.”

Harry cut the feed on the shouts of anger that were being sent to him. He smirked as Fury started cursing as soon as the feed was cut.

“Really! You had to put me in charge of the whole thing! You know the headache this is going to cause me!” Fury snarled and glared at Harry.

“Tony and I trust you. My Aunt and Uncle trust you, and my mate also trusts you. I know that you are an honorable man from my interactions with you and with my interactions with your brother. We know that you’ll make the best choices for the whole world and not allow the Multiheaded Snake to have any further say in how things are done. Jarvis and Pop were finally able to get enough information that you’d be able to start a full purge of SHIELD before we start a purge of the world. We need to burn the heads off the Snake and what better place to start then at the main body?” Harry said looking unphased by the frustration displayed as anger coming from the one-eyed man.

Fury seemed to deflate when he heard the reason that he was placed in charge of everything. He straightened when he heard that he’d now be able to start the purge he’d been hoping for.

“That’s the reason Stark hacked us?” Fury asked wanting to know what lead Stark to breaking into their system the way he did.

“Aye, that’s the reason. Jarvis was the forefront hack so that you’d find it, as would those that are on the look out to make sure that the information they don’t want loose isn’t found. Pop was the secondary hidden hack that went into the deep hidden files and made sure to get everything he could.” Harry nodded as they left the room heading for the med bay and storage lockers. “Just so you know, you’re not sending my mate on missions I don’t approve. I will not have him take unnecessary risks now that I’ve found him.”

“He’s still one of my best spies.” Fury snarled but it was mostly for show.

“Aye, I know that. I also know that My Aunt is his best partner. They work together or not at all. They are the only ones that Loki and I will trust to watch their backs.” Harry shrugged. “Unless of course you want to explain to Prince Loki why you’d send his mate into dangerous situations without the backup of my mate?”

“Little brat.” Fury muttered looking at the young man out of the corner of his eye knowing he was caught between a rock and a hard place. “I’ll be assigning them permanently to being part of the Avengers with the right to call them in for necessary assignments. Also reserve the right to partner them with others of the Avengers.”

“I think that would work.” Harry said. “And just so you know. I’ve looked over the contract that SHIELD was trying to get Captain Rogers to sign, and it is a load of bullsh*t.”

“I didn’t like that contract either, but it had been created by the world council and I wasn’t given the right to veto.” Fury shrugged, he knew the importance of Contracts and how they should always be carefully looked over.

“Ah…that would explain it.” Harry nodded. “Let me guess Pierce made the final adjustments.”

“Yes…” Fury said with a question clear in his answer.

“That would give me more explanation. He’s the latest top head of the snake.” Harry explained with a nod before looking around the bridge where they had stopped briefly as Hill came up to ask a question. “Ah…Sitwell, amazed your still here.”

“What is that supposed to mean?” Sitwell stood from where he’d been sitting at one of the computers, closing out what he’d been working on before Harry could get a look.

“What I mean is that I thought you’d be crawling back to your master to grovel for forgiveness over not getting him the scepter.” Harry sneered in response looking the man over carefully and letting his attention land on the pin on his suit lapel. “Interesting pin you have there. Looks like the symbol that was found on the back of Obediah Stane’s neck. Do you have a similar tattoo somewhere? Perhaps you use the covers that I created for those that have scars they don’t want seen? Handy that I built in a cut command on all patches that all medical professionals know so that they can treat all injuries.” Harry watched as Clint and Phil stood on either side of the man who was now visibly sweating. “Ea quae abscondita est. (reveal what is hidden)” He watched as Sitwell and several other Hidden Hydra agents slapped hands to the back of their necks or another area of their bodies when they felt the removal of the hiding qualities of the patches, it included many members of the Strike team. “Well looks like Fury’s lucky day.”

“I completely agree Lord Potter-Black. Agents arrest the Hydra spies and find any others.” Fury snarled as he noticed the removal of the patches ability to hide. “Make sure that they can’t get word out to any others.”

“Oh…let me help with one more thing.” Harry smirked before he let his wand drop into his hand.

“Harry…” Phil said in warning.

“It’s just a simple summoning spell I was able to do over a long distance in fourth year. Wouldn’t want them to be able to use their quick way out.” Harry raised an eyebrow.

“Let me then.” Phil smirked understanding what was being said. “And I can do it over the whole ship. Director if I could use the comm?”

“All yours Phil.” Fury stepped back understanding what was going to happen.

“First, we reveal. Ea quae abscondita est.” Phil said as soon as the comm was turned on. “Then we summon. ACCIO HYDRA CYANIDE CAPSULES!”

There were several screams around the deck as well as throughout the rest of the ship as several bloody teeth came soaring through the air to land at the feet of Phil and Fury.

“Attention all SHIELD Agents. Those that now have missing teeth are to be apprehended and taken to the brig. Make sure they have no means to communicate outside of the ship. It is time to burn off the heads of Hydra.” Fury took over the comm and gave the command while sneering at Sitwell who was whimpering between Harry and Clint now.

“Hail Hydra!” Sitwell whimpered out before he was knocked out.

“Long live freedom.” Harry smirked as he raised his hand which held his sword, the pommel of which he used knock the idiot out.

“Well done love.” Clint smirked as he made sure the man was dragged away with the others. “We should head back to the apartment and let the rest know what’s going on.”

“I agree.” Harry said before shrugging his shoulders. “The sooner I can get out of this monkey suit I’d be happy.”

“I’ll take you back then I need to return to help with the round up.” Phil said stepping forward. “Accio Hawkeye’s Gear.” He waved in the direction of the births, Clint’s gear soon arrived and with a simple packing spell was thrown into a duffle bag before being swung over Clint’s shoulder. The two were returned to Harry’s apartment before Phil returned to stand beside Fury. “So time to hunt a Hydra?” Phil smirked.

“As Lord Potter-Black said…Long live freedom.” Fury smirked as well and moved to stand in front of the controls while Hill and Phil stood at his right and left hand.

“Long live freedom.” They both nodded and looked out over the ocean as they began to make plans for the hunt to begin.

*~*~Undisclosed location in Washington DC~*~*

:We have an issue.: The voice of one of the councilmen said simply to a man who stood in the shadows. :Lord Potter-Black has fired the world council and we’re all being recalled back to the nations that we ‘answer’ to. He has placed Director Fury in complete control of SHIELD. We’ve lost all communication with our agents inside SHIELD a short time after.:

“What would you have me do Secretary Pierce?” The man in the shadows asked.

:Activate the Asset. His targets Nicholas J. Fury and Lord Haldir Potter-Black along with any that attempt to save them. No witnesses.: Secretary of International Defense Alexander Pierce smirked as he looked at the doctor in charge of making sure the Winter Soldier stayed in statis and that when he was activated he had the correct orders.

“Right away sir. Hail Hydra!” The Doctor saluted before turning and moving out of the room as the call ended.

Chapter 20: Have in these parts from morn till even fought


The Asgard Chapter that people wanted...watch out momma Frigga on the loose!

Chapter Text

Thor nodded to Heimdall as he arrived on the remnants of the rainbow bridge.

“Welcome back Prince Thor. I’m glad the truth was revealed, and Prince Loki is safe.” Heimdall nodded in welcome as he continued to watch the different worlds as was his duty.

“I’m glad as well my friend. My father is unaware?” Thor asked looking toward the Golden City.

“He is unaware for now. Your mother is in her weaving chamber and denying him entrance at the moment.” Heimdall replied knowing that the actions to come would change many of the paths that he saw, he looked toward the hidden realm where Prince Fenrir resided and then into the realm that held Jörmungandr and the realm of Hel knowing that soon their bonds would be lifted, though Sleipnir would be the first of the children to be released once the Queen found out the truth.

“Thank you my friend.” Thor nodded and then with a swing of his hammer lifted into the air of Asgard and flew off to land on the balcony outside of his mother’s weaving chambers.

“I’ve told you repeatedly my King that I did not want to be disturbed until you lift the ban on our youngest.” Frigga snarled not looking up when she heard someone land on her balcony. Odin couldn’t fly but he was a warrior and knew ways to get to it that would allow him to invade her chamber.

“I am not my father.” Thor said with a smirk. “Will you allow me to disturb your weaving mother?”

Frigga turned with a soft gasp before standing and rushing to pull her eldest into her arms. “Oh I’m so glad that you’re safe. How is Loki? Is he safe? Does he need healing? What happened?”

Thor sank into his mother’s embrace glad that he had the chance to do so again before he stood to his full height and lead her further into her chambers and with a device given to him by Lord Potter-Black shortly before he left he encased the room in a privacy bubble smirking at the squawk that came from his father’s spying ravens. He eased her down onto one of her resting couches and sat beside her making sure that the vial was safe before placing it on the table in front of them and watched as his mother’s eyes widened.

“Where did you get the venom of the King of Serpents from Midgard?” Frigga gasped out looking at the hissing liquid.

“That is part of the tale I need to tell.” Thor said grasping his mother’s hand. “I’ve met one of the Daughters of the Norns while I was upon Midgard. She handed me this from the Goblins of Midgard and told me that YOU must pour the whole vial upon Father’s Spear.”

“But why?” Frigga looked at Thor in confusion then sat through hearing the information that Thor brought back with him about the battle, the mind control, the magical control with his Father’s signature that had been found in the past two weeks upon his brother, the finding of Loki’s true mate, and the false prophecy of Ragnarök that had been given by a spiteful woman. “That bastard! Give me the vial and give me until dinner. A feast will be held in your honor for returning victorious, your father has already called for it when he heard the results of the battle. He’s banished Loki from returning to Asgard due to his actions refusing to believe that your brother was under another’s control. His spear will be in the Throne at this time and there will be several witnesses as they like to gather in the throne room.”

“I’ll accompany you mother and make sure that you are unharmed from what you must do.” Thor stood and watched as his mother picked up the vial of Basilisk venom with a cautious hand. “The Lady Luna said to make sure none touches skin of any. For the only cure known in all worlds is the tears of a phoenix.”

“One of those blessed birds has not been seen in this realm since a few days after your father was granted the Spear in the first place.” Frigga whispered wondering if something with the spear was the reason the blessed creatures had not been seen in Asgard.

Thor escorted his mother on his arm to the Throne room returning the calls of greeting and welcome home from all that noticed him. He nodded but avoided Lady Sif and the Warriors Three remembering their words that had been sneered over the magic of Prince Loki and their treatment of his brother. His two weeks following the battle with his brother and all the other magical warriors of Midgard had helped him see how he’d been treating Loki for so long and they’d spent time talking and Thor had apologized for how he’d treated Loki.

“Tell me more of this Lady Natasha?” Frigga asked as they walked wanting to know more about the true mate that had been created for her youngest, she didn’t care that he was adopted she loved him just as much as Thor.

“She is a fierce Warrior. She’s been trained to use her mind, body, and anything at hand as a weapon. I’ve even seen her turn a metal disk into a weapon.” Thor said thinking of the moment he saw her chuck a hubcap at several Chitauri and decapitated them even though the hubcap was not sharp by any means. She has similar gifts to Loki and prefers to use special weapons she calls ‘Widow Bites’ to shock her prey. She’s known as the Black Widow, a formable creature for its size that is known for killing prey many times its size. She is related to Lord Potter-Black as an Aunt. He is Lady Death’s current champion. He wishes to meet you; he has many questions for you.”

“I would be honored to meet him.” Frigga replied with a soft smile nodding at those that greeted them as they walked. “There is something about Loki’s True Mate that you are not telling me.” She said firmly.

“I’ve only just learned it and it was because her anger made it happen. She did not share it willingly and feel that she should have the chance to reveal it to you. Lord Potter-Black and Loki have a plan on how they can repair the BiFrost without the use of the infinity stone.” Thor stated as they past a window that looked out over the shattered remains.

“Then we’ll have to bring them both here as soon as possible. To hell with Odin’s edict if Loki can help.” Frigga said looking out over the land. “Heimdall, call them both up here if you could.”

“Lord Potter-Black has something that he must do before he can come that will change the path for many.” Heimdall said in return and even though he was till standing on the Bridge remains they were able to hear it clearly.

“Very well. As soon as he’s able to come.” Frigga nodded as they finally reached the Throne room and nodded at those around the room before finally looking up at Odin who sat watching over all the Room with a steely gaze in his one good eye.

“My Queen, how wonderful of you to honor us with your presence.” Odin said as he straightened. “Prince Thor welcome back from a successful battle. Heimdall has graced us with tales of your victory.”

“I share the honor of victory with many Shield Brothers and a new Shield Sister as well.” Thor nodded not wanting to take all the credit. “In fact My King I would ask that we bring them here to join in the Feast for they deserve the honoring of a battle well fought as well.” Thor stated as he escorted his mother up beside Odin and was grateful to see that his father wasn’t holding on to the spear at the moment.

“Would that include a petition to allow Loki to return?” Odin sneered not paying attention to what Frigga was doing on his blind side only to twist and climb to his feet quickly when he heard the hissing that came from the entire vial of Basilisk Venom being poured without hesitation upon the Spear. “What have you done?!”

Several loud screams echoed through the vast hall as everyone watched the sight of Gungnir being melted and the rolling mass of darkness that poured from the puddle. They were shocked at the sound that followed for the first time in thousands of years they heard the call of a Phoenix song echoing through the halls. They watched as Odin seemed to stumble as the darkness disappeared and shake himself from the affects of holding it so often.

“I’ve done what I was directed to by a Daughter of the Norns at their direction.” Frigga stood straight and tall with a complete lack of expression on her face.

“Our Luna-Moon Child has done us proud.” Verðandi said as she entered with her sisters her eyes covered by a cloth hood which she folded back revealing her dark waves while her sisters revealed their red and blond hair respectively as they removed their hoods.

“Lady Verðandi, Lady Urðr, and Lady Skuld you honor us with your presence.” Thor bowed deep at his waist with his arm crossed over his chest.

“Well met young warrior.” Lady Urðr said with a soft smile on her pale face.

“Oh his Little Vine will be amazing…I can’t wait…it’s soooo close…Sisters can’t we do a nudge please?” Skuld asked looking at her sisters and clapping her hands while bouncing in glee over what she saw ahead for the dashing Prince.

“You know we can’t interfere. It isn’t much longer anyhow sister be at ease.” Verðandi said with a soft smile loving her little sister’s enthusiasm. “Don’t worry young Prince it won’t be long, and you will meet your True Mate as well.”

“When you will it Ladies.” Prince Thor bowed again with a soft expression as always looking forward to the day he’d meet his match.

“What has happened?” Odin asked looking from the puddle which had stopped sizzling, to the trio of Phoenix’s that were flying around the ceiling, to his Lady Wife and then at the Norns who rarely left their home at the base of Yggdrasill where they tended to the World Tree.

“We decided to come and see the fulfillment of the True Prophecy that would affect the future of Asgard and not the Bullsh*t that you’d been fed by a spurned woman of Delphi.” Urðr said as she smirked at the confusion that was rippling through the crowd that was forming.

“May I ask what you mean Lady Urðr?” Frigga stepped forward still holding the vial that had held the Venom.

“Of course.” Urðr replied with a gentle nod her image flickering between a young woman and an old crone as she looked into the far past. “Thousands of years ago Odin overhead a prophecy given when he wandered through Midgard in the realm of Greece in the area known as Delphi. He was following Prince Loki who was days ahead of him and attempting to spend time with his children in peace.”

“One of the Acolytes of Delphi had been refused relations with Prince Loki who only wanted time with his children and having some fun spreading mischief with his Fellow Goddess of Mischief of the Greek Parthenon Atë. Odin always distrustful of his child, whom he stole from the temple on the night of victory…” Verðandi said only to be interrupted.

“I didn’t steal him! They abandoned him!” Odin cried out.

“They had placed him in the temple to have him protected by those they worship. He was only days old he was not a runt as you believed. It was your actions that inhibited his growth to his full potential.” Skurd sneered at the King. “His true brother’s still mourn his loss thinking him killed by your warriors.”

“I’ll let my brother know that there are others who wish to know him.” Thor nodded in response to what he heard.

“Fárbauti doesn’t want to kill you for taking the casket. He wants to kill you for the death of his bearer-wife, and youngest child. Laufey didn’t realize that his child was still alive until the events that happened around the previous banishment of Prince Thor.” Verðandi said with a smirk. “King Laufey was driven insane by the losses that happened. He was no longer capable of understanding what was before him, as Loki killed him over your body he felt only relief.”

Thor and Frigga closed their eyes in pain at the thought of what that family had gone through.

“King Fárbauti’s time is nearing it’s end, sadly there is no sign of him getting a chance to see his child or grandchildren before his passing. But his brothers will welcome Loki home with open arms the day he desires to step foot on the planet of his birth.” Skuld smiled softly but sadly at what she saw.

“We’ve gotten off track sisters.” Urðr said with a sigh before looking at King Odin with a smirk seeing how uncomfortable he was since most of the royal court and several servants had just heard them talking about the fact that Loki was of Frost Giant descent. “We were mentioning how the Acolyte of Delphi’s oracle tricked the King of Asgard into creating a self-fulfilling prophecy.” She smirked more seeing Odin gulp and look over at his lady wife. “After all what child wouldn’t hunt down the one that not only banished them from their mother at a young age but also locked them in their alternate forms and in one case rode him into battle as his steed or shoved a gigantic sword through his mouth causing him to be starving for thousands of years.”

“HE DID WHAT?!!!” Frigga snarled turning to look at her husband who she could tell was dreading the Norns’ presence even more now.

“It was shortly before he ‘stole’ Prince Loki that he was gifted that spear.” The way Urðr sneered the word caused people to look at each other in confusion. “The Dwarves were tricked into believing they had created the weapon when instead it had been placed in their stores. They felt the ‘power’ the thing held and figured it would make a great gift to the King of Asgard. That THING held one of the foulest creations possible that Lady Death forbids the knowledge of it being spread. But there are those that still pass on the knowledge hoping to avoid Lady Death.”

“They regret it deeply in the end.” Skuld all but skipped in place when she said that in a sing song voice. “They never see the other side. Nor do they come within our weaves ever again.” She smirks in a way that makes those that were able to see her face uncomfortable.

“The influence from the darkness within that thing caused him to be more susceptible to the influence from the Acolyte and the distrust he carried for one of Prince Loki’s heritage only added to it. After all it is because of that distrust that nothing happened to those that forced themselves upon Prince Loki.” Verðandi sneered hating how much victim blaming had fallen on Prince Loki while he was carrying his children.

“After all Odin did nothing after Prince Loki was drugged, forced into the form of a mare and then placed before the Stallion Svaðilfari, oh no it was spread that he’d willingly taken that form and gotten pregnant. No one looked into what Prince Loki was saying about the Warriors Three and Lady Sif having a hand in it.” Urðr said locking eyes on the four that she mentioned, she inwardly smirked as she heard the rumble of thunder coming from outside as Thor’s anger at the injustice rained on his brother was made clear to all. “Nor did anyone look into the other instances, let alone the fact that he was forced to marry Sigyn instead of waiting for his True Mate and when she found he’d never sit on the throne she killed the children she forced him to give her by drugging him. She was never charged with the murder of Royals instead she was simply sent away, though that didn’t last for long did it King Odin? No you allowed her to return with the marriage dissolved but never stood up for Prince Loki when she’d start raining abuse down on the one you took in as your child.”

“Lady Urðr…is my marriage to King Odin valid?” Frigga was sneering at Odin as the truth of things became clear with the Norns words.

“Aye, as much as it hurts it is a valid marriage for as you know you are true mates.” Urðr replied with a sorrowful nod.

“Good.” Frigga startled several with that statement though Skuld was bouncing in place as she awaited what she had seen coming. “As the Queen Mother of Asgard I hereby remove King Odin from power for extreme abuse of his station due to outside dark influence. Until such a time that Lady Eir has declared him fit to rule. I also declare in my power as Queen of Asgard that all banishments and punishments placed against Prince Loki and his children here-by lifted! No more shall someone be judged in such a way by one person! Lady Sigyn you are hereby rendered to the dungeons for the death of two of the royal line and the rape of another. Lady Sif and Lords Fandral, Hogun, and Volstagg you are hereby rendered to the cells until such a time as Prince Loki can be returned to Asgard to witness judgement for your actions against him and your treason against the realm in the time of Prince Thor’s previous banishment.”

Thor stood aside and watched as those he had called his dearest friends had their weapons removed and were taken down to the cells, Lady Sif was screaming for Prince Thor to help them. She was screaming how she was his promised wife and he needed to help her. Odin only nodded seeing the wisdom in her actions and moving down from the Throne heading for the healing halls with Lady Eir walking beside him.

“There will be no arranged marriages from here on out. Only those that are True Mates can sit on the Throne. And those that are True Mates but do not have our longevity will be granted such so that they will not be separated before Lady Death deems it fit to do so.” Frigga continued looking out over the gathered court. “Let it be known that those who visit from other realms are to be welcomed with open arms. No more will we rule with War. But we will defend with it!”


Thor simply stood to the side and watched as his mother looked up at the flying Phoenix’s and watched in amazement as one in Gold and the colors of the Rainbow lit up behind his mother before settling on her shoulder and letting out a song that took one’s breath away in its beauty. He was even more surprised when one that was in tones of blue and white that seemed to spark with lightning alighted on his own shoulder singing out in harmony with his mother’s. The third that had been circling the ceiling settled on the rafters as if waiting for someone’s arrival. The Three Norns only smiled before they slipped away with no one realizing until one of the royals turned to thank them for their assistance only for them to not be there.

“Belhar please be so kind as to go to the stables and bring Sleipnir to my weaving chambers.” Frigga said looking at one of the remaining true warriors, she’d watched him over the years as he did his best to stand up for Prince Loki. “Heimdall, keep an eye out for Prince Jörmungandr so he can be returned to his mother. Also alert Queen Hel that she’s free to return to Asgard and free to see her siblings and mother as she will. Thor, if you would follow me. I know now where he has placed Prince Fenrir and wish to get him healing as soon as possible. Let word be spread that until such time as both my sons are home to celebrate the victory that belongs to them both the feast will be put on hold.”

“Of course mother.” Thor nodded and held his arm out for his mother to take as they descended the dais back to the main level of the throne room and left to take care of what needed to be done. He watched as his mother used some of the magic she taught Loki and changed her regal floating dress into armor fitting for a warrior queen. He was still reeling from everything and wondered what would happen with his brother when he returned. “This was not what I was expecting.”

“No, son I wasn’t either.” Frigga looked sorrowful as they moved through the halls to one of the secret paths, she knew that Loki thought no one else knew of them but she was the one that taught him what to look for. “Come, we’ll go to Fenrir then I’ll return here for Sleipnir and take all of you to see Loki until such a time as he is ready to return here.”

“Very well mother.” Thor smiled softly and placed a kiss on her cheek as they stepped through the hidden path and out onto a desolate plane of existence a short distance from the bound form of the Giant Wolf Fenrir. “Oh the poor lad.” Thor’s heart hurt seeing the starved and bleeding condition that Fenrir had been left in due to the chains that bound him placing him in a sort of magical stasis, he neither grew older nor starved to death thanks to the chains though it didn’t stop him from feeling the hunger that coursed through his body. It was thanks to the status that he wasn’t laying in his own waste and getting even more ill thanks to that. “Come mother, let me remove the blade first then you can remove the spells on the chains and free him.”

“Don’t worry child. We’ll get you out of there.” Frigga approached slowly with Thor, for she could tell from the spells that though his body was in stasis his mind was not and he was aware of everything that was happening and had happened.

When Thor removed the blade there was a soft whimper that escaped the wolf’s mouth and it hurt to hear so Thor took the blade to where Fenrir could see what was happening and brought his hammer down with extreme force on the blade shattering it into millions of microscopic pieces. Thor and Frigga’s Phoenixes flew over and began crying softly on the wounds in the giant wolf’s mouth not worried that he'd harm them. Frigga gave a great yell as she pulled with her magic and shattered the spells that had been placed by her husband, who was no great mage. The phoenixes then moved to cry over the wounds caused from being bound in one place for so long as the Wolf began to stir and looked down at his grandmother.

“Let me help you return to yourself.” Frigga said holding her hand gently out to the wolf knowing even that he had bit off the hand Tyr for what the man had done to him at the orders of her husband. Fenrir gently pushed his large muzzle into her hand while closing his eyes for the first time in thousands of years. “gå tilbake til din sanne form (return to your true form)” She whispered letting her magic wash over the wolfen form of her grandson and watched as his fur receded partway as he became more man than wolf but ended with him still having a wolf tail, dark fur over a majority of his body, claws, and fangs, in the end he looked like a young man in his late teens early twenties standing about 6’9 and covered with wounds and scars from his time in chains.

“Why?” The voice was a rough growl that made it clear he’d not spoken in a long time.

“Because I didn’t know he’d done this to you, and no one should endure that. Also the spells holding the truth secret are finally broken. You are no longer banished and held away from your Mother. We’re going to free Sleipnir from the spells on him then I will take you both to your Mother.” Frigga answers placing a gentle hand on Fenrir’s face, the young man briefly leaned into the touch before pulling back.

Fenrir turned enough to keep Thor in his line of sight, he remembered his Uncle’s treatment of his Mother before his imprisonment but after his help in his relief he knew he’d just have to watch.

“Come let’s get back Belhar should’ve gotten Sleipnir to my weaving chambers by now.” Frigga held her hand out to both boys patiently waiting until Fenrir carefully placed his hand in her own while Thor took the other. Within moments they were back at the palace and walking in the direction of the chamber where they could hear Belhar swearing up a storm as Sleipnir attempted to get out. “Now Child…I want to help you not trap you further.” Frigga said as she stepped in all disappointed mother in her look.

“Settle down Sleip…She freed me…let her free you.” Fenrir said stepping in and letting his little brother see him only to almost be bowled over as Sleipnir skidded into him still in Stallion form nuzzling against his big brother and shivering in fear.

“If you could help him remain still I’ll be able to break this one in just a moment.” Frigga said with a soft smile at seeing the way the two were acting and noticing that the magic concentration was around the halter that she’d never seen off the Stallion. “That bastard better be glad that he’s already at Lady Eir for healing from dealing with that stupid spear for so long.” Frigga muttered before she reached up and with a yank of her magic removed the halter that had grown with the Stallion but still left wounds.

When the magic was removed the body of the Stallion melted away until in the beasts place stood a young lad looking to be only fifteen years old with pale white hair that hung just past his shoulders, a pair of dark green eyes that seemed to hold a sad haunted look, and pale skin, his nails had the look of a rainbow just as his hooves had, he looked as if he’d fit in among the Malfoy family if he was on Midgard. He continued to cling to his brother listening to the reassuring rumble of his growling purr that he released to sooth his sibling who was the youngest of them all and forced to be in situations that should’ve never happened.

“Come children. Let’s go to where your Mother is.” Frigga held her hand out directing the pair to the path that would have them coming out on Midgard close to where she could sense her youngest child’s magic.

Thor followed behind them offering protection and support as Sleipnir was still shaky walking on two legs after being used to eight. Fenrir didn’t release his brother in the whole time that they were moving along. Frigga looked up at the large building that they had emerged near and silently thanked the Norns for having the path open where it did.

“Follow me mother, nephews.” Thor said with a soft nod as they entered the building, thankfully Frigga had thought to conjure clothing for the two young men before they had left the castle.

“Thor! We hadn’t expected you back so soon.” Tony said as he held his arms out in welcome. “It’s only been four days. Who are your guests?”

“It was late when I arrived back but still I do not feel that four days have passed.” Thor looked toward his mother in confusion.

“They have child because the Norns made it so.” Frigga said stepping up beside her son. “Well met young man. I’m Queen Frigga of Asgard.” Frigga nodded to the young man before her, even though his age was not that young in Midgard years all Midgardians were young to her. “These fine young men with me are Fenrir and Sleipnir Lokison. Soon we will hopefully discover Jörmungandr soon, for he was sent to this realm. And I do not doubt that Hel Lokidaughter will soon show up.”

“I’m already here grandmother.” Hel stepped out of the shadows she’d used to conceal herself though she still had a glamour that her Mother had helped her perfect up showing pale skin though it contained lines as if hiding scars with makeup, long dark hair, and her mother’s stunning green eyes. “Jör, is with me.” She had a large snake wrapped around her shoulders which slithered to the floor and over to Frigga.

“Oh you poor child…”Frigga picked up the serpent and with a flare of her magic she released the spell holding him in the serpent form and ended up holding a young man with wild hair the bangs of which covered one eye, his eyes one a dark brown that was almost black and the other bright green and slit like a snake, and his skin was pale from being out of the sun for so long. She conjured clothes for him as well before letting him step back and cupping his face, which felt cold. “I’m sorry he did that too you. To all of you. He’s being healed from the influence of an extremely dark object. You are all free of his edicts no longer will you have to hide. When you are ready you may come to Asgard and be welcomed as the members of the royal family that you are. Your mother included.”

“Pop contact Harry and the others at his home. I believe they need to get here.” Tony said as he watched everything that was happening and knowing that Loki needed this. “Make sure that Loki is surprised when he arrives, I think this will be a wonderful one that he needs.”

“Friend Tony where is my brother and his wonderful True Mate?” Thor asked stepping to stand beside Tony who had settled in a chair, he was still resting as much as he could and had been working on one of his tablets.

“They’re on their way. They’d been staying at Harry’s place for Loki’s peace of mind.” Tony said with a soft shrug. “He wanted to make sure that Harry wasn’t using magic before he was supposed to.”

“Why’d you call us in Tony? Are you alright?” Harry said rushing in and looking for his blood brother only to stop and stare at what he was seeing before breaking into a large smile and turning so he could see Loki’s reaction when he entered the room with Nat beside him.

“Mother…my babies…” Loki’s legs started to give out as he saw the four others with his mother and brother. “How?...” He asked as all his children surged to him and wrapped him in a hug.

“It started with the vial of Venom that Lady Luna gave to me before my journey…” Thor said before going into a summary of what happened and how Frigga took over the ruling of the kingdom lifting the bans on Loki’s children and Loki himself.

Thor spoke of the arrival of the Norns causing the children and Loki to gasp in wonder. He told them of Frigga’s actions and directions as soon as she had taken control how it had all happened. How they’d gone first for Fenrir, then broken the magic on Sleipnir before coming here and meeting up with Hel and Jör. He watched as his brother and his mate all collapsed on a couch surrounded by the children with Jör almost climbing into Nat’s lap seeming to realize what she was. The rest of the team had shown up during the explanation and smiled in happiness at watching the reunion of the family and how easily they accepted Nat into their group.

“Well, I certainly didn’t expect all this to happen when Luna showed up.” Harry said only to look up in shock at the sound of three phoenixes. “Nor did I expect that.” He said as the three phoenixes alighted on the elder royal family members with the third being a mix of greens that matched Loki perfectly.

Chapter 21: And sheathed their swords for lack of argument


Some revelations are given, some connections made, and some anti-climatic action at the end...hope you enjoy...

AN 8/25/2021: Noticed a discrepancy with a future chapter and felt it easier to fix here

Chapter Text

Two days after their arrival, Loki was in awe at the Phoenix that chose him and just enjoyed being hidden under his children. Nat stood behind it all watching enjoying the peace that she could tell her mate was feeling. They hadn’t waited to cement their bond once Harry had gone to deal with the Council. Fenrir watched his mother’s mate carefully as well as those around them. Harry walked into the common room area from the kitchen where he had stepped to get a meal put together, he came out with it being carried by the magic of Phil and Severus since they still wouldn’t let him use his own magic.

“Oooohhh, yay! Harry’s cooking!” Tony was all but bouncing in his seat. “I’ve missed this…Please tell me it’s your shepherd’s pie? And that you made your Treacle Tart?”

“Of course I did, Rhodey let me know that you were craving them, and it was easy to make in large amounts.” Harry smiled softly while Steve came out with a large pile of plates and Clint balanced glasses, in Harry’s arms was a large pitcher of water while Bruce was carrying something that was a thick orange. “I’ve also was able precure some Pumpkin Juice and Butterbeer, which is in your bar fridge and completely safe for pregnancy since it is more like root beer than anything. I double checked with Poppy on that. Ah Nick right on time, Kings will be here shortly.”

“I’m here now.” Kingsley said as he entered and went to pull his brother into a hug followed by a headlock for all that he’d put them through. “Mummy’s still upset that you haven’t called her after your latest escapade. You know that she got the phone just so you could keep in touch after we finally found you again.”

“I’ll call her later.” Fury said as he wrestled his way out of his brother’s grip. “Now what’s this I hear about Butterbeer? It’s been ages since I had it…though I wouldn’t turn down a Firewhiskey.”

“What’s wrong Nick?” Kingsley asked looking carefully at his brother.

“Pierce is in the wind, but we were able to catch one last communication from his SHIELD phone, the idiot didn’t realize what his agents going cold meant.” Fury replied with a furrowed brow, Kingsley listened while waving his wand to summon some firewhiskey that he knew from Sirius that Tony stored in a hidden cabinet. “Stark have Jarvis play this.” He handed over a USB disk to Stark who quickly sent the information into Jarvis easily. “SHIELD has also found footage of this man,” Here Nick placed a photo down on Jarvis’ scanner on the smart table and let it pull up.

Everyone who was present listened as Pierce made a call to an unidentified voice on the other end. Tony, Natasha, Clint, and Harry all looked at each other before looking at Phil and Nick silently asking what they needed to do, when Tony had uncovered the Hydra infestation he’d found out about the mission that took out his parents, he found the footage and recognized the arm as one that belonged to a feared assassin world round known as both the Asset and Winter Soldier. After finding that little bit Tony had dug deeper and found out everything he could and found that the Soldier wasn’t to blame but his Handlers were.

“Who is this Asset that is spoken of?” Thor rumbled standing behind his brother with his arms crossed over his chest as he watched the worry flow around faces. Frigga had returned to Asgard the day after her arrival and reuniting of Loki’s children with their Mother. “Do we have knowledge of him?”

“He’s known as the Winter Soldier around the world, he’s an assassin that is known and feared around the world. He doesn’t miss his target and when called to leave no witnesses there are no witnesses.” Natasha replied with a sigh as her hand went to a spot on her waist where she still had the scar from the bullet he shot through her. “He will do anything to take out his target, even shoot someone through someone else.”

“Look at his eyes…” Harry walked forward to look at the image that had been captured of a hooded man with a black mask over the lower portion of his face, though his eyes were not covered by the goggles. “Where and when was this image captured?”

“Siberia and yesterday morning.” Fury said while rubbing his nose as if staving off a migraine as he sipped the whiskey he’d been handed. “I’ve already alerted the President to the fact that Hydra is still alive, and that Pierce is the head at this moment. He’s ordered a silent order to all agencies to bring Pierce in, alive if possible. Thanks to Jarvis and Pop have found more information on the multiheaded beast, we’ve been able to discreetly take out even more of the agents that were in key positions. I was in the right place at the right time to keep an assassination attempt from happening on the President. Oh, I’m supposed to tell you as well Dr. Banner that Ross will no longer be a problem for you. We found evidence that he was conducting unauthorized human experiments on prisoners and homeless soldiers. He’d been taken into custody, though he went out in death by cop during his transfer. When I showed the President that information as well he ordered a full pardon for everything the Hulk has done when chased by Ross.”

Bruce seemed to collapse into the couch that was beside him at the feeling of relief to know that his tormentor was gone, the mention of the pardon was a relief as well for the only time the Hulk did the most damage and had the most casualties was when Ross was after him and even then the Hulk attempted to protect innocents. Harry stepped away and picked up his cell to make a call. Nick continued to sip his whiskey while looking at the image of the man on his way to attempt to kill him and Harry. Steve stood looking at the image carefully the upper face tugging at his memory but with the bottom covered he couldn’t figure out what it was. Severus and Phil made sure that everyone had a plate while Tony was shifting through the information that had been compiled by Jarvis and Pop, after Harry made the move against Hydra they’d let both be a part of the search to uncover more. Severus after making sure that a plate for Harry was under statis moved to the image to look at the eyes like Harry had muttered.

“He’s being controlled…his eyes…like Harry stated the truth is in his eyes.” Severus said after several moments as Phil stepped up beside him. “He purposely looked at the camera, there’s a brief flash of something before its overwhelmed again. He wanted to be seen.”

“The Asset, also known as the Winter Soldier, also known as Sergeant James ‘Bucky’ Buchanan Barnes of the 107th, listed as Killed in Action during a routine mission against Hydra with the Howling Commandos and Captain America.” Tony read out after Jarvis finished pulling up the information that he could and displaying the information and three pictures, one of Sergeant Barnes, one of a head shot of the Asset in full tactical mask, and one a full body shot of the Asset with his metal arm in clear view.

“Soulmate of Steven Grant Rogers should be added.” Steve said placing his hand on his right bicep where his words were, he felt a touch of grief that the thought that Bucky’s words would be missing since they had been on his left arm.

“Well sh*t…my old man didn’t know that part.” Tony said looking over at Steve in shock.

“No one but Peggy did…she was our cover, her soulmate was a female, so we were each other’s I believe the term used now is beards?” Steve said still looking at the photos grief clear in his face.

“Yeah, she told me about that but didn’t say who your mate was.” Tony said with a soft look on his face. “Aunt Peggy was a firecracker and a pure Momma Bear when someone tried to bad mouth those she saw as her cubs. I just wish she wasn’t deteriorating so quickly, it’s faster than most who deal with this disease, if I could I’d get her tested for something, but they won’t let me close. Claiming that it is because I look so much like my father that I’d set her off or something.”

“I’ll get you in with me next time I go.” Steve said placing a gentle hand on Tony’s shoulder, he’d been to see Peggy once since the battle, he’d stayed in the shadows and listened to her rant about them putting a shoddy look-a-like out in the battle. “Maybe this time we can actually get close without setting her off. She was a battle ax in the War, and I don’t see what would’ve caused that to change. First time I saw her she punched a man landing him flat on his ass after he made some really crass comments to her. The man was a blank and thought he was God’s best gift to all women whether they wanted him or not.”

“She didn’t tell me that one…” Tony smirked before turning his attention back to the images and information in front of him.

“Neville is getting on the next ‘key over. So are the LeStrange Brother’s.” Harry said as he walked back into the room. “They are coming in careful. Their the best the Hitters have, I don’t want him getting close to fulfilling his mission. Neville’s the best Mind Healer worldwide. The Brother’s insist on coming to protect Fury for Kings.” Harry smirked at Kingsley’s dark face blushing at the raised eyebrow that he received from his brother. “After all they couldn’t have their True Mate be sad if his brother was killed.”

When the news had come out about how Rodolphus Lestrange had been forced into a marriage with Mad Bella and then forced into joining the Death Eaters all because of threats against his elderly ill father and his little brother the wizarding world was in an uproar. When it came out that both brothers had words from the other and one more but were still forced into a situation as they were the sh*t hit the fan and Bella was in the way of the spray. She’d gotten sent back to Azkaban with a trip through the Veil in the future after she served her time, and the brothers were able to finally meet their mutual mate when they turned to Kingsley and together said the words that marked the dark skin of the man ‘thanks to taking care of that mad bitch for us’, Kingsley would just smirk when asked what his reply was before walking away, though Harry had gotten a brief look the one time he’d seen Rodolphus in a short sleeve shirt after a dare from Lucius ‘it was a pleasure to get rid of the waste of brain cells.’ Once the brothers had been fully cleared they’d entered the Hit-Wizards core and became two of the best out there for their extensive knowledge of all magic.

“Really…Forget to tell me something big brother?” Fury turned to look at his sibling with his arms crossed.

“Oh like you aren’t hiding your mate as well…I saw that your words were black brother dear, so I know you’ve met them.” Kingsley said with his own arms crossed.

“You’ve met her.” Fury shrugged, “You just didn’t realize it was her. She’s after all my third, Phil’s my second to keep from upsetting the system or some such sh*t.”

“No sh*t! Hill?” Clint piped up from where he was perched on the back of one of the couches. “I definitely lost that bet.”

“Yes! Pay up!” Natasha crowed with a fist pump in the air and caught the bag of Honeydukes chocolates that had been tossed to her by a grumbling Phil and the bag of marshmallows that was tossed over from Clint.

Now it was Fury’s turn to blush, he was also amused at the fact that the Agent’s had been betting on who his mate was, let alone what the bets consisted of.

“Really Phil?” Fury looked over at the trio, only to receive an unrepentant shrug from his second in command.

“How does your mate feel about this threat?” Harry asked with his arms crossed.

“She’s pissed that I left headquarters and left her in charge while I came here.” Fury shrugged. “I’ll deal with that when I’m still alive to see her.”

“I figured why he let himself be seen!” Tony crowed as he looked through files his father had. “Dad forgot about this, passed it off as a trick of his mind after too many nights of no sleep when he heard the Commandos discussing a mission that they had outside help. But he still kept a file of the report…they tried to hide the truth in a play of words but if you look close enough you can figure it out!”

“Tony what’d you figure out?” Harry stepped up to help get him back on track.

“The names Potter and Black are mentioned in the report.” Tony pulled up the report in question, it was a photocopy of the report that showed age. “Barnes and Rogers were both saved by a team of ‘special forces’ soldiers by the name of Charlus Potter and Alphard Black. If it hadn’t been for their intervention both men would have been dead for sure. He owes a magical life debt to the families, something he would know deep down and to hear that he was sent after Lord Potter-Black well…” Tony shrugged.

“He’s fighting the control enough to give a warning…Well it’s time to make use of the warning.” Harry smirked as he looked over the information. “Alright everyone…those that are expecting out…we won’t risk you no matter what you want to do.” Here he looked at Tony and at Severus, though he’d been unable to use his magic he’d been able to sense the magic that was surrounding Severus showing the signs of a pregnancy. “Auntie Nat if you could stay with them that be great. Cousin Fenrir I’d ask for you to go with Kingsley, he’s got some issues with a were’ that is using your name that if you could help with we’d be grateful.” Fenrir gave a fang filled smirk and nod. “Queen Hel if you could please go with Nat, Tony, and Severus I’d be grateful. Thor, Loki, and Steve I’ll need to have assistance in subduing James with as few injuries as possible. Clint stay with Phil and Fury; any additional assistance is great. Phil to give Hill peace of mind keeping an eye on Fury. Bruce, go wherever you feel you need to, I won’t force you into anything. If he was spotted yesterday he’d be in town already. He’s on the hunt, but he’s about to become the hunted.”

Everyone nodded in response, Rhodey was away at the moment helping Pepper with something for the company on the other coast with Happy staying around them. Harry looked out of the window over the balconies and fell into thought that caused Clint to worry for his mate even though he stayed close to Fury at his mate’s request. Sleipnir and Jör went with Hel and the others wanting to stay out of the coming battle. Thor looked over the information pulled up on this Winter Soldier and his past, he saw a true warrior that was made to do things he had no wish to. Loki stood beside his brother and looked over the information they had on the man who ordered the hit and the man that was recorded on the other end.

“I’m going to send a clone to the location the call was received.” Loki said simply with his arms crossed as he studied the information. “There’s got to be something there to help us with this.”

“Aye,” Thor nodded knowing that his brother would be able to do something to help. “See if you can get word to mother and Lady Eir, this man will need expert healing and who better than Lady Eir?”

“She’s still dealing with Father.” Loki said shaking his head. “We can’t pull her from that if we ever want him to recover. The healers here among us right now are on par with her though.”

“Very well…” Thor nodded before turning to Captain Rogers. “Can you tell us any more about the man that is your True Mate?”

“There is much I can tell you…” Steve said trailing off before shaking himself from the memories. “He’ll be torn up that he’s done all that he did when he’s recovered from whatever they’ve done to him. He hated Hydra with a passion. They’d experimented on him when they had him captured when I went to rescue the POWs. That’s likely how he survived the fall that we thought killed him. Well…everyone else thought killed him; I knew something was wrong when my arm didn’t go blank but instead back to gray.” Steve pulled up the short sleeve of his shirt to show the black words ‘Punk you really need to learn not to make others mad at you.’ “It turned back to black two days ago, likely when they woke him from whatever they were doing to him.”

Loki was standing with his eyes closed but listening to everything around him. It was a long distance to have his clone moving around especially since there were still others there and he had to remain unseen. After Thor moved him to sit he remained still for several hours before opening his eyes with a steely expression.

“I’ve found your missing ‘snake head’ he’s been successfully removed.” Loki snarled. “There’s special words that’ve been imbedded in him mind that would allow them to regain control if the words aren’t removed. Oh Fury you’ll be getting a report of a large blast happening in Siberia at any moment. Might want to get some of your agents over there, I got some special guests of the location out to a nearby bunker under a spell to keep them from freezing to death.”

Fury cursed before moving to call Hill and send a group of agents to do the pick up, he made sure that they included wixen so that they’d be able to find the special guests.

“In the explosion sight there will be human remains, a few in tanks similar to what I picked up that they’d kept the good Sergeant in. All reports stated that the five were uncontrollable and scheduled for termination.” Loki smirked. “I just helped it along sooner than they had planned.”

“Thanks…” Harry muttered looking at the information carefully, two hours into Loki’s zone out Pop had been inundated with information that Loki’d uploaded to Pop’s server. “This is just sick…” He read through the information that was on the arm they’d made him. “He’s got to be in so much pain…Oh interesting…his words moved to his left ribs…they’ve tried to repeatedly remove them the bastards!...We can work with this.” Harry pulled up blueprints and started twisting and turning them in the air. “Okay there’s a couple disabling devices within the arm itself. Jarvis send these through the Tony, he can start working on a replacement. Pop call up Princess Shuri please, I’m going to need her assistance and some of their special ore if we can negotiate for it.” Harry kept working not even paying attention to the others around the room when there was a new set of voices that proceeded a trio into the room.

“So, you’re Nicolas Fury and the little brother of our Soulmate…” One of the tall thin dark-haired men said as he stepped forward. “The man who caused so much worry in our mate when he couldn’t find you and then even more after he had found you when he learned the stunts that you pulled.”

“Yes.” Fury pulled himself up straight meeting the men head on not letting them overwhelm him.

“Great! We’re glad to meet you. I’m Rabastan and this is big lug is Rodolphus. You can call us Rab and Rod.” Rabastan said with a smirk as he pulled Fury into a hug much to the amusem*nt of the others.

“So Harry what do you have for me?” Neville said stepping forward and looking at the information that had been laid out before them, after he graduated from Hogwarts he’d gone into the muggle world to become a Psychiatrist and at the same time studied with the Mind Healers at St. Francis the Magical Hospital in France since St. Mungos still hadn’t employed mind healers at the time. He’d transferred his parents out of St. Mungos and with the help of the Healers and Mind Healers they were making great improvements in recovery finally after all these years, turns out that Dumbledore and Agnes Longbottom had been working together to keep them in a drugged spelled state to mimic the effects of the Cruciatus Curse while attempting to take the Longbottom seat from Neville without the Dowager knowing. She’d been pissed when she found out. “Well this is a load of sh*t…He’ll be hard but not as bad as mum and da. I won’t have to fight against a potion as well. I need to thank Professor Snape for the help in finding the right cleanser for them.”

“Focus Neville…We don’t have long, and the man will be likely showing up here…we’ve figured why we even have the alert that we did…he’s fighting it already thanks to the Magical Life Debt he owes to my line.” Harry said with a shrug and shoulder bump to Neville. “Glad you’re here. There’s going to be several patients for you here after this sh*t’s done.”

“What do you mean?” Neville asked looking at Harry out of the corner of his eye.

“Well we’ve got the traumatized children of Prince Loki of Asgard and Jotunheim. We’ve got the recovering from mind control Prince Loki, my mate Clint Barton, and a Dr. Selvig. Add to that the PTSD trauma that Tony thinks he’s hiding while dealing with pregnancy on top of it all. Then you’ll have James there…” Harry said with a shrug, he gestured at Loki when he was talking about the man so that Neville knew who it was. “Also I’m pretty sure that Uncle Phil and Auntie Nat need to talk to someone about things that won’t let them twist through the words they’d use and let them get away without it.”

“Looks like I’m moving to the US finally…Mum and Da will like it here, turns out Mum always wanted to visit New York after reading about Master Scamander’s experiences. Do you know that he’s still in the states with Master Graves?” Neville said simply with a shrug. “I wonder if he still has the case of creatures or if he now has a menagerie? Does Luna know about all of this?”

“Oh yeah, she’s what helped Prince Thor assist in freeing his father from dark spell control and free his niece and nephews. Oh and Prince Fenrir has already left with Kings to deal with his namesake. That’s something I’d love to see in person. Remus is going to go insane when he realizes just who’s living here right now. He’s always been fascinated with the legend of the first Wolf.” Harry smirked at the thought of how his Tad would react. “Little Leon is already showing some wolfy tendencies but thankfully doesn’t transform. I don’t know how my Tad would deal if his little man went through so much pain each month.”

“What do you mean Harry?” Thor asked, having been given leave to use the young man’s name days before.

“I mean that Remus Lupin my adoptive father is a werewolf and goes through a torturous transformation each month on the full moon. He’s had it easier after he accepted his wolf fully with the help of his mate but it’s still painful.” Harry replied before looking around. “Right introductions…Prince Thor, Prince Loki, Phil Coulson, Clint Barton, Nicolas Fury, Steve Rogers, Bruce Banner, may I introduce Neville Longbottom my godbrother, and Rabastan and Rodolphus Lestrange.”

“It’s a great pleasure to meet you Prince Thor.” Neville stepped up and held his hand out to shake with plans to move on to great the others after he did so.

“The pleasure is all mine if you can help my family.” Thor said with a soft look on his face only to watch as the soft polite smile on Neville’s face dissolved into a large look of shock and the spark of magic that flowed between them when they spoke to each other only intrigued him more.

“Well sh*t…” Harry whispered as he looked between the pair. He’d known what Neville’s words were since they were on his right forearm, and he’d seen them while they shared a dorm after their fifteenth birthdays.

Loki looked between the pair with a soft smile glad that his brother finally found his True Mate. His joy was ended soon enough when he felt the wards he’d placed over the tower be breached.

“He’s here.” Loki said simply looking at the group.

“Hey Nev…got any Devil’s Snare handy?” Harry asked with a smirk thinking about what he wanted to do, after all they knew that he wouldn’t take the elevator since it would give them too much warning, he’d use the stairs and they were at the top.

“I always have some plants handy why?” Nev asked turning his attention briefly from his mate to look at his brother.

“I say we set a surprise like the Third Floor.” Harry replied crossing his arms.

“Well since we don’t have a Fluffy we’ll have to deal with the next stage.” Nev replied with a smirk of his own, he’d been told the whole thing by Harry and Ron as well as watched the memory in the pensieve. “The stairwell should be dark enough…and he shouldn’t know that he’d need fire or daylight…” He pulled out a trunk of plants that he always carried, he found it calming to work with plants after a long day of helping people and he’d presented not only as an Omega but a High Elf with an inclination of Plant Magic. He let the glamour he wore to look a normal male Wixen showing his tapered ears, long reddish-brown hair, golden eyes, and tree marking on his forehead. “Come along my lovelies…time to make sure our brother isn’t hurt.” He whispered to the small pot of devils snare that he had in the special dark compartment in his trunk and taking it to the stairwell, where with the help of some spell work from Harry he was able to accelerate its growth to fill the top floor stairwell. “Don’t kill just contain.” He whispered to the plant before stepping back into the main room and blushing at the look he was receiving from Thor at having his true nature showing through.

“I thought all the High Elves were gone…” Loki whispered in awe. “The only ones that I knew of were in another realm and refused to leave?”

“They are our ancestors. When Asgard pulled out, they also pulled out, but some had found their loves on this realm and so remained. They went into hiding with the Wixen world and then even hid from them in time when the blood purity issues started to become prominent.” Neville replied brushing his long hair behind his pointed ear a slight blush on his face. “Just as the Evan’s can tie themselves back to the line of Prince Loki, and the Potter’s can tie to Prince Thor, the Longbottom’s have always been able to tie back to the Royal line of the high Elves though their name has been lost to our records for generations.”

“What do you mean they can tie back to us?” Loki stepped forward looking between Harry and Neville.

“We know you’ve been alive for thousands of years, the few times you visited Midgard and had sexual relations while here you left behind offspring. Since the lines couldn’t contact you there was no way to let you know there were other children belonging to both of you. Turns out they combined into one family.” Neville smirked as he looked between the pair of Princes and his godbrother. “May I introduce your many times great-grandson Haldir Jarrah Potter-Black, son of James Fleamont Potter and Lily Rose Potter nee Evans.”

Harry dropped his head into his hands with a groan. “Neville now is not the time.”

“Don’t care…” Neville smirked with a shrug.

Harry shook his head and bumped his godbrother aside as Thor and Loki stood in shock before looking at each other with awe in their eyes.

“That’s where I’ve seen your eyes before…” Thor rumbled with a smirk as he looked between the pair for he was right the green of Harry’s eyes matched even with the blood adoption that had happened and adjusted their color there was still the green that matched Loki’s.

“Guys really not the time.” Steve said as he heard cursing start to sound from behind the closed stairwell door, if it wasn’t for his enhanced senses he’d have never heard it in the first place.

“Looks like your baby caught us a friend…” Harry said with a smirk as he approached the door with Neville beside him.

“Indeed.” Neville smirked palming his wand beside Harry as they opened the door and as one cast the strongest stunners they had in their arsenal at the same time without a word.

Those that were standing in the common room looked at each other and then back at the door when they heard the thump of a body hitting the floor, their expressions clearly saying, ‘what were we here for?’

Chapter 22: Dishonour not your mothers; now attest


explanations on how Loki can be related to the Evans family and still soul mate to Natasha a member of that family. The recovery of Bucky, the entrance of Wakandian royalty, and the actions of Prince Fenrir vs. Fenrir Greyback. Mentions of Teen Wolf in this but that is as far as that goes.

Chapter Text

Harry and Neville carried Barnes in between the pair of them making everyone look twice at them. As they laid him down on the largest couch in the room.

“Javaris request Tony and Severus to return please.” Harry said as he summoned all physical weapons from the armor the man was clad in, the pile of knives that formed beside him only got an impressed eyebrow from Loki.

Clint noticed how Harry seemed to be starting to twitch his shoulders frequently and knew from the time they’d been together just what was the cause. He walked over and laid a gentle hand on his mate’s shoulder.

“No one will judge in here. If they do they’ll find just how skilled with weapons other than the bow I am.” Clint said looking at everyone around them as he said this only getting questioning expressions and confirming nods to show they understood his threat.

“Are you sure?” Harry looked at Clint carefully and then at the others.

“Harry you’re only hurting yourself keeping it in for so long.” Neville said from where he was kneeling beside the man preparing to go in with Severus to work through the quagmire that was sure to be the man’s mind. “If they’re your true friends they won’t judge, isn’t that what you told me all those years ago?”

“Touché.” Harry nodded with a smirk before looking at the knives and gathering them, as he stood he dropped the glamour that hid his fae look making sure not to look at anyone as he did so.

“Holy sh*t.” Bruce muttered eyes wide in awe at the image of the man before him.

“Ah…now I see how I could be part of your line…” Loki muttered with a nod as he stepped forward. “One of my first trips to Midgard I helped a pair of Royals the Omega of which was a Fae who were unable to conceive because of a curse by the Lady LeFay.”

“You’re speaking of Emrys?” Harry turned with eyes wide.

“Yes, an Arthur and Merlin I believe the names were though the Omega went by the title of Emrys years later as I looked in on your ancestors.” Loki nodded in conformation. “Arthur was a Mundane Royal from what I remember, he’d been raised to believe in my family and I and reached out to me for it would take a mischievous streak to go around the curse laid by his sister. Supposedly she was upset that she was passed over for the throne and wished to make sure her children would be the ones to take the throne. I was able to transfer the curse to her. I’m guessing my magic allowed me to be related to your line, or they mixed up the story over the years to make it, so I was the one to help Merlin conceive his child. I gifted a special sword to his land to choose one that was worthy to lead, it was magical in many ways and would only go to his line once the blade had chosen him.”

“Huh…” Harry’s eyes went wide at the thought he was related to King Arthur in such a way. “Do you know what the name of his child was?”

“Godric, they gave him a different last name to protect him something of Galahad’s line Gryffindor I believe.” Loki replied with a tilted head especially when the eyes of both Neville and Harry’s eyes widened.

“Do you happen by any chance to know what happened to Arthur’s sword?” Harry asked his hand clenching around nothing while imagining a sword hilt in it.

“He passed it to his oldest son of course as it had chosen him over his second born. He gave it to Godric when he left home to travel with his dear friends and mate.” Loki said with his head tilted. “He passed the throne to his second son for Godric refused to take the throne when his magic showed through strongly. He and his mate along with their two friends both spoke of finding somewhere safe for magicals to learn instead of having to do it in hiding as his mother had.”

“Harry!” Clint called out in shock as he caught Harry who’s legs gave out on him at the news.

“Bloody Hell Mate…” Neville looked at Harry with wide eyes.

“C-c-can you c-con-firm…is…is…is this Arthur’s sword?” Harry asked pulling a sword that he kept in a constant notice-me-not when out of his home along his back.

“By the Norns…” Loki said in shock as he walked forward and held his hand out and with permission took the hilt. “I thought it lost to history…”

Neville let out a squeak of shock at the news looking between Harry and Loki and the blade that was being held. Harry for his part only gave a rueful chuckle that seemed stressed. Severus entered a short time later and seeing the state that Harry was in spelled a calming draught into Harry’s stomach before looking at the others.

“After we deal with this gentlemen I’d like to know just why Harry seems as if you broke him.” Severus simply raised an eyebrow before moving over to the couch with the unconscious Barnes. “Mister Longbottom your time if you please.”

“Of course…” Neville shook himself out of his own shock and moved to beside Severus and together the dove into Sergeant Barnes mind to do the work that they do best.

“So why is there a deadly plant in my stairwell?” Tony asked as he stepped out of the elevator with Hel, Natasha, Jör, and Sleipnir beside him. “Why is Harry staring off into space and why is Loki holding his sword?”

Thor turned from looking at his brother in his own questioning gaze to shrug, he vaguely followed the conversation that had happened, but he didn’t know what young Harry was so shaken by the words his brother had spoken.

“Oh…Loki just explained how he could be part of the Evans family ancestry for Harry and blew his mind.” Clint stated his own expression in shock. “Turns out he and Nat are related to King Arthur and his MATE Merlin!” He gave his own little chuckle of disbelief. “The sword that Loki’s holding was the one that he granted to England to choose the king that was best for the land. Passed down to his first born who was named Godric Gryffindor…”

“Well sh*t…” Natasha said her own eyes going wide as she looked between the sword and her nephew on the floor.

“Yeah totally didn’t expect that.” Tony said with his own eyes wide as he looked at everything before shaking himself and turning to the reason he was called up here, he needed to take care of the arm removal before the spell wore off that kept Sergeant Barnes from feeling any discomfort as his mind was searched and his body kept still.

Steve just stood in the shadows watching everything, his mind going through everything he had learned but still keeping his mind on the fact that his Alpha was laid out getting years of mind control removed. His hand went to his shoulder where he fingered the words that had been spoken so long ago, he’d do anything his mate needed to help him recover, he was just relieved that he was back. Bruce watched everything and then once the mind magic was started he slipped into his mind to have a discussion with Hulk, something that Severus had helped him figure out how to do in the time that Harry and Clint had been bonding. Thor watched over his mate as he was vulnerable at the moment helping another Alpha. Phil and Fury stood in another corner watching all entrances and exits even those down the hall to the bedrooms. The Omega’s at the moment were vulnerable and they wouldn’t let anything affect them, especially since two of them were pregnant at the moment, and they had suspicion about a third possible pregnancy watching Harry carefully. Fury had been dragged kicking and screaming into the adore Harry Potter club, it seemed as if those who met the lad either came to care deeply for him or hated him.

:Bambi, Princess Shuri is on the line.: Pop called out thirty minutes later, in which time Harry had been moved to a stool in the kitchen with a cup of fortifying tea while Sev and Nev were still in the mind of Bucky.

“Put it through on the screen here please Pop.” Harry said looking down at the smart counter that allowed Tony to take video calls in the kitchen. “Princess Shuri thanks for getting back to me so soon.” He looked quickly at the screen and saw her parents and her brother were in the call as well. “Your majesties a pleasure.” He nodded as apposed to bowing thanks to the fact he was sitting.

:Your AI said you wished to negotiate for some of our Vibranium, we wanted to find out why personally before allowing anything.: King T’Chaka said from his throne.

“I completely understand. May I send some information that we’ve found through so you can see personally what we are dealing with?” Harry asked, he knew that Wakanda was a heavily magical land and the ‘shields’ that they had were also proximity wards.

:We are ready.: Shuri nodded pulling up her beads to show the information that came through to her parents and brother.

“We’ve recently come into contact with the assassin known as the Winter Soldier. What I’m sending through is the truth as to who this man is and what has been done to him.” Harry said typing a few things in that sent the information to Shuri. “We’ve recently begun making a final strike against the terrorist group known as Hydra. He was their ‘Asset’. He was not granted his name and was frequently subjected to torture that caused him to hide his memories behind extreme shields. Currently my Uncle Severus Snape and my Godbrother Neville Longbottom are in his mind breaking that control and the shields to help him remember who he was.”

:While this information is awful, and we will gladly keep an eye out for this Hydra group I don’t understand why you would need some Vibranium.: Prince T’Challa said simply.

“If you would look at the second set of information I sent through you will find why I’m making the request.” Harry said as he watched Shuri pull up the schematics for the mechanical arm that the Winter Soldier was known for. “He needs his arm remade. There were too many trackers, disablers, and bombs planted within the arm to keep it in one piece. My brother Tony and I would like to make things easier on him then the heavy item he had previously. As I have worked with creating prosthetics I know how hard it is to keep the item from hurting someone when attached in the point that this one is. I’d like to use the light but durable material that is your Vibranium to create it. From what I’ve been able to learn from his Mate he will not sit back and not join the fight again this time against those that used him once he is free of their complete control.”

:You’re saying he’s been wearing this constant?: Shuri seemed in shock as she was looking at the information before her. :Father he had to be in so much pain…He is a true warrior.:

“He’s been enhanced by Hydra, first during his war capture and then again after he fell and lost his arm. He’s not a full super soldier but he is enhanced to close to that level.” Harry nodded at the question of constant wear. “The records that we were able to find showed him wearing it even when they put him in a cryo freeze chamber. He was never allowed relief that most who wear prosthetics are. It was attached completely and took my brother Tony half an hour to remove it safely without setting off the kill switches.”

Harry sent through more of the information showing how it had been attached and images of his fighting and using the arm as if it was a shield to stop the bullets fired at him. Shuri and her family looked at all the information and then muted the call after a brief comment that they needed to talk about things. Harry simply sat and sipped his tea making a slight face at the cold tea before reheating it with a thought.

:Thank you for your patience and for actually calling to make the request instead of going for that which is on the black market.: King T’Chaka finally came back on and spoke drawing Harry’s attention away from the blueprints that he was creating for the new arm he wanted to create.

“I apologize for interrupting, but my brother’s AI has found information on the thief that you are looking for. I’ll send that along as well; the British Magical Minister has Aurors among his group undercover to find his buyers since there has been evidence of Magicals attempting to buy it even though the man himself is not magical.” Harry typed a few things quickly and pulled up the information they had on the thief and sent it through causing them all the perk up. “He’s currently teaming up with an Eric Stevens also known as Eric Killmonger, who’s made several comments in the hearing of the Aurors about how he wants to find out how Klaus got in and out of Wakanda and how’d he’d been hiding from the Panther and if he could he’d find a way in to expose the land. They share that Eric is a squib from what they have been able to do for a scan.”

:Thank you for this information. We will take the help of the Aurors in bringing the thief and murderer in for justice.: King T’Chaka said with a nod of his head. :This information brings me to being easier with the decision that we’ve made. I will be sending my son and daughter to you with enough to make this Warrior two arms, one for battle one for every day. My daughter has spoken frequently of what you and your brother have been able to do in the medical and technological realm and she’s wanted to meet you both. My son after seeing his sister to you will be going from there to meet with these Aurors and taking Klaus and his associates into custody. They will both have their guards with them.:

“We welcome their arrival. We have a couple royals already in attendance at our location in the presences of Prince Thor and Loki of Asgard and Prince Loki’s children. I’ll have rooms prepared for your children and their guards.” Harry nodded in thank. “We thank you for the supply and I would like to pay you for the materials.”

:My son will have the cost for you, he wishes to meet both with the Warrior and his mate before we decide on the price.: King T’Chaka replied with a nod, grateful that the young man hadn’t want to just take the materials, it confirmed what he’d been able to find about the young man being an honorable man.

“Very well. We’ve got a landing pad on the top of Stark Tower. Oh Tony also wanted to let you know that he would be including the cost for the Vibranium that his father ‘acquired’ during World War 2 and used to form the Shield that Captain America uses. He will pay current exchange rates plus interest for what we learned recently his father had not done so. He wants to apologize for his father’s actions and to let you know that he doesn’t agree with the bastards methods.” Harry said after looking down at a note that popped up below the video from Tony.

:We thank him for that. The cost will be included in what we will ask for the materials we are sending now.: King T’Chaka nodded pleasure in his expression as he looked between his children and wife, his wife was looking at the young man with a slightly glazed expression that cleared with a smile and nod to her husband they might have been an arranged marriage originally but there was love that came through the years. :Our children will be there tomorrow morning.:

With that the call ended after farewells were exchanged and Harry straightened before moving out in the living room area and with a sigh returned the sword of Gryffindor or as he now knew it as the Sword Excalibur into the sheath on his back where the notice-me-not fell back over it with ease.

“Tony, we’re expecting more royals and their guards. Prince T’Challa and his sister Princess Shuri will be arriving tomorrow morning. T’Challa will be leaving after seeing his sister here to take care of the thief you found information on.” Harry said as he looked at the others.

“I’ll get the floor two down prepared for them and their guards. I’ll let them have the whole floor and hand over control for security on that floor.” Tony shrugged. “I’ve been interested in meeting Princess Shuri, she seems a firecracker in the notes she’s sent you.”

“Who knew that being the leading creator mixing magical and mundane medical means would draw the attention of a Princess.” Harry chuckled; he had been shocked when he got the first email from Princess Shuri asking questions on what he’d shared in a potion monthly about the work that was happening in his company to combine the two worlds so that they could be exposed without panicking the mundane public. “Her mind is amazing in what she’s sent me for the questions that she asks. It was thanks to a lot of her questions that I made the leaps that I did, something which when her parents okay’s I’ll make sure she gets the credit for.”

Clint came up behind Harry and wrapped him in a hug just holding him as they turned their attention to watching as Sev and Nev finally started blinking showing they were drawing out of the mind of James.

“Well that was a sh*t show.” Nev said sagging against the table that was behind him where he knelt on the floor. “We’ll need to do several more trips in, but we were able to subdue the Soldier and pull-out Sergeant Barnes. We were also able to destroy the control words. They definitely messed him up mentally, but I can handle it, with time he’ll…well not be who he was but will no longer be the Soldier, he'll be able to absorb the skills and languages, but he won’t be him once I’m done.”

Phil stepped forward and pulled Severus to his feet when he saw how exhausted he looked. “Come on luv, let’s go see Septimus and get you some rest.”

“Steve, I’ll lead you to where you can rest with Sergeant Barnes.” Tony said standing from where he’d been dismantling the arm they had removed wanting to get rid of all the triggers that could set off the bombs that were within it so that it couldn’t be remotely activated, he’d stayed in the common room so that the magicals could throw a shield over the area if he inadvertently triggered something.

“Come on love, we’ll go to the rooms here that Tony’s set aside for us and you need to rest as well.” Clint lifted Harry into his arms and gave him a raised eyebrow that had him dropping his glamour that he’d reapplied after Pop let him know Princess Shuri was calling. “Pop, let Kings and Fenrir know what’s happened so that they know where everyone is when they return.”

The rest paired off with their mates, with Fury slipping out to head to his own, and Bruce just watched everyone with a soft smile, with the death of Ross he might be able to get back to his mate if she’d ever accept him, he missed Betty. Loki’s children followed their mother and Natasha to their floor in the tower, it was above the common floor where family was housed. Neville just gave Thor a small smile and let him lead the way to where he could rest. Jarvis and Pop ordered a large amount of food to be delivered to the different floors so that everyone had a meal and didn’t have to do any work for it.

The rest of the day passed with Steve wrapped around a sleeping Bucky, on alert for anything that would disturb his much-needed rest, the circles under his eyes were not all due to camouflage shadowing. Tony wrapped up in Rhodey’s blanket talking to him on video call after having set up for the staff of the building to prep the floor he’d mentioned for the soon to be visiting royals. Harry wrapped up in Clint’s arms crying in joy at the scan he’d been talked into performing when they returned to their rooms and making plans for the months to come. Nat in her half-snake form curled around Loki and watching over their children while waiting for Fenrir’s return while she learned the rest of what Loki had to share of how he was related to the Evans line. Thor and Neville curled up on a couch talking to get to know each other better before taking the steps to cement their bond firmly. The rest were at their own homes in similar positions, even Fury and Hill.

~*~*This is a scene change*~*~

Fenrir walked beside Kingsley as they went through the lower levels of the Ministry of Magic.

“We were able to capture him finally two days ago.” Kingsley explained as they walked along. “He tried going out via Auror, but we were able to subdue him. He’s one of Voldemort’s worst lieutenants but even before he joined Voldie he was considered a monster to scare children with.”

“You say his name is Fenrir Greyback?” Fenrir asked as they walked along.

“Aye, at least that is the name he gives to his victims just before biting them. He has a taste for children. More than half of those that he bit never survived. If they survived the bite over half were killed by family for being a monster. We’ve been working since the end of the war and the death of Dumbledore to change the way people see who weres truly are. One of the best fighters on the side of the light is one. An omega named Remus Lupin; he’s considered Harry’s Tad having blood adopted him at one point. Lupin was actually one of the kids that survived and whose parents attempted to help. We looked into Greyback’s victims and a lot before the war were the children of Hunters.”

Fenrir’s lip curled back at the memory of those that had tried to harm him before he was chained away, obviously it hadn’t stopped.

“We caught him after he went after another Hunter’s kid, after Dumbles and Voldie were taken care of he went back to his old method.” Kingsley said as they entered the secured area that was created and warded to hold those of enhanced biology. “It was actually our MACUSA counterparts that caught him in a town called Beacon Hills going for the Argent’s girl. Of all things a pack of teens, some who were wolves some not, who were able to subdue him before their ‘spastic human’ contacted MACUSA. They hadn’t realized that their ‘human’ friend was more. The pack is getting help to control the area. They have a Nemata in the area, from what we’ve been able to figure it is one of the roots or branches of the world tree. Percival Graves and Newton Scamander are heading to the area to get things under control and ward the tree. The Hale Alpha and Left-hand were grateful for the offer of help.”

“Hale?” Fenrir perked up slightly at hearing the name.

“Aye, mind you there’s only three of the line left but they're strong.” Kingsley nodded.

“I’ll have to visit when I’ve got a chance. See how my descendants are doing. The first Hale Alpha was one of my offspring before I was chained.” Fenrir said with a shrug before, he had been a horny young wolf and found relief. “Now to deal with the naughty puppy that thinks its okay to use my name to spread fear and discontent.”

Fenrir said as he stepped forward from the shadows with Kingsley staying behind to keep the other guards back as Fenrir drew himself up fully and looked down at the man that was laying as if undisturbed within the cell.

“So I’ve heard you’ve been a very naughty puppy.” Fenrir smirked down at the man who was trying to act nonchalant but clearly knew from the strength of Fenrir’s wolf aura just who was before him. “It’s time for judgement.”

Kingsley then stepped back and drew the guards with leaving Fenrir Greyback to the mercy of Prince Fenrir Lokison of Asgard.

“Aren’t we going to do something sir?” One of the guards asked when the screams started.

“I’m not about to tell the Original Wolf to stop when he calls judgement over one of his own.” Kingsley said raising an eyebrow in disbelief at the question he’d been asked.

The others all looked at each other and raised their eyebrows in shock over who they had been in the presence of. When Fenrir stepped back through the door that lead to the cells his claws dripped blood before Kingsley vanished it.

“He’s still alive and can face justice in your courts if you wish. He’s no longer a wolf. I took a look into his memories and judged him unworthy of his wolf. Therefore it has been removed. And through him I’ve removed the wolves of those he considers pack.” Fenrir said with a smirk. “Don’t worry he didn’t consider your friend Remus as one of his even though he bit him, so he still has his wolf. I’ll help him soon with the curse, for it should not be painful. I’d like to send a message to my Mother then I need to head to the area he was last. I need to fix a few things there, there is a ‘true alpha’ who doesn’t even deserve his wolf let alone to be an alpha.”

Kingsley simply raised an eyebrow and nodded in acceptance before he turned to leave with the Prince, the guards all looked into the chambers and saw the puncture marks upon the back of Greyback’s neck and saw him rocking in the corner of his cell with all too human whimpers escaping his lips.

Chapter 23: That those whom you call'd fathers did beget you


An extra long chapter, of 9,900 words, to make up for the wait. It holds what happened in Beacon Hills for those that asked for it. While also covering what happened with T'Challa and bringing in mention of the twins. Hope you all enjoy...thanks for being patient while I wrote this.

Chapter Text

The next seven months passed in chaos, healing, and hormones. The Alpha’s were tiptoeing around the pregnant Omegas not wanting to set them off while also catering to their every need. The downfall of Hydra was handled quietly with the help of Bucky’s memories and knowledge of his ‘handlers’. Fury and Hill enjoyed the fact that they had somewhere they could go that they didn’t have to hide their relationship. Phil and Severus were cursing their luck to have things happened when they did and the fact that this time they were the ones having twins, though Tony just said it must be going around when they shared the news while Harry just smirked and wouldn’t let anyone scan him and find out what he was having. Only Clint knew what they were expecting. Rhodey had returned and let out a groan when he saw what was happening in the lab. Turns out when you put a mini genius in with an older genius that is able to keep up mentally the older genius all but adopts the younger, never mind that the younger is literally of royal blood.

:Sir, Your Platypus has ordered me to cut you off for the day. Master Severus has done the same.: Jarvis called into the lab around four in the afternoon making Tony straighten on his special stool that Shuri had helped him create for those that were pregnant but needing to work at certain angles.

“Aww…alright.” Tony sighed as he stood wincing as one of the twins kicked him in the bladder. “Tell me again why we thought this was a good idea?” He muttered.

:So that you’d have legal heirs to the company sir if they desire to follow in your footsteps.: Jarvis replied with his monotone voice.

Shuri smirked as she looked up from where she was working and then looked toward the door gave a shriek and ran to greet her brother who was coming in beside Tony’s mate.

“Brother this place is amazing! Almost as good as home. The things that they’ve been able to help me with! And his suits…You’ve got to see this stuff…” Shuri went to pull her brother in to the lab only to stop as she took in the look on his face. “What’s happened?”

“Shuri…” T’Challa closed his eyes in pain. “We got to Killmonger too late…Father was on a diplomatic mission.” He took a deep breath.

“I know he stopped here to check on me before going.” Shuri said nodding.

“I was with Lt. Commander Rhodes here trying to apprehend Killmonger. But…Shuri…” T’Challa bit back tears. “Father is dead. There was an explosion…I tried…I tried…” There T’Challa seemed to collapse into himself as he said these words.

“I told Jarvis to make sure that you didn’t see the news after he asked me to make sure that he could tell you the news. We were able to take out Killmonger shortly after.” Rhodey explained holding Tony and doing his best not to be distracted by the twins movements.

“He was our cousin…He wanted to take over the throne…expose us fully to the world…and start a war of his own.” T’Challa said with his eyes all but dead.

“You are welcome in my halls any day, your highness. And I wish I could take the pain of this loss from you.” Tony said softly as he watched the pair grieve.

“I thank you for the offer. But we must return home. There is a ceremony that must happen. Eric Stevens decided to die by cop instead of facing justice for his actions and now I must go and inform my mother how her soulmate died. Thank you for the information that you shared with us that helped us hunt down the traitor that had escaped us for so long.” T’Challa said with the pain in his eyes. “In time I’m sure Shuri would love to return.”

“I have something for her that I think she’d appreciate. And would allow us to continue to collaborate together when she wishes to.” Tony held out a USB with F.R.I.D.A.Y written on the side. “She won’t allow me any secrets. She’s loyal to the one that starts her up. She’s Jarvis and Pop’s little sister and the back up if anything were to ever happen to one or the other.”

“Thank you.” T’Challa held his silently sobbing sister. With a final nod he led her from the lab and with their guards they moved to the lift and were taken to the landing pad and were soon on their way home.

Tony was lead up to the common room where he cuddled against Rhodey and listened to his run down of the mission that he’d been sent on to assist with the capture of the black ops fighter who wore the name Killmonger. He learned how T’Challa had been the one to deliver the final killing blow after he’d been wounded and after watching his father be killed. Rhodey held his mate and talked to their twins while Harry was in the kitchen fixing a snack and hearing the same report. He closed his eyes in pain when he heard the history that lead Eric to the actions he’d done and how things had panned out. Clint wrapped around him in support and stole some of the chocolate chip cookies that he’d made with three types of chocolate.

“Come on love, let’s let them process.” Clint guided Harry out of the common floor and up to their rooms, they’d been requested to stay in the Tower after Harry had a fainting episode three times and some spotting. He was off bed rest but needed to be constantly monitored and the medical floor was ready for him at any point. “We got news on the last of Hydra…”

“That sounds ominous.” Harry said as he snuggled under the super soft blanket that was sitting on the back of the couch normally.

“There was a set of twins…they were tricked into blaming Tony for the death of their parents. They submitted to experiments that opened up some mutations that would’ve remained dormant otherwise.” Clint said carrying over a cup of decaf tea that helped keep Harry’s stomach calm. “The young man when presented with the truth bulked and turned away giving up everything he could. The sister…she had to be collared for the safety of everyone. Steve’s not happy with us for doing it.”

“Of course he isn’t he was part of World War 2 and watched how things like that affected people.” Harry scoffed. “But if she was a danger to others it meant that she was also a danger to herself.”

“Exactly…” Clint pulled Harry back to his chest. “We discovered they are children of the Mutant known as Magneto and had been adopted by the parents that were killed. Bucky’s helping Steve understand why she had to be collared, they’re staying at their Brooklyn apartment for a while until he works through it. She’d messed with his head. Sev’s already heading over there to handle it.” He stopped Harry from rising. “Phil’s with him and won’t let him do anything dangerous to the babes. Nat’s also there with Loki. After they straighten out Steve’s head they’re going to go and try to help Professor X in getting through to the young lady. Her brother has already agreed to let the Prof work with him and getting his head on straight.”

“Now we just need to wait…” Harry murmured.

“For what love?” Clint asked as he soothed the restless babes.

“For the Mad Titan to make his move.” Harry replied resting fully on his mate. “I just hope he’ll wait for the babes to be born and old enough to be left with protection.”

“When he comes we’re still planning on sending them to Sirius, Remus, and Severus?” Clint asked to clarify.

“Aye. They are the best to protect them and if we can I want to make sure Fury, Phil, and Hill are there as well as backups just in case.” Harry said letting exhaustion pull him down as he worked on planning for the future. “Hel, has already said he’ll come, especially when word reaches him that she’s here…for some reason he thinks his actions are courting gifts to her.”

“Like her brothers will allow that to happen. Will the pack help?” Clint asked thinking about the pack that they’d met at the request of Fenrir to accompany him to the small city of Beacon Hills. Hel had found her True Mate in the oldest wolf who’d died and come back, while Fenrir had found his in a blinded wolf that they’d helped bring back from the madness of what had happened to him. Even the other two had found their mates.


“You want us to go where?” Harry asked as he stood fixing a meal for the large group, with a large death by chocolate cake for Remus to celebrate the death of his tormentor who’d been thrown through the veil after his trial, which had just been a formality. Clint was at their apartment finalizing some paperwork, he struggled writing reports when he could easily be distracted by others.

“A town called Beacon Hills. Hel, Jör, and Sleipnir are going with. But I need someone with magic from this realm to deal with things that I’ve discovered are going on there.” Fenrir replied as he swiped a finger full of the frosting that was left in the bowl.

“Pop pull up Beacon Hills.”

:Beacon Hills, California. Home of the Hale Pack remnants, victims of an attack by the rogue Argent Hunters leading to the death by fire of a majority of the pack.
Current Alpha Derek Hale, oldest remaining child of former Alpha Talia Hale.
Left Hand Peter Hale, youngest brother of former Alpha Talia Hale.
Emissary in training Mieczysław Gemin Stilinski also known as Stiles Stilinski, Spark and Guardian of the Nemeton of the area.
Betas Vernon Boyd, Isaac Lahey, Erica Reyes, and Jackson Whitmore – reformed kanima
Also in the town is Lydia Martin – Banshee, Scott McCall – ‘true alpha’ (stolen alpha spark from death of Ennis?), Alan Deaton – druid (former emissary of Hale pack before fire), Alpha ‘Deuc’
Deucalion Blackwood…:

“Stop Pop…did you say there was a nemeton and a druid in the same place? Along with a so-called true alpha? Who believes that bullsh*t?” Harry said lifting his hand in anger.

:Yes Bambi. And supposedly Scott McCall believes the bullsh*t: Pop responded in monotone.

“Okay Prince Fenrir we’re in.” Harry snarled. “There should never be a druid near a nemeton…they’re so sure of their ‘balance’ that they will harm it for ‘the greater good’.”

“Thank you pup.” Fenrir said with a smirk glad that someone else noticed the issue and grateful that they had the access to the special division information available to SHIELD.

“Pop…why hasn’t anyone stepped in from the Special SHIELD division?” Harry asked thinking over what Fury had told them after Fury learned of werewolves.

:Someone in the division was giving false reports, it turns out. Only recently has the truth started been uncovered with the work of the hidden division of the FBI brought in by Agent McCall, estranged father of ‘true alpha’ Scott McCall.: Pop responded pulling up the information that was being updated and what was previously there, supposedly someone had paid off the agent and got them to report that it was an electrical fire that had taken out the Hale Pack.

“Hey luv, can you pack two bags? I need you to grab the bright red and gold cloth bag that is in the back of the closet and bring that as well.” Harry said into his phone while looking at the information. “We’ve got a mission that’s just going to be us and Loki’s kids. Loki may or may not end up showing up but right now we need to leave in a short time.”

:What’s going on love?: Clint asked carefully as Harry heard him moving around their apartment.

“Remember when Prince Fenrir told us where Greyback was found and that he wanted to go look into things because of what was going on there?” Harry asked as he cast a preservation charm on the food and left a note simply saying ‘Have something to take care of with Fenrir, Hel, Jör, Sleipnir, and Clint. Food is safe until someone starts serving then charm will fall. Remus enjoy the cake but make sure you share. - Harry’.

After leaving the note and getting conformation of Clint remembering the conversation he explained how they’d be showing up at the apartment shortly and then leaving from there. Thanks to Fenrir’s memories that he took from Greyback Harry’d be able to make a portkey to get them to the location sooner. Within an hour they were landing with bent knees and striding out of the alley as if they had been coming from the other side.

“Now we find the truth.” Harry said straightening up and pulling his magic to the surface so he could find where they needed to be.

“Do we deal with the Druid first?” Clint asked checking his runic knives that Harry had gifted to him before they left and slipping them into hidden pockets.

“No, first we greet the Alpha in charge of the territory, explain our reason to be here and then go from there.” Harry said in this instance Fenrir was allowing Harry to act as his second and Emissary since he had the most knowledge of things from his relationship to a wolf.

“Let’s go, I feel someone here who escaped my realm and I want to find out how. As well as someone that wishes to escape true judgement.” Hel snarled moving beside the others on Fenrir’s left acting as his left hand in this.

When they approached a seemingly abandoned loft in the industrial district Harry bit back a smirk, someone was using pure wish magic to keep danger away. They went to the top of the building having seen the group of cars in the lot and Harry could feel that most of the interested parties were present at the moment along with some others who didn’t belong.

“She’s evil!” Harry heard a young sounding voice echo out of the loft. “She’s magically roffeed you man! We’re supposed to be looking for Erica and Boyd, but I find you here with her!”

“Don’t tell me you believe that little pest right love.” The voice that came behind the young man’s dripped with darkness and caused Harry’s eyes to narrow and Hel to crack her fingers as they stepped into the loft causing attention to turn to them.

“Well…I know where the one trying to escape true judgement is at least.” Hel said with a smirk.

“I knew that we would be dealing with a bad druid but didn’t expect to also face a Darach as well.” Harry said flexing his magic. “The Nemeton has reached out to those that could protect it from you and the other bastard. Trust me bitch you’re going to wish you didn’t visit here.”

“Who are you?!” The female who’s face was flickering between two images snarled.

“I’m the one that’s going to reveal you for the true bitch you are.” Harry said and without another word flicked his wand which removed the glamour her sacrifices had granted her before turning to the Alpha and removing the spells on his mind with another flick. As soon as the spells were removed he simply stood and crossed his arms as the Alpha, who he remembered was called Derek Hale turned and removed the woman’s head.

“What is it with women who are interested in me being such evil bitches?” Derek said as he stood looking at the corpse until Hel walked over and touched it sending it to her realm with barely a flex of her power.

“I don’t know dear but where is the one that escaped my realm currently?” Hel asked turning to look at the young man. “He’s attached to you as pack.”

“You mean Creeperwolf?” Stilinski, for the image fit with what Pop had shared with Harry, asked with his head tilted. “What do you mean your realm?”

“Why Hel of course.” Hel stood up with a smirk letting her own glamour drop showing her image of half and half. “I want to figure out how he did it.”

“Tied himself with a banshee didn’t he.” Harry finally clicked the information and looking at the group. “My apologies Alpha Hale, we’ve completely bypassed tradition of asking permission to enter your territory to act.”

“It’s fine, thanks to you some things are cleared up in my head. Now I just need to save my sister from some sort of poisoning and find two wayward betas.” Derek straightened up.

“Wayward or taken?” Clint asked.

“I…I’m not sure.” Derek replied.

“Do you have anything of theirs’s?” Harry stepped forward. “Again forgive me allow me to introduce my alpha and the others of our misfit pack that came with us.” Harry said giving a slight bow. “Our Alpha Prince Fenrir Lokison of Asgard.” He hid a smirk as Stiles seemed to flail at the information and got an indulgent look from Derek. “His sister and Left-hand in this instance, Queen Hel of Niflheim, his brothers Jörmungandr, and Sleipnir. I’m Haldir Jarrah Emrys, the second and Emissary, with me comes my mate Clint Barton.”

“The myths are true…but wait…how…” Stiles started stuttering out and looking between the siblings and then Harry and Clint. “You were part of the New York battle!!!” He pointed at Clint. “Allie-cat will be so jealous! She’s talked about nothing but the amazing shots you pulled off!”

“Stiles deep breaths.” Derek said softly only to watch as Stiles flailed even more.

“What the hell! No way! Is it because of witchy stuff?” Stiles all but shouted looking between his covered right arm and the werewolf who had his own deer in the headlights look going on at the moment.

“Well that was unexpected. There was old magic on you that I was able to destroy. It’s tied to the second of about five at the moment reasons we’re here.” Harry shrugged. “Anyway, where is this ‘creeperwolf’ so that we can meet with him. I am guessing as your left hand he’s with the injured packmate at the moment.”

“Yes, my Uncle is with my sister at the hospital, she’s been puking up mistletoe.” Derek nodded now that the spells were released he could feel the bonds stronger and knew that his uncle felt horror still at what he’d done to Laura.

“Alright lead the way.” Harry nodded. “I have a way to help that won’t need you to give you your spark as the naughty druid might have told you.”

Derek seemed to sag with relief.

“Hel, can you get the things of the missing betas from the young man and his friend hiding in the shadows with the scarfs and hunt them down? Message me as soon as you have a location. There are more here then there should be.” Harry said straightening up slightly. “I think there’s more that the naughty druid has done than we’ve been able to uncover in the two hours that we’ve had.”

“It will be my pleasure.” Hel nodded with a smirk turning with her glamour renewed and gladly followed the two boys to the stuff that they’d moved from the abandoned train depot.

Harry followed Derek to the Hospital with Fenrir beside him, Jör and Sleipnir had stayed with their sister as protection. Clint was on a building across the way keeping watch, his gut was telling him something would happen here.

“She’s through here.” Derek said as he opened the door to lead them in.

“Well, sh*t, Hel’s going to have fun fixing you.” Harry said looking at the Wolf standing in the shadows before turning to the young lady on the bed with black goo in a bucket beside her. “And with you…well this will be nasty but will help without your brother having to give up his alpha spark.”

“You can help her?” The man in the shadows stepped forward with shock and relief playing over his face.

“Yes, pup, my Emissary can help her.” Fenrir said with a soft growl to his voice causing all the wolves in the room to calm.

“It’s mainly thanks to my Godfather that I’m able to.” Harry said with a shrug. “After all he explained what would cure most poisons in my first potions class, then later expanded on that on how to create a potion using the general cure.” Harry pulled out the red and gold pouch that had been asked for and spelled a potion straight into Cora Hale’s stomach. He then conjured a large bucket and handed it over similar to what Hagrid did when Ron was spewing slugs in second year. “Best to let it out and not fight it.” He said as he watched her go green.

Cora glared briefly at the man that had entered before she was bent over the bucket and spewing up the black mass of mistletoe berries, leaves, and from the grayness mountain ash as well. She winced at the sound of a ring tone as she watched the man who was curing her answered.

“What’cha got for me Hel?” Harry asked stepping to the side slightly.

:Both are at a residence, the young man here said it was his home. He’s leading us there, they sounded scared.: Hel said over the phone with the sound of wind from car around her.

“We’re almost finished here.”

:Merlin we’ve got incoming.: Clint spoke up from his perch as he watched the others. :Iris just flashed to me, and there are two incoming. A tall male that looks as if he’s blind and a female that is of all things barefoot. They are members of the Alpha Pack SHIELD’s been tracking. There’s someone else following them spewing black goo from everywhere and honestly has to be usin’ magic to not pass out from it. From the back I can’t tell who it is but I have a good hypothesis, I’m following.:

“We’ll be ready for them.” Harry smirked and looked at the Wolves with them. “Hel, did you catch that?”

:Yes, the last one is one I personally want to escort to my kingdom. And when we find his daughter the same will happen with her.: Hel’s smirk was clear in her voice. :Ahh I see why the two were hiding out there…nice protections child. Ohhh…we’ve got the last two here a set of twins I believe…interesting…I’ll have to get back to you.: She hung up before Harry could say anything and he heard Fenrir growl.

“What did she mean by the daughter…if it’s who I think it is, his daughter is already dead…I tore her throat out myself.” Peter said straightening with anger on his face.

“While you were an Alpha correct?” Fenrir said stepping more fully into the room and towering over the man before him.

“Yes, I was avenging my families death by her hand.” Peter snapped.

“Then you turned her not killed her. When you’re an alpha make sure to take the head of the enemy so there isn’t the risk.” Fenrir said simply. “You’ll learn pup, just as your nephew and niece will.”

“And who are you to say such?” Cora snapped out between spells of vomiting.

“Prince Fenrir Lokison at your service.” He gave a dramatic bow as he said this. “And the first of your line.”

“The stories are true?” Peter gasped in awe.

“Aye, I granted your family the right to a wolf such as my own. It is why your line alone could take the full wolf form.” Fenrir nodded with a smirk before he turned and looked at the pair of Alphas that had come up behind them. “Haldir, are you seeing what I’m seeing?”

“That bastard Darach has been busy.” Harry snarled as he stepped forward ignoring the warning growls from behind him and the battle growls ahead of him. “Oh shut up puppies, I’ve dealt with an almost pack less Beta that had been weakened by wolfsbane on the night of the full moon and he’s much scarier than you. Also dealt with a basilisk at 12, my blood still contains her venom.”

This cut off the growls with shock before Fenrir stepped forward and gripped both Alpha’s by the neck and lead them into the room.

“Now to deal with the work of that bastard and ooh…he’s had help from a little bitch.” Harry said stepping forward, smirking as he heard the thump of another body hitting the ground and being dragged in with his fire-lizard settling on his shoulder let him know who was behind him. He pulled his wand for this work since it was more intricate than spelling a potion into Cora’s stomach. “Tell me have you been around someone claiming to be a druid?”

“Our Emissary and her brother.” The Blind wolf said with a snarl.

“Ah…Let me guess, she approached you after the event that left you blind with whispers of being able to help you regain your sight?” Harry circled the pair and with a flare of his magic knocked out the female who Fenrir then let drop. “She’ll be easier to deal with, Hel wants to reunite her with her true mate. She’d have gone truly insane once the spells are lifted and would slaughter any and everyone.”

“Since when did my sister…” Fenrir started asking before he saw the phone with a text in the wizard’s hand. “Ahh…Freeze her limbs, remove the spells, and allow me to give her the relief she deserves.”

“Very well Prince Fenrir.” Harry nodded and then knelt beside the female and did as instructed, a light sweat broke over his forehead as he worked through the corrupt magic of the Darach and his sister. “You poor soul,” he stroked down the side of her face as he pulled back from her mind. “They twisted you so deeply from your true nature you weren’t even able to recognize your true mate when he was beside you. Do you wish Prince Fenrir to release you from this realm to rejoin him?”

“Please!” Kali cried out grief pulling on her and she fought against her wolf for the first time to remain as clear as she could. “Please my Lord! Please end me!”

“Peace child, you served well before they slipped their spells within you. Go and be at peace.” Fenrir said as he knelt beside her and like Harry had stroked her face before his other hand joined and snapped her neck and then pulled forth her heart. “Haldir if you could take care of the remains as if proper for an Alpha.”

“With honor be at peace.” Harry said with a sigh as he cast the spell that would destroy all remains without fire or ash until nothing remained.

“What about me?” The voice of the blind wolf asked timidly.

“Now I undo the spells that were placed upon you then I’ll deal with the twins that you’ve taken in.” Harry said simply stepping forward. “I need you to hold as still as possible. No one else can be holding you while I take the residue from your eyes, and it will be extremely painful.”

The blind wolf simply nodded in response as Harry stepped forward and placed his hands on Deucalion’s face and with a whispered word performed a summoning charm on the remaining residue from the flash bang arrows that had blinded him. Residue that he’d been told couldn’t be removed. Deuc snarled and fought against the pain wanting to slash the one that was causing it but as the residue was removed his healing kicked in and all he saw was the sorrow for the pain that was happening covering the face of the young man in front of him. Down his face flowed tears of silver and ash as his eyes finished the process.

“Now that you can see I can do the spell that I need to clear your mind. Legilimens…” Harry whispered the last word and soon was welcomed into the mind of Deucalion and lead by his wolf where the spells were. He snarled as he saw how the Darach had twisted the death of the Beta’s he was able to see with the help of the wolf the spell that the Darach had laid over the Second and all the other Beta’s that made it so that he had to kill them or they wouldn’t stop before killing him, Harry helped Deucalion see what he was and felt the man’s anger at what had happened and the grief of what he’d done, for though he was an Alpha wolf he was an Omega man and hated causing harm to others. “We’ll deal with the traitor together. He and his sister will pay for what they’ve done.” Harry saw the proof of what the sister had done to boost the madness and with a spell cleared the controlling potions from the man’s system. “Vengance will be yours for the pain caused to you and yours.”

“Thank you.” Deuc said with new tears pouring from his eyes when Harry pulled back and then he looked at the unconscious man on the floor of the room. “I was told he was dead from bite rejection.”

“While he’s rejecting it he took steps to keep from dying from it prior to forcing the bite with the help of the fail alpha.” Harry said stepping over and with a spell had the man waking and the panic that crossed the hunters face would cause joy for years.

Deuc turned to the man that he’d heard introduced as Prince Fenrir Lokison. “Prince Fenrir I ask that you take the revenge for all the packs that he’s harmed as is your right as the Original Wolf.”

Fenrir pulled in a deep breath before turning the formerly blind wolf. “Alpha Blackwood it would be my absolute pleasure.” Fenrir rumbled as he heard the pleased gasp and the flow of joy hormones that filled the air after he stated his words. He then stepped forward with a smirk and looked down at the man who had lead to the death of so many of his children, for he considered all Werewolves his children. “I’m most disappointed that you thought you’d be free of my sister’s realm by trying to take on a wolf to cure your cancer. The reaction is a specialty of mine that I placed when I granted a Wolf to the people of this realm. They are the protectors of their territories and you have upset that.” He crouched over the man who’d back himself into a corner when he saw all exits blocked, Clint had already devested him of all his weapons and was now perched on a chair beside the door fingering one of the runic knives which he flipped over to Fenrir when the wolf prince held his hand out. “You see I knew that there was a chance of those trying to get ‘the bite’ for malicious reasons. It happened once in the past what your family called the Beast, I’ll be dealing with his remains in time so no one can bring him back. But you sir…well you don’t even deserve the mercy of my claws. Dear Haldir, some silencing spells please.”

“Already done m’Lord.” Harry bowed lightly. “No one will hear as you deal judgement.”

“My thanks.” Fenrir smirked as he plunged the knife into the man’s legs, slicing the hamstring so he’d be unable to get away if he ever became brave enough. He then went on to slice him apart while still alive thanks to his magic and that on the blade he kept the man alive through it all until he was ready for him to die. He also craved his judgement into the skin of the man while pushing his magic into the blade, meaning when the man arrived in the realm of his sister all would know the judgement that had been laid upon him. It took four hours before Fenrir finished, with Hel coming with the twins, missing betas, and the two that had been at the loft prior to watch the end, Jör and Sleipnir stayed outside to be lookouts. “A present for you dear sister. Do you think your pets will enjoy it?”

“They will love it dear brother.” Hel said stepping forward and letting her glamour fall for the second time that night letting the man see her for who she was. “Finish him, then we’ll deal with the bastard’s daughter and the darachs.”

“With pleasure.” Fenrir replied before finally driving his blade into the man’s heart killing him. “Judgement has been given let the bastard burn.” He stood up and looked at Harry with a nod.

“I’ll send his remains to the Nemeton and then go to perform the cleansing ritual. But first…come here young men.” Harry nodded sending the remains, including all the blood that had been spilt, even that on the blade to the Nemeton the land itself helping when it felt his power in dealing with the one that wished to control the tree. He waited patiently as the twins walked forward with wide eyes at what they had just witnessed. Harry clicked his tongue and with a quick action sunk into the mind of the oldest removing the spells from him and while he was still reeling from the action he turned to his brother and did the same. “Now…Prince Fenrir I ask for permission to act on your behalf while you bond with your True Mate and the pups he’s taken as his own.”

“Permission given Lord Emrys.” Fenrir said with a smirk of his own. “I ask that you take the Left-Hand of the Hale Pack and my siblings with you.”

“With pleasure.” Harry nodded before looking at Derek Hale. “Alpha Derek Hale I ask that you accompany me to perform a cleansing ritual on the Nemeton in your territory so to stop the ‘Beacon’ it has become and return it to its prior function of a protector of the area.”

“Very well, I request that my Emissary Stiles Stilinski accompany us.” Derek nodded holding his hand out to Stiles when he made the request.

“It would be better that he did since his magic will be needed to help settled the Nemeton. He’s after all born of its previous Guardian.” Harry nodded with a shrug before turning to Peter Hale. “Left-Hand Peter Hale, I ask that you also accompany us to the Nemeton to remove the last of the ties to Queen Hel’s realm and the tie to her Banshee for it is what is keeping you weaker than you’ve been before.”

Peter only nodded still wrapping his head around everything and stepping forward after the nod of his Alpha.

“It will also cleanse you of the last of the madness the Hunters actions had caused you. Your wolf will be yours again and not in the control of others.” Harry said with a sad smile.

Peter looked up in shock at those words and Derek startled across from him as they realized that it was because of others that he’d killed Laura.

“Prince Fenrir, Alpha Blackwood, I request that you remain here and protect my sister. I would be honored after everything is over to discuss a treaty between our packs.” Derek said looking over at the two.

“We are honored.” Deucalion replied with a nod. “She will be safe with us.”

“Clint, I need you to stay here…I feel that the Darachs will come here. Knock out only. They’ll be needed for the final cleansing.” Harry said as he placed a soft hand on his mate’s face.

“I don’t like it, but I understand.” Clint nodded and smirked as he felt Iris land on his shoulder as his mate left her with him to keep him safe.

“Mr. Stilinski, call your father and your friend who is the wolf and have them join us at the preserve. Your father as the Sheriff should have been read into the supernatural world for the safety of his people from the beginning.” Harry said as they left the hospital and were joined by Jör and Sleipnir. “Sleipnir, you can stay here with your brother or come with us. Jör I would appreciate your assistance if you’re willing?”

“I’ll stay with Fen.” Sleipnir nodded moving back toward the hospital and remaining guard outside.

Hel, Peter, Derek, and Stiles all piled into a baby blue jeep. Harry climbed into a black SUV, that he’d resized and had the SHIELD emblem on the outside, with Jör, and the young man that had been at the loft but hadn’t spoken yet, and Derek’s two formerly missing betas. When they reached the preserve he stepped out and saw Derek and Stiles looking at Hel and Peter with wide eyes. Harry looked back at Jör who’d shifted to snake form and was wrapped around the scarf wearing beta glaring at anyone that wished to harm them. The two others were snickering at what they had seen happening and holding each other’s hand grateful for the potions that they’d been given that finished their healing. Harry looked toward the road when he saw the Sheriff’s cruiser pull up and tilted his head at the man who stepped out.

“Well this won’t work.” Harry said stepping forward and with a quick action that startled all but the royals had slashed his wand down and they were able to see as blocks fell from around the man in a flare of magic. “Someone bound your natural gifts hiding it from you. It’s illegal by the way to do so.”

Sheriff John Stilinski bent over as he gasped and a pair of giant flaming wings flared from his back. He soon straightened and looked at the wings then over at the people gathered waiting.

“I’m sorry son…” John started looking at Stiles with sadness in his eyes.

“It was mom wasn’t it.” Stiles said as a statement.

“Yes.” John nodded. “By binding my gifts she blocked me from finding my True Mate so that she could have a child.”

“A human Phoenix, the last seen was five hundred years ago.” Harry whispered as he heard the melodic sadness in the words that John was speaking. “Usually mates to Hell Hounds and the Healers and Protectors of the Supernatural world.”

Harry now that he’d seen what was happening with John turned and looked closer at Stiles. “Oh she was a bitch wasn’t she…” He stepped forward. “But with you she had help making it harder to see. For this we need to be at the Nemeton.”

Leading the way Harry walked through the woods of the preserve, they had waited for another fifteen minutes but Stiles’ friend never showed and that told Harry he’d have to hunt the boy down later. The group saw the large stump as soon as they stepped inside the clearing and laying on top of the tree the remains of Gerald Argent with standing close the shifted form of his daughter who was frozen in place by the magic of the clearing and three berserkers behind the female. Harry dropped his own glamour as soon as he’d entered the clearing knowing that the magic of the land wouldn’t allow him to keep it. Those that had no previous knowledge gasped in shock as he stepped forward with a deadly smirk on his face.

“Kate Argent. Hello Bitch.” Harry said before with a large blasting curse from his wand he destroyed the three berserkers. “It seems that the land wishes to help clean things up. Like what Prince Fenrir Lokison did to your father?” He watched as she struggled against the bonds of the land and the vines and roots of the land crept up to bind her tighter every time. “Don’t worry, you’ll be joining him soon for judgement by Queen Hel.” A second quick twitch of his wand had her laid out and bound to the stump. “Oh hello, who bound such a mischievous spirit as you…” Harry knelt beside the stump and pulled forth a jar holding a fly that was beating against the glass still alive even though the jar was obviously old and had no air holes.

Those that were watching had wide eyes as they spread out by the guiding of the magic of the land in a circle around the stump.

“Queen Hel? Your brother had the honor of dealing with the one that had hurt his mate the most. Would you like the chance on your part?” Harry looked over at her having seen the bond starting to form but being stopped by the magic on the man.

“Gladly.” Hel said with a sinister sneer, her own glamour down like Harry’s. She took the runic knife that he held out to her with a nod of thanks, though she had her own weapons none would work as well as this for what was needed.

“Phoenix Stilinski if you could come here for a moment.” Harry said stepping back and allowing Hel to step forward and start her revenge against the Hunter that had caused so much of Peter’s pain, she’d already healed his connection to her kingdom that was strained due to his little resurrection spell and sent out a magical summons to her Banshee. “I just need you to catch and hold this little guy as soon as he’s released from the binding. You’ll know what to do.”

John stepped forward ignoring that he was witnessing a murder and seen the evidence of another, the phoenix in him knowing that it was justice being served and would heal the land. Harry opened the jar letting the fly loose and John soon had it caught in his hands and let his magic flare as Harry said he would know how to do so. Trilling a soothing song he watched as the fly changed into the form of a dark kitsune and then continued changing as he continued to trill, in the end he was holding a fennec fox kitsune with ten tails. He looked up when he heard the awe cooed by his son and the fennec fox shifted as it leapt from his arms to curl up in his son’s, it had only hidden its many tails, as it snuggled into Stiles John could see it sticking its tongue out toward Derek Hale causing the man in question to chuckle before coming to stand beside Stiles. They all looked over when they heard a rumble from the area of the Nemeton and watched as Hel finished her work of carving the necessary runes and spells into Kate Argent’s body before driving her blade into Kate’s heart. As soon as Kate breathed her last the tree seemed to swallow the bodies before shooting up into an ancient willow that was draped with moss and branches.

“Ah…so they were the ones that cut you down.” Harry said stepping forward with his wings fluttering lightly. “Dear ancient you are safe. We will see it so. Alpha Hale, Emissary Stilinski please come here.” Harry looked over at the two. “Left-Hand Hale your wanted as well.” He glanced at Peter as well before turning back to the tree and placing his hands against it and leaning his forehead forward. “Dear Ancient, we’ve some work to do.”

The whole pack heard the rumble that seemed to fill the whole clearing as they watched in amazement as the branches seemed to reach out to the three called forward, Stiles had handed the fennec back to his father with whispered assurance that he’d be back shortly. Lydia entered the clearing just as the branches closed around the four and looked around with questions clear on her face.

“Why was I lead here…It’s like I felt a call…” Lydia whispered to Isaac only to step back in shock when she noticed the large serpent curled around him.

“That would be my doing young Banshee.” Hel stepped forward. “I wish to grant you peace from the gift you had awakened so harshly, you will still have it, but it will be under your control. Due to the tie you have to Peter Hale the control of the Huntress that was over him was over you.”

“He was being controlled?” Lydia looked back toward the tree that had enclosed four people including the man that had bit her.

“Yes, and it is something that the Nemeton is now removing.” Hel said with a nod.

“You’re the Goddess of Death Hel aren’t you?” Lydia looked at the woman before her.

“Yes child, and your gift was gifted by me to your line after they gave me shelter many, many years ago.” Hel said with a soft look on her human features.

“If you can quiet things I’d be so grateful.” Lydia nodded looking with longing at the Goddess.

“Easily child.” Hel said placing her skeletal hand on the girl’s head and with a brush of her magic removed the tether that was attached to Peter Hale at the same moment the Nemeton was doing so to him. Boyd and Erica were there to catch her as she slipped into sleep to heal from what had been done to create the false connections. “She’ll be fine after she sleeps.”

The ones not within the branches of the tree watched impatiently as it did its work for an hour and a half before finally the branches parted. They looked in amazement as Stiles stepped out first his wings were very similar to his father’s only his were flaming blue and ice seemed to crystalize below his feet briefly. Derek followed moments later standing taller and stronger than he had ever in the past having been granted the cleansed Hale Alpha Spark at the original strength it had been when first granted to his family with a twitch he shifted into the full wolf form of his family becoming a large black wolf with glowing red eyes that let out a howl that would allow any in the know to know the Hales were back in control. Peter stepped out and allowed a shift to come over him at the Alpha’s howl only to blink in shock as he ended up on all fours instead of a beta shift he’d been planning, his wolf form was also black but with more gray around his muzzle and those that had known of his blue eyes were surprised to see them flare a beautiful gold.

“But how?” Erica was the first to ask.

“Simple, the Nemeton judged his actions as pure in the defense of the pack with no need for guilt for none that he killed were an innocent life. If Derek didn’t have the red eyes of the alpha he’d also be returned to golden eyes for his actions that earned him the blue eyes were one of mercy, not murder.” Harry replied smiling at the look of shock from the two wolves that had sat on either side of Stiles. “When you shift you’ll still have your clothes, a gift from Lady Magic.” He smirked before walking over to Hel. “So are you ready to hunt some Darach?”

“With pleasure.” Hel smirked. “I owe him for what he’s done to my mate and his family.”

“Alan Deaton will be hiding at his veterinary practice behind the Mountain Ash counter and wards believing that he can’t be touched while the counter is down.” Stiles explained placing a hand on Derek’s head. “Scott will most likely be with him, he listens to Deaton more than anyone else.”

“Of course he does.” Harry smirked. “Do any of you wish to witness the judgement or would you like to return to your den to bond?”

Derek shifted back and stood beside Stiles who’d tucked away his wings and pulled back his magic. “The den for the majority of us. Though I request that you allow my Left-Hand to witness the fulfillment of the judgement.”

Peter shifted back midstride to Hel where he cupped the skeletal side of her face. “You are the most beautiful woman I’ve ever laid my eyes on.”

“And you are a wonderful man with enough violence to please my deeper desires.” Hel said smiling as Peter gave her a kiss pouring all his joy at finding his mate finally into the kiss. “Let’s go reign down some judgement.”

“I ask that my deputy Jordan Parrish join you, since my magic won’t let me tuck my wings away until the judgement is over, and I don’t want to give away that I’m free as is Stiles.” John requested as they moved to the vehicles.

“That is fine.” Harry nodded watching as the Fennec Kitsune moved back to Stiles arms and with a nip to his finger formed a familiar bond with the boy. “I can place a spell on your vehicles so that you just need to touch, and it will transport you back to the loft. Or I can spell the inside so that for this trip alone you will be able to fit everyone.”

“The second please.” Derek said, “People witnessed us driving out here, if we are suddenly back there they may ask questions.”

“Very well.” Harry nodded as Hel and Peter climbed into the SUV and the rest went to the others, Boyd carrying Lydia behind his mate. With quick work the spell was in place and Harry took a deep breath before stepping back, he may have a large magical core, but he’d been doing a lot of magic while pregnant, so it was more draining then usual. He didn’t argue was Peter took the keys from him to drive them to the Vet’s office.

“HONEY I’M BACK!” Peter called out dramatically as they entered the office which was devoid of patients and only two heart beats belonging to humans present in the back. Peter stepped forward after a nod from Hel and easily lifted the counter’s divider.

“Never again will mountain ash be a hindrance to you or your pack.” Hel said softly when she saw the amazement wash over his face. “Never again will it trap you.”

“Thank you love.” Peter said blinking the tears from his eyes.

“It was the Goddess Freyja who wished to help.” Hel said softly. “She heard the plea of the Nemeton and decided to assist in the cleansing from a distance. She is the one Haldir calls Lady Magic.”

“Then I thank her.” Peter nodded softly as they moved through the practice with Harry behind Peter hidden from view by his petite form, they all smirked when they heard the panic starting up when the sound of their footsteps reached the Vet and his Pet.

“Alan Deaton! I call you forward DARACH!” Harry said stepping into the room and snarling at what he saw when he looked at the lad, there wasn’t a stitch of magic on him. “And you young man will be answering to Prince Fenrir Lokison for your BETRAYAL of your pack.”

“They aren’t my pack! Their murdering monsters!” Scott snarled out shifting into his beta form and flashing red eyes.

“Put away the claws and fangs they won’t help you here.” Harry said with a smirk and a flick of his wand forcing him out of his shift. “The only thing that I can do is release the spark that does not wish to be bound to you. The rest you will deal with when you meet with the King of the Wolves.” Harry flicked his wand again and Deaton cried out in horror as the Alpha Spark was summoned from his pet alpha.

“NO!” Deaton cried out throwing out his hand to attempt to stop what was happening.

“I think Alan Deaton it’s time for some answers.” Harry said as he held the Alpha spark in his hand and studied it letting the magic of the land flow through him and remove the taint that had been in place on it before turning to Hel and Peter. “Left-Hand Peter Hale, if given the chance to make up for the actions you took as Alpha in the past would you take it?”

“Yes.” Peter nodded.

“If given a chance to lead as co-Alpha beside your Nephew to protect the land and territory would you take it?” Harry said his voice sounding with an echo.

“Yes, I would work as co-Alpha with Derek being the head of the Pack, I’d stand in an advisory and protector role.” Peter nodded and gasped as after he’d answered Harry’s hand thrust the cleansed Alpha spark into his chest and he felt the power that came with it. Taking a deep breath he bowed to Harry knowing that the Nemeton was speaking through him at the moment. “I thank you Ancient One for this second chance.”

“Do not waste it.” Harry/Nemeton said before turning to the Darach. “Now for you Dark Oak. You whose betrayed your vows and orders. You who in desiring power sought to destroy that which was pure.” Vines and roots broke through the floor of the clinic binding the man in place. “You will answer two questions for me, but you will face our judgement even so.”

Deaton only snarled and then watched in shock as Harry flicked his wrist and bound the young werewolf he’d been controlling through brainwashing to the wall of the clinic not caring that he started screaming from mountain ash contained in the wall.

“Oh do be quiet pup!” Harry/Nemeton snapped silencing the boy. “Hel, be a dear and call your brother. If he desires I’ll pull the wolf from the whelp and free it from the body that has no desire for him.”

“He’s fine with you making the call Ancient One.” Hel said after a moment when she’d been on the phone.

“Very well.” Harry/Nemeton stepped forward to the weak wolf and with a touch on the boy’s forehead removed the wolf where it turned into an actual pup at his feet that let out the cutest little howl before wobbling over to try and climb Peter who reached down and picked the pup up only for it to change form into that of a little boy that was a mix of him and Hel. “Lady Freya’s gift to you both.” Was said before the being turned back the bound Darach. “Now you will answer me Dark Oak, and don’t worry about your sister I’ve already claimed her as my vessel entered your building. Did you willingly and knowingly assist an ice daemon to bind the powers of a human ice phoenix who was to be the guardian of myself?”

“She made me do it!” Deaton tried to cry out only to cry out in pain as the vines tightened breaking ribs. “Yes, Yes! The power…the boy had too much power!” The vines released a little.

“Tsk…so weak…Did you or did you not assist in the destruction of 18 peaceful packs by supplying those that killed them with the necessary ingredients?”

“I was maintaining the balance!” Deaton snarled out only to cry out in even more pain as more vines crushed his legs.

“Wrong answer! The packs maintain the balance! They are necessary. Have fun with those you assisted in killing.” Harry/Nemeton snarled as they heard the scream from the man as the magic of the Ancient Tree burned the necessary runes into the man’s skin, so he’d face the judgement coming for him. “Have fun in Nifhelm.” With a twist of the vines they wrenched the head from the man’s shoulders and then swallowed the man’s corpse into the ground. Behind Harry/Nemeton stood Jordan Parrish who gave a pleased growl at seeing the judgement that he’d walked into in time to see the removal of the wolf from the fail wolf. “Hell Hound do you agree judgement was right?” Harry/Nemeton turned and looked at the man with a raised eyebrow.

“Judgement was sound Ancient One.” Jordan nodded with a small bow.

“Very well.” The Ancient being then left Harry’s body who swayed from the exhaustion that overcame him. “I hate it when that happens.” He placed a hand at his forehead before straightening and looking at the boy still bound to the wall whimpering in fear and pain. “You young man…well…you can’t remember any of this or you’d out the entire magical world and the world I’m sad to say is not quiet ready for that.” He stepped forward and with a twitch of his wand and a quick ‘Obliviate’ removed all memories of Stiles, John, the Pack, and magic. He replaced the memories with those of a severe asthma attack while going to work and finding his boss missing and placed a small charm that would lead the boy to desire to leave the pack alone. They then let him fall from the wall and healed all bruises on his back and leaving the clinic without another look back. “Now to return to the Den and let everyone know. I’ll let Clint know to get the rest of the pack to the loft. For from all the connections being made today I believe even Sleipnir will find his match among this pack. Oh and Hel, you and your brothers are the ones telling Prince Loki why you’re staying here.” Harry said with exhaustion pulling on him and falling asleep with the cub curled up in his lap while Peter drove and Hel sat up front with him, Jordan drove behind him being pulled in that direction.

What followed was laughter, tears, and the forming of many bonds that would last through time. When Clint and Harry left the next day, Hel and her brothers had sent the message to their mother of what had happened and Loki had teleported in to meet their mates, turns out Sleipnir was the Banshee’s true mate much to his sister’s pleasure. Harry and Clint had many wishes for happiness and thanks for the help as Harry apparated them out and back to their apartment where they reaffirmed their own bond and curled up to sleep in a deep sated sleep.

~*~*End Flashback*~*~

“I have no doubt that the pack will help. And the Nemeton will guard the land from the darkness that is coming if he arrives.” Harry replied as he came out of his memory of the events that took place in only 24 hours in Beacon Hills, California. “We’ll let them know later. When we have more clue of when he’ll arrive.”

“We’ll deal with it when it comes.” Clint said pulling Harry back against his chest and relaxing while Pop started playing the soundtrack for Lord of the Rings Fellowship of the Ring through the speakers, something that he always did when Harry was getting lost in his head with worry. “For now rest. You’ve got plenty of time for now.”

With those words Harry fell asleep leaning against his mate with a soft smile on his face as Clint rubbed at his stomach and whispered soft words.

Chapter 24: Be copy now to men of grosser blood,


Short chapter ahead! just an introduction to the babies!


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Hermione looked at the paper that had been handed through, since Harry had won things had been changing for the prisoners and looking back she wished she’d taken a different path but obviously it was too late now. She sneered at the article by Rita Skeeter’s replacement though she didn’t fight the smirk that crossed her lips when she heard the shrieks from two cells down where Ginny sat cursing the fact that he had been promised to her.

“Shut up Blood Traitor!” Bellatrix LeStrange snarled to Ginny before turning back to her own breakfast and paper. “Stupid brat…”

Hermione turned back the paper and just sighed as she read the article instead of just taking in the headline.

Long awaited Potter-Black-Barton Heirs born!
By, Melody Tillis
You read that right readers! HEIRS as in plural! Haldir Jarrah Potter-Black came forward three days ago after having disappeared around the end of his pregnancy that we’ve been following faithfully to announce that not only was he now Lord Haldir Jarrah Potter-Black-BARTON, as in married officially to his soulmate Clint Barton, but he’d had his babies! Two boys and a girl! All are healthy and thriving. Lord-Consort Clint Potter-Black-Barton stepped forward at this time and explained that his mate was still tired from the delivery which took 26 hours and asked that they be given peace. They also stated that due to the nature of the reason that Lord Potter-Black-Barton left Wizarding Britain they will only allow information they release to be known about the triplets and if they see people following them they will take extreme measures. As for the children they did share the following.
First Born is named Antares Chrysanthos Potter-Black-Barton and will be heir to the Gryffindor title, Born August 12 at 11:50 pm. GodParents: Anthony ‘Tony’ Stark-Rhodes and Natasha Romanov
Second Born is Calla Adhara Potter-Black-Barton and will be the Evans family heiress, born August 12 at 11:59 pm. Godparents: Heir Draconis ‘Draco’ Malfoy and Lady Luna Lovegood-Weasley
Third Born is Hayden Iago Potter-Black-Barton and will be the Potter family Heir, born August 13 at 12:15 am. Godparents: Heir Neville Longbottom and Virginia ‘Pepper’ Potts
There is already talk of having more children if Lady Magic blesses them so to fulfill the remaining titles to their line. Lord Potter-Black-Barton’s little brother Leon Black was named a few months ago as the Heir of the Black Line. While Septimus Coulson-Prince, is the heir to the Prince line.
We are seeing the return of many thought dead lines and it’s thanks to the actions and reactions of Lord Potter-Black-Barton and we wish him and his family the best.

Hermione tuned out Ginny’s screams of rage as she thought over what she’d thought was the perfect plan that Dumbledore had and wondered where it had all gone wrong.

~*~*Scene Change*~*~

Harry looked down into the crib that held his three babies with a soft smile when he felt Clint’s arms wrap around him and lay his chin on his shoulder.

“What do you think the reaction will be from those that had other plans for you?” Clint asked while thinking of the article they’d allowed to be released in the Daily Prophet.

“Ginny will bitch and moan before screaming herself hoarse. Hermione might sit and think about what went wrong, she seemed so smart, but I wonder where she went wrong. If Dumbledore was still around I’d be worried he’d try someway to get his hands on them.” Harry leaned back still moving carefully since the triplets had to be delivered by c-section after such a long labor when it was discovered one of the boys was breach while the cord was around the little girl’s neck. “How’d Phil, Steve, Bucky, Rhodey, Loki, and Thor take being named the secret godparents?”

“They’re honored beyond belief that we’d trust them the same way your parents trusted your secret godparents.” Clint said giving a soft squeeze before leading Harry to the rocking chair sitting in the nursery and helping him put his feet up on the ottoman. “Rest baby.”

“How’d Siri and Remy take the reveal that we’d eloped on the way back from our most recent trip to Beacon Hills?” Harry said with a smirk looking at his mate and then fingering the Claddagh ring that they had that matched with the heart facing inward as was the tradition.

“Siri was pissed while Remy just laughed as he rocked Leon.” Clint chuckled, “They really should’ve expected it. After all they know how you hate having attention on you.”

“Very true.” Harry smiled at Clint as his mate sat on the ottoman and picked up his feet. “I have a bad feeling we’re not going to have long for the current peace.”

“I have the same feeling love but for now we’ll enjoy it while we have it.” Clint smiled softly. “Why won’t you take the healing potion that Sev sent?”

“Because as a fae I have to heal from this sort of thing naturally as much as I wish the healing potion would work…I also enjoy having to slow down and rest.” Harry released his wings though the openings on the back of the chair letting them settle with a sigh as Iris flew over and settled on the edge of the crib watching over the triplets with determination of protecting the Fledglings as she’d called them from the first moment they had introduced her. “I can hardly wait to meet Antonia Lyra and Caius Rigel Coulson. You know that Tony’s going to go nuts that Phil named one of their kids after him, even if it was more keeping with their tradition of Ancient Roman names. But then he can’t say anything really since he and James named their little ones Achille Lazzaro and Natale Leonardo with the Italian influence being so clear.”

“I never thought I’d see a day that Tony’d name his kids like he did but it’s alright it’s perfectly him.” Clint said rubbing Harry’s ankle. “I still find it hilarious that they haven’t caught on that Tony and Rhodey also eloped when they went with us. Acting as each other’s witnesses was a perfect idea babe and fits all of us. Though I did hear Rhodey mentioning he was worried about tell his mom.”

“Yeah Mama Bear Rhodes is a force to be wary of that’s for sure.” Harry chuckled. “I’m just glad that we took Tony’s jet for the trip since we didn’t have to fight anything of the normal health regulations. Still to be invited to Fenrir’s wedding to Deucalion was wonderful, and to find out that Deuc knew Tony from business dealings before loosing his sight was just even better.”

“It was nice.” Clint nodded looking over at the crib when he heard a slight whimper. “Looks like little Calla is waking for a feeding.”

“Bring her here, best get her before she wakes her brothers.” Harry smiled and let Clint bring him his daughter settling to feed her at the small barely there breast that he’d developed during pregnancy to be able to nurse his babies, they would disappear after they weaned from nursing. “We’re so lucky.” He ran a finger down the baby soft skin of his daughter watching as she sleepily opened her eyes that were the blue of all babies and brushed the little curls of dark red hair back from her face though there weren’t many.

“That we are love.” Clint said as he picked up Antares and cuddled him while keeping him calm for his turn, Hayden was sleeping peacefully still, both boys having signs of his blond hair but the curls that caused Harry’s hair to be so wild when short.


time skip ahead in the next chapter...

Chapter 25: And teach them how to war. And you, good yeoman


Another short chapter showing the start of the chaos with Thanos and some information shared

Chapter Text

The next six months after the triplets births passed in general peace. There were a few instances where the Avengers were needed in the field but nothing to the extent of what could have been. T’Challa and Shuri returned for a political visit after T’Challa revealed the truth about the technological advancements of their land to the leaders of the world. T’Challa wanted to form an official alliance with the Avengers as the Black Panther, while he also wanted to form an alliance with the legal ruler of Wizarding Britain as the descendant of Merlin and King Arthur, to say Harry was frustrated with that becoming known was more than Clint wanted to sleep on the couch. Tony had adopted a teenager as his son, though it wasn’t legal they could all see what was going on, when he found the lad was an enhanced through a science experiment he’d gone after Oscorp with everything he had finally causing the company to collapse when the human experimentation was revealed, the accident that turned Peter Parker into Spider-Man turned out not to be an accident SHIELD learned when they investigated. The crash that had killed his parents also turned out to be planned as they were heading to DC to report the companies actions after they’d discovered their son was being experimented on instead of being taken care of in the daycare, that experimentation was the only reason Peter survived.

Antares was crawling at full speed while his brother was more content to just work on sitting up. Calla just enjoyed army crawling and would fuss if they tired to get her to do a more traditional crawl. They were currently with Septimus, Antonia, and Caius while Harry dealt with legal issues in Britain and Clint was away on a mission. Severus had just taken the six through the floo with the help of Phil and Fury, Hill was holding the fort at SHIELD, and were visiting with Sirius, Remus, and their three when the world went to hell.

Harry sensed something was off when he returned from Britain and landed in Avengers Tower looking out at a sight that sent his blood freezing in his veins. Outside the window Harry could see a large circular spaceship enter the hemisphere and just knew that Tony was going to be getting involved. Taking a deep breath he summoned the new armor that they’d created for him after Tony had seen the hooded figures in an Elder Scrolls game that Peter played. The Hooded armor would protect his identity should for any reason his glamours fall and was made in such a way he’d be able to release his wings without ruining the armor.

“Pop, Call Sev. Tell him to keep the kids safe and get to Remus with them. The sh*ts hitting the fan and we’re about to take the fight to the monster.” Harry said, he remembered the ships that Loki had described to him when they spoke of what he’d gone through. “You ready Lok?” He looked out of the corner of his eye after he finished magically changing and sheathed Excalibur along his back.

“More than.” Loki replied gathering his magic and flipping two knives that he pulled from a pocket dimension.

“Pop, also call the Pack. Let them know to put the Nemeton in lock down and keep watch.” Harry said before they both apparated or teleported in Loki’s case to the scene of where the ship had landed. They arrived between Tony, Bruce, and two men he didn’t know personally but could feel the alternate magic flowing around them.

“Better let your master know Maw, his actions are not accepted by my daughter.” Loki snarled at the man that had caused him the most pain outside of the Other and Thanos.

Natasha showed up shortly after they did, she was already shifted into her Naga form knowing it would be needed in this instance. SHIELD agents started flowing through the streets clearing the civilians.

“We simply have come for the time stone and the others that were in your care, Odinson.” Maw said with a sneer. “My Master is not accepting your word for your daughter since you have not seen her for a time.”

“He’s seen me a lot more recent than your Master knows of.” Hel stepped out of the shadows with Peter in full wolf form beside her. “I have found my Mate and as my Mother said your masters actions are not accepted by myself.” She didn’t have her glamour up wanting them to see that she was who she claimed.

“Queen Hel, it is a pleasure.” Maw bowed low to the deity that his master courted.

“I do not see the pleasure. Especially after what your Master and you did to my Mother.” Hel placed a hand on Peter’s shoulder silencing his growls with a touch to calm him.

“We did not realize the tales were true that he was your ‘mother’.” Maw said while Cull grunted behind him.

“I call bullsh*t!” Tony raised his hand drawing attention and trying to break the tension that was settling over the city. “But I also have a suggestion…how about you get back in that ship and go to your ‘master’ and f*ck off?”

“Not until we have that which our master desires.” Maw said looking at the man drawing attention.

“Yeah…not going to happen.” Harry said attention coming to him as well.

“Cull…you take care of these peasants and I’ll deal with gathering that which we came for.” Maw steepled his fingers in front of his stomach.

“You know what. Maybe your death will be the clue by four that your boss needs to know we don’t give a sh*t what he wants.” Harry snarled, “And lucky for you…I don’t have to use illegal magic to do it. Prince Loki, please give me the pleasure of ending the main tormentors of yourself in repayment of the assistance you gave the founders of my line.”

“With pleasure child.” Loki stepped back with a smirk and stood beside the red cloaked man who had his own magic swirling around his hands. “You won’t need that today except to shield any civilians still around. Worry not… they won’t get the stones.”

“How do you know?” The man asked still in a ready stance to fight if need be.

“Because the sword which the lad carries holds some of the deadliest venom known to any intelligent being.” Loki smirked watching as Harry drew the sword Excalibur as well as a long dagger that he’d also coated with the Venom of the Basilisk when given the opportunity. Loki’s Phoenix who’d he’d named Merlin in honor of his old friend, landed on his shoulder. “There is only one known cure, and they will not offer it to the fools.”

Cull Obsidian strode forward holding his special club ready to battle when Harry released his wings and called forth the help of the earth beneath the streets and the trees beside.

“You made a mistake not leaving. You see…I was named a champion of Lady Death once upon a time. And I take that title very, very seriously.” Harry smirked as he darted into the air and avoiding the swings of the club nicked Cull along the back of the neck before landing on his shoulders and turning to Ebony Maw. “You should’ve left when you had the chance.” He then removed the head from Cull with a quick swipe of his sword before flying from his falling shoulder and landing in front of Maw. “You will not be leaving this planet alive, even if it brings your boss here in all his purple raisin glory.”

“How dare you!” Maw snarled and started working his magic only to be shocked into silence as he noticed the blade that was sticking out of his stomach from behind where Harry had apparated.

“I dare because this is my home and I’m not about to let that bastard destroy an inch of it. You aren’t the only one with magic after all.” With that Harry ripped the blade from his stomach and watched as the venom started coursing through his body as evidenced by the pain that was showing on the alien face. “I’ll be sending his head,” He pointed at Cull’s head laying on the ground, “and your nasty corpse to your master with a message. He backs off or his life is forfeit.”

“He will end you.” Maw gasped as he collapsed glaring at the boy before him.

“He’s welcome to come and try.” Harry smirked from where he perched on a car watching as Maw gave his last gasps of life. “Hey cloak man, care to give me a hand in getting the bastards to their master along with the ship itself?”

“My name is Dr. Stephen Strange.” Dr. Strange stepped forward with a sneer at being called cloak man while Wong in the background was fighting laughter at the nickname.

“Well how was I supposed to know that?” Harry shrugged. “Hey Peter, I wouldn’t do that if I were you. His blood is now toxic to an extreme.” He stopped Peter the wolf from taking a bite out of the alien that had been part of the threat to his mate. “Hey Spider-kid aren’t you supposed to be at school?” He looked over his shoulder where he sensed Peter Parker land on the side of the building.

“But…I…how…It’s Spiderman.” He stumbled over what to say. “Is that a wolf with red eyes?” He finally turned his attention away from what was going on and taking in the wolf near the corpses that had just pissed on them before walking back toward his mate and sitting down with a smug look on his face. “And am I truly seeing wings on your back?”

“Okay you are never to meet Stiles, no one else would ever get a word in. Remember that Tony they are never to meet! Bad enough for the lost feeling I get with Shuri and him meeting but add in Stiles and just hell no.” Harry said fluttering down to land beside the corpses and then looking at their ship with his head co*cked. “Okay I’ve got a plan for that.” He then pulled his wand and just focused on the thought of crushing the ship like a pop can and watched as it crumbled in on itself until it was the size of a car that had been crushed. He then transferred the corpses onto the cube and applied a sticking charm. “Can you do a one-way portal Dr. Strange? I’m going to be pissing Thanos off royally and I don’t want him to be able to send someone back through.”

“I can.” Strange nodded and with a twirl of his hands that had Harry fighting a laugh at the dramatics of it he levitated the cube through into the ship that belonged to Thanos.

They all watched in amusem*nt as the cube landed in the middle of a meeting between Thanos and his other commanders.

“By the way Thanos’ Queen Hel has a message for you.” Harry shouted into the portal. “Back the f*ck OFF! She’s got her mate and its not you. Stop with the culling! The paperwork is a bitch.” He gave a smirk as he heard the roar of anger that came through. “Just so you know…I’m the only one that it took to defeat your two bastards. Send anyone else and they’ll find we’re anything but weak.”

With a nod from Harry Dr. Strange closed down the portal smirking as he did so.

“So do you have a habit of using Ancient Magical Artifacts in battle and pissing off the leaders on a regular?” Dr. Strange said simply with a raised eyebrow.

“More than you’d probably believe.” Harry replied with his own smirk as he moved toward the group that had been ready to confront the two aliens before he’d arrived with Loki.

“How about we return to the sanctum, and you can tell me?” Strange, directed back to the brownstone that he’d been meeting Tony and Bruce in, they had wanted the opinion of a world renowned neural surgeon over some notes that the Parkers had left behind in a secure vault for Peter. “All of you are welcome.”

“Kid get back to school, or your fieldtrip stop before your reported missing. I don’t need your Aunt pissed at me any more than she already is for the new suit.” Tony said looking at Spiderman with a raised eyebrow at the fact that the kid was still there in the first place.

“Come on Mr. Stark this is so much more interesting!” Peter whined lightly. “HE has wings! And the Wolf has red eyes!”

“Now kid.” Tony simply raised an eyebrow in response and watched as Peter sagged slightly before webbing off.

“So…I should probably let Clint know I’m okay and tell Tad that he can bring the kids back at some point.” Harry said as they entered the Sanctum.

“Oh I already texted your Tad. He’s taking care of it. As for Clint isn’t he deep under currently finding the hiders that Pietro told him about?” Tony replied looking at him out of the corner of his eyes. “You can take the hood down Mini Merlin.”

“That’s even weirder now knowing how I’m actually related to the man.” Harry muttered with a soft grumble as he pulled the hood down and let his long hair swing free in its French braid. “Lord Haldir Jarrah Potter-Black-Barton at your service.” Harry gave a dramatic bow when Stephen looked at him with a raised eyebrow while Wu stood behind him with no expression on his face.

“Alpha Peter Hale, thank you for allowing me within the New York Sanctum.” Peter changed back into his bipedal form between one step and another. “I know that my nephew’s mate would love to pick your brain as a Human Ice Phoenix, and his father a Human Fire Phoenix. They’ve been trying to get a hold of you or others of your order since their abilities were unlocked.”

“We’ve been very busy.” Wong grumbled out.

“That may be, I’m just a messenger in this instance.” Peter shrugged not bothered in the least. “We wanted as the Hale Pack to extend our condolences on the lost of the Ancient One. Our Nemeton informed us of her passing, it had always had a close tie with the woman.”

“Thank you.” Wong nodded before going to gather tea for everyone.

“Come on through. You speak as if you know of the stones and Thanos plan for the universe.” Strange directed the group into the parlor.

“We do, we’ve got three of them hidden away though he’s unaware that one of them even exists.” Harry nodded as he followed and between one moment and the next had his wings tucked away and a text sent off to his mate.

“What is the one he’s unaware of?” Wong asked as he returned with tea.

“Most beings that know of the infinity stones know of the six: Soul, Space, Mind, Reality, Power, and Time. Those are the ones known to most. What is not known is that there was a seventh stone created, by accident, by the Master of Queen Hel may hundreds of years ago on this planet when Death was ‘defeated’ by three brothers. There were three items created at that time, one for each brother. The first wished to have an unbeatable wand.” Here Harry allowed the Elder wand to slip into his palm and laid it on the coffee table in front of the couch he’d sat down beside Loki on. “The youngest desired a way to hide from Death and was granted a cloak from a piece of Death’s own robe. It hid him from Death until he removed it, passed it down to his son, and greeted Death like an old friend.” Here Harry pulled out the Cloak of Invisibility and watched with amusem*nt as the Cloak of Levitation that was around Strange’s shoulders lifted and seemed to prod at the cloak as if thinking it would react. “The middle brother though in his grief over the loss of his beloved wished for a way to recall the dead to the living plain. Death picked up a stone of pure obsidian worn smooth by the rough river they’d built a bridge with magic to cross. He imbued within the stone some of his own power creating the seventh and final Infinity Stone and the last of the Three Deathly Hollows.”

“What is this stone?” Wong asked with a furrowed brow.

“Where is this stone?” Strange, asked moments later looking at the other two items mentioned.

“The stone is the stone of Death, not very imaginative true but it is what it is. As for where it is, it is secured in vault that only a select few can enter and protected by even more magic than is easily circumvented. It is a good thing that few know of this seventh stone, for if he only had the six known there would always be a chance for the souls to be returned. But if he were to learn of and not only gather the six stones but this seventh there would be no return.” Death spoke as she entered the chamber bowing to her Goddess in greeting and looking at her Champion. “You are making waves dear one.” She walked over, her form was very similar to that of Hel in the double image of life and death but her from was even larger.

“Better waves now then a tsunami later.” Harry shrugged. “Do you wish to collect your items?” He gestured at the items on the table.

“No my champion, they belong to you until you greet me another time when your days are done.” Death said before turning to the rest in the room and giving a soft smile. “All of you have greeted me before your times and are warriors of mine. Worry not it will not be your days for many years to come.” With that Death faded from the room as if she’d never been there.

Those that were sitting in the room all let out a shiver at the cold that she briefly left behind and Harry with a wave of his hand reheated everyone’s tea.

“So that just happened.” Tony said with a chuckle.

“Now we just to make plans for when Thanos makes his move of retaliation.” Loki said taking a regal sip of his tea and relaxing as only one millennia old could.

Chapter 26: Whose limbs were made in England, show us here


A short chapter for those who've been waiting so patiently...had been away from my computer for a few days camping with my husband and kids...lead up to the grand battle that is coming


I don’t own any of the characters that are recognizable in this story. The people who created them are/were wonderful and I enjoy working with their characters. This is not beta read so any mistakes in timeline and past chapters are all mine. I am trying to keep them consistent but there may be times when I goof.
Translations in parentheses beside words as needed All translations taken from Bing Translator unless stated otherwise, :Italics: - Talking over Comms/speakers/phone, *Italics* = mental conversations, underlined = parseltongue/all-speech

Chapter Text

Time seemed to flow quickly and at the same time creep along as the new children grew more and more each month, but they all waited for the sword dangling over their heads to finally drop. Harry looked out the window as he fed Antare’s from the gliding rocker that had been placed in the nursery of the penthouse he and Clint still resided in, they’d moved back a month after the triplets birth. Iris was resting on the back of the crib the three babies still shared watching over Calla and Hayden who were still sleeping, Antare’s was teething and fussy.

May it be an evening star
Shines down upon you
May it be when darkness falls
Your heart will be true
You walk a lonely road
Oh! How far you are from home

Mornië utúlië (Darkness has come)
Believe and you will find your way
Mornië alantië (Darkness has fallen)
A promise lives within you now

May it be the shadow's call
Will fly away
May it be you journey on
To light the day
When the night is overcome
You may rise to find the sun

Mornië utúlië (Darkness has come)
Believe and you will find your way

Mornië alantië (Darkness has fallen)
A promise lives within you now

A promise lives within you now.” Harry sang softly as he rocked Antare’s letting the sound sooth him back into a peaceful sleep, for even Wizards had not created something to help with the pain of teething beside a pain potion they could spread over the gums. He looked up when he sensed Clint enter the room though he kept humming the song that he’d heard when watching the Lord of the Rings Movies to see what had Clint so amused when Tony called him Legolas. He looked down with a soft expression when he saw that Antare was finally asleep in his arms and with Clint’s held he stood and returned him to the crib leaving Iris to watch over them and following his mate from the room. “I don’t want to be the kind to hesitate…” He stepped into Clint’s arms and Pop soon had the song ‘I just want to dance with you’ as soon by George Strait playing softly through the living room.

“If this was a movie, we’d be right on cue.” Clint sung softly back to Harry as he gave his mate a twirl causing Harry to laugh softly as he turned back into Clint’s arms, and they continued moving enjoying each moment they had knowing that there will come a time when they might not have that chance.

Slowly Clint moved their dancing across the living room and into their own bedroom where he dipped Harry until he landed on the bed as the last lines of the song echoed through the speakers.

“I just want to dance with you.” Harry said holding his arms out to pull his mate into the gap of his open legs and vanishing the clothing that they both were wearing with a spell.

Clint went willingly into his mates arms and soon had Harry a writhing mass underneath him.

In another Penthouse similar actions were being played out as if all the True Soulmates knew that their good run of peace was soon to be ending, it had been six months since Harry killed two of Thanos’ Black Order and they all knew that it wouldn’t be much longer, and he’d arrived to deal with them as he expected the weakened beings he thinks they are.

Hel looked to the sky above the preserve in Beacon Hills from where she sat on the branches of the re-grown Nemeton.

“It won’t be long now.” Hel whispered softly and turned to look at the pack that ran beneath the full moon and her siblings that sat below her in their animal forms.

“We’ll be ready love.” Peter said as he came to a stop beneath the tree that was a protector now instead of a beacon to the supernatural.

Fury stood at the bridge of the repaired Helicarrier and felt Hill step up beside him a silent supporting presence. “Will we truly be ready?”

“As ready as we can be.” Hill responded discreetly slipping her hand into her mate’s.

“Can we keep him from dying?” Ron looked over at his siblings and their mates.

“If we can’t we’ll be right beside him to the end.” Fred said stepping up beside his brother and placing a hand on his shoulder as they all saw the Harry’s hand on the Weasley family clock hover toward Mortal Danger.

“How can we sit back and not join when the time comes.” Sirius looked at Remy and then Sev each holding their youngest in their arms.

“Because we need to honor his request and know that he’ll do everything he can to succeed.” Phil answered as he entered the room and wrapped his arms around his mate just holding him close as he looked at Achille, who was born last and smaller than Leonardo.

“I know it’s hard, but we need to make sure the next generation is safe, even if we have to go to the extreme and perform the ritual.” Severus said looking down at his little one with such a pained look. “Harry is grown as hard as that is to admit.” He scoffed a light laugh as he said it.

“I trust Luna in the way she says it will be okay…” Remus trailed off looking into the distance out the window of the new Black townhome in upper Manhattan. “As hard as that is to believe…I have to…” Sirius walked up and wrapped his arms around his mate who had a sleeping year old Leon in his arms.

Dawn found Harry standing on the balcony of his penthouse dressed in his body armor with his arms wrapped around his stomach as he looked to the horizon. Come hell or high water it would end today. He turned and re-entered the Penthouse and moved to the nursery where he gathered all the items the triplets would need and called out to Winky and Dobby having them come and take Iris and the Triplets to Sirius, Remus, and the others with a simple message.

“Today’s the end one way or another. I love you all.”

As soon as the triplets were gone with tears flowing down Harry’s face he turned and straightened his back when he saw Clint just as battle ready as he was. With a nod they came together for a passionate kiss before Harry apparated them to the field of the construction sight that was Tony’s future ‘Avengers Compound’. It was distant enough from the main city that there would hopefully be a lot less in the way of civilian deaths.

Several Pops echoed around the clearing as Neville brought Thor, Fred brought Steve and Bucky, George brought Natasha who shifted to Naga instantly and Rhodey who was already in his War Machine armor, Charlie brought Tony in full Iron Man armor, Bill arrived with Kingsley, Seamus arrived with a smirk and a flare of fire, Loki walked through a portal with his children and the pack from Beacon Hills behind him followed by Dr. Strange.

“Angelia is with Fleur and the kids who have all joined Hill, Phil, Sev, Siri, and Remy. Luna is at ICW ready to deal with the fall out of magic being used here. Kings is prepping the British Wizarding World.” Fred said as he watched Fury appear from the construction site.

Harry only nodded at everyone as he released his glamour at the same time as Neville letting his true form be seen and he pulled Excalibur as he looked to the gradually darkening sky.

“Til the end of the line Punk.” He heard Bucky say to Steve who’d pulled his shield and was at the ready.

Another Portal opened and out stepped Wong with King T’Challa and several of his best warriors.

“One way or another it ends today. And I don’t plan on it being our end.” Harry said looking at everyone with firm eyes as the dark mass in the sky became a clear ship breaking through the atmosphere.

“One way or another.” Tony nodded from where he stood shoulder to shoulder with his little brother.

Chapter 27: The mettle of your pasture; let us swear


Sorry for the angst cliffy that this short chapter ends in but this isn't the end of the story...


I don’t own any of the characters that are recognizable in this story. The people who created them are/were wonderful and I enjoy working with their characters. This is not beta read so any mistakes in timeline and past chapters are all mine. I am trying to keep them consistent but there may be times when I goof.
Translations in parentheses beside words as needed All translations taken from Bing Translator unless stated otherwise, :Italics: - Talking over Comms/speakers/phone, *Italics* = mental conversations, underlined = parseltongue/all-speech

Chapter Text

Harry looked over those that had arrived to fight beside him and those that were appearing across from them and couldn’t help but close his eyes in fear of what was to come and the risks they were taking before he straightened his spine and flared his wings.

“Once more into the breach, dear friends, once more…” Harry whispered as he held the Elder Wand in one hand and Excalibur in the other.

“Or close up the wall with all our English dead.” Fred said falling into step with Harry as they moved forward.

“In peace there's nothing so becomes a man as modest stillness and humility…” Tony took to the air and gave cover from above with the others that were able to fly.

“But when the blast of war blows in our ears, then imitate the action of the tiger; stiffen the sinews, summon up the blood, disguise fair nature with hard-favour'd rage…” Fury continued saying the speech that Harry had started drawing his guns and entering battle as the enemy began their charge.

“Then lend the eye a terrible aspect; let pry through the portage of the head like the brass cannon; let the brow o'erwhelm it as fearfully as doth a galled rock o'erhang and jutty his confounded base, swill'd with the wild and wasteful ocean.” Clint finished as he strung his bow as the enemy met their defenses and they fell into battle.

The bodies clashed and screamed of pain, rage, fear, and anger flew through the air as readily as the blasts of the guns of the aliens and the bangs of the guns of their own side. Harry took to the air calling on the earth below him together with Neville to wrap enemies in their tracks, even some falling in the chasms they opened. Harry watched as Thor controlled the lightning in ways that had Loki laughing with a look of ‘I knew the bastard had it in him’. He saw as the ‘Pack’ tore out throats and slashed stomach. He watched as Hel used a pair of her mother’s knives with deadly accuracy. Swerving through the air to avoid a piece of debris he continued his mission of looking for Thanos knowing that he’d be angered enough to show himself soon when he realized that Hel was here and fighting against his forces beside a red eyed werewolf. He cried out as a blast his right wing causing him to land with a harsh crash against the destroyed construction that had been the main gym of the complex.

“HARRY!” Clint’s voice rang out from where he was perched at a height nearby.

Others were shocked at the sight of their leader falling in such a way, for Harry had unintentionally become the leader of not only the Defense Association but the Avengers. Tony landed beside his little brother guarding him while wincing at the sight of the mangled wing, it would take some serious healing for him to ever fly again.

Harry simply groaned and pulled his damaged wings back within himself before standing back-to-back with Tony and firing off spells that would put the aliens down for good. They ducked and swerved working as a unit before Tony took to the air again and Harry looked across the field and saw the one he’d been waiting for. On his hand was a golden gauntlet with six spots and two of the spots were already filled.

“Ah hell no!” Harry muttered as he stormed forward slicing with Excalibur and casting blasting curses with ease not caring that he was bleeding from several cuts or that he was wounded in anyway, the adrenaline was too high for him to do anything else.

“THANOS!” Harry called out over the battle standing in an opening that put him at the center of the battle and only a short distance from the Mad Titan. “HEY YOU UGLY GRAPE! I’M TALKING TO YOU!”

The whole of battle seemed to stop for a moment as Harry called out the leader of the attack, he pulled out his comm and cast it aside not wanting to hear people questioning what he was doing.

“Just who do you think you are puny mortal to challenge me?” Thanos asked as he approached slowly.

“I’m Death’s Champion and I’m not about to let you do what you wish.” Harry said looking up at the man. “I’m the Heir of Merlin Emrys and King Arthur. I am the Chosen One. I am the Man-who-conquered. I’m the one sent back to change the path of the world. I’m your DEATH!” Harry called out flicking the Elder wand back into his sheath before standing with Excalibur held to his side.

“I can not die.” Thanos smirked.

“I’ve heard that bullsh*t before. By the way…Queen Frigga sends her regards and told me to tell you ‘never mess with her child again.’” Harry smirked as he finished his statement and with a bellow Thanos charged at him raising his special blade only to look in shock when the small man stopped the blade with ease. “Your weapon may be strong. But Excalibur is even stronger.” He snarled as he pushed the muscle-bound grape away from him with a spark of light from the magic blade. “I told you Queen Hel has her mate and hates your gifts. I gave you the message that you needed to back off. But since you refused. Death themselves will be greeting you tonight.”

With those words the battle resumed all around them with Harry and Thanos locked in battle. Harry was thrown around but was still able to block attacks. When Thor was summoning his hammer from a toss Harry quickly grabbed it and swung it to bash Thanos back before letting it finish its path. Neville was tossed back from a cannon blast from the ship over head and Thor in his anger called a bolt of lightning the like of never seen before driving it through the ship and destroying it. Steve and Bucky took down Corvus Glaive while Loki with Natasha, Hel, Shuri, and Lydia took down Proxima Midnight with a well-placed banshee scream and blades that the others held. Thanos was briefly distracted from his battle when he saw the last of his children fall for he no longer counted Gamora or Nebula as his daughters for their betrayal to that halfling Star Lord. It was the opening that Harry needed as he leapt onto Thanos’ shoulders and with a cry drove the blade of Excalibur into the beings back causing him to drop to his knees and the battle around them to stall again as Harry leapt from his position and stood in front of the man.

“I told you I would be your death.” Harry said and was heard throughout the battlefield as silence settled over everyone.

“And I will be yours.” Thanos panted out as he dealt with the venom coursing through him and thrust his blade forward to pierce it into Harry’s chest.

“NO!!!” Several voices cried out as Harry staggered back from the stab and placed his hand over the wound pulling it back bloody.

“At least…you’ll die…and with you…your terror…reign ends…” Harry gasped out as he staggered back and watched as Thanos gave into the venom finally and pitched forward. Clint was there to catch him as he fell backward looking up and seeing stars starting to appear above them as the smoke began clearing with last of the enemy being destroyed by the Wizard contingent in their anger over the severe wounding of their friend and brother. Harry’s ragged wings shimmered back into view as he turned his head toward Clint with a touch of blood in the corner of his lips. “Once more…into the…breach…dear friend…once more.” Harry’s eyes closed and his hand fell limp beside him while Clint held him and screamed his grief to the heavens.

Chapter 28: That you are worth your breeding; which I doubt not;


another short chapter

AN 8/25/2021: Minor corrections made to the chapter after a re-read caught some oops!

Chapter Text

Clint sat in a chair looking out the window ignoring the beeping noise that was coming from the machines beside the bed. He looked briefly at the crib that had been placed in the medical room with them and his little ones that slept fitfully within the confines. He looked briefly at the bed with a grief in his eyes, but they also contained hope. For the machines continued to beep steadily as the woosh of the ventilator breathed for his mate. He stood from the chair and moved to sit on the edge of the bed brushing the loose strands of hair from the pale face laying there.

“Come back to me my love.” Clint whispered as he leaned down and placed a gentle kiss on Harry’s forehead.

“Any change?” Tony asked from the doorway.

“Not yet…” Clint responded with sorrow in his eyes as he looked to the man who had become like a brother to him in the months that Harry’d been in the medically induced coma, turns out that Harry’s blade wasn’t the only one coated in something only the one that Thanos used denied its victim the use of any magical healing. “Have the rest returned home?” He stood and moved back to look out the window at the amazing view he was treated to in the realm of Wakanda.

“Yeah…they wanted to stay but they were needed to help with the cleanup from those that escaped the grief explosion.” Tony said thinking of the few aliens that had slipped away that had been on the edge of the battle when Thanos died. “Steve and Bucky are tracking them with the help of Harry’s magical family. Remus, Severus, and Sirius had to return to keep the company going. I temporarily put Rhodey in charge of SI.” Tony sighed as he entered and leaned against the wall on the other side of Clint looking out of the window. “King T’Challa has offered you and the kids sanctuary for as long as you need. The media is having a field day with the reveal of not only the existence of other alien life forms but also the reveal of the Heir of Merlin and King Arthur. Still don’t know how the media got ahold of video from the battle but it was broadcasted all over the world and people are calling for Harry’s head or for him to take the throne.”

“He’ll never stand for that. What’re his parents doing?” Clint said looking back toward the bed with sorrow in his eyes, the blade had nicked Harry’s heart and pierced his lung, if it hadn’t been for Dr. Strange and Princess Shuri he would have died on that battlefield.

“His parents and friends are telling everyone to f*ck off. That he’ll never do such a thing and if they want his head they’ll have to go through them and the rest of the Avengers. Thanks to the chaos people are just accepting that there is more out in the world then they expect or are playing things off like the Weres’ and the Magic as mutations.” Tony said following his gaze and looking on the pale form of his little brother.

“Where are your two little ones?” Clint turned his attention away from watching his mate in the induced coma.

“Princess Shuri wanted to try ‘babysitting’” Tony smirked lightly which was echoed by Clint for they’d both heard the tales from Severus and Phil of how Achille and Leonardo had responded when the battle was happening, it was as if they had known that their fathers were in danger. “Queen Mother Ramonda just watched with a smile and a nod as the Dora Milaje Okoye just smirked in the background.”

“I don’t envy her this chance.” Clint chuckled before looking up as a nurse entered the healing chamber and looked over the bandages on Harry’s chest. “I need to figure out something for Dr. Strange and the Princess as a thank you for saving his life.”

“They’ll just be grateful that they were able to help.” Queen Mother Ramonda entered with Okoye behind her. “He saved us all…I heard there were no fatalities on our part thanks to the efforts he and the other English wizards took before the battle started.”

“He hated the thought of people even getting hurt. That someone could be killed he’d do anything to stop if it was in his power.” Clint said after bowing to the Queen Mother only to turn to the sound of his little ones waking.

“Okoye find a nurse for formula.” Ramonda stepped forward and paid no attention to the guard grumbling about tasks not on her pay roll but followed the queen mother’s order none-the-less. “Who is who of these wonderful angels?”

“The one waking is Calla, she’s the most sensitive of the three.” Clint said as he stepped forward and lifted his daughter from the cradle bringing her to the bed where her mother laid. “She only settles with his heartbeat at times. The boy on the left is Antares while the boy on the right is Hayden.”

“May I?” Ramonda asked looking down at the waking Hayden before glancing at his father.

“Of course. I know that you know what to do…after all your two survived.” Clint smirked lightly wanting to break the tension that seemed to remain in the room no matter what was happening.

Ramonda only raised an eyebrow with a smirk before picking up Hayden and cooing to him a Wakandian Lullaby. She nodded her thanks to the nurse that brought in the three bottles for the children while Okoye slipped back into the room and tried not to look to longing at the remaining child in the crib as if she wished to be holding the little man.

“You can pick him up Okoye, I saw how skilled you were during the battle…I know that you have a protective streak a mile wide from how you protected your King. I know Antares won’t come to harm in your arms.” Clint said without looking up from where he was feeding Calla with a soft sad smile. The babes had gotten to where it was only before bed or after naps that they had bottles otherwise they were starting them on mushed food and sippy cups. “I just hope he wakes before they turn two.” He looked down at Harry again with a sigh.

Tony watched it all with a pained look on his face wishing with all his might that Harry would heal enough so they could wake him. He watched as Harry's children were spoiled by the royal family and then slipped from the room to go find his own two needing to have cuddles. He planned to remain until Harry woke but if it wasn't okayed soon he'd have to return to the real world and his job at SI.

Chapter 29: For there is none of you so mean and base,


Only a few chapters left...They will likely be short additions covering different areas before an epilogue

Chapter Text

It was after the triplets second birthday before Harry was allowed to come out of the medical coma, infection had been a problem added to the fact that it was an alien infection that made it harder for them to defeat it and so kept him under for longer. Tony had to return to the ‘real world’ as he said with his twins taking them to their father and stepping back in as the face of SI. He stood up for his little brother and kept on telling the Magical world off for how they were pushing for him to either be locked away for heresy or have him installed on the throne of the Monarch of England. Clint stayed with their triplets feeling welcomed and supported in a way that he hadn’t for a long time, the Avengers were great don’t get him wrong, but he still felt out of place for being an unenhanced human Alpha unlike the others.

“So Steve and Bucky have announced their having a little girl in the spring. They’re talking about naming her Francis so she can be called Frankie. Everyone is trying to talk them out of that name. They’ve also mentioned maybe the name Margaret in honor of Agent Carter. I personally think they’re giving everyone a run around with their threats.” Clint said from where he was sitting beside the bed of his sleeping mate. “Tony and Rhodey have announced to the ‘freedom fighters’ that they’re going to try to have more on Tony’s next heat.” He looked at the whimpers from the triplets only to smile as he watched Antares snuggle in closer to Calla and sooth her in their sleep, with Hayden curling around her on the other side. “Neville and Thor are making plans to go to Asgard soon so that Neville can meet Queen Frigga officially. Supposedly all the main fighters have been invited to come to Asgard for a grand feast to celebrate the true defeat of the Mad Titian and his forces, as well as to celebrate the bonding of both Prince’s to their True Mates.”

“Would pay…to watch…Nev and Nat…deal with…Odin…” Harry spoke up from the bed obviously still weak and exhausted, his voice was rough from the tube that had been in his throat for so long to help him breathe.

“Harry!” Clint jumped from his seat and pulled Harry gently into a hug before reaching and pushing the call button and got him a glass of some ice chips which he spooned a few in Harry’s mouth for him to let melt. “I was so scared babe.” He placed a gentle kiss on Harry’s forehead.

“Felt you…missed you…” Harry whispered after letting the ice melt.

“I missed you too love.” Clint said resting his forehead against Harry’s with his eyes closed.

“Where…babies?” Harry tried to sit up only to get some help from Clint as he raised the bed then settled in behind him to support him.

“In the crib in the corner.” Clint directed Harry’s gaze to the corner where the extra-large crib was set up for the triplets, with their mama being unconscious they refused to be separated. “They haven’t been far from you but have the Queen Mother wrapped around their little fingers.” He smirked lightly. “We’re in Wakanda, King T’Challa and Princess Shuri rushed you here with the help of Dr. Strange.”

Harry looked over at his babies and his eyes widened slightly when he saw how much larger they were then the last time he was awake.

“How long?” Harry moved his head slightly to look at Clint.

“A few months…” Clint tried to avoid answering only to get an exhausted glare from Harry. “Fourteen Months…”

“sh*t…” Harry sighed out as he let his weight lean back on his mate.

“Well, good to know you’re eloquent Lord Emrys.” A voice said from the door as a nurse entered followed by Dr. Strange and Queen Mother Ramonda.

“Queen Mother” Harry nodded his head politely from where he was laying against Clint.

“I would’ve preferred if he wasn’t upright within moments of being awake…” Dr. Strange said as he walked forward.

“I’d like to see you try to keep him from doing so.” Another voice answered from behind them and caused Harry to cringe. “I’m just amazed he’s still in the bed to be honest.”

“Madame Pomfrey.” Harry said with a cringe as the Matron of the Hogwarts Hospital Wing entered with her usual stern look on her face.

“I thought I would have to designate a bed just for him with his first four years at Hogwarts.” Pomfrey said as she entered. “He always escaped as soon as he could, and some time before I even allowed it.”

“Why was…I…out…for so…long?” Harry asked curious to why he hadn’t been able to heal with magic.

“Because of the bastards blade being coated in something that blocked healing magic. I was thankfully able to fix your wings with Severus’s help but the wound on your chest had to heal by mundane means.” Pomfrey said simply as she stepped up beside Dr. Strange. “It was thanks to the wonderful Dr. Strange and the amazing Princess Shuri that you were able to remain stable and be healed as much as you have been. They were also the ones able to figure out the cause of your infection when it happened.”

Harry looked at Pomfrey with wide eyes when he heard her swear only to see the smirk on her face.

“Your fathers are going to be arriving in a few hours. I was in a meeting with Severus over some potions for the hospital wing when the alert went off that I had on you. He had summoned me after the battle and the Queen Mother, and her children were kind enough to allow me access so I could help with your healing.” Pomfrey said as she pulled her wand. “With you awake now your healing will quickly increase as your magic is no longer keeping you from personally fighting against everything.”

Harry paled slightly at the threat of his parents descending on him before he looked at the amused light in her eyes and knew there was not getting out of it.

“Can I…at least…have a…pain potion?” Harry asked after eating a few more ice chips.

“Of course child. As soon as Severus is here. I know how you are about the potions.” Pomfrey said with a smirk.

“sh*t…” Harry sighed laying his head back on Clint’s shoulder.

“I need you to move Lord-Consort Barton.” Pomfrey said as she moved forward with Dr. Strange. “We can’t have you’re presence mess with the tests.”

“Alright.” Clint said as he helped Harry get comfortable on the raised bed. “I’m going to step out and call Tony, he’ll cut me off from the arrow improvements if I put it off any longer.”

Clint winked at Harry as he stepped aside and with a bow to the still silent Queen Mother he stepped into the hall and pulled out his Stark Phone and just held it as he fought not giving into the sobs of relief that wanted to crash out of him. He felt the Ramonda step up and take the phone from his hand handing it off to Okoye with a raised eyebrow before she gathered him in her arms.

“Let it out…” Ramonda whispered holding him to her as only a mother could. “It’s okay to let it out.”

Clint just sagged and gave into the tears of relief at the fact that his mate was finally awake again and on the path to healing fully.

“THANK MERLIN!” Was heard shouted out of the halls of SI as Tony rushed out of his business lab and ran through the building to the stairs not even having the patience for waiting for the elevator as he sprinted up the stairs to the common floor where the rest of the ‘Freedom Fighters’ were sitting having been watching a movie. “HE’S AWAKE!”

“Yes!” Fred Jumped up grabbing his twin in a hug before they moved through the crowd to gather the items that would be needed for a trip to Wakanda. “I’ll alert Kings! George get ahold of Dean let him know. We’re going to need to keep the awakening silent.”

“On it!” George quickly moved to do his own task while Ron seemed to sag into Luna’s hold as tears of relief flowed down his face.

Steve and Bucky both let out sighs of relief and clung to each other, after finding out they were expecting they realized the pain of what their friend was going through. Nat seemed to sag into her mate allowing Loki to support her weight at the news that her nephew was finally awake. Tony’s twins toddled over to their mommy begging to be held. Tony picked them up and just dropped his face into their curly brown hair as he cried his joy into their necks and Rhodey wrapped himself around the three giving the strength they needed.

“Jarvis get the jet ready. Tony, you need to go with Nat, Loki, the Weasley’s, Lovegood’s, and Neville with Thor. Buck and I will stay here and keep deflecting the Magical World and everyone calling for his attention. Fury will add a blockade to the knowledge he’s awake with the help of Hill. Phil had already left; we didn’t know why but now I’ve got a good idea.” Steve said standing carefully as he approached the sobbing man. “Get to your brother.”

“Thanks Steve.” Rhodey said with a nod. “I’ll let Pep know on the flight to take over for a bit.”

“Get going.” Bucky said stepping up and handing over a bug out bag. “I’ll contact the Pack, so they have the heads up as well.”

Tony only nodded as he was lead by his mate to the jet with the others and they were quickly strapped in and ready to go with Rhodey flying the jet with ease. Thor was holding Neville close who had sagged with relief into his mate as soon as he heard Tony’s announcement. They were all excited to get to their brother, nephew, and dear friend.

Chapter 30: That hath not noble lustre in your eyes


Harry confronts the Magical World in Britain for their threats and actions since the truth of his ancestry came out. Loki drops some information. and Plans are in place for them to head to Asgard...

Chapter Text

Harry stood looking out the window of the Palace in the rooms that the Triplets, Clint, and he had been given after he’d been cleared from the Hospital Wing. It had taken a month for him to heal enough they were willing to let him out of their clutches, but Madame Pomfrey was still coming to check on him repeatedly and Sev had yet to leave the area making sure that the potions are doing what they should but that he wasn’t abusing the pain potions. He knew after this last battle that he’d be permanently retired from the field, but it was still hard. Thanks to the healing his heart was fine but the scar tissue from the pierced lung and infection in his lung left him with limited capacity.

“So…you know how you said you’d pay to see the reaction of Nat and Nev to Odin?” Clint said as he stepped up and wrapped his arms around Harry’s waist.

“Vaguely…” Harry said moving his head slightly.

“Queen Frigga has invited us all to come for the event. I mentioned that before. She was waiting until you’d woken to make sure that we can all be there.” Clint said simply. “They’ve planned it for the two-year anniversary of Thanos defeat now that you’re awake. So you have two months.”

Harry just smirked at the information he was given only to turn in Clint’s embrace and take him in a deep kiss only pulling back when his impaired breathing made him.

“f*cking scar tissue.” Harry said dropping his head onto Clint’s shoulder.

“At least you’re alive love. Limited air is better than you being dead in my arms.” Clint said running his hand through Harry’s waist length hair. “I was so scared…Your heart actually stopped for a bit thanks to the nick.”

“I’m sorry love.” Harry just squeezed Clint a little tighter. “In the time I have…I should…” Harry did his best to keep the building panic bay at the thought of facing the magical world. “I should visit Queen Elizabeth and assure the royal family I have no intentions of following through with the threats of the Magical World. I have a feeling that this will be what causes them to loose the protection of the Royal Line. They’re threatening treason with their calls for me to take the throne.”

“I’ll be right beside you the whole time.” Clint said. “We can ask Ramonda if we can leave the triplets here for safety when we go.”

“I’m sure they’d love it. They’re already getting into all kinds of mischief with Princess Shuri.” Harry chuckled. It had taken a month before the triplets stopped clinging so desperately to Harry after he woke. “They have made their grandpa’s so proud.” He chuckled. “Loki also has been a bad influence.”

“I beg your pardon?” Loki said from the doorway where he stood watching his nephew.

“You know what I mean Mr. God of Mischief and Lies. If I ever catch you teaching them to lie to their parents I will gut you Uncle or no.” Harry said looking over Clint’s shoulder with a smirk on his face, showing he had known that his Uncle was standing there.

Loki threw his head back laughing at the threat and that Harry felt comfortable enough with him to do so. He nodded in response as he entered the room and looked around.

“So where are the little mischief makers?” Loki asked with a raised eyebrow.

“Playing with Princess Shuri. She wanted to try ‘babysitting’ again. She had fun when she did it with Tony’s two.” Harry said simply as he snuggled into his mate and let his wings out. “Iris is watching over them as usual. What can I help you with Uncle?”

“I just wanted to see how you were doing and help you a little more.” Loki shrugged; they had found that his magic helped enhance Harry’s healing by accident when the group had arrived from New York.

“Thanks.” Harry sighed as he felt the cold magic flow over the wounded area and heal it just a little more.

Clint just nodded his own thanks before he scooped Harry into his arms, he always was so exhausted after a magical healing boost.

“Get some rest. I’ll also be accompanying you when you approach Queen Elizabeth. There are too many that would be a risk to you in your current level.” Loki said brushing Harry’s bangs from his face and watching as Clint took Harry to the bed and settled him in. “I’ll set up the meeting for him. Better if someone other than he sets it up so that people aren’t alerted to his arrival too much in advance.”

“Thanks.” Clint nodded as he made sure Harry was covered before he sat on the edge of the bed. “For everything…thanks. We look forward to the trip to Asgard. I know that the twins and their mate are refusing to go, they’ve offered to take care any of the kids with Siri, Remus, Phil, and Sev. Personally I’m glad for it…the less chance of an event happening that would worsen relations, though Phil would’ve done his best to reign them in there is only so much he would truly do.”

“It would’ve been amusing to see I must admit but it is better for them not to come I believe. I know that Fury and Hill have refused to come as have most of the warriors from this land. The Pack refuse as well, Fenrir doesn’t yet trust that he won’t rip out Odin’s throat for the threat that he had put his Pack through all based on a crackpot prophecy. And if he did so then it would give credence to the ‘prophecy’.” Loki responded as he moved to where Harry had been standing and looking out the window as he replied.

“I can see how that would be.” Clint chuckled as he brushed Harry’s hair away from his face, they’d thought they’d have to cut it when he’d been so wounded, but they were able to simply braid it out of the way and one of the ways that Clint cared for him was to wash and brush the hair. “Being sidelined is going to be so hard on him.”

“I actually think it will be a relief once things really sink in.” Loki said turning and leaning against the window. “I could see how he was when the weight of the coming battles was on him. Even the way he reacted in this last battle doing what he did to keep everyone alive. He feels every death as if was his fault while in battle. I blame that fool Dumbledore and his lackeys.”

“You’ve been to the prison again haven’t you.” It wasn’t a question that Clint said as he raised an eyebrow in Loki’s direction.

“Perhaps.” Loki smirked with a raised eyebrow. “They weren’t getting their papers.”

“And you just had to rub it in further just how much they screwed up.” Clint mocked.

“No, I just needed to make sure they knew how much he was thriving without them. The red-headed bitch still screams about how he’s hers and threatens you and the triplets every day. I just wish I could get away with permanently silencing her. The Bushy Bitch is getting frustrated with the girl and there is a Mad Bitch who keeps threatening some creative measures if the girl doesn’t shut up and she ever got loose.” Loki said with a shrug. “I checked on the two men that had been attached to the Mad Bitch and found so much spell work on them still, most had been taken care of but there was residue. They should start truly healing soon.”

“Well…” Clint only shrugged not sure how to respond to Loki’s report before the Royal Mischief Maker gave a smirk and shimmered out of sight causing the man to shake his head and look down at Harry again. He could tell things were going to be interesting. “Pop, let Loki know we need two weeks before the meeting with the queen.”

:Of course.: Pop responded from Clint’s phone on the nightstand beside the bed. :Should I also request Tad to come and get the triplets for the two weeks?:

“Yeah…that would be a good idea.” Clint said as his head started getting overwhelmed by the scent starting to come from Harry. “I’ll gather what they need and explain.”

A couple hours later Clint returned to the chambers and with a nod to the Royal guards that were stationed at each end for their protection he sealed the room and approached his mate. After two years he was finally having another heat. In his hand he held a potion vial that Tad had handed over from Sev which he handed to Harry with a raised eyebrow causing him to roll his eyes but down it, he agreed mentally that he wasn’t anywhere ready physically and emotionally to carry another child just yet, he didn’t care that Tony was already doing so he needed more time. This time they weren’t disturbed by Sirius arriving to look for them and when they emerged two weeks later Harry looked worn and drained but also healthier than he’d been looking before the Heat.

He blushed through the good-natured teasing and just leaned into his mate as they boarded the jet that would take them to England and the scheduled meeting. Loki, Tony, Kingsley, and T’Challa were all with them by the time they made their final approach to the Royal Palace of Queen Elizabeth the Second and her family.

“You naughty boy making us worry so.” Caused a blush to appear on Harry’s cheeks as Queen Elizabeth stepped forward and pulling the Fae into a hug before he could even bow to her. “Now come and tell us what sort of naughtiness the Magical World is up to this time. And introduce us to these who are accompanying you.”

“I’m sorry Grandmum.” Harry whispered as she hugged him, in the time that he’d been royally emancipated and protected by her family in his fourth year he’d formed a friendship and relationship with her where she requested that he call her Grandmum with a firm look that told him not to ignore the rule, she didn’t care that she already had a grandson named Harry. “Allow me to introduce my companions. Prince Loki Friggason of Asgard, King T’Challa of Wakanda, Dr. Anthony Stark, Head of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement for Britain Kingsley Shacklebolt, and my true mate Lord-Consort Emrys Clint Barton.”

“Well met all of you.” Queen Elizabeth nodded to them all as they bowed to her and then she led the way into the family parlor where they spent the next few hours discussing matters of state and family.

Harry gave a sigh when they exited the palace, he had directions to return soon and bring his children with the next time so that she could meet her great-grandchildren. He looked over London with new eyes as he thought of the hidden room they had all been shown upon Harry’s request where he left behind the Sword of Gryffindor also known as Excalibur in the stone that it had originally been pulled from. He was worried about someone attempting to take the sword from him so they could rule the Magical World and try to out the Royal Family. Now they needed to go and face the Wizengamot and put them in their place yet again.

“Are you sure you want to do this love?” Clint asked with Harry in his arms helping him find strength for what was to come.

“I need to do this even though I don’t really want to.” Harry said looking at Tony and King T’Challa. “Can you make sure the others know what is happening?”

“Of course.” T’Challa nodded and moved aside to bring up his bead communication system, Harry couldn’t stress himself to remember what it was called at the moment.

Tony only nodded and moved with King T’Challa to make the necessary calls. Kingsley stepped up beside Clint and Harry with Loki beside him and they each placed a hand on the shoulder closest to them and with a quick misdirect spell from Loki they left the steps of the British Royal Palace and into the atrium of the British Ministry of Magic. Without stopping they quickly moved through the crowds ignoring the whispers that followed them and moved to the lifts taking the first available one down to the Court Room that held so many memories for Harry and today held the whole of the Wizengamot as they met to go over what to do about Potter.

“Attention Wizengamot!” Kingsley called out with the help of a Sonorous he made sure to have the attention brought his way.

“I heard you were meeting today to decide what to do about the truth that came out about my ancestry.” Harry said as he stepped in with a smirk clearly covering his lips as the shrieks and cries echoed around them. “I’m here to tell you what’s going to happen. I am still the Voice of the Queen a position I will not loose until I give it up or die as ordered by the Queen herself. It was only because I refused to do as you are all pushing me for that you’ve NOT lost the protection of the Royal Family. One more strike and they will allow us to be EXPOSED and it will all be on YOUR ACTIONS!” Harry stepped further into the room with his mate and Prince Loki walking behind him in step while Kingsley walked before him and took his own seat in the governing body. “I will NEVER sit on the throne of Magical Britain! I will NEVER take the power that is rightfully the power of Queen Elizabeth the Second and her descendants! I have returned the Sword to the Stone from which my ancestor King Arthur Pendragon drew it. Only those worthy of it will ever find it and draw it. And I know for a fact that none who would look for it will ever find it let alone draw it. Lord Lucius Malfoy still has the voice of my votes within this body, he consults with me on everything before voting. It is because of your SHEEPLE mentality that I left the British Isles in the first place! GET YOUR HEADS OUT OF YOUR ARSES!” With those words Harry turned and left with Clint right beside him.

“Well you all screwed up.” Loki said with a smirk.

“Who are you to tell us so?” A snooty sounding voice called from the seats; Loki was able to see a memory he’d have to share with Harry later of Lucius Malfoy face-palming.

“So glad you asked. I am Prince Loki Friggason of Asgard and Third Heir of the throne of Jotunheim.” Loki smirked and watched as Kingsley and Lucius both covered their mouths to hide laughter. “I am the one that made the Sword Excalibur and left it for the ‘right’ person to draw. When Lord Emrys called upon me for help with a curse laid by Lady LeFay I helped when I saw the person that was tied with the person was the one to draw the blade.”

“What about Queen Guinevere?” Another voice called out.

“She was as would be called in this age a ‘beard’.” Loki smirked as he conjured a large ornate seat and dropped in it sideways while clapping his hands. “Okay quick story time to clear up some things since I actually experienced what you call history.”

It was Kingsley’s turn to face-palm when this happened though Lucius leaned forward eagerly, he had always been fascinated with History and hated Hogwarts while Binns was the teacher of the class.

“So with King Arthur and his True Mate Merlin Emrys they were cursed by Arthur’s half-sister LeFay who wanted her children to at least have the throne. Arthur had been hidden as a child after one-to-many assassination attempts, he drew the sword called Excalibur as a young man and met his mate shortly after. His mate to many seemed to be an old man but Arthur and his most trusted knew the truth of his heritage. After training with his mate Arthur took the throne and then had to deal with the distrust of magic that his own father had perpetrated over the land, even causing his daughter to hide the truth of her abilities. When Arthur took the throne he knew that the people wouldn’t like the fact that his true mate was male even if he did have the ability to give him an heir to the throne. With the help of a dear friend he and Guinevere ‘married’ in public but lived with their true mates in secret. Her true mate was Lancelot, who she was caught having an ‘affair’ with repeatedly.” Loki smirked as he conjured a goblet of wine. “The children of Arthur and Guinevere are actually those of Merlin and Arthur with a special spell to make it look as if Guinevere was pregnant. Their oldest they named Godric, also called Amr in mundane British History.”

The gasps flowed when the name was said. “Yes, he was that Godric that you are thinking of. He abdicated the throne after he realized the magic of his ‘Mother’ flowed through him too strong not to have training. He knew that at that time no one would accept a Wizard on the throne. They faked his death due to the distrust that the people not in the know of magic had. He was granted the Sword Excalibur as first born and it ‘disappeared into legend’. There is a reason that only one worthy of the Sword can summon it. The spell that I placed on it was always in affect. Godric went on to take the name Gryffindor in honor one of his Father’s most faithful nights killed in the many battles perpetrated by LeFay. He would appear to help as needed never leaving his siblings to their deaths if he could stop it. It was how he met his True Mate in saving the life of one of his youngest brother’s dear friends Salazar Slytherin.” Loki smirked; he knew the reaction people had to the reveal of what he was truly like. “I enjoyed meeting the lad, he was truly after my mischievous heart. I was the one that granted him and his line the ability to talk to snakes. It was just a twist of the gift of all speak that my people have.” Loki shrugged.

“After the fall of Arthur and Merlin went into hiding Godric, Salazar with their two friends disappeared as well and made plans for a place where all could learn Magic in safety. What most don’t realize is that Hogwarts is actually the castle of Camelot. Godric’s siblings couldn’t stand to remain in their parents castle and moved to what is now London founding the kingdom there in the place that I had original left the sword. They left the castle for Godric and the others after they returned from their travels to learn all they could so that they could teach the best they could.” Loki finished with a flourish. “Godric enchanted the ‘Sorting Hat’ to choose the houses that would best fit the desires of each house. He then at the end of his days not feeling that Excalibur would go to any of his children though they were loved placed Excalibur in the enchanted hat so that only one worthy could draw the sword. He had always been fascinated with the spell that I placed on the stone.” Loki stood and brushed off his bespoke suit. “The Sword was never meant to be used as the sign of the right to rule. It was only meant to show one ‘Worthy’ to rule with pure heart, strong morals, and a cunning to know when force was needed. Stop trying to force something that will never happen. Lord Potter-Black-Barton may be of royal blood, but he has no desire to rule. It’s a pity honestly, he’d be able to whip you all back into the shape that Merlin wished you would be in. I miss my friend.” He muttered the last part before he felt his phoenix Merlin land on his shoulder. “I’ll leave you to dig your heads out of your arses as Harry put it.” Loki vanished his chair and goblet before he too vanished to the sound of shouted questions and cries for him to return.

When Kingsley returned to them a few hours later he simply gave them a ‘f*ck you’ and went for the firewhiskey. Rob and Rab moved and wrapped their arms around him while silently chuckling. Loki had shared the face-palm memories with Harry to get him to chuckle from where he was cuddled up against his mate just wishing they were back with their kids and not having to deal with all this crap. Now that Kingsley was there and gave them a run down on what had happened after Loki’s little history lesson they stood and with a nod at Kings and his mates, Loki transported them with Tony and T’Challa back to Wakanda instead of taking the jet knowing that Harry needed to be with his children. T’Challa got chewed out by his guards that he left behind but simply shrugged and blamed Loki much to the humor of Harry.

“So when are we to go to Asgard?” Harry said a few hours later after he’d had plenty of cuddles from three sleepy toddlers.

“We’re going the month before so that you can help Loki repair the BiFrost like you’d been talking about. Heimdall let Loki and Thor know that your task was done so you could freely leave Midgard now to do what you’d planned when you learned of the damage. Queen Frigga would love to have the Bridge repaired so that people can come easier.” Clint said as he held his mate and looked at the three toddlers curled up on their laps asleep. “Queen Frigga has extended the invitation to the kids, but I think they come with T’Challa and Shuri when they come instead of with us. I don’t want them overly exposed to things too soon. Loki, Thor, Nev, and Nat will all be coming with us at the same time.”

“Huh…okay.” Harry nodded in response before leaning his head back and letting his exhaustion flow over him.

Chapter 31: I see you stand like greyhounds in the slips,


What happens in Asgard...Just a short chapter covering the trip to Asgard, I struggled with this one and didn't put as much detail as I could've but I'm reaching the end of the story...I think only three more chapters which will just be short covering how they handle things happening after they finished Thanos.

Chapter Text

Harry looked around him as he stepped into the halls of the Golden Palace of Asgard and couldn’t fight the scoff that wanted to break free ignoring the looks he got from the people walking the halls.
“Obnoxious much.” He whispered to Loki who was striding beside him with Clint watching his back and Nat beside Clint.
“You have no idea.” Loki muttered back keeping his royal brat face on as Tony had called it the few times he’d seen the expression start to rise when faced with obnoxious brownnosers.
“Well…let’s greet your mother first then we can deal with the reason we’re here early. The sooner I can get this done and away from all this over composition the happier I’ll be.” Harry sighed hearing Neville chuckle as he walked with Thor behind Clint and Natasha.
“At least there aren’t any large statues of the creator of this.” Neville said thinking of the Chamber of Secrets that Harry had shown him after everything was done.
“That is true.” Harry replied with a chuckle before straightening up and adapting a formal stance making sure that his formal outfit that Tony had commissioned from Twilfit and Tattings, and allowed his magically repaired wings to emerge, wasn’t being wrinkled. Tony had Been inspired by the Lord of the Rings Lord Elrond’s outfits and felt they would suit Harry’s coloring and it allowed his wings to emerge. “I still don’t get why I’m dressed like the elf, and you get to just wear formal robes Nev.” Harry smirked back at his friend who was wearing a typical robe for wizarding Lords. “After all you’re the one that is the elf and Mated to the Crown Prince.” He smirked a bit more and with a flick of his wand caused a transformation of Neville’s clothes into one that would fit for King Thranduil in the Hobbit Movies that had recently come out. “Much more fitting.”
“Really?” Neville simply raised an eyebrow at the actions of his godbrother and shook his head as he continued walking as if his robes hadn’t just changed into a more formal outfit than he’d been wearing originally.
“Yes really.” Harry said before raising an eyebrow at his aunt and mate who simply glared in a way that told him if he tried to change their clothes from their formal uniforms he’d regret it, though Clint had hidden mirth in his eyes at the way they were acting and the whispers he was able to pick up from those around them at the casual use of magic.
They soon reached the Throne Room which had changed since the last time Thor had been in the room, the throne was closer to the ground and less obnoxious.
“The throne suits you mother.” Thor said as he bowed followed by the five with him. “Allow me to introduce my True Mate, Lord Neville Longbottom, and his Godbrother Lord Haldir Jarrah Potter-Black-Barton with his True Mate Lord-Consort Clint Potter-Black-Barton.”
“I welcome you to our halls. Thank you for your assistance in the battle that my son’s most recent challenges and the defeat of the enemy that would have brought about the true Ragnarök through his actions against this land.” Frigga said as she stood and gave a smile to the three introduced, though she had met them prior when she’d helped bring the children of Loki home. “Welcome home Prince Loki.”
“Thank you mother, it is good to be home. Allow me to introduce my True Mate, Lady Natalia Alianovna Romanoff known more commonly as Natasha Romanov.” Loki said with a gentle smile as he held his hand out to Natasha who placed her hand in his and between one step and the next shifted to her Naga form. “One of the last of the lost Naga’s.”
The gasps that echoed around the throne room caused Harry to hide a smirk, Loki sure did love his drama. They went through the common small talk between them all and then made sure that everyone knew who they were and then Harry and Loki moved to the end of the bridge where they met with Heimdall and discussed the plans that they had in place to repair the bridge. Neville on the other hand slipped from Thor and went down to the prison cells where he stepped in front of the cell holding Lady Sif, thanks to the spells on the cells she had been unable to continue spelling the Warriors Three and they had been able to confess to things and explain things to Queen Frigga, they were back to being foot soldiers and having to earn back their previous ranks something they were thankful for.
“So you’re the one that thought it was a good idea to spell the others so they’d turn against Thor’s brother and drive a wedge between Thor and Loki so that what…Loki wouldn’t realize you were attempting to spell Thor to love you?” Neville said as he stepped forward looking at the woman who had a crazed look on her face. “Oh you don’t need to say anything for it doesn’t truly matter.” Neville smirked at Lady Sif. “You see Prince Thor has found his True Mate as the Norns told him he would when he helped his mother free King Odin from the spells upon that cursed staff.”
“NO! I’M HIS TRUE MATE! IT’S SUPPOSED TO BE ME!” Lady Sif snarled banging on the magical cell frame attempting to break through.
“Sadly you’re the furthest thing from his True Mate no matter what lies you were told nor believe.” Neville shook his head. “I’m glad the others were able to break free from your spells. For someone that hates the use of magic in battle that you’d use it on your supposed friends to alienate Prince Loki. You are something else.”
“WHO?! WHO IS THIS SUPPOSED MATE?!!” Sif threw herself against the cell side attempting to get at the man telling her these things.
“Lord Neville Longbottom,” Neville swept the trailing cape of the robe Harry had transfigured for him out of the way. “Most Definitely not at your service.” He smirked at her as he said this and then looked to the side where Thor stepped up beside him having finally figured out where his mate went. “But definitely at yours my Love.” He let Thor kiss him before turning back to the fuming female warrior. “You see you’ve always had the wrong parts to tempt the Crown Prince.”
“I hope you enjoy the rest of your time within this cell for you will definitely be here a long time. After all you arranged for the rape and attempted murder of a member of the royal family repeatedly.” Thor said glaring at Sif, when he’d returned and learned from the Warriors Three what was behind their actions and the lies that Sif had spread that caused so much harm to Loki and the others. He then lead Neville away from the cell making sure his hand was as low as he could get away with and still be proper. “Come love, I wish to show you where we will be resting for the evening.”
They left Sif screaming in rage behind them and listened as she destroyed the few things she had in the cell. Thor stopped to explain the reason to the guards and made sure that they knew not to replace her things until such a time as she calms completely. He also ordered for them to have one of the Mind Healers within the purview of Lady Eir to please see to her as it was obvious she was sick within the head. Getting a confirmation from the guards Thor did lead Neville to their chambers where they were staying but it wasn’t to show him where they were staying. He had gotten seriously turned on by listening to how Neville handled the bitch.
Harry followed Loki back from the bridge were they had made progress already on rebuilding the bridge, sadly all it had taken was a lot of ‘repairos’ at the highest level of casting that Harry was possible of. They just had to figure out how to fix the main point of entrance with the bridge. He doubted a summoning charm would work after all it had fallen into the void with Loki. Clint watched his mate enter the palace with Nat beside him and they both saw how exhausted the pair were, Clint simply swept Harry up in his arms once he was off the horse that had been leant to him ignoring his protests about being able to walk. Harry gave up quickly and just snuggled into his mate and let the strength in his arms sooth his mind, he didn’t have to be strong all the time anymore.

“There is a minor feast planned this evening to celebrate both the Crown Prince Thor and Prince Loki’s return to the realm. The celebration of their True Mates and the success in battle is planned when the other warriors have arrived.” A servant woman said with a bow as Clint and Nat escorted their mates into the palace. “Queen Frigga has requested that you come just as you are. She said there is no need to change unless you wish.” The servant was looking toward Nat with a barely hidden sneer at the way she was dressed only to cringe back from the glare on Loki’s face.
“We’ll refresh ourselves and then head to the Feasting Hall.” Loki sneered at the servant before looping his arm around Nat’s waist and guiding the other pair with them. “Let mother know that I’m taking my friends to reside in the royal wing, after all Lord Potter-Black-Barton is my True Mate’s Blood Nephew.”
“Very well your highness.” The servant curtsied though her face spoke of how she felt about doing so.
Harry simply raised an eyebrow at the attitude of the servant before simply resting against his mate as exhaustion dragged him down. He was asleep before they even reached the chamber that was being given to them. Clint moved through the suite and found the bathing room, he ran a bath for Harry before moving back and stripping his love from the formal robes he was wearing, as well as himself. He pulled out the luggage that Harry had been carrying shrunk in his hidden pockets and resized them with a press on the special rune Harry had installed for him. He then picked up his mate and carried him through to the bathroom and slipped into the bath with him all the while he carried on sleeping.
As soon as he finished bathing Harry and washing his long hair Clint lifted him back from the bath and wrapped him in a towel, Harry waking enough to stand on his own though not much more than that before he was laid in the bed while Clint went back and had a quick wash of his own. After coming back out he found the outfit that Tony had commissioned for him, he was having thoughts that he should be saying that he was ‘Bond, James Bond’ with the three-piece bespoke suit and skinny tie that he slipped into before he turned to the outfit laid out for Harry. It was a tuxedo with a mandarin collar, only the shirt underneath was white the rest was a deep black. He was able to dress Harry without even waking him from the doze he had slipped back into while Clint was bathing something that Clint couldn’t help but chuckle at. He simply thanked the Wizards that had created their suits so that there was no chance of it wrinkling as he sat just watching his mate sleep off the excessive use of Magic.
When it was time for the feast they exited the room, Harry having woken a few minutes before and spelled his hair into a tight French braid down his back and once again allowing his wings free. They met with Loki and Natasha in the hall. Natasha was dressed in a deep green one shoulder floor length dress that had a split to her upper thigh and she had several weapons hidden on her person, her makeup was distinctly green and gold dramatic eyes, with black heeled boots, and gold and emerald jewelry. Loki was in his normal formal wear and had her arm looped through his, she was allowing her red hair to flow down her back in curls that had been lengthened with magic.
“Looking very statement making Auntie Nat.” Harry smirked as he watched her come forward. He then looked toward Neville who stepped out of the room belonging to Thor and saw that while Thor was in his formal armor Neville was in a three-piece bespoke suit with a tie pin that had a transfigured image of Thor’s hammer. “Very handsome looking Nev.”
“Thanks.” Neville stated simply before charming his shirt to be a red to match Thor’s cape and Harry charmed both his and Clint’s shirts to be the Purple that Clint had throughout his battle armor. “Better, and by the way Lady Natasha you look amazing.”
“Thank you.” Natasha smirked at the pair with her deep red lips as they moved through the halls drawing gazes from their unique outfits.
When they entered they drew attention and Thor and Loki simply let the bowing flow over them. Thor and Loki gave their mother a kiss on the cheek before helping their mates into the seats reserved for them and Harry sat beside Natasha with Clint on his other side.
From there the evening passed quickly and the remaining time passed and before Harry knew it he was standing in the remade Bifrost Bridge room waiting for the arrival of King T’Challa, Princess Shuri, and his children. The others had all arrived a short time before and were speaking with Loki, Nat, Neville, and Thor, Clint was standing with his arms wrapped around Harry’s waist. It would be interesting to see how others would react to his mischief makers.

Harry thought back to the day before when they’d finally met with Odin, who hadn’t known what had hit him when the vines from Neville wrapped him up when he’d tried to attack Loki and Thor as the influence was still being removed. He’d screamed and yelled showing just how affected he still was from the spear that was now destroyed. Neville just looked at Odin with disappointment while Loki flinched away, and Thor moved to stand in the way of Odin to keep him from reaching Loki. Harry had snarled when he heard the words that spewing from the Odin’s mouth when he'd stood in the background. He let Neville and Nat deal with Odin while he lead Loki away at the request of Natasha as she stormed forward and slapped Odin to shut him up. Harry hadn’t heard what had happened after that but did know that Lady Eir had now restricted all visitors to the former King and had made the call that he was never to take the throne again.
“MOMMA!” Calla yelled out as soon as the Bridge finished closing off behind the last of the attendees coming from Midgard.
Harry dropped to his knees and wrapped all three of his rushing babies in a hug so glad to see them again even though it had been a relatively short time. Clint stood behind Harry to make sure he didn’t fall over. He’d been watching as Harry wore himself out each day as he worked with Loki to remake the bridge and entrance point.
“I’ve missed you my babies.” Harry whispered as he continued to hold the three as close as he possibly could.
“So Harry what sort of Mischief have you Managed?” Fred asked from where he was standing and talking with Neville.
“Nothing much yet. Nev’s been the one managing the most mischief so far. I’ve been working with Loki to get things set to get people here.” Harry shrugged as Clint helped him get up and took Antares’ into his arms and they were all lead out to the horses that where waiting for their ride back to the palace and the rooms set aside for the Freedom Fighter teams.
They spent time talking through the night and two days later they all were welcomed and toasted repeatedly by the different peoples of the nine realms thanking them for their actions to take out the Mad Titan. After the Party which lasted several days, during with the Warriors Three approached Loki and apologized for everything they had done to him and also apologized to Thor for their actions for him as well, they all returned to Midgard and dealt with the things that came up while they were gone.

Chapter 32: Straining upon the start. The game's afoot:


little drama chapter...leading to cleaning up the last few stragglers from the Wizarding World...sorry not sorry for the slight cliffhanger...

Chapter Text

Harry looked over the room and wondered why he was here. Sighing he stepped forward and looked around the room trying to spot the one he was supposed to be meeting with.

“Percival Graves, MACUSA representative for the ICW and Supreme Mugwump,” An older gentleman with full white slicked back short hair and a black trench robe approached holding his hand out to shake. “Thanks for coming Lord Potter-Black-Barton.”

“You can call me Harry…It’s a mouthful to say my full name.” Harry replied and shook the handheld out. “Pardon my question if it is rude, don’t feel you have to answer, but are you the Percival Graves that was taken captive by Gellert Grindelwald in the 30s?”

“Yes,” Percival raised an eyebrow at the mention of that time. “I didn’t realize that it had reached records in Britain.”

“Oh it wasn’t that. I wanted to make sure that I knew everything I could gather on Dumbledore and that included finding out what I could about his ex-lover Grindelwald to see if I could find where his mind started slipping and he focused more on his ‘Greater Good’ then what was good for the wizarding world.” Harry blushed slightly. “I’ve also been fascinated with those that have in a way gone through similar to me in having a Dark Lord focused on them.”

“Ah…” Percival nodded understanding his reasoning.

“Now another question…Why the hell am I here?” Harry looked around the room with a glower.

“They didn’t tell you when they sent the request?” Percival raised an eyebrow.

“Not a bloody thing.” Harry snapped only to doubletake at the smirk on Percival’s face. “What?”

“You sounded so much like Newt there.” Percival replied before shaking off the memories. “You are here to receive an award for services to the Magical Realm in the defeat of the Being that would have destroyed all realms mundane or magical.”

“Yeah…how about HELL NO!” Harry yelled into the room causing several important dignitaries to turn toward him in shock.

“Now Harry…” Lucius hurried forward; he’d been asked to present the award with Percival Graves as the British representative.

“Don’t ‘Now Harry’ me.” Harry snapped at Lucius before taking a deep breath. “I did what I did so my children could grow without the worry of one snap ending their existence. I did what I did so that the next generation would not have to worry about a threat coming from space.”

“You’re the rightful heir of the Throne!” Another voice called out from the crowd. “You need to accept this and everything that comes with it!”

“Again HELL NO!” Harry snapped. “As I told the British Ministry after I visited Queen Elizabeth. I never have and never will desire a position of power like that. I replaced the Excalibur in its stone. That line is ENDED! I don’t appreciate being tricked into appearing here for this when anyone that knows me knows that I would refuse any recognition. Now if you’ll forgive me Supreme Mugwump, Lord Malfoy, I’m going to return to my family and relax. I’ve barely had a chance since the bloody battle ended and I woke from my coma.” Harry gave a quick polite bow to the two men and then to the others gave a middle finger salute and apparated away.

“Should he be able to do that?” One voice asked in the crowd while Lucius pinched the bridge of his nose.

“It’s Harry Potter…If its supposed to be impossible or improbable he’s likely able to do it.” Lucius mumbled. “I told you all this was a bad idea.” He shook his head and then turned to the press that had gathered at the very back, going to give a statement.

Harry arrived back at his penthouse, where they had returned to after their trip to Asgard, they still visited T’Challa, but Harry had wanted his nest for the next heat.

“MOMMA!” A trio of little voices called out within moments of him walking in the room as little bodies collided with his legs.

“Hello my little hellions. Been terrors for your Daddy?” He asked with a smile looking down at the triplets and back at Clint who was sitting on the couch across the room with a smile on his own face. He pulled out a pouch of coins and chucked them at Loki who was sitting on the other couch, he and Aunt Natasha had moved into the second set of rooms that Harry had available in the building but spent most the time with them.

“I was right then.” Loki stated with a smug expression on his face.

“Yes, yes…they were trying to trick me into accepting an award for defeating the big purple prune.” Harry sighed as he moved dragging the bodies of his little ones with him as they still clung to his legs.

“Who was there?” Clint raised an eyebrow.

“Percival Graves, who’s supreme mugwump, and Luci. They probably roped Luci into coming in the hopes that he’d be able to get me to stay and accept. I told them hell no gave them a double finger salute and apparated out.” Harry shrugged as he finally collapsed on the couch beside Clint and allowed his little ones to now climb all over him. “Didn’t see who else was there…didn’t care to check.” He shrugged.

The others in the room laughed at the thought of how the politicians were going to react after Harry’s abrupt actions.

“Only you love.” Clint chuckled as he leaned over and kissed Harry’s cheek.

They all looked up when there was the sudden sound of a rapid fire apparation into the apartment. Harry threw a shield over his children while standing with Clint beside him, a gun Harry hadn’t realized he had near by in his hand, while Nat and Loki were standing to the side with their own weapons in hand watching the ten wizards and witches materialize in the room.

“Harry Potter, you are under arrest by Order of the acting Minister of Magic in Britain for crimes against the Magical World and treason.” The lead wizard said stepping forward and holding his wand at the ready, he didn’t care that there were children, for all he cared they could die if Harry Potter attempted to fight back.

“What the f*ck?” Clint straightened as Harry looked at the other adults and his children before Harry spun and wrapped his arms around his children and felt Clint’s hand on his shoulder. He then felt the sensation of apparation that followed Loki who punched through the wards while throwing out a spell that would freeze the ‘aurors’ in place. “Again…what the f*ck?” Clint cried out as they landed in what he knew from pictures was Potter Manor in England.

“Looks as if a game is afoot. The award ceremony was a front on the part of Britain I’m thinking.” Harry said as he sooth the triplets who had been frightened by the forced apparation. “I need to let the others know to hunker down.”

“I’ve already sent a message. Sirius has raised the war level wards on their property and have allowed Tony, Steve, and Bucky through. The others have gone to the Sanctum and Malfoy Manor”

“Do you know who those idiots were?” Loki asked stepping forward and lifting up Calla to help calm the kids.

“From the few I could glimpse…” Harry trailed off. “And figuring they didn’t use Polyjuice…they were all supporters of the Last Dark Lord or Dumbledore.”

“Why would they be working together though?” Natasha asked as she stepped forward and picked up Hayden.

“That’s the question isn’t it. Also who is the acting Minister for Magic right now?” Harry said looking at the others.

Chapter 33: Follow your spirit, and upon this charge


Very short chapter...the next will be the last and more of an epilogue then chapter...

Chapter Text

As soon as the children had been settled for the evening three weeks after the attempted arrest of Harry, he moved to the stand in the room with the Potter Family tapestry looking at the names written there. He felt Clint walk up behind him and wrap his arms around him.

“Has there been any news?” Clint asked resting his chin on Harry’s shoulder.

“Fury was in touch with Natasha. Kings is safe with Rob and Rab, they joined Fury on the ‘Carrier. It turns out that the idiots re-appointed one of Dumbles lackies to the Wizengamot a Lord Diggle, he’s the one that shouted the question about who Loki was in the session we saw. He is the son of one of Dumbles oldest acquaintances and been indoctrinated from a young age that Dumbles could do no wrong. Since they can’t bring Dumbles or Voldie back through the Veil there is an arrest order out for me to send me through to join them on the other side.” Harry snorted. “They feel that they need to ‘clean up’ the last of the mess from the last war. Bones was attacked and sent to Mungos; Kings has those he trusts watching over her. They’ve already stopped multiple further attempts. They could win a Darwin award for the stupidity of their actions.” Harry chuckled.

“What do you mean?” Clint was curious.

“They were talking out loud about their plans while walking in the front door of the hospital, making plans on how they were going to do it. I knew that the British Magicals had a lot of idiots but…it wasn’t just one group caught this way but every one, there were five.” Harry chuckled. “The one’s sent to capture me at home were all still frozen thanks to Loki when the MACUSA Aurors arrived after I sent the message. They are the ones now arrested and residing in MACUSA cells. The one stating the charges was name Scrimgeour, he’s an asshole of the highest caliber and thinks that someone of Kingsley’s…color, shouldn’t be allowed on the force let alone in the position that he was. He also refuses to accept a female in charge of the Ministry and was the mastermind behind the first attack on Bones.”

“Yeah…I agree he’s an ass.” Clint nodded giving Harry another squeeze and then kissing his shoulder. “Enough about the idiots, let Luci, Drake, Neville, Thor, Loki, and Kings handle all the political crap.”

“Oh they’ve already handled it. It also helps that the Supreme Mugwump was pissed that they had created the ‘award ceremony’ as a cover for what they truly had planned that he’s leading the charge for their trials.” Harry smirked as he leaned fully against Clint. “Bones and Kings have both rescinded all warrants created by Scrimgeour and put out an arrest warrant and search warrant for Diggle’s home so that they can get the last of the idiots. Bones is PISSED that they missed the sympathizers in the clean up that had happened. They got the marked but miss the others and she’s determined to change that.”

“Good what are her other plans?” Clint wanted to take Harry’s attention from the invasion of his ‘nest’.

“She’s going to drag the Magical Community of Britain into this century kicking and screaming if she has to.” Harry replied with a smirk before turning in Clint’s arms. “She’s already contacted SI and Black Marauders for help as well as the Twins.”

“How are the Twins going to help?” Clint asked.

“They’ve already been creating pens and stuff, well more like just charming them to be a never-dry and un-limited ink with what they get from the Mundane world.” Harry shrugged. “They’re also the main store that Black Marauders and SI sell through in Magical Britain since the others refuse to take the tech seriously.”

“Well I’d say its about time.” Clint nodded thinking over what he’d been told when they first got together even though it had happened so quickly there was just a way that they connected, it didn’t always happen but for those that didn’t have access to their mates as soon as well the faster their soulmate bond pulled them together after it finally was acknowledged. “Come on love.” He lifted an unprotesting Harry into his arms. “You’re still tiring too quickly after the battle, coma, and excessive magic use on Asgard. Let’s get you to bed and some rest.”

Harry let out a sigh and relaxed into Clint’s arms. “I think that this will finally be the changes that need to happen and make the difference that I’ve been working toward.”

“We can only watch and wait…” Clint replied with a sigh as they moved up the stairs enjoying the feeling of his mate in his arms.

“We can also practice on making more of our amazing children.” Harry said with a smirk as he kissed against Clint’s neck in the area that he knew affected his mate, right over the mate scar they both sported.

“Careful or I’ll drop you.” Clint growled lightly.

“You’d never drop me.” Harry smirked only to let out a laugh as he was dropped but directly onto the large king size mattress that was in the Master Bedroom. “Okay you proved me wrong now come here…” He held his hands out and allowed his mate to come into them magicking away their clothes in the process.

That night they celebrated the changes that were coming and how they’d survived yet again. It was a celebration they would have many times into the future.

Chapter 34: Cry 'God for Harry, England, and Saint George!'


The final chapter of this story...thank you for joining me on this journey...I hope you enjoyed it as much as I did writing it...


I don’t own any of the characters that are recognizable in this story. The people who created them are/were wonderful and I enjoy working with their characters. This is not beta read so any mistakes in timeline and past chapters are all mine. I am trying to keep them consistent but there may be times when I goof.
Translations in parentheses beside words as needed All translations taken from Bing Translator unless stated otherwise, :Italics: - Talking over Comms/speakers/phone, *Italics* = mental conversations, underlined = parseltongue/all-speech

Chapter Text

100 years later:

“Grandpa can you tell us again the story of the boy from the cupboard?” A little voice asked from beside the bed that Harry was now confined too, his past of bad health and injuries wearing down his body faster than many others.

Harry turned to looked at the Great-Grandchildren that his babies had given him and gave a small weak smile, Clint had passed a year ago today due to advanced age and Harry still desired to join him every day he lived.

“Of course Alicia…Come up here all of you…” Harry placed his book aside and patted the bed with an age spotted hand.

It was a mad scramble for the ten great-grandchildren to climb up and surround him, all the others were at Hogwarts or Ilvermorny, they were all due back later today and the parents were running around getting prepared. After another 20 years in New York, Clint and Harry had moved to Potter Manor with the rest of the ‘Avengers’ that were Earth Bound. Neville and Natasha had moved to Asgard ten years pass as Loki and Thor didn’t want to risk loosing either of them no matter what the Norns had said and made sure they got the Golden Apples.

Steve and Bucky had passed when they were 89 and 90 in body respectively, leaving behind several children including a Margarette Rose Barnes who on her own through the years chose to be called Peggy in honor of her idol who helped her parents be together, Peggy was now the head of SHIELD. Fury and Hill had been killed in action fighting against an idiot with a hallucinogenic drug. Phil and Severus were next to die though they both passed in their sleep side by side with their children in the Prince Manor that they had moved into after England was cleaned up, Septimus was now the Minister for Magic in Britain and doing his hard-core parents well. Tony and Rhodey died at the age of 80 and 89, both of their bodies having taken too much abuse over the years of fighting, they left three children and 8 grandchildren when they finally passed. Sirius and Remus walked with open arms into death at 110 years old leaving the Black and Lupin Titles to their children, they had one more after Leon who they named Adhara a little girl named after the second brightest star in the Canis Major constellation, they had 25 grandkids when they passed and 3 great-grandchildren. Ginny and Hermione had died of pneumonia ten years after Thanos. Mad Bella had been tossed into the Veil only a few months after. Kings, Rab, and Rob had no children leaving the Shacklebolt title to Harry’s sixth child since Fury and Hill also died childless.

Harry and Clint themselves went on to have ten children two sets of triplets and two sets of twins before Harry couldn’t carry any more by order of his Healer. There was the first set Antares, Calla, and Hayden; followed by Rose and Ivy, twin girls; then Blair and Iago, a set of twin boys; the final three were Gabriel, Catherine, and Briar, two girls and a boy with Gabriel being the oldest of the three. From them they expanded the family through the soulmates and grandchildren, each child had found their soulmate to Harry’s absolute joy and while Calla, Ivy, Blair, and Briar didn’t have children, choosing instead to follow their dreams to the support of their parents, the others had 32 children between the six of them. Those children had gone on to find their mates, or were still looking in some cases, and so far Harry had greeted 48 great-grandchildren.

“Grandpa?” Young Harry asked from where the little five-year-old was curled up beside his name sake.

“I’m sorry little ones, my mind drifted.” Harry said with a soft smile. “You wanted the story of the boy in the cupboard…hmmm…very well…are you comfortable?” At a chorus of accent Harry smiled again before starting. “You’ll need background to understand the story…It starts on a cold November night a long time ago, in a world very similar to our own…There was a Mr. and Mrs. Dursley who lived in house with a number four and were proud to say they were perfectly normal, thank you very much.” He tilted his head to show how serious this was. “On that cold November morning Mrs. Dursley woke before her husband and young son Dudley planning on what she would make when she prepared breakfast as she went to put out the milk bottles only to find a baby on her doorstep with only a note…” Harry told the tale of his first life and how he found he was a wizard, he told it as he hoped it would’ve turned out instead of the horror that things could be if he hadn’t come back to a different realm and time. He placed a gentle hand on Little Harry’s head when he fell asleep against him with little Joseph on the other side and Josey at his feet.

He called for the kids house-elves that acted as babysitters if needed and they popped in to take the young children out, the older ones wandered off on their own once the tale was done and Harry with the help of an older House-elf moved to the lounge that was set in front of the large windows looking out over the expansive gardens that had been his pride and joy, flowers and trees planted for each of his children, grandchildren, and continued through to great-grandchildren making it a riot of design and colors. He smiled when he saw the fountain in the middle that had the new Potter crest of a bow crossed with a wand and a rearing lion underneath, a snake curling around the Lion striking outward, and a Raven over it all holding the wand and bow.

“Are you ready love…” Harry turned his head at the voice he hadn’t heard for over a year sounding as young as he’d been when they first met.

“I’ve missed you…” Harry replied reaching a handout to Clint and smiling when he saw Sirius, Remus, Lily, James, Steve, Bucky, Tony, Rhodey, Severus, and Phil standing behind him with smiles.

Harry stood with his hand in his mates and stepped forward finally ready to Greet Death Like an old friend.

Luna, bent with advancing age stepped into the room with a soft look on her face. She pulled the blanket back up over her friends shoulders as she let the tears slip from her eyes. She sat with the last remnant of her friend until the others came to find her and gave soft nods of understanding as the tears of grief began to fall. They were happy to see that Harry was smiling gently while and looked at peace.

“And he lived happily ever after until the end of his days…” Ron whispered as he sat beside his mate and held her.

The End

The Speech that was used for the chapter titles through the whole story:

Speech:“Once more unto the breach, dear friends, once more”


(fromHenry V, spoken by King Henry)

Once more unto the breach, dear friends, once more;

Or close the wall up with our English dead.

In peace there's nothing so becomes a man

As modest stillness and humility:

But when the blast of war blows in our ears,

Then imitate the action of the tiger;

Stiffen the sinews, summon up the blood,

Disguise fair nature with hard-favour'd rage;

Then lend the eye a terrible aspect;

Let pry through the portage of the head

Like the brass cannon; let the brow o'erwhelm it

As fearfully as doth a galled rock

O'erhang and jutty his confounded base,

Swill'd with the wild and wasteful ocean.

Now set the teeth and stretch the nostril wide,

Hold hard the breath and bend up every spirit

To his full height. On, on, you noblest English.

Whose blood is fet from fathers of war-proof!

Fathers that, like so many Alexanders,

Have in these parts from morn till even fought

And sheathed their swords for lack of argument:

Dishonour not your mothers; now attest

That those whom you call'd fathers did beget you.

Be copy now to men of grosser blood,

And teach them how to war. And you, good yeoman,

Whose limbs were made in England, show us here

The mettle of your pasture; let us swear

That you are worth your breeding; which I doubt not;

For there is none of you so mean and base,

That hath not noble lustre in your eyes.

I see you stand like greyhounds in the slips,

Straining upon the start. The game's afoot:

Follow your spirit, and upon this charge

Cry 'God for Harry, England, and Saint George!'

Taking the Middle Path - Mama_N4856 (2024)


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Author: Nathanael Baumbach

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Name: Nathanael Baumbach

Birthday: 1998-12-02

Address: Apt. 829 751 Glover View, West Orlando, IN 22436

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Job: Internal IT Coordinator

Hobby: Gunsmithing, Motor sports, Flying, Skiing, Hooping, Lego building, Ice skating

Introduction: My name is Nathanael Baumbach, I am a fantastic, nice, victorious, brave, healthy, cute, glorious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.